#anyway i feel like I've used the title before but i love it sooooo
Miles to Go Before I Sleep
cw: alcoholism, bad coping mechanisms, referenced violence, emeto
previous /// Wildefire Masterlist ///
Alexei trudged back to Chopper’s with the sunrise to his back, dried blood crusting the seams in his arms. Some was his, some was the mark’s, a loan shark he'd made quick work of, though it had taken most of the night to catch him alone.
He was exhausted, hopefully exhausted enough to fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, hopefully exhausted enough to dream of nothing. He doubted he'd be that lucky. 
This was all he'd ever hoped for in the last two years. Of being free, of life going back to business as usual. So why couldn't he sleep?
Making it away from the Tower, from Uriah, had been some big, stupid, out-of-reach fantasy. And in that fantasy, as soon as Lex was free, it was all better. Things were back to normal. The last two years were a bad dream. Easy to bottle away and forget about.
But in the real world, it wasn't so simple.
The contracts should've been easy. They were familiar, ironically safe, but sometimes he'd forget if he was taking down a mark for Chopper or for Uriah. Those moments made him stumble, force himself to press a hand to his throat, remind himself that the collar was gone, that the only one who controlled him anymore was him.
Not that he did a good job of it.
He'd all-but handed the steering wheel to Chopper, taking any job the older man so much as mentioned, if only for a way to distract himself, to try to find a rhythm, but the rhythm he found was nothing steady.
Track, kill, collect. Drink himself to sleep if he got sleep at all. Repeat in a day or two. Look over his shoulder every time he was out of the building, feel his heart start to race at every stranger who stared too long.
Once he'd sobered up enough to track his surroundings, he found he couldn't even attempt sleep unless the lights were on, or else he'd wake up back in the cell. The door couldn't be closed, because then he was trapped, but it couldn't be open either, or someone could sneak up on him. He couldn't be around people, because any of them could be a spy for Uriah, but he couldn't be alone or the damned silence would choke him.
And as it turned out, pretending he could be okay, pretending he'd never been taken in the first place, didn't help anything.
The other Neath freelancers knew it all. People he could've called friends once, who he should've been able to fall into step with, now looked the other way or fell silent when he passed by. They could see the Tower in his scars, in his flinches. They knew how Uriah had owned him.
He'd done the impossible and escaped both, but it still hadn't saved him.
He still wasn't safe, and he never would be.
Not until Uriah Fox was dead.
The thought gave him some solace as he sat awake that night, back flat against the wall, sipping on a bottle of something he hoped was strong enough to knock him out.
Fox had to die so he could sleep, so he could go outside without being seen and caught and trapped. It was the first long-term goal he'd had since being taken, the first goal that wasn't just avoid angering the guards, avoid pissing off Uriah, survive one more day.
Lex staggered to his feet. How late was it? Was Chopper still awake? He had to do this now, he had to get this done now, he didn't care if he was tired, he didn't care if it killed him. He stumbled down the hall, just sober enough to stay on his feet, and that was all he needed. The light was on in Chopper's office. Good.
The older man was leaning back in his chair, sifting through a handful of papers. His eyes darted up when Lex passed the doorway, expression turning from neutrality to mild concern.
“I need a contract,” Lex said.
“You just got back from a contract. Sleep.” Chopper laid the papers in front of him. “And take a shower, for fuck’s sake. I can smell the blood on you.”
“I can't sleep,” Lex muttered, rubbing at a splotch of dried blood on his arm until it began to flake away, tiny pieces floating to rest in the ground like a macabre snow. “Are there any hits out for… for higher ups in the city?”
Chopper frowned at the question. “Higher ups?”
“CEOs.” He'd play this as casual as he could, in spite of the tightness in his chest, in spite of how the knowledge that Uriah was still out there was locked around his throat.
Chopper sank back in his chair with a heavy sigh, pulling open a filing cabinet. “Slim pickings. Not many people have the guts or the funds to go after them.” He pulled out a folder. “Why the sudden taste for golden blood? You can't possibly be low on cash already, unless you…”
He trailed off, eyes landing on the bottle still clutched in Lex’s hand, and he knew what he wanted to say. Unless you already drank it all away.
“Does it matter?”
Chopper opened the folder. “I guess it doesn't.” He scanned the pages within in silence for a moment. “Looks like we've got some attorneys… project manager, company director… any of those shiny enough for you?”
Lex grit his teeth. “Are any of them Uriah Fox?”
The folder snapped shut. “Uriah Fox,” Chopper repeated. “You want to kill Uriah Fox?”
His fist tightened around the bottle. “What do you think?”
“I think you should know the code by now. We don't make it personal.”
“I can't fucking sleep, Chopper. I can't…” He let his head drop. “I can't keep doing this. I need… I need him to be gone, I can't—” He pressed a palm into his cheek, cold metal on hot skin. “I don't need a contract to do it. I'll do it on my own. With or without your help.”
Chopper let out a sigh, laying the folder on the desk. “I'm afraid I can't let you do that.”
Lex's stomach churned, uneasy at the way he said it. What did he mean? Weren't they allies? Hadn't it always been us against them?
“You understand.” Chopper spread his hands, something apologetic on his face. “Fox is one of my top investors. It's a conflict of interest.”
Investor. Lex took a stumbling step backwards. Investor, pester, sequester, how had he not seen it? How has he not realized he'd been hiding in the fucking lion's den this entire time? How could Chopper do this, side with Uriah, didn't he realize what he'd done to him? That he'd come for him, take him back, let him rot in the Tower, even further underground than a grave would put him?
Chopper pushed himself up. “I don't want you panicking over this. I'm perfectly capable of maintaining both relationships.”
“You… Y—” Lex hunched over, emptying his stomach on the linoleum tile.
“Fuck, Cinder,” Chopper muttered, moving around the desk. Lex staggered backwards, wiping acrid bile from his chin with the back of his hand, eyes wide and locked on the older man.
Maintaining both relationships. He knew what that meant, he knew Chopper would have no issue handing him over to Uriah if only he was asked to. How had he thought this was a safe haven? (raven) How could he have passed out drunk here, let his guard down so severely? (clearly) He'd been lucky. He'd been so damn lucky Chopper hadn't seen fit to give him up in the last few weeks, and fuck, it would've been easy. Lex had made it easy, by being stupid and trusting and complacent (adjacent).
“Sit down. We can talk about this.”
We can calm you down and keep you in place long enough for Uriah to come barging through the door.
“You're not thinking rationally. I know you haven't been yourself lately.”
You haven't been the same since your return from hell. 
“It was a bad idea to set you back to work so soon.”
You came back ruined.
Lex's back hit the wall, and he flinched away from it as if it were another enemy. He couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe, nowhere was safe.
He whirled around, head spinning, heart pounding in his throat, not safe.
He barreled through the door, feet hardly moving fast enough to keep him upright as he made a mad dash through the front door and stumbled out into the cool night air.
Nowhere was safe (waif, chafe, strafe). Chopper had dozens of freelancers on his payroll, hundreds of allies (spies, cries), thousands of eyes that could watch for him, nowhere was safe, he couldn't sleep (cheap, creep).
He didn't stop running until he was several blocks away, practically collapsing against the wall of a locksmith shop. What now? He couldn't stay awake forever, couldn't stay vigilant, and it was only a matter of time before he passed out and someone took the opportunity to snatch him or report him and fuck, fuck, he hadn't escaped, he'd never really escape, nowhere was safe—
…was it?
He forced himself to inhale, shuddering breaths fighting against the way the world was spinning. There were like-minded people out there, people who hated Uriah as much as he did, people who wouldn't hand him over to Titanium, if only out of spite.
Enemy of my enemy.
He sucked in air, his heartbeat slowing down, if only a little.
"You don't have to go out and face the world alone.”
He still didn't believe that, didn't trust any of the rogues, but he could trust in their shared goal.  He'd saved them once, weathered Uriah's anger to protect them from his own fire, and maybe they were still grateful enough that they'd be willing to watch his back and let him rest.
He pushed up from the wall, squinting into the darkness. The rogue's safehouse was miles away. He couldn't even be certain that they'd still be there, but it was the only plan that made sense.
Lex took a swig from the half-empty bottle, still clutched in his fist, hoping the liquor would beat back the fear that still clawed at his chest.
He had a long walk ahead of him.
@whumpacabra @enteredin2eternity @kixngiggles @whumpsday @kiichu @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @shywhumpauthor @distinctlywhumpthing , @bloodinkandashes , @fleur-alise , @whumpy-daydreams , @whumpwillow , @honeycollectswhump ,
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reveriesofawriter · 5 months
book rambling don't mind me
the book kept saying anharion was his title... so was that also his name? did his name become a title when the Betrayal happened? does "anharion" translate to Betrayer or is that just what he's known as? was it a mistranslation from the old language? edit: I just reread the part where sarcean said he used to be called something else and now I feel like that's going to give away the whole ~is he the sun prince~ thing
I've seen some theories about the Collar and to what extent it actually controls james and like. as much as it would be less big and exciting to see it this way... what if the Collar is mostly symbolic? bc sarcean can talk people into doing what he wants anyway and james was obviously not immune to the charm (it's magnified for him even) well before will knew anything about himself or his powers so what if the collar was just a way to show other people that anharion belonged to him? but GOD if this moral stronghold of not wanting to manipulate james into kissing him and wanting him to do it of his own free will stops these boys from having a lil smooch for the majority of the third book I will Die
I've also seen people try to draw lines between will/sarcean and james/anharion as far as their past/present personalities and the consensus seems to be that will has a more clear line between himself and sarcean but I saw someone say it was more like intrusive thoughts and I think that's fascinating, also that will is seeing james and not anharion the betrayer when he looks at james but james in every sense is this cocky little asshole (affectionate) who flirts and uses his powers to take advantage of people while anharion in the past wasn't like that sooooo I think will isn't Seeing james as who he is I think he's seeing anharion for who he used to be before he turned against sarcean. which is so interesting when you think about will saying people shouldn't be judged by what they've done but what they can do
the tangled web of who hates who is so messy but I trust violet to, if not outright take will's side, then to convince the others to let him go like banish him or whatever instead of killing him right away (even if james's powers would physically protect him from that I just need violet to believe in him)
I'm still thinking about little 6 year old will setting a rich fucker's clothes on fire bc he laid his hands on a woman who was nice to him, how violet saved his life and he's spent every day after that trying to return the favor including using a newfound power he doesn't know how to control yet to set her free from a cage in another country
can't wait to see how the narratives shift when we get other perspectives on what the past was really like bc from what I can tell sarcean and the lady weren't really In Love they just had a fling one time
on that note I thought will was switched out for the girls somehow when they were kids but elizabeth was told her mother had a son before her and she believes that son is will, which would mean will is both blood of the lady and the dark king, which brings to question who his dad is bc they said it wasn't simon but I don't think his birth was a virgin mary situation, also I know sarcean got around but are will and simon's family related any closer than one ancestor thousands of years ago? is sinclair will's father?
I don't think tom and violet will fight to the death, tom may die in another way tho
what's the fourth kingdom and how does that pay into this? bc the first gate was in england the second was underwater somewhere and the third is in italy so the fourth...? on that note there must be more stewards alive who weren't in the hall when it was torn through, people who either left that life behind, or like cyprian at the beginning who didn't drink from the cup but still follow the lifestyle, or maybe like small covens of stewards who never went to the hall bc they found their own communities elsewhere idk it's just very eurocentric to think everyone from everywhere would meet up in this one place when the whole rest of the world exists
will needs some alone time after all this someone give him a safe place to rest and a hot drink
phillip and visander... and the unicorn....... love triangle of the ages... (I wonder if visander will find his way back into a man's body somehow or if he's stuck looking like katherine forever lol) (realistically. I don't think this man fucked his horse. but. metaphorically? metaphysically? whatever they had was probably as erotically charged as that magic scene right?)
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Bloodhounds Live Blogging
I've mostly been watching non-BL kdramas from 2019-2022, so I thought I'd give something recent a try! The whole series dropped yesterday and it's apparently action filmed + good bromance, so this'll be my weekend binge for now
Ep 1 (Jun 10)
Dec 2020
I can't remember having watched many boxing shows/movies before, maybe the Shark: The Movie with Wi Hajoon but I can't even remember if that was boxing or something else
oh yeah fuck I was so focused on the other aspects of the show, I forgot that the main characters have debt apparently agh it's so
ew Suju Siwon
damn, this loan shark really lending them 100 billion won for this hotel, that's wild
the loanshark mans has a scar on his face that he hides with makeup
boxer name: Kim Gunwoo (more like Geonwoo tbh)
oh lol that win was Hong Woojin's imagination? and then he calls Geonwoo a name and gets knocked down as his plan backfires pls
fun Woojin vs Geonwoo fight
ohhh I checked MDL and the main duo is Geonwoo and Woojin?
heh Geonwoo is so endearing with his calm and no-nonsense, serious answers
plsss the way their dynamic is switching when we figure out Geonwoo is 2 years younger than Woojin and then changing again when Geonwoo served the marines earlier? or higher status in some way. a sunbae
pls earnest, honest Geonwoo keeps falling for Woojin's lies every 3 minutes T.T
ahhh these loanshark fuckers going around offering to every store owner - anyway, I know Geonwoo's mother missed reading something in the fine print bc it was mentioned on a reddit on-air thread commend
oh? who's the woman with the tazer and the man who was "a fake" being chased?
ah, so this old man does interest-free loans and tazer girl works for him
these loan shark fuckers are sooooo >:(((( die die die
ohhh that scar on their face is like a gang tattoo?
I love how earnest Geonwoo is while still being serious and a bit naive and optimistic and just cute :> Though he's gonna have to change now that he's been pulled into such violence.
Ep 2 (Jun 11)
these loanshark fucks
D: Woojin trying to get a loan for Geonwoo T.T plsss
oh they have to work as bloodhounds? meaning they're also gonna be loanshark types? - oh they left but why's the title bloodhounds then, will they have to come back?
ohh Woojin taking the disrespect at the beginning of the meeting but being intimidating and giving a same slap back at the end ah
is this an Apple ad lol
ah so that's how Geonwoo and the woman's story connect - the guy who she's chasing is getting loans using homeless people and giving the money to Smile Capital glasses guy
Dream On Capital guy - is he familiar to us or no?
ohh is Chairman Bang the dude with the wheelchair? or is that Mr. Choi? anyway, are they gonna be the bodyguards that the man was looking for?
ah sucks so bad that when searching for loans, they keep being offered loan collector positions
ah security job
so indeed the man is Mr Choi
dang, interesting that Geonwoo is telling his mother he got all the money and how because I feel like a different character would hide it and pay it off in secret. he might've done the same thing if he was working as a debt collector or something instead of security though
Siwon's character from earlier who is apparently a well-connect chaebol with his cop cousin + the loan shark hm what's gonna happen - what's up with getting the loan shark drunk lol
ohh I don't remember this loanshark man calling himself Chairman Bang but I guess he did so in ep 1? so he's masquerading. also I wonder if Mr. Choi himself is just Chairman Bang lol like only Mr. Choi knows who Chairman Bang is + he looks around 60 which is supposed to be his age
ah Siwon's character's name is Beom
plssss Woojin lying in front of Mr. Choi, he has become an actor
damn, another interview step
broooooo just insane amounts of money but also don't pull it all out
ah, they have found the common enemy (Smile Capital)
ofc Geonwoo wouldn't be able to stay still while an old homeless man is beaten up
Ep 3 (Jun 11)
cruel or heatless or cold woman vs upstanding empathetic man ah - although I wish I liked her acting better? the character doesn't feel natural for her idk
plss their excitement at getting rehired T.T
her calling them oppa surprised e fr
Mr. Choi definitely knows the Chairman Bang poser who has the cut on the side of his face - oh mans name is Kim Myeong-gil
ah trio friends now
ohh the loan sharks investing in that hotel are gonna make illegal gambling take place in the casino at the top of the hotel -> send evidence to police -> hotel in ruins -> loan sharks will take over hotel
damn they're beating up Siwon's character just to scare him or what? oh nvm Smile Capital ppl here
damn I wasn't expecting such brutal torture scenes
and now blackmail material by making him strip down?
oh, seems like some of the people in Smile Capital (including CEO) actually worked for Mr. Choi back when he was a loan shark
goddamn so that's how Kim Myeong-gil got the scar on his face and Mr. Choi became disabled
just straight-up bars of gold lol
Myeong-gil is being real or tricking Beom with this trust and sweet talk about him being his donsaeng?
goddamn this crowd of people
I saw a gif where Geonwoo was waiting for some operation to be successful on Woojin or something, will that be due to this fight?
Ep 4 (Jun 11)
oh nooo he's going to Geonwoo's mother
wait, who is this who's stopping them from taking the mother? someone Mr. Choi called right but like who?
oh actually the boss called this man who went to where the fight happened but who was the one who rescued the mother?
oh sashimi knife - that sushi restaurant from before - he's the one who saved Geonwoo's mom
ah the 5 knifers - when those 2 talked about avenging their boys, they mean the 3 knifers the Kim Myeon-gil managed to kill - Lee Du-yeong and Hwang Yang-jung
they ate all the fucking rolled omelets without leaving any for the others? die fuckers
who's spying on the trio going to transfer money? it's probably the smile capital driver dude but somehow it also looks a bit like the knife to me oof
oh noooo yeah it's the driver dude and he got her while the big Beom dude is going to the duo
ah fuck they're sending so many people to capture the trio
damn bruh not a car chase but fucking car crashes
no Geonwoo don't get outtttttt
beat them with bars of gold lesgo lmao
pls their slow jogging with the gold bags T.T
Ep 5 (Jun 11)
okay at least they dropped the gold bag and several boxes bc indeed their lives are worth more + they got most of the money
the big plans of Myeong-gil and his men vs Mr. Choi and his knifers are fun, moreso than the trio because the trio often involves just fighting and some bickering whereas the big players have planning and intrigue and history
ah Mr. Choi offering him an out
lol the knifers and trio convo is so cute and endearing
lol yknow I did think that Hyunju and the biker knifer looked kinda similar so for them to also say it was like lol
wait, why'd Beom just fuck up those people? why mad?
he declined his wife's call? bro are you gonna fucking die? we first saw him while he was in bed with his wife too so
oh he for real slayed Junmin's throat - ngl I didn't fully get what their next step was, like, did they kill him just because he was the one going around intimidating people and stuff?
oh so they're killing Junmin and capturing Im Jangdo driver mans? I remember they said something about getting them to point to dead bodies or something
omg torture scenes D: sanding someone's thing and then using saltwater
Mr Choi got Jangdo to talk
are phones trackable or not? they're keeping Jangdo's phone but can they be found out through that
oh damn Jangdo also saying Myeong-gil and In-Beom are like brothers, they've saved each other's lives before
Ep 6 (Jun 11)
Today's plan was to actually watch eps 2-5 but people say the show is soooo good until ep 6 and it's one of the better eps before ep 7-8 seem different (?), so I think I'll just watch this one too
damn they're using Siwon's dumbass character to track the knifers
D: boil body, grind them up and pour them into the ocean that's so disgusting
who's seung-duk
the way the knifers know of myeong-gil's preliminary plans with the casino but still don't know the extent of how terrible it is
Mr Choi is making vacation plans? dreams of going to Italy? bruh he's not gonna make it out alive, is he
not this happy times where everybody's chatting and drinking and feeling good, we're boutta see serious shit go down huh?
as expected, he's also gonna be a dad, ah my guy i can forsee your death so clearly
okay this young kid isn't Hyunju, right? because the story doesn't fit with her history
oh nvm it is indeed Hyunju
huh? Geonwoo's mother didn't take Mr. Choi's loans though, so
teary-eyed grateful Geonwoo ahh
pls Mr. Choi keeps having parallels with youth like learning what flex is from Hyunju and thanking Geonwoo for teaching him what youth is
ah fuck they've got Mr. Choi's address, it's starting. bro people are drunk and shit now, right?
oh wait they're found the biker knifer Duhyeong's address actually? is that where they tortured Jangdo?
naurrr this Dayoung and his wife scene T.T
let's go knife throwing
damn so fucking bloody
ah rip Duyeong having to sell out the other knifer
bro wtf do you mean someone might have seen the car? take a diff mean of transport then let's go public transit where they can't just pick you off
ah fuck sushi restaurant
oh noooo his apprentice is fucking dead in the room
this sense of foreboding is so
noooooooo Myeong-gil killed Duyeong and his wife after he got the info? D: nooo. I was like dang, it would've been good if Duyeong called Yungjung to warn him but alas he is dead
another hand-to-hand knife fight
ah fuck I can't believe Yungjung is also gonna dye so soon before the fight even reaches Mr. Choi
the knifers didn't get to avenge their 3 brother knifers T.T this is actually so fucking sad man
it's interesting that this whole show is so focused on the fight scenes and intensity but in this episode, we focus so much on the softness of everybody together and the leadup fights and deaths are also so quiet and mostly solitary, this is so fucked
like bruh Woojin's just chilling and having breakfast
these scenarios remind me so much of my recurring childhood nightmare of home invasion by gunda (thugs) and having to figure out how to escape and then being chased while you attempt ah fuck
ah at least Mr. Choi has overcome the hesitancy to shoot though the fact that his safe and everything is wide open is a lot
okay I know he doesn't die because there's some surgery thing later on that's at least successful or something
ah fuck this Beom motherfucker
it's actually crazy that these evil people are straight up just defeating them 75% in like not just "oh they're being cornered but will easily win" but like people are fucking dead like straight up the experienced, big players from this side are just gone
as is the money and the house is aflame
bro fuck Hyunju and Geonwoo coming home to see all this
oh my god I did not expect to get teary-eyed at Geonwoo begging to donate one more bag of blood for Woojin
Fave Ep of the show and just genuinely suchhhh a good episode in general. The humanity and serenity of it drove me to madness.
Ep 7 (Jun 12)
I watched less than 3 minutes of this during lunch and then went to take a little nap and now I'll finish this ep and then go to sleep. I'm just a sleepy guy
and she's gone, the result of Kim Sae Ron's DUI
ah, time-skipped to a healed Woojin
the young girl assigning who's gonna take the top bunk after taking a look at them is so T.T funny
fuckass Junmin lives but the knifers and Mr. Choi are dead how is that fairrrrrrr
I'd be more empathetic toward this man's heartbreak at Mr. Choi's death if he wasn't sleezy toward the woman earlier like yeah fucker, get scammed
I'd be more empathetic toward this character if it wasn't played by fuckass Siwon
won't yall get alcohol poisoning
idk if I'm supposed to be suspecting people of double-crossing or not like people give up info when interrogated but what if it's like Minbeom's brother in law is actually working for Myeong-gil or something, y'know?
Myeong-gil could just use data but sure yep, wifi
did he actually delete some instances of the video or no?
damn, they really did manage to destroy the hard drive just like that? would there not be backups?
are we supposed to know who Myeong-gil called at the end at the serious crimes division? somebody surprising?
I know what people mean by it's a different tone because this is less action-based and more like the shows I usually watch with the planning and secretly attacking rather than fights.
Ep 8 (Jun 13)
bruh ofc the first cop that the brother-in-law would tell about getting the list of victims would be in Myeong-gil's palm
oh fuck they found the place Mr. Choi's friend lived where Geonwoo and Woojin also lived for a bit?
fucking dark ass fight, can't see shit
bruh bad cop good a good view
oh my god they got the whole detective trio?
bro so the 2 male cops survived and my poor girl just straight up got ran over and died rip
oh i see she's in a coma
so we just won't know how they caught the sell-out cop? or we're just supposed to assume they got some info from the fish farm lol
why the fuck did you yell Myeong-gil's name, are you dumb
and then also dropped the knife? you dumb?
and Woojin had also dropped the taser? fr?
you're literally trying to just fuck up the man who killed and ruined hundreds and thousands of people, fuck your "I've become a bloodhound" i need you to straight up kill Myeong-gil or call the cops right now at least tf
well at least keep a couple gold bars for yourself too because you're the poor people who are supposed to be helped too btw lol
siwon playing a fuckass sympathetic kind character is so agh ew also why give him all the money to improve their company image or whatever agh rich ppl like why would you trust a cocky chaebol kid?
well at least they do get 2 gold bars = 1B won = ~1M USD each
Good enough, especially the heart of episode 6 but not something I'll be thinking about at all. The characters didn't resonate a whole lot, this focused a lot on just fighting scenes (more than like strategizing, being clever, etc, which is usually what I'm a fan of), the defeat of the villains wasn't really satisfying at all - especially with how cruel episode 6 went down. Also, I don’t ship Geonwoo and Woojin, sadly.
Rating: 6.5/10
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foursdarkdays · 9 months
i like a girl lol
Sooooooooooooo ummm the title of this rant? would be "i like a girl" lmaooo Soooooo yeah theres a girl i kinda like?? its nothing serious tho but yeah i like her ig, she's not really my type tho but idk . She treats me so well i cant help it. i feel things lol. I keep checking my phone every second of the day (just did again) and it sucksssss. She kinda likes me back? atleast thats what she says . but idk i dont think so. The possibility is too narrow but yeah.
She has a boyfriend lol and its not like i care tbh cause its not like i wanna make her cheat on him something i mean she wouldnt and i wouldnt want her to. Also i know this isjust a phase for her and itll go away soon. for her or for me. Yk know i cant like someone for long especially if i dont see a possibilty of us dating. so yeah im gonna go with the flow rn. She told me that she had a crush on me since months tho but again ahh i dont think so. maybe shes overthinking . maybe she just wants to be my friend.
anywayyy soo im just going with the flow. we flirt a lot. we blush a lot. Thta bitch flirts with othets and makes me jealous lmao dumb fuck and i do the same bwahaah. sooooo yeahhhh i know after whatever this thing is ends im gonna be sad af for 2 weeks i think? cause we talk so much and its gonna be lonely. but again im a pro at moving on soooooooooo
7/10/23 (1:51am)
(im gonna keep adding the rants)
and the best thing about this is that i'm very well prepared for the heartbreak so im sure it wont hurt much lol im actually very sure about that. I always expect the worst in these things so its going to be chill. I'm sure shell come out of this phase soon and it will only be a memory for both of us. mostly in a good away tho. I'm not gonna take this too seriously and just have fun. you're flirting? okay ill flirt back. you're treating me well? ill do the same yeah thats it lol
i have a strong gut feeling that this is gonna end soon like 3-4 days? i dont know. lets see
7/10/23 (18:25)
Oh wow soooo it almost ended that day lollll but then yeah we kinda talked it out? Anyways i feel like something changed after that. I think in a good way? The obsession feelings decreased and maybe the good friendship feelings increased? I honestly have no idea and i should probably stop trying to figure it out lol. Anyway now I'm back and i think she doesn't like me anymore. Maybe I'm just over thinking? But lol nvm let's see how it goes
11/10/23 (2:05am)
Lmao bitch read this post. anyways im gonna act like no one knows about this account. Its soooooo scary i know i've told this before but its just really scary. See i have trust in myself that if IF something goes wrong ill move on fast, OKAY WHY AM I OVERTHINKING AGAIN. lets fuck this. SHES SO CUTE IM SO OBSESSED I HATE HER SO MUCH. ITS SO MUCH FUN TALKING TO HER. even though sometimes i really wanna push her off a cliff but its okay. I wanna write so much but im blank again wtf
14/10/23 (01:48am)
Why do i feel like she hates me now. Maybe she'll finally lose feelings. i mean yeah thats okay and understandable but it'll be too sudden so idk. I'm ready for anything at this point . I wanna text her but i guess ill give her space. I'll just distract myself and sleep. She has nooooooo idea about the amount of over thinking im doing rn. im so sure shes done with me and will never see my face again. lemme prepare myself. Thankfully im veryyy tired so ill fall asleep easily.
14/10/23 (9:22 pm)
i randomly have such sudden outbursts of love for this baby. i want to cup her face and kiss her whole face , i want to hug her to my chest and kiss her head and baby the fuck out of her. She's gonna cringe reading this (please dont). I want to like put our foreheads together and close my eyes and feel it yk??? i sound soooooo weird. Please dont be creeped out
15/10/23 (10;02pm)
I like her so much like so so so so so so much. Its very scary and i know for a fact that i will be hurt later but ugh its sooooo worth it. I'm sooooo happy with her. The feelings keep growing and i dont think im gonna let it stop. its okay ill let it grow. yoloooo sooo ahhhhh. We just had a pubg date sksksksk shes soooooooo ahhhhh. She flirts so confidently , i was panicking behind the pubg call sksknjiuck. anywaysssss ugh I want to kiss her sooooooooooooooooo bad like fuckkkkkkkkkk i wanttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!.
20/10/23 (01:13am)
Hiii so idk bro she says she's more obsessed with me but obviously i disagree. I think i really fell harder lol I mean it's scary af but anyways. Idk she can go for hoursssss without talking to me and be fine and me ? Lolllllll I try to text back whenever I can but she doesn't do that. Maybe I'm asking too much. Okay i should chill out fr. I don't wanna depend on anyone lol. I only want fun stuff here even though i know I'm kinda in deep but anyways it'll be okay. I know she's putting a lot of effort i shouldn't complain. I'm getting more than i deserve anyway. And I AM happy af. I just miss her i guess. I sound sooooo stupid. Ugh I hope she doesn't read this
21/10/23 (17:12)
(23/10/23) 1:40am
She didn't text me back today. But I'm gonna be understanding. I don't want to overthink. Not today . There are so many possibilities and i wanna listen to her . I really want to be understanding. Because i genuinely care . I didn't text her back till 2pm due to some valid reasons tho but anyway I feel calm now. I texted in our gc and she seen zoned but maybe she has her reasons . Let's see . I don't want to think about anything. I really hope she's alright .
It's like i want her to text me about her day and all but then I don't want to expect much i don't want her to do zyada also idk she's already treating me nicely and it makes me happy. Its honestly more than enough and I don't want to be greedy.
23/10/23 (19:12)
okay sooo ummm the reality is hitting me these days. I was okay being the side chick but its really hitting me lol. Its not like she makes me feel that way nahhh she shows that she cares. Its just that idk maybe im only stupid. she flirts with others and sends me screenshots and everytime she does that i lose little feelings. Even though she does that for fun idk. If she keeps doing this, i might actually lose feelings lol idk how to tell her that. I dont wanna bicker or anything i dont have the strenght and anyway she'll be like nooo i do it for fun only because im cool. **heavy sigh** nvm . but should i let her know? communication is good yk. i guess ill try tonight. if she doesnt fall asleep. Okay ill tell her that, rest is her wish lol .
oh yeah btw todays our 1 month anniversary???? ehehehehe
okay she fell asleep, shes really sick so i hope she feels better soon.
but anyway i keep feeling stupid lmaoooooo i need to stop feeling this way and accept it. Thats the only way lol
21:23 (30/10/23)
Wah its been long, soooo umm idk we kinda had a disagreement? i honestly dont know what that was but yeah im 1000% sure that it wasnt my fault. i took my time to write and explain everything but nah i guess shes mad at me? ofcourse she is. we didnt talk the whole day and its kinda driving me crazy but im trying to look normal. I wont text her first , not because i have ego or anything but because im not at fault here. She took things a little too far and i got triggered. But again i did explain her everything like why it triggered me and all because i didnt want any misunderstanding. But yeah shes mad at me for that? i honestly dont know what to do. is this the end of us? i dont want it to end like this. I'm not ready but i also wont text first. She needs to own up to her mistakes. I miss her. I miss her so much . please text me ughh .
its okay i guess. this is like a break for us i think i dont know how this will end up
lmao i got on with a lot of thoughts in my head but as usual im black again. sooo i cant stop thinking about her and its scaring the shit out of me. Atp im pushing myself to go out with friends and family just to divert myself from thinking about her lmaooo yeah its that bad. The worst part is even k-pop idols are not helping me this time. Its always her on my mind. But ill try my best to distract myself because i feel very one sided. Its prolly not but kinda is . idk. But i'm also behaving the same way with her ig? i talk about idols and behave like they're the only ones on my mind when its absolutely false. I'm sure its not the same for her tho. she really isnt that whipped for me lol. and thats okay. ill keep trying to calm myself down . BUTTT the more i try the more i think. What do i do?
05:36am (17/11/2023)
we had a talk yesterday and it hit a nerve, It hit a wrong spot and now idk what i feel anymore. It was hurting. My heart felt like it would explode. I felt too much that i dont feel it now. No i'm not over her. It'll take time for sure but something snapped for sure. I'm taking a break today, from her. I need to analyze my feelings and emotions and think. I need to be ready for whatever is about to come. and i will be, Im strong and i can do it.
I never spoke about this or wrote it here but i think i should now. I need to analyze my feelings and write it out. I like her. i like her a lot. It was all happy happy at first, just us flirting. It wasnt that serious. But it did get serious later. A lot of feelings got involved. I know i know that she has a boyfriend and that i am a second option. I know its genuine and she really likes me. But i sometimes i wish the other way around. Everytime she mentions her boyfriend, its like a stab in my heart and reality hits me. I get distant for a bit. idk if she notices. its not her fault tho, I cant talk to people about this because i know what they're gonna say. "its all your fault, you knew she was taken but you still chased her. its all on you. you"re stupid for even hoping or wanting something from a straight taken woman" oh dont even get me started on how much it hurts when she tells me shes straight. Its gives me mixed signals. she says she wants to kiss me, hold me and do things with me and then she says shes straight. see i know sexuality is not an easy thing, it takes a lot of time and courage and thinking to come to a conclusion and tbh its okay even if she doesnt, but i cant stop my feelings and my overthinking. what if she doesnt really like me and its really just a phase shes going through. because im confident about the way i feel. i like women, i like her, romantically , emotionally and sexually.
i want her. i want her so bad even if its for a month, i want to experience how it feels like to be in a real relationship with her but i know its impossible. Like that equation doesnt even exist.
yesterday night, when she told me she loved me. i couldnt say it back. I didnt have enough energy to feel things because my heart was already hurting. Thats why im taking a break from her today, Her calling me baby , princess and whatever cute things she does , its making me feel guilty. She shouldnt do those things for me, but i want it . i dont know what im typing honeslty. i just want her so bad but i know i shouldnt. i NEED to tone down now . from my side, ill take the love shes giving me, also reciprocate. but not more than that because even i feel guilty and shes going through things because of me, she says its worth it but is it? i know that one day both of us will move on from this. I'm pretty sure we're gonna think about this and laugh but right now i want her, But i also dont , But i do. lol.
14:04 (21/11/23)
Hi, lol. I feel so much for her. like so so so so much. what we have is so precious and important to me. i dont want to let her go. As a girlfriend, yeah i guess one day we'll have to part, but as a friend? i dont want to lose her. I may sound greedy but along with her girlfriend(idk what we are but lets pretend im her girlfriend) right now, i also want to be her second best friend. Is it too much to ask ? i mean i guess it is. It hasnt been that long but our emotional bond is too strong and idk if ill ever find it anywhere else. Even if i dooo ugh idk i just want her for a long time. Even after we break up and take our time off, i want her to talk to me. This may sound selfish but yeah. I still want her to come nag to me, complain about things and share her problems, emotions etc. Relationship issues, marital issues, friendship issues, work related issues, family issues, financial issue etc like literally anyyything. I want her to feel comfy with me, I will never force her tho. I just hope things turn out this way instead of us completely falling apart. Because if it breaks , im sure itll take more than 2 years for me to open up tp anyone again. After my last ex best friend , i really shut myself off and it was lonely. I do have friends and i know they are always there for me but i cant open up to them. emotionally. But with her i can. So i want her , need her for a long time. We may drift . life is unpredictable and people change so its okay but i hope both of us try our best. I know she said she ignores and ghosts her close friends when she feels something is off and then they drift apart but i want her to really try for us. Idk if it will be worth it for her but i want her to try because i know i will. unless she wants otherwise. lol why am i having such emotions today? this is the first time im feeling this way. with us i mean. okay ill stop now.
26/11/23 22:30
I think I'm in love lol idk I tried so much to not be 'in' love and to just love her but I think I failed at it. I'm even scared to admit it to myself because I'm a coward. I still don't want to admit it to myself. I love her so much . I feel so stupid for loving someone who loves someone else. I was never like this. What is wrong with me? Idk but can it be helped? No. I know I'll move on in the future and everything will fall into place but right now ugh i love her and I feel stupid af. Like really really stupid. I'm never telling this to anyone tho. They'll make fun of me lol. They won't understand. I myself don't understand anything. I'm giving away so much of myself and it's going to take a lot of time for me to get it back like after we break up. Anyways I hope she gets well soon. She must be in a lot of pain. It hurts to even think that she might be in pain ughhhh stupid**inserts my name* get it together.
Come back soon . I feel like a zombie without you
Lol I just looked at my instgram activity and was wondering why I had spent 4 hours on Instagram yesterday when we didn't even talk. Then I realised that we did. It has only been a day but it feels like weeks? Wtf? What is going on with me. I'm scared I'm so so scared.
28/11/23 (23:43)
Happy 2 months to us lol sksksk anyways I didn't miss her yesterday. Probably because I was dealing with my own shit . Doesn't mean I like her any less. I still care . I hope she feels better soon
30/11/23 (00:19)
I googled the recovery rate and the death rate of dengue and I'm more paranoid now. Maybe I'm crying too much because I'm sick . I cry a lot when I fever like it heightens whatever I feel and now I'm worried about everything. Myself , her ahhh.
This is way too scary. New fear unlocked. I don't wanna say it but ugh just the thought of your loved one not being there hurts lol. I think I'll never move on from it. Never. So dear universe or whoever is listening to me , you've been mean to me these days , there are only 2 things that I want the most right now. The most. And I'll do anything for it. 1. Her getting well soon. 2. I need freedom from my life . Which means moving away to another country. I need these so bad. I don't care if I don't die anymore. I know I've always wanted to die and that was the only prayer in my head but now no. I want these 2 . Please please please. I won't be able to take it please ahh I'm crying again. I'm never getting attached to anyone again.
It's December already, please please please I promise that if these two things happen, I WILL NEVER NEVER EVER think about killing myself again. I promise this. I really really really promise you. But , if not , then that's it. You know I've always wanted to die , ever since 2011, so I'm giving up on this if I get the things I want. Atleast the 1st one. I won't be able to live at all.
Why am I crying so much. It's too much to handle. I feel like the nerves in my head will tear open with the strain. Its been long since I cried so much . I know I'm over thinking but why can't I fucking stop. STOP. Okay I'll just sleep .
1/12/23 (00:05)
I didnt miss her at all these last 3 days but i think i miss her a little today. I suddenly think about her and feel like crying. This is not because i miss her but idk. I feel like every bad thing happened to me at once and my mental health is at stake. 1. her being extremely sick with that deadly virus? whatever it is. 2. My uni thing. 3 me falling sick as well. i cant control my emotions when im sick. especiallllyyyy fever. i feel so weak and that stupid fever aftertaste on my tongue is making me wanna puke. i think im sleeping a lot these days. like 16 hours a day or something, maybe physcial and mental exhaustion is catching up to me. fuck this life . anygays idk i hope something good happens please. i wanna cry again lol. crying feels nice all of a sudden . its all because im sick lol. i guess ugh idk fuck this
i slept on the couch yesterday night, i think ill do the same tonight lol. i always sleep on the couch when im sick i guess??? ah im sleepy again. prolly med effect. ill eat and sleep now. i hope my baby feels almost better tomorrow. wow im sleepy af all of a sudden . no energy i think ill fall off byee
01/11/23 (20:16)
Lol i haven't written in so long ahhh yeah idk it's going okay I guess. We were having a call on gmeet with another friend of mine and she spoke about her boyfriend today. Idk what happened to me and why it happened but I cried wtf? Like wtf?????? Idk what to do anymore. It's reality I know but it's hurting. I know I'm just a ummm what am I again? No one omg fuck this
03:20 (18/11/23)
i love you
22:36(uk time zone) 11/02/24
Ah i need you so bad but i yeah i should be understanding. I’ll be. But know that i need you so bad like emotionally but im not brave enough to text you .
15/02/24 1:14pm
I love you . It feels sad now . When i think about her, my brain makes me sad lol. Whenever i imagine fake scenarios with her my brain keeps constantly reminding me that im just delulu and nothing will ever happen. I already know that but lemme be happy? i keep thinking about the break up that will happen soon when she gets engaged. I know there’s time, there’s a lot of time but i can’t stop thinking about it. It’s like it’s always there at the back of my mind. I just wanna be delulu , carefree and happy. I don’t wanna think much okay bye
I hope you dont see this but I’m so sorry. There are so many thoughts running in my head rn. I feel like im ruining something perfect. i mean you and him. I know nothing will change , yall are the end game and i dont want that to change. But the guilt is hittinf me these days. Am i that bad? Am i that selfish? What am i supposed to do? Shouldi stop? I dont want to stop but i dont want to be so selfish. Am i really a homewrecker? fuck
0 notes
nanabbi · 4 years
Hello! I love zisashi angst and I have at least 70 fics to rec! ... Would you like me to recommend them? 👀 I've been colecting them for over a year now
So, this person did DM me the recs but they didn’t want to be mentioned by name, so I’ll just thank them a lot for sharing their suggestions. They had also placed sweet little notes for all of them, I’ll include them, but I hold no authority of them. I’ll add some of my own insight if I have any.
Here is the list for me and all of you to check them out:
don't scream until the earth crumbles by rise_beyond_the_graveyard (serenlyall)
3K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Angst for Hizashi and Shouta. Mentions of torture, be careful with the tags]
If At First You Don't Succeed... by MarziPanda95
26K/Completed- !!! It Is completed! Yay, I’ll definitely read it at first chance. It is a Groundhog Day fic. [Their Note:  A personal favorite that was completed very recently. Mentions of torture (mental and corporal) the tension in this fic is amazing! And its really well written]
Without You I Can't Breathe by morbidcorvids
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death. Hizashi basically dies in Aizawa’s arms from what I saw.  [Their Note: This one is... So good but omg it made me so sad ;;;; a great piece of angst!! Mind the tags before breaking your heart].
Hindsight Is 20/20 by Nartothelar
2K/Oneshot- Wait there’s fics of this AU!? Omg! I was wondering where I could get more insight about it and this fic is part of a series. Now tho 👀 [Their Note:  Part of nartothelar's awesome mafia au! I love the angst in this one, and even comes with art! 💕💞💖💓 love it so much]
Resignation by OnAir
28K/Completed- [Their Note:  THIS IS OMG SJDVBDD MY FAVE, I'VE READ IT LIKE 8383737721 TIMES, its a must! Read! Of! Hizashi! Angst! Pleaaaase! Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece]
[More under Read More, because our provider was very generous with their suggestions]
Patchwork Family by bravobeavo
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  This one is so cute! Hizashi angst with erasermic family fluff to warm your heart! Shinsou and Eri are so worried for their dad in this one 💕]
Consumption of the Heart and Lungs by YamiHeart
4K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  I think you will like this one... Its a hanahaki!!!! And in japan with ninjas and samurais 💕💞💖 and an omg very good amazingly written hanahaki. It is part of a series though! So if you fall in love with it you can read the next one!]
White Chrysanthemums by LipstickVenom
9K/Oneshot- I see Major Character Death warning and Hurt no Comfort. I’ll approach with caution [Their Note: Ok hear me out, this one hurts! A lot, but its oh so amazing💕 fully recommend it!]
Paper Hearts by Xen_The_Protogen
2K/Oneshot- Major Character Death Warning [ Their Note: Super fun timeline to follow! Well... Not fun, this fic made me cry, but I loved how the story was told! Please, its a must read!]
Soul Bound by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
7K/Oneshot- It is written by Andy. I trust it. [Their Note:  One of the best soulmate fanfiction out there, its not fully angst, but it is there in some parts! (USJ I see ya) this one is more like Hizashi and Shouta angst though].
you are my sunshine by chimera (emptyheadspace)
5K/Completed- Ha. Ha. I see the title and the MCD Warning... Someone here is not afraid of that warning [Their Note:  I mean, the title already tells you that this sadder than mufasa's death. 5+1 type of fic (I love the format so I loved this one even more!)]
I'm Sorry, I'm Not Sorry by Tabs
1K/Oneshot- It does say happy ending tho [Their Note: And yis.... Short and sad, read it!]
Shout & Mute by ill go with that then (Linelenagain)
9K/Oneshot- Body swap, you have my curiosity and attention [Their Note:  Ok this one is not angst angst, but is more like Aizawa finally realizing the hardships that Hizashi must have (and is going through) because of his quirk thanks to a bodyswap! :D (love this one aye)]
A Gift of Sunshine by Ibelieveinahappilyeverafter
35K/Completed- It’s Andy again! Hi sir, I’m a fan. The concept seems interesting [Their Note: Ok so... In this fic Hizashi is a sword and Aizawa attends UA with him (it? Lol) well, he is more like a soul in a sword, not the swor- meh, just read it. It has some heave angst in some chapters! And its not that long! Reallyyyy good fic]
More Than Just a Smile by ravyn_sinclair
7K/Oneshot- -heavy breathing- I see BAMF Hizashi in the tags. BAMF HIZASHI! [Their Note:This is a fic of Hizashi being underestimated and showing everyone that he has some brains/ knows how to be a hero. There is angst by the end of the fic~ this piece of writing is just- a masterpiece. Kudos to the writer!]
Improbable Botany 101 by Tierfal 
46K/Complete- [Their Note: OKAY! A HANAHAKI THAT IS JUST 💕💞💖 its longish? Not that much, you'll finish it in an hour or so, but is just sooooo gooooooood! Amazing hanahaki angst! I love how they show us the feelings and thoughts of the characters].
6:15 by dadzawa_of_1a
3K/Oneshot- [Their Note: So great! I loved this one! And its very well written! Its a quick read so please just go go go go!].
I thought we'd last forever by orphan_account
1K/Oneshot- MCD Warning [Their Note: Great fic my dear! And very sad... Mind the tags :'"c]
Ice It by Say_Jay
3K/Oneshot- Oh! I’ve read this one! It’s so cute. I was looking for it when I was doing the Hizashi whump list, but I hadn’t bookmarked it! Now I have! Gosh I hate losing fics, thanks for bringing it over [Their Note:  Its more like... Comfort after getting hurt? But meh, angst anyway sbdbjdbd However, I think that everyone in the erasermic fandom is familiar with this short masterpiece].
Dust in the Wind by d_lynx
Sleep and Sweet Tea by d_lynx
2K/Series-  [Their Note: Ok this one is just pure angst. A very short concentrated bomb of angst. It does have a happy continuation though! So you can go and check that].
Guillotine by existentialrat
4K/Ongoing- !!! 👀 Do I have anything to do with the origin of this fic? I see the author’s note there. I’ll wait~ [Their Note: Hizashi is with hanahaki! Ohnooo! Dnjdbdj well well, this one is not finished, but there is one chapter left so... You can choose to either wait or just start reading it. Oboro lives in this one though!]
Honest with You by astrange_one
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi gets insecure after having an encounter with his past foster parents :c babyyyyy. He suffers so much mentally speaking in this one]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Another insecure Hizashi! This one is short but ohhh amazing!]
Lost and Found by TheWiseMansFear
16K/Ongoing- Last Update: April 2020 [Their Note: Hizashi is tortured but refuses to tell why! Its not finished! And the updates are slow, but is very good, read under your own risk].
Day 3: Unexpected/Revelation by presentedmic
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Great fic! Shouta tells Shinsou about the time he almost lost Hizashi! Cutecutecute and angsty!]
Desolate by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note:  A short very angsty fic... Almost made me cry, this one did].
With You by maplebee
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Short and sad as well, this author is great with making you feel stuff in less than 1k].
Accidentally Forever by Arkham_Cat
1K/Oneshot- I skimmed through it, it seems mild with no Mature content [Their Note: Short Omegaverse, shows how Shouta accidentally marked Hizashi. Its angst? But not very heavy angst, soft angst? Dunno. And is short as well! So I would recommend it if u want a quick read!].
Sunshine Boy by MarziPanda95
40K/Completed-  MarziPanda again! Hmmm 👀 [Their Note: We all know that Marzipanda95 is a goddess of Hizashi Angst, and this fic is one of her greatest masterpieces! Please! This is a must read!!! Recently completed].
Even As I'm Busted And Broken by Tippytap
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Ok... Short but sad, Hizashi is finally overwhelmed. Mind the tags please]
(Don't Ever) Stop Talking by WritingStarsIntoConstellations
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Aizawa messes up by using his quirk on Hizashi! They are teens in this one~]
Kintsugi (Broken & Fixed) by DarklingMoon
12K/Completed- [Their Note: Another 5+1 cause god knows I love them so much! Its a great fic filled with angssttttttt... Read it lol]
Lemon Boy by modernmint
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Short! Focuses on the phobia that Hizashi has with bugs and the relationship of the boys! They are teens in here].
Five Times Present Mic Apologized (And One Time He Didn't Have To) by BurningTheSapphires (MyStShSh)
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Features villain present mic! Is not mostly angst but it has...] Good ending? I hope.
Sixty Seven by AcroArdent 
1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: This is just short erasermic angst. Featuring villain aizawa!]
Waiting For You to Call My Name by Purplemerald
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: I mean, you tell me "Hizashi angst" and I think of this fic, short, painful, a must read].
Snapshot by LipstickVenom
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Insecure of his body image Hizashi :c ]
Five Stages of Grief by NeitherDeadnorAlive
3K/Ongoing- I saw no MCD warning. [Their Note:  Hizashi is trapped with some civilians under loads of rubble! Rescate mission ensues! And huh... Its not finished, but its some great angst thooo]
Musical Vibrations by Rose_Cat
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi gets deafened :c ]
Letting Go by Zombieisms
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Hizashi is comatose].
Dangerous by AutisticWriter
1K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Little kid shinsou and hizashi bonding over their time at the orphanage].
One Last Time by CoolPandr
<1K/Oneshot- MCD [Their Note: Aizawa Mourning our sunshine boy :c short and painful]
You're Late! by AnotherWeirdoHere
<1K/Oneshot- MCD. I didn’t even read it but the title and the summary alone pained enough of a picture to make me choke. These concepts hit me for some reason [Their Note: Short angst! Super cute ending].
Too Loud and Too Much by doctornemesis
2K/Oneshot-  [Their Note:  Insecure teen hizashi :c someone give this boy a hug].
Just a Push by Say_Jay
5K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Aizawa injures Hizashi while training!]
Everything I Wanted by toshiwoshi
4K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Hizashi gets misuranderstood and gets his heart broken :c happy ending tho]
Memories by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
2K/Oneshot- MCD Omg... [Their Note: Ok this is erasermic family angst... Suuuuper sad, this author is great.]
Actions Speak Louder than Words by My_Furnace_Has_Wings
<1K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Teen erasermic confession with angst! Really good ^^]
Mr loverman by popweezle
1K/Oneshot- Angst with a freaking Happy Ending tag. Finally I am getting super depressed with these scenarios I am reading here. Good God. [Their Note: Another comatose Hizashi~]
first love / late spring by pgsaihara
1K/Oneshot-  [Their Note: Erasermic angst, insecure Aizawa makes Hizashi upset :c ]
Needle-thin Tightrope by Dramaticdragon
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Another insecure about his volume hizashi :c poor baby but I kinda get him].
Small Hiding places by IsTheMedia
2K/Oneshot- Part of Villain!Mic [Their Note:  Part of villain Hizashi series! But can be read alone... Implied child abuse, mind the tags].
(dis)trust by Cat_Tac
4K/Oneshot- TW: Sexual assault (doesn’t get far, but it is the basis of the plot). Mentioned this one in previous ask, but let’s put it in this huge pile too [Their Note:  MIND THE TAGS PLEASE, this can be triggering. Hizashi is assaulted at work and feels guilty].
Be grateful, hero by SaltywithSarcasm
2K/Oneshot- [Their Note: Hizashi is kidnapped and tortured]
Tenacity by tiniest_hands_in_all_the_land
23K/Oneshot- [Their Note:  Ok so... This is more Aizawa centric? But there is some amazing hizashi angst at the end! (Another 5+1 fic!)]
Déjà vu by douchegrayson
9K/Completed- Mentioned this one before too. I really love its concept so much [Their Note: Everyone forgets hizashi thanks to a quirk! Our poor boy is desolated :c ]
Stay With Me by MintIceTea
2K/Completed- [Their Note:  Erasermic angst and fluff!]
Engagement by fecklessphilanderer
8K/Completed- [Their Note:  Hizashi falls off a building, fluffy ending!]
Note: In all of these, make sure to read the tags please, in case there are any themes you’re uncomfortable with. I have not yet read most of these, so once more you’re gonna have to look out for yourselves. 🙏
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vyvesvi · 3 years
songs i've been feeling lately (010121 - 033121) (w/ position on my most listened list)
1.) 別世界 (Bessekai; Another World) (4)
i legitimately think this is one of the top 10 best pop songs ever created in any language. it's a shame the choreo isn't amazing (it's not a title track) bc e-girls can Dance. unfortunately they disbanded december 2020 😭😭😭
2.) April Fool's (0401) (12)
i've heard this song before this year but i've just now come to appreciate it. it has the vibes
3.) It's Coming (69)
i'm a slut for produce and this is catchy
4.) Damn Daniel (77)
another catchy bop 😊 bree runway is in her come up era, love that for her tbh
5.) Poppin' Shakin' (7)
if it had a mayuka rap it would be niziu's best song uncontested. as it stands i still think its #1. it's just fun as hell tbh, good vibes all around
6.) Luv Me (16)
...i dont know why i was feeling this all of a sudden. its cute tho
7.) Where the Sea Sleeps (93)
i dont usually like slow songs but this one is so nice :") also their lil vocal moment at the end is really nice
8.) Killa (71)
literally the best bg debut in a longgggggg time. they hit the distribution of rap and vocals reallyyyy well in this song and they all have nice tones for what they need to do. their album isnt spectacular but it's very solid, especially for a debut. i only checked them out because of a friend but like...if they keep this up i'll have to stan. also im a lien stan whether i end up stanning the whole group or not because its sooo rare that nugus can actually like belt. plus, he's japanese but got the most in their song sooooo. im v impressed 😌
9.) Metropolis
i feel like manta is more popular but this is super good as well? i would like a gg w these vibes, the choreo would be so cool. for this song i love the rap sing section in the second verse, it's so satisfying somehow
10.) Hot Pink (JPN ver)
i have noooo idea why this song suddenly shot up for me but here we are. maybe because i hated it when it came out and never listened to it so now it feels new 😅 as to why i've been feeling jpn and chn releases recently i have not a single clue
i hit audio limit 😔 but:
11.) Power (Chinese ver) - Exo
this is the type of debut i want for my chuang boys
12.) Coin - IU (too recent)
the prechorus and rap verse are soooooo good. the chorus is maybe a lil lackluster but i will not be hearing any coin criticism!!! miss iu has done it again in my book
13.) Fireworks - Ateez (58)
i listen for the san jongho mingi stretch only, sorry. that one part is just crack (hj's verse has grown on me too tho)
14.) Supermoon - WJSN (too recent)
its soooo nice pls i love it 😭😭😭 the bgm is so fun and the vocals are there and exy did her thing ugh. i love it so much 🥺
15.) Crush on U - BAE173 (9)
it cute. like an updated adore u i think. plus i really like how much rapping dohyon got to do :) hangyul could've had one more line since his voice is so distinctive though
16.) Not Just Friends - Lim Nayoung (too recent)
i've never really liked osts at allll but this one is super cute 🥺 part of it was also the drama scenes in the mv, the drama actually looks super good and cute 🥺🥺🥺
17.) Red Moon - KARD (1)
somehow my most listened song this year thus far. it's a bop but i don't usually listen to kard like that tbh
18.) D-D-Dance - IZ*ONE (30)
the izone wjsn verzuz made me realize how much of izone's concepts/overall sound is inspired by wjsn. this song i have to say was definitely optioned for wjsn. i would be less than surprised if whoever wrote the rap was using exy as inspo. that sounds negative but it's not really, just an observation. anyways it's a bop 😌
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