#anyway i guess there's also a 3rd category of 'special' people
gamebunny-advance · 3 months
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Context: about every 100+ followers or so, I hold a "Follower Milestone Celebration" where I open doodle requests for a short time. I'm getting really close to the next one, but the last time I did it, there weren't that many requests, so I've kinda been discouraged from doing it.
But, this next milestone is kinda special since it's the big 1,000, and it'd feel weird if that's the one where I finally decided to stop doing it. So, I thought I'd ask what y'all want to do.
If you're not familiar with the general celebration rules, they are as follows:
One request per person per celebration. If you've made a request in the past, you can ask for another one, but only one per milestone.
One character per request. I might make exceptions for "animal buddies" or other small companions, but not 2 full-sized characters. I used to do them, but I wanna keep things moving and do as many requests as possible.
Don't be too detailed or specific. These are only doodle requests, something I can draw in less than an hour, so the art is gonna be a little simple. At most, keep it limited to 1 character + an action. Props are okay. Backgrounds are situational/simple.
Good Example: Kun3h0 eating a pizza.
Bad Example: Kun3h0 sitting cross-legged while eating a pizza slice in one hand, and holding a game controller in the other while playing Kirby Air Ride while GAB watches.
It's ONLY open to followers that followed before I made the official announcement. (This is not the official announcement.) This means that requests cannot be anonymous, since I have to verify the follower status. If you don't want your name published with your request, then just ask to be anonymous, and I won't mention your name when I post the doodle~
I'm being especially strict about that rule now. Anyone coming into my ask box with a sob story that wasn't following me is just gonna be blocked on sight now.
I don't do OCs. This includes other people's OCs. I used to allow them for mutuals and honorary mutuals, but it's both a confusing rule, and I actually feel a lot of pressure when drawing OCs since I want to make them as good as possible. I think y'all deserve the best, but that's hard to upkeep when I'm doing rapid-fire requests X(.
I will draw for fandoms I'm not familiar with, but I won't draw things that conflict with my moral values. I'm not gonna make a whole list of things/fandoms I won't draw, but if you've been following me on either of my two blogs, then you probably have a good idea of where my moral compass lies. Just ask if you're not sure. If I won't do it, then I'll just ask you to make a different request.
I don't do horny. It's not against my morals, but I won't do that kind of thing for free. Even if it's an innocuous kink that could pass under the radar, I'm not consenting to be a part of that at this time. Consider a commission if you want something like that from me.
That's the gist of it. There isn't a hard limit on how long the celebration goes or how many requests I'll do, but it's generally first-come, first-serve, but mutuals/honorary mutuals get priority. I like to think of it like microwaving pop-corn: I'll officially close things once requests either slow down or stop for a significant amount of time and/or I get burnt out.
Also keep in mind that none of this is an obligation to me, so I might reject a request for a reason not explicitly stated in the rules. It just depends on how comfortable I am with the request.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask (questions can be anonymous)~
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amara-scott · 3 years
Enjoy your dinner.
Movie: The Gentlemen Characters: Raymond Smith x Reader Categories: Teasing
you’re reading part one | part two
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Takes place a few weeks before the movie timeline.
3rd Person P.O.V.:
Her father knew very well that she did not enjoy these kinds of events. Richlings bragging about their richness to other fat cats. Not to mention the young ones. The ones her age, who did not have to flip a coin to get any of the wealth their parents owned. Dirty or good money, does not matter. It is more dirty than anything else though. And she knew that also. Another reason for her to usually not stay longer than needed.
It has been a while since her father has last asked her to join him and her mother to a dinner party. It was way more just a synonym for let’s see who will embarrass themselves first by drinking too much of the way too expensive bottle of rum. Long translation - but a hundred percent correct. 
And even though she loathed going, she always used the opportunity to make the largest impact possible without trying to say a word. She loved the longing stares and the surprised ones every time she did indeed attend alongside her parents. Today it was just her father though. Her mother was out in Paris, probably spending all the pocket money her loving husband gave her. At least their love for each other seemed honest.
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(Y/N) P.O.V.:
When I walk down the stairs to stop in front of a mirror in my hallway, I hear another honk of the limousine waiting outside. I sigh, grabbing a light coat and throwing that over my arm, holding a small clutch in my hand. After locking the door behind me, I greet Mitch with a smile.
“ ’Ello Miss (Y/L/N), hope you are doing well today.” I hold back a roll of my eyes, long forgotten how many times I made him call me by my first name. If I had to guess, probably around 64 times. He doesn’t work for me, he works for my father and my father alone. 
“Very well indeed, how about you, Mitch?” He smiles, about to answer, when a voice from inside the car calls out.
“-You can chat on the way there, we’re late as it is.” Now I do roll my eyes at my fathers words and send Mitch another small smile. He nods, closing the door when I’m in, going back to the drivers seat.
“Wow, darlin’, you look lovely tonight.” I greet him with a kiss to each cheek and buckle up.
“Thank you, is that a new suit? I’ve never seen you wear burgundy red.” He nods, smoothing out the fabric. 
“It is, it is. You’re a smart one. I despised the colour but your mother thinks it looks expensive and high-class. And you know her- there’s no telling her no.” I chuckle along and we get a few small-talk questions out the way before we finally arrive at the mansion. Some old business partner of my father’s. I can’t keep names in mind so I usually go the shy and long time no see route. It usually works.
My father helps me step outside and Mitch rides off, picking us up later again. Before walking after my father I take a deep breath and exhale, placing a smile onto my face. Fake- but no one seemed to notice the last few times. So no worries there. Walking up the stairs, an arm wraps around mine and I glance up to my right, frowning at the sudden physical contact. James. Yes, the one person I loathed the least. Or you could say - who I actually liked a bit. I grin and bump my shoulder with his as he guides me up to the entrance.
“Hello there gorgeous lady, haven’t seen you around a lot lately.” 
“Well, can you blame me? These types of gatherings do not amuse me much. They rather support my boredom and make me want to drown in expensive alcohol. I don’t want to turn into an alcoholic.” He smirks at my statement but shakes his head. 
“You’re a special one, you know that?” I nod, sighing dramatically. I look up front, where my father is already involved with other suit-wearing snobs.
“I know- I am.” I try sounding posh, but fail miserably, making us both laugh. I still have my arm wrapped around his’ as we get offered a drink and then he is off. Talking business, making connections. A life I would not want to live. That is why James and me could never be more than friends. Even though he might wants change my mind on that one day - I would never accept his advances.
“Well, well, well. If it is not little Miss (Y/L/N) Junior. How are things going?” I turn, taking another sip of champagne as I recognise the slimy man in front of me. His eyes wandering up and down my presence. 
“Oscar- what a nice surprise-” My fake smile widens and I let him kiss my knuckles briefly - even though some of the potatoes I had for lunch earlier wanted to revisit. He must be double my age - I never thought of that. 50 at least.
“Would not be that much of a surprise to you if you would join our parties more often.” So it is his housing we are inside of right now. Good to know...
“Oh, Oscar. You know I am a busy woman. Cannot have fun all the time.” My smile starts to hurt my cheeks but I keep it up. Having held it for longer. My record is 24 minutes and 37 seconds. Yes, I know. Very impressive.
“But you never fail to make a grand entrance, what a gown on you - just lovely. Perfectly fitting for you, an extraordinary woman.” His sickly, slimy words feel like nails scratching on a chalk board but I hold back a flinch, nodding once. Not quite sure how to reply. I glance down at my drink, assumingly and very unconsciously having drank it all.
“Oh, would you look at that- I think I need a refill, it was lovely chatting-” “-Let me get you a new one.”
“No need, Oscar. I will just go myself.” 
“Oh please, I insist-”
“-Here, take mine. I don’t drink Champagne.” I turn to my right, looking at the source of the new voice. A man I have not seen before stands there - a neat three piece in dark blue, adoring his well shaped physique. His dirty blonde hair combed back to perfection. He rearranges his glasses with his free hand before it disappears in the pocket of his trousers. The other one still holding out the glass to me. I realise I held a breath and nod at him, this time smiling genuinely. 
“Thank you-” I drift off, not taking my eyes off his. A little staring contest going on. I accept the drink and take a sip. Not having blinked once. Just like him.
“-Raymond. Raymond Smith.”
“Nice to meet you, Raymond Smith. I’m (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
“I know that.” I quirk an eyebrow at his answer, him staying silent though, a small smile grazing his lips. 
“Well, why don’t I give you a little tour? We have a whole new balcony on the east wing-”
“-no, thank you Oscar. I just found a way more interesting activity.” I cut him off, not taking my eyes off of Raymond Smith. I see his lips twitch but he is holding back a smirk. Which makes my smile grow. I only hear a huff and grumbling. 
I then break the eye contact, feeling rather lost now and walk past him, closely past him. My shoulder barely touching his jacket. I can feel his eyes on my back, making me sway my hips a tad more than usual. The things the right man can make you do.
I decide to sit down at an empty table and pick out some of the delicate canapés placed in the center. It looks like a mushroom tartlet and once inside my mouth I nod to myself. One thing that makes me come back to these parties is definitely the appetisers and the drinks. Lot’s of effort goes into them but no one seems to enjoy any. Either because they are busy laughing at jokes that are not funny or because they think others would judge them for eating. I learned to not care, ever, about what someone thought of me because I eat more than them. Their loss.
“Enjoying the food, I see.” I chew quickly and swallow thickly, holding a napkin to my lips as Raymond sits next to me at the round table, taking a tartlet himself. I hum.
“I do, cannot be mad about the food. I am a true gourmet, what can I say. But- you probably already knew that, did you not?” I grin at him, watching his chew and making eye contact with me once more. He chuckles, shaking his head.
“No, did not. I will note it down though.” His teasing tone sparks my interest and I wonder how far I could go. Or what he works as. Why I have never seen him before. 
“Tell me, Raymond Smith, who are you?” I turn toward him, leaning my arm on the table and tilting my head slightly, full attention on him. He wipes his hands at a napkin, eyes cast down as he seems deep in thought. Choosing his words carefully. One of the only men here who do.
“I don’t really exist. I just - like a good dinner party every now and then.” I bite my lip at his cheeky reply, trying to hold back all the things running through my mind. 
“Can I guess?” I lift my head and he nods, gesturing for me to go ahead. He leans back slightly, probably expecting the most cliché answers anyway. So I think again, observing his posture and the drifting of his eyes every now and then. Back over to the big table. A couple people sitting there. He must be here either with his wife or colleague. I shake my head at the wife, he wouldn’t be sitting here with me if he had one. 
“Well, seeing as you’re not here by yourself, you must be the right hand to someone or - maybe you are the kid of a big fish.” He smirks, nodding. One must be correct. I go with my first instinct. “-a right hand man it is.” I look back over to where he seemed to focus earlier. I do know a few of them. One being a partner to my father’s business. Another one the son of said partner. And then - no way. Micheal Pearson himself. The Micheal Pearson. Sticky bush Pearson. But Raymond would not be involved-
“-I see you figured it out.” My eyes snap back to Raymond and I close my mouth, licking my dry lips in the process. I tense up, not knowing if running would be an appropriate reaction. But then again - I never cared about appropriate behaviour that much.
“And I also see you’re taken aback.” It sounded more like a question really. But I only nod, sending him a small smile.
“It is not every day that I cross paths with true gangsters.” 
“I will take that as a compliment. And just for your information-” He leans in closer, elbows on his thighs. “-there are a few more gangsters here than you would like to care.” 
I gulp at his intense eyes, he leans back up and stands to his feet, smoothing out his suit and buttoning his jacket. 
“Well, if you would excuse me, my duties as a right hand man are needed. Have a good rest of your evening, Miss (Y/L/N). Enjoy your dinner.” 
“You too, Mister Smith.” He nods, walking off. I look after him, Mister and Misses Pearson walking off with him and exiting the building. I let out a breath I was holding and sink back into the chair. Not without being haunted by those icy blue orbs.
More The Gentlemen Imagines
Full Masterlist
part two
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a little f1 history lesson about lewis championship with mclaren (i say a lesson because i am writing a paper about a part of the history of f1 and i am finishing my history degree, if anyone wants more info on that, hit me up)
when lewis won his first championship with mclaren in 2008, it was completely different to the ones he has won with mercedes. and i am here to tell you about it.
i am not taking the credit away from him in anyway whatsoever, but f1 has changed a lot in those 13 years, cars have changed, regulations have changed and drivers have changed.
in 2007, in lewis' rookie year, he came second in the championship, 1 point behind kimi and tied in the points with fernando (he was tied in wins, but had more second places than the spanish driver, so that put him above in the championship). some say that because of spygate that year, both lewis and fernando were not allowed to win the driver's championship as a punishment, so they lost on purpose. mclaren was a dominant car, having both drivers in the top 3, but were disqualified from constructors' championship because of spygate.
in 2008, when lewis won the championship, he won by a point from massa. massa actually had driven the perfect championship but was fucked but due to exterior circumstances and ended up being the second driver most affected by crashgate (only behind nelsinho). Brazil 2008 was a representation of felipe's championship (do everything perfectly, but still lose due to something that was not under your control). mclaren was again one of the best cars (according to the constructors' standings, the second best), and it was the year that lewis probably had his weakest teammate in heikki kovalainen (sorry heikki fans, but i think he finished 7th or 8th in the standings compared to lewis 1st, and again, i am not taking away the merit of lewis' dominance over his teammate).
from 2009 to 2012, the years in which lewis was in mclaren, things started to change in mclaren and started to change to lewis as well. in the f1 world, brawn gp showed up in 2009, with their double diffusers, and took the paddock by storm. red bull racing also started to show strength having their first f1 win (also, fun fact, in 2008, when seb won with Toro Rosso in monza, it wasn't decided yet if red bull or toro rosso would be the number 1 team in the red bull family), and mclaren wasn't a dominatn car anymore. lewis still dominated his teammate (heikki finished in 12th) but he finished 5th in the championship, behind both brawns and red bulls. mclaren finished 3rd in the constructors (throw back to the controversial lance statement, being the goat might mean you can get 3 or 4 places more in the car, but still is tough af, specially to do that consistently due to the car you have. but lewis is a goat, and did get more out of the car). in 2010 jenson joined as his teammate, a breath of fresh air for lewis having another defending champion as his teammate so he was back to having someone to fight against. lewish finished 4th that year, behind 2 red bulls and a ferrari, jenson right behind him in 5th. this was the beggining of red bull dominance era. mclaren wasn't a dominant car.
2011 was a strange year for lewis (@formulinos wrote about it beautifully, detailing lewis and nicole's relationship and how all of that was a huge mess, so go read that). i guess this was the year in which all that mess affected him the most, cause for the first time he was beaten by a teammate. lewis finished in 5th in the championship, while jenson was 2nd. this was probably lewis' worst season since his debut in 2007 and it also shows that even the best of the bests can have a tough time sometimes (and still become a fucking goat a couple of years later). according to the constructors, mclaren had the second best car
In 2012 lewis was back to beating his teammate (by 2 points, lewis in 4th, jenson in 5th). Kimi was back in f1 with lotus, both ferrari and mclaren were being shitshows, but ferrari was the better shit show and came in second in the standings (or also, Fernando was in his best form of his life, made a shit ton of points, and if he was in the dominating car *cough cough rbr which he could have gone to instead of seb in 2009 but I can tell you all about it on another day* he would have won that championship). that is another example of a fucking great driver unfortunately not winning the championship due to an inferior car.
from 2013 on, lewis was in mercedes and we all know how that went with mercedes taking dominance in the hybrid era and lewis only being beaten again by a teammate in 2016, which is a whole other story. but what i wanted to say from this is, lewis is (in numbers he is of all times but also in many other ways) the best f1 driver of this generation (i won’t say of all times in general just so i don’t have to get In another argument because it ends up being much more subjective), even tho there was a 5 year gap between his first championship and his second (which if I am not wrong, its a record in f1 for being the longest gap, or is it schumacher’s? my math is really bad when it comes to years), because it is impossible to be dominant and win a championship if you don’t have the best car on the grid. just like in 1993, which you had senna in the form of his life, but he still lost on the championship to prost who was in a williams that can be considered one of the best f1 cars of all times, not even the fastest driver of all times (talking about raw speed) could beat Williams electronic suspension that was driven by another fucking great driver.
this is also to warn people that, if for whatever reason, in 2022, mercedes loses its dominance due to regulation changes, or lewis goes to another team (you never know, he might want to partner seb in aston martin), or even he decides to drive in another category just for the sake of it (imagine lewis in formula e), he might not be the champion because it is FUCKING HARD to do that if you don’t have the best/dominant machinery, and lewis not winning in the near future will not mean that he is losing his speed.
(sorry for any spelling mistakes or runover sentences, i did not proofread this and I haven’t written this much in english in a while)
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gyakutengagotoku · 4 years
GS4 vs AJ:AA - Episode 2, Part 5
Here’s the last court segment of this episode! It’s also relatively shorter than the usual posts, but there’s a lot of dialogue I captured for context, so it doesn’t look shorter. There’s not too much deviation between the source and localized after we covered all the changes made to the Kitaki’s previously.
For once I started earlier today and got through it pretty quickly, but for the sake of a consistent posting schedule, I’ll stick with around midnight PST every other day or so. Seems like the best rhythm for me that I can keep up with.
> Court Lobby
6月17日 午前 9時52分 地方裁判所 被告人第2控え室 June 17, 9:52 AM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2
<Trucy> いよいよ、ですね! ゆうべはよく眠れましたか? This is it, the big day! Did you get any sleep?
<Apollo> あ。うん。ゆうべ、 1時にはフトンに入ったから。 Yeah, I went to bed at 1:00 AM or so.
<Trucy> で? 今日は何時に 起きたんですか? Oh? What time did you wake up?
<Apollo> 午前3時、かな。 ...3:00 AM.
<Trucy> ‥‥ゼンゼン眠れてませんね。 That's only two hours, Apollo...
でも、大丈夫。 みぬきがついてるし。 But, at least you have me!
<Trucy> ボウシくんだって、 いつも見てますよ。 ...And the Amazing Mr. Hat!
<Mr. Hat> いつも見てますよ、キミ。 Here's looking at you, kid.
Originally: "Yes, I'm always keeping an eye on you." (It's supposed to sound supportive, I swear.)
<Trucy> ね。パパ! 今日は、どんな証人を 用意してるの? ガリュー検事! Daddy! Do you know who Prosecutor Gavin's witness is today?
<Phoenix> さあね。当ててごらん。 Take a guess!
<Trucy> んーとね。 小梅さんとか! Hmm... How about Little Plum?
<Phoenix> あっはっはっ。キモっ玉かあさんか。 ハズレだよ。 Ah ha ha! That Sherman tank of a mom? Nope, guess again.
<Trucy> うーん、ザンネン。 でも。みぬき、思うな。 That's too bad. You know, speaking of moms...
パパも、早く新しいママ、 見つけないと! You need to find me a new mommy one of these days, Daddy!
<Phoenix> お。コイツは朝からイッポン 取られちまったな。 It's barely morning and you're at it already, Trucy!
あっはっはっはっは。 Ah ha ha ha ha ha!
<Apollo> (だから、ウソっぽいんだよなあ、  この親子) (OK, see, this is why I don't buy their "father-daughter" relationship.)
I commented previously that Apollo questioned their father-daughter relationship and legitimately forgot that he also says this, and this time it does match what he originally said. So, my bad.
Also, Naruhodou describes her as "キモっ玉" (kimottama), meaning she got "guts" or "pluck" to her. I appreciate the "Sherman tank", though.
> Courtroom
<Judge> 少なくとも、 ハッキリわかったことは‥‥ We did find out one thing for certain.
事件が起こったとき。 やはり公園には、被告人と被害者、 There were three people in the park at the time of the murder:
‥‥そして目撃者の3人しか いなかった、というコトです。 The witness, the victim, and the defendant.
<Klavier> ‥‥そういうコト。 そこで、今日は‥‥ ...Correct, Herr Judge. And today, I'd like to do something a little new age.
あのザンネンな事件を、 外側から見てみようと思ってるんだ。 I'd like to look at this horrible crime... from the outside.
<Apollo> “ソトガワ”‥‥ですか? The "outside"...?
<Klavier> “凶器の入手経路”‥‥ “犯行準備”‥‥ The acquisition of the murder weapon... The preparation for the act...
被告人クン。ウカツにも ゼンブ、しゃべっていたんだよ。 Our poor defendant told all, you see.
‥‥フィアンセにね。 ...To his betrothed.
<Judge> ふぃあんせ‥‥? His... bee trove?
<Klavier> ‥‥婚約者さ。 人生の共犯者ってヤツかな。 ...His fiancée, Herr Judge. His partner for life... with no chance for parole.
<Judge> それでは、その‥‥ いいなずけを入廷させてください! Very well, you may show the erm... "lucky" lady to the stand.
Once again, the judge struggles with words outside of his language, and Kyouya, being the resident English expert, has to explain. That being said, "bee trove" is suspiciously apt as a metaphor to describe her...
<Klavier> ‥‥それじゃ、キミ。 名前と、職業を。 ...Your name and occupation, Fräulein.
<Alita> 並奈 美波と申します。 今は、花嫁修行中というか‥‥ Alita Tiala. My occupation... is future wife.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ いいココロがけです。 Ah, traditional values! I respect that.
最近は、温泉タマゴすら作れない ムスメさんも多いですからな。 Too many brides these days can't even weave baskets blindfolded... underwater.
しかし‥‥今日は、検察側の 証人として出廷したわけですな? Yet you're here today as a witness for the prosecution?
<Alita> わたし‥‥最初は、 証言したくありませんでした。 To be honest, I didn't want to testify at first.
でも、やっぱり。 かくしておくことはできなくて。 But... I couldn't hide the truth.
<Judge> ふむう‥‥やはり、 リッパなココロがけです。 Hmm. Honesty! Another admirable trait.
Originally, his "underwater blindfolded basket weaving" standards were about soft-boiling eggs so that the yolk hardens while the white remains soft. They're called "onsen tamago" because these eggs were traditionally cooked in a hot spring, but can be cooked in any ol' pot between 70-80°C (158-176°F). It's one of those old-timey signs that a soon-to-be-wed would be a good wife because she could cook. Now, the only time I'd ever see these eggs is when I don't boil them hotly enough.
On that note, nowadays there are underwater basket weaving Olympics. Thanks, Rio 2016. Maybe Tokyo 2020 (2021?) could include a special event category for egg-boiling.
> 1st Witness Testimony, press 3rd statement
<Alita> ちゃんと管理されてるから、 フツウの組員じゃムリだと思います。 Not really, I think. There's a system in place to limit access.
でもね。滝太クンはトクベツ。 なんたって。アトトリ息子ですから。 But Wocky's a special case, being the next-in-line.
<Klavier> 少し、甘やかされていたところは あったんじゃないかな。 Perhaps his treatment was a bit too special, ja?
<Alita> たしかに、“おぼっちゃん”な トコロはあったかもしれません。 Well, maybe he is a bit spoiled...
誕生日に、スゴいプレゼントを もらったって話もきいてるし。 I hear he got amazing presents for his birthdays.
ガムでできた“ドス”とか、 チョコレートの“花札”とか。 Last year was a switchblade made out of chewing gum and a chocolate gravestone!
<Apollo> (アブナイものが好きなのか、  アマいものが好きなのか‥‥) (Sounds like he has a taste for sweets... and danger.)
Originally, they were a rubber dosu and a chocolate hanafuda card. Danger AND gambling, but the kid-friendly kind!
Though, I can accept "chewing-gum switchblade" here because "ガム" (gamu) can also mean that kind of gum or the gum material of rubber.
> Press 5th statement, present Alita, present chart or sandals
<Judge> ちょっと待ちなさい! Ms. Tiala!
あなたは“被害者とはなんの 関係もない”と証言しています! You testified that you had no connection to the victim!
<Alita> なんの関係もないわよ。 ‥‥今となっては、もう。 And I don't. Now.
<Apollo> 今となっては‥‥? "Now"...?
<Alita> だって。半年前に、やめたんだから。 もう、無関係でしょ。 I quit half a year ago, didn't I? So there's no connection.
‥‥アナタたち、もしかして。 Let me guess, you're the kind of guy...
コイビトのムカシのコト、ぜんぶ 聞かないと気がすまないタイプの、 ...who can't rest until he knows every last detail of his girlfriend's past.
ちっぽけなオトコ、なのかしら? Am I right?
<Judge> そんなコトはないですぞ! 私は、その。 Th-That's not true at all! Why, I...
愛しいヒトの、ちょっとした過去も まとめて抱きしめるタイプの、イキ I embrace the ones I love, past flaws and all, no matte--
<Apollo> “今はもう”無関係‥‥ それは、通らないんですよ。 "There's no connection now" doesn't fly in a court of law.
<Alita> ‥‥どういうこと、かしら? Doesn't... fly?
<Apollo> (さすが、キモっ玉が座っている) (She's one tough nut.)
(キタキツネ一家にヨメ入りしよう  とするだけのコトはあるな) (She probably feels right at home with the Kitakis!)
Fyi, the judge responded here because she called them all out, not just the defense.
And yep, here it is again: "キモっ玉". So, a Sherman-tank mom and a tough-nut fiancée; no wonder she fits right in. (I still think "bee trove" is more apt, though.)
> Present more evidence to tie her in but present wrongly
<Judge> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ そうですね。私としては ... Well, I suppose I could see--
<Klavier> おデコくん。キミのたぐっている 糸は、真実につながってない‥‥ Herr Forehead. This trail you think you have found, it doesn't lead to the truth.
ついでに、キミの弁護士生命も 断ち切ってあげようか? Nor to a long career in the legal profession, ja?
<Apollo> け、けっこうです。 Gee, thanks.
<Klavier> じゃあ、かわりに。 いつものヤツ、やらせてくれるかな。 Perhaps you will allow me to do the honors?
<Judge> ふむう‥‥ まあ。たまには、よいでしょう。 Hmm... Why not? It might be nice for a change.
<Klavier> ‥‥それじゃ。遠慮なく。 Let’s Rock! Most excellent... Let's rock!
<Apollo> (なんだか‥‥  いつもの何倍もクヤシイ) (I'll take the usual penalty next time, thanks.)
<Judge> それでは、弁護人! もう一度 提示していただきましょう。 Very well, Mr. Justice. Try again.
Look, guys, the JP script does have English letters and it has them for a good reason. Kudos to the loc team for that most excellent reference too.
> 2nd Witness Testimony, present medical chart at 4th statement, Perceive at new (6th) statement, present wrong evidence about the "threat"
<Alita> ‥‥その証拠品が、どうかした? ...Because of what?
<Apollo> え‥‥ Um...
<Alita> アナタ。目はいいかもしれないケド。 アタマはクモの巣が張ってるみたい。 The eyes of a hawk... and the brain of a toad.
<Apollo> (‥‥ここで引っこむ  ワケにはいかない!) (Ribbit! I mean, ack! I can't lose this now!)
(アタマのクモの巣を払え!  もう一度だッ!) (C'mon toad brain, one more try!)
Originally, the metaphor was "brain full of cobwebs". So Odoroki tries dusting his attic.
> Press newer (7th) statement
<Apollo> その証言の“ウソ”は、さっき 見抜いたじゃないですか! We already know you're lying about having no reason!
<Alita> わかってるわよ! エラそうに言わないで! I know you know! Don't look at me like that!
<Apollo> え‥‥‥ Huh...?
<Alita> ヒトをトンでもない目つきで ニラんでくれちゃってさ。 Like I'm some two-bit washed up good-for-nothing...
コワかったじゃないの! You scared me!
<Klavier> ‥‥たしかにね。 ...I concur.
ぼくですら、そこまでアツい目で 見つめられたことはないよ。 Even I am rarely treated to such a... hot gaze.
<Apollo> す。すみません‥‥ S-Sorry...
(‥‥そうとうスゴいカオを  さらしているらしいな、オレ) (Maybe I need to do some face training, too...)
"Hot gaze"... Yeah, sounds about right.
Last line was simply: "(...I guess I made quite the face at her.)"
> Present bullet in safe
<Judge> まさか! それでは、その財産を 狙って、その。婚約をしたと‥‥ Nefarious! So she planned to marry him just to get her hands on this fortune?
<Wocky> イイカゲンなコトを 言い散らかしやがってェ‥‥ You keep talking trash about my Alita...
訴えてやるぞッ! このクサレ弁護士がァッ! ...and I'll sue you, lawyer-man!
<Apollo> ‥‥えッ! お、オレですか! ...Huh? Me!?
<Wocky> アンタ、今、言ったな‥‥ Yeah! You said...
オレのみなみちゃんに‥‥ オレのみなみちゃんに‥‥ You said you'd... You'd...
コクハクするとッ! You'd abuse my Alita!
<Apollo> いやいやいや! “コクハツ”ですよッ! Um, I think you mean "accuse"...!
<Wocky> おんなじコトだッ! みなみちゃんはわたさんぞッ! Same difference! Well you can't have her! She's mine!
It was "kokuhaku" (confess, usu. love to someone) vs "kokuhatsu" (accuse).
<Alita> ‥‥滝太クンさあ。 ...Wocky.
イイカゲン、 現実と向かい合いなさいって。 Wake up and smell reality!
<Wocky> み‥‥ミナミちゃん‥‥? A... Alita-baby?
<Alita> カルテのサイン‥‥ 退院を待って、婚約‥‥ The signature on the chart, the engagement...
わかるでしょ? フツー。 I mean, come on! It's so obvious.
いくら、頭のカラッポな お坊ちゃんでも。 Even for a brainless, spoiled brat such as yourself.
<Wocky> みなみちゃん‥‥ Alita...
<Klavier> どうやら‥‥ホンネが 聞けそうだね。おじょうさん。 Your honesty is like a breath of foul air, Fräulein.
<Alita> まあ‥‥このぶんじゃ、ね。 無傷じゃア、済みそうもないし。 Hey, I wasn't getting out of this clean, anyway.
I think I'd prefer if Klavier here used a sound-based metaphor given how his entire character design is based on music. In the JP, he also used a sound metaphor: "It seems... we now hear your true voice, young lady."
Granted, "honne" also just means "true nature", but I like the hidden pun there.
> 3rd Witness Testimony, press 5th statement, point out "another place", point anywhere within the area of attention (double penalty)
<Apollo> 犯人が被害者を撃ったのは、 このポイントです! This is where the killer shot from!
<Judge> そこから、被害者の右のコメカミが 撃てないのは、立証済みです。 But then the killer couldn't have shot his right temple.
<Klavier> ボケるには早すぎるよ。 おジイさんじゃないんだから。 So young, and already senile. How unfortunate...
<Judge> 私はボケておりませんぞ! I'll have you know I'm not senile!
事件が起こった日の朝、何を 食べたか、ハッキリと‥‥ Why I remember exactly what I ate the morning of the crime!
‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ..............................
<Judge> とにかくッ!  ペナルティを与えます! Ahem! Penalty!
<Apollo> (‥‥ズルいや) (...No fair.)
<Klavier> それじゃあ。 もう一度指摘してもらおうかな。 You seem intent on digging your own grave. Here, have a shovel and try again.
Odoroki suddenly dropping in Kansai accent out of the blue caught me off-guard. (It's his last line here.) Man was so devastated by that double penalty he got sent out west.
10/21/20 edit: Whoops, my bad. That wasn’t Kansai accent and wouldn’t have made sense if it was. He’s just sighing to himself, really, and I mistook that last ‘ya’ as a copula.
> Point to noodle stand, present slippers & bowls
<Judge> わかっていると思いますが。 現在、この法廷で‥‥ I would like to remind the witness of her current status.
あなたを完全な“潔白”と 考えている人間は、おりません。 This court does not consider you entirely innocent.
<Alita> ‥‥完全にまっ白な人間は おとぎ話の中に住んでるものよ。 Show me an innocent... I'll show you a fairy tale.
<Judge> ‥‥とにかく。 ...In any case.
いつのまにか、弁護側は 提示してしまったようです。 The defense has, somehow, made its point.
この証人に、宇狩院長を殺害する 動機とチャンスがあったことを。 The witness had both a motive and an opportunity to kill Dr. Meraktis.
<Alita> そんな不条理な“逆転”‥‥ おとぎ話でもお目にかかれないわね。 More fairy tales! This whole trial is a fairy tale!
<Judge> 最後に、一度だけ。 あなたに説明のチャンスを与えます。 Then please, pull us back down to reality, Ms. Tiala.
証言をおねがいしましょう。 I'm giving you one last chance to explain yourself.
Her last line here: "An absurd 'turnabout' like that... wouldn't even be seen in fairy tales!"
> 4th Witness Testimony, Perceive at 5th statement, point wrongly
<Apollo> 美波さん。‥‥そこだッ! ...Gotcha, Ms. Tiala!!!
<Alita> 聞こえてるわよ。 大きな声で2回も言わなくても。 I heard you just fine the first time.
なに? ゴキブリでも出たの? What, I wasn't aware we were playing paintball.
<Apollo> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ......
<Trucy> きわめて冷静ですね。 ‥‥みなみさん。 She's one cool cucumber, that Alita.
<Apollo> (‥‥どうやら、  ややハズしたみたいだな) (...Hmm. Maybe I spotted the wrong spot.)
Originally, she suggested "Cockroach", which iirc is a playground game with a mix of "Hide'n'Seek" and "Tag". For some reason, I'm struggling to find a source online for this, but I swear I remember looking it up before...
10/21/20 edit: Welp, I guess I was overthinking it. She just asks him if he spotted something icky like a cockroach.
> Point correctly, present lamp
<Judge> それでは! この証人に対する 尋問を終了いたします! Very well! This finishes the cross-examination of this...
<Klavier> クッ‥‥クックックッ‥‥ Heh. Heh heh heh.
何を言ってるのかな‥‥ アツいギグは、これからなのに。 Not so fast. This party's just getting started!
Let’s rock, guys! Now, we rock!
<Apollo> ど。どういうコトですかッ! W-What!?
<Klavier> やはり‥‥ 弁護士というのは、ツメがアマい。 Those spikes on your head are softer than they look...
なぜ、最後までジジツを 追求しようとしないんだい? Or do you not have the stomach to go all the way?
...Come on, loc team, you had one job and you were doing so well with it up to here. At least dress up that "Now, we rock!" a bit with some German or Eurorock flair.
> Present bowls in clinic again or noodle stand, point out the river
<Apollo> そ。そうか‥‥! Th-That's right...!
事件の起こった、あの晩。 成歩堂さんをハネ飛ばしたのは‥‥ That night, the car that hit Mr. Wright...
宇狩 輝夫のクルマ、だった‥‥ ...was that green sports car!
<Judge> な‥‥なんですと! Oh, yes! I-I'd nearly forgotten about it!
<Klavier> その後、ガレージに戻ったのだから、 クルマには、故障はなかったんだ。 Afterward, he drove it back to that garage. It ran fine.
<Alita> ‥‥そのとおり。 それなのに‥‥ ...That's right.
その、自慢のクルマを 使わないハズがないでしょ? So why didn't he use his beloved sports car, hmm?
<Apollo> ぐ‥‥ッ! Urk...!
<Klavier> このムジュンが、キレイに 説明できないかぎり‥‥ A glaring contradiction, to be sure.
きみのスイリは成立しないのさ。 ‥‥おデコくん! More glaring than your forehead.
<Apollo> そ‥‥‥そんなあああああああッ! No... Nooooooooooo!
The first time I played this part, I found it a lot funnier than I should have because I thought Apollo was screaming about how his forehead was so "glaring".
That's it. I just wanted to share. The JP lines are just the usual "With that contradiction gone, your conjecture won't stand... Odeko-kun!"
> Select "He couldn't use the car", present Magic Panties
<Apollo> そして、オレはきのう。そのときは 気がつかなかったケド‥‥ By the way, I learned something yesterday...
ものすごく重要な“情報”を 聞いていたんです。 ...A very important piece of information.
‥‥そう! 牙琉検事。あなたからね! ...And I learned it from you, Prosecutor Gavin!
<Trucy> あの! 捜査ですか? Um, so you were here investigating?
<Klavier> まあね。帰ろうと思ったんだが‥‥ バイクがイカれちゃってね。 And I was on my way home... when my hog gave up the ghost.
<Apollo> バイクが‥‥? Your hog...?
<Klavier> エンジンがかからないんだ。 排気パイプがつまっちゃって。 My motorcycle won't start. A clogged exhaust pipe...
<Trucy> へえ! 高そうなオートバイなのに、 Too bad! It looks like such a nice bike, too.
そんなコトで こわれちゃうんですか? Hard to believe that it could break just from that!
<Klavier> クルマもバイクもいっしょさ。 どんな理由であれ‥‥ Cars, motorbikes, they're all the same.
排気パイプをふさがれると、 エンジンがかからなくなる。 Clog the exhaust, and they won't run.
<Alita> エンジンが‥‥かからない‥‥ My, how interesting.
"My, how interesting", indeed. It sounds so out of place that I wonder if this was supposed to be a temporary line that they decided to keep in the final draft. For reference, it was just "The engine... was clogged...!?"
> Court Lobby
同日 午後 4時12分 地方裁判所 被告人第2控え室 June 17, 4:12 PM District Court Defendant Lobby No. 2
<Trucy> やりましたね! オドロキさん! おめでとうございます! Great job, Apollo! You did it!
<Apollo> ああ、やったな! ‥‥なんとか、ね。 Yeah, we did, somehow...
<Trucy> 滝太さんも、無罪になって‥‥ Wocky's off the hook...
キレイな身体で極道の世界へ 羽ばたいていくんですねー。 ...free to become the gangster he's always wanted to be!
きっと、オドロキさんに カンシャして‥‥ And he has you to thank...
<???> テメエこのヤロウくそ弁護士がッ! Hey! Attorney-man!
<Wocky> よくも! よくもオレの! よくもオレのミナミちゃんをッ! You're gonna pay for what you did to my Alita, homes!
<Trucy> ‥‥まったく、カンシャ されてないみたいですね。 ...Or to blame, I guess.
<Wocky> テメエこのヤロウくそ弁護士がッ! You give my Alita back!
返してくれよ! オレのミナミちゃんをよおおおお! Stupid pointy-head attorney with a death-wish!
Ahaha, the full list of punk swears. I wonder if the loc team had the choice to use even more colorful words here, what would they have come up with? I mean, sure, Wocky is super childish in a way, but he totes would be that one kid in CoD screaming expletives and something about Apollo's mom.
<???> コラッ! 滝太ッ! Enough, Wocky!
<Apollo> あ! 常勝さん‥‥ Ah! Mr. Kitaki...
<BigWins> ‥‥滝太。いいかげんに、 目を覚ましたらどうなのだ。 ...It's high time you opened your eyes, Wocky.
<Wocky> テメエこのヤロウくそオヤジがッ! What do you know, old man!
目を覚ますのは キサマの方だろうが! I think it's 'bout time you opened yours!
極道のミチ踏みはずして、 カネ儲けに走りやがって! Givin' up the life, tryin' to become some kinda businessman!
<BigWins> 滝太ッ! オマエは なにもわかっとらんのだッ! Don't talk about what you don't understand, Wocky!
<Trucy> ‥‥そのうち、つまみ出されますね。 この調子だと。 ...I'm afraid the guard is going to throw them both out.
<Apollo> めんどくさい親子だな、 マッタク。 ...If not in jail. Wouldn't that be a happy ending.
And then he'd throw the same kind of insults at his dad too, but with less about moms, I'd hope.
<BigWins> オマエをこんな目にあわせたのは、 極道という生き方のせいだ。 It was the gangster life that did this to you, Wocky.
‥‥オマエを助けたい。 キレイなカネで‥‥な。 ...I want to help you, and I want to do it clean.
わかってくれないか。 ‥‥滝太。 Please understand. Wocky...
<Wocky> オ、オヤジ‥‥ D-Dad...
ば。バカにしやがって‥‥ いつも‥‥いつも、こうだッ! M-Man, I see how it is, old man! Always you looking out for... out for...
<Trucy> た。滝太さん‥‥? Wocky...?
<Wocky> いいか、くそオヤジ! オレだって。オレだってなあ! Listen good, old man! One day... One day...
いつか、きっと! キサマをケリオトしてやるんだ! I'm gonna take you out! Then we'll see who's the O.G.!
どこの世界に逃げてもな! クビを洗って待っておけッ! You try to hide in your business suit, I'll find you!
テメエこのヤロウくそオヤジがッ! Stupid ol' geezer!
<Trucy> あ! ‥‥滝太さん! My! Wocky!
<BigWins> ‥‥コレでいいのです。 ...No, it's as it should be.
<Apollo> オヤジさん! (その目で見つめないでほしいな) Mr. Kitaki! (I liked him more without the puppy dog eyes.)
...Wocky, ya big tsundere. I love this father-son relationship.
And it's contagious. Even Odoroki here is calling him "Oyaji-san" after all the times he was polite.
<BigWins> アンタたちに会えてよかった。 ‥‥ワシは、コトバがニガテです。 I'm glad... to have met you. I'm not so good with words...
やはり。プロに任せるものだね。 But I know a professional job when I see one. Thank you.
<Apollo> そ。そんな‥‥ Who? Me? I don't think...
<BigWins> ‥‥いつか‥‥ Someday...
新製品・《キタキツネもなか》を 持って、お礼にうかがうとしよう。 I'll bake you one of our latest... The Kitaki Lime Pie.
<Apollo> (‥‥お菓子屋さんにでも  落ち着くつもりなのかな) (...He's opening a pie shop!?)
Not just a pie shop; all the sweets you could find, with their specialty "Kitakitsune Wafer"! Technically, it's monaka, which is a wafer cake usually filled with asuki bean jam. It's also among the things you can see in the credits (exclusive to the JP version, anyway) when we see this happy family again.
<Trucy> あ! そうだ。 帰る前に、行かないと! Oh, that's right! We have to go someplace first!
<Apollo> え? ‥‥どこに? Huh? Where?
<Trucy> “報酬”ですよ! ムギツラさんの! Why, to claim our reward from Mr. Eldoon!
<Apollo> ‥‥ああ。しょっぱいラーメンか。 もう、屋台は戻ったのかな? ...Ah, salty noodles. Right. He got his stand back already?
<Trucy> そのあとは、みぬきのステージも 見に来るんですからね! Oh, and after that, you can come see my show!
ぼうしクンスペシャル。 みぬきからの“報酬”です! With a special appearance by the Amazing Mr. Hat!
<Mr. Hat> じつはコレ、 めったにやりません。 Oh, it's special alright!
<Apollo> ‥‥だから、もういいよ。それ‥‥ Please... anything but him.
Originally the gentleman said: "It is going to be a rare sight, indeed."
Next up, the most infamous episode of this game for its unintentional earworm... Though honestly, I never really found it all that bad. That said, thank goodness SoJ had a skip button for certain scenes, even if I didn’t mind watching them over and over anyway.
8 notes · View notes
lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Animals Do you prefer cats or dogs? I’m a dog person for sure.
If you had to choose, which animal would you like to be reincarnated as? A dog. 
Some say peoples personalities or looks resemble animals. Whats your animal? Probably a sloth, ha. 
Books Which book series was the first you read? As a kid I loved Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Sweet Valley High, and Goosebumps.
What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Autumn’s Game by Mary Stone.
Would you rather write a book or direct a movie? Write a book.
Characters Which TV show/movie/book character do you think you are most like? Hmm. I don’t know.
Which superhero is your favourite and why? Iron Man, Spiderman, Ant-Man, Star Lord, Thor.
What's your favourite fairytale character? Is Alice in Wonderland a fairytale?
Dreams Do you usually remember your dreams? I’ll remember it briefly and then it like vanishes. My dreams are like a Snapchat.
Are most of your dreams good, scary or just plain weird? Just plain weird, man.
What dream that you've had has stuck in your head the most? Describe: The nightmares or the ones that make me wake up crying and shaking don’t like to vanish, unfortunately. Those get saved to the camera roll.
Emotions What emotion do you find yourself trying to hide from others? I’m definitely not as good at hiding my emotions anymore. They took over and control me now.
How emotional/sentimental would you say you are? A lot. I’m so damn moody.
Do your emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Like I said, they definitely control me. 
Fun What do you do for fun? May not be considered fun, but my days are spent checking my social medias, watching YouTube, watching TV, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, spending time with my family, lounging around, and perhaps a little coloring. I like doing those things, though, so it works for me. 
Which is more fun: cycling, watching tv, roller coaster ride or cooking? Uhh, the only thing I like out of those choices is watching TV.
What is the funnest game to play? I love board games.
Geometry Nearest square thing to you? The throw pillows on my bed.
What was the last circular thing you ate? Cookies.
Is there anything triangular in the room you're in right now? I’m sure, but nothing triangular is popping out at me at the moment and I don’t feel like really looking around and thinking about it.
Height Are you taller or shorter than average? I’m 5′4, which is short, but not shorter than average I don’t think.
Is your Mum tall or short? How about your Dad? My mom is about 5′5 and my dad is about 5′9.
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I wish I was taller.
If... If you became pregnant or your partner did, what would you do? Well, I can’t get pregnant, sooo.
If you lost something your friend lent to you, what would you do? I would feel really bad, first of all. I’d be nervous to tell them, especially if it was something that was special and unique. I’d of course have to tell them, though, and I’d replace it if possible. If it wasn’t replaceable... I don’t know what I would do. All I could do is apologize immensely and somehow try to make it up to them. I’d be super careful if a friend lent me anything, though, regardless of what it was. I also probably would just not borrow something that wasn’t replaceable or expensive to avoid all of that.
If you had to talk about 1 subject for a minute live on TV, which one? Yikes. That minute would feel like forever, I have no idea. Pass.
Jokes Do you normally tell jokes or listen to the jokes? I’m not a joke teller except maybe some cheesy, corny one I might have heard now and then. 
What is your sense of humour like (dry, dark, sarcastic etc)? I laugh at a lot of things. I like puns and clever humour but I also like dumb things and dry things too. I think it's just really easy to make me laugh. <<< Yeah, pretty much.
Kisses Do you put x's in your text messages? No.
When did you last have a kiss? 8 years ago...
Does your grandma give you big sloppy kisses when she sees you? No. She gives me a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
Language How many languages can you say 'hello my name is...' in? Three.
What language do you think sounds the nicest? I think they’re all unique and interesting.
What language do you want to learn more of? I’d love to be fluent in Spanish. I can only speak and understand a little. Brushing up on it by helping my mom do her Duolingo everyday for the past few months has been helpful.
Marriage Do you ever want to get married? No. I truly don’t see that happening for me.
Church or Registery Office? Dream wedding?
Names Your closest friends names? I don’t have any friends.
What names would you ever call your kids? I don’t want to have kids.
What name is the cutest for a little black and white doggie? I’m someone who needs to see and get a vibe from the dog first before naming them. And not just something that has to do with their color. 
Order Are you tidy? I’m not a messy person, like I don’t have clothes or stuff on my floor, I put my dishes in the sink after using them, I throw stuff away when I’m done, etc, but my room has become disorganized and a bit cluttered. I just have too much stuff and not enough space.
Do you colour code things or put them in alphabetical order? No.
Do you have any form of OCD? No. People throw that around loosely.
Promises Do you make promises often? No.
What was the last promise you made? I don’t even remember.
Do you plan to keep that promise?
Quizzes What types of online quizzes/surveys do you like taking? I like surveys with random and interesting questions that allow me to elaborate. And vent and ramble, too. I like ones like this that are divided up into categories. Themed surveys are fun as well.
Have you ever made a quiz? What was it about? No. I made a survey once a longggg time ago.
Have you ever taken an EQ or IQ test? If so, what did you get? I’ve taken IQ tests and got “above average.”
Responsibility Do you class yourself as 'responsible'? Not as much as I should be at 31 years old. :/ These past few years especially I really feel like I haven’t been responsible with a lot of things that I should be. 
What do you think defines a 'responsible' person? Someone dependable, keeps their commitments, and handles their business. They get shit done.
What is it that you are responsible for? Paying my bills, taking care of myself (haven’t been doing very well with that...), my doctor appointments, cleaning up after myself...
Secrets Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. I’m quite boring.
"A secret isn't a secret if you tell one person." Is this true to you? Uhhh, that does make sense. You think of a secret as something you don’t share with someone else. I guess if it’s something you tell someone or a few select people that you trust that you wouldn’t want getting out to anyone else it could still be a secret, right? Something you don’t want everyone to know. *shrug*
Thought Provoking If you knew you had a high chance of dying, would you kill yourself before disease riddled you unable or hope for the best? Jeez. I don’t want to think about that.
Choose a box: 1 has a large amount of money, the other either a wish or fear of yours come true. Which do you pick? The money is tempting, but I might go with the wish...
An angel comes to you and offers to show you one thing from the future or the past; past or future and what is that thing gonna be? The future terrifies me, I’d be afraid to know a lot of things regarding my future. But I already know my past, so I don’t know what I’d ask them to show me. I don’t knowwww.
Would you say you are more unlucky or lucky? I don’t believe in luck. I would say I have had a lot of bad cards dealt to me and I also am fortunate in other ways. 
A leprechaun pops up and offers to plant some luck on you but it could go either way. Risk it or dismiss it? Dismiss it.
Violence When did you last hit or punch someone? I haven’t hit or punched anyone.
When did you last get hit or punched? Never.
Are you more likely to be verbally aggressive or physically? I’m not an aggressive person.
Warnings Do you listen when someone gives you a warning? I want to say I would likely listen to a warning, but I guess it would depend what it was about.
What warning has someone gave you that you wish you'd have listened to? That I should have taken care of some things sooner and not ignored/put them off for so long.
What warning has someone gave you you are glad you didn't take? I’m blanking right now. XXX
Have you ever had sex? No.
Have you ever accidentally saw someone having sex? No.
YouTube Do you go onto YouTube? I spend a lot of time on YouTube.
What is your favourite video of on YouTube? I don’t have just one favorite, I have a ton. I’m especially into ASMR.
What channels do you go on the most? I’m subscribed to several people---ASMRtists, vloggers, lifestyle videos, Disney related channels, a mukbanger, a drama commentary channel, and a channel that does videos on abandoned places and the rise and fall of former businesses that are no longer around.
Zodiac What's your starsign? Leo.
What are the traits of that sign? Do you have them? Leos are described as being very opposite of me that’s for sure. I don’t believe in that stuff anyway, though.
What zodiac sign do you think you suit the most? I don’t care.
Number 1 Name me 1 person who has changed your life for the better? My mom.
Name me 1 object that's in your kitchen right now? My Keurig.
Name one creature that freaks you out/scares you? ALL bugs.
Number 2 2nd person that you talked to today was... I haven’t talked to anyone yet, it’s 820AM and my mom is asleep and my dad and brother are at work.
What is 2 times your favourite number? 16.
You and two of your friends have got in trouble with the law. Who are the 2 friends you have got in trouble with and what did you do? No friends, sooo.
Number 3 3 words that don't describe you at all: Healthy, ambitious, confident.
Who is 3rd in your contacts list on your phone? I don’t feel like checking.
In 3 more days, what will the date be? It will be January 25, 2021.
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lnarizakis · 4 years
ranking haikyuu!! schools based on their school spirit
before you grill me with my rankings please know that i! love! all! of! these! schools! equally! i do not hate any particular school; i am simply ranking their school spirit. this is also lowkey crack because what everyone said made me laugh and honestly i came up with this idea for the laughs. so, like, don’t take this personally.
thanks everyone who helped participate by filling out the google form!! everything you’ve said i used in this. we will be going from last place to first place, so let’s start!! btw i ranked 11 schools into 10 places, so there are two 10th placers HAHAH anywayssss
Alright, so let’s start with Itachiyama. I got one person who mentioned them in my last category, which was “any other school i didn’t mention? & why” and honestly we don’t know anything about them. But perhaps the mere fact that they were winners says something I guess?
❝ itachiyama bc the school are WINNER WINNERS i wanna see their hype ❞
❝ i’m sorry who ,,,, i deadass don’t know that team eye— are they from the last season ???? if so that’s why LMAOSNAKBS WAIT IS THIS GERMAPHOBES TEAM ??? THOSE NEON PISS PUKE LOOKING BOYS SOSNSJNSJDHS bro i’d drop tf out of that school if they gave me that ugly ass uniform OH MY GOD WHAT DOES THIER SCHOOL UNIFORM LOOK LIKE SKBAIABSJS BRO IMAGINE ❞ (about Nohebi but referring to Itachiyama)
Moving onto Nohebi: their tactics, as we’ve seen in the OVA, aren’t the most...... ethical. Though, they’re still supported by their cheering section so I guess it’s fine by their entire school?
❝ From what I recall, the schools pretty implicit in the teams techniques so at the very least they take pride or believe in the teams tactics enough to support them. ❞
❝ they be cheating >:( ❞
❝ nohebi scares me for no reason❞
Despite this, they’re still a team that shows solid support for one another.
❝ support all teams because all of them could trash me if it came down to it ❞
❝ they have fighting spirit alright but i just don't approve of their methods❞
❝ their stage play SLAPPED ❞
Okay, the team as a whole shows support for one another, especially their captain, Takeru. However, from what I recall, there’s not much... school spirit coming from their actual school. From Takeru’s family? Definitely, but they’re not the actual school.
❝ wasnt wakutani pretty good i don’t remembee ❞
❝ wakutani - a solid 8 ❞
❝ wakutani south because takeru’s family carried the cheer period ❞
Their whole team radiates spirit, but I don’t remember if they actually have a cheering section. Unlike Wakutani, where most of their spirit/support came directly from Takeru, each one of the members of the team had their own school spirit. Their school spirit isn’t that recognizable to be remembered by most people, though.
❝ a six cause i don’t really remember if their school was even there like ???? all i remember is baby teru and his fellow goofball second years that i absolutely adore, i am them. LMAO if i were to— fuck how do you spell realistic THERE SINSNSJ if i were to realistically join one of the haikyuu schools it would be johzenji cause i just vibe with those boys so much ksbsksj no brain cell squad ❞
❝ they ARE the spirit ❞
❝ not serious enough askdjsa ❞
❝ they appeared onc but even when they wanted to win, they just wanted to win to play around? there's that i guess ❞
❝ i don’t remember ❞
❝ I don’t remember much about them tbh ❞
❝ well... ❞
Much apologies to the OG team. For one thing, their cheering squad, while I must admit is very impressive and loud, is not Karasuno High School itself. It’s literally coposed of a bunch of outside associations. And when their cheering section from the actual school does show up, they’re not even synchronized; they practiced for one day and called it “school spirit.” They showed up for one match and that was it.
❝ did you see them at the shiratorizawa match? they weren’t even synchronized ❞
❝ they mean to their vb team and they had a wack ass cheer team but character development ❞
❝ chaotic good but crows ❞
❝ mmmm we don't see too much of the school rlly apart from the vbc,, but what we do see is pretty supportive ❞
❝ LMAO remember during the first season when the school REUSED an old banner for the boys but not only was it a old banner but a banner for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT sport yea lmao that’s just fucked up jsjsj also i don’t really see that much school spirit like ???? no taste at all ❞
I guess their school spirit within the team, their fighting spirit, makes up for it. Again, my greatest apologies to Karasuno. You can do much better than that.
❝ The way the whole school came out to support the vbc before the shiratorizawa match,,, I love them so much!! Also Saeko coming in with a DRUM TEAM for the Inarizaki match,,, like they’re so so supportive and Karasuno’s not a rich school like Shiratorizawa, it doesn’t have a highly ranked band like Inarizaki but like the team itself they’re plucky and do the best they can with what they’ve got. ❞
❝ They have the most dedication to me ❞
❝ they're so supportive of each other and very chaotic, all of them ❞
❝ kageyama tobio could get some !! ❞
Honestly, I had a hard time choosing whether to put Karasuno or Nekoma in sixth place. I went with Nekoma because of Kuroo’s “inspirational” pep talk, which really shows the bond between each of the members of the team, but they’re still ranked pretty low because I can’t get that one scene out of my head from the manga where it’s this one match (I won’t say which one) where students from Nekoma attend the match and a couple of them go, “Wow, this is my first volleyball match that I’ve been to!” Like, dude, seriously? Wow. They also take sixth since their cheering squad, also composed of students, is led by a Nekoma Junior High student. We love supportive sisters.
❝ stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer ❞
❝ i just love nekoma ❞
❝ chaotic good but cats ❞
❝ kuroo tetsurou ❞
❝ deadass it’s 2 am and i have no idea what i’m doing but anyways 7/10 cause i like their stage song/cheer ya know NEKO NEKO NEKOMA like it’s cute ksjsjs besides that i have no idea LMAO ❞
❝ they're very subtle even tho they have chaotic moments, they're more focused on defense while playing ❞
❝ Some of them really care and some dont ❞
❝ they’re all so into it! Like, Akane with the megaphone, Alisa screaming Lev’s name, they’re all pretty devoted. ❞
I would have ranked them a little higher if it weren’t for other more spirited schools. The whole school knows how to hype up Bokuto, along with cheers of their own. The team itself knows each member so well that they’re able to adapt to whatever their ace is feeling.
❝ stage play was good but not as good as nekoma stage play ❞
❝ they have to hype up bokuto ❞
❝ owl boy & pretty setter ❞
❝ FUCK why can’t i think of any of the episodes where they show the student body like ??? school spirit is nonexistent in my eyes i can’t recall a thing— anywhore 9/10 for my owl babies because i believe bokuto hypes up the students ALOT and therefore they are more into ya know spirit woo ❞
❝ have u seen their dynamic? they're strong and so supportive of their ace, their captain, the family bokuto needed - i could go on but yes, i think u get the picture ❞
❝ They love Bokuto so much 🥺 they’re all v supportive of the team and it seems like they also know how to get him to perform better and Fukurodani’s a powerhouse so I feel like they get into it. ❞
Their cheering squad is so synchronized and so well-performed. They know what they’re doing and when to do things. You can tell they’re devoted. School spirit within their team is pretty strong, and they have a good bond with each other.
❝ fangirls can do anything ❞
❝ oikawa kinnies ❞
❝ chaotic good but plants ❞
❝ i don’t know whether they have school spirit or they’re just fans of oikawa LMAOOO AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT KSBSKSJS like deadass it’s just his fan girls ya know what i’m saying ❞
❝ i love them for the 3rd years but that's about it ❞
❝ From what I can recall there’s nothing super special about them? I do love how they say olé for all of Oikawa’s serves (but ppl do that for other schools, so) ❞
So much to say about them. From their entire cheering squad that consists of both cheerleaders and drummers, to the fact that when they feel like they’re being challenged with who can cheer louder they start singing their school anthem? Absolutely powerful.
❝ cheerleaders ❞
❝ i would not want to be in preppy school but i do love SHIIIRATORIZAWA ❞
❝ they are close like family uwu tho they seem to be SUPER STRESSED bc studies ❞
❝ 10/10 cause have you heard their cheer? god tier. that shit would distract me so much during a game like what’s the purpose of being so god damn loud and extra other than distracting the enemy ??? i rest my case ❞
❝ SHIIIIIRATORIZA (also ushiwaka has his own lil cheer so like yes i support) ❞
❝ i dont particularly like or dislike anyone from them and simple is best so ?? ❞
❝ The Shiratorizawa chant is so simple, so good,,, I think they were also the first team we saw with actual cheerleaders too! Nice big rich private school cheersquad money right? ❞
Need I say more?
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There’s too much to say. They’re so extra it’s unbelievable. The entire cheering section knows how to adapt to each members’ likes and dislikes, and will call others out when they need to do so. For instance, when that one guy asked the two girls not to cheer while Atsumu is serving? Absolutely wild. And when they start booing or play a tempo to throw off the opponent whenever it’s the other team’s serve? Their practice and precision really shows. It’s crazy. And I’m pretty sure that they’re the only school that brings their entire orchestra to play during the matches.
❝ according to the wiki their marching band literally works to throw off the other team and if that’s not dedication idk what is ❞
❝ atsumu, shush me anytime ✨✨ ❞
❝ idk them asdas ❞
❝ deadass i’ve been on episode two of the latest season ( is it four or three?? i can’t fucking remember,,, 2 am is no brain cell hours ) for w e e k s because of second hand embarrassment. periodt. like hinata baby pls i’m begging. anyways suna is a god in my eyes, i deadass thought sakusa ( the germaphobe right?? ) was on the same team guess not i don’t know his uniform is ugly tho looking like a fucking germ himself ( THAT WAS GOLDEN SISJSJ IM PROUD OF MYSELF ), and lastly i have fallen in love with the man that is osamu, he can cook,... and he can do a whole lot of other things but my brain is malfunctioning so we’re gonna stop right there. #stanosamuforcleanskin ❞
❝ they have a fucking BAND ❞
❝ another chaotic team with their very own freak twins, i ranked them high because holy fuck that cheering band?? ❞
❝ Inarizaki’s cheer squad,,,, personally I lowkey hate them because deadass BOOING another player is tacky at best and kinda rude but my GOD do they put in the work. Cheerleaders, top ranked band, the timing and tempo thing? Insane. Oh, and the way they actually go silent for Atsumu like how the fuck did he pull that off?? ❞
Thanks for reading! I’m glad you read this far. I hope this made you at least smile just a little bit because it definitely made me smile. And please don’t think that I don’t like any of the teams! I love each and every one of them; it’s just that some have more school spirit than others... anyways!
Whoever sent this, I just wanted to let you know that you made my entire day when I first read that. It was so unbelievably funny HAHAH
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skyecrandall · 5 years
CCAs 2018 Results
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We have finally reached the end of 2018′s edition of the CCAs after weeks of voting for both the nomination and the final phase. Before I announce the results, I would like to thank all 202 of you who voted for the final phase once again. In brackets you will find the number of votes the following received.
also the detailed results can be found here. But if you want to read the responses with a dramatic flair.... here you go:
Category 1: Best Male LI
3rd: Tom Sato (46)
2nd: Ernest Sinclaire (50)
Winner: Damien Nazario (55)
Winner’s Comments:
"Wow, this is a lot to process. I dedicate this award to my mother, my sisters and most of all Kai !" smiled Damien. "Hey! What about me!" Yelled Nadia from the crowd. "Oh and yeah, you too Nadia!" added the private investigator.
Category 2: Best Female LI
3rd: Skye Crandall (31)
2nd: Kamilah Sayeed (43)
Winner: Annabelle Parsons (45)
Winner’s Comments:
"My my, thank you my dear supporters. This award is for all of the ladies who had to hide their true nature due to this pungent patriarchy. Glory to womenfolk!" said Annabelle. "Glory To womenfolk" roared back the crowd.
Category 3: Best Supporting Character (female)
3rd: Nadia Park (39)
2nd: Michelle Nguyen (44)
Winner: Olivia Nevrakis (73)
Winner’s Comments:
“Hmm, the trophy is as tacky as always. But I suppose I could have it melted and reshaped into something more worthwhile,” complained Olivia.
Category 4: Best Supporting Character (male)
3rd: Zack Zilberg (46)
2nd: Diego Ortiz Soto (50)
Winner: Elliot Vance (59)
Winner’s Comments:
"It was obvious that I would win after I overshadowed everyone with my performance. I'd like to see you try and win an award, Harper” snickered Elliot mischievously.
Category 5: Best MC
3rd: Perfect Match MC (39)
2nd: Desire & Decorum MC (51)
Winner: It Lives Beneath MC (67)
Winner’s Comments:
“Oh really Elliot? See, I got one too. Anyway thank you my friends who saved me from getting my fingers chopped off and staying brave enough to not run when things were getting tough. You were the ones who helped me keep my cool and I guess you too, you gremlin of little brother,” smiled Harper.
Category 6: Best Antagonist
3rd: Duke Richards (44)
Winner-Tied: Cecile Contreras and Jeff Duffy (49)
Winner’s Comments:
"What the hell? " yelled both winners "I'm offended that I got tied with that two faced troll. I plotted world domination,all he did was murder a family," said Cecile. "I'm equally offended. I actually killed bad people here. I should have won," argued Duffy  "You should have died on that flaming ship," hissed Cecile. "And I should probably kill you right now," threatened Duffy as he tried to hit Cecile on the head with the trophy. The latter ducked and was able to avoid the hit. Before the fight escalated, Bastien and Mara quickly got on stage. They gave Cecile another trophy and directed each back to their seat.
Category 7: Most Funny Character:
3rd: Lily Spencer (18)
2nd: Craig Hsiao (64)
Winner: Maxwell Beaumont (88)
Winner’s Comments:
"Wow I won the award again this year? Awesome! See Bertrand! That last time was not just a fluke! I'm actually funny!" smiled Maxwell.
Category 8: Most Humane Character:
3rd: Damien Nazario (46)
2nd: Elliot Vance (48)
Winner: Hayden Young (64)
Winner’s Comments:
"I was really shocked to learn that I was even nominated. So imagine how shocked I am right now since a robot won over humans. Thank you all for accepting me,"smiled Hayden as a single tear rolled out of their left eye.
Category 9: Best Non-MC Romance
3rd: Zahra X Craig (54)
2nd: Elliot X Robbie (56)
Winner: Mr.Chambers X Mr.Konevi (78)
Winner’s Comments:
"Well I suppose our secret is out now. No point in hiding it anymore," said Mr.Chambers, probably embarrassed by the crowd spanning in front if hum. "Like how Miss.Parsons would say... Glory to Gay folk!" Said Mr.Konevi before embracing his lover and kissing him.
Category 10: Best Non-Romantic Relationship
3rd: Kamilah / Adrian (43)
2nd: Andy / Tom (44)
Winner: Elliot / ILB MC  (45)
Winner’s Comments:
"Thank you all for this other victory. If you knew how hard it was to keep up our dynamic when Harper was doing such a terrible job," taunted Elliot. "Excuse my little brother. What he actually meant is that due to his inexperience I had to carry the dynamic on my shoulders," teased back Elliot. However before the two were going to begin their banter again, they were directed to their seats by the bodyguards.
Category 11: Best Atmosphere
3rd: Veil Of Secrets (35)
2nd: Desire & Decorum (50)
Winner: It Lives Beneath (65)
Category 12: Best Plot Twist
3rd: Nathan being a snake (38)
2nd: Damien being replaced by Dames (79)
Winner: Evil Duffy (85)
Category 13: Best Book
3rd: Perfect Match (30)
2nd: Desire & Decorum (51)
Winner: It Lives Beneath (70)
This is it. What are your thoughts about the winners and losers? Do comment and reblog.
Also... want to witness more of this year’s CCAs, want to know everything behind the scenes? Well if you do, join Pax and Eos as they go and interview some of our fellow winners in a special fanfiction that I made. Click here to be redirected to the fanfiction.
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anyway I would urge you to reblog this so that those who voted may know that the results are available. Thank you and see ya all for a glorious 2019 on my blog (although there won’t be much book for me to stan after ILB is over)
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pkgam · 6 years
As long as I made the previous post on video game microstansactions, patches, DLC, etc..., I’d like to address Nintendo Switch Online directly in it’s own post to reinforce people’s concerns about it. They give 5 reasons to get it, so let’s go over them.
1: Online play. Sorry, but you proved to people that you can do online free. It has been done since the Wii/DS era and now you are just taking it away from people. Also, there’s no guarantee that paying for your service is likely to even improve anything as there are rampant Splatoon 2 cheaters that you haven’t done much about.
2: Play 20 NES games at launch with more added regularly, plus NES online play: Like the virtual console, you don’t own the games. May’ even be worse in this case because you only can play the games as long as the online exists and as long as you keep/can pay for it. Also, if it’s as “regular” as their Virtual consoles re-releases were, they’ll never get their whole library up, again. You can play the NES games online with others this time though, which is definitely neat and a first. Though again, obviously should be free. :P
3: Gave saves automatically backed up to their cloud: From the sounds of things, if you should cancel or are late to the payment for any reason, your saves go POOF instantly with no grace period. Doesn’t sound very “safe” to me. I’d much rather back up saves on the SD card (Think the Wii’s SD card slot) that comes with the system thank you very much, but you won’t give that just so you can promote your online save cloud will you? :P Well actually I would have preferred if the game cards themselves had saving integrated within them individually like past system game cards... Also, not all games will even work with it, supposedly to prevent cheating. It does automatically back up saves as long as you have online though, which is nice I guess. But it looks like a hacker figured out how to back up saves anyway. While it’s not released yet, it’s only a matter of time before it will be or someone else makes one because the possibility to do so is there.
4: Access to Smartphone App voice chat and game stats: Games already have integrated leader boards/stats or could be updated to have them and since you have a smartphone you can already use it to talk to people. XD Alternately if you have a PC, stuff like Discord works too. Maybe this is supposed to be like... a separate cheaper-like phone plan on top of the phone plan you have, but just for Nintendo gamers?... I dunno, it’s not very clear, even on their website. Speaking of their website, you can read what they wrote about the Switch’s online as a whole here besides watching the video.
5: “Special Offers”: There’s currently only two items in their special offers so I don’t know how they are going to tempt people with this category when there’s not even much to offer out of the gate. You get two digital items for your Splatoon characters that likely costed next to nothing to make and the “offer” to get a set of two NES controllers for the Switch for $60. Maybe nice for a collector’s piece, authentic feel, wireless, charges like a Joycon, etc... But it seems like such an odd thing to use this as a supposed draw for someone to buy into the online because it sounds like these will pretty much only be for the online NES games so if people are getting online for the NES games, the controllers would be a totally separate thought as I’m sure they could play with the Joycons themselves just fine. Thus meaning they would be for people looking for the most authentic experience (Which their virtual consoles haven’t provided anyway) Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if a 3rd party made some unofficial shell that you popped a Joycon into which looked like a NES controller. Even this would suffice. A 3rd party “could” make controllers of their own too so people can dodge the hassle of online, though I’m well aware that 3rd party controllers are dicey in quality and feel. :P Very rarely do you find some 3rd party controller that is equal to or better than an official Nintendo-made one, even officially licensed ones. Though Hori has come pretty close, some even saying various controllers exceeded Nintendo’s like their discontinued N64 Mini.
Your thoughts? Thanks for reading and have a good one!
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nicolelelelelele · 7 years
get to know meme...?
thanks @fluorescenthoodie and @literal-treasure too tbh i hope u enjoy reading about lil ol’ me 🤗
1. Are you named after anyone?
lol ok so my middle name is Indy-Rose. my dad is a huge fan of indy car racing so that’s p much where that half came from 🙄 and my mom’s name is Rosa, so ye 🥀💜
2. When was the last time you cried?
last night lmao i don’t often go more than a day without pouring water out of my eyes
3. Do you like your handwriting?
i have a lot of different versions of my handwriting, and each one is p much trying to emulate some other persons handwriting that i’ve liked, sooo i guess i love everyone’s but my own?
4. What’s your favorite lunch meat?
yo i used to fucking love turkey sandwiches with doritos in them to give that extra CRONCH. i miss that tbh
5. Do you have kids?
yes. their names are leo, cappie, tilly, and mocha. i guess teeechnically only 2 children and 2 grandchildren, since tilly birthed the first two at the ripe age of 1. currently i’ve only got custody of my most recent child, mocha, while my mother has custody of the other three. 🐈
6. If you were a different person, would you be friends with you?
like if i was a 3rd person? ima guess that’s what this question is asking... uhh probably? as much as i hate myself on a deep and unhealthy level, i also think i’m fucking fantastic and would be amazing to hang out with on the daily
7. Do you use sarcasm?
ima be honest here, i’ve tried to tone it down it recent years because in high school i was an overly sarcastic ASSHOLE so like these days i try to be pretty straight up so people don’t get the wrong impression about what i’m tryna say
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
yup, i thankfully don’t snore or have any issues w them so i like them where they are. i have plenty other reasons to sit at home for two weeks eating ice cream.
9. Would you bungee jump?
nop. do not like. roller coasters? yes. free fallin’? no.
10. What’s your favorite cereal?
if i had the money it’d be just a really plain cereal like rice chex or something but i’d put fresh strawberries and blueberries in it every day.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
i will always find a way to be the laziest version of myself, so no.
12. Do you think you’re a strong person?
i bench like 250 and can lift my own body off the ground for minutes at a time. 🏋🏽‍♀️ (i’m weak as fuck in just about every category, but will still manage to to drag you to hell in one way or another if u fuck w me or someone i care about)
13. What’s your favorite ice cream?
probs vanilla which is p ironic haha
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
depends on the person i guess? i can’t really pinpoint one thing, i think it’s probably just like their most defining personality trait? i basically always just notice what makes them ~them~ and that really sticks with me
15. What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself?
the hair on my arms. thanks kid from junior high for pointing that out and making me forever self conscious about it! you know who you are 🙃
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now?
dark blue jeans and white old skools
17. What are you listening to right now?
miss you by mura masa
18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
no it’s a crayo-
anyway yeah like a minty blueish green or maroon idk they’re both my fave colors tbh
19. Who was the last person you talked on the phone with?
my fucking homie at our local taco truck what a hero 💯
20. Favorite sport to watch?
once upon a time it was baseball i guess but thanks to my s.o. i am now a slut for basketball
21. Hair color?
not the color that i want it to be
22. Eye color?
~hazel~ aka it seems to depend on what colors i’m wearing on any given day lol
23. Do you wear contacts?
nah fam
24. Favorite food?
either enchiladas or pupusas or pickles they’re p much all tied for first
25. Scary movie, or comedy?
i used to really like scary movies but i think the realities of life scare me enough on a daily basis that i should probs just stick to comedy and try to laugh away my sorrows.
26. Last movie you watched?
this is a Very Good Question™ to which i do not know the answer. ask me again this weekend and the answer will be Ladybird (saoirse please mother my children)
27. What color shirt are you wearing?
white. and it has emojis on it. it’s from a festival i went to ok i’m not totally a walking meme
28. Summer or winter?
i love winter because it ideally has all of my favorite things like snow and pretty lights and cozy sweaters and christmas and my birthday and all of those things are 10/10 but on the other hand... summer in the city means cleavage, cleavage, cleavage...
29. Hugs or kisses?
hugs for everyone, kisses for the right person
30. Book you’re currently reading?
i’m really bad at sitting down and reading books so i’ll just answer with the most recent book i’ve purchased: Waves Passing in the Night by Lawrence Weschler. it’s about the sound designer Walter Murch and astrophysics and a bunch of other cool shit idk i still need to read it!
31. Who do you miss right now?
my mom
32. What’s on your mousepad?
zwei’s booty
33. What’s the last TV program you watched?
The Bold Type. #kadena owns my ass
34. What’s the best sound?
😏 but also the little chirp cats make when they see a birb outside a window
35. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
for some reason i never realized that twist and shout was by the beatles and i FUCKING LOVE that song so i guess that’s that?
36. What’s the furthest you’ve ever travelled?
lemme just give you a glimpse into my devastatingly lacking travel history: raised in cali, visited vegas twice before the age of 9, now living in new york. that’s it. going somewhere? take me with you p l e a s e
37. Do you have any special talent?
i can tie a cherry stem with my tongue 😉 also i sometimes think i can sing so check out my latest sad cover over at soundcloud.com/nicolelelelele/youth and cry with me!
38. Where were you born?
the place that *contains* the happiest place on earth but definitely *isn’t* the happiest place on earth: anaheim, california
@onehundredsevendays ur the only one i can think to tag in this rn so hop on bud
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