#anyway have another dark spicy fic from me
valiantstarlights · 1 year
[Dreamling Week Day 3: Curiosity (killed the cat)] An All-Consuming Kind of Love
This fic is very much within dead dove territory, so please read the CWs and proceed with caution. But if you enjoy that kind of thing, may I shamelessly ask for incoherent yelling in your tags? Please? 🖤
CW: oh wow where do I start 😂 Student!Dream highkey seducing Professor!Hob, Hob cheating on his girlfriend Eleanor with Dream, marathon sex...everywhere, Dark!Dream, drugging someone's food, blackmail, death(?) threats, dubcon, feminization, and equally unhinged!Hob.
If anyone needs assurance after reading those tags, then rest assured that Dream and Hob will end up together and they'll live happily ever after.
The thing is, Dream Endless isn't even Hob's student. He's only sitting in for his sister, Delirium, the one who is actually enrolled in Hob's course, because she had to go to rehab.
The first time Dream showed up, he was dressed in black from head to toe, and stared at Hob so intensely that after class, Hob had to check in the bathroom to see if he had something stuck in his teeth or, god forbid, if his fly was open.
And after that day, well.
Dream still dressed in black, but his style has...branched out. The first time Hob notices the mesh shirt instead of the usual black t-shirt, it took him a second too long to tear his gaze away, and Dream had smirked. His gaze, if possible, became even more intense after that.
And then he started wearing skirts. Plaid black and grey ones that Hob should not be salivating over, especially when Dream crosses his legs.
And after that, the skirt came with fishnet stockings and high heels. Just, full-on embracing slutty schoolgirl core, or whatever the kids are calling it these days.
(Hob isn't that old. He's just 34, and his students are no more than a decade younger than him.)
No one reprimands Dream because apparently, his skirt's length is long enough to pass inspection, and there's no rule against wearing fishnet stockings or heels.
(The people doing the inspection doesn't know that Dream would often roll his skirts up until the hem would fall barely past his mid-thigh.)
Hob supposes that he should count himself lucky that Dream's tops became more conservative when he started wearing skirts. If he had paired his mesh shirt with the skirts, it would have been all over for Hob.
Luckily, Dream's tops are mostly composed of simple blouses, often with long sleeves, accessorized with a long red ribbon tied around his neck, like he was a goddamn present waiting to be unwrapped.
Hob tries very hard not to notice it when Dream pulls one end of the ribbon in class and twirls it around his long fingers. He doesn't do it hard enough to untie the ribbon, but it's enough to keep Hob's imagination churning out incredibly vivid images of what he'd like to do to Dream's pale neck.
Hob is trying very hard to be a good person. He has a girlfriend he loves. He's even thinking about proposing to her once he gets promoted.
A few weeks before Delirium is set to come back, Hob is running late, and accidentally bumps into a student while going up the stairs.
The student falls forward, and Hob barely catches them from faceplanting into the edges of the stairs. The papers they were holding aren't so lucky, however, and ends up scattering around them in a cascade of paperwork.
Hob curses but bends down and starts helping the student gather up their papers. The student, a step above him, bends down as well to start collecting their things.
"I'm sorry, Professor Gadling," the student says, and Hob looks up because he knows that voice. And sure enough, it's Dream Endless, wearing his slutty schoolgirl outfit.
Hob is just about to say that it's fine, he's the one at fault here, when he sees a sliver of the inside of Dream's blouse, and catches a glimpse of a lacy black bra.
His thoughts come to a standstill. Is Dream...also wearing female undergarments under his clothes? For some reason, the thought never occurred to him before, and the revelation has him gawking like a fool in broad daylight, leading Dream to say, "Are you alright, Professor? You look flushed."
Hob nods and keeps his head low after that, intent on just helping Dream gather his things and handing it to him so they could both get to class.
"Thank you, Professor," Dream says after Hob has given him his things. He's looking up at him through his lashes, even when they're roughly the same height. For some reason, Dream always manages make himself look smaller than Hob.
And, fuck, is he wearing make-up? Or had his lips always been that shade of pink?
Dream smiles when Hob remains transfixed, and starts going up the stairs again.
Hob's big mistake is looking up to follow Dream with his gaze.
Because Dream is wearing a thong under his skirt, and Hob can see the base of an anal plug resting between his ass cheeks.
He swears under his breath, and sure enough, Dream looks back down towards him. "Sir?" he asks, sounding demure and shy and tempting. He cocks his hips to one side and Hob could see how the plug twitched, like Dream just squeezed tight around it.
"I'm fine," Hob says through gritted teeth, and speedwalks his way up the stairs and a couple of corridors to reach the lecture hall.
Dream arrives not long after him and makes sure to sit in the very front row, legs slightly open, eyes dark, daring, wanting, allowing Hob to take a look.
Hob spends the rest of the class behind his desk to hide his erection.
Hob can't pinpoint when exactly he admits to himself that he wants to fuck one of his students.
(Again, technically, Dream isn't even his student, but the fact that he's using the word 'technically' already means he knows he's in big trouble.)
Was it when Hob rushed out of the lecture hall the very same day he bumped into Dream on the stairs, his messenger bag placed strategically in front of his crotch area?
He couldn't help it if his thoughts were racing, and his body was quicker than his mind. He couldn't help it if the thought of sliding Dream's thong to the side, removing his plug, and sliding right into his slutty little hole had him locking himself up in a bathroom stall and jerking himself off furiously.
Was it when Dream came to class eating a red lollipop so lasciviously that even a couple of students stared at him in lust? Was it after, when he coldly turned down the Corinthian twins' offer to fuck him?
Was it when Hob was having sex with his girlfriend one night and almost moans out Dream's name when he came?
Or is it today, when Dream is sucking on a popsicle in the quad, in plain sight of Hob's office window? When Dream deepthroats the popsicle while gazing lustfully into Hob's eyes?
Is it when Hob tilts his head just so, beckoning Dream to come to his office? Hob's consultation hours just finished, after all, and he's just about to head home for the weekend.
When did Hob realize that thoughts of Dream have consumed him? He doesn't know.
But perhaps it was on the very first day Dream came to his lecture hall and their eyes met. When Hob thought how cute Dream was and how unfortunate that he was his student. And then delighting, afterwards, when he finds out that Dream isn't his student, at least not officially.
Hob pins Dream against the door as soon as he enters his office and fucks his tongue inside Dream's still slightly cold mouth.
"Fucking tease," Hob mutters against Dream's lips, almost ripping his white blouse in his haste to put his mouth on Dream's bra. On Dream's tits.
"Professor Gadling," Dream moans breathily, not even pretending he doesn't want this. One of his long fishnet-clad legs is already hooked around Hob's waist. Fuck. This flexible little minx. Hob wants to see just how far he could bend Dream in half. "We shouldn't--ah, here--"
"Then where do you want me to fuck you, hmm? In my car in the middle of the parking lot? In the apartment I share with my girlfriend?" Hob bites Dream's throat and soothes the skin with his tongue. "Or maybe you want me to fuck you raw in your dorm room. Do you have roommates, baby? Do you want them to watch?"
Dream squirms in his arms, panting, trying to dissuade Hob from stripping him naked. He looks absolutely delectable, and Hob is intent on finally untying that damn red ribbon from his neck and marking him up with his teeth. "I..." Dream licks his lips and runs delicate fingers against Hob's stubble. "My family has a cabin. It's about an hour's drive away. We could--"
"You want me to drive us to your family's fancy cabin for a fuck?" Hob asks and grinds his erection against Dream's, watching in rapt attention how he keens and throws his head back against the door in pleasure. "When I can just take you right here against the door?"
Dream shakes his head. He's blushing so prettily, suddenly so shy, that Hob leans forward and gives him another filthy kiss.
"Professor!" Dream protests, and actually pushes him back a little. Not enough to dislodge Hob's body against his, but enough so they could talk face to face. "I was thinking...maybe...for the whole weekend?"
Oh, fuck.
"You want me to fuck you for an entire weekend?" An eager nod. "In your family's cabin?" Another eager nod, and a hopeful, chaste kiss to his chin. Dream is so fucking sweet and sexy at the same time that Hob doesn't know what to do with him. "Baby, I don't think I can drive like this." He grinds his cock against Dream again, and Dream responds this time by reaching between them and fondling Hob through his slacks.
"It's okay, Professor," Dream says, smiling impishly. "I'll take the edge off for you."
Despite Dream torturing Hob with his slutty outfits for what feels like several months already, Dream proves that he can be a very good boy when he wants to.
"You should call your girlfriend, sir," he says, lips slick and red and tempting, Hob's cockhead resting against his lower lip. Hob has already cum in his mouth once, and true to Dream's word, it has taken the edge off. Hob could think more clearly now. "So she wouldn't worry. Tell her you have a conference or something."
Hob chuckles and smears his cum across Dream's lips more. "How considerate of you to think about my girlfriend worrying about me when I'll be spending the entire weekend fucking you."
Dream pouts, not even saying anything in reply to that, and Hob immediately caves.
Hob calls Eleanor to tell her about a sudden teacher's conference being held this weekend while Dream warms his cock.
He mouths 'good boy,' to Dream, who blinks coquettishly up at him, but part of Hob thinks he's the good boy in this scenario, just doing what Dream wants him to do.
He doesn't get to say 'I love you,' to Eleanor because when he was about to, Dream sucks him so good that he had to hang up and muffle his groan against his fist.
Halfway through the drive, Dream makes Hob stop the car so he could suck his cock again.
Barely a couple of miles after that, Hob stops the car so he could fuck Dream's thighs in the backseat.
Once in the cabin, they barely make it to the bed, but make it they do. Hob wants Dream to be comfortable when he takes Hob's cock in his ass. Hob knows he's much larger than average, and he would hate to see Dream in pain.
He's not a total monster. Sure, he may lie to his girlfriend so he could fuck his student's brother for an entire weekend, but he's not going to treat said student's brother badly. He's better than that.
Hob eats Dream out twice before he even enters him, sucks on his nipples until they're red and swollen as they fuck, and finally gets to mark Dream's neck with his teeth.
He fucks Dream's hole until he's gaping and leaking cum because he's unable to clench his hole closed enough to stop the flow. Hob teases him that they should perhaps switch to a larger plug to accommodate his loose pussy, but does no such thing. He likes it when Dream has to concentrate and keep clenching his ass in between rounds so he could keep the plug in place.
All the while Dream begs for more of him. For everything.
And Hob gives it to him.
They fuck the entire weekend. On the bed, in the bathroom, against the walls, Dream bent over various furniture, on the rug in front of the fireplace, against the kitchen counters, outside on the front porch, on the hood of Hob's car...
Hob is surprised at himself. He's not that young anymore, but give him one Dream Endless and he feels like he's at the peak of his youth again.
Hob tells himself it's only his desperation making him vigorous. He's only going to get Dream this weekend, and after that, who knows? When Delirium comes back, would Dream still feel the need to sit in on Hob's class, or is this it? Is Dream going to move on to seducing someone else?
Every time Hob thinks that, Dream seducing someone else, another professor, another man, he pushes himself and fucks the boy harder.
Unacceptable. Hob is going to ruin him for everyone else, just like how Dream has been set on ruining him from day one.
Dream sometimes says, 'I love you,' to Hob when he's getting fucked so good that his eyes roll up to the back of his skull, but Hob thinks it's just something Dream says without knowing he's saying it. Many people say things during sex that they don't mean.
But when Dream says, "Mine," right after the two of them collapsed in bed after yet another round of fucking, Hob says, "All yours this weekend, yeah."
And Dream says, "Well see."
It's Sunday night and Hob is supposed to drive them both back to civilization. Dream has insisted upon dinner before leaving, though, and Hob is loathe to reject him because Dream has been working hard, cooking throughout the day in between their rounds, and Hob knows he's going to miss this.
(Dream has banned him from the kitchen as he cooks. Hob thinks he's adorable but follows his instruction anyway.)
He feels something warm in his heart as he sees the spread of food that Dream has been preparing. Roasted lamb, venison pasties, fruit tarts--all of them Hob's favorite.
('How did he know?' a tiny voice in Hob's mind asks, but is quickly ignored in favor of taking in Dream's shy smile.)
"Did you cook all this from scratch?" Hob asks, awed. Eleanor doesn't cook. It's either Hob cooks for them both or they order in. He doesn't feel bitter about it. It's just the way they are.
"Yes," Dream says simply. "I want to be able to cook well for you."
Oh. Oh. An uncomfortable feeling rises in Hob's stomach.
Dream loves him.
Actually wants to date him.
This is a very bad idea.
Dream ignores the tone of Hob's voice and sits on one side of the table. Hob belatedly realizes that, although there is a lot of food on the table, the table itself is small enough to be intimate. Like the two of them are on a date. "Let's eat."
"Dream," Hob says in-between bites of the really excellent pasties. "You know I have a girlfriend."
"I do," Dream says. "I even asked you to call her, didn't I?"
"And you know that I love her."
A pause. "Sure."
"So this, between us-- You know it can never happen again, right?" Like Hob isn't the one dead set on ruining Dream for any future lover.
Dream shrugs and sips his wine. He has barely eaten, but Hob saw him tasting the food earlier, so he figures Dream made all of this for him, and is just enjoying seeing Hob eat. Hob is the same sometimes, so he cannot fault Dream for having the same habit. "If you say so."
Hob wakes due to the early morning sunlight hitting his face directly.
He's confused for a second, because his bedroom in the apartment isn't facing east, before the events of last night came rushing back to him.
The delicious dinner. Dream drinking wine. Feeling increasingly dizzy. Dream rushing towards him so he wouldn't fall to the floor. Passing out with Dream telling him everything's going to be alright.
Hob thought it was strange that Dream wasn't panicking or rushing to grab his phone to call the hospital.
And now, Hob is tied to the bed, naked, arms and legs bound to the bed posts with silk ropes. Gagged. He tries tugging on the ropes to no avail. Whoever tied him up knew what they were doing.
He is alone in the room, but not for long.
Dream enters a few minutes later, probably alerted by the sounds Hob had been making in his bid to escape his bonds, wearing only a short fluffy bathrobe. He's holding Hob's phone in his hands
'Dream!' Hob tries to say. It comes out muffled through the gag.
"Good morning, Professor," Dream says, smiling. He leans over and kisses him on the cheek. "Will you be good for me today?"
'What the fuck are you playing at! Let go of me!'
"That doesn't sound like a 'yes,'" Dream remarks. "Maybe you need a little incentive to cooperate?"
Dream climbs on the bed then, sitting his naked and already lubed-up ass against Hob's member, which did not get the memo and is currently growing thicker despite the predicament Hob is in.
Dream flips over Hob's phone to show him the screen, and Hob sees his 'incentive' to be good.
It's a picture of Dream, curled up naked in his arms, asleep. One of Hob's arms is looped around his body in a possessive hold, and the other is holding the phone up for a selfie. Hob's face isn't shown, but his students would know his chin and neck and hair. Eleanor would know his chest and arms.
Hob's blood runs cold. It was an impossible shot that wouldn't be possible if it's only him and Dream in the cabin, so there must another person who helped Dream carry Hob, arranged the two of them in bed, and took the photo while propping up Hob's arm to make it look like Hob is the one taking it.
Hob remembers the large, muscled, red-haired man he saw once or twice in campus with Dream. At first, he thought it was Dream's boyfriend, but finds out from overhearing a couple of students that the man is one of Dream's brothers. Hob isn't sure who the older brother is between the two.
Dream sits patiently on top of him as he's having these realizations. "Should I send this to your girlfriend, Professor?" he asks, when he sees Hob's eyes focus on him once more. "Or are you going to be good for me?"
Hob nods decisively. He'll say he's gonna be good. But the moment he gets free, he'll grab his phone from Dream, delete the picture--
Dream smiles and grinds down on him a little. His cock twitches and oozes out precome, which Dream scoops up from Hob's lower stomach and licks from his fingers, humming in delight at the taste. "My brother is nearby," he says, pleasant as anything. "If he sees you harming me, you're not even going to make it back to your car. And before you ask, we have already siphoned the gas, and removed the car battery."
Hob feels tears pricking his eyes. What the fuck...who the fuck are these people?
"Do you understand now, Professor?" Dream asks. "I said you're mine. And I'm not in the habit of lying. Or sharing, come to think of it."
Hob nods, timidly this time. How the fuck has this gone so wrong? Was there even a warning sign that Hob should have noticed before it came to this?
Dream smiles and kisses him chastely on the chin. "Good. Now, Professor, I want you to be very, very well-behaved for me..."
"Professor Gadling!" Dream squeals, thighs opened wide and shaking, his breath stuttering as Hob fucks him hard from behind. "O-oh gods, please, your cock feels so good!"
"You like this, Dream?" Hob says against his ear, enjoying, despite everything, this sick sadistic play. All he has to do is play along, and he's going to be fine. Everything will go back to normal. He's going to go back to his job, to his girlfriend, and put all this behind him. Maybe he'll request a transfer next semester. Somewhere as far as they could send him. "You like me splitting you open like a whore?"
Dream nods frantically and lets out a high pitched whine. "Y-yes, sir. I love...I love being filled with your cum. I love sitting on your cock all day." He gasps as Hob starts stroking his cock in time with his thrusts. "Professor, please..!"
"Please what, darling? What do you want? Tell me." The endearment slips out of him accidentally, and he feels Dream squeeze him thrice in quick succession as a reward. He curses and pounds him harder. "So fucking tight. Best damn cunt I ever put my cock in."
That line wasn't part of the script.
Dream moans at that unexpected treat and turns his head to the side, begging for a kiss. Hob grants it to him. He fucks Dream's mouth with his tongue and uses his free hand to cup one of Dream's tits. A perfect fucking handful. He twists the nipple and imagines milk squirting out of it. Imagines Dream's milk-heavy tits leaking in class, his eyes filled with tears because he can't wait for the hour to be over so Hob could nurse from him right on his desk. Imagines Dream pushing him down on the desk so he can ride him after Hob drinks his fill. Imagines him pushing aside his lacy panties and holding his skirt up as Hob fucks up into him, giving him his daily dose of cum.
"Gonna breed you, baby," Hob says. People say things they don't mean during sex. It's perfectly normal. "Not gonna let you out of this damn bed until you're round with my cum, and then I'm gonna marry you so you can be my slut forever."
Dream shrieks and cums at his words, and as Hob continues railing him to overstimulation, he gasps out, "Yes, yes, please sir--want you to marry me--I'm yours, just yours--ah--"
Hob pushes in deep and cums inside again, moaning Dream's name out loud, then peppers his sweet boy's tear-streaked face and pale neck with fervent little kisses.
Maybe he's just as fucked up as Dream is, and maybe he always has been.
There is a red light blinking in the corner of the room, recording.
Only one of the room's current occupants know that it's there.
To: Eleanor
I'm with someone else now, and he's better than you ever were. I love him and we just got married. I'll send someone to get my things.
Hob sends that message himself, but he sends a different photo than the one Dream threatened to send. It's of Dream wearing all white lingerie. Bralette, lacy panties, garter belt, stockings--the entire thing, but he's also wearing a beautiful wedding veil, and he's holding a bouquet of white roses. He's kneeling in bed and is splattered with Hob's cum from forehead to groin, looking incandescently happy, smiling up at the camera with eyes full of love.
Hob turns off his phone and throws it to the side, intending on going back to bed to ruin his baby boy even more.
Dream welcomes him with open arms, smile shy but looking so goddamn happy.
"You're all mine now, aren't you, baby?" Hob asks, pushing his husband back on the bed and spreading his legs so Hob could see the mess he made earlier. He grips one cheek and watches as a dollop of cum oozes out of Dream's hole and onto the bedsheets.
Dream leans up and kisses him, winding his long stockinged legs around Hob's waist and welcoming Hob's cock back into his fucked out hole once more. They are surrounded by white rose petals from the bouquet. Dream must have plucked and scattered them throughout their marriage bed while Hob was sending his last message to Eleanor. Always so fucking romantic. Hob can't wait to reward Dream for being so good to him.
"All yours forever, Professor Gadling."
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Sweet Thing
Wrecker x Female!Reader One-Shot
Summary: Wrecker has a crush on you, a local sweet shop owner. Will he find the courage to ask you out? (maybe…with a little help from Omega) 5700 words
Warnings: None? Fluff, dummies in love. A little spicy make-out and a tiny bit suggestive at the end but nothing explicit.
Author’s Note: So I accidentally deleted the ask like a dumb dumb 🙈 The prompt was “You look so beautiful in this lighting” from @wizardofrozz ! I’ve been wanting to write a Wrecker fic for awhile but I’ve been nervous 😅. I think Omega would totally be a little shit (in a loving little sister way) if she knew one of her brothers had a crush. Shout out to the wonderful @l-lend for helping me with this! Seriously tysm. I hope y’all enjoy. ❤️
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Incredible moodboard made by the talented @saradika
The Marauder touched down in Ord Mantell City, the engines powering off as the ramp lowered to the ground, the ship’s durasteel catching the last rays of sunlight as dusk settled over the planet.
Before the ramp had a chance to lower completely, Omega sprinted down the platform, buzzing with excitement. “C’mon, Wrecker! Let’s go!” She turned, seeing him trying to keep up with her, hurrying down the ramp himself.
“Omega, we all need to talk to Cid before you and Wrecker run off. It’s getting late.”
Hunter walked down the ramp, watching as Omega tugged at Wrecker’s armored arm toward the marketplace.
“But we always get treats from her right after a mission! We won’t be gone that long, right Wrecker?” Omega gave Hunter a dewy-eyed look, glancing between him and Wrecker. A look she knew Hunter couldn’t refuse. “Please?”
“Ya, we won’t be gone long! I’m starving, anyway. Those ration bars never hit the spot!” Wrecker agreed, wanting to join Omega. He wasn’t just excited at the prospect of food, though.
Months prior, Wrecker had found your sweet shop by pure happenstance, wandering with Omega in search of Mantell Mix after a mission. They had taken a different route than usual and noticed your humble stand in the mix of the bustling marketplace. Your handmade treats looked irresistible, perfectly placed in your small display case. Impeccably decorated cakes with different colored frostings and glazes, mouth-watering fruit tarts, hand-pies, jelly candies, custards, and other sweet confectioneries.
Your shop became Wrecker and Omega’s new post-job ritual, Mantell Mix quickly a memory of the past. Your treats were amazing, there was no denying that. But Wrecker, surprising himself even, began to look forward to seeing you more than tasting whatever you had cooked up since you last saw one another. You were easy to talk to, kind, talented, not to mention easy on the eyes. Wrecker began taking any opportunity he could to see you when he had downtime between jobs.
Hunter sighed, knowing he couldn’t fight the look on Omega’s (or Wrecker’s) face.
“Okay, just be back at the bar before long. We have a lot to discuss with Cid.” Hunter gave Wrecker a glance, more soft than stern. “I mean it, not too long.” It wasn’t a secret Wrecker had been spending more time at your shop lately. “At least have Omega back before dark. And bring back some jellyfruit cakes while you’re at it.” Even Hunter couldn’t deny your sweets were some of the best he’s ever tasted.
Omega beamed and leaned up toward Wrecker, getting on her tiptoes. She cupped her hand to the side of her mouth as if she wanted to tell him a secret.
“She’s probably waiting to see you, Wrecker!” She giggled, whispering with an impish twinkle in her eyes. Wrecker stuttered for a moment as Hunter raised an eyebrow, hearing Omega’s not-so-quiet statement.
“I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about…” Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck, slightly embarrassed. But he knew exactly what she was talking about.
“Wrecker, it has not gone unnoticed that you spend a lot of personal time at that sweet shop. The owner of said shop has more than likely perceived you are not just there to purchase her confections. Though you do purchase a lot.”
Tech walked past, just coming off The Marauder, speaking matter-of-factly, also hearing what Omega had said. He suddenly stopped, looking up from his datapad and over his shoulder, glancing back toward Wrecker.
“More precisely, she may even assume you have what Omega has defined as “a crush.” And perhaps shares that sentiment.”
Wrecker snapped his head toward Tech, completely at a loss for words, thoroughly embarrassed now. He turned to Omega, giving her a desperate look.
“I-I don’t! I just erm…like her sweets is all!”
Echo appeared at his side, who had also just exited the ship, nudging Wrecker with his good hand. “It’s ok, big guy. From what I can tell, I think she likes you, too. So you don’t have much to worry about.”
Echo smirked as he followed Tech, leaving a stuttering Wrecker behind with Omega and Hunter. Am I really that obvious? Wrecker thought, his face feeling like it was on fire. Of course I am.
Hunter chuckled, placing his hand on Wrecker’s shoulder, seeing how flustered he was at his brother’s teasing. “If it means anything, I agree with Echo and Tech. Go see her. But like I said, Omega comes back before dark, okay? And don’t forget those cakes.”
Wrecker shifted on his feet, his heart thudding in his chest. Hunter patted his brother’s large shoulder, giving him a knowing look before following Tech and Echo to Cid’s parlor.
Wrecker groaned, looking down at Omega as their brothers left them standing near the ship.
“Omega! She ‘prolly doesn’t like me like that! What did you tell Tech?”
Wrecker still felt the heat on his face as they started toward your shop. Omega peered up, giving him a sly look. “But you like her, right?” The glint in her eyes was downright diabolical. “And I didn’t tell Tech anything! I just mentioned once you might have a crush on her, that’s all. It’s kind of obvious.” She shrugged.
Wrecker cleared his throat, thinking of your smile, how your eyes light up when you see him in the crowd, or how the sides of your eyes crinkle when you laugh at one of his jokes, a musical note that echoed in his thoughts constantly.
“You’re blushing, Wrecker!” Omega giggled as Wrecker groaned again and rubbed his face with his hands, the heat not fading.
“Fine!” He let out a deep sigh. “I guess I do. I dunno…she’s nice and pretty and…” Wrecker’s shoulders slumped, knowing Omega was on to him. He did have a crush. You were more than just nice and pretty, though.
Wrecker saw how immaculately you decorated your sweets, how careful and gentle your hands were. His hands were steady and careful too, but trained to deal in explosives, things meant to destroy. Your hands created, and he was entranced any time he watched you delicately pipe frosting flowers or stylish Aurebesh characters on cakes and pastries. He really did like you, and not just because you were talented in food-making.
But how could he ever tell you or expect you to be more than friends? He has thought about telling you how he feels, asking you to dinner or something of the sort. But he always hesitated. Your livelihoods were completely different from one another. You probably wanted someone more…normal. He was an outcast clone, not quite knowing what the future held for him and his family. He had resigned to the fact that his crush would stay just that.
Omega peered past Wrecker, who was deep in his thoughts, staring at a colorful flier that was hung up on a post as they continued walking down the marketplace. Omega ran over to what caught her eye, reading what the flier said. Omega’s eyes widened, looking back at Wrecker. “Wrecker! There’s going to be a fireworks show!” She ripped one of the flyers off the post, hurrying back to him, holding it up for him to see. “Look, it says tomorrow night! We should all go, I’ve only seen fireworks in Holonet vids…oh, I can’t wait to tell Hunter!” Omega clutched the flier, staring at the artwork and large letters announcing the event on the paper.
Wrecker snapped out of his thoughts, and couldn’t help but smile at seeing her so happy at the idea, acting like a kid should. “Yeah, big explosions in the sky, right up my alley! It’ll be great! We’ll definitely go!” Wrecker glimpsed down at Omega, who now had that impish twinkle in her eyes again as she did before when talking about you. “You should invite her to go with you!” Her eyes darkened. “You should ask her on a date.”
“Omega…” Wrecker started, feeling heat creep up his neck again.
“Wrecker, I bet it would make her happy! She likes you, I know it. I can tell! Even Tech notices!”
Wrecker rubbed his face again, the thought of asking you to the fireworks show as a date made his heart rate increase. He couldn’t catch a break today, it seemed.
“I dunno, Omega…” She watched as Wrecker’s ears turned red. Omega folded the flier, putting it in her bag. “You’ll never know if she likes you back unless you tell her how you feel! I saw a vid on the Holonet recently where the two characters liked one another but were too afraid to say it and…”
Wrecker stopped walking, kneeling down to Omega, placing his hand on her shoulder. “Look Omega…I know you’re just tryna help but this isn’t a Holonet vid. It’s a little more complicated than that…she’s a good friend and I’ll think about it, kay? I appreciate you looking out for me.” Omega pouted a little, but understood, knowing she was pushing a little hard. Wrecker smiled and ruffled her hair, causing Omega to giggle as he stood back up, continuing toward you.
“But if I did ask her on a date, ya really think she’d say yes?” Wrecker glanced down at Omega as they walked, fixing her now messy hair. “I do, and I think she’d be silly to say no!” Omega grabbed Wrecker’s hand, giving it a squeeze of encouragement. He swallowed, now actually considering this plan. “Like I said, I’ll think about it. Now let’s get going, it’s getting dark and I’m starving!”
You couldn’t help but glance up every few minutes, hoping to catch a glimpse of him in the crowd of Ord Mantell City. You were trying to focus on placing the finishing touches on some meiloorun tarts you planned on selling tomorrow, but every louder-than-usual laugh or tall frame you caught in your peripheral made your heart jump momentarily, your eyes scanning the marketplace. You were hoping it was him. You were always hoping it was him.
You remembered the first time Wrecker and Omega visited your small shop. They had excitedly approached, wanting to try everything.
You were intimidated at first, as Wrecker’s large frame and scarred face loomed over your small stand. But his warm smile and look of pure delight at your homemade goods pushed any nervous thoughts away immediately, especially when you saw how gentle he was with the small girl that accompanied him. They had almost sold you out that day, exclaiming they would be back whenever they could.
You began to expect them often, eager to see both Wrecker and Omega push through the crowd toward your stall. Omega was always excited to tell you about the job they had just returned from, and Wrecker always unabashedly told you how your sweets were better every time he tried them, the best in the Galaxy, even. He even brought his brothers along sometimes, who also couldn’t resist your baked goods.
More and more, Wrecker would linger at your stall whenever he could, talking with you, asking if you needed help moving things, watching you work and asking questions.
You sometimes had Omega help decorate your goods, much to her delight. Wrecker was also a great advertisement, whether he knew it or not, frequently bellowing how tasty your sweets were, which caught the attention of passing patrons. Talking was easy with him, and he made your day brighter, go by faster.
It seemed silly, but Wrecker made you feel special. He seemed genuinely interested in how you made each treat, asking questions about the baking process or what ingredients you used. He especially liked watching you decorate cakes, your steady hands creating beautiful edible patterns without mistake. You felt you could be your authentic self with him, sharing your passion with someone who enthusiastically listened. You couldn’t help but fall for him.
You tried to focus on your tarts, your mind now thoroughly distracted by your secret feelings for Wrecker. You imagined being held in his large arms, cradled against his broad chest as it rumbled with his deep laugh. Oh Maker, I’m in deep, aren’t I? You thought. A tiny, anxiety-ridden voice in the back of your mind you constantly tried to snuff out became louder. Why would he like you like that? He’s a soldier on the run. You’re just…you. Get a hold of yourself. He likes your sweets, that’s all. You sighed, feeling foolish at thinking you and Wrecker could become something other than friends. But before you could let the negative thoughts bother you more, you heard your name, loud and joyful. You looked up, seeing Wrecker towering over the crowd, vigorously waving to you with Omega in tow.
The anxious feeling that had moved to your stomach turned into butterflies at the sight of him. Omega ran up first, her eyes glued to your display of desserts for the day. “Woah Wrecker, we gotta try every single one!”
Wrecker approached next, smiling, his eyes on you instead of the desserts.
“It’s been a while. It’s good to see you.” You said softly as you set the meiloorun tarts to the side, meeting Wrecker’s eyes. Wrecker could feel his face heat up at your gaze.
He noticed a smear of frosting on your forehead, and some powdered sugar in your hair. You were beautiful. “Erm yeah…we uh got caught up with some stuff, we just got back. But it was nothin’ we couldn’t handle!”
“Yeah, we wanted to come see you right away!” Omega’s eyes peeked up at Wrecker, nudging his leg a little with her foot. Wrecker gave her a quick, confused glance.
“I’m glad you’re here, because today I have some new specials!” You pulled out a few sweets from your display shelf. “Spice rolls, savory puffcakes, and zoochberry jelly squares. The jelly squares are a new recipe, let me know what you think! Here, take a sample!” You placed two in your hand, holding them out for them to take.
Wrecker knew he couldn’t deny you, his fingers brushed against yours as he took the small desserts from your hand. Goosebumps ran up your arm as you felt his surprisingly gentle touch against your palm, wondering what it would be like to have your hand fully in his. Wrecker handed one to Omega, both popping the dessert into their mouths.
“Mmmm, it’s delicious!” Omega exclaimed between mouthfuls. Wrecker nodded in agreement. “I know I say this a lot but…it’s your best yet!” Wrecker grinned, his face absolutely lighting up as he complimented your dessert. “Aw, you always say that!” You teased, wiping your hands on your apron.
Wrecker chuckled. “Well, it’s true.” Your heart swelled at his compliment as you fell into familiar conversation, catching up from when you saw one another last. In this case, it had been about a week, since their last job went longer than expected. The sun had now set, Wrecker and Omega still sampling treats and talking as you helped other customers.
It was fully dark now, and Wrecker knew Hunter was probably grumbling about Omega not being back yet. You turned away to start filling a box for them to bring back to their brothers, and Omega nudged Wrecker’s leg with her foot again, slightly nodding her head toward you. Wrecker shook his head, trying to get Omega to drop it, knowing she was bugging him about asking you to the fireworks show.
Wrecker’s stomach dropped as he watched Omega sneakily pull out the fireworks flier from her bag, pointing at it, and then pointing at you. “You should ask her! We gotta go soon!” Omega whispered through her teeth, trying to stay quiet.
Wrecker sighed internally, his belly on fire with anxiousness. He knew this was his chance to ask you. He could face 100 rancors without hesitation, without fear. He already spends time alone with you at your shop. It seemed like a good idea to ask you out tonight, but now that he was here in front of you, he was frozen in his tracks.
“What’s that?’ You asked, turning back to them and seeing Omega holding the flier in her hand.
“Oh, there’s a fireworks show tomorrow!” Omega exclaimed as she excitedly bounced on her toes. “We saw these fliers on our way here.” She held it up for you to see.
You nodded as you filled their box with two of everything, throwing in some extras as a surprise. Omega quickly nudged Wrecker with her foot again, this time a little harder, more like a kick.
Wrecker gave Omega a stern, but pleading look, hoping you hadn’t noticed.
“Are you going to go?” Omega asked sweetly.
“Oh…I’m not sure.” You placed a few more goodies into their box, placing it on your small counter.
You had seen the fliers the previous day, knowing about the event already. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say you didn’t imagine you and Wrecker holding hands, watching the fireworks together. You had half an idea to ask Wrecker to go with you, but the thought of rejection quickly shut down that idea in your head. Silly thoughts.
“We are going tomorrow night! You should, too!” Omega looked up at Wrecker, her eyes flicking toward you.
“Oh, I don’t want to impose on you and your brothers. I have some new recipes I want to test out, that’s what I’ll probably be doing tomorrow night.” You closed their box, turning your back to them again momentarily to find something to secure the box shut.
Wrecker knew this was his chance, and knew deep down that Omega was right. If he ever wanted to explore if you and him could be something more, he had to ask you. Omega was just trying to look out for him, though he could do without the kicking. That’s what little sisters are for, right?Even if you said no, at least he could say he tried. Wrecker took a breath, finding some confidence as you were turning back toward them. It was now or never.
“Would you go if…um…you went with me?” Wrecker stuttered out, suddenly fully wishing he could sprout wings and fly away, heights be damned.
You were stunned for a moment, staring at him. Did he just ask me what I think he did? You hope you hadn’t misheard him. Was he asking you on a…date?
Wrecker tried to steady his nerves, waiting for your response, bracing himself for you telling him no. For a man so large, he felt small in this moment, wearing his heart on his sleeve.
Your face lit up, your eyes shining. “Wrecker, I’d love to join you.”
Now Wrecker was momentarily stunned, not fully expecting that answer. His mind was trying to process the fact you had said yes. “We can meet here tomorrow, before the show?” You questioned, knowing you were blushing but didn’t care, handing over their large box of sweets.
All Wrecker could do was dumbly nod, his brain short-circuiting. “He’ll be here, don’t worry!” Omega beamed, speaking for Wrecker, taking the box from you, elated at the exchange that had just happened before her.
Wrecker nodded again, finally finding his words. “Yeah…uhh… I’ll meet ya here tomorrow!” A weight had lifted off his chest, noticing your flushed cheeks. You looked even more beautiful than before.
Omega nudged Wrecker, but this time more playfully, her eyes saying “I told you so!”
“Oh, we gotta pay!” Wrecker’s mind was running a mile a minute, finally taking his eyes off you as quickly starting to rummage through his belt pockets to find credits. He felt foolish for almost walking off without paying, especially after just asking you out on a date.
“Oh no, it’s on the house tonight!” You waved your hand, refusing payment.
“Are ya sure, we are getting a lot and you work so hard…” Wrecker started, feeling flustered still trying to find where he put his credits.
“You can pay for my dinner tomorrow, then we’ll call it even.” Your statement made him lose his train of thought once more, letting your words sink in, solidifying the fact that you were indeed going on a date. “Oh…” Was all he could say.
“Does that sound good?” You asked quietly, fidgeting with the hem of your apron, the butterflies in your stomach threatening to explode out.
“Yes, ‘course!” Wrecker grinned, feeling giddy now, still not quite believing that you had agreed to go with him.
Wrecker wanted to stay and talk longer, but knew they had to go. As if Hunter read his mind, Omega’s commlink beeped. “Wrecker, I think we gotta go, Hunter is probably grumpy that we aren’t back yet.” Omega stepped away, talking to Hunter on her device, letting him know they really would be back soon.
Wrecker rubbed the back of his neck. “We gotta go…but I’ll see ya tomorrow, yeah?”
“Of course, you shouldn’t keep Hunter waiting any longer for his cakes.” You giggled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Your lips turned into a small smile, and Wrecker wanted nothing more than to taste them and see if they were as sweet as your desserts.
Wrecker gave you a shy wave as he turned, walking away with Omega.
You waved back, watching them disappear into the dark haze of the marketplace, your smile not fading even after they were gone.
“See, Wrecker? I told you she’d say yes!”
Omega seemed satisfied, chomping on a sweet she had taken out of the box, a spring in her step. Wrecker rolled his eyes playfully, this time nudging her with his foot, gently, of course. “Yeah, yeah! And next time, lay off the kicking, ‘kay? But thanks for the encouragement.” Omega giggled, happy for her brother, who himself felt happier than he had in a long time.
—The Next Day—
As promised, Wrecker met you at your shop in the late afternoon, the sun beginning to dip in the sky. You got dinner to go, and any pre-date nerves you both had were gone almost immediately as you walked through the marketplace, making easy conversation.
Wrecker already knew he didn’t want this night to end, his eyes glued to your face, watching every laugh at one of his dumb jokes, every movement of your lips, every light that caught your eye, wondering how he was so lucky to have met someone as incredible as you.
The sun disappeared behind the buildings, and street lights and neon signs of shops that would usually flicker on stayed dark, in anticipation of the fireworks set to start soon. The streets became more crowded as citizens left their homes and businesses to catch a view of the show.
“I guess we need to find a spot to watch the show.” Wrecker realized, looking up at the surrounding buildings that blocked any view of the sky.
“I know a spot.” You lightly touched his arm, gesturing down the road. Wrecker felt your touch, warmth spreading up his arm and to his chest as he looked at your hand and down at you. He wasn’t wearing his armor tonight, just donned in civvies, a thin layer of clothing separating his skin from yours. “C’mon, this way.” You gently tugged, leading him down between some buildings. He followed, your hand falling off his arm and back to your side. Wrecker had half a mind to take your hand in his, but didn’t want to cross any lines.
“There are stairs that lead up to the rooftop right over here. I come up here sometimes when I need a break.” You turned down an alleyway between buildings, starting up a steep set of stairs that led to the roof. Wrecker started up behind you as you led the way. You both got to the roof, and you weren’t lying about the view. You were above most buildings, your view of the sky unobstructed.
“Hm, the city almost looks nice from up here!” Wrecker joked as you sat on a discarded supply crate.
“That’s why I like to come up here. Get above the city, out from the grime for a little while and clear my head.” You patted the space next to you, inviting him to sit. The crate wasn’t that big, so Wrecker sat close to you, your bodies almost touching, the crate shifting under the added weight of Wrecker. He was worried it might break at first, suddenly feeling massive against your small frame almost pressed up against him. But he relaxed, seeing you comfortable with him being so close.
There was a slight hum of electricity in the air, buzzing between the two of you now that the night had come to its zenith.
Was now the time to tell you how he felt? Wrecker was thinking about it all night, waiting for the right moment to tell you how much tonight meant to him, how much you meant to him.
Wrecker’s mind raced, trying to think how to breach the subject without sounding like a creep or ruining everything. You were having the same thoughts, your leg slightly jiggling in anticipation, trying to think of the right thing to say in the now heavy silence. Wrecker opened his mouth to speak, but a large BOOM rang in your ears, the dark rooftop flashing with light, startling you both.
The show had begun.
Both of your attention went to the sky as more fireworks shot up from all over the city, cracking and banging, colors and sparkles filling the skyline. It was dazzling, and Wrecker couldn’t help but grin as the fireworks exploded above. He had never felt so content, sitting here with you, his stomach full for once, and watching explosions fill the sky. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure this wasn’t a dream.
Wrecker sucked in a breath as one particularly big firework exploded, shimmering in all the colors of the rainbow, lighting the city in different hues, rendering Ord Mantell City almost unrecognizable. But Wrecker wasn’t staring at the fireworks anymore. His eyes were locked on you. Feeling his gaze, you turned your head up toward him, watching as his face desperately searched yours.
The colors reflected in your eyes, haloing over your head as more hues illuminated the darkness around you. You were so radiant, and he was overwhelmed with emotion. “What?” You asked softly, his gaze intensifying. Wrecker’s heart hammered in his chest, wanting to say how amazing you were, how beautiful you were, all the things he thought but never could say out loud. Wrecker let out the breath he was holding. You were waiting.
“You look so beautiful in this lighting, is all.” Wrecker uttered before he could stop himself, the words feeling natural as he spoke what he’s been keeping inside since he first saw you.
Your eyes widened at his soft statement, butterflies dancing in your chest as you watched a deep blush heat up his face.
“You mean that? You think I’m beautiful?” You moved closer to him, reaching out and gently placing your small hand on his much larger one, finally closing the distance between you.
You wanted him to know it was okay, that you wanted nothing more than him.
Maker, you wanted to kiss him.
Wrecker swallowed as he felt your hand on top of his, nodding his head.
“Y-yes…I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen…from the second I saw ya…” Wrecker searched your eyes, the colors seeming to swirl around you. You brought a hand up to his face, brushing your fingers across his scars. You couldn’t find words, hoping your touch would be sufficient in relaying your feelings. He leaned into your hand, moving his head down closer to yours. “I care about you a lot, Wrecker.” Your voice shook with emotion, your own feelings now spilling out. “I’ve liked you for a long time…”
Wrecker stopped breathing as your lips were inches from his, your fingers tracing the side of his face. You needed to feel his lips on yours. “I’ve liked you for a long time, too…” Wrecker whispered, his voice low. “Can…can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please.”
That’s all he needed to hear as Wrecker brought his lips to yours in a gentle, sweet kiss. You were surprised by his tenderness, knowing he was holding back, afraid he might hurt you.
With one hand still on his, Wrecker slowly brought his free hand to your shoulder, squeezing gently, wanting to press you impossibly closer to him. Your lips tasted sweeter than any of your desserts. Soft, perfect. Just like you.
The hand you had on the side of his face continued to caress, causing shivers to run down Wrecker’s spine. He’s never been touched so gently before, and he was completely undone as your lips moved together, the city backdrop falling away, the sounds of the fireworks fading.
The kiss deepened as your want for one another ignited like a firework, shooting up into the unknown and exploding with warmth and fervor.
Wrecker brought the hand that was under yours to the back of your head, his fingers twirling in your hair, bringing you closer to him, careful not to hold you too tightly. You gasped slightly into his mouth at his touches, a different type of desire beginning to burn in your belly, wanting more of him, all of him.
You moved your hands to his biceps, gripping the hard muscle under your fingers, kneading and feeling up his arms to his chest, resting your hands there, feeling his pectorals twitch under your fingers. You knew the power that lay beneath, but he was treating you so carefully, you couldn’t help but melt against him. Wrecker let out his own low groan, feeling your tender touch.
You’ve been wanting him like this for so long, you felt like you were floating, hoping this moment would never end.
Finally, you both pulled away to take a breath you both desperately needed, your lips swollen, breathing in one another’s gasps.
“You taste so much sweeter than I imagined. Better than anything I’ve ever tasted.”
Wrecker panted, wanting more. You were all that existed, all that he needed.
“How often did you imagine that?” Your lips were still close to his, and you could hear the longing in his voice.
“Every day.” He wrapped both arms fully around you, catching your mouth with his again, more passionate, more confident.
You smiled against his lips as his tongue tentatively probed at your lower lip. You let him in, pressing yourself fully against his broad chest, your hands moving from his chest to cradle the sides of his face, the kiss intensifying. He groaned at the sensation of your tongue against his, feeling your soft body under his hands, hoping this wasn’t a dream and he’d wake up without you, alone.
Wrecker became more bold, both his large hands moving to slightly squeeze at your waist, moving up your torso, wishing there wasn’t a barrier of clothing between his hands and your skin. He moved his lips to the the side of your mouth, placing sloppy kisses down the the side of your neck, trying to steady his racing heart as he felt your own rapid pulse against his lips. You lightly touched the back of his head, bringing his face up to yours. You both wanted to continue this dance, your bodies and minds on fire, burning brighter than what was still flashing in the sky, but the fireworks show was almost at its end.
Wrecker nuzzled his nose against yours, pressing light kisses to your cheeks, the side of your jaw, and back up to your lips. He didn’t want to stop tasting you.
“I care about ya a lot...” He muttered between kisses, his voice husky, now feeling lighter than air as his feelings were now out, no longer eating him up on the inside. You hummed in agreement, feeling the same way, trying to get your heart rate under control. “I care about you too, Wrecker. You’re special to me, more than you know.” You laid against his chest, feeling safe and secure in his arms. You sat there for a moment, entangled in one another, watching as the finale extravaganza erupted above you, the real world coming back into focus.
“Thanks for inviting me out tonight.” You mumbled into his chest as his hands rubbed your back, knowing you had to leave the roof sooner or later, darkness enveloping you as the last firework shimmered out, lights starting to come back on over the city, marking the end of the show.
“Thanks for saying yes. I regret not asking ya sooner…” He chuckled, his deep laugh reverberating in his chest, feeling the vibrations against your entire body as you sat, watching the city glow and come back to life.
“I guess you’ll just have to take me out more often to make up for it.” You glanced up at him, hugging him tighter.
Wrecker grinned, leaning down and giving you a quick, soft kiss. “I plan on it, if you’ll let me. But tonight’s not over yet, do ya want to get dessert?” He mumbled against your lips. “I always have room for seconds, ya know that.”
His eyes flashed with want, emboldened now that he knew you felt the same way as him.
You smirked slightly, feeling Wrecker’s hands wander again up your torso, teasing the bottom of your shirt as yours traced over his neck and down to his back. “We can head back to my place for dessert, if you’d like.” You caught his meaning, wanting nothing more to continue what you had just started. Wrecker grinned, gripping your sides with anticipation.
“Well what are we waiting for!”
You squealed as you were suddenly lifted up with ease, Wrecker carrying you bridal style as he stood up with you in his arms.
“Lead the way.” He rumbled in your ear as he walked you toward the stairs that led off the rooftop.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply at the top of the stairs, your night far from being over. You laughed as he squeezed you tighter, knowing this was the beginning of something wonderful, something sweet.
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@wanderer-six I hope you enjoy this Wrecker juice ☺️
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Who you belong to
Summary: You plan a date night with Wolffe going to a concert for a band you both love. You decided to have some fun and choose a sexy, tempting outfit for your Commander. Turns out the lead singer had his eyes on you and Wolffe needs to remind you who you belong to.
Pairing: Commander Wolffe x f!reader
Warnings: NSFW,18+ (minors pls don't read), biker!Wolffe, sorta possessive Wolffe, jealousy, fingering, kinda public sex, grinding, language, growling, biting, kinda dom!Wolffe, blowjob, Wolffe being Wolffe, soft Wolffe, feelings, mention of a real life band and band member, a few easter eggs as characters, mention of readers looks, a bit long  (I hope I haven't left out anything.)
A/N: This is a gift for my lovely dear also super talented writer (check out her fics!)  friend Gabi! 💖@cloneloverrrrr
I know you love Wolffe and this band so this is especially for you to enjoy! I wrote this in vacay so pls forgive me if I mistyped something. Also this is my first fics post for a very long time so pls be kind. And this is my first ever smuty, spicy fics so Im super excited but also anxious about it. I really hope you'll like it. (I like criticism, but only if you guys are kind and not rude.) And forgive me if something is not correct with the grammar because english is not my first language. There is gonna be a part 2. (smutty!) coming in this week. 
Moodboard made by me in Canva and pictures from Pinterest.
Pls enjoy! 
Satisfied, you looked at yourself in front of the three-part standing mirror. Today promised to be a particularly good day. You finished your job early, so you had time for a pleasant bubble bath and some pampering rituals, which only boosted your confidence even more. Somehow your feminine energies were at a high level today. Several of your customers asked what serum you use, telling you that your skin is almost glowing, and even your hair is shining brighter. Maybe it's the position of the stars, maybe it's the full moon, or even more so, the fact that you happen to be on a date with the hottest Commander of the GAR, Wolffe. Your Wolffe.
Hound introduced you to each other when little tooka kittens moved into the air vent of Fox's office. You were the only applicant who was willing to take in the black and orange colored kittens. Fox and Wolffe were having a few words over a cup of caf when you and Hound arrived at the office. As soon as Wolffe saw you, he knew it was over for him. He fell into you hard, deep and inexorably. He immediately introduced himself, and although you were a bit surprised at first by the approach of the grumpy intimidating clone, you noticed over a little time, the softening of his dark and serious gaze as he looked at you with his silver and whiskey colored eyes. 
You were the only woman who found a crack in his hard, cold armor and moved straight into his heart.
It's been half a year already that you are officially a couple. As far as the strict rules allow. (You had Master Plo's blessing, and that was all that mattered to you. Rules are meant to be broken, anyway.) 
Wolffe has to go on another mission tomorrow, but tonight is all yours. So you certainly had some great plans.
A couple of scented candles in your apartment that made the air smell of pumpkin and cinnamon in honor of the coming autumn. Several outfits have been prepared for your black gothic styled bed and on the soft velvety blankets. The black kitten was sleeping curled up on the cushion of your reading chair. While you swept the orange one off the bed yourself. The little mischievous one really wanted to play with the shoulder strap of the small bag you chose to go with one of the dresses.
Your nails matched your lipstick, which was exactly the same dark rich burgundy as the spicy sweet wine you were sipping while getting ready, and it matched the  love bite marks that Wolffe gave you on your last evenings together. Little gifts, or you can say reminders of who you belong to, and how much he craves you. You loved them, even though they started to fade away a little.
"So it's a good excuse to get some more" you thought cheekily. 
You looked at the outfits, you weren't sure which one to wear, but you were sure of two things you definitely gonna wear. Your new long black vinyl jacket with matching boots and your new black lacy underwear set . The make-up was done, your hair smelled of your favorite shampoo and fell softly in raven black locks on your back, you had already put on your underwear and boots, both of which were surprisingly comfortable. You also talked to two girlfriends on comm.
All three of you lived far from each other, in different rims but you still made time for a little chat several times a week.
You met on a platform where several blogs ran stuff about clones (how little rights they have, how can their situation be helped, what is like dating in such straight circumstances.) and you've been good friends ever since.
One of them used their connections and gifted you two tickets to the concert of your favorite band. You and Wolffe were both fans of Bad Omens, so you couldn't wait for tonight to start. You just asked their advice on what to wear.
"Whatever you choose, knowing the Commander, you won’t be wearing it for long." teased one of them. 
Starting with this, an idea occurred to you!
Risky and bold, but it can turn out well...
You knew that Wolffe would arrive soon, so you said goodbye to your girlfriends and sipped the remaining wine from your glass, making up your mind confidently. You threw your clothes on the floor and only put on your coat. It was perfect: the size, the material, plus it covered enough to not get into an awkward position, as it was long enough. You sprayed a little perfume on yourself, which made you know that Wolffe would only go crazy for you. 
Wolffe had a bike, but not just any speeder bike. It was a big, solid, black, shiny, sport bike. He worked hard for it and put aside all the credit so it could be his. It was his treasure that was guarded with fear until he got to know you. After all, you took the first place in his heart. Anyhow he took great care of her and often maintained her, giving her the name Selene, which is basically the moon goddess in mythology. Until he knew you, she was the only one he cared about, and yes, he even howled sometimes when he drove with her on the capital roads.
He stored it in the small garage belonging to your apartment, which you allowed him to do and for which he showed his gratitude so many times in the form of kisses.
Right now, leaning on the motorcycle, you watch as the person of your desires and love approaches you.
Instead of his usual GAR gear, he wore black pants, boots, and a leather jacket. Smelling like a divine god, woody musk mixed with leather, amber and a hint of bergamot. An elixir that made you crave him more and more every time. 
"Hey handsome. Care for a ride?" you teased him. 
"With a woman like you? Always mesh'la. I will even go to hell with you, it will be heaven for me as long as you are mine and I can kiss you on those lush lips of yours."
You shuddered when you saw his eyes darken, and his seductive tone only made you more aroused. You loved everything about his voice, its depth, the accent, the way he whispered those sinfully sexy words into your ear every night when you were together in his own language.
He wrapped his two strong arms around your waist and kissed you passionately. You haven't seen him in a week, so the kiss quickly turned into tongue and teeth kinda kiss. With this kind of kiss, the world ceases to exist, it's just you and the butterflies in your stomach are about to burst out of excitement and there is only him. His honey-like taste in your tongue, his scent in the air your lungs breathe in, his grip in your body that makes you crazy and his love for you that makes you so utterly obsessed with him. 
You just stayed like that for a while, not paying attention to the outside world, lovingly kissing freely like young lovers. When you separated, both of you were gasping for air and your foreheads touched.
"Miss me that much Commander?" you asked
“So. Very. Kriffing. Much.” 
After every word, he planted a kiss on your lips, emphasizing his truth.
You both put on your helmets and biker gloves headed towards one of the downtown nightclubs on the lower level.
Wolffe drove fast, took the corners confidently, but with certainty. You loved riding a motorcycle with him, the excitement, the feeling of freedom, the fact that your body was almost completely smoothed over his. Wolffe promised that he would teach you to ride a motorcycle after the war, but you knew that together with him you liked riding much more. On the way, the pack members appeared on both sides, Sinker and Comet saluted and waved, and Boost boosted past you at full speed balancing on a rear wheel, all of them howling. You laughed as Wolffe shifted into higher gear more enthusiastically. You thanked the Maker for the hair foam that, when you apply it to your hair and drive at such a high speed, the air creates wonderful tangle-free volume in your hair.
With the tickets, they let you in out of line and you were already inside. Smoke machines and flashing red lights made the concert halls vibe. Upbeat music played that became one with your heartbeat. You chase out several acquaintances in the crowd, to whom you waved enthusiastically. You saw members of the Corrie guard, some troopers from the 501th and the 212th battalions. 
“You look amazing my dear. Absolutely stunning!”
When you heard the familiar chuckle, you turned to Gregor with a big smile as he winked at you from the center of a lady's wreath. He greeted you with two kisses on the cheek, which caused most of the ladies gathered around him to frown glumly with their colorful lips. But you didn't care, you and Gregor were good friends before you got together with Wolffe.
"I see you are not bored. You have quite an amount of pretty ladies as company."
"Well, somehow I have to make up for the time I was gone. And they can't resist the famous 'Gregor charm'." 
When he did his iconic hair straightening motion one girl almost passed out, you just rolled your eyes laughing. Gregor took a good look at you and knew right away.
"Naughty girl! You're gonna kill this poor bastard with your sexiness. Has he noticed it yet?"
"Not yet."
"Good. Play your cards smart dear. And don't sit on cold benches!"
He planted another kiss on your cheek and returned to his ladies. Such a ladies man.
There was a kind of unspoken agreement between you two, when Wolffe was around Gregor would try to flirt with you. This made Wolffe a little jealous and left delicious bruises on your soft skin to your delight while fucking you to heaven. And Gregor's current lady was also jealous and gave the Captain what he wanted much sooner. A win-win situation.
Wolffe put his arms around you. You enjoyed the concert together. You sang the lyrics with the band, you danced as much as the crowd allowed. The music and the atmosphere permeated you completely. You were upbeat and happy, a gorgeous smile was on your face and sparkle in your eyes.
Wolffe looked at you and couldn't get enough of you. He adored you. He was kind of obsessed. Your beautiful appearance, which seems to have been made for him. Your raven and shiny silky hair, your pretty face, your soft and divine body. Your kind heart, which holds so much love. The care that you put in your friendships. The nurture care you showed for the adopted kittens. As you shower his newly acquired war scars with kisses. Your passion for your work. 
He didn't believe in his wildest dreams that he would ever be able to feel this way about someone. 
As he observed you lovingly, he noticed a small blush appear on your cheeks. Then he noticed how the band's lead singer looked at you. Noah kriffing Sebastian was ogling you like you were a delicious dessert to him. Wolffe knew he was your celebrity crush since you were young. Wolffe was no longer paying attention to the music, but to the way the singer almost sang to you, and that he even winked at you. This clearly had an effect on him, because the Commander decided it was time to act. There were two options. He rips out the musician's heart with his bare hands in front of you, or reminds you who you belong to.
Unfortunately, he wouldn't win much with the first move, as he would be arrested and convicted, which would be a lot of paperwork for Fox, leaving option number 2. He took your upper arm and gently but firmly led you out of the crowd and into one of the deserted corridors.
He pinned you to the wall, the cold metal cooling your back. He covers your mouth with his, hot and heavy.
"Wolffe! What's gotten into you?" you asked.
He didn't answer, he just studied your face in silence, the neon lights in the reflection of his cybernetic eyes only made him even more dangerously handsome. The shadows on his face highlighted his strong nose, high cheekbones and attractive lips.
"I decided it's time for a little reminder for you mesh'la. I see you're enjoying the concert too much."
"Yes it's amazing! Aren't you enjoying it?"
"Not really when that bastard singer have eyes on something he shouldn't. I see how he basically eyefucked you. Do you want it mesh'la? Want to fuck him? Don't even get me started on Gregor."
"No. I'm only yours, you know that."
You cupped his face and looked into his eyes, soon you realized regardless, you still get a little reminder how to behave. You smiled at him.
"Good. Now be a good girl, and open up." he commanded.
You obeyed, opened your mouth and looked up at him seductively through your eyelashes.
"Make them wet."
You sucked them in and you gently started to caress his fingers with your tongue and enjoyed the effect you caused him. His eyes are fixed on you, lustful and dark, he swallows, then takes them away from your lips and straight towards your hot, longing center.
That's when he discovers that you're not wearing pants or a skirt. You see the surprise slide across his face and then turn into a satisfied smile. He relaxes his free hand on the belt of the jacket as he unbuttons it, then discovers that you are only wearing your underwear under the jacket, and the thigh high boots. He almost growled with desire.
"Such a dirty girl. You're gonna be the end of me."
He basically groweld in your ears. While he pulled your panties to the side out of his kriffing way and started gently stroking your folds and found that sensitive spongy spot as he slid two fingers into you. You were already wet all evening from the excitement of your choice of clothing and the feelings of his closeness.
His fingers moved rhythmically inside you as he massaged your clit in circular motions with his thumb. You moaned loudly with lust.
"Funny Gregor said that too." you let out a chuckle.
Wolffe suddenly stopped with his motions, eliciting a moan of complaint from you at the lack of his fingers. He grabbed your chin with his fingers wet from your juices, squeezing it a little.
His veins on his neck straining from how hard he's clenching his jaws, the wild nearly homicidal look in those amber colored and silver dark eyes, you began to understand how he came about his name. It aroused you to no end.
"I'm only going to ask this once, and you better have a good answer for me, mesh'la. Who does this pussy belong to? Who do you belong to?"
Maker, you were a whimpering mess, you wanted him so bad to take you right here right now while the concert still plays in the background and with the excitement that anyone could caught you in this position.
"You. Only you Commander." you said
"Will you think about other men when I'm pleasing you?" he asked in a gentle tone but from his eyes you saw how serious he was.
" Never. I'm only yours."
"Wouldn't you like anyone else to touch you like this? Hmm?"
He asked slowly oh so slowly circling your clit with his free hand, the other kept you still by the jaw.
"Are you wishing it was someone elses fingers inside of you? Noah Sebastian maybe? Or Captain Gregor? Do you think they make a better job at knowing you? Loving you like I do?"
His voice was low warm toned, it sent shivers down your spine.
He slipped to fingers in your tight aching cunt. You whined in pleasure wanting more, but he was torturing you with his sweet slow motions. Maker you wanted more.
"No there is only you. Only you my Commander. Oh, Wolffe, give me more! I need to come so bad. I don't want anyone else but you. No rockstar."
"What about the Captain you want him?"
"No, I don't wish for Gregor. Only you my love."
"Good. Don't ever say his name while I'm inside you. Understand that pretty girl?"
You loved it when he spoke to you in his commanding tone.
"Yes, What?" He leaned in closer to you, your lips almost touched.
"Yes, Commander." you said and he let out a satisfied grumble which made your pussy twitch in answer.
Oh, how he loved hearing that rank roll off your lips. Just the thought of it made him rock hard. Just as much as you loved to hear his growls and moans.
You palmed his turgid length through his pants and earned some more pleasant noises from Wolffe.
His fingers begin to swirl on your sensitive bud, you open your legs wider to allow him better access, and let out a small gasp when he gently nibbles your ear. He can feel how wet you get by his movements. His fingers curl in you the way he knows it makes your knees weak you can't help it but to grind into his palm. He starts to explore your neck and jaw gently kissing biting and sucking delicious lovebites on your pale skin.  You can feel you're close to your climax as he moved his hand in you and rubbed on your clit, when he felt your inner muscles clench around him he let out a satisfied growl in your ear, when you decided to lean closer to him and lick a long stripe over his pulse.
"Fuck...Wolffe...I'm close.." you moaned.
"Then cum for me mesh'la, give it to me sweet thing..."
Your climax hit you hard and you felt so wonderfully helpless as the room spun and you saw stars, you heard the music from the still running concert show.
He still had his hand in you still hit that oh so sweet spongy spot to help you ride out your orgasm. Wolffe loved to make you cum. Feeling you fall apart in his arms seeing how beautiful you were and how vulnerable in those moments it turned him on like nothing else.
"Shhh you such a good girl." he shooted you and kissed your forehead. "But you have to earn another one. Is it okay for you sweet thing?"
"Yes. Please. Please I need to taste you Commander."
You knelt down, running your fingers gracefully along his thick muscled legs up towards the zipper. When your hand was on his hardness, you looked up seductively.
"May I Commander suck on your cock sir? "
"Yes you fucking may. I like it when you know how to behave. Good girls get a reward."
Some concern appeared on your face when you saw his huge cock bounce out from his pants. He was perfect and you became more aroused when you see the effect you made on him. You rubbed your red plum lips gently to the tip to smear his salty pre cum then you slid it fully into your mouth ever so slowly and Wolffe let out a sexy hoarse voiced moan. You welcomed him with wet hotness and a tight throat as you moved up and down on his shaft. You tried to take him further, still only getting half way.
Your mouth felt a little dry, since you had been singing and shouting at the concert so far. Wolffe caressed your face lovingly, then turned up your face by the jaw:
"I got you. Open up, pretty girl, let me help you."
You obeyed, you opened your mouth with your eyes closed and felt him kiss you passionately and spit in your mouth.
You couldn't take it, you reached down with your hand and played with yourself until you were now completely wet and hot and could let him into your mouth and suck on him rhythmically up and down. His head fell back in pleasure.
"Just like that...so kriffing good...so good with that pretty mouth of yours."
You gently wrung guttural moans from him. Holding his gaze was hard but something in his gaze just kept you there. You couldn't look away from him.
He had that lustful loving look on you full of feral and hunger for you. Only you can get this reaction out of him. Only you hold this power over him, that makes him rock hard and wild for you.
You enjoyed and valued this power, this connection you two had. Force bond? Fuck that! You two were so perfect, so meant to be. Fucking soulmates.
You might have closed your eyes for these sweet thoughts because you heard his command.
"Don't you dare look away from me mesh'la."
He was satisfied with your quick response because he gently grabbed your hair and with one hand he guided you on his cock.
"That's it, keep your eyes on me. I want you to watch me as I fuck that pretty mouth. "
He couldn't have looked away if he tried to. The way his cock disappeared in and out from your mouth, as your talented tongue worked on him it almost made him lose his mind. If he was gonna die this is the way he wants to leave this life, with you, inside you. Loving you.
"Ah sweetheart I'm close... Will you be good and swallow? You can say the safe word if you want to stop."
You worked on him with more passion and gripped his hips as an answer.
You knew exactly what made him feel heavens, what movements he needed to tip over the edge and cum.
Your pace quickened and your tongue too, his grip tightened in your hair and his moans were louder.
You didn't care about the world around you, what mattered is the two of you, to bring pleasure to each other. And luckily he  chose a well hidden corridor. So you weren't disturbed.
He came hard, his head fell back, eyes closed growling like a real wolf. His salty warm cum came down your throat as you swallowed all of it. He looked down on you with lovesick eyes.
You looked so lovely, your mascara a bit smeared from your tears, your mouth is red glistening with his cum, your hair is messy and your eyes full of emotions.
He helped you up, kept you close to him, kissed you with love and passion.
"I'm so crazy for you mesh'la."
He whispered to your locks when he gave you a forehead kiss. You hugged him tight, intoxicated with his warmness and his cologne.
"Should I help you with something?"
"I just go for a quick touch up in the bathroom." you said.
You went into another corridor with still wobbly legs and acknowledged that there was no line in frotnt of the bathrooms so the show must be still going on.
You only saw a pretty lilac twilek girl press Gregor to the wall kissing him furiously. When he saw you he held his fist out and you fist bumped it while going in the ladies room.
You cleaned yourself up, put on another coat of lipstick, wiped away the smeared mascara and noticed all the lovely bruises your Commander gave you. Your neck was full of maroon colored lovebites, they were very noticable and very sexy on your skin. Wolffe guaranteed everyone saw he marked his territory.
When you went back he was waiting for you, and when you entered the crowd again he whispered to your ear as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Don't worry mesh'la the night isn't over yet. I have some plans for you after the concert. When I'm done with you my love, you won't even remember your own name."
Part 2. is coming soon!
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
Get to Know Me tag
Ultimate Addition
Been tagged with multiple versions of this. Will do this all in one.
And maybe this will be the definitive version.
Thanks to: @herrmannhalsteadproduction here, @sleepywriter00 here, @mk-writes-stuff here and here, @dyrewrites here, @infinnative here, @buffythevampirelover here, and @mysticstarlightduck here.
Tagging @illarian-rambling @gottestod-writes @cowboybrunch @blind-the-winds @uninspired-platypuss @little-peril-stories @loopyhoopywrites @its-on-site @aalinaaaaaa @randomlettrrsqqssfxwcvhxnqbwriro @thepeculiarbird + anyone else
(y'all don't have to do all of these - pick one. Honestly you can do all of them but like...only if you really want to)
Version 1
Last Song - Driving the Last Spike (Genesis)
Currently Watching - Star Trek Voyager in my trek marathon, still have a little bit of Phineas and Ferb to rewatch, MythBusters, Whose Line is it Anyway, The Bad Batch as it comes out, and I keep forgetting the last bit of Hamster and Gretel is on D+ rip
Three Ships - uhhh the least controversial I feel will be Robin/Starfire (Teen Titans), Kirk/Spock (Star Trek), and Dakota/Cavendish (Milo Murphy's Law)
Favorite color - T E A L 🩵💚 it slaps. Btw this: 🩵 is not teal but it's the emoji that pops up when I type teal wtf teal is GREENER that's like cyan which also has the same emoji I'm sick of people calling light blue teal
Currently reading - beta reading Whispers by @magic-is-something-we-create and making my way through Purple Hyacinth on Webtoon
Currently consuming - uh just woke up will have my coffee in a bit
Place of birth - Earth
Currently location - pretty sure it's Earth
Last movie - True Lies (first time watching)
Version 2
Are you named after anyone? No my mom was sick of the family name she was given so revolted against peer pressure.
When was the last time you cried? Uhh couple days ago got caught in traffic due to an accident and went a separate way only to find myself on the feeder road with more traffic from another accident so I had to pull into a Jaguar parking lot before I got full a panic attack
Do you have kids? No please dear God. Future students are my kids.
What sport do you/have you played? Soccer when I was like in kindergarten.
Do you sarcasm? See next answer
What's the first thing you notice about someone? That they exist
Eye color? Brown
Scary movie or happy ending? These aren't opposites?? Scary movies have happy endings! So happy endings.
Any talents? Uh, writing, I guess. Media analysis. I can read fast. I'm Gen Z and can write in cursive. I kick ass at the puzzle match mini game on Wii Party.
Where were you born? *Double checks* yeah still Earth
Hobbies? Writing, reading, watching TV, scrolling through Tumblr, media analysis, watching YouTube, daydreaming, listening to music, useless data analysis
Any pets? Two cats
Height? 5'4
Favorite subject? ELAR (reading/writing) that's why I want to teach it
Dream job? See above
Version 3
Currently reading - answered this above
Last song - I'm doing this on a different day (sorry) and now it's Crazy Little Thing Called Love (Queen)
Currently watching - said above
Current fic - uh I'm just reading the stuff I already said
Current hyperfixation - brain recently has been toggling between Phineas and Ferb, Teen Titans (2003), Avatar The Last Airbender, Megamind, and my WIP The Secret Portal so uh pick one
Favorite color - T E A L
Sweet/spicy/savory - I guess savory but yeah depends on mood
Relationship status - happily dating ❤️
Last thing I Googled - Ming-Na Wen (wanted to know her age. She's 60)
Song stuck in my head - currently Somebody To Love (Queen - was listening to the greatest hits)
Favorite food - my dad's food, specifically his Cincinnati chili and his cake
Dream trip - New Zealand or Tokyo
Version 4
(highlight what describes you)
Dark hair* // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don't often smile// I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
*up for debate
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami* // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during work or school breaks // I can do a handstand
*with instructions and not well
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year// I have a crush* // I have a friend I've known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend+ // I am adopted // My crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship^ // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
*does my gf count as a crush? I still act like it lol
+am dating
^i think this is referring to romance but I do have other friends in other states
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sunrise* // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
*I think once could be making that up
Take your bets if I'm an outdoorsy person (nope)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of Sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower* // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed+ // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least 3 dogs
+used to
EDIT: I've decided to add onto this post whenever I get a new get to know me tag, so from here on out this was not in the original post
Version 5
I'm over 5'5 / I wear glasses or contacts (glasses) / I have blonde hair / I often wear sweatshirts (I think some of them count?) / I prefer loose clothing over tight clothes / I have one or two piercings / i have at least one tattoo / i have blue eyes / i have dyed or highlighted my hair / i have or have had braces / i have freckles / i paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / i don't often smile / resting boss face / i play sports (was in soccer in kindergarten haha) / I play an instrument (used to, violin) / i know more than one language (I know some ASL but I've forgotten most of it... ) / I can cook or bake / i like writing / i like to read / i can multitask / I have never dated anyone / I have a best friend that I have known for over five years (Cado, how has it been seven years almost????) / I am an only child
Version 6
Last song: as of answering this, technically I watched Psych so the theme song!
Favorite color: you should know this at this point in the post
Currently watching: Psych like I said, also Star Trek Voyager and a few on the side still (see above)
Sweet/spicy/savory: see Version 3
Current obsession: ...Psych but also my WIPs :)
Last thing I googled: thesaurus because I was doing the @sipofsnips and didn't have the word this morning
Favorite season: they all suck but I'll go with fall
Skill I'd like to learn: I want to draw good
Best advice: "thinking about it counts as working on it" because it's changed my outlook on how much I get done in a day, "progress is progress" for similar reasons but more general, and generally that if you burn yourself out trying to do everything nothing gets done
Woo! This was a LOT holy shit. Hope you know more about me!
Version 7
A scent you love: ooh cookies baking smells wonderful
Something you're looking forward to this week: finals finished yesterday which means more free time for me! I get to catch up on reading and writing!!
Currently reading: beta for Whispers by @magic-is-something-we-create WHICH I CAN FINALLY GET BACK TO WOOOO
Currently playing: not a video game person sorry - but I've been occasionally picking at mobile games like Animal Restaurant
Most recent movie: uh... When did I last watch a movie?? I think it was True Lies?? First time watching. Wasn't expecting it to be as chaotic as it was.
Current show: Star Trek Voyager and Psych! Partially rewatch/first time watching every episode and total rewatch respectively! I've not seen either since middle school so this is super exciting
Favorite season: autumn because it's starting to get cooler and pollen isn't everywhere
Recently learned: took a life in the universe class this semester and learned a lot about life in the universe (obviously) and while I have mixed feelings about the class MAN the content was fascinating
Water intake: currently drinking water like always :) । have to pee
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Umm so here I am requesting for a Hisoka fanfic~
Could you, good ma'am, please write about Hisoka and reader's first meeting + first date~?
I feel like it could be even really funny to write about but I personally have no idea what to expect so yeahh.. Anyways.. I'm ready beg for something spicy 😭🛐💦
the dream team (hisoka x reader)
description: you hadn't expected to meet anyone at the hunter exam, and you definitely didn’t expect to be partnered up with number 44. let’s just say your first date was a little out of the ordinary but then again, so is Hisoka so what were you expecting...
authors note: here it is! the first fic featuring my fav clown hisoka! okay so i kinda got so excited about this request that i just popped off...please enjoy slogging through most of the hunter exam arc before you actually get to interact with hisoka pls i was so extra with this
warnings: hisoka
word count: 5.6k (this took me sO LONG AND FOR WHAT)
requests are open!
Tumblr media
The elevator dinged, signalling your arrival. All eyes turned to you as you stepped into the damp threshold, assessing the newest competition. You quickly scanned the area, ignoring the uncomfortable atmosphere. Most of the applicants left you unimpressed, however you could sense some powerful players hidden within the crowd. Grinning, you walked forward, eager to begin the process of the legendary Hunter Exam. 
“Hello, please take a number! Keep it on your chest at all times and be careful not to lose it!” A peculiar, green fellow approached you, a badge outstretched towards you. You took the circular item, the number 406 was etched into the front. Attaching the badge to your shirt, you continued to look around. The tense atmosphere was building, murmurs and whispers echoing off the concrete walls.
“Hey there!” A voice called from behind. Turning around, you watched as a man clad in a blue robe greeted you, the number 16 on his chest. He was rotund and short and gave you the impression that he wasn’t worth your time so you whipped back around again and continued walking, ignoring his attempts to get your attention.
Everyone for the most part ignored you, and you ignored them in kind. You didn’t know anyone here, and you didn’t expect to know anyone afterwards. Besides, making friends with people you considered weak wasn’t something you did. You found a somewhat empty area to stand in which allowed you to think about your next steps. There were strong people here, you could sense their Nen and you were sure that they could sense yours too. You weighed the options of either using In to conceal your presence, making you a hidden threat. Or you could do nothing and let them know that there was another Nen user among them. Deciding to try out the former for the time being, you activated In. The other Nen users had probably sensed you when you entered and sensed you disappearing, but you liked that. It was like a game of guess who.
Just as you concealed your presence, a wretched scream reverberated throughout the dark hall. Quietly heading to the source of the commotion, you watched as a man’s arms disintegrated before your very eyes. That’s when you noticed him, your first real competitor, number 44. A red haired man with pale skin, peculiar clothes and an overwhelming sense of Nen. You grinned, this was definitely going to be an interesting game. 
“Number 44. The magician, Hisoka.” You overheard the plump man from before comment to the group who had arrived just before you, also mentioning how the magician killed an examiner he didn’t like and automatically failed. Number 16 also quickly warned the group that no one liked him and to stay away.
Hisoka, you thought. An interesting name for an interesting guy. You would be sure to keep an eye out for him.
A rattling sound brought you out of your thoughts. Ah, it seemed Hisoka wasn’t the only interesting Nen user here. Number 301 rattled past you, his body twitching violently. You could practically taste the danger of his aura and you grinned again, adding him to the list of people to watch. If you had to guess, you would say that 301 was a Manipulator as you could sense the needles buried in his body held a concentrated amount of power.
Some time had passed, leaving you to think about the promising few days ahead. Excited and ready to go, your mind raced as an alarm sounded, gathering the attention of all applicants. Suddenly, the wall lifted revealing what you could only guess to be an examiner behind it. 
Once the ground had stopped shaking, he began his greetings. You half listened, not interested in paying attention to things you already knew. You knew about the dangers this exam posed, not that you cared. Everything held danger so it wasn’t that impressive.
“Those who accept the risks, please follow me.” Was all you needed to hear as the man turned around and began marching through the seemingly endless dark tunnel. The group started walking behind him and you made sure to keep yourself hidden in the pack. No one paid you any attention, just the way you wanted it. You hadn’t noticed the examiner pick up the pace until suddenly everyone around you had begun to jog.
Ah, it clicked in your mind, this was a test of stamina and endurance. You learned that Satotz was the Phase One examiner and you assumed that Phase Two would begin whenever this tunnel ended. The examiner quickly confirmed your suspicions. 
Around the two hour mark, you spotted Hisoka again. He looked positively cheerful as he ran, eyes closed and a smile on his face. How interesting. You couldn’t help but be intrigued by the red haired magician.
It was a fairly boring course, the landscape never changing with no ending in sight. Many applicants had already dropped out. You weren’t completely bothered, letting your mind and imagination take over as you continued to run. Every now and then you would steal a glance at Hisoka but his pace or expression ever changed. 
As more and more applicants dropped to the ground, you were quite close to the front of the pack now. Number 301 was now visible and ended up running beside Hisoka. You absently wondered if those two knew each other. Four hours had passed at this point and you had run through your list of fake scenarios, the daydreams now becoming boring. Luckily for you, your boredom didn’t last long. There was now an endless staircase before you. Ah, you must be near the end. Hang on, you thought, did the pace just increase?
It seemed the examiners this year were really out for blood. People had begun to drop like flies around you, not that you minded. 
Another half hour had passed and cries of joy had started to ring out at the sight of the exit. The white light grew bigger and bigger until you finally reached it, stepping out into the open air. A heavy mist surrounded the area, the perfect place for a mystery such as the Hunter Exam. Everyone around you stopped to catch their breath, gasping and wheezing being the only sound. 
When the mist cleared, it looked as if you were in an area of grassland. Trees and mountains being the only thing you could see for miles. Numere Wetlands the examiner called them, a fitting name you thought, and to reach Phase Two you had to cross them.
It was as the examiner was describing the formidable creatures that called this place home when a random man appeared out of nowhere and started shouting nonsense about the man leading your group being an imposter. What really interested you was the cards that sliced through the man’s chest like a hot knife through butter. There was only one magician in the group that you knew of and this display had you itching to approach him. Hisoka stood there, shuffling his cards, having determined the real examiner. 
What an impressive first impression. Many failed to leave any kind of impression on you and yet Hisoka had impressed you in every small encounter you’ve had with him. Excitement built up as you wondered what you would see from him next. 
The examiner started to move through the wetlands, the pack running behind him once more, determined not to lose the leader within the thick fog. Water splashed wherever feet hit the ground, the sound filling the silence. As the fog grew denser however, keeping sight of the examiner proved more and more difficult, until you had lost sight of him completely.
However it didn’t take you long to find the examiner again and you weren’t surprised with how few people had managed to follow him. The closer you got to the finish line, the faster the fog dissipated. After a few minutes, your vision was clear and the sun met your skin. Once you had reached your destination, you scanned the area, looking to see who had made it this far. The only one you recognised was 301. Finding a nice spot underneath a tree, you sat down and watched as more and more applicants found their way to the meetup point.
Phase Two of the exam worried you slightly. A cooking challenge? Absolutely not. Catching the pig was easy, but that was where your luck ended. You had absolutely no idea what you were supposed to do with this carnivorous pig that you had killed so you looked around at the other applicants, trying to gather inspiration. It proved to be a wasted effort as the Phase Two examiners, whose names you didn’t bother to remember, failed every applicant. That was until an old man, the Chairman of the Selection Committee and the one in charge of the whole exam, dropped from an airship that had arrived overhead. 
Now you were onto Phase Two 2.0. The exam was relocated to Mt. Split-in-Half where you had to catch and boil a Spider Eagle egg. Now this was something you could do. Waiting for a young boy’s signal, whoever dared to jump down onto the webs was successfully lifted up by an updraft. As a reward, you got a delicious snack afterwards. 
Night had fallen, signalling the end of the first day. You had the luxury of riding in the airship to the location of the Third Phase. The applicants had been told that dinner was waiting for them in the dining hall so that was the place you headed first. The buffet laid before you was nothing short of extraordinary. All kinds of dishes had your mouth watering and you happily ate your fill of anything you could fit on your plate. 
Once you were fed, you found a seat by the window and took in the view. Cities passed below you, lights glittering against the dark backdrop of the night sky. 
You froze, sensing powerful auras approaching you. Making sure to keep facing the window, you watched out of the corner of your eye as Hisoka and number 301 passed by. That’s odd, maybe they were first acquainted outside of the exam? 
You only noticed that you were staring when Hisoka caught your gaze and held it as he walked. A slight grin appeared on his face when he broke eye contact, disappearing from sight with his potential friend.
He knew. You were absolutely positive that Hisoka knew you were hiding your Nen. Unable to help the wicked smile that stretched across your face, you went to find a room to sleep in.
The next morning, you had successfully landed at the site for Phase Three which happened to be at the very top of quite a tall structure. Trick Tower it was called, and you were told that to pass you had to make it to the base of the tower alive within the time limit of seventy-two hours. Every applicant stood around in confusion, trying to figure out a way to get down the tower. Jumping was suicide and climbing down proved impossible due to the various beasties that patrolled the area. 
It turned out that secret trap doors seemed to be the only way down the tower, many applicants disappearing as the minutes passed.
Stumbling upon a trap door, you quickly jumped through before anyone else could take it. It led you to a small, brick room bare of any decoration aside from one white pillar next to the wall. The second thing you noticed was that you weren’t alone, and the one other person in there with you was someone you would recognise even if you were blindfolded. 
Hisoka stood with his back to you, head turned to the side as you met his sidelong glance. 
“So it’s you.” He drawled, turning to face you fully. His smile was positively wicked.
“So it is.” You returned, assessing whether you were in any danger or not.
“It seems you and I are partners for this phase.” He pointed to the screen behind him, confirming what he said. You stepped past the magician towards the white pillar. The screen above read: The two of you must work in unison to make it to the bottom of the tower.
Huh, well that was unexpected. Looking at the pedestal, two stopwatches were nestled into it. Underneath the timer, which was counting down from seventy-two hours, there was some kind of sensor.
“I wonder what this does.” You muttered to yourself as you picked one up, inspecting the object. Hisoka moved beside you and picked up the last remaining one.
“I presume it’s to track our movements.” He dangled the item between two long fingers, holding it up to the light of the screen. 
“To make sure we work in unison.” You finished his sentence for him, snapping the watch onto your wrist. “Whatever that means.”
Hisoka hummed, copying your actions. Suddenly a voice rang out from a megaphone hanging from the ceiling. 
“That’s correct!” It cried, and both you and the magician turned to face it. “I am a prison warden here and the Third Phase examiner. Multiple routes through this tower have been prepared. You have chosen the path of unison. Perfect teamwork is essential if you wish to clear this phase of the exam. One person’s impulsive behaviour can derail your duo. The two of you must work in harmony to avoid failing. Best of luck!”
You laughed once the megaphone had shut off, thinking the examiner was some kind of matchmaker. “How interesting!”
Just then, a part of the wall moved, revealing a door. Marching forward, you tried opening it but it wouldn’t budge.
“Hm?” You tried again and had the same results. You looked at your companion and gestured to the door. “You wanna have a go?”
“Okay.” He sauntered forwards and came to a stop beside you. Even when he put his entire strength behind it, the door still wouldn’t open. Then an idea clicked in your mind.
“If I’m right about this, the next seventy-two hours are going to be a challenge.”
“What is it?”
“I think we have to open the door at the same time.” You gestured him forward. “Now get over here and let’s try this.”
“Oh my, you’re bold aren’t you?” Hisoka brought his finger up to his lips and you found the goofy side of your partner quite endearing. “I’m quite shy.”
You snorted as Hisoka placed his hand directly beside yours on the door. “Not in that outfit you’re not.”
Pushing at the same time, lo and behold, the door swung wide open. 
“Yep, this is gonna be a challenge.” You smiled as you peered through the doorway. What greeted you on the other side seemed to be an endless spiral staircase, descending into complete darkness. Now that you completely distrusted. Walking forward, you applied light pressure on the first step to test it and sure enough, the step crumbled away beneath your foot, falling into the darkness. 
“Don’t tell me…” You trailed off and looked at your partner. “When they said complete unison, they really meant it.”
“Quite an engaging first date.” Hisoka hummed as you both jumped and hit the next step at the same time. The step held firm, confirming your suspicions. 
“Usually a casual dinner works for me.” You timed your steps with the magician, slowly descending down and being plunged into the pitch black.
“Duly noted.” His musical voice came from beside you. 
You had both set a rhythm to keep in time with each other. It was difficult to see each other with the only light coming from your stopwatches, the dim green face was barely enough to show you where you were stepping. 
The stairs were never ending, the only sound in the darkness were your rhythmic steps. You didn’t really know what to say to your newfound partner, he was rather unpredictable and, if he was anything like you, small talk would bore him to death.
The hours ticked by and the time was just about sixty nine hours before anything promising happened. Very slowly coming into view, there seemed to be a light the closer you got to the bottom. You could make out a single candle sitting above another door.
“That’s promising.” You mumbled, noting the way Hisoka inched closer to you. If felt as if he wanted to say something and you could take a guess as to what was on his mind. It would turn out that he didn’t have to wait long to get his answer, as when you reached the bottom and pushed open the door, your first fight began.
The door opened to a suspended platform in the centre of a cavernous room. It would be quite the long fall if you were unfortunate to go over the edge. A narrow plank connected from the door to the platform, and you could see it was the same for the otherside. You figured the opposite door was your goal here. However it seemed as if it wouldn’t be that easy.
Two prisoners stood before you, looking for all the world as if they craved a good fight. You were lucky that both you and Hisoka seemed to be unhinged enough to rise to the challenge.
They were twins you realised, identical twins, and of course every movement of theirs was also identical. The prisoners opened their mouths to speak but you held up a hand to stop them.
“No, no. Let me guess.” You said, and gave Hisoka a look which he met with unbridled manic glee. “We have to kill you in perfect synchronisation?”
“Correct.” They spoke at the same time, their lifeless voices echoing around the hall.
“And how do you expect us to do that considering we’ve never fought together before?”
“We don’t.”
Hisoka grinned, a wicked gleam in his eye. “My partner and I would like to request some time to come up with a plan?”
You nodded at the magician’s question, knowing that you would need to come up with something. As strong as you both were, it would be useless if you couldn’t pass the challenge.
“Go ahead.” They both pointed to the door you just came from. Whirling around, you and Hisoka sat at the foot of the door. Well, you sat and Hisoka crouched. 
“How are we going to do this?” You whispered, more to yourself than anyone else. You were still using In so you doubted your opponents knew that you could use Nen. Realising that was a good starting point, you looked at your partner. “What type are you?”
He didn’t blink. “Gemini.”
You rolled your eyes so hard you thought they were going to pop out. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
Instead of answering your question, Hisoka leaned in, face inches away from yours.
“You’re a Transmuter.” He guessed and you couldn’t say you were shocked with his accuracy.
“How did you know?”
“I have a system. Transmuters tend to be fickle and hide their true personalities and intentions.” Hisoka grinned, leaning closer to your ear. “You and I are the same.”
Your answering laugh was high and insincere. “I suppose that makes us the best match.”
“Indeed it does.”
“I don’t need this anymore then.” You let go of your In, grinning as your aura flooded back.
“That’s more like it.” Hisoka mimicked your expression, eyes brightening.
“Back to the matter at hand, we have to kill them, but how are we supposed to kill them in sync?” Wracking your brain, you still couldn't come up with a possible solution.  “I haven’t had any fun in ages, I feel like I’m losing my edge.”
“Well, well, we can’t allow that to happen, now can we?” Hisoka smirked and licked his lips. “The thought of killing this duo with you y/n is enough to get me on board with this nonexistent plan of yours.”
“Hey, I’m working on it!” You protested, staring at the dusty ground in concentration. “You could also come up with ideas, you know.”
“Hm? But it’s so much fun watching you struggle.”
“You’re going to be struggling if you don’t start helping.”
“Fine, fine.” He waved his hand and suddenly stood up.
“Where are you going?” You asked, watching him walk slightly closer to the centre platform.
Ignoring your question, Hisoka faced the twins and placed his hands on his hips. “You said we have to kill you in perfect synchronisation, correct?”
“That’s correct.”
“What about fighting?”
They stayed silent, giving Hisoka the answer he was looking for. 
“They were hoping we would waste time by trying to fight them.” Slamming your fist against the ground, bricks shattered from the force. Of course, it was so simple. How could you have missed it?
Suddenly, the challenge got that much easier. You couldn’t hold back your manic grin as you stood, facing your opponents. Hisoka and the twins could sense the shift in your aura, all three pairs of eyes turning to you. 
“Hey, Hisoka?”
“What is it?”
“Thanks.” You looked up, meeting his gaze. “I feel like I can have some fun now.”
Hisoka’s mania matched yours as you both turned to the twins. “I’m glad I could be of service.”
The next few minutes were a blur. Unfortunately, the twin you launched at didn’t see you coming until you were already on him.
“Gotcha.” You said gleefully, watching Hisoka catch the other twin. “That was far too easy. Were you supposed to be a challenge?”
“You’re insane!” The man below you tried to fight you off to no avail.
You tutted, shaking your head. “You broke your synchronisation.” 
Looking at Hisoka, you nodded and you both killed your opponents with not even a nanosecond between. You heard a click and you lifted your head, watching the next door swing open. You stood, wiping the blood off of your face with your sleeve.
“How dull.” You moved your victim’s head with your foot, staring into his lifeless eyes. “I thought they would at least put up a fight.”
“It was barely worth the time.” Hisoka agreed, moving to stand beside you.
“Oh well.” You stepped over the body, moving to the door. “Maybe there will be better challenges further down the tower.”
“Hm.” Hisoka hummed, tapping his chin. “I did enjoy killing with you though.”
“Nothing like a good murder to bring people together.”
“What an ideal first date.”
You laughed, really enjoying Hisoka’s company. He didn’t speak much and you figured that, true to his words, he was in fact shy. However you noticed that the longer you spent with him, the more he conversed and joked around with you.
You stepped through the doorway, never once breaking your perfect synchronisation. It felt weird to have to be so in time with someone else that even your footsteps matched but you weren’t complaining, happy that the magician was you you ended up with. 
Another door faced you, however this one didn’t need your unison to open it. The door rose as you approached, leading you into a dark, circular room. Candles on the stairwell flared to life, green flames illuminating the room. There was a man sitting at the base of the stairs, looking positively smug. You looked at Hisoka but his eyes were trained on the person before you. 
“I’ve been waiting for you, Hisoka.” The man said, also explaining that he wasn’t an examiner but he was here for revenge. 
“I suppose that means our challenge doesn’t apply to this.” You sauntered to the stairs, taking a seat beside a candle. “I’ll sit this one out then. Make it quick, Hisoka.”
You were only half paying attention when the two men began to have a conversation, the ex examiner pulling out knives in between sentences. It seemed to shock Hisoka when four knives were withdrawn, the man spinning them as if they were nothing but a baton. He charged at Hisoka, the intent to kill the magician was so strong you could almost smell it. You weren’t worried however, you had the utmost faith in your partner.
You watched as Hisoka dodged the knives, spinning mid air to avoid them. The way he moved was almost beautiful to you and, oh, he was flexible. Now that was much too attractive.
“I’ll have you writhe in pain until you die, Hisoka!” The man stopped once Hisoka had caught two of his knives, effectively turning the tables. Hisoka licked the blade and you watched every movement. 
It didn’t take long for the man’s head to part with his body, both hitting the floor with the thump. 
“Well, well, I imagine that didn’t quite go the same way that he had pictured it.” You stood, looking around for the exit. It seemed the only way to go was up which you found odd. Surely your objective was to go down the tower, not up. Nonetheless, you and the magician fell into the same rhythm climbing the stairs.
It was odd that you felt quite a bit closer to Hisoka and the silence between you was no longer awkward.
“Who was he?” You asked after a while, eyeing the injuries Hisoka sustained during the fight.
“Someone who didn’t qualify to be an examiner.” He answered simply with a disinterested tone. Then he grinned and brought a hand to his heart. “Asking about other men on our date, y/n? How rude.”
“My dearest Hisoka, you know I only have eyes for you!”
“Keep it that way.”
“As you wish, my one and only.” You quipped, loving this running joke between you two. You could tell that he was loving it too as his mood matched yours.
Eventually you reached the top of the stairs and entered into what only could be described as a mineshaft. A few candles were lit where you just entered from, allowing you very limited visibility but what you could see sent your excitement soaring.
“Is that a cart?” You were dumbfounded, looking at the rails that dived down into complete darkness.
“It would appear so.”
It was obvious what you had to do. Being careful to keep in sync, both you and Hisoka climbed into the cart. It was incredibly cramped, so much so that Hisoka was practically sitting in your lap.
“Enjoying our date at the carnival, sweetheart?”
He could only chuckle as the cart rolled forward, gathering speed as it plunged into the darkness. You involuntarily held onto the magician’s thin waist, trying to avoid his injury but desperate for something to hold onto as your new method of transportation moved with all the speed of a rocket. You don’t know how long the ride took you and you didn’t dare move your arm to look at your watch. 
Eventually the cart slowed and rolled to a stop at the start of a seemingly never ending tunnel. 
“Well that was the most fun I’ve had in this entire exam.” You inhaled, able to breathe properly again. You both exited the cart and you were curious at the feeling of missing Hisoka in close proximity to you.
“What is it?” He picked up on your mood change as you began the trek through the tunnel. 
You waved a hand. “Just confused, I thought Trick Tower was supposed to be difficult.”
“Maybe we took the easy route.”
Laughing, you looked ahead, unable to see anything but the tunnel. “Maybe.”
The candles lining the walls flickered, sending your shadows in all directions. An eerie atmosphere hung in the air, the only sounds in the dark tunnel were your footsteps. It took roughly an hour before you could see the next door. 
Once you reached the end of the tunnel, the door rose to reveal a circular room lit by candles. 
“Number 406 and number 44, y/n and Hisoka, are the first applicants to pass the Third Phase. Total time, six hours and seventeen minutes.” A speaker announced as the door shut behind you.
“That’s it?” You grumbled, looking around at the empty room. “Surely that can’t be it.”
“It seems my dear y/n, that is, in fact, it.”
“What are we supposed to do now for the remaining sixty six hours?” You slumped against the wall, not looking when Hisoka sat beside you.
“Suffer with boredom I presume.”
“Say,” You turned your head to him, and he met your gaze. “Have you got a pack of cards?”
“Of course~” He sang, pulling out a deck. He began to shuffle, looking at you with his familiar smiling expression. “I take it you know how to play?”
“Of course~” You mimicked his tone, picking up the hand he dealt you. 
You lost count of the hours you spent playing against your partner, him winning every single time.
“You’re cheating.”
“Maybe, or you’re just bad.”
Suddenly, a door lifted and in walked the other applicant you had your eye on since the beginning.
“Gittarackur, applicant 301, is the second to pass. Total time, twelve hours and two minutes.”
A rattling laugh emitted from the newest arrival as he spotted the magician. “I figured you already crossed the finish line.”
The ninja Hanzo then finished, the small room feeling ever so slightly more crowded. The two newest applicants eventually slumped down, realising that there was absolutely nothing to do in this small room. Perhaps this was the hardest challenge, waiting.
You weren’t a patient person and cards could only keep you entertained for so many hours. 
“I don’t even know how many times you won.” You said as you stood up to stretch.
“Two hundred and nineteen, but who’s counting?”
“Smug bastard.” You grumbled as you sat back down beside him, ignoring his laugh. “Challenge me to a game of Snap. I dare you, you’ll stand no chance.”
“Let’s see about that.”
True to your word, you actually did manage to win quite a few games against Hisoka. You would never admit that it shocked you somewhat, but it did. 
“It appears you weren’t lying.”
“Told you~” You sang, ignoring the fact that more applicants had arrived. 
After a day had passed, a large metal shelving unit emerged from one of the many doors, holding multiple trays of food and drinks. Thanking everything you could that you could finally eat, you picked up two trays and sat back down next to your partner. 
“Here.” You put his tray in front of him, too busy digging into your food to notice his response or expression. 
The only good thing about having new applicants walk through the doors was that you knew how much time had passed and, more importantly, the time remaining.
You couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment you fell asleep. All you knew was that one minute you were leaning against the wall wondering what to do next, and the next minute your head was on Hisoka’s shoulder.
You blinked, your bleary eyes trying to focus. 
“You’re finally awake.” A familiar voice came from beside you. 
“I don’t remember falling asleep.” You lifted your head. “I’m surprised my head is still intact.”
“What are you insinuating?”
“You know exactly what.”
“As if I would kill the light of my life.” He teased, leaning in. “And on our date too. Shame on you for thinking such hurtful things.”
“My apologies. I have no idea what about you would give me the impression that you’re a murderer.”
“Tsk tsk.” He wagged his finger. “I’m a respectable man.”
You laughed at that. “Yes, about as respectable as me.”
At around the sixty two hour mark, Hisoka had taken to building card towers and you watched with bored fascination at how he placed them.
“Can you teach me how to do that?”
“Hm, this?” He asked, pointing to his creation. When you nodded, he knocked his complete tower down and began showing you where to place the cards to get them to stand upright. It took you a couple of hours but you eventually got the hang of it.
Having successfully completed your first tower, you were about to celebrate when Hisoka looked you dead in the eye and knocked all your hard work down. 
He laughed sadistically at the face you made. “Mmhh, I love that expression.”
“You’re gonna love it even more when I knock your next tower down.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Try me.”
A new applicant had finished, telling you that you had two hours remaining. 
“Finally.” You sighed, leaning back against the wall. “What I wouldn’t give for another cart ride right now.”
“That was fun.” Hisoka hummed in agreement, turning to face you with a wicked gleam in his eye. “Especially when you grabbed onto my waist.”
“Where else was I supposed to hold?” You argued. “Your waist was ready and available.”
“I know another part of me that’s ready and available.”
You threw your head back in laughter, the sound echoing around the quiet room. “Good to know.”
Your banter with Hisoka continued on until the final five applicants had passed. You would never say it, but you had an inkling you were going to miss the magician when this was all over.
The speaker sounded for the final time.
“The Third Phase of this exam is over. Twenty six applicants have passed. One has died.” One final door rose, letting daylight flood into the dark room. Applicants were asked to leave one by one and you wasted no time in making sure that you were one of the first to leave.
Fresh air had never felt so good. You tilted your head back, loving the feeling of the sunlight on your skin.
“I suppose our date is over.” Hisoka’s voice came from beside you, as he stepped out into the breeze. “I very much enjoyed it.”
“Perhaps we can have another soon?”
Hisoka grinned, giving you a dramatic bow. “My dear y/n, I expect this is only the beginning of a wonderful relationship.”
369 notes · View notes
ashes-writing · 2 years
devil | scream 4 ; c.walker
A/N; so listen up kiddos. Recently I watched Jack Goes Home and this.. It sent me down a Rory Culkin rabbit hole. And naturally, this led me to rewatch Scream 4 for probably the bajillionth time, holy shit. Look, this is just something weird, something a little... dark.. that came to my brain. If weird, kind of spicy and wildly inappropriate are not your cup of tea then this post is probably not something you'll want to read. In the spirit of all my late posts, this too is a reader fic. Because things seem to flow better that way. aka when i get my nerve up to post some of my oc fics on here it's over for my ass bc they're gonna flop hard lmaooo. But anyway, another reader fic. This time with Charlie Walker from Scream 4.
Tag List ; @schizoauthoress is the only person on my horror tags rn. If you'd like to fix this and be added to it, please by all means.. Click the link below.
Pairing ; Charlie Walker x Troublemaker!Fem reader, listen there is no other way to say this. Reader is.. a handful.
Summary ; The last thing you expected was to find yourself in the supply closet in the back of the classroom with Charlie Walker. When this happens, things get a little spicy.
Warnings ; for now, there are only vague hints that he's stone cold crazy and planning to slash bodies or in liason with Jill. As dark as it gets is him going on an internal rant about the mistakes Billy made and how those got him seperated from Sydney. Beyond the slight air of darkness / murdery hints, there's making out in a semi public place, swearing, panty theft, almost a fight / bullying situation between Reader and Kirby and Robbie Mercer being both a conscience and a cockblock simultaneously.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || rules + fandoms and some of the characters I write for || requests ; open, any fandom but pro wrestling with headcanons / nsfw alphabet and fluffy alphabet letters only please and thanks.
I do not consent to having my work reposted. I also do not consent to having my work rewritten / copied and changed to be reposted.
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“Listen, I’m just saying… Virgins are always the first to go. The virgin is never the final girl. So if you want to live through this killing spree? Get laid. Do it now.. Screw the logic that says virgins live to the end because they don't I mean... Look who just died, there's the proof...” and as she says it, Kirby Reed settles back into her  desk. 
You roll your eyes to yourself a few rows away before smirking and speaking up. “Just say you’re a whore and go already, Jesus christ.”
You know it’ll start a fight but honestly, you don’t care. Because it’s Monday and Kirby fuckin Reed is already giving you a headache. You’d rather be anywhere but Woodsboro High to begin with, so the two combined and prompted you to look for a little spice. A way to make your Monday more interesting.
“Aw, look… It’s the girl who wants to be me so bad she can taste it.” Kirby barely looks at you. The jealousy in her tone might be missed by you, but Jill and the other girls pick right up on it. All Kirby has bitched about all weekend is how Charlie Walker is always following you around like some stupid little puppy lately. And she got angry as hell when Jill pointed out that she was upset, therefore, this meant she was jealous.
“In your dreams, bimbo.” you retort, twisting your hair around your finger. “I’d really rather not have to play pin the tail on the STD. How many are you up to this month, hm? Three? Four?”
She’s on her feet in seconds and you’re not a stranger to fisticuffs, so you don’t waste any time getting on your feet either. You’re pulling the big silver moon earring out of your ear as she starts your way and you smirk when Robbie Mercer grabs her. The only problem with this is about the same time Robbie Mercer grabs hold of her, you find yourself thrown carelessly over the shoulder of Charlie Walker.
You kick your legs, briefly flashing the entirety of the class behind you with the tear on the inside the leg of your favorite pair of fishnets and the faintest split second flash of deep black lace when your kicking sends your skirt flipping upward and shows your panties and the curve of your ass. 
You pound on Charlie’s chest and midsection with your fists and you squeal out in mock horror, “Unhand me, you asshole! I’ll bite, damn it!”
Normally, Charlie Walker doesn’t say more than a word or two to you here and there unless there’s dire necessity. He’s too busy following Kirby around or doing Film Club things or the video yearbook with Robbie, his best friend.
So it catches you off guard when he glances over at you and smirks with a little shrug. “Is that an offer, princess?”
“It’s a threat, sleazeball!” you assert. When you actually do attempt to bite him, it’s his abdomen that catches the unholy wrath of your teeth and he’s rushing to put you on your own feet in a quieter corner of the classroom -which happens to wind up being the supply closet in back. All you can do is smirk in satisfaction as you tap your foot against the tiled floor.
“What? Why do you look so damned smug right now, hm?” Charlie leans into you a little. Studying you intently. A curious gleam in ice blue eyes. “Does chaos just make you happy or something?” he demands an answer as he studies you intently. Looking at you as if he’s seeing you for the first time and honestly, it feels like he has.
See, until recently, it was all about Kirby.
But then you caught his attention by a happy accident.
You were trying to fight Trevor because Trevor decided to play grab ass with you  at one of Emma’s parties earlier in the month.
You’d dropped Trevor like a bad habit with just one slight movement, a simple sweep of your leg. Then when he tried to wrestle you down onto the floor with him because he couldn’t handle having his ass handed to him by a girl who was maybe 5 foot even at best, you’d straddled his hips and proceeded to squeeze his throat until he was struggling for his next breath.
Since that night, Charlie Walker had  barely acknowledged Kirby Reed.. Not that you’d notice, you seemed to be completely oblivious to the subtle shift in his intent focus... But he tried to pop up near wherever you happened to be a lot more. Which proved to be handy when you did something stupid like eating a habenero in the cafeteria on a dare and nearly choking, which he prevented by hitting you on the back until you coughed it up only to walk away wordlessly.. Or when he caught you pulling the fire alarm earlier this week just because to quote you, if you had to sit through one more boring pep rally, you’d simply die on the spot. He’d picked you up over his shoulder when you tripped while trying to flee the scene of the crime.
You were excitement. You were breathing chaos. When he compared you to Kirby Reed, Kirby only had sex appeal going for her.
And right now, as he stood there staring at you, standing taller and right in your way so you couldn’t get to Kirby like you wanted, he was starting to see that the scale of sex appeal was tipping a lot more in your favor than hers too.
You were snapping your fingers in his face with an annoyed look in your eyes and that’s what brought him crashing back into reality. 
“I said move, damn it.” you repeat yourself for at least the fourth time.
“Not gonna do that. Nope.” Charlie answers, stepping into your line of vision to block it. You pout up at him a little and laugh softly. “Oh, I get it… You know if I get past you, I’m gonna rip off your pretty little girlfriend's face and wear it like a Halloween mask. You don’t want me to beat her til she’s ugly inside and out… Right?”
“Nope. Not even close, kitten. Not even in the same galaxy as the answer.” Charlie’s hand raises and he drags it through his hair. You swallow hard because the smirk that tugs at his lips lets you know that he saw you when your eyes followed the way his hand dragged through his hair. He steps closer to you. Close enough that there’s no distance left between your bodies. Close enough that the scent of cologne and cigarette smoke and whatever body wash he uses and just… boy, those all combine and make you bite your lip just a little bit. You frown to yourself. 
You try to focus on what he’s saying, anything but the way his lips move when he’s chewing you out or saying whatever you’re barely listening to at the moment. Or the way he keeps stepping closer. The way he’s staring at your mouth intently as he does it.
And then your back’s against the blackboard behind you and his hips are pinning you between his body and the blackboard. One of his hands raise and catches against the side of your face. As the pad of his thumb rolls over your skin you shiver and before you can censor yourself, you melt into him. Charlie growls quietly. His other hand slips around behind you, settling against your ass as he squeezes. The fabric of your miniskirt bunching up in his hand. You whimper and your hand raises, tangling in his hair as your nails drag softly over his scalp.
Neither of you seem to stop and think, oh hey, this is a classroom and maybe we shouldn’t do this. Neither of you are focused on anything aside from just how good what’s happening feels. When Robbie’s throat clears from nearby, you two spring apart. Charlie glares at the taller boy and takes several deep breaths.
“I came to see if you got the spitfire under control. Apparently, she’s going to corrupt you now.” Robbie taunts him and you laugh, pouting a little as a hand raises to at least attempt straightening out the way Charlie had started to mess with and tug at your hair. All you can really do is shrug it off but the look on Kirby Reed’s face when she catches sight of the two of you looking as if you’ve just been caught with your hand in the cookie jar and are being reprimanded for it, that angry gleam is worth it all.
Even if Charlie only did whatever it is he was about to attempt just to get you to behave even a little. Robbie wanders back into the main area of the classroom with everyone else and the door to the supply closet bangs closed behind him softly but the damage is done. The trance has been broken.
Charlie steps back up to you and dips his head down, resting his forehead against your cleavage as he takes at least three long and deep breaths and grumbles out in a voice muffled by your tits, “Jesus. I swear the guy could unintentionally fuck up a wet dream.” as his fists clench against your hips when he grabs hold to pull you completely against him all over again.
“Were you going to kiss me, Charlie?” you ask with the softest of giggles. Melting against him which gets you a warning growl and the slightest nip to the side of your neck as the warmth of his breath tickles your ear when he responds “Thought about it, yeah.” laughing quietly as he gazes up at you. 
“What exactly is stopping you?”
“We’re kind of in a classroom supply closet right now, babe. Look around.” Charlie gestures to the lack of proper ambiance and you shrug. “It wouldn’t be the riskiest place I’ve made out before.” but you smirk as you say it and Charlie’s prompt response is to jam his fingers into his ears while loudly humming because he doesn’t want to hear it.
See, he’s gotten it in his head. This all ends with him and you. Screw his little agenda with Jill. He’s gonna turn on her and this time, the grave error made by Billy Loomis in not keeping his girl at his side will not be repeated by him, the new slasher of Woodsboro.
If Billy’s taught him anything through years of idol worship, it’s that even your idols can fuck up. And this time, he doesn’t intend on it. If Billy had kept Sydney in the dark. Kept her in line. Kept her well fucked and love-drunk then maybe their story wouldn’t have ended in tragedy.
He just knows yours won’t.
After all, you’re built different than Kirby Reed.
Otherwise, he’d never have taken notice, fucked around and gotten obsessed.
In short, he fully intends to be the last guy those soft lips of yours -or any other parts of your anatomy, ever touch. One way or another and he’s fully prepared to eliminate the competition any way he has to. 
“Charlie, c’mon. You’re looking at me all dopey right now.” you’re pouting up at him with those big, beautiful eyes. Batting those lashes. He decides to do the opposite of what his idol Billy would do in this situation. Instead of being a dick about it, he leans into the sappy romantic shit most girls want to hear.
His finger drags across your lower lip. His forehead settles against yours. “Maybe it’s because I wanna kiss you and I’m barely controlling myself.”
“Then don’t, oh my god.” you whine, wrapping your arms around his neck. You lean into him heavy enough that his back meets the closet door and he braces himself to stop the damn thing from flying open and both of you tumbling out just in time. His mouth latches against yours around the same time your leg raises to his hip and his free hand -the one not tangled in and tugging at your hair, grips your thigh right beneath your skirt. “This what you wanted, kitten?” he asks the question in the sweetest, most lovesick voice he can muster. It’s not hard to do at all and that surprises him. He’s been faking normal for so long now that when something is natural for once and it comes easily instead of being a tedious chore, it throws him for a loop.
Your whimper as you rock against him and melt into him has him drawing a shaky deep breath when the kiss breaks for a split second. “Answer me.” he grips your jaw gently in his hand and you pout because he’s not kissing you anymore. “Well it was til you stopped…”
“Babe, c’mon. Are you trying to drive me crazy here?” Charlie questions, frowning at you.
The class is still discussing the latest murder to have been gone viral when the two of you slip out of the closet and back into your seats. You’re dripping. And before you left the closet, Charlie Walker ripped off your panties and pocketed them while giving you that calm smirk. 
He says he’ll come by tonight. He wants you to leave your bedroom window open. And while it’s everything you’ve wanted since middle school, there’s a part of you that can’t help but wonder if you haven’t just entered into some kind of unholy union.
Because there’s always been something a little different. Just a little off with Charlie Walker.
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atonalginger · 4 months
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Thank you for the tag and reminder @therealgchu!
I have something (sort of) different for today: a snippet of my Rokov fic! This isn't as spicy like the little sneak peeks I've been sharing in the discord but there is a brief mention of nudity so you've been warned. pg-13 here atm the fic itself will be explicit.
“So how conservative is the TPS?” Bella asked from the small bathroom as she adjusted her long dark golden brown wig. It made her look like her tia Maria and reminded her that many on her mother’s side said she looked like a blonde version of her abuela when she was young. She bit her lip and got to work tacking the wig down.
“Depends on the guest,” Rokov said from his small desk, “members come from all sorts of backgrounds, the common thread between them all is their love for tax write-offs.”
“Well that should make things easier,” Bella mused as she stepped back, flipping her hair back and looking over her make-up, checking her teeth, searching for anything out of place.
“How do you figure?” Rokov asked.
Bella came out of the bathroom, pulling the belt of the robe she’d slipped into before doing her makeup and installing her wig, exposing her bare midriff and cleavage, “you said I’d need to work the floor for gossip on Dumbrosky? Easier to get people to open up when they’re distracted, don’t you think, tovarich?”
Rokov let out a deep, husky laugh, trying his best to hold her gaze but she could see him struggling, “I couldn’t agree more.”
She leaned over to pull a dress from her bag, the robe falling open and exposing her breasts. She heard him let out a loud breath and his chair squeaked as he turned to the side, “you aren’t shy, are you?”
“Shy doesn’t get you far in the kind of work I do,” Bella said without looking up, “am I bothering you, captain?”
“Did that sound like complaining?” he asked.
She looked up and saw him appearing to look through paperwork on a tablet but she could see her reflection in the glass. She smirked and flipped the bird in his direction, just in front of her breasts.
Another husky laugh rumbled out of him, “okay, you caught me,” he turned back around to face her fully, “happy?”
“Da,” she shook out the slinky red number she’ll pulled from her bag, letting the robe fall off her shoulders. She glanced over at the captain to see him more admiring her face than oogling her body like she’d expected. She continued speaking using a subtle Russian accent, “if I didn’t want your attention, I would have had you wait outside.”
“That so?” he said softly.
Bella let the robe drop to the floor and pulled on the red dress, hooking the neck strap and smoothing the silky fabric, adjusting the neckline to properly cover her chest and untwisting the skirt. She was so busy getting everything situated she didn’t notice the captain had stood up, or was now standing in front of her.
“You are certainly going to get attention in that,” he lifted her chin, “you sure that’s safe?”
“For now,” she winked, “when it comes time to get the goods no one will realize it was Yeva.”
“So what’s the plan, tovarich?” he asked, his finger rubbing under her chin before letting go.
Bella started to pack everything back into her bag, “Tonight is the big opening night, right?”
“I’ll mingle, get a feel for the guests, the hosts of the event, and Dumbrosky. Find out when the award is given away so we can plan around that. I assume that will be a few days in so we’ll have time.”
“You’d be right,” He picked up her bag and carried it to the bathroom so she could load her tools and makeup case inside, “award ceremony is later this week. When you get on the main floor I can direct you toward the one managing the event.” He zipped the bag closed and added in a sarcastic tone, “she’s a delightful woman.”
“Fun,” Bella said with a bounce of her brows, “I can’t wait to meet her.”
“Let’s get you to the docking bay so you can get checked in,” Rokov said, his eyes taking Bella in again, “then the fun can start.”
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jshookthighs · 1 year
So, I don't know how inspired you'd be to write something about this.
But, dates up top of Willie's radio station?
I could see a lot of cuddling, just talking about everything and nothing. Perhaps some ✨spice✨ if you feel it? 👀
Hello friends! I am not dead! I am so sorry this took me forever to write, and the sucky thing is that I'm not actually done with it but I didn't want to keep ya'll waiting any longer so in the meantime please enjoy what I have so far and hopefully I'll have the whole fic done soon - WARNING: it will be spicy so yeehaw
God I am so tired from finals lol
Cuddles at The Radio Station
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If he takes you to the radio station roof - congratulations! You are a very special person! That place is his safe haven, his secret place where he feels like he can be himself, and to be able to share that with another individual means that he trusts you a great deal
Oh boy oh boy oh boy I can really imagine lil picnic lunch dates where you lay out a blanket and pack a basket with both your favorite treats
Stargazing at night - one time he brought a telescope he found and you both took turns looking out into the night sky and trading ideas about what lies outside this universe
Best cuddle spot outside of the bedroom. While it sounds a little uncomfortable to hold each other while laying on the cold concrete but not to worry hun, Corey’s got ya’ll covered cause he always packs the thickest and warmest blanket he owns. He’ll lay it out nice and pretty before sitting himself down and positioning himself into a good position before reaching both his arms out, gesturing you to come near. The second he feels you against his fingers, he’s tugging you down on top of his frame, holding you close and tight, nose burying into your hair. And finally, finally, he relaxes. All his sadness and anger and grief washes away once he has your weight keeping him together
Probably where you both say you love each other for the first time
It’s also the place where you both have your most serious conversations, the cold rooftop coaxing out every burdening trouble and bringing you both closer
It gets emotional up there so you really can’t be surprised that every radio station date ends in making out or even more. While it’s public, Corey knows it’s just secluded enough that he’s ok sharing you and your body with the world. I mean, he knows it’ll only be him knowing about this dirty secret of ya’lls - if anyone was to discover you in that vulnerable position? Uh yeah no they’re 100% dead. This is the only time he’ll get freaky outside of the house. But don’t forget sweetheart, you gotta be quiet
The red blinking light of the tower fades in and out, every beat illuminating the soft features of Corey’s face in bright crimson beams. The weight of his head feels comforting in your lap, your fingers combing through the curly tresses. In the stillness of the night, all you both can hear is the chirping of crickets and the rhythmic in and out of each other’s breaths. It’s times like this when time seems to stop and the only people in the world are you and him. The radio station once Corey’s beacon of hope, is now also the perfect date spot. It had been hours now, just the two of you huddled close talking about everything and nothing, completely slipping from the present and into your own world. In the silence of it all, you can’t help but stare and admire Corey’s face as he lies there: eyes shut and content. He truly is beautiful. Long dark eyelashes dust the tops of his high cheekbones, his nose slants at the perfect angle, and his lips, all soft and puffy, make you reach out with your other hand to trace. The gentle touch causes his lid to flutter open, showing the dark pools of obsidian you love so much. Carefully, he grasps your wrist and holds your hand tight against his cheek, sighing dreamily at the sensation of your warmth.
Your stare doesn’t waver for a second, so afraid to blink and miss anything he does. Corey cocks his head to the side and chuckles. “What? Is there something on me?” His own hand reaches up to feel if there was some sort of crumb from your dinner of pb&j sandwiches left on his face. You smile warmly. “I just love you so much.” Your words are calm and strong. Pink floods his cheeks and the tips of his ears as high eyebrows shoot up in surprise. He’s speechless for a moment, silence swallowing you both once again. Corey just looks at you, eyes widened and alert causing you to feel fear creep up your spine. Did you mess up? Did you say it too soon? You got to apologize, hoping to not of rushed him. But then, in a moment, he shoots up so that his eyes are even with yours, the tips of your noses brushing together. “Say it again.” He whispers it so carefully, so desperately, so afraid to shatter the quiet. You look back and forth between dark brown irises, your heart melting.
Your hands come up to cup both sides of his cheeks and hold him steady. “I love you, Corey.” A noise, a whimper, rips from his throat before he reaches up, gripping the back of your head and pulling you in, lips colliding in a frenzy. You can feel him quivering as he pushes and pulls your body, trying to force you and himself closer together. It’s not enough. He wants, no, needs to feel you. In an instant, he’s shoving you down until your back hits the soft blanket below, the desperate kisses refusing to end. The second you try to pull back to breathe, he’s whining and chasing after you like he’d die if he didn’t feel your soft lips against his. Teeth and tongue clash and swirl together until you forget where you were. Cold hands rifle their way up your shirt, hopelessly dancing up and down your sides, causing goosebumps to ripple on your skin.
After what seems like a lifetime, Corey releases your lips, a thin trail of saliva breaking as you both pant and gasp for much-needed air. Having oxygen back in your lungs, you can finally feel his entire weight on your frame, pressing every inch of his body to yours. Your legs spread to accommodate his hips and immediately you can feel him pressing against your crotch. You look up at Corey and it’s as if time stops. In the dark of the night, the red light of that radio tower fades in and out, illuminating the soft features of his face. But he doesn’t look like that angelic being you saw earlier resting his weary head upon your lap, no, Corey looks like a hungry animal, starving for your everything. “I need you.” He states it almost like a command, but you can hear that little tone where it seems like he’s asking. Asking if he could take you right then and there. And God, do you need him too. Hand sliding up his chest, you ball the collar of his shirt in your fist and yank him down into a frenzied kiss. Pushing him away for a moment you give him a definite answer. “Then take me, Corey.”
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glimmerglanger · 2 years
sucktember 2022 (1)
So, I have done at least one fill for Sucktember (prompts and rules past the link)! Written for Day 1: Fingers. Just a short little Codywan piece that isn't that spicy (but still is spicy).
I may do more! It depends! Open to suggestions, ehe. ANYWAY. FIC!
Cody unthinkingly started tracing one finger across Obi-Wan’s soft lower lip after exchanging sweet, slick kisses. He liked the contrast: Obi-Wan’s lip so plush and smooth, the pad of his finger callused and rough. 
When he pushed forward, pushed the tip of his finger into Obi-Wan’s mouth, he got a teasing nip and a flirty grin, Obi-Wan’s eyes sparkling and dark with lust. And Cody’d never been one to hesitate, not even in situations where he lacked a roadmap. 
So he…pushed in a little further, and Obi-Wan sucked, and a jolt went all the way down Cody’s spine, grounding out low in his stomach. He’d seen Obi-Wan’s mouth curl in a grin around his finger, and - shit - it had just felt right to see if he’d - he’d like another one in his mouth, too.
“I really like it when you do that,” Cody rasped, the admission slipping free as Obi-Wan slid his mouth down over both fingers. 
“Mm?” Obi-Wan hummed, looking up through his lashes as he sucked, the flat of his tongue pressed in a curl against the bottom of Cody’s fingers. His cheeks had gone pinkish; every time Obi-Wan slid his mouth back, Cody’s fingers looked so wet and shiny and, gods, Obi-Wan’s mouth was so hot and soft inside--
“Yeah,” Cody admitted, unable to look away from the sight. “It’s making,” he exhaled, because they’d agreed to take things slow when they started doing this, and he currently felt he was doing several hundred lightyears in a second, “my cock hard. I’m not sure - ah - entirely why.” 
Obi-Wan’s eyes darkened appreciably, before he pulled back and off completely, licking across his bottom lip before he said, “Well, would you like me to show you exactly why?”
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meadowlarkx · 9 months
I was tagged by @findekano! Thank you so much 💗
favorite color: I never have a ready answer for this honestly. I really like yellowy pinks and all shades of blue or blue-green? That's what's on the mind now anyway!
currently reading: besides school stuff, I recently finished The Bandit Queens (gripping -> eventually dark humor + women's solidarity) and The Prince and the Dressmaker (sweet, gendery, beautiful art, made me cry!) both of which I'd kind of picked up by chance. I am also still technically reading The Lays of Beleriand although very slowly (I have tended to revisit sections happily or at random when I'd like to be chronologically going through the whole thing). I think the next up on the TBR for me will be Oscar Wilde's Salomé and a million fanfictions.
last song: 200 Weeks Ago from Vołosi's album of the same name! I love their sound.
last series: Severance a while back, and rewatching Nirvana in Fire with dear friend @tuulikki!
sweet, savory, or spicy? Best when it can be all 3, I think!
currently working on: more WIPs than I've juggled at once in a while, for Silm Smut Week (and ongoing other fics)! Donning my jester hat. Also, midway through coloring a small piece of traditional art (spoiler: it's also Silm-related) when I get another moment to set that up again. I am kind of busy with rl things, but this stuff is sustaining.
tagging @synechd0che @searchingforserendipity25 @aurpiment @themelodyofsilence @i-am-a-lonely-visitor @undercat-overdog @aipilosse and anyone else who wants to do it! I'd love to hear what you are up to!
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
Title: I’m Not Scared
Summary: Marco gets stranded at Kylian’s apartment due to a storm and comforts him when he gets scared of the thunder.
Pairings: Marco x Kylian, Verbappe
Tags: fluff as usual, it’s a lil(like thiiiiiiiis🤏🏾 much) spicy for like 2 quick sentences so just heads up
Small authors note: had to beat this plot with a stick. Got tripped up by so much dialogue(my arch nemesis) especially considering I was going by not so educated guesses on Marco’s dialogue. Literally started the Neymessi tea fic halfway through and finished cause I couldn’t figure this out.
“Ah shit,” Marco muttered under his breath.
When he’d agreed to take Kylian back to his apartment after practice was cut short he hadn’t thought the rain would get this bad. The hail beating down on the window proved his thoughts wrong. It had already been 4 hours since he’d gotten there and the rain was only getting worse. The skies had been prematurely darkened by the clouds and the rolling waves of rain that threatened to break the walls down.
“It’s getting worse,” Kylian muttered back, tensing a little after a particularly loud burst of thunder. He looked away from the series that played quietly on the tv and to Marco who sat with his feet up on the table on the other side of the sofa. “I think you might have to stay the night” he added as Marco turned his head to look at him through sleepy eyes.
“Yeah, you’re right. I can sleep on the couch,” Kylian looked ready to protest, “really it’s fine. I don’t mind. Just bring me a blanket, okay?”
“Fine,” Kylian sighed, slightly annoyed. But even he was starting to feel sleepy and in no mood to argue against Marco. He knew he’d lose against him anyway. He got up and stalked off to get him a blanket. Marco burrowed deeper into the sofa and pulled his oversized sweater tighter around his body as he tried to ward off the cold from the weather. He let his eyes flutter shut for a few seconds as he waited for Kylian to come back.
Marco rubbed at the slight ache in his neck as he groaned awake. It was so dark he couldn’t see a thing. No light filtered in from the street lights outside. The storm, which seemed to have doubled in strength, must have blacked out the whole district. He fished out his phone from his pocket and winced as he switched it on to check the time; 00:27. Shit, he’d been asleep for almost 4 hours. He moved the blanket which Kylian must have covered him with in his sleep to the side and maneuvered gracelessly to his feet. He silently regretted wearing shorts as he realized how freezing and in need of another blanket he was before he lost all feeling in his toes. He stumbled through the dark in the direction he knew Kylian’s room to be; only bumping into a chair and a haphazardly discarded sneaker on his way.
“Kylian?” He whispered quietly into the inky blackness of Kylian’s room. He was sure the other man had long fallen asleep by now and had he been slightly more awake he’d have felt bad for disturbing his sleep. Although he considered it fair. He was only in this predicament due to Kylian being too stubborn to get his stupid license. Really the man was 24, it was getting ridiculous.
“Hm,” Kylian answered almost immediately. Strange. Was he already awake?
“It’s freezing, I need another blanket,” he spoke over the cracks of thunder and flashes of lightning. He slowly walked towards Kylian’s bed blindly before stopping when he felt the soft thud of the mattress against his knees. He sat down on what he assumed was the end of the bed and looked at where Kylian’s head ought to be.
“I don’t have any more spare blankets. Just get in,” Kylian said. His voice seemed to waver a little but surely Marco was imagining things.
Marco heard Kylian slowly move to tug the blanket up on one end. He crawled on the bed till he could feel the corner Kylian was holding up for him before climbing under the multiple blankets and sheets next to Kylian. He let out a soft sigh as he pulled up the blankets to his chin and nestled into the warm space next to Kylian. He was just starting to feel the caresses of sleep when suddenly a very loud whip of lightning cracked in the distance, shaking the whole building. Kylian’s hand flew out and grabbed Marco’s under the sheets in a tight, clammy hold.
“I’m sorry,” Kylian breathed shakily as he began to let Marco’s hand go from his vice grip but Marco didn’t let him. He held on tighter to Kylian’s hand as he properly interlinked their fingers together.
“It’s okay,” Marco replied as he suddenly felt slightly more awake. “You’re scared of the storm?” It was phrased more as a statement than a question.
“No, of course not. Don’t be silly. You think I’m scared of a little rain?” Kylian replied gruffly. But the small whimper and the little squeeze he gave Marco’s hand at the next crack of thunder betrayed him.
Marco let out a small sigh that sounded almost like a chuckle before he shifted closer towards Kylian. “Stop being an idiot and come closer,” he mumbled somewhat sleepily. He felt the blankets shift around as Kylian ambled closer to him until they were pressed arm to arm in the middle of the bed. They lay there in silence until Kylian took in another sharp breath at the next flash of lightning. Marco nudged Kylian’s leg with his socked foot, “c’mon, talk to me. Unless you plan on jumping out of your skin all night?” He poked jokingly. He turned on his side to face Kylian when the man stayed silent. “Hey,” he whispered soothingly as he reached a hand blindly in front of him until it made contact with the soft, cold-nipped skin of Kylian’s cheek. He felt Kylian’s eyelashes flutter against his thumb as he stroked the ridge of his cheekbone. Kylian’s skin was cool to the touch but it felt so warm under the gentle ministrations of Marco’s hand.
“It’s just…it’s-it’s too loud,” he started voice wavering a little. He finally turned on his side to face Marco before continuing, “which I know is ironic, I know, considering I’m surrounded by crowds louder than this almost constantly but- the dark. The lights went out not long after you fell asleep then my phone died an hour later. I can’t stand the dark…you don’t know what could be out there you know?”
“Why didn’t you wake me up? I would have stayed up with you,” Marco asked quietly. He could feel Kylian’s warm breath fanning his face in soft, irregular puffs of minty air.
“I didn’t want to bother you. You looked so pretty uh…peaceful in your sleep and I could tell you were tired.”
Marco felt slightly warmer at Kylian’s small Freudian slip and let out a soft laugh at the man’s terrible attempt to cover up his slip up.
“Yeah I was, but I’m wide awake now.”
“Uh-huh, sure and I’m quitting football.”
“You’re more likely to start singing opera than quit football.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Kylian whispered as he felt slightly more relaxed at the dulcet tone of Marco’s voice. However this didn’t last long as he tensed up again when the rain slammed particularly hard onto the windows. “How doesn’t this bother you?” Kylian grit out.
“What, the dark?”
“No, my cologne,” he bit back sarcastically.
“I don’t know, it’s just never really bothered me so I guess I never grew scared of it.”
“I wish I could relate…also I’m not sca…” he trailed off at the next burst of thunder.
Marco let out a sigh at the boys antics before shifting ever so slightly closer until he was pressed flush against Kylian’s body. Kylian became even more rigid than he had been before at the sudden proximity with the smaller man.
“Come on Kyky, you need to relax,” Marco whispered into his neck.
“I’m trying.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Well it’s a little hard to ignore when it’s all I can think about right now.”
“You want me to distract you?” Marco, still caught in a hazy half sleep state, wasn’t too sure where he was going with this. But the way Kylian’s breath hitched at the question spurred him on. “Because I can,” he whispered right into Kylian’s ear, “if you want,” he purred as he caught the lobe of Kylian’s ear in between his teeth.
“…okay,” Kylian whispered back as he reached out a tentative hand to rest on Marco’s hip.
Marco moved the hand on Kylian’s cheek to his collarbone and pushed him lightly until he was lying on top of him. He could feel Kylian’s pulse jump under his fingers at the new position. He maneuvered his legs until he was straddling the bigger man on his smooth stomach. He could feel Kylian’s long fingers dig lightly into both sides of his hips, holding him in place. His hands caressed down the length of his chest, feeling each hardened plane of muscle before stopping gently at the sides of his ribs. He leaned his head down and nuzzled his nose into Kylian’s right cheek before moving his head until he could just barely feel his lips graze against his.
And then both Marco and Kylian bubbled to life with laughter as Marco’s fingers began to dance endlessly against Kylian’s warm, exposed skin.
“Wait…no-Mar...Marco stop,” Kylian squealed, punctuating each word with a small burst of giggles.
“Never,” Marco laughed loudly and somewhat deviously.
Kylian tried to push the smaller man off him. It was futile of course. With Marco being a lot stronger than he looks. But for once luck was on his side and he managed to spread Marco’s legs apart and catch him off balance before pushing him by the hip with one hand and flipping them over until he rested between Marco’s legs. He quickly pinned Marco’s mischievous hands above his head and heaved trying to catch his breath above the still giggling man beneath him.
“Don’t do that again,” Kylian laughed breathlessly as he tightened his hold on Marco’s wrists to accentuate his words. He slowly began to breathe less erratically as he regained his breath. He felt a little bit of shyness enter him as he started to notice the position he’d put himself in with Marco. He knew he should get off the older man but the way his sweater had ridden up and his bare skin was rubbing against Kylian’s own unclothed half made him feel dizzy and intoxicated. The smaller man smelled so good and he was just starting to lean closer when…
“Hear that?” Marco whispered, “the rain’s stopped.” And he was right, the rain had come to an almost complete halt with just the light pitter patter of drizzle being the only noise left. The streetlights turned back on, softly setting the room in a soft glow as the light peeked through the window.
“Oh,” Kylian felt a bit sad as he realized Marco would probably be going soon now that the storm was over, “you’re right. Are you gonna go home now?” He asked as he slightly loosened the grip on Marco’s wrists. He waited in dreaded anticipation and fear for the affirmative answer.
“Not unless you want me to,” Marco whispered back a bit hesitantly. Also fearing possible rejection.
“No, of course not,” Kylian rushed to say as he looked down at the man he could now see thanks to the golden light filtering in. He looked deeply into the other man’s soft blue eyes before leaning in until his lips were once again just brushing against his, “Marco?”
“Yes, Kyky?” Marco asked back as he felt himself become slightly breathless at the man’s sudden boldness and intense eye contact.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please,” he breathed out restlessly under Kylian.
And Kylian closed his eyes and leaned in, capturing Marco’s lips between his. His lips were soft and warm. They melted into his and moved in rhythm with each nip and pull of Kylian’s mouth. He removed his hand from Marco’s wrists as he intertwined their fingers again above their heads. Marco’s free hand moved to lightly scratch the back of Kylian’s head which only deepened the kiss. They both grew less tentative and began to kiss more hungrily in a mess of tongues as their hold on each other tightened. Marco moaned deeply as Kylian used his other hand to grip his jaw and move his head to the side so he could press a sloppy wet kiss on his neck, just below his ear. Kylian sucked and nibbled at the sensitive area and pulled away when Marco began to whine incessantly under him. He kissed the area softly before coming back up to kiss him deeply one more time and with one last swipe of his tongue against Marco’s lips he pulled away. He looked down at the man below him and admired how much of a pretty mess he looked with his eyes closed and lips slightly parted in anticipation for more.
“Ky,” he dragged out through a low whimper as he finally opened his eyes to gaze back at Kylian.
“You look so pretty like that,” Kylian murmured softly, “I could kiss you again.”
“Then what are you waiting for?” He groaned petulantly.
Kylian let out a soft laugh at his impatience before kissing him once more. Gently and slowly, to savor the moment.
Maybe thunderstorms weren’t so bad.
Another authors note: Special thanks to @kylianmbappeh for starting this ship. Part 2 between Marco and Ney will be out soon.🫶🏾
P.S. please tell me in the comments or asks or DMs or whatever if you wanna be tagged in part 2.
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jakowskis · 2 months
Day 15 - Are there any ships you dislike?
alrighty so. there are only rlly four i ‘dislike’, and the first three… it’s more complicated than anything, it’s not entirely utter pure-n-simple disdain. it’s less about the ships themselves (in two of the cases, anyway) and more about how they seem to be perceived by the fandom + how much they dominate everything. other ships exist, guys! the other characters exist! anyway ill try not to be mean but i am gonna be petty, lol
so for starters, yeah, jack x ianto. i have a very specific view of it, that i do enjoy, but the fandom seems to be doing something else entirely and i've developed some resentment despite myself. especially bc it’s overrated as fuck. don’t get me wrong, it’s iconic, as far as being culturally significant gay rep, but if im honest idk how well they hold up in 2024? i thought their relationship in s1 and s2 of the show was lackluster at best. poorly written bread crumbs. and yeah i know it was big for 2006 but im just personally kind of offended that they could show them sucking face but not show the intricacies of why the hell ianto would fall for a guy who shot his girlfriend down?? like, their relationship is inherently dark and angsty to me and im interested in exploring that, bc the show certainly doesn’t (initially) bother to, and a lot of the fan content i see is either fluffy (??????????), or angsty in a Tragique way, or is just kind of… fetishy and whumpy? people slot them into a Specific Kind of Dynamic and it grosses me tf out. so the fandom culture rubs me wrong, and then it’s just… such a bummer to like owen and tosh and gwen in a fandom that only seems to prioritize this one ship. there are 22k fics in the torchwood ao3 tag, and 13k of them are janto. now, all that being said… they do intrigue me and endear me, just a bit. but it took the audios to make me give a fuck about them, which is sad. 
on that same note - i have the same relationship with tosh x owen, but i'm significantly less fond of it, cuz it just plain rubs me wrong. i like them in theory, so i spent months trying to figure out how to make them work and what other people are seeing that they think is so endearing and cute - i just can't find it. owen's treatment of tosh is just about the only thing i can't stand about him. he treats everyone poorly, but most of the rest of the cast defends themself (or even hit back, like ianto and gwen, and thats why i ship them with him! it’s spicy! i love balanced unhealthy dynamics in fiction hfdsjkf i can’t lie) - but tosh just lets him, creating an unhealthy power imbalance where she’s just getting hurt over and over again, and it makes me wanna fucking punch him cuz she does Not deserve that. i want him far away from her lmao. except under certain circumstances, cuz i have written fic about them, and i’ve read like three rlly good ones (and the main link between them is tosh stands up for herself and puts him in his place! i HATE how he walks all over her in canon ughhhhhhhhh). additionally, i do admittedly enjoy the angst of their canon arc. i just think fandom throwing them together and making it cutesy is lazy, uncreative, and an injustice to both characters. i think the SHOW throwing them together was an injustice to both characters, especially tosh’s. they're tragic and compelling, ill give them that, but theyre not sweet, and i don't think they'd be good for each other. 
(also worth noting on a show where everyone has tension w each other, imo barrowman & gareth and naoko & burn pull it off the least convincingly and have little to no chemistry. like every other duo just kind of sparks in some way or another, and neither of those duos do. which SUCKS bc they’re the canon ones. but it’s also heavily poor writing like they were doing the best w what they had. grr. like i still dont know what the fuck ianto likes about jack or what tosh likes about owen 😭 that’s ridiculous!)
the other ship i’m petty about is jack x john hart. i just think it’s far too popular for what it is. idek why that is, do we have a substantial amount of buffy fans in the fandom? don’t get me wrong, i liked john in the show + i liked their relationship as well, but i'll always be annoyed when a minor character gets more attention than the fascinating main ones. 
and lastly i hate john x ianto, because i respect ianto, lmao. i can’t lie, if he was my fav i’d probs ship it HJFKDSHFK i love putting my favs in awful situations. but as is it just grosses me out. get him outta there!! 
tldr: i don’t interact w the john hart side of the fandom, and if a fic is tagged 'jack/ianto tosh/owen gwen/rhys' i probably won’t read it 😷
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dirtyoldmanhole · 5 months
lowkey yrmr headcanon/meta time, half gen, half spicy.
(honestly the implications makes it all spicy).
so i was thinking the other day about how a big vein of anankos' hatred that shows with gunter is his bitterness at corrin never giving up on everyone (or him).
(especially him).
and it makes me wonder - given enough time, in those revelation chapters while the gang is in valla and before he reveals himself as the betrayer, how far would gunter try to make corrin hate him? finally give up on him?
how far would he try to break her and her faith?
that honestly could go some real dark places (and yes, the slowburn fic does grapple with that "how far?" question), but it does simplify a lot of how anankos' influence shows up, especially when you're talking specifically gunter/corrin as a ship.
what's especially interesting is how much of that lashed-out-hatred is really just self-hatred - it's almost not about corrin as much as he's trying to drag everyone down to his level in bleak satisfaction about how they're no different.
but then-
then post-rev, after corrin & co has won and even after talking him back, there's nowhere for all of that self-hatred to go as catharsis, as an outlet-
-except, well.
which brings me to the other half of this headcanon: i think he gets one hell of a new degradation/humiliation kink (on his side).
specifically post-rev, mind; feels like the kind of kink that would be a hard red before, and honestly i think he's not. enthused.....when he figures it out. little embarrassed, especially since uhhh, he's kind of always been a hard service top.
another, imo, reason as to why that kink suddenly changes is suddenly he trusts corrin with his entire soul, frankly, more than he trusts himself.
even when corrin's, idk, ballbusting him, blueballing him to the point where he's begging quite shamelessly in private (degradation has a lovely variety), he knows within his soul that whatever love they have for each other goes way beyond anything else that's happened.
that latent "I should hate (corrin) as a royal" resentment, now that corrin knows everything and specifically convinced him back- turns into straight gasoline fuel for that sense of delicious taboo that's almost uncomfortably too real, but not quite.
it's a deeply private, sacred space where now he can break in her hands but then start to heal and untangle from the absolute mess ensnaring his heart.
(what's also interesting is i can't see them quote unquote ever playing as "equals" in the bedroom, there's always a visible power tilt either way, though humorously, that power tilt could sharply shift within the scene itself. )
tl;dr the man's id is like the mariana's trench lololol
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Still working on this fic. What am I even doing? First attempt at spicy fic, first fic in this fandom. First fic at all in many years. And I have to jump in at the deep end? These two I swear. This Azkaellon/Sanguinius ship is causing me major brain rot so I will keep going but they both take themselves too seriously. If I ever finish this the next one will be over the top absurd. Probably involving Abaddon being placed in some silly situation. OK I'm already planning that one.
Anyway, here's a SFW excerpt of my WIP, enjoy?
Azkaellon was late making his report to the Primarch. 
Every security check, every investigation of unusual activity that could signal a potential Warp incursion, every attempt to traverse from one end of the damaged Red Tear to the other, took longer than it ought to.  The Blood Angels and what remained of the human crew had worked tirelessly to repair the ship’s essential functions and return as much of the ship’s armament to operational status as possible.  And, thank the stars, the Geller field had held until they were able to exit the warp into the safe haven of Guilliman’s realm. They were very nearly in orbit around Macragge.
But attending to business as usual was nearly impossible when it took eight tries, a repair team, and finally, Azkaellon’s frustrated punch of gold ceramite to the bloody console, just to open a recalcitrant door from one sector to another.
 And so Azkaellon was late. The other Sanguinary Guard redirected him from the primary war room, where the Primarch had been for most of the day, to his training room. “Training room” was something of an absurd understatement to describe the great hall with its impossibly high vaulted ceilings. Yet it had to be so spacious in order to accommodate the Angel, who fought in all directions including up.
Azkaellon entered the room, and turned his gaze upward, and further upward still. The Angel’s pale, winged form was a blur in midair as he shattered a flying drone with a downward thrust of his training spear, pausing a fraction of a second before zooming toward the next. In that pause, Azkaellon glimpsed his lord, and his breath caught. Throne, he is perfect. Not in an abstract sense, or with any poetic license, but literally and truly perfect. Unarmored, wearing only a red loincloth, the Angel’s muscles were taut, his wings outstretched, as he prepared to spring toward his next target.
Azkaellon was thrilled to see his lord in fighting form again. The physical wounds Ka’Bandha had inflicted on the Angel were fully healed, but now his soul was beginning to recover as well.  Shrouded in the darkness of the warp storms, Sanguinius had privately wondered to Azkaellon if all his brothers had turned against the Emperor, and if he and his Blood Angels would be entirely alone against the beasts Horus had unleashed. Now that he knew both Guilliman and the Lion remained loyal, it was as if a small part of the massive weight of Horus’s betrayal had been lifted from the Angel’s shoulders. And so, watching his lord soar overhead, Azkaellon’s spirits soared as well.  
A drone had managed to sneak in close behind the Angel, extending its energy blade toward his back.  Without even looking, Sanguinius flicked his wing behind him, hitting the drone with such force he smashed the machine into the slope of the ceiling and dislodged several of his feathers.  One floated down toward Azkaellon. He caught it in one armored hand as it fell past him, examining it for any drop of blood that might signify an injury from the impact. He saw none, and now he heard the smash of two more drones hitting the walls.  Almost absently, Azkaellon brushed the finger of his gauntlet along the feather’s edge, imagining its texture.
End program Epsilon,” Sanguinius called out. Azkaellon hastily dropped the feather as the remaining drones powered down and the Primarch swooped down toward the floor.  
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BTS!! Don't Hurt Yourself
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BTS: Write a dvd commentary about a passage from the fic (I cannot pic a fav so I'm just gonna give any old passage, I chose this one because I have a fun backstory about when I wrote it)(Full disclosure I own dvds but its been so long since I watched dvd commentary that I don't really remember what it's like so I'll just talk about the passage and how I made the decisions I did and how it came about, you know, the making of the passage.)
Spicy. alright I can do spicy.
Stede had always thought that a desire to hurt another individual out of malice or hatred was something that was intended to be done without their consent, that it would be dampened by the thought that the other person was into it. He was somewhat surprised to find that Izzy’s openly asking for it did not cheapen his own sadistic pleasure in giving the bastard what he deserved.
And he did deserve it, Stede decided as he pressed the head of his cock into Izzy’s tight, wet cunt. Izzy deserved to get smacked around and spat upon. Not just for the stunt with the blow job and the secret phone call, but also for calling Edward a whore, and a twat, and every other unkind derogatory thing he’d said in that courtroom and out, and for being generally an unpleasant, nasty little man that no one wanted to be around, and for causing Ed so much grief.
First of all, Bonnet, you are also causing Ed grief by fucking his husband but I digress
anyway. Backstory: This is from Chapter 7 of Don't Hurt Yourself. A chapter which I slaved away on for I think about two months, because I had written up to the point where Stede and Izzy Yaoi prat fall onto each other and Stede ends up with Izzy's tit in his hand or whatever, and I had no idea where to go from there ie how to get Stede's cock in Izzy's cunt in a way that was at least realistic enough for me to be satisfied with it.(emotional realities not physical realities, as is my right as an ofmd fic author, David Jenkins school of writing ect.) It's a problem I have with writing both Jack/Stede and Izzy/Stede, I have to seamlessly bring them from bitching at each other like they do in the show to fucking each other. Its not as easy as it sounds.
The breakthrough of the writers block came for me the same night I did magic mushrooms for the first time. My dealer told me that they would take about 3 hours to kick in (they took half that amount of time) and I was like, well I have three hours to spare so I might as well try to bang out a couple paragraphs. (it was the day I posted "why is it so much easier to write when the edible is about to kick in" It was not an edible I was waiting on. Idk why I said edible I regularly admit to drugs on here lmao.) So I managed to write a lot of the dialogue and then these two paragraphs. But the shrooms kicked in as I was finishing up the last paragraph, which meant that I ended it with some absolutely inebriated drivel about the word fuck and how it's used to convey both hate (e,g. shut the fuck up, fuck you) and sex that I had to delete when I was sober and I very rapidly lost the ability to write after that.
Anyway now that the fun back story is out of the way let's actually talk about what's happening in these two paragraphs. Stizzy hate sex! Stede and Izzy are sometimes hard to make fuck because Stede simply does not think about him, but they're also incredibly fun to make fuck. Muppet vibes off the charts especially when they're doing bdsm (which is the only kind of sex Izzy knows how to have). Miss Piggy slapping Kermit energy but they're not married.
I also tend to think Stede has a dark side. He's as mean as he is nice and he's real fucking nice. I love it when he's evil, because I'm horny about evil men. I think if Stede would think about Izzy long enough he could get dark with it (a vibe which is not incompatible with muppetry broaden your horizons for the possible.) and I think the only way to make him think about Izzy long enough is to have Izzy wrong Ed and make it clear to Stede that Ed was wronged and put Izzy in Stede's direct line of sight.
Basically, I want Stede to have hate sex and I want him to realize he's a sadist. I tried to convey that here. I think that Stede as a character has the capacity for so much love and so much hate. It's an important balance to strike when writing him, if you go too far in one direction you turn him into an unrecognizable monster (which I've seen certain people do) but if you go too far in the other he becomes an unrecognizable woobie baby which is so fucking boring dude. I hope I got across his sadist awakening well. he still needs a second one where you learn you can do it to people you like tho...
The ask meme
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mane--attraction · 1 year
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Ah yes, my very late "year in review post" whoops lol (MINORS DNI)
I posted 25 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
18 posts created (72%)
7 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#gender neutral reader - 9 posts
#mun speaks - 8 posts
#lemon - 8 posts
#x reader - 8 posts
#minors dni - 6 posts
#gn reader - 4 posts
#murdock x reader - 4 posts
#lemonish - 3 posts
#darkiplier x reader - 3 posts
#mun answers - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#okay after thinking about it you may have mentioned the idea as a fic at one point (cuz i know it was brought up for rp) but still
My Top Posts in 2022:
Murderplier/Murdoch spicy headcanons - MINORS DNI
A/N I’ve been holding onto these since... May 5th? Damn lol forgot about them until literally today when I’m making this post. >:P Under read more just in case. 
CW: knifes, murder mention, blood mention, gender neutral but there is a period mention (if I need more warnings, let me know)
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted July 21, 2022
A/N: I wrote this at 3am don't look at me
Murdock has a habit.
(read more at the link below)
58 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
"Perhaps you are tired of me repeating myself over..."
One spank. You yelp with a jolt.
"...and over..."
Another spank, another cry from you. You swear that slap was harder.
"...and over again," he growls into your ear as he gives one more and you hiss in pain, even as a shudder runs down your spine.
(read more at the link below)
79 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
(A/N: This has been languishing for a while cuz despite being a drabble I got stuck really quickly; I couldn’t figure out how to make what I wrote mesh with the idea of “someone comes to the door” without it feeling unnecessary. Ah well, another time, mayhaps. Anyway, enjoy~)
(minors dni)
Technically, the head engineer should bunk near the engines, in case of an issue. Technically, in addition to being closer to the bridge, the captain's quarters only have room for one.
(read more at the link below)
147 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
How they would react to you tying yourself up in ribbon as a gift for them: Actor and Dark
(click the link below to view the headcanons)
157 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
(posts edited down for length and also to hide most of the naughty stuff lol. also for some reason this recap post removed the read more from everything so the entire post was slapped in there)
What a year! I know I'm (very) late with posting this, but I only refound this recap thing in the last few days of 2022 and then I got busy. My most popular post was the one towards the beginning of the year, and I actually reblogged stuff to this blog that wasn't just that one gifset! Whodathunk! The top five has a pretty good range, which I'm happy about. Thank you to everyone in particular who reblogged stuff and added tags, I appreciate those notes the most. And also those asks, hehe. I live for the yelling at me in my inbox and the tags. Who knows what this year will bring~~ >:3
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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