#anything else i should tag?
stdallontines · 3 months
Everyone watches content that awakens their inner traumatized child… right???? Totally normal????
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mitta-likes-moths · 1 year
Ok, I know being a third wheel generally sucks but I actually really like being one. Like sometimes I’m hanging out with my friend, whom I generally view as like another family member, and his boyfriend, and even though I’m not participating too much to the conversation as his boyfriend doesn’t like me too much I don’t think (eh, whatcha gonna do about it, not everyone’s gonna get along), I’m absolutely BEAMING just seeing my friend happy in a relationship. THEY PRACTICE HEALTHY COMMUNICATION ABD HAVE BEEN DATING FOR 7+ MONTHS- I’m literally so fucking proud of him and his boyfriend and absolutely wish the best in their relationship.
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mordred-audron · 5 years
i’d like to do something in the interim so reblog this with a reference of your s/i and your f/o and i’ll do a little doodle of you two! please specify whether they’re romantic or platonic or familial.
 i may not do them all as to not stress myself out so i’ll limit it to... maybe 3 or 5?
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enement · 6 years
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tfw someone says their life’s purpose is to help you and that’s kinda weird but you don’t know what to say
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cherophobiacc · 6 years
It surprises me when my friends tell me how they told x secret or major thing in life thing to their parents. It's just?? Such a weird concept?? Parents showing interest in their kids life and kids trusting them with that info? Wtf?? Like. I've never told my mom about...anything? She believes I've never had a crush, I've never dated, I've never been...touched, I've never cut, I've never binge on alcohol, I've never been beaten. She doesn't know about my gender or sexuality or...anything, really It's weird, to think there are kids who can tell that stuff to their parents
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There was something not quite right about Avenger. This was pretty easy to tell. Eyes glazed over, head hung low. Shambling towards his Master.
Was that… a tear? He walked closer. One more step. “M-master…” he closed his eyes. She was just standing there. 
Why. Why was she just there. Why wasn’t she running away. Why why why. He didn’t want to, he couldn’t. He had no choice. His body wasn’t his. Invisible strings. 
One more step. He was crying, it was easy to tell. “Avenger…?” she asked. It didn’t reach him. He gently grabbed her arm. Then he pulled her into a hug.
Hand at her back. Then… “Sorry…” he whispered. A red stain started to spread across her chest. Slowly at first, seeping it. As she looked down, she noticed a wicked dagger sticking out from her. Angra’s own. 
She crumpled, and so did Angra. 
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adroitjackal · 8 years
british reality tv show, a (gay) contestant was eliminated by the producers for being insulting to bisexuals (saying that they need to pick a side and that they caused the aids crisis) and also saying something about jewish people that didnt get aired
I know thats exactly the kind of thing that jerks say people are too sensitive about nowadays, but I personally found it comforting. blatantly saying that those comments are so unacceptable that they will result in consequences
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loathsomespider · 8 years
stop watching live action tv 
just, in general
theres nothing for us there and there’s a real fuckin’ easy way to punish them for being shitty fucking people
don’t watch until theyve proven they can handle writing lesbian characters 
the amount of people making posts every time they kill a lesbian should be enough to have an influence, right?
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stroblitz · 9 years
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Redo of last years day 2 gore challenge. I loved the last one so wanted to see if I could do it again but give a different feel to the pic. Wanted this one to be creepier... I think I managed that. Last one was a little more brutal, while this has Bryan being almost... tender? Loving?? to the head.... Yeah, more creepy. I do miss Rei’s long hair from the original though.
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youareacherryblossom · 10 years
Do you ever get negative thoughts. And one sticks, and it’s like it’s just stuck on repeat in your head, there’s nothing else you can think. Like drowning In this one thought, repeating over and over almost like a rhythm peopledontcarepeopledontcarepeopledontcarepeopledontcarepeopledontcarepeopledontcare Worldsbetteroffiwithoutyouworldsbetteroffwithoutyouworldsbetteroffwithoutyouworldsbetteroffwithoutyou You know they’re not true, at least you try and convince yourself. But, they say it takes repeating seven times for you to start believing something. And if you’re stuck with a mantra of negativity, you start to believe it.
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