#anyway back to suffering through impel down
general-cyno · 11 months
to add to the angst of thriller bark zolu, I keep thinking 1) of the parallel between zoro's words to luffy when he agrees to join him and his sacrifice 2) of sanji's words in the aftermath of TB and 3) the consequences of zoro's sacrifice bearing weight in sabaody.
1) while zoro choosing to pretend nothing happened at thriller bark makes sense, since he's not the type of character who'd go boasting about this sort of thing, it also makes even more sense when you think of this,
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in the context of this other bit:
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zoro, who believes and proclaims his dream of becoming the world's greatest swordsman is all he has, accepts to become part of luffy's crew on the sole condition that he'd never make zoro abandon that dream - otherwise, well, he says it. it's not gonna be pretty. luffy proved he understood the significance this held for zoro later at baratie, to the point he stopped johnny and yosaku from interfering in zoro's duel against mihawk, even though luffy himself was greatly upset abt mihawk hurting him.
overall, luffy is someone who places great importance in ppl's dreams and is willing to go through yet greater lengths to protect those he cherishes and befriends, especially his crew. this is an aspect of luffy's character that shines through in pretty much every arc of the story and something that zoro himself knows well since he's been with luffy the longest. which brings me to,
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to say luffy wouldn't have reacted well to zoro's deal with kuma is an understatement. imagine if monkey d. "I won't lose a single member of my crew even if it kills me" "defies the world government itself to save his friend/crew member" luffy were to find out that zoro willingly cast aside his dream and life for him, putting luffy's own dream and safety above his. bc to zoro, as the story progresses, his own ambition means nothing if he can't protect/save luffy, his captain. just imagine.
worse, if we take into account that:
3) thriller bark is the reason why zoro was significantly vulnerable at sabaody. even back before they arrived at the archipelago, zoro was visibly exhausted and injured, which brook notices:
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and while zoro fights to the most he can despite the circumstances, his injuries after absorbing luffy's pain eventually leave him open to both kuma and kizaru.
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now considering this is how luffy reacts to the whole ordeal when zoro's life is in danger and gets sent away by kuma,
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just imagine how luffy would feel if he knew it was zoro sacrificing himself for his sake, which is already painful in itself, that led him to be so much weaker and vulnerable here. oof.
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ideas-4-stories · 7 months
Heyyy I'm the non-sexual omegaverse anon, back in your inbox bc YES I LOVE DUMPING IDEAS ABOUT RELATIVELY SFW OMEGAVERSE-!!!!
And yeah boo, me too on the period front. I'm AFAB and SUFFERING. Essentially I consider Heats to be similar to periods - the same basic principles, cramps, cravings, odd other symptoms nobody talks about ((back pain and migraines hello???)), but Ruts are basically the same but opposite. It's a hormone rush. Both are controlled by the endocrine system, both are hormones and chemicals. Both can and do increase libido, but it isn't some absolutely feral Need To Breed type of situation.
Buggy in particular has the omegaverse equivalent of polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis. Wild, heavy, wacked out Heats which knock him flat on his ass.
His main, original crew all knew of his designation bc while Buggy has megaflaws, sexism and misogyny is NOT AMONG THEM. the Buggy Pirates are actually one of the most diverse crews known. They value what you bring, not what you are.
Buggy also has a very strong scent. It's almost impossible to completely hide it, so he and his crew kind of opt to Hide In Plain Sight.
Beyond Karai Bari, the only ones who know Buggy's secondary are the infirmary workers in Impel Down, Shanks, Rayleigh, Crocus and Luffy, but the latter doesn't realize he knows nor that it's a secret. Lu was the first and only person outside of the Roger's who put together "the cute Omega bestie I had when I was tyke" and "buggy the gods damned clown" are one in the same.
After the reveal, Croc and Hawk both go through a bit of a learning curve bc suddenly "do we... treat you differently now? Like, open doors and stuff? We thought the other's did that bc they're simps but maybe we should-"
Buggy is having none of that. He is still the same Jester they had beaten the snot out if three weeks ago. His internal krgans and scent glands don't need to change anything. ((Though he is enjoying the whole not getting beat up thing, maybe keep that up please-???))
All three are kind of dumb and suck at communicating so it ends up being a bit of a hot mess. The main point if contention is Buggy thinking they're warming up to him because he's an Omega.
It's not that. Not really.
They just found Buggy going apeshit on that one Alpha bastard to be absolutely bewitching and have since realized he has been holding back on some level. Buggy in that fight was ruthless, efficient, and while it was fueled by hormones and a base instinct to protect and nurture, it was executed with skill, control and power. There is potential in that, in him. His fighting style would never be an all out brawl. But Buggy is sharp, witty, creative and could do some serious damage if he had the confidence and will to back it up. They don't care WHAT is happening in his abdomen. They're attracted to power, charisma, and apparently red nosed blue haired clowns who will not hesitate to beat a man with another man's severed arm. They were surprised too.
Shanks is both delighted that Buggy has suitors and is livid that Buggy has suitors. It's not even apossessove thing (maybe a little), it's that THAT IS HIS PACKMATE and they were RAISED TOGETHER and that's HIS BUGGY and NOBODY IS GOOD ENOUGH except maybe Mihawk BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW CROCODILE WELL ENOUGH TO MAKE AN OPINION SO THAT'S ILLEGAL.
He then cries when Buggy, upon being told this, deadpans, "Shanks, I'm a pirate. Breaking laws is kinda in the job description."
He is Suffering.
Buggy is actually doing pretty swell, being courted by two surprisingly good Alphas.
Ray and Crocus meanwhile both perk up on opposit sides of Paradise like I feel the sudden need to check on the blue one...
Anyway yeah that just seems funny and silly and am half asleep so I'll stop now but ily byeee~ 🍬🍬
Hello No-Sexual Omegaverse Anon!
Heats like periods, that would makes sense to have it like that (I hate the back pain, why is it there!?) Ooooo I really like your idea of the Omegaverse, I wish to see it more in stories and Buggy on having polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis. Got to look that stuff up and indeed YIKES! Really poor Buggy, getting the short end of the stick there. At least he has great friends that he has surrounded himself with.
We stand for Buggy’s megaflaws (we ain’t here to fix him, we are here to watch him be the silly guy that he is) and of course, Buggy does NOT stand for sexism and misogyny because why does it matter if you are male, female, or inbetween. I love the idea that Buggy Pirates are one of the most diverse crews on the high seas because HELL FUCKING YEAH!!! Damn right on valuing what you bring, and not what you are. That makes sense in any workforce. If can get the job done, why does it matter about your gender/sex/sexualitly? Actaully my plan for some Buggy Pirates OCs have a diverse cast of race/gender/sexuality/etc… because A). diversy is the bomb and makes the most realstilc sense and B).Everyone being the same is. Fucking. BORING!
I love the fact that Buggy and his crew Hides in Plain Sight, this rings true in canon too… I beileve, because Buggy was always there in East Blue for anyone could put two-and-two together that Buggy was apart of Roger Pirates if anyone actaully looked. But barely anyone did because of how open Buggy is being the Flashy Fool, I mean how Buggy brags about his achivements, people would think that Buggy would brag that he was apart of the Roger Pirates. But he never did, so that’s a baseless rumor (that turned out to be true)
Ooooooo, having Impel Down infirmary workers knowing that he is a Omega might have a problem in the future… or not. It depends on who the infirmary workers are as people. Love how Luffy doesn’t care that Buggy is a Omega, just some moron clown that he kicked in the crotch in Orange town, and now onto “The cute Omega bestie I had when I was tyke” Does that mean Luffy and Buggy met before Orange Town? Albeit prending to be someone else, so when they met at Orange Town it took Luffy sometime to put two-n-two together?
Heehee, not Crocodile and Mihawk thinking that they have to act like everyone else. I mean, they should way nicer to him (indeed Buggy would really like not getting his ass beaten up), but like if they do that, it would shock the fuck out of too many people. News Coo getting this and making some drama brew. Everyone sees this, the strawhats, the red-hair pirates, and just the world in general. Chaos insues
Ahhh, don’t we all love some old men being stupid and unable to communicate with a least a speck of commone sense. It boils into a hot mess, with people crying… cough Buggy cough Poor Buggy thinking they are only warming up to him because he probably thinks they feel bad for beating the shit out of a omega when in fact it’s because he decided to beat the shit out of a disgusting alpha who was being creepy and yucky. As well as knowing that the clown has been holding back his strength and power for some reason.
I love the headcanon that Buggy can fight ruthless and efficient. Buggy ain't one for a full on brawl because he uses things in his surroundings to his advantage. Bro will use whatever, a chair leg, a metal pipe, the heel of a shoe, etc… because people fighting him are probably not fighting fair and square. Love him using his mind and creativity to win a fight. He was trained by the Roger Pirates, Buggy definitely has potential, all he needs is some more confidence and weapons to back him up.
Damn right it's nothing about what's in his abdomen. It's all about seeing the clown beating a man with another man's arm! (Love that for Buggy)
Brooo, Shanks being delighted and livid that Buggy has suitors trying to court him is so fucking funny. Because what you say is just want, I think Shanks would think, your Shanks is spot on to me. I love how Shanks is a crybaby much like Buggy, it’s just different reasons for why they cry. Love that Shanks is suffering, when Buggy just deadpans and states the obvious.
Heehee not Rayleigh and Crocus feeling like they need to check on Buggy, their parental sense is finally kicking in after years they should of have their parental sense running wild. Not the reason is because of Buggy is getting courted, like 😂🤣😂
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bythenineshards · 10 months
Suffering Fools (Chapter Three)
Summary: Things got out of hand, and Buggy has to stay in the infirmary overnight.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Minors DNI, like seriously... don't... improper use of devil fruit powers. There are some mentions of medical work. I'm personally squeamish, so I try to keep it from being too gross.
Tags: Buggy x OC, Canon x OC, Buggy x Syre.
A/N: I'm sorry this took so long. I think what I'm gonna do is wait until I actually get to Impel Down in the anime before doing any rewrites. This is just for funsies anyway. Hell, it might work out fine
In the few minutes that Buggy had been strapped to the table, Syre hadn't said a word he understood. She might’ve said something in the time between getting through the door and being strapped to the table but when more guards came in carrying more participants, she devolved into a flurry of hasty yet angry sounding words in her native tongue.
She strode around her office, slamming tools and aggressively flipping through the files. Prisoner after prisoner was brought in and bound to the tables. The infirmary filled with a mix of pained groans and low voiced threats to Buggy. Syre’s tirade ended at Buggy’s side. Lying on the examination table was an absolute wreck of a clown. The only reason she knew it was him was his nose, and even that had a number of imitators. There were so many bumps and bruises he looked like he’d not only lost a fight with a swarm of bees but also a kangaroo. She could hardly tell what was blood and what was paint.
Syre pinned his file to the right of his head with a slam, then with arms crossed, she exclaimed, "What do you have to say for yourself?"
Buggy gave her a pained sheepish smile, "It got out of hand."
Syre scoffed with disbelief and shook her head. She looked fit to burst. “I will see you last, Mon Ch-” She pursed her lips withholding the affectionate nickname with a growl and spitting out, “Prisoner! It seems you like being in pain. Fine, have it your way. Wallow in it for all I care.”
But she did care. Even with his swollen eyes, he saw the worry etched all over her face. It doubled then tripled with the flood of inmates that were brought in for her care. From what the guards had pieced together, Buggy had cracked a string of jokes at the expense of one of the bigger guys on level one. When the inmate had predictably reacted with violence, Buggy didn’t hold back. He drew in more people with joke ladened insults, and before long, there was an infirmary full of inmates.
She sighed, repeating his statement of, “It got out of hand,” in a mocking tone as she unbuttoned her coat and draped it over one of the chairs. Underneath was a simple white tank top and the room got a little quieter. Syre started with a quick examination of each of the inmates. Mentally noting the worst injuries and forming a list of everything she needed to do. Buggy had assumed she would go patient to patient, taking care of all their issues then sending them back but that wasn’t the case. She moved from table to table prioritizing the worst injuries, stitching up and cleaning, tending to broken noses and fingers. With the most gruesome wounds taken care of, she returned to sort out their less worrying injuries. She did keep to her word though. Buggy was left alone for the duration of this.
With nothing better to do than feel the pain he wrought upon himself, Buggy watched Syre tend to the inmates. It was like watching an artist at work. He’d gotten a hint of it the previous day when she reset the broken arm. She spoke softly to each man, explained what she was doing and kept constant vigilance to their comfort. She did not refer to any of them as “Mon Cher.” She didn’t blush or get fuzzy either. Even if she wasn’t tending to him, he caught her looking over at him in concern a handful of times. Each time, if she noticed he was staring she’d scowl at him.
It was during one of the few times she hadn’t noticed when the door opened and two younger Marines entered the infirmary. Syre’s concerned eyes lifted from Buggy to the newcomers. One of the boys had a mop of similarly pink hair to Syre and the other was taller and blond.
“Bonjour!” Syre called to the pair, cheerful if not a little tired. It had been a good long time by then, and she hadn’t taken a break since the inmates had been brought in. She rose from her seat and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “What can I do for you?”
The two young men stopped and saluted her, and she gave a halfhearted return salute. The pink haired one spoke for the pair, and Buggy groaned with his peppy demeanor, “Ma’am we’ve been sent to assist you, I’m Koby, and this is Helmeppo.”
“Enchanté I welcome the help. You may call me Syre or Doctor. Whichever you prefer,” She led them through the infirmary, “Did they tell you what has happened?”
“Not really, Ma’am,” Helmeppo replied, starting at the realization that he hadn’t used either of the names she’d given them and corrected, “Doctor…”
Syre gave a pleasant little giggle and waved off the folly, “Ma’am works too.”
“We aren’t medically trained either, Doctor,” Koby added, “But we’re willing to learn.”
Syre looked a little worried about that fact but shrugged. The worst of it was taken care of, and she didn’t mind teaching them something that might come in handy later. If she couldn’t be out helping her brothers in arms, then she could at least teach others to do it for her. She lingered near Buggy’s table and scowled at him, “Prisoner E-8200 started a fight that got out of control, and now we have to pick up the pieces. I’ve taken care of the worst of it so far, but there’s still a lot to do.”
Koby surveyed the prisoner on the table with a tilt of his head, “Is that Buggy the Clown?”
Syre narrowed her eyes on Buggy, “Yes. It is indeed a clown.”
She sauntered away, ignoring the apologetic grin he offered her. The boys watched her carefully, and though Buggy couldn’t really hear all that she was saying, he heard the patience in her tone. She taught them what to look for and how to properly clean the abrasions and ease swelling. She explained what was in each salve and what it did for the patient. Helmeppo took on stitching up a split in an inmate's forehead and went green upon feeling the flesh and had to stop before finishing. The clown raucously laughed at the boy’s queasy face, earning him another glare from Syre as she came to face the boy. She placed a comforting hand on his back.
“Sorry…” He said between dry heaves.
“It’s alright,” Syre said, “breathe, Mon Chér. In through the nose and out through the mouth.”
When he heard his nickname being used for the Marine, Buggy frowned, but Syre didn’t see it. She rubbed the boy’s back and used her foot to slide a trash bin over in front of him. She didn’t think he was going to vomit, but it was better to have it than not. “It’s different than you expect and takes some getting used to. When I was taught, we had two people in the class faint.”
“Really? It just felt like-” Helmeppo pinched his fingers together and heaved again, sending Buggy into a fit of cackling. Syre stood and approached Buggy. His laughter was smothered with the glove she shoved into his mouth.
“Behave or I’ll send you back just as you are.” She threatened then returned to her work.
As they worked, the boys told Syre all that was going on outside the walls of the prison. Buggy wasn’t really listening, but he picked up that they were also discussing their training and how it compared to hers. Swapping stories and common experiences in training, it was all too sappy and wholesome for him.
Hours later, Koby and Helmeppo were tending to the last few inmates when Syre came to loom over Buggy. She looked tired, and his mind covered up the slight pang of guilt he felt with the idea of this being how she would look after he was done with her. If he had his way, of course. Wordlessly, she checked his vitals and removed the glove from his mouth. She checked to see if his nose was broken, though she had no idea how she would fix it if it was. Her touch was tender as she squeezed and prodded. The honk his nose made was so unexpected that she cracked a smile and tittered before smothering it down to being angry again. Normally, Buggy would’ve been enraged that someone dared to laugh at his nose. However, he was so relieved to see how thin her angry facade was that being upset by it didn’t spring to mind. Next, she gingerly ran her hands over his chest, arms, and each finger to check for breaks. By the time she’d gotten to his toes, Koby and Helmeppo had released the last of the other inmates back to their levels. They approached the table and stood at attention.
“Anything else, Doctor?”
She shook her head then looked up at them. “Actually, yes, when you return to your superior officer, could you tell the Warden that I intend to keep Prisoner E-8200 overnight? I fear for his life due to retaliation from his fellow inmates.”
“Yes, Ma’am!” Koby replied, both boys giving her a salute.
“Thank you for your help,” Syre smiled and the boys left her and Buggy alone.
She remained quiet as she finished checking his legs and feet for breaks. Having worked down one side and back up the other in silence. She was writing something down in his file when she abruptly asked.
"Are you doing this to see me?"
A big toothy grin spread across his face.
Her eyes softened but then redoubled in rage.
“Mon Chér, I am not worth this!" She gestured to the room and then himself.
"Speak for yourself, Sweetness. I'd endure a lot worse to see that face." He met her eyes. She was fuming, yet he still dared to smirk at her, "Even that face."
Syre exhaled a substantial amount of fury but said nothing.
"Even now, you're the nicest thing in this hellhole." Buggy said and he saw her hinder her writing.
“I do not want to be the cause of pain and suffering!” She retorted, “Did you not see the other men in here?”
“I don’t give two shits about those bastards.”
“Look what they’ve done to you!” She exclaimed, her eyes soft and brimming with worry, “You are hurt, and it’s my fault! I’m afraid to send you back for fear of what they will do to you! Or worse, what you will do to get back in here to see me.”
“Sounds like you should just keep me here,” Buggy grinned wickedly.
Syre rolled her eyes and muttered something he didn’t understand.
“If it makes you feel any better, once those idiots were so distracted fighting each other, I slipped out unnoticed.”
This earned another exasperated sigh. The mask of anger was thin, but it was iron lined. Once she cataloged all of his injuries, she worked in silence. This was his punishment. She knew he liked hearing her talk, so she was withholding her pretty accent. The softness in her eyes was all but gone, too. Syre was cold as she cleaned him up and repaired the damage. He hadn’t been lying. If he wouldn’t have said anything, she would’ve likely guessed that he had snuck out of the brawl before any non-superficial damage was done. So, while he looked fairly gruesome, he’d survive. While she was at it, she removed his stitches. If he had just waited a few days, he would’ve been in here without the need for the fight.
“There you are.” She said and rose from her seat beside him. Syre ran a hand through her curls as she made her way to her desk. Stopping to pull on her coat and fumble with the buttons. Looking down at herself, she sighed. Her uniform pants were bloodstained. Buggy heard a drawer open and close along with some grumbling. He strained against the leather strap to see what she was doing. Syre didn’t quite like the way the dress blues skirt looked with the coat, but it would have to do for now. She was exhausted but courtesy of the clown, she had a mountain of paperwork. She ignored his attempts to get her attention, and after a while, he gave up.
“You called that boy Mun Share.” He said when listening to her scribble in files got too boring.
The writing stopped, but she didn’t turn to look at him, “What?”
“Mun Share? That’s my nickname.”
Syre scoffed, “Mon Chér means My Dear. I call-”
“You call me Dear?” She could hear the smirk in the smug bastard’s voice.
She exhaled through her nose in frustration, “You are trying to make me fuzzy. It is not going to work.”
“But you’re so much fun when you’re fuzzy.”
She whirled to look at him, “I have paperwork to do.”
“Paperwork later, Sweets,” He whined, “come here and let me make it up to you.”
She turned away with a huff.
“Come on Dollface-”
Syre didn’t even turn to look at him, “Another word and I will gag you again. Don’t try me, Mon Chér.”
Buggy wasn’t sure how long he was laying there when she finally pushed out from the desk. She stretched out her legs then stood to do the same with the rest of her. She meandered over to his table, she knew it was a horrible idea but she was drowsy and needed to move. He didn’t say anything despite being tempted. Having her glove in his mouth wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t comfortable either. Her bare fingers grazed the swelling around one of his eyes, and she nodded, he assumed that was a good thing. He managed to catch her gaze, and to his surprise, she smiled just a little. It wasn’t exactly a smile. Her eyes got that soft look in them, but that was good enough for him. She blew out a breath and unstrapped his head, letting him roll his neck.
He watched as she unbuttoned the coat again, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth, then morphed into a wide grin. He could see now that she had changed into a different uniform than before, and he liked this one better, “Taking me up on my offer?”
Syre rolled her eyes, but of the handful of times he’d seen her do it, she didn’t even look annoyed with him, just amused. She folded the coat into a little rectangle and set it on his chest.
“Doll, folding it makes it a terrible blanket.”
Still no words. Syre moved to the head of the table and looked down at him. Careful not to hurt him, she released his ponytail. He didn’t have to tell her how good it felt to have his hair down, the groan he breathed out when she massaged his scalp was enough to pull her lips into a small actual smile. She didn’t do it for very long, likely to not risk another tent situation. Next, she reached over him to grab the folded coat and slid it under his head. Buggy stared up at her, not sure if he should say anything. Her eyes were hooded, whether from exhaustion or interest, Buggy didn’t care. Either way made his chest was tight, and he stifled the urge to use his Chop Chop powers to get close enough to kiss her.
He could see the conflict in her eyes and which side was winning. She rested on one of her hands, and the other ran fingertips over his stubbled jaw. He leaned into her palm when it cupped his cheek. Her hand was soft and warm, just like the rest of her. Her lips parted when he kissed her bare palm, leaving red smudged across it.
“I shouldn’t do this…” She breathed, withdrawing her hand.
“Why not?” Afraid you’ll get addicted?”
Syre allowed herself to giggle, “No. But I fear you already are.”
Buggy shrugged as best he could, “What if I am? There are worse things than sweet doctors.”
There was a longing in her pretty brown eyes but her lips said, “This is wrong.”
“Wrong? Doc, I want more.”
“I am taking advantage of you, Mon Chér.” She corrected, “You’re a prisoner here, and I have power over you. I could request that you be taken to a lower level for the fighting.”
“Oh but a sweet girl like you wouldn’t do that,” he purred.
She felt a little challenged by that notion. A bit ago, she had considered requesting his transfer to Level Two to keep him from the prisoners he’d severely pissed off. She wasn’t sure one night was going to be enough to cool tensions with them. If he was this vexing while trying to put him from her mind in this manner, just how much did he linger in the minds of those he pissed off? He might have to stay a few days if that was the case.
“I’m in a lot of pain, Doc…” He said and Syre knew what he was asking for.
She crossed her arms and looked at him thoroughly unamused, “Buggy, that’s not going to work.”
“Why not?” He whined.
“I’ve told you, I have an unfair advantage over y-”
“Pssh…” He dismissed her point and rolled his eyes. “Doc, I’m not asking for much. If I’m going to be stuck here all night, the least you could do is have some fun with me. I won’t tell anyone.”
Syre’s cheeks grew warm with that and blew out a breath. Truthfully, she wanted to kiss him. She liked the thrill of it, and from what she could tell, he wasn’t telling anyone, “One kiss, then I have work to do.”
“For now.” He teased, “We have all night to get to everything making your cheeks so red.”
Her kiss was slow, and being upside down allowed for him to suck her lower lip into his mouth with a whimper. He felt her fingers toy with his hair. Caving to a bit of the temptation she felt for him. As she tried to break the kiss, he followed, lifting his head and hoping to coax her into staying without having to pop his head off to pursue her. She sank back down, but the kiss still broke a moment later. Her nose brushed softly over his.
“More…” He pleaded.
Syre giggled, a quiet, enticing sound dangerously close to sensual, “So greedy you are.”
A wide grin spread over his face as she came back for another kiss. He was trying to figure out how he was going to sweet-talk her into getting on top of him when she broke the kiss and moved to sit on the edge of the table at his side. No prodding before she was leaning over him once more. The little moans he tasted from her as she parted her lips set his blood on fire. He’d been doing so well, but now his pants were growing tight.
A million ways he could lure her into assisting him with his growing need flooded his mind, none of them persuasive. His best came with no words as she gave in to her own desire to be closer. Syre straddled Buggy, feeling his erection against her, “Oh…”
Even through his pants, he could feel her heat. She teased it, whether intentionally so or not, grinding herself along his length. Her breath turned ragged between feverish kisses. Excitement coursed through him with two shy words exhaled into his mouth.
“May I?”
He nodded, his reply thick with need, “Please…”
Anticipation turned her hands clumsy as she reached between them. It was agony waiting to feel her and helpless to assist. Buggy groaned, ending in a chuckle. If Syre hadn’t thought she was worth a beating for her sweet face and tender care, then this was. There was no argument her pretty red stained lips could utter that would dissuade Buggy now. He’d risk level two or lower if he could hear the sugary sweet mewl that escaped her as she eased deliciously down his cock.
He gripped the edge of the table as she allowed herself time to adjust to his size. He wasn’t complaining. He was buried to the hilt, and she squeezed him sinfully. The only thing he could ask for now was to be rid of the straps, keeping him from ripping that uniform apart. It was torture being unable to touch her.
Syre braced herself, firmly pinning his chest to the table. She craved friction, but Buggy was quite formidable. Her hips allowed her to test the waters with slow grinding, arousal warming her from within. She reveled in the full sensation of him bottoming out inside of her. It left her a little delirious. He grew impatient with her slow rolling hips and bucked as far as his binds would allow him. The sudden thrust caught her off guard. The gasp strangled a moan, forming a delightful little squeak. A wide toothy grin twisted his face impishly, and he urged her to bounce to hear her do it again.
Bouncing was torment for Buggy. As soon as she started and the breathless moans of, “Mon Chér” and “Mon Dieu”, whatever that meant, mixed with the occasional squeak he was straining against the straps binding him to the table. Her curls bounced, and what was breathless was beginning to lace with vulgarity. Each new noise driving him more and more feral. The worst were her panicked moans of his name in her accent. They were pleading with him, “Oh Buggy…”
He couldn’t take it.
One of his hands detached and gripped her hip, guiding her rhythm while the other lifted to her face, caressing her jaw and his thumb tracing her lower lip. She leaned into his hand. Lips wrapping his thumb and sucking gently, moans vibrating it with a pleasing hum. Syre had been so lost in the moment that it didn’t strike her as strange at first. Buggy felt the second she noticed. Her eyes flew open, and she expected to see that he’d broken the straps and was sitting up. Instead, she saw him on his back with two disembodied hands. Her eyes went wide, and the hand at her face stifled her scream. She tried to push away, but the other detached hand held her there. Buggy would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the way her sex gripped him like a vice.
“Shh shh shh, sweet girl, calm down…” He purred, continuing to buck into her and lead her in their previous pace. She looked down at him in horror, but with each roll of their hips, her eyes got a little lost in the pleasure.
When he was sure she wasn’t going to scream, he relinquished his hold on her mouth. She panted, mixing enchantingly with soft moaning. “You’ve…eaten…”
“Chop chop fruit…” He explained, euphoric now that he was free to touch her.
It dawned on her, “You can… you could…” She moaned, “You could’ve gotten out at any time…”
He chuckled, “But why would I?”
“You hid it?”
He nodded vigorously, “Didn’t want the cuffs or on a lower level.”
“You could’ve told me before this,” She said, a squeak following, “You scared me half to death.”
“Couldn’t have been that scared, you’re still so wet…” He cackled, hands sliding underneath the skirt to grip her thighs hard enough to bruise. He was debating if detaching his tongue to play under her skirt was too much too soon when she gasped and looked toward the door.
Even through her pleasure filled haze, Syre heard the handle to the infirmary door jiggle like an alarm. With a gasp, she hastily dismounted, expecting to feel Buggy pull out of her. Panic welled on two fronts. First, despite her skirt offering her discretion, whomever was coming in would still see... She only had enough time to hear his snickering and see his pants cover where his cock was supposed to be when Domino came in through the door. Realization hit her deep, as deep as the cock still buried between her legs.
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baristabomb · 3 years
For a while I’ve been thinking about this but, I really feel like Ace actually didn’t need to die for Luffy‘s development? It’s really touching to think about it especially with how much Ace is being brought up in Wano, but it’s so much wasted potential. Luffy definitely didn’t need his whole ass brother dying in his arms to know he wasn’t strong enough for the New World.
Marineford would’ve been a great opportunity for Ace himself to develop as a character and get stronger. Like that was when he realized he was actually loved way more than he thought he was and that question he asked Garp years ago would’ve been answered...that he was indeed worthy of being born and he could’ve lived out his life there after improving upon himself now that he knew that. After he and Luffy were saved it could’ve been used as a chance for them to reminisce about the years they spent together and nicely introduce Sabo without making him feel like a cop out? (Makes me feel bad but I feel like he is one. I’m just glad he exists at all at this point and the S on Ace’s tattoo makes him pretty relevant since the Alabasta arc but I digress). It would’ve been better to have Sabo appear as another "secret" brother rather than a replacement brother.
And it makes all of what Luffy did in Impel Down and what he went through feel like it was for nothing. Luffy could've realized himself that he and his crew were just not strong enough for new world because he COULD NOT have gotten to Marineford without those connections and help and led to the strawhats still training for two years... Not to mention that whitebeard was right there and he could’ve done something to keep ace from getting fisted like how he was beating akainu up A FT ER ace was killt. Did he black out or something??
Cool things that happened because of Ace’s death that may not've happened otherwise:
-Law coming to save Luffy and establishing a background for their alliance
-Shanks showing up and seeing Buggy again
-wait a second
-all those coulda happened anyways.
Law still could’ve been there as their escape and Luffy could've just been sleeping like he tends to do after big battles. And Ace could’ve been watching him sleep w a smile on his face while he reminisced about their childhood days perhaps??!!?!!
And you know what it’s never sat right with me how Oda just shows Luffy being upset about Ace’s death for, what in his time is only maybe at most a couple hours, and then when Jinbei gets to him he basically tells Luffy to get over it and says that the lives of those he still has should be enough for him to immediately stop being absolutely distraught over the death of his big brother.
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I get that for readers of the time, those chapters (including the flashbacks) would be serialized over weeks or maybe even a couple months? In that case it might feel like Luffy had time to process it but like I said it can’t be more than a couple hours for him so?? Like if you’re gonna kill off Ace I’m just saying make it make sense!!!!!!
Sure remembering his friends can help a BIT....but Ace was his number one!!!!!!!!! His ace if you will!!!! His b w o t h e r..,,.,,., His big bwo................most loved person in his l i f e???? Not just that but the way Ace died? WAS KILLED???? RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?????? Dadan said it best when she said Ace was the one Luffy loved the most in the world......his bROHETR..............of 10 entire years. They spent all their time together and Luffy just? Gets over it......smiling like always even.......,,? No.......,,,....,,...no.................
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The way his friends and family reacted to hearing that Ace was dead was panic on top of grief because they knew that Luffy would be suffering out of his mind in that moment and they wanted to get back to him so they could be there for him. No one expected him to get over it. With that logic it doesn’t make sense in universe that he did so quickly because it’s not even expected that you can just get over the loss of a loved one like that. It makes him seem callous tbh.
But then I got to thinking…and I have reasonable “proof” that Oda didn’t intend to actually kill Ace during Marineford: the fact that he hastily drew up a crew that Ace had started before joining whitebeard? But they were never ever relevant? And they didn’t show up at all during the battle when it would’ve been way more heart wrenching and awesome and fun if they had? Like Deuce and Kotatsu? Deuce’s design is way too intricate and thought out to be forgotten from the story if he was supposed to be there like that. Not to mention the fact that he was supposed to be Ace’s First mate
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And who wouldn’t want to see a big cat fighting to save Ace???? They could’ve gotten a flashback story like Little Oars Jr. did before he died. They never even show up in the anime...even though there was a flashback where Ace went to thank Shanks for saving Luffy and Deuce wasn’t in his crew? Are you kidding me. I’m so mad.
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It would’ve been even more relevant to how much Ace has actually changed peoples lives if they showed up.
ALSO Oda had to phone in a bunch of stuff after Marineford to make Ace seem more powerful than he probably actually was like saying he was offered a position as a warlord when, based off of his results in Marineford, honestly doesn’t feel very warranted. Ace actually feels like the least utilized character in the story since he died before he could really do anything. MR. 3 IS MORE UTILIZED THAN HIM.
And then Oda has to go and say that “if you die it means you’re weak” after he kills the only character he’s ever killed during the course of the story and it just had to be Ace (also Whitebeard). 🧍‍♂️ Seriously, maybe if fans weren’t so sure that Ace was going to survive past Marineford things could’ve been really different because I recall reading that many of them didn’t believe Ace was going to die.
It’s like Oda impulsively decided “you know what?? I’m going to kill him!!!!” And then after he did he was like “HAHAHAHA I BETCHA DIDNT SEE THAT COMING!!!!! WHAT NOW BITCHEEES AHAHAHAHA......wait............what now....”
And then he hastily scribbled up some bullshit like “uhhhhh Ace was so strong the government wanted to make him a warlord uhmhhh he had a 550 million berri bounty on his head” etc. And then he thought up some cool looking crewmembers and gave them some backstory and was like “phew! problemo solved. I can’t have Luffy out of commission for a long time so I’ll just make him remember his friends and get over it completely!!” And Luffy pays homage to Ace in the first New World arc by coming up with a new attack that uses fire and never uses it again…has Sabo come back in Dressrosa to inherit the mera mera fruit....and now he’s got this thing in Wano where Ace is all over the place and has even influenced Yamato..which is cool and all but...wtf.......... this and since he didn’t have ace show up all that much before marineford he didn’t expect him to be such a popular character.
It just shows to go you that Ace dying was never really a part of the plan, but Oda didn’t want to derail Luffy’s personality either. Honestly if oda at least just had luffy be straight faced or melancholy before he reunited with his crew, and brighten up only when he saw them again? 😔
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It would’ve been cool if Oda put in little things like Luffy laughing for less time or laughing and then stopping like as if he remembered Ace’s death. Even though the Strawhats were so eager to get back to Luffy to comfort him, they don’t even mention Ace when they meet again. Picking up where they left off like nothing happened. It would be sad to see luffy laugh less but THEN JUST DONT KILL ACE IN THE FIRST PLACE...
I am so sad
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holykillercake · 3 years
Coin Stealer
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Trafalgar Law x psychic!Reader
word count: 3.3k
summary: Law does not believe that you can see dead people, so you crochet him the strange-looking beanie of the strange-looking man that walks around the Polar Tang. 
highlight: ¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
warning: You are entering Trafalgar´s room. 
notes: Bello, ma people! This is the 3/3 part of a lovely anon request in which the s/o makes them a thing with crochet! This time is Dr. Heart Stealer edition!! I really enjoyed writing this, and it got a little long, but I did not want to cut off important things. Anyway, I hope you like it!
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𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞!
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¨Hey, Bepo! Have you seen Law?¨
¨Y/N! I don´t know where he is... I´m sorry.¨
¨Oh, it´s ok!¨ you patted the mink´s shoulder, giving him a warm smile. 
You were never a big fan of his constant apologetic personality, but you couldn´t deny that you missed it during your time apart from the crew. 
The Heart Pirates had parted ways a long time ago when your Captain decided that the time to put his life-long plan in action had finally come. The crew split into three parts, and each one followed a different path. 
After the sudden disappearance of the Strawhats, the Paramount War, the Rocky Port Incident, and Law obtaining his title as a Warlord of the Sea, you were the first to depart, remaining in Sabaody Archipelago, waiting for the owners of the Thousand Sunny to return. You fought alongside a fishman called Hacchin, a weird guy that reminded you of Black Leg and other allies to protect the ship. 
Next to leave was Law, who sailed to Punk Hazard, where he formed a partnership with a crazy scientist bastard. Then the rest of the crew went on their own towards the island where you would meet once the plan was concluded.
The trajectory was not smooth by any means, but you did it, all of you. And now you feasted along with the Strawhats, celebrating whatever it was that you did not understand. Maybe they were like that, or maybe they didn't understand the risks you would take from now on. 
Anyway, the crew seemed to be in need of some music and fun, and you were too busy looking for your Captain to care about that.
In the midst of the evening breeze, the crackling of the fire, and the barrels of beer crashing in celebration, you saw the answer you were looking for.
Of course.
¨If I didn´t love you...¨ you growled as you made your way out of the island to reach the Polar Tang. And let´s face it, that was a detour.
You went straight to your room, where Law would probably be sipping coffee, napping, or just running from the crowds. And just like you, it has been months since he stepped on his own ship and slept in his own bed. 
So maybe you could cut him some slack. 
However, as you approached the room, there was no smell of coffee. No smell of coffee and no light snoring. Just a stillness carried with heavy emotions and your boyfriend, sitting in the dim light holding tight the crochet piece you gave him years ago. You swayed in place, expecting that thing you made to provoke him to be at the sea bottom.
¨Wondering why I kept this?¨ he asked. 
¨Not really.¨ you replied. ¨But I am surprised. Am I disturbing?¨
¨You never do.¨
You jumped on the bed, sitting beside him and resting your head on his shoulder.
¨YN-ya... do you know how he...¨ the question struggled to come out.
¨Hm.¨ he nodded.
¨I don´t like when he smiles, though. It creeps me out.¨ His body bounced slightly as he joined you in a chuckle. 
¨Remember when you gave me this?¨
¨Of course, you almost kicked me out of the ship!¨ you giggled with the memory.
¨You were really annoying back then.¨
¨Hey! Objection!¨
¨Objection rebuffed.¨ he smirked and moved on the bed, pulling you to lay down on his chest.
You told him to shut up before cuddling in, not falling asleep immediately. None of you said much. Instead, you enjoyed the calming and comfortable silence of each other´s company. 
It has been a while since you had that. 
You remember every moment of your early days as a Heart Pirate. You and Law hadn´t started on the best terms, but he needed you - well, your skills - and you were given a good deal. 
The pivot of your history together began on a chain of coincidences. The first one being both of you docking on the same island. The second one was him finding a rare coin for his collection, the same one you would later slip into your pocket. 
You wandered around towns using the beautiful art of distraction to get anything you wanted from anyone. Watches, necklaces, wallets, and, well, coins? It was all he had in his pocket, and since it was a cute one, you decided to keep it. 
Some called you a thief. Some called you a burglar, and some may even have called you a big son of a bitch. But the thing they all had in common was that none of them knew exactly who they were calling those names. 
The thing is, you messed up the first rule and made eye contact with him. Well, it was more of you not being able to take your eyes off of him. He stood out in the crowd, and you had gotten cocky. So when he later found out about the missing coin, it did not take him long to connect you to it. 
A lot of things went through his mind. He felt frustrated because his Haki failed him, annoyed for the trouble he would have going after you, and intrigued by the touch so light he did not feel at all. 
Or that is what he kept telling himself. 
Yes, he was interested in someone with skills like yours, but maybe there was something else he would not admit. The way you looked at him as if you had deciphered his entire life and found the missing pieces of his puzzle. Even the ones he tried to hide. 
That night he went out for your head. Or better, your heart, literally. 
You were enjoying the comfort of your hotel room, eating some snacks, and playing with your new commemorative coin when he materialized himself by the bed. You instantly knew something was about to go down.
Oh, fuck.
That situation got pretty tense pretty quickly, both ends asking things, and no one willing to offer any answers. The stakes were high, glares cutting the air like blades. It did not help to ease the mood when in the sway of his hand your heart popped out of your chest. 
Long story short, his plan was never to drag you to the Polar Tang. Law wanted you to go willingly, joining his crew in exchange for your heart. However, the unfortunate variable he did not consider in the equation was that you would not go down without a fight. So by the time he reached the ship, he noticed the gentle fresh breeze ruffling his hair. 
You know, since his hair was usually covered by the hat. 
The next morning when he returned, you were waiting for him with a satisfied smirk bending your lips, the hat on your head, and the coin dancing between your fingers. 
At some point, you had stolen it, and once again, it passed unnoticed by him. That was not a good night for the Heart Pirates. And that was also the night Trafalgar Law realized a couple of things. The first, he needed you on his crew. And the second, you were going to be the death of him. Or maybe the aneurysm of him, he would not give you such credit. 
¨You´re late.¨ you said, amused, and his grip tightened around the sword.
¨What´s your name?¨ he repeated the question you dodged several times during your last encounter. 
¨What´s with the dog?¨ you pointed at the tall, white polar bear wearing a uniform. Law pursued his lips, breathing heavily through the nose.  
¨I am B-¨
¨Bepo-ya don´t talk to he-¨
¨Your name is Bepoya?¨ you ignored the man, bumping into his shoulder as you walked towards the mink ¨Hi, I´m Y/N! Nice meeting you.¨  
The polar bear looked back and forth at you and his Captain, not knowing how to behave in this situation, so he apologized and stepped farther back. 
¨Alrighty, now that we are all introduced, shall we go?¨ 
¨Come on, Law, focus.¨ you snapped your fingers multiple times, teasing him. ¨You came here to pick me up, right?¨
¨No. I want my hat back.¨ He tried to grab it, but you ducked in time, holding the hat on your head with both hands. It was so soft. 
¨How about a trade? The coin for the hat.¨
¨How about my hat for your heart? Do this, and I won´t...¨ his words died in his mouth as he clutched his pockets. 
¨Looking for this?¨ You held your heart, wrapped in a cold and gelatinous box that you retrieved when you bumped into him minutes earlier.
How could you fool him again? He kept seeking answers that explained why it was so easy for you to outwit him, and his expression showed. 
¨You´re getting close, Law. Put your little trash can to work.¨ you tapped your temple, smiling mischievously at him. 
¨YN-ya, you know I can kill you, right?¨
¨Yeah, but you won´t.¨
¨How do you know?¨
¨I got a sixth sense for these things.¨ 
The rest of the conversation did not take long to come to an end. Amid sarcastic comments and threats to each other's lives, what should have been the pinnacle of the moment became a random passage in the Heart Pirates´ logbook.
¨So, YN-ya, do you want to join us? You´re gonna have to wear a uniform and address me as Captain.¨
¨I´ll give a chance to the uniform, and I´ll only address you as Captain when you behave as Captain.¨
Law sighed, giving himself a carotid massage ¨Ok. Let´s go.¨
He walked a few steps ahead of you and Bepo, wondering why he spent so much effort on an arrogant thief that wouldn't even call him Captain.
You quickly became friends with the polar bear, even apologizing for calling him a dog. He strangely apologized for your apologies, culminating in what would almost make the notorious Surgeon of Death suffer a stroke.
¨What the hell is that?!¨ you shouted when the Polar Tang entered your field of vision ¨That´s not a ship!¨
What if I am claustrophobic?
The ya thing is a schtick?
Death? That´s a little borderline controversial for a doctor.
Trafalgar more like Trafraude!
On occasions like that, Law wondered how peaceful and quiet would be the sixth level of Impel Down. From a current perspective, your initial interaction served as a vaccine, creating the necessary antibodies Law would need to deal with future pirate alliances. 
The crew got attached to you very quickly. Your adventurous spirit, your stunts, and street trades fascinated them. Losing bets against you seemed acceptable, your card tricks and the thing of guessing the numbers they thought was like fuel for a good day at work.
Law didn't seem to mind that much. After all, you wouldn't get him on his nerves if you were busy with them. However, one day, you let slip something that caught his attention. 
¨YEAH! That´s exactly what she looked like! How did you do this?!¨ 
Law heard Shachi´s roar, followed by a wave of surprised ´ooh´s coming from the kitchen, where the majority of the crew hunched around the dinner table. 
The doctor leaned against the door, silently observing what could possibly be more important than keeping the ship working. He had been drowning in files all night, and now he decided to have a coffee break. That mess early in the morning did not make him happy. 
No one seemed to be too intimidated when he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. Everyone greeted him with smiling 'good mornings' and turned their attention back to you.
 ¨What is going on here?¨
¨Captain did you know Y/N can see dead people?!¨ 
The coffee left a bitter aftertaste on his mouth.
¨Yeah, Captain!¨ Shachi yelled on Law´s face, earning a death glare ¨She just described my mom!¨
¨Really, Y/N-ya? Now you´re a magician and a psychic?¨ he asked, taking the seat across from you. 
¨The perks of being me.¨ you shrugged. 
¨Do you see more dead people here?¨ 
¨No. But you sound a little skeptical, Law.¨ 
It was way too early for that discussion, but your biological clock didn't seem to care. Whenever Law came with his teasing, you would be ready to strike back.
He gave everyone a lecture about empathic accuracy and how good you were reading cues communicated by words, emotions, and body language. Or some crap like that. 
¨Ok, let me see if I got this right.¨ You shifted in the chair, hands moving in the air ¨You can pull organs out of people´s bodies, cut them in pieces without killing, switch their souls, but you do not believe that I can see dead people?¨
He tilted his head, but not giving you an exact answer.  
¨Do you wanna know what I think?¨
¨I´ll tell you anyway. I think you have something you don´t want people to know, like a soft spot or a tragic past.¨ you sought the answer in his eyes ¨I´m guessing a loved one who died?¨ 
Overall, he was not wrong. You were a master in reading people´s body language, but you were not a jackass. So when the slight twitch of his mouth cleared up your doubts, it was time to stop. 
You knew how it felt, soft spots, tragic pasts, or late loved ones. There was no need to go further and throw more salt on his wounds. Hopefully, that taught him a lesson. 
An awkward silence ensued while everyone watched the scene, uncertain how to act, fearful that an extra spark would make everything explode into massive destruction.
¨Whatever.¨ he sighed ¨Show´s over. We´ll be reaching land in a few days, and we should be preparing to dock.¨ 
When everyone left the kitchen to go about their businesses, you remained alone with the figure that constantly wandered the submarine. He didn't do it in a creepy way. Despite his extravagant makeup and the intimidating aura, he was not a bother.
And it wasn't like he was there all the time, definitely more than anyone else. His passages were guaranteed on the days when Law was more sensitive. For bad or for good. He would look after him from the distance like a parenting figure. 
¨Who are you?¨ you murmured under your breath. 
For the next few days, Law made sure you were too busy to foster discussions about dead people or paranormal abilities.
When your services stealing rare supplies or getting answers to your Captain's questions you weren't required, you would help him with mountains of paperwork.
Only this time, he had outdone himself.
He managed to assemble the annual check-up of the crew, the inventory packing list, and the update of the logbook at once. This last one could easily wait until after you docked. But that freaking workaholic sadistic surgeon would not let this opportunity slip. So you pulled several all-nighters writing, signing, and stamping, all without exchanging a single word.
When you emerged, a few miles from land, you barely enjoyed the fresh breeze and sunlight. The crew hopped around, getting ready to put their feet on the continent as you sat in the kitchen profusely grouchy.
Your brain was fried, burnt, carbonized. 
¨You´re not coming?¨ Penguin asked, and you shook your head. ¨It´s been a while, Y/N, you should come.¨ you shook your head again. ¨I guess you´re not buying anything for the Captain´s birthday as well.¨
An incohesive question came out of your exhausted being. Penguin couldn´t help but feel sorry for you. ¨By the time his birthday comes up, we will be underwater, so everyone is preparing.¨ 
¨Do I have to?¨
¨No!¨ he chuckled ¨He doesn´t really like it, but we still buy him something.¨
¨´Cause he is a good Captain!¨ he said and sprunt out by the voice of someone calling him, waving goodbye at you. 
 It wasn't that you didn´t think Law was a good Captain. It was just an inherent nature of yours to clash every time you looked at each other. 
But on such occasion, you could combine the useful with the pleasant. After all, you were grateful because he gave you friends. Of course, he was the unfortunate by-product that came with them, but you could handle him. 
So fighting against your will to stay and sleep, you forced your way out to the solid ground, hoping to find the most random store someone could wish for, a haberdasher. 
Much to your delight, you did it. You picked a burgundy color wool and the first hook you put your eyes on and returned to your soft bed. 
The chances of you having scared your crewmates by staring at the blank for hours were high. In reality, you wanted to memorize and come up with a pattern for the strange-looking beanie that man wore. 
It had no pompom at the top like Penguin´s. Instead, two long pieces of fabric ran down from each side with heart-like things hanging.
When the sixth day of the tenth month arrived, Law´s desk was cluttered with presents. You had decided to wait until you were done with work and heading to bed to give it to him. 
After conquering that task, you locked yourself in your room, where you stayed until you had it finished. For some reason, you bothered to buy a box to put it in. Whatever.  
On the sixth day of the tenth month, Trafalgar Law could not focus on work. Every slight movement of yours, every bathroom break got him jittery, rehearsing words that wouldn´t make you hate him more. 
Not that you ever hated him, but you didn´t talk, so he didn´t know. After some time starting small talks and being ignored, you just gave up trying. 
By the end of that night, he had given up too. So when you placed the golden-yellow box on his desk, he couldn´t vocalize his feelings. It became just another silent night. 
Chests tight and hearts clogged with unspoken words. 
Law did not work for the next couple of days, and if he left his room, no one saw. The gifts on his desk were not even opened. Everything was left the way it was. 
Maybe you had crossed a line. 
As you marched up to the room at the end of the hall, several paths popped into your mind. You could act like you didn´t care, so what if you left? You had been alone for so long, it wouldn't make any difference! Still, something was begging you to apologize. To ask to stay, because being there was good, everything you never knew you wanted.
You were ready to pack your bags and have your title as a Heart Pirate retracted when you woke up one morning, finding a note on your desk telling you to meet him in his room. Your nails dug into your sweaty palms. Where did this tightness in your chest come from?
When you set foot in the room, your eyes hovered around. It was the first time you saw Law's room. It was exactly how you thought it would be.
Keeping your gaze locked on his was more difficult. He was sitting in an armchair near the foot of the bed. From afar, his appearance remained neat, as always, but as you approached you saw the circles under his eyes even darker. A thing you didn't think was possible.
For the first time, you didn't know how to read his expression. And seeing him vulnerable like that made your stomach drop. So you prepared yourself for the worst. However, to your surprise, all he did was ask you questions. 
No snarky remarks. You just talked.    
That day something changed. And from that day on, Law had found someone to help him carry the unbearable weight he had on his shoulders, and you found a place to call home. 
¨Y/N-ya.¨ he called you, who was a cuddle away from sleeping.
¨Before you left, in Sabaody...¨
¨You stole the coin again, didn´t you?¨ 
You giggled and pulled the commemorative coin from your back pocket, snuggling closer to his body and feeling the vibration of his chest as he chuckled.
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Extra notes: I hope you had enjoyed it! It came out a little too long, but I have been feeling like I´m limiting myself when it comes to the number of words... I don´t know, I´m confused. 
Anyway, is that pink and red that I see on the horizon?
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atsumus-girlfriend · 4 years
❛ 𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ❜ ― kuroo
↻ in which kuroo fucks you to the scenery of the tokyo lights
𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 degrading, praising kink, overstim and slight manga spoilers
↻ word count: 2.4k
↻ author’s note: kinda nervous lol <3
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having returned feelings from your boss was something you didn't foresee coming for months in the business atmosphere of volleyball. around him, you felt as if it had been solely around work, nothing more, nothing less.
nonetheless, you would accept that kuroo was an excellent boss to you. because of his background in high school, he was able to apply that to real life as an adult and it showed with the way he approached everyone in a friendly manner. his friendly manner was one of the aspects people talked about a lot, in fact and they found that as a good trait from him.
no one saw the other side to kuroo, though. the one where he also liked you but didn't make it the least bit obvious because of the positions the both of you were in. boss and assistant, a mindless open border, stopping the both of you.
but it got to a point that he couldn't take it anymore.
so when you were pinned against the wall by him on a late night in the office, it was no surprise that you were surprised by his flamboyant actions. kuroo hardened his grip against your hand, a grave look flashing on his face. it almost scared you that this man seemed more scary today than he would on most days. so outgoing, polite, smiley. now, you were given a whole new perspective.
your breaths had mingled in the air as you stared at kuroo's oh-so forbidden lips. if only you could taste them impelling against yours.
"do you still not get it?" kuroo asked you.
you furrowed your eyebrows and shook your head hesitatingly. you just wanted to leave for the end of your shift today but when kuroo frustratingly forced you against the wall, there was a palpable tension rising between the both of you as well as the bewilderment for you. it was unexpected for him to do such inappropriate things in a work situation, today was different.
"i like you, y/n." he confessed, his eyes softening.
your heart fluttered quickly. the thought of having him like you back was like a dream come true for you, seeing that you liked him over the months of working with him.
"y-you do?" you asked.
kuroo sighed and rolled his eyes. "no i don't."
"k-kuroo-sama, please be honest with me. if you're just playing, i'll leave." you were suddenly unable to meet with his gorgeous eyes, as yours trailed down to the ground with defeating embers. kuroo lifted your chin, making you look into them.
"i like you a lot. you kept distancing yourself from me, so i figure you did too." he confirmed. you were more than happy he caught on to you instead of doubting you.
then, he moved his lips to mould with yours. your eyes widened for a second, incapable to accept that this moment was finally here. but what was the purpose of not believing it here when it was forcing itself on you? you grinned into the kiss with that new belief of yours, scratching out the old one.
the lights were off at the office, hauling in that extra ounce of privacy with the dullness. you two were like shadows dancing happily, no one seeing you in amidst it all in your rituals. 
you kissed back his soft lips, feeling kuroo's hands trail down your body. the steamy kiss brought you onto your tippy toes, the intriguing insight growing to your fingertips as you cupped his white cheeks.
"you like that, don't you?" he asked.
"mhmm. . ." you answered, a smile evidently unable to leave your mouth. for it was proven that you and kuroo were together.
kuroo pushed you back against the icy wall, his figure dogging over you as his tongue moved into your mouth slickly. the sounds that willed his lips were elegant but simultaneously shying you whilst you drew your attention to them. though, you got confident at some point, wrapping your arms around kuroo's neck, wanting more in the moment.
he took the hint and palmed your ass. with the consent delivered through the rush, you jumped up and allowed him to catch you flawlessly in his arms. you let out a soft groan formerly to locking lips with your boss moreover as his hands scooped your butt, confirming you were on him safely. kuroo guided both of you to a table, your firm skirt trekking up your thigh so you could feel his shirt through your panties at a close extent.
the desk he brought you to was stationed by one of the big-city windows, giving you a preview of the range of lights in the city from the twentieth story. it was considerably different to be doing the deed here with kuroo, seeing as the vague lights felt distinctive to fuck around with. nevertheless, you admitted to the beauty of it and accepted to it all.
kuroo guided your body to staple against the desk and moved away from your lips, his hand palming your breast callously. no one could see you from outside anyways.
"can i?" he asked. his lust-brimming eyes coveted you, suddenly turning the whole situation without realising. but you were infatuated with the idea of having this man take complete control over your body, you nodded with agreement, hinting the consent.
a grin came over his screened face, softening the moment for a second. but he was back at it, tapping you back into the moment too. kuroo unfastened your shirt as another hand sneaked under your pencil skirt, lust moving in him like a beast.
you gasped, clenching your thighs as your initial reaction. you could feel yourself getting damp from how he stroked your clit delicately. a shallow smile came over your face to reveal your pleasure. you liked it just like that and he was doing it.
"you like that, don't you?"
you hummed in response and escorted his hand to move harder against your moistured clit. however, kuroo retaliated by catching your lips in another sweet kiss on the cold metal table. you were seeing stars in your eyes when he entered his fingers in smoothly, not needing your little instructions. he could do it himself and assured you quickly. 
small moans were emitted from the gasps of your kiss as you could hear the ungodly splashing tune his digits made to your womanhood. your eyes were squeezed tight in the sense that you didn't want to feel anything there but at the same time, desiring it so bad like a firing sense inside you.
"k-kuroo-sama, just like that." you pulled out of the kiss to let out another moan in the twilight of the closed office, where you and kuroo were just seen working your ass off for volleyball promotions. this was like a break from it all.
"my little cumslut. . ." kuroo smirked, pulling his fingers out. you opened your shut eyes, drawing your eyebrows together in the mishap. why would he take out his fingers at such a needed time?
despite that, once you looked at him you were sure as hell you wouldn't have the ability to walk for days. he had plans.
kuroo slid his fingers around one of your bra straps and pulled you up from the desk so your features were close together again, your breathing jumbled hotly. it was like you were nothing opposed to him, he made it feel like that and you were starting to notice that point of view.
"turn around for me." the instructions were blatant, yet clear and straight to the point that you didn't argue for a second. you got off the table and turned around, waiting for the next instruction. but, it was more of a do, a control.
kuroo pushed you down against the table. your ass was high in the air, in the sight of his wanton eyes. seconds passed as you took a look at what was in front of you.
the window.
where the view of tokyo was splayed out, a stunning scene to fuck to and kuroo knew that. he wanted you to see decadence as he brought you to places you've never been to. you blinked repeatedly at the lights of the city that seemed as if it was a light shop on its own. and the faraway sound of cars moving down below, it was all far away but in sight.
kuroo rubbing your ass was what got you back into the scene. he pressed his erection against you as he bent down to your ear, brushing his lips against your ear. your eyes reflected the lights of tokyo, swelled and full of bliss, he could see that.
"i'm going to make you suffer, kitten." he spoke softly.
you gulped.
"just be good for me and i'll love you after." kuroo said.
you had no idea there was this side to your boss but it was broadening in the obvious now. he was a degrading maniac that wanted nothing but for you to suffer in his wicked grasps.
with that, kuroo swiftly dragged down your skirt to reside at your ankles. you were beginning to wobble on your heels as his digits swiped down your dripping cunt. holding onto the other end of the table, you were slipping over the grip of yourself, wanting nothing but kuroo to take complete control over what you did. 
your boss noticed this reaction and squatted down to examine the liquid coming out of you. he pushed his face into your womanhood abruptly, his tongue plunging into the tunnel of warmth. you whinged, closing your eyes as he grasped onto your thighs harshly, humming alongside your pussy with that melodious sound of it. 
while his tongue moved wonders into you, you looked at the lights in front of you, sweat starting to drip down you casually. no words could leave your mouth at the elation he gave you, especially when he would smack your ass for the times you would clench.
"please~" you let out, barely a whisper. your voice was basically with the layers of shock. one of your hands sneaked back and found the bundle called his hair. you pushed him into you deeper, earning his groan. he shook his head, accidentally shaking his nose to push your pleasure higher.
"a-ah." your orgasm took place, soon coming on his face. kuroo let out a breathy sigh as you completely relaxed against the table, out of breath.
"you're such a desperate little bitch." he spoke, pulling your hair back. you whimpered, recognising that you had no rest from this man. he was no escape. his erection was felt prominently edging itself on you, causing your pussy to throb like it had never before.
kuroo pushed you against the table once again, emitting a dry gasp from you as you were driven to the edge by him. you heard him unbuckling his pants, understanding what was coming next. in an attempt to calm down your racing heart, you found yourself quite distracted from it to the point that kuroo slammed him into you surprised you.
you lifted your chest off the table for a second to catch your breath but was there even a point to that? you were left careless of again and clutching for the ounce spare of life. it was obvious that he wanted to leave with a sense of purpose within him and you were that perfect opportunity to feel that.
he pounded into you, holding onto either side of your ass. once again, wanton moans slipped with no relent desired. for the pure reason that you wanted him to know how you felt in this very moment—ecstatic from the confession and that he wanted to be with you.
you just wanted to be a perfect good girl for him now.
you comed against him, blinking at the display of lights, your own stars adding detiled to the already elegant view. the next time you were to see these lights, you were going to take a drive down memory lane because this was an unforgettable experience.
"you did so good." he said, pulling out.
you smiled to yourself as he walked around to your face. you rested your cheeks against the coldness. he blocked the outside view.
"again?" you asked him.
kuroo nodded. "i can't get enough of you. . .you kinda deserve it too, you've been good." blood was drawn to your cheeks as he stole you into a tongue kiss. you were barely able to catch up from the lack of breath you were receiving. kuroo had too much stamina, you weren't very sure you could keep up with him. although, you didn't want to be left behind either.
he reached the other side for your thighs as a sign. you happily accepted it, swiping your legs on top of the table roughly. it led to knocking over some papers but did it even matter at this moment? both of you were so into the moment to remember some papers on the ground.
you wrapped your legs around kuroo as he kissed down your neck to your open chest. by now, your breasts had fallen out of your bra which allowed him easy access for him to hook on his mouth to bring another type of pleasure to the table. 
at the same time, one of his hands took off your underwear easily, the air brushing your wet womanhood. it only caused more throbbing in the area.
your boss pushed his fingers into your already stimulated entrance as he attacked your chest with dramatic black and blue splotches. he was controlling for sure, yet sweet and passionate at the same time it got you feeling giddy on what he could bring next. you rolled your head back, one hand on the desk while one wrapped around his craning neck.
"does it feel good?" he asked.
"y-yeah, thanks."
"your welcome."
it was solely moments before he squatted down. kuroo spread your legs and licked the essence that trailed down from your clit while his fingers finished with your access. you looked straight ahead, moaning as you drew his messy hair.
"just like that, kuroo-sama. . ."
you let out a scream when you comed in his mouth again, letting out a loud hiss at the end. your shoulders suddenly felt heavy as you moved back to lay on the table. the tiredness consumed you as kuroo spread small kisses on your inner thighs, loving you like he promised you.
then, he got up, looking down at your half-lidded eyes with a softening smile. "go out with me, y/n?"
you smiled back. "okay."
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Lead Me Back to Suffering Chapter 10
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Fandom: One Piece Rating: R Pairings: Trafalgar Law/Donquixote Doflamingo (Non-consensual), Trafalgar Law/Monkey D. Luffy (eventual) Words: 4,388 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Monkey. D Luffy, Bepo, Nico Robin, Chopper, Penguin, Shachi, Brook Warnings: Rape/Non-con, suicide attempt Note: This was written for the “Kidnapping” square on my Bad Things Happen Bingo @badthingshappenbingo​ card. Anon prompted Law and Luffy.
The title comes from the Vertical Horizon song “Shackled.”
Summary: In the wake of Kaido’s fall, Law is kidnapped from the shores of Wano.
Previous chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Read also at AO3
Bepo felt it the moment Law gave in to sleep, his captain’s exhausted form going boneless in Bepo’s embrace. He was thankful that Law was sleeping—naturally, this time, and not the sleep of the drugged. He’d finally gotten through to Law, had convinced him that this was real and he was free; between Law’s reactions to Luffy and Bepo’s appearance and Doflamingo’s words earlier, Bepo was deeply worried about what Law had suffered for the last seven months and how it had affected his mind.
But they’d made an important step forward.
Bepo rose from his seat and climbed into the bed behind Law, careful not to jostle the IVs and leads connected to him. As gently as possible, he shifted his captain to rest against him—a familiar routine from before Law’s capture. Bepo just hoped it would provide Law some measure of comfort now. Bepo pulled the blanket up from where it had pooled around Law’s waist back up to his chest and leaned back against the wall, settling in to play pillow for however long Law needed.
“How is he?” a quiet voice asked from the doorway.
Bepo looked up to see Luffy standing there, looking almost nervous. “Straw Hat, you’re back!” Bepo greeted in surprise, careful to keep his voice low. Bepo eyed the other captain but didn’t notice any signs of him having been in a fight, despite the volatile scene Bepo had fled from.
Luffy nodded, stepping into the room. “The old gambler and Smokey took Mingo away. Straight to Impel Down,” he added with a vicious edge, and Bepo’s eyes widened slightly, not used to Luffy using such a tone. Luffy looked down at Law, expression softening. “What did Chopper say about Torao?”
“Physically, it could be worse,” Bepo replied, hating himself for the words, true as they were. But the last time Law had returned to them from facing Doflamingo, he’d lost a limb. There was no indication of anything that serious—on the outside, anyway. “A lot of bruises and superficial wounds.”
Once Bepo had brought Law into the infirmary, Chopper had Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin remove the clothes Law had been wearing for a physical exam. Removing Law’s shirt had revealed numerous bruises of varying ages as well as old and new wounds. There was a scar that looked like it came from a gunshot in his shoulder that Bepo didn’t recognize and various lines that were likely caused by strings. Chopper’s hooves had hovered shakily over what appeared to be bite marks around Law’s neck.
It hadn’t escaped any of them that Law’s face had been left alone.
They’d all gasped, though, when they turned him over and found an ugly line burned into Law’s back, bisecting Law’s tattoo as if to mockingly transform the Heart Pirates’ Jolly Roger into Doflamingo’s.
“Oh, Captain,” Bepo had murmured sadly while Shachi and Penguin had cursed Doflamingo with every creative slur they could think of.
“Torao isn’t yours.”
“His body says otherwise.”
Doflamingo’s words took on a new meaning as Chopper examined Law; the former Warlord had literally marked Law as his.
He’d collared and branded Law.
And they’d left him with that madman for seven months.
The guilt already gnawing at Bepo’s insides had only worsened as the exam continued.
When they’d removed Law’s jeans, they’d found numerous bruises on his hips and thighs that left no doubt as to what Doflamingo had done with his captive. Red lines encircling his ankles mirrored the ones on his wrists, hinting at restraints.
Chopper’s sharp eyes had also noticed needle marks on Law’s body, which made sense since they knew Doflamingo had been experimenting with Law’s blood. The marks were not in visible places, however, so it was entirely possible Law’d had no idea that he was being used as a pincushion.
It was sick.
After applying antiseptic to the healing wounds and salves to the bruises, Chopper guiltily took several vials of Law’s blood to run some tests before confirming he was done. Penguin had gone to Law’s room and returned with a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. They’d redressed Law in his own clothing before Chopper had fit him with an IV for fluids as well as monitoring leads, and they’d ended up deciding it would be best for only one of them to be in the room at a time after Law’s reaction to Luffy and Bepo.
Bepo just happened to be the one there when Law woke up.
Bepo started, Luffy’s voice pulling him from his reverie. “Sorry,” he mumbled. “It seemed like he hasn’t been healing like he usually does. Chopper thought it was likely a result of his constant exposure to Seastone.”
Luffy perked up at the mention of Seastone. “Oh, right! I came with this,” he said, holding up something in his hand. Bepo frowned at the small object. “It’s the key to Torao’s collar.”
Bepo looked down at Law and zeroed in on the thin collar around his neck; that thing had kept Law’s powers at bay likely for his entire captivity. Considering how much of an extension of Law his powers were, Bepo could only imagine how hard not being able to use them had been for Law—much less the constant weakening effects of the metal.
The helplessness he must have felt…
Bepo shook the thoughts away. Law was free now, and they would protect him just as he had protected them so many times. Bepo waved Luffy over with a paw. Luffy hesitated a moment before coming in. Bepo gave him a curious look.
“I… can’t touch the Seastone,” Luffy said, glancing between Law and Bepo.
Right. Obviously. Bepo flushed under his fur before nodding. He touched the collar, sliding a paw across the cool surface, looking for a hint of a latch. He frowned. It felt like one smooth piece of metal. That couldn’t be right.
“I don’t see a lock on here.”
“That’s because it’s on the inside.”
Bepo and Luffy turned to see Robin and Chopper in the doorway, Shachi and Penguin right behind them. The four figures filed into the room.
“On the inside?” Bepo asked, regarding the woman.
She nodded. “I saw restraints like this used on political prisoners while we were in Wano. It’s not explosive like other slave collars so can be much thinner. It still needs a lock and latch, however. The blacksmiths in Wano have mastered the manipulation of Seastone, and they found a way to put a locking mechanism on the inside.”
“So, how does it work?” Chopper asked, having moved to Luffy’s side.
“From what I saw, the key unlocks the lock through some form of magnetism,” Robin replied. “You have to find the spot on the collar where the attraction is strongest, and the lock should open.”
“So, it’s a mystery lock,” Luffy concluded. “What do I do?”
“Move the key slowly across the surface of the collar until you find the key and collar coming together.”
Luffy tilted his head and eyed the key skeptically but shrugged. “If Robin says so.”
Bepo watched curiously as Luffy carefully touched the key to the Seastone collar around Law’s neck, careful to avoid touching the metal himself. It was a testament to how exhausted Law had been that he hadn’t stirred once at all the noise in the infirmary, and he remained asleep as Luffy slowly moved the key around the metal. Bepo gently shifted Law so Luffy could reach around his neck.
As Luffy slid the key across the collar at the back of Law’s neck, a click echoed through the infirmary as the collar fell from Law’s neck, leaving a red indentation in Law’s skin.
Luffy made a victorious sound while Law inhaled sharply. Everyone froze, waiting to see if he would wake up, but he just slumped back into Bepo, breath evening out once more.
Bepo picked the collar up and handed it to Penguin, who took it with a distasteful look. “The captain never needs to see this again,” he said, sticking it in his pocket to dispose of later.
“Oh!” Bepo said, straightening. Law grumbled in his sleep, and Bepo cut himself off. Law didn’t move, though, so Bepo turned to the others, dropping his voice. “Captain woke up earlier.”
“He did?” Chopper said. “What happened?”
“He still didn’t think I was real,” Bepo said sadly. “I don’t know why.”
“Perhaps Doflamingo convinced him during his captivity that rescue was coming, only to take that hope away from him,” Robin, ever the morbid one, suggested. “That would explain his upset at an actual rescue.”
“Mingo could make copies of himself with his strings,” Luffy said. “On Dressroba, I fought one.”
Bepo’s eyes widened, remembering what Law had said in the palace as he’d curled into himself when Luffy had said they were real: “That’s what you say every time. Enough. Please.”
“Do you think he made copies of us?” Bepo asked, the very idea making his stomach turn. It would explain so much, though.
“That sick bastard,” Shachi growled.
“So, what do we do?” Penguin asked, looking around the room.
“For now, we let Law sleep,” Chopper said, checking Law’s vitals. “After that…”
“After that, we party!” Luffy said. At the disbelieving looks he received, Luffy frowned. “What? We got Torao back and Mingo’s been arrested. That’s good, isn’t it?”
Robin hid a laugh behind a hand. “Yes, it is very good, Luffy.”
Luffy’s grin returned. “Right! So, we party!”
There wasn’t much point in arguing with that logic.
As wakefulness returned, Law blinked slowly. He felt warm and content. The soft, fuzzy pillow beneath him let out a soft snore, and Law patted it absently, letting his eyes droop closed again. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt quite so at ease, and he wasn’t inclined to let the feeling go quite yet.
“Mm, Bepo,” he murmured, contemplating a cup of coffee.
He could feel the mink come awake beneath him at the sound of his voice; they’d always been incredibly in tune with one another. “Yes, Captain?”
Law opened his mouth, but the words stuck in his throat as he remembered. He made a choked sound before covering his mouth with his hands.
Bepo came fully awake in an instant. “Captain, what is it?”
With words still trapped in his throat, Law just shook his head and shut his eyes as he felt his breathing pick up. Distantly, he could hear the cardiac monitor beeping loudly as his pulse raced.
This was real. This wasn’t another one of Doflamingo’s tricks. Bepo had remembered the fireworks from his sixteenth birthday. He was real. This was the Polar Tang. He was home. He was free.
“—ptain, look at me.”
Somehow, Bepo’s voice broke through Law’s rising panic, and he managed to peel his eyes open to find Bepo’s worried face looking at him.
“Good!” Bepo said when Law’s eyes focused on him. “Can you breathe with me, Captain?” Bepo took a deep breath in through his nose then slowly let it out through his mouth.
A distant part of his brain recognized what the mink was doing, and Law did his best to mimic his friend’s breathing. It took a few tries before he could match Bepo’s breaths, but once he did, he could feel his heartrate slowing and the panic in his chest starting to recede.
“You with me?” Bepo asked after a few minutes of the two just breathing together.
Law nodded. “Yeah,” he said hoarsely. Bepo immediately reached for a glass and pitcher next to the bed. He nodded his thanks as Bepo poured him a glass then handed it to him.
Law was careful not to slosh the water as he took a hesitant sip then another. Bepo didn’t comment on what had happened, just sitting with Law as he sipped his water, recognizing Law’s need to collect himself.
“Is everything okay”
“We heard the monitors going off.”
Law and Bepo both looked up to see Penguin and Shachi come sliding to a halt in the doorway as if they’d come running.
“Captain!” Penguin said, wide eyes landing on Law.
“You’re awake!” Shachi added.
“I am,” Law agreed. He could practically feel them vibrating from the doorway, and that warmed something in Law’s chest. They care. They really care.
After a beat of the three just looking at one another, Law huffed a laugh and opened his arms. That was all the permission the other two needed, as they came rushing into the room and each grabbed onto Law, pulling him into a tight hug. His breath caught as he grabbed onto each with an arm, gripping them tightly. He’d missed these idiots so much.
“It’s so good to see you, Captain.”
“We never gave up looking for you.”
“I know.” Well, he knew now that they’d been looking for him all along. He’d take his fear that they’d abandoned him with him to the grave. Bepo’s words made it clear they felt bad for taking so long to find him; they didn’t need Law’s insecurity on their consciences too. “Thank you.”
A moment later, fuzzy arms encircled all of them as Bepo joined the group hug. Normally, Law would hate being trapped like this, but at the moment, he just felt safe.
After a long moment (not long enough), Bepo released them and Shachi and Penguin pulled back, though they hovered around the bed.  Something had been bothering Law, however.
“What happened to Doflamingo?” he asked. He was safe and back on his ship, but how? Where was his captor?
“Ah,” Bepo said. “Arrested.”
Law’s stomach sank. “No.” Arresting him hadn’t worked before; his connections to the Gorosei had gotten him out once. No doubt they would do so again.
“It’s not enough. He’ll get out. He’ll come back.” Hell, he might have been freed by now. Law could feel himself starting to shake. He couldn’t go back to being that man’s prisoner; he was certain it would break him irreparably.
“No, he won’t,” Penguin said. “It was Smoker and Fujitora who arrested him. They’re not bad for Marines. They won’t let him just get out again.”
“Fujitora arrested him in Dressrosa, too,” Law said, wrapping his arms around himself in a vain effort to stop the trembling. “The Gorosei had him released.”
“Why?” Shachi asked, taken aback at that.
“Me.” The cardiac monitor was beeping too fast again. “He told them who I was. It’s inconvenient for them to have a survivor of Flevance and another D. running around. Doflamingo offered to take care of their problem in exchange for being allowed to return to his underworld empire. He was going to rebuild it using Amber Lead.”
Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin exchanged glances before looking back at Law.
“We won’t let him get to you again, Captain,” Bepo said.
Law shook his head. “You can’t promise that. He ambushed me on my own ship! As long as he’s alive, I’ll be looking over my shoulder.”
“We won’t let that happen,” Penguin said. “Us and the Straw Hats.”
“Yeah,” Shachi agreed. “They have Nico Robin on their crew, and she’s wanted everywhere but they protect her. We won’t let you down. Not again.”
Startled, Law looked up to see guilty looks on his friends’ faces. “Again?”
“It was our fault you were captured by Hawkins,” Bepo said quietly.
“And then we let our guards down again and Doflamingo came,” Penguin added.
“You had to get away from Hawkins on your own,” Shachi continued. “And it took us seven months to find you this time.”
“You’re always protecting us, Captain,” Bepo said. “But we keep letting you down.”
“We won’t let it happen again,” Penguin said.
Law’s surprise at their reaction momentarily stopped his trembling. “None of those things are your fault. I don’t blame any of you.” Law blamed himself more than anyone. A captain was supposed to protect his crew, and Law, in his own professional opinion, had been doing a pretty shit job of it.
“Of course you don’t,” Shachi said.
Law narrowed his eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“You never blame anyone but yourself, Mr. Self-Loathing.”
Law blinked in surprise before letting out a startled bark of laughter. “Are we really having this conversation right now?”
The other three looked at each other before laughing themselves. Law had only just returned, and they had fallen into old patterns like no time had passed. He was truly home.
“We mean it, though, Law,” Penguin said, using Law’s name to show that he was serious. “We have your back.”
“Always,” Bepo agreed.
Law looked between his friends for a moment, an emotion he couldn’t quite name seizing up his throat. He just nodded rather than reply.
And that seemed to settle that.
“Say, Captain, are you hungry?” Shachi asked, forcing some cheerfulness into his voice as he changed the subject.
“Yeah,” Penguin said, perking up. “We made your favorites for lunch, though we weren’t sure when you’d wake up.”
“Lunch?” Law asked in surprise. How long had he been asleep?
“Ah, yes. You slept for almost an entire day, Captain,” Bepo said. When Law glanced back at him, he scratched the back of his neck. “I didn’t want to wake you up. Sorry.”
“A lot of people have been checking in on you,” Shachi added. “But Bepo kicked them out so you could sleep.”
“Chopper’s been in a lot,” Penguin said. “So has Luffy.”
Law blinked, something inside him twisting. “Straw Hat-ya has?”
“Mhm,” Shachi said, lips quirking up. “Chopper kicked him out after he unlocked your Seastone collar, but he’s kept coming back.”
Law’s hand immediately went to his neck, and his eyes widened as his hands touched nothing but skin. His other hand also went to his neck, circling it.
The collar was gone.
“It’s gone,” he whispered in wonder. Seven months of being cut off from his fruit, of constant weakness and fatigue, of weakness and vulnerability…
“Yeah, Captain. It’s gone,” Bepo said, squeezing his arm. “You’re free.”
Law lifted a hand and turned his palm up. He swallowed and summoned a Room. A fist-sized ball of blue formed in his hand, and Law laughed in delight. It was the first time in seven months he’d used his powers. It was like something settling into place inside him after being knocked ajar for so long.
Taking a breath, he tried to expand the Room; however, as the ball slowly grew, sweat broke out on his forehead, and he could feel himself wearing down. When the Room reached the size of a melon, it sputtered and blinked out. Law gasped and slumped forward. Seven months without using his abilities had completely diminished his stamina. He would have to retrain that.
“Hey, you good?” Penguin asked.
“Yeah,” Law said, forcing himself to breathe in and out. “I’m good.”
Then his stomach let out a grumble. His face warmed, but the other three just laughed. It was familiar and warm.
“Are you up to heading to the mess?” Shachi asked.
Law nodded, and the three helped him out of the bed. Law tried to shake them off—he wasn’t injured, thank you very much—but his first attempt at using his fruit in so long had taken a surprising amount out of him, so he was eventually forced to accept their support as they exited the infirmary and headed down the familiar hallways toward the mess.
When they walked in the door, Law was amazed to see nearly his entire crew gathered there as well as a few Straw Hats. They lingered in the doorway a moment, which was long enough for the gathered pirates to notice his presence.
“Welcome back, Captain!”
“It’s good to see you, Captain!”
“We missed you, Captain!”
Law swallowed. These were his nakama. How could he have ever thought these amazing people would abandon him?
Then Bepo was leading him to an empty seat, the Hearts shifting to make room for them. The afternoon was a blur as Shachi and Penguin brought a plate of rice balls and a tankard of ale. Law was hungry for once and ate the entire plate, much to his crew’s approval, taking bites between reunion hugs and handshakes from his crew.
The remaining Straw Hats arrived not long after Law made it to the mess—someone had likely run to grab them—and Law endured some over-the-top displays of emotion from the likes of Franky and Usopp while Nami and Jimbei were quieter but no less happy to see him. Chopper kept checking in with him, though Law assured the little reindeer that he was fine. Physically, anyway. Doflamingo hadn’t caused any damage that would get in the way of using Law as a plaything, after all.
He kept that part to himself.
Brook took to playing his violin, creating a festive atmosphere that was soon accompanied by food as Sanji had found his way into the kitchen alongside Clione. There were occasional bursts of song, some renditions of “Binks’ Sake” more in-tune than others.
With good food and good company, Law found himself relaxing in a way he hadn’t let himself since… Zou, maybe? He was content to let the celebration move around him; Law had never been the type to be at the center of the fray, but it did him good to see his people—his family—in such high spirits.
He was humming along as Ikkaku sang a folk song from the North Blue to an enraptured audience when a familiar figure slid into the seat next to him. It surprised Law that he’d managed to wait as long as he had before seeking Law out.
Law glanced over at Luffy’s smiling face and flinched before he could stop himself. Luffy’s expression fell.
Law knew—he really knew now—that Luffy was real. That the Luffy who’d come to the palace was real. That Luffy hadn’t simply considered their alliance over with Kaido’s defeat.
Law knew this. He really did.
And yet, that first flash of Luffy’s face still reminded him of the string clone who’d died in his arms. Who’d told Law that—
“I’m sorry, Straw Hat-ya,” Law said, cutting that thought off.
“It’s okay,” Luffy replied. “It’s not Torao’s fault.” He grinned then, though it was smaller than many of his smiles. “I’m just happy you’re here.”
Law’s lips twitched at that. “Me too.” He took a sip of ale. “Thank you, by the way.”
“Hm? For what?”
“For finding me,” Law said. “You didn’t have to do that. Our alliance came to its natural end with Kaido’s defeat. But you still…” Law trailed off at Luffy’s growing disbelief.
“Of course I looked for you, Torao! You’re nakama!” the other captain said. “I don’t care about a ‘natural end’ or whatever. We’re allies no matter what!”
“But you took seven months looking for me instead of chasing your dream,” Law felt obligated to point out.
Luffy looked at him like he was an idiot and he’d need to explain things slowly and in small words. “Can’t be Pirate King without the people I love,” he said.
Law’s chest tightened in a way that distantly reminded him of Vergo squeezing his heart on Punk Hazard at those words. The Polar Tang melted away from around him, and he was back in the palace on that night.
“You can’t do this, Luffy-ya,” Law said, a lump forming in his throat. “You haven’t become Pirate King yet.” He inhaled sharply, pushing down a sob he could feel building in his chest. “You never should have come for me.”
“Can’t be Pirate King without the people I love,” Luffy said, eyes closing.
“Hey, stay with me!”
Luffy blinked slowly and looked back up at him. “Don’t think I have long,” he said, words starting to slur. “It’s getting dark in here.” He coughed more blood. “Hey, Torao?”
“Yes?” Law asked, tears freely falling down his cheeks.
“What was your special person’s name again?”
“Cora-san,” Law practically whined. How could this be happening? Luffy was supposed to be a miracle maker. This didn’t happen to him.
But maybe Law’s luck was bad enough to counteract even Luffy’s magic touch.
Luffy gave him a wan grin. “I can’t wait to meet him.”
Law shook his head helplessly. “No.”
“Tell my nakama I’m sorry we couldn’t finish our adventure, okay?” he said, voice losing power with each word. “They’ll get you out.”
“Luffy-ya, why? I’m not worth it.” Law was shaking.
“Of course you are, Torao,” Luffy said, reaching for him. Law grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers. Luffy gave Law’s hand a weak squeeze. “Because you’re my special person.”
“I love you, Torao,” Luffy murmured with a rattling breath.
Law opened his mouth to reply, but Luffy’s hand went limp in his. When he looked down, Luffy’s eyes—the ones that had always been so full of life and love—were staring unseeingly toward the ceiling. Law hunched forward, wrapping his arms around Luffy’s body and let out a visceral sob.
Gasping as memories played in front of his mind’s eye, Law stumbled out of his chair. He could barely hear the concerned calls for him as he staggered to the nearest door. He lurched out of the mess and down the hallways. The world was graying at the edges as he struggled to catch his breath, Doflamingo’s words echoing through his mind with every drunken step.
“Now that was quite the performance, little bird.”
“I told you, no one cares that you’re gone except for me. You really think Straw Hat is out looking for you? That he loves you?”
“You love him.”
“You try so hard to be cold and analytical. But your weakness has always been your heart.”
“My Corazons, always made weak by their hearts.”
Somehow, in his panicked haze, he’d found his way to the captain’s quarters. He opened the door and stumbled inside, not bothering to turn the light on. His legs gave out beneath him just before he reached the bed, but instead of trying to pull himself up, he just curled in on himself and tried to breathe, silent tears falling down his cheeks.
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479-480: “The Scaffold at Last! the Way to Ace Has Opened!” and “Each On Different Paths! Luffy Vs. Garp!”
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Right there with you, Luffy! Never thought I’d be so glad to see a scaffold. xD
Another two solid episodes, with a daring rescue courtesy of Mr 3 at the end! @supramp9000 asked me for a prediction to what he was doing, sneaking away and I GOT IT!
Sort of. I mentioned Mr 3 moulding wax inside a lock to create a key copy. I thought he was going to open a gate somewhere and let all the escaping pirates out (because who would guess Hancock’s key would snap?). Never thought he’d mould a skeleton key while falling. Oda and those damned curve balls. Always ruining my predictions.
Also, I want to watch more episodes a week (I haven’t done the math but if I don’t pick up the pace, Luffy will find the One Piece before I’m caught up). The last entry took me three hours to put together and, to be honest, it was way too long. Folk would have sprained fingers scrolling down on the app, so I’m going to try and shorten the entries a bit. I was too obsessed with trying to catch every little detail (so I could say, “Ha, I predicted it!”) but if I miss something, I miss something. That’s why you guys are here. :)
Conqueror’s Haki Fallout and Perceptions
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Now I know Luffy didn’t execute a Shanks-scale mass fainting, the hype from 478 is not as strong. In a way, that’s better because it means Luffy has room to improve (which makes his development more interesting to watch, story-wise).
The reactions to it were interesting too.
Akainu and Ivankov both noticed Luffy’s use of it was unconscious. The law of shounen dictates he must train to now use it consciously. I’m in the middle of Boku no Hero Academia right now and it’s interesting that Luffy’s situation is the opposite to Midoriya’s. Luffy has all the natural talent and has to work to consciously use it, while Midoriya is very conscious of figuring out how to handle the unnatural power he’s been given and has to work to use it unconsciously. I’m guessing shounen heros fall into one of these two categories. But where would you place Gon from HxH? Is he both? (I’m a sucker for shounen anime. It’s an addiction. halp!)
Kizaru was surprised Luffy had so much power. As soon as he realised this, he ordered his soldiers to take out Strawhat nao, damn it! Does this show an increased level of respect? Will Kizaru stop shit-talking Luffy?
True to form, Aokiji didn’t say much at all (what is this man’s game?) Whitebeard didn’t say much either but you could tell he was surprised - and maybe pleased?
Whitebeard’s Legacy
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It’s hard watching Whitebeard, who is the loveliest pirate ever to sail, suffering so much, though he would hate me for saying so because his Sea Dad Pride is strong.
Luffy’s haki seems to be a turning point. Once he saw that, he ordered his men to back up Luffy “with all your strength!” and said to himself, ”You have the middle initial D. Show me how the world will be in years to come.” Oda reinforced this by having Ivankov notice and say to Luffy, “The strongest pirate in the world his putting his hopes in you.”
After the haki, Whitebeard has faith in Luffy. I’d hesitate to say he’s passing the torch because if Ace does get out of this, Whitebeard cannot have placed his hopes in two people. He’d back Ace for Pirate King out of loyalty to his son. Luffy ain’t a son. But still... maybe this is a sign of Whitebeard’s respect for a new, Shanks-style rival who will take the Old Ways into the New Era.
Love how Jimbei disobeyed and defended Whitebeard. That fishman’s loyalty is unbreakable. Yes, he is there to defend Luffy, but his ultimate loyalty is to Ace and Whitebeard.
Help From Everyone
Now I’m neck deep in Boku no Hero Academia, I can make more parallels. Luffy does resemble Midoriya in a way. He accepts and is grateful for help if it gets him where he needs to go. I think Luffy, though, being on the grey side, would accept it from (almost) anyone. Maybe Midoriya is more honourable. Can’t make that judgement yet, as I’m only 29 episodes in.
The help list for 479 includes:
Crocodile and Daz Bones: cannot believe Daz Bones deflected Mihawk’s swipes. Even though he had to be bailed out by Crocodile, that was impressive. He’s stronger than I thought.
Boa Hancock: I love how cleverly she’s balancing helping out Luffy and retaining her status as a Shichibukai. More than any of the others, she has an entire nation relying on her, whom she has to protect. If she discards her status, a Buster Call might descend on her island. She’s found a way to protect Luffy and her people. Nice. Also, random observation: I know she can’t do this in battle because it would reveal her motives, but can Hancock turn the Kumas to stone?
Inazuma and Ivankov: Ivankov’s hair is like Mary Poppins’ bag except instead of hatstands, he pulls out revolutionaries. That moment when Inazuma cut a ribbon of concrete and made a path for Luffy was awesome. With Ivankov guarding the path below, Luffy had a clear run.
Grandpa Garp
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Except Grandpa Garp stood in the way. Cannot lie, this was a tense moment. I wondered whether Garp would go full Lawful Good and actually fight his adorable, rubbery grandson. If he had, he would have lost character points from me. I mean, if he had, I would have understood why, but still... he’s Garp. Don’t think I’m hypocritical, though. If Luffy had killed Garp, he would have lost points too.
At it was, Garp did put on the show. He did try to steel his resolve. “I’ve been fighting pirates since before you were born! If you wanna pass through here, you’re gonna have to kill me first - because of the path you have chosen to live!”
That was the cliffhanger point, so I was left in suspense for a while. Must have killed manga readers who were caught up at that point. I can only imagine the mess of speculation on the forums.
Then, in 480, came the flashbacks. It was basically Garp’s Monkey Training Camp and Garp’s Gorilla Training Camp, wherein Garp worried if Luffy hated him because he was an intimidating Grandpa. Nah, Garp. Luffy has never hated you. You could see the fear in his eyes at the thought of having to kill or hurt you to reach Ace. Plus, you swiped food from the Marines to give him a post-training feast and carried him on your back when he was too sleepy to walk. Luffy knows you love him.
And he’ll definitely know now that you looked him in the eye and could not go through with your threat, choosing to take that punch rather than harm a hair on Luffy’s head. Sengoku noticed too. I hope he doesn’t blame Garp for it. (But in a way, I kind of hope he does. I’m holding out for a Monkey D. Family Revolutionary Reunion!)
And then... finally...
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Luffy reached the scaffold and Sengoku lifted a finger! There was a point when Luffy grabbed onto the platform where I thought, Sengoku, if you kick him off I will flip a fucking table... But no! He actually revealed his power. Or a bit of it, anyway. I have no clue how it works. He stole rivets from the scaffold to aid his transformation into a bonafide massive gold Buddha. Enel would have been very interested in Sengoku, haha.
Funnily enough, Kizaru was the one who really hampered Luffy’s rescue effort. He sniped the key from a distance (that guy is hyper competent) and Luffy was left floundering for a moment.
Then Mr 3 stepped up. That was a masterpiece twist. I was not expecting him to appear, so I legit cheered. I liked how Oda gave him a motivation to help Luffy. Mr 3 is doing it for Bon-chan, whose friendship with Luffy never wavered and who never ran in the face of adversity. Now I come to think of it, Mr 3 and Bon-chan must have been pretty good friends, as Luffy and Mr 3 were the ones who were really left mourning on the ship post-Impel Down. Good for you, Galdino. Be inspired by Bon-chan. He’d love it if he knew.
There was a large KABOOM at the very moment of rescue. Then a moment of tension, obscured by fire and a smoke.
That moment when Ace, Luffy and Mr 3 emerged from a pillar of fire was worth the watch. Will Ace cut loose and fight his way out? How will the Whitebeards escape? I don’t think for one minute that Sengoku will let them walk away.
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randomwoohoo · 6 years
Hello there, folks! Happy pride month! Let our colors shine!! Hope ya enjoy this chapter~
Nick: Previously on Zoomorphia
Judy: Ever since Savages appeared for the first time in Zootopia, many mammals have suffered various kinds of hardships. Although the city is already troubled by the monsters, there still are plenty of robberies, kidnappings, illicit trades, et cetera. While some officers were assigned to join Savage Control Unit, each of us, who still remain in police force, must undertake more tasks.
Nick: Good grief, not like I’m lack of sympathy or anything but shouldn’t mammals help out each other in a difficult situation, not wreck havoc, even if they fell victim to Savages’ attack?
Judy: Incidentally, we encountered a weird Savage. Despite not being highly mutated, it sure wasn’t an easy target, not to mention… bomb suicide.
Nick: It’s just because this one is small and slightly swift, so we had trouble dealing with it. If I had got little more serious, we would have defeated it, and yet it blew up first… literally.
Judy: Hey Nick
Nick: What, Carrots?
Judy: How did I end up in your hug at the beginning of the previous chapter anyway?
Nick: Oh look! We must get to this chapter now!
Judy: C’mon Nick! Tell me!
Nick: Now the chapter 8!!
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A few days later, Judy, dressed in her uniform, was reading papers in the police office cubicle, which was what she was supposed to do, but actually, she was busy thinking another thing.
Mammals reported to SCU that Savages with fighting with Hybrid while Nick and I were somewhere else… Impossible! How did it happen? Giving false evidence? But SCU team won’t flocked to the scene, unless they confirm the statement. Therefore, falsehood is out of the question.
Was it misunderstanding? Then again, who would mistake an armored mammal ,capable of defeating Savages alone, for somebody else?
“Overthinking about that whole the other day stuff?” Judy’s fox partner with rolled-up uniform sleeves and loosened tie was sitting on an office chair next to her.
“Sorry, I know I should focus on the case, still it keeps bugging me.” She apologized, ears drooping.
For the past few days, most of the works were checking cctv footage and finding the clips that had missing parts. Fortunately, they did not require much thought.
On the other hand, when it comes to searching for the relation among these clips, it is a task which undeniably demands analyzing.
Rabbit officer had trouble reading the papers that she together with the fox collected information for since she constantly got distracted to think about Hybrid matter and also... the one odd Savage.
“About that monster we fought with… Its movements, its actions, they all were clearly abnormal.” She stroked her chin, frowning.
“Tell me about it. Although dumb dumb Savages aren’t brainless creatures, that one acted beyond primal instincts.” He put his paws behind his head, leaning against a backrest.
“Who can we ask about this?” She fell face down on table, arms pushing papers aside lightly. “Mr. Know-everybody, are you familiar with someone that knows about Savages?” She was dispirited.
“Umm… Let’s see, someone that probably knows Savages pretty well huh?” Nick’s index finger digital pad tapped the tip of his mouth before he snapped his fingers. “Oh! How about Professor!?”
Judy instantly lifted her head and quickly turned her face to Nick, “He’s already woken from coma!?” getting all worked up.
“Not sure. I have no clue~” He replied, shrugging.
“Then why did you mention him!?” She was still worked up but in upset way this time.
“Well, you asked me “am I familiar with some Savage experts?”.” Nick did an air quotes gesture, giving an obnoxious smug.
Judy rolled her eyes in response, sighing deeply. She went back to face lying down on the table.
“Are you ok? You look tired.” In spite of his usual frivolous tone, Nick’s facial expression grew solemn.
“Mentally tired. Thanks to you...” Judy was not even bothered looking at him.
A knock at the cubicle wall startled the doe. Consequently, she leapt to her partner’s lap. Momentum from a leap made tod’s chair rotate towards a mammal who just knocked on panel.
“Uhh, Hopps... Wilde...” That mammal was none other than their superior, Chief Bogo. He was bewildered by his officers’ action.
“Ch-Ch-Cha-Chift!” Judy hastily got off Nick’s lap to stand upright.
“Come to my office now.” Ignoring what had just happened, Bogo led the duo to his office.
Along the way, the red fox talked with the European rabbit quietly enough that the Cape buffalo was less likely to hear them.
“Carrots, what was that?”
“I really dunno. It seems… I’m used to feeling that if something happens, I must protect your body first.”
“Good grief… I had no idea since when I became the damsel-in-distress.”
It may turn out that the bunny developed a habit of protecting fox’s body owing to experiences of looking after his senseless body while being Hybrid.
The buffalo came to a halt even though they had not reached his office yet. The duo stopped as well, then poked their heads from behind the buffalo to see what brought their chief to a standstill.
“What’s your secret to looking so young, sir?”
“Oh please, Clawhauser~ You’re flattering me~ It probably has to do with my small size.”
“I still can’t believe Director Mickey is in mid-50’s. I initially misthought you’re younger than Chief Bogo.”
“Is that so, Fangmeyer? Ha ha. Oh hi pal~”
While Mickey Mouse (Director of DIB), Benjamin Clawhauser (a receptionist and a radio dispatcher of ZPD) and Jasmine Fangmeyer (SCU agent) were chit chatting at a reception desk, the director turned to say hi to the duo. Moreover, he stood on the desk, so he could talk to larger mammals easier.
“Mouse..., why you aren’t waiting in the office??” Bogo sounded somewhat surprised to see Mickey outside his office.
“Waiting alone is rather boring. That’s why I came out here~ Thank you two for keeping me company.”
“My pleasure, sir! Still, you seriously look so young! It’s unbelievable that you actually are older than chief.”
Clawhauser’s comment impelled Bogo to touch his own face in order to check wrinkles.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Director Mickael Mouse.” Judy raised her right paw to salute, so did Nick.
“Come on~ It’s just Mickey~” Mickey chuckled mildly.
The duo, as well as their chief, approached the desk.
“How can we help you?” Nick conjectured why Bogo called him and Judy to his office. In addition, he reckoned that Director Mouse was possibly wanting something from them.
“Let’s cut to the chase then~ I’d like to ask you a favor to participate in a school assembly.”
“What kind of assemblies, sir?” Judy quizzed.
“Well, you see~ We at DIB, ZPD and SCU must have a responsibility to educate children about dangers in society.”
“But why specify us?” Nick also inquired.
“You two are packed with fame, perfectly fit for representing police public image~” Mickey gave a thumbs up. “Besides, you look tired, Hopps. Taking a break from the cases and doing this work instead doesn’t sound bad, don’t ya think?” He gave the other thumbs up.
Judy felt like Mickey said the last part about looking tired just to convince her to join in the assembly.
“We’d love to participate but-”
Once she uttered the word ‘but’, Bogo interrupted.
“The world has always been broken; therefore, we need good cops, like you, to guide future generation.” He patted Judy on the shoulder, gazing upon the duo.
Why does it sound extremely familiar? She doubted.
He’s simply trying to not upset Director Mouse, isn’t he? Nick wondered.
Seeing that the bunny balked at helping out, “It’ll be fun to work together, don’t cha think?” Jasmine stepped in to convince them as well.
“I’ll go along too.” Clawhauser said.
“Yeah. You’re great with kits, Ben.” Tigress complimented the cheetah.
As for the doe, she sensed pressure from everyone on her and Nick.
“It’s not like I don’t wanna go. It just so happens Nick and I haven’t completed analysing cctv footage related to missing mammal-”
At that moment, a pair of cops, wearing police overcoats, entered through the doorway.
The bengal tiger officer with winter turban on his head was shivering while “Tundratown is bloody cold.” complaining in Indian English accent, which actually is his natural accent and fits his tongue the most. He still had not recovered from a chill to the bone.
“Aren’t you used to patrolling that district yet? It’s been many months.” A bear, walking beside the tiger, said.
“I stand by my point, Mr. Polar bear.” He switched to an American accent.
“For the last time, despite my white fur, I’m a grizzly bear just like my parents.” The polar bear argued sincerely.
The tiger averted his eyes, not bothered to correct his partner’s belief, then noted mammals gathering around the reception desk. He subsequently met tigress’ eyes coincidentally.
“Jackson!” Jasmine the bengal tigress loped to greet Jackson Rajah the bengal tiger with a friendly hug. “Why didn’t ya tell me you come here today!?”
“Ahh Umm aarr...” The zoned out tiger’s heart beat fast. Freezing in place, he barely prepared himself for a very warm welcome from a certain mammal he did not expect running into.
“I’m gonna go ahead. Later, amigo~” The snickering bear walked away.
“Wait! Where are you going!?” Regaining his senses, the tiger shouted.
“Hi Grizzoli!”
“Hi Fangmeyer~” The white bear greeted the tigress (his former teammate) back as he ignored his current feline partner, leaving him behind.
“So… What’s up with you guys gathering here?” The more awkward Rajah felt, the stiffer he became.
“Here the thing.” Jasmine led him to others, paw in paw. “We’re inviting Jude and Wilde to a school assembly. However, she said they’ve not finished analysis yet.” She summarized the situation.
“If it’s about the missing mammal cases...” Once he perceived that he was still holding Jasmine’s paw, he pulled his paw out promptly, “L-let me help you...” hurriedly budging away from her.
“But Jackson, you just patrolled all night.” Clawhauser mentioned. As a secretary, he pretty much memorized most of other officers’ shifts.
“Eh? You must be worn out. Shouldn’t you head home for now?”
“Getting some rest in a nap room and I’ll be ready to get back at work.” Rajah answered Jasmine, smiling to relieve her concern.
“Thanks bud! You are our hero!” She gave the tiger another hug which made him tense up again and slightly blush.
On the plus side, we apparently don’t have to worry about the cases. Judy considered optimistically. “Okay, I’ll join.” She agreed to help out.
“Count me in~” Nick planned to tag along after her, no matter what decision she chose. If she decided to take part in the assembly, he would participate too.
“It’s settled then. Sorry to bother you.” Bogo sighed with relief, casting his gaze on two small officers.
On the cheetah side, he glanced at the chief, ears bending limply, mouth turning down with a slight pull to the corners. His expression was subtle enough that no one noticed.
“Thanks for your sacrifice, you...” The mouse director intended to say the bengal tiger’s name. Unfortunately, he did not know the officer’s name.
“Rajah, Jackson Rajah.” Tiger introduced himself.
“You have such high spirits, Rajah~” Mickey beamed at Rajah. Jackson Rajah… His name sorta rings a bell…
.-- .... .- - / .-- . / . -..- .--. .-. . ... …
At one local elementary school in Downtown, two SCU agents (Fangmeyer the bengal tigress and Keaton the Andalusian horse), Three ZPD officers (Clawhauser the cheetah, Hopps the European rabbit and Wilde the red fox) and a teal-colored platypus DIB agent called an assembly in a gymnasium, standing respectively in front of children sitting on the stands. Between the large spotted cat and the bunny was a Savage slide show projected on a protector screen
Nick was dressed appropriately under the circumstances, neat and tidy, unrolled sleeves and tightened necktie.
They were in middle of educating students about the monsters, Savages.
“Alright. Now, everybody understands what Savages are and how dangerous they can be. But you see, some of them may look similar to us, mammals. Who could give me an answer about the difference between Savages and mammals?” After adults provided a basic explanation of the monsters, Jasmine asked the children.
She picked the kids who raised their paws to answer one at a time.
“Those monsters are all purple!”
“Our eyes only glow in the dark, while theirs also glow in daylight.”
“Their saliva drip everywhere.”
“Yours too”
A child teased another child, resulting in titters from the rest. Hence, a teacher got them to pipe down.
“They all act savage!”
“No, duh. Captain Obvious.” One student replied, causing the young mammals on stands to burst out laughing.
ZPD officers, including the former one, giggled at how children behaved, which reminded them of their childhood.
“Well done!” Feline SCU agent complimented young mammals.
After that, Clawhauser, the other feline, added. “On top of that, we all can walk on two feet and talk but Savages, of course, cannot.” He displayed a friendly manner.
“At any rate, supposing you kits, cubs, pups spot injured Savages, you should stay away from them because they have a high pain tolerance-” Jasmine paused a bit to check whether the elementary school students understood the vocabulary or not. “-and can heal rapidly. It’s not safe to get close to them even though they’re severely injured.” She warned.
Shortly afterward, Judy stated further details. “It might be hard to distinguish those monsters being wounded in the first place, since they don’t bleed, more likely that they are unable to..., unlike when we get hurt. For instance, if we trip and fall, we will bleed and it will take some time for wounds to be completely healed after cleaning them and putting on bandage.”
Maximus the SCU team leader attempted to educate kids as well. “The other major difference is that when we die, our hearts stop, no more breathing, we’ll fall into an eternal slumber, not be able to move any longer…, except if tendons or muscles jerk, which results in corpses twitching.”
Slowly turning their heads, other adults glared at the stallion. Jasmine had already predicted this, knowing her boss did not have bad intentions but sometimes, he could come across as a not quite kid-friendly guy.
“I’m not sure whether he was serious or he just horsed around~” Nick gossiped about Maximus in jest with platypus agent who only made the growling noise in response.
Still not talk huh? Nick thought.
“However, when Savages die, they will come to rest and then vaporize into nothing.”
Subsequent to Maximus done speaking, there was a calf lifting a hoof to ask a question. “Where do we go after death?”
The question stunned the adults so much that they were at a loss for words, afraid of accidentally making a wrong move that leads to speaking of things which potentially go against some beliefs.
Suddenly, the fox cop decided to take action. “Kits, it’s kinda like taking indefinite leave for a sleep.”
“Lying in bed all day must be nice.”
“But only sleeping sounds boring.”
Children chatted with each other.
“Trust me kiddos, once you reach a certain age, you would desire to sleep all the time.”
Hearing Nick’s relatable assertion, teachers had a hard time keeping a straight face.
“Okay, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.” Jasmine stated. “Yes?” She pointed to a cub.
“Have you ever met that one superhero in person?” The cub quizzed.
“Well, everyone is a hero in their own ways.” Maximus responded, flattered as he imagined that kids may look up to him who constantly protects the city.
“No no! I mean a real superhero like Hybrid on TV!”
The agents together with the officers were mildly shocked when the name of the armored cross-breed mammal was mentioned.
“Can he fly?”
“How do you know it’s he?”
“I think this hero is a girl.”
Most of the youngsters began to speak (partly arguing) loudly. Meanwhile, Judy was trying her best to prevent herself from smiling, almost not paying attention to stuffs around her anymore. She had never seen Hybrid as ‘a hero’, even after she heard Clawhauser called her and Nick’s combined alter ego ‘that’. However, she felt rather praised when these children regarded this alter ego as not merely a hero but a superhero.
The fox officer caught a glimpse of his partner’s reserved smile, thus “Aw, you look so hoppy, Hopps~” joshing her softly, which made the bunny redden.
After the fuss had settled down, “Let’s go over the important matter again. Whenever you find Savage, what should you do?” the tigress tested the students.
“Stay safe and contact SCU immediately.” They answered simultaneously.
“Excellent!” She praised them, clapping her paws a few times.
All of a sudden, there was a door slammed open. A large brown mole janitor, wearing round glasses, rushed in the gymnasium. “Holy crud! Big problem!! Savages are outside!”
-.. ..- - -.-- / - --- / . -.. ..- -.-. .- - .
Following a quick nap, Rajah kept his word. He was reading the papers which Nick and Judy wrote while sipping coffee at his cube. The overcoat was hung on a back of office chair. As for his turban, he laid it on a desk.
The tiger compared the papers related to the missing mammal cases with CCTV footage in ZPD’s database. He also looked at the cases that he took responsibility for investigation.
“It can’t be...” Mumbling, he grew more sullen, disturbed by the supposition formed in his mind. “I hope I’m wrong...”
.-- .. ... .... / - --- / -... . / .-- .-. --- -. --.
During a commotion, Nick and Judy seized an opportunity, telling others that they would go out to check on civilians outdoors. But, in fact, they pinpointed the target, three of mid-sized macropodine Savages wandering the school’s courtyard, sticking together.
The duo made a detour to hide behind walls, an out of sight spot. They were about to transform.
“Ready partner?” Judy brought out her MidniDriver, then put it on. Its belt wrapped around her waist automatically.
“Born ready~” Nick, wearing his morpher, flopped down sideways towards the rabbit. As a result, she reached paws forward to catch him before he could fall down on the ground.
“What’s wrong, Nick!? Are you ok??” Having her heart in her mouth, she carried his upper body carefully.
“I’ll eventually fall on the ground anyway. Skipping some steps wouldn’t hurt~” He pulled his syringe. “DRAW BLOOD”
She rolled her eyes in annoyance, then pressed her device’s syringe “INJECT”, supporting Nick’s falling unconscious body with one arm.
Next, she laid him down and moved her right paw to twist the handle back “IGNITE”.
Driver emitted purple steam, followed by mist explosion covering the bunny entirely. Accordingly, she transformed into the flamingo red full-armored rabbit with fox features (especially the tail), Hybrid Hustler form.
In order not to waste any time, they pushed the syringe “ACTIVATE” to activate instantaneous movement, which allows Hybrid to travel from one point to another instantly.
The duo chose to use this ability instead of running into battle so that nobody saw Hybrid come out from where they were hiding Nick’s body and would start to suspect them.
Hybrid appeared out of thin air above the courtyard. Feet landed on the field. They made a majestic entrance, or that was what they went for, but it turned out that during the landing, Hybrid slipped and fell over.
It did not hurt, but both got shocked what happened nonetheless. The fox and the bunny, sharing the same body, had a feeling of something wet and slippery on the ground.
“Hybrid?” Maximus was guarding gymnasium’s doorway when he unintentionally blurted out.
Two other agents and a feline officer were also surprised to see the armored mammal emerge from nowhere.
“Hybrid!? Where? Where!?” The thrilled children, overhearing the name, wanted to get a good look at a real life superhero, so the adults obstructed them from leaving the building.
The sensitive rabbit ears picked up young mammals’ voice calling Hybrid. Judy was embarrassed to picture that they caught sight of Hybrid slipping down, hence taking control of the body real quick to get up.
Hybrid was confronting Savages with avian feathers. One had a hooked bill in place of a snout. One’s hind legs developed into bird legs. Another one did not have arms but had a pair of wings instead.
“Fangmeyer, call reinforcements. Officer Clawhauser, Mr. DIB agent, protect citizens.” Maximus the horse drew out a pistol, planning to shoot down the monsters. Too bad, the distance between him and the target was too far. Furthermore, he did not have much special ammo for dealing with Savage at the moment; therefore, he stepped on the field to close the distance.
However, he slipped and tumbled after a few steps, neighing shrilly.
There was black watery substance patchily all over the courtyard. Those macropodine Savages coughed slimy liquids everywhere.
Judy began to surmise what this black fluid was, “Saliva!? Ewwwww!!!” disgusted by it. She carefully avoided not to step on wet areas again but-
“All aboard!” Nick, in charge of the body, dashed forth, sliding on the slippery ground with extended leg. Hybrid kicked the macropods in their legs, tripping them over.
“What’s the-!?” Judy wished to reproach Nick for taking her body through a disgusting mess. But before she could finish her sentence, Nick lifted Hybrid’s left index finger to touch the center of the helmet’s muzzle part as a signal for her not to raise her voice.
If other mammals hear Judy’s voice from Hybrid, not Nick’s voice as usual, they will suspect.
Judy could only stay silent, swallowing frustration.
Soon after falling down, hooked billed one raised its head and then ejected slippery dark liquid through its mouth.
The duo were going to dodge the monster’s vomit. Unfortunately, because of slimy floor, Hybrid was unable to spring over far enough to evade the black watery matter and consequently blocked some liquids with left arm.
“Ew! Ew! It’s all wet and oily!” The doe grumbled.
Since it was difficult to run or jump around on the slippery floor like this, she aimed to activate the instant movement ability in order to get close to the monsters and attack them.
However, the left side of morpher got coated by black slime that must be from the hooked billed Savage’s previous attack. The paws slipped when Hybrid tried to push the syringe.
“What’s this thing?” Judy sniffed at stuffs covering the body.
Nick could smell- “Oil?”
In this state, long range attack was more suitable, yet Police form’s gun might spark a fire with oil around them, which was too dangerous, especially nearby school buildings full of civilians. That being the case, Hybrid twisted the handle forth twice “FORM SHIFT-ARCHER” to switch to the most fitting form for this situation.
Armor gaps released purple steam which removed the oil on the body. The doe’s figure enveloped in the fog from the device, core of which brightened along with amethyst headlight eyes.
Hybrid pivoted around to clear the brume, revealing the flamingo red bio-armored mixed breed in green leather tunic, hood with red feather, charcoal mark on face that resembles eye mask.
At the time they were done changing form and “ACTIVATE” summoning a bow, Maximus finally straightened up after several failed attempts. He switched off the pistol safety catch.
Hearing sound of toggling a lever, Judy rapidly turned to SCU’s leader. “Don’t shoot! These black liquids might be an oil!” Nick shouted. Both feared that his firearm could ignite the huge flame with oil on the ground.
“Shut up, Hybrid!” The horse yelled back. “I’ll arrest you later-”
Seeing him not listening, Hybrid generated an arrow from right wrist, then shot it at him. An arrowhead broke off, allowing a boxing glove inside it to pop up.
The boxing glove arrow hit Maximus right in his face, knocking him down, successfully preventing him from firing a gun.
“Please look after that guy. Thank you.” Nick requested Jasmine. Despite confusion, she agreed to do what she was asked, pulling her boss back into gymnasium.
When Hybrid turned back, Savages had already got up, two of them coming towards Hybrid, the other one with avian legs bounding in the direction of a narrow way between buildings where the duo hid Nick’s body.
While they were experiencing difficulties in moving on the oily surface, these monsters easily moved around as they pleased.
Judy hastily created a new lethal arrow to shoot the bird legged macropod. Abruptly, the hooked billed one threw up on Hybrid once more. The right paw was splashed with the black oil. The arrow slipped through greasy fingers, flying to strike the bird legged monster’s calf. It missed the viral spots that Judy aimed for.
“Tsk” The doe disapproved of the outcome, the bird legged Savage still, a bit slower, advanced. She tried to shoot it again but the other two interfered her by assaulting Hybrid.
She “ACTIVATE” summoned a sword to deal with the billed one and the winged one. However, due to the greasy right paw, Hybrid dropped the sword. The only option left at the moment was to avoid the continuous attacks.
As Hybrid was dodging the attacks, she grew anxious more and more, worried about tod’s body.
“Calm down, Carrots.” He comforted her. It was not like he did not worry, even so he was more concerned about his buddy, feeling the bunny’s body tremble from a surge of anxiety.
What should I do? Should I chase that Savage? But if I leave here, our friends and civilians will be put into danger…. But Nick! What should I do? The doe concentrated.
In a critical second, a monitor of Archer form detected an incoming object.
A flash passed in front of Hybrid. The very next image Nick and Judy saw was that two Savages were blown away, which greatly puzzled them.
“Stop spacing out~”
Both swiftly turned Hybrid’s head to the source of male fruity voice. The owner of the voice was a silver chrome full suited (from head to toes) wolf with a reflective black bar over the eyes, two black thunderbolt stripes mirroring each other on abdomen, and solar panels on chest as well as shoulders.
“I’ll take care of the rest. Hurry up and go to your body already~” The mysterious wolf said sotto voce, pointing at an area where Nick’s body were, when the Savages that was just collided started to target him.
Wait! That guy knows about my unconscious body? Nick was undeniably aghast, whereas Judy “FORM SHIFT-HUSTLER” only thought about saving Nick, changing back to Hustler form by twisting the handle forth with left paw.
She moved Hybrid’s leg to sprint through the oiled courtyard. The gusting steam from changing the form blew away the liquid on spots of the ground Hybrid stepped on. Once they reached the edge of the courtyard field where there was no slippery oil, “ACTIVATE” she ran at the astonishing speed to follow the bird legged Savage to the narrow path between buildings.
When Hybrid turned around the corner, they found it poking Nick’s senseless body. Judy, without second thought, twisted the handle back. “CRITICAL BREAK” Hybrid sped up to the point of becoming a red blur with amethyst light lines alongside and then leaped, rolling front flip in mid-air, to kill the monster with a double kick blow.
Hybrid landed backflip before hastening to check on Nick’s body.
“Nick! Are you alright?” Judy’s voice shivered.
“I think so. Still looking handsome and all-” He looked at his own unconscious body, commending in fun.
“Return to your body to make sure!” She did not care about the joke, pulling the syringe, sending his mind back to his body.
The armor let out purple mist, then disappeared. Her body and clothes were back to the previous state.
Nick woke up afterwards. “Yeah I-” After pressing his syringe to inject the blood, “I’m fine.” he continued.
“What a relief…” Judy sighed. “Now! Let’s transform and beat the rest!”
“You detransformed just for this!?” Nick precipitately sat up.
“Quick!” She rushed him.
But then, both heard a footstep… The shadow, representing the familiar feline figure, was cast on the floor. They looked back to the way they two as Hybrid just ran on… Standing at the corner was Benjamin Clawhauser, the cheetah ZPD officer.
- --- / -... . / -.-. --- -. - .. -. ..- . -..
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chiyalawritesrewind · 8 years
Rewind, Chapter 20
Fanfic: [ch1] [ch2] [ch3] [ch4] [ch5] [ch6] [ch7] [ch8] [ch9] [ch10] [ch11] [ch12] [ch13] [ch14] [ch15] [ch16] [ch17] [ch18] [ch19] [ch20 on AO3] [ch20 on ffn]
Podfic: [ch1] [ch2] [ch3] [ch4] [ch5] [ch6] (Rest coming soon)
Pairing: Gratsu - Gray Fullbuster / Natsu Dragneel ; Acnologia / Zeref
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death; Graphic Depiction of Violence
Summary: When a mission turns out to be fatal for one of the team members, Natsu finds himself being given another chance to change the events.
Beta by @serpenttailedangel and @wildrhov <333
Tagging list: @f-r-f-t @truedreamchasing @eitomagical @galaxiesandfairies @eternalsterekbitches @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove @oliversantics @nekodemon73 @moonlustelara @pantykawa @ice-bringer (if somebody else wants to be tagged [or not tagged anymore] in the future, please let me know!)
Day 11 Part 2
After they arrived in Era and Natsu recovered from his motion sickness, there was no stopping him. He stormed off toward the Magic Council without checking if Gray and Happy followed.
Lydia waited amidst the flower meadow that surrounded the expansive building of the Magic Council. Natsu would've missed her if it wasn't for her calling his name. She smiled at Natsu, and as soon as he got into her close vicinity, a warm and happy feeling settled in his gut.
"You heard my call. Thank you for coming. I want to talk to you in private, so let us wait for your two friends and then go into my office. We do not want to worry them."
Natsu nearly asked how she knew that he was accompanied by two friends, but caught himself at the last second. She could see the future, after all.
A moment later, her grin widened as she waved eagerly at Gray and Happy approaching.
"Welcome, Gray Fullbuster and Happy. I am Lydia, one of the three oracles of the Magic Council."
Gray opened his mouth, but Lydia was quicker.
"You do not need to introduce yourselves. I already know who you are. I have to ask you two to wait here. I need to talk with Natsu Dragneel in private."
Happy lifted his paw and took a step closer. "Why can't we come, too? He'll tell us anyway."
"He can do whatever he thinks is best after, but first, I need you to respect my wish."
After a second of hesitation, Happy nodded. "But why here? Aren't we allowed to enter the Magic Council?"
Lydia shook her head, her smile never fading. "You can go wherever you want besides my office. However, the waiting area of your choice will always be this garden. You do not like the inside of the Magic Council and you think the colors of the flowers are beautiful. There is also a pond with fish just around the corner. You may eat them."
Happy's eyes glistened. "All of them? But aren't they like your pets?"
She winked at him. "Please do not worry about that."
In excitement, Happy tugged at Natsu's clothes, shouting what a beautiful day this was, and that he was sure it would end well.
Gray let out a contented sigh and folded his hands behind his head, looking up at the sky. "Well, it's rather nice out, so we'll just wait here."
Natsu couldn't tear his eyes away from Gray's relaxed face, even as Happy continued to tout for his attention. Why Natsu was suddenly drawn to Gray's lips, he had no idea. Maybe it was the warm summer sun making them shine as if he'd just licked them a second before. Whatever it was, the desire was impossible to resist.
Natsu found himself reaching out for Gray's chin, tilting his head down. Gray jerked in surprise, but when he noticed what Natsu was up to, he pulled him into a tight embrace, pressing their lips together.
The kiss was chaste and short, interrupted by Lydia's giggle.
"Fear not: you will see each other again."
Was that what impelled Natsu? The fear of not being able to see Gray again? Possibly. He couldn't feel fear while being close to Lydia, after all.
"Come with me now. If we do not arrive at my office within the next ten minutes, you will run out of time today."
The threat was enough to make Natsu and Gray let go of each other immediately, albeit reluctantly.
As soon as the door to Lydia's office clicked shut, Natsu positioned himself on the rim of the magic circle without being instructed. Lydia nodded in approval and stepped onto the opposite rim, facing him.
When Lydia's eyes fluttered shut, Natsu followed her example. The feeling of wind and water running through his veins was there again, just this time it felt much more pleasant than last time. Breathing didn't become difficult as the minutes ticked by.
For a very long time, nothing seemed to happen. A tingling feeling here, a twitch of a muscle there, but nothing else. About ten minutes into the procedure, there still wasn't any change. Natsu was starting to grow impatient when he suddenly found himself in that strange black room again, only this time it wasn't completely empty. There was a crumbled wall right in front of him, and Lydia was at his side, nearly touching shoulders with him.
"I have already seen what lays behind it. If you take a step forward, you can see snippets of it... It would not endanger the future, but please... think twice. It is truly painful."
She swallowed heavily, and Natsu saw her biting her bottom lip out of the corner of his eye.
Painful, huh? What could be more painful than death? Natsu was ready to die for Gray—had already died once—so surely there couldn't be anything that could shake him anymore, right?
He took a small step forward, careful not to stumble over rubble. Nothing changed, so he took another step, bigger this time.
Suddenly, everything around him was gone, and Natsu fell endlessly. He passed the head of a roaring black dragon. Then a young man with black hair, his back turned toward Natsu, holding out his hands in a protective gesture. Then there was Gray's face, oversized, glaring at him.
Natsu wanted to scream that no, he wasn't going to betray anyone, but he couldn't utter a word.
"Liar," Gray spat out, and Natsu wasn't sure if he'd meant it as a stand-alone statement or as a reaction to Natsu's thoughts. Either way, it hurt.
Gray opened his mouth again, but before anything could come out, Natsu was yanked backward. He stumbled over rubble and dropped to the floor. Lydia was right beside him, biting her bottom lip and looking at the floor.
"This is enough. I cannot show you too much of your future or else it will change."
"Is this my future? To be hated by Gray?"
She lowered her head even more until a curtain of blond hair hid her face from Natsu's sight entirely. "I... I am truly sorry... but I can only tell you what you have to do next."
"Go ahead."
The dark room vanished, and with a jolt Natsu came to, noticing belatedly that he was falling yet again. He absorbed the impact with his hands and pushed himself right back into a standing position. They were back in Lydia's office. She sat on the floor, sobbing.
A pang of guilt surged through Natsu's body. He was beside her in no time at all, kneeling next to her and patting her shoulder. He let out shushing sounds, but she was inconsolable.
"I... I d-did n-n-not s-see this c-coming, I am s-so sorr-sorry... Y-you do n-not deserve wh-what is awaiting y-you... You h-have already s-su-suffered enough."
Not knowing what else to do, Natsu pulled her into a half hug, running his hands soothingly up and down her back. "It's not your fault."
Another wave of sobs overcame her, heavier this time. It rendered her unable to talk, and calming her down to the point where she could articulate herself again took some minutes. When her sobbing ceased, she pushed Natsu away and looked at him, her eyes red-rimmed and glassy.
"You are ready to sacrifice your life to save the one you love."
Was he supposed to answer? She stared at him, unmoving. A few seconds ticked by silently before Natsu decided to give a careful nod.
"But you are not aware that this does not mean death. I have seen that you are going to do it, but I want to enlighten you before he does. You have to live on. Live in order to save your beloved one, but you will not be allowed to be together with him."
"That's... indeed not what I expected. But I'll do it. I'll do whatever it takes to save his life."
She gulped. "Are you prepared to stay away from him?"
"S-stay away? Y-you mean—"
"Far away. Very far."
"Does that mean—"
"Yes. Far away from your guild and everyone you call your friend."
Natsu gulped. There was still this soothing aura, but it couldn't completely suppress the uneasiness Natsu felt. He was sure a strong wave of negative emotions would crash over him as soon as he got away from her, but he pushed the thought away for now. He straightened himself.
"If he's going to hate me, then staying away would make it easier. Being around him while not being able to be with him would be torture. Especially if he were to choose anyone else."
The thought should be unbearably painful, but the aura surrounding Lydia dulled the pain.
"Yes, I think so. Well then, what you need to do today is go to the island that has a strong connection to your guild's history. I advise you do not take your lover. He could ruin it."
"Ruin what?"
"Everything. Your plans. The odds are very low, but I can see one possible future in which he causes the time loop to end today without being saved."
"Then tell me what I need to do to prevent this and it's gonna be okay, right?"
She sighed. "If I tell you, the possible futures will change."
"Just a tip?"
"I... Give me a moment."
She closed her eyes, titled her head back and stretched her palms toward the ceiling. A warm blue light encompassed her, making her hair float. Natsu sat back on his heels and waited patiently. After a while, the light vanished abruptly as Lydia opened her eyes wide.
"I will tell you. You must not defend Zeref's past actions. That is all. If your lover thinks you do not blame Zeref for the death of his parents, he will cause an uproar, possibly destroy all the progress you made and throw the world into darkness with his actions."
Why would Natsu do such a thing in the first place? It was Zeref's demon who killed Gray's parents, thus it was clearly his fault.
"You have to prevent them from fighting, but please choose your strategy wisely. I can see you already have a good idea. Please use it."
"The one where I say that if he kills Zeref, I'll die as well?"
Her lips pulled into a small smile. "Yes. I do not know whose idea it was, but it is a good one. Another thing: You cannot save your lover today. What you have to do needs preparation."
"What? How long?"
"That is up to you. You can do it within two days or you can choose to spend some more time with your lover and postpone it. Now, we do not have much time left. May I ask you for one last promise?"
The promises he made with her until this point had turned out to be very helpful, so he didn't hesitate to nod.
"Do not blame yourself for what will happen and what already has happened. It is not your fault. Nothing is. As soon as you have made your decision, you have next to no control over the situation. Your decisions will be the correct ones. What happened two days before was fated to happen. It had to happen. The same goes for the future. You will not endanger the future if you do not promise this, but you will be better off if you do and keep it. I am worried about you."
Now that was a lot to ask. Natsu didn't feel any less guilty because of what she said, and if she said something like this, then he was surely going to do something else that would elicit an equally strong feeling of guilt. If it was something he believed to be his fault, how could he shake it off?
"I know it is difficult, but please, at least try. You had to feel responsible for your lover's death and commit suicide. Otherwise, you would not have been ready for this. So, please, try not to blame yourself."
"O-okay. I promise to try."
She nodded in approval and then shooed him away, saying that if he didn't hurry, time would run out. She instructed him to go straight to their guild master once they arrived at the guild. Natsu thanked her and then ran outside, trying his best to fight down the fear creeping up his spine as soon as Lydia's soothing aura didn't affect him anymore.
He sniffed the air to locate Gray and Happy and then took off in their direction. He didn't want to give himself time to imagine all the horrible things that could—would—happen. Next thing he knew, he bumped into Gray, sending him flying to the soft grass with Natsu landing right on top of him.
"He-hey, be careful! Did you miss me that much?"
Gray's expression was totally different from the one Natsu had just seen. Soft eyes, a teasing smile on his lips, a faint blush on his cheeks. If it could just stay like this... Him and Gray, in happily in love. Natsu was about to reason that he didn't deserve it because he killed Gray, but the promise he made to Lydia resounded in his mind.
'It is not your fault. Nothing is.'
"Natsu? What's wrong? You look unhappy."
There was no point keeping secrets from Gray now, right? Lydia said time would turn back at least once more, so Gray would forget. Although he had to be careful because of the Zeref-issue. Natsu knew from experience how strongly Gray reacted to his name alone.
"She showed me pieces of my future... One of them was... y-you called me 'traitor' and 'liar'. Your expression was... really angry."
Gray furrowed his eyebrows. "Why would I say such a thing? You're going to save my life. Calling you a 'traitor' and a 'liar'... That would be very ungrateful of me. What exactly do you need to do to save me?"
"Sh-she didn't tell me. She just said we need to go to an island that has a strong connection to our guild's past." It wasn't exactly a lie, but there was no way he'd make things worse by saying Zeref's name.
Gray cocked his head and pursed his lips as if he was thinking hard.
Suddenly Lydia's voice spoke in his head, 'Hurry.'
Natsu pushed himself upright and held out his hand for Gray. When Gray didn't react right away, Natsu made an impatient gesture and said, "We don't have time to waste. We have to leave. Come on!"
The warning spurred on Gray and Happy, who had been sitting on the edge of the pond with a fish in his mouth, and they took off running in the direction of the train station.
The future that lay before him scared Natsu, but he tried his best to push the thought away and focus on the here and now. It was the first time in his life that he was happy about being motion sick on the train, since it banished all thoughts beside 'I want this ride to end!'
When they arrived at Magnolia station, Natsu didn't give himself time to recover from the ride. He made a run for their guild the second he stepped out of the train car, urging Gray and Happy on to follow him.
Whenever dark thoughts threatened to subdue him, he sped up so that he had to focus more on his surroundings in order not to trip. Gray and Happy were only a few steps behind him all the time.
Natsu burst through the door of their guild hall without bothering to open it, breaking it and its frame in the process. People shouted at him, but he didn't much care. All he wanted was to talk to Makarov. He left the door to his office intact in case their master wanted to talk to him in private, but he didn't knock before storming in. Makarov jumped so high he nearly hit his head on the ceiling. Natsu caught him and gently set him down in his chair again.
"Which island has a strong connection to our guild's history?"
Makarov stared at Natsu in disbelief, his mouth wide open. Gray and Happy entered the office and closed the door behind them, but neither said a word.
Natsu grabbed Makarov by the collar. "Come on, gramps! We don't have much time!"
"Wh-why do you want to know such a thing?"
"I don't have time to explain. It's to save Gray. Please."
"Tenrou Island. But you can't just take a normal ship. It has to be the Fairy Tail ship."
Natsu lifted him from his seat and shook him, trying to convey urgency. "I have to go there! How long does it take?"
Beads of sweat formed on Makarov's forehead. "Our ship is in Hargeon Port. We could reach Tenrou Island by late afternoon if we go now."
Natsu put their master down and urged the three of them on to get going. This meant another train ride, then a boat trip, thus more nausea for Natsu, but he could take it.
If it meant that Gray could live on, he would take anything, even Gray's hatred. No matter how much it hurt, he would rather be separated from Gray and incur his wrath than let him die again.
Natsu grabbed Gray's and Makarov's wrists and made for the door, not giving them time to explain anything to their guild mates. Mirajane followed them until the train station, where they needed to wait some minutes for the next train. It didn't really matter who came, or did it? Lydia hadn't said anything about his other guild mates. She'd only advised him not to take Gray.
However, Mirajane didn't want to come with them. She just asked where they were going and why. Natsu didn't see any reason to keep their destination and his meeting with Lydia a secret, but he still didn't mention Zeref.
When the train arrived, Mirajane seemed to be content with the answers and wished them good luck. Jellal wasn't hiding himself very well. He didn't even wait for them to be inside before he entered the train a car behind them, but Natsu didn't comment. Jellal would either have to show himself if he wanted to get on the ship or do a better job at hiding and sneaking aboard.
Gray didn't leave Natsu's side on the trip, always appearing worried about his health, both mental and physical. He tried cooling down Natsu's forehead to help his nausea, but that made matters worse. He talked with Natsu even when he wasn't able to give a coherent answer.
On the one hand, Natsu was happy that Gray was this worried about him, but on the other he wished Gray would just stop promising stuff he didn't know he could keep. How could he say that he wasn't going to hate Natsu when he didn't even know what was going to happen? He most probably wouldn't be able to keep it if what Lydia had showed and told Natsu was true, and he didn't want to get false hope.
So, on their way from the train station to Hargeon's port, Natsu grabbed Gray's hand and slowed down, making them drop behind. They had a bit time anyway since Makarov needed to obtain their ship first. Gray lifted his eyebrows when he noticed what Natsu was up to, but Natsu refused to say anything until they were out of earshot. Happy looked back in confusion once, but Natsu shook his head, gesturing him to follow Makarov. Jellal would always be close, but there was just no helping it. He had already seen and heard them do worse things.
As soon as the port was in sight, Natsu stopped dead and turned to face Gray. "Please stop promising stuff you can't possibly control. I'll end up believing you and get hurt even worse."
Gray took a step back, removing his hand from Natsu's. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. "But I'm telling you, I won't let that happen. We know what the future is supposed to be like, so we can change it, right? I don't think I could hate you anyway, no matter wh—"
"Shut up! You don't know that! What if I have to betray your trust? What if I need to wipe out our whole guild just to save you? Can you still say you won't hate me, huh?"
Gray retreated another step, his eyes wide in shock. "Wh-what? You wouldn't do such a thing, right? Killing our family to save me."
Natsu's throat constricted. This wasn't meant to be considered seriously. He didn't have a clue about what he'd need to do, but for all he knew, it could be something cruel like that. Would he be able to take other people's lives to save Gray? Natsu didn't want to think about it.
"I don't know. I would prefer to wait until we know what's on the line and then think about what I would and wouldn't do. All I'm saying is, you don't know the future. Of course we can try to change it, but I'm inclined to believe Lydia when she says that certain things have to happen the way they are supposed to. I don't want to destroy our possibly last day together by fighting."
Gray stepped forward and grabbed Natsu by his scarf, glowering. Oops. That shouldn't have come out.
"What do you mean, 'our possibly last day together'? Do you know something you haven't told me?"
'Careful. Don't mention Zeref. Stay vague. He's already angry enough as it is.'
"She... uh, implied that... th-that..."
A sharp pain originating in his heart surged through his body, leaving him unable to speak. Why was this so difficult? Natsu had already come to terms with losing everything, including that he'd have to leave Gray, so it shouldn't be a problem to say it out loud. Yet he couldn't utter a word.
Natsu averted his eyes. Looking at Gray's face was just too painful, even though his expression softened considerably after Natsu's speech died down. Maybe it was for the best if he really did leave Gray behind. The farewell certainly wouldn't become easier the more time he spent with Gray. More time with Gray meant their bond would grow stronger, at least on Natsu's side.
There was a lump in Natsu's throat that wouldn't go away no matter how many times he swallowed. A warm hand brushed over Natsu's cheek, prompting him to look back up. Gray had his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.
"I... I'm sorry. I have no right to judge you." Gray pulled Natsu into his arms and patted his head. "It's you who's suffering the most, you who has to bear all the pain and heartache. If there's something you feel you need to hide from me for whatever reason, that's all right. Maybe you're keeping secrets to spare yourself more pain, or you're trying to spare me. I just—" Gray's grip tightened. "—want to help you. I may not know what will happen, but I know that I don't want to lose you."
Was Natsu imagining things, or was Gray having trouble keeping his voice even? When he heard a muffled sniffle, he knew for sure: Gray was crying. And Natsu wasn't that far off, either.
He didn't want to be separated from Gray—not now, not ever. Gray was his whole world, the reason he was looking forward to each new day. Even after all these horrible things started happening, Gray was his only light in the darkness. How could he carry on when his light was gone? He would succumb to darkness, lose his will to live. It was just a matter of time, given his current mental state. No matter how much he'd tried to ignore it thus far, he wasn't the same anymore. Seeing Gray die countless times had taken its toll on him and his mental condition. Where he'd always seen a colorful world full of possibilities, now it was a world full of possible threats to Gray's life and their future, a world full of sorrow, pain, and heartache.
"N-Natsu... d-don't cry..."
The lump in his throat made it impossible to answer. He hadn't even noticed that he'd started crying, but his tears had already soaked Gray's shirt. Natsu swallowed and tightened his grip on Gray. He spoke with difficulty: "Y-y-you're one t-to talk... idiot."
Gray's wailing only intensified, as did his grip on Natsu. They stood there for a while, both crying and clinging to the other, neither of them saying anything.
Lydia had mentioned that it was up to Natsu how often time would still loop. He could do it within two loops or delay it as long as he wanted. If it really meant farewell, would he have the heart to end it within one more day?
"Natsuuuuuuuu!" Happy shouted from the distance, prompting Natsu and Gray to jump apart.
Natsu wiped his eyes frantically, not wanting to worry Happy any further. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Gray doing the same. Happy came closer at a rapid pace. In the distance, Natsu saw a sail with the Fairy Tail emblem, meaning they were ready to take off. On closer inspection, the ship had its bow to the sea, already sailing away.
"Natsuuuuuu, Graaaaaaay, hurry! Run to the port, I'll carry you on board! Master said this is the best solution if we don't want to waste time."
They didn't need to be told twice. Upon reaching the port, Natsu told Happy to take Gray first. As soon as they were out of earshot, Natsu called for Jellal to show himself. He didn't have to wait long until Jellal emerged from the shadows of a nearby alley, body stiff and his brows furrowed in worry.
"Are you okay with being carried by Happy? Or do you want to... dunno, use your... err, Motor magic?"
Jellal rolled his eyes. "Meteor."
"Yeah, that."
"I'd much rather not waste my magic. Who knows what awaits us there. Is your cat reliable?"
"He's not my cat; he's my friend. Of course he's reliable."
"Then I'll take him. Is there something you know and haven't shared with Gray yet? You can tell me, I won't reveal it."
Natsu quickly checked where Happy was, noting that he'd just reached the ship and was about to set Gray down. There was nothing wrong with letting Jellal in on what was awaiting them, right? Natsu was nervous as hell about the fact that they were supposed to meet the greatest dark mage, who was supposed to be dead. Like this, he could share his sorrow with somebody.
He clenched his fists and looked Jellal in the eye. "Zeref."
Jellal's eyes widened in horror, and he took a step back. "Th-that's... h-holy shit! You're kidding, right?"
Natsu shook his head in defeat. "I wish I was. But it seems like he's not our enemy. Lydia said I have to prevent a fight."
Before Natsu had the chance to react, Jellal was right there, grabbing him by the scarf, glowering. "You are kidding me! There's no way—"
Natsu grabbed Jellal's wrist and squeezed it as tightly as he could. "If you refuse to believe me, I'll fight you right here and take your communication lacrima. I don't need you to be with us. You want to come? Then promise not to lay a finger on Zeref unless he's posing a threat to us."
Jellal gritted his teeth. "He's posing a threat to humanity merely by existing."
Natsu let out a snarl. "Let me rephrase that. Promise not to lay a finger on Zeref unless he's attacking us."
They stared at each other for a long while, neither of them budging. Only when they heard Happy shout Natsu's name did they avert their eyes.
"Natsuuuu! What's wrong? We don't have time or I'll get too tired to use my wings. Can't you postpone your fight? And why is he even here?"
Natsu turned sharply back to Jellal. "So?"
Jellal glared at him for a second, but then let out a resigned sigh. "Fine. I accept your conditions."
Pleased with the outcome, Natsu asked Happy to carry Jellal to the ship first, but his friend was confused. Natsu gave a brief explanation that Jellal was needed for this, that he would help. Happy accepted the explanation, but still insisted that Jellal would be the last one. He grabbed Natsu and flew off with him, not caring about his protests.
The ship was fast, fueled by Makarov's magic, and Happy just barely managed to carry Jellal to the ship before exhaustion overtook him. Having Jellal on the ship caused some questions, but Natsu was in no condition to answer them. Happy repeated Natsu's brief explanation, and that seemed to be enough.
Despite Natsu's nausea, Gray never let go of him during the whole ride.
Did anyone think that things are looking up for Natsu from now on?
Important announcement! Please read! I won't be able to maintain the weekly updates anymore. I pushed myself too much and it worked just fine for a couple of months, but now I've reached a point at which writing is not fun anymore. I obsessed over this story and pressured myself to keep the promise I made, instead of taking a step back and admitting that it wasn't the right thing to do (but I'm doing it now, so now it's fine). It wasn't good for my mental health and I also didn't allow myself to do anything else in my free time anymore. Whenever I found something that I wanted to do (like reading a book / reading another one's fanfic / playing a game / etc.), I immediately thought 'no, you don't have time for that, you have to write, you have a deadline to meet, you aren't allowed to indulge in anything else'. Just writing this makes me so sad.
It wouldn't be a problem if I were a faster writer, but currently, my average writing speed is like 100-200 words per hour (and with a daily word goal of one thousand, you can do the maths), and I have the feeling that I get slower the more pressure I put myself under. There were times when I wrote 6k words in one day (that was a Saturday where I wrote from morning until late evening with few breaks, but still), and it was so much fun! I want to go back to these times. I didn't have pressure at all.
I'm not saying I'll abandon this fic (because I never will), just that the updates will come irregularly in the future. Chapter length may vary between a few hundred words to ten thousand or even more, depending on what makes sense (there'll be no more dividing a day into parts etc.)
Chapter 21 will still be published next Sunday (that chapter is already written, just needs to be edited), and Chapter 22 will maybe be published the Sunday after that (I'm like halfway through), but from then on, I'll need more time.
I won't discontinue this fic. I love it too much for that.
I know I spoiled you with the weekly updates, and I know you might be sad and frustrated, but I never want to put other people's expectations over my hapiness & health anymore. I hope you'll still continue reading this fic~
Have a nice day <3
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Fortunately, people aren't responsible for who their parents are
 “Disappointed people, clinging on to bottles
When it comes it’s so, so, disappointing.”
“Your dad liked them,” my mum once told me after I asked her -with some twelve-year old snottiness- if she knew who Radiohead were. It was one of the first concretely factual, ‘positivist’ statements I could pin on the person: Dad liked Radiohead. Quite certainly the EMI years, everything up until the release until ‘Kid A’ I could be sure he liked, because my parents were still together then.
There are certain songs (and this is true of books too) one remembers through the material circumstances of listening: the time of the year, the visuals of the cover, maybe how you came by it. Often the material circumstances plays some guiding role back to the memory. Sometimes it has been the other way around.
I’m fairly sure that the memory of listening to ‘Let Down’ for the first time - on the grayest afternoon, streaks of rain on the windows, the depressing flat with its thousands of micro-blemishes and few serious structural problems - is also due to the insistent, painful quality of Thom’s wailing.
It was nice to know that I could share something besides his malevolent laugh, which according to mother was “100% him.” Where was this jerk? What was he doing? Why did I feel that I needed him to ‘rescue’ me?
In the great cherry-picking of quotes I thought were pertinent, Adam Philips writes things like: “If someone can satisfy us, they can frustrate us; and if someone can frustrate us we always believe they can satisfy us. And who frustrates us more than ourselves?” Alain de Botton might add that we need to find the partner that has the familiarity of such childhood suffering. He also says other things in the same lecture which might not have any great deal of empirical weight or valid meta-analysis to them. But anyway, I’ll go on using him because I haven’t read much Philips, Klein, Winnicott et al. (or had a therapist). “If we manage to turn rage into grief,” he says quite early on, “we will have made psychological progress.”
“What lies behind rage very often is an unusual quality because we tend to think that very angry people are dark and pessimistic characters. Absolutely not. Scratch the surface of any regularly angry person and you will find a wild optimist. It is, in fact, hope that drives rage. Think of the person who screams every time they can’t find their house keys or every time they get stuck in traffic. These curious but unfortunate characters are evincing a reckless faith in a world in which keys never go astray, the roads mysteriously traffic-free. It is hope that is turbo-charging their rage.”
I was angry, it was true, but it became less and likely as the years went by without contact that I had forgotten ever been begotten by a man that looked like me: it felt like I was an all-female androgynous creation, a feminino, a sissy. Even if at bottom de Botton’s calculation leans towards a murky calculus which doesn’t account for great variation in human reaction, it has the great advantage of convincing angry people that they can exist in an otherwise different range of emotional habits. Thanks too, to CBT. Moreover, it is certainly the case that the cynical are reactive in that way because they have taken some distance from the risky, familiar calumnies which produce distrust and disappointment. Cynicism with a human face instead then? A modification which wears genial reactions, personable smile, yet the person who is inwardly cautious and reserving of their time and energy may still have the small victory of inviolability; yet more obviously, might have the obvious disadvantage of doing little with their life that is not deemed low-risk. Notably, love.
One of the saddest, and almost certainly relieving, dues of dying is not having to not having to want anymore: Just as is written on Kazantzakis’ resting stone, there is no imperative “to want nothing, to fear nothing,” Instead, “to be free.”
The impetus to begin this post began as I left a train from Norwich, defeated, that I hadn’t learned anything about to how to handle myself in social situations.The story of why I was in Norwich is a different story. I didn’t have an eye for narrative, except that I knew it had something to do with zero-ing in upon details and the subterranean connections between things which can form that factitious thing called a narrative. I couldn’t do narrative but I could maybe I could find the salient details, the most memorable vignettes. “There so nice people” a woman a few rows in the train carriage said, on the phone. I had to urge to correct her grammar. I was not so nice people. I was not smart people. I was not good people. Move along, whiner. Whose fault is that? My own, and nobody but my own.
Like the weight of all childless yet somehow successful sons of the past, that yawning, yet restless energy which should be more properly considered as sublimated or misplaced anger, impels me forward: “Why are you such a jerk? Where are you?” Power, propriety, property, authority, knowledge: all those things I’m not happy with myself for admiring and you have none of them. If most disadvantages come from inability, not knowing or not adapting to the ways of the world, I think I can understand something of his beginnings: at 15, school ends, doing waitering jobs for the next 10-15 in Cyprus and the UK. Now, peasant class in the dawning glory-time of mass unemployment.
Right now, almost a week later after Norwich, I write this from a bench in a walled garden of a former aristocratic country house (never mind which) now in the local authority’s hands. The specific name is irrelevant. It’s August.  A man with a bald head obscured by a low shrubbed tree, sits on a bench. To relatively locate him, he’s about ten metres north-northwest of me, sat on the benches of the inner circle (I’m on the outer bench of the bottom right corner). At first, I didn’t notice him until I had looked around to explain the source of a forceful waft of marijuana. A cloud crept over from behind the gaps of the small tree. If wasn’t for the two small boys with a ball running to the bald man with a football, my blitheness may have never registered him. “Daddy, daddy, I need your help. Be on my team,” one said. “No, no,” the impetuous other of the two blonde-haired dwarves says. I can’t hear the father’s response if he responds meaningfully at all. His arm points and extends outwards. The two little offspring, after in all likelihood imbibing his recreational aromas, run back to another part of the grounds. 
I’m in the garden because I have nothing better but summer reading to do. I feel tyrannised by leisure, because all my friends are scattered across the world, quite literally. In the book I hold, Elif Batuman’s The Possessed, there’s a conversation in which her then-grad-student self and another student, Matej discuss his “current object of study: something called ‘the problem of the person’”: 
“The problem, was that personhood is revealed and constituted by action, such that the whole person is always present in every action - and yet the person isn’t ‘exhausted’ by any single action, or even by the sum of all her actions.” (p. 76)
Although what seems to me defined as an Arendtian, action-centred philosophy of personhood reads as something possibly esoteric, it bears mulling. In their objects, in the things that they like, and in an overall loose relationship to factual accuracy of stories told and retold about them we ask, “What is he?” Describe. On balance, I happen to still like Radiohead and maintain an ambivalent relationship to l'herb but I would like to think, moralising aside, I would do better than these two (no offspring if so, not negligence). There are many problems with the person.
A day later, still under the sway of a Batuman’s The Possessed,  I remember some sentences registering her relative dissatisfaction at having, more or less, studied Russian for two years without being unable to simply pick up a book and just read it (in The Possessed). Ditto, my own inability to watch a Greek feature without the subtitles. Under this spell of this disappointing reflection from someone who more people should consider an intellectual hero, later that night I told myself I should watch Kynodontas (Dogtooth). There’s some kind some of the initial grim irony in using this film to learn Greek, since, at least in the opening scene, audiotapes narrated by the mother insidiously redefine the Greek language. In the bathroom, down to underwear the three (siblings? How would the viewer know?) listen to a tape player: “The new words of the day are ‘Sea’, ‘Highway’, and ‘Roadtrip’ and ‘Shotgun.’” ‘Roadtrip’ is an unimpeachable floor material. This film probably offers a cipher for the conservatism of the Greek nuclear family and the patriarchs therein, but I can’t unpack it now. Of course, in this scene, each definition is wrong and subtitles don’t require you to expend any great epistemic work to strike you of their wrongness. We never learn the exact reason why the teenagers of the fenced compound are prohibited from the outside world:  the onus is on the industrialist father who confines them to explain himself. In any case, they must wait for their (adult) Dogtooth to be let loose, an event which, of course, never comes. That is, without a pummelling to the jaw. Defanged, having just that at, the end of this treacly black satire sees the eldest hide in the trunk of her father’s car, unknown to him, awaiting a brave new world she has never known.
Analogous in certain ways, then, to the eldest daughter of Dogtooth, I knew of the world through a specific media consumption and socialisation. If Dad had stayed beyond my second birthday, I may have actually been fluent in Greek (Cypriot and not Demotic, but let’s not open this). I might have liked football, been less solitary. I knew Dad from the few sub-Kray crime paperbacks, spined and yellowed like a true victim, that had been carried perhaps unknowingly in each move of the several, early flats we lived in. We all wonder, at one time, perhaps not in our twenties of the nascent, secret selves that were not immediately obvious to us. 
These unknown, unrealised selves take us into a sort of widening gyre of counterfactual selves. Some years ago, when I was perhaps a tweenager, I found out that Dad had fathered another family – and perhaps again, not without the semantic uncertainty of what a ‘family’ meant. I had heard about the story, that Dad had become consummate with an American woman in Cyprus, several ears down: first my dad had spoken, casually and confidentially perhaps, on the phone to my Uncle Michael, the droll, serious-minded hunter of rabbits, who had then drip-fed reticent morsels, tongue-in-cheek to my auntie. My auntie Androula, less reticent, had then jawed on with the news to my mother. This unknown woman, this American, had been cast by someone, as not unlike the role of temptress to my all-too virile Daddy. She was a temptress, according to Dad, for what happens after. She was working for the American government on the Island (an agency with one of those infamous three-letter acronyms) and as the vague motions of the story went and here perhaps, in Papa’s cheeky eagerness to flirt and seduce during his service-industry dealings as a waiter, had sparked up something. After, there is something of an ellipsis since, when Dad does respond in person, with few sentences, a few years later, he mentions how he spent some time in New Jersey. He makes the leap across continents, after how long of knowing this woman exactly? The visits themselves are perhaps worth writing some paragraphs on, but hold on: he doesn’t say how long and in what capacity he lived (and perhaps loved) in The Garden State. I don’t think to ask. I’m not incurious, I think, but I am quiet. I am not alone in the room as he tells us this. We’re at my auntie’s house. My mum doesn’t allow him to know where we live now, although he keeps asking and has some vague indication. 
Anyway, my Dad tends to twins with this woman eventually births (conceived where, it is not important). Does he drive an inconspicuous suburban vehicle through the interstate highways, through the old colonial buildings of Newark, ice piled on the corners, rocking a baby carrier on the front seat? Does the deeply-riven status anxiety dynamic, she a government professional, he less so, eventually break them apart? Does he get the finger flipped to him by a balding man who could -yes!- from the rear, actually be Phillip Roth! Wrong on both accounts. The story goes that, apparently, this government worker couldn’t get the indefinite leave she needed from the federal agency she worked for, being apparently childless and unmarried. My dad’s sperm fulfills this, again apparently, and she is able to exit for good. It sounds far-fetched. Which federal employees cannot just leave their agency? Perhaps she knew secrets. Perhaps children makes them, in the eyes of the ruthless male-headed agency chiefs, vulnerable or else, redundant. This account also overlooks any semblance of any actual real love they may have actually sparked up.
As for getting flipped off while in the driver’s seat, in the one or two times I drove with him in his black Toyota Yaris, in the UK, one of his signature driving styles was the lane shift without ‘indicators’ (not a metaphor). Perhaps he thought indications were reserved for hard, right-angle turns only. With a CD of Bob Marley’s Greatest Hits playing I remember him uttering laconically: “It’s black man’s time,” before quickly adding “after slavery”. “That was two hundred years ago,” I said (I was a teenager, I was more ignorant). “Doesn’t matter. It’s their time,” he said in his idiosyncratic, accented Gringlish. More to the point, however, as I remember the feeling of this memory, why was the paterfamilias telling me this? He never said it was my time, he only ever asked me how school was going once. Sure, race and identity categories could further liberation, but they could be, as I learnt later, or at least I think I did, a technology of census-taking and governance. The ex-colonials, Jamaicans, and Cypriots are joined by this, but I doubt my Dad affiliated himself with anyone other than the fellow Islanders at the many restaurants he moved for in the nineties. What had he been reading?
Dad, for all his animus to the Turkish government, as a boy who had lived through that fateful day in 1974, bearing nothing but the clothes on his back, ditto Nikos and Maria my paternal grandparents, had remarkably little chauvinism to share with me. He seemed like anti-racist but neither did he casually wax on with anti-colonial or communist nostrums. In the inter-war years (1919-1938), it was perceived by the Metropolitan Police that the few Cypriots who were residing in London were more likely given to this sort of politics, though not without a sizeable conservative religious minority too. (This little-known story of Cypriots being surveilled by the police in the twenties and thirties London is an interesting story in itself). Let’s move on. Everything tells me that Dad is fairly apolitical, if not in the past, then probably now, grown quiet by age. I don’t know the conversations he had with friends then or now. I hardly know anything. Are the New Jersey twins thinking too, of the problem of the person? They are about to enter their AP classes or perhaps freshman classes soon.
We do know that he gambled away paychecks at the Casino. Perhaps he was feeling lucky. He wears the throw of aleatory possibility, if moving to New Jersey and gambling away mortgage money is any indication like he wears his dark five o’ clock shadow: up-front and lightly.
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years
Lead Me Back to Suffering Chapter 1
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Fandom: One Piece Rating: R Pairings: Trafalgar Law/Donquixote Doflamingo (Non-consensual), Trafalgar Law/Monkey D. Luffy (eventual) Words: 4,718 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, Monkey D. Luffy, Shachi, Penguin, Bepo, Kin’emon Warnings: Rape/Non-con Note: This was written for the “Kidnapping” square on my Bad Things Happen Bingo @badthingshappenbingo​ card. Anon prompted Law and Luffy.
The title comes from the Vertical Horizon song “Shackled.”
Summary: In the wake of Kaido's fall, Law is kidnapped from the shores of Wano.
Read also at AO3
Law huffed irritably as he stalked down the coast toward the Polar Tang. He could still hear the raucous celebrations of the Straw Hats, his own idiots, and their allies further inland, and it set his teeth on edge. In the days since Kaido had fallen and Wano had been freed of his tyrannical rule, there had been endless celebrations—and pirates, as was their wont, did not shy away from parties. Especially ones thrown in their honor.
Luffy might refuse to consider himself a hero (“I’d never share my meat, Torao!” he’d said, aghast, when Law had joked about it after Dressrosa), but that did not change the perceptions of the people of Wano. And that high regard extended to the Heart and the Kid Pirates as well. Despite losses, injuries, and the impending need to rebuild a once-isolated country, the parties had continued.
Law, however, had grown tired of the goings on. He’d never been particularly sociable, even as a child, and years of being seen as a monster when white spots dotted his skin only reinforced his antipathy toward social interaction. His nakama were the exception to that, and even then, he was usually on the perimeter of gatherings rather than the center—unlike his allied captain.
Besides, he and Chopper, between treating the various injuries of the combatants, were working together to figure out how to reverse the effects of the failed SMILEs. Doflamingo might not be creating them anymore, what with the SAD supply on Punk Hazard destroyed and the factory on Dressrosa dismantled, but there were still plenty in circulation, and Law intended to erase their ugly mark on the world—one final fuck you to Doflamingo, as it were. Since Luffy had let him live.
That afternoon, he’d been trying to study his notes when yet another celebration had broken out. Luffy had tried to drag him into the impromptu party, and Law had irritably pulled himself free of the rubbery limbs and snapped at his allied captain about having work to do. Luffy had pouted, so, rather than resort to removing body parts, Law had headed for his ship for some peace and quiet to continue his work.
Kikoku in one hand and his pile of notes in the other, he was crossing the deck of the Tang toward the door when he heard something clatter behind him. Law felt his irritation spike. Was just a few minutes of peace so much to ask for?
Apparently, when you were allied with Straw Hat Luffy.
He didn’t think anyone would blame him if he removed an arm or leg at this point. (He’d put it back eventually. Probably.)
“Straw Hat-ya, I thought I told you—” he started, spinning around. But the other captain was nowhere to be seen. Law frowned and glanced around. The deck was empty. What—
His Observation Haki flared just a moment too late, his senses and body both still recovering, as a loud crack rang out through the air. Law’s eyes widened and he gasped as pain ripped through the back of his right shoulder and exploded down his arm. The strength drained from his still-healing body, and Kikoku clattered to the deck next to him while his papers slipped from his fingers and scattered across the wood. He sank to his knees, his body seeming to move on its own.
Seastone bullet, he realized as he reached behind him to feel a hole in his shirt and wetness spreading on the fabric. His hand came back red. He looked down at the undamaged front of his shirt; the bullet hadn’t exited.
Kneeling on the deck of his own ship, Law couldn’t make his body move. Between the new gunshot, the half-healed wounds from fighting Kaido and Big Mom, and the weakening effects of the Seastone, his limbs felt impossibly weighed down.
He cursed as he watched a shadow rising behind him, a large figure with a gun in hand. Law pushed his pained body to move—to do something—as the shadow approached, and he managed to twist himself halfway around before the butt of the gun slammed into his temple. Another wave of pain jolted through his body, and he had the faintest sensation of falling as everything went dark.
“Torao!” Luffy called, approaching the Polar Tang. “Enough work! Come play with the rest of your crew.” And me was left unsaid but still obvious in the demand.
“I don’t think that will encourage him to come out,” Shachi muttered, hands stuffed in his pockets, as he, Penguin, and Bepo followed the Straw Hat captain toward their ship.
They’d managed to distract Straw Hat for a couple of hours before he’d decided Law had worked for long enough and demanded his allied captain join them. The three Hearts had shared glances and just hoped their captain had had enough time to himself to avoid murdering or dismembering their ally before joining him in his retrieval mission.
There was no movement from the ship, but if Law were inside, he probably hadn’t heard them approach anyway. Luffy hopped up onto the deck while Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo climbed the ladder on the stern to join him.
“Torao!” Luffy called again before making a confused sound.
Shachi pulled himself onto the deck then froze, his eyes going wide at the sight that greeted him.
“What the—” Penguin said as he joined Shachi.
Bepo inhaled sharply as he came up behind them.
There were papers scattered around the deck. Kikoku lay discarded near the railing, and Law’s hat rested ominously by itself.
What had happened? Shachi mutely walked over to Kikoku and knelt next to the nodachi; he could feel something vibrating in the air from the cursed blade. Anger? Worry?
Law didn’t go anywhere without his sword—or if he did, he was always deliberate with where or with whom he left her. He wouldn’t just leave the sword on the deck of the ship, no matter how annoyed he’d been when he stormed off.
“These are Law’s notes,” Penguin said quietly somewhere to Shachi’s right. He was looking down at the strewn papers. Law had copious notes on the SMILEs that he’d been trying to go over when he’d left the group in a huff. Law was meticulous with his work—had been for as long as Shachi had known him—so there was no way he would just drop his papers.
“Torao’s hat,” Luffy said, bending over and picking up the fuzzy item a few feet from the fallen blade. He stared at it for a long moment before looking back up at the Hearts, expression unreadable.
“There’s blood,” Bepo said, nose twitching. “It’s… Captain’s.”
There was a small bloodstain on the wood of the deck. It was far from a fatal amount, but combined with Law’s sword, hat, and notes, it was clear there had been an attack.
Shachi and Penguin exchanged glances before hurrying into the ship, splitting up to check every square inch for their captain. Maybe he’d been wounded in the attack and was treating his injuries. But Law wasn’t in the infirmary. Or his room. Or any of his usual haunts.
By the time Shachi and Penguin emerged back into the daylight, they’d covered every inch of the ship and hadn’t found anything—or anyone—out of place. Law didn’t seem to have entered the ship at all. Shachi shook his head when Bepo and Luffy looked at him. Bepo’s shoulders drooped while Luffy’s expression darkened.
“We have to find him.”
“But where…” Penguin started to ask but was cut off by approaching shouts.
“Luffy-dono! Law-dono!” Kin’emon called, running toward them. He skidded to a halt at the edge of the coastline and doubled over, huffing. He was still recovering from the heavy damage he’d taken from Kaido and probably shouldn’t be running, Shachi thought absently. “Luffy-dono,” he panted. “Terrible news. Where’s Law-dono? He’ll want to see this too.”
“He’s…not here,” Penguin said after a moment, voice strained.
Kin’emon frowned, glancing between the somber figures on the Tang’s deck.
“What is it, Kin’emon?” Shachi asked wearily. Their captain was missing. What else could be so terrible?
Kin’emon straightened and held up a newspaper. With the borders of Wano opening again, they’d started getting News Coos, though because Wano was not part of the regular distribution pattern yet, the papers were often days, or even weeks, old.
Shachi stiffened as he registered the front page. Penguin cursed and Bepo whined.
“Doflamingo escaped Impel Down,” Kin’emon said. “He’s out.”
The first thing Law felt as consciousness returned was pain. He screwed his eyes further shut as fire seemed to consume his entire body, but after a few moments of breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth, he was able to start cataloging the sensations more clinically and recognized the pain as coming from his head and shoulder.
Right, he’d been shot in the shoulder with a Seastone bullet and hit in the head with a gun. Gunshot wound and possible concussion. He’d faced far worse than that.
As he continued to assess his situation, he realized he was sitting in a chair. He could also feel the telltale weakness of Seastone, but it didn’t seem to be radiating from his shoulder anymore. Had someone removed the bullet? And where was the weakness coming from then?
Ah. His wrists, which were positioned behind the chair he sat in, were weighed down with shackles. Seastone restraints, no doubt. And he was held to the chair with—
His eyes flew open, and he stared down at strings wrapping around his chest, trapping him in the chair. His breath caught in his throat. He’d recognize those strings anywhere.
It wasn’t possible. He was locked up in Impel Down.
You knew Impel Down wouldn’t be enough to hold him, a mocking voice said in the back of his mind. What are bars and bureaucracy to a former Celestial Dragon?
You never should have let him live.
But it hadn’t been Law’s choice to make that day, he thought with no little bitterness. Luffy had been the one to land the final blow to end Doflamingo’s reign over Dressrosa, and he’d chosen to let the man—the monster of Law’s nightmares—live. Law had tried, had given it everything, but he’d been too weak; he’d been forced to the sidelines, one arm useless and his stamina depleted. He’d only been able to watch the fight he’d spent more than a decade preparing for play out in front of him, a spectator to the last.
Cora-san had been unable to pull the trigger, and Luffy had refused to.
Feeling the familiar beginning of a panic attack, Law forced himself to breathe, counting each breath slowly and evenly, until panic ebbed. Swallowing, he took in his surroundings. He was tied to a chair at a small table across from a second empty chair. This seemed to be a bedroom of sorts—there was also a bed, nightstand, and dresser as well as several doors. One must lead outside but the others… perhaps a bathroom and closet? The room was sparsely decorated, and the curtains were drawn over the windows, though the fading light coming through indicated it was nearing dusk.
That meant he’d been unconscious for hours. He could feel the familiar movement of the ocean, meaning they were on a ship. Who knew how far from Wano he could be. How far from his nakama…
Law’s head jerked up as one of the doors opened, and his hands balled into fists behind his back as Doflamingo stepped through the door. He paused, lips quirking upward when he met Law’s eyes through those infuriating sunglasses.
“Good, you’re awake.” He shut the door behind him and entered the room, coming to stand a few feet in front of Law.
“The security at Impel Down must truly be atrocious,” Law drawled.
Doflamingo chuckled. “You didn’t really think a mere prison would hold me, did you, Law?”
“I’m not as naïve as Straw Hat-ya.”
“No,” Doflamingo agreed. “You’ve always been many things, but naïve is not one of them.” He paused. “I must commend you, however, on the success of your alliance. Defeating Kaido?” He shook his head. “Very impressive. I’d like to think I may have played at least a small part in the man you’ve become.”
Law pursed his lips. They both knew full well that Law had been irrevocably shaped by Doflamingo’s influence. Law, for his part, wasn’t entirely sure who he was without his vendetta against this man driving him. Taking on Kaido alongside Luffy had been a good distraction from that reflection, but since Kaido’s fall, the thoughts had returned in full force—especially with the Straw Hats’ not so subtle hints at learning whether Law intended to continue their alliance. Rather than deal with those questions, he’d jumped headfirst into reversing the effects of the failed SMILEs.
And now…
Now, it seemed Law was unable to rid himself of Doflamingo’s corrosive influence whether he wanted to be or not.
“What do you want?” he demanded rather than rise to the bait.
Doflamingo pressed a hand to his chest in mock offense. “Can’t a pirate break out of an impenetrable fortress and travel halfway across the New World to kidnap his one-time protégé just to congratulate him on taking down an Emperor?”
Law was unimpressed.
“Fine, fine,” Doflamingo relented, before slowly starting to move around the room, a feral cat preparing to stalk its prey. Law forced himself not to tense as Doflamingo disappeared behind his back.
“Since my untimely arrest, there has been a vacuum in the underworld, and fools like the Vinsmokes had no idea what they were getting into when they tried to fill it. But there’s only one person capable of weaving all those webs without getting trapped themselves.”
“Joker,” Law supplied, starting to see where this was going.
“That’s right,” Doflamingo purred, breath warm against Law’s ear. Law was unable to fully suppress his shudder, and Doflamingo chuckled. “Fufufu.” Then he was standing in front of Law again, towering over him like Law was still a child. “I’m going to take back my empire. And you’re going to help me, Law.”
Law blinked, momentarily unsure he’d heard correctly. Then he barked a laugh. “Why the hell would I do that?”
“To make amends, of course.”
“Amends,” Law replied flatly.
“It’s your fault it came to this,” Doflamingo replied, as if the answer were obvious. “Without your little… temper tantrum, I would still be ruling Dressrosa, as is my birthright.”
“Temper tantrum?” Law repeated, fury erupting in his veins at the dismissal of more than a decade’s worth of planning to avenge Cora-san—his savior—as the unreasonable reaction of a toddler. He jerked at the shackles secured behind him, the Seastone biting sharply into his skin in response. “You killed Cora-san.”
“Yes, yes, we’ve been over this,” Doflamingo said, bored. He waved a dismissive hand. “My traitor of a brother ‘saved’ you. I remember. But what about what I lost?”
“Your brother?” Law supplied, newly enraged at Doflamingo’s dismissal of Cora-san’s life. His goodness. His value.
“My righthand man,” Doflamingo retorted. “Not only did I lose my brother, but I also lost my second Corazon. And you should have been the third, my second-in-command, Law. We could have ruled together. But when he gave you the Ope Ope no Mi, Rosinante took that away. From both of us.” He tilted his head consideringly. “I suppose you also cost me my first Corazon, too, didn’t you?”
Law’s eyes narrowed, but he ignored the reference to Vergo. “I’m not going to do that operation. Not for anyone, but especially not you.”
“We’ll see,” Doflamingo said, pacing once more. “But that fruit is valuable for more than just that ability. Combined with your medical knowledge and tactical skills, it truly is the ultimate Devil Fruit. Kaido learned that the hard way.”
Something about that statement slotted the puzzle pieces into place in Law’s mind. “You could have escaped at any time,” Law realized. “But you waited until Kaido was no longer a threat. Impel Down was protecting you from him.” He huffed a laugh. “Unbelievable.”
But it wasn’t really unbelievable at all; it was exactly the sort of opportunistic move Doflamingo would make, spinning even the worst situation to his own advantage.
Doflamingo’s lips twitched. “Very good. But it’s not the only reason.” He stopped, mid-turn on his heel, to look at Law. “Do you know what they’re saying about you now?”
“I really don’t care.”
“That you could be the next Emperor. Take Kaido’s place.” Law blinked in surprise as Doflamingo chuckled “Fufufu. Little Law, first a Warlord and now perhaps an Emperor. Quite the meteoric rise, considering where you began.”
Law wasn’t feeling particularly regal, bound to a chair and shackled in Seastone as he was.
“Even if that’s true,” he retorted, “you’ve still given me no reason to help you.”
“You know what kind of Family we are, Law,” Doflamingo said, pausing once more to stare Law down. “No one leaves the Donquixote Family. Not without paying the price.” Law opened his mouth to argue, but Doflamingo cut him off, voice turning cold. “Not even you. You will help, either as a partner or prisoner. But you will help me.” The strings suddenly fell away from Law’s chest. “Your choice.”
“Go to hell,” Law growled, surging out of the chair at the other man, rage driving him forward. The logical voice in the back of his mind was screaming that this was a trap, that he couldn’t do anything without his fruit or blade, but his body wasn’t listening to logic; it was running on pure emotion.
Doflamingo tsked as he stepped aside, sticking one foot out to catch Law off balance. Law cursed as his feet tangled up beneath him then gasped as he was slammed face-first into the wall. His vision whited out as a hand squeezed his shoulder, pain exploding from the gunshot wound, and he sagged bonelessly against the wall, his healing wounds protesting the movement.
He’d clearly been spending too much time around Luffy to pull such a thoughtless move.
He came back to himself just as a metallic click sounded loudly in his ears. His eyes widened as Doflamingo murmured into his ear, “I admit, I was hoping you’d say that.”
Law swallowed, only to feel pressure at his throat. His hands—suddenly free from the shackles—went to his throat; his fingers grazed cool metal that pulled strength from even the slightest touch. Seastone—and dense, too.
Horrified, he tried to whirl around, but Doflamingo was still pressed up behind him, his weight an immovable object in Law’s current condition.
“A collar?” he could only hiss. He’d been collared. Like an animal. Like a slave. “You son of a bitch.”
Joker had been one of the biggest names in the slave trade for years—of course he would do something like this.
Jean Bart wasn’t the only freed slave on Law’s crew; between his nakama and his time both with and later studying Donquixote Family, Law had a very clear understanding of what the collar meant—especially to Doflamingo.
Law jerked as strings suddenly wrapped around his wrists and pulled him backwards with force. He let out an off oof as his back hit something soft—the bed—and his arms were pulled taut over his head, strings digging painfully into his wrists. Law gasped as pain lanced down his shoulder from his gunshot wound to his fingers. He looked up to see the strings around his wrists winding tightly around the bedposts at the head of the bed. Panic rising in his chest, he turned back to see Doflamingo watching him from the end of the bed. He swallowed again, painfully aware of the Seastone collar.
“I told you, Law,” Doflamingo said, approaching his captive, “that there was a price to pay for the last thirteen years.”
With a growing sense of urgency, Law pulled at the restraints on his wrists but found no give, and Doflamingo chuckled. “Fufufu. What kind of price did you think I meant, Law?” The larger man knelt on the edge of the bed, his expression predatory.
Law jerked futilely against his bonds. “No.”
Heart pounding in his ears, Law knew he nowhere to flee. His best chance was to fight Doflamingo at every step, to make the conquest more trouble than it was worth. As Doflamingo moved toward him, the mattress dipping under his weight, Law aimed a kick at his head. His leg came to an abrupt stop as Doflamingo grabbed it, eyes never leaving Law’s face. Shit. Law struggled to free his leg, but the other man’s grip tightened painfully around his ankle. Unwilling to give in so easily, Law twisted and bent his other knee, aiming a kick at Doflamingo’s other side—but that foot was also stopped midair.
He was reminded, then, of being held midair by one arm, completely vulnerable right before Doflamingo…
Law swallowed once more.
Doflamingo tsked. “You never know when a fight has been lost, do you, Law?”
Strings wrapped around Law’s ankles and, like the ones around his wrists, pulled Law’s legs taut as they tightened around the bedposts at the foot of the bed. Law swiped his tongue across his lips, frantically assessing his options. Spread out on complete display like a specimen prepared for dissection, Law didn’t see any.
“I confess,” Doflamingo went on, “I’ve always liked that about you. That tenacity is what has kept you alive for so long. It’s why I wanted you at my side. Then and now.”
“Well, we don’t always get what we want,” Law retorted, doing his best to keep his voice even.
Doflamingo merely hummed in response as he shifted to straddle Law’s hips. Law tried to twist away, but Doflamingo’s weight held him firm. Defeated, Law stared up at the ceiling. He could feel that Doflamingo was hard.
“We’ll see about that,” Doflamingo said.
Law tensed as large hands worked their way slowly up and down his sides, rucking up his shirt. Moments later, there was a ripping sound and Law couldn’t help but look down in surprise to see Doflamingo pulling his ripped t-shirt away, leaving his upper body exposed. He shut his eyes as Doflamingo’s fingers started lightly tracing over his tattoos. The touch was far more tender than it had any right to be, and it made Law’s skin crawl and nausea roil in his gut.
“You know,” Doflamingo said after a long moment, and Law opened his eyes but didn’t look at the other man. “The first time I heard the name of your crew, I laughed.” Law’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t trust his voice in the moment to respond. “It was foolish of me—I realize that now—but I thought you were sending me a message.”
“I was,” Law gritted out. He jolted as Doflamingo’s fingers found his nipple and squeezed. He could feel himself growing hard at the attention so forced his mind to thoughts of his crew and allies. How long before they would realize he was missing?
He didn’t doubt they would move heaven and earth searching for him, but…
How would they find him?
“I had hoped you meant you were coming home,” Doflamingo went on, his other hand working at Law’s other nipple, and Law fought not to squirm. “And, I suppose, you did come home eventually. But I was not expecting an unhealthy preoccupation with my brother to be the thing that brought you back.”
“Unhealthy preoccupation—” Law’s eyes snapped furiously at Doflamingo, and he cut himself off as he realized his mistake. Doflamingo had been baiting him, and he grinned viciously when he met Law’s eyes, grinding down against Law’s growing erection. Law groaned at the friction despite himself, and his head flopped back against the pillows.
“We’ll have to correct that little flaw.”
Doflamingo’s hands continued tracing Law’s body, fingers finding the scars from the bullets he’d pumped into Law. He paused his ministrations, the tips of his fingers lingering on the scar tissue so long that Law risked a glance down at him.
“The lead bullets were a bit on the nose, don’t you think?” Law scoffed, breaking the quiet. He was pleased his voice didn’t crack.
Doflamingo started at the sound of his voice then snorted. “I thought you’d appreciate a personal touch.” His hands started moving again, finding smaller scars from other string attacks and lingering on them, too, as if reliving the damage he’d done to Law that day in Dressrosa. Sick bastard.
Law hissed then as Doflamingo leaned forward to touch his right arm, fingers finding the ugly knot of scar tissue from the reattachment of his arm. The gunshot wound in his shoulder throbbed against Doflamingo’s touch. Law turned away, eyes finding the far wall while his skin crawled under the other man’s touch. He couldn’t suppress his shudder as he felt the vibration of Doflamingo’s humming in his chest as he caressed the scar that was the source of many nightmares since Dressrosa.
Finally, the fingers withdrew from their mapping of Law’s skin. The relief was temporary, however, as Doflamingo shifted, and the sound of zipper echoed through the room. Law’s eyes widened.
Law writhed, trying to get away anew, but his bindings held him fast and the growing pain from his wounds—both old and new—was wearing him down as surely as the Seastone. Doflamingo pulled Law’s jeans and boxers down to his ankles, and Law’s head spun. As Doflamingo’s hand wrapped around Law’s erection, Law’s mind went blank, and he felt Doflamingo’s movements and his body’s reflective responses as if from a great distance.
Dissociation, the medical part of his brain informed him. A defense mechanism against trauma.
When Law slowly came back to himself, he was surprised to see that the bedroom was dark; night had fallen at some point. His entire body ached, but Law still forced himself to assess his surroundings. He was still on the bed, but his wrists were free, and a blanket had been pulled up over him. Law didn’t need to look to know that the even sounds of breathing from next to him were Doflamingo’s. His stomach turned at the thought. Taking a breath, Law lifted the blanket. He was naked beneath the fabric, but that was not what caught his attention; though his wrists had been freed, his right ankle was still bound by string and connected to a bedpost.
When he pulled at the string, he noted there was some slack to it. Was Doflamingo that confident Law wouldn’t turn that on him? At the moment, though, Law was so weak, he wouldn’t have put up much of a fight, even if he caught the other man off guard. Frowning, Law forced his battered body into a sitting position. He glanced over his shoulder to make sure Doflamingo was still asleep, then unsteadily pushed himself to his feet. He needed to…
He needed to…
He didn’t know what he needed.
Instead, he tested the slack of the string, which surprisingly allowed him to make it to the window but no further. He pulled back a curtain to see a particularly dark night—new moon, he thought absently—and the reflection of the brightest stars on the black waters of the ocean.
He’d been taken in the mid-afternoon, which meant he’d been sailing away from Wano for at least half a day in who knows what direction. Leaning forward, he rested his forehead against the cool glass and shut his eyes. Doflamingo had bound him to keep him from going too far, but where would Law go? He couldn’t use his fruit, he couldn’t swim, and he was unarmed. And he had no idea where he was.
With no other options presenting themselves, Law returned to the bed and slid under the blanket he was apparently expected to share with his nightmare. Keeping his back to the other man, Law pulled his knees up to his chest and stared at the wall, trying not to think.
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Hearts With(out) Chains Chapter 2
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen (eventual Lawlu) Words: 3297 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Penguin, Shachi, Bepo, Jean Bart, Boa Hancock, Emporio Ivankov, Jimbei, Silvers Rayleigh, Donquixote Doflamingo Note: I’m taking my turn at the Corazon!Law AU because my brain won’t leave me alone until this is written down. Tags will be updated as the chapters come out.
The story title is based on the Ellie Goulding song “Hearts Without Chains.”
Summary: Law is reclaimed by the Family when he’s 17 and, with Doflamingo holding the lives of his crew as collateral for his good behavior, eventually becomes the third Corazon. Years later, trapped by his impossible situation, Law can’t help but resent Monkey D. Luffy for offering a glimpse of something he’s repeatedly had ripped away from him: hope.
Previous chapters: Prologue | 1
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law stared out over the Calm Belt, the forbidden land of Amazon Lily at his back. His crew puttered about around him, regularly complaining about not being able to go further onto the Isle of Women. Law, for his part, had bigger concerns; despite being on the Calm Belt and in the territory of another Warlord, he still half-expected the familiar sails of one of Doflamingo’s ships to appear on the horizon.
The aged straw hat in his grip felt fragile somehow—like its owner currently was—as Law absently turned it over, the crackling of the woven straw grounding him in a way he couldn’t explain. He wasn’t sure why, but he hadn’t let it out of his sight since it had been thrown his way as the Polar Tang prepared to dive in its escape.
It had been two weeks since Law had rescued Straw Hat Luffy from the battlefield of Marineford; the boy was still unconscious, though Law suspected that was more to do with his spirit than his body at this point. Though Straw Hat’s recovery still had a long way to go, Law felt confident he would survive—physically, anyway. Immediately after the surgery, Law would have given his chances at, optimistically, fifty-fifty, but each day his heart continued to beat in his repaired chest improved his odds.
As for when he’d wake up, well… the teen had suffered an immense trauma, his body falling into unconsciousness as a defense mechanism before Law had even arrived. The emotional pain of losing his brother wasn’t something Law could do anything for. (He was hardly the poster boy for healthy coping mechanisms anyway.)
And so, an entire island waited with bated breath.
The more stable Straw Hat’s condition became, the less Law needed to monitor him, which gave him more time to think; according to his crew, that was never a good thing. They were probably right. Law still had no idea how to explain his actions to Doflamingo. He knew neither he nor his crew would escape this unscathed, but Law found himself contemplating how to minimize the inevitable punishment.
On the day of the execution, Law and his crew had waited aboard the Tang at Sabaody in case Doflamingo called for them, watching the broadcast in the meantime. The moment Straw Hat Luffy had burst onto the battlefield, something had startled in Law’s chest. The revelation that he was not only Fire Fist’s brother but also the son of Dragon had sent shockwaves through the entire archipelago, but as Straw Hat fought for his brother’s life, all Law could think of was that middle initial he’d taken note of at the auction house.
Monkey D. Luffy.
“There have often been people who have the name D. who gained public notoriety, and old people would frown and mutter, ‘D. will surely bring us another storm,’” Cora-san had told him. “And in some places, there are people who call the Family of D. sworn enemy of the gods.”
There was one specific “god” that Law very much wanted to take down, though he was in no position to do so himself.
But maybe…
Well, a storm sure seemed to describe a boy who would punch a Celestial Dragon in the face for harming one of his friends, damn the consequences, and would fight every single Marine, if necessary, to rescue his adopted brother from execution.
And when the broadcast of the battle was cut, the feeling in Law’s chest turned into a tug so insistent that he’d ordered his crew to set sail for Marineford.
“Did Doflamingo call for us, Captain?” Penguin asked once they had submerged.
Penguin shot him a confused look. “Then why…?”
But Law hadn’t been able to explain the feeling in his chest, the absolute certainty that he was needed there, until the broadcast returned, and the Hearts watched Fire Fist fall and Straw Hat mortally wounded.
Law knew he’d drawn attention once the Polar Tang surfaced, undoubtedly looking like reinforcements for the Marines as the second-in-command of the Donquixote Pirates, but then he’d called for that idiot clown to give Straw Hat to him—and it had taken less convincing than it probably should have for him to throw Jimbei and Straw Hat down to the Tang. (Coward.) Law had no idea how anyone else, particularly Doflamingo, had reacted, as he’d been hyper-focused on getting his patients below deck with that tug in his chest demanding he act. The arrival of Red Hair had given them room to escape.
Other than removing Amber Lead from his body as a dying teenager who’d only had his Devil Fruit for a few days, the surgery to save Straw Hat was the most difficult of Law’s life. Operating for sixteen hours with Room activated nearly the entire time had completely drained Law—two weeks later, and he was still feeling the effects, his Rooms flickering out quickly when he summoned them—but he knew somehow that nothing less would satisfy the pull in his chest, whatever it was.
Though he would have liked nothing more than to sleep for days afterward, the presence of a Marine ship when the Polar Tang surfaced had forced him to stumble onto the deck and meet the wary eye of Boa Hancock. As he approached the door, he could hear her asking his crew about Straw Hat’s condition.
“I’ve done all I can,” Law said, wiping his hands on a towel as he came out on deck, willing himself upright in the face of another Warlord. “He was in bad shape. It’s up to him and his will to survive now.” He suppressed a grimace as he considered the damage he’d repaired in the boy’s chest. It was a miracle he was still alive by the time Law had gotten to him.
Hancock eyed him, her expression suspicious. It probably should have concerned him, having her full attention like that, but he was too tired to care.
“And why did you help him?” Her eyes narrowed. “Is this another one of Doflamingo’s plots? What does he want with Luffy?”
“I acted on my own.”
“Why?” That was Emporio Ivankov, who’d jumped down from the Marine vessel. Law, long past the point of wondering where these people were coming from, idly marveled at Straw Hat Luffy having friends like a current and former Warlord and a high-ranking Revolutionary (in addition to a father leading the Revolutionaries) that they would track Law to check on his condition but pushed it aside for another time. “Are you a friend of Straw Hat Boy?”
“No.” Law frowned. He might not be a believer anymore, but he’d been raised with religion and those teachings had never fully left him. The pull in his chest had felt like a sign—something the sisters at school would have said was important to follow. But these people didn’t need to know that. “It was a whim, nothing more.”
“A whim,” Hancock echoed flatly.
But Ivankov chuckled knowingly in a way that made Law feel transparent somehow. “Sometimes instinct drives us to do unexpected things.”
Despite her—entirely appropriate, Law knew—misgivings at working alongside the second-in-command of another Warlord, Hancock had brought the Hearts to Amazon Lily, leaving Straw Hat’s treatment in Law’s hands. It was likely Jimbei’s presence that gave Hancock any peace of mind at Law’s presence.
Law looked up when he heard a light cough. He shook himself as Jimbei came up next to him; he’d been so caught up in his reverie, he hadn’t noticed the former Warlord’s approach.
“May I sit?”
Law grunted, which Jimbei took as acquiescence. He sat down and allowed silence settle between them before breaking it.
“Will you be in trouble with your boss for helping Luffy?” he asked.
Law’s eye twitched. “I fail to see how that’s any of your concern.”
“I was thrown in Impel Down for refusing to fight alongside the other Warlords at Marineford,” Jimbei said. “The World Government won’t appreciate another Warlord’s second-in-command rescuing two enemies out from under their nose.”
Law found his grip tightening around the straw hat in his hand and loosened his fingers. Jimbei hadn’t said anything Law didn’t already know. “What is your point, Jimbei-ya?”
“Doflamingo won’t be pleased.”
“Unlikely,” Law agreed.
“But you will return to him.” It wasn’t a question.
Law looked out toward the Tang, where the boy still slept. “When Straw Hat-ya is well enough, yes.”
“Is that a good idea?”
Law huffed a humorless laugh, returning his gaze to Jimbei. “Whether it’s a good idea or not is irrelevant. When Straw Hat-ya no longer requires my care, I will return to Dressrosa and my captain.” He knew better than anyone that there would be consequences for his actions—and that he had no choice but to face them.
Though he knew there would be consequences for what he’d done, it was Doffy’s silence over the last two weeks that left Law the most off-balance. He’d expected the man to bombard Law with calls, if not follow Law himself; the Calm Belt would be little more than an inconvenience in the face of what he wanted.
But there had been nothing.
He supposed this was one of Doflamingo’s mind games. He would force Law to reach out to him first, to crawl back to him, draped in repentance. Doflamingo undoubtedly felt secure in Law’s eventual return because he forced Law to leave at least three members of his crew behind whenever he went out on a mission. Currently, Ikkaku, Clione, and Uni were back in Dressrosa. Law had felt comfortable leaving them since he’d expected the trip to Sabaody to be quick, an errand he could handle with minimal backup. That had been nearly a month ago. And Doflamingo was right; Law wouldn’t abandon his nakama, so even if he went dark for weeks, the Warlord could be confident his second would return.
Law just hoped those three hadn’t already been punished for his actions.
Jimbei frowned and opened his mouth to say more, but he was interrupted by a banshee scream coming from the Polar Tang.
In mere moments, Straw Hat had somehow escaped the infirmary on the Tang (Law tried not to think about what he would find when he boarded his ship again) and made his way to land. As Straw Hat rampaged through the camp, Law caught a look at his face and flinched. The wide-eyed, glassy expression of grief over a pain too great to process was one Law was intimately familiar with; he’d worn it himself, first after Flevance and again after Cora-san.
“Where’s Ace?”
Law’s crew chased after the raging teen, trying to calm him down. Law exchanged looks with Jimbei.
“What’ll happen if we just leave him like that?” Jimbei asked as Straw Hat threw off Law’s crewmates and stormed further inland.
Law sighed, weariness hitting him square in the chest. “It’s simple. If he reopens his wounds, he could die.”
Jimbei grimaced and pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll go.”
“Your wounds could also reopen,” Law pointed out. Not that anyone seemed to care about his professional opinion.
“Better me than him.”
Law blinked at Jimbei’s back as the former Warlord followed Straw Hat’s path. He shook his head, once more wondering at the allies Straw Hat found himself with, and turned away. He continued looking out over the water, clenching his jaw at the sounds of Straw Hat’s rampage in the forest. He suppressed the urge to cover his ears, the pained sounds echoing through him and digging at Law’s own shallowly buried grief.
Eventually, the cacophony faded out, leaving the cliffside eerily quiet. His crew started moving around once more, though they were subdued in the wake of what they’d just witnessed.
“What the hell is that?” Shachi said suddenly, pointing out over the water.
Law frowned. There was some kind of commotion in the bay. What the hell?
“Is that a Sea King?” Penguin asked, joining Shachi.
“Is something fighting it?” Shachi yelped as Bepo and Jean Bart came up behind him.
The commotion came to an end almost as quickly as it started. One moment, the beast was thrashing violently, the next it was still.
“It’s dead,” Jean Bart murmured. “What could do that in the Calm Belt?”
There was a splash just below the cliff. Looked like they were going to find out. Law readied himself to make a Room—it wouldn’t be as big as usual and wouldn’t last long, but it would be something—but dropped his hand as Silvers Rayleigh climbed over the ledge, dripping water. Law watched the man warily as he explained that he’d swum through the Calm Belt. Monster.
Eventually, Rayleigh’s gaze turned back to Law. “You’ve created quite the stir, saving Luffy like that.” He smiled, though there was something in his eyes that made Law straighten. “Luffy is here, right?”
“I doubt you would have come all this way unless you knew the answer to that question already, Rayleigh-ya,” Law replied.
Rayleigh chuckled. “Fair enough. How is he?”
Law studied the older pirate for a moment then made a decision. “He just woke up. He’s still in rough shape; he’ll need to rest for at least two more weeks so his wounds close properly.” The grief, on the other hand, would take much longer to heal, but Law left that unsaid. Someone like Rayleigh would know that well.
Rayleigh nodded thoughtfully. “But his life is out of danger?”
“As long as he lets his wounds close, yes.”
Law’s lips twitched. “I take it we’re being dismissed, Rayleigh-ya?”
Rayleigh outright laughed at that. “Well, that’s not how I would have put it.”
“But you’re here to take over,” Law surmised.
“I’m here to offer Luffy a proposal.”
“And you expect him to accept. I get it.” Law pushed himself to his feet and closed the gap with Rayleigh. He held out the straw hat.
Rayleigh’s expression turned distant for a moment before he came back to himself and took the proffered object with understanding.
“Two weeks,” Law reiterated. “If he pushes it, he could die.” And Law didn’t want the danger he’d selfishly put his crew into to be for nothing.
Once the Polar Tang had set sail, Bepo setting their course based on their eternal pose to Dressrosa, Law grabbed the long-range Den Den Mushi and retreated to his cabin. He placed it on his desk and stared at it as he debated how to approach the call. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there, but he started when there was a knock at his door.
Law’s shoulder’s slumped at Bepo’s voice. “Come in,” he replied.
The door opened, revealing Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. The trio filed into Law’s room, shutting the door behind them. Law swiveled in his desk chair to face them.
“Calling him?” Shachi asked, gesturing at the snail.
Law nodded. “Can’t put it off any longer.”
“What will you say?” Bepo asked.
Law’s mouth moved but nothing came out. He shook his head. “I don’t know,” he finally admitted. “I caused him a lot of trouble, and he’s going to be furious. But he won’t take it out on me.” Not all of it, anyway.
“We’re with you, Law.”
Law blinked at the use of his given name; he was so used to hearing his title, even from his crew, that his name sounded odd even to his own ears. It made the already-tight ball of guilt in his chest clench.
“I made a selfish choice, and now you guys are going to pay for it. I’m sorry.”
“Why did you save him?” Bepo asked. There was no judgment in his oldest friend’s eyes, just curiosity and trust.
“It was…” Law cast about the best way to describe the tug in his chest because if anyone deserved the truth, it was these three. “It was just a feeling,” he finally settled on. It sounded lame to his own ears as he said it. “I don’t know how to explain it. Like something was telling me it was important.”
The other three exchanged looks, and Law felt his stomach drop. It wasn’t good enough, not for the danger he’d put them in…
“Okay,” Bepo said after a moment.
“Okay?” Law echoed, taken aback.
“Okay,” Penguin confirmed.
“If you thought it was important, then we trust you,” Shachi added. “You’re our captain, Doflamingo be damned.”
“The others feel the same,” Penguin added. “We’ll be okay, Captain. Whatever happens.”
Fuck. What had Law done to deserve them?
Once the trio left his cabin, Law turned back to the Den Den Mushi on his desk. He took a breath and dialed the familiar number. It rang longer than Law expected, but he knew this was another of Doffy’s games, making sure Law would stay on the line—as though he didn’t have the ultimate bargaining chip for Law’s loyalty already. Finally, the other man picked up.
“Well, well. If it isn’t the prodigal son. I was starting to worry, Corazon.”
“My apologies, Young Master,” Law replied, deciding deferential was his best tone at the moment. “I called as soon as I was able.”
Doflamingo snorted. “I’m sure you did.” In other words, he knew Law was lying, but he didn’t care enough to challenge the lie. “Where are you?” he asked instead.
“En route to Dressrosa,” Law said, debating how much to reveal of his whereabouts for the last two weeks. Would Hancock reveal Law had been there? Doflamingo would be furious if he heard it from her first. On the other hand… Law decided to err on the side of sharing as little as possible; it made the most sense for Hancock to keep Straw Hat’s presence a secret, as allying—or even appearing to ally—with a rival pirate crew was enough to cost a Warlord their status. “We should be there within the week.”
“And Dragon’s son?”
“Alive. As is Jimbei.” No point in lying about that.
Doflamingo made an impressed sound. “Straw Hat took direct hits from Kizaru and Sakazuki, and you were able to save him? I should really stop being surprised by your abilities after all these years, Corazon.”
Law hummed in response, recognizing the trap in Doflamingo’s words. Nothing he could say here would turn out well for him, whether he accepted the praise or demurred; no response was his best option.
“As impressive as your skills as a doctor are,” Doflamingo went on when he realized Law wasn’t rising to the bait, “they’ve caused me some serious problems.”
And there it was. Law needed to tread very carefully here.
“I had to convince the World Government that my subordinate acted on his own and that I was still a good little Warlord.” His voice had turned into a sneer, and Law could picture the bulging vein in his forehead. “And promise my subordinate would be appropriately disciplined for his indiscretion.”
“Of course,” Law said. “I’m sorry for causing you difficulties, Young Master. I will, of course, accept my punishment.”
Doflamingo chuckled, though there was no warmth to it. “I’m sure you will. You’re ever the loyal one, aren’t you, Law?”
Law’s breath caught in his throat, his body going cold.
“See you in a week.” With that Doflamingo hung up.
Doflamingo had stopped using Law’s name when he became an executive four years ago, even in private, so hearing it now… His tone was such a contrast to the way his friends had used his name less than an hour earlier, theirs so full of warmth and trust while Doflamingo’s was full of implication and threat…
Law ran a tired hand over his face. “Fuck.”
Next chapter
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purplehairedwonder · 4 years
Inside a Broken Dream Chapter 5
Fandom: One Piece Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Gen Words: 3617 Characters: Trafalgar Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, Penguin, Jean Bart, Smoker, Tashigi Note: Story title comes from the Vertical Horizon song “Shackled.” Character and relationship tags reflect the current chapter. Obviously this is canon-divergent ;)
Warnings: There is an assault in this chapter. It’s not overtly sexual, but if that bothers you, avoid the italicized section.
Summary: Two years after Wano, peace on the Grand Line is fragile. Trafalgar Law and the Heart Pirates are doing their best to help maintain the peace, but when Doflamingo returns with Law in his sights, the balance of power entirely may shatter entirely.
Previous chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Read also at AO3 / FF.N
Law was so startled by the revelation that he forgot his vulnerable position for a moment, eyes widening. Dying? He could have laughed, except—
“I’m going to fix it?” he echoed in disbelief, brain catching up with the other man’s words. “Why the hell would I do that?”
Doflamingo set his pistol down on the table—Law’s shoulders loosened at that—and reached down to grab Law by the collar and pull him upright in the chair he was bound to.
“For one thing,” he said directly into Law’s face as Law very carefully did not flinch. “It’s your fault.”
“Oh?” Law raised an eyebrow. “As happy as that would make me, when did I—”
Law blinked, momentarily confused, then recognition struck like lightning. “The Gamma Knife.” That was supposed to be a killing blow—and it would have been against anyone who couldn’t stitch their organs back together with strings. But Doflamingo had said that was merely first aid, not healing. It had been a patch job for the immediate damage to his organs but didn’t account for the—
“You have radiation poisoning,” Law realized. He hadn’t spent much time thinking about the long-term effects of the attack after developing it because he hadn’t considered that someone might survive for more than a few agonizing minutes. But it made sense. Interesting.
Doflamingo rose to his full height, forcing Law to look up at him. “The doctors at Impel Down discovered it not long after I arrived. My unique abilities have kept me alive longer than I had any reason to live.”
“But you’re almost out of time,” Law deduced. Radiation at the level Doflamingo had been exposed to from that attack should have killed him within days, if not hours. That he had lived for two years after the attack was downright miraculous. But even his impressive biology and the creative use of his Fruit couldn’t keep him alive indefinitely.
Doflamingo’s expression tightened, as if it pained him to concede, “Only the Ope Ope no Mi can cure me now.”
For a moment, Law was speechless as he processed what he’d just heard. Suddenly it made sense why Akainu had chosen now to sic Doflamingo on him; he didn’t have any more time to wait if he was going to play that card. But Doflamingo was, as ever, the Joker—a wild card.
And then Law laughed, hard enough that tears formed in his eyes. He knew the laughter was jagged with sharp, unhinged edges to it, but he couldn’t stop himself. It had taken an additional two years—fifteen years since that night—but Law had pulled the trigger after all.
After several long moments, Law collected himself with no little effort, aware that Doflamingo’s veins were bulging in fury. But Law couldn’t bring himself to care. Doflamingo couldn’t maim the only surgeon in the world who could save him. And Law would need to use his abilities if he were to operate on the former Warlord, so the threat of another Seastone bullet was just that—a threat. Even the one in his shoulder would have had to come out eventually.
“Why,” Law asked, amusement still evident in his voice, “would I help you when I was the one to deal the blow in the first place?” Especially now that Doflamingo knew the truth about that night and Law’s revenge mission.
“For the sake of your crew.”
Law stilled, all traces of humor dissolving. “What?”
“I have two members of your crew in the brig,” Doflamingo reminded him. “How long do you think Penguin and Jean Bart would hold up under torture, Law?” He tapped his chin, feigning thoughtfulness. “I’d bet on Jean Bart outlasting the bird, being a former captain and slave. But maybe he’ll surprise me.”
Fury, now uninhibited by Seastone, uncurled in Law’s chest. “No,” he snarled.
“No?” Now Doflamingo’s tone had turned amused.                              
“They have nothing to do with this.”
“They have everything to do with this,” Doflamingo sneered. “The moment you made them yours, they became mine as well. Because you’ve been mine since you were ten years old, Law. You know what kind of Family we are.”
“You son of a bitch,” Law growled. “You leave them alone.” This is exactly what he’d been afraid of when he’d sent his crew to Zou while he went to Punk Hazard on his own.
“Why would I do that? I know better than to think I could torture you into compliance. I trained you too well for that.” Doflamingo licked his lips in anticipation. “But your crew? I know you never did for them what I did for you.”
Doflamingo was right; he’d never treated his crew the way Doflamingo had treated his Family—valued for their usefulness to the captain. It had taken Cora-san’s death for Law to realize it, but Doflamingo was everything Law didn’t want to be in a leader. The only Donquixote legacy Law wanted to pass on was that of Cora-san.
The thought of Penguin and Jean Bart subjected to the cruelty he knew Doflamingo capable of, Law forced to watch helplessly as they suffered because of him, made Law sick. It was his job as captain to protect his crew.
But he also knew the danger of healing Doflamingo, knew what the man could and would do once he was no longer suffering from the effects of radiation poisoning. Doflamingo couldn’t have much time left if he’d been willing to risk stealing a Marine ship and kidnapping Law in broad daylight. If they could just outlast him…
“And besides the two in the brig,” Doflamingo added, “the rest are sailing right into my arms as we speak.”
Law bit the inside of his cheek, thinking. Though his first instinct was panic, he forced his mind back to logic. Penguin and Jean Bart might be captive, but the rest of his crew was free. They would fight. And if the Straw Hats were also on the way, Doflamingo would be outmatched, even with a ship full of Marines under his control.
“I put my trust in my crew,” Law said finally. “And my allies.”
“Even against a Buster Call?” The retort was immediate, as if Law’s response had been expected. (It probably had been; Law had constantly felt steps behind Doflamingo ever since he’d known the man.)
Law went cold, memories of Flevance surfacing in his mind’s eye unbidden. The gunfire tearing through bodies like paper, the blood flowing like rivers, the heat of the fire that consumed the hospital and Lami, the moans of the dying children he should have been among, the weight of the corpses pressing in on him as he fled…
That hadn’t been a Buster Call, but it had been close enough.
He thought of Nico Robin and the haunted looks that she masked expertly from her crew but never could disguise from Law when he knew them from his own mirror.
He shook himself, trying to force the images from his mind. “What?”
Doflamingo smirked widely. “What do you think Akainu would do if I sent word that I’d lured both the Heart and Straw Hat crews to one place?” He slammed a hand down flat on the table, and Law started, despite himself. The memories had cracked his composure, and he knew Doflamingo had seen it. “It may not be his original plan, but do you think that man wouldn’t take the chance to wipe out the both of you at once?”
“You’d still be dying in that case,” Law countered, swallowing against the bile in his throat.
Doflamingo tilted his head. “Perhaps. But at least I’d be taking you and Straw Hat and your nakama with me.”
The words struck a familiar chord. Law had felt much the same when he’d made his plans for attacking Dressrosa; if he’d died, so be it—as long as Doflamingo’s death was assured in the process. And now their roles were reversed. The power of a man with nothing to lose could be a fearsome thing indeed.
“But it doesn’t have to come to that,” Doflamingo added.
“If I do the operation,” Law supplied flatly.
“It would make things simpler, would it not?”
Law’s eyes narrowed. “My crew will be unharmed.”
“As long as you play your part, they won’t be harmed,” Doflamingo confirmed with a creeping smile that made Law’s skin crawl.
“And the Straw Hats? They are my allies.”
“Don’t push it.”
Law’s hands were clenched so tightly in fists that when he forced himself to loosen them, he found bloody crescent-shaped wounds in his palms. He absently rubbed his hands on his jeans, leaving bloody streaks on his thighs. He could try to push the negotiation further, but knowing Luffy, he wouldn’t care about or stick to a deal Law had struck anyway.
“Fine,” Law decided finally, the words strained. “I will treat the radiation poisoning only.”
He would not be cornered into the other operation. Law didn’t mind dying to protect his nakama, but he wouldn’t unleash an eternally-young and powerful Doflamingo on them—or the world. And he knew his crew and allies wouldn’t accept him making that trade either. It was the one line he wasn’t willing to cross to protect them—at the end of the day, it wouldn’t protect them or anyone else he cared for anyway. He’d even risk the Buster Call for that one.
Doflamingo nodded. “Agreed.” He eyed Law. “But to make sure you don’t get any more smart ideas before we reach Herrenlos, you won’t be leaving my sight.”
Herrenlos. Of course, Law thought as he remembered. It was the name of an island the Donquixote Family kept as a secure outpost in the New World in case they ever needed to flee their current locale. He’d learned all the names and locations of the Family outposts across the four Blues and Grand Line as a child. Law hadn’t thought about any of them in years since Doflamingo had been openly ruling Dressrosa while Law plotted his revenge. He’d asked Tashigi to find out where they were going, and she’d done so.
“Fantastic,” Law muttered.
The longer Law was away, the more Penguin’s worry gnawed at his insides. The three prisoners had been brought their usual scraps for dinner, and when Marines had come to escort them to the bathroom, he’d tried to find out Law’s status but had only gotten an elbow to the gut for his trouble. Once night had fallen and his captain—his friend—still hadn’t returned, Penguin turned restless and started pacing his cell. Though he’d washed his hands in the bathroom, he could still feel Law’s blood on them from removing the bullet, and, though it wasn’t the first time, he’d never get used to that feeling.
“Would you stop before you wear a hole in the floor?” Smoker snapped. “Not all of us can swim.”
Penguin paused and glared at the Vice Admiral. “Easy to say when it’s not your captain being held captive by a madman.”
“No, it’s my partner and my men,” Smoker retorted coldly.
Penguin stiffened. Smoker had been commanding this mission when Doflamingo had taken it over, leaving his men under the string man’s control. And the swordswoman who’d taken Law away was Smoker’s partner; he’d forgotten.
“Right,” he muttered, sliding down against the wall again and burying his face in his collar. He could only be so sympathetic when the man had been leading a mission to capture or kill his captain in the first place.
He knew Law was more than capable of taking care of himself—he was a freaking Emperor—but he also knew there was a long, nasty history between the two former Warlords. And that history had been haunting Law since before Penguin had met him when Law was 13.
Having known Law for as long as he had, Penguin had seen and heard Law’s nightmares, had more than once held him as he came awake with whimpers or shrieks, his body wracked with tremors. He’d seen the haunted look in Law’s eyes, emphasized by the darkening circles under his eyes, and Law’s growing insomnia as he feared sleep, succumbing only when his body gave out from exhaustion. Once the original four Hearts had taken to the sea in the Polar Tang, Penguin had watched as Law stared at the skies and constantly looked over his shoulder, always wary of a flash of pink.
Penguin had also kept a careful eye on his friend once he’d returned from Dressrosa. After Doflamingo’s fall, some of the weight had lifted from Law’s shoulders and some of the shadows had faded from his eyes, but Law had never told even him, Shachi, and Bepo everything that had happened on Dressrosa. More than once, he’d caught Law absently fingering the ugly scar on his arm and flinching at the sight of guns and knew whatever had happened wouldn’t leave him so easily.
Law kept his pain to himself, tried to avoid burdening his nakama no matter how much they wanted to help him carry it—and so to know that Law, no matter how strong he was now, was once more in that man’s hands made Penguin sick.
Sometime during the night—it was impossible to keep track of time in the brig except for the visits of the guards and the sounds of activity above them on deck—the brig door opened. Penguin sat up, hoping to see Law, but it was the swordswoman.
“Tashigi,” Smoker said in surprise.
She put a finger to her lips. “I don’t have much time. I’m supposed to be going to the kitchens, but I took a detour.”
“Where’s Law?” Penguin demanded.
“With Doflamingo.” Penguin’s stomach sank. “As far as I know, he’s unharmed,” Tashigi added quickly, glancing between Penguin and Jean Bart. “But Doflamingo wants to keep an eye on him until we arrive.”
“Arrive?” Jean Bart asked.
“Where are we going?” Smoker prodded.
“An island called Herrenlos.”
Penguin frowned. “What’s that?”
Tashigi shrugged. “I don’t know. But it seemed to mean something to Trafalgar.” She looked at Smoker. “We should arrive sometime tomorrow.”
Smoker nodded thoughtfully. Tashigi, meanwhile, looked between Penguin and Jean Bart.
“Your crew is not far behind us.” She sighed. “Same with the Straw Hats.”
Smoker groaned, but Penguin and Jean Bart perked up. Penguin knew his nakama would come for them, but that they had apparently called the Straw Hats for backup as well was excellent news.
“Do you know what Doflamingo is up to?” Jean Bart asked.
Tashigi shook her head. “He sends me outside the room any time he talks about anything important.”
“Talks with who?” Smoker asked, leaning forward. “Law?”
“Him. And he’s been making calls on the Den Den Mushi.”
Smoker frowned. “Who would he be calling after two years in Impel Down?”
“I don’t know. Old contacts?” Tashigi twitched. “I have to go. Be careful,” she said, turning from the cells and leaving the brig.
“You be careful,” Smoker called after her, sighing as the door clanged shut behind her.
Penguin exchanged looks with Jean Bart. It was good that Law was okay, but that still didn’t answer what Doflamingo wanted him for. He supposed they would find out tomorrow.
He really hoped his nakama would hurry.
Though Law had never been to Herrenlos, he’d seen the maps and base schematics—though that had been nearly two decades earlier. Still, the name had stuck with him; with its name meaning abandoned, the island had sounded haunted to Law when he was a boy. As the Marine vessel pulled into the docks on the island the next afternoon, Law took in the island through the window of the captain’s quarters and thought his younger self had been on the right track.
A rocky outcropping loomed over the beach, which was rocky rather than sandy and was scattered with desert flora. Atop the outcrop was the base—a warehouse with living quarters, from what Law could remember. The base was well-suited to defense from an outside attack… like would be coming from the Heart and Straw Hat crews.
As Law watched, the Marines, some under the control of strings and some moving of their own accord, started unloading cargo from the ship. Whatever items would be useful for stocking up the base, Law assumed.
Law flinched when one large hand came from behind to rest on his right shoulder, the other stroking down the left side of his face, tracing his line of his cheek—a facsimile of tenderness and affection.
“Stop that,” Law snapped then hissed in pain when a finger found its way into the bullet wound on his shoulder. His knees nearly buckled as the finger pressed into the wound, sending a jolt of pain down to his toes and drawing fresh blood, but Doflamingo’s unrelenting grip on his shoulder kept him upright.
“It’s time to go,” Doflamingo murmured into Law’s ear, his breath wet and warm against Law’s skin.
“Fine,” Law said through clenched teeth, gathering himself and turning on his heel. His shackles clanked with his sudden movement. He didn’t look at Doflamingo.
Doflamingo chuckled but let go of his shoulder and followed him. Tashigi was standing outside the door when Law opened it. She glanced back at him in surprise, eyes briefly falling to his left shoulder and blanching, but she was forced to walk half a step behind Law as a guard. Law ignored her reaction and strode forward. Doflamingo followed his two captives.
Neither Law nor Doflamingo slept the night before. For several hours after their tense arrangement had been reached, Law remained tied to the chair, stewing silently, while Doflamingo sat at the desk and looked over papers and maps and scribbled notes. Law very carefully did not think about how much this felt like sitting shackled to the Heart seat in Dressrosa, powerless.
Some time after night had fallen, Law started when he felt the strings confining him to the chair fall away. He looked over at Doflamingo, who had shifted in the desk chair to face Law, and raised an eyebrow. Rather than respond, the other man pointed a finger, and Law was pulled to his feet as a single string wrapped around his shackles and tugged him forward.
Law grimaced but didn’t fight the movement. He didn’t think it was worth picking the battle—not yet. He came to a stop directly in front of Doflamingo, Law’s thighs nearly touching the larger man’s knees. For a long moment, Doflamingo scrutinized Law from behind his glasses. Then he reached one hand, almost tentatively, up to Law’s face. Law inhaled sharply as Doflamingo’s hand cupped his cheek and tried to push back against the touch, but the string was still wrapped around his shackles and kept his hands in front of him.
The hand slid from Law’s cheek to the back of his neck and fingers lightly brushed through the hair on his nape. Goosebumps erupted under the touch, Law intimately aware that Doflamingo’s large hand could enclose around his throat at any moment. Logically, he knew it wouldn’t because Doflamingo needed him alive, but his body wasn’t reacting to logic.
The fingers suddenly tightened in Law’s hair, and Law’s breath hitched as Doflamingo pulled back, exposing Law’s neck. Law swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and Doflamingo slowly rose to his feet. He leaned over, as if to sniff Law’s exposed neck. Law’s heart hammered in his chest as his position became even more vulnerable.
Maybe he should have picked the battle after all.
“I always knew you’d grow up into something incredible, Law,” Doflamingo murmured.
“Funny,” Law replied, voice unsteady as he focused his gaze on the ceiling. “I didn’t expect to grow up at all.”
There was a huff of laughter against his neck, and Law suppressed a shudder. “I have always been good at cultivating potential.”
Law felt his irritation spike at that. “Yes, such great potential behind bars in Impel Down,” he retorted with a measure of satisfaction.
Doflamingo growled, predictable in his anger at any slight against the Family. The hand in Law’s hair tightened further then Law cried out as he felt a sharp sting in the meat of his left shoulder. His eyes flew wide, and he jerked back as far as he could with the string still attached to manacles. Breathing heavily, he looked down to see a bloody bite mark.
Furious, he glared at the other man. “What the fuck?”
“A reminder of just who you belong to,” Doflamingo simply replied, teeth bloodied as he smirked.
Law’s stomach turned. Doflamingo, seeming satisfied to have made his point, dropped the string from Law’s bindings. Law retreated to the chair at the table, moving only to clean up the wound when Doflamingo had thrown a towel in his direction.
When Law emerged on the deck, he was relieved to see Penguin and Jean Bart, as well as Smoker, standing by the gangplank, guarded by armed Marines.
“Captain!” Penguin called, relieved, as Law approached. His eyes narrowed as he saw the fresh wound on Law’s shoulder.
“Are you okay?” Jean Bart asked, having noticed it as well.
Law nodded, refusing to give Doflamingo the satisfaction of acknowledging it. “Fine. You two?”
“We’re good,” Penguin said, and Jean Bart nodded in confirmation.
“As touching as this little reunion is,” Doflamingo drawled, “it’s time to go.”
The Marine guards jerked into motion and grabbed Penguin, Jean Bart, and Smoker, pushing them toward the gangplank. Law and Tashigi followed, with Doflamingo bringing up the rear.
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