#anyway every time I try to check the Nancy tag for content
syntiment · 2 years
Man I’m gonna start taking Nancy Wheeler rights from a good chunk of y’all... You people treat this girl like garbage. She ain’t a villain in ST, she’s like, a regular teenage (for most of the series) girl who went through significant trauma, is coping badly with it, and who’s greatest sins according to y’all are- *checks notes* dating Steve and the relationship not going well, having a complicated relationship with her brother, and being an independent female character who stands her ground and is pretty emotionally stunted from the trauma she’s been bottling the whole series long.
Nancy is a really nuanced character with a lot of layers you aren’t supposed to be able to peel away from a first glance, a huge part of her character is upholding expectations of her and hiding her problems because the girl’s never had the healthy space to unpack all of the really awful terrifying shit she’s been through. A well put together girl who’s actually got her shit together (in the 80′s) doesn’t sleep with guns in her closet. 
She went through a severely traumatic loss that she blames herself for, lest people forget, it’s canon that she spent a YEAR visiting Barb’s parents and spending dinners with them after her death, because the girl has a guilt complex so deep it’s actually heartbreaking. And also discovering that the regular world she thought she knew is actually full of real actual monsters and another dimension. Yeah, her relationship with Steve fell apart during that, it’s very difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with all of that on your plate. They were both teenagers who sucked at managing it.
Her and Mike have the same sibling squabbling that you see in a lot of places and as we’ve been shown in canon when they’re both not performing the classic Wheeler Family Bottling-up-all-your-feelings schtick, they clearly care about each other a lot and Nancy does a lot of little things to try and look out for Mike where she can. But neither of them want the other (or anyone else) to worry about them so they don’t talk about what’s going on with them. And that tends to translate as them seeming distant. (They both struggle to open up about what’s going on with them unless under duress, we have so many instances of both of them doing this through the show.)
God forbid she be a girl through her teens with some self-respect and who despite the shit she’s been through, wants to make something of her life and be able to stand on her own two feet. She’s got issues like anyone in that show has issues, they are all meant to be portrayed as realistic people with both good and bad traits that make them understandable and relatable. People’s expectations of Nancy to be some kind of perfect girlfriend ideal big sister saint is a really weird wash of her character. 
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therosebunpost · 2 years
I was inspired by all the Older!Eddie content thats been running around (my god, I love that man-)
So, this is gonna be suggestive in places, so if your under 18, DNI! Also, theres a bit of a dark twist, so please be aware of the tags!
But basically, its the 90s and you’re a young 20 something who lives in their Van. Maybe you run a blog, or just have very rich parents who don’t care what you do with their money as long as it doesn’t ‘stain their reputation’. Either way, you’re traveling around until you end up in Hawkins. The place where theres been a bunch of spooky shit that happened in the 80s, so you just HAVE to check it out. Plus, maybe you aren’t very good at Van maintenance, so your van just up and died on you. So you have to stay in the trailer park while you try and find someone who can fix it. Maybe on top of that, you can’t reach your parents as quickly, so you’re low on cash too. (I’m envisioning you take a lot of inspo from the 60s-70s. Flower child vibes and all)
In comes Mr. Munson. I’m thinking maybe in his 30s, who is known to help out with cars in the trailer park. The thing is, you gotta barter for it since you don’t have a lot of money. So there you are, doing chores for him. Making him food, tidying things, and of course, constantly asking him about the events of the town. You’ve seen the scars on his body. The occasional sneak peak when he’s changing out of his work clothes, or that one time you accidentally walked in on him when he was running around naked. Frantically getting ready for some thing he’s got going on. “A show.” He grunts at you later as he comes out of his bedroom, embarrassed but dressed. He knows he’s getting older. Knows that he shouldn’t care what someone like you thinks of him, but what he doesn’t know is that the sight of him comes up in your dreams. You really like Mr.Munson, Eddie as he often insists you call him.
You like him more when you actually see what ‘show’ he’s talking about. Explosive and electric, you cant help but wonder why he’s here. Why he isn’t up on some stage, rocking out with the best of them. You tell him as much, and you ride the high of his flustered smile all day long.
It doesn’t even phase you that it’s been a month since you came to Hawkins. That your parents still haven’t contacted you back about the money you need to be able to leave. The mail was slow, and it wasn’t like they were home a lot anyway. They’ll get to you at some point, you weren’t worried. How could you be, when the trailer park felt more like home with each day that passed? Sure, it wasn’t like your old life, but you liked the people. Liked the community of it. Hell, even the other residence of Hawkins weren’t bad either.
You meet the others. Steve, Robin, Nancy, Jonathan. You see how much they care about the gaggle of young adults who seem to follow them around. Yet, you notice something else too. The look in their eyes when you mention looking into the History of Hawkins. The way Nancy’s eyes flit up stairs, as if mentally checking to make sure something’s there. The subtle tensing of Steve’s jaw. The way Dustin rubs at his leg, which he limps on every so often. The dimness in Jane’s and Will’s eyes.
You dont bring it up anymore. You still look, sure, but it’s not as frequent. Just the occasional muse through different articles, when you have a minute alone. It’s rare though, when that happens. Between hanging out with Dustin and the gang, to making sure Mr. Munson Eddie, eats something decent, you don’t feel inclined to chase ghost stories. To believe rumors, especially from certain Hawkins residents.
Not when your chasing something else now.
You really like Eddie. He’s sweet, and kind even if he had a bit of a grumpy streak. Fair in all your dealings, sometimes even throwing in some free weed that you guys end up smoking in your van. He really likes you too, you’re so certain of it. It’s hard not to catch that vibe when his gaze lingers just a bit too long, or when you both sit just a bit too close to each other. When his voice goes all low, and smokey as he talks to you. When your laid back against the pillows of your pull out bed, the twinkling fairy lights dazzling due to the weed, and he lets his hand graze along your arm. You wish he’d touch you more. Sure, you were glad he was respectful with you. Following your lead when it came to contact, but just once you wish he’d just make a move.
Eddie wishes he could too. He thinks about it all the time. What it’d be like to kiss you, to hold you against him, to let his fingers run through your hair…but then things take a turn that he’ll never forgive himself for. He only lets himself think about it in the dark of night, as he buries another lifeless animal in the backyard. What would your blood taste like? Sweet? A little salty? Tangy like a fresh fruit? His fangs burn with it, that desire to sink them inside. When you curl against his chest in your van, hidden from the world, he’s glad that the weed seems to settle him. To fill him with lead, so he doesn’t spring at the pulse of your heartbeat.
He hates himself for it. Hates himself, so much, but he cant just distance himself from you either. So, he stays where he is. Letting you initiate things, but never letting himself have that freedom. He knows you like him, and knows that if things were different, you might just be perfect for him. You are perfect, and thats why he can’t let himself tell you how he feels. He’d never, ever forgive himself if it was you he had to bury next.
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
you said i should say less about new ace content in general and i immediately understood that as say more so please gimme some ace stuff and please make it fluffy. i don't particularly care about the pairing but i'm always down for lashton and/or malum but any atl ship works for me as well so like just do your thing i guess wow that was a useless sentence this messy ask is further proof that i should go to sleep so bye love you!! -fiancee
well i ran with ace lashton in an interesting way i hope you enjoy it this is not based on real life but maybe it could be. in a better world it is. that’s all i’ll say about that, i hope you like it
read here on ao3
Luke likes going to the movies. He likes staying home and having a home-cooked meal. He likes quiet, simple, intimate activities.
He does not like parades.
“But it’s Pride,” Ashton wheedles. “D.C. Pride! One of the biggest pride events in the country!”
“You made that up, and I don’t care,” says Luke. “I don’t want to go. I don’t like parades.”
“It’s not really a parade.”
“Also not true.”
“Okay, but it’s not about the parade, it’s about the gathering,” Ashton says, gently shaking Luke. “It’s about a bunch of queer people all coming together and uniting in one space. Celebrating our differences and our similarities. Celebrating community.”
“That’s beautiful,” Luke says. Ashton looks hopeful. “Still no.”
Ashton huffs. “I don’t wanna go alone.”
“Go with Michael and Calum,” Luke suggests. “I’m sure they’d love for you to tag along.”
“And third-wheel all day? No thanks.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you,” Luke says, and carries on setting the table for dinner. If his mum comes home to a half-set table, the blame will fall on Luke, of course. Ashton takes the cue and begins laying out plates.
It’s quiet for a moment. Luke can tell Ashton is trying to come up with a way to convince him to go to Pride, but it won’t work. Luke’s avoided Pride for seventeen years. He doesn’t intend to start now. Staying at home with his boyfriend and watching Rent is about as much as Luke cares to celebrate Pride Month. Maybe they’ll make out a little. Standards are low.
“Okay, how about this,” Ashton says, and Luke sighs deeply. “No, hear me out. And keep an open mind, okay? Think about compromise.”
“I’m listening.”
“What if we go before the parade starts?”
Luke frowns. “Then what would be the point?”
“There will still be people there,” Ashton says. “But it won’t be nearly as many people, and the festivities won’t really be happening yet, so we can still say we went to Pride but we won’t get caught up in the whole big thing.”
“But I thought you wanted the whole big thing.”
“Ah, whatever,” Ashton says, waving him off. “I’d rather go with you than see the parade alone.”
Luke feels bad. It’s obviously important to Ashton, or else he’d have given up already on trying to make Luke go. And as much as Luke knows he shouldn’t feel obliged to prioritize Ashton’s wishes over his own comfort, this makes him want to.
Compromise. “Okay,” Luke says. “Fine.”
Ashton blinks. “Really?”
“Did you think that wouldn’t work?”
“I—” Ashton’s face breaks into a smile. “I don’t know, not really, to be honest. Really? You’ll come?”
“Yes,” Luke says, and the delight in Ashton’s face makes up for the dread pooling in Luke’s stomach. 
Ashton shuffles around the table and presses a warm kiss to Luke’s cheek. “Thank you,” he says, warmth also bleeding into his voice. “I’m excited. You’re gonna like it.”
Probably not, but Luke keeps that thought to himself. He doesn’t need to rain on any more of Ashton’s parades.
Luke and Ashton are excited about Dupont Circle for different reasons. Ashton is basically vibrating out of his seat on the Metro as they approach their stop, where the parade is slated to begin at half past noon. It’s only eleven now, but that doesn’t seem to matter to Ashton. He seems confident that there will be enough Pride to satisfy his excitement without overwhelming Luke.
Luke’s just looking forward to the Krispy Kreme at the station.
They take the escalator out, and sure enough, there’s Krispy Kreme to the left. Luke grabs Ashton’s hand and yanks him towards the shop.
“Seriously? We’re at D.C. Pride and your priority is donuts?” Ashton says, but he allows Luke to tug him along until they’re at the door.
Luke turns to him and very seriously says, “Ashton, my priority is always donuts.”
“Yeah, that’s fair, I walked into that one,” Ashton mutters as they enter the store.
Five minutes and two donuts later, both of them exit, Luke munching contentedly on a strawberry-frosted donut (with sprinkles, of course) and Ashton carefully biting into his jelly-filled one. 
“Okay, starting now, we’re at Pride, and you can’t be a Negative Nancy,” Ashton declares.
“I promise not to be a Negative Nancy,” Luke vows. “I swear on this donut.”
Ashton beams. “Yay! Okay let’s go explore.”
You’d think this was Ashton’s first Pride for how excited he gets over everything. He stops at almost every stand, even though they’re all selling different versions of the same thing, and somehow manages to spark up conversation with any passing person who looks queer and interesting. Luke loves this about Ashton, how charming and outgoing he is, how he could befriend a vaguely human-shaped plant. People are drawn to him; Luke’s no exception. Ashton is very much the main character, even more so because he doesn’t seem to know it. He's just Ashton, and Luke loves him for it. Even when it means the halo of Ashton’s spotlight draws attention to Luke by extension.
Luke is not a charming, outgoing person. Luke is quiet and reserved. He’s never cared for the spotlight. Sometimes it’s a good thing that he has Ashton to pull him out of his shell a little. Sometimes he wilts under the scrutiny. It's a toss-up, but Luke appreciates that Ashton never stops trying.
Most of the tables selling merch boast shirts, hats, flags — the kind of thing you’d wear or own if you wanted to be loud and proud about your identity. Luke’s not really that kind of person. Luke’s way of coming out is to subtly slip into the conversation the fact that he has a boyfriend. Before he had a boyfriend, it pretty much never came up. Big, colorful flags have never been his cup of tea. 
And anyway, that’s only half of his identity. The other half never comes up, and Luke’s okay with that. It’s not like being ace is the kind of thing you can casually mention. It has to be a whole thing, every time, and Luke doesn’t want to deal with the whole thing, so he just doesn’t bother. Most of the time it doesn’t really matter. As much as Luke is able to fly under the radar, that’s what he intends to do.
“Hey, pins!”
Ashton is not like that.
“Luke, you like pins, right?”
The table they’ve stopped at is covered end-to-end with pins. Enamel or plastic, every single pride flag Luke has ever seen in his life is represented here, in a variety of shapes and sizes. The kaleidoscopic display is fun to look at, at least. There’s nobody behind the table at the moment, which means in theory it would be pretty easy to steal one, but Luke’s not like that, and even if he was he wouldn’t feel good stealing a pride pin from a small-business owner.
“I don’t really have an opinion,” says Luke.
“Ha,” Ashton says. “O-pin-ion. Haha.”
“I’m leaving you,” Luke says, turning away with a wry grin.
“No, come back.” Ashton grabs his wrist and pulls him closer, so Luke wraps an arm around his waist and rests his head on Ashton’s shoulder instead. “I like pins. They’re a very understated way of coming out.”
“Having a boyfriend is an understated way of coming out,” Luke replies.
"I resent you calling me understated," Ashton says in faux-indignance. Luke giggles.
“I’m so sorry, I had to run and grab some water,” says a voice, as a person bustles around them to stand behind the table. Their pink fringe is pushed back by a bandana and they’re wearing a jean jacket with so many pins and patches that the fabric is practically invisible. A sticker on the front pocket of the jacket introduces them as Alex, he/they :). “Can I help you with anything?”
“Just admiring the collection,” Ashton says brightly. “I love your jacket.”
“Thank you very much,” says Alex. “It’s been accumulating pins for about five years now.”
“Damn,” Ashton says, wolf-whistling. “That’s a good collection. I don’t have a good jacket for pins.”
“Wish I could tell you where I got mine, but it was a gift from my boyfriend,” Alex says. “I’ve heard thrifting is a good way to go.”
“You wanna go thrifting, Luke?” Ashton says, nudging Luke, who shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. He reaches for one of the asexual flag pins, a small enamel rectangle, and smoothes his thumb over the surface. “These are pretty nice.”
“You should buy it,” Ashton says. “Start a cool jacket. Then we could be matching.”
“You don’t have a cool jacket yet.”
“I know, but we could.”
“But neither of us have a cool jacket. So it’s not even—”
“Fine, ruin my fun,” Ashton harrumphs. To Alex, who’s watching them with amusement, Ashton says, “So how long have you and your boyfriend been together?”
“Oh, uh…” Alex’s gaze diverts to the air like he’s counting invisible numbers. “Six years? Almost? I think it’s gonna be six years in July.”
“Six years,” Ashton repeats in mild awe. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, high school sweethearts, blah blah blah,” Alex says, smiling. They shrug. “Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. You know?”
Luke swallows. Ashton says, “Good for you. That’s impressive.”
“I like to think so,” Alex says. “What about you? Are you guys together?” He winces. “Should I not have asked that? I’m sorry, to be honest this is Jack’s business, I’m just running the stand because he wanted to go look around a little before the parade started. My boyfriend Jack, I mean. Sorry.”
“No, no, it’s all good,” Ashton says. He hip-checks Luke gently, which Luke takes to mean something like is it cool if I tell him? It’s nice that Ashton is asking, but Luke had kind of figured everyone would assume they were together because, you know, Pride, so he doesn’t really care.
“Yeah,” he says. “For, what, eight months?”
“Eight months,” Ashton confirms.
Alex grins. “That’s great, I love it. What are your names?”
“Ashton,” says Ashton. “He/him.”
“Luke. Also he/him.”
“It’s nice to meet you guys,” Alex says. “I’m Alex. He/they.”
“Yeah, your thing says,” Luke says, pointing.
Alex laughs. “You’d be surprised how many people don’t see it. Or they see it and think it’s just another decorative pin.”
“Do people wear pronoun pins as decorations?” Luke wonders. “That seems strange to me.”
“People are ineffable,” Alex says solemnly. Then he grins. Luke likes Alex. In fact, little though Luke’s actually spoken today, he likes most of the people whom Ashton has stopped to chat up. Queer people are so friendly, is what Luke is learning. It almost makes him happy to be here. 
Except now Alex’s words are ringing in Luke’s head, and he can’t stop hearing them. Everyone thought we’d break up when we went to college, but when you know, you know. 
Ashton’s going to college this fall. Luke’s managed to forget about that fact because it’s only June, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Ashton’s leaving and Luke’s going to finish his senior year alone and what if something happens to them? What if they’re fooling themselves thinking they can do the long-distance thing? What if they’re doomed already and this summer is just prolonging the inevitable?
“Well, personally I would love to buy a pin,” Ashton says. “Luke, choose one.”
“What?” Luke says, blinking himself out of his spiral. “Why?”
“I’m buying you one,” Ashton says.
“I don’t—” Luke bites his lip. He’s still fidgeting with the ace flag pin, and he kind of likes it. Maybe he can subtly come out in different ways. Maybe he can just wear it, and wait for someone to ask. Then it’s way less of a big deal because it’s not like Luke has brought it up. 
There’s enough shame in the world. Luke doesn’t need to add to it.
“Okay,” he says instead. He holds up the ace flag. “This one.”
“Great choice,” Ashton says, digging out a five to give to Alex. He hesitates, then pulls out a ten instead. “Actually, maybe I’ll also get one. Then we can actually match.”
“Right, with our matching jackets that don’t exist yet.”
“You know what, fine, we don’t have to match.” Ashton makes a face at Luke. “You can put your pin on whatever you want. It’ll go great with your all-black closet.”
“Shut up,” Luke grumbles. Ashton laughs.
“Hey, don’t knock the all-black,” Alex says. “Black is the new black. It’s fashion forward.”
“Not in eighty-degree June it’s not,” Ashton says.
“It’s seventy-five,” Luke protests. “And Alex is wearing a jacket!”
“Yes, but Alex is not my boyfriend, and we only just met,” Ashton says, grinning. “Also, their jacket is sick as fuck.”
“It is sick as fuck,” Alex agrees. “But I’m still siding with Luke here. You can’t go wrong with all-black.” For the first time, he seems to register Luke’s shirt, and his eyes light up. “Hey, Green Day! I fucking love Green Day!”
“You should be my best friend,” Luke says seriously, and Alex nods equally seriously.
“Hey,” Ashton complains. “I like Green Day.”
“Thank you for the pin,” Luke tells Alex. “Good luck with the, uh, you know, selling more of them.”
“Of course, anytime,” Alex says. “I’m pretty sure there’s a website on these business cards if you ever want to, I don’t know, browse?” They shrug one shoulder. “This is why I’m not a small business owner.”
“Cool,” Luke says, taking the card. He probably won’t use it, but you never know. 
“Nice to meet you, Alex,” Ashton says, as he and Luke start to walk away, fingers interlaced between them. “Good luck! Happy Pride!”
“You too! Enjoy the parade!” Alex says, waving.
Luke doesn't bother to inform him they're not staying that long; he and Ashton turn away and continue walking, Luke with his new pin clutched in his fist.
“They were cool,” Ashton says enthusiastically. “There are so many fucking interesting people here. God, I love Pride.”
Luke grips the pin tighter. The pointy back starts to hurt where it’s pressing into his palm. “Yeah.”
“Thanks for letting me get you something,” Ashton says. “I know it’s not really your thing, but I don’t know. I felt like we should buy something after we stood there for so long.”
“No, yeah, I agree.”
“On the bright side, they’re pretty cool pins.” Ashton holds his out like he’s assessing what he’ll do with it. “Maybe Michael has an extra jean jacket he never wears. I could ask him.”
Luke hums. Ashton glances over at him, eyebrows drawn together. “Are you okay?”
Luke's not supposed to say anything like this. He’s supposed to be positive because he promised he wouldn’t be a “Negative Nancy” and the sky is so blue that Luke would hate to be the reason for rain, but if he doesn’t say it then it’ll just keep ringing around his head until he can’t think about anything else.
“You’re not scared we’re gonna break up when you go to college?” he blurts out.
Ashton stops short and their hands break apart so Luke’s falls to his side. “Where’d that come from?”
“You heard Alex,” Luke says. “Everyone thought he and his boyfriend would break up when they went to college.”
“But they didn’t,” Ashton says.
“But that’s obviously unusual,” Luke counters. He swallows hard. “I’m just saying…aren’t you worried?”
Ashton tilts his head. “Do you want me to be worried?”
And yeah, a little part of Luke does. Only because if Ashton’s worried, it means he values their relationship enough that it would hurt him to lose it. But Luke knows that’s not really fair, and he knows Ashton loves him, even if he doesn’t seem worried at all.
“No, I don’t know. I just— I don’t know.”
“Are you?”
“I don’t know,” Luke says again. “I had pretty successfully managed to avoid thinking about it, but now…I don’t know.”
Ashton gently pries open Luke’s fist and runs his thumb over the red imprint the pin has left. Sheepish, Luke puts the pin in his pocket. As soon as his hand is free again, Ashton takes it, holding both of Luke’s hands in both of his own.
“I’m not worried,” he says quietly. His eyes are so sincere and his hands are so soft and Luke loves him and likes him and knows that to lose him would be a fate worse than death. “You must have missed the other half of Alex’s sentence. Remember? When you know, you know.”
Luke’s breath catches a little. “Yeah, but…”
“But what?” Ashton lifts a shoulder. “I already know, Luke. I’m in it for the long haul. So unless you meet some other guy who’s even awesomer than me and makes better puns, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not letting you get away that easy.”
Luke gazes at Ashton until the rest of the world falls away. “Oh,” he breathes.
“Okay?” Ashton quirks a smile.
Luke surges forward and kisses Ashton for as long as he can manage without passing out. It’s clumsy and sweet and Ashton’s hands tighten around Luke’s waist and Luke wraps his arms around Ashton’s shoulders and nothing else in the known universe matters except this.
When they finally break apart, Luke cracks a smile. “Okay.”
Ashton beams. He offers his hand to Luke again, and this time Luke takes it and doesn’t let go.
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pappydaddy · 4 years
Ophelia (s.h.)
A/N: This is the first part (yay!) out of the I Wanna Be Yours series. If you notice, there is a theme to this: songs!! Pretty much this entire series is inspired by songs and music so I put together a playlist on Spotify (if you have Apple music, feel free to make a playlist on that but please inform me first!) and I might make one on youtube but idk. 
  Each part is going to have the songs I listened to while writing it, inspired it, or fit with the contents of the part. Please, if you’re going to listen to the playlist, don’t put it on shuffle while you read it because I worked really hard to get the order right!! I hope you guys enjoy this!! (Also enjoy my weird, wide range of music😂).
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!OC(named)
Warnings: Angst, violence in some parts, arguments, body image issues, feeling belittled/feeling weak, SPOILERS!!(for all seasons).
Fandom: Stranger Things 
I Wanna Be Yours Playlist (Spotify)
This parts songs: 
This parts songs: I Wanna Hold Your Hand - The Beatles | Ophelia - Lumineers | Poison - Rita Ora | Less I Know The Better - Tame Impala | Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby - Cigarettes After Sex
masterlist | taglist | wips | navigation
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 Sitting in the driver's seat of her car, she listened to her brother ramble on and on about only two subjects: this new girlfriend named Suzie and Steve Harrington. Every time he brought the ramblings back to his fluffy-haired older friend, she found her mind wandering. Steve Harrington had proven himself to be much more different than she had first perceived. When she had moved to Hawkins, she had thought him to be an egotistical asshole who only cared about a title and he had proven her right through his actions until one day when he suddenly just wasn’t. Suddenly, Steve was the boy who was dating Nancy Wheeler and hanging around with Jonathan Byers. He no longer was ‘King Steve’ (the king title being passed to Billy Hargrove), he no longer had Tommy H. and Carol as his two annoying shadows. Ophelia wasn’t quite sure what happened between the three, but it must have been pretty big. 
  Despite the change in his ranking within the high school, she still didn’t fully trust him. His past actions went against everything she believed in. She believed in kindness and loyalty, not getting into fist-fights, bullying and ignoring people just because you perceive yourself as better than them. Maybe that’s why they never seemed to become friends for the majority of the time he went to high school.
  “Ophelia,” Her brother’s call of her name snapped her from her thoughts of her history with her brother’s friend. “Are you even listening to me?” He asked her when she glanced at him quickly. She pressed on the brake of her car, getting ready to turn into the bustling mall parking lot. 
  “Yes, of course I’m listening!” She lied, looking back in front of her. 
  “Really? Then why haven’t you been answering me when I’ve asked how Steve’s been doing?” Dustin perked an eyebrow at his older sister. Sure, her and Steve Harrington were not friends through most of Steve’s high school career, but that had changed when Dustin had brought them together to help capture Dart, leading to Ophelia’s second go around with the Upside down. He had changed once again. With Nancy Wheeler dumping in at Tina’s Halloween party and then running off with Jonathan, she had seen Steve once again change his spots. After fighting the Upside Down alongside him, their friendship blossomed. 
  “Because, we’re about to see him so you can actually ask him for yourself, Dipwad.” She commented, trying to get Dustin off her case. All she needed was for him to know just how she felt about the dopey, hair-obsessed boy. Sure, their sudden and shocking friendship was not the last of Steve’s changing. Through their growing friendship, she had watched as he changed into the dorky, clumsy, parent of six. Sure, he lost his charm, but somehow, his lack of charm captured Ophelia’s heart. Maybe it was finally seeing the true Steve Harrington that made her heart skip a beat every time she so much as heard his name. Or maybe it was the way he developed a new charm that the girls of Hawkins have yet to fall for, but no matter how it happened, she definitely fell head over heels for him.  
  “I don’t want him to know I’m worried about him.” Dustin exclaimed, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head as he gripped his hat covered curls in frustration. Ophelia gave him a look as she pulled into a parking spot, turning the car off swiftly. 
  “He’s fine, Dusty,” She reassured him, pulling the keys from the ignition. “Why are you so worried about him anyway?” She posed the question. Sure, he had been a little bummed out since he hadn’t gotten into any schools he applied for, and he was a little upset about having to get a crappy part-time job, but it wasn’t anything to make Ophelia too concerned. Of course, it hurt her a little hearing him talking about himself the way he does, but what hurts her the most was the little game him and Robin were playing. Seeing him shamelessly (and horribly) flirting with girl after girl who ventured into Scoops Ahoy was poison to her heart. Each wink he gave the girls was like a needle injecting the next dose right into her valves, wanting to kill the beating organ. 
  “Between you and me, I think he’s lost his mojo a little, Leah,” Dustin whispered to her over the hood of her car as they climbed out. She gave him a look that told him that he was crazy, but he just challenged it with a knowing look. “He hasn’t had a date since Nancy left him and he doesn’t go to parties. He’s lost his confidence and, in turn, lost his mojo.” Dustin explained. 
  “He didn’t lose his mojo, Dustin. He’s changed, he’s grown and he’s trying to figure himself out and he hasn’t tried to get a date since Nancy left him.” She pointed out, trying to cease her brother’s worries. Sure, he’s flirted, but he hasn’t actually put himself out there. Ophelia knows the difference between flirting and actually wanting a relationship all too well. Her trusting nature had made her fall privy to people just wanting attention or sex, but on the flipside, her trusting nature had let her experience some of the most beautiful relationships - most of them which had turned sour towards the end, but none-the-less, were still a beautiful heart-break. 
  “I’m still going to worry about him.” Dustin remarked as they walked into the mall. Ophelia hummed, dropping her hand on top of his hat covered head, ruffling it slightly before falling to rest on the bookbag he wore on his back. She made him stop for a second as she dropped her keys in her purse, pulling her wallet out. 
  “Alright, you head over to Scoops, here’s some money,” She told Dustin, handing him a couple of bills. “Steve is going to try and give you free ice cream, tell him no and give him the money or put it in the tip jar. Trust me, it has been my entire summer.” She instructed him. Admittedly, her heart would soar like an eagle in the sky when Steve would push her hand full of money, insisting that it was on the house every time she wanted an ice cream, thinking that he might just actually feel the same way she did, her desperate heart filling her mind with hopes that would quickly cloud over with dark thunder clouds when he would send flirty statements over the counter at the next girl. 
  “Wait, you’re not coming with me?” Dustin furrowed his brows, taking the money. 
  “I will be there in a few, I’m heading over to work to check the schedule, and Brett said he needed to talk to me about something anyway.” She told him, stuffing her wallet back in her purse. Dustin narrowed his eyes at her at the name. 
  “Whose Brett?” He cocked his head to the side. He had heard the name before, most likely from one of Ophelia’s friends gushing about random guys while they were locked up in her room. 
  “He works with me, he’s also the captain of the hockey team - Melissa never shut up about him in grade nine,” She answered him, patting his shoulder. Dustin hummed at this, nodding. He looked at the bills she handed him, counting them to see how much she gave him. “I won’t be long, Brett usually writes my hours down for me anyway.” Told him before walking away from him and towards the escalators, heading towards Tower Records. Dustin didn’t pay the information any attention as he made his way towards Scoops. 
  His sneakers squeaked against the tiled floor as he looked around the mall in awe. He hadn’t seen it yet, only heard about it in Ophelia’s letters to him while he was at camp, but nothing she said could do the actual thing justice. The bright neon signs, the high-end stores. The sleek glass in the ceiling letting the sun provide natural light. The fountain, the hustle and bussle. It was great. Walking into the sailor themed ice cream parlor, he took in the blue and white striped wallpaper and the cheery sailor tone playing. 
  Steve was nowhere to be seen when he walked in, so he fell into line behind the two people standing at the counter. He waited patiently, gripping the now crumpled bills in his hands. He could see the girl behind the counter with short blonde hair what had the softest wave to it. Her blue eyes looked bored and unenthusiastic. “Have a nice day.” She drawled, her eyes vacant of joy as she handed the two people their ice cream cones. 
  “Thank you.” The girl smiled at the blonde before the pair of them left, happily licking their ice cream. Dustin smiled, knowing he was so close to seeing Steve again. The girl behind the counter pressed her hands into it, leaning on them as she turned her uninterested gaze on the beaming Dustin who showed off his toothless smile. 
  “Hi.” Dustin basically bounced in his spot from excitement. 
  “Hi.” She drawled, not nearly as excited as Dustin was. Silence passed between them as they looked at each other. Dustin’s smile never filtered and the blonde’s expression never changed. Dustin opened his mouth, gesturing towards himself awkwardly. 
  “I’m Dustin.” He introduced himself, thinking that Steve had told his co-worker all about him. He told almost anyone who would listen about how excited he was to get back home and see Steve so he expected nothing less from his older friend. 
  “I’m Robin.” The blonde replied, a forced smile on her lips. She really just wanted him to order his ice cream and move along so that maybe the day could go by faster. 
  “Pleasure to meet you, uh-” He told her politely. Much like she wanted him to hurry up, Dustin just wanted this to be done with so he could see his friend. “Is-is he here?” Dustin asked with a gesture of his hand, his bright eyes scanning over the space behind the counter. 
  “Is who here?” Robin asked, somewhat intrigued with this strange child. He was so happy and cheerful, his eyes bright. Just then, the swinging door leading to the backroom burst open making them snap their attention towards it. With a squeak of his sneaker, Steve was there, his eyes wide with excitement, just knowing that his friend was out in the parlor. 
  “Henderson,” He stepped away from the door, raising his arms in the air, a wide smile on his face at the sight of the curly haired teen. Dustin started to laugh, pointing towards the older boy as his smile grew, his eyes squinting from it. “Henderson! He’s back,” Steve jumped around as he rushed around the counter, trying to reach his best friend. “He’s back!” He basically yelled, pointing to Dustin. He glanced at Robin as if she was supposed to care. Robin clued into just who the strange child was at the last name. Ophelia’s little brother. Their cheery happiness was almost uncanny.
  “I’m back! You got the job!” Dustin exclaimed.
  “I got the job,” Steve matched Dustin’s enthusiasm, making a trumpet noise while pretending to play one. “Hey, oh!” He said as they performed an intricate handshake. Robin watched the two with raised eyebrows as they pretended to be fighting with lightsabers before Dustin pretended to stab Steve, prompting Steve to pretend his guts were falling out. They finished the handshake, looking at each other and laughing. Steve rested his arm on the cooler beside him, both of them sighing and coming down from their laughter. 
  “How many children are you friends with?” Robin asked, leaning forward on her hands more, eyeing Steve. He certainly wasn’t the same Steve she knew in high school. Steve looked at her, sighing before sniffling as his smile shrunk. Swiping his finger under his nose, he gestured towards Robin with his hand, giving Dustin a look. 
  “So, hey, uh,” Steve started, looking around the parlor, placing both his hands on his hips and kicking his foot out. The musical laughter of the girl he was almost positive he would see today was missing. “Where’s your sister? I thought she’d come in with you.” He asked, looking at Dustin. Dustin shrugged, looking around the parlor to take it all in. 
  “She said she’d be here soon, she had to stop by the store to check the schedule and apparently some guy wanted to talk to her about something there,” Dustin told him, once again not thinking much of it. “I think she said his name was like Brent or something, I don’t know - I wasn’t really listening.” Dustin admitted. Steve’s heart sunk slightly, floating slowly to the bottom of his feet like a paper falling to the floor. 
  “You mean Brett?” Robin spoke up, her eyebrow perked curiously. One thing about her not being in the popular crowd, she learned to observe and gather her information that way. She could clearly see how Steve felt about Ophelia. Whenever she came into the store on her break, his brown eyes would light up like a kid on Christmas. He would constantly bring her up. He could be scrubbing the staff toilet and find a way to bring Ophelia up. She was almost positive that Steve was head over heels for her.
  “Yeah-yeah, that sounds right.” Dustin nodded, not paying much attention as he scanned over the ice cream tubs in the cooler.
  “Oh man, that guy’s been hooked on her for like two years, I heard he took the job at Tower Records because he heard that she was going to be working there.” Robin informed them. Steve could have sworn he had died right then and there. He felt strangely possessive and protective over the eldest Henderson since she squared up against Billy and lasted pretty well until she ended up on the floor next to Steve, knocked out. The sight of her beat up face was the last thing Steve saw before he finally clocked out. 
  If he was being completely honest, he had developed a crush on her way before Nancy. He would always see her floating around the halls of the school with a bright smile, always saying hi to everyone. It was like she was friends with the entire school population. You’d be hard pressed to find someone who didn’t like Ophelia Henderson, but somehow, Steve hung out with the only two people who didn’t. They despised the girl. Thought she was too nice, too good even though everyone at school has seen her knocking shot after shot back at parties. When he had developed feelings for Nancy, he had thought his feelings for Ophelia were long gone, but seeing her taking no shit from Billy and fighting the Demodogs alongside him last year proved him semi-wrong, instead of a crush, he had a fierce need to protect her and keep her way from any guy who he deemed not right for her (which was pretty much all of them). 
  As if on cue, she floated into the parlor with a large smile on her face. “Hey everyone!” She cheered, walking up to her brother and Steve. Steve looked at her, his own smile stretching on his face. He could practically feel his face light up at the sight of her. She smiled brightly at him, rolling up onto the balls of her feet excitedly. 
  “Hey, Leah, Dustin said Brett wanted to talk to you, what’d he say?” Robin asked, curious to see what the development of the love triangle that was brewing. Only an idiot couldn’t see that Steve and Ophelia both liked each other and you would have to be living under a rock not to realize that Brett Morris also chased after the oblivious girl. 
  Ophelia smiled wider - if that was even possible - at the question, her eyes lightning up with excitement. Steve gazed at her expression, wishing he could have caused it. “He wants to hang out with me, as a date!” She exclaimed, walking between her brother and Steve to stand in front of the counter. Steve wanted to die at this news. Brett Morris was a loser - a scrawny, entitled loser who flew through girls like crazy. He had no place going on a date with someone as pure and sweet as Ophelia. He wouldn’t appreciate the beauty of her eyes, swirling with different colours and sparkling with light. Would he fully understand just how precious her laughter was? 
  “Really? That’s awesome.” Robin smiled at the excited girl. 
  “Yeah, I know! I have to go get a new outfit,” She gushed, whirling around to look at Dustin and Steve. “I’ll be back later to get him, do not hype him up on sugar, understand be Harrington?” She told him, not sticking around long enough to get an answer, instead rushing back out of the parlor. Steve pressed his lips into a fine line, his nose flared. Robin looked at him with an amused smile, ready for the chaos of a love triangle. 
  Ophelia sauntered back into Scoops, looking at the rush to see Robin manning the counter alone, Steve and her brother nowhere to be seen. “Hey, Robin, where did Steve take my brother?” She asked as Erica and her group of Erica clones walked out. Robin looked towards her, a stressed out look in her eyes. 
  “They’re in the back,” She told her, nudging her head towards the door as she walked towards it herself. Ophelia rushed around the counter, following Robin into the back room as she burst through the door. “All right, babysitting time is over, you need to get in there.” Robin told Steve walking into the room. 
  “Yeah, and it’s time for us to go Dustin.” Ophelia told her brother. The two girls stopped, looking at the two boys. Steve backed up to stand beside Dustin who was at the table, facing them. Their eyes were wide and scared, almost as if they were caught doing something they shouldn’t have been. Steve held a half-eaten banana in his hand, his cheeks pushed out with bits of banana in them, mid-chew. She looked at them oddly, knowing that nothing good could come of this. 
  “Hey! My board,” Robin exclaimed, whirling around to look at Steve and Dustin. Ophelia looked over at her to see her standing by a board on the wall that seemed to hold the Russian characters on it. “That was important data, Shitbirds!” Ophelia rolled her eyes at that. It wasn’t important data to her, in fact, maybe now that the board was erased, the game would stop and Ophelia could find the anecdote for the poison. 
  “I guarantee you, what we’re doing is way more important than your data.” Dustin told her, earning a glare from his sister. Steve nodded along, eating the rest of his banana and tossing the peel to the table in front of Dustin. 
  “Oh yeah, and how do you know these Russians are up to no good anyways?” She challenged, walking to stand in front of the table.
  “What Russians?” Ophelia asked, suddenly very concerned. Steve and Dustin looked at each other with startled looks. 
   “Your brother intercepted a Russian transmission using some sort of radio and they plan to translate the transmission and become American Heroes.” Robin told her. Ophelia nodded slowly, taking the information in. 
  “How does she know about the Russians?” Dustin whispered to Steve.
  “I don’t know.” Steve spoke through a mouth full of banana, shrugging his shoulders. His brown eyes were wide, his eyebrows shooting up into his hairline. Under other circumstances, Ophelia would think he looked cute, but not when they were trying to translate a Russian transmission. 
  “You told her about-” 
  “It wasn’t me!” Steve defended himself, cutting Dustin off. 
  “Hello! I can hear you, actually I can hear everything. You are both extremely loud,” Robin broke the news to them. “You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you’re trying to translate it, but haven’t figured out a single word because you didn’t realize that Russian’s use a completely different alphabet than we do,” She rattled off. Dustin and Steve looked at each other in shock before looking back at Robin. “Is that about right?” She asked. Ophelia stepped up, standing beside her. If these two idiots were getting into something then so was she. They were pretty much a package deal at this point. 
  Robin lunged forward, trying to swipe the tape off the table, but Steve grabbed it before her. “Woah - Oh! What do you think you’re doing?” Steve asked her with a crazed look in his eyes. Ophelia raised her eyebrows at it.
  “I wanna hear it!” Robin bounced slightly, showing more enthusiasm that she ever does when doing her job. 
  “I do too.” Ophelia told them, walking over and pulling out a chair from the table, sitting down in the spot in front of Steve. Steve shook his head at her. 
  “Why?” Both Dustin and Steve asked at the same time, mostly directed to Robin. They could see why Ophelia would want to, since she had been by Dustin’s side since Will’s disappearance. 
  “Cause maybe I can help,” Robin shrugged. “I am fluent in four languages, you know?” She disclosed to them proudly. Ophelia looked over at her, impressed. 
  “Russian?” Dustin asked, intrigued. Robin leaned closer to him. 
  “Ou-yay are-yay umb-day.” She told him. Steve and Dustin looked excited, making Ophelia shake her head, slapping her hand to her forehead. 
  “Oh-ho-ho!” Steve exclaimed.
  “Holy shit!” Dustin smiled wide, thinking that she actually spoke Russian to them. Robin straightened up, her face blank while Ophelia was questioning her brother’s sanity. 
  “That was pig-latin, Digus,” She told him, making their smiles fall. Steve looked down at Dustin, slapping him with the banana peel that he had picked up for some reason, muttering ‘idiot’ under his breath, not wanting to admit that he also thought Robin was speaking Russian. Robin sat across the table from Ophelia. “But, I speak Spanish and French and Italian, and I’ve been in band for twelve years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me.” Robin argued her case. 
  “I also speak fluent French and a little latin and, don’t forget, I’ve saved you two before.” Ophelia reminded them, giving them a knowing look. Steve and Dustin looked at each other, unsure if they should let them help. Steve definitely didn’t want to let Ophelia help. It was too dangerous, it went against every fiber in his being telling him to protect her. 
  “Come on, it’s your turn to sling ice cream and my turn to translate - I don’t even want credit, I’m just bored!” Robin groaned to Steve, sliding the ice cream scoop across the table towards him. The bell from the counter dinged, the customer wanting service. Steve looked at her hand before looking at Dustin. The bell dinged again making him sigh and grab the scoop, placing the tape back on the table again. He glanced at Dustin again as the younger boy shrugged, not seeing how the two girls couldn’t help them since they have yet to figure out anything so far. Shifting his eyes to Robin, seeing her pleading with him, but what made him bend like a hot spoon was when he looked at Ophelia. Her big eyes looking at him hopefully but with just enough glare that dared him to try and say no to them.
  “Fine, you two can help.” He grumbled, making his way out the door. Robin and Ophelia cheered, Robin scooping the tape recorder up. Steve huffed, defeated. He didn’t like the idea of her being involved with this. The past two years, he wasn’t able to stop her from getting involved with the Upside Down because she knew about it before him both times; this time, he knew about it before her so he had thought he could keep her out of it, but boy was he wrong.
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