#anyway ahhhhhh people are wrong on the internet!!!!
Seeing a post thats making me angry: ahh how do I disagree in a way that isnt confrontational and might help them see my point is there any point ahhhhh ummmm noticing that the post is from following a tag, not a mutual: oh fuck that, they can be wrong. 
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bigfatbimbo · 29 days
this sounds kinda fucked but like how would vox be toxic in a relationship?? who do you think would be like the worst character to be with in hazbin?
this sounds like a bummer of a request but i ask because you talk about how much you like character analysis posts, and you have a clear love for terrible people (same!)
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So let me just say that I feel like, of late, I haven’t given that much attention to how terrible of a person Vox is… But the thing is, no one wants to hear about how they would be mistreated in a relationship. I mean, I fear a lot of my posts seem delusion-ally out of character for this, but also it’s tumblr and as long as I continue have a firm grasp on what that character is actually like, mischaracterization can be excused for the sake of joy and whimsy. (However I can justify ANYTHING that I was written and tell you why they would **to an extent** do that. Actually that sounds really fun someone test me on that—)
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Vox definitely gets the worst of ‘mischaracterization for the sake of joy and whimsy’ so here’s a small reality check! Don’t enjoy <3 **NOT PROOFREAD**
Constant surveillance of your every move. This meaning every question you google, all the television you watch, every stranger you smile at, he would keep track of it all.
Anything you do wrong, under his creepy surveillance, would be used against you during arguments.
No, even if you two are official, he does not stop fucking Val, and no, if asked, he will not stop.
He will lie to you if he feels he needs to, and will absolutely never feel bad about it no matter how big of a lie it is.
The worst of this definitely comes when you two are fighting and you call him out for something he 100% did.
He’s great at painting himself out in a good light, and when you’re fighting he does this by lying, and if that doesn’t work, hypnosis.
Yeah, he does that a lot too. If you’re not in the mood to fuck, now you are. If you’re hanging out with your friends tonight instead of him, no you’re not. I hope you all have blue light glasses!
Also, if all of his manipulation tactics fail to work on you, he just gets mad and really personal in all of his insults. It’s easy for him to do so when he’s studied you on his screen for so long.
Hope you’re not overly insecure too, he’ll take advantage of that to get what he wants from you.
Speaking of taking advantage of, if you’re famous or special or interesting in any particular way, he will 100% use you for press.
Also, he’s from the 1950s, no matter how modern he tries to be, a part of this mindset will always stay with him.
Meaning that he will obnoxiously try to be the manly one in the relationship, no matter your gender.
You will be feminized in his mind, at least for a good start of the relationship.
This also stems from his fragile ego, and seeing as he is the personification of toxic masculinity!
This is a dom reader blog, obviously, but even after fucking this kind of mindset out of him, these tendencies would stop, BUT be replaced by equally as terrible ones.
For example, especially if he’s the sub, he would just expect you to do things for him, to stick your neck out, to take care and dote on him.
If you’re not giving him enough attention as well, your internet will go out, your lights will flicker, and no electronics in your house will work.
This will stay the case until you are forced to ask him for help.
But you wanted to be in charge anyways, so why should this behavior be reciprocated?
I’ve talked about this in past posts, I can’t find it at this very moment but I go into detail more, but what does love look like for Vox?
He would probably either be shockingly indifferent towards you, until he falls in ‘love.’
Then, he will be terribly obsessed with you. Because the closest thing he can feel to actually love is devoted obsession.
Yes, it can last as long as love, but it isn’t.
Because, and let me say this loudly, a healthy relationship with Vox, or any of the Vees, is not possible. You can be close, but it is not and never will be possible!
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Okay, so your second question, “who do you think would be like the worst character to be with in hazbin?”
Top three and in this order:
Any of the Vees
2. Alastor
3. Adam or Lute
I’m probably forgetting someone, but it’s alright. Top three remains the same.
And you know, you will never catch me defending any of those people. Because I feel like in this fandom there is some crazy internalized theme of being ‘morally correct’ when liking a character.
You can find a character entertaining or interesting, no matter how awful they are. It’s television, characters are supposed to be interesting. Liking their screen time, or finding them attractive, has virtually NOTHING to do with your moral compass.
SORRY FOR THE RANT AT THE END— This is going to flop so hard. ☝️😁
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Lucifer content and Adam content coming out soon, BY THE WAY!! Just trying to answer the more question-y asks before putting out actual content. Also i’m bored with no real motivation so
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wooahaes · 2 years
*fan girls yells* ahhhhhh that vernon fic sounds so amazing!!! the journey of self love and acceptance so difficult and seeing a character struggling with that and going a backward bc of the internet would be so interesting. like i've gotten better with myself but sometimes the online trend makes me a lot more insecure. anyway; i would support every fic you write in that universe. thank you so much for saying youre interested! it gives me joy haha <3
ALSO i forgot to say but LHC wonwoo was/is one of my favourite character of all time like *chef kiss* he's so lovely and comforting i also fell in love <33
but everything i said about wonwoo also stands for jihoon. i am not discrediting your hard work. i find that people don't tend to write for him for some reasons? it does make me sad bc he's so amazing and i would love more fics about him. thank you again for writing such an amazing fic about him <333 (sorry for blowing up ur inbox; have a lovely day/night :D)
aaa thank u!! self love is very much a journey and sometimes i know im taking steps back because of the way people are both in my life and online? but ive also taken steps forward because of the same thing. thank u for the support, nonny <3
also thank u!! lhc!wonwoo my beloved <3 i very much wanted to just write him being soft since i feel like i rarely get to see him be super soft? like nothing wrong w the alternative, i just like soft ww being loving and also im just a sucker for writing fluff lmao
but aaa thank u!! ww + wz are two of my most beloveds (hoshi will always be my number 1 but they are both like... v close along w vernon) and i just like writing them being lovely and comforting. writing is a comforting thing for me in general so its nice to just... have comforting stuff like that, i guess
also dont feel bad!! i love when ppl send me asks <3 i hope u also have a lovely day/night!! <3
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willowmckinley · 28 days
🌸also for the writer ask game but also this is an act of violence because i want to see what dark lil horrific kink you'll try to justify as lovely i got my popcorn can't wait!!
🌸 Do you write about lovely things?
Ahhhhhh..... So, like... I'm pretty sure I was writing my Exchange fic when you sent this, in which I wrote Hanahaki fic, but it included bugs in people's lungs, vines crawling up throats and out eyes, and like, one spectacular eye ball explosion of flowers. I wholly believe this is lovely. It had flowers!
But, okay, I get your point, because I'm planning on writing my next chapter of yandere verse and in this one, Raylan's getting his appendix cut out so he can replace the space it takes up with the preserved remains of Boyd's surgically removed eyeball... 😍😍😍 And... I do also... think this is lovely... But listen!!! It's so sweet how Raylan made a little arts & crafts project for Boyd, and then Boyd even gets to eat Raylan's appendix after all this! /Positive! 😍😍😍
I have no excuses. I really think it's lovely!!! It's just fun to write these two people showing the absolute worst of themselves to each other and being loved anyway! I don't necessarily believe in unconditional love, but I do think that as close as we can get is so important to work toward figuring out, to accepting one another, and to be accepted as the full of ourselves and not just the best face we put on for the public. This is especially with, like, Right wing culture wars and the "canceling" of people for like... not even just imperfection but falling short of sterilized curation. And that is lovely to me! To have people in my life who want the parts of me who bitches about dumb things on the internet and says dumb things where it can't hurt others and feels frustrated even when I'm the one in the wrong. This part is genuine and not half as tongue as cheek as the paragraph preceding it.
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (3)
Ao3 | FF.net
The walk to the Principal's office wasn’t that long, but it felt like it with the dagger’s Adrien was staring at him. 
“I know what you’re going to say—“ 
“You knocked him unconscious.” 
“What was I supposed to do? Let him drag me all the way back to the mansion, making me escape again?” 
“You’re doing this all wrong! Father doesn’t like disobedience! He’s just going to tighten the leash every time you act up! It’s better if you just apologize now and then follow his orders to a T.”
“Listen to yourself, Adrien.” Plagg paused one the hall. “Orders? Disobedience? You make him sound like a prison warden, and not a father! You always followed his rules and it’s gotten you nowhere.” 
“I was better off then than I am now...” 
“Yes, you were.” Plagg admitted. “Not going to lie, this is going to get way worse before it gets better. But I’ve already made my intentions known to him, so he’ll know that I’m not just being rebellious without due cause. I’ll just have to keep pushing until he cracks.” 
“I hate this.” 
“Cheer up kid. Just enjoy the ride. I’ll take care of everything.”
Adrien just groaned as they reached the Principal's office and he dove back into his pocket. 
Plagg knocked. 
“Yes yes, come in.”
Inside, Mr. Damocles only spared Plagg a glance. “Yes, Mr. Agreste, what do you need?”
“I don’t know.” 
“Then can it wait until after school? I’m very busy.”
“Okay.” And he walked back outside.
“You were supposed to tell him about what happened in class, and he was going to punish you!” Adrien chastised. 
“I don’t want to be punished.” Plagg shrugged. 
Adrien just groaned again. “You will be the death of me.” 
“Adrien, don’t be so dramatic.” Plagg impersonated his father. “Emotions are for peasants. We rich people have no need for feelings.”
“Damn, that’s really accurate.” 
“I practice.” 
Adrien floated out of the pocket. “By the way…why didn’t you tell me Marinette was Ladybug?”
Plagg halted and leaned against the railing. “How’d you figure that out?”
Plagg snorted. “I bet she felt pretty stupid for letting that slip.”
“She said you’re a cheater.” 
He shrugged. “She has the same ability as me. She’s just too much of a goody-goody two shoes. Anyway, I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t supposed to.”
“You’re also not supposed to put cheese in my shoes, but that doesn’t stop you.” 
“That’s different. The whole identity rule was put in place by the Guardians. Master Fu, the guardians before him, and now Marinette. That’s a little more binding.” 
Adrien wilted, knowing he was beaten. 
“But you’re on board with my plan now, right? Flirting with Marinette?”
“Sure, but Tikki said she’s already in love with me.”
“That’s true, but she doesn’t know you’re in love with her. And instead of just confessing, I’m going to slowly convince her that she’s the one you’re in love with.”
“Why do it slowly?”
“Two reasons.” Plagg held up his fingers. “One: I want to leave the mushy gushy confession stuff to you, and B: it’s more fun this way.”
“You’re a piece of work, you know that?”
“Yes. One worthy of the Louvre. I’m glad you’ve finally noticed.” He swiped Adrien out of the air and tucked him into his pocket. “Now, we must get back to class. While I certainly lived the Hundred Years War, you still need to know what’s going to be on the test.” 
Plagg walked back into the classroom, completely unbothered.
Miss Bustier looked surprised to see his return. The Gorilla was propped up against the wall with a washcloth on his forehead. He was still unconscious. “Back already? What did Mr. Damocles have to say about your behavior?”
“He took away one of my good noodle stars.” 
Someone in the back of the room snorted.
Miss Bustier sighed, as if she had been expecting this. “Alright, take your seat, Adrien. I better not hear a peep out of you for the rest of the day.” 
“You got it, teach!” 
At lunch, Plagg turned in his seat and addressed Nino. “Hey, you busy after school?” 
“Uh...Alya and I had a date, but if you’re free I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I postponed!” 
“It’s a little rude to cancel plans without consulting the person you made them with, don’t you think?” Alya snarked, leaning forward. 
“Oh my apologies, madam.” Plagg bowed. “Dost thou mind if thine beloved joins me on an errand after school?” 
“But Adrien,” interrupted Marinette. “Don’t you have fencing after school?” 
“Hmm, you’re right. I have to keep up appearances.” 
“After fencing then.” 
“Hmm, how about this,” suggested Alya. “What if we come watch your fencing practice, and then we all go together.” 
Plagg blanched. “Eh, I don’t really want to be a third wheel.” 
“You wouldn’t. Marinette’s coming too!” 
“Oh!” He hopped up on his knees, eagerly getting into her space. “Like a double date? That sounds like fun!” 
“Date?!” Stuttered Marinette, “Uh, yeah! Sure!” Then her face pulled into a wince. “That is, if you don’t want to go with Kagami instead...” 
“Nah, this is an errand meant for the OG crew. Wouldn’t want anyone else! So what are we doing for lunch?” 
“You don’t have to go home?” 
“Sure, I have to, but I don’t want to. Let’s see...” he took out his wallet. Inside, there were several credit cards, but only one in Gabriel’s name. 
“I’ll cover lunch, let's hit the most expensive restaurant there is! Daddy’s paying!” 
After lunch, the group walked back to school, with the boys taking the lead while the girls hung back a few steps. 
“Okay, as much as I love new Adrien,” Alya whispered. “There’s definitely something up with him.” 
“Yeah. I noticed the minute I saw him this morning. I’m really worried about him.” 
“Eh, I wouldn’t be worried about him. I’d be worried about everyone else.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I just mean...he’s gotten a taste of power somewhere, and it’s bound to explode outward. I’m sure that triple digit bill at lunch is not going to go over well with his father. If he’s messing with his dad and with Lila...when is it going to stop?” 
“No. Adrien’s not like that. I think he’s acting out for attention.” 
“You think he’d do that?” 
“I...I don’t know. But I think it’s closer to what’s happening. Adrien is good and kind, he’s not snotty like Chloe. I think this is just honest to goodness rebellion.” 
Plagg turned around and called back to the girls. “Do you think a tattoo would suit me?” Then he grabbed his leg in pain. “Ouch! Cramp!” 
“Definitely rebellion.” 
After school, Nino, Alya, and Marinette took a seat under the shady courtyard stairs so they could work on homework and watch Adrien’s practice at the same time. 
Nino spread out his books and then leaned back on his elbows. 
“You guys noticed how frickin weird Adrien’s been acting today?” 
“Yes!” The girls said unanimously. 
“We were just talking about that at lunch!” Said Alya. “Marinette says it's a rebellion. I say he’s tasting the rich boy power.” 
Nino screwed up his lips. “I think you’re both wrong. I think he’s magically switched bodies with someone...or something...” 
“Dude, what the hell are you talking about?” Alya stared at him, blank-faced. 
“Come on, you can’t seriously rule that out! What if there’s a body swapping Akuma out and about that we don’t know about yet?” 
“You think Adrien’s an Akuma?” 
“Or under the effects of one.” Nino clarified. “Maybe someone out to ruin his reputation...or something more sinister...” 
“If that’s the case, we should grill him. Ask him questions only the real Adrien would know.” 
“Yeah!” Nino stood. “Like that one episode of Spongebob!” 
“We should definitely not take advice from a children’s show.” 
“Or…we should.” 
Adrien emerged from the locker room, foil in hand and dressed in his gear. There was still something off about him. Were his pants on backwards?
“Hey Adrien!” Nino called. 
Like an excited puppy, Adrien trotted over. “Sup homes?”
“What’s your favorite vine?”
He rubbed his chin. “Odd question. But I suppose it’d be a trumpet, or perhaps a Honeysuckle.” 
“Uhh…” Nino raised a brow at him, suspicion rising. 
“Oh, you mean one of your silly little internet videos.” Immediately, Adrien dropped into a fighting stance. “DON’T EFF WITH ME! I’VE GOT THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE! AHHHHHH!” 
“Yep, that’s Adrien.”
While Alya and Nino got to work on their homework, Marinette was constantly distracted by Adrien. Nothing new, of course, but it wasn’t all ‘grace’ and ‘elegance’.
It was ‘sneaky’ and ‘unlawful’.
Whenever Adrien’s partner was turned away, Adrien grabbed the tip of his saber, and bent it, only to release it a second later to snap on his opponent’s rear end. 
“You had a fly.” 
“Mr. Agreste!” The coach called. “I don’t tolerate unsportsmanlike conduct! One more goof, and you’re out of practice!” 
“Just one more?”
“One more!”
“Out you go!”
“Thanks!” And Adrien walked right off the mat and over to the locker room. He came out a few minutes later, looking even more disheveled than he was this morning. His hair was a sweaty rat’s nest.
“Now that I’ve been kicked out of fencing, who wants to run some errands!?” 
Alya slammed her book shut. “Me is ready. Me can't read anymore!” 
“Well, me is hungry,” said Nino. “Can we get food first?”
“Snacks it is!” 
But before they could even go anywhere, Kagami appeared, looking rightfully confused. “You’re skipping fencing today?”
“Correction, was kicked out of fencing today!” 
Her eyes widened in horror, before she frowned hard. “That’s not something to joke about Adrien.” 
“I’m not joking, I was goofing around and Coach kicked me out of practice.”
She shook her head. “That’s disappointing, Adrien. I expected better from you.” 
In Plagg’s pocket, Adrien gave a little gasp of pain. Hearing his father’s disappointment was one thing, but hearing that from Kagami was horribly painful. 
But Plagg rolled with it easily. “Kagami, let’s talk.” He turned to his friends. “I’ll be back in a little bit, think about where you want to eat.” Then Plagg led Kagami over to a secluded corner so they could speak privately. 
In the pocket, Adrien prayed that Plagg would be nice to her. 
Once they were a distance away, Kagami crossed her arms and levelled a glare at him. “If you are going to tell me to loosen up, I am. But you know how important fencing is for me. I want you to have friends, but I don’t like you blowing off responsibilities.”
“Kagami,” Plagg folded his hands in front of him. “This is bigger than us.”
Her face paled. “What? What are you saying?”
“I’m saying, you and I are leading different lives—“
“You’re breaking up with me?” She sniffed. 
“Ah ah, technically, we were never really dating in the first place.” 
“I’m going to explain something to you, and I want you to listen and hear it objectively, as much as it will hurt. Don’t take it personally, alright?” 
She nodded sadly. 
“You think you’re in love with me, because you think you should be. I’m the only male friend you have that’s our age, and because of the affection you have for me, you’re assuming that it’s infatuation, when really, it’s just a connection.”
She blinked, frowning, but her eyes weren’t tearing up anymore. 
“I’m in a similar boat to you, where I started to like my first female friend on instinct. It was only until I made other female friends that I realized what I felt for her was really love, and not just the thrill of having a friend that’s a girl.” 
“Then…how do you know I don’t feel the same? I get what you’re saying, but I think I really love you.”
“Do you? Or do you love the idea of me? Do you love the idea of having a male companion that you can bond with?”
“I do like that…”
“Can you imagine it being someone other than me?”
“I don’t know who else it would be…”
“Make up a person. Pretend you’re talking to someone else, getting ice cream with someone else. Do you feel like you could get the same thing you want from me from someone else? Or is it something only I can give? Is it companionship? Or is it my sense of humor, my topics, my interests, my opinions?”
Kagami crossed her arms, now deep in thought.
“Kagami, I don’t want to hurt your feelings. I do care a lot about you, and I really enjoy fencing with you. But…I can’t see myself spending the rest of my life with you. We’re too alike, and yet too different. Our discussions are shallow, and I don’t think you want the same things from life as I do. But I think you want a boyfriend, and I was the closest boy available.” 
Kagami unfolded her arms, and raised her head to look at him levelly. “Yes, I suppose that is an accurate assessment. You do do things that irritate me, like fooling around in serious moments. Every time I brought up the future, you clammed up. I can see you live for the now and not for tomorrow, which is difficult to build a relationship on.” 
Both Plagg and Adrien sighed. She was taking this extremely well, given her track record for akumatizations. 
“I suppose I do need to make more male friends. I think that would be smart to learn more about what I want in a partner. And we can always revisit our relationship in the future, right?”
“Umm, maybe…?”
She frowned again. “Oh, yes, you said earlier that you are in love with someone else. It’s Marinette, isn’t it?”
Plagg grinned. “Pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
“I was in disbelief when you called her a ‘really good friend’. I saw it a mile away, but since neither of you were making a move, I decided to ‘shoot my shot’ as they say.”
Plagg figured that’s how it was, but Adrien was gawking at her from inside the pocket. She knew?? And she didn’t tell him?! 
“I suppose I should have expected this conversation as well. But I appreciate your insight. I think you’re right. I just want a boyfriend.” She shrugged. “I guess it doesn’t have to be you.” 
Plagg sighed again. “Thank you, Kagami.” 
“No, thank you, Adrien. Thank you for breaking this off before I got too invested. You know how much I hate wasting time.” And with that, she walked off. 
Once she was out of earshot, Plagg whistled lowly. “Whoa, burn. Dodged a bullet there, pal.” 
“The time we spent together was not a waste!” Adrien protested. “Anytime spent with friends should be cherished!” 
Plagg cupped him in his hand, rubbing right between the ears. “Hey, come on kid. She didn’t mean it like that. She can be as cool and calm as she wanted, but she’s still hurt. But I swear, it’s better for both of you this way, especially since you’re in love with Marinette.” 
“I know…it just…sucks.” 
“Sure it does. But it won’t forever.” Then he popped him back inside the pocket. “Come on! Let’s meet up with the others! We have some shopping to do!” 
“What are we shopping for, exactly?”
“Tools to use to piss off your old man.” 
“Uh, been there, done that?” 
“Oh no, my teeny tiny friend, we have much left to do. Much left.” 
“Touching me…”
“Touching you…”
“Now,” Nino interrupted their little impromptu karaoke down the sidewalk, “my English might not be very good, but I’m pretty sure it’s ‘Sweet Caroline’ not ‘Sweet Camembert.’”  
“Aw,” Plagg waved his hand. “It’s not important what the lyrics are, it’s just important that you feel the song.”
Nino, as a DJ, looked aghast. “Of course it’s important to know the lyrics! Why do you think they’re written that way?”
“Relax, I love making cheese parodies of songs. I’m not going to go to Jagged Stone and argue that my lyrics are better.” 
“Um…since when do you make cheese parodies? And aren’t you like, low key lactose intolerant?”
“Allergies can’t stop the cheese, my friend. Why do you think I take so many bathroom breaks?” 
Adrien pinched him from inside the pocket, but Plagg just swatted him back. Did he not see the opportunity he was just given? A perfect cover for when he had to go fight akumas!
All he had to do was become the weird cheese kid. Such were the sacrifices of being a hero. 
“Oh!” Marinette exclaimed as they walked past a boutique. “That is adorable!” She stared at a dress in the window. 
Plagg’s ears metaphorically perked up and he swooped in to make a move. He laid an arm on her shoulder. “Oh, yes Marinette, that’s extremely cute. I think it would look nice on you! Can I buy it for you?” He gave her a smooth smile. 
Adrien facepalmed in his pocket. 
“What! You want to—for me? No! No…I can certainly make it on my own!” She snapped a picture of the dress. “I think I could find a print I like better too.” 
Plagg was not deterred. “Oh, then perhaps I could buy the fabric for you? It’s not often that I get to buy things for my friends!” 
“Dude, you bought us lunch today.” Said Nino, with some concern. “You okay? Like…you’re not going to start giving away your personal belongings, are you?”
“No, unless I have something you want? A video game perhaps?”
“Stop it. You’re freaking me out.” 
This actually did give Plagg pause. In all his experience of human history, supplementing friendships with presents was the easiest way to manipulate people. What was he doing wrong? Was Adrien not generous enough?
“You know…” Nino scratched the back of his head, “they say when your friends start being super nice and giving stuff away and talking about personal things…it’s a sign of them being suicidal.”
Adrien’s bite was sorely deserved, Plagg decided as he flinched. “No! No no, gods no!” He laughed awkwardly. “I just…decided to be a little more…generous?” 
Marinette laid a hand on his arm. “Adrien, never feel like you have to buy our friendship. We like spending time with you, no matter how we get it.” 
Plagg tightened his jaw. He knew what he had to do, but mushy-ness and feelings were his least favorite thing in the world. 
He took her hand and held it. “Thank you Marinette. I love you, all of you. It’s so important to me that I get to spend time with you too, and I’m happiest when I’m with my friends. I just wanted to show my appreciation.”
Nino sniffled and wiped his eyes. “We love you too man.” 
Slam dunk.
The shopping trip went splendidly. His target was horribly gaudy clothes that would offend his father. He used Marinette as a litmus test. If she gaped in shock, it was perfect. 
Most of his purchases ended up being cheap tourist shirts, ‘Hawaiian’ shirts as they were often referred to. 
After the initial shock of Plagg subjecting them to the eye sores, it started to turn into a game. 
“Look Adrien! This one’s got little  croissants on it!” Marinette said with glee. 
“I love it,” Plagg stated, holding it up to Adrien’s body in the mirror. “But, all of these shirts are still just a little too normal. I think it’ll piss my dad off, but it’s not enough to push him into absolutely indignant.”
Marinette shrugged. “I mean, we are in Paris, the fashion capital of the world.” 
Nino was the one that held up two shirts together. “I mean, you could wear these two at the same time.” One was a sunset orange, and the other was a vibrant Microsoft Blue Screen of death blue. It was painful to look at them next to each other.
Marinette made a loud, gasp, it almost sounded like a honk. “Nino.” 
“What? I thought we were going for gaudy?” 
“We are, we are, you’re a genius!” 
“I mean, of course I am, but what did I do?” 
She took the two shirts and examined the seams. “I might doom myself, but I can separate these shirts and re-sew them. Basically, making two new shirts!” 
Plagg laughed maniacally. “Oh Marinette, my dear, that’s downright diabolical!” 
Marinette blushed, but she smiled proudly. “I can probably do a couple of these shirts, as long as they’re the same style. It might take me a few days—“ 
Plagg hugged her from the side and kissed her cheek loudly and obnoxiously. “That would be amazing! Thank you Marinette!” 
Gauging by the way the girl melted into the floor, Plagg assumed he had scored a few points. 
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tigerintokyo · 4 years
IDOLiSH7 Part 1, Ch 6.1 side story
Side Story: Handstand!!
(other parts in the directory)
Translation under the break.
Riku: Ugh..... I slept a lot....
Riku: Ahh.... The weather is so nice!
Riku: It's not even windy anymore. I'd love to get up and go enjoy this weather outside, but I already worried the manager so much. I should probably stay inside.
Riku: I'm glad she didn't tell me to quit. ...The manager was worried about me... She's so kind...
Riku: ...... ....And she's so cute....
Tamaki: Morning.
Riku: Ahhhh....! Tamaki?! How long have you been there?!
Tamaki: A while.
Riku: Y-you surprised me.... Were you here this whole time?
Tamaki: I don't want you to get sick again. I thought I'd keep an eye on you.
Riku: Thanks. Tamaki, you're so kind!
Tamaki: ...... You don't have to pat me on the head! You doing OK?
Riku: I'm good!
Tamaki: You need anything? Ah, do you want some Ousama Pudding?
Riku: You're gonna give me your Ousama Pudding?! ......huh? There's only half left.
Tamaki: You didn't wake up, so I starting eating it. You can have the rest.
Riku: Thanks! Ahm....
Tamaki: You feel better?
Riku: I do! Sorry to make you worry. I'm totally fine now. Actually, I feel good enough to get up and go out.
Tamaki: No, you should sleep! Rikkun, they had to call the ambulance! .....I thought I was gonna have a heart attack....
Riku: I'm sorry.... It must've been scary for you.
Tamaki: It was scarier for you though,  right? Wasn't it scary?
Riku: I don't know if it's scary..... I was more afraid that everyone would tell me to quit.
Tamaki: I wouldn't tell you that. I don't like that you're sick though.
Riku: Haha. Me neither! But, it's how it is.
Tamaki: Does it happen every time you sing outside? Or only on rainy days? Is there something I can do?
Riku: Do a handstand!
Tamaki: What?
Riku: It would be cool to see you do a handstand. I think it would cheer me up!
Tamaki: Oh, OK. Really....? Guess I'll try.
Tamaki: Ha!
Riku: Amazing! Wow!
Tamaki: .....Now, with one hand.
Riku: Really?! You can do it one-handed?! Be careful!
Tamaki: ..... I can!
Tamaki: Ha...!
Riku: OH...!! That's crazy!!!
Tamaki: ........ Alright! Rikkun, do you feel better?
Riku: I do! A lot better! Tamaki, give me a high five!
Tamaki: Hahaha! OK....!
Riku: Hahaha!
(Knock on door)
Riku: Come in.
(Door opens)
Sogo: How are you feeling? Is it OK for me to bother you right now.....?
Riku: No problem! I was waiting for Sogo-san to come by!
Sogo: ……….
Sogo: Riku-kun, I'm really sorry. I don't know how I can apologize to you....
Riku: W-What's wrong?! Sogo-san, please don't bow to the ground like that!
Sogo: We spent so much time together, but I never realized until all that happened.....
Riku: Of course you wouldn't know. Because I was hiding it from you. I thought I could just live normally as long as I didn't have any sudden attacks.
Riku: But, if I knew I would make you this worried, I would've told you..... I'm sorry....
Sogo: Riku-kun, you don't need to apologize.
Riku: I should apologize though. I was being selfish. I thought if people knew the truth about me, I wouldn't be able to stay here anymore. I was scared....
Sogo: Riku-kun...
Riku: You could tell I don't have much endurance, and you even told me to take breaks when I was tired. It really helped me a lot. Thank you for looking after me!
Sogo: I should be thanking you.... Ah, that's right. I brought some warm tea. Do you want some?
Riku: Wow! I do! Drinking something warm feels good in my chest.
Sogo: Ah, that's great. I'm glad.
Riku: There are times when cooling down feels good too, though.
Sogo: ..........oh...
Riku: It's OK! Just now, I wanted a warm cup of tea!
Sogo: Thank goodness......
Riku: Thank you! Sogo-san, you're so kind.... Did anything interesting happen today?
Sogo: Tamaki-kun was practicing his handstands. He said it was because it makes you feel better. Do you want me to do a handstand too?
Riku: Hahaha! Tamaki told you?
Sogo: He did. Should I try? I don't think I can do it one-handed though.
Riku: What? Really?!
Sogo: Yeah. Here I go.
Riku: Hold on a second! I have to take photo....!
Sogo: ........Ha.
(Knock on door)
Mitsuki: I'm coming in~
Riku: Ah, Mitsuki!
(Door opens)
Riku: ............? Oh, where is he?
Mitsuki: Yo....! Ha....!
Riku: Ahhhhhh! A handstand! Amazing! HAHAHAHA!
Mitsuki: Don't laugh too hard, you'll start coughing again. ......Alright! Stuck the landing!
Riku: Mitsuki, perfect!
Riku: You guys are so amazing. Are handstands gonna be a trend now?
Mitsuki: Stupid. And who's fault would that be?
Riku: Ow! Hahaha!
Mitsuki: Riku. Everyone is gonna be nice to you, so I have to be the angry one.
Riku: ……. OK.
Mitsuki: You can lie back down, but sit up straight for me in your head.
Riku: Can I use a cushion to kneel on?
Mitsuki: You can use up to 10 cushions. .......Hey! Just take them all!
Riku: Hahaha! Who are you talking to?!
Riku: OK.....!
Mitsuki: This idiot! If you have a health condition, you should tell me! I wouldn't want anything to happen to you! Yesterday was such a big day for you too!
Mitsuki: Don't hide this kind of thing! It's not like you did something wrong, especially if you're sick!
Mitsuki: From now on, if you don't feel well, you have to say something. You got that?!
Riku: Yes!!
Mitsuki: Good. Get some rest.
Riku: It's over with just a warning?
Mitsuki: Yep.
Mitsuki: .....I don't want you to quit or anything. Even if it's tough, or you start to feel like people are pitying you....
Mitsuki: I know you want to work hard for your dream to come true. I will always get it.
Riku: ....Mitsuki....
Mitsuki: Haha... It was tough for you, but you sang your way through. Your endurance sucks, but you have guts.
Mitsuki: I started to see you differently. You're amazing.
Riku: ...... ......mm.....
Mitsuki: Haha. What are you getting all teary for?
Riku: ........I--I'm not!
Mitsuki: You worked hard, Riku. You did your best!
Mitsuki: But, there's a difference between trying hard and trying too hard.
Mitsuki: You need to take care of your health and pace yourself so that your fans can enjoy without getting worried.
Riku: ........yeah......
Mitsuki: I'll work hard too. I promise.
Mitsuki: And, then one day, after we're famous, then we'll let them worry about us all they want.
Mitsuki: Even if some people say you're not cut out for it, there's no shame in having a dream. There's nothing wrong with wanting to challenge yourself.
Mitsuki: In fact, I think it's really cool!
Riku: Ah........ It's already evening time.
(Knock on door)
Riku: Someone's here! Come in!
(Door opens)
Nagi: Hey! Attention, please!
Riku: ......!?
- Bam! -
Nagi: Ouch.....!
Riku: Are you OK?! What where you trying to do?!
Nagi: .........A backflip, but the ceiling got in the way....
Riku: Of course it would. Your legs are too long....
Riku: Nagi, you really know how to stand out. Doing a handstand like everyone else was too boring, right?
Nagi: YES....... As a celebrity, I wanted to be the talk of the town....
Riku: Hahaha! I'm just glad you came to see me, Nagi! What did you do today?
Nagi: I edited my recommended anime list for you. So you can rest for a whole month without getting bored.
Riku: D-do I have to rest that long? I feel better already, actually....
Nagi: Really?
Riku: I'm good, great even. I'm staying put now though for reflection.
Nagi: That's a good idea. I was thinking that I missed seeing your cheerful smile today.
Riku: Then you should've come to visit sooner. The sun is already setting.
Nagi: OH..... It's beautiful.
Riku: It is.....
Nagi: Riku, I heard you're sad that you caused trouble for us. Is that true?
Riku: ......yeah......
Nagi: You don't have to worry about that. You're not causing any trouble or unhappiness at all.
Nagi: Riku, you're always make us happy. You are a wonderful friend.
Nagi: Anyway, there isn't a soul who wouldn't boast about being able to help a friend. ............... So......
Riku: .....Nagi?
Nagi: Please, don't leave us.
Nagi: Don't drift away like the falling sun. Don't invite the sad farewell.
Nagi: We need you. Even if you can't stand by yourself, or you think you have nothing to give us....
Nagi: Stay with me....... I want you to stay here.
Riku: ……….
Riku: ..........Amazing! You're so cool! It's like we're in a movie.....
Nagi: .......OH........ But we were having a serious conversation....
Riku: Do you say that to girls too?
Nagi: No! No! I would speak more passionately! Hi, girl, I know your secret. I can see the wings of a charming angel peeking out from behind you.
Nagi: OH, is it an illusion? Then, I must be the only angel here. But, instead of a miracle, how about a cup of coffee?
Riku: HAHAHAHA! That's great! The wink is so cool too!
(Knock on door)
Riku: Come in~
(Door opens)
Iori: ………...
Riku: Iori.......
Iori: I don't like being sweeper, so I came now.
Riku: ....sweeper?
Iori: I'm not going to do a handstand.
Riku: Why not? Everyone else did it. Ah, except Nagi. He messed up. Oh, Iori, is it that you can't do a handstand?
Iori: I can.
Riku: Then do it. It'll cheer me up.
Iori: You seem to be plenty cheerful already.
Riku: I feel better, but I wanna see Iori's handstand...
Iori: What are you saying?
Riku: Haha! I was trying to talk like Mitsuki! You came to visit me?
Iori: I was walking back to my room, and I just thought I would stop by. Also, I have news that'll make you happy.
Riku: What is it?
Iori: Yesterday's performance is trending online. They called us cheerful idols singing outside the train station in the middle of a typhoon.
Riku: Really?!
Iori: The number of visits to our website has increased as well.
Riku: Yay! I'm glad our hard work paid off...! I heard a TV crew was there too!
Iori: Yeah, we were only on TV for a second though. It would be nice if it could get reposted on the internet and go viral.
Riku: But, that's not a good thing to do right?
Iori: To be honest, if I had the video myself, I would repost it and feign ignorance.
Iori: That's how good you were yesterday, Nanase-san. You really helped everyone feel refreshed in that depressing weather. .........Well, everyone except yourself.
Riku: You're really annoying. I wish you could at least finish it off with a compliment. But, yesterday was really all thanks to you, Iori.
Iori: I didn't do anything.
Riku: You covered for me at the end, right? If I collapsed at that moment, our image wouldn't be very cheerful, if they saw my actual condition.
Iori: ....That's surprising that you would think of it from a marketing point of view.
Iori: That's right though. Because you kept smiling and singing to the end, you gave off a really energetic, healthy image.
Riku: Market? .....I don't really know about that, but I didn't want to worry all the people there who were having a good time. I'm glad I was able to keep singing all the way to the end!
Riku: It's all thanks to you, Iori. Thank you.
Iori: ……. No. We're just getting started. We're going to keep going. Let's push the name of IDOLiSH7 to the top.
Riku: Yeah! I'll do my best! Someday, we'll be idols like TRIGGER.
Iori: Of course. We're going to surpass them.
Riku: How about that handstand?
Iori: I'm not doing it.
Riku: Reallly.....? Everyone else did it....
Iori: …….
Riku: …….
Iori: ....... ......I'm only going to do it one time.
Riku: Alright! Over there! Do it over there! I'm going to take a picture!
(Knock on door)
Yamato: Coming in~
(Door opens)
Riku: Wow! A big sweeper!
Yamato: ....A "big sweeper"?....
Riku: Everyone came to see me. Yamato, you're last, so you're the sweeper. Please do a handstand!
Yamato: A handstand? Ah, they said something about that..... Are you feeling OK?
Riku: I feel good.
Yamato: That's good to hear. OK, here's your get well present.
Riku: What?! You didn't have to! Is it OK if I open it now?
Yamato: Yeah. Go ahead.
Riku: .....Wow! TRIGGER's new DVD!
Yamato: You don't have one yet? That's a relief. I wasn't sure what to get you.
Yamato: I don't know if you'll be able to cheer up if you see Kujo, though.
Riku: ......It'll cheer me up..... After all, you got it for me because you were thinking of me, Yamato-san.
Riku: Because of that, anything you give me would cheer me up.
Yamato: ....... Great.
Riku: Haha....... I thought you might be the last to come see me. Because you're so kind.
Yamato: What are you saying? If I was a kind person, I would've come sooner.
Riku: You're are a kind person, because you think carefully about it before coming.
Yamato: …….
Riku: There were people like that at school and the hospital.
Riku: They aren't really sure what to do, but they think carefully and talk to me carefully too.
Riku: Because they're so kind, they worry about what to talk about beforehand.
Riku: They think like twice as much as normal,  like "I don't know if it's better to be extra nice or to act normal..."
Yamato: Riku.....
Riku: You're kind of like that, Yamato-san. I'm sure you're always thinking about other people's feelings. That's why Iori said that... about ... expressions or....
Yamato: .....Emotions?
Riku: That's it! You can perform with a lot of emotion.
Yamato: …….
Riku: Good night, Yamato-san. I'm glad you came to see me.
Yamato: .....Good night, Riku. You're building me up too much though. I'm not that kind of guy.
Yamato: I didn't come see you until now, because I was just laying around all day.
Riku: If I believe that, it would be an insult to you, Yamato-san. .....Aaaah, I guess I'm just a afterthought....
Yamato: …..
Yamato: .......Alright. Sorry. I was actually out buying your get well present. I had a harder time than I thought trying to find the right thing....
Riku: It's not such a big deal.
Yamato: I don't mean it like that!
Yamato: But, I.... I did want to cheer you up, Riku. It's been awhile since I've had to make an important decision...
Riku: …….
Yamato: Don't just sit there... Don't look at me so much....
Riku: There's no need to be embarrassed...
Yamato: I have trouble with serious relationships.
Riku: Relationships have to be serious?
Yamato: For me, it's always been kind of a travesty. .....Ah, man. What am I saying...
Riku: Next time, just come see me as soon as you can. Even if you're not sure what to say and just sit there, I'm happy that you're here, Yamato-san.
Riku: I'm not worried about that kind of stuff, and you're a much kinder person than you think.
Yamato: …….
Riku: I promise. I'm good at knowing who is a good person or not, because I've always been sick, so a lot of people have to be nice to me.
Yamato: Haha.... That's just like you.
Riku: Hehe.
Riku: Thanks for thinking so much about me, and for going out to get me this present.
Yamato: ............ You're too much....
Yamato: Got it. I'll come right away next time. I'll just go to the convenience store and pick up a dirty magazine for this bored kid.
Riku: What...?!
Yamato: Oh. Are you looking forward to it?
Riku: I--I'm not!
Yamato: Haha. You're about that age after all.
Riku: That's not it!
Yamato: Alright.... Time to do that thing you want.
Riku: ....! You are?!
Yamato: Yeah. It's especially for you. Don't miss this prime chance.
Yamato: OK. Ready.....
Riku: Wow! Yamato-san! A handstand....!
Yamato: There...!
To be continued...
Next episode (1:6.2)
Please don’t use my translations without permission.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Top5 shows/anime/movies you'd recommend.
Ahhhhhh, so usually I try to tailor recommendations to specific people—like, I won’t recommend things to people that I know don’t align with their tastes. The issue here is, I think most of the things I’ve seen that you would like are things that you have already seen (or played, et cetera). So that makes it a bit hard for me to tailor recommendations, hahaha.
That said! I’m going to try anyway to pick out five things that I think you haven’t seen, but that I think you would like. :3
Gravity Falls — So, you’ve probably seen me reblog a lot of Gravity Falls things, and you might even know a bunch of spoilers (in fact, I think I did tell you some things when telling you how Dipper and Mabel reminds me a lot of Jude and Leia), but I’m going to go ahead and throw this out there as a recommendation anyway.Gravity Falls is an American cartoon that spans two seasons. The main characters are twelve-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, who are sent to Gravity Falls, Oregon to spend the summer with their great-uncle (“Grunkle”) Stan. Grunkle Stan runs a tourist trap (basically a really gimmicky place designed to lure in tourists and sell them things) called the Mystery Shack, which is filled with a bunch of “supernatural” things that are really just a bunch of, well, gimmicky scams. (Like, a centaur that’s obviously fake, things like that.) He employs a young man named Jesus “Soos” Ramirez as his handyman / regular employee, as well as a teenage girl named Wendy to work the cash register (whom Dipper develops a crush on).Anyway, at first the twins aren’t too enthused about this (Dipper less than Mabel), but one day while hanging signs for the Mystery Shack up in the woods, Dipper comes across a mysterious Journal that details all of the supernatural phenomenon that occurs in Gravity Falls, as well as the “darkness” that lurks within the town. Dipper is deeply intrigued, and from there on out dedicates himself to solving the mysteries of the Journal (as well as the mysteries of the town) with Mabel’s help.The show actually has a really dedicated myth arc, so while there are episodes that feel “monster of the week” ish, the characters actually develop and grow as the show goes on. The myth arc is also hinted at as early as the very first episode, and there is no drag—it doesn’t take time for the show to get good. The focus is very much on family; while the kids do get crushes on various other characters (such as Dipper’s crush on Wendy), romance doesn’t play into the show at all, and instead the emphasis is very much on the familial bonds between the Pines family, and honorary members of the Pines family (such as Soos). Finally, though there is a real supernatural element to it, and while sometimes things can get a bit creepy, there is a lot of humor to it, too, that is very often on point. Oh! And while Disney tried to act like Beauty and the Beast featured their first gay couple, they’re wrong! Because Gravity Falls aired on Disney XD, and it has a bi-racial gay couple in the form of the police officers, Deputy Durlin and Sheriff Blubbs. They’re not canon until the last episode, but it makes all the build-up before then worth it, especially since it often seemed played for laughs. (So like, had that been it I would have been mad, but since they’re very obviously canon, it’s all good.) I feel like I’m doing a bad job recommending this, but I feel like you’d like it! And it’s only two seasons (and is now completed), so it’s not like it would take very long / you’d be left in a lurch. It’s a really good show and I think you’d like it a lot. (Fandom Safety: Ehhh, depends. There are some creepy gross ships in the fandom (BillDip being the biggest one), but for the most part there isn’t any major Discourse™ at the moment, either. Pretty chill for the most part now that the show has ended.)
Over the Garden Wall — Another American cartoon, but more of a miniseries, really. This one is only ten episodes long, and is also completed, so it would be a really quick watch if you wanted to give it a shot.Over the Garden Wall follows brothers Wirt (older) and Greg (younger) as they venture through a mysterious land / forest called The Unknown. They need to get home, but they are lost, and soon they are found by a talking bluebird named Beatrice who convinces them to follow her to a woman named Adelaide, whom she swears will be able to get them home. Though Wirt and Beatrice don’t get along well at first, the boys agree to follow her, and so the three end up venturing through The Unknown together. Along the way they meet a wide variety of beings and creatures, some friendly and some not; and they are also ever-pursued by The Beast, whom a woodsman has told Wirt and Greg will do unspeakable things to them should it catch up to them …As I said, Over the Garden Wall is only ten episodes long, and to be honest it starts off kind of slow. I wasn’t really taken in by the first episode. However, it became more interesting in the second episode, and by the third I was hooked. It has a sort of fairytale or storybook feel to it, and is actually a lot more mature than it lets on at first. There’s also a nice mystery element to it, given that Wirt and Greg don’t remember how they came to be in The Unknown at first, and the reason why they’re there (and strong hints as to what The Unknown actually is) isn’t revealed until near the end of the series. As mentioned, it’s only ten episodes long, so it’s not a very time-consuming investment. I really recommend it!(Fandom Safety: Pretty safe, I think! I haven’t looked at the tags in a long while, but I can’t remember any Discourse™, and it aired a couple years ago. I think going in the tags would probably be safe.)
Voltron: Legendary Defender — This one is on American Netflix. I don’t know if it’s on Belgian Netflix, or how easy it would be to find on other streaming sites (though knowing the internet, I’m sure it could be done), but if you can find it, I do recommend it.Voltron: Legendary Defender is an American cartoon that is the reboot of a show that … was originally an anime, and then was “dubbed” (kind of? I think it was massacred when it was dubbed, though), and then had another American cartoon made after it and was just … kind of really a mess. The original anime / cartoons aired back in the ‘80s and are So Bad It’s Good, but you don’t have to have watched those to understand Voltron: Legendary Defender (I mean, I sure haven’t).With that said, Voltron: Legendary Defender has an ensemble cast and is a futuristic sci-fi show about an intergalactic war involving many different alien races, but one primary alien threat in the Galra Empire. The primary cast is made up of two aliens (Alteans, specifically), and five humans. The Altean members are Princess Allura and her guardian / personal attendant, Coran. They are the last remaining Alteans in the galaxy, and they are the holders of the universe’s greatest super weapon, Voltron (more on that in a minute), as well as a giant space castle which also functions as a spaceship (and can open wormholes—it’s pretty neat). The humans, meanwhile, are Takashi Shirogane (most often just called Shiro), Keith Kogane, Lance McClain, Hunk Garrett, and Pidge (Pidge has a full name as well, but that’s #spoilers). Together, these five are the Paladins of Voltron, and they are the most active defenders of the universe, fighting against the evil Galra Empire.And what is Voltron, you may ask?Voltron is a giant humanoid mecha robot. More specifically, Voltron is a giant humanoid mecha robot that is comprised of five multicolored robot Lions (that are also spaceships). The Black Lion forms the head, the Red Lion forms the right arm, the Green Lion forms the left arm, the Yellow Lion forms the left leg, and the Blue Lion forms the right leg. Separately, each Lion can fly and fight, with each Paladin serving as its pilot. However, when the Paladins come together they form Voltron, the only real threat against the Galra Empire and its emperor, Zarkon.And to explain the plot a little more indepth:10,000 years before the series began, the Galra Empire was ravaging the universe, with the Altean Empire putting up a damned good fight against them. However, a wrong decision on the part of King Alfor lead to the Altean Empire’s defeat. In a last ditch effort to save her, King Alfor put Allura (and her attendant, Coran) into a 10,000 year sleep, and split up the Lions of Voltron in an effort to keep them out of Zarkon’s hands. While Zarkon did manage to recover the Red Lion, the others were scattered across the universe … and the Blue Lion was sent to Earth, where it is eventually found by Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge after they all come together by happenstance, and find the Blue Lion when Keith leads the others to it (given that it has been calling to him). The Blue Lion awakens for Lance and accepts him as her Paladin, and—while they’re investigating the Blue Lion to see what it is—it ends up taking the five of them into space and to the castle, where they awaken Allura, learn that they will be the new Paladins of Voltron, and that they have an intergalactic war to fight against Zarkon.While this probably sounds like it would be a dreary (if bizarre) war show, it really isn’t. It’s not perfect, but the character banter and dialogue is very often on point (especially since Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk are all teenagers), the animation is great, the voice acting is superb, and all around it’s a very fun show to spend some time with. There are two seasons currently, and the third is set to air in September. It’s a very fun, very interesting show, and it’s very easy to get drawn into it. The characters are all great, too. And let’s put it this way: I went from, “It’s fun, but I don’t care very much about it” to one day almost missing my exit because I was too busy thinking about Voltron while driving. So, there is that. (Also, I feel I’ve done a terrible job explaining, but … it’s a fun show with robot Lions. Just trust me on this.)Also, the Lions do have some degree of sentience. The Red Lion being protective over Keith is one of the best things ever, and at one point Lance becomes very defensive when he thinks Keith is trying to take the Blue Lion from him, saying, “Blue and I are very happy together! VERY HAPPY!!” So, there is that, too.(Fandom Safety: TERRIBLE. HORRIBLE. ONE OF THE WORST FANDOMS I’VE EVER SEEN. DO NOT APPROACH. EVERY TIME I GO INTO THE TAGS TO LOOK FOR COOL FANART I LEAVE FEELING MISERABLE. ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS, WATCH THE SHOW BUT STAY FAR, FAR AWAY FROM THE FANDOM.)
The Great British Baking Show — For once, not a cartoon! And not American, either! What are the odds!! Three of the seasons are on American Netflix (seasons five, four, and six, I think, in that order). I’m not sure how to go about finding the others, but if you can, I’d highly recommend it.The Great British Baking Show (also called The Great British Bake-Off) is a reality show in which twelve (or sometimes thirteen, I think) amateur bakers compete to win a baking competition. The judges are Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood (yes, those are their real names) and the show is hosted by Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyic, a comedy duo. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Ugh, a reality show? Why would I want to watch this?”I’ll tell you why.Unlike most reality cooking shows, where there are sabotages and there is drama and a lot of nastiness, The Great British Baking Show is peaceful and sweet. It’s soothing. There is no nastiness, there is no drama; there are no sabotages to ruin anyone’s chances, and even though it is a competition, everyone is generally very supportive of each other. If they have time, they help each other out if they see one of the other bakers struggling. The hosts, Mel and Sue, often offer helping hands and encouragement as well. And even when it comes to the judges, though Paul can be rather blunt, they aren’t cruel or spiteful toward the contestants. This isn’t like cooking shows with Gordon Ramsay, where part of the appeal is him screaming insults at the contestants. There’s none of that. It’s just a very uplifting and positive show all around, even though one baker is always sent home at the end of each episode.Each episode is about an hour long, and I find that they’re very good for anxiety attacks. They’re very nice to just watch and be soothed by. A+++, highly recommended.(Fandom Safety: Very safe!! I mean, it’s a peaceful reality baking show, so I don’t think I’ve seen any Discourse™. I think the most you’d get is people not liking your favorite baker, but w/e, honestly? Pretty safe. Far better than Voltron’s fandom. Then again, so is every fandom, so like …)
And … I’m actually blanking on a fifth one that you haven’t seen, but that I think you’d like. Because like, I could recommend shows like The Office (the U.S. version), but that one can be kind of … sarcastic and realistic in tone? (Like, things often go wrong / the characters often fail at things on The Office, it has that element of realism.) And I’m not sure you’d like that. And then there’s Arrested Development, but that’s even more jaded and cynical, everyone on that show is an awful person and that’s the point. And I remember that you had trouble with Parks and Recreation because everyone talked fast and used a lot of political terms, and I feel like even though The Office and Arrested Development aren’t political, there’d be a similar issue there. I feel like they’re not easily accessible for people whose first language isn’t English (especially with all the business lingo thrown around).
But yeah, those are at least four recommendations of things I think you’d like! ^^ Let me know if you end up checking any of them out.
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