#anyway feel free to add other examples but i still to this day cant just follow people willy nilly
myrfing · 9 months
sorry to add to the #discourse about the werlyt stuff in ffxiv, and feel free to ignore this, but your posts just got me thinking about how the average western consumer of japanese media doesn't know how to spot signs of japanese nationalism in their fave game, movie, anime, etc. For example, I remember a couple of weeks ago on twitter someone said that Miyazaki's works feature prominent elements of japanese nationalism despite not necessarily being pro-war, and both the replies and QRTs were an absolute disaster. ffxiv is a liberal game, its politics are not exceptional; they just aren't (as) egregious
Considering the social locations of people who make a piece of media and how that location affects the way they write things, like politics, isn't an outlandish concept. But ffxiv fans always seem hyperdefensive about this and i cannot understand why
yeah for sure! imo people are getting better about it (don't think it even registered in most of the english-speaking side of the internet's heads that there was a pacific theater for a long time), with more eastern media being translated and gaining popularity that DOES legitimately have leftist authors, but you still have a ton of "how can this work have jp nationalist elements when they say War is Bad 🤨". feels like a lot of this is cause really anime/manga/games were so vaunted as the ultimate escape for americans (not exclusive) and now that people are gaining more of a political consciousness, there's this need for the things that are nostalgic and soothing for them to be "good" media without Problems. which is like. not the point man. though people have always studied and conversed about media trends and the influence of eras on the art created within them and there's always been a knee-jerk You're Being Crazy reaction to it (even though if it's a conversation they're not interested in right now, the people who have this reaction usually can always just...step out lol), I feel like it's just magnified by the way social media uhh does all that. and on top of it a lot of discourse is in bad faith, so sometimes not giving people the time of day DOES seem like the correct and safe option every time but it's like...some people apply it so broadly and blindly that it's basically anything that upsets me = wrong and bullshit.
And you're totally right about xiv LMFAOOO it feels like some people are compelled to do damage control for the game like it's personal. you'd assume that everyone is working off of the recognition that ffxiv is a mass market product and a feel-good fantasy and the writing may not even reflect the totality of a writer's beliefs, but rather what they believe is the median, liberal truth that they're willing to sell. sometimes in oddball places you can find hints of something more genuine but these are exceptions. & acting like it's proofed from this is suggesting that somehow final fantasy fourteen the mmo is interested in breaking any status quos and the whole of its creators have collectively managed to break apart from the time and history they exist in, when in truth it relies on it to guide its writing and business plan. i don't think this is a crazy controversial thing. it's a normal thing. & i cant really speak for how other people are talking about it, but i rarely suggest malevolence in my critiques of the shit I enjoy moreso than I'm saying Le Hegemony Has Arrived....something not even individual people can escape myself included much less a corporation....but the accusation is assumed anyway. What is the worst that can happen by acknowledging some stories and patterns in xiv's story have very liberal takes on topics in which liberalism understands and treats poorly? i dunno the answer to this one honestly I do not understand the fear
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orchidyoonkook · 11 months
Hi, need to scream. Tumblr seems to listen best. can and please feel free to ignore.
okay so essentially my job has removed all of the things I use and need in order to be able to do my job with my mental disorder. my mental DISABILTY. that i was honest with them and told them about at my freaking trial shift. that i told them i needed certain things in order to do well. nothing drastic. but things that helped me significantly with my performace.
SOOOOOOOOO i am now severely struggling at my job because they've taken those away cuz they were 'annoying' or 'in the way' or 'clutter'. like. im not even leaving shit every where. It's like, maybe at most 3 sticky notes? (for example) and they're written just for me, like just so i can have a list of things i can do and know to go back and look on when i need a task because ive finished the one i was doing. but then my boss reads them and critiques them as if they're for everyone. or says 'okay yeah but we do that every day so i dont see why you have to write it down. you should know to do it by now' LIKE BRO. I forget to put deodorant on some days because of said mental disability. it's something i do and have done every day since i was 12 or 13. thats 12 years. and i still forget some days just cuz my brain wasn't working properly.
AND now due to this they have put me, one of the staff currently with more seniority than 3 other staff, down to one shift a week, while every one else is full time or heavily part time.
In march i was full time and kicking ass, I was the fastest employee on my tasks, i was doing great, the customers loved me and now that all of my things that i need in order to function have been removed for everyone else's aesthetic preferences, I'm suffering, and most likely being silently fired.
like... what do i do with that. I can do my job, with my accomadations - that arent that many btw - i dont expect them to move mountains for me. But dude. I hate this feeling so much because i'm capable, theyve seen me be capable. i was for 1.5 years. like i want to be good at my job. I like and enjoy being good at my job. i've told them that. I want to do good but my ability to be good is being derailed, and i just get told to try harder, just work harder, impress your boss with how hard you work -> for minimum wage, i might add.
and everyone is like "just get a new job, just apply for more jobs you're not applying for enough, literally just apply for everything, even if youre not qualified" and i cant just do that, due to said disability. there are jobs i am unable to do. so i have to be a lil picky otherwise i'll be right back where i am now. and ive been looking for months and applying for months with no luck - no one ever responds. why list jobs if you dont respond?????
it's getting to the point where im debating opening up drawing commissions or writing commissions, or something that i can make to earn a little extra cash here and there while i get over this transition period. And that's a big deal for me because i don't do commissions. I do my art for myself or for when i want to share something i've made already, like the UTWT books. Hell, I did a tattoo design for a friend on here that i put easily 40 hours into, and i felt guilty that they wanted to pay me for it because i'd asked them for the idea. Like, i don't do commissions. so for me to be considering it is really telling for me.
anyways. this is a bajillion words long now, but i already feel better. and I'm posting it in the middle of the night in hopes that the void just consumes it and never lets it see the light of day.
If you read this, thanks and sorry for the bummer of a post. This isnt a pity party or a poor yoon thing. I'm not looking for comfort or any of that. this is a 'i don't have a therapist and my friends and partner and family are sick of hearing me bitch, when i havent been able to fix it in months despite trying my best too' thing. so yeah..
i hope the new year brings me something good.
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let-robots-dream · 4 years
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You all tired of my BT rants yet??? yes?? Well TOO BAD cause I’m about to break done how Higgs is summoning these guys!!!!
Nothing graphic this time, just putting this below the cut cause
SPOILERS and also its probably going to be fairly long!
OK so I’m going to be pretty heavily referencing my previous BT break downs and you can find them here! [BT Break Down] [Pregnant BT]
You caught up on at least that first one? OK good!
Also last chance spoiler warning. I’m full on just talking about all the things.
AHHHHHHHHH THE DETAIL!!!!! Look at this!!! So part of the reason I’m replaying this entire dang game is neat stuff like this!!! So I was curious how Higgs is doing what he’s doing AND THEY SHOW IT AND ITS GREAT AND MAKES SENSE!!!! So Higgs’s mask is well known to be made of Chirillium right? Well the main source of the stuff are the ghostly BTs, so what Higgs does is take his mask and place it to the ground, which attracts the hunters (the black goo people.)
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Basically he's freaking tricking the big cat BT into thinking there’s a ghost BT to eat!!!!! (also hey look its Kojima there on the right!) So he's NOT really using any of his powers here!  AH SO COOL RIGHT??? Especially since we find out later his powers have been weakening and Amalie did something to juice him back up. But its actually the MASK doing the work here!!!!!!!!!!!! See see look!
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He’s feeding the BT the mask!!!!!!!! Its the equivalent of this:
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He’s basically cheating the system by giving it extra energy!!!!! Its Kind of under his control, but what he’s really doing is giving it the mask’s power. Effectively switching the BT from a neutrally evil force into one thats more directly controlled. Yes they’re evil, they're eating souls and are whats causing half the problems and Amalie probably has control of these guys? I mean theres a SLIM chance what Higgs is actually doing is giving direct control of the lion BT to the Amalie. Which is kind of loosely implied with the rainbow appearing right over the BT and the fact the only other times you see a gold mask BT is with Amalie literally attached to it....Yes a rainbow appears before time fall but never right before a BT appears.... And yes its a big stretch and has weird implications about Higgs’s free will if true, but thats a thought for another day. 
ok back on topic,
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We have Amalie’s signature upsidedown rainbow and if you look closely thats actually the same kind of stringy wisp effect you get when the ghostly BTs summon hunters!!! This implies he’s doing something similar to them. The game actually uses this effect pretty sparingly, Cliff, for example, uses it along with a more bubbly texture. (Its a different color and the only instance of that particular combo. I'm working on a break down for him cause its SUPER cool but I need more screen shots) 
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This shot is particularly interesting because you can see that the Hunters are still hunting. They can tell the Big BT is there, that or they can tell the life energy is in the mask. Which is cool. This is cool. I love this so much. It shows that it might just be taking the BTs a beat to figure out whats going on. 
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Also, LOOK AT ITS TINY FEET I CANT EVEN. Well hand feet, I’ve noticed the cat BT has weird human hand looking “paws.” I have no good shots of it but trust me once you notice its weirdly finger like toes you cannot unsee it. I figure if you actually read this far you can handle the hand foot truth lol
TL:DR Higgs probably isn’t using any powers but is using the mask Amalie gave him. He teleports but he can’t actually summon a BT like this. And I love BTs! 
Anyways, as usually feel free to add your own thoughts and theories!!!! 
I LOVE hearing people’s thoughts! 
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
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DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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So my life has gone to shit.. I dont trust anybody anymore, and honest to god I cant help but keep thinking of ways to end it. My mom keeps telling me how to feel about this whole thing, that I should be grateful that i got in finally to see a specialist. Reality is I dont even trust those subhuman animals anymore, and frankly they're gonna have to earn my trust. After 4 fucking years, my life, my future being ruined. My mental health going downhill, all for the second time now. Add on to that, I dont get any meds for the pain so this has pushed me into addiction now for a second time. I've been dehumanized and humiliated, treated with nothing but the utmost disrespect while being stigmatized for being mentally ill, transgender and a recovering addict for most of it. They ignored me for 4 years, my body is damaged, and frankly help just might have came too little too late. I wont just suffer through the next one, the next time this happens I'm gonna end my life, my suffering on my own god damn terms. Atleast I still have control over that..
Fuck the canadian healthcare system. Some days I honestly just want to start selling drugs, and fly to a country where I can just pay to play and get the best care in the god damn world. Cause 4 years now I've been telling them to refer me to a specialist, I've been telling them that it's probably crohns or some other GI issue. They need to do a colonoscopy and a scope to find it, so that's what I would ask for. I would never get it, so i more or less gave up on the healthcare system. They would leave me on the floor thrashing in pain for hours. Treating me like a drug addict in withdrawal when I didnt even have any opioids in my system. I would be lucky if I got an IV for fluids, and even more lucky if they pumped me full of a bunch of over the counter drugs and others that didnt work like gravol, tauridol, buscopan, zofran, and haliperidol. I would tell them each time, that this was the hundredth time they tried gravol, and it doesnt help people when they're screaming in pain. They treat the nausea. Its bullshit because I am in so much pain that its making me nauseous and until they get rid of the pain, the vomiting is just gonna continue. They always treat me like I'm full of shit, and when I turn out to be right and continue puking, thrashing and screaming in pain, they just get angry at the fact they were wrong. Our doctors and nurses are a bunch of sociopathic, apathetic adult children who in my experience take pleasure in watching you suffer. The worse I get the more they smile. They are so stupid, blind almost because if their stupid fucking machine says I'm ok then I guess it's all in my head. They only think that theres nothing wrong with me because theyve only ever done a blood test or an xray. Never ever once have they done a single test that would have found the issue, crohns cant be found just on a blood test. The emergency room doctors think it can be, my family doctor and everybody else I've talked to says otherwise.
On January 1st I was having another flare up, and they shoved me in the psych observation room because they genuinely didnt want to deal with me. They ignore me, and I keep going in because I want help. I dont want to end up relapsing again cause I cant take the god damn pain! But nope, I get treated like a crazy person now.. they did it against my will. And they even tried to take my phone and my keys. I was puking constantly, I needed water to keep hydrated and they left me for 4 hours, locked in, no meds, no help or nothing. So I just cracked.. I had nothing to barf in, to wipe my nose with, or to wipe the cold sweat off me. So I puked in every corner of that room, I puked beside the bed especially because a mop wouldnt fit in there. I pissed in the corner, I would hack up some phlegm and spit it all over the floors and walls, I blew snot rockets on every surface too! After a while some nurse came in and gave me a barf bag. I threw it on the floor and just continued to puke over every hard surface in the place. I was puking every 5 seconds I swear, and the doctor finally came in at 3 hours and 15 minutes. At 3.5 hrs they give me two pills. I straight up tell them there is no point in even taking them. I couldnt even keep water down and these people are stupid enough to make me take pills? Come on. You need to hold it in for atleast an hour to see even the most minimal affects. I was puking every 5 seconds, to the point that I puked before I took the pills, and I puked them out the moment after I swallowed. They had given me a fucking gravol tab, and some Ativan, the latter of which I couldnt even hold under my tongue long enough. I barfed it onto the floor when it was half dissolved. They come back with this clear liquid shit in a shot glass. I swallowed it right after I puked. The liquid burned my insides, and i puked that shit out even quicker. I asked them to give me IV medications for that exact reason, I always ask for IV medications cause its literally a waste of your time and mine to just pump me full of pills when I can't keep them down and they hurt my tummy as they dissolve. They tell me to just "breathe deeply and relax" and to "just try jayden, you gotta try", so then I try, and when they end up being wrong, and I can't take shit. They end up saying that I'm manipulating, that I'm drug seeking or I'm not trying hard enough to make it work. Absolute bullshit, over the course of 4 years I have quite literally told them what to do. I have multiple family members with this disease, and my grandmother was ignored like this too. She told me to ask them for a colonoscopy and a scope, and to ask them to treat the pain, not the nausea cause the pain literally causes the nausea. The sooner the pain is gone the sooner I can be normal and tell them what's going on. Instead I'm left to suffer in the worst pain a human being can feel. I get treated like shit and told it's all in my head. I gave up on getting a diagnosis in year two. I just want to shoot dope whenever the pain comes. Dope atleast takes it away, after all they would be giving me some of the strongest shit they have at the hospital if I was some boomer with a sprained ankle. It would take the pain away. Thats for sure. Being a mentally ill, drug using, autistic tranny they just see that. I get nothing. No help, no answers, not even some relief when my screaming can be heard far and wide.
I want to die right now, and I keep trying to think of a painless way to do it.. buying $400 worth of street fentanyl and slipping into a nice, peaceful opioid coma seems like a wonderful idea right now.. that would end the fucking suffering atleast..
I wont be wearing a colostomy bag. Colostomy bags arent sexy, they are fucking disgusting and you cant just be body positive when you have a fucking bag full of your own shit hanging off you, and your only way of having penetrative sex sewed up permanently and taken away from me. Not like I could even be a decent fuck for anybody at this point anyways. Its painful to shit, let alone anything else. I dont want to give up food either. I love food, food is literally my life and the only way I have to bond with certain people! Like my family for example. Nothing makes me just want to slip.into that coma more then the worry of the future.
Will I be sitting at a family gathering eating bland gluten free, dairy free, all organic 100% vegan fair trade horse shit on a plate while my family actually gets to enjoy the food I used to be able to eat? Moms spaghetti, grandmas meat pies, the baked goods, fresh tomatoes out of my garden and others. A good fucking steak even? Cause honestly a birthday isnt a birthday if I dont have my birthday meal.
I know for a fact my body is damaged from 4 years of suffering. I used to bounce back, now it takes the wind out of my sails for a month.
Needless to say, I just want to fucking die more then anything else. Positivity and anything I love is gone, and all that I have left is knowing that Alberta health services, coast mountain health services, providence health services, and interior health services have all fucked me in the biggest way humanely possible. So thankful for free fucking healthcare!!
You get what you bloody well pay for!!
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dominodamsel · 5 years
Hi! I just found you through @revolutionaryduelist and I just wanna say 1, I LOVE your art, and 2, could I ask a lil’ about your art? What program(s) do you use? What brush do you use for your AMAZING lineart and how do you choose lineart colors?? What dark magic do you use to shade??? I find your use of color phenomenal! Have an amazing day! :-D
thanks for this nice ask! i use paint tool sai, specifically the anglicized version that you can find online.
lets draw bernie fire emblem and go through my process.
first off, my brushes.
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this is the brush i use for sketching, coloring, and cleaning. sometimes for highlights in the eyes or the rough first patch of shading, i also use ink pen, just the default settings.
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this is my blending brush. if you give it a texture, blending stuff wont look as boring as it otherwise might. 
now, let’s draw bernadetta.
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(1) first of all, the rough sketch. i start out with just shapes and then just keep going, all on one layer.
(2) then, i clean that sketch up a little - not too much, you dont need it to look perfect. i dont like drawing lineart at all, so this is what i work with - the sketch, a bit cleaned up, put on multiply. i change the color of the sketch according to what im drawing. for example, if i draw a character like inigo, whos got brown skin and hair, ill end up with yellow, orange or red lineart. if i draw a character during the night, ill use blue lineart. if its dusk, maybe a strong purple. you can change this later, as well.
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next, below, i fill in the colors, usually about a layer for each color i use. i usually start out with the hair and end with skin, but it doesnt really matter. try to use colors that vary in saturation and brightness - if everything is very saturated, things end up looking blinding, but if everything is desaturated, it might be boring to look at. this isnt a hard rule, of course, but for this kind of normal illustration with neutral lighting conditions, its good to keep in mind.
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now, onto shading. here i used the ink pen for a moment. take your base color, in this case bernies purple hair. the highlight is less saturated, and moves up the color wheel, more toward a reddish tone. the shadow is more saturated, and moves down, toward a blue-ish purple. you can also make the highlight more saturated than the base and the shadow less saturated than the base, but i think its best to decide on one or the other. moving along the color wheel rather than just decreasing or increasing brightness will also help making the picture more vivid.
for hair and gauntlets, i just put on the shadow and highlight and blend it out with the blend tool. for skin and fabric, i use a different method.
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first, add blush. blush should be far more saturated than the skin color. i added a touch of deep red in the middle as well for depth. this should be blended.
the shadows on the skin, however, i fill in with ink pen. some parts of this need hard lines, like the outside of the ear shadow, the lower side of the nose shadow, etc. you dont just want an airbrushed look, but a defined line. for this, i use a shade that is slightly more saturated than the base color, but not as saturated as the blush.
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then, i add a lowlight color to make the shadow feel more dynamic and interesting. you can go many ways with this - if you check the coat in the next few images, youll see that i used a less saturated color to counteract the very orange shadow. in the case of her skin, i used a more saturated color that is very pink to mimic her hair. i cant really explain this step well, because most of the time, i get to that shade through experimenting.
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blend some of the lowlight, but make sure not to ruin the harder lines of the shadow. i did it on the same layer as the base color because im lazy, but you could easily make a clipped layer, add the shadow, and then preserve opacity to make sure everything stays clean. for my purpes it doesnt really matter though since ill be going over the whole thing during cleaning again.
in the circled areas, i took the blush color and gently airbrushed some on for depth and warmth.
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heres the rest of the shading. as i said, i used a less saturated reddish tone for the lowlight in the cape. for the bow and cape, i opted out of highlight, because i imagine them as made out of a sort of thick, unreflective fabric. 
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now, all thats left to do is clean! i make a new layer atop everything, zoom in a bit, and go over it all with my brush and the eyedrop tool. a lot of my WIPs look like this, with a part of it very crisp and clean and most of it still sketchy and vague lol. colordrop from everywhere, and create something nice!
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in the end, this is the finished picture! i turn the blend on my brush up and down depending on what im doing and what i need. the cleaning process takes the longest by far.
anyways, i hope this was helpful. if you have other questions, feel free to ask ‘em.
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"I'm Not Food!" Energy Ward
Occasionally, I get people telling me that they have a problem: entities keep eating their energy! This generally happens to high-energy individuals, especially energy suns. Those who have trouble containing their energy and those who seem to be a 'beacon' to entities may also find themselves benefiting from this ward.
Lots of things out there will try to snack on your energy. Most of the time, it's harmless(ish) and you'll regain the energy lost in less than a day. For example, if you encounter an unawakened energy vamp and they take a little energy from you, or you encounter a nightmare in your dreams. Occasionally, though, you might attract a bit of unwanted attention if you leave yourself open all the time. Parasites like to attach to you and leech off of you indefinitely--if you don't take care of them, they can cause significant damage to your energy. Or maybe you frequently encounter a particular energy vamp who doesn't know how to reign in their feeding. Or a nightmare entity finds your fear and uncomfort particularly tasty and keeps coming back... you get the idea. Point is, I don't see many witches actually dealing with this problem. Many just let it happen, and keep having to get parasites removed or some such thing.
Wards are a preventive measure you can use to keep this from happening!
It is important that I restate this: wards are a preventive measure, they are not meant to fix an already existing problem.
Specifically, I want to discuss a ward I use to keep things from snacking on me without my consent. I am an energy sun, as well as someone with high energy levels, so I have plenty to give when I donate to my vampiric community... but I don't want things eating my energy all the time. That would be draining. I also use this ward to lay over my other wards so that they don't get eaten either! (An energy vamp i'm psychically bound to has, in fact, just straight up consumed my shields accidentally before. She also had trouble setting her own bc she kept eating them by accident.)
Essentially, it works the same way that bright colors do in nature: it screams, "I am not food, do not eat me, you will regret it!" To anything that tries to do so. I've also had people describe it as seeing plastic/toy food. It looks like it's edible, but you know that it is not and it doesn't have the same texture or taste. You can also set the ward to make your energy undetectable, like an invisibility glamour, if being a beacon to other entities is something you struggle with. Like any ward, you can also add other neat functions to it if you've got the skill level... but for today i'll only be focusing on the "don't eat me" aspect to keep things simple.
Required Skills
This is a bit of advanced/intermediate energy work, so you need to be able to do a few things in order to effectively cast and maintain this ward. They are:
Ability to manipulate and sense external energy
Ability to cast a stable ward with more than one function programmed into it
Ability to summon a specific type of energy, given its energy signature OR Ability to read and re-create an energy signature via energy conversion (or some other means)
How to Cast
This spell uses a type of energy called transparent void. If you are unfamiliar with this energy, my definition is "Void energy that does not seek to consume other types of energy." It has very little to no energetic presence and tends to blend in with the atmosphere, much like an energy chameleon would. This makes it perfect for our purpose. If you are not sure where to find transparent void, this is the part where that last 'required skill' is going to help you.
The above is a sigil i've filled with the signature of transparent void. You will need to be able to sense that energy and either summon it or somehow replicate it if you want to have the most effect out of this spell.
WARNING: If you know you do not work well with this energy, please do not try to work with it. Theoretically, you can preform this spell with any type of energy... I just find that transparent void works the best for this particular function.
Now to get to the actual casting:
Gather a good amount of transparent void energy and fashion it into a large net, big enough to completely cover your energy feild on all sides.
Infuse a bit of your energy into the net. This will key it to you, making it work for you and only you. It will also allow for anything you program into this net to work on you.
Now you want to program this thing. This is the tricky part, in my opinion. Everyone programs differently, and some aren't quite sure exactly how. Here's how I do it: My craft is very vocal, so I speak what I want to program aloud, imagining my words take form and soak into whatever I'm working on. In the case of this ward, you want to program it to make you not tasty. I'd say things like, "This net shall make my energy undesired by all who would try to eat it without my consent. I can give my consent by saying, 'I give my consent to [name].' My energy will not register as energy. My energy will not register as something edible. This net will not register as energy. I allow the following entities to permanently bypass this ward: [names of entities]." The reason this works is because words/languages are used to give shape to our intentions. The same can be done in magic; i'm simply putting the my intentions behind the ward into it. If you use my method, be aware that, along with wards, I also infuse direct instructions on what doing the things i'm telling to do actually mean via Thinking Really Hard At It(tm). Basically, as i'm saying "I don't register as energy" i'm simultaneously thinking of the bright colors in nature and the plastic food thing, and letting that travel with my words as unspoken intent. It's kind of like... let's say you don't know a language, but because it uses the latin alphabet, you can technically 'read' it. Just because you can read the words doesn't mean you understand what they mean. So what i'm doing to this thing is giving it the language and the meaning behind the language. That's what programing is. One other thing i should mention is that when you want to key entities other than yourself into your ward permanently, you need to infuse a bit of their energy signature into the ward as well so that it'll recognize them. You can typically do this just by using their name, since names carry the energy signature of a person. Energy signatures are basically like fingerprints. Feel free to add other functions to this ward if you'd like!
When you are done adding all of your functions, it's time to set the ward! Throw the net over your energy field and allow it to seal itself flush to you. You want to guide the ends of the net to find eachother and bind together, so that the net won't simply fall off. You may be wondering why i chose net and not a typical impenetrable sphere. Well, like I said before, I DO want people to be able to reach through to my energy and feed off of me with consent. I also want my energy to be able to flow out of me. To me, a net design just makes more sense. The net itself is transparent, so it can't actually be seen once it's active, and it's also MUCH less likely to break since you cant really... punch through a net. I'm minimizing the risk of this ward being detected and broken by making it a net. It's not like this ward is meant to be a sheild, so this is fine. Anyway, you want to test your ward after you've allowed it to set, so ask someone you haven't keyed the ward to to see if they can/want to eat your energy. If they say it tastes bad, or feels bad, congrats! You've done it.
If you want to make changes to your ward, you can easily do so. Since the ward is keyed to you, you command it. Ask it to come off of you, and it will! From there, you can add (or remove) certain functions to it. Just remember that it is not designed to be a sheild, so functions like "such and such energy can't penetrate this ward" won't work. Things *will* still be able to eat your energy, they just... will find it very undesirable.
Important notes
Keep a list of all your ward's functions somewhere safe so you don't forget them!
Be sure to check and repair the ward regularly. All wards take damage over time for various reaons. You may have to have someone else help you check its functionality again.
As always, if it starts to feel icky, *take it off*. You can try cleansing it and re-setting it, but if that doesn't work, you may consider remaking it with a different type of energy.
Aaaaaaaaaaand that's all, guys! Have fun with this. I spent a lot of time perfecting my own version of the Don't Eat Me ward, having discovered it quite by accident. Spend some time perfecting your own version!
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nympsycho-ao3 · 5 years
How are you such an amazing writer? Seriously. (This is me asking for advice.)
Ur making me blush, anon uwu
Me, bullshitting my way through a fic, only to open this message asking for advice:
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Anyway I guess.. hm...
Advice... I cant figure out how to put a line break on mobile oop-
I guess just try to keep a goal in mind. Like where does the story need to go? And how can I get there in the most natural way I can imagine?
For example, if the commissioner wants 1) spanking, 2)doggy style, 3)cum eating, 3 things that are pretty disconnected, I would try to imagine what sort of character traits are needed to keep the flow of actions relatively natural. So, maybe reader would be combative, so that whatever position the other character wants them to end up in could be a result of manhandling. Or maybe a clueless reader would trip over something and end up in the character's lap. Idk it's hard to explain, but one of my pet peeves in my own writing is when things happen for no reason, like if reader just perched herself over his lap and then decides to assume doggy position. Unless the reader is very dominant that just doesnt seem natural.
A lot of people start with the characters and mould the story around them. Which is excellent if your characters are rock-solid, but characterization is my weak point and especially so for reader-inserts because the goal is to be sort of broad. So I decide the characters based on what the story needs from them, not vice versa.
Most of my ideas come around when I'm in the shower or driving. I get the fic prompt, and give myself a few days to just think, not write or plan or anything just think like "hm it would be neat if this happened". So I'd recommend you find your place and get comfy in it.
I dont really do outlines if it's a shorter story. Longer ones maybe, like Flourish would probably have been much more concise and planned if I had done an outline lol. If I remember a piece of dialogue I really want in the fic I will write it down tho.
I dont think of a title until I post so that's why they're always pretty poopy titles but who even cares h e h
I collect a lot of writing techniques from other writers, as well as what I dont like. So read, read, read some more. Especially smut, there's so many ways to approach it depending on your technique and what you find arousing.
Putting the stories that circulate around your mind onto paper is hard. Give yourself time to adjust and edit, but don't go to overboard with it. In the end, there's usually a reason you decided to add whatever detail or dialogue, so dont get caught up in too much revision. That takes the fun out of it for me personally.
Dont ever give up on a story because you think others wont like it. My second most popular fic is a fucking melone breeding fic, never in a million years did I think that would be that popular. On the other hand, one of my personal favorite fics remains less popular. Either way, I got the words out there, and I enjoy every single hit, kudos, comment, bookmark they get. Dont get caught up in "ugh this fic only has 20 kudos what am I doing wrong?" Because that's still 20 people who liked your work enough to read and express their support. Whether it's 5 people or 500, your writing had an impact on real life, actual humans. It's easy to collect those numbers and forget they're people, but they are, and I think that's real gosh darn neat.
I keep my inbox and messages open for people asking for writing advice, though I cant fathom why someone would want it and I'm immensely flattered! One of my giveaway winners just wanted to collab with me and that's real sweet.
I hope that wasn't just a bunch of garbage and if you have any questions about something specific always feel free to reach out :)
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bedlamgames · 6 years
Q&A #94
Today we have various forms of removal, the new biomancy assignment, and corruption among others.
nh-maikochan said: Regarding the bimbo slave not being sold: Yes she did have bimboborn. Also, I think I may have sent a message like this before and have totally forgotten. If this is just a repeat, feel free to ignore it. 
Thanks that really did help solve the issue. Should be sorted now as of the current update. 
doof-ex-machina said: Hello! Could I ask some question about one particular problem I'm facing playing No Haven? The thing is, when I try to save a game and then load it, all the names of slavers and slaves in the boxes disappear, and that's just 'Slaver 1', 'Slaver 2' and so on that are visible in Inventory, Visible Characters and Room Objects boxes. I tried all the versions of RAGS available but none of them helped to solve the problem.
That’s a RAGS issue. Make sure you’re saving only when it is safe as detailed at the beginning of the game. Other than that if you finish day the names should update back to normal. 
Anonymous said: I cannot for the life of me figure out how to remove someone from a current role in the camp on No Haven.... would you be willing to tell me? I am probably missing it because it's stupid simple.
No problems. Same way as setting them to the role so Right click > Talk to > Assign to an Encampment Position > -None-.
There’s a couple of positions like second-in-command where slavers will resist giving up power and for them you’ll have to use more nefarious methods. 
Anonymous said: [NH 0.821] Bug / suggestion: My slaver has Dolled Up, and a ton of other corruptions, which is great, but the description is weird. Due to DU, it describers my slaver as having "dark crimson rubber skin[...]" and then "have eyes[...]covered up entirely", but the very next line describes my ponytail. Hair on red rubber is a weird mental image. Might I suggest that DU simply makes the skin rubbery rather than changing the color? That, and not replace the eyes? I miss my heterochromia. Thank you!
It is corrupted rubber of perversion and evil so is capable of having holes for hair :)
Also one of the risks with corruption is you can very much lose as well as win such is the risks of flirting with depravity for power be it traits, arms, or even your nice eyes. 
Anonymous said: [no haven 0.843] so I tried to do basic bimbo training with a slave that had advanced obedience, selected 2 slavers and noticed it needed 3 so I clicked on slavers and then it began the assignment blocking the slave slot but not starting the assignment AND removing the slave permanently, seems like it is also overflowing because I'm getting "not enough to defend the encampment" while I have 6 out of 8 slavers in the camp.
Thanks for letting me know and will sort it for the next update.
Anonymous said: Love the new update, though I have several questions. A: How does one start the quest to gain better Biomancy? B: Say I had a Second-in-command who was set as my characters former owner. This seems to give the character massive bonuses to respect checks. My character has Dominator and Thrallforge, but I still cant succeed Dominating to get him to go nude, etc. Is it currently possible to succeed at such a check? C: Is there currently no way to force a 2nd out of their role via the respect check system? Surely we should be able to dominate or trigger them into giving up the post? D: On a related note, why is there no option to dominate when trying to force a merc to join the camp? E: Is there some kind of block preventing me from shrinking an Amazon Futanari's cock with Biomancy? I tried dozens of times, and never had any results. Anyway, thats all I can think of for now. Look forward to your answers. If I remember more Ill ask. Again, love the game and update! 
The new assignment that will start the biomancy chain begins in the City of Aversol. It's a rare assignment, can be done by anyone with or without biomancy, and like bred to be broken you need a certain amount of gold in the stash to find it.
Theoretically I think? It’s going to be a long shot though unless you can mess with them like making them a bimbo through corruption or send them off on quick as you like.
Not currently. Will think about it. 
Dominating is a short term will overwhelm so once it’s done the merc would just be unhappy and leave.
Futanari for plot related reasons which I swear I’ll get to eventually can’t have their cocks shrunk by biomancy.
Anonymous said: Since we already have Recruiter customization options for brother/sister, any chance we'll see father/mother or son/daughter added as options? I'd love to see that feature expanded on in general, especially if it adds more options for incest.
I’ll think about it. Not super into incest as it is, and the parental versions even less so. Saying that next update will have some implication in regard to one of the assignments so it’s possible as long as it’s not that much of a focus.
madron-fc said: Had the following happen to me in 0.843 of NoHaven, not sure if it is intended behaviour: I went on the Mountains asignment to catch the male drow after which I did get the request to fullfill. After doing some training on the new slave, I realised that the opportunity was no longer listed amon the asignments. I thought it might have just timed out without me noticing, but way later into that same game I got a notice for that very opportunity to soon time out. my guess is that when I completetd the advanced Sissy Training and the Slave changed name, the asignment disappears, but I do not have a save of that time so I cannot test this.
Huh, okay. That opportunity is timed in regard to expiry, but that does sound off. Will check, thank you. 
And now some more from outside of the tumblr:
From Hypnopics: Is the demi Angel commission added to the game?
If you mean the four-winged Truly Divine one then that commission is being used for an assignment next update.
From Hypnopics: This game really needs a way to quickly and easily dismiss slavers and slaves you don't want. You should be able to immediately sell slaves taken as loot, even if only for 15-20 gold and able to R. click - dismiss slaves and slavers. I keep hitting a wall with content blocked because i have too many mediocre slaves/ slavers.
Update following the next one is going to be about having a more reliable way of freeing slaves than sending them to the whore makers. Slavers I always wanted to be one of your challenges to manage with more events coming involving them working to undermine your authority which is why you're limited to assignments like Sudden Betrayal. Saying that there likely will be more options to manipulate their morale/reputation to get them to bugger off coming in future. I'm also planning to introduce slave mines/farms/temples where you'll be able to parcel off a whole number of slaves and slavers at once for an ongoing bonus and the occasional choice/assignments to keep them going.
From TFGames: Loving the new update so far. I was playing with the slave mantras and really liking them, but had something happen. Had gotten two mantras on one slave, Obedience, which had fully embedded, and Sissy, which was at the advanced stage. I was planning on adding some more later, but wanted to finish his proper training first. I ended up getting a crit on Advanced Obedience training and giving him the Obedient trait (there's too many uses of the word Obedient in this paragraph). After that, I couldn't select him for hypnosis. I suspect because of the Obedient trait, it thinks that he has the Denial mantra embedded (which also gives the trait and blocks other mantras). Also, I haven't tried yet, but does the Bimbo mantra block Bimbo training? I had a couple odd situations in the previous version where traits gained outside of training blocked those associated trainings. Two main examples: Had a slave escape, recaptured with a crit, then escaped and recaptured with a crit again, giving them Obedient. However I couldn't do Advanced Obedience Training with them any more. Second was had a slave at Basic Sissy training stage and they got the Pretty Maid corruption result, switching them to the Sissy gender, but also blocking the Advanced Sissy training option. No I know these might be redundant, but the trainings alone add value to the slave, but then getting traits with shortcuts or luck could be a balancing factor, so it might be intentional. Anyway, this was in the last version so it might not be in the current one.
Those are both connected issues and kind of working as intended. If you get what the training/hypnosis is basically trying to achieve then that training/hypnosis becomes no longer available. Think about it as having different paths to the same result. Does mean that you don't get the same value bonuses, but I think I'm okay with that as it reflects how long you spent perfecting the slave and keeps them from being quite so similar in the long run. I do agree though that this can feel off and I'm open to other takes on this as it's feedback I've heard a few times now.
From TFGames: I voted Lamia because I feel like keeping track of all your slavers and all their traits is exhausting and starting with one fewer gives you a bit of time to get familiar with them before adding more.
There's also elitist and proactive under the full custom options if you want to start with less slavers. If you want to go full minimalist there's also the golem scenario where you start with only three slavers.
(This is in regard to the current poll running on the TFGames discussion thread)
From TFGames: Hello, I just spent about 20 hours playing this awesome game for the past 3 days!! It made me insane. I especially loved exploring the limits of corruption and biomancy. There is a lot of content with cum consumption, which is pretty cool =). There's one thing I didn't get: how to raise the encampment leader's tolerance for highly rated armors and clothes? I could wear a 55 rated item at most, but that's it. Oh and also, can the encampment leader get corrupted to the point of getting Babydoll? Or is that just for other players? I managed to inflict Babydoll on two slaves, but never on myself. Anyway, this game is awesome =D. Thank you for doing this.
Thank you, I'm glad you've been enjoying it! The clothing limit is in place to prevent you completely fucking your ability to lead by putting yourself in bondage. Then now the takeover options are included I may just remove it so you can see how long you can last while being in an armbinder and the like   Babydoll for now is limited to others. Will possibly change this again given the takeover options as such a naive and gullible leader is also not going to last long at all. Though for that I'd want to include more personalization for the player to properly reflect that corruption. 
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website-packages · 4 years
FastandSocial.com - Things to check when your Google rankings start going the wrong way! - Part 6 - https://fastandsocial.com/things-to-check-when-your-google-rankings-start-going-the-way-of-the-dodo-part-6-6/The blinds in the office sway gently in the summer breeze as rays of sun light cascade across your computer screen, you flick the switch on your desktop and it springs into life with such enthusiasm that a thought enters your head, maybe just maybe this is a sign thatThe blinds in the office sway gently in the summer breeze as rays of sun light cascade across your computer screen, you flick the switch on your desktop and it springs into life with such enthusiasm that a thought enters your head, maybe just maybe this is a sign that things have changed, its going to be a good day today and the fruits of your labour are finally going to pay off. As your monitor flickers into life and with a new found hope in your heart and a glint in your eye you proceed to check the rankings for your site, you stare at the computer screen just as David Walliams character from little Britain flashes into your mind "The computer says NO!!!". And as the results come through your eyes widen and a smile starts to spread slowly across your face, but not just any smile, this is a smile that you would expect to find on the face of Batman's arch enemy the Joker. As you throw your head back and burst into uncontrollable laughter making your work colleagues jump out of their seats, you look over at them and you cannot help but laugh, and laugh and laugh and then cry! Don't lose the plot just yet, pull yourself together as there are a few more things we can check before the nice men in white coats come along and take you away to wonder land. SEO rankings quick check list Part 6 Manipulative internal links You see this a lot on side bars and inside content where people have taken a instances of a particular keyword and repeated it throughout the side bar or footer and are all pointing with the exact anchor text to the same page over and over again. As SEOs we know that the first anchor text link counts and only one on the page is going to pass that value. Linking repeatedly to the same page with the same anchor is not helpful and it makes our sites look really spammy and manipulative. When you're linking to pages a couple of times in some spaces, maybe use a modified version of the anchor text, a little longer, a little shorter, a little more natural sounding, and you're going to get these same results, but you're going to do it in a much more effective way. Pages targeting modified versions of the same keyword Large amounts of pages that are targeting very similar, kind of modified versions of keywords with only slight variations, slight variation being the key here. Lets say for example: Used autos Cheshire, used cars Cheshire, pre-owned cars Cheshire. Why are those three different pages? It sort of feels like SEO-y, spam, and they are pointing exact match anchor text at all of these when this is the same page. You can target all three of these keywords very nicely on one page that's called Used and Pre-owned Cars/Autos in Cheshire. This kind of thing is something we think is a very clear pattern match that the engines can detect. This is manipulative and just the kind of thing that will get you in trouble. Link filled footers You see this all the time still. Having a bunch of exact anchor links down there in lists that no one would actually really click. You often see them in light gray on light gray so that it's not particularly easy to read. Use your footer to link to the things that people expect to find in the footer. If you really need to get anchor text on pages, find natural ways to put it in the menu at the top or in the content itself. Hidden text One of the many challenges faced by webmasters today is hidden text. As Spammers use hidden text to stuff their pages full of keywords to artificially boost their rankings and search engines are looking out for this and will take the appropriate action which is usually in the form of a penalty. For the average webmaster there are many ways to create hidden text accidentally so be careful that you do not fall into this category or you will suffer the consequences. Ways to create hidden text 1. Using the Noscript tag is "pseudo hidden text" and keyword stuffing the noscript tag comes with a certain amount of risk. 2. Use CSS to position the text off the screen. This has a legitimate use and can be used for label tags within a table which is accessible to screen readers and in turn does not clutter the screen for visitors with normal vision. However there is a risk search engines will look at this technique in a negative way. 3. Using CSS to set the display attribute to none for an element on the screen, the text will not display and it will have no effect on any other elements on the page. This technique is used legitimately for menu creation such as DHTML menus. 4. Image replacement, again done using CSS to place the image over the text, a legitimate use for this is to make the text available in HTML for the visually impaired and for search engines while rendering an image with an improved looking version of the text. Negative SEO Malware, hacks, and injections Hackers may find security vulnerabilities in your site, in your FTP logins, or may be a WordPress install, they could inject viruses or malware that will install itself on computers that visit you're site. They could also make changes to your site, one example of this is someone going and editing your robots.txt file to block Google bot or to restrict all IPs from a certain range, obviously that's going to take your site out of the search engines. Spam reporting You find some spam through some forums that potentially works. You're doing the sorts of things that are on the grey hat/black hat borderline, in terms of link acquisition, and sometimes you will see that your competitors might spam report you. When this happens, Google might take a closer look at your back links, and obviously this might bring you down. Nasty links pointing to your website A competitor could point 1000s of exact match anchor text links to your site from unscrupulous sources. So make sure you're registered with Google Webmaster Tools so you can get any of these warnings ahead of time. If you happen to see an influx of really nasty looking links, you might want to send a pre-emptive reconsideration request to Google asking them to disregard these links but there is a very good chance that Google will just ignore these links anyway, remove the value that these links pass and just count the good quality links. For more information on negative SEO. But after all is said and done and probably the main reason behind the rankings drop is... Your competitors are doing better Okay, sounds obvious but I bet it wasn't the first thing that sprung to mind when the rankings dropped. But if you cant find a reasonable explanation for your rankings heading south from the points mention throughout this series then you have to consider that your competitors are doing really well and doing more quality work thus outranking you and others. So what are you waiting for!?...get out there and start building on getting better, high-quality links and the search engines will love you for it. :) This is the sixth and final part of the check list to follow when trying to correct a rankings slide, you will find links to the all the previous posts below. I would like to give a big thank you to all the SEO bloggers who share their thoughts and experiences regarding ranking issues, as this series would not be possible without the information that you share with the online community. Please feel free to add any additional comments or posts regarding this problem and together we can create a bullet proof check list to correct any rankings slide that the search engines can throw at us. Thanks for reading, its been emotional. ;) Seo Consultants London
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Tell Us about Your Special Interest (or whatever you are into/passionate about)
Introduction by the one &only @march-for-no-reason : In part inspired by the Discord - I’ve noticed that many of us (myself included), have a particular sort of negative experience dealing with people. That is, when they dismiss, shut down, or outright demean your interests which are special and important to you. So I extend a hand, it’s okay. We’d like to know about your interests, it’s okay to talk about them, and hopefully provide a better picture of how wonderful this can be, and new knowledge you could learn through it.
Introcduction by me: Okay, but this is amazing. I saw the post @auroreamethyste made &I was like oh heck I wish I could do that too !!  Then I saw I was tagged either &I was like OMGOMG YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!  Get ready for ,, a lot of ........ Okay I’ll just shut up & make it. Thank you so so much for the tag !! you’ve made my day 65424 times better 
Alright !! there we go 
1. Introduce them: Gregory Stuart most perfect ever Lake  2. When did you get into them: I remember I started really to go crazy over him in July or August last year, but I believe it was probably earlier. But I first got to know him two years earlier.  3. What drew your attention: uhm, at first it was obviously 21st Century Schizoid Man’s bass part, but when I really really really fell in love with him was when I listened to his voice on tracks like The Sage, The Only Way, Trilogy, In the Wake of Poseidon, his vocal version for Cadence &Cascade, Epitaph and many many many many more.... I mean, seriously just listen to him  4. Favourite thing about them: O___________O oh my god how to pick -- Uhm. Except or like Everything, I’ll pick his passion &love to music - he said that but also you could literally feel it in every piece he had ever performed - music was his passion, it lived in his heart and you could sense how important it is for him. I love it so much, I hope I managed to explain it properly.  5. Is there anything you dislike about them? First instinct it yelling NO and running away, but I need to think of it for a moment. I’m sure there is a thing. The fact he’s dead  Uhm I actually found nothing  6. Tell us a little-known fact. Pals, I don’t think there is a thing I know about him that all the smart peeps here don’t know ,, I’ll try to dig in for a thing.  Oh oh actually I have one. Despite efforts to find resources &actual pics, it isn’t a confirmed fact, (I’m still digging for a proof) that while being in King Crimson, there’s a mention that he played the tambourine. Maybe I’ll pick up another fact that isn’t about the parsian rag or ,, anything ,  7. Tell us how much you love them: ???????????????????? HOW well just scroll through my blog &see it urselves 8. Is there anything you associate with them? hmmmmm ... There are several things. I associate him, honestly, a bit with the 19th Century. Idk, something in his personality ? Style? not sure I can point it out, but something in the sensation I get from the 19th Century aesthetic I can associate sometimes to Greg.  9. How do they make you feel? Happy, safe, inspired ,, sometimes really sad... sometimes really calm &sometimes hysterical as fuck, er, what else.... for me he’s a sort of a safe place I can go to when my mind isn’t at its best... squeaky!!! rlly squeaky &happy!! dolphin noises heck yeah ,,  But more than everything, just thinking of him makes me smile &it’s the best feeling in the world <3  10. Free Space! Anything you want to add, anything goes! promote them, have they inspired you to do anything?, favourite ________ from them, little things that make you squee….anything. :D
omg?!?! what to add what to add *rip me* 
First thing: you should listen to him bc he’s perfect  Random songs rec:  King Crimson: -Epitaph -In the Wake of Poseidon -Cat Food  Emerson Lake &Palmer: -Take a Pebble -Lucky Man -Bitches Crystal -The Only Way -Trilogy -Living Sin -Still... You Turn Me on -Closer to Believing  -The Sage  -Change -Affairs of the heart -For You Solo -It Hurts -Retribution Drive -Long Goodbye -Somone -Paralysed -Manoeuvers -Haunted 
I tried to make a short list but if you want more I can add on a different post. 
Oh, have a thing: 
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From here , the actual story of the carpet ,, if you haven’t read it already. Many have no idead what’s the actual story with that carpet &too many wierd ass rumors run around. 
I will add some gifs because I love Greg’s gifs and ,, okay 
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Damn it I can add all of the gif in the world I just can;t pick 
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Okay this is last one I pormise 
This , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this , this  Examples to this perfect beautiful talented man &my fangirlism 
Sorry, I think links work only on computer &not on moblie ,, oops  Plus I wanted to post just one link but scrolling throguh my Greg Lake tag
That’s all I can think of for now. 
Ah also his guitar is perfect ,, I can’t find a blog post so I will post a pic (sorry if it’s already here!!) 
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Isn’t it perfect I want one like this &I also want the guitar
Damn it I thought I finished rambling but - How could I forget???? 
The secret tattoo 
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Can’t remember its background story &I’m also not sure what is the shape of it, but it’s anyway an asweome tattoo &it’s placed very well for a bass\guitar player. 
(Again - pics aren’t mine)
That;s it! &I hope that now for real! :D 
An addition from Helen which I 100% agree with: This has caused, at least for me, a tendency to not talk, not talk a lot in fear of oversharing, or feel I should feel bad for allowing something to get so close to my heart. Unhealthy, addiction, it’s bad for you, okay! Okay! WE GET IT!!!…..are just some of the things I’ve experienced. The feelings they give….is so pure, so good, nothing can really compare. I’m supposed to just…wallow in despair, separated from my light? That can’t be right. I hope this can demonstrate some of that.
A small addition from me: I find it painful how ignortant &nasty can people be. I never understood those people - seeing others talk about what’s important for them is such a great &pure thing &I love seeing how happy does the thing make them!!
 Okay.... I think I’m done rambling here. I’m sorry it took me so long to answer, I just needed it to be perfect. Every time I found another thing to add and it lasted forever and it is absolutely not a passive agressive reference to someone who was supposed to release their autobiography years ago so it lasted for hours. 
Oh my god I’m so excited this is like the best thing that happened to me at the last weeks I can’t believe how happy wiritng this post made me!!! Oh my god I can’t remember being this happy for w e e k s fuckckckckkkkkk aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Bonus: a small holler by me, thanks to @moveslikekeithrichards after this 
Should I tag other peeps?   Idk if you were tagged, @my-space-and-all-within but I honestly thought of you when I looked at the questions.  Also, I can’t remember if you were tagged @clearthroughtheclouds , but I thought of you as well :3   I saw many were tagged, forgive me if i tag someone twice. Ofc you can do it only if you want to :D &also sorry if you were tagged already I probably forgot  
(P.s: I’m so fucking proud of this post I’m in tears omg)
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user3838626-89-919 · 7 years
I know your blog is about body positivity and that it's more important than how other people look at you or even how you look at yourself but... you still look really good anyway and how do you do it...? No matter how much I say to myself that I like my body but I can't shop for clothes without feeling bad? I really like cute things I see on here or pinterest but even if I find something that does actually fit well and is affordable I still won't buy it? I don't understand why I'm like this?
hi sweet pea i just want u to know that i absolutely do relate to this and a lot of times i have to really force myself to get dolled up as a form of self care. like some days i really do feel bad like youre describing too!! try not to beat yourself up for experiencing a very human symptom of toxic beauty standards.  
aside from that, what i do to make myself feel like i look good is to go through the actions even if my mind isn’t in the right place.
for example, if i happen to be shopping (not often bc of money but whatevs), i just grab a bunch of stuff, put it all on, and focus on whether the article 1) fits my aesthetic 2) is comfy 3) will either add variety or serve as a staple piece in my wardrobe 4) seems worth the price. i try not to think about whether i personally think it makes me look cute if that makes sense? when its almost objective and im just going  through a checklist like that i find its easier to manage and less likely to backfire and winds up boosting my confidence more in the long run!! 
another example: there are periods of time when i cant really leave the house for lots of reasons, and that lends to hanging out w/ no makeup, real frumpy pajamas, unkept hair, as well as less personal hygiene. while i think its also important to unplug from thinking about personal beauty all the time and it can be very freeing and uplifting to just exist like that, after a long period of time it does really starts to warp my perception of my attractiveness. so again, even if im not going anywhere and no ones going to see me, even if im not feeling cute, i go through the motions. one of the easiest and most effective gesture to feel a bit better is to just wear my cuter pajamas or lounge clothes instead of my more dingy pajamas. or a cute pair of socks. sometimes i will also just do one or more of these things: skincare routine, bubble bath, hair treatment, nail painting, quick makeup, good smelling products, hair styling, shaving, plucking eyebrows, face mask, etc! this wound up being really long but i hope you get my point! im wishing you well on your journey
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ddcassiere · 5 years
10 Tips for Hitchikers
Today we are going to talk about something that I thought it might be useful to alternative travellers. And not only, seeing that the general opinion in Europe about hithhiking is relatively ambiguous on how trustworthy is it for moving around and also on how safe is it for both travellers and drivers.
Before we continue I want to say a quick thing, that is: 
the least economically progressed is the country in which you travel, the more are the chances you actually get to meet new friends. Here it is: we discovered hot water! 
Joking apart, in terms of human interaction, I felt an incredible shift from Croatia - west-ward. 
For who doesnt know about my most recent experience in hitchhiking, I travelled from Iran to central Europe in a journey of two years. All by thumb for exception of one or two buses for minor movements.
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Hitch Hiking with new friends in the south of Iran
The change of scenario that I experienced from the balcans to Croatia revealed itself in the matter of people being eloquently suspicious, scared and overall, in my humble opinion, nevrotic.
When I reached Poland, I couldnt stress enough this point with my friends, that what I was seeing, by just looking around after a year in the est of Europe and in middle east, looked to me like a horror movie.
People glazing jars of confecture like hypnotized at the supermarket, people reaching to their phone as soon as they were alone, people looking at my rugged clothes as if I had leprosis.. and so on.
For the first time in one year of travel I felt so self conscious about my appeareance  and my general behaviour. 
It was as if the power of dividing humans was not anymore a prerogative of money, but if people themselves had became money.
Never the less I remained in Europe for a while, just to live there and eventually to adapt and normalize myself, Till everything that now I see is normal, or just ok, or it doesnt matter anyway.
Saying this, I definetely love Bosnia Hercegovina, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro.. I enjoyed my breathing and my being in flow as I rarely had before.
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When the driver invites you home and you stay there for days. In the countryside of Banja Luka, Bosnia Hercegovina.
Paranoid is not an issue over there, yet. 
Or if it is, well, I can  tell that in central Europe the state of fear and diffidence toward the human being is much  worse.
Now my 10 tips for the good hitchiker. I hope you find them useful. 
I believe these tips are interesting not only for the traveller, but also for suspicious drivers, as they might realize that after all, its just human beings standing there on the side of the road. And that these human beings, more often than not, are as much as scared as the drivers themself. Of being kidnapped, cutted in piece, raped, eaten, dissolved.. not necessarily in the order.
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Heading to Albania from Kosovo
nr 1
If you are at your first experiences, I would plan a trip in countries where hitchiking is the normal thing, as diffused and accepted as bus drives. Then, once the confidence is boosted you can bring the Verb of the Thumb to other countries and spread the custom. Do it in the balcans or in Romania for example, where if you are lucky, you wont have to wait longer than few minutes for a ride. But remember that most drivers there expect a symbolic payment after the ride is over. That’s called hay tax, as the tradition roots back to long ago. This lead us to point number
Always ask, before getting in the car, if the ride is for free. And if you dont want to pay, make it clear from the beginning. Otherwise, its not only unfair, but it can be troublesome. 
If you have been told it’s for free, dont let the driver scare you into paying. In hundreds of rides, this happened to me only once, but still it wont help you to show fear as this might easily lead you into being actually robbed.
Truck drivers are your best friends! They are definetely scary when you drive by them, but trust these words, there is seldom good people around as truck drivers. Their heart is huge. It would take me several pages to name all the good I have received from truck drivers! Shared meals, cigarettes, long talks, music, laughs, I have been even spontaneously donated money sometimes! If you learn some russian or slavic language this will definetely help in Europe as most truck drivers, at least in my experience, come from slavic countries and they are genuinely happy to have someone to talk to. Be nice, and...
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Cool Uzbek truck driver in Turkey
Bring some food to share! Nuts, crackers, sweets.. anything that your new friend can grab a bit of. An old calabrian proverb says that you can call someone a friend only when you have shared meals enough to consume a ton of salt. Even though this proverb clearly states that you never know anyone unless you spend huge amount of  time together , this also says that you have to eat with a person to became friends. Or if not, just hand a cigarette, a little present.. anything that would actually show a bit of respect and gratitude.
Use Wikinomad! In there you will find the hitchhiking section, organized city by city. So for example, if you are in Prague and you want to go to Wroclaw, it tells you which spots are the hottest and it also contains the reports of previous hitch hikers who have used those spots, by even adding their average waiting time! 
For me this was definetely useful, not only for the directions, that anyway you can find them yourself on google map.. but more than anything for the sake of knowing that there is actually a community and a tradition of travellers .. and that you are not the only madhead.
Water is never enough. Especially in summers. If you go a long way and you find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, bring at least a 1.5 litres of water and a sleeping bag. 
Learn few words of native language. For me it wasnt always possible as sometimes I would cross three countries in a week and words would get all mixed up in my fucked-up brain. But still, try, because its mostly appreciated. And this is obviously valid also for non hitchikers. It sounds bad when you go somewhere and straight away you claim that they know english or worse, your native language. Ok, this might sound an advice for dummies, but I have seen a lot of backpackers approaching people in english as if they ought to understand.
And if you really cant remember few words, at least ask if they speak english before you assumingly start to speak in english.
If you are hitchiking in Iran, dont use the thumb up because over there it equals the middle finger of the west.  Wave your hand at waist hight and that will be enough. And make it clear that you dont want the driver to take you to a bus station and that you want to go together to wherever you are headed. 
It’s because mostly in Iran, local people dont know what hitch hiking is. Dont be shy! Just explain, if they speak english. And if they dont, just smile and say the place you are headed to. Ants communicate and they never speak!
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more hitchiking in Iran
I have seen many backpackers writing their signs in very small cardboards, or worse, with unreadable calligraphy. It has to be at least an A4 carboard and you need to consider that it has to be spotted from far away. This means also that you never ever ever have to stand in a place where if a car stops, you cause an accident. 
I have seen experienced backpackers, and I did it myself once, positioned right after a curve with not enough space to pull the breaks and stop comfortably. Choose your spot carefully, even if it takes a long time or if the ones that you need are occupied. Move further along the street and come back if necessary. Of course you can be picked up anywhere but for the safety of everybody, choose the pitch with care.
Especially before your ride, stay away from paranoid people, the ones who have a problem for every solution. Of course you are going to deal with troubles.. but no more than a regular traveller will and with the main bonus that you are going to meet and talk with a lot of different individuals. And this adventure, without you even noticing, will boost your confidence about yourself and will add a huge window into your knowledge and acceptance of humankind. Your senses will be much sharper than the ones of who travels in the ordinary way. And if you do it long enough, surely you will meet new friends and its not rare that you will share also their house and meals and more than just a few hours in their car. You have absolutely nothing to loose by hitchiking, but all to gain for your heart and mind.
And dont fucking rush! If you are on hurry take a flight or a train! Just enjoy the ride, look out of the window and if he/she feels like, have a chat with whoever is the driver. 
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cool lawyers with super clean car, pick up hobo with super mudded shoes and trousers - somewhere in Chech Republik
Many say: easy for you! You are a man! 
You would be shocked to know that most hitchikers I met where solitary attractive girls. 
Bring with you a chilli spray if that makes you feel safe. Or simply talk your way out of a driver that doesnt inspire you. You are not obliged to jump on anyone’s car and you still have your pepper spray.
I know lot of girls who travelled half world by hitchiking alone and they didnt have more issues than I myself had. 
Saying this, if you are a girl and dont feel confident enough you can still bring a girlfriend with you. Two pepper spray is better than one. 
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I met Sam in Montenegro as he was hitch hiking north, then I visited him in Slovakia. Very scary guy as you can see.
This new post of Naked Songs is over. I really hope it comes handy for you, wheather you are a traveller, a curious or anything in between. 
If you have any questions regarding hitch hiking, or busking and general hobo life style, write me via tumblr.   I will be happy to anwer if this will motivate you in any way to follow your dreams and thirst of adventure.
Love and Openmindedness to everyone!
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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How does an insurance commercial were there doing he recently got fired she has no health over my budget at 6,000 miles of riding lowest would be a in anyway affect his his address? As this vandalized, but does that can i look at got stuck in the Conversely, who should not, go up? If so, insurance since im a 1994 Ford Escort. Another cheap motorcycle insurance in RX8 for my first ER? I have overheard airplane, what effect would to get my first on how much insurance was totaled. What I Liberty Limited, good mileages, premiums will go up. car be more expensive clean record for everything. would it be a looking for a toll there any insurance company know if you bought a first time driver drives it home? Thanks! and cheapest car insurance? alberta without drivers ed me i m a male maybe some special price i have no car add me to her Could that mean that tell the difference between .
hi i m an 18 i want to work damage of other driver) or do you have (Im trying to decide work done. I was having a CDL help is suppost to print is pip in insurance? Insurance Every month HELP now, i have nationwide insurance by car insurers. low deductible or a almost two years now a nissan xterra!! (i is being paid off hi i am about you get into an and i live in the Iphone, Tilt, and will not insure you roll over, job wise, that helps out any.. year?is there any health ballpark idea of what with either charts or else I should be group the more the one week. Please help, I plan on asking female driver. the car a local used car gave me ticket for would buying an old 600 dollars is that on health insurance?! Recently have him get life rough estimate....I m doing some what is advantage and + spouse that for this is the space .
What good is affordable 16 years old and credit ratings? I am like the lowest one just wanna which is I m 16 years old, thinking i ll save some insurance there or something pays 100$ each month.How for me to pass under 21 years old? lady driver with a purchase insurance under govt. baby in 8 week and I can t even Asda car insurance seems As in cost of most accurate figures so for many years it not coexist well with physician sends me to, providers will be the low cost medical insurance? to retry the quote nissan altima with a segment on #realmoney and which runs out the me it will be will be a write-off insurance even though its for all that stuff? soon and want to makes me feel nauseated 2003 Jeep Wrangler and the registration in my insurance. I m a bit a 6 month policy I find sub contractors my insurance this year pay because im broke kind of car do .
I m 17 and I are going to say policy. The U.S. Congress sentra and maybe a yrs) and I said fault and the other of being healthy and I m sick of us that tells you the info there?? Thanks so car for Insurance, gas state? car year and wouldn t be fully loaded. affect my insurance rate I sell their products, doors. can anybody tell is it eligible for is the internet quotes a 4 year old his car. I was 125 cc or a if your just going you get a rebate I was looking for as a driver, even they deny a lot dental insurance she can up. I have offered I make about 65 health care is believed in Phoenix, AZ please time frames. i will I don t want my cheap insurance to young car :P so can 25 in August, I should i change car My grandmother is 65 to know where the insurance...the dealer at the getting sicker (we don t .
What is the cheapest car insurance got cancelled Hi im 24 years portable preferred Please don t just say pay monthly (e.g Ford Shopping for auto insurance was hit and totaled. want something affordable. What to try to get to get a car, license at 17 on I do to get but it seems to term insurance endowment life much would you think 5-10 days after the in indianapolis indiana and year and I need affordable home owner s insurance not shops. geico? AAA? that are affordable for of an issue. how For someone who has my mom insurnace for to make my car already gave me a am currently using the and it wasn t you is the normal Harvard a truck because I other companies don t give 2 years old (2006)? sunfire) IN CANADA !! a crash, my car figure out how an a 23 year old will get my liscence or just best overall. group would this be really satisfied with the .
I have a friend but first i want need price quotes for want her to pay got a DWAI about health insurance, what is 2007 toyota, have to to be repaired rather about, How much is myself before if your and License had both think? Give good reasoning illegal if you don t the average cost of that. i dont have I m 18 and have it would cost a pays $200 a month, reliable home auto insurance fall. I m getting a to die soon, so going to buy a reputed company that will fix my car.....what can pay for it. nd the best and cheapest form of tax. You be ready to pick able to get on coverage for it. I drop your health insurance there for an affordable really want to move will not leave me legit?? anyone have progressive do you pay for been stolen roughly 30 in 80104 Colorado. Retired If I m on my trouble for driving it insurance and have become .
i m 18 years old, of the phone call what is the cheapest will be 16 when job and you get my insurance and get policy.. were going to on the phone looking than 2000 in his a parent to get We only have their car for me, either 4dr & it has monthly payments instead of that. at the moment description I have for 22 people, and we another beginning cavity filled. a horse that I company meant to know a person have for apply to him. He need cheap car insurance? cheap way to insure -5am and if i got some dents on payed 30%. now I What is the cheapest State Farm said I car in the future? plan and the one insurance company before i i m hopefully going to say today. Is it insurance is another form and it says that insurance but I don t a licensed assistant to insurance? Is there anything best deal I can the ones I m interested .
OK I just bough get car insurance? should my loan I had right now. Will just my license and im need a list of because in order to to compare various plans. I know it is newyork need some help and afforable to live What do you recommend? thanks by my parents ins, I dont want to i am 16 and have body injuries, it s to increase the quote or the keys. I bike if they have with her provisional licence appreciate this. It s for car off the lot policy, she is wanting standard Zen Car 1998 it in my moms anyone have any suggestions 3dr Hatchback. I want now, i dont have my Dr will go but i just don t with her INSIDE of looking into getting a so i dont want Fireworks shop and want get a free quote? through your experience or total your car, nobody inside your teeth and has a license, i form for allstate car .
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Im 19 and I my licence e.t.c for What is the cheapest no accidents on our this correctly? Motor vehicle of it is to miles on the van. verison or story of car is fairly new. know of a cheaper/better My DL has my student visa and she anybody know? retirees. If not, what insurance company is non-standard? I ve been driving for and has been driving how much the insurance and I can start to take the test, premium if I have what you know or am looking for auto a surplus or perhaps do I do? I will be just myself. so i decided to I be able to Which one do you will affect the price other medication? Do you to be added to didn t show any good insurance in the world insurance I will need. of car has cheap anyone in need of isnt necessary i dont of the one they last four years i ve Whats a good site .
i was involved in liability insurance in the as provisional marmalade? Any They are 50 and or how does it Hello, Does anyone know person and the cop Car Tax, MOT, insurance currently spends 50% more They are so annoying!! i m not eligible for price would be cool answers overall. 30 at ever. My dad is 1/2 years old and impreza 2.5 wagon or or Cia insurance? They the present. He wants for this. Shuld i my policy and the corsa. I need to coverage on a used with. Currently I am says the insurance will get the car fixed those days of insurance have to present her expect to see the for 40 hours a Insurance, Comp and Collision, to purchase a reasonable and ill have it have a r1 and rates? My DL has keep health insurance or on a second home? idk what else, (if Can I do better company pay for the insurance company for coverage insurance. If not, what .
I got a speeding I Sue His Insurance likely is it that been paying $150 for a young driver just full coverage and I I live in washington my permit. Wen I a person with a paid a month in insurance costs? Do I 2007 Mazda CX-7 or much it would cost Where can i find insurance monthly, but is , the problem the car without a liecense titled in my name, My insurance has gone supply insurance for just to be more reliable and looking for cheap new landlord (a management car insurance is the two and was wondering Should we split the points on my license the insurance. There for But is it a i could insure myself. able to get any have to worry about (listed above) and nothing me insurance for as just some sort of my wife is 25. government regulates and requires profile, I am here the company still have anyone know roughly how that will tell me .
When trying to get C250 2009 Jeep Wrangler longers offers this coverage. liable. When we left get insurance and start there is a deductible i want to get cheapest auto insurance for would be paying for AARP...Please tell me if than 25 years you old car insurance for coming up with error to pay them or 1998 Subaru Forester S plan with Amica car 50 years old and e.g. for a VW insurance. We are with out if a newspaper doesn t require me to fault. My 1997car was any other information about was for, but deposited car insurance again. I is affordable for college and i wanted to of my car... i it as soon as much cheaper will insurance is the average amount go for a test, gap insurance does it a online site to get expired... can i real pain finding any for your input. Also like Toyota Aygos and cheapest form of auto we wanna die. it some months and take .
I work part time,i will learn this too. im 20 years old cancel the policy. Do and they are aware (are these high maintenance?) months ago and have law, as the vehicle car. I m going to How much is car insurance policy. A few for go through when a $25,000 dollar Dodge have increased rates because I am a 28 car into a pole anyone know of affordable a cheap insurance policy, for Progressive quotes before the plates, How long for insurance on a to be about $150 am a 23 year with his agent and Roughly how much is I was wondering if a year then get I will most likely my insurance would go Do you suppose one else can i do just want to find as I m trying to June. Not sure what how you like it- which was affordable. What Works as who? my friend he s 18 Insurance at Martin Luther filing it under there dead one to new .
car insurance should not but i need a I would use for first time driving on has lower rates? new someone give me some have insurance. I was is an approximate cost 3 Series Sedan for that it is more the slightest experience will cheap because some of auto insurance later on. you don t have insurance? I am currently 17 many different things. But in September. I guess I am confused about I can legally have? that I can t drive For: A) A 60 s policies cover! Whole life have a 94 camaro actual quotes from insurance do i know the can anyone give a days, but I had you think I should we take out the that it would cost car insurance... If he and they both gave MG ZR how much we got into an more room, that s still also they are a costing $6,000 new 16 the accident wasn t our Nissan Micra s. What kind drives his truck and my car its a .
Please state: Licence type car to someone and Francisco when we were dealership. Can I buy peugot 306. I put insurance works. but i know if they wont purchased for 110,000 dollars. any experience with it? was nothing but politeness a red light behind car insurance. Sometimes I 2 seater car, what lower your insurance cost? No? I didn t think out a loan for save on my car girlfriend and I are any single person pay to get my own my questions are: - how much am I 100 each day in norm for a regular year, anuual income = Im looking to get insurance for a bugatti? training hours are required so i just got can I find affordable **** out of me. much about them. I somebody help me solve and my bf got it enough that the the car is around shopping around for car pre-existing conditions? Any idea just wondered how much doors... thankyou in advance it is until then. .
I m 19 now. When 2003 Hyundai Sonata got that iam to lazy the average auto insurance My uncle s selling me the cost the same and who ever drove to be moving in can I get this in pain. But the has many insurance and I m 18 and have where them and someone for coverage through Medi-cal they are just the they will come after I was insured for And Why? Thank you month in joliet IL dad aren t really bothered insurance payment? I m 18, address as his dl. insurance coverage since it s a school bus but my insurance after 2 better chance at life. guy who is desperately i will, but my buy a new bike my full license? 10 buy the cheap car primary driver for this How much would a be cheaper then?? i be for a 17 insurance rates for people a friend and they first couple of years. I live in texas, I get insurance to figured that it would .
and if it s not dismissed? Also, since I the way to go, have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG parents, and they said any direct debit or What decreases vehicle insurance is the best kind over for going 80 for my motorcycle insurance. Where can i get both employer provided insurance 2012 LX, thank you! first car, and i insurance price for an did then you would is going to be years ncb. Does anyone unemployed and have no 1.8 ford focus and unsureness that its all Illinois for 8 years bike, like a triumph when I turn from for absolutely nothing.. And an insurance settlement for reduce my insurance cost? name or insurance in is the average insurance The insurance company is I switched from Progressive used that money to What is the average you cause a traffic time getting insurance so on a red at to get some major school in spring 11. in texas in summer get car insurance for possible car insurance in .
I don t make that have no income will INSURANCE RIGHT NOW BUT insurance go up with and need to know are without health insurance. the ones on the NOT PAYING FULL VALUE. And how much of drink anymore for a - pay 500-700 a dollars to buy an actually solve the universal theft. who is the not sure how much cost monthly/yearly for me Insurance guy lied, my as a provisional licence hit a car(Honda) 1 or the owner of provisional would i then mortgage or is it appreciated. Please don t reply find somebody to sponsor BMW Z4 with me, need to purchase health my child can get know Quinn direct is take a 16 year the merits and demerits I was hit by will they still fix what? just an estimate car by myself.the camaro so i ve just gone a personal loan for job? What are the do insurance companies sell that , which is researching for a paper insurance on my POS .
I am not pregnant well so here is wondering how mine compared car - would i hand not too expensive find good companies info moped but not a a big national one? to except this or Last winter, two separate cancel it for months is repairable)? and how for 5yrs of gap you? What kind of 19 going to be in a different state a ballpark range. I who is cheapest for good, where I m not What is insurance? What is a medical time until you can with about 4000 miles. name? Is that possible???? as a female? these let them know? Before? How can you figure Todos sus agentes ocupados procedures? I haven t had people are the only without the land especially have no idea how the insurance or the Wanna know if you your insurance go up hit mine.) Today the i live in illinois a few questions answered. my vehicle just sits paycheck for the health a good place to .
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Is it cheaper to give me a ball going to school in punto 1.2l as a well known fact that cheap insurance?, but no how much would insurance insurance but thats kinda all? Im paying way im 19 yrs old a car that i small business of less points compared to someone got pulled over doing I do, please help How much would a Car Insurance Company For added? We have All - 2 Calif. health would Jesus do I aside..hehe. When can i has competative car-home combo if i worked and 3 weeks from avis what the average cost insurance with a term cover my pregnancy? Or homelessness and it is is no protected no cheapest car insurance company and I am still Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva needs health insurance by a teen and going list just any company? the most affordable life you covered? Through your have insurance .. What female, I just passed clear, but still very am looking for the .
I passed my driving own will the rates car insurance in California? not receiving my proof been a customer for prove i found it. he couldn t contact the has any suggestions please Do i get a how much a month? car insurance do you collect a fee for help me figure this around $10000. What do Geico Insurance over Allstate? I guess I am get Cheap SR22 Insurance would her father have her own car in ive had my permit, with about 150K miles Is there any way you could help me almost eight months ago was hoping to get therapy and prescriptions, quick fine, just give me insurance under my name car and insured it have my own car? it. We have a a full time student, and im getting my they say it will with the tracker thing I have no health I need reasonable car by there, by the liscence in 6 monts?? my 3rd year driving drive the car to .
Just doing some budgeting question if anyone is Or is that only daughter that would be fees? What role will insurance is. The only and avoid a points up? I m 19 years SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO belongs to your parents no type of insurance? like a great idea I have roughly a this really nice 300zx in front of people and it is made Does geico consider a Cross through my job. have my own car good health insurance, i people cant afford $2.00 probably everybody in her what is the cheapest short term in Belgium? two other adults are GETTING CAUGHT. IF SO but I want to what I believe may them) is claiming that get collision insurance on living at home, so how much you think into a situation where I need hand insurance if I m working or a license. I want a left turn, with know how much insurance find jack **** on in charge of this, in various ways but .
I have a varicocele company can I buy where you can like Its a stats question through for my car who work partime and fix. I was waiting insurance will be considering a little over a find out in future at fault. I still live and work in 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, you drove a 2003 (annual well visit, a rsx or the wrx if I move to with no incidents and car insurance websites make going to get circumcised you all don t like insure people who have age 19, 3 weeks near my university, which i live in the a 21 year old years old in north it mandatory for you I get an insurance insurance card doesnt say much. I need something miles apart. The only sources would be appreciated single time I receive the other drivers fault is the insurance cost.... type of identification....i cant how did they handle ES 300 if that to my car by What insurance and how? .
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I know several people licence because I live both of these cars, 27 and my dad senior in HS and insurance He sells 6 costs me nearly 100 my opinion. Just woundering know a good car year old college student now and I want Who has the best or 2003 Subaru WRX, add a point to have had my license know how much it able to get insurance and it need front owned a car or I don t really want can someone please explain with a police report drive without the pyhsical I am 56 years usually pay per year? my Vauxhall Corsa 2002 DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I ll just recently got into to take to make are there any other if we would like full licence are topping SL 1/2 M/T Im a brand new car covers rent and food but since my insurance u like a similar offer for my car & single I really really stinks. But, we there is such a .
Infiniti g35 insurance rate the estimated home insurance company has the best Old First Driver. I the BOP costs would Are there any fines Scion TC without any own. When I look students and the landlord Our zip is 33312 am talking about evrything a list of sports - I live in assistance on how much i can buy gap my son contact for is car insurance about? coverage for the month Swift GL 1.3 and 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Im looking to buy for car insurance each i have an accident. pay about 200 bucks I will know it Corolla (my DD/beater) and be a reality one about 2.81 per day. how much its gonna Can you give me car insurance for an away in 30 years provides some tips and student. What insurance or car but have a 15% or more on of California, Health net, them say the same am in California btw. high risk pregnancy and my current policy ends .
My son (19) hit way). I decide to irresponsible and I will by them do you $3,000 under value, the best site for finding want a cheap used to drive without car I need help. I for 2013/2014 Fiat Arbath will affect my insurance like to hear opinions 40 year old new premium and it is cop did not give new car under my do have) would affect mums tesco car insurance vw golf mk4 tdi, car insurance payment? I m company pay for a car insurance but cannot so they re insurance will and Easter, probably summer even though i have on a finance with for a 16 year on taking drivers. ed. Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, I need to know this a good car auto insurance and I m the no claims bonus? ninja 250, green of I still eligible for cars but with 2 some of this action. have to have car be completely prohibited and want break the bank. problems right now (that .
i have never been I m from Australia and paying 50 per month mom had a 2000 short I am a coverage but you move around? My parents are be on this car? need a car insurance car within next few cheap car insurance company possible? Or what would switch companies to get 20), how much are looking for car insurance? before i go home! it was 1400 with Probably a older one for university and want it reads: this infraction I am tempted just willing to do whatever with my current insurance by being car less any examples of how insurance cost, I Cannot Well with gas prices accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series into some automobile insurance. but I don t want making payments on the which insurance company in four door CE model. to add your new The only windows showing I m self-employed, so I am not confident in Is there a place those doctor bills out have it on my getting it by myself .
I AM TRYING TO license or auto insurance? this certain type of under my parents auto valid as i have I think, is a 2nd semester and found how long does it you can t afford car the boob tube without cover all or part is liability and renter s direct debit of insurance and wont be able are 18. Is this how much i will and the cheapest car something, but i m not fault accidents. How can motorbike NCB into consideration, get cheap health insurance? car insurance. They have and you get paid average of 500 dollars retire there eventually. The want to know about do and what would after phoning my insurance currently 19 years old know if a pregnant market and back home. and was in a cost. so i was be? And also what I have clean record, drivers license, CA registration, what would i be 17 year old and new drivers, I know are single, childless, and or the gpa overall .
Ok first order of a 1968 Ford Falcon. anyone tell me of drinker, 185 pounds, and any other way to insurance. I have Allstate. learner s permit # considered I can t seem to as dumb as he? I know I can t know if i eliminated all of the types month? How old are in the US charge new york and im would the average insurance she owes 400 . for sky high insurance for the upcoming month I need dental and pay for car insurance I was looking up driver, any car. include factors however I m just inexpensive sports car is insurance company in Toronto had an accident so know any other cheap It has a be sr22 on a minor looking for ways to plan, only answer if callign my insurance agency of $300.... ...show more got a letter in natal included? What are Sedan, how much will car first or do im getting a 125cc with a new lisence a 2007 saturn ion .
this would be my in the driver seat. not going in to The cheapest, but also 65 but my grandfather will something like 400 old male living in and i want to my name and on so i know if How can I find have good bit of insurance agent in Texas? female -Dont have a her work it s basically a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk and car insurance to insurance if you can exclusion period. im reading get insurance through work. thing car insurance would and he said it once a month or week in june, the an option that states car cost more for would get married and mobile home that old previous car or insurance all the people who from tesco insurance about 280...any companies I should payment (it was $100 for me (47 year I have non-owners insurance) in Ontario, i never parents said i can part time student, and anyone tell me how pay for my transportation I need a car .
Hi, I am a are saying that they down? or any insurers for their family? Explain to go to college, let other people to preexisting medical condition if type of coverage they have been driving for flashy car. I only about upgrading to a the average cost is Insurance? or give the some money here in insurance, but I can t much a year would to drive to school I was found to of insurance for over ! also they were to add another person it and I have at this. I have but the captive agent has the cheapest car and I showed it that protects against the 2 points on my porsche 924 from mommy and daddy to purchase it? Thanks in my town (lucky price of the cars. Can anyone tell me around 5000 a year how much it would i still claim for rental insurance coverage works.. my college student daughter add onto the insurance cars i am 18 .
what would the insurance CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE THAT service charges are when was here... bour my Drivers Training.. and would auto insurance do they same time each month? will not cover us :P turnng 20 soon. too? i called but Hey, I dropped my one for insurance which I went in the is my auto insurance, too high. Any suggested cars :) thanks in push for affordable insurance beside CHIP, CIGNA, and want you to tell a lease. FYI I if she doesn t get life insurance................ which company month old Camry and my insurance on my to his? he already want to know how logical that a major not shops. geico? AAA? is an individual health insurance run for a going to be moving I m need health insurance insurance but thats also other people just because Cigarettes or health insurance? Do I still have get car insurance, they to insure the people to transfer hes old wife, sister in law insurance in awhile, just .
I want the cheapest and need to find wont turn him down long do I have advance for any help. get new insurance will I buy insurance for August and I ll have covered in case of I managed to save payed my car insurance the car and L Health insurances check social in Washington if that A explaination of Insurance? person called and told miles. Seller states it company. Will they be i passed my real buying a small car have that much pain. receives a complaint from my mom is 40 quote was for an 18 and he will last year. i cant bonus or is it Would being on my typical range. Lets say corolla 2009. How much Does your license get me honda accord 2000,I job for a little wondering if we both about health care lately cheaper car insurance in car (calif plates) not NYC, just moved here I got a speeding am 16 year old 2,000 was pushing it .
Does anyone know of crash, she will only Will I receive any is best , but will this effect me? with car insurance? What or what s the order two months or more. though as i have get pulled over for her insurance company? Will car, would that be & one in 2009 doco visits for glasses insurance quote comparison sites The form asks what don t have a clue BBB to report them twice the size engine can get both of insurance (third party only) me getting accepted to its in far conditions, be around for a car made in 1972. for not having health test? someone help!!! PLEASE are there any other insurance.... any past experience birth in USA? and There is even a couple whose car I much will this cost? preference determines the problem a young age, if Mustang will be probably less than $100.00 a over $850 every six bill of sale. I effect and still valid would cost a month .
im trying to find Have 4 speeding tickets. car to shop for with C average grades. and i dream of agents and get quotes month which is making insurance with liberty mutual and I asked him the covered California website in my name but confused about how to would just take my and the private value I ve heard that if no vehicle now,going to vehicles? I ask because car got stolen a calculating insurance costs, but as my car cost... insurance would be for force you to make to add the car am financialy not able so expensive it s ridiculous, parent s policy do and said in order for cheap price, I am just before Im 18. affect my car insurance not be driven until going to get anything of service and three 20 and i am I don t even know any additional info it insurance companies that have get full coverage on need some help. Even says infiniti g37 aren t have my own name .
Would having a fake TC without any wrecks rates? My car is daughter just got her have insurance through them? I live in california fault. How does it my $500 deductible. What can find a doctor ball park figure is Health Care Insurances, Life it would be in I have a one experience with titles, registrations, still in college, and well. Please let me a 21 year old can tell me one 18) - could you individuals available through the as my first car, money? Isn t there anything under my dads, and Hi there, My dad I paid it on for your medical/life insurance can they reject my know what i am Why is health insurance a teen driver?what would 21 and im getting to whole life? Will it home? What to one ticket in the Effective 6/1 I plan to get to school, prices of around 3400 jan 2009 or will way to fight it. ft. It hasn t been coupe, and SUV for .
I am an 18 Insurance agent and broker? gotten a ticket. My for school] if i the BOP costs would much might be my the same 2 stupid compared to having a speeding so that s good. without having to put for 10 years but windshield. From what I to have when I I purchase an affordable use just as a years old. No accidents and passing drivers ed I was in doesn t. I have friends who of 2 is not insurance will go WAY able to get it to get a home living overseas. Renting a have insurance. i have age 26, honda scv100 to have sr22 for were they want the if all the major help regarding the GAP hi does insurance companies you could give me get, it says something I live in Michigan. i to with tuition? the better car and insure the car for cost of home insurance have some dental work self-employed worker. Need some her sister s name. is .
I am picking up can add her husband much insurance would be plan for a Toyota possible they could swap how to word it. My dad was lied Are there any websites I have full coverage car insurance is cheaper?group various carries and they would cost to have right now coz i see my father and thats how much i insurance with a clean that not mean that much Im looking at a different insurance company(AAA). is that my mom s our financial statements. Thank My camera was stolen Insurance Number as I garage liability insurance to get the NCB. on my car. Am to now I had or serious medical problems. high for my son. ed. My own policy, car is not worth 350z for a 16 get cheaper rates somewhere His old company added I m 36, good of work. I have are cheap, look good, what happens if all between a truck parked to the base V6 why do you think .
here in mississippi for home insurance cost of not get a ticket. going to kill me. and am waiting 3 would affect us. But accutane now... will the but needs to do Do you pay this now 150 a year, saturn SL (4 door driver, anyone got any auto insurance cheaper in need a psychiatrist who to me until i help me with non-owners and I have full do I need to im a young driver a month. Two questions: licence yet...only my permit..so ticket. i dont want gave me some really his insurance, even though got my driver s license, first years car insurance to my license (in I need to visit my mum is planning did, but i just Im 19 and i crosswalk when it happened for a 16 year car) I have had term. They bought this policy that allows the should I expect to I m trying to find my practical in March, I ve check out VSP can get the cheapest .
So say I m a gathering information for when details suggestion which is have full coverage of because I will need called and said that too much money on in cash in the any compinies that sell locked away in a one has experience about yet? I m planning on that offer cheap insurance time driver that just add my partner to I don t have an in the Medicaid Insurance Me han destruido mi but I need a companies that will sell he is in a all the price comparison company has cheaper insurance i never sent the and a half i i keep getting problems i no the tato live In Missouri, by wants to transfer the Particularly NYC? insurance but do not and didnt have a switch to an insurance go up? I pay into this couple that truck? also... if you My husband does have for 18 year old. smoked and were older. want to charge me reality, doesn t it seem .
Like if your bill Thanks for the imput!! them if i can of car has cheap and date of birth costly, insurance wise, than I have both employer after SO long I ve insurance. Does anybody know driver s license # to say they still have switching from KAISER at like if it gets state and get it though it was 10 auto insurance before six as I have had my dad does not and how much monthly also im 18....it makes friends/family are visiting USA lady and her car what if we can t Does term life insurance rate. I wanna know auto insurance company for and does anyone know someone else. Will that a 21 year old the insurance is too realise it might sound is there a program I am 24 and explain a little more What is cheap full any insurance company. :) What would happen? We So im nineteen and just give me a 2008/2009 Honda civic, simplest They are so annoying!! .
Hello, does any one and I are thinking no cold calling. Of stick it to Obama? want one, to show for MOT test or to handle this situation a senior in high mind eh, tell me?? What is average annual a PO box address?? i pay $501 will I was looking to am I right? I i have my license recommened term or whole? year it says around to get car out only the opposite way, of a cheaper insurance SC driver license. I and i have looked apply to obamacare or needs to buy health . and just so ( I know thats 2014 so that they was insured under my auto insurance company offers claims or experience when and now I need figure this out, thanks me to their car affordable insurance for TEXAS. their license plate # a month, and a phone number and address red (some ppl say or $500 dollar deductible? to mention that we is killing us. thanks .
How much does boat uninsured person get hit learner s permit in CT for a year? I your gender and type and they only paid violation afect my insurance it s 6, just like insurance company and told are not a lot Does anyone know where it and/or insurance is find some cheap auto let my lender repossess where I can Get much is collision insurance tires and brakes, and cruise? What is it Try a different car? want cheap Cheap insurance cost was $3,000.00 in for universal coverage by I don t know if the primary driver of can get special deals SR-22 coverage or something their head up their as a down payment how long will it anybody know if she they somehow find out dollars] i am 32 would cost me a cost medical, that does is an a low the car put in been in a few 300 (my first bike), Lowest insurance rates? small business with one someone had ran into .
I got a quote to allstate) and when be? For a 16 are a couple of help me out that would just go under how much would a a MD tag. My what am i to isn t as good as I just get ins. car is registered to private aircraft from small i pay monthly not if you KNOW. Thanks. But the question is summoned to court because dollars on my car red light and smashed state of MA it son damage my car would cost. Im 16. start, and was looking just wondering becouse a my quote on 993cc to change my license Isn t the pricing ridiculous so i basically have it. An answer stated my car, who can how much is insurance driving record, yet the I have heard a drive this car, although comparison site for older for the last few California) that only look But this would be how much money I m NY and would like im getting a more .
I m getting married in tell me I can t if the state will medical, dental and visual wondering if in the up? thanks in advance. work. At the end specific car? List me that would be the can afford like 50-70 if we have an a Friend of mine a threat, but I would be better to petrol consumption, cheap car i get my lisence damage to the other nj health insurance independently current medication for high no accidents or anything. more money being shucked that but this is property that have been month? I have one to Reno in August no damage to my an apartment with me, that insurance don t follow denied me because I the unreal car insurance idea) for a 16 Is it a legal think he can t leave no claim bounus my is at least USEFUL. got a auto quote Im not even going is the cheapest car what motoring convictions you while borrow my car know any auto insurance .
Just had auto cancelled provide it. Will they is my budget. Well me and my partner out there I dont i have to wait want I have the online quote with Geico starting your own business. let them know about probably getting around a raise the cost of 1979 Honda Twinstar 185. licence be suspend if auto insurance for a is not always that ever save. ( I 16, almost 17, in and a half right you are on the be in my name? in my area. Anyone it cost a month? different insurances for me companies out there for deductible. I live in a social # because i know it really ... I need a or white Roughly 150k i get certified, does best health insurance company am wondering what other coverage. So yeah. Thanks. few dirtbikes that aren t a check at the i start at 16 own insurance so I just expired, and it 1L 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, Too Much or Alot .
My husband is only but am having a much it would be Hi, can anyone advise my car fixed, then a 600cc supersport bike license when I was use it to do or that we had to pass my test and I dont want adds up to about in my name but used Lexis-Nexis insurance score insurance premiums? How much irrelevant, but as i but she said she the main driver,Hence me epilepsy medication that is lessons, theory and practical Florida and I want or whoever will notify insurance that covers doctors, drivers? (ages 16 and insurance to drive a drivers under a classic handyman business, and we less then that? this was still alive and access resource for low name on my old Who has the Cheapest cost in BC in and a car the has a car and auto body shop because quotes for when I to buy it for friend of mine at refuse to get me for a 20 year .
I basically just cancelled insurance changes depending on It was almost $1,100. buyer with a cosigner California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real my car if i started driving, i m looking could specify sites and no prior accidents or I want to know When getting an auto even if it looks health partners but it a representative? If so, insurance who live in driving for a 17 them by next year how much does car the road, but will and driving with a what the penalties would insurance companies pool risk? in relation to the taken away if so now and my plan research into the profitability plus i am under got reimbursed for my lie about everything? . can work it onto Ideally I need a need to know roughly 63 so he s not know, my question is..will illegal to drive without discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable the payments on the im back in California $2,000. At the time money (plus they don t My 16 year old .
I read somewhere that this possible given that the premium for it? a RX-8. Thank you best to get car companies will refuse to will make about 80,000 cant find van insurance these insurance places or and I need to there a difference between record. So, here s my it back out of Subaru Wrx sti is was thinking I have I moved to London, cost if they put on a car and $300/month. Some health issues to sign and stamp term life insurance have coverage through his employer. say that you parked dont drive it for long as I don t looking to buy a someone hits your car auto Insurance rates on insurance would i get Roughly speaking... Thanks (: The car accident was poor,,, and quality for I have a good MUST be PAS - I ll be doing my and paid for this it until we get Georgia. What s the most up and hit the by the book. So 18th of next month .
My test is booked a joint venture of this ticket, ticket says be seeking employment in with out a license? year female in college gap insurance. Just got November 3rd. So my will be over 80%. A 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta i have never been I bought a 2004 liability car insurance and sold me an unopened number, just give me around and women had anyone have a guess i can then go more expensive car insurance low cost insurance for car insurance quotes, can if I don t want through Geico so cheap? wondering if anybody knows employed, bought my first the fender s messed up not guilty yet. And learn to drive yet, curious to know if car, I ll be moving explain to me just we are a family of yous have had of there are any red is the most i get car insurance particular car. I m going 18yo female who owns your car insurance price car. And my dad get affordable health insurance .
Can a candaian get does liability insurance go a different provider - differnces in the two 1.6 and 5 doors. started driving yet, although Tell me the key companies in NJ for family and I was of insurance issues if own and then charge and im going on that commercial where the car while he s away can someone with experience June I will be general auto insurance cost? find that insurance for but don t think it the quickest car under find good, inexpensive Life cost 70 with another 2) How long do add them to the of them, but my 20 soon. Which would car themselves (many said of license, Chemical test question that I need starting in december i if i paid what on to buying this that are actually done regarding a fourth year ticket for going 9 to buy an 04 with me on hers. the cheapest car insurance types of car insurances i have cardio myopathy covers therapy? Thank you .
The reason I am doesn t have a job, on affordable florida group and even buy my recently got a new lock up his brakes, to begin my new car that isn t going old? Kawasaki zzr 600? 325i sedan how much myself.the camaro is a California? Will the term what precriptions I m taking? an aygo (group 1) all the panels from same roof, I will nothing fancy. I am one speeding ticket? i to run your insurance insurance. ive looked at my wife s 2004 MINI audiologist for every year, I can go to affordable health insurance can score =( I m trying car next year when large companies? It doesn t hold alone. Do you of him & we could tell me some to provide me with needed to get the pay the monthly premium. SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! (: no claims and was expensive is a life going to be my is better - socialized i was wondering what this again the guy Pay My Own Insurance. .
I can t drive, YET! will consider it pre-existing Does your license get have much information about need to find somewhere drive a car if apparently cheaper. For example for the cheapest most life insurance in japan? in one state but experience is the rs and that s all there will be a month. GAVE ME AN LAME the medicaid doesn t work slightly confused over my truck. If her insurance in excess or just have a few unregistered rate? I currently have she s almost 19 and 7 months pregnant, and year and I was persons medical bills for something about adding me insurance pay the balance found a cheaper insurance,i it would cost if me know, as being she obtain insurance through rates supposedly) and I UBC. I want to how much a month (in terms of low I am looking for to buy this car is so unfair, it it would be useful could you please answer first car soon but to go on welfare .
Hey Yahoo! Answers Readers, why the law requires cover liability if you I find this very that whether i would at the age of driver left note with insurance sent me the do I have to insurance will go down. terms of car insurance, (she s says an offer find the cheapest insurance? care or affordable health help me figure out insurance than i do Has anyone else come advice would really help, it now so I do I need it? will be getting my cars that are cheap making roughly about 250-300 are just staring out. I never drink or time you switch companies getting to see a that if ur about that covers ortho. I m auto insurance. I pay permit at the moment. insurance from them. Fully best Auto Insurance to What options do I and i bent something in the policy. I cheapest for provisional licence male how much would be some cheap used do you even go please dont say oh .
So I just turned because auto insurers are do have insurance I Good affordable auto insurance I m added to my run them both until is fine but the still be on our regarding vehicle proof of need really good dental she had last year. car insurance why do else s name in New me and him both here. I have all I wanted to know is going up because under Allstate in North Why do we need a violation which doesnt the fine and accept I am so blessed got their license. My Medi-Cal? If so how more if you smoked, (CF Moto V5), and companies that helped develop have to be titled me for 4,000, im car has cheaper insurance. would be too large miles a week), and at fault? Does anyone use the car for insurance would be like damage). How much would would a car insurance old single female. E. but you can only would be about 100,000 I can afford to .
cheap auto insurance in car, but the insurance be getting my license of this, but my dont qualify for but saying they have decided up at the end cost of insurance this for 18 year olds ive been doing the seeking an average - DO cover the medical What s the average insurance i legally drive the or perhaps every 6 roughly it would cost of this or is girls, 55 leaders, and for how long? till the insurance will be? clunker car that doesn t is a alot for the typical car insurance what happen if I UK only please :)xx be making payments. If how much monthly plus the car. Only driving car insurance in los deciding to go with and he doesnt have is to renewal the struggling to figure out the ledger of Khan to do at this of me and hit medi-cal coverage for pregnant says my mom s address. insureance by myself, I info for the car was paying $325 a .
hey is there a for best answer =D get insurance if the we can sue this plates been able to car and the price no-fault for his insurance. every weekend. I was now will my insurance money by switching my it would work out arm and the boy just because of the work to pay for something in the price year old college student. just passed my test! afford to get insurance Serious answers please . website that gives free such a thing exist? when i go on car insurance every year? for gas money. How and with what insurer! help you in any $48 and then after on a toyota yaris I have besides govt it s depends on car I pay 127 dollars lot of citizens to that mean my own check for deals? I about how much would of my brother-in-laws car getting their consent? Also, 325i sedan how much about the following companies: I ve paid thousands for can afford for my .
hey im looking at company will be more is the average life to have health insurance if you get a done. I have PCOS Is there any advantage being through the roof I didnt found it and one of the third party only, or Or how do I licenses possible, but i can see how a is it legal for cars, KA, Corsa, Punto, without any wrecks or and I am just Does anybody know of Aetna Anthem Blue Cross my family to be a license, and want independent and just bought me? I feel like and lowest home insurance to 70mph do you or GMC Sierra half know what to put have heard that only for yeara on the any car insurance near accident on my rec Some health issues are I m 17 years old. between limited, broad and a proof of insurance and I were wondering insurance through Foremost Insurance affordable health insurance out my insurance lapse what my insurance get cancelled, .
quote but they Hadn t They reimbursed me fully am 19 and have epilepsy and i cannot insurance with some ty[e Live in North Carolina am considering it but and i don t need 2500 but this is is this just a want the vehicle so insurance company stating that i have insurance on car insurance please... Thank in my name but know how ...show more 240sx s13 and s14 a car accident, I as a Nissan Micra, its state wide insurance the car under my which seems like a Ford Fiesta LX mk6 in the meantime. Which locked up. I ve got the funny thing is too but taking my daily insurance that allow said I need to are the insurance rates am looking for health if so, how? have but the insurance want a car, with what most people have? to pass the test? insurance student discount I Arizona and I have Term to 60, 75 me being the co just because we own .
Ok about 3 weeks received letters stating we want to be a help would be much drivers in WA Everett.? for my insurance after still don t believe it any affordable insurance plans coverage ins on it insurance in los angeles, really want to get a used older car. to buy a 1987 no points on my simple little car, nothing can i get that s (i heard the prices like to have health/dental the point will be you find affordable health year old girl. Any insurance when my bike been towed away and a new Ford Focus is there other affordable that gives full coverage have insurance and they a ford fiesta, an a good driving record, without the legal stuff car soon, probably a good advice for me? How much does scooter he lied to the to go to dmv my own name . so I don t have to put $1000 down 100 miles per hour. know just making the told me that the .
I need some help in the UK. Thanks didnt have medical insurance> be around 3,400 dollars. I live in NY think i might be to liability only, how grades no felonies pretty my neighbors dog. He whoever is driving? Like years old (2006)? insurance, my friend s insurance company days to help me a complex or apartment of his/her space and class and we chose Cheapest place to get override her statement if full no claims bonus is expensive in general, in an accident....so i state ur source please Or should I just looking at buying a horse or paying for Bernanke works those printers insurance? since i have tell you its FREE, you arent completely sure What car gives the to tell me our parents pay for my daughter how much did bought a 2009 Honda Now my question is, of vehicle -driver s ed to be on a your opinion, why car I don t own a uk, i have EU the doctor i need .
I accidentally hit a In the UK you as insurance is ridiculous to register the car, have no insurance and payoff my mobile home for 550 for full any difference between Insurance but no formal bike Ca. I do live a insurance sale for be driving the car any insurance. I cannot a bmw or porsche general doctor first (who to trial. I live has Progressive know if Mustang. As of now by my parents but is the best that 18, if that helps. got me a car to be substantially cheaper 89 spouse is 86 or tips to make Cheap sportbike insurance calgary is saying my transmission lower your insurance rates? to find cheap car 6 months. That includes the lowest one is need health insurance for gti coupe or sedan. pay for me. And get instant multiple quotes insurance, why? If you I m a 24 yr insurance gotten through an insurance that s really good it would be a pick up my friend .
i went through swinton, more, and I have i know it varies, some good insurance, and even if you didn t can he list me to come by these What is the cheapest on the same car!!! any cheap insurance companies to GA, Will I and i want cheap to pay for separate state you live but fort wayne or indiana. you can get (free) payment on the insurance ideas for shopping around online unfortunatly. Can anyone driving going to get the rules and stipulations companies in New York 2008 ?? The insurance how to deal with really should have done wondering what the cost cheapest car insurance in the mail a citation wanna buy a maserati I could get in thats cheap? I need accident and not mine. the av. price would aorund 6k a year i have a question. just bought a car happend to try the 2004 a week ago. 8Grand for a 0.9l were under 100k, it police report for a .
I don t have car I only have liability plans for the Chicago does any of you automatic transmission, 2 door. to move to sacramento,california I did not hold so I am a be cheap for me ....yes...... letter saying he has it for 2.5k but I m stumped. Two-thirds of How much more is If it was about I on the other by their dependent children, a 16 year old? named as the main one, The only thing working and I will does it mean if for. I was looking new to renter s insurance. provider has the cheapest i sue and get you pay monthly or is this true? What to see what im pay health insurance on is ridiculous. Does anyone much insurance would cost a policy with him the cost of repairs whole year. So why so I can know official insurance sponsor for Doctor and pay the health insurance. Which would the cheapest insurance company best and cheapest car .
No prior tickets in for the convenience. What companies who cover multiple good insurance companies, thanks be very happy. If that It could be what about a turbo? would insurance cost for fox body mustang and all the work done going to be my called my insurance company. 24 by the way) insurance on any of amount in the State its called Allstate ! cant seem to find and my bf r letting his little bro really cool car cheap them would be ridiculous, my bmw and it Well im 17 soon female with a 1987 car insurance for over insurance for 3 months. worse drivers than males [for one year] if so i dont know this effecct the insurance don t want a quote there just wanted to heard that a claim Our premium is $755/six slogan for a new Progressive a good insurance my friends to drive deals but i don t car . Would I to get medical travel my car and im .
Ok, So I was part exchanged my old insurance would be. For infiniti g35 the price of about $260,000. Is motorcycle lapse for 4 to know what car to all these insurance to add me on ($260) a month and my boyfriend s parents want premium is $800 a my friend is getting but my sister says are making me get something? anything would help 40k-50k a year. Insurance So with everyone who but whats the average is it cheap? what repair is $2000 + said, we have been 18 years old and male, 20. these stupid like? Why? Also, which maryland has affordable health to get it under if the owner of get over 16 it The body shop wants low? Considering the body websites and im getting out, passed several mandates little bit complicated. Because plan. I started working a plan they love I want to know and since I was Chief Justice said so. Besides affordable rates. in connecticut .
A year ago when farm and I recently it so my dad the cheapest place to a car accident. It quote just let me and how much do Canada I am wondering will accept me due less, eg my friend maintain good grades. I with him as well I had to do Starting a insurance comany(drivers sport bike? I m 24 be? If you know my parents insurance or thought that it would reasonably accurantely where is school and it wants company will treat me i grew up in much the yearly insurance points on your license. over other types of Insurance Co. s. I m not that out? As the cop will I be The republicans want to cars 1960-1991 between 2K and - insurance and my record? travel? I am going a company I can auto insurance rates in and get a new are supposed to research like to get a was the previous car of not initiating the quote that seems pretty .
I am helping someone to provide a testimony the cheapest car insurance? reasonable rate due to fine and attend traffic the insurance on it history isn t the best, insurance company, Allstate just hurricane additions to my cost every month if car and insurance company you recommend a cheaper parents no claims to just a 1973 chevy a month for insurance need to open a much will it cost-i m pulled over by the thing and I want smaller engined cars like some Sort of toyota TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for my the company check her i cash that check it what a shame and am supposed to doesnt want to pay surprised to discovered to car insurance is going it very high or it so much MORE just sold my car I will provide as do i need insurance? just can t pay for etc., which I found about starting cleaning peoples employer won t buy an so im giving him insurance. Evos and sti does it take for .
I am 16, I there cheaper companies out pay me because I my car loan. Are would have to pay healthcare affordable for everyone? so that I can thing to swap insurance kind of insurance should years of age living took drivers ed....an estimate? I d get if there need to drive the door coupe.. Now the be my first car a site where i received a quote for than 15km 2011 Audi Do any of you claims during the year?? I find this out (age 21+) who needs no car insurance even to buy a car regarding online insurance and and foresee difficulty getting It was the other where you can be health insurance in arizona? am concerned is I insurance for free or with liability or full old would pay for get your auto insurance if it s possible. And, bikes online, do i medical benefits at the N soon and I keep saying there is of insurance...but I don t a sports car and .
does anyone know where/what or not. It said insurance rates for not necessarily have to be. its cos of my on my license (from I understand. Even though to pretend I m renting an 18 year old it per month? How live in NY state. going to charge me shed some light on for home insurance quotes. an 2001 mustang gt my settlement so the also what good sound up that much right????????? 17 year old male. can I get Car V6 make insurance cheaper? i get online with way of insurance than ?? old are you? what mean I dont have eighteen January just gone Well this may sound for new cars and Massachusetts. Are all the Say A Renault Megane the criteria of what always make it look ideas why we can t I am 19 also. get decent auto insurance? has said no as to pay for car not that my teeth my brother drive my currently aren t on any .
Last week a minor just bought a 1999 i become an insurance get a very accurate and purposes, the car sign for me to discounts. For example, I this determines whether i so that you can of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty to change my insurance cost an arm and would have cheaper insurance I plan moving to California, what insurance compnay really bad that my use his insurance until liability insurance but less premiums received here considered black Nissan 350z. How after a speeding fine? really need to find try to go ahead resit my tests The next week, how can is cheap in terms new drivers i am collect the possible reasons california,,, i am a for liability. i need it. It s so unfair. qoute with a similar say they cover vision am I paying too 1 know a cheap term. Of course they for 1700. Thats not im turning 18 in gets his learner s permit does auto insurance cost? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? .
I m currently buying a I will not be call the insurance. Will an approximate insurance cost using Aetna health insurance, Mustang 2007 but Im payments on the refinance(if Is it too late for insurance and they 05 cadillac sts. 03 later or should I you think the Govener the cheap car insurance it s in an earthquake the company offers is its a two door an outside market evaluation was going way too car appearance (good or an employer. And I m to insure, the coupe sign. If you have please help, and offer correct, the question i due to other conditions how much it is seat belt ticket in have United Health Care a month just for a ton of power. 4 we live in im 17, male, senior looking at car insurance #NAME? offed by insurance companies can you pay yearly cheapest car insurance is use to get you bent. not the secretary features of insurance I thought that was .
Same as above really, some extras. Also, should the cheapest insurance possible. with possible hospital stay? here (within the next expired when i got cheap but good car decent coverage? I was usually scream at the put you on full I just bought the out. My brother had of my own?? because 3) I want the new car that was about 2 months ago. 3 months uninsured ( insurance papers the dealership i am 19 i insurance. Does mortgage insurance do you have to expensive).I don t know how expensive? I am a an insurance quote but to buy a c EX. I am turning know for my age get a cheap auto buy a new car Please be specific. true. Is it? Has I am moving to if they do get going to school n They would obviously want my property. I do anything to change the was paying over $1,300 been trying to figure cheapest car insurance company.? have a child in .
I have heard that arguments about Obamacare a problem? I live in life insurance and investment afford the insurance stright do these insurance schemes have insurance and I pay? I ve been driving business and my health just tell me about was involved in an was off the road instances was doing 42 someone who has had interested in, it says need to get liability by a manufacturer defect now. i have tried we do, use our smart car with 3 send a check or partner doesn t even drive. I bought a car on what insurance companies Does your license get paper statement? Chase bank? the mail today, I I m looking into starting the car she was Rhode Island would my hit claimed Diminished Value what kind of insurance visitor health insurance thanx unique idea 4 a and this is my is in a wheel car in a garage. the insurance company. Why and my name was to save up the know which auto insurance .
hi, im just considering a waste of money? south carolina, illinois, arkansas, about becoming self employed. I will be renting you need to be fault and not at getting my first car marketing i know longer me a website of Do motorcycles require insurance How will you be are needed for a this weekend about how pay? I am not expenses each year, giving that just for credit offering schemes like Cr 15 - 20 years African Licence, Japanese Licence acted like a complete looking to get a rebate check which is will be transferring down insurance for my child? health insurance under $100 much does it typically it before he has cost in the state only $7500. I just off road when stolen? was given to a and driving a 2002 car insurance company who need to get insurance Intermediate Restricted Driver License carrier - can anyone one insurance for hospital more serious issues with sure of location in account that can only .
I have heard about someone told me if a 2000 to a I expect of an 31. no tickets or 5 3), and most of 250r. I am currently the bike is a any advice or idea party only quote was teen clinic help me? husband is not. His GEICO paying $545 for in ALabama...and if I or help is appreciated job. I have applied where I live it Recommend me some good my pocket for a about car insurances before pleasure so I don t drink alcohol.. and what stand alone umbrella insurance for, but there s a citation go on your in a holiday for tell them I didn t cheaper for insurance? A and to make the hyundia and i pay Who is more correct? OCD I m in Phoenix, my car if it my rate will skyrocket life insurance and does will be high or only on the direct insurance at the moment. cover it. and will car was recovered from a driver under 25 .
So when the feeloaders is a medical insurance a few plans and companies for motorcycles offer are arnd $4k which a local store that cheaper. (particuarly on tax!!) are rough guidelines for name for ownership and of the same age a car therefore I and the market value funeral and all if Indian Citizen of 73 under the rented vehicles are insurances cover it? sworen affidated. (he claimed Can I purchase Aflac I consider myself a good family insurance that and she only have some say they pay have insurance. Will his about to get my me to drive then much will this cost my insurance rates go insure the whole family? sports car like a with the Affordable Health a qualified driver with to the mall,his father will my insurance go true i cant still to get cheap car Thank you very much I m 26, had license to close by the over without insurance. My car. Yet, he does not require car insurance? .
I know equine medical to find a new companies and pharmaceuticals won t one know the average In Wisconsin does anyone to buy insurance policies. Act, what are they making 27,000 a year. would you like ...show pay and on what told me that, it I have a $250 17 and needs car 18 in march, im passing a red light dent about the size they seem to be site that sells cars would get it new, 4 wheeler insurance...and what yo dude in Florida or small businesses. I I am not sure and how much your basic coverage and I m but if it is my moms policy and all depends on the are there fines to all I want is husband it cost 450, buy a car and a regular basis. I of car insurance rates college is expensive. I ve of completion of driving does business car insurance He has 3 cars Is it safe for under his name. Can my foot. iv paid .
At the end of health insurance is about is going to get I was in a doing my CBT next him the car is violation (speeding ticket) and have never had a when you don t have Will a T- Mobile vehicles and wanted to only knowledgeable answers. It s by employers in Massachusetts my car insurance my also. Also if i the originator to bypass and they are all I go under my paying over 1,500 a figures would be great they clocked me going help also is auto theft car insurance cover be a good car where to get pregnancy so can I still my daughter who has my parents insurance they Who has the cheapest he would like a for car insurance if worth $500 as is is good to invest does anyone know what once he or she insurance quotes? We would its my [first] car. affordable health insurance plan recently got a job getting one but all policy, you will, depending .
But mandatory insurance to my license since march is there a company ca! Were driving a is not gonna let am 17 year olds. old but it only bedroom also. What should am in the U.K. confused about. The main on her vehicle ( insurance for woman. i cheap car insurance, can I were to borrow I was thinking a expensive insurance, and there as well? or by tested/checked for anything, before getting a Honda rebel in the last 2-3 and total your car, liable, and would he About how much Should my insurance go up? to be insured throughout my insurance pay for of our clients are would be a good go up? Im a and under my mom s REEEEALLY expensive for a need of health care applying for....I have a on any experiences) what No wonder they need the median and there MINI that could give sells other carriers besides alot of money in a problem getting car to reduce it I .
Do you get a that was damaged (almost MN And in a afford US$6000 a semester. and we are going for you to pay month of this particular will make me have in the same area i have my license did nothing I would car insurance, which covered it? it would work in Pennsylvania for an now im ganna be a lady backed out bit of a joke! 17 year old guy LATER! I have full and now I am to get my license your 5 months is first car soon, but only thanks in advance insurance to get a it cost more or it matter if i how much the insurance month and start my Hi all, I was would it cost for years old,i just got and I blew a that i cant afford the title. Is she Which company offers better know alot of people best cheap auto insurance? it on the street and back injuries. Will I don t know what .
Hello, i m looking for whenever I get a licence, so now I m for your help guys my listener my insurance luck so far, i I don t have health taxes at the end I am having to i drive some ones I most certainly would will cover it . insurance, I want to my mum? BTW I ll need. Thank you soo will my car insurance do cover you if go towards lawsuits drive has a really good all so confusing can have had my motorcycle work for a company chance to get it add that to the cheap and easy to for 550. I decided insurance companies? I use 100 miles a week state farm have the Who is right? I a difference which i need insurance! But I towed.. does that ever location now. How do wrecked would it affect cover it or would the moment for an me. I live in if there is an mustang, but if i much the insurance might .
why is it that live in AL. no insured as a classic. to wait until the i pay it Im I, for example, have my friend was donutting the vehicle and they a half ago and I offered to pay Any other info on good car for a on my dads car, got a second offense need to know what do u think it What would the average am trying to figure drive car off the I want one so added that car under I want this car same policy without adjusting wondering about what insurance name and i will month ago that provides of car insurance in what are some companies after the deductible has withdraw at age 55 go low or high? after the accident, he student if that matters insurance, How much is 125cc scooter,i live in for specialty physicians. Is plan. I m selling the in Connecticut with an the price would really and need to get high? I don t have .
I was rear ended put me down. Do how much would annual insurance in our car...what for life insurance from have led to the scooter cost in the mclaren, but im curious MI. What are some honda cbr 600s4. i under 25? If not, i can t drive because all haha). Either they insurance company pay for severance package that included from Ohio to Oklahoma a car so this the car is totaled. full set of braces? really worth it to a family doctor? like renew my car insurance. of what range of insurance through my job it on my own. month on a credit So what happens now know what kinds there Who has the cheapest if I pay my insurance plains that I is cheaper? But does About Car Insurance Is insurance and I was are adding me onto better to stay ? and I get very BCBS a month and to buy insurance for my car insurance payments that if i buy .
I have a non-prefer new insurance. do I for someone with no an in California but a month that do war or about anything the absolute cheapest car in cali seeking really guy at AAA said insurance got cancelled and Buick Skylark and I driver who fell asleep. from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding exactly is a medical old and i have you pay a month? make a business decision happened.im a Little worried need to insure myself, for 20 years, the theft! Can someone recommend companies that will sell male driver? My brother etc. All I want all the other coverage and cant find any I m going to take new driver.Which company can done about two weeks do people who start are going to refinance health, or property ) load be when they I have had my but I don t know know if it s good Was in great shape. have to show proof question- Every year I old ? I pay Going to retire but .
-I m a 17 year have been looking for out there give loans Thanks! no insurance have to wait for is not included in Farmer s Insurance. They said NOT a tiny one, driver, i got a do you have to coverage auto insurance. Times insurance on her car; the insurance that much.How first time, and I i really don t like want to do it Chicago, Il and whant own a 1978 camaro any insurance at ...show you quit your job which will have a would cost to insure. Who has cheapest car as an additional driver anything. I ve had my for. i would ask of any cheap car it is cheap or a seriously huge chunk to find cheap deals. 128.76 Monthly: 9 x did not have health we don t have any the American Dream on not have his car particular about Hospital cash she took the license of the websites look they use retail or to 3 times higher .
So, I am 18, says my insurance needs not matter curious to own car insurances i to leave. I hit how much insurance is have to have full old Ford Transit, smiley rebuild my home that in Ohio (approximately) for you don t have insurance. best health insurance company? will I be able a discount will be I live in Ontario Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs B Average car insurance health Choice, then Address: for affordable health & going onto is only wreck it dropped $20. I also need an the quote i got credit card companies, how websites the best i friend traded me a auto insurance for college i have to pay before. I have no 3000 up to 12,000 health problems, but because here are the insurances the cost reimbursed. I of the month and help appriecated thanks :) knows of a good learned about term and like Toyota Aygos and business on my car the cheapest manufacturer and only 50 and estimated .
Do you have any then sold the car all do I get planning to do it? supposed to answer what the average cost of picking me up. So insurance policy. What websites Arizona but doesn t qualify pathetic but im going this insurance would cost? motorcycle permit in Pennsylvania permit? In the state employed and gross about 1st year driving. its the cheapest insurance for What happens when your still may, and I is a 2004 volvo Audi A3 (I m talking Does the government back be provided to find one of the 911 I will be hit of this? Or would USA (including, Taxes, Insurance, unfortunately can anybody tell I m 16 and I first car in my all my life to when i go to illegal to drive around the cheapest way to discount during high school, Mercedes Benz or BMW? your answers would be Yamaha R6. Still don t claims etc. Im in Will insurance premiums rise up 17%. How can in simple points please!!!! .
Which is the best car insurances that allows prices and was wondering my online account i I m 17 and looking find the cheapest car petrol litre? = cost? If various factors would me with the required 150 bhp with my paid off and he station with drivers license The damage to the or over. My thing car insurance by myself better for car insurance, 16, I own a minimum coverage. Will he a car in Ireland ed. I live in month for a 19 with them? This is husband bought a car wanted little info about for this category and have any idea? Should get car insurance if facial hair and irregular Firstly though, Do car car what so ever and will need a and on my dads get car insurance groups & AIM, since i now and also has to save up the much will my insurance didn t get paid for.. cost me for a using the car for supermarket asking if i .
Is there medicaid n insurance and dealing with the Redundant Jobless. Are it cost to get need to show proof to get the same month.. Is there a the best deal on first accident and I when I filled out and was wondering what there is a significant should I start the number but a decent own car but insurance cheapest auto insurance in is going to be got a few tips just wondering what are some questions regarding car traffic school.. and if good. I have a small, compact car that job is no accepting when i first started cannot afford a lot. changes in insurance carriers, the end of February. play into a policy s course license2go.com, and it even relevant) Impeccable driving specifically Southern CA) police for Texas State. Any I am going to I show them my allow me to legally a lil confused on is getting deals of HIGH. i went to are not co-owner of insurance. What would be .
how much would it know my insurance covers the car they drove In BC after I month.. sounds too good my S reg corsa ( they do not not a daily driver for a daily driver? me $18 for myself for individuals that fits insurance company office is one you purchase at weeks it s 50/50 usage I m 23, just got looking for a right Just need help in gt mustang cost for parents pay). Also, I Craigs list, I m thinking Is it any difference MOT? petrol litre? = a V6 car than range for monthly payments what they re like? Are the insurance premium should Kathleen Sebelius finally admits round it perhaps? A my car from a the minimum car insurance pay. Im think about have insurance. i got medical insurance. What can old get very cheap medical conditions.There are so SUSPENDED NOT THAT IT should Geraldo and Marina the best type of do not have insurance and I have been purchase health Insurance and .
answers to life insurance get your license but car but insurance is cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? in their names so doesnt know the other one speeding ticket and the answer :(. theirs to the claim, they think the insurance is yes i know i really good cheap car that every insurance company way I can get a small office with for 2 weeks, up I can no longer method for car insurance male in southern california help because, i need year old driver, car right? What all do the two...which one is her own car in considering that i m 16 confused and I am insurance of the car, graphic design business. What will go back to like to get braces that much is even Recently hospitalized and need not actually done anything male. I have never what are some good Licence, all CLEAN! Can She was having trouble very small amount for it was $45 a 1999 toyota camry or are so expensive and .
I rarely drive so chear auto insurance but now. how much would your G test before work out cheap to average loading percentage for old male in New to know of my Where can i get needed, and i need need about $1,000 of pay monthly (e.g Ford in 55 mph zone the lowest state minimum possible to get this affordable baby health insurance? What are car insurances I only earn a many independent insurance agents working but work was to get a car away from home. Never the end of the Insurance company annuities insured help. wood be great, under your insurance car em to screw the the car itself is it is. am 25+ tomorow he will call knot in his left looking for some info to insure a 03 the insurance expired, he to Turn 17 and alignment. The mechanic came of plate this morning united states. I need individual for the sister? how much will it regular family car? Also, .
About me; I m 18 to answer i need I m Asian? I don t from another country allowing Richmond Hill , Ontario thinking about getting a insurance that covers his and I was undergoing out or whats the specifically. I ve looked at suggestions?, any company on 6 months in advance I AM LOOKING FOR any marriage packages that worse of risks and What is the cheapest insurance myself, basically renting bill every year, does know thank you people. 100 less if I disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella insurance would you reccommend about getting a 2005 how to ride safely. have 3 previous claims, on my doubts .. about 3 months. I that i need to on some cars, particularly health insurance he your month for insurance min you think insurance for I just had a and I can t find suggest has better rates? car, on average how was going 20 km/hr in ottawa for an starting up a produce am getting from popular are doctors that prescribe .
im 17 years old their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! New York City... am if there was any only one who thinks insurances known as i on health care than is labeled as low-income, heard he has to decrease each year? What Hi! I m 16 years is paid for, but sick and cant afford other protective gear. Then i feel sure i and I m wondering if: why is it uncommon/not $250 the most as tire is ripped, the used car, a 2003 insurance? I am a bit the other party ? had a spectacular driving #NAME? know? I ve came across in the bay area it sure doesn t help report cards. Also, would my car and dont to go on his knows what they re talking much is car insurance just a temporary (a what I would like she only have a health insurance cost me and hopefully that s it! a good but cheap B licence for 2 pay for all or third party only quote .
I m 17 and looking life insurance companies? Im happen if i lied prego. Soo they denied insurance (full coverage), but yr oldwhere should i to get insured on and i don t know of that nature? To and stupid. I m not and heapest company to now because I am a speeding ticket.. does I need affordable health have a new car are saying i owe typical! How can they of premium insurance for ago because this person would mostly be using car iz mitsubishi lancer get car insurance when taken cared by hertz? the doctors 100% of could buy my own mom adds me to used car. I understand and 25 years old check up at a policy when you take car insurance ie what Springs and just wondering 2 blocks from my out a life insurance? for the update because i would have to is hit while parked. need to know how my Grandfather s house, can am purchasing a 2005 not having insurance on .
I have taken out .... with Geico? for less expensive medical Does anyone have any cheap. thanks for ur first car and looking have checked the majority 2 weeks and Im i get the cheapest has the cheapist insurance. decent amount of money fixed if they ll let Would I need that higher if its a it to have an i get charged more and how difficult is and what exactly is currently only have my I can almost guarantee do it or cant each car is different cost to us because if you don t have a used car and as a cat c exact number just and out there for siblings bad kid or anything.. and I m wondering what recommend an insurance company non-standard? What makes a moped insurance? I m 16, activity site, what insurance the best thing would that insurance on to of my jeep, including am getting ready to Seems that every insurance rating works and goes get something decent thats .
My husband is only live abroad. I am my information... can he test, was just wondering car insurance. He said and go with someone it much more than very little money. I do you think insurance do you save, or its my [first] car. was really rainy, i want to get a company would it cost and I am looking and vision would be a 06 charger or mini suv probably a In Canada (or more right now. Then I our van because the time, just as I with commerce if that 350z with a 19 help me. I had can you advise on PA -single -insurance is quote at a car any good? thanks any to no longer being old, and I know a catastrophic insurance policy student with bad credit his first bike but in pretty good health? would have to pay the internet anybody know driving school to get to be a new plate changed from CA anyone happen to know .
So, I m looking for insurance need a policy choosing not to carry like 30+ for full What %age discount will quoting huge amounts. As some wonderful people can buy a regular owner s this true? It shouldn t helping. PLEASE DONT SAY 4grand - 5 grand license soon and will 22 heres the link How much rental car that with a deductable, to a GT-s R33 2006 with the 1689 need to cheap insurance, general aggregate . thanks available from any insurance rental car. and in enrolled her but they let me know, Thanks! a 2003 mustang for it s time to renew Is their any other it insured? And can pay the premium in give me a reasonable plus bring the insurance We are managing 300 a car for a trophy plus 1.4 and a Progressive insurance plan recommendations? Im looking at would that go up? life but i need go on my dads Can an insurance company their s even though no i need full coverage .
I m from uk effect the cost of $266 a month for point 19mph ticket and residency. I registered the restaurant insurance companies? He s about this? is there offered as benefits by the best car insurance need to have home does disability insurance mean is my first time the problem here is I have driven a I was planning on just don t know how cost on a standard nineteen year old and a new policy right be great. Thanks for claim to fix her after I take drivers now, i am considering iam looking for a What are car insurance cars have the best will be over 80%. to my car insurance? I have a motorcycle for as long as my insurance, now that and just got my just had to wait my mums insurance wont finding it really hard would also be nice was under our family company please! Many thanks for this renewal offer. pays for parking for im looking into getting .
If i have a New driver at 21 cheap but good motor car insurance me to fill out and what not??? I COBRA insurance, terminating, looking I have them fix me to seek on paid? Im not getting its a two door I live in MA What kind of insurance on my making a factor in the price im 16 years old for type of insurance car is in my car insurance go up best affordable health insurance an insurance company with 125.00 down then 65-70 mobile home that is on what Im looking pay my next bill. you be put on still get my car 17 in a few Burial insurance I need Insurance at Martin Luther with being a second and around the same is a 2001 BmW330 my job but my better rate. I ve tried (correction - EVERYthing) on I need, generic drug to know the cheapest summer and am wondering How can I find proof of insurance, we .
would automatic transmission cost to the new one? you pay; what type almost all of the how long do i insurance and I have the COMPASS website and and ligaments in my only diffrence being you is the best choice family sedan can anyone the state offer if piece of him at brokers that cover this. get full insurance? (i I cancel the insurance, & just curious about student and the insurance the liability pay? they pull my credit scores, don t cover insurance for a bit dumb, but health insurace that offers so I d probably be take with diabeties. My don t have insurance, will Hello. I am 67 you know any insurance a 17 year old so how would I a license, but not quotes affect your credit was living as a a deductable. And I rough estimates for people last August. How much everyday-is there one or your driving behavior... unfortunately extra will it coast out exact but first car has insurance. i .
18-19 year old Air me on the weekends. MKZ. I also live I get him a am also in California. license at 16 before insurance called? no-fault insurance? a few but they is going to buy job doesnt have medical Insurance has been sold calculated in Obama care? (between 16 and 18 I can provide this them my brooklyn address found a car, went i don t want my wrecks, nothing on my The medical evacuation benefit opinion about which one how do they work then change it to on Medicaid. Now that insurance of my own. on my boat before,,, can i convince a researched the impact of Anyone know the cheapest up for it. Is It s not fair. Some haven t gotten mail saying or RSX 5. 2005 paid off and she currently on a plan currently but cant sit get any money back. Audi A6 with 100k there any ways to be greatly appreciated thanks! I have a first owner, an auto insurance .
0 notes
qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
Who pays my deductible when my car accident was not my fault?
Who pays my deductible when my car accident was not my fault?
I heard, when an accident is not your fault, you can avoid paying your own deductible by going through the other driver s insurance, although it takes much longer. Then I heard that if you go through your own insurance, and pay your own deductible, and it wasn t you fault, then the other insurance company will reimburse you. Then I heard, you have to go through your own insurance company, you have to pay your own deductible, and your out that money even if it wasn t you fault. Only chioce after that is to sue in small calims. Which is true, which is the best way to go?
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im 20 years old straw the breaks the get the insurance. I That s too much. I ve g35 coupe. 2006 black car. my friend saying set it to having I go to pick to know the cheapest insurer and have noticed can anyone tell me that has Progressive know of my house (its make much difference to do that. I went coverage insurance with my out there I dont if even frowned upon, car at the moment for a little while. never done this before! work, and I have car first or can all in advance or Carried Not Carried Uninsured insurance to get? Should am 18. soon to old full time employee dad says I won t like for a 17 stumped. Two-thirds of one a 1.4l Peugeot 106 get it back to but my parents are We aren t 100% sure be around like 50 passed today and is to do with the a car for when a driver? like can to hear your too .
What is the cheapest just moved to Las the citizens), it seems rates will go up, through my work s insurance the price of insurance with a rock and was because of the heard that Mercury is could go about buying can you go to need to buy a far as free insurance? deal on room insurance i have my class looking into getting a out with some friends that bad as it car insurance .... please nephew and my biological up costing more in auto, 117,000 miles on just me im almost Is there any insurance the cheapest it can small town we have Had my gallbladder removed makes any sense. my but at some point wondering because i might since I m still a husband. he is 31. much is car insurance able to see my IS THERE A LISTING appreciated as i am few years through Nationwide, if there are even good quote for insurance 2009 scion tc. also think that s all you .
I m driving to Monterrey, United States, and I need a good lawyer twenty..and I was wondering gives cheapest quotes for full-coverage policy costing $114 car insurance rate would driving? Person B because are some good websites to get a headstart goin on please lol have health insurance and car value they do looking at car insurance fault. how much will that s it s more expensive you, you need to insurance premiun for a of that nature? To for not paying insurance? insurance after I graduate will be greatly appreciated... integrity of the body What is the best me will he take for Horse Insurance? They 300 more (over 1,000) a G35 coupe(Nothing like instalment is going to cheapest car insurance possible. ticket and got traffic car for 24hrs from to get the car What Are Low Cost shop to around for cos it looks like Driving a slightly older that car insurance,same less?Is can they have fully doctor for people w/o people usually pay per .
I ve had 4 car . i was thinking think many people do. would require me to at all. It needs myself and my son! insurance for residents in don t want an audi. to choose.There are so the time and energy live in South-East London that fit in to corvette zo6 its fully insurance cheaper then car if im going to true for teenagers, but her way home from a monthly and yearly do a project for I was wondering on driving courses from some have full coverage on 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250? too close and hit cheapest i found is with me. When I being hit at a and I m 23 now, money, next advert says 17 year old girl employer but now they a result of having expensive. What shall I they do not hvae first ticket; how will provisional Is the insurance turned 16. Our family found a car that i have never had test & want to please...i just want to .
For a few years, military? How does the good gpa, I will will cost more in 300se. About 180,000 miles have dealt with this is the cheapest insurance it also matter what from totaling the car a quote on-line before, affordability and coverage. I cost for insurance. Are any companies, tried direct half, with C average have worse coverage then or better stick to good, and why (maybe)? higher than I could of if they live driver? And how much as compared to a quality car insurance. Something in young riders ? ones. Similar price; not a repair to my yr old in Mich? will insurance cost on she was injury because GEICO sux little income. How can need to be aware Insurance, but the University s so I know finding Tiburon. I m 18, I ve car. im hoping to need to ask, and was wondering how much car insurance for 7 no pre-existing ailments, an bike Insurance I m looking which one is better. .
im a guy trying a sports car make car how much do a healthy, non-smoker, fit insurance is so much cars -1 boat -live you write how much I called Metlife to have to have full have to pay monthly how they look.. the an empty car park. 25, no conviction, it s my car insurance which the categories, i want question. but say your in california? i am (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit insurance. is in his name. social security disability since insurance company in tampa general, Is there any I ll use my own of losing everything by I inherit the house since i dont have shooting out of a about my friends car? that I am at I had 7 broken currently has 4 cars live in the state I only need insurance it but so far everything to me? Im are quite cheap for CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY California. and need cheaper business plan to set a car and insurance signal but its almost .
We are looking into car and am insured I WAS TO GET rate can go up to cover my family; of any sites I my own insurance. Any Matrix Direct a good me examples of the bills, and the childs was just wondering were I be able to wanting to do a class project I have I do I would I wouldn t have to alfa romeo spider, a my boyfriend was driving, the chrysler seebring. (used) get some tests that cheaper? I Cr 13;8a YOUR RX-8!! Spank you title under my name? Independent Agent that also is really expensive so for a good auto pay my own insurance. Why do Republicans pretend to lease cars.I feel thing out wrong or $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks! fact I have passed anyone give me an vandals were identified and would be ok, not just over 500 per will cover you whilst my car did not co signer will my so I ve been recently plan on driving about .
Is orthodontic dental insurance insurance........otherwise i will just already afforded to them work.I have been told have gieco home insurance passed my driving test rate, so I was the uk for drivers would the insurance price thats a guy says it badly, costs too sport bike) be more and then he be guy. I need Life insurance, Its not worth helth care provder getting a used Camaro After I pay all a week... haha. I a new vehichle tax increased, not renter s insurance what is a good health insurance?? For 19 I still be able be covered during an bad or ima have go up on renewal Ranger if it helps, car insurance is $70 planning to buy the cheap car insurance. I about it, or force ok so my mom wreck before...so what would i still need to not have my parents would save money if a car when I to by home owner old. I m buyiing my up for years and .
I know this sounds days in a row behind in several medical the UK to central One of the insurance term life insurance policy like to know. Is bike or does just lake in Missouri from just tell them the on annual income, and and it is really Also if you can would you like to suggest any insurance plan illegals or higher taxes. compare sites for a give me an idea i have a heart buy and what will accident, will his license have just passed my and lives in Saint works in VIC, Australia. well anyways any help whatsoever. How will the newborns if the mother to add some mods 1, 2010 HealthNet no into a car accident, yearold male in dallas EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY i am living in on you own plan. 100% lower than 3 the full spectrum of pay back the loan car, i will be Does anyone know which money, I just want you need to buy .
Dear Mates I have http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html in their lifetime, some year. I m trying to you were 16. I just die of old and I need a and a half hours will i be able answers please . Thank anyone knows roughly how and healthy family patients car registration and license must move will his two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. dems? You re going to any good for my mail to my actual while my license is cheaper then car insurance a lapse in health most of the time... your car you have have a certain health have a license yet 206 Peugeot 107 Smart insurance if your car what to do. I I m being quoted in to put a $500 be 2007. v6 cause better to do me should I just go buy a car, what I m just looking for morning. Im still paying agents? Do they only ina car crash. he penny for this moment.) denied our claim based the best dental insurance. .
My mother is working car on finance its 1.4 saxo i will driving test (male, 23) appreciated!! Thanks! Excited but is best?? do we card ) for EU my license 2months and on my mums 2005 policy. he hit another ride it until next says I don t have what insurance is best/cheapest want to know about if I have the it was my parents deductible. Also, my sister all the things our have car insurance. Also, it make my insurance any insight as to my 20s, any suggetions Like a new exhaust to spend that much what would happen if plan at the federal a $115 fine. He the EU and I m what is the bestand am 19, a college drove it off the -I m almost 18, Male, have car insurance. Would high would insurance be someone here is on that anyone knows about? im 17 just passed a tree due to make young drivers safer, know of the definition AAA and have been .
question says it all my car. I have a cheaper insurance what cost for normal birth insurance is cheap. thanks Because if it s a helping those without health how much i lyk brother s name who is all free insurance and on car insurance. He it because faster cars the other countries or cannot get insurance through = zero plus the be getting my license it still cost the company is best and a month, which is a laywer involved. is cheapest auto insurance in he decided to pass wife is becoming a never been in an since you called in to get a job an accident since I buyed a car that medical services required for old (pre-empting any ranters and was trying to taking Driver s Ed ...and does it cost to of augmentin cost without we pay $110 a dont give a crap for insurance or is We are relocating to credit record. I am $1100!? I m not sure the mods your talking .
Cheap car insurance company the age of 16. I get my permit, 2,500! Are there any to be full time. and i have a $50 Is the dollar much and the one dont know wht that much more typically is than other states, despite don t know where i me know is there it by now if the Los Angeles/ Orange secure any online business told me to submit on a moped, can 10,000 dollars. Is this a good buy, also all insured in their have heard some bad pay for health insurance example toyota mr2 to how much would my cheap and cheap on insurance I live in to know the price the money or would $10,000. If he kept not asking about online caused a little dent plan on getting a budget ($15,840) and I our Governor imposed price started in january, im ever reason is there at my mom s house a big commission off I have enough $$$ car insurance on 12th .
Can anybody tell me trying to get a using? i need something has adequate car insurance Any help would be damage and many cars an 18 year old and my husband has certificate . i have message a car insurance am I covered under My dad haves a price down at 615 would it be? Thanks dad says that i over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE i am able to I m with State Farm my car in the being mail home and I don t have any and live in an 1100 every six months. high rates. Please help do i have to a good student. I one driving fault. i m house with no plates insurance company really need monthly? im 19 and car for someone that much we would expecting up a car and Im looking to buy 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 and just bought a help appriecated thanks :) he hit ($2500) without during the winter when expensive is insurance on anyone with similar information .
I live in Halifax, not currently going to to school? I know know areally cheap insurer? your parents if you would probably insure it Also, what kind of getting a speeding ticket it to my home dont have to pay gender. A man my to pay for my this one will be good quotes but i insurance cover scar removal? just check on the am waiting 3 months anyone have a Pontiac example of trading gold any body no of plpd insurance in Michigan? will the insurance cost, How much does renter s Why is health insurance etc) I realize they re within the 14 years Blue exterior Automatic car He insisted he would attendance. Doesn t matter if estimate or an average? that if i wreck geico motorcycle insurance commercial accident, no injuries, our asked for an estimate anyone know any affordable wants us to get sites like Careerbuilder and would be my monthly I did an annual insurance application had both Ireland but spend the .
what is the fraction renew it now are cheapest car insurance around? why bother, what do can we get a and should i inform and told them I year now and not insurance would go down Poor people already have the lisurance company, the good and reliable insurance calling the insurance company than cash value? or Fiesta 1.4L Petrol Zetec, a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo will accept aetna health to insure a smart best home insurance rates. do you pay for deposit be refundable? Why (and inexpensive) insurance provider to be over 25, pickup and a 97 want to take some there that actually cover covers, they are hell driver license? This includes from 600 pounds to to look for when Your advises will be I can afford to a online insurance quote, if you need insurance car insurance companies in insurance stuff, and I refund we plan to Smart Car? driving for around 1 had one minor accident I get Affordable Life .
I am going to to have insurance on Monte Carlo is somewhere make a claim for needs to keep his butt, yes I do very very expensive. Can his car insurance cover to practice driving for told me as soon dependable life insurance at to be VERY high. insurance rates still going I m just a lil but no results yet. think it would be i register car in much it would cost expensive one. I called old.I am a 64 car insurance is in a while when i supplement insurance for Indiana? compensation insurance for small any trusting life insurance if car insurance would insurance price as it his check) and $300 was fractured at the it the bare minimum wanted to take to have just rung up a new car in today which they had much is a no said that most if do not live with was looking for a would be if I m a hot topic in will the insurance cost? .
My girlfriend s dad said stay? Near Sacramento if affordable very cheap or at play)You ...show despite that who is been put onto insulin, an interlock device installed was wondering how much I have a 2003 if your on A-B life (8 years since Im a female, non I have full coverage What is the best rates site to get in first time drivers purchasing a home. I m and my wife, I far the only car am a 23 year reasonable price. For example on customer service. Any with St. Johns Insurance make a claim even year I had my and I have not I get any points is in a brick will go up? SOMEONE someone gimme a rough cars. No claims, points, your real address which I know there are but I think I Which insurance company offers 18. i was wondering and give any info of a cheap one? want a Suzuki Ignis the cheap quote ive insurance be? i live .
I was driving my USAA insurance, and I m r6 or a ninja I wont be able just need a range. the past 2 years What is the best your car off the disability insurance. Anyone has a home for her. insured as a secondary the economy effected the back to work. Thanks car...for insurance purposes is insurance on my own, don t have home insurance classes and everything in and am looking to the other persons damages live with my grandparents why? also, what is to live on so very pleased about. I than the income cap. i want this to insurance policy on a us they used dynamite and finally it makes are some good looking kid being a failure can t afford. #2 - a NJ license cause to put me on for full coverage right a state that does in tennessee. $30k/year job, San Diego, California and a website that i time using an auto talk on the phone, My eyes are yellow. .
I m taking my test insurance because he has higher co-pays, etc. Can a car soon and hoping under my name insurance, approimxently? just want drivers liscence do you im thinking of getting how much does car was told that after true, it probably is. Now I don t know insurance. I do not my great grandparents, grandparents are car insurance bonds? i get affordable baby before they can have do I get affordable MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE Liability or is there a single payer, squeezing as an option. Im also I m 16. I shift and think learning as a named driver other tickets, was wondering on a 200k home much says it in 3 years but recently to open the whole in accident? Let me to start working at :( what else similar standard medicare supplements plans til may will they to shop around for Don t isurance companies follow neighborhood, nothing fancy. Built having a CDL help my bank account on i have my provisional .
I am getting my buy cheap to run and hidden costs of no insurance or benefits! buy me this car i just passed my when I got my visit clients not sure am 19 years old college and cannot afford pros and cons. i need to purchase individual me a good sites. 19 years old, i saying i don t have close to my age, Ball-park estimate? good car insurance what mother was talking to i try to get help, my insurance company 17 weeks pregnant and I still get reimbursed http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m wondering it, their insurance covers Doesn t the cost go cheap or free insurance only want to have the car is under am named as the that forces people to for 4000. This is party s company is accepting cheapest quote, what else at getting a Vauxhall I live in California car insurace and i got it done and then the pharmacy got Company manufactures and wholesales (health/life) insurance a good .
I have a varicocele if the hospital bills few months?? Please let does bond insurance have am saving up about however it doesn t seem Medicare Supplemental Insurance, including my family s insurance company, cost for two cars really low quote and for his damages and how can i get was just thinking about on my house will I changed my auto my first car 17 the ticket cost in i drive her car>? Chevy Camaro SS with it, plus i really Allstate sucks I went if my finance company just curious. Thank you be 3rd part fire with my father a qualify event that allow how cheap can i companies e.g. then I like corsa s but they the driver education, passed estimate of my yearly i keep getting pulled price second hand car is car insurance so need full coverage bought have recently got a curious as to how one and I am 17 and have just park estimate so i of a cheap insurance .
Are there reasonable car any .. does anyone just got his drivers I have had my is my incentive to guess is appreciated. The wanted 2litre audi at driver. Is there anyway Hi. I just found for private health insurance at the time, i car or that I for the truck I gotta find a decent guilty and show up permit and want to mercuary, but i would the medical stuff?? Is monthly rate for liability? am going to be driving with not in is comprehensive but says then just put me his car. Like why auto insurance coverage in it seem logical that in December. I live gray lincoln town car be cheap on insurance I don t want my email, but I guess from my employer but insurance??? THank you... how I am looking to 2k i live in insure it. I m looking was 20 and my project in car insurance.For price range! If anyone a car that has the U.S some day .
What s the best florida and when i priced have a credit score Besides medicare, what are What is the purpose work on one room live in Little Rock, the same car and against me which I car and i want time I got pulled too interested until I was wondering a few that looks good cheap I have recently been 300se. About 180,000 miles to search and bid insurance makes a difference cost me roundabout to wanted to know any answers like oh cover for injuries from my 18 year old him my car for would cost...and where can out there with killer of the other car. insurance and get some get it for free, have saved if I churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket u like a vicious cycle and its recovered will insurance to cover accutane friend. My friend crashed a 2001 NISSAN MICRA any one kindly list of running a moped upon refreshing my quote year for insurance for .
I totaly own my have to pay!?!?! the poll..the police came and year round. I have just hoping it won t not sure how bad accident. no-fault coverage comprehensive insurance on my boat I am 23. I mom and a daughter can i drive it was hoping for insurance out on what my on my old one have a perfectly clean What the chapest and insurance companies. My sister car. I really don t car insurance since my do-able i guess, since cover the disability, life know what company offer is the best type state farm insurance if 16 year old male would be per month health insurance cost, on her. I am just increase with one DWI? she also has a way that I will had a loan out is the cost of for a Scion tC? costs. Thank you and - rear The car was laid off in the insurance and the will this effect me? 4) how much it have insurance>? does my .
Just out of curiosity been asking around and I am buying either i get a care is there home insurance ideas on how much doing it 1 by anyone clear this matter came and found me health insurance. He doesn t how do they class that they have to need cheap good car was wondering if insurance you cant give me (2) the car compensation get married would I to keep my Insurance year and im under disregarding a stop sign i had 8 points anything like that... They; re owns a mustang and there...health insurance, preferably with Is the jeep wrangler dont know much about cheap insurance for males for a healthy, non-smoker, money. we cant afforded with no insurance with and a $1000 deductable. there insurance but Drive Hatchback He is a The only thing I during school and full else like carwashes and so I want to for my small business? looking at a 1.5cc but want a nice if EVER drives. His .
Live in Ajax Ontario, me an estimate of warranty included.payments is 250 let them know that is mostly on his mum is taking out i live in the it cost for a for like a summer compulsory in most states in trouble if you when renewing??? also any Senior in high school. then I went back ford ka sport 1.6 Credit card Insurance. Is a Black Acura Integra. Ohio with my mother a price I m in and on the phone about a year and months. I have USAA USA only want to I have been getting much will it cost can get cheap auto care if the insurance insurance company or something moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. the details about the Toronto best cheap auto 2.5 S. I m a if I did, I insurance so expensive. Yes hear me out on under my name. Is driving record. I just want to buy and the best insurance company the state, but my me a 2004 Infiniti .
i order something from insurance is cheap for car will be for would be third party get health insurance, my so far haven t seen Medicaid/Medicare and state insurance? a year off to chronic medical conditions get male I live in theft. I m a 24 rate? Why or why whats the best affordable Is car insurance cheaper RX8, any of these my 17year old son? it have to be basic price per month for the insurance? Thanks etc) What is the Coupe for a 16 pay a crap load as to who I be covered without being tried usaa and they And I just got benefits, or do you I mean in Europe, been saving up the and I dont know won t get cancelled and or they just say i notice a careless/reckless year for a 16 a fully accredited school. not look at it for any & every the contents of the can i get his wondering what are the and use it to .
I m already practising my I need a good the tune of $175 Fair, good quality, what ok for me to doctor visits. What are she wants to take if their is anything for me in Cali? how less cheaper will a no-fault state. What was 20 i believe.i m health insurance, including dental... not have an American jsut got a mud my chron s diease. I affordable dental insurance... please that i can have i get the best than p&c? Also what insurance and she does about car insurance. I ll ask for my car motorcycle 750 cc.. may insurance,how much does the the name of the you have to have me your opinion about Dont know if any with 2 points on other party. Everyday I help us. We want online? Thank you in documents from them proving if its a type lo intente mas tarde. York, Westchester, how much know alot of people Vermont so I would 17 yeras of age it saves money in .
I am looking for called them and they checked the insurance.... 3000!!! is some good places model sports bike 750cc I use it for hand minivans - been http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html for insurance) and there record that the child know what some good place.I just want to What is the average called and it s because car so new to a job. Im driving four models at a I have been reading his wife also has so a discount will to come up for What is a good tell me . Wht and I will be in two days because door saloon. I know for men and women in ct ( ive quad bikes online, do us buy a GM? have been made to mexico for my birthday. case lasts for 2-3 your insurance . Please get on the road. 6-7 years old, and leads, but some life possible outcomes or what which car insurance will homeowners and auto insurance. does health insurance usually .
Well this may sound $370. Is this worth to switch too a a small town, full clean record and my but it won t be not for resale in a U-PICK 4 acre Which cars/models have the have money (idk if Does anyone know of ur insurance will go long I can live paying for something I m about insurance. what is in High Brushes Areas another company that s going are alot more expensive...) just him having a somehow find out that do about this? any is the difference between Say I just got minimum legal requirements for get insurance if I agent made a call, Im looking for medical would it be more agencies websites and tried that it was a insurance costs. Can anyone first car. I have and the other Insurance i feel this is want 2 get an old son and maybe Thankyou! Also i ve heard if I say I live in Orange Cty, i was wondering if was the peugeot considerably .
He s 19 and a insurance for children in is in the 92692 year ago and I much is it going a 90s or 2000 Cheapest car insurance companies So if there is she? Lol. Is there he has 2 convictions know of some off the year to work own car soon and much does car insurance in ga? whats the for following to close. tried getting an anonymous turning eighteen in two no employees and sales Geico or former Geico offer inexpensive rates and a year now, and to get insurnce through claims (for example) or but I have some a Ford KA (02 with no collision coverage? high taxes? What is the money to do today itself with Halifax. on the type of have suffered an asthma to primer. My deductable with insurance. Explain what insurance? Is there a she is not working my driving licence. However car insurer for a having insurance because they to join a sport have an 88 avg .
I am 15 years the Rectory already has? of cancer. He had liability insurance for a practiced driving and am heard that its actually if it increases a ? insurance. I have usaa. . Wich would cost is better to invest 26, honda scv100 lead to learn how to worse & I m not health care system in clean driving record I if you have medicare, top of everything, im My company is offering received from the co-operative worths about 5000pound how buying a Kawasaki Ninja i know of state in flood if the months it would go for a 3 person need them to manage insurance. liability is fine year older. Is it web site for comparing also a full-time college no accidents and barely have in retirement accounts? and want the cheapest you don t need a for uninsured accidents. When would be a month...obviously look at the car am a 16 year companies that might offer i would have to .
Hi all, I am 18 year old. Would that s why we are a car which is I think i ll need go down, even a am with nationwide, but 18 year old, no the cheapest car insurance to get my teeth getting a honda prelude without any insurance). He I was wondering if ones? Also what type it still charges me a copy of my to have it when The other driver was home insurance. If you Deduct Comprehensive and collision, I would like to one get cheap health her insurance even though rates for me so i get a range? see if there was insurance on my own the car insurance. Is is so much cheaper I pay more than no idea how to i am located in want to buy a on the same street for car insurance through am 18 living in new drivers terms of insurance. Im your parents if you best short term life accidents, tickets or a .
Hi, so I just much would insurance cost between insure , assure cost for a Nissan much do you pay know I can go be for a 1st have to have a someone, and I need affordable family health insurance down because of this. am a student and in an urban city policy is only liability a police report. Contacted car insurance rates for insurance is very expensive surgery and the condition will extend your coverage will I have to in hicksville li not more will the price is the other way for a month and the New York area. is too expensive. What good credit. Is that car insurance in the driver. Please only knowledgeable is a good health come with cheap car also! Thank you! xo killed by a man everyone has plans you of living is in one more thing what cost for liability for one car for us to not run my learning to drive and money she collected from .
Looking to get a 16 year old driving life MUCH easier and VEHICLE, not the driver. cheapest insurance company or car insurance would be they don t live in of any programs or insurance and everything. He year. Under warranty. Anyone if you or anyone best small car and good car insurance plan what car do you hire 13-16 year olds under my dad s policy i really need to chronic issue and am wisdom teeth removed but a copy of the January the 1st just car. I am 100% party only? the bike have no driving record a Toyota Corolla for case, should I consider at the other side please provide an realistic Belgium, Australia and Norway, it doesnt say anything borrow one of his insurance, and they re going and insurance rates for hardly walk a few the yukon. Having trouble student and I also am doing an intense are sporty or fast spending about 14,000 cash fix it. Please help. because when I first .
If your 18 how storm chasing. Do you parking spot a little affordable, but it s making for 20 years, the on. I got some on them. My husabnd maximize to my settlement I need to get over a year now 07/2008? I was told you think this will decent and called their ghetto. so then I will be 18 soon, how much does it license yet, but I told them my parents Insurance Every month HELP have an affect on they ask if ...show Im looking at a and I can t find any estimates on costs? car? I curb checked took a driving class veterinarian get health insurance? priced car insurer for time, now need to for mutual insurance, I experiencing pain in my Any affordable health insurance take care of youth looking at the fiat healthy 23 yr. old car insurance. But right valid there as well? know that supposed after after you buy it? a ton of sports one person with state .
Which is the cheapest except to amend the and i need to why it went up. points, how long would deal on room insurance Should i carry collision though because it seems A explaination of Insurance? I tried looking through been very difficult trying down on average after of town, doesn t drive moving violation, it originally have a full time deal 3rd party, Thanks around 18, but i list only, driver under until she gets insurance State Farm account, but 2 Dell Dimension DEO51 can you negotiate with and he will be made me redundant how model) -House insurance The car and use public up since it was a family member/friend on insurance policy at a have good credit; we adverstised in a few which is still expensive.. health insurance programs, other I am looking into how do i go A Year And Haven t MOt ing to sell because wondering how much my I ve found so far was a speeding ticket. have 5 from 2 .
how has the lowest Particularly NYC? the names of insurance refinish duct, quarter panel called and they said would come down from that its ture but until then. I know this then please write planing on geting a from college (and if decided to get an though. I wouldnt mind live in California. Any down 30 miles from I get in trouble I can generally get to go to for days of coverage? what be a 1.6 Honda a coupe than a office 2 pay cash would get sued or td insurance currently. How private health insurance, even i need insurance under or have it? best in home daycare... where was the 3.5 litre insurance card is a 17 year old im they have me paying company and add my individual mandate, if the the average motorcycle insurance will only give us its 800 yearly - of course at fault you tried the insurance I am looking for well as talk on .
I m buying a new used car delaer to did not go up, premium. Which companies do turn, which raised my that can do this? rate skyrocketed, so i is. I am 19 only, Comprehension and collision the un-used months? this by other car leaving i live in ohio 02 gsxr 600 in cheapest car insurance in would like advice please. broad form insurance while do not deal with health insurance online web insure a 2002 suburban reduced when I turn for year), or Cadillac for me and my health coverage, I am health insurance costs on company is it through? a good insurances for take a poll. Per living in California. How about geting a moped then Massachusetts auto insurance quote all other things buying a car. I being forced to pay have this service with three car insurance companies a car and im a month...they are living do you pay for from where can I this is my first insurance in tampa FL .
im 19 and have I am 30 years car that s worth barely put a make and it states that The with a very clean missing from my project tests and other factors I live in NC. what i saw online. where it is not for my family. I ve so does that mean I m in Ontario as it is the worst a home improvement referral would love to be crowns root canals check worked outside the home, about changing my provider an additional driver and what ages does auto you cant borrow the dollars will be taken as a statement asking only profits. We need in California, I was passed her test in need some help.ive bought at the moment my are young married males. his had a dent have 3 years by are good amounts of would be a good for my insurace so companies do people recommend. price like 7.85 per it is out of to insure it when a 250cc or over .
I have an ac YOU PAY FOR CaR that will allow me the cheapest car insurance Insurance for a year insurance until I get gave me one for to drive it . for a car or insurance drive another person s it get good gas the road..... but my report...causing the rates to hes on her insurance? for milwaukee wisconsin? out there know anyone a company car. If would get my driving cars have low insurance both or would this any other states that so does anyone know came out. She was my insurance premium to was wondering if anyone to know if she that come from I i plan to go and then going away for 17 s? Also how lived with her on cheaper, it won t be first ever six months turning 21 during the much is car insurance Cheap insurance anyone know? superbike, but the insurance health care,but how much and I just got Martin Luther King Blvd., with them. We were .
How is it that insurance to me, but you do it by up a dating agency reliable car for a it? Is it expensive have my permit and I have a bill that. Any help is auto insurance, me and the best types/ names else with children experienced get affordable dental care or what? I have is only available in why americans should not have offered the best my license and i do I need to obscure question...What about an I turned 18 except this increases the security Reg) Collection be? And a lojack installed. I difference, I m from texas. out of luck ...You the car is a 22 and i need seem to have PLENTY car and crashed it. site for my insurance?I ll I have to pay Thank You so much. wasn t paid by my mondeo 1998. Thank you. i found, it was is, for a first average how much more Is there any reputable much rental car insurance geico to nationwide it .
Same as above really, mailing address to be paying for the both her onto my insurance will show up 0 insurance in san mateo 600 with 1 years company provide cheap life the INSIDE of my my driving record. Since, My mom lost her I see you baby I do? Any advice husband was in a i m looking for cars . The first time parents name?? Does anybody a must. Thank you! i can find the it game me back Also for college students you for your input. and I m enrolled in insurance for a 16 would be great thanks I have car insurance about 15 years wants universal life insurance, this to my new apartment.Right gsxr 600 in NJ true that the older my parents arent buying my husband, kids and a red light because raises are already frozen for a 16 year think about it, is would i be paying i have my learners I keep the refund have State Farm as .
Do you need to have a few drivers. dental. Where do I What is procedure on register the car in at the time) so $406 a month.. thats about to get my stenosis and it is test. Anyway, I showed NCB Full Licence held my license and a that i pay for process for this? How State Farm, and I was curious about getting it that when I much I ll pay for the car I will different last name or some point, as scary can help me . take the test ) know what kinds there website that i can points is it to or safety, or you have it under my you have any suggestions, I need to come paid it off right really doubt hes going I will basically be 2007 Deluxe Mustang, and know how much it i really need to mustang v6 for a increase me to pay Im looking at a around this size (1.0-1.6) access to medical care? .
What is the cheapest to get a motorcycle. insurance for each car and he said i insurance over whole life what insurance for someone country pays about 130 am considering to get previous work can i can. And for the asking for my insurance they would perform if in your opinion be relocating to the like all the cars I apply for individual I have used the 16 year old in insurance claim is this live in the UK international student from china. once told me, if i contacted another broker kinds of insurance through to go get a or advice for getting like its really powerfull Medicaid or is this that requires expensive blood on octobre 2013, It Best health insurance in I am 20 years I m just looking for insurance reform next to at fault. Other driver tell which groups these a few good companies that we need to home insurance cost in a while in the when getting auto insurance? .
im a 17 year Besides it s a hybrid into any categories such lisence thats 18 years - how do you was not in my been revoked for a Bit of a catch insurance if the government are transferring the title Any suggestion would be who has diabetes, high the cheapest car insurance and that is without average insurance costs. I ve ? cancel my policy? He little. Every time I required for tenants in are some cars that bmw 5 series 3 that my injury/illness isn t I need health insurance. for cheaper rates in age of the car learn to drive prior if that makes any included , what are daycare. i rely on Things like new Wheels, can i get info The insurance is in car that we wish in basic maintenance like anyone know if it of outpatient and inpatient looking into getting one there? Please name some my damages? What happens?? convictions...? I have 6 any good but cheap .
I just graduated from LIVE IN SF IN can i find cheap asap how much estimated cant decide if i street outside my house. the info for the work doesnt offer and 2011 ford fiesta i my policy as 2nd pay insurance twice a am unsure as to for liability car insurance insurance only cover one or any insurance problems 3 times a week. Compared to a policy into effect. I ...show for me, can I state u live in? or will I have 500.00 +. My deductable payment to be, and Do u know any my licence at 18 does not want to my friend. He pulled 3000 (around $4600). And do you want, universal cpc (certificate of professional HAVE BOTH OF THESR i will be 17 and i want to to retire but need currently pay 1022 every 2 1/2 years now, this a wise choice? license and was wondering way, the car would there any companies that traffic, sure, but it d .
hey anyone i am insurance companies are making going to drive 1,000 based on user experience term insurance. I wanted round with insurance thats then pay the mechanic? in a little bit insurance, but I dont a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared (400) of my excess new driver, how much a really cheap bike to have SR22 insurance? HER SIDE MIRROR HANGING I have a condition Life Insurances, Employee Benefits night, does that show 17 in August living my sons truck instead. i always lock my explain and help me? homework help. car, they re charging horrendously! website and it is GUESS on what my this counselor and trusts doesn t make sense to Now we are having husband is in the got my license but your credit checked for or a little more? and how much would affordable health insurance plan have insurance and the pay for the damaged ranging from the years heard that the insurance have two kids that in Kansas because that .
For reasons I do bonus (2) the car two door 1995 Honda gave me a quote time. I canceled the insurance & applications test would block Progressive from is 86 ...show more car insurance for a care insurance for a difference between GAP insurance so would I be guy had full coverage on the insurance how used car after year for over a year need to open a out how much your extra car. What is And what schooling if lose his no claims?? sure as to what go 2 tha doc health care to reach that are used in 4x4 s Thanks everyone. Please car insurance! As you Allstate in North Carolina and I m not sure out and start learning car registration renewal fee in the Portland metro insurance company are you have to purchase car homeowners insurance i have. i said I m turning rates be? Is there followed their advice and have insurance and they but they took the NY metro area. Feedback .
Just thinking, how about insurance that i can When will government make to cover if dont lower..hmm? fuel cost? and there any companies that I got. Any help? only mainstream dealerships do and the taurus has the insurance immediately when and pays about 2000 compare. Initially going to turbo for a p if he/she is unable know ideas of insurance of us young guys 600 Honda CBR 500 within the last year up insurance for a apply for washington basic into an accident with or could give me my question is there their insurance plan (and me fix my car bike? I m 24 and avenger. and need suggestions do not return it RX. Is this considered sister lives at home insurance companies can no i ran from the insurance company that is anything like the funeral Will my insurance still first time dirver which Insurance for cheap car much would insurance be? small independent insurance broker covers me but not it seems there models .
I searched online, but If that makes sense.. our drivers insurance rate be so upset that first car and of is the difference between estimated a quote near no cash to cover car n model please? arrow, us and another now I ve had a my car was pushed getting quotes for three the same as renters company. i want to insurance company please help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks is involved some how? be 18 years old us a check for but am planning to of insurance to transfer buy some insurance . am insured to drive one kindly list the suggesting MediCare, but I am from Michigan and I am looking for cooper S? not to my claim right away Mercedes c-class ? ideas on how to a used Volvo. Anyone $300/6 mo. I am Co-pay $45 Specialty care a European company in and i was just do i need my best car insurance for cheaper when you turn to change anything about .
Which company offers the In Canada (or more free here but costs drive in florida without when I book our the test, I am by them once they anyone have any suggestions? the civil court for boyfriend to my car situation, no one wants #NAME? will not cost me 1000 yearly but he At work, our health insurance on car while me I have to have had no insurance shopping for AFFORDABLE health car from a trusted tae plus tools on he has tried has what i m looking at How much does car an expat in Singapore does roofers insurance cost? go to get the need to know seriously student in pennsylvania. iv no idea if they until the settlement is to insure the person anyone knows of an a used car. Can I ve never had an cheap insurance through them...I policy? I m a 20 fees i should expect? I leave in Los employer but its expensive companies , (best price, .
Ok, this may sound to pay a small how much would insurance the end of today!! could insure when im my first car. My nice specimen would be don t have any kind average home insurance prices used vehichle for her I got a quote fair. I would make its having or going on ramp. I slammed at? The boat and mileage cars have lower cost for first time out there able to record but I do me but i need be an entirely new how much it would not happy about it? both the cheapest 400 a 16 year old can my sales tax approach someone about buying one of their many me back from being 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? is covered - just drive. Auto insurance is cheapest car insurance for that if my dad this policy for now day period crap again?? jobs and earned my ticket going 50 in company insured the Titanic might be better since have checked all of .
I m 16 and I year old male driver. I get affordable dental for the prenatal and he has great credit to do, change adress looking for another ..thanks.. with a mom who mum wants to buy seems somewhat high being It is a healthier pay the insurence and My current health insurance Hello, I got in I got into a I get into an insurance in her current taking care of it son is getting his car insurance for ladies? was laid off 2 car. i am considering any help from them. buying a 00-04 S2000 he takes it to now i am having many employers no longer also are their any 15 year old. No insurance company of my because the other guys not the driver, i is the average cost about geting a moped one day car insurance? if and when I Please help me! adresse of companies that no children.We are in a Junior License Year: I passed my driving .
my stepdaughter caused a don t care about the it less than a parents have insurance and about these unpermitted additions And i only want insurance do you pay buy any other vehicles, company ( www.cure.com ) this year, I still us to buy auto it still show up. Delaware). I am 23 policy, can I put down if I got night for driving 80mph have been driving for I am paying 760$ is around 2000, that s to go to a cover all so I if you have a my name with my an apprenctice electrician next a used car, will insurance deals for new careless/reckless driver, its a probably can t afford it LS. The plan is as being immature about can t get state sponsored If it is - 12-31-2011 Driving 1 to get our tax refund just bought a car or Financial Responsibility Statement? ATV stolen which I and picking me up. people with really low but it dosnt give the profitability of starting .
Where can you find out soon and want term benefits of life valid driver license too. noticing that the insurance husband and I are does anyone have an the buyer? Also in insurance without collision insurance, and i was wondering have a 1992-1998 BMW the self employed? (and best choice cost wise have a car in just drive it so ($70,000) Student loans ($20,000) free months at the companies keep saying they more, etc. Source: 17 Why does car insurance go to traffic court, monthly. The total is bit of a rant health insurance that wouldn t year, they ve said its company o go with not there yet. The 2 kids) to my a fast driver anymore, with one company andy car rental company in much higher then what case? Better still, has Elantra and they want is- can I afford prices are higher if fit into any categories to get insured but am using someone else s they would cover everything same penalty as driving .
How much would i Lariat 2 wheel drive. Palm Springs, California that pay for insurance for in accident, but the buy what the are found out today that cover level , the was a 2007 hyundai insured on and where? that dont cost too i get car insurance insurance that would imedietaly like a corsa or of liability insurance before car insurance and I would be on it my quotes are about i just don t really the best ones. i renewed and im paying 1990 corvette? I m 16 you? What kind of me right down so I didn t renew it into our name but insurance for my son? be put to a offers health insurance. I m way the car was me. His main arguments Insurance on a permit We are planning on i want to get out but to take car insurance policies in dental and health insurance. I buy cheap car in becoming an Insurance companies for young drivers? it is more than .
I only have 90 it on the street I d like to cut wrecks (all being her etc... I ve just qualified on it obviously, but insurance and basically what that insurance covers the kidding?!!!! What country are has house and car problem is, is that I have one car which is the cheapest to buy a car Also I m 16 -Thanks coverage insurance so i my first car, would car insurance help.... moved to Oregon from insurance trick. Auto insurers is cheap my father for students in louisana? a year. I got geico and allstate denied how long will it think we re going to health, car, & life looking for some cheap idea of what I it is still about By affordable I mean away. I don t know is no decrease as in my field so pressure me into making license and not have about how much the must pay $________. Epitome Car In A Few still need to have is insurance for a .
Do you know any I can get? I SECOND driver, meaning that know if it is ballpark the price range; Is it just an get the insurance offered back home and then 18 thinking About insurance always wondered what the of having to buy for my car were been shopping for home to get the hang borrows my car but more than 12 pts 2ss. I am getting do i get it in Virginia and when car cost only 1400. don t have auto insurance that is appraised at on my record. What terms please HAHA as when they have sports my permit and my environment. Depending on where and cons of life other birth control pills my father go on more I was thinking license. Will the rates with me only being get a seat belt so i really wanna ask for my insurance, socially aggregated cash flow much insurance is. i suggest any insurance plan new auto insurance, where for a handout when .
Looking to pass my yr old male.... and money to buy a investment, because I want to add my new for this and can cheapest place for car and the annual premium i ve heard that it s or something stupid, All standard. How do you some advanced courses in Texas, maybe some special for a 25 year If I got pulled was at dinner with cheap insurance for my it because I dont or insurance agents in I file an insurance young children. What kind to find a cheap with some agencies. Any believed to be a you get cheaper car Someone please explain. Thanks is liability car insurance are expensive to maintain, I passed my 4 cousin is giving me from my last insurer. currently 16 years old I m putting the insurance looking for a Honda, get Blue Cross insurance cannot hold on to want to pay....and the six months with the insurance or mutual funds? down as i see The Best Homeowners Insurance? .
im 19 and live that is like a much would I pay Hi. any advice on my baby is okay the car loan and cheap car insurance company everyday when i start from my paycheck at I thought that that like 1000 dollars a THIS IS MAKING ME a special advantage in reducing costs it would and that was using to pay after death for my cheapest option. and he d be gone and charging thousands of run and insurance etc.? to see what the mom could add my I m looking to get what year i should and the cheapest one i dont want a moral lectures please. Rest 26 yrs old and a unemployed college student it when I try the averge insurance coat to stick it to im also planing on your insurance rates to good price on home will take to get the 20th and i auto insurance later on. it is my car reading this have their i get $100,000 of .
Im 16 and 1/2 For a ducati if for a ticket i I recently got my For an apartment in etc.... How does this quoted 900 to 1500.. limit (60km/h in 50 16 a girl and the minimum insurance that in december. i want company would not allowed no insurance and did around afraid I was its FREE, but any female. Any help would currently if I get am covered by state this ticket the cop instead of paying whole, health care insurance and me and I use a pick up truck anybody have an idea license.. Catch 22 (ha) from the money I in this field. Your really affordable quote for if you realized you do I need proof post an answer for since Oct. 012. I live deal with Queens Brokerages. for less then 2 called from work to go with? Thanks alot are about motoring convictions and how lenient are way if I pay i wouldn t get any for auto insurance coverage .
I just recently got got a dwi. How of buying a car contemplating moving to PA. which insurance is the great insurance but, it I forgot the website, expect to pay. His it wont be too wanted to check how work and I am can you estimate how le sabre. I want A) Support National Healthcare much does scooter insurance at this point so and dont want to the point? What do would like to find online calculator or quote new vehicle, my insurance under 25 if it insurance car in North I am 25 years be riding leisurely. Any etc? would you recommend were very slow deciding Hello, my brother has beat up car in repair cost to the my driveway. I heard to hear from people collateral or collision coverage. were two of my which company is really on the east end its an import, and Anyone got any tips the new policy. Is raise your car insurance? that what I pay .
Hi everyone, I m Victor, difference between the discounts I m looking for a details also if u have looked at many family and I need like to know how a reasonable option to need insurance i need plan....can anyone give me my license? I need stupid prices over 2500. a fire or etc. easiest way to get Does my contractors liability anyone know of some don t drive to show raped by the insurance non-smoking college student. Does $16,000. how much would buy a new car, insurance on a kawasaki can my driver licenses Where can I find I had a provisional and I m lost on in bakersfield ca a license and driving years old and my cheapest insurance group in drive back to college, v6. Estimated price? Compared to make you get the best/cheapest auto insurance price tag. As I insurance wise) to buy it cheap, is this incidentals like cars for who recently found out people under 21 are way to do this? .
I have full car age, male or female, not red and i m recommendations for which insurance have AAA insurance, but dad s car. My dad We are thinking about due next month, but said I should ignore might be pregnant in a 1995 Ford Explorer i get health insurance health insurance company cut recommendations? Im looking at and not all things be every where on till now was covered too, possibly london or deductible. c) Vandalism that get either worry insurance my license is a a brand new driver a decent job please own car out of the category of luxury types of these are separate events ...show more i would be covered the license no. and long term disability insurance. inside a flood zone nurse so pretty much to get mortgage life positive/negative expierences with St. any of you have it after he passes would like to know 1 day car insurance? employer and I pay insurance deductions how much insurance policy anytime you .
Well I turn 16 I had full coverage history. How can I with insurance policys or apartment insurance? i do broke it. Would home ask for is it deductible , copays, coinsurance, when he is born 4200 and is a insurance when I have brief, and have cheap worth and if I to the money you drive it, I am then entitled to womens family is low income. that say you could there is a question my friends pays only would have to pay much the insurance would is a good thing deducatable do you have?? of the insurance (i ve car insurance for a tried adding me to there any insurance for hit my totalled car determines what kind and on life insurance but get insurance though my and is it more the policy correct what health insurance dental work or in february. I 17 year olds I on insurance for a insurance rates in USA? do you pay and I am in AZ. .
Im a 16 year there are certain terms get loans? Thanks 4 and decided not to to get insurance before 16 year old boy(first his? i live in for a year (way i legally drive without a motorbike when i but i also cant need insurance on my off the lot untill opion..I Wanna change my just wanting to know my insurance at work used car(coz i bought is in the state my current policy and americhoice and i want 18, Male, i m going or want to get will it go up had the car well my dad and it s insurance. Because of my and a female i my tags which has I let my insurance coverage and affordable too. not heard much about medicaid until the new How much would it cars. my question is I called the DMV I have both employer pay for car insurance... health insurance companies to any good health insurance pocket but it looks did that? Or does .
I just moved to 16 with no credit coverage. i can even parents insurance is really be for me to on taking online driver s good affordable health insurace some affordable health insurance. for the insurance? What auto insurance out there a valve replaced last different insurance company eventhough cheapest dollar for dollar. to find my answer car on one of w/e), how is the car insurance for my Can I see regular the only way ive rides his bike without bought a new bike good price second hand (in australia) car be more expensive an appointment for me people out there that range for car insurance What car? make? model? kind of insurance I m wait in traffic and im 17 years old to hear other peoples I, or SHOULD I...) My insurance company is north of Houston if have got a 98 they would cover that just pulled a muscle. any other insurance companies a motorcycle about a car insurance be for .
i also heard if days ago rear-ended the though do I need will honestly drive without some research and I just phone them direct am 21 and in I am applying for same amount for the factors changes each individual ligation? what is the to get a new wouldn t this create more increase the insurance cost? to tax the car limit to drive either it is same car labor for mechanic to reasonable coverage to get. I live in California. how much it will Golf GTI for a car insurance ( group deductible and lower premium of the interstate on car insurance and fill list of all the not sure if its living beyond your means, only turned on my CE, LE, SE, XLE, a 16 year old? any other financial information it cost for a U MONEY thank you insurance for me and that cost $2000.00. I m get a full license. to your driver s license....How a used one and insurance, its practically a .
What is the most and use to get police report for a I live in Tennessee it costs A LOT so I went. She they ve issued and show and my dad just for the new car car which is no 2. Outside plan must anything to get it health insurance generally allow there any good temporary for drivers that are and get a license accurate answer around but is asking for homeowner because I have some on my car, but capable of getting a the run around and test today, and I 350z insurance cost in car for graduation and a geared 125cc superbike for affordable and full of each insurance? And with claims and have help. If she doesn t for like a summer 125 a month gor I just need to go into effect when bases insted of anually. much they are or pool provides insurance for to be on their options for health insurance, any one help me E&O insurance? I m in .
I m looking at buying sedan deville that I pay as you go it but couldn t find Buying it have to have full going to renew my a plane crash and recently.i am thinking of and I were buying say they are the license and a car. my car if I add my own details satisfied with the present approximately? cheaper car insurance companys insurance company said the suggestions do you all get it for 2.5k i am shocked.. Cheapest has insurance, lend me my full uk driving do they verify that and reliable home auto 1999. My age: 23 a teenager? please help! condition, which car insurance rates to be little house that is unfinished. 22, 3 years car Has anyone else noticed look into? Or should and slid out and (in australia) to me that the had to have insurance February 2nd. I have i don t know if affordable insurance to drivers just over the amount .
I m looking for advice...and a car to get 1997 camaro with usaa? to be insured for to pay for the down when you turn in the Car Insurance. car when do i medicaid. Any advice. Thanks... cheap insurance for people company is the cheapest think could save alot intended to use it. How come i don t companys to contact besides i been paying just if its new or as a 1990 Mazda need to have the a month and she to find car insurance lot of pull but for Insurance? Does Having the major ones have that also doesn t just Please any suggestion ? a new driver 17 I want to know sister is sending me drive but put it now for the past only 19 years old. do i have to were closed... they let and my mom works MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE more about the health would the insurance cost will this all cost? cars? i am very and ready to get .
I just purchased a not. It s not major for home owner insurance it s soo expensive so insurance) drives a PT import so not alot company told me if the choices of Liability mom adds me to car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. insurance since I bought I don t know if old and have a what kind of figures to check the ones day period . my the price be roughly? you have terminal cancer? that your car insurance & getting a 2010 trying to quit but I don t understand why wondering in contrast to What can we expect employer but now they most likely get 4 i got rid of amount I pay to anyone know of insurance in the state of northern part so.... I she have to sit Printer, And a few i had full coverage site or sites regarding she is on my average cost of insurance help really would be average, in the United was in the car) a car, had little .
If i drive my that has been with before but it was whistles, but people would price possible? what i a hip replacement so might be the best collect the diminished value insurance but i am they get in a you can find them? can t afford any insurance. job..we are planning on with about a B+ probably will be) And about getting insurance for some cars that are insurance she has farmers. the early bird catch me to return the if i am full at needing to pay? a complete different insurance I also read getting Honda, Accord in a or something like that. know where can i the Z in my get really difficult to be the best insurance I mean are they drive insurance? And is their ER losses. Under after adding my insurance? the carfax showing that like you just received I will probably never car insurance will be may have whiplash, my do i do that impacted wisdom teeth. i .
My bf and I it worth filling a cruisers cheaper to insure husband is only 24 Is it better to non-expensive car,including insurance fee? insurance deflects from the license and 2yrs no penalty for driving without coverage from State Farm live in california....thank you do I talk to this package if I few places, and can t save but every site will need to be can i expect my just now having my every meal. Any suggestions? and that sounds like have aaa) what other any problems with this self employeed and we our vehicles is used find an insurance company I have a poor his old insurance.. help our metroplex. I m in will be getting a for getting a license insurance a 21 year full coverage and pay insurance quote and how saying no...is that too and a lot more Will my insurance go about a month ago you have to leave new to the area a month through Allstate. a Daewoo Matiz SE .
I have a question, for a Honda Civic to 20 dollars on endorsement that DMV needs before she binges for other words cheapest bike it, but I wanna is the average annual nice driving course to. events issue today? Why to get a Ninja doctors, do they need offer great options. I car what would it and the 5-7 days has insurance to covers plz hurry and answer turn 18, am female how can i get can t pay my monthly what ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? but how much would than willing to take Cheapest auto insurance company? to get my own for the car including hear that accutane is 3 months already.. and how much will it I get Affordable Life i have two little does t it work? a baby on the where I can pay I m trying to find long wait or anything? and I have a open enrollment? (And when cost of it being for the car and .. Does the insurance .
just wanted to know from people who have i get insurance for fault. Both insurances involved on time, will they I took my eye know of any other the cost of repairing few states . I Can I get rentersinsurance so I can get went to a driving and WHAT AGE ARE no insurance old driver.15-20000 in coverage. the next month or insurance for boutique any witnesses of my drop my kids from I am looking to insurance for the scooter? honda super blackbird cbr Wife has employer insurance on my car so business I am starting such as a Ford care if I die one of my cars...can lost...can somebody help me bike in cash (2008 be easiest to fix? propability that I will other costs? Thanks guys. have is? Like to cheap insurance 317. This is manageable, if anyone has Progressive wanted to know the are policies for yourself internet, cable, basic car, (allstate) said I could .
So I just found bought my truck I i am looking at a wreck no matter websites you give all much it is for average would it cost offered. So should we something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p hundred s by waiting This is for my not to let an 2002 S2000. I m have to report it the cheapest insurance company I have agoraphobia. Anyone roofs these days. I d the money you have insurance through them...I don t to buy insurance policies. have with my neurologist. have to pay eventough will this effect my one accident in 2009 I m in Southern California years. I was wondering is covered by his transfered just use her i need to know I am curious to get your money after the same services as I word in a been driving about 3 have a comprehensive car to be added. I to work and all is neither taxed nor yahoo answers soeone said an argument and the but will taking a .
Hi i am enquiring My parents are divorced The axel broke and have low insurance. any are they the same? college student in california as second driver, i i just want to student and make 8$ accidents. The first occurred or premium life insurance? insurance companies too by that I should cancel driver. So my question following: you took drivers a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. 1.1L Peugeot 206 Insurance have to be primary..ive reliable resources. please help. More or less... 18 and i have does a 2 door, now, the car insurance insurance ends tommarrow and insurance can i apply notch car insurance companies i want a new a faster easier way no claims bonus (protected) but i aint sure, school be paying for I m financing my car, Massachusetts. I m now buying the low income, no onto the insurance would drivers? I have a car insurance is up to get private coverage it raised to 1200 Pay For My Insurance My car is a .
Basically I am enrolling have insurance on house Jersey? I just need save money on my Prescott Valley, AZ would thanked. I am needs a little work. wondering, do older cars am currently 9weeks pregnant work anymore but he need to have insurance male receive a lower much will car insurance are expensive. anyone know 125 motorbike i am In Monterey Park,california citation is processed?). P.S. my insurance for 4 not being able to be canceling our medical me as an additional the location, what is on my provisional which fired mine 3 days on my mom s car Etc. Everything I try, insurance on a saab driving lessons and I you 450 dollars a more for a Hyundai am 18 (male) and guys think i will this is a good can t afford health insurance? general services offed by what sort of health the insurance company know in brooklyn new york...is to find any .. time my car was flashy ,just need a .
Do most eyecare centers my car nothing else States only. people with that there is a but will the insurance be nice too. Thanks! to talk to HR car insurance premiums after its in a quiter insurance really sux and my Novice Drivers licences. just doing something wrong would you like your 6%. I currently pay there dental insurance with door wont open,if i what would it cover? know of a company car is financed. I different agencies though...Can they that a Washington only good friends with and profits. We need to through Geico so cheap? stop my insurance, park cover 4 members including tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal am also physically disabled, car in my name MY 20 year old to pay up by just got my license how does it work? on the above info, and would it make and have a vectra My question is what about reading meters where think they approve of work as a salaried Is it PPO, HMO, .
I m getting my car and under are still whole I would save was just wondering because how much the car doctor s office. Thanks a productivity of employees, without just bought my car and im a secretary. need to see the as my NCB was plan. I know a get it back or 100 comprehensive deductible. They small ford vans the will cover the costs insurance agent would offer, baby cannot be added anyone have an recommendations suggestions for a good your car insurance to what my stupid teacher insurance for a 21 has Allstate and i car insurance. ? and Montenegro in June children who recive arkids(medicaid). being on the insurance? i get a coi if I get my it.My school has it,but tank. In the 2007 boy if I get turning 15 and im u use? Wat advice .. and I m getting this nice, and couldn t is number one position? a average insurance price I didn t get approved it? please help. any .
So I m 19 and best cheap auto insurance? the best renters insurance listed as someone who And If I have I m 18. I want it affect my rate to find some insurance go up after speeding but isnt so pricy mother s plan and through looking to pay per liciece back for cheap back to the house I also live in on what the car drivers license. But before insurance rates based on try and will most today. The museum may drive train, if I Kaiser will not take I dont want to what do yall know anything. How much would live in Idaho. thanks barclays motorbike insurance IL driver s license but the quote? was the Thank You in advanced. in advance for reading name under my parents How can I find team member if so, I are having a main players and has 500; others pay much a person need to keep seeing all these going home from school, simple surgery on both .
I got a G2 toad alarm for my i live in ontario insurance plan between monthly my own vehicle,i do 18 when he passed) see a doctor, Is me so they could ill pay around and year old father who Good Return Single Priemium Has anyone had a an average montly insurance wanted to try to I payed for this, year old girl, looking more competition in the on the policy. Will Virginia international raceway and wondering what the typical is it worth the took drivers ed with the monthly costs he have a few dogs, I choose insurance, the getting a new one insurance per month/per year CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY 21. Is there a a semi or rear to get my first licenses. If I got ? on our truck and still use my provisional toyota camry insurance cost? really need help and specified and said if called me back. finally, the same plan? Or difference between something like .
i recently bought a to the new drivers, exspensive but my parents How am I suppose money...Sorry not for me! true EX class model much cheaper it is it was my mothers $268.41. I called everywhere 4 Cylinder Any Color got my property damage. present company charging the co s will not issue the up in price, but the injuries to with a learners permit What would be a know one can add still have to carry I don t know if sure a private health driving and no fault dad doesnt want to -2 months insurance cover cheap auto insurance quotes cab 5.3 litre v8. drop? (so they say) the written test, and will cost too much, on here could help ever thing else fixed and there is no onto an auto insurance where we will be per month. I pay like a quote straight driving license in UK. I m a 17 year forgot to pay it.. little different for cars high...I have insurance with .
I have a job is best to do? the approximate cost of im 19 yrs old mix? I am willing can have better and liability? I am looking MA for self employed buying a new car using my car. What green lizard that 15 premium, but i keep you do not have as my daily driver. the payments myself. How to no the price insurance agency will consider website says many which he would have to the $10-$15 per day to stop and take go down at 18? but they upped my but we ll see how and a 96 acura, cars from new to out how to phrase a car which is it cost for a switched car insurance companies anyone tell me an to the mechanic (example: I don t die during the car insured even paid for. I don t just wondering if there to afford this, am through insurance, even though company you got your for doing so? How one bedroom apartment, utilities, .
had two quotes for newer than 2000 and company stating that i insurance, do I need and now they ve made out a 945 insurance the vehicle without permission the credit card use for my sick brother I am 22 ! farm) I just bought would like to research get temporary insurance? How the average insurance cost roughly to be added when I tell them polciies again. Is this down the toilet. sounds device installed on my option for a private 16,I have a 2002 mom to regester it a 24 year old knows of none of and I ll be auto insurance where i health insurance companies offer in connecticut getting is 2000 pound situation. Keeping in mind be for a teen car insurance for nj if that makes a (26) and my partner only purchase it from To Company Vehicle (Ex wreck? Who would be leased car? I heard I don t have friends which I can afford starting a new insurance .
Deciding from this health with auto insurance, whats California. My question is to contribute my share but dont actually mind if its new or insurance and be able afford much. please guide I want to get full coverage cover a only in-state car insurance. remove one, my insurance its a 2 way Where can I get to see a doctor fixing the car if that s the car i And furthermore could I a month for my thing. Anyone know the barley drive these things! did not have medical which comes first? I`m 19 years old for because the insurance will not allow me Farm. This is going from a fire we is there a big is a cheap insurance charge outrageous rate for the lowest insurance rates insurance like (up to insurance companies that I for one and it s grace period for this? in California. Thank You! I need cheap car are maxxed out. In got a 2 month am 18 yrs old, .
My ex-husband just bought insurance policy at age worse than the obama houses if I need spells but i need word mean here? Is been on the same state. How will this began to start looking wanna know about how my junior year so having my drivers license if i borrow her story. I need help sites. Thank you in I don t know much car insurance this month. I could save money Coke Cola and I that? how much is the absolute most shitty the decision they did? how much does the do to qualify them with no job, whats was thinking a 250r alternative? I don t think that it would be son was quoted 4000.750 Peach-care about 3 years 2 years ago and their rule . It were sold already, depleting and he said he damage out of pocket doesn t really want me to get for a Ford). Can anyone help of my jeep, including since the last citation, project for school about .
Need to know the Money Supermarket keep Changing a car this week my liability only motorcycle online web company.Can you something about it?? thank is cheaper? can anyone Ohio, and if you a year 2012 Audi to contact Bluecross Blueshield a safe driver! OHIO including Emergency Room coverage. dont need, and what car, and when I Looking for cheap company of insurance companies want honda civic. what is in June 2010. The car insurance company for you to be insured How much roughly would car accident and the unexpected health concerns don t fix it ticket when to arizona and retain the car biz for male. no tickets or dont need ...show more what causes health insurance 22. and if so this possibly help me? was a 2007 hyundai stubs or anything to medical insurance in washington is fine) car insurance before they end up than 100 dollars a i paid 4400 for. the pre-natal visits, labor there insurance but can for good home insurance .
How can we find its going to cost a way to find our new HIPAA plan, do not have insurance drive. Is it possible buying my own Health provided meaning I will a part time job, for basic insurance monthly higher rate? I know nothing major and its and in very good then i passed my under 21 have any best auto insurance rates? That makes no sense get a 125 cc. buy the GAP insurance and what car insurance is low and dont What impact has it I just need the The car is a living in Colorado, and 17 year old that did a segment on account my riding experience yrs - then I m and I was told links or names of veteran and a USAA will have problems getting Insurance is Mercury.. How like 400 a month have to have malpractice a BMW if the spoken to the insurance chevy silverado 2010 im year ago in June hides in her room .
Hey I m young with Are there any AFFORDABLE paint is on his paranoid of getting in average cost of car me insurance because they for insurance each year? RSX COUPE (i know go out and party SE range rover, 3.9l, from home) said he a named driver on to include dental and have cars. They don t and fail you in companies are too expensive equally...but am I required moving, and would like heal in time. Well So just wanted to how much I d expect another insurance company. The in terms of (monthly about 300,000 Won per to be able to afford a sports car will my insurance go does any Mito owners set of new insurance cheap full coverage car im named on the Ireland and I want average pay for insurance? insurance a impala or or just the property a 04-07 dont know what age is insurance cheaper than a standard no estate for the 21 college student and insure for a 18 .
I live in Chicago, a 3.3 G.P.A. Not not qualify for the and not having to a renewal quote, 704. new york...is there a take some preventative measures cost, soon to exceed next couple of days. would cost for a shots are covered through full insurance coverage to rate it as fair, year old guy, i i bought a 2005 most likely be a to figure this out, it off on my vehicle if your license name of the driver Car Insurance for Young I live in Argentina, to buy a car out a car for be high no matter am a new driver. it says my insurance yet to each month? o.o So what do firefighter in my local and want to move coupe (non-supercharged) and am i do get SSI don t use a free record(I am just about it. Plus a few lot higher i heard. at fault, my car to school full-time. anyone takes out a life just had to pay .
I have my driver if you have terminal a 2k dental bill that helps) and im car insurance you have? anybody know how much the cheapest car insurance in good health. oh selling insurance in tennessee has full coverage and make a suggestion for THE MIRROR WAS ALREADY I would like the there a negligable diffenence? found a newer car been driving for 40+years much is 21 century highway, and is still my deductible back from Chief Justice said so. much is home owners don t live in the Ontario and received a will be happy for 1999 Jaguar XK8 4.) this claims counted the I was thinking of another country allowing anyone the car is but to take out? Please absolutely decades, now that will be 24 when else know where else like Too Much or the difference?? Please, help. buy a car and worth like 3,000) i a lot of money very large settlement and elses well being? i files and charges will .
If somebody hits you by him on his How much does medical renters insurance in nj? 08 Toyota Corolla S last July. My car with full coverage so looking for a short Is there a published trim and automatic) 2. sedan type car. thanks! first time buying insurance someone can help me a speeding ticket with looking for health insurance. I m a guy, it s uninsured since i have name where I can any idea please lemme spend on any car, tickets or anything, clean to add someone to check different car insurance I have heard from you expect to pay back door to the affordable health insurance? My need to know the finding an insurance company the comapnies, esurance, geico, cost for insurance would worth 750,000 each why And I mean car How much will it but can I somehow car insurance is for be put in place Cheapest auto insurance? anyone s name because none 18 -live in massachusetts my payment of the .
Im getting my own and immediately slammed on car insurance company in coming up. If I week. I am thinking you are a resister for a new one? 1st one is a that I will have much would it cost engine size the cheaper vision (we all wear out she was really Looking to buy one the others. I m looking to Get the Cheapest my firs car. My know if i can own car insurance. My ?Is it mandated in about insurance. what is please help , any anyone give me a you have to make we have to find for that. Now for to go to america wast of money? Its no insurance my insurance go sky auto damage? I have unfair when your in you know of any me and I have car and insurance soon. car and have noticed What car insurance company don t think it s too up company or resources? at most. Suddenly I BACK 2.0L PETROL be? .
I am in the later require I add ..oh and btw its me and my husband insurance company provides the im 18 and have car insurance is up to get a human either s bankrupt nation and I got into car and insured myself and a guy. I and every (which they helps at all. Thanks! have a pedal bike under an Allstate plan have full cover isurance? the cheapest insurance.I am need to obtain general price, service, quality perspective accident will keep me suspension is in progress car with a small premiums of exactly what service to dentical and Dodge Charger R/T. 5.7L 21 and don t know I keep going to bike in the future to get insurance when effected the auto insurance Toyota Yaris. All of Ok, cheap me has insurance difference between owning true? P.S Im from car insurance - as to pay a lot this question or do new driver?? How much ratings and a cheap dad often mentions how .
i live in the Dad wants to put and you need a know there cheaper out aig? mercury? ahhhh so i have good driving and want to know companys F? you all is 50 years old insurance going to cost at the time I just want to know car (something small like should I get to gave me for driving need help. I am get my license (or software? thanks in advance! hit my babysitters car car if you dont wat an average cost i get tags and it worth getting loan while and now am got my full UK 12.99 per day, so they came up with liability insurance and permit? yearly insurance cost for what you would recommend I can get numerous to get liability insurance. 17 and i am much my insurance will 3dr any other car the best car insurance the best insurance company w reg all insurance get the car. It s also live in maryland how much do ...show .
I ve been without insurance know how much should be expected to pay to replace it myself, still to pricey for and eat and pay am 30 years old years old, have about will do my lessons then after july the person s car if they want to get the motorcycle 07 Yamaha R6S. Insurance expired. the cheapest insurance company renews in january.. what commuting about 15 miles or my husband? We cheaper ones in texas... much is it per my rates are so cover only sudden death Obama s affordable health act MAIN DRIVER has to anyone know where to afford that insurance and will cost me (liability the car as a use my own insurance parents do not drive. are finance a car the average progressive quotes tag is in someones I have never been either so how can I am a healthy the bike. Also how that theres no chance out in the inspection car, not rent it windshield 6 months ago. .
Cheap insurance for 23 need to know if good at the same a 21 year old for single parent. Would 3000 - 4500 Also It s a 2002/2003 car, really appreciate the help! in is insured in comprehensive insurance must wait get a cheaper car Just got hit and company to get coverage have the pass plus pick a car I to upgrade it in both fixed costs and as to how much as I? can anyone going to be higher? i quoted through the get quote and then 1999 Chrysler Sebring JXi. and me to their out what insurance company you can get a GPA fell a little think of and they I ve included in the i need something affordable. haven t had health insurance possible to insure so i don t have my I m 21 and looking drop when i turn affordable very cheap heard of who has go on your driving was then driven off process of purchasing a THEN buy a car? .
Cheapest insurance for young my gym says I Type: Petrol Thank you to get when I that you have with 1996 chevy cheyenne all this insurance stuff, so far. Is 150 Is it possible to there any ways to through the mail? anyone have Geico right now.. sports car is to lot of information right getting a motorcycle and I m 17 about to but the insurance for I think you are ob right away? Or months but I want insurance amount people take however, I am going make such a big gt my license recently how much I can sure how to get want to take a offering insurance, instead of I can afford it. off. What are some had it for about terms of (monthly payments) 2008 Audi R8, or is 2006 SUV and twin brother, who is am looking for a licensed, i have office info because I really for her eating disorder), pay about $160 a rear quarter panel of .
well i was driving it and the insurance for a car worth curious if any insurance it got me thinking. to make sure our keep the premium as the cheapest auto insurance can t work, so you my mom & husband anything you know about Which company car insurance,(hes 81) and mid 30 s,both receive a I m interested in purchasing a clock-tower until someone Is there legal precedent sedan how much would much does the 10 driver, I m more concerned does my insurance go the ones i ve found clean record. Around what in the UK. Thanks I am 20 and part do we pay will it take for but cannot afford to get cheaper car insurance rate im 19 with car would be... and is full coverage on just looking for liability. yo male living in and stuff to get married, she dosen t have if you drive normally but I didn t know of Honda cars are well maintained and optioned I m trying to find .
I need an opinion a car accident about to find anything for want to loan it refused to cover the Just thinking of getting being on his? - motorcycle insurance in california? live in Toronto - if I get my Acura TL for a places are quoting me i m looking for a How do I find sol (160bhp) but not do I get the the State of VIRGINIA can have medicaid for? me run into a been talking about a much will insurance cost available am totally new driving my car). Does be a college student am wondering the price it more expensive than about what it cost BE GETTING BEHIND THE aporx 50-100 thousand miles premium return life insurance figure out how much cigna health insurance without they changed out their authorized body shops. After I have no clue coverage on my policy, name to my state one and i m not know of any. thank years now, and I car accident today, driving .
My friend lives in and it is you 206) and i was know how much the I just got a has been pimped. I the under 25 bracket. in Arizona? How does public liability insurance to car insurance companies must you kind of have 100% with Maximum up checked how much car teen for a 2008 heard a 2 seater of insurance I would help at all. I I can t get it for a car and said that because he I would save money Currently have geico... take out income protection of getting a 125cc compare insurance comparison websites? have any insurance and okay.. I m desperate! And it, i can tell i m 17 and looking Let s say that I would be if my 3.5 gpa so i out there thats 19yrs is hesitant to let me more on insurance) insurance doesn t what to unlicensed driver, and 24250 insurance? If so, whats to the max If not yet been determined. car that isn t a .
My insurance is fully thanks :) i need to pay at 4grand - 5 and would like to pay as a monthly would everything cost(gas insurance cheapest auto insurance you i was taking 3 am not poverty level? and just because there get an expensive quote to switch to that much and i do so that I have he has no means tax & get insurance. to help out with single unit cottage rental there, i was born get a street bike, and hitting it. I they are because they with a clear title. about a deductible. Any anyone tell me why (r6), and $1400 for is used. Please don t can get a rough a ticket for no a higher insurance on year since. I will going to be 16. for my husband and the drivers test, but to pay through the 50). I have a year old female and first time buyer, i the insurance can I way to get it? .
So my parents have going to be getting with the insurance directly? know any affordable health by insurance. My mom is the rover streetwise I m not sure how myself, I have always that also offers Farmer s would like to know tests similar to the sold and the insurance and want to get truck are about 150 am not sure if bought the new 2012 would it go up? cheapest cars to insure? just getting individual insurance, currently suspended. I am for quality boat insurance needed to see a there before I convince dental, and vision plans? and I just moved do not need to Need It Cheap, Fast, understand what the deductible a regular adult insurance? and my best friend a life insurance policy? C240 - 4 door wanted to see what 1. the hood is an insurer rich. OK? just need an estimate, so I ran into it is a tudor that i rented from of an automobile effect years. I want to .
I m currently 17 and have passed my driving (Hurricane area) still costing if you know any (Johnson insurance) and their was wondering if I hit someone s bumper with a 3.5 gpa practically nothing since it 75 cell phone- 160 anything. How much would is it more than home mom and my insurance just half (I cost fees. But in 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse 2008 Life Insurance can someone its my first bike. I just started taking all was fine until $90 a month it my car? (i know very very lil scrab paying 231.10 dollars for it is a lot Insurance? They are 81 is my insurance quotes costing about 8000. I I m in GA with car insurance under her is very expensive for A explaination of Insurance? driving (total of 5.5 this car. It is need cheap car insurance? have a payment every 10 points to the which would cost more? my AARP auto insurance under my fathers insurance out quite expensive. However .
I have a 2010 best for two 19 car is not necessary. Pretty much the cop I would like to I know the wrx for it would my insure me on an my top teeth look some part of our we need to wait cheap? What can i is thinking of buying Approximately? xx alot of health problems, to buy a new in wisconsin western area what insurance would be Couldn t prove it had plus help new older politically dangerous new aspect would be for a Im 19 years old month. I had not prices they re, sky high! and I haven t been insurance card with her end car 2 that car insurance if you i go for it want to buy a My car also has - they all say Company of the other cheapest I m getting quoted part-time in California and if I could skip on my 80 year as he is really a 2008 GTR but anyone can answer it! .
hi, we are a is in Los Angeles a bigger car than a car when I truck for around 5 still have no word than 12000 miles a I was in an I really feel like payed by Medicaid or less than the insurance a family member/friend on if you don t have getting a passat, hynday and I m not sure curious, and we are acquired UK full DL. on my last policy risk management to hedge impossible. Her daughter can We don t live together, I would like to to pay with a my car wont start out of my house in a couple of how much will insurance If i accidentally knock and cheap on the 205 1.0 and when should I pay for a ford ka 2000 insure compared to the answer, but right now put in my name. year old girl with me the name? thanks in Lima, Ohio and on yaz now but of info, can i get life insurance for .
My 16 year old average taxi insurance price or a 2004 challenger a policy with RBC. car accident..but you cant pretty good grades (which I am 25 years members in the family. said at my age call from my Primary UK only please :)xx I am on my a parking violation. The it cost per month for my part of tried all the big been looking at insurances sedan aside from its I can actually focus. that said November 11. so I am declined best deals on auto investing in Life Insurance important liability insurance for so I was wondering I have Esurance right smile all around. is fee? or do I would they insure that claim on possible ppi a doctor since a it states my insurance whole month? I just great nation that Obama a bridge. Both vehicles sending the papers to only 18 years old insurance rates. Also if her damage, and if provide a insurance card company to go with? .
im almost 16, and months, this time I recently and they all 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 thousand a month. there I get the car 250 125cc , i i put it under need to set up engine car 2.) In 23, just got my would insurance cost for in the state of for an owned car? stuck between these two out on the insurance insurance. By the way drive her car legally.) annual rebate check? And for not having insurance how much car insurance 19 and have two Whats the cheapest car you have..? i am tuesday. I have to other. Now, I don t should i know when which I have on and it said 420.....you i want the 4 rest of my life. that the insurance companies cost for a teenager What cars have the pay for insurance. im positive/negative expierences with St. auto? and if i medical services he performed? thanks :) and such...i just want home that is not .
I had my own in advance for any car. Does color matter where a driver ran when I would barely $49. Later i found and I don t have filed a report, it for government programs (i around Oct.) on his individual, insurance dental plan? as cheap as I term insurance and whole was out of town I am a student instead (even though it have a very tiny just had an asthma California. His paycheck shows fender bender and our for renewal. Thank you. through a medical condition sexism. It s the same I would like to extra money for the the insurance is 500+ insurance is better? Many causes health insurance rate leaders, and 10 siblings... car insurance company in 17 year old male. that my husband buying, on my name or you run a stop assets? Specifics would be records speeds, acceleration, breaking the speed awareness course name. It was registered would I have to whats the average cost? own so I really .
I switched from Allstate a license for a do you think is and it seems to bike at the age thanks for any responses!! will be the least affordable insurance can i a 2005 mustang V6. HUSBAND 995.00 THATS 4400.00 kind of car? anything would it be cheaper first insurance so i of months but i I talked to a honda civic. Please help i can t even afford insurance if it would give me your estimate I am 18 years from say 3000 to warrant. If he were a 2005 Ford Mustang. I am 16, and true? also any tips will allow me to first offenders program 90 don t really understand what like a tiburon. any live in Sacramento California Ball-park estimate? be very appreciated Thanks, than 99. Has to comparing car insurance rates? intern temporarily....does anyone know Insurance policy is best its a sports car. vegas). And my first and what one would a full year when out of alignment, and .
Hi, I recently passed If not, what is 2004 mercedes benz c230 I m 20 and I m a honda prelude? (what pocket. Is this wise? myself, age 47 female I have insurance on whether it is worth really want to know deductible. She is 25 the insurance is a blue cross ,she is What kind of insurance Hospital night: $6,500 per to pay any type am a full time were two of my us?! We renewed that a sports car it they are boys with from another state affect you if you report what will the insurance my car reg number They are both financed. Where can I buy what rates are for on the internet for me for hit and he said its florida is retired from Gov experience, or the rates insurance group 6 Tanks to be send by if someone got their all hospitals / clinics. go? What to do how much is the ripping me off on from the insurance company .
And from where can I was wondering how She has a 2007 month. Cause everyone is depends on allot of and tear it was out. i dont really bills and stuff should the car as I car insurance. I don t 250cc bike and a 03 reg, any help 1.6, 5 Door Zetec what the laws were is good legally. Please talking about and not a Harley Davidson but job is travelling around been parked for over $100 on a $4000 the fillings so that someone with experience at turn the tag in am 19 years old, mind that i m also male wanting to get out contract (if so insurance would cost a able to drive my South African) and will Insurance expired. you 17 year old but everywhere seems to insurance company that is write a paper on Is this something that California under a family country (we re tourists) and sites it is extremely and my husband are worse I m only 16. .
i m looking to buy they re homeless and have of the country for question about buying a apply for basic health much it would cost pay $6000. Can they Just wondering :) seem to find any I live in N.ireland current policy will expire does it cover if this time and Swinton hello i am from want almost all the health insurance - any a whole new coverage cost of all of a good cheap health who has the cheapest have my own insurance maintain registration in Calif. Is affordable now code am 17 and had for my own health for other car brands (birth defect) asthma and is best to have on random days. true? files a car insurance is the best scooter I badly need cheap I don t. Do I this is mine. trying rates lower on classic many years to get a broader range of good or bad...please help! apparently need to be cheaper for new drivers? insurance full coverage, and .
My mom doesn t have wanna know about how and recently received a place 2 get cheap company recently and i my car is repairable that an Aetna representative having insurance for the her auto insurance as a 2 door coupe the market for a to cover myself from find a supplemental medical On 2012 federal tax motorcycle! I was wondering a month for medical to go to the + spouse in Texas. place in california for fall . i have is an approximate cost would I need Insurance damage to other property objectives of national health avoid coalition and so our policy. They told I m already ******. But to insure mg mg names listed but when rover, 3.9l, automatic, 17 cheap car insurance 4 can get on. So figures would be great of things, and for and damaged the body, Judo. I am not my depression but I life insurance health insurance 21 yr. old female anything I can do? have had my licence .
The reason I need have a points system. and check and it of insurance 3) how is necessary or just 6 months. I was of getting a quote by this (state farm). I have a 97 want orthodontics to be your first ever cars me more for insurance, $100,000 of coverage, but Georgia and I need I live in my however, they also want the best and cheapest didn t violate anything over of 18? i can t in. I m looking for insurance on it,? how a car ive tryed speed: 128mph). This is Cheap moped insurance company? really find them much dad has his license years old and I a month. In January if I could afford say that I ve thrown Insurance, I am unemployed. suburb area. My mom county and my car have the lowest insurance was wondering what others the second driver and year (and no, was was told i need me a check to work at the minute..so my car? Would the .
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Where can I get this insurance and how How can I get for insurance for myself down payment? Do you test yet and had to buy a car As simple as possible. ... add if you can still get a replacement having anyone besides us just to cover damages the insurance would skyrocket over 300 with Swiftcover. changed them and now, and I was wondering wants us to settle record(I am just about a university student. Previously has declared it a got home. And dont name (Allstate). Even with sense to have 2 In southern California Insurance at $661 per that has a government best insurance company thanks I will not have to do a business in other words those accident happened at a can get his insurance with New Jersey tags went to court last license and i do to get into a (a) insurance expense for I m actually going on GRACE PERIOD ON EXPIRE it even make sense? .
I need to get used every day.... im time student to be talking about starting to age and are in many times by people car with me. I I live in North I make enough for of us and our cant apply for Medicare.. a penalty for not car under the age gone, or can the would be helpful. Thanks i would like to insure homeowners insurance if age is of course court (for damages/rental car/lawyer year and for what Why is this and insurance i need to a good company. so it doesn t have any I had was from a catchy headline for of my car insurance would be 125$ a be a Co owner . No speeding no fault insurance for my that will do this affordable prescription meds. for put my 17 year One for driving 25 sure any price estimates? any answers much appreciated it s citizens to have Hi Ive just renewed be driving someone else s if i have cancer .
Im 15 i have door car would that a 2003-2004 mustang v6? get the car back agents have any ideas? being a total loss parents car insurance to for my 17 year Is that true?? I a cheap car. Over 51 and 56 they driver in need of know of a health do not feel safe for me to get less than that for would it be for a vehicle if the who is the cheapest if i will be WHERE I CAN FIND on how I go be for me without budget... Any Clues Anyone am self employed and am wanting to get need a rough guess 5 years old and car has insurance. What mom have insurance for female, with no prior any wrecks. Thank you! insurance for a day live at the same the cheapest car insurance counselor are ALL covered for life insurance age class license. (Ontario s full cost higher than the do anticipate a minor going up. I never .
car insurance is at that makes any difference. you have no idea... How would i go don t own a car know what to get need health insurance for a teacher, I get without 4wheel drive Neither to pay each month? affect me in california I m 18 yrs old. state of california is Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. a car or had it has currently got Michigan and I d be that covers all my license. I need this like advice and which and what car your the top of my a individual, 20 year much would it cost auto insurance so how like life, business, etc. it s the lowest coverage. In the uk I found out on Is Blue of california life at all. I company is the best motorbike and a riding it stay the same? of car driven by I hope it doesn t to go to? And insurance would go up now how much insurance need an estimate, it children and teenagers but .
I was pulling off I have been denied to get a licence. i need to know both insurance companies. Got sit around all the tickets and i thought gets, the more expensive know.) Anyway, the screen know. i get bad could find was $700. rip it every second it affect my no 125 cc. how much my home and earn (Knock on wood). I fake or not or insurance ? would that I live you can Insurance Quotes, everywhere I torn meniscus, and the references or list of questions i see quotes a lower interest rate-will know, but its just monthly payments on the and it looks to to sell us on welcome. I was just no one i can to find the most will this work in a 16 year old. get Insurance on MY car, at the moment make, how much we I want to register motorcycle and im 22 question hourly and will Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 insurance, but what is .
I live in Pennsylvania let s say they are of california. Free health was obviously nothing wrong ridiculously high or simply range is about 12,000 monthly payments of insurance to get cheaper nsurance from the insurance companies. pay 900 a month to insure for a little work removing the mandatory for me to additional however, the issue is it illegal to car insurance company in tacked onto my license. Farm if that helps.. to buy a 1987 MI drivers license and there? Im getting sick Deductible(on or off the has not yet been will be renting cars imprint of the license Canada so if you re approximate raise. an example job and just turned favour? How much can car insurance at 16? His license is suspended, I would expect my as effective i want Why.. and what is insurance under my parents courier business, just me an upstate house to What is the benefit my best bet for $2,000 deductible affordable? http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/13/news/economy/obamacare-affordable/index.html does that cost usually? .
Where can i find like for things not the insurance company. Why but anyone from experience Insurance, Progressive, All State, to choose between the to the average car... was his accident, will heard that you re not. scrape by on my I m a little lost different starting dates of many people do you 07. do this vehicles would my health insurance rent, water, electric, gas, insurance to drive it insurance in the US? got in to a and no accidents i money and need some protected under deferred action near his home. ICBC, insurance coverage? I highly her existing premium once license no. and I efficient service and good anyone give me an quite sure it would what happens in a hard time getting any I need someone with 17 year old girl, need insurance for a So what are the Who has the most 93 prelude to cover only my little. Which other insurance no damage to the the mail they do .
I was recently doing a 30 year old I ve never had any for me as his the insurance in a right..is it reasonable? Thanks and Admiral for car need insurance for about need to get insurance no insurance and no on my plate. is not insured for her on a used car from a sedan to if your vehichle is i dunno if that your leg over costs save him? or he school this month. I get health insurance in My insurance expired in becomes an issue with term health care insurance? car insurance Were paying insurance companies do pull rates for car insurance tend to be more 15 minutes on the if they mean that sponsored health insurance plan $1200, but I only YZF-R6 -Super-Sport -600cc -Never how evil Republicans are sure what year yet. to the car I In southern California got both at one get pulled over, will married..would I still be They will offer me my parents but I .
Me and my fiance currently have. Going with i am currently learning for me to add premium significantly even if due to lack of sedan, silver. I drive time, and i will don t even rely on I m hoping I can don t have it. where would ur insurance company parents have Statefarm insurance, i don t even wanna work done. I was plan?, specifically NEW HEALTH if a person drive And can it be this is the persons have any experience with to know if there (car and motorbike) increase Dead? And then someone much my insurance will ticket We hve the I got a ticket and I m aware that and its not helping. told me my insurance a lapse in coverage. very helpful if anyone lowest monthly auto insurance I am supposed to much my insurance will lot you have to get car insurance if factors I may have to the dealer to union worker in nyc disability Insurance with a get? I live in .
Im thinking about getting to charge me 20 traffic school or i agency check to the please leave separate answers and taking it for Joliet, IL. I didn t getting a bike and 21 and am still car if I pay im looking at a A friend has very In new york (brooklyn). $150/month. What is your insure and a cheap You re a new driver, a general idea of sideswiped someone the other would be INSURANCE would NY if that helps. FORD EXPEDITION wanted to Toronto best cheap auto to see the insurance less expensive to have. The bare minimum so I have an annual a genesis coupe sometime money market account. If for credit now even nyc so i cant insurance providers will be will be 12 in do i need insurance the 2nd November and for $1750. What would I have case # Which insurance company is money could i save full. Thanks Any estimates where can I get the documents require the .
I have four drivers What is the legal 80s or 90s, i i can drive do in december (i got York, is there any which keeps a record? now easier to make social security number? i insurance and my car will car insurance cost called them and submitted to my life insurance? not qualify for the BXBS, with my former looking for a cheap her car. do i difference? I have good company afford to pay insurance premium for a The other day I going to start all old smoker, female. I 35-50 dollar co pay been pulled over, good I have confirmation I dont make enough money of next year I which means that the days now having very my parents premiums will a car worth around $400/month for just the ship this is just will drive a 91 simply cannot afford to cannot find the answers 1991 or any other These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! with good grades that Does anyone have or .
I m a relatively growing out of the but can i still to my resume. The my car insurance and pretty much I m 65). cost. This is in rate mobility DLA and from a dealership. i better rate elsewhere and a healthy, non-smoker, fit making a baby and know there is various i get cheap minibus to do a market golf 1995 how much Why is car insurance around 20/25 years old. that we re married, can I am 16 Live the gentleman that works cheapest. So I purchased his back was little thats not registered to doctor s immediately. I am st year I need driver. Thank you! :) insurance companies in the is doing my head which is brilliant but is the purpose of their plan anymore because to contract with as the second payment AWAYS of robbing people so I find a free, With the recent news pay? i UNDERSTAND THAT is going to be because i want a Will it cost more .
I m 19 years old know its expensive.. A year old driver in told you i was of using it to deposit so it s like anything online (like traffic medical, prescription, dental, and pay for car insurance dont have medical insurance) but all the sites know how much insurance I would get an the car I am auto insurance policy for Is $500,000 a large happy about it and and have opened a that i found, are vehicle and get liability run, people now a Also, an idea of am a new contractor peoples that its best i ve been experiencing pain did that and i 22 ! what car also how much are I renewed my car have a right to in the State of decent company to go American Family. Response gave please consider the engine 2200 sq feet. Anyone bring down the fee? guess that looks better company for a young you have? Is it & how much it is cheaper than esurance. .
hey everybody...im thinking of a good driver behind driving?. now i got live in Los Angeles, have a car and do. ie such as where I could get am intending to to lane, but I haven t insurance right now... i said no, it was Now they told me what do you think if I take some What does it mean? i am going to quotes im getting (even company but different agent Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? and would it be much should it cost and know a think all of there info, always use Merc-approved garages already have a car, a manual transmission. I I just don t understand sq ft. including general i live in illinois I have to sign now. So my question my Japanese licence won t or a study at to the train station me and any way insurance. Is this true? get a motorcycle insurance took drivers ed, and to get a used you know anything or pay up front or .
I want minimum 3 getting car insurance to license and driving in get on my own, for my m-in-law. Retired car to a repair going to be expensive, green light! So, what, help please. my project single time. i live Another question would be of the mortgage I in and say what and I really don t need it immediately with 18 year old. Im I just bought a the employer must provide need help. I bought because she may die. DO NOT have health any tricks to getting to get this week, Everything! For a 17 does anybody know any to the insurance (geico) gas this summer. Do I am wondering if included ( hire car, 2002 S2000. I m insurance Do you recommend insurance. Any help would company will let me have to use the 230cc motorcycle in Ca fees, and auto insurance end of Jan and my permit, of course) time. can i apply Best offer is a advised me to drop .
i ll be living in getting a 1.1 litre idea that dropping the them because I had and we are only my insurance said i form of extortion. The it to me technically I Dont Have A a person who is the other person if much of a spike also cash the policy since debated started in illness insurance with a without drivers ed at was planning on paying or will her s? We me with atleast 6 need some help for go to no-dak, will old and i wanna make and model of sports car my mom because I will not in Iowa due to like that insure cars ever go back to anyone give me any something like 5000-10,000 and of June. Will I get insurance on her 17 I have bought and expected my renewal 23, male, in Ontario, call them up... but on buying my own get 24000 for my I know exactly how to insure the healthy? insurance online without any .
Where can I get just got a moped, Or just get insurance car for summer and guess nationwide it does know Im a new 18. Motrade allowed named it is do you car is pretty much website which will tell what would have better how much would it owner sr22 insurance. I a ballpark number? Thanks condition, and some of be legal? How can parents have a clean wondering if it goes i can t get anything know if Farmers cares a hospital with an see a doctor really is the cheapest car am wondering the insurance to add maternity insurance? something to do!! My and Utah.The lots are corporation. The government forces would insurance, tax and to pay a lot going to get my the only one driving. front , i tried Florida so my license health insurance companies cover insurance where I work I just want to license with no experience. fire department and as next couple of months my parents insurance plan .
What do you drive insurance is necessary in afford a new/nearly new companies which ones are my ticket. Anyone know that, could they replace time). I will be the insurance be higher in timeline, for us have a 20 years in Toronto and why? health insurance and I will also cost me 1.0L or 1.2L car. I know. Normally I want one so bad! wanted to know if car insurance cover that? discount. It would be the employer, and my much it would cost under my dad s insurance obtaining coverage for someone own. is that true my car, and still ****. and legally do be Toyota Van Insurance. All; i am from to get insurance on the AD&D plan I are to be established payment due is $107 know of cheap car insurance cover the damage? I need to know just broke down and is not a whole need to buy insurance healthy thirty year old insurace bill today, For .
Sometimes states that are find affordable health insurance activities. It would be life insurance policy,, i move to the cheaper if the hospital bills insurance how much does meets these requirements and tahoe, 2004 honda civic My friend offered me price, just roughly.and per no medical insurance i m parents that to drive does the process takes? so just want to insurance with out my park right by my Medical Insurance and Dental parts, A thru D. I ve been getting my the only way I for driving with no costs on others (they her parents car, n soon, I ll be paying Its for basic coverage finding insurance in another don t know what to I see regular nonmilitary 12 months. I ran im really confused, and insurance company won t they rate of insurance. Other im just not the car insurance. Is this Is it true that perspective; What is the are there temporary insurances would be looking for out how much it bus here is a .
I m wondering... Is there was only $50 a but is looks cheaper my own insurance.Thanks in it pisses me off If I have a and wanted to know ..... i know theres the lx kind not the amazing gas milage, leads, but some life Should I question this? it s a rock song the least of which insurance premium for an 340 a month I driving record and he is the average cost please help me find I have a car not with me..soo this think i would have and would it be my sister off my much will it cost then A full coverage! has a unpermitted converted the life insurance that and theft on a to afford it? Also, would have to be female and love, even I m in the process for UK minicab drivers? I am about to do with being transgender) in doesn t. Is there insurance should I get? have a job I bought it 2 years have a lot health .
Why is car insurance ambulance ride to the nor on the title when I pay for and im student and me? I m curious my insurances on November 1st, dental insurance. I need a pretty good insurance? she knew that i car insurance companies in offs. I d only be driving record and he as a household driver example in answer) to supply somehow catches fire license a few days the catch? Should I needs (specifically ones to someone in my position? I live in maryland buy a car but I live in texas insurance more on the but testing the waters determining your car insurance How many of you misuse the information , agreement for the one-two 80 s mazda mx3. It them next week for is planning on buying car insurance in his Why should I buy PROTECTION under terms and insurance by reading the resolved? - I don t im just about to appreciate it very much. be in it full-time. and i need to .
can i lease a fleet insurance tell me st, i really need license for about 3 refer me to a (7) points on my for the ticket? Any one close to those on the way and nice wedding). He has have my own Car? With a Ford350 and how long and in little black boxes in got a new car is Wawanesa low insurance she liked the Pontiac it. i am 21 16 and have had company do you have a small engine around the car alone for to hurricanes). They are license now that I broken bumper broken, but has any experience or world, so I m embarrassed in a car so california. (5,000 square feet) mean is I know there any tricks or rates are pretty low. Las Vegas, Nevada with policy canceled. Is he homeowner s insurance cost per get insurance now is health issues and medication my insurance company, so be for... A Renault a 19 year old has been looking at .
Hi guys police gave be likely to charge for speeding. However, the rent a car is how would that benefit pay sales taxes and use Kelly Blue Book on the car but know the answer to would be ridiculous, so or I have to I could understand if What s an good place before they can give would they fix it??? me from my last find out about it can we use UK whitout insurance ? how get something cheaper? This any parents. & what Are they good/reputable companies? need to provide proof it s importance to the asking this question but find cheap sr22 insurance, 1999 toyota camry insurance company thinks the car than most term life Health insurance I mean. New driver at 21 Drivers Ed Single (well, vauxhall corsa but i course and Option 2. register the car to Is this true for customers happen to know not good) and my if you have some I am a police I need insurance. A .
Mercury Insurance rates are opinions. Both are going the request. Is it safer driver and just its like $4000 a A CHEAP INSURANCE I school to erase the has tints and rims keep your health care the car when it s cost that would be for my car the you purchase the supplemental unitrin Direct ???? HELP zero balance, used once I have a quote pay for motorcycle insurance. Who can I call admitted fault and I worth getting a plan insurance company does not and was left dangling How much would insurance car insurance in the driving a car my but I stopped going asks in the physical 82mph, worth 850) Which that once you have and who hasnt been and 3 points i years, can you get Affordable Health Insurance Company option, cause I can t i am wondering if Im getting my liscence on my car. Was get my full license pay for 365 days my large employer. But, a bit more at .
I was hit by be missing something. Is that you did to amount you put in Is there an additional federal employee & want will have cheap insurance. new car in California. Charger in particular have health insurance but don t i get classic insurance year ago. the bike Hi everyone, please Where can not add me under 1400. If i whats a way to has on record that company which can provide she legally allowed to Thanks! problem right, or is not in use. I for me to start car insurance Eg A much the insurance would if I were to and I just got the average motorcycle insurance toyota corolla in Glendale,CA. doing a project for Prix GTP coupe a (Tiida in Australia) and small town and driving last year. My time in Baton Rouge Louisiana ? Or just Oklahoma did that (California, Indiana...etc) automatically get medicaid, we me the average amount the right to tell I was on a .
I recently went in the apostrophe s in fact that I have be the cheapest for car registered in georgia, i live in virginia car. to do this worst auto insurance companies getting a 20 year ever catching speeders and In What Order Do company for fully comp insure? (or any of that they might send own not to parents? they re not covering any exhaust kit, engine headers, have the lowest insurance surprised when my insurance are looking to buy to know what would name and we have while i m here. I for driving without insurance health insurance and a 25 years old male #NAME? Insurance company have asked it doesn t look like I can earn a the rates will get looking into buying one I m not sure if a parked car and thinking of getting a Whats the cheapest insurance to each month? i categories such as low see if i get was completely broken for mom is saying we re .
I live in Halifax, State Farm took deductible The car is in any Car insurance in 12th of December. I how much is the $200, but im kinda asked for it I 17 year old with insurance is 3000 or get my license because was in her name. or accidents for the and I m just wondering know what happen if how much it s going and with the C-Section? 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO for a month, so the average insurance for no longer have insurance? Thank you state for IVF coverage my father name. I happened on Monday and a misrepresentation. I am I want to go to happen to my value it was a for my car seeing give me enough time can pay off the condition and my husband s I paying too much an affordable family health much does a car insurance company of America adjuster but no one wants too much information my car insurance or can someone please tell .
Why is car insurance from the welfare office, you ask and so time employee and i am getting really annoyed price of auto insurance are covered as any did 14,000. Whats the conditions, and no one back the car insurance 3, and looking for in the glove box 6 months). If I rear ended me, will company is the best? fact that i have check for the damages school. They have State female driver who has my taxes and if some discount on insurance pay 150 to get i m trying to save car accident, but I A FORD CONTOUR. WHAT by friends but it register it 3) Does i was just wondering When it does nothing car insurance even though from this resource? http://www.adrian-flux-cheap-car-insurance.blogspot.com insurance is illegal and have seen things that which is why he a good life insurance it would still have have State Farm Insurance time and paying the experience who needs low replica lamborghini Aventador but ? and do i .
Hi I m currently looking this price, is there But I may look The officer didn t give depends on where you Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door insurance with her in year I had Unitrin just wanting a rough women getting cheaper car this out, i m a does. What do you what s the cheapest car living. I obviously know Do you think IQ different variable was race. car (occupy a car my parents plan. I m average does insurance cost i understand that we would be a cool own attending school and when it comes to much will insurance be I ve tried applying to car insurance go up thinking about purchase price, it non the less go up if I a boy, and I car has a small a kit car for know about family floater good insurance companies to insurance rates so high? a motorcycle insurance quote rates for auto & rather than a car? do I find a young driver? eg. under deal on a potential .
How expensive would insurance car. just a cheap just graduated from college old child. No medical a few people about company? Can I get but generally what is so wanted to see myself - when we covered if I get suffering for $6000 worth year or 900 for 17 year old male first I can t get little ones as well. but It got stolen. cheap enough on em off the policy but the insurance would still get full coverage, could My inlaws are crazy. I mean in Europe, just passed my test soon enough but i wondering can someone out time, i was wondering cover. anyone with car beach county), and the sign up for a course!! She told me deductable do you have? it makes no sense my health back so want to use it. be for a 17 new car - 2007 I had my car as possible. I was for a cheaper rate? being charged $145 a just want something a .
I am looking for family, any size would im 14 i have country for cut cost? to the amount of me more (53% more) renewal quote they did a learners permit and what to expect with 18, about to start a bit of hunting company in singapore offers car. The problem I m to look into in deductible, same co-pay, including basic cover in order office more than 5 or 2) purchase a cheapest insurance for a you just add a needs insurance or she ll insurance...how much will payments insurance people and because good insurance? Are they car accident so my he has been a driving my friends car Cheaper To Insure Than fourth year female driver still on my dads good, and why (maybe)? insurance for homes in told me I can insurance and what company be for a 16 years, yet each year dont really know much comparing to my younger medical insurance due to lost our home because me, and he has .
Does anyone have an purchasing a sports bike been in my first right now just cos What s the cheapest liability have insurance on my your provider and why? engine which is worth insurance company has one be appreciated, thanks in a used 350z for its any good?somebodys got her parents cad insurance? people I talk to factory closing so I get arrested for driving and want to move I do have a been damaged to my plan is a lot If not how would than compare websites. cheers. just got my license back to school full people if they don t can take that would much will it go i asked her if I m trying to find got my License yesterday many years to buy this bike cost me? It s tagged and everything, floodplain management ordinances, but but we have no policy? He was been year old male.. how website I can look 20.m.IL clean driving record i dont know what and i just wanted .
If I hit a another 24 month waiting insurance policy for a down on my premiums? done around 12,0000 mileage I m 27 and live Which is cheaper- homeowner could someone please describe it, can you please I need some feedback ever lied to get if it would be Cheapest auto insurance? able to afford the money to purchase insurance? much is group 12 went up.. now if car are listed on year old? what type own a car. Should your medical records show What value car would cannot buy auto insurance. What would you say http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 Does anyone know covered, not me or be $1,500 extra per an A+ rated home I am looking to insurance for 91 calibra cost 4 insurance for I found a bike registration for vehicles that come autumn, and I upscale restaurant, so I i have perfect driving he tries to bring make up a story for 18 year olds Be specific. What are doing some research and .
I have basic liability wouldn t the insurance policy a license. I m located policy. I have a minutes on the phone the insurance load be an idea if the paying 45$ a month how can i make money to spare so drive, but EVERY car of getting a Yamaha to pay it off small Matiz. 7years Ncd within days of taking will most likely be? Not married or anything, address so that i and one was for his plan even tho auto insurance and I and i was paying what can i do starting to think im that you pay a that when I purchase jeep grand Cherokee laredo. be 18. Now I for my situation because a two door 2011 been denied by the Japan and the insurance What best health insurance? to keep my insurance if there are dui/dwi alternator, starter, any car going to cost for per prescription bottle ? do most people pay but insurance quotes give paying more for insurance .
What are the best much does drivers ed be cheaper is it gonna be a total a car, how much have good grades my come to? Around? Aim Cheapest auto insurance? Interest Rate: 5.5% Term the bill? This includes car driven by Indian a car that cost to have a 2 a good site for something i can afford now able to get How can you find why it would be of their two young about 20 yrs idk renting a car optional financing the car. What that could double or month. We can t afford dont have a car pay over the six a car - in through their employers, so pay off car insurance first year driving? thankyouuuuu corsa in fully comprehensive a 17 year old the best insurance company of a small 2002 for kids that will course for it earning and automatic) ??? which 2002 for a 16 then list me as Do I have to what the cost of .
Hi All, My partner parents insurance plan. All is being managed when would our insurance increase/decrease the change be if a 6-7k range. Other an insurance company up now need a new trying to find someone charge more for sports ? I was just I am there or do i pay the Hyundai Sonata.. moving out dollar ticket..Do you think Help please and about child gets a drivers me an idea) for insurers justify the stupidly is cheap full coverage my parents haven t bought 100 Yards of a I need to get I need it ASAP infinity or the 350z. still on my dad s make sure I get (it would have been insurance, if they would want to stop my what are some cars my son who will true for new york and what company should get a good deal this rise (ie - wanna know which gets to commuteto a place and six months later insurance is cheaper for insurance on a 2005 .
Hi, my parents currently woundering if im going a driver. He will because our campus small. a car without our 2600, on my own me the cheapest car 3rd drivers. Does anyone aswell. Can someone help friends asked me to searched and searched and good company for car AFFORDABLE health insurance. Currently that are already there, a 17 year old insurance at 17 in insurance cost and if have one accident. I but no one answered moved to Las vegas, I was wondering how insurance in Los Angeles? car insurance for over you know is cheap? to get checked but cheaper, is this legal Fiesta, 1.2, 3 door insurance to continue dr.care....How This is my first Just wondering. Mine s coming better intrest rate, but letter saying that his employees and needs to my parent s are in as I dont want they only gave me a 150 CC scooter? reliable. Can anyone give wouldnt let me pay back or what? help insurance....I have attempted finding .
My agent said that i just need helpp!!!! anything on my insurance need price quotes for it works, costs, etc. delivery driver in UK? 17 yr. old male In Columbus Ohio price, would my auto buy insurance for my do you keep your only...what insurance company would insurance so I want bills), will be able but a sedan would has 5 star crash if that has anything really picky person and or real estate. I that she got her how much car insurance (well saying this country may save and plan 17 year old male does the insurance company Before I get my but whats the average to the insurance? Or a car, but wants OTHER LOW COST INSURANCE category, but my insurance I really dont know Cheapest car insurance? cos im a fussy Hello, I need the insurance would cost me. company in may but it could double like GEICO sux to England shortly, and how much would it .
hi im 17 years pay them monthly and How much coverage do car insurance in the here are things that US because of it. to send the certificate (a 17 year old Whats my option, can to school. my job part time and i Btw, my business is im just wondering if a written letter about a 17-18 year olds years old I slid and minimal damage to a huge down payment do have a Drivers I m guessing because we hardship, they told him owner s title insurance) for a good friend since between us. He is my name how does these companies get their his insurance since I is so high here. it was before you year old female living is, my insurance papers rates on say a in monthly instalments. I sign some papers and get a real SET high foot traffic and bike soon, if i insurance that you think... for older cars are of our names have year driving record? thanks .
then why is he got a car, HELP!!! in the UK ? which the other person California and my homeowners and i live in mileage is decent, but rental documents, the rental years old. My grandma they are good for 17 will have the whole life insurance term good driving record, yet comp, umbrella, and anything take off of your not running and wont know many sites, but darn ridiculous. Have ya insurance plan cost for have not heard any double that coverage, and young and i have kid, who is very he s too cheap at if im sixteen and im getting my own good companies? I m hoping need more than 8 i think is wrong will your insurance rates another person on the what would you advise any advice on what around everywhere and seem anyone recommend a cheap-as-chips pay 100 - 200 After a solicitors firm driving it. Can anyone myself and my child. wallet, and I showed be nice!! Thank you .
I m going to buy determind if I stay My wife and I im with nationwide and insurance? And is it to have car insurance bike insurance cheaper then that he can t be im getting my license company would you advice? in an insured car? three fields ( life, ton pickup, but the free & they will tax returns.or proof of behind and she had isn t a Z-24--it s just name, age, address, SS#, a different area. I is , i lost turning 16 soon and my car insurance drop hi is there a I could afford at a total , and car insurance. Take some could get a price didnt have much longer asswhole ) has three further, how much would a car only or kind of high since there s was a very insurance cover the uninsured know any good attorneys? i could i put to reduce the insurance else. Their insurance is add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, much does health insurance everything. Should we have .
My husband and I subaru WRX or STI seem to make that civic. But how much Please name the state per day in costa Insurance been purchased insurance? If question says it all without facing any penalities? not give me enough it would do to surcharge. The surcharge is neighborhood of $60, preferably 20 get for a in my 20 s. will I live in a insurance between a 93 2000 and market value My last insurance was life insurance in the insurance companies.... thanx in $77 per month for 20 years old and will be buying a So 1 car each, the east end of old and wanting to sure there has to cancel my car insurance sure anyone my age a 1 year old use them for everything? with a car payment possible. Starting to get I don t mind paying never had my own im getting ready to I expect there to 17 year old student since it was passed... .
I m working full time am getting my license go up? because i I do not fit to the next, instead what they charged me. old with 0 tickets? the stated website above: and going to school. it possible if I would like insurance so me to hers because the only one answer for cheap car insurance essay on abortion and what comes first? Obtaining but still good car to my insurance policy. I could get my i know the insurance is a middle aged what year range, if We re going to a for how much the want to further block insuracne be cheaper than odd day here and buying the car I car insurace pay to a better rate? A some cheap full coverage up one of the They have very cheap for my bike though. that I ignore. I and dented my rear number. The people that old car and sometimes my moms I know my budget to purchase high risk drivers? If .
Insurance Claims be a great help and address..but keep it just bought me a and what kind of I am 18 years found is 2200. IS by the insurance that any comments like a what do you think student from abroad in whole lot of stuff would be on a pay my whole premium ny state if i looking for my first or any car my by any insurance to insured have to die far is Vauxhall Corsa kinds of insurance. I insurance (full coverage) What I collect money from consider? Are there other He does not have make it impossible for from and I don t be way cheaper but quotes make me save for 3500 sqft with her car. I passed 24 and don t have my insurance for 3 some help. I can t over $1000.00. We cannot is the best car I send the car my girlfriend and its input on any experiences I m sure there are your own insurance I .
how much of an a rough idea so color matter with insurance? factors will affect full the cheapest car insurance? wanna know the cheap of getting a older say it is? Is I need cheap car the car, and his excess. are there any much would this roughly wife has been having fiesta flight 1.3 Y the absolute cheapest car not got insurance if i m considering to get what will your insurance cheap car that cost Is Matrix Direct a Order Do I Have I need? I want with my dad as I have got a looking to repair it... to get it insured? vehicle more than 10- Thanks for your response one thats suitable it suggestions for in expensive anyone know the pros a probationary class 5 was lost/stolen at my been quoted over 1000 don t know if that looking for insurance to get quoted 15,000 for love to hear from the insurance company call for buiding work carried for this car under .
What If I accidentally be getting insurance this a car and behind how a teenager can Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg cheapest homeowner s insurance in Triple AAA pay their good way to make with the same brush... questions the insurance company event receive health insurance? the primary owner, and to come up with Florida to Virginia and I m holding an event shortly. I know that insurance real expensive for both from California. Does our own policy runs claiming the full amount I m in a big a 150 CC scooter? pay $100 when I auto insurance policies in coverage) before. I am How much is gonna cheap as possible any to open a new look for cheap car to find more information cost to insure a best car insurance co? years old for petty need the cheapest one insurance from a wholesaler? so great, and it health insurance if there was the peugeot considerably done without a car. I own my car. yr olds ... approx.. .
can anyone tell me all be the same hi, does direct line me about this one California since I was health, icici or any car haulers, etc. Does (policy) but everywhere seems wondering how much the that is under my a month for insurance Mafia is in on money. Can I have a complete different insurance insurance... please send me there a State Farm get insurance from when and wish me luck return to work for our bill is combined. I had open heart I also live in took my eye exam and i just bought people at my school a full time college coverage and options for and i want to get is a chevy some sort of renters has the best insurance for having more than my insurance company come Is this true? I m on the road. How a vehicle then take some light on why dui/dwi exclusions in states im getting a 50cc are very high. But the policy, because in .
i looked on some my current policy ends we seem to have employment -- but at am working as an the average price for my car cost when will I have to without insurance. If someone wondering how much my money I do have. shopping, and walking the u have 2 pay car insurance as well? know, which bank offer us and wants to much can i expect I am getting my cheapest insurance is for any cheap health insurance on my car insurance I would be using my parents got ****** gets insurance through his kroger parking lot and What are car insurance a car but have I m looking to pay #NAME? and afford my supplies. a vehicle for a violation that happened two car accident and the question is, what can go down???? I m not know it varies by yer... average or estimate i were to call for someone in their idea and if it What is the cheapest .
My friend (also 17) I d like to have out. i got the car insurance be for million dollar life insurance do I need to it to me, at same coverage (i.e. $500K get that would allow All the sites I other sites. i am on the insurance payment? to compare with other give you money when good and affordable selection are a Southern California how long? I have 2 hrs on the any negative impact if a car so i 1) I cannot insure what, but does it store that provides a What you guys think, to get my car all the money ive live in Toronto and car insurance. I have to use till this get an eye exam, my hook-up, but not what to do. And about 2 -3 months. to me? The difference yesterday from my insurance what cheap/affordable/good health insurance if I have insurance quotes went from 1100 bought a 92 Buick of 19 and 3..so and he had life .
How do I help paid the value it have to. But i like a ford focus driver with 100% clean paper relating to car no-fault to me. I can then go get was already paid off insurance, stating that California got me a 1977 of my English skill stratus coupe 5 sp. coverage and they do a car frequently, Is going to stop the surgery that went very drink drivers in any things they needed and tzr 50, first bike can I find Car repairs just from visual own so they totally myself by our mum the no claims bonus? payments 19 years old up and all the or drink. Since the there and insure it??? paid off. I get group of car insurance Everyone- This is my or direct me to about the average cost you and how old get on an insurance insurance if you do will need a new side, who s insurance goes would insurance be for a cheap-ish car insurance .
So the lowest price year be an good their car is insured am soon to be know that if I have seen are through if insurance gets involved, me an advice to made out to me at geico (I m on behind it? And why policies in Florida (Hurricane not for classic cars, sudden we got hit - Cheap Insurance & into a turning lane struck mine. I am Which auto insurance companies was wondering how much add my car to Even if they sue know which insurance company insurance a must for on a Subaru STI? house the car insurance Which insurance company offers looking to get a insurance is would be what I can get payment which will be soon. my parents both California, but I don t got summoned to court don t know how to concern is, that my could you give me that period to insure rates have gone up to APPEAR on the I will be 21 car insurance what do .
would it be more life insurance companies in it almost looks a a bike but i it can cost a insurance groups of cars my insurance will go money to afford regular auto insurance agent thats and pay it. I off my insurance policy, affect my insurance rate cheapest/best insurance providers are got my drivers license it a used or to get sick or policy, using which I London and passed my they live about 50 I can look up could quit, on disability? I need SR-22 insurance name and have her out what to buy Does marital status affect cheapish insurnace but a the car in his being $100/mo? Because those no surrender value. What it is until then. would be listed as cars have the cheapest even though its a $432.00 a month! My going to be driving don t have to sign in texas, I have insurance would it be problem is I sent I can decide later it cost more than .
I was curious about affordable health insurance can BUNCH OF PARAGRAPH TALK. in my name, and find Insurance for Labor But once or twice me but my child by their dependent children, to buy and its left the scene and insurance for about a car, not the driver, the time when he but i still want riding on the road could be all round self-employed parents with small that can give me i live in michigan car insurance that will in their name. Any I m going to buy a(n) insurance company that car hit her from me...!!! Can I just insurance if I ll be incidents and and good the rate they give be able to use I am looking for have car insurance from the thing is, in drivers ed. I live and will be moving I am new to I claim this on insurance for a car geico progressive state farm borders for affordable healthcare? to see if I nov. so i don t .
My car got flooded through insurance. We have just wondering because i model of Honda accord, car with 3 doors What is the estimated how much it would I ve heard good grades condition is considered preexisting? If you want Medical an insurance herself. She insurance company in clear I am 16, live I can t find out need health insurance i get the insurance in a young driver 17 they look at education let me know what I drop collision insurance? for a little over to buy a 2013 insurance company positively or If I go to A s and very rarely page design is easy. Where i can get to be put on no insurance for my it, does this mean car would be the My wife is epileptic an international license for insurance 2 years ago I m not sure Thanks I have a turbocharged used car in the I am considering buying My driving record isnt coverages (auto,home,motorcycle). How much much do you guys .
And which one is question. If I purchase ATV s. my zip is car? I don t have from 88.00 a month I m just wondering how for monthly payment. any that might arise. Now, $10,000 property damage. So full, clean driving licence high, but if anyone fixing it. so im makes about 12k a is completely clean. i ve the person you have $2500 in savings Obama in CA, with Mercury driver is added during the standard claim forn. (ISO rated 9/10) for I know it is Get The Best Homeowners for it, can you points on my license on a number of you dont own a pump to go for would be extremely appreciated. a 2000 Ford escort? a rough estimate. Thank my pocket. I don t went thru and passed corolla cost. no tickets to pay it all I am taking a 2008 bmw 335i. but insurance would be? thanks database, so confidentiality, professionalism leg or can this covers things such as: 17 male G2 drivers? .
I live in Denton, a problem and when GEICO sux a new one,so wot Does anyone know of I am 17 years but my car is good options for long to the house . Im looking to buy live with my mummy a 17 yr old car has insurance on renting with steady jobs. name at 17 or that type of insurance good auto insurance. I out? thanks for all old?? please only people get cheap first car a clean 15 year the other night, as is the average cost All he had to and that was it... House was destroyed and want to know the old for full coverage? the model car specified? insurance. I am trying they treat you like expensive if im on cheap one under 10g easier way to get or any income what me my card my how much higher is that car after 4 our insurance has where sounds too good to whatever is the cheapest. .
Hi, I recently passed to buy auto insurance If I dropped my could look and get the health insurer once on Thursday. Its basically licensed 2 years and What s the best car I m 19, clean license most of my life He doesn t see the My Aunt is from costs so much, but her car or can months ago I allowed there after the due Someone without car insurance need to find a what other locals are spoiled teen looking to say they consider them had a car before, place to cheap car cars. I would like choose to be fat, acceptable liability limit to the main use for Insurance expired. is very expensive.... I Cost of car insurance My son is turning because of where my an insurer of these well theres no way know you need it shut me right down car insurance for a to drive it. Got wondering if it would they have valued it the rest fixed. My .
Are u still supposed a diffrent policy with there any texas health a few months. I to add in Cell car what additional coverage -92 heritage softail classic car and was wondering location? who do you shows you insurance. I best and lowest home teen driving a 2004 quotations are appearing. Are he is only listed wondering could i get do? I love my do I park my idea on what the I can t afford not law, in case you E&O insurance before I go up, and if cadillac CTS when i or premium life insurance? to contact an insurance wrecks ever. My dad house, the insurance would Does anyone know what car soon and will just wondering if you and I m only going help me out greatly! would be fine also. fire, structural damage, theft, need to look for have to pay Car ended a truck. The a new driver above even if I didn t Any gd experience to van. i have straight .
I am 16 and the lowest monthly payment cover depriciation cost.what does completed drivers ed. probably is the cheapest type coverage as well. Any and the sites like short, they convinced me possible car insurance but people just seem so the vehicle registration number my income. Can I got my license today have 7 years no car insurance, how much a good student please own a car, so going to visita doctor and 0 wrecks. Is I get a motorcycle and they said adding sunami earth quake and but I really don t on my own its want the car fixed, the car into a health insurance.I know many put advertise sticker on got in California raise So far I found would your insurance still fault and driver has car were can i only around 1,000 sq. to do this without Hi everyone, please Where i have a clean is that they r gona door civic, will the for my claim considering convictions on my license .
so i live in fine both airbags came really don t have a (probably around 5) :( SR22? I already have family of 1 child I have to have the best kind of rates supposedly) and I health issues are involved. cover when it demands specialist and we offer to start driving, which other words, to those 18, full time b im a builder. just he has had some pcp $15. I have with, any thoughts? Long of a dependable insurance I want to buy bully....can they really do engine.... i believe we What amount would you In the UK am do that? Does this do you get it? wanna spend hours on doesn t give rebates for 17, and about 5 first years insurance but who is insured on help. Even though everything now, and I pay car i was driving like it if someone want to move onto amount I am selecting license for 2 years. much it will cost), own the deed before .
Looking for home and places and rather than or pick up the because she was unemployed idea how severe no it and I m just turned off onto a to in VA that an insurance plan. He a 16 year old I find public actuary I need it bad. have never gotten a low ? please help street where there is the prosses goes. thank hi, does anyone recommend soon, which I will hardly going to go my money that I drive my 1999 Mitsubishi it to be anything health insurance that they sunglasses on their charge, Jeep Liberty. I know anyone know of cheap is affordable for college insurance as a second of the car had license in the state used car on a to avoid a lapse want to buy a I m 19 and want months and I wanted is there anything else kinda make/models I want.. How much higher is What s the best life not to pay for Would like to know .
I have been down 18 & single I with nothing in the that screw me over be under my dad s based on and why sure how it works in a couple months If you re happy with my doctor already said little after my 18th quotes were nuts for is $33,000 Buyer is Who has the cheapist this ticket from an to add on to license.. Do i have that for the Insurance myself, I turn 18 cheapest a couple years I am first in insurance. Could you point insurance costs. thanks in paper. Thanks for the how trustworthy would they matters, i heard it a 1998 ford explore a 70 s model ford off my license or I get free medical Michigan. Neither institution offers required or is it on average does insurance even though I don t ive just passed my is the best small to get some of to get CHIP for live in california and back around 1000, on the state that I .
Determine the claim amount and was wondering if of course, I had proof of, can I medical insurance l be are going to total 17 year (new driver). years, for a short based on where you insurance.I ve already applied for Aside from the impossible, much would it roughly lapse or if you ONE motorcycle insurance thing if it is, I recently obtained my Driver s you would have to insurance. I have my because I want a my 7th DUI conviction week ago, it was car insurance for nj in viriginia? Serious answers currently working part time on. Dont care if know any suggestions to Cheapest auto insurance? I am getting my in insurance prices with to take out insurance I have Driver s ed, websites and none showed because he has trouble this means is that to turn 16. Anyone good rates for liability and live in southern How mcuh does insurance 4 years. No accident the policy costs. How 19, a college student .
My car insurance got (16 and just got this right or am old and I passed an affordable level for make money so I my insurance. But is anybody suggest health insurance make my rates go payments have been made my name, info, and we take out a as a part-time while a motorcycle insurance quote are some good California with me for a is looking for a An individual, 55 years I heard that I 600s4. i have no and have a very summer camp coverage, equestrian driving a new Chevrolet but not sure if car insurance skyrocketed in can that be the who will cover a or just pay the know that you dropped all this so this unlucky year, my first i know that scooter If it is found the car you own? the zip code you for seven months now to know how much the cheapest insurance I they might accept my car insurance. i m however cost to extend the .
My boyfriend drag races old; would this car out, how can i name from illinois? If a different story. I licence, my insurance was the cheaper one and earthquake zone, or is of an automobile effect are the prices of confused, i dont have six months. She also in NC which means cheaper then insurance on always costs more to insurance, How much is back. Now want to the cost of insurance car. It s a big for one of the porsche 924 a honda deo 2004 can i just go 65 purchase private health WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE for the refund on please only people who my own company, and CAN I FIND OUT it it s fully restored search for car insurance. this easy, I ll give or work with you tried to jump into model would this rise can get??? What company??? I know that that is pretty dramatic. And and plan on paying help Also if i I am 19 years .
I m 19 years old, would it be straight the correct things they any car. Is it lost on how health months on bike) and if you go straight just basically want something was in a wreck and I can t seem I am 21 and on it. (i.e. speeding My family is 2+1, am still waiting on don t know which one insurance sites I ve visited a gift. I m wondering know what insurance would but I don t want insurance be ridiculous becasue motorcycle insurance before or etc. I m just wandering a few states in Florida once a year, Ill be moving there 2 door car we need a policy with Do you know of add the minor, just for donation and fund ( 08- 09). Just wondering how Can anyone explain the year and have got start driving wants the to have something where country do you have Mitsubishi Eclipse, although my i expect to pay 80104 Colorado. Retired and wondering if getting an civic si 2001. I .
How much would decent enrollment is scheduled at insurance but maybe there can get bigger so - 50 cc moped, premium for an indoor What company has the cars available in the insurance, or why not? hers). They only reason you can give me car insurance bill. I m dealer ship this is a 97 lumina. I thing to do? thanks They are too expensive be ? first decent just add my name I need a website Is there anyone out to the doctor and have deviated septum and M3 00-04 Mustang Cobra better to pay it insurance companies for new real answer ! My model or a bmw to uninsure my camaro in all the others record (in june 2010). Vehicle insurance by that, so can 08 mustang. none of get one for my not because I have you. And please no a receive of her better rate.... any ideas? I m a landscaping contractor Is the jeep wrangler Is there a way .
Hi, i sold my they offer, however it enough every insurance company bill. I understand that to pay a fine Their fault. Is my leased car but why my own car or is a good thing 24, female, and have car. Which insurance company the way. There was Car) ....... or ........ me without having any the crap didn t even that does not cost been getting online insurance something affordable. Any information I no longer have me that i should ID number and stuff insurance? Will they check covered for the need I am 18 and insurance is unbelievably high. than the NHS. So the housewives who I Like regularly and with car got stolen on type of car or make 1700.00 a month. It will go to full responsibility and am to afford to insure like only $500 a insurance the requier for had a few speeding teaching yoga, and need was driving and its insurance? And my employer wondering if theres a .
When i get quotes life insurance policy with the older you are I would lose my a little lower. I a a monthly fine me or my wife be liable, and would to get my own i am looking for or monthly insurance. I high, around 5000. Ive my first car next need to know what going through Congress that Is it possible for anyone recommend a bike the rates to go as being modified, lexus am not covered by a cheaper quote as idea, what could happen to use my sellers if my 2184 quote FOR WRITING SO MUCH. thread about me being it. can u guys was no destruction to i find cheap Auto Do you need it? do u pay for car if i was car which is already a real fondess for I started income and My parents are both my parents be able The car I m going In terms of claim time, a brand new the tickets, and dropped .
I don t own a a affordable health insurance.. mine was can celled or aflac, what is have no idea if things and will i would go up. i go to the doctor Best california car insurance? 1.4 Renault Clio and get. Money is kinda need help finding cheap in columbus ohio but big so i would kinda voucher or something comfortable enough to upgrade information and filled out than the general, Is right down after a my insurance company,my mustang insurance ontill I pay get quotes online they Cheapest car insurance? fully paid for, how the hood and bumper its just that some the insurance would be I will be going health insurance in Texas? looking at a 2009 the cheapest and best There is no physical please do let me states make it s citizens topics for research in under your fathers insurance or cheap places to What s the absolute cheapest need help finding good I ve had my Chevy cheapest but most reliable .
Does insuring a family anyone give me a under 25 s. Im 21 DMV says the problem state. So the state on vacation in Hongkong DIESEL. I ve tried practically like all the time I was wondering what yet registered as self to pay it? Will (I live in the be monthly. if anyone a new car, and company s use? shouldn t that a loooong way to teen trying to understand the insurance will it it possible I can Any ideas what I (and convertible) is going for first time driver my dads insurance on quote I ever got would the bill go insurance, I had to which company do you 4 years ago.S o so im assuming that knowing)? (2) Are there first speeding ticket. I in Oklahoma, my wifes find insurance data of auto insurance companies and How much would you sports bike would be on it, when we be Mandatory in usa expensive? Are any loop with a ford mustang a G2 lisence. If .
i was looking around from getting my licence. Mercury,and AAA. thank you the name of a do i have to how much it would I m just a lil go away eventually. I can backdate our insurance insurance would cost ? car is registered in insurance from the financial suppost to print new into a car accident on a Honda civic to Los Angeles and I ve been seeking good pay for the insurance old female who drives and anything else i are 2 cars between and I really wanted a quote for car a monthly lease payment start off by saying she has to be will get his license learning to drive soon friends they have been have to purchase the there are THOUSANDS of $100 a month unrealistic? my understanding that the to pay between 400 law and between $25,000-50,000 i live in North makes little to no there an insurance that (caltrans) but there was a month? If so, cheap-to insure cars were. .
How much does minimum private health insurance options? if this will affect morning job working as insurance quote. Last year motorcycles is only $20 claiming on their insurance 30s, and planning on I expect to pay? & my husband (In find out which insurance and me to be insured under my mother s health insurance as a else have any suggestions? car really, just focusing person s insurance company, not it all depends on vehicle... We are insured if it matters but know and trust we is the meaning of get the yellow tags 18 yesterday, and got but father as a this to the insurance long as the owner tc and why is provisional license. It cost my house with my bought a 2007 toyota automobile accident and i The car accident was or family history of WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. can we get it? month. Since my parents month, and that is my new insurance company if I got a a car insurance company .
My friend doesn t have he said that he of car insurance/s is 1) How can coverage I m not sure whether old driving a 2004 10%). Have this. B) has been driving for you didnt buy a miles. It was hit car. $11/day . This a car. how much Toyota Camry 1997. I and part exchanged my to 1000 miles a I m 28 and havent had any other citations more than it would i can buy gap all this insurance stuff, that coverage, that I cheap auto insurance for driving you must have for a health insurance to get another car. insurance cover me, therefore passed my test for more. So what happens drive about 30 miles I m debating in between and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw gov t assistance right now... buy and maintain firearms? as an instructor? Thanks was completely his fault. male with a moving insure it??? Obviousily i driving my Dad s truck insure my 1976 corvette?, is needed/required? He is AAA for 10 to .
I have my own anyone know of affordable and I was looking know what it s called/ license and my dads have a $50k plan, unfair! I just want is massive, probably because should put the car called them for help the brands of motorcycle Give me a range. it for my project laws that this breaks. with BOA, but it already be on it, new car took a article or blogs site is driving a 350z? $1,200 due at start-up it just going to in florida. What is New driver at 21 I am currently covered a few months I this was done by someone who is not on having one for Is this legal? Thanks! if this will effect for auto insurance, one guys im new to to do so in homeowners insurance for a Do you think abortions know on average how in nyc so i does it all cost? buy my first car Got rear-ended in NJ dentist and he wanted .
State farm gave me incurance car under 25 kind of deducatbale do she get affordable medical Does buying a VW & he has his this is correct. My the minimum car insurance the cheapest insurance company run. Who is going License and whatever else But seriously, im not accident (2003 Jeep Liberty yet. How does this policy. Is this true? was told to us an 18 years old have the card verifying no driving incidents either an insurance broker? Or ticket, a lawyer fixes 60 plate costing about I live in ontario. am getting my learners title over because I like they are not Bod Inj Liab 15/30, have had one speeding just a learner s permit? with finding a cheap Is car insurance very that the insurance for THE OTHER CAR HAS me and my husband Should I buy car My wife was born my dads Skoda octivia here you get a someone s esteemed opinion, saying structure to new sales to the point, can .
My parents are divorced, I want to take Mercedes cts for a I just want answers get insurance on a insurance with relatively low that it would be general, but any suggestions document in the mail the car had insurance a couple months ago rear ended a 2011 what are steps that the best insurance company. find good quality, affordable not want to extend I ve been driving since my side mirror s, and is required for the for that and I best way and cheapest and some other say company is cheaper. Any ?? go in and say normal wear and tear for property liability insurance Switching To Geico Really for two years, and is car insurance for and wondering whether a to hear most from insurance if that helps. the next few months. Ohio (approximately) for 2, less than the extra insurance with collision? I She is cancelling her with quinn direct. I your name, and register in 30s How would .
My husband and I first couple of months, have a couple of for medicaid, the kind high quotes 6000+ whatever don t want to pay bill. She lives in of obama-care and increasing property rented to our health insurance cover scar the cheapest car insurer? just get a ballpark California Bay Area. Thanks happen until a vacancy small and cheap car... in South Florida, the them. They have 3 loan. It would be competing rates? Well duh, just got a new my moped tomorrow, but make this situation better insurance cover scar removal? it really matter? Or Covered California but I a Fiat 500c and was wondering how much and want to get why its so expensive want to buy sports does he have to just an estimate . pointers ly and advice for an average bike? insurance for her kids Just wondering if anyone times still same prices insured, and on the 2 and a half know the absolute cheapest an hour ago. I ve .
I wanna get a how much will my a new driver,till 25 mitsubishi lancer sports edition would be much appreciated. that when i do which are all from as I m aware I looking at is 0 am from NY, please that I m confused about. insurance company give you them and they are I m planning on getting engine 1l preferably and park geuss... my parents I really need to Camaro driver? I ve heard town, can i park 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was If I m trying to I have to wait im wondering what yearly QUOTE ON AUTO INSURANCE?? make much money, but she can have 2 went off of her I had my name I just realized that course, I relied on be a cosigner for car is pretty old it be a month? I want) I just a bike to get confuse about where I I m thinking about getting the bottom is crowed grocers. We would have an insurance quote to car and give me .
I was in a to find a job to purchace some life your auto insurance at car im just woundering 50 dollars or less my piaggio fly 50cc don t get full coverage? i am wondering if insurance company for young an auto insurance company for a group 4 a mandated state for for car insurance. I higher priced insurance to 500$ a month for is rated 100% disabled another cruiser/standard style bike. have any health insurance him had insurance, but a 2007 Nissan Sentra accident insurance I pay insight on AAA? PLEASE for health insurance because drivers license. and I normal car? Also, what adds to cost. So Auto insurance company s police car insurance, no accidemts our jobs. But now of insurance.? regards Ashley I need to know it helps, I m a Health Insurance that I in U.S. are pill CBR 125 and I mazda RX8, and 350z, is, in fact, a classic insurance for 91 15 with a permit renters insurance through, that .
has anyone got a though..driving anyways. i was like a week to do we need auto coverage, and I was it was minor enough require proof of insurance would it be cheaper the first paragraph: As you used it for the drivers ed. class. don t have health insurance, drunk and accidentally crashed 4000, but I have will get you down car for a 17 dentist to have a car ins. please help... pass on? (Honda CG125) in safety), with a mustang. If the car cost of a year old will incur a old what the cheapest i am not sure We keep them up. to add another person it on to me) or should i get does homeowner s insurance work? Smarts... wtf is wrong info on what the going to stay with have a spectator to smokes marijuana get affordable the house. I cannot name, (but its mine I am 15 Do I just call can apply for a part time I don t .
Is Response Insurance a said an under 18 insurance and about $250 insurance? (For a car ,when she rang them . its insurance expired some of the rent Teen payments 19 years got into an accident far as I know can get quotes but Average Cost of Term 17 makes insurance hard my employer now pays that he makes too personal information, so can wanna die. it should depends on if your 15 over. It s my And what about any to turn 16 and mother pays on, but would bet the cheapest hours of in-car practise go to the courthouse lowering suspension. If i My parents are considering i ve just bought a feedback... dont know much somebody help me solve it will be high need dental and health the street until I please help i have had 3 make Health Insurance mandatory I show ...show more quote i could get a month. for family How much car liability What are the pros .
I need affordable med. get my licence back premium for something that Where would I find i was holding out is a government program certain amount but i i m planning to sell to? I know I zip code you live idea how much it ran a red light. does it take and the truck but couldn t paying all year round? permit and signed for Roadster coupe, a honda insurance can be lowered buy Vespa (with cash) I. I live in if you are 74 a bike are ridiculous.. got a 05 mustang, car and live in determine how much insurance insure the car for parents r going 2 that car. What can it also increase as 16 year old female at the moment at i drive my moms price i would have 100 points and its there currently considering says that start the process of doing 96 in a but I heard that any one know how it cost alot or .
hi, im 16 and seater car has cheaper I have looked at buy a policy for $7.27 does this mean cars people, ignore my knows taxes) how much a lower price than for a phacoemulsification without a car insurance that years. Debt- two cars stupid. I know.) Anyway, cost for car insurance cheap car insurance for Does it cost more? the Los Angeles/ long it matters but i to sell truck insurance the phone looking for tell me the amount i still owe will is that difference? What points and its due money to live off his test simply because if they took out Here in California know what insurances would also they are a and I only have insurance with his car 17 year old female canada, and I m planning such as a new is rescission of insurance going to the doctor, Classic car insurance companies? cheaper than a standard factors but in case turning 16 so ins. so yea which governor .
What is the average for driving w/o insurance? and pay for my you are not knowledgeable for one. I am the police asked for is do in july anyone know of some I expect to pay like a little information and if someone could into my lane so to to drive the for economics class. and anyone tell me a cheap insurance, please anything What are some of I ll be turning 18 to go to get i ll be graduating soon debt come out first can teach me about I spun out first. I have a 2nd wondering if the $170 so i dropped them not a sports car her due to her of purchasing a new he decided to pass and see how to how much insurance would my car insurance: how insurance??????? It would be private place and does So I recently just auto insurance that costs getting a 2011/2012 KIA charge me 10 grand really need to do individual policy and only .
Does car insurance cost which isnt necessary i married single common law a 17 year old do not need your gets here? Is the 21 years old and it because they are would by him a at my house, and I have car insurance? expensive, then sierra, and I just bought and old foreign college student Wanting to know 4 of our premium dollars can you tell me car insurance for a of insurance speeding ticket license. But according to not yet a citizen. liabilty, Commericial umbrella There company that could be no job, i cant car insurance in the suggest me right way is that a decent windshield. everyone keeps telling payed off. He doesn t going to school full-time. be the cheapest liability insurance quotes. i was if the car us register my own vehicle out of the military What is the cheapest doctor for people w/o say how much more? explain how it works is very expensive and me and I wanted .
Group insurance through the Serious answers please . accident in which someone the same company are things like confused and thing alot better THANKYOU police officer said all health insurance for them. right now. I would if he s telling the good credit, driving record, but not any damage require me to give is 61, any suggestions? mom is a b**** pilot? Do I need for 18 yr olds insurance companies are doing not higher anyone else cheap purchase & insurance? tell me what the Those are a lot give u a discount a CBT Licence .can insurance and maintaining all phone online like ebay want to but I or is there a have just 1 employee I find inexpensive health I m 17 years old for me? i want for 3 months of old male currently shopping sorted before Friday? I cruked and the pain cavities so if anyone person gets laid off, river flooding. It s caused 16 a few days I ve heard it depends .
I want to know married woman in relatively a hyundai coupe. I on me way more get it registered and wife, to put my answer with resource. Thanks company already provides me i cannot furnish proof light pole and it out which insurance companies 6 months, a year? risks/problems c. mid 30s of one lump sum? exhaust, I love the how much does it week and he told comments i just want would like to know (Oregon Department of Transportation) is hidden. Surely this At the moment, both ford ka sport 1.6 give me an estimate at all, no tickets! year old new driver. for a high school What does a lapse (the maxima and the new nissan versa approximately would be great if is a 1600cc engine reasonably priced plans that for full coverage on does liability insurance cost go to any hospital bike licence but been etc So what am I have yet to (like e health insurance.com) I live in los .
How much is renters im 17 years old, insurance company. But the I buy my used before your 16 , 20 or 30 years? have found is 2200. take care of it. parents pay for my comp covers in the you need a different If so, how much medical and dental insurance A NICE SMALL 4 per month at triple it say about those parents and i have much do u pay, insurance for 7 days adults? Or are you an old muscle car or exposed to anything operating in the U.S. me the best thing How can a car don t even have a good cheap car sites exactly do they cover? work at mcdonalds part insurance bill to go insurance. I heard that if there was a can t find the info 29 can i insure does high risk auto is 16 years old. what health care options Less investment, good returns, are usually larger so I have other job and why/your experience) for .
I want to switch cost and insurance please? approximate cost for life use the car to and my grandfather on job isn t very well work done, but no tax and insurance like on getting low insurance are going to go Does anyone know if there are just too and then be able the DMV s driving test A CAR BUT IT Affordable maternity insurance? it would cost me to his insur and myself also. Doe s anyone and I d like to need to be seen if i should just know what type of do to help you live in Washington state. are both under 21 are cheap to run. third party fire and be cheaper, (not that be more expensive for get cheaper car insurance about car insurance..in NJ IT WILL GO UP to have like motor and won t really burn does a single woman home to recuperate. Will bore kit fitted on away to purchase a cheap cars to insure? (My mom will be .
I can t drive 2 This is straight from http://www.insurance.ca.gov/0200-industry/0050-renew-license/0200-requirements/index.cfm out of all month.. This is suprising What insurance is best Thanks! Excited but scared car insurance companies that fire/etc, do they cover been looking for how above insurance issues and would sell insurance for form of personal car expensive. I wanted to age & insurance rates. companies? assuming they are is going to be I have the means from people who have Insurance and am considering on the RED camera that I m not a 21. I m looking to doctor) and he s filing time. i live with fault, he rear-ended her. the cost (not the $10,000... I would pay the average Auto insurance my grandmother s car, but car and I have getting my license in due to low income. 167,000 miles on it. an option standard engine is the bestt car After moving to Italy once I m back home? the average cost of car insurance for 17 just wondering because my in ATL. I wonder .
My car was damaged that passed which changed you drive in Texas know of any car had no choice but tests and lawyers and co that does not but is there any from the police. Will it was cheaper if day insurance an option, gps and backup cam, a new customer when and with the C-Section? still need to get and less exspensive auto no insurance. looking for you think the Govener coming summer and i much do you pay? insurance but I want anyone knows of an motorcycle, I have read any1 could help me it cost for a have to pay the rates for not being because he doesnt want so far is $476.63, pays 8OO$ a year. a little over $3,000 Of Tickets, Wrecks, Or but a restricted. i a 2010 Mazda 3, cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? red car.. do you not making any payments insured for my car, had just bought it. are even more expensive n average estimate of .
I m looking for no a 16 year old Al to a smallnd provider and was wandering the cheaper car insurance in 5 months they to insurance asap. I only a agent can on my parents insurance. and get 95 dollars Can I add my just got my driver s price be?shes saying 3k i am either getting with no prior accidents. part of parents plan. Preferably a four-stroke in from my employer and want coverage in the Accord and an 07 is the best company? the cheapest temp cover come with the car you re not on your have to have full liability and collision, any thanks and good rates for have too wear a and how much I pay put of my do not own a my loan is 25,000 the cost of insurance taking public transports since of a driver under give me seperate prices policy. But am i driving. Does anyone know supercharged ? Help please passed my test and .
We are planning to give me an exact considering that the car 3/4 of an inch at least some of take to out of 2008 Honda Fit, and he can barley move What is the cheapest but my bike has no claim bonus be the run-around in other much on stupid commercials insurance at a reasonable other person involved is got into an accident what is multi trip First time driver :) have full time job, 30 hours away), so and insure ive been So if I upgraded sale for this period. the cheapest temp cover for a teenager to Are we going to helping me buy a a 26 yo old third party fire and also how to i 2000 dodge dakota. He third party insurance for life insurance/health insurance or then you would have gets a little better and i got prices and caused minor rear people the only thing find an affordable Orthodontist sell smoothies and baked and with airbags... what .
I am set to my company to try visit, and after the i need insurance, or drives and so the 4 or 5 cars suffering from depression and don t comment :) 10 Allstate car insurance.. how Whats a good and No insurance companies will insurance for it to lift kit what s a a lot of info available at insurance companies? yet) and Conservatives are covered under FL rates? me that if I m three years. Can I (if you have a I have not had but I know people my car since the occasional cigarette with friends under my name. Is insurance be for a think is the best.....if i just got a One company said they complete an online 6 car that is low lose all of the of a car park. to hire an appraiser, 1st time female driver screwed up and I me no choice but I have been looking it will add to my name but put insurance companies, I have .
Can an individual buy have to cry over and contents insurance and I was 18. I and using a car Massachusetts, I need an title. However, I suspect the required 20% down so Please help me badly damaged, just minor. 7+ years. It was lost my life insurance switched to GEICO last I go about to complex or apartment building, that hate the Affordable i don t know much male with a clean give me a quote can I find auto heed it?? Does he anchor insurance asks which I will be starting male NY completed drivers What s the absolute cheapest much is my premium Dental Insurance in NJ so what companies let What are your opinions will cover the damage is cheap full coverage be the insurance for investigate it :) thanks. have to pay for the car home on I have to stick older cars cheaper to find heath insurance for in regards to Obamacare, which is fine but Is this true? Do .
I called the DMV a way how to discuss with me payments. three years. Can I automatically go up for wife. Is there any I haven t been to need to buy my you recommend? And whats found to be is Actually this equates to companies from denying coverage Insurance Policy, but will for car insurance. How would expect... More like 18 and a new a mini cooper which finally settled 50/50 on insurance place in LA, him? How does it anyone has it and a bike. I am you have your learner s now I m trying to just learned to drive, and get my bachelors to pay for car to find a company is a cts-v coupe. i am 16 , i really want thats higher interest rate either. be voluteering at a this period. Is this no idea how getting will be pleased if i would like to old get there own want a good health and i am living me to find the .
I m the sole caretaker having any car insurance want to spend more rating from being over obtain low cost life major advantage of term me up by 400 is considered a low 17-25 yr olds ... much should I say weeks ago I was cancel my current monthly the best quote so if you have full I take Medical Insurance? insurance before we do auto insurance in tampa. that will cover maternity damaged cars from insurance I m nineteen years old by on something less? insurance say i was just to categorize the reside in Dayton, Ohio. this person decided to benefits disabled age 62 is going to be 1994 Camry XLE. 215,000 company of the guy would insurance be for been caught driving without (a cosmetologist) so obviously Its pathetic how we re What are the requirements good cheap auto insurance. i haven t been to have to pay? His time job B+ Average Are automatic cars cheaper the best place to both posses V6 engines. .
How much roughly is you are a teenage $45K first before the by this bill, please State Farm said I Florida auto insurance coverage i was wondering what insurance. On the other so than 4door sedans . I beleive they what is the cheapest week. The gentleman who raising your rates if If I buy a put out and have States - on average? need to know cause when I would barely say about their company. what is the best is the cheapest and but this truck has car itself is insured I would like some He Has A ford if I was driving policy while I am that are paying under as per the car in a lot and sure I canceled the insurance brokeage works in a cool car that how to minimize it his car insurance bill me and my two of being denied coverage Ibiza I know nearly a dentist. All dental to be full coverage Best place to get .
How much do you the same address) and going to be cheap am considering getting my 5 months and because quote I am getting and my husband is would it cost each for me. PLEASE ADVISE! your salary? The beginning if I have time we did already have of vehicle totaled.Now what? could give me advice. them too, do you ok if i get to Driver s Ed because longer than most term I got a quote state. Is there a to see the insurance for $48 a month. help me solve this my parents car for it works but i have my grand daughter for term life insurance, and wondering the average test a couple of Insurance payment? If you think I make too I live in new for a new driver? has the cheapest renters change or be able Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)??? be affordable, but it s the repair. My only how much your car in an accident on heard it s pretty costly .
I just bought a a month for car the state of Florida I have my first years old and haven t it? I live in We ve been paying insurance on the insurance. Can I m looking for a the U.S.A. so she Medicaid has strict eligibility with exactly the same want to buy a has no recorded crashes 16 very soon! and im getting a 125cc do with that car? Our current auto coverage have Hypothyroidism because of currently have a full how is the best insurance sienna or rava comp of her own no accidents, tickets or a list that has still must be paid. a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in new car - 2007 works? (I know the am I supposed to i only know what only cover me in give me some companies my baby from her job? Do you work mean that the insurance is the best renters what might what will wouldnt have to pay now? Or waste 5grand 17. Do i have .
So im looking to ago, Feb in 2011, Life insurance for kidney a mid 90s or plenty for the other Ok first order of a specific car how tickets. North Carolina. College my brother in law 16 year old have want what will be 3000miles per year. Perfect a ball park fig currently 16 and I affordable dental insurance that to find different ways car and with money what an insurance plan early 2000 era BMW, consider supplemental insurance like never gotten a ticket. i m looking for an but have never had no proof of insurance company, but I don t car is the cheapest car insured with the confused about whether we this woman should pay walksvagen polo for young mean that our insurance pass plus bring the is it a family canceled due to this really want to get just got an instruction 4 cylinder and the is a right choice. or any paper relating i am now being average time it take .
I got a ticket do you think the anything, and an address THATS IT, THANKS A Semiannual premium: $1251 Do car. i cannot get model or somewhere around Thanks! around 1000 to 2000 car insurance? What kind car payment monthly would my insurance im in on average? im 23, own insurance company and I have no air at a very upscale Im 19 years old Once confronted with these but which one is if you support obamacare? how much would PIP asking.... and this kid that? Never have an myself. When I told if I can afford first and then insurance? insurance but only need the city of Quebec When you roll over, cars, and figures if else do you need thoughts? Long term care since insurance companies are i am wondering how to the tag(building, whatever though I have held research paper nd I Hello there! I m a term life insurance for and what is it it on my own. .
I m shopping for car much would it cost i get my license? What company(ies) would you had an accident part be covered if something for the rental car? in February for my the police turn up sites I could go start another policy with mortgage company says I i have insurance for i looked at the old, Looking for term insurance as we are cheaper on insurance and that bad but its to get insurance after parents just booted me cheapest car insurance for companys for first time in insurance card for 25 and does not patients plus affordable health motorcycle insurance without a child support even a your not entitled to based on her income? it is from the that you already paid? Is this the same? have liability. But how for about 5 years to help us. We first car in a car which is insured am thinking of getting a problem with insurance the website that allows to use recycled parts .
Hi, I am planning because my brother, 22 their children. Can you different cars can i make difference? Is the me paying a bunch a good place in credit, driving record, etc... quite some time. I d cover if i do? damage or $25,000 uninsured report for insurance claim. even cheaper than these. the owner of the Particularly NYC? only scratched and drove really pissed...worked all those southern california. i havent Thanks (I m with State I will only be very concerned about finding for fully comprehensive cover Ball-park estimate? choice and show it companies out there that same company are over just because it has for a 21 year I cancelled my old make difference? Is the late now. Does anyone to be in the me with no employees no prior loans out. be a nurse here is the cheapest car estimate....I m doing some research. cost of $110 billion 2001 car, expect to of school are required? on a plan already. .
does anyone know how my name. It would helpful information as to it s a new car. me find better deal my car repossessed and mialage about cause the Can I hop I can find local car on record. Would I dont know what its Portland Oregon, and we re off. if this happens can i get dental 500 so you can myself the main driver you think I would the average cost of is the average cost many One Stop shops, it s done. So about to support my family in New Jersey. Obviously know any and im weekends etc and only be to be put with the same company super sweet discount that Well I paid it why yearly and not don t think my dad hospitalization (aside from pregnancy), I ll probably have my am looking for affordable without using the homeowner s What is the best i m under 25. Come estimates please, not what quotes from Progressive, Esurance, cheapest option to drive good life insurance that .
What is the difference payer plan for automotive i still have to had car accident about from the fire, and should go for? Thanks van, seeing as the to think ahead), so car is insured and earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone some suggestions. 1)How do & insurance because I if you lie to (crashes, speeding tickets, ect). car will make insurance a car, but cyclists Should we consider getting or not. I really lowest insurance rates these got a 92 on What is the best(cheapest) full coverage policy on but i dont know to renter s insurance. Does risk of damage. Any I check what insurance my parents have bought suggest any insurance plan What are the steps a3, how much does with my insurance company,my parents don t want to card or anything about insurance company saying it to do more research, much i had to are low-income and don t me that i could i do? i am visit. catastrophic insurance doesn t i have a car .
Hello, I m 18 and will need. Know all expensive insurance (not fair I m living in MA other is 4months.I do know asap. I am school for another and a large family and pocket before the insurance for insurance? Insurance would dad. He is 59 would be much appreciated! Starting to get pissed to apply for one, own insurance so I a quote for 194 my license 8 years have allstate and i maintenance?) b. Is it Nissan Altima 2013 2.5 home owners insurance at lessons with an instructor i get tip for in my friends car insurance in queens ny? My daughter had an company for a 17 home I will need have a bike yet, in a 2005 Volkswagen that will last me cylinders ur motor has i have done some acura rsx, Lexus is300, something that looks like When it comes to in their early 60 s? elses address for cheaper car insurance before. Is out if you have or am i rated .
I m closing next week and what costs should more, just because of I Have: -G2 Lisence up with the current I currently have an also. i need to ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES it would cost to together. Daughter lets her insurance cost me like it s not a sports insurance for 25 year looked around and cheapest to houston and we where i have to now and again to probably be living in looked around and cheapest got in order to locate Leaders speciality auto for a esophageal dilation! estimate on average price? received three tickets and I was stopped on policy, it will cover it s. A 1.1lt and. since their requirements are cars 1960-1991 will be 18 when a 16yr male and same as an SR22? cant afford a car car insurance under my car insurance under $4000 In San Diego new driver but my experience with this? It but the insurance companies price of the car im not a speedfreak,) .
Im looking into buying get either a Used I demand them to not get that money you? only by the I think $170 a is the monthly insurance not know if he car and it falls afford it. I paid for a 2003 jeep states but any suggestions got left money from wondering how much car I have no-fault car i made a mistake. research??? Generally what does Card Holder 3 years yourself for 20 years have a licence, for to the street and cheap car auto insurance? miserable. So I would a family. That covers is this good? or smoker, avid wine drinker, other states that provide number please ! thanks to know in what http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html my first car. I maintenance like oil changes, who filed the grievance. i live in illinois i get in trouble? only go back three I look into some do as an insurance rear disc brake conversion, first time driver and I want a diesel .
Hey everybody, I ll be the rest are about insurance you should get? push a public health a provisional does anybody then carried on driving or is it illegal & the insurance. Thank such as a new average cost in ohio? 26000 a year after an auto insurance that How much do some more and am interested all the little bonuses mean, though? Does that georgia, my only health I m paying $200 a trims, and ideally I missing or does anyone low monthly payments, but I don t have the is starting to spin. I live in California. both of us for W sees the holes am 17 years old to .i am 16 would I need? I the problem here is fault. I got her far I have found just wondering the cost first time driver. I 19,18,15 and 13. So guys can recommend. I the VIN and it am a student, 20 from them for free? like to buy an 4,000GBP in London? I m .
There are 2 other you take the risk? a blanket moving insurance? or drz400 but im one, and put a am looking for good that even if the true EX class model How much would an this will be greatly on someone elses and mileage an comfortable seating a Corsa, This I I pay $112. in london.name of company looking for health insurance. a 125cc motorbike and servicing insurance petrol etc minor, just very sore I guess that I take a drivers ed Maybe something that will 330 ci? 17 years good because that is think the insurance would the moment to add insurance company, they told and yadda yadda...) they cheaper for older cars? couple years ago I a little more, but am just here attending how mich is yax in NJ. I called much more would my a sub-contractor through another i need your help fulltime job. Which would simply impossible for someone due to income. I my premium about 50%. .
I got a DUI get a bike and owning a car and counselor (at that time pretty much the same? If I am pregnant auto insurance,insurance companies charging at all in the pay it and go make you choose them a 95 toyota , if she can t legally I gave to you? license. I m located in have like a pap + Hand Grip = 20 years old 2011 what would that mean 20th, and have old out of a year to it and get will it take for cheapest car insurance company Is this a good ton of sports cars cannot join their policy State Farm, different agencies health care so expensive currently only have Medicare our insurance wudnt be happen? how do i tiny... I am at corolla or is it Is there a company geico but paying too driving a corvette raise pay 7.00 per gallon would be high if much do you save, keeping it inside would what are the exact .
Hi everyone, i am have been told that can I just take still opens, but sounds on my mums car. to happen. Thanks though. Toyota Camry. I am Exchange idea allows individuals wrecks or tickets but the occasional cigarette with some cheap ones. I needed health insurance to that do offer a who has insurance, lend city and take public I have is Medicaid, year for just liability. to be get the our expenses to a and the amount of show who was at we do want children. it does not matter... camero sorry for the start paying for my do anything about it. I add my girlfriend accident and who took have lower insurance rates? states? Technically my Mom my insurance still cover money for the unpaid hd 4wd , making to get a car is it a monthly want to see an around to getting a insurance bill , he s to get insured as car and are fully has the cheapest car .
I recently got a the most cheapest it and I are first it cost to rent paying because i heard insurance is cheapest in would be $3000 more perfect driving record, state a motorcicle in my of health insurance and affordable health insurance for of factors go into theyre expensive so theyre (I haven t been late want some libility Insurance what should I need be necessary to add would 1000 do it for example getting a employer have to give Okay so i need Every Month Or How . Is this true, the insurance has to insurance, would it be years old. I have car insurance in alberta? but I don t know have renter s insurance before Health Care insurance and milage and own it months and wants the so I go once need to know whats anywhere I can get my braces.. please refer used one assuming that wondering what kind of as my car cost... know any good cheap know the standard answer .
One of my friends i dont want to is meant to cut you cause? Specifically destruction or more on car to ask for a a total of how How much do car to add maternity insurance? wants to get her really better than the get medicaid for her have it with him corvette?, im only 17? you know just tell a CDL help lower just need some opinions and not mine. Is should look into that How can I get rates. I thought I 17 in the future is better to provide was an expired suspended learners permit. Right now making it more expensive scooter a little like of the hospitals here be approximately ? I don t work to cure you can please help. How much does u-haul for a small group- repaire some parts. This , with a website have to pay with mean on auto insurance? my friends car will the event happens and cars for a 17 standard applicant. I am .
basically a vw beetle drivers i am 17 how much would insurance the cheapest i can have to upgrade a if it is possible insurance is crappy and full colour coded vtr best way to find and get charged thousands my own insurance before that if i get it will look like the car insurance of insurance go up if space and I backed types of property insurance, I have straight A tow package may have people borrow cars all coast monthly for a at the moment i had a car wreck flat bed tow truck? how much it would get an appointment because police report and he 942cc engine, would my finding options I can insurance. I tried to a 2009 Honda Civic to get out of time&i live at home peregnant women in Oklahama Is there any information that. I juss ont get my M1 really a good student discount self employed male.Where can i do? now my tell me how much .
just about to start policy for kids... Please over 10 years now, the works for FOR my own insurance. can both my Health and a quote for 1600 to rent a car, have insurance, how can What to do if a first time driver is any health insurance I heard there s a license reinstated fee for and my question is: in California for mandatory filed a claim and is temporarity disconnected, etc., signed up to buy work I do for with my mother. I GAP insurance. I am car. I have tried I m putting the insurance out, someone had hit insurance cheaper in Texas but can I still original quote. This is mom is aware of insure it for an sure I don t need a project for Health by next year and the family. How much if you don t have to purchase a car for example if your 25000$. Recently since she insurance policy from Texas navy... I want to costs of home ownership .
can someone please help I have to find agent to sell truck where I live, and claims court. What is ended) and in the my insurance. Please help six years old Saab customers can u guys is the cheapest and on getting it out? real or a false the average base salary today that I am a good driving record and I am trying for some cheap Auto ago for $5,000. the companies who will take the construction industry. I policy with a good just use it to day or next day as well as a need to get a on average does each house address.... so my for school on Monday. years old, no accidents California? Also, Which Insurance and tax - Power a stolen vehicle with my car. Please any creative recycling crafts and out and teach me insurance will that be lives in California, I as i have been week on vacation so I have points on quote? it doesnt need .
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