antimonyandthyme · 6 months
oscar/mark, a/b/o dynamics
“You’re not being rational about this,” Oscar says, and he sounds surprised, as if he had fully expected Mark to roll over and acquiesce.
In all the time Mark has known Oscar, he can count on one hand the instances in which they’ve butt heads. Most often they rub up against each other with mild annoyances, Hey, answer your phone quicker, this was important, easily solvable things. But this galls.
It isn’t about the offer. Not even that it’d cross every professional boundary in existence, and then throw the whole rulebook into the ocean too. But that Oscar thinks it’s the rational thing to do. Cut and dry, as cold and as clinical as you like.
Oscar’s looking at Mark as if he were a puzzle he can’t figure out. Mark swallows down the fully formed retort on his tongue, Hey, buddy, I don’t know if you’ve noticed in your twenty-something or so years living on earth, but heats aren’t exactly rational—
But that’d just sound petty. And Oscar would just blink at him in that way of his anyway, that way that meant, Why are you so upset?
Mark isn’t in the mood to explain. Definitely not in the mood to explain to someone more than half his age why he doesn’t think it would be a good idea to spend his impending heat together.
“No thank you, Oscar,” he says again.
“But.” Oscar frowns. “I’m right here.”
He isn’t posturing, that much Mark knows, as sure as he is that Oscar would rather roll his eyes than click an extra button to complain on the radio. There are no hidden layers when Oscar speaks, Mark likes that about him. And it isn’t arrogance either. He’s just being frustratingly, infuriatingly, irritatingly, rational.
So Mark has no reason being angry.
“All the same,” he says, as neutrally as he can manage, “I’d rather spend it alone.”
There’s a small, selfish lick of satisfaction at the whipcrack ripple of emotion it causes in Oscar’s expression, which then makes him feel like a giant asshole. But whatever.
Heats. Rational. Sure.
When did we get so old, huh, he said the last time Seb visited, and they had ended up mostly napping like two lazy cats in the sun. On a regular schedule the suppressants work fine, throw in jet-lag into the mix and they see fit to wreak havoc on his body. Migraines and loss of appetite, and the doctor had advised to just lay off during the race calendar.
Which, alright, can be done, except there’re three out of four of the yearly heats that would possibly land on a race weekend.
He detests arranging for services during a race, and spending heats alone is no longer the end of the world it once was. Uncomfortable, certainly, but much less now than when he was younger. The good thing about growing old is that you learn some tricks. You listen to your body and its needs, except when it’s fucking whinging for an alpha who’s absolutely out-of-bounds.
Saturday morning has his temperature surging, and he knows making Qualifying is out of the question. He texts Oscar a perfunctory, Good luck, make us proud, and goes to hunker down in the hotel room.
He’s prepared. The mini-fridge’s stocked, and he’s brought an assortment of toys to deal with the gnawing emptiness. It’s routine at this point. Moan and snarl and curse his existence, grow lucid enough to switch the telly on while stroking his cock and fucking himself with a toy, then back to curling into the tiniest, tightest ball in a mass of blankets, all the while sweating and blurting out half his body weight in fluids. Heave himself up to eat a sandwich. Check on Oscar’s times. Dry-heave a little while texting him congratulations. Go back to bed. Rinse, repeat.
The one bone, the one benefit of having regular heats, is that they don’t last long. By evening, Mark’s body has settled into some not-yet-post-heat-but-getting-there state. His dick is still hard, but at least he doesn’t feel the need to give himself rug-burn by tugging at it every five minutes.
Convenient, because the door-bell rings.
“Fucking hell,” Mark says, unimpressed. “What are you doing here?”
He thought he’d made himself exceptionally clear. But Oscar’s here, looking about as far from usual Oscar as Mark’s possibly seen him. Anxious, disheveled, toe-tapping nervous nonsense. Eyes-shifty, red-cheeked. Impossibly endearing.
“I have had a lot of time to think about this,” Oscar says, which in Oscar-speech means he stared into the abyss for a couple of hours thinking about nothing else. “It occurs to me that I’ve been horribly remiss.”
“You talk like an old man,” Mark says.
“I’m trying to apologize,” Oscar says, agitated. “I didn’t mean to. Offer so flippantly. As if your heat has no significance.”
There is no significance, is Mark’s knee-jerk response, but even he can see it for the lie it is.
“I… was hurtful without meaning to be. I’m sorry, Mark.”
Mark nods stiffly. He might be out of deep waters, but the ache of loneliness takes some time to dispel. Best to close the door in Oscar’s face soon before his body gets any stupid ideas. “Apology accepted,” he says.
Oscar opens his mouth. “That’s not all.”
Of course it isn’t. Oscar smells like pine and those godawful expensive vanilla candles and this is just not a very good time. “Go on,” Mark says, through gritted teeth.
“I wasn’t being truthful earlier.”
Mark blinks. “About?”
“Rationality,” Oscar says, and suddenly it’s as if he hates the word. “That was never why I offered. I thought. I thought it’d be the only reason you’d accept. If I could make you see it as something easy. You’re here, I’m here, you know? Might as well.”
“Oscar,” Mark says faintly.
“Mark,” Oscar retorts. “You get what I’m saying, right? I offered because I want to. You know. Be the alpha in your heat. Christ. Is that how people go about saying it? I don’t fucking know, mate. I just want to help you, like you’ve helped me.”
Oscar sounds as if he’s practiced this in front of the mirror. Practiced it and then gone and fucked it all up anyway, because his ears are bright red and he’s looking as if he wants the tiled hotel floor to swallow him up. He’s staring at the ground, or, quite possibly, at the line of Mark’s erection through his sweatpants.
“Mark. Could you say something please?”
“I don’t think—”
“That it’s a good idea, yeah, I got that earlier. Could I hear something honest, please?”
Oscar’s never once asked Mark for anything. Sure, manager duties aside, Mark busting an arm and a leg to pave the way for a certain career aside, Oscar’s never once asked Mark for more. And now he’s asking, heart on his sleeve, and Mark’s too worn down to say anything but—
“It’d be nice.”
Oscar whips his head up. All hopeful, like a pup promised a treat. “I—what—really?”
“Nice, and completely irresponsible of me.”
“Okay,” Oscar’s saying, and already he’s leaning in toward Mark, shuffling eagerly forward such that he’s breached the doorway. “Okay, but. It’d still be nice, right?”
"Yeah," Mark sighs. “Yes.”
Oscar takes one more step forward. Something clicks in the right direction when he places one hand on Mark’s jaw, and the other on his hip. A lock being turned in place, a scale being tipped. Something like that.
Quick on the uptake, never slow to see his moment of win, greedy, hungry, opportunistic. All traits of a good Formula 1 driver. That’s his boy.
Mark closes his eyes. Regret can come tomorrow, after the race. He pulls the door shut behind them.
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goingxmissing · 6 months
kinkmeme fic recs
I wish there were fic posts for these that I could reblog, so in the absence of that (and the spirit of just having pressed 'post' on a totally unhinged comment), thought I would share a couple of fics that I have thoroughly enjoyed over the past couple of weeks:
you signed up for this - lando norris/oscar piastri/older oscar piastri. time travel, threesome, double penetration
but i found i'm bound - oscar piastri/mark webber. a/b/o, dubcon, breeding
side by side in orbit - lando norris/oscar piastri, max fewtrell/lando norris. cuckolding, voyeurism, open relationships
nobody wants you as bad as i do - lando norris/oscar piastri. lingerie, angst with a happy ending (and house edge, toxic lando/oscar/daniel set in the same universe)
So many other glorious prompts and fills to check out at the kinkmeme. Give our amazing authors some love 🥰
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Mark Webber in Chasing The Dream S3 E4: Not bad… for a rookie
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beechersnope · 11 months
He wonders if he's thought about this before. - oscar/mark (or any other f1 pairing you'd like!)
He wonders if Oscar’s thought about this before, what it would feel like. Maybe he’d imagined Mark on his knees for him after his first podium. His first win.
Mark could ask him, but he doesn’t want to take his mouth off Oscar for even a second.
He’s hard in his boxers without any help; a rarity these days now that he’s over the hill, but Oscar does something to him that nobody else has. Even Nico. Even Seb.
Mark wants to pretend that Oscar’s age doesn’t have anything to do with it, but that wouldn’t be the truth. There’s something captivating about all that raw potential in the palm of his hand, being molded into something perfect, something Mark couldn’t be when he was Oscar’s age.
Mark thinks about Oscar winning in Australia next year and moans against him, the vibration against his hole catalyzing a violent shudder that flows through Oscar like the shock from an earthquake. He’s noisiest like this, when it's just Mark’s mouth. Doesn’t matter where.
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fortheloveofaussiegrit · 11 months
— summary ❨ how Oscar and Mark spent the night after the Goodwood ball.. uhh getting that good wood or something ❩
— warnings ❨ m/m, minors dni, nsfw, smut, age gap, fluff, alcohol consumption, drinking but there is consent & brief seb interaction ❩
— author note ❨ rushed.. very rushed ❩
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❨ masterlist | goodwood tag | oscarmark tag ❩
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He couldn’t help but smile when he looked at the photo the next day, favourited and saved to the album of photos of him and Oscar on his phone. His finger ghosted over the pair of them standing there, both in tuxedos. It wasn’t the first time he had stood beside Oscar all dressed up smartly in a suit, and it wouldn’t be the last, but every time Mark had always wanted a picture— for his ol’ bank of memories, locked up and stored safely away. He was proud, ever so proud, and he was beaming in the photo just like he was now, staring at his phone and grinning at it like a stupid cheshire cat. 
Oscar was smiling in the photo too— the real kind of happiness that you couldn’t fake. His eyes were bright and gleaming, and if Mark wasn’t so out of date with the features on his phone, he could’ve held down on the photo and let the live mode play to see the way Oscar had turned to look at him. His eyes were big and sparkling, and spoke more words than he could ever muster. That feeling was reciprocated; it went both ways, and even though Mark hadn’t seen that look in his eyes, he knew it. 
They had been standing so close together, not even the slightest millimetre of space separating them, their sides pressing against each other's, and Mark had slung his arm around his shoulders, friendly and just like a manager should. Oscar’s arm, on the other hand, was around his waist, clinging on slightly tighter than what would be deemed professional, but Mark wasn’t about to make a fuss. He liked the way Oscar grasped ahold of him, knowing that the champagne had gone to his head a lot quicker than it had to his own, and he had already felt the tipsiness beginning to bubble under the younger man’s skin. 
He hadn’t left Mark’s side all night, following him around as Mark greeted seemingly everyone at the event. Some of them he knew and some he didn’t, but it was great for Oscar, looking beady-eyed up to Mark as he introduced him to person after person: as an F1 driver, McLaren’s driver, one of the rookies this year, his rookie, his protege, his rookie of the decade, his future world champion... the adulation growing as the more and more champagne Mark was handed. Showing just how proud he was, how proud he was of his boy, that pride setting ablaze across his face, shining just as bright as the brightest star in all of the galaxies because that’s what Oscar was to him, and one day the whole world would see it too. 
"Enjoying yourself?" Mark had teasingly joked once they finally found themselves alone for the first time that night, finding the only slightly quiet place in the whole room. 
Oscar merely nodded as he declined what felt like the forty-first glass of champagne Mark was trying to hand him. Mark’s own glass was already nearly half gone as he watched the way Oscar looked over his shoulder around them before turning back to him.
"Can we go to bed?" Oscar spoke as softly and as faintly as he could, looking up at Mark and almost fluttering his eyelashes. 
He just let the grin creep more onto his lips because he liked the sound of that, and he never did need that much persuasion; he didn’t even need to be asked, so he just nodded at Oscar before tilting his head back as he took the last final sips of his champagne from his flute, feeling its sweet liquid slide down his throat. Looking back to him, holding Oscar’s gaze, and almost leaning down to kiss him before they were making their way back to his hotel room. 
Mark smiled to him as the door clicked closed behind them. "Yeah?" He asked, knowing that Oscar knew what he meant. 
"Yeah." He breathed out again in response as he almost jumped into Mark’s arms. Their lips met, and it would’ve been bruising if it weren’t for the fact that Mark could never, ever hurt him. His hand moved to cup his cheek, smiling into the kiss as he tried to slow the younger Aussie down, only parting when they needed to gasp a few gulps of oxygen back into their lungs. Hands started to fumble at buttons and bowties and belts until Mark was walking him back towards the bed. Nudging Oscar until the backs of his knees hit the edge and he was lying down. 
Catching Oscar’s gaze and watching the giggling reverberating through his body, his skin started to go patchy and red as not only the champagne, but the arousal hummed through his veins. 
Mark reached down to press a kiss to his lips, his body brushing against Oscar’s as he did. His fingers trailed down his sides until they were hooking under the band of his boxers and pulling them off as Oscar lifted his hips to help. Biting down on his lips as Oscar’s cock fell against his stomach, already hard, but of course he already knew this because Oscar had pressed it against him half way through the night. Grinning to himself as he ducked down so he was between Oscar’s knees and starting to press kisses into his skin, starting at his kneecap and trailing all the way down his thigh, he heard Oscar’s breathing hitch as he neared his hip bone. 
Oscar nodded, biting down on his lip, as he pushed himself up onto his elbows so he could look down at Mark. "Please." 
Jumping up, knowing that they were rushing, but that mix of alcohol and lust made it all that much hastier— that need stronger. Making his way across the room, fumbling in his suitcase for what he needed, discarding his own underwear, and somehow making it back across to Oscar, who was laying there. 
"Yeah?" He asked again, somehow out of breath from that small excursion as he settled back onto his knees before him. 
Oscar nodded again. 
"Ok." Mark smiled as he let a little smirk curl at the corners of his mouth before bringing his lips back to the tender and fleshy part of Oscar’s thighs. Pressing kisses into his skin and gently nibbling as a small rolling moan left Oscar’s lips. Then he was reaching for the lube, coating his fingers, and pressing the tip of his finger against Oscar’s hole until there was a gasp, "Please."
Mark nodded and added a finger, and then another and another, until Oscar was withering against the sheets, his back arching as Mark’s fingers delved closer and closer to those heights of pleasure he was chasing. 
"Like this?" He asked, and Oscar just nodded. "Ok. Budge up." Mark smiled, helping him move up the bed until he was really between Oscar’s knees, exactly where he wanted to be— where he would be for all of eternity if he were allowed. 
He pressed himself against Oscar, hearing another dulcet and muffled gasp as he pushed himself in. All the way in until he bottomed out, hearing Oscar suck in all of the oxygen surrounding them as he did and letting it all back out again with a moan as Mark pulled back out. Repeating it a few times until Oscar was really squirming around beneath him, and when it got too much for him too, he had to go back to the almost bruising pace he usually set. 
Liking the way Oscar’s fingers clung to his wrists with his eyes screwed shut. How he always brought his legs up to wrap around Mark’s waist, pulling him closer as he raised his hips to meet Mark’s every thrust. Finding their own rhythm that was so utterly perfect that it made those blinding heights of pleasure come far too soon.. not that either of them were expecting it to last that long with the amount of bubbly they had consumed.
But then Mark got to lay there with Oscar in his arms, and that was almost as perfect as all of those moments before.
And all of that was at his fingertips, stored in those few pixels shining on his phone screen. 
Then came a voice that he knew all too well, breaking his trance. "What’s got you smiling like that?" Seb’s grinning little face appeared with his curls and his stupid headband as he slid into the chair opposite him. "Or should I ask who?"
But Mark just shook his head because Seb didn’t need to ask; he already knew, and Mark didn’t particularly feel like getting teased about it over breakfast.
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yourseventhseal · 9 months
chest bursts like john hurt
Is there such a thing as an excess of wanting?
E-RATED, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Oscar Piastri/Mark Webber, Extremely Dubious Consent, Unreliable Narrator, Unhealthy Relationships, Semi-Explicit sexual content.
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animalnarratives · 1 year
i open my oscarmark wip notes and im like Oh yeah... here goes the writer's barely disguised fetish dot jpeg
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lqvesoph · 3 months
She’s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @quadrantslandonorris
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: During a trip to Daniel’s farm house, you find an unexpected visitor standing in your best friend’s backyard
part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
masterlist | taglist
Part 2
"So glad you could make it!", Danny called and wrapped you into a hug as soon as he opened the front door. "You know I love it here!", you laughed and stepped into his home in Perth, Australia.
It was Monday before the Australian Grand Prix and Daniel had invited you to spend a few days at his farm before flying across the country to Melbourne.
You spotted an unfamiliar pair of shoes next to Daniel‘s million others but didn’t think much of it. Maybe he bought another pair.
"Daniel, tell me again where the- oh hi", you heard a familiar british accent, one that you have missed over the last three long weeks since Bahrain and turned around to find a dripping wet and shirtless Lando in the glass door that led out to the backyard. His curls were dripping shining droplets of water onto his defined and tanned chest from which you couldn’t teat your eyes away.
"The towels are in the drawer, mate", Daniel spoke, snapping you out of your trance. "Thanks", Lando mumbled but didn’t move from his place.
You all stood there in silence for a few seconds before you cleared your throat. "I… uh- I-I‘ll go to my room", you stuttered, taking the suitcase and quickly making your way up the marble stairs.
"Why didn’t you tell me she was coming?", you heard Lando hiss. "Why would you have wanted me to?", Daniel asked nonchalant, and you knew you shouldn’t eavesdrop but you couldn’t help it, wanting to know Lando‘s response. "I- I don’t know", he stuttered defensively before tapping over to the drawer to get himself a towel.
Truth was, his small crush on you grew over the last couple of weeks. He followed your every move on Instagram and Twitter, even scrolling down to pictures from 2016, finding a few of you and baby Oscar during his Formula 3 career or little you in Daniel‘s Red Bull from 2017. He‘s probably memorized your highlights at this point.
Adding to that he asked Pietra for her advice on your best songs and your discography has been on repeat for three weeks straight.
You put your suitcase next to your bed and plopped down on it, only now noticing your racing heart.
During your deep dive through Lando’s Instagram account, you obviously had seen a few pictures of him shirtless, the one from Bahrain being the set of pictures you were hung up on the most, even saving one of them. But jeez… none of those pictures did the live picture justice!
You opened your eyes and took a deep breath before rummaging around your suitcase to find the black bikini you had packed for your trip.
You put it on and took your towel, phone and sunglasses and made your way downstairs. Lando and Daniel sat by the pool on two sun beds, playing some sort of card game. Both were shirtless and had matching bucket hats on their curls. You chuckled at the sight and placed your towel on the third sun bed.
Lando looked up from the game and subtly looked you over, his eyes lingering at your pushed up breast, that were barely covered by the tight black bikini top, a little longer than appropriate but you couldn’t find yourself caring. The opposite actually, the little hesitation brought a smirk to your face.
You lay down on your stomach on the sun bed and closed your eyes. "If I fall asleep, please put some sunscreen on my back in an hour or two", you mumbled, getting a hum from both boys next to you.
You couldn’t even begin to explain how much you have missed the Australian sun.
You didn’t even notice you fell asleep until you were woken up by a pair of warm hands rubbing your back. Guess the flight has been more exhausting than you thought.
You lifted your head up slightly, still a little dazed from the sleep. "Heyy, good morning", a soft british accent spoke over you.
Then you started noticing a few other things around you. For example your hair that was wrapped in a loose bun, one that you definitely didn’t do yourself.
"I put your hair up so it wouldn’t stick on the sunscreen", he said, almost as if he had read your thoughts. "Thanks", you mumbled, then you frowned. "How did you-"
"I have two younger sisters, so I know a little about hair styles", Lando chuckled and kneaded your shoulders while rubbing in the sunscreen. The small action made you groan a little. "Feels good", you muttered.
"I can tell", he spoke and you could hear the smirk on his face, so you kicked your leg up to hit his back. "Owh", he let out and broke out in laughter after. You couldn’t help but join in as well and pushed yourself up on your elbows to look around you.
You noticed the missing sunglasses on your face when squinting to see against the setting sun but quickly found them on the table next to you.
"Daniel is getting the grill ready and Heidi has just arrived a few minutes ago", Lando told you and you turned your head to meet his eyes. But got quickly distracted by his tanned chest. Your eyes flickering down and stayed there for a second longer than necessary, before looking back up into his green eyes and only now realizing how close your faces were to each other.
His gaze flickered down to your lips before finding your eyes again.
"Hey dipshit, dinner is almost ready!", Daniel called from the path between the pool section and the little hut with a fire place. "We’ll be there in a second!", Lando called back, not tearing his eyes away from yours.
Your eyes darted down to his plumb lips. "We probably should…", you whispered, letting your sentence uncompleted. Lando nodded but still kept his gaze you. "Yeah, we probably should", he agreed.
The two of you kept each other gaze for a few seconds longer before looking down at the same time and clearing your throats. You grabbed your black shorts and quickly put them over your bikini bottoms, feeling your heart beating fast in your chest and a small throbbing in your lower region. A quick stolen glance at Lando told you, your interaction also left its mark on him.
He cleared his throat another time before standing up and grabbing a baby blue loose dress shirt to put over his shoulders, leaving the buttons undone.
Together you made your way over to the fireplace, where you found Heidi and Daniel next to a bluetooth box that played relaxing music.
"Hey, honey!!", Heidi called and immediately came over to hug you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around the girl who has been like an older sister to you for the longest time.
"It’s so good to see you again!", she smiled and pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. "Your hair has gotten so long!" You laughed and sat down at the set table.
Daniel looked at Lando with a knowing smirk, whereupon Lando rammed his elbow into the older guy’s ribs.
As the night came, the temperatures got chilly, even in Australia. You shivered a little even if the fire spent a little warmth.
"You cold?", Lando muttered, leaning over the armrest of his chair. You looked over at him, getting lost for a second in the way half of his face was light up by the fire light.
You hummed and wrapped your arms tighter around yourself.
"Take my hoodie", he suggested, pulling the lavender colored hoodie from his chair. "Thanks", you smiled.
From the corner of your eyes you saw how Daniel gave you a rather knowing glance but you chose to ignore it.
That was until he didn’t give you another option.
"Y/n, you wanna come and help me inside?", he asked but it sounded more like a demand. You nodded and stood up from your seat before following Daniel inside.
All while Lando’s eyes never left you.
Daniel was waiting for you by the kitchen counter. "What are you doing?", he wanted to know. You shrugged, knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"He’s cute", you simply replied.
"You know I love you like my little sister but Lando’s one of my best mates. And I already know that he’s got quite the crush on you, it’s fairly obvious so I gotta make sure that this is coming from your side as well and isn’t some sort of joke flirting", the australian explained.
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. "It’s not, I really do think he’s cute", you nodded.
"Does he know who your dad is?", Daniel pressed further, knowing this was some sort of make-or-break question to you.
Given the history of boyfriends you’ve had and loads of your early ones, always dating you for your father, you’ve started to not tell people about your father. Not until you were sure, they were here for you.
Your silence gave Daniel his answer.
"If you like him, why didn’t you then?", he wanted to know. "Because I want to get to know him before! I met him once three weeks ago, do you expect me to just go like "Hi, I’m Y/n, nice to meet you. By the way I’m Mark Webber’s daughter"?? I haven’t exactly spent a lot of time with him", you muttered.
"Just… don’t lead him on. I haven’t seen him this nervous over a girl in a long time", Daniel sighed and opened his arms. "C’mere."
Even though the night got very late, you were up incredibly early the next day, still having to adjust to the eastern australian timezone.
As quietly as possible you walked down the stairs to the kitchen, wearing a pair of jogging shorts and Lando’s hoodie from the previous night which was incredibly comfortable and even smelled like him.
You grabbed yourself a glass of water and sat down crisscrossed on a patio chair.
The morning was still a little fresh, the sun just barely leaking out from the horizon.
"Bit early, isn’t it?", a british accent spoke from behind you. You smiled before turning around to meet Lando’s sleepy eyes.
He stood in the doorway, long gray joggers and a black hoodie, similar to the one you were wearing. His curls were a mess on top of his head as he ruffled through them.
"I could say the same to you", you countered, making the boy smile. "I couldn’t sleep, still adjusting to the timezone", he told you, sitting down on the chair next to you.
You nodded in agreement. "Me too."
For a moment you sat in silence, both looking at the sunrise in front of you.
"You wanna go for a walk at the beach?", Lando suggested after a few minutes, looking over at you.
You considered your options for a second but didn’t see a reason not to, so you nodded and stood up.
You put your glass on the table and your phone in the hoodie pocket.
Together you took the small path that directly led from Daniel’s backyard to the beach.
"Nice hoodie by the way", Lando smirked, tugging at your sleeves. "Thanks, some random guy gave it to me last night", you replied with a giggle. "And you just take stuff from random dudes?", Lando faked a shocked tone. "Nah, only if they are cute", you smiled, making Lando go a little shy as he looked down with a smile.
When the you reached the beach, you stopped in your tracks. Closing your eyes and enjoying the breeze of the ocean.
"I’ve missed this", you muttered, taking a deep breath before opening your eyes to find Lando looking at you. "Los Angeles just isn’t quite the same."
"You said you grew up between LA and Canberra", Lando stated, whereupon you nodded. "How did you meet Oscar then? Because as far as I know he’s spent most of his teens in England. Or Daniel, who’s from the other side of the country", he asked.
"Well, Daniel I met through Red Bull. My dad used to work for them", you replied, careful as not to reveal too much. "At base?"
"Something like this, yeah."
"He’s been like an older brother to me for the longest time but Oscar being closer to me in age, resulted in us turning out like twins", you chuckled.
Lando felt a sting of jealousy when you talked about his teammate like that, knowing he had close to zero rights to feel this way but still.
"Anyway, I met him in the paddock a few years ago and we’ve been friends ever since", you concluded.
"And you’ve been into racing because of your dad?", he asked. You nodded but didn’t clarify further but instead grabbed his hand and dragged him to the ocean.
"Cmon, let’s go in", you called. "Go in??", Lando protested but let you drag him closer to the water. "It’s Australia, it’s warm", you giggled and kicked off your shoes off your feet. You let go of Lando’s hand and entered the water ankle-deep.
You looked back to see Lando taking off his shoes as well as his hoodie, leaving him in a white shirt. Then he carefully tapped the water before walking to you.
"Nice, huh?", you smiled against the rising sun, closing your eyes for a second.
Cold water splashing your back made you scream and open them again. You turned around to find Lando with a devilish grin looking at you. "Lando!!", you called and splashed the water back at him.
In only a few seconds it turned into a water war, both your clothes turning darker from the water splashes on them. Your eyes stopped at Lando’s torso, the water turning his white shirt see through. And you weren’t ashamed to admit that his defined abs distracted you just more than a little bit.
Lando used your little moment of distraction to launch himself at you and throw both of you down into the water completely. You gasped for air, his arms still wrapped around your body and you hair falling in wet strands on your face.
"Idiot!", you called, pushing your hair back to see Lando grin at you. His adorable smile, paired with the wetness of his curls made you smile as well. You put your hand on his neck, slowly pulling him closer to you.
A drop of water falling from his opened lips, mesmerizing you completely. Lando’s eyes searched yours, asking for permission to go ahead. You glance back down to his lips before nodding slightly.
Only seconds later, his lips touched yours in a gentle kiss. Your fingers went through his wet hair and pulled at the end.
His lips on yours felt like fire, and you wanted more.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, his hand holding your thigh as his other squeezed your waist. His lips slowly traveled along your jaw, making you lean your head to the side to give him more space.
You let out a little moan when he gently sucked on the spot under your ear and felt his lips curl into a smirk. Lando pulled back to look at you, your fingers stroking his neck.
You giggled slightly and leaned your forehead against his, closing your eyes for a second.
This is what happiness feels like, you thought.
📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: landonorris, danielricciardo, heidiberger
yn.adams: Perth for the week
landonorris: Oh, what a pretty sunrise
> yn.adams: U think?
danielricciardo: When was that first picture taken???
> yn.adams: Today morning at about 5:30am while u were peacefully sleeping
> fan: Wait so if Daniel didn’t take that picture does that mean it was Lando???
oscarpiastri: 🤨
> fan: Oscar’s NOT a fan of this new friendship LMAO
fan: The boyfriend vibes are MAJOR on that last picture
fan: Since when are her and Lando friends???
fan: Okay but Yn and Lando would be crazy!!
> fan: I ship it, 100%
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📍Perth, Australia
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tagged: yn.adams
landonorris: She can sing and drive
yn.adams: 2:1 for me, u can only drive
> landonorris: 🥲
> fan: LMAOOO Yn roasting Lando hahahahh
oscarpiastri: yn.adams TEXT ME NOW!!
> fan: Poor guy’s feeling left out fr
fan: Is this a soft launch mr. norriz?
> fan: wdym "soft" HE TAGGED HER!!!
fan: The sunrise…
> fan: Nah u guys don’t understand the significance of that sunrise!!
fan: Lando and Yn posting pictures of sunrises… A picture of Yn that Daniel didn’t take…
> fan: New paddock couple alert??
fan: Lando letting someone else drive and playing passenger princess???
fan: Who even is she?
fan: Does she even know what F1 is?
> fan: LMAOO
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Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist or text be if you want to be taken off x
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-name @mehrmonga @paolexsstuff @kiskso @honethatty12 @namgification @champagneproblems17 @meko-mt @scopeiguess @bwormie @d3kstar @c-losur3 @lupitakapro @endlesssummer10
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feraltwinkseb · 3 months
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March 8, 2024 - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Source: Clive Rose/Getty Images
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vroomvroomsposts · 3 months
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Saw this on twitter the other day and oh my god the whole oscarlos/carloscar beef makes so much sense when you look at it from a siblings point of view. They are currently in the phase where siblings don’t get along at all but after few years will be besties.
And the whole Lando bit also makes sense for a my best friend’s brother trope 😂 can be for both carlando and landoscar
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beiasluv · 4 months
the lives of yn | f1 drivers
a/n: I have so many wips but never managed to finish them so…you’re welcome 😉
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liked by landonorris, yourinsta and 896,156 others
mclaren rookie of the year by autosport ! cheers to many more! 🧡👊 oscarpiastri
view all 175,526 comments
oscarpiastri 🧡
username EXCUSE ME??
username GIRLFRIEND????
username yn???
username she’s pulling his wisdom teeth for free or what?
username are we missing something??
username yourinsta CLARIFICATION NOW!!!
username I mean. If she’s not a professional she had done a pretty good job 💀
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liked by lilymhe, logansargeant and 341,526 others
yourinsta surprise…😬 (yes, I gave him naps and water during the operation 😔)
view all 6,526 comments
username a woman in STEMMM
username where is her clinic 🤭🤭
username she can pull my teeth out any day if wants SLAYYY
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and 686,176 others
mclaren welcome yourinsta to the papaya fam! 🧡
yn ln on joins our family as the new racing engineer for oscarpiastri, looking forward to the exciting season!
view all 375,527 comments
landonorris welcome to papaya! 👊
yourinsta 🫡 yessir
username she’s a rookie engineer or what?
username she pulled the right strings to end up in f1, girlie.
username if you have nothing good to say, say nothing
username gurl we ain’t said NOTHING
username miss gurly here was the one behind many of the f2 championships, get yo facts straight
username she’s literally oscar’s engineer and only lando is welcoming her
username leave my introvert pookie alone
username Ngl the chemrizzy between lando and yn tho
username she’s friends with lando no?
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liked by username, username and 95,628 others
paddockgossips oscar piastri was seen arriving at the paddock this morning with his new racing engineer yn ln.
view all 21,601 comments
username so we’re not going to talk abt the eyes??
username Nah he’s married to me he just doesn’t know 🤷‍♀️
username Gurlll stop being delusional
logansargeant *comment has been deleted*
username he said ‘happy wife happy life’
username not logan launching for oscar 😭
username I swear they all have private accounts spying on us
username girly stop being delusional they have busy lives
username *lewis spam account here* I hAVE it PRINTED OUT
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liked by danielricciardo, lewishamilton and 586,927 others
yourinsta well...surprise 😬
view all 6,827 comments
username should’ve known since he moved to Ferrari with her 😔✊
username MRS VETTEL???
scuderiaferrari red never looked better ❤
username I gyatt to see myself out.
username fr 😔
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liked by jensonbutton, yourinsta and 776,727 others
sebastianvettel sorry guys
view all 5,267 comments
username heartbeenbrokesomanytimesdonnowhattobelieve
username mamasaiditsmyfaultitsmyfault
username Iwearmyheartonmyslevees
username NOOOOO he bagged a baddieeee my wifee
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liked by logansargeant, username and 123,167 others
yourinsta hi texass
view all 1,266 comments
username NOBIDY TALK TO ME 😭
username did my babies broke up 😔
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yourinsta 24m
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liked by username, username and 23,424 others
redbullnews The racing engineer, yn ln, was spotted arriving at the paddock, following the drivers sebastian vettel and mark webber for the seasonal testing in Sliverstone today.
view all 349 comments
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liked by redbullracing, fernandoalo_official and 129,123 others
yourinsta thank you for tonight :)
view all 4,231 comments
username queen behaviorr
username mother is MOTHERing
username she's everything and they're just her bodyguards.
username got the two redbull drivers as her bodyguard. Goals.💀
— @jsjcue @namgification
today's a great day to take care of yourself 😘😘
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mark reposted the pastry helmet
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beechersnope · 11 months
“It didn’t feel particularly great.” Oscar/Mark
It didn’t feel particularly great, but Oscar had caught glimpses of Mark’s cock through the damp fabric of his swim trunks on more than one occasion. And he’d heard plenty of rumors from the various men who flitted in and out of Mark’s life, seemingly oblivious to Oscar’s presence as though he was no more than a dog; something to absently admire purely for Mark’s benefit before they ignored him completely.
Still, Oscar couldn’t complain. People like Jenson and Seb were freer with their conversations when they didn’t realize that Oscar was absorbing every single word like a sponge, committing it all to memory. At this point, Oscar was pretty sure he could write a better tell-all book about Mark’s days in the paddock than Mark himself.
But the real sticking point was this: Mark had a huge cock. Potentially in excess of twenty centimeters, if the jokes Jenson had made were to be believed. And Oscar desperately needed Mark’s cock in his mouth.
He wanted it all, wanted to bury his face in Mark’s pubes as he struggled to breathe against the presence in his throat, but he didn’t want to make a fool of himself when he finally got the opportunity, so that was the reason Oscar had ordered a dildo online that seemed about the right length and girth based on the dimensions he’d been given through eavesdropping on Mark’s post-dinner conversations.
That was also the reason Oscar was filming himself shoving the dildo into the back of his throat, because when he’d discussed his plan with Max, she’d laughed at him and told him he was an idiot for thinking he could deepthroat on the very first try. Oscar was nothing if not motivated by spite.
It wasn’t very graceful. Oscar knew he probably looked like a mess, his cheeks ruddy, drool pouring from his mouth, and every time he shoved the dildo back a little farther, he couldn’t help but retch. But he was determined, and since he knew Max wouldn’t fucking judge him for it, he couldn’t help but reach down between his legs as he shoved the dildo that much farther down his throat, three fingers rubbing frantically through the fabric of his boxers until he was coming, swallowing hard around the dildo, the base lodged just behind his teeth.
Oscar could barely see straight once he’d coughed it up and pressed stop on the video. He scrolled through his contacts quickly, not wanting the sudden burst of bravery to fade into embarrassment. It wasn’t until after he’d hit send, that he realized his finger had hit the name directly above Max’s in his contact list. Mark.
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— summary ❨ that saying about giving someone the whole world… that if it were to end, he knew exactly who he would be saving, for whom he would give his own life and to whom he would give the whole world ❩
— warnings ❨ m/m, sfw, fluff, age gap, mentor x prodigy ❩
— author note ❨ just some oscarmark fluff basically ❩
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❨ masterlist | saudi arabia tag | oscarmark tag ❩
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He had been watching from the garage. His eyes had been glued to the screen as the cars lapped around the track at Jeddah, watching out for that orange-coloured car with the number 81 etched on the front. He had been hanging on to every single word that had come over the radio, the buzz and the crackle filling his ears every time either Oscar or his race engineer said something; his ears alert to even the slightest feint whisper of distress coming from Oscar because he knew it would drop his heart right to the bottom of his stomach. 
It was so much worse than he ever imagined; so much worse than his own time spent racing, because it wasn’t just if Oscar crashed—he couldn’t bear that— but the disappointment on his face was what had truly crushed him at the previous races. It didn’t matter that he had spent years watching Oscar race in the lower formulas; this was so much worse. It was different. They had been fighting all of that time to get to where they were now, and they had finally made it, but he couldn’t bear for it to leave Oscar disappointed. All of that longing and all of the time he had spent hunting for that coveted seat in formula one that he couldn’t bear to see Oscar unhappy. 
He had held his breath every time the papaya-coloured car crossed over the line, his eyes shooting to the time on the screen, but he had done it… he had made it through every round of qualifying, dragging the car to places it should never have been, but he had, and it had shown everyone that all of that buzz and all of that chaos during the mid part of last season hadn’t been for nothing. 
Mark knew it wasn’t; he always knew it wasn’t. But he had shouted it with all his might, and no one had listened. They had all just stood around with their fingers stuck in their ears; not giving him a single second to explain just how great Oscar truly was, but now they would. 
It wasn’t some magnificent show of brilliance like he had performed the years before in the lower formulas, but it wasn’t expected, and it certainly wasn’t expected from the car that the team had found themselves with for the year. 
He couldn’t help but look into the garage to try and catch a glimpse of Oscar getting out of the car. A huddle of orange surrounded the car as a wave of cheers and congratulations flooded the garage. He watched as his mechanics and engineers swarmed around the young driver. How each one just wanted to hug him, to touch him, as they almost passed him around like that silly pass the parcel game at children’s birthday parties. 
He watched as he pulled off his balaclava. His hair was sticking up in all sorts of unruly ways, with half of it stuck to his face from the sweat and the tiny imprints of the balaclava marking his reddened cheeks. But he didn’t notice any of that; he just noticed how Oscar’s face was curled into a smile. One that was almost from ear to ear, showing his teeth and his gums, and grinning like that stupid cat from that Disney movie Oscar had made him watch that one time when he was sick.
Then he was watching as Oscar made his way over to him at the back of the garage. Mark’s face mirrored that of Oscar’s, the giddiness catching like some deadly illness, and his cheeks burned as if he had actually caught something contagious. 
He had to stop himself from taking Oscar’s face into his hands and caressing his cheeks between his thumbs. He had to stop himself from just wanting to stare into those big, brown, doe-like eyes for eternity— because he could. He wanted to press his lips against his and steal even just a pinch of that glee that thrummed through Oscar’s body. He wanted to pull him so close and hold him so tightly that he was sure it would hurt. 
He wanted it all, but what he wanted above all else was to tell Oscar just how proud he was; that he knew he always could do it, that there was never any doubt. 
He wanted to tell him how he would give him the world; how he had given him the world. That he had given him everything that he possibly could; that he had fought and done everything that he possibly could to give him just that. He wanted to tell him how he deserved the whole nine yards and every single inch that made them up, and how he deserved so much more. 
There was so much more that Mark would give him if he only could.
He wanted to tell him those exact words that he would give him the whole world if he could—but he had already given him the world. He had given him everything. He had torn himself apart, and he had been selfless for the first time ever in his life. But he would also ruin himself, letting his own life fall into disarray because seeing Oscar just smile meant more than anything else. He had been so self-centred for all of his life, only caring about what was right in front of him; about winning, about racing, about his career, about just him and nothing else. But this was completely different. He wanted this more than anything else; he would even trade those wins just to see Oscar on the podium again…
He couldn’t quite believe how drastically his perspective on life had changed, and it was all because of that little Aussie that had waltzed into his life and run away with his heart. 
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 2 months
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f1 + txt posts = true 8.0
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lqvesoph · 3 months
She‘s WHOSE daughter??? || LN4
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gif by @formulaonedirection
lando norris x webber!reader
summary: After releasing your new album you go to the Bahrain Grand Prix to finally see your two favorite Aussie’s. What you didn’t expect is to meet a certain Brit as well.
part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
masterlist | taglist
Part 1
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yn.adams: Thank you for all the love on GUTS!!! Tour is coming I promissssse but now off to Bahrain🏁
gracieabrams: YOURE UNREAL
rachelzegler: all american t*ts frr
danielricciardo: Okay who am I fighting today🥊
oscarpiastri: See u in Bahrain (finally)
> yn.adams: FINALLY!!!
> oscarpiastri: You‘ve become busy since becoming a world star🥲
> fan: FINALLY!! Its been ages
fan: Has she ever been to a race??
> fan: Well… I mean obviously LMAO😭
fan: U supporting Red Bull or Mclaren this weekend?
> yn.adams: Rbr obviously!! Not even Oscar can get me into that orange Garage🤨
> oscarpiastri: It’s PAPAYA!!!
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"GOOD MORNING!!!", an australian accent yelled into your ear just moments after you entered the Bahrain paddock.
You flinched, immediately slapping the person’s arm. "Daniel!!!", you called and pushed the driver away from you as he tried to pull you into a hug.
"I‘ve missed you so much", he mumbled, pressing you close to him and ruffling your hair after, which made you slap his hand away from your head.
"You seen Osc yet?“, you asked, looking around you, spotting a few photographers whose camera’s where direct to you. Daniel shook his head. "Nope, I thought you‘d come together. I‘m surprised you’re only here now."
You rolled your eyes and kept walking with Daniel. "I was on a video call with my team, discussing the upcoming tour. We gotta work out a schedule and call the venues and stuff", you replied. "We‘ve been on there even before the album came out and I still haven’t completely made up my mind."
"Indecisive little shit", Daniel laughed, making you slap his arm with a chuckle. You made your way to the Red Bull hospitality, Daniel waving at a few people from Mclaren that he was still friends with even after he left the team at the end of the 2022 season.
"I think Kelly and P are in there", he told you before hugging you goodbye. "If you see Oscar, tell him I‘m looking for him", you said, smiling and ruffling through Daniel‘s hair as some sorta revenge, before quickly stepping back and running up the stairs to the entrance.
Daniel laughed and pointed a finger at you. "I‘m gonna get you back!" You giggled and waved as you walked backwards into the hospitality.
Looking around the room you quickly spotted Kelly with her daughter Penelope sitting on a creme coloured couch.
"Heyy, honey", she greeted you and got up to hug you. "Hey, darling", you then said and lifted Penelope up who was reaching her arms out to you.
Just when you sat down, your phone chimed with a new message.
Osc🧡: Meet me in front of Mclaren
You: I‘m not going in tho
Osc🧡: Well I can’t really walk into Red Bull can I?
You: 🙄okay
"I‘ll be back soon, Oscar just texted", you let Kelly know and high fived P who giggled as you did. Jeez, how much you missed that little sunshine!
You glanced around the front porch of Mclaren‘s hospitality but didn’t spot Oscar. And as you didn’t just want to walk into the building you stayed where you were, next to the steps leading up to the entrance.
"You walked in with Danny, right?", someone spoke behind you, making you turn around. The confused expression on your face quickly leaving when you came face to face with the other Mclaren driver.
He sat at one of the tables with another curly haired guy and a blonde girl.
You nodded. "Yeah", you simply said. "You wanna come up here?", he asked, gesturing to the empty chair next to him.
You‘ve never spoken to Lando Norris, all you knew about him was through stories from either Oscar or Daniel. You knew that he spent some of his winterbreak with Danny and Martin in Australia. Daniel had asked you to come along as well but you were busy with the release of your new album so you had to decline.
You looked around you one last time, trying to find Oscar but failed, so you nodded and took the few stairs up to the table the three of them were sitting at.
As you stood directly in front of them, you saw how the blonde girl recognized you. You‘ve always been good at reading people but over the last years you‘ve become incredibly good at telling whether people recognized you when facing them. Even if they try their hardest to hide it, that small second when their eyes widen in realization was enough for you to tell.
"I‘m Lando", he introduced himself, holding a hand out to greet you. "Y/n, nice to meet you", you smiled, trying to ignore the urge to tell him 'I know, I‘m friends with Daniel and Oscar'. "Max and Pietra, friends of me", he then gestured over to the people sitting across from you.
"So, how do you know Daniel?", Lando asked, crossing his arms on the table. "I‘ve known him since I was 8 years old, I think", you smiled, remembering tiny 8 year old you giggling and blushing when first talking to Daniel at the British Grand Prix. "Really?", his eyes widened. "How did you meet?" "Uh, through my dad, he‘s from Australia as well", you answered, leaving out most of the details.
"You‘re australian?", Lando questioned with raised eyesbrows. "No no, my dad is. My mom‘s from America and I kinda grew up between California and Canberra", you explained.
"However, for some reason she likes to ignore her australian origin", a voice said behind you, making you smirk as you recognized the familiar Melbourne accent.
You turned around in your chair and stood up before wrapping your arms around Oscar. "Hey, princess", he laughed. "How‘ve you been?"
"Bit stressful with Tour at the minute but it feels so good to be back here!", you grinned.
As you turned back to the other three, you couldn’t help but notice Lando‘s confused face. Maybe it was the fact you basically jumped Oscar or that he‘d called you 'princess', something he‘s been doing ever since your first Tour when you got gifted a little crown from your fans because it matched the dress you were wearing on stage.
"I se you‘ve made friends already, might wanna stay here for the race?", Oscar asked with a smirk. You slapped the back of his head in an affectionate way. "Nuh uh, nice try, Piastri", you chuckled. "I‘ll be watching from Red Bull, you know that."
The confused expression on Lando‘s face only seemed to deepen with everything you said so you gave him a quick explanation. "My father used to work at Red Bull, so it‘s the team I‘ve grown up with and I‘m not leaving that."
Oscar snorted at you little white lie but you rammed your elbow into his side to get him to keep quiet.
Lando nodded, still slightly confused by the way you and Oscar acted with each other but before he could question it, a team member walked out of the door and told the two drivers to start getting ready for the race.
"I‘ll see you later, okay? You‘re driving back with Daniel?", your best friend asked. "I haven’t talked to him about it but-" "Okay, then I‘m taking you back to the hotel", he interrupted you with a grin.
"Jeez, splitting my time with you two like you‘re my parents", you laughed but agreed and hugged the driver goodbye.
"Bye, bye!", you waved to Lando, Max and Pietra before walking back over to Red Bull.
After the race and all the podium celebrations, you waited in front of the Mclaren hospitality for Oscar, scrolling mindlessly on your Twitter while ignoring the 22 unread messages from your management.
"Hey, Y/n", a voice said behind you, making you look up from your phone. "Lando, hi. Congrats on your race", you smiled. "Thanks, could’ve been better but we‘ll try again next week", he shrugged.
"Jeddah, right?", you asked, not having memorized the calendar quite yet. The driver nodded and played around with the orange lanyard in his hands.
"You coming?", he dared to ask after a few seconds and from the way his fingers fiddled with the orange band faster, you could tell how nervous he was. You shrugged. "I don’t know yet, I’m quite busy with work at the minute, so probably no. But I‘ll definitely be in Melbourne", you replied, trying to lighten the mood by adding the last sentence.
"Pietra told me you’re a singer", he revealed, making you smile at the memory of the blonde girl. "I could tell she recognized me", you admitted. Lando chuckled. "She said she tried her hardest to not let it show but was freaking out on the inside! She‘s actually quite mad at herself for not asking you for a picture!"
You giggled again and shook your head. "She could’ve asked, I wouldn’t have minded", you said with a small smile. "If she’s at a Grand Prix just let me know and I promise I‘ll find her." "I‘ll let her know", he nodded and looked to the ground with the cutest smile you have seen in a while.
The combination of the brunette curly hair, the british accent, the smile and his dimples, drove you crazy and made you heart skip a few beats. But you tried your best to keep it together.
Little did you know that Lando quite literally felt the same about you. Your long hair, along with the color of your eyes and especially your smile made his heart beat a little faster as well.
You stayed in silence for a few seconds, just looking at each other admiringly before a voice interrupted your starring.
"Princess!! Sorry for being late!", Oscar called while walking out of the hospitality with Lily‘s hand in his. You smiled at the sight of your best friend’s girlfriend and send her a little wave which she returned with the hand that wasn’t wrapped in Oscar‘s.
"That‘s okay, I had Lando to keep me company", you chuckled, making the brit smile a little. "You ready?", Oscar asked and you nodded.
He said goodbye to Lando and started walking down the stairs.
"I’ll see you in Australia?", Lando asked one last time. You nodded your head with a smile. "Oh for sure, I wouldn’t miss this race for the world!", you chuckled. "Great!", Lando whispered under his breath and gave you a little wave which you returned before following Oscar and Lily.
"What do you think of him?", Oscar asked as soon as Lando was out of hearing range. "Lando? He’s pretty cute", you simply stated, not daring to mention the other words floating around your head. Nice, pretty, gorgeous, hot and handsome were just a few examples.
"Why do you ask?"
Oscar smirked. "No reason, really!"
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tagged: redbullracing, danielricciardo, oscarpiastri
yn.adams: bahrain dump (feat. my two favorite aussies)
oscarpiastri: You‘re an aussie as well…
> yn.adams: But I‘m not tho…🤷‍♀️
> oscarpiastri: Y/n🤨
danielricciardo: I‘m shown before Oscar
> yn.adams: rolling my eyes as we speak
> fan: LMAOOO
fan: Am I seeing you in the Mclaren garage?
> yn.adams: JUST FOR A SECOND!!!
fan: The race weekend is better when ur there
liked by yn.adams
fan: How does she know Oscar and Daniel??
> fan: Through her dad obviously
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landonorris started following you
Part 2
Please tell me if you want to be added to the taglist or text be if you want to be taken off x
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungariann @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @sawendel @enjoymyloves @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @temqr1 @leclerc16s @theamazingsimplethings-blog @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @moneymasnn @justme2042 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomiracle @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara-blog @person2345-blog @aquamariene-me @judespoision @sbgal @teti-menchon0604 @darleneslane @flower-name @mehrmonga @paolexsstuff @kiskso @honethatty12 @namgification
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