#anyway capitalism is a scam i want my seasonal breaks back
yayroos · 1 year
full time work is such a con it's the first day of the school holidays (2 week break) here and I'm stuck at my desk but good god my body remembers this being free time. I am aching to go hang out in the garage or wander around in the sun or spend a whole day with a friend. I am tired and desperate for a break and I can hear kids in the neighbourhood in their backyards.
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td-tbbg-official · 8 months
Valentine’s Day - Short Story
“That will be $47.06. Will that be cash or card?”
“Oh my God, babe, like in your favorite video game! Isn’t that so cool?”
“You remembered?”
“Of course I did! How could I not?”
“Oh, I just… Thought that… Nevermind, I’m just kinda flattered.”
“And it’s a cute coincidence, isn’t it? You’re buying me gifts that round up to your favorite number—”
“Will that be cash or card?” Heather shouts, loud enough for the most annoying couple she’s seen today to snap out of making heart eyes at each other and look at her.
“Um, card,” the guy reluctantly says as he takes out his wallet.
“Fucking finally,” the cashier mumbles under her breath, thankfully quietly enough for the clients not to hear.
“I take it your day isn’t going well…” the girl chuckles.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Heather snarls.
Fuck this ‘customer service’ smiley face façade, she couldn’t care less. This is her fourth job this year anyways, and it’s only February. Maybe by Women’s Day, she’ll be at her eighth. That’d be a pathetic record, and she can’t believe she actually partly wants to reach it, just to feel something again.
“Oh, nothing, sorry,” the girl chuckles again. “Forget it. Have a lovely day! Happy Valentine’s!”
“Go die in a ditch,” Heather retorts, mostly to her computer, her tone hushed again in order to not get fired.
Stupid couples in this stupid store on this stupid holiday. It’s all a scam anyways. A holiday invented for the sole purpose of making single people feel lonely, aromantic people feel invalid, and benefiting off the money in those in relationships. Who the hell thought of this?
Her day could be much worse, she is well aware. She could be swarmed by TDI superfans looking to get her autograph. She could be swarmed by TDI superfans looking to cause her untimely demise. She doesn’t know which one is worse at this point. Lovey-dovey couples are the last of her worries, but she can’t help but roll her eyes at every single one.
Deep down, she knows why; but she refuses to admit it to herself. She tells herself she’s moved past him, that she’s grown as a person and, in turn, outgrown him.
But if she goes even deeper, she knows it’s not true. As mostly everything Heather Kasuga has told in her life, this, too, is a lie.
It’s when he drops his make-up brush for the umpteenth time that Alejandro breaks. Not into tears, no; he actually breaks his bathroom mirror. It’s only then that he bursts into tears, because he’s cut himself on the glass, and doesn’t have enough money to replace his mirror.
It’s not like it matters, anyways. He’s become hideous, and he knows this. He wonders why he even has this mirror in his apartment – it’s not like he still likes looking at himself, as he did many years ago… What has it been, a decade? And does it matter? Time stopped after Total Drama, and its importance faded away with it.
On this day, he tends to think back to that damned show, believe it or not. The bonds he’s made on it never leave his head, and one in particular stands out; it’s the one that haunts him most, the one that he wishes actually lasted.
Of course, it’s impossible. They’ve grown. She’s strong, and she’s surely gotten past him.
But he’s weak, and he hasn’t. And he knows this, but never will he admit it.
For Alejandro Burromuerto refuses to tell another lie. Whatever exists up there knows where that gets him.
Ah, Valentine’s Day. The perfect day to show your partner just how much you love them by giving into the horrors of capitalism and buying them more chocolate than they could eat in a year! How wonderful.
I... seriously pity you if you were expecting something cutesy, haha! Oh my God, the look on your face must be priceless! Listen, when I said these two were going through it, I meant it!
Hey, if it’s any consolation, Chef and I are doing great. We’re watching the first few seasons back to back while laughing at every single painful moment, reminiscing of the screams we’ve heard while on set and ranking them. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is...
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
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Hey, it's me again! The Anon that constantly comes back because I'm too lazy to play the new lessons myself.
Anyway, Lesson 30-something, what happened in it? I've just seen screenshots and most of them are Solomon blushing (which, well, can't really say I'm complaining).
Hope you answer, and I'll probably ask you about the lessons after this.
-Anon that's still somehow stuck on Lesson 31. Seriously, I should really start playing the game again soon.
I'm screaming I literally wrote this whole thing and it got deleted because tumblr refused to send it and just banished the reply into the void i want to fight someone. I'm so sorry I'm gonna bang my head against something now.
It's okay if you ask cause I need someone to rant to after lessons!
So two days before the ritual to break the pacts. Solomon is researching how to use the night dagger.
Lucifer & Satan are arguing on the staircase (cause 50% of all important conversations happen on staircases - and I mean this sincerely). Lucifer promised mammon he'd come play cards with him and Satan doesn't want him to go cause he thinks it'll be a scam (he's worried about his dad big brother❤). MC asks Satan if he's worried about Lucifer and that makes his affection go up. He asks MC to promise him to go with Lucifer and keep an eye on him. He ruffles MC's hair and gives them the same we'll still be friends talk that the others do
They go to play cards and place bets, if Mammon wins he gets Lucifer's credit card for a day and if Lucifer wins he gets mc alone for a day. You can choose whether you want mc to either play along or cheer for Lucifer. (And look my MC's performing Olympic grade gymnastics to avoid Lucifer's advances & this lesson has a lot of options to romance Lucifer that I didn't pick so...)
Lucifer gets distracted by Mammon's car before they start playing.
Mammon really really wanted this limited edition car (it had a rare colour) so he worked his ass off and earned money to buy it (I think it's mentioned that this is the first thing he bought from his own money). But by the time he'd earned enough it had been sold out. As far as Mammon knows Lucifer spoke to the dealer and was able to find one last car (can you do that? Can you just ask them to look in the back and they'll just pop out with a car they accidentally overlooked?). BUT Lucifer recalls that he actually spoke to diavolo and called in a special favour to get the car for mammon. Lucifer tells mammon he was impressed by him and I no longer possess a physical form I'm now a bowl of goop with thumbs to type
Lucifer wins (duh) and mammon asks to speak to mc alone. He tells them that even if their pact is severed he'll always be their first man. MC says 'I won't forget.' Mammon does that stuttery thing and says something like 'don't forget.' He hugs them tight. I added a screenshot of this (& other important moments) to my first answer but I don't wanna risk it cause if I lose this again I will realistically commit homicide. But anyway this line killed me 'suddenly I feel like the invisible bond between us is even stronger than it was before'. If I wasn't a puddle before I would be now
The next day mc & Lucifer meet up to go out, Asmo and mammon complain, I'm a total dick so I don't let MC hold Lucifer's hand and it makes him sad (I cry). They meet Solomon at the gate and he says he needs to talk with MC but can wait till after. He suggests going to the carnival (from the beginning of the season) cause it's the last day at the devildom and Simeon was planning on taking Luke but had to bail to go to the celestial realm. (Also the devildom is only one city/district right? I always saw it as the capital of The Devildom as a whole)
Lucifer laments not being able to remeber their first time at the carnival, mc gets to reassure him that it's okay. They get popcorn and go on the ferris wheel.
He asks them what they spoke about last time on the ferris wheel. The answers are 'Lucifer' or 'diavolo' . if you choose diavolo he throws shade at past Lucifer for being an idiot and talking about another man when with MC (*SNORT*) .
Yes yes ik mammon technically confessed first and did so twice (thrice?) but neither were direct. The first was him agreeing with mc about them being in love in front of someone else and the second was under the influence of the truth bracelet. Asmo confessed too but in a 'never thought I'd find someone I love more than me. That's wild' way.
After mc shoots him down he goes 'that sucks guess I'll have to try harder to make you fall for me'
@like-nxrthernstxrs if you say you love him back, you get to kiss and mammon who followed you sees and goes quiet which yeah no, no thanks
I didn't unlock the locked lessons but screenshots show that all the brothers follow them I think (imagine the nightmare of dating one of them for real tho? Like you, me and your friend Steve except Steve is your 6 brothers who want to sleep with me)
The most notable exchange during them is when Levi asks whether Lucifer seems happier without his memories (he actually is more carefree) but mammon says he wouldn't be happier because he loves all his little brothers and he wouldn't be happy if he couldnt remember them. Levi tells mammon it's gross whenever he starts acting like an actual older brother (so we've seen mammon step up to the role of a older brother every once in a while - specially when Lucifer isnt able to - and he's actually really good at it? And that's just💞💞)
When they go home, solomon's in MC's room. He goes 'so do you want the good news or bad news first? Actually they're both bad news and you're fucked lol'
The dagger is so old that it doesn't have enough power to break the bonds and even when charged with Solomon's power it isn't enough.
The only way to restore the power is to use it to stab a powerful demon in the chest and have it absorb the demon's power.
Then he gives mc the dagger and is like 'anyway go stab Lucifer in the chest or we're all gonna die'
MC's like 'what the fuck'
Solomon goes 'lol just kidding i wouldn't ask you to do that'
Solomon tells them that he spent his whole life protecting humanity and that he is willing to do anything to save it. He tells them that choosing between all of the three realms and one demon should be easy. But he can't because he knows that'll make MC sad and he doesn't want to hurt them (honestly some of the dialogue from Solomon, Simeon and even diavolo makes me wonder if they'll ever become LIs down the road)
Lucifer has been eavesdropping the whole time (obviously) and kicks Solomon out.
Mc tells time not to worry and that they'll figure something else out. He tells them that he cares about his brothers and them (he puts a bit of emphasis on MC) and that he wants them to stab him. MC keeps on protesting. He grabs their hand and makes them point the dagger to his chest. You get a choice. You can either stab Lucifer, MC or command him to 'stay'. If you choose to command him, he freezes for a sec and then tells MC they are too distraught to be able to put any actual power behind the command. He moves their hand to stab himself. The screen goes white. If you decide to stab MC he screams their name. The screen goes white
A '???' voice tells them to stop and that it's not needed. Simeon (the only person with even a single braincell in this entire game) stops their hand and tells them they've been brave. He slips an old ring on to their finger. The screen goes white.
The screen's still white but now it's white in a way that makes it look like it's sunlight blinding the screen.
Another '???' voice apologises to MC for not being able to meet them before. It asks mc why they refused to stab Lucifer. They can say it's because they love him, because they didn't want anyone to get hurt or because they wanted to find another way. And look even if you aren't romancing Lucifer you have to admit at this point of the game MC does love him and all his brothers as well.If you pick the first option the voice says that it's a good thing and that they should cherish that love and let it grow. If you choose the second it tells them they are kind. The voice then tells them that after seeing how much the brothers adore them it expected them to be wicked and that it's happy they aren't. It tells them that they don't have to worry and that the ring of light will keep their powers in check and that they should go back because the others are worried. MC wakes up to Lucifer calling their name.
I'm 90% certain the voice in Michael, 10% of me is terrified it'll turn out to be God. And look I'm not religious, I don't really believe in anything and either way I was raised in a Buddhist household so God has never been anything I believed in BUT God talking to me through an otome game is definitely not something I need rn or ever really
Mc, Solomon, Simeon and Luke are by the lake at the palace. Solomon says he can finally relate to Mammon cause Lucifer had punished him. Simeon reveals that Lucifer had punished diavolo as well and would be coming after the rest of them that kept this whole thing secret from him (And this kills me! This man loves his family so much he was not only willing to go against God and his army when his family was in danger but he was also willing to lash out at DIAVOLO who he has so much respect & loyalty towards when he accidentally put Lucifer's family in danger!??? Anyway any chance I had of solidifying into a physical state has been completely swept away)
It's revealed that Simeon may or may not have stolen the ring from Michael who still loves Lucifer and keeps a shrine to Lucifer all of Lucifer's things from the celestial realm with him. And honestly I want whatever superpower Lucifer has that allows him to act like a dick with major issues but still makes ppl just absolutely love him. (I absolutely adore how easily om! throws around the word 'love' or actions of love. And I don't mean regarding MC. I mean between the brothers, undateables, Luke and side characters. Like at this point there's no doubt that despite all their differences everyone loves each other.)
Simeon (or Luke) note that now with the ring MC is as powerful a sorcerer as Solomon and may someday surpass him. Solomon is asked of he's jealous and he says he's not and he's glad to finally have someone like him.
Solomon pulls MC aside and asks them for a favour. They can either ask what it is or say 'anything for you'. If you choose the second option he blushes. He tells them he has spent his whole life looking out for humanity (thousands of years) and that he would like to work side by side with them to protect the humans. In his own words they'd be 'partners'. You can either agree or tell him it sounds like a pain in the ass. If you agree he says that a part of him knew they'd agree. (I can't remember if this is said outloud or implied but I'm assuming this means Solomon will teach them to use actual magic thus making 3 out of 4 of my main game MCs magical apprentices. Nice.)
*Solomon refers to himself as 'the witty sorcerer' confirming that all their aliases in the cards have actual canon meaning...so Mammon's 'fallen warrior' and 'punishment party' is basically just confirming he was probably the only one classed as a fighter from all his brothers back in the celestial realm and that he's a masochist right? That's what that means?*
Barbatos arrives to welcome them and ask them to follow him.
The lesson ends.
The pre stabbing scene with Solomon and mc doesn't really follow the exact dialogue of the first scene in S2 and the backgrounds don't match either (the human world vs MC's bedroom). Now this could mean the devs fucked up or it could mean there's more BS waiting to be stirred up. Personally I believe it's the first one BUT with how determined the devs seem with turning all of Lucifer's hair white i wouldn't be surprised if it was the second either
Hope that helps 31!❤ sorry it took some time I had to take constant breaks to scream cause the app sucks :)))
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