#anyway happy valentiones
rurukatt · 7 months
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[ febhyurary day 14: date ]
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ishgard · 7 months
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nightmares -
the gods are gone but you remain
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limielle · 2 years
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perhaps one of us could be...?
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meowww-ffxiv · 1 year
It used to be that Mordred never smiled.
Theodore met him when he was spitting out blood into a bush of flowers in Gridania, the red staining the pink petals a visceral, vicious shade. He turned to the duskwight next to him and said, Are you hurt?
She thanked him with more terror in her voice than she had at the men who had, a few minutes ago, been giving her a hard time. Theodore watched as the miqo'te -- short even by his race's standards, barely to the woman's shoulder -- nodded, his face unchanging. She then hurried away, fled from him almost, and he sighed through his bloodied nose and turned.
The next time Theodore remembered looking at Mordred's face, they had been...acquaintances. It was a merchant. Nervous, clearly in need of some sort of comfort after his caravan was raided by tempered Amalj'aa. No one was hurt, but the merchant was clearly rattled. Thancred kept giving them eyes from a few feet away where he was talking to another witness, and in that gaze was the message Be Nice.
Mordred clearly didn't see it (Theodore would learn he was nearsighted immediately after this), but his ears flicked. His voice went smoother, tone even. Not quite soothing, but definitely gentler. And still he did not smile. He said all the right things. The merchant calmed down after. But still.
"A smile would have helped that situation along," Thancred said later, airily, in the please-don't-take-it-as-a-criticism way.
Mordred said nothing. He just set his jaw and glowered. Thancred surrendered and slunk away at once.
"You are scaring people," Theodore said. He did not bother sounding airy or anything like that because Theodore knew these things did not actually upset Mordred. Any more than his mood was already foul, anyway.
"I don't--" Mordred snapped, or began to snap. He bit down on his own words mid-sentence, and took a long swig of beer. He never finished it.
"A smile really does go a long way," Theodore continued after a moment. "Even if insincere."
Mordred stayed silent.
Alphinaud would remember that version of him. Someone few of words, and each word he spoke harsh and curt if he did not put active effort into making them nicer. Someone whose criticisms were brief but ruthless, bordering on cruel. The Warrior of Light who only shone in the midst of bloodshed, and even then he did not smile. Or if he did, no one ever saw.
It was different now. Theodore handed Mordred a box for Valentione's. Not chocolate, because he knew he had no sweet tooth. Rather, a set of glass statuettes fashioned after desert flowers. Mordred's face lit up like the sun.
Alisaie said something incorrigible and Mordred smiled. He didn't always respond, and sometimes he hid it behind his sleeve when Y'shtola or Alphinaud turned disapproving, but it was there.
He smiled when he told the frightened that it would be alright. He smiled when G'raha crossed his sight. He smiled at despair incarnate, and he laughed, a horrible gurgling sound, mouth full of blood but triumph blinding, when they brought him back from the brink inside the Ragnarok after whatever cosmic smack-down he just had with Zenos.
"You seem happier these days," Theodore remarked once, in the privacy of their lonesome company.
"I don't know what that feels like," Mordred said. "I'm-- relieved? Like a shifting of weight. It's heavy still," everything they had borne together, and everything Mordred had borne alone, "but it's easier to carry."
Then he smiled again, crooked though it was. Said, "Who knows, maybe that's why I didn't mind the Endsinger. How can you scare someone who'd never known happiness that it's not attainable?"
"That makes no sense," Theodore replied.
"I survived just fine in the absence of happiness," Mordred said.
"And how did that work out for you?"
Mordred thought about that, chewing on the end of his carving tool. Theodore grabbed his hand to stop him, because that habit was a bad one, and Mordred pouted. Childish. Lighthearted. Theodore was grateful to see it, and not melancholy and gloom.
"I'm..." Mordred said slowly, like he was putting together each sound with great consideration, "...happy."
"You are," Theodore confirmed.
"I'm happy," the Warrior of Light repeated, shocked.
And then, with a smile like the sun breaking through a foggy dusk, he declared, "I'm happy!"
"You are."
"Are you?"
Theodore considered it. Then slowly, he nodded.
Mordred laughed then, the sound deep in his chest and more rumbling than actual sound. "Not too shabby for a pair of old geezers."
"I have no idea what you mean. Grow old early as you wish. I feel--" every terrible thing that had happened to me "--young and spry as ever."
"You were drooping over your knees when we met," Mordred replied, ruthless.
"Not at all," Theodore answered. "I might have been hunched over, but I was certainly not bent over my knees because I clearly saw you pummel three full-grown elezens into the dirt."
The miqo'te tilted his head to one side and the other. Then he smiled again, all teeth this time. "Like I said. Not bad. For where we started."
"Rock bottom?"
"Eh, things could've been worse. But I wasn't going to keep digging."
He said it so wisely for what was a statement of fact.
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alicelufenia · 2 years
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Trying out this year's Valentione outfit. Spoilers below the cut.
As cute as this is, isn't it weird? That the story for this year's Valentione is about having your own preference for expressing yourself, and learning that it's okay to wear what you like rather than what's expected of you? We have the older sister in a dress who would rather wear a suit, the younger sister in a suit who would rather wear a dress, they swap, both are happy, learn that self-love is the most important form of love. Excellent story, simple, feels very fitting.
And the dang outfits are still gender locked.
They couldn't even USE the masc outfit in the story because they gender locked the thing! They had to use ANOTHER suit that they had ALREADY unlocked. I literally don't know what is going on with that.
Anyway, you can still buy the alt outfit for a pittance of gil from the event vendor, and just hold onto it until it gets unlocked I guess.
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Day 26 of Fluffvember: Valentione’s. Set during 4.0. Estinien is lonely on Valentione’s until he gets a package from his lady. SFW.
Estinien sipped his beer and rolled his eyes at yet another couple from Eorzea celebrating Valentione’s Day in Kugane. He already spotted a half dozen couples, and it was barely half past noon. If…if she isn’t here, then I don’t want to celebrate that stupid fucking holiday. But if Agi were here, then what would I do? We do? He shook his head and drank the rest of the beer. Best not to think on it. She’s Fury knows where at the moment. It doesn’t matter.
“Excuse meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, kupo!” A post moogle shouted as it collided with the side of Estinien’s head.
The post moogle straightened its hat and held out its small hands. “So sorry, kupo! Are you Estinien? I have something for you from…”
No. It cannot be. Can it?
“Agnes Currai.” The post moogle held out an envelope and a small box. Estinien greedily took both and curtly nodded at the post moogle, who huffed as it teleported. “At least she tips, kupo…” it muttered before leaving.
Estinien tore open the envelope to find a letter.
Dear Estinien,
Happy Valentione’s! If you’re reading this, then I’m still out there somewhere in Doma.
And thinking of you. I’m always thinking of you, love.
I got you a little something before we left Kugane and…something else that I hope you like. If you don’t, then feel free to chuck it out or burn it or whatever.
By this point, we’ve been apart for several moons. I need you to know that you’re the first person I think of when I wake in the morning and the last person I think of before I go to sleep. I love you with all my heart, now and forever. I wish I could be with you right now with your arm around my shoulders as snuggle into you.
Anyways, enough with me rambling on. Be safe, my grumpy dragon, and be well.
Placing the letter on the table, he ripped open the small box and smiled at its contents. Gift certificates for various restaurants in the city, so I may try new things without paying. A lightly scented cream for my hands and feet. A new hairbrush. And…
His calloused fingers touched Agnes’s face on a portrait that she had to have done while in Kugane with her companions. Just her face and shoulders. Wearing a Hingan top I think. She’s smiling. I wonder…was she thinking of me when she sat for this?
Wait a second!
How could she think I’d want to throw this out? Or BURN IT?! Nay, I shall treasure it and look upon it when I’m feeling…
Oh Agi, you know not how much I miss you.
“Ser? Ser?” A young Hingan woman stood at his table. “Ser? Would you like another? Are you well?”
Estinien had not realized he began to cry and wiped the tears from his face. “Ahem, yes please. Another with some more seared squid.”
The woman took the empty glass and bowed and left Estinien to admire the portrait.
Agi, I struggle to find the words to tell you my feelings. I hope I may have the courage to share them, no matter shit they are, with you one day soon. Fury, I miss you. I miss holding you. I miss hearing your voice. I miss you so much, my angel. One day, a Valentione’s in the future, I promise to romance you and give you everything you deserve.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
Tobias kisses Tiffanie on the cheek before handing her a small box. Inside would be a necklace. It was simple, but clearly well-crafted, with a gemstone in the middle.
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Ears flicked with delight, smile crossing her. Slender fingers gently run over the necklace, inspecting. Simple jewelry was more her style anyway, & she liked unusual gems like topazes, which this had both.
"Thank you, Tobias, it's lovely." She returned his kiss with one of her own, that familiar trace of black lipstick being left on his cheek, but it was never something she seemed to get tired of.
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"Oh, I have something for you too!" Tiffanie then which quickly snatched up a basket at a near by table, filled up with chocolate chip cookies; still warm. "I admit I had some of the staff at home help me make them, hehe. I'm not a baker, but I wanted to make you something myself. Happy Valentione's Day, Tobias."
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kolak-magiya-a · 3 years
@azure-seadragon​ asked:
She'd planned this- she'd been practicing, even! and yet, she was still worried she'd somehow done it wrong. Solana whines, irritated with herself- only to perk up instantly when the door to their apartment opens. "Welcome home, love~!" She calls cheerfully, darting out from the kitchen in a short, backless red dress. She would've gone fancier, but most of her more seductive clothing was just a little too tight due to her baby bump. Solana presses a kiss to his cheek, grabbing a hand to entwine their fingers and tugging him gently into the kitchen. "So, i made y' somethin for Valentione's day but it migh' no' be th' best-? um.. i hope y' still like it, s' not all tha' traditional.." In the kitchen sits a small spread of dishes quite popular in the steppe- including buuz, of course. "Happy Valentiones~?" She murmurs, for once seeming almost shy
It was always a relief, coming home to Solana after a long day of work. Ryce had enough time to walk through the door and drop his bag before his love approached him. Immediately upon seeing her, his eyes lit up with interest, and he willingly leans down to accept her welcoming kiss, squeezing her hand lightly even as she tugged him.
He didn’t question it, and followed eagerly. He, himself, had a surprise for her in store, sitting in the pocket of his pants. Still, he let her have her moment, and his eyes lit up in recognition and excitement when they entered the kitchen. 
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“Woah, ye made all this?! It smells great! And not a scorch mark to be found!” Reminded him of home, naturally. Well, his childhood home anyway. His real home was here - with her. Didn’t matter where they were, long as they were together.
Ignoring the way his stomach growled, he bent down to nuzzle and kiss the top of her head. A happy noise coming from him. 
“I’m gonna go change real quick, if ye wouldn’t mind fixing up our plates while I do that..?”
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kung-fu-cutbug · 3 years
(don't remember whether you have an Inari RP blog so we're putting this in here)
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"It was hard to find one that was actually funny and not too smoochy. The people on this website are weird. Anyway, happy Valentione's day, Inari."
[You can hear Inari laughing a bit faintly from the other room.]
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winterstorm032802 · 4 years
Valentione's Day
(Valentione is what the FFXIV event is called)
Nora: *whisking*
Alphinaud: Hm? Ah making yourself some treats?
Nora: No
Alphinaud: Oh? Then for whom?
Nora: My secret *winks*
Alphinaud: *smiles* I see (I don't think I want to know who it is...)
Nora: I shall see you soon?
Alphinaud: Yes (I don't think I want to be here anymore, watching her bake sweets for someone else...) *leaves as he keeps a close hold onto a letter*
Alphinaud: *goes to his room and sees a parcel on his desk* Huh? *picks it up and sees the heart-shaped gift* Who..? Ah a note
~Alphinaud began to read the note~
Dear Alphinaud
Please excuse my behavior of keeping it such a secret, I just wished for you to not notice. I wanted to give you something to express my gratitude as you have been my motivation to keep going, when I was going through tough times you were beside me. Thank you. I hope you'll enjoy this, twas my first time I may have kept it in the oven for too long? Anyways enjoy Alphinaud!
Sincerely Nora
Alphinaud: *blushes* It's for me..? *unwraps the gift to see the chocolates decorated as carbuncles or chocobos* It's adorable *grabs one and eats it* (It tastes amazing too) *smiles* (I rather not eat it all in one sitting, I'd like to wait) Well... I guess I shall deliver her my own gift
Nora: Ah hello Alphinaud *smiles*
Alphinaud: *hands a letter to Nora* I wanted to give this is to you
Nora: *opens the letter carefully and reads it*
Dear Nora
I wanted to give this to you, I admire you so much and I'm grateful for everything you've done. When I messed up you were there beside me, even when you distanced yourself for a little, I realized how wrong I was and I'm sorry. I care for you so much and I'm very glad to be by your side.
Sincerely Alphinaud
Nora: *looks at Alphinaud and smiles sweetly* Thank you, happy Valentione's Day
Alphinaud: *blushes and smiles* Happy Valentione's Day, Nora
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efrmellifer · 4 years
Etien hadn’t saved Ishgard for the lauding and honor it bestowed upon her; she had no great attachment to the fact that people whispered “Savior of Ishgard” as she walked by. She accepted it as a title, as a reflection of the truth and what history would pass down. But she didn’t do it to see her name in the history books.
And she didn’t help to restore the Firmament for praise, either. As much as it seemed to surprise people, Ishgard was her home now. She lived among its people, and wanted to do her part to make sure everyone was living in the comfort she was, or something close.  
So she appreciated Francel’s words of thanks and the way everyone said how instrumental she was to the endeavor—she had put in a considerable amount of work in the Diadem, as much as she could in her condition. But all she could do was thank people in return.
She much preferred the secret concert being planned. That, at least, she could actively engross herself in, as a musician and all.
It was only a by a stroke of luck that Etien had even been in the Firmament for it. She knew that the works had been completed, though she had been too tired for the last tasks that had been completed the night before.
So when Aymeric had told her that unfortunately, their Valentione’s celebrating was going to be put on hold because there was just too much work that he had to catch up, she had decided to go look around at the finishing touches that had been put on the Firmament while she had slept that night.  And that was when she had been drawn into the miniature symphony of the Risensong Quarter.
Piano wasn’t her forte, but with a little practice, Etien felt confident she could perform Artoirel’s composition well enough to complement Francel’s playing and the rest of the players, whoever they would turn out to be.
So she was thrilled to find that Handeloup and Emmanellain would be with her on the stage. As they all took their places, herself and Francel ascending the stairs there in Saint Roelle’s Dais, she scanned the crowd.
Etien recognized faces she’d seen in the Pillars and Foundation alike, saw Edmont, Artoirel, and Honoroit waving to her and Emmanellain (after all, there was much of House Fortemps in this symphony). She hadn’t expected to see Aymeric, knowing that he was likely still shut up in his office, pen scratching away at some piece of paperwork, but her heart sank and her smile faltered just a little.
Ah, well. The time was coming for the show to begin. She took a seat on her piano’s bench, nodded to Francel, and then Mariorie, and set her fingers on the keys.
When the performance was over, they all rose and took their bows, everyone looking around the crowd again.
Etien gave a ladylike wave back to the Fortemps assembly, making up for before, when her mind had been on other things, and then she heard a familiar cheer among the applause.
Even if she’d wanted to keep her focus off him, she couldn’t have. She loved him too much, always wanted to see him when she had the chance; it had been that way for going on four years now and she didn’t anticipate it changing.
Her eyebrows lifted and a giddy grin tugged at her lips as she finally turned her head to see Aymeric standing below the dais, enthusiastically applauding the performance alongside his countrymen. The performers gave another bow, and dispersed from the dais, Emmanellain going to his father and brother, the others entering the crowd and disappearing into it.
Etien, however, made a beeline for Aymeric.
“You made it!” she cried, flinging herself into his arms.
When he let her go, her heels settling on the stones with a soft click, he cupped her cheek. “Of course I did. No one told Francel, but someone may have come running to my office to let me know you were about to take the stage… In any event, I will have to go back to all that soon, but if papers have the ability to get impatient, this would be the first I’ve heard of it.”
She giggled, hugging him again. “Thank you.”
“I would never have wanted to miss it. I’m only glad I did not.”
She rolled up onto her toes, supported in a loose wrapping of Aymeric’s arms, to give him a kiss. “All right, you can go back to work now, darling. Salmon for supper sound good?”
“It sounds wonderful, especially at the end of the kind of day it would appear I have before me. What a welcome break this was. I’ll see you at home, my dearest.”
“Goodbye for now!” she waved as he walked away, then went to talk to the rest of the crowd still assembled.
The table setting was simple, just with slightly better taper candles out, but Etien was proud of it. Simple was what they tended toward, anyway. Well, simple for the positions they held, she supposed. She rolled a napkin ring back and forth while she waited for the sound of the door.
At the scratch of the lock and the dull thud, she was out of her seat and rushing to the foyer to greet Aymeric.
“I promise you, I was going to come see you as soon as I had my coat and boots off,” he commented with a laugh, shrugging and kicking off the outer layers of his clothing. “But I must admit, I enjoy being met at the door.”
Etien laughed, heading to the dining room and pouring a glass of wine. She came back again toward the door with it to give to Aymeric, and they met in the middle, fingers brushing as the cup was passed between them.
“So was there still a lot of paperwork left when you got back?” she asked as they walked down the hall together.
“Unfortunately. I think it’s about time I make peace with the fact that it will never all be done at the end of the day anymore, and simply go from there.”
“That may be wise.” They say down. “But it’s nothing to worry about now.”
Aymeric reached across the table and squeezed Etien’s hand before she picked up her utensils. “No. You’re right. Tonight is about our happiness. All that comes off with our coats, when we hang up our weapons. Here, I am only yours.”
“Mine?” she asked, expression brightening.
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charmwitch · 5 years
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Eternally grateful to Square Enix for doing a White Day event with Sanson and Guydelot this year... thank you so much........ I’m sad they didn’t translate it into English!!!  Anyway here’s all the bullshit I drew after it and here’s the translation for the official post-
 ( Translated by @pumpkinlumpin​ )
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"Sanson, Happy Valentione's day! I've brought gifts to deliver to you and your partner!" "Partner........... no, he's more of a pesky subordinate......... anyway, Guydelot favors pubs, so we'll find him there. Would you like to join me?"
"I'm so happy, kupo! Please, kupo! Bars are a place for travellers to share their experiences, I feel like I'll meet a lot of people there, kupo"    
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salvajecho-a · 5 years
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@maskedmuses​ said: Chocolates on Valentione’s Day were normally reserved for those who were deemed couples, yet Koya had procured some of the finest the First could offer. Worry if he would even accept them plagued her mind, but when he came upon her, she hastily shoved the heart shaped box of treats towards him. “H-happy Valentione’s Day, Zerah!” She almost shouted at him, her face a crimson hue. “I got these for you, uh, just because.” A pause. “I ain’t good at this, just take ‘em, please?”
╰ ➵ ♪ ˖
  Zerah doesn’t know anything about the holiday. He had heard of it ever since he left the tribe, creeping around every year. He knew it was about love or something. He had never really had anyone love him, so it was just another day. He didn’t have the courage to be open about such things anyway. So, say he did like someone, he would never do anything. After all, he wouldn’t want to put them through the awkwardness of rejecting him. Nor would he want to ruin whatever friendship he had built with the person. 
  He almost drops the box as he grips it, she shoved them at him so quickly! The box was cute, in the shape of a heart & truly in the spirit of the holiday. He almost doesn’t register the meaning behind her words, but her red face sort of... makes it obvious. He blushes rather intensely just from that. Oh gods, did Koya like him? 
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 “This is for me...?” He asks quietly, tears welling up. How embarrassing! It’s not that he’s sad. No. Not at all. It’s just... his body clearly doesn’t know how to react to such a feeling! Even if Koya is simply being nice... it’s still quite the emotional tidal wave. 
 He finally smiles, with pink cheeks and teary eyes. “Thank you...! I... I would have got you something but...” His voice falls quieter and his words are quick. “I didn’t think you would ever accept something like that from me.” His gift? Feelings? Who knows? Probably both.
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talysings · 6 years
Rockin’ the Rubato!
So, I’m going to play some Shroud-flavored rock and roll at the Tempo Rubato this week. I’m breaking out the ceruleum-powered guitar I got off of Savo and finally using it onstage. When I went on my, umm, “emotional retreat” a few moons back, and it was just me, Cinnamon, and my guitar out in the Shroud, I had nothing to do but fish and practice. I guess I’m kind of proud of how much I’ve progressed (or think I’ve progressed, anyway), and I kind of want to see how it’s received by people. So, no acoustic songs this time. In fact, I’m playing a guitar solo!
I hope it’s not all in my head.
Oh, and concert coming up with Savo, Kazumi, and Leanne as well, so it’s a busy few days for this duskcat! Not sure what to wear for that show yet, but I have an outfit picked out for my rock set.
Casting is complete for my play for the Valentione’s season. I am very happy with my cast! I hope I can do a good job directing them, I haven’t directed a play since I was pretty small. I used to organize the neighborhood kids to put on little plays when I lived in Ul’dah. I’m not sure that experience will translate to working with adults.
Busy times! The Palazzo people have been so supportive of me. I kind of almost want to cry. It wasn’t so long ago that I was very alone in the world, and in the last two turns, my whole life has changed.
I was talking about Cinnamon recently and someone thought I was living with a stripper. I was not amused. Living with a fox is one thing, but I don’t think I could live with a stripper. Although maybe when strippers are off the clock, they wear extra clothes because they are weary of the whole naked thing. That might be all right. Not really an issue, I suppose, as I don’t meet a lot of strippers. At least, none that I know of. I suppose I could know someone who has a secret, hidden career as a stripper that I know nothing of.
If I had a secret career as a stripper (haha, never!), my stripper name would be Darcy Rose. It just came to me, I’ve never thought about it. Really.
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kivaember · 6 years
Meet the Character: Aza
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(Art by the amazing @sensenaoya​! Check their stuff out, seriously!)
► Name ➔    “It’s Aza... okay, Aza’a. What? Ugh, alright, it’s... it’s Azeyma’a, but don’t call me that!” ► Are you single ➔ “No.” ► Are you happy ➔   “Hmm, maybe?” ► Are you angry? ➔   “Hah!” ► Are your parents still married ➔   “I don’t even think death’ll do Mom and Dad apart.”
► Birth Place ➔ “No idea. An island somewhere. I think.” ► Hair Color ➔ “Dark blond? Light brown? Something like that.” ► Eye Color ➔ “Gold.” ► Birthday ➔ “13th day of the Fifth Astral Moon. Yes, I know.” ► Mood ➔ “I guess I’m kinda moody- oh, you mean what’s my current mood? Uh. Fine?” ► Gender ➔ “Male.” ► Summer or winter ➔ “Summer, please.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “I guess it depends. Uh, mornings are good if Aymeric has a late morning, but evenings are good too, because that’s the best time to roam about the wilderness. There’s something about a starry sky and no soul near you for miles.”
► Are you in love ➔ “Um. Yeah, I guess.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Pfft. Good for stories, but I don’t believe in it for reals.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “...” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  “Uh, hmm... a few maybe?” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ “Hah! No! Of course not! Ha...” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Within the last hour.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I do get a few anonymous letters on Valentione’s Day so, I guess so. Not sure what to do with them though...” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “... let’s dodge that question.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust’s easier.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔  “Iced tea? Is that that weird Costa de Sol shit that almost poisoned me? Pass. Lemonade. Least I know what that is.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “.... cats. Not a fan of dogs.” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Hm, can’t you have many best friends?” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Depends on what I want, I guess. I’m trying to cut back on ‘wild nights’ though. Getting too old for that shit.” ► Day or night ➔ “Hmm... night.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “It’s impossible to sneak by Mom.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Okay, look, the lighthouse had slippery crystal everywhere and it’s difficult to keep your footing when fighting on the stairs, and-” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “...hm. I guess.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Disappear... yeah, let’s say disappear.” 
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Both.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ “I guess I like them tall. I have no choice anyway, since I’m- average Miqo’te height, but all the other races are freakishly tall, ‘cept for Lalafells.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  "Both.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hook ups... there’s no obligation there, and, but, I mean, I still need some trust too. I don’t know. I quite like being in a dedicated relationship right now, so maybe that.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “Bluebird is the bane of my existence and I wish she’d trip into a ditch and break her neck. But, um, yeah, otherwise, we get along well. I try to linkpearl Mom and Dad, but the signal is shit out in the Steppes. ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ *HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER* ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Depends on what you call ‘home’, I suppose... I ran away from. Kugane. Several times. From Mom and Dad? Only once, and you can blame Bluebird for that, running off to join that mercenary outfit. Technically we’ve still ran away from home since, uhhh, we’re still part of said outfit, technically... but Mom just says it’s us still being rebellious kids. I’m almost forty, Mom!” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "I think Mom would sooner kick herself out.” 
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Hate’s a strong word.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔  “I suppose.” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “Bluebird. She’s also my worst enemy.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ Ah, Bluebird again, maybe Mom. Aymeric’s... getting there, but there’re some things he... doesn’t need to know.” 
Tagged by: @lumei-xiv thanks for the tag! This was fun!
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Voices Carry
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“You can’t be fucking serious.”
The sound of Remy’s incredulity cut through the din of the manufactory’s dining hall, drawing the attention of more than one pair of curious eyes.  Around him, the air was filled with the smell of pipe smoke and grease, and a cacophony of laughter, and jests, and the day’s news being traded continued on without ever missing a beat, but while others celebrated the end of their shifts with flagons and bellies full, that particular youth was anything but jovial.
Colette was unperturbed by the smelter’s outburst; rather, she’d half expected it. Swirling her liquor, the stout, weathered-looking woman with her ruddy cheeks and broad shoulders only shrugged. “Seemed serious enough to me, what with how they were going on about the whole thing. Just don’t think she’s gone on and announced it proper.”
“Wise girl,” another woman nodded.
A Hyuran maid -- the young Marie -- was quick to cut in with news of her own. “Well, the Inquisitor was to see the Baron! Not even a moon after his audience with Lady Eliane, at that! Gratin said he overheard something about a dowry, so--”
“Oh, Gratin’s about as reliable as an Ul’dahn peddler,” someone scoffed.
“But we all know the Inquisitor had been calling,” added one of the kitchen aides -- a dark-haired Elezen girl with thin lips and a sour-looking expression.  Looking over her shoulder to be sure the cook hadn’t noticed her absence, she went on. “You remember when Marie spied one of his notes, don't you?  And all the flowers, then Valentione’s...”
“Her disappearing off to Pepin manor for all those moons.”
The kitchen girl nodded.  “No one was that surprised to hear of the courtship,” she finished.
“So of course they're to marry!” chirped Marie.
Remy slammed down his tankard enough to splash poor Hortefense at his side. “Well fuck me for thinkin’ she weren’t the kind of grasping bint to go after some withered cripple who ain’t right in the ‘ead.”  He tapped at his temple in punctuation of every word.
“Oh, come off it!” Colette bellowed. “You know full-well she ain't that sort of person.” The set of her heavy brow did little to hide her agitation, even as she threw back another draught. “That mouse has been bending over backwards for the likes of you for the last twelvemoon.”
“How do you think she got into the Lady’s good graces?” someone agreed in the subject’s defense.
“Isn’t that the great mystery?” came a conspiratory whisper, soon joined by a babble of quiet speculation, hands gesticulating grandly with their imagined intrigues.
Marie appeared to have quite enough of that.  “Colette’s right,” she piped up again.. “I heard once that she won’t take a full wage, and she doesn’t even like it when Sophie and I try to dress her. That doesn't seem awfully ‘grasping’ to me…”  A new slew of murmurs -- the time of agreement -- sounded around the table; some more dubious than others, to the young maid’s concern.
“And I don’t know, Remy,” came the honeyed voice of an older maid, peering toward the worker with half-lidded eyes. “The man certainly didn’t look terribly withered when last we saw him at the manor,” That maid, Etienne, tossed back her golden curls and laughed. Others laughed with her.
“I would mind your tongue, boy, unless you wish to explain its incivility to Ser Martiallais,” hissed a knight, sitting apart.  Ser Ramaufont’s icy stare seemed colder than usual to those who dared to meet it.  He fixed it first on Remy, who contorted his features into a scowl, before settling on Etienne. “And you. You speak of the family to which you are in service, so I would suggest you take pains to remember that.”
“As if Heuloix cares,” someone whispered. “I bet he thinks the whole thing’s a disgrace.”
“Because it is a disgrace,” came another voice in agreement. “The family or not, it’s disgusting.”
“And he’s so old.” The loitering kitchen-girl’s face contorted into a grimace as she cut in.
“And she’s Hyur,” sneered Etienne, with only a passing glance at Marie who sat next to her.
“What’s next, our men wedding those peoples with tails?”
A swarthy-faced youth raised his voice, gesturing to Remy with his tankard. “What's got you so worked up about it, anyroad? Not like any of what they do in the house matters to us, long as we get paid, aye?”
“Because it’s shameful,” Etienne supplied.
“You’d think someone of his station would behave with more decency,” joined another girl.
“Oh, Remy fancied her,” helped poor Marie, turning to explain.
“Shut your hole,” Remy snapped. He ran his dirtied fingers back through the lank mess of his hair, catching a look from Colette, and feeling Ramaufont’s own at his back. Marie shrunk down with her tea, hoping that no one could see the wounded pout that crossed her face.
“Anyway,” came Etienne’s irritated sigh, going on with a brief and peevish look in Ramaufont’s direction.  “As the good Ser reminds us to consider the family, I’m surprised the Baron even agreed. Whatever was he thinking?”
“Don't know,” Hortefense said with a shrug. “But if I were him, I'd see the benefit of a happy relationship with the Tribunal’s dogs too. Can patch things up for poor Lady Eliane and that whole mess of rumor.”
Someone snorted. “Like Ledigne’s got any pull in the Tribunal? He's been a waste of space for years.”
“Tell that to me me mum’s sister who ain't layin’ dead on the bottom of the Witchdrop because of him,” someone grumbled. Colette nodded empathetically from across the table, her mouth full of spirits.
“And he’s retired, last I heard. Wasn’t he handing in his resignation the day of the accident?” A young woman’s last word dripped with the saccharine suggestion of conspiracy. “That’s what my cousin at the Scholasticate says, anyway -- they were all talking about it.”
“I hear he scarce sets foot outside now, yea? Got a face like one of them gargoyles on the Cathedral or sommat.”
Another worker waved them off.  “What about the Pepins? He was their guest for all those moons, after all.  And they've got sons in the Inquisition. Maybe it's a favor to them.”
“Because of some useless old man? Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Or the Baron’s seen the folly of his housing some Hyuran nobody as an heir to the family assets. I'd be rid of her to the first bidder too.”
“Oh, Remy!” sang Etienne. “You might've had a chance!”
“Shut your whore mouth, Etienne.”
“Oh? Who’s the whore, again? I thought we were still talking about Miss G--AUGH!”
The maid’s barb was cut short when an elbow ribbed into her side. A voice at her ear warned, “Hush up”.
No one had noticed when Ser Ramaufont made his departure, nor had they noticed the appearance of the second appointed bodyguard to the subject of their gossip when he appeared in the dining hall. The sandy-haired young man was often easy with a smile, laughing with the rest of them most nights when duty spared him.  The person before them now looked more like a wolf provoked.
“Marie,” he began, his words the slow meter of a barely-contained rage. “They’re asking for you in the parlor.”
His eyes never left Etienne’s face.
Not a word was said the next day, when they saw Remy in the workshops with his right cheek the flowering purple of a deep bruise.  No one said a thing when Etienne performed her duties in silence, not stopping once to flirt with the footmen; not a secret to be traded left her lips. Ser Edouard, too, was more subdued; he did not laugh that day.  He kept his vigils with a stony expression; speaking to no one, eyes ahead.
For Marie’s part, she took it upon herself to treat the ward of Dufresne with a little extra kindness, though it was met by the latter with confusion and the same gentle protests that Marie had come to expect.  But she brushed the would-be lady’s hair that night, and in return was invited to tea when her work was through, and as they traded tales -- as she was asked, like any other person, about her dreams -- she wondered at just what it was that caused a person to make those decisions that left them so ostracized; how they could go on smiling when the world was prepared to tear them down.
She could only hope for the good fortune that she would never know herself.
Mentions: @heavens-light-and-hells-ice, @tea-and-conspiracy, @halonic, and @mythrilreflections. An indirect continuation of a months-old post by Eliane. Image from NationalTrust.org.
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