#anyway gonna go listen to it on repeat whilst reread it
theythemmer · 5 months
why is tyler posting forest fic references . what year is this . i feel like im losing my mind
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nightglider124 · 6 years
RobStar Week 2018: Day 7
This may be my favourite one of this years robstar week...may be.
I was gonna go angsty but then I was like... nah man, not feeling it. Also, I am slightly cheating with using Nightwing but... I have reasons.
Anyway, hope you like it. I hope ya’ll have had a good robstar week. I know I have and I’m so happy I went ahead and contributed this year. T’was fun. 
I will be posting all of my submissions over on my ff.net under like one title so you don’t gotta search all over for em’ if you missed one or simply wanna reread any. I’ll possibly do that Sunday though so yeeeah. 
Thanks again, my lovely readers and followers. <3
She leaned against the counter of the infirmary, her dark eyes intently focused on her best friend as she sat before her. Raven pursed her lips, unable to sense anything amiss with her powers.
Odd, she could usually pick up on anything out of the ordinary with her empathic abilities.
Starfire sat on the infirmary bed, looking incredibly bored as she sighed and tilted her head at Raven.
“May I go yet?” Starfire asked, politely,
She gave her a sympathetic expression but shook her head nonetheless, “How long have you been feeling unwell, Star?”
“Only a few days-” Starfire was suddenly cut off by a stern yet caring voice from beside the bed.
Raven flicked her eyes up to stare at Nightwing, “It’s been a week and a half, Starfire.”
The alien Princess groaned and rolled her eyes, twisting in her seat to glare at her husband, “So a few more days. You must stop acting like I am-”
“You never get sick, Star. I’m entitled to be worried.” He replied, folding his arms across his chest.
Starfire ran a hand over her face, exasperated with him, “It truly is nothing. I am fine.”
Nightwing moved to stand in her line of sight, “Can you at least let Raven check you?”
“Please, Starfire. For my own peace of mind.” He asked, his tone pleading,
She stared at him for a long moment before she exhaled loudly, turning her head to Raven who was still over at the counter where a range of drugs and medicinal kits were stored. She had remained wisely silent, letting the couple discuss it between themselves.
“Raven...” Starfire sighed, “Please, can you conduct the medical exam?”
The empath wanted to smirk. Years together had made the two of them very comfortable with one another. Both of them were worriers but Dick definitely won out of the two. And lately, he had been very concerned with Starfire feeling a little under the weather.
“Of course, Starfire.” Raven said, turning to pull on a pair of latex gloves.
Starfire looked pointedly at Nightwing, “You are happy now?”
He leaned down to kiss her nose, “Very. Thank you.” He paused, “I just want to make sure there are no problems.”
She took a deep breath and raised an eyebrow at him, “I know.” She drawled,
Raven levitated over with a number of small medical devices on her person. She set them down on the metal tray beside the infirmary bed and pulled up the office chair at the end of the bed.
She gently moved Starfire’s bangs out of the way and then pressed her palm to her forehead, feeling for any sign of a fever. Her friend’s temperature usually ran higher than most humans on account of her extraterrestrial physiology but even by her standards, there didn’t seem to be any abnormality.
“Hm...” Raven considered, “Normal.”
Reaching for the thermometer, she motioned for Starfire to open her mouth which she obediently did so. She accepted the device and held it under her tongue, kicking her feet back and forth like a child waiting for something.
Whilst they waited, Nightwing looked from Raven to Starfire and back again. The sorceress rolled her eyes, “Dick, stop. I’m checking.”
He rolled his shoulders back and sighed, “I know. Sorry. I can’t help it.”
Starfire absently shifted her eyes to him and patted his hand. He caught her slender fingers and kissed the back of them, keeping a hold of her hand for the time being.
Finally the thermometer beeped several times, signalling it was done scanning her temperature. Raven pulled it from Starfire’s mouth and shrugged, seeing it was 45 degrees Celsius; quite a normal reading for a Tamaranian.
“Normal.” Raven repeated, setting the thermometer aside on the metal tray.
Next, she picked up the small flashlight and shined it in Starfire’s eyes, checking her pupil dilation in correlation to the light hitting them. She did it a second time, just to be sure only to get the exact same result.
Raven opened her mouth to speak but Nightwing beat her to it, “Let me guess; normal.”
Starfire tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows, “Is that not a good thing? We wish for my readings to all be normal, no?”
“Well yeah but we don’t know why you’re unwell if everything is coming back normal.”
“We do know why.”
“It could be something else.” Nightwing interjected,
Starfire shook her head and looked back at Raven who was unwinding a stethoscope. She placed the eartips in her ears and in a low voice, instructed Starfire to, “Take several deep breaths.”
The Princess did as she was told; taking a few deep and slow breaths. Raven pressed the cold chest piece against the left side of Starfire’s chest, just over her heart. She stilled for a brief moment at how cold it was before relaxing under the device.
Silence filled the room for next few minutes, with only the sound of Starfire’s controlled breathing bouncing off the walls.
After checking the sound of her lungs, to make sure air was passing as it should, Raven moved the chest piece directly over her heart. She listened carefully, glad to hear the rhythmic thumping of Starfire’s heartbeat. It was soothing and just as it should be; not too fast and not too slow either.
Raven pulled away and removed the stethoscope, setting it on the metal tray.
She eyed Starfire and shrugged, “Everything seems fine. I can’t find nor can I sense any issues.”
Starfire nodded, smiling gratefully for the time Raven had given to prove something she already knew.
Raven glanced up at Nightwing who was silent but had his knuckles brushing his chin in thought as he stared back at her. She didn’t even need to use her powers to gauge how anxious the man was. Dick bit his lip and his eyes wouldn’t focus on her face.
Giving him a knowing smile, she playfully rolled her eyes and addressed Starfire, “C’mon Star, lie down so we can stop your husband from having a cardiac arrest.”
Starfire laughed and shuffled backwards on the infirmary bed, carefully lying back on the bed. Her hair spilled over the edge of the bed as she looked up at the lights on the ceiling.
As Raven prepared the equipment needed, Starfire eyed Nightwing with amusement, “You worry too much, my love.”
He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed, “I know... I just... can’t help it. I don’t really know what’s normal and what’s not with something like this.”
Starfire closed her eyes and smiled, absently taking his hand in hers and stroking the back of his with her thumb. Nightwing sighed and looked over as Raven wheeled their newest medical device towards the bed. He dragged the metal chair folded against the wall and opened it out for him to sit on beside Starfire. She moved their joint hands up by her shoulder and waited.
She turned her attention back to Raven who was busy lifting her loose t-shirt up and over her swollen stomach and applying the clear gel against her abdomen. Starfire idly drummed her fingers against her bulging belly and Raven shook her head in disbelief, “You’re getting so big, Star.”
The alien beamed, “I am.”
Raven proceeded to use the ultrasound machine, moving the device around on her lower tummy before the grey screen became something else. Starfire had this serene smile on her face as soon as the image properly formed on screen. She heard Dick breathe a small sigh of relief but his hand was still gripping hers tightly.
“See?” Raven said, directing her comments at Dick, “Physically, baby is absolutely fine.”
Dick stared at the screen, something that always sent him into a surreal awestruck state. It was hard to believe that was his unborn child just waiting to make his or her entrance into the world in approximately 3 months time.
He felt better but not great and he guessed the girls could sense that because Raven turned away, clicking some buttons and altering some settings on the machine before...
Ba-bump... ba-bump... ba-bump...
All the tension melted away from Nightwing as that precious heartbeat sounded aloud, eliciting a smile from each one of them. Starfire still had that proud aura about her whilst Raven shared a tiny, joyful smile.
Dick exhaled in relief, his shoulders slumping as he calmed down and looked at his wife who had her eyes closed, smiling still and listening to the melodic sound of their baby’s heartbeat.
They simply sat there and listened to the heartbeat for a while longer before Raven removed the device from Starfire’s abdomen.
“Feel better, daddy?” She teased, in a lighter version of her monotone,
He pulled a face at her but smiled sheepishly, “I just... worry.” He paused, “Then, if nothing is wrong with Star or the baby... why has she been sick?”
Raven gave him a bland look, “She’s pregnant. Of course she isn’t going to feel 100% all the time.” She continued, “it’s more than likely just morning sickness. Remember, pregnancies are all different, especially Tamaranian pregnancies. Morning sickness varies from woman to woman.”
Nightwing’s cheeks tinged a bright pink and he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, “Oh... right... forgot about that.” He mumbled, lamely,
Starfire smiled sympathetically and giggled as she slowly pushed herself back up into a sitting position. Dick jumped to her aid, holding her arm and hand as she struggled. She pressed a hand to her pregnant belly and swivelled so that her legs dangled off the edge of the bed.
She eyed her husband and playfully beckoned him closer with the curling of her index finger.
He dutifully came to her, standing between her thighs and stared into her heart shaped face. She reached up and cupped his cheeks, bringing him down into a quick, gentle kiss.
When they pulled away from each other, Starfire rested her forehead against his, her fierce green eyes locking onto his blue ones.
“As long as our baby has a heartbeat that strong, they will be a little warrior and you need not worry.” She smiled, “I will keep them safe until they are born and after that, you may protect them all you like, hm?” She whispered, her fingers stroking his cheek.
“Okay.” He murmured back, his nose brushing hers.
He placed one hand on her neck and the other on her protruding belly before leaning in and giving her a soft, lingering kiss.
Raven smiled quietly to herself, reveling in the love she could feel radiating from her two best friends. Deciding to give them some alone time, she silently excused herself to let them revel just a little bit longer in that happy place of theirs.
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