#anyway anyway the boyfriends will be together soooon
sparrowmoth · 1 year
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Merfolk!Wylan Van Eck: Part 1/2 of a commission for @stormkpr
The commissioner has permission to adapt this piece for their personal use. All others, please do not use, edit, or repost my art anywhere. Thank you!
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startouched--blog · 1 year
Sweetheart, the link to rules works!! Btw I've read and.. I'm ready to request for something (of course feel free to ignore it, if you prefer to :D♥).. but what kind of dates would Ichiro, Ramuda, Doppo and Kuko bring the reader (gn!) to? qwq.. I'm curious- haha♥ Thank you and welcome again! I hope you'll feel good here and get more attention as a writer! Byee *hugs hugs*
NOTE - the request is so sweet no worries about it! hugs to you as well ! <3
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SCENARIO - what kind of date would they take you on? PAIRINGS- Ichiro x gn!reader // Ramuda x gn!reader // Doppo x gn!reader // Kuko x gn!reader GENRE - fluff, dates!
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Ichiro Yamada ─── ✧
☇ Ichiro would love to take you out somewhere special for such a special occasion, somewhere with some privacy is what he told you, but them he simply took you to a calm and quiet café.
☇ You would ask why he had lied about the location but he would simply chuckle and say " it's a surprise! "
☇ You'd give a huff but in return a pat on the head as he seated you. The two of you talk quietly in the booth seat while eating only a small meal, odd hmm. .
☇ The two of you finish your café meal, Ichiro taking your hand, he would lead you out somewhere else, holding your hand gently, rubbing yours with the top of his thumb.
☇ He gently placed a hand over your eyes, you were confused, but he just simple led you foreword " come ooon, not too far now s/o, I swear it will be something worth waiting for! "
☇ You'd give an exhausted sigh, but you didn't mean it in a bad way, you loved this dummy of course so you trusted him. He'd let go of your eyesight and put his hands to his hips. In front of you was a lovely set up with a blanket in the grass and some random flowers Ichiro found a little bit before the date.
☇ It seemed so quickly put together but also not as well? there was even a basket sat down on the blanket, and your boyfriend there too, what could be better. With how happy you were, you ran up to him and hugged tightly, so happy at how beautiful it was, happy to how he was there with you " you didn't have to do all of this y'know, we could have had a nice date at the café "
" ah ah! a special person like yourself deserves a special date~! "
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Ramuda Amemura ─── ✧
☇ Ramuda never really has a plan on where to go for dates, it's a recurring theme with him, but it was always fun getting to wander around with him and his antics.
☇ He'd hold you hand gently and skip beside you, candy in his mouth as he spoke random things to you " ahoo! did you know . . . s/o~~ come loook!"
☇ He would take you to all kinds of stores and try to spoil you by buying you a bunch of candy or maybe something that would last longer,, you would eventually pick though and he would gladly buy it, probably sneaking a candy in the pocket anyways.
☇ He would drag you around by the hand or even wrist, sometimes clinging to your arm and whispering things to you as you walk, just to be a tease. " waaaah, s/ooooooo pay ateeeention to meee "
☇ Of course to his request, if you were taller you'd kiss the top of his head, and if shorter you'd get up and move his bangs, kissing his forehead.
☇ At the end of the date he would take you home and simply be ever so more clingy than he was earlier, he was happy to be with you and wanted you to NOT leave, so he'd cling.
☇ He would sit beside you and cling to your body, being at whiny as ever, but it was something you admired in a way, it was part of the character he chose to show you, so why not soak it in while you had all the time in the world to do so.
" waaaah, s/o do you have to leave so soooon? "
" Ramuuu you know I'll come see you tomorrow, don't be like that silly"
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Doppo Kannonzaka ─── ✧
☇ Doppo would definitely plan days in advance so everything was perfect for you, being that he is so worried about things going wrong and messing up.
☇ Poor guy would be pacing back and forth as he waited for you to arrive, mumbling about all of the things that could go wrong, everything that he could mess up.
☇ When you arrived though at his door, all the worry seemed to be washed away. Looking you up and down gently with his eyes, a smile reaching his often sad looking face. He smiled and offered you inside, allowing you to grab his hand gently "a-ah s/o you. . Look good"
☇ You'd give him all the attention in the world, allowing him to take you to a small and neat table he had set out a little earlier ago, flowers set on the table as well. " They. . I got them for you. . They matched your eyes" he'd quietly mumble that confession.
☇ You'd giggle at him but it was cute, giving him a kiss on the cheek before being seated at the table. It was such a neat looking setup, Doppo bringing over the food that he had make earlier, his hand shook a little as he walked around, trying to make everything perfect.
☇ "Doppo,, there is no need to push yourself " you'd give a pout to him, rubbing your hand over his to calm him down. "b-but. . I want to make it special. . for you".
☇ He just wanted to make everything special for you, everything to be perfect for his perfect s/o, he just wanted for you to feel as good as how he viewed you. You just sighed and kissed his forehead, leaving a blush to his cheeks and ears.
☇ You spent the night eating the dinner that he had made, it was such an amazing meal, leaving you astonished at how good of a cook he was. After the meal he would clean everything up and take you to the couch, sitting you down onto his lap with blankets and pillows, just to watch the tv, a peaceful way to end it no?
" Doppo maybe you should take off work tomorrow, I think it'll help with today's stress . ." " mn. . but you've taken it all away. . s/o "
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Kuko Harai ─── ✧
☇ He's like Ramuda in some ways , he doesn't really plan out what he does with you he just wants to spend time with you! No matter what it is or what it is you do with him.
☇ Although, today he decided to take you out in Nagoya, taking you out to a lovely little secluded restaurant but was still well know. " come on s/o, just this way!" he'd laugh all the way, being gentle as he held to your hand to not loose you in the random crowds that might appear on the way there.
☇ Once there, her would definitely pay for anything you'd want to eat, something small or big he'd pay for all of it, it was a special day after all hm?
☇ He'd simply let you talk about how you've been, occasionally butting in to say something or comment, but it was always when he could. He'd always be so interested in what you had to say, to him you were so much more interesting than anything else that could exist!
☇ And with that the meal was over, now all that was left was what he had actually planned for you. He'd nervously take your hand and lead you through a crowd before getting up to higher ground, sitting down on a ledge with you, holding you in his arms gently, chuckling at the blush that came to your face.
☇ Little to your knowledge, Kuko has taken you to a firework show that was in a smaller part of the city! He never told you and just wanted to see the happy change in your face, shifted from confused to excitement as the first firework was lit, bright colors filling the skies in only a matter of seconds.
☇ " beautiful huh s/o? haha! that's how I see ya"
☇ After the firework shows that played on, he'd take you to the temple to stay the night over, he didn't want you going anywhere this late at night of course! So he let you stay in his room with him for the night, what a lovely boyfriend he was~.
" aw come on s/o , we've slept together before, what makes today different ? "
" I-I I dunno! come on silly it's time for bed! "
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vangoddamn · 4 years
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Requested staying over at teen van’s house for the first time, nonny ILY <3
Warnings: Pure Cute n’ fluffy Van
You’d been going out officially for a few months, meaning this probably would’ve happened sooner or later anyway. But when your parents announced, in front of Van, they were going away for a couple of days, Van decided you would stay at his. Of course, your heart broke a little when he suggested it and was secretly glad you wouldn’t be home alone all weekend, but you were nervous. 
You’d never really even had a boyfriend before Van, never mind stayed over, so you really didn’t know what to expect or what to compare it too. Should you wear cute pyjamas, or just the usual sleep shirt. Should you take multiple spare clothes depending on if you went on a walk. Should you take a tampon just in case you spontaneously start your period even though you’re on the pill. Your head was spinning with all the possible questions which formed in your overly anxious head. 
After a while of putting things in and out of your bag and a phone call with your best friend, you decided to stop overthinking things (or at least try to) and do what you would if you were going to your mates. You packed your small backpack and got dressed into something a little less ‘sofa chic’ and more ‘meeting the parents’, you’d met Mary and Bernie before but only in passing or for a small chat. At the end of the day you knew Van or his parents wouldn’t care what you did and you knew Van would probably laugh if he knew how much you were overthinking things.
A text from a worried Van and checking the time, realising you should’ve arrived at least 20 minutes ago, rushed you out the house, double-checking the locks and hurrying over to him. He didn’t live far away, then again no-one was ever far away in Llandudno. You passed colourful houses, row after row, through little short cut passages and ally ways where you and Van would steal time. You both had found little ways of escaping friends, being these little nooks where you’d share secret rendezvous.
Before you knew it, you were nervously knocking on the front door of your boyfriends family home. Van opened the door not long after with an excitable and cheeky look about him. You couldn’t help but feel a warm fizzing inside when he took your bag and placed a kiss on your cheek.
“there y’are, mum was gettin well worried” He chuckled, taking your hand and pulling you inside for a warm cosy hug, a contrast to the brisk salty air outside.
“Sorry y/f/n called” You mumbled into his chest, trying to hide the fact you were just having a nervous breakdown, at the same time breathing his familiar scent in.
After a well-needed hug, he turned you to face his house. It was slightly familiar to when you’d both sneak in when it was empty, getting up to no good and hiding from various things you didn’t want to face. But now the familiar corridor leading into the kitchen where his parents inevitably were made your knees wobble in apprehension.
Pushing you forward with a kiss to the cheek and a giggle, Van shuffled you through to the kitchen, arms wrapped around your middle. Maybe it was so you couldn’t run away or faint from nerves but it was comforting none the less.
“Y/n!” Mary cooed, pulling you from your boyfriends' arms into a motherly hug of her own. “Was worried about you weren’t we Bernard” She called out to her husband, who was sitting idly inspecting the cover of some random record, only looking up to give you a knowing smile shaking his head and going back to the cover.
“Sorry my friend called and I lost track of time” You explained, easing into conversation with Mary as if you’d known her forever whilst Van found himself back behind you, arms wrapped tight around your waist.
Mary, like Van, was easy to slip into a comforting schedule, it made you instantly calm whenever you spoke. You helped her fix everyone a tea or at this time in the day dinner. Helping her in the kitchen you realised was one of your favourite things, she’d teach you things you may never have learnt and always spoke in such a calm manner it seeped into you. 
She had decided to cook a proper roast dinner, Roast beef, Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, the lot. And soon enough, with your help, it was ready and she was serving it out to you all around the table. The smells were incredible, homely and comforting. You sat next to Van who had his hand on your knee, circling patterns, before having to replace it for his knife. 
“Thanks, Mary” You smiled at her from across the table.
“Thank you y/n for helping me, can never get these two to lift a bloody finger!” She chuckled back giving eyes at Van who was trying to defend himself badly.
Dinner went quickly, you found it easy to talk to Van's parents and the food was incredible! You probably talked about everything under the sun. From if you had plans to do anything tomorrow, to where do you think you’re going to go to Uni.
Ultimately, you all ended up in the lounge. You snuggled into Vans side on one of the sofas as he and Bernie went through a collection of old vinyl. Mary was busy washing up, and so you decided you’d go and help. Leaving your boyfriend with his collection of records.
“Hi Mary, would you like any help?” You wondered out loud as you shuffled into the kitchen. She was by the sink with a soft smile, tilting her head to signal you to come over.
“You can come round more often dear” She smiled before explaining how you could help her with the drying up. It was nice, just talking absentmindedly whilst cleaning the kitchen, almost as if you had always done it together.
It was dark outside now, as Mary drew the curtains closed, the warm lights in the kitchen creating a cosy orange hue. The sudden realisation how late it had gotten made you breathe in a deep yawn, rubbing your eyes in an attempt to wake them up.
"I'm sure Van wouldn't mind if you went up to bed lovely" Mary softly whispered, a kind smile upon her face.
With that suggestion, you poked your head through to the living room wishing good night to your boyfriend's parents. Van promised he'd be up in a second making you laugh inside knowing he'd probably spend hours playing records with his dad if he could.
The stairs up to Vans creaked slightly, showing the age of the old seafront home. Picture frames lined the walls, photos of Van and his family, warming your heart.
His room was fairly small but definitely recognisable as Vans. Posters lined the white walls, bands you only recognized from Bernie's record cabinet. Records lay in little piles, you could imagine he'd have little mental notes of why they were there. A rather disdained or well-loved looking acoustic guitar sat on his bed next to a leather-bound notebook you knew as his lyric book.
You moved to the corner of the room where his wardrobe was, finding a hoodie you could steal. You got out of your clothes changing into the shorts you'd packed and left your t-shirt for his hoodie instead. Finally, you popped some of your favourite fluffy socks on and sat on the end of his bed.
You didn't quite know what you should've done, you felt odd, alone in his room. Curing your strange feeling by picking up the abandoned guitar, making your way across the strings, creating a soft little tune.
Before you knew it Van was staring at you from his door frame a lazy smile on his face. He looked just as tired as you but you knew he'd never admit it, never really getting sleep and usually giving it up for his guitar. You placed it down, walking towards him and snaking your arms around his waist. Looking up at him you explored the ocean of his blue eyes map of freckles before placing a soft kiss to his lips. You could feel his smile on your lips, pulling him through the door, laughing when he kicked the door closed behind him. You now had your hands holding onto the front of his t-shirt smiling up at him.
"I see you're already for bed" he chuckled noticing his hoody which hung loosely off your body, covering the shorts that had ridden up.
"I'm tired"
"come on then" he smiled taking your hand nodding to his bed you had been sitting on before he'd found you.
"Van" you giggled stopping him from jumping into bed. "You're still in your jeans you idiot"
"pff, wantin me to strip off already" he teased poking your ribs making you bend over in fits of giggles.
"Vannn" you whined prying his fingers from your waste, moving your hands to his chest, palms mapping out his body. You leant in placing a kiss to his neck, feeling him take a breath in. Your hands slowly moved to the hem of his t-shirt lifting it up gradually revealing his skinny frame.
His arms lifted, helping you remove his shirt with ease. His skin was warm and soft against your hands, you couldn't help but smile. Your hands trailed up his arms, palms caressing up his neck.
"you look sleepy" you whispered, fingers tracing the bags under his eyes.
He took your hand, kissing the back of it and placing back by your side. He went to unbuckle his belt removing his tight black jeans, now only in his boxers.
"come on love" he whispered surprising you by lifting you up and placing you carefully down on the bed in the corner of his room. You smiled up at him as he joined you snuggling up under the covers after turning off the dim light. He pulled you into his arms, in the dark, wrapping himself around your body breathing you in.
It was easy to forget about the nerves you had earlier that day in his arms. And even easier to forget why you had been, Van's easy personality seeping into you.
You turned to face him, resting your chin in the nook of his neck and wrapping your arms around him.
"Night Van"
"Sleep tight love" and you had no doubt you would.
A/n- Hi huns, how we all doin then? Quarantines still draggin on and I’ve just got some shifts back at work, who knew it could be so tiring?! eek that’s why I didn’t post on time last week but I promise will be back to weekly Van content soooon! Hope y’all survivng out there xx Em
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