#Seb Rant
syntiment · 1 year
Man I’m gonna start taking Nancy Wheeler rights from a good chunk of y’all... You people treat this girl like garbage. She ain’t a villain in ST, she’s like, a regular teenage (for most of the series) girl who went through significant trauma, is coping badly with it, and who’s greatest sins according to y’all are- *checks notes* dating Steve and the relationship not going well, having a complicated relationship with her brother, and being an independent female character who stands her ground and is pretty emotionally stunted from the trauma she’s been bottling the whole series long.
Nancy is a really nuanced character with a lot of layers you aren’t supposed to be able to peel away from a first glance, a huge part of her character is upholding expectations of her and hiding her problems because the girl’s never had the healthy space to unpack all of the really awful terrifying shit she’s been through. A well put together girl who’s actually got her shit together (in the 80′s) doesn’t sleep with guns in her closet. 
She went through a severely traumatic loss that she blames herself for, lest people forget, it’s canon that she spent a YEAR visiting Barb’s parents and spending dinners with them after her death, because the girl has a guilt complex so deep it’s actually heartbreaking. And also discovering that the regular world she thought she knew is actually full of real actual monsters and another dimension. Yeah, her relationship with Steve fell apart during that, it’s very difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with all of that on your plate. They were both teenagers who sucked at managing it.
Her and Mike have the same sibling squabbling that you see in a lot of places and as we’ve been shown in canon when they’re both not performing the classic Wheeler Family Bottling-up-all-your-feelings schtick, they clearly care about each other a lot and Nancy does a lot of little things to try and look out for Mike where she can. But neither of them want the other (or anyone else) to worry about them so they don’t talk about what’s going on with them. And that tends to translate as them seeming distant. (They both struggle to open up about what’s going on with them unless under duress, we have so many instances of both of them doing this through the show.)
God forbid she be a girl through her teens with some self-respect and who despite the shit she’s been through, wants to make something of her life and be able to stand on her own two feet. She’s got issues like anyone in that show has issues, they are all meant to be portrayed as realistic people with both good and bad traits that make them understandable and relatable. People’s expectations of Nancy to be some kind of perfect girlfriend ideal big sister saint is a really weird wash of her character. 
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ex-textura · 1 year
My partner's family tends to turn Christmas into a 2 week long, obligatory, visits and events and to-dos every day event. His mother doesn't like me and she doesn't pretend to hide it.
I am. So exhausted 🥲
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ravenelyx · 10 months
Sebastian is the type to get random bursts of affection.
At the beginning of your relationship, he would suppress them, he'd be more reserved, scared to be too annoying, too clingy, too inadequate, too much. But eventually, he would relax — he would feel more at ease and gradually act on them more and more.
And one of his favourite activities is snuggling.
You could be sitting on the sofa, and he'd sit down too, and guide you between his legs, wrapping his arms around you from behind, and he would nuzzle your hair, your neck, your cheeks, eyes closed in bliss, and place very lazy kisses everywhere his lips can reach. Nuzzle, kiss, nuzzle, kiss, over and over again.
Or he would gently push you to lay down, and rest his head on your chest, face hidden in the crook of your neck so he can breathe in your perfume, lips brushing slightly on your skin, and he'd hug you like you're a giant pillow, and cuddle with you until he feels like he has fallen all over again. Because what's important to Sebastian is to feel you close, no matter how, no matter what.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 month
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I’m screaming crying throwing up
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vettely · 5 months
i desperately need to know seb's thoughts on all of this
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theomenscouncil666 · 3 months
Hey just so you know sebaciel shippers are not welcome on my blog lol, yall r fucking gross, sebastian is far more than a grown adult man and is more so taking the role of ciel’s caretaker, ciel is a 13 year old boy who was kidnapped into human trafficking, the only thing ciel should be shipped with is therapy
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skitskatdacat63 · 6 months
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This photo was life-ruining for me(and @sweatyflytrap ) honestly....
#wanna make a comp of bahrain 2010 for both seb and nando tbh#probably seperate but#there was something in the air that weekend!!!!#i was religiously looking through seb pics from this race the other month to draw statue seb#and was super enamored w him aasjkfkgl but didnt look too much depeer cause i didnt wanna spoil the podium#and then i finally got here and damn nando looked fucking majestic on the podium#like i was absolutely dying making those gifs bcs he just looked so beautiful#<- i actually made a comp of all the close up shots bcs bark bark bark 😵‍💫😵‍💫#AND THEN I GO LOOK UP THE PICS AND MY GOD 🫠🫠 LIFE RUINING#this pic is from before race day obviously but like smth was in the air no?????#all the podium pics live in my head rent free. golden and shining and beautiful#but i also downloaded like...100 pics of him from this race so jusy this one seemed pretty baseline to post#but just know. bahrain 2010. haunts me.#as i said im so irritated it wasnt a vett/onso podium bcs my god both of them were slaying that wknd#well yeha. there's my rant. maybe ill make a comp :)#smth also that i find funny is that he was pretty stubbly for the whole wknd but then#shows up for the race itself smooth like a dolphin....HE KNEW!!! HE KNEW HE HAD TO SLAY!!! HE KNEW HE WAS GONNA BE ON THAT TOP STEP#*lmao maybe my comp post would be titled: 'pics from the 2010 bahrain gp that were life changing'#im looking back at the podium pics rn and its just insane how youthful and bright and pretty he looks#also abt this specific pic. his lashes his big cow eyes his pink lips his fluffy hair GODDDDDDDDS#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#we do a little bit of f1#2010 bahrain gp
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theagenes · 10 months
This is a late night rant about 2014 Sebastian Vettel, not my usual type of content at all but I had to get it out of my system. 🎀
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I would have not particularly written this but I heard a comment about Sebastian's 2014 season and it bugged me, then I saw something very similar later that day and just thought about doing this.
Then what is it about ? Well initially, what I heard came from a commentator discussing George Russel and Lewis Hamilton's dynamic at Mercedes, and how, in their first moment driving against one another, the younger one tended to force the elder into driving a bit more desperately : to commit mistakes to try and beat their younger teammate. To this, the commentator also put the example of 2014 Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo, which the former had seen as a threat, and as a result, had been pressured into driving poorly in 2014.
The problem I have with this is that it just highlights how little people know, and on the contrary, how much people assume, about Sebastian's 2014 season — which, arguably, is probably one of his most overlooked. It is not so much that he had a poor season that year, more than why — and you will find that it is the combinaison of many factors, most of them I thought people knew very well, but as it turns out, not so much.
Why was it such a terrible season for him then ?
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First things first, I'd like to put this into perspective : we view 2014 as an “awful” season for him, if not by sheer, automatic contrast to 2013. It's not easy to have both your best and worst season follow each other in a 2 years' spawn : is it really though— his worst season ? Because it's not. Sebastian finished 5th in the driver championship that year, and stepped on a few podiums — some of them he even shared with his teammate Daniel Ricciardo.
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Here he is in Singapore 2014, lifting his trophy at venue which has never failed him. 🥸
Now 5th isn't so bad, especially considering there were more drivers competing in the championship, as well as a fiercer competition. Why does it stick in our minds as such a forgettable season for him then ? Well, as we saw, 2013 was his most dominant form ever, and there is nothing more humiliating than losing a Grand Prix with the “ 1 ” sticker branded onto your every belonging : car, caps, race suit, garage ; right next to your own name.
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But once that this a priori is out of the way, you will find that his 2014 season – although nowhere near his last four championship-winning years – was not simply Sebastian making silly mistakes, in the heap of the moment or born out of a rage to prove himself, because he felt threatened by his new teammate.
There are reasons behind 2014, and there are numerous.
An obvious reason, although going slightly in the same direction than what the commentator was saying – without ever reaching the same conclusion though – was that the 2014 season was all about changes for Sebastian : new regulations, new engines, new cars, new teammate : new dynamic. A change to which he adapted pretty poorly, that's undeniable, but which does not warrant for such a drastic drop of performance — when compared to 2013 or 2011, his most dominant years, but even 2012, one of the hardest fought championship he ever won, or 2010 or 2009, two championships to which he teethed and clawed at, for two very different outcomes. What I mean is that you simply do not go from breaking and setting new, unheard-of records (still unbroken, as I write this), winning 13 races out of 19, and only missing out on 2 podium finishes in an entire season, to climbing on the top of a few, scarce podiums the very next year — or at least, not without a justification.
This justification, you will find, comes into a much simpler, intertwined reason than you might think. To put it very simply, I would say “Ferrari” on one side, and “Michael Schumacher” on the other. Don't forget where we stand, and where we are : this is 2014. A few month prior, Michael Schumacher, Sebastian's greatest hero, friend and counsellor, had been drastically injured in a skying accident.
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This might seem a bit foreign to us nowadays, and although we all know about his accident, do we always remember the precise date ? December 29 2013, during the winter break and somehow, both at the same time, a moment of joy and celebration for Sebastian, as well as sorrow and grief. How do you celebrate your greatest achievement in the sport of your dream, when a primordial component of this very childhood dream, your hero, fights for his life in a remote hospital ? And it's no well-hidden secret that Michael's accident dealt a terrible blow to Sebastian's mental health — he talked about it himself in interviews saying that the period which followed was one of the toughest of his life. The 2014 season cannot be extracted from its context, and the driver that got into his car this year was a man grieving, constantly ; persistently.
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The third reason is very much linked to the second, as Michael Schumacher had a great impact over Sebastian's dream of ever driving shed in red. 2014 is also a turning point in Sebastian's career : both a pivot and a fulcrum, to later become an unsteady keystone. The thing is, the discussions over Sebastian ever joining Red Bull had started as early as 2008, although at this time, he had chosen to commit to Red Bull. The movement from Red Bull to Ferrari did not happen in one day, and it surely did not pop into Sebastian's mind over the spawn of a few month. It must have been there for years, simmering until he finally crossed the threshold and took a step. A move he had to make without any word of advise from the person who had made him want to join Ferrari in the first place.
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The 2014 season was not so much his last year with Red Bull, more than a springboard-year before his first season with Ferrari. It was never going to be a year where Sebastian would fight for a championship, not even for wins or podiums : on the contrary, not winning with Red Bull was the only remaining necessity. His contract with Red Bull was set until the 2015-2016 season, and as we've seen in the past, a driver leaving his team is always legally managed by a contract : in order for this to happen, there has to be a clause which can break their pre-existing contract. It was the case with Daniel Ricciardo last year (2022) who was kindly thanked by McLaren in exchange of a good sum of money : that was the mandatory loophole in the contract for it to work. Similarly with Sebastian in 2014, the loophole in his contract was all about championship points. Helmut Marko talked about it after Sebastian's move from one team to the other, saying that this transaction had not came as a backstab at all, simply because it had been done in full knowledge of their team.
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What do we think about it, as a whole ? Of course, I have no purpose to cast a shadow on Daniel Ricciardo's very good season in 2014 : his victories were his and he didn't rob anyone of them, nor his podiums. What I am trying to say is that there is no correlation between those two chains of event : in the same way that Sebastian losing did not help Daniel winning, Daniel winning did not make Sebastian lose. I don't think this 2014 season should be summed up as Sebastian feeling pressured by a younger teammate into making mistakes after mistakes — all the more considering his sheer streak of unluckiness and the unavoidable DNF's, engine and car failures he had no role into. Wouldn't it be pretty simplist, to link Daniel's victories to Sebastian, and wouldn't it take a bit from them ? I sincerely think that they are not linked, and that his – arguably weaker, although 5th position in the championship is no small feat if it is regarded as your very worst, considering most drivers never even win a Grand Prix, let alone make it to the top 5 of the WDC – 2014 season was about something else entirely.
Perhaps that it was less about being beaten by a teammate than saying farewell to a former team in the smoothest way possible ; for once losing sight of the championship to achieve something bigger, to try and reach for a childhood dream.
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Pictures are from Motorsport Images (cr: Vettel 2014 Portrait) / Alfred Guillou - Adieu ! / - Lora Mathis - If There's A Way Out I'lI Take It / Edward John Poynter - The corner of the villa / Franz Ludwig Catel - Porch of a Church in a lunar landscape / The Guardian / Witold Pruszkowki - Falling Star / Patrick Gale - Notes from an exhibition, p.36 / Sebastian Vettel for the Daily Telegraph / Dr Helmut Marko for Sky Sports / Johan Christian Dahl - View of Dresden by Moonlight.
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kaedescara · 4 days
can.. can i be a twink and a butch at the same time ?
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thatsadsmallchild · 8 months
Me, making an F1 powerpoint for my friend: The only comment I got was that the phrase "feral German twink" showed up too many times.
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russilton · 6 months
Confession: sometimes I scroll back through George’a old twitter posts (he doesn’t have a lot it isn’t hard) to check he actually made the tweets I remember when I feel particularly insane about people on tumblr misinterpreting him
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sebbyisland · 6 months
LOVED THE PLOT DEVELOPMEMTS IN THIS CHAPTER im so excited to see what Akane performs!!!! I hate asking for mentor recommendation letters so this arc is hitting close to home.
Also obsessed with Hikaru truly living up to her homoerotic shonen rivalry 🤩🤩🤩 “I only want to see her in a competition” IMMEDIATELY AFTER SAYING YOU WANTED TO DO A COLLAB EVENT WITH HER?!?!?! Okay, whatever you say girl….
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bucknastysbabe · 5 months
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Ok so I’ve been travelling for surgery and it’s stressful ASF🥹🥹💀💀
I’m getting nothing done so as I’m just gonna be making moonboards again 💀💀💀💀
After Sebastian’s birthday, tomorrow is my last art post for the month and then it’s back to unpopular opinions, ask games and moonboards 😂😂
Gon be like the old days when I couldn’t draw pffft-
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g-xix · 4 months
THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME KNOW, TOO SV5 NONNIE!!!!! Lmk how you've been too bc just the other day asw i was thinking it's been so long since i last talked to you :(
i got logged out of my account for a while so i haven’t actually been able to chat w u, even tho i wanted to :’(
i’ve travelled back to my school unfortunately, and even though my exams are up, my history and law teachers decided to just give us more tests. i’m currently studying for those, but last week i’m telling u some demon must’ve possessed me or some shit bc omd it felt like i had the worst sickness known to man. i’m somewhat better now though, but i’m behind on a lot of my school work, so i won’t be very active these next days/weeks unfortunately 😓 i’ll still check up on u tho !!
also a little f1 rant while i’m already here, it’s only 17 more days till it starts again !! i’m soosososo excited !! did u see the news about lewis going to ferrari? he’s my fav on the current grid, so I’m not really sure how i feel about it. i mean, mercedes hasn’t been treating him as well recently, and they’ve also dropped on their production and car developing. but at the same time, ferrari? nando and seb could both tell u what a horrible idea that is, lewis. i really want him to get his 8th before he retires, but i’m scared he won’t 🙁
anywho !!! what about u ?? how have you been ?? i’ve missed chatting w u, even though i read all of your posts 😁 anything interesting at school or any upcoming projects for us readers u can tell us abt? 👀
Awhhwhwhhh why'd u log out? To cheat on me w an alt or j to recentre your life? respectfully hoping it's the latter
And no litr, everyone ik is really quite sick atm so I'm hoping you get back to good health very very soon because from what I've seen this cold-covid-RAT looks absolutely awful to have. Take care of yo goofy ahh sv5 nonnie, eat your vitamins n minerals and keep healthy
And what's "it"? Like, THE f1? And is F1 like football, like yk, are there European races or is it just worldwide? And are there qualifiers + how do they decide which countries race?
Wait nvm im a fucking idiot i j realised the teams that race are car brands/teams not countries 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Dear God I'm sorry for wasting anyone's time by making u read that, that is honestly embarrassing behaviour on my behalf.
But yeah! My mum said smth ab Hamilton being a driver for Ferarri atm (kinda flew over my head bc i dont rmbr who he drove for initially). And oh, mercedes have been neglecting him? That's good that Lewis is out and into a team that'll treat him better and help him win too.
And 8th what? 8th like, win? If so i hope that too. Well, i don't really know what I hope. All I know is that Stroll is hot and apparently looks as though he's been "freshly fucked into a mattress" (idk i posted a pic ab him and the reblogs still haunt me to this day), Seb's got a nice family and bread baking hobby, fans want to fuck Oscar, Lando and Max, and the rest are a little bit foreign to me
Isn't there a movie coming out (maybe out now tbf) about a racer that was a video game neek but got recruited by Ferrari or another big racing group? Do lmk the name + whether you've seen it + whether it's out + who it's acc based on bc it looks super super super interesting imo
And YAYAYAY nice to see you've still been watching (even if silently)
I'm doing well ty, I've decided it's time to get outta seasonal depression n kickstart loving life again.
I've got a scholar's exam coming up which is gna be hard to get so everyone manifest or pray for me pls, either works...
And in terms of projects, currently I'm doing s'more HC's (AMP eating out and another genre), ATV fluff, ATV threesome oneshot, and a Kinktober-core smut for ChrisMD!!!
Stay in touch SV5 nonnie, it's always acc bare cute talking to u
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
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2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix - Sebastian Vettel
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