#anyway! no more bitching i'm gonna go generate vibes that this doesn't progress into anything and get on with my life lol
pochapal · 1 year
feeling feverishly sick again. lmao.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
review of sam and colby's hell week
since hell week is finally over, and i've had time to process all the videos, i figured now would be a good time to write out how i felt about each video. i didn't want to post about their videos during hell week since i was in the middle of writing for my 13 days of halloween and i already had enough on my plate lol
so here's what i thought about each of the hell week videos. i'm gonna give my general reaction, my rating of the video, and whether or not i would rewatch it.
i'm also gonna rate them from my favorite to least at the very end.
this is really long btw, so feel free to skip around or settle in lol
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dracula's castle: this was good video to start off on. i think it brought a good mix of creepy and silly. nate and snc have such great chemistry together, and i hope they collab again soon bc i genuinely enjoy when they all hang out and do videos together. colby's fascination with their tour guide being a vampire was hilarious to me. and i have to note that i do like this video a lot bc it was about vampires, so it was right up my alley. hopefully they go to another vampire castle bc that would be sick. and they better take me with them otherwise i'm suing. but anyway, i saw everyone on here talking about it, and i wanted to add my two cents in that it really is so fucking strange how so many ppl/animals/spirits are drawn to colby. every new person they meet somehow always focuses on colby. him saying 'why is it always me?' is the god's honest truth tho. i was definitely unsettled by the spirit box (which again, colby looking like he's gonna die while doing it scares me) and the music box going off. i think that the video gave off nice creepy vibes, and i dig it. and the two most chaotic things i've ever seen colby do is literally shove his fingers into dirty vampire water and then bite into cloves of garlic. this man is insane and i'm not sure why i still stan him lmao
rating: 3.5/5
would i rewatch: yeah :)
catacombs: this video was interesting. this video didn't really fall into paranormal for me, but it reminded me of all the xplr videos they used to do back in the day. first and foremost, i would never in a million years go to the catacombs. beside that i don't like enclosed spaces like that, i'm a big bitch and personally believe with my luck and body that things would collapse bc of me. so... props to the boys for putting themselves into that whole situation. their tour guide not really caring about them or what they do was accidentally hilarious. the devil room they went into was definitely creepy and i can only imagine the vibe it gave off, regardless of if you believe in paranormal or not. occultist stuff is not something you want to mess with, and i swear to god i think the boys are trying to get something to follow them bc they don't protect themselves like ever. do i think it was weird that the candles burned out one right after the other, and the cloak fell? yeah i guess, but idk if it was paranormal so much so that they were already freaked out and it spooked them more. i will say, having that room get progressively colder and colby literally shaking/shivering from how cold he was was eerie. but idk... this video just wasn't as spooky as i would have liked it. also it felt kinda long and slow.
rating: 2/5
would i rewatch: maybe? not entirely sure.
queen mary: i find it really interesting how ppl on here disliked the video. i mean, i get it to some degree, but personally i really loved it. it's interesting how back and forth i go with amanda. in some videos i don't mind her, and then in others she's really kinda annoying. and in this one it was the latter. personally idk why she was there. she didn't really add anything or talk to any spirits, besides the guy that got crushed by the door. but even then she didn't really say much. i'm not entirely sure why the boys believe her when she says that she doesn't do research on these places (bc she also literally admitted to knowing facts about the queen mary so... you think she wouldn't research to see who "haunts" the ship???). while i believe in psychics and medium, something about amanda just seems... off to me. i don't think she's outright lying or making up the shit she feels/sees, but it just doesn't feel 100% genuine. also side note, amanda writing something down that didn't even really connect to what was said on the spirit box but acting like it did was so fucking stupid and funny to me. and then her saying 'you're not the darkest spirit, i've seen darker' or whatever was such an eyeroll of a moment to me. idk if she's giving off this energy of being stronger than she is for the video or for her own protection's sake, but idk it's all a bit much to me. AND HER NOT BELIEVING IN PAST LIVES??? that was kinda dumb. personally, if i could literally see ppl that were dead, i think my mind would be a bit more open past the traditional christian values lol alright enough about her.
matt was great addition to the crew and i just love how quick he is to pretend to leave. his humor is on par with what i would probably do. it was also fun to see the parts of ship that we didn't get to before. the ballroom was beautiful. do i think every crack was a ghost? no, but it was funny to see their reactions like it was. and then with b340... i'm not gonna lie, i got chills bro lol i do think something with that room is completely off. i can just feel it thru the screen. and even if you don't believe, you have to believe that whatever snc experienced in there has scared them to their core. i honestly believe that something in that room doesn't like being filmed and that's what happened to them. idk why they wouldn't either record with any extra camera or do a voice recording as well bc that would save them the bs of the camera shutting off and footage getting deleted. sam got really effected during this video and it makes me really sad. i hate seeing him upset. and i'm glad that both him and matt had the courage to walk away for a moment when things got to be a bit too much. especially matt. i hope he's doing better. nonetheless, i think the stuff that they captured in that room was definitely interesting and this was the first video i actually felt kinda spooked. and i need to mention it now, but i really do hope that in the future the boys find a way to record what the spirit box is saying and put it in the videos that way ppl stop acting like they are faking it.
rating: 3/5
would i rewatch: probably
pine barrens: idk what it was about this episode, but i had such high hopes for it... probably bc i'm from the east coast, i've heard about the jersey devil, and since i've lived around forests and explored them back when i was younger, i was excited for this video. and it ended up being really boring. i love the banter that seth, josh, and snc have, don't get me wrong, and that's really the shining part of this whole video. but something about this episode was just really lack luster for me. the lack of evidence wasn't really it, but something about this just wasn't even remotely creepy or scary to me at all. and it wasn't even like an xplr video where i can be interested in just the place alone. this could have been any random forest in the country and i wouldn't have known the difference. nothing about it felt special. i will say the man they talked to (who they later called their friend which was so cute btw) was so east coast to me, it's kinda hilarious. and i liked the info he was able to give about the jersey devil and the pine barrens themselves. maybe it's bc the boys didn't really do all that much research into the forest or the fact that nothing really happened, but i just didn't really enjoy this video. it had it's good/funny moments, but nothing about it was all that interesting. no offense to the boys, and i'm not trying to say that they should have given themselves more work to do, but a video like this... should have just been placed on xplrclub instead bc nothing happened. i mean, it's good that they didn't fake anything or try to force some paranormal shit. i do appreciate that. but this is hell week for christ's sake. i want spooky scary skeletons worth of content lol
rating: 1.5/5
would i rewatch: i'm not even gonna remember this video in a week or two, so no.
hotel del coronado: amanda... oh amanda. i know i already complained about her in the queen mary video, but i need to speak on here again. while i believe her abilities, i don't think the confidence she has is warranted, if that makes sense. her half-ass attempt at a prayer shouldn't be the one thing that is protecting snc and faze from getting permanently haunted. and again, i just don't believe her not researching things. if i'm wrong, i will gladly apologize, but there is no fucking way. and honestly, i wouldn't mind if she did some research, it would probably do better for her to know who apparently resides in the building than to go in not knowing, plus it might help her connect to certain spirits better. and her stopping it right before sam could really get into things with the estes method... that's so fucking annoying. i'm sorry, but what authority does she have to ask a question that boils down to 'r u good or bad?' and expect an answer? if an entity is from a different plain altogether, has existed 1000s of years, and operates under the belief that god and satan are two actual beings... what makes you think it has to answer to you???? you're not god, you're not powerful. you are a 20 year old girl with the powers of the kid from the sixth sense. while i want sam and colby to be safe and do things methodically (so to speak), using amanda isn't gonna cut it. stop taking her on trips.
now onto the rest of the video, i know literally dick all about faze rug, but he seems lovely. i really like his personality and the way he vibes with snc. and good on him declining to do the estes method. that shit seems scary as all hell (tho i am kinda interested to do it but also really not). but i genuinely like how faze acts with snc. weirdly, i don't like his videos on his channel with snc, but i do think he brings a fun naivety to their content (not that they're any better at knowing lmao). the hotel itself is fucking huge looking and that hallway was definitely trippy. i get they have a beach theme, but you could have a nautical looking hallway without the stripes. that employee... i hope is doing good, bc you could tell that he was still choked up over what he experienced. i haven't had something like that happen to me but i do believe that at one point i experienced a time jump/a shift in the time line we're on now (feel free to ask me about that another time), and that freaked me out a shit ton so i can only imagine what he felt. also it was interesting to hear colby say that that seemed like his version of hell to him, just being stuck repeating yourself over and over again but going nowhere. and how i feel about the paranormal and spirituality was summed up well by the employee. so, the shit that happened to them in their hotel room was creepy, ngl. the estes method and colby are a match made in hell bc every time colby does it, it's too fucking intense for me. like, i just get more and more anxious as time goes on. and the things he was saying were spot on with the questions being asked. and that knock they had while sam was doing the estes method was crazy. i love how protective colby got, he literally grabbed amanda, faze hid behind colby, and then colby reached over to sam, basically throwing his arms in front of everyone. i'm still annoyed that the video got ended early bc of amanda. i believe that snc need to take precautions and stop when things feel too intense, but if they weren't feel uncomfortable and they hadn't gotten contact with something that scaring them... they should have continued. idk how amanda can go from chasing a demon out of the lizzie borden house to asking if a spirit is from the right or the left and that's the proof that they took things too far lol
rating: 2.5/5
would i rewatch: yeah i guess
waverly hills: i genuinely enjoyed this video from start to finish. this is one of the only videos from hell week that i had no problems with at all. them bringing back and working with that investigation duo again was fun. i think they really balance out snc's behavior when it comes to paranormal stuff and reactions. there's a certain level of professionalism that they have that snc don't lol kat and stas were nice in the video too. i can't believe stas saw more figures. that's fucking crazy to me. i saw a figure once when i was kid and freaked out, i can't imagine seeing something like that now. the amount of evidence that snc got in this video was insane. the rempod going off like that... idk what could be doing that other than ghosts. colby's heavy breathing and being fucking terrified of the rempod and the noises it was making was scaring me. that boy really knows how to get under my skin. the music box acting up (also the comment of colby actually having a problem with the music box being dead was so funny bc i weirdly like the music box too) was also really strange. the story of william was so sad :( who would kill an old man just chilling in a building alone? it's nice that he was following them around and maybe even protecting them. and then all the activity they got on the fifth floor and the evp session. that shit was fucking crazy. i hope that snc buy a voice recorder at some point bc using that to hear sounds around you is awesome and really good evidence. that spirit box session also fucking scared me. the 'which hand' voice... oof i got chills bro lol
also i wanted to make a quick side note that when snc were talking about waverly hills and telling it's history, colby looked really hot. and he makes a lot of faces for some reason when sam talks sksksks
rating: 5/5
would i rewatch: 100%
conjuring part 2: you all know how i feel about amanda in this video, and if not, read this post lol
but she was such a small part of the video, that i'm not gonna let her ruin the rest of it. so... i've said it a lot in this review, but this video was crazy. crazy is too nice of a word. honestly, this video was scary. anxiety-inducing. the fact that the second they stepped onto the property they were told 'you guys are fucked tonight' was one hell of a sign. the constant evidence they were getting was incredible. the double estes method? that was sick. and the fact that both their names came from each other was fucking insane. the rempod and the music box going off back and forth, like something was teasing them... that shit was spooky. and then when they were talking to the music box upstairs in the birthing room, that was heartbreaking to hear that the soldier needed help. but the second half, where they did the prayer outside and inside... i have no words. props to colby for staying inside by himself bc he looked so fucking terrified. sam did too, but colby was literally shaking like crazy and breathing like he ran a mile. and then sam seeing a figure in the window and then the door to the basement being locked. colby sounded so scared, and rightfully so.
my anxiety was at an all time high the whole time this video was on. it was like a horror movie from start to finish, and all i could ask for to be posted on halloween.
rating: 5/5
would i rewatch: already have lol
overall rating of hell week: 3.5/5
while i liked pretty much every video, i wanted more spooks and scares. if you're gonna call something hell week, make that shit scary. this was their first time doing hell week, so i'll give them a pass bc i can only imagine the crazy stuff that could be coming up for next year. i would like for them to bring back matt, nate, and the paranormal duo again, because those videos were the most fun to watch. kat and stas are also cool, but i figure they're gonna be coming back regardless haha josh and seth were also great, just not in the woods lol
and less amanda please.
i definitely enjoyed these videos. it's gonna be weird to not see them post every other day for a while. i'm gonna miss it truly.
favorite video to least
1. waverly hills
2. conjuring part 2
3. dracula's castle
4. queen mary
5. hotel del coronado
6. catacombs
7. pine barrens
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