#anyway šŸ„ŗ dominick is so nice
aleksa-sims Ā· 11 months
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RL Simself-Story (18+)
CW: adult themes, addiction, drugs
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Transcript ā¬‡ļø
Pic 1: I had a date with Daniel. I wanted to surprise him and somehow recreate our wedding night. Afterall I had a lot to catch up with my cute husbandā€¦ So I spent most of the day in the bathroom. I put all that nice stuff on my skin, to be especiallyā€¦.. pretty for him. šŸ˜
Pic 2: D. wasnā€™t home. He had an appointment and had to go to his therapist. But Daniel knew I wanted to surprise him. He didnā€™t know exactly what I was going to do? He just hoped it was about sex. This is actually all he wanted from me, after we havenā€™t really slept together for 3 months, but I had something else for him too.
Pic 3: I wanted to look exactly like on our wedding day two months ago. But I didnā€™t want to wear my wedding dress. Would be a bit too much & stupid to walk around in my wedding dress at home. Anyway, I couldnā€™t wait for him to come home. I was so happy that he married me.šŸ„° I wanted to show him how much I love him and how much he means to me. The last weeks were really hard, but Daniel was always there for me & supported me in everything. Nevertheless, a feeling of insecurity haunted me constantly. The fear of being abandoned. But you know, Iā€™m always scared. So yeah, itā€™s not really something new.šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Pic 4: IRL I never use powder, except in summer maybe, to fix my make up. I donā€™t like that matte look on my skin. Thatā€™s why I use tinted moisturiser, bb/cc-cream, or a sheer liquid foundation with a glowy finish. BUT with SPF, of course!!! Agh, yea. Iā€™m a total freak when it comes to skincare & make up. I could give you a 2 hour talk about retinol and some other important anti-aging ingredients and you would think I was some kind of skin expert. But my fav is glycol!! It makes your skin so perfect. Sorry! I shut up now! šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļøšŸ˜³
Pic 5: Where is he? Why doesnā€™t he come home to me? He knew that I had prepared something for him. I called himā€¦ I was so disappointed with Daniel...... He ran into Jacob and somehow Daniel got high. He couldnā€™t drive his car and barely move. And now he had to wait for Dominick to pick him up and bring him home.............. I donā€™t want to lie. Two days ago Daniel and I took something, I think we started to relapse. He didnā€™t want to, but I was so mad about this damn thing with Mr B., so I couldnā€™t sleep with Daniel again. But Sex wasnā€™t really the reason why we did this shit. We were both kind of depressed. We have learned that weā€™ll have to face/see the 4 men who did this terrible thing to us 3 monts ago. And Idk, but everything came up that day. And since we still had some of that drug left, we justā€¦. took it.šŸ˜”
Pic 6: I framed our wedding pics and put them on the wall. Although I wasnā€™t planning on hanging our pictures, I wanted to keep them in a photo album because I donā€™t like weddings. But I did it for him and I knew he would be happy about it, but that nightā€¦.. he didnā€™t really care.
Pic 7: He knew he fucked up. I wasnā€™t mad at him because he was high, but because he secretly did it and thought I wouldnā€™t notice. I know he just wanted to prevent me from relapsing, but lying makes me sick!! Especially in a relationship. But Idk? Daniel just didnā€™t get it?! He was constantly trying to keep things from me secret just to protect me. Thatā€™s exactly why I thought he left me forever, when he-ā€¦.. decided to go away for a while. I just didnā€™t trust him in the end anymore. But I was wrong! Really wrong!šŸ˜¢šŸ’”
Pic 8:
Daniel: Iā€™m so sorry! I screwed up! I really messed up.šŸ„ŗ
Me: I donā€™t believe you were just with Jacob! Who knows what else you did. Iā€™m not like Irena! Iā€™m not gonna wait for you at home, while youā€™re hanging out with some bitches you donā€™t even remember.
Daniel: Irena was just bullshitting! I never did this!
Me: YOU, donā€™t remember it!! But she does! However! I donā€™t care! Iā€™m gonna piss off!
Daniel: Yea? Andā€¦ where the hell you wanna go?ā€¦ Philip? Your comfort toy.šŸ¤Ø
Me: Ugh! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Pic 9:
Daniel: I swear, Iā€™ll never leave you alone again. And now come to me babeā€¦. I donā€™t to wait, Iā€™m gonna do you right hereā€¦. You make me so hard, you like this? šŸ˜
Pic 10:
Daniel: Come on, I just touched your tits! You donā€™t have panic attacks anymore! So whatā€™s your prob now? Weā€™re married, damn!ā€¦ I think youā€™re just playing with me! šŸ˜ 
Me: I want you too! But not that way! Thatā€™s not how I-ā€¦. wanted that night to be! I Youā€™re acting like a horny dick! Like Mr. B.! And Iā€™m not playing with you, I slept with you yesterday even though-ā€¦
Daniel: What? What now? Should I wait another 3 months? Youā€™re my wife! Why canā€™t I touch you? What have I done to you? And why are you comparing me to your fucking boss? šŸ˜”
Me: No, I canā€™t talk to you about it now. I want you to calm down first! And besides, you know everything, I donā€™t understand why you react that way? You fucked up tonight, not me! Think about it before you talk to me. šŸ˜”
Pic 10: I left him alone. I think he had another outburst of anger, which has been happening a lot lately. I mean, since he was discharged from the hospital! Actually, heā€™s been doing quite well since our wedding and after our honeymoon, but maybe I was wrong? He was always so busy helping me because of my panic attacks and now, he was slowly losing patience. Which I could totally understand. Still, he KNEW, he was NOT the trigger for my panic, so Idk why he thought I was playing with him??.... I guess he was just frustrated because he screwed up tonight.
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serpenfilium Ā· 2 years
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@mugglestudysā€‹Ā  //Ā  PROFESSOR CROWLEY LOGGED:Ā iā€™m sorry for what youā€™ve been through. iā€™m really, really sorry. /Ā MIDNIGHT MASS SENTENCE STARTERS.
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā IT FEELS BAD ā€” THE SYMPATHY.Ā Ā scorpius never asked to be pitied, maybe a little understandingĀ would be nice, even a little leniency, but the pity is something he could do without. he knows his teacher means well ā€” professor crowley has never been anything but kind to him, even amidst all the dramaĀ && uncertainty surrounding his family name ā€” but it takes everything in him to not SNAP. itā€™s a defense mechanism, the only thing that keeps him from breaking down again.
ā€œ....thank you.ā€ his voice wobbles slightly.Ā ā€œbut itā€™s fine.ā€ scorpius brushes hair out of his face, squaring his shoulders. stand tall. be proud. donā€™t let anything slip through the cracks. THATā€™S WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MALFOY.Ā ā€œweā€™re strong. weā€™ve survived worse.ā€ we. the family. not him, scorpius, the boy. the boy alone, without a mother.Ā ā€œbut if itā€™s all the same to you...ā€ he glances toward the door, to where he knows albus is waiting for him in the hallway.Ā ā€œcan i skip the homework tonight? i need to, umā€”ā€ he fiddles with the hem of his sweater, ā€œsend an owl to my father.ā€
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