#anyway i hope gcse tumblr appreciates this
origami-butterfly · 26 days
Utterson Quotes
Because apparently the only way I'll revise english is by posting about it on tumblr. (If you know any more, PLEASE add them in replies or reblogs)
He is "austere with himself" (chapter 1) -> this contrasts him with Jekyll/Hyde who is hedonistic and indulges in his worst urges. It links to the theme of repression throughout the novel, with Utterson being an Ideal Victorian Gentleman™️ who doesn't participate in any disreputable activities. This also makes him trustworthy to the victorian readers because it establishes his strict moral code.
"I incline to Cain's heresy- I let my brother go to the devil his own way" (chapter 1) -> once again, portraying Utterson as an Ideal Victorian Gentleman- he doesn't interfere in his friends' lives, nor does he hold it against them. This quote is interesting when compared with "if he shall be Mr Hyde, I shall be Mr Seek" (Chapter 2- I love that quote it's so stupid) because here Utterson is in fact, interfering in his friend's life, by trying to find out the connection between Jekyll and Hyde, possibly suggesting Utterson's repression is beginning to wear thin.
"This document had long been the lawyer's eyesore" (Chapter 2) -> This quote refers to Jekyll's will, stating that if he died or disappeared for more than 3 months, his possessions should all go to Edward Hyde. It further establishes Utterson as a reasonable character, and presents any ideas of the supernatural as puzzling to Utterson, being a "lover of the sane and customary sides of life".
"You know me. I am a man to be trusted. Make a clean breast of this in confidence; and I make no doubt I can get you out of it." (Chapter 3) -> Here Utterson is directly opposing his own views- he is interfering with Jekyll's life, despite saying "I let my brother go to the devil his own way. " It demonstrates Utterson giving in to his urges, and is also an interesting contrast to earlier in the same chapter where he's described as "unobtrusive"- the mystery of Hyde has made him less repressed, because of his curiosity. This could also be Stevenson's way of highlighting hypocrisy in victorian society- which even Utterson, the Perfect Victorian Gent™️ is guilty of. Something to note here is that Utterson uses the phrase "clean breast" again, in chapter 8, when trying to get information from Poole- and both times, he's trying to save Jekyll. Definitely a parallel to be drawn there.
"We three are old friends, Lanyon; we shall not live to make others" (Chapter 6) -> Utterson is attempting to mend the rift between Lanyon and Jekyll, because to him, they represent normality- and after the events with Hyde, Utterson is seeking security. Later in the chapter, after corresponding with Jekyll and finding he is unable to reconcile with Lanyon, we get this quote- "in a moment, friendship, and peace of mind, and the whole tenor of his life were wrecked" which further reinforces Utterson's friendships being signs of security to him (there's also a quote in chapter 1 about his walks with Enfield that show this). There's also a sense that he's still trying to find logic in the puzzle that is Edward Hyde, trying to make sense of the irrational.
"God forgive us, God forgive us." (Chapter 7) -> This is after it is implied Utterson and Enfield saw Jekyll's transformation to Hyde. By not mentioning it, apart from this one line of dialogue, Utterson is continuing to repress his thoughts deemed "unacceptable" i.e. the idea that a supposedly reputable and kind man like Jekyll could hide (hehe) such violent cruelty, like that displayed by Hyde. Once again, this links to Victorian repression, and the hypocrisy of society at the time.
"Mr. Utterson's only answer was to rise and get his hat and great-coat" (Chapter 8) -> This is after Poole has asked him to go to Jekyll's, and here he's completely given up on inclining to Cain's heresy. His curiosity outweighs his moral code, and so he doesn't stop to question anything.
"It doesn't commend itself to reason" (Chapter 8) -> Bless his stupid heart, he's still trying to rationalise Hyde's existence, despite everything. He's still clinging to the last threads of logic, because he truly cannot accept the idea of Jekyll and Hyde being one and the same, even after seeing it himself in chapter 7. Once again, this can link to the hypocrisy of Victorian society, and a refusal to acknowledge the evil mankind is capable of- because that would mean accepting the evil within themselves- in a time where morality and purity was everything.
"I shall consider it my duty to break in that door." (Chapter 8) -> I think... this is the quote that concludes Utterson's arc. We never really see it concluded (which will forever gnaw at my mind) but this is the one that shows his development the most. The austere Utterson of chapter 1 would never even consider breaking down a door to save Jekyll. And yet here, he's releasing some of his repressed urges, and directly interfering with Jekyll's life- not only that, but he considers it his duty. As his friend, or his lawyer, or as a member of society, I'm not sure. This quote can link to the theme of repression once again, and humanity's inner evil- even the strictly repressed Utterson is not immune to his own desires, maybe Stevenson's way of showing no one in society is exempt from innate evil, even those that project a façade of respectability.
That's all the quotes I've got! But like I said at the start, if you can think of any others, and analysis for them, PLEASE let me know. You can tell I got more tired as this post goes on lmao.
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justjasminestudying · 6 years
Tumblr media
hi everyone! i'm sorry i haven't been too active, my gcses are coming up, so i want to focus on them completely. i'll still be on tumblr, just less active- i'll queen lots of stuff for you all :)) anyways, i was doing my english homework, and i thought of all of you.. so i took a picture :D the title was cool bc i did it with crayola supertips but it kinda looks like watercolours ish -- one thing i wanted to tell you guys--- i wanted to make a new introduction post, like a masterpost, but with things about me, if that makes sense? i get lots of questions in my ask box, and most of them are the same-- so what i want to know is: what do you want to know about me? or, what do u think other people would want to know about me? leave me your questions in my ask box! --- thank you so much you guys i really don't appreciate you enough xx i've decided, that the next 3 asks i get in with post requests-- i'll do them within the next two weeks! so hurry before lots of people (hopefully) ask! sorry for the bombardment of information and requests, i just want to make this blog better for you guys! i hope you have a great, productive day! love you, -jasmine ;)
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aflaxtonjaegerbomb · 5 years
My Writing Year 2018
Stole this from @ceo-panda <3
Wordcount And Statistics
Total Number Of Stories Worked On: 19
Total Completed Stories: 12
Fandoms: BigBang, SHINee, BlackPink, Weki Meki, NCT
Total Word Count: 25,131
Published: 16,835
Unpublished: 8,296
Posted Fics: (All of these link to the fic on AO3, if you want to read on Tumblr you can search the title of the fic on my blog)
Of Mafia Gangs and Arachnids
Bars & Angels
Musical Snuggles
Hooked On A Feeling
Art Is Made With Whiskey
Wait Up
Lucky Kiss
Soft Tabi
Business & Butts
Sweet Sickness
Too Much Food, Not Enough Love
☆ Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
I wrote way more than expected honestly, and I didn’t even mean to publish a chaptered fic but it happened I guess.
☆ What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Angst was actually not on my list for writing because I worried about what exactly I’d write about but I’m kind of pleased with the result.
☆ What’s your own favourite story of the year?
Too Much Food, Not Enough Love because it’s grown a lot and it’s exciting for me to write.
☆ Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I took the risk of turning my one shot into a chaptered fic on a whim which was scary, but I’ve gotten such good feedback that I’m glad that I did it. In the future, though I really should make sure everything’s planned out before I do something like that again.
☆ Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I want to finish TMFNEL before my GCSEs start in late May so that I can have some sense of accomplishment to begin that month and a bit of suffering lmao
☆ My goals from last year were:
I had planned to write a couple of chapters of a completely different fic but that all went out the window because of TMFNEL. It’s the bane of my existence,.
☆ From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
I think Bars & Angels is my best story this year. It helped me to write about Jonghyun not too long after December, and I found it rather calming.
My most popular story of this year:
Too Much Food, Not Enough Love (there’s a theme here...). Both on Tumblr and on AO3 it has the most attention.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe:
By statistics... Lucky Kiss. But because it’s a Weki Meki fic I honestly didn’t expect much anyway. Other than that, both Musical Snuggles and Bars & Angels haven’t had the success I wished for them lmao 
Most fun story to write: 
Y’all... Business & Butts... that shit was fun. Just because I got to write about the Seungbooty a lil... and got a lil suggestive...
Story with the single sexiest moment: 
Business & Butts! I haven’t published anything super sexy yet because I’m not too sure of it but perhaps in the future...
Most “Holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
Those thoughts stay inside the folder!!!!
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
I’m gonna say it again. Too Much Food, Not Enough Love. So far the characters have driven themselves into little developments and sometimes I don’t even notice until I’m proof-reading.
Hardest story to write:
Lucky Kiss. I wrote it for @amond-jaemin on her birthday and I wasn’t awfully familiar with Weki Meki so it was a little difficult to write.
Biggest disappointment:
I was a little disappointed that I set aside my original fic for another, which was supposed to be a one shot anyway, but I don’t regret it.
Biggest surprise:
That I actually got some kind of response so quickly to my work. I don’t have much of an audience on Tumblr but on AO3 I got way more interaction that I had hoped for.
Highlights and Wrap-up
☆ Favourite Opening Line:
“Being on stage was electrifying. Whether it was the minuscule stage of a rundown bar in downtown Seoul or the massive stadiums he dominated for concerts, Jonghyun always felt an amazing sense of majesty while showing off his talents for others.” - Bars & Angels. Technically two lines, but... it’s just a little cheat ;-; 
☆ Favourite Closing Lines:
“The girls fell asleep to the sound of one another’s hearts beating with the love they held.” - Wait Up.
☆ Favourite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere:
“Stopping at the front of the stage, she sank down onto unblemished knees, her sinful legs folding beneath her and the white fringe of her outfit swept along the ground.” - Blue Glitter Climax (Unfinished and unpublished)
““Heresy,” Jiyong mumbled aloud, still shuffling at a slow pace from one painting to the next.” - Art Is Made With Whiskey (Finished and published)
“Jiyong knows better than anyone, as a man who’s crawled through Hell just to shake hands with the Devil, that once you’ve experienced those things you’re left for dead.” - Honoré de Seungwhores (Unfinished and unpublished... the title is... not final. An inside joke with my beta reader~)
“But it was quite possibly the best bullshit Jiyong had ever involved himself in, and therefore, he’d accept his dirty wandering mind.” - Business & Butts (Finished and published)
“He could tell you which beer was the most popular at which times by which people and he could tell you all about that cute girl with the pretty laugh and the adorable skip in her step that Jonghyun met at that one happy hour on the 23rd of August.” - Bars & Angels (Finished and published).
And that is all... anyone who wants to do this, feel free! Tag me in it so I can see ^^
0 notes
taersformymin · 7 years
So I'm sorry for spamming you guys, back to back like this XD, but I just gotta put this out this ya know. You all are making this 2017 look very promising, and I haven't known you all long BUT I love you all so much already (I'AM FEELING THE LOVE 😭💗💖, bless you and thank you so much), and you're all so awesome and amazing people. @bts-absolute-trash - (My little fetus and daughter that I adopted today) YOU ANGEL, YOU SAY THE SWEETEST THINGS 😭😭 (LIKE GUYS SHE CALLED ME HER GUARDIAN ANGEL AND SAID I WAS LIKE FREAKING GOD 😱😭), and we're getting along so well, I hope we continue to get along and stay together for a long time,I love you 💜. P.S please call me Eomma Ru 😂(you get to use the nickname you have for me and I get Eomma, it's a win win for both of us lol, and completely logical since you're my child. Also fuck all those people who abandoned you because you're a fetus, you're too good for them, and you don't need them.) @littlepunkrogue - (MY CAP LOCKS QUEEN 👸🏻, sorry about the emoji color lol, idk if you're blonde or brunette haha) I will also hold you to that dinner (a.k. Charcoal and most likely sleepy on the side walk b/c the house will burn down cause you can't work lol XD), and I hope we continue to scream and fan girl together and become closer. Thank for making my 2017, I love you 💚. @badbts - (My fellow Tae trash) I hope we continue to become closer, and become friends. We can both be wrecked together by Tae XD, and I hope you continue to stalk my blog 🙈☺️XD. And you say I'll regret talking to you cause you're weird buut, weird people are awesome (the good type of weirdos anyways, you all know what I mean), and my ultimate bias is Kim Taehyung for crying out loud haha (if I can handle him, I can handle you haha). Thank you for making the first day of 2017 nice for me, love ya 💛. @akiwithepuppy - (Little miss I want to be mysterious lol) We're vibing and I hope we continue to do so. So look forward to me to continuing to wreck you with my brother 👼😊. Thank you making my day love ya 💚. And btw I LIKE BEING OLD THX YOU (you really are a Kook stan lol). @yoongiminkook - (My post ruiner lol) We're also getting along well and I hope get to become friends. I also look forward to us gossiping about Teen Wolf, and btw I still a superb post so wait for it (I still win *victory screech*). You also made my day, love ya for it 💙. @literaltae - (My staen 😉, ok that wasn't funny but still) We haven't talked long but we've both agreed this is the start of a good friendship, due to us being jamless and Tae stans. So hopefully we become friends and may we both have taesty dreams haha. Good luck on your GCSES, thanks for talking to me, love ya for it ❤️. P.S you all made me happy today so thank you very much and talking to me, I appreciate it, love you 💓. I'AM THE GOLDEN UNNIE (of this group lolol, told you to wait for it Jay 👀haha). Also @rapmonster Omg I hope this a start to a beautiful friendship and our vmon relationship blooms lol (THANK YOU FOR NOTICING ME 🙈XD). @bangtanchats OMG SENPAI YOU NOTICED ME AGAIN XD🙈☺️, and I hope we become good friends (also ARE YOU A YOONGI STAN, I'm guessing from your icon.. will you be the Yoongi to my Tae that I'm missing lol). And to my followers and mutuals and other Tumblr friends don't take it personal I didn't tag you I love you all 💞, this was just a post to my NEW friends, I've already boasted about you guys already in my New Years post 👌💕.
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Speeding ticket and car insurance?
"Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Lending your car to somebody - insurance issues?
This is for Ontario drivers in specific, however any information is appreciated. Basically, what are the legalities of lending your car to somebody (just for a day)? What happens if they get in an accident? Does your insurance cover it? Would your rates go up? Thanks!!""
How much is home insurance per year in South Florida ?
Were purchasing a home around 300,000 how much is insurance yearly ? Anyone pay around this much ?""
Is life insurance a good ivnestment?
Is it wise to ivnest in a life insurance? Have you heard of Manulife?
Can you give me an estimate of how much car insurance would be.......?
lets say a guy under 30 in california with a 2002 BMW 325i sedan how much would insurance be?
Will my car insurance rates go up?
A year ago, I got into an accident that was my fault. My insurance rates went up. Recently they dropped but at school, I was pulling out of a parking space and I ran into another girl's car. Will my insurance rates go up if she put in a claim? If so, how much. Any thoughts? What should I do?""
""In Texas, does the responsible insurance company have to pay for the storage fees for our totaled car?""
I was just recently involved in an accident and the insurance company that is responsible to pay for the damages is saying that I need to move my car from storage, because they do not have to pay for the car to remain in storage. Since I live in an apartment complex the car would have to be moved twenty minutes away, which is going to cost quite a bit and then we would have to move it again to an auto body shop back to the area I live in. So I called the place where it was stored to get a quote on how much it would cost to move it and the guy said that our car looks to be totaled and that for them to tow it I would have to pay out of pocket and I will never see that money again. Also, he said, in Texas, it is state law for the insurance company to pay storage and towing fees, he said the insurance is just saying that to get us to move it so they don't have to pay those extra fees. I don't know who to believe and I couldn't find anything online about it.""
Mass insurance?
why is it that in massachustts that if you have a deductable of $500 on your car insurance policy and put in a claim for $900 dollars you are charged a surcharge of $360 for 6 years why do we have insurance and pay a high premium to start with. they should pay the claim for the $400 difference without a surcharge. i have 3 cars insured and it seems that i pay for the insurance but have no benefit from it.
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Quick question about RENTERS INSURANCE?
My fiance and i are renting out a house starting Feb. 1st. After a year we have an option to buy the house. Anyways, when we were looking at the house she said her dad wants us to get renters insurance before we move in. I'm guessing because of the fireplace, attic, etc. Do i need to get any info from her before i sign up for insurance? Where do i go to get this? ANY sort of info would be great. We're new to renters insurance. We live in an apartment complex right now with NO insurance.""
How much would it cost to get the implanon removed at planned parenthood but with no insurance?
I have had it for almost 2 years and it bothers me so much! I get really bad side affects from this stupid thing and I want it out ASAP!
What happens if I'm driving someone else's car and it doesnt have insurance?
I have insurance but the car I was in doesn't. Is there a way out of this?
Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?
Approximately how much would car insurance cost for a teenager in NJ?
Health insurance part time work ?
how to get coverage?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
Question about insurance coverage?
Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER
Can anyone recommend an insurance carrier for insuring the contents of a house move (besides the movers)?
I am moving the contents of my house from California to Colorado using the PODS mover and storage - PODS insurance is very expensive and covers virtually nothing so I would like to find a reliable insurance company that will cover my belongings during transit and storage
Most affordable insurance company is?
Looking for cheap health insurance, I have never had health insurance before. What is the least amount of money a company will want from me to have full coverage of a surgery or hospital bill?""
Can you get maternity insurance only? Without regular health insurance included?
I am not pregnant yet.
What happens if you got into a accident and have no insurance?
I was driving my girlfriends truck and got into an accident.. I didnt know she has no inaurance. The officer made an accident report then let us go. What happens next does she eventually get a ticket oe me. and is it criminal offense she ia crying cause she feels so bad. Does she lose her license or me cause i was driving? And who will get sued? Please answer all questions. If i had known she didnt pay her insurance i would have paid it for her.she is mainly worried she will go to jail
Cheap insurance for 18 year old?
does anyone know any cheap websites or company's because on all the comparison websites im getting 3500 pound for a 1.1 Peugeot 106, and that's third party fire and theft :( please help because this is ridiculous.""
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
Car insurance????
I am trying to find cheap car insurance..... Do you know who had the cheapest? I am a 21 year old female and the car is a 1998 Oldsmobile cutlass
How long do I have to report an accident to an insurance company in California?
If I was in an accident in California how long do i have to report it to the insurance company so that they will cover it?
Does car insurance cost more for old people?
I'm doing a topic in my GCSE's and i have to gather information on weather old people should be allowed to drive... so i would apreciate it if you would comment on that as well. But what i wanted to know was weather car insurance costs more for people over 65 (because thats the age you can retire and get a pension) or for people under 65.
What can I do about uninsured motorist?
I was driving at a green light and the person made a left turn into me without a turning signal. I swerved right to avoid them, but we still crashed. A car then hit me from behind because of it. Their car has no damage, but I'm pretty sure my car and car 1 is totaled. I'm worried because car 1 might not have insurance. I have a dislocated thumb, that I need surgery on and won't be able to work for a while. My job won't give me short term disability. I have liability insurance in PA. Do I find car 1? Can I go to car 2's insurance and get anything? I heard PA is a no fault state but I don't understand any of that. If anyone could explain anything to me and let me know what to do next, I would really appreciate that.""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
How much is your monthly car note and how much is your insurance? How many months do you have to pay it off?
What do you drive and do you feel its worth it? I pay $271 on my note. My insurance is $138. I had 42 months on it. I drive a 2005 chevy cobalt. So far I guess it is worth it. Driving is very expensive.
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
What is the best car insurance for a traveler?
Hi, me and my partner just bought a car in Auckland. We are traveling around New Zealand for around 9 months and was wondering which is the best vehicle insurance we can get.""
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
What are insurance rate for a motorcycle driver?
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
Can I throw away my old insurance card?
I got new insurance. do I need to keep the old card for any records?
How much more would my car insurance cost if I went from having a 96 honda civic to a 2000 BMW 328i?
I'm getting a 2000 bmw 328i... I have a honda civic already. My insurance was like 1200 for the whole year I think... already paid it in full. I'm 19, with no accident history, no speeding tickets, never arrested; I don't really have anything that would make my insurance go up to my name. I live in MA, so i guess I can't get gieco or allstate or whatever..""
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
CAR INSURANCE - 2nd driver?
My sister who recently passed her driving test would like to buy a car, problem is car insurance quote comes up to 3000, which is too much! So i was thinking to get the insurance in my name, and put her down as secondary driver. I already have another car, where i am also primary driver. If she crashed her car, would this get flagged up under my insurance, although she crashed it....i dont want to pay high insurance for the rest of my life for her mistake or would it come under her record??""
""What are the best cars that are cheap to insure, low on tax (highest band D), and quite fast?
This is for my first car 17 year old. Thanks
Will making two collision claims (one major/ one minor ) within a 6 month period raise my auto insurance rates
I've never made a claim before this first one, a deer ran in front of my car and caused severe damage. Now five months later someone hit my car in parking lot (I think) nothing major just a 6 black mark that pushed the body in a bit. Will they raise my rates? If so then I would just go a get it fixed and pay for it all out of pocket.""
What's the average car insurance cost in Ireland?
Hi everyone, I'm planning to move from Canada to Ireland next year and I was wondering what would be an average cost for a basic car insurance? I have had a valid Canadian G2 license for about 3 years, as well as a Romanian (EU) full license for 8 years. I'm 26. The car would be a small car, and the region either Dublin or Cork. I'm not looking for an exact quote, I'd just like to know what you are paying for your car and your experience, so to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks.""
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
How much would car insurance be for an 18 year old male?
I currently am under my mom's car insurance and I have a 2000 Ford Focus. I plan on trading that in for a 2012 Ford Focus, and I was just wondering how much it would cost for me to insure that car. My monthly insurance payments aren't that expensive. I just don't want to be paying more than I can afford.""
Drive parents car without insurance?
hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?""
Is insurance on a chevy beretta typically high?
theres this kid i work with who wants to sell his beretta and i got the money to buy it and the car looks and sounds really nice.but,i dont have enough specs even the year of the car to call for a quote on how much it will be and i only see this kid a couple times a month.i dont kno wut year it is but i kno it has a v6.does anyone kno about how much my insurance will be?(im 18 by the way).i dont have any other way of getting info of this kid.thx!""
How come they want this much for car insurance??
My brothers leasing a 2013 Buick Regal GS, They want $1900 a year from him for full coverage. They want $2000 from my dad a year ONE WAY for a 2008 jeep commander v6.. Both with perfect insurance records no tickets.""
Help with health insurance please?
Hi there, I was wondering what are some good affordable health insurance companies that will take pre existing conditions also? What other companies are there besides blue shield and medi cal.Thank you in advance.""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Where is the best online insurance in california without broker and billing fees?
i was wondering where i could find auto insurance online that i dont have to pay broker fees and billing fees in california, my insurance was $197.00 , but ended up paying $298.00 with the billing fees""
""I am 17 years old, got my driving license 8 month ago, but i don't have insurance on my car! What would happen?""
What would happen if the cops would stop me? I have my mom's insurance, for my car , can it be helpful with the cops?""
What company offers the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Toronto?
I Want to buy a motorcycle around $ 5000 and wondering how much would be the insurance for the following motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR 600 2006-2009 Honda CBR 125 How can I be able to get discount on my premium. I have a full M licence with no accidents for like 2 years. I live on Dufferin st close to bloor and I am 25 years old male Serious replies only please because having a car is too expensive for me.
Anyone know of a good car insurance agency in Homestead FL?
I am moving from Michigan to South Florida soon and of course I need to get car insurance down there. I go through a agency in Michigan that searched 5 different insurance companies to get me the best price.. Anyone know of a agency like this in the Homestead Florida area?
Car insurance rough estimate?
55 years old, recent drink driving conviction, Mazda sports car worth < 2K.""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
Anthem Blue Cross Insurance?
Does anyone here has any problem with Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance on making phone call or trying to contact them any way? Every time I tried to call them, I have to be on hold for at least 30 minutes, sometime 1 hour but still couldn't get any help from them. I feel they are helpless, careless...bad service Insurance as I ever know.""
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?
What is the best cheap car insurance for a 19 year old?
need cheap good car insurance
Umbrella insurance?
instant quotes for the stand alone umbrella insurance in california
Do you sell car insurance? PLEASE LOOK IF YOU DO! :)?
HI! I used to work at Cost-U-Less Insurance in Humboldt county Northern California... about 5 years ago. we worked on commission only.. so if you didn't write a policy you ...show more
Will my insurance go up after a carpool violation?
I was driving on the carpool lane today(I wasn't suppose to because carpool says 3 or more persons and it was me and my sister only), and a CHP saw me, so he pulled me and asked for my license, registration and insurance. Then he asked me why I was in the carpool lane, and I said that a car cut me off so I had to avoid coalition and so I went into the carpool lane...not sure if this was a smart answer, but anyway he gave me the ticket and said that I will receive something in the mail. My question is, I know i'm going to get a point for this violation, but will me insurance rate go up? how will this affect me?""
How do unemployed get medical insurance?
March 31st is the last day for 'everyone' to sign up for medical insurance. How would it work in my situation? My fianc and I are now both unemployed, we have been searching for jobs high and low. Sad to say only 40% of 2 million jobless people will find jobs. Our uneployment ran out and have spent all our tax money on bills and rent. We are now on the verge of losing everything by next month. We have no income so how are we going to sign up and pay for insurance. Even $5 a month for each of us is a lot in our circumstance.""
Im 6 weeks pregnant with no health insurance in california?
Im 6 weeks pregnant, i got my proof of preganancy at a free clinic, i applied for medical.. how long till i know im approved? I work part time, i dont make enough money at all... maybe 400 before taxes. i pay 400 rent, i split rent with my bf that i live with. he has a good job. would that effect my media-cal application? are they going to want my roomates info? and with him being my bf does that make a difference? we are not married so will they still use that?""
Whats the average cost of health insurance(+dental)?
I'm 19, female, never had any health problems, and married(dunno if any of that matters haa.) I'll be getting my own plan for the first time, I'm just wondering whats the average cost, what are some good providers to use that aren't too expensive, and does health insurance come with dental or is that a separate thing? Thanks!""
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
What car and insurance?
hi can anyone help my daughter wants a car she likes the fiat punto td sx i think it is and the vauxhall corsa merit and the citroen saxo and the ford ka and fiesta what is the best car for a first time car and what has the most cheap insurance as it would be a provisional licsence ? and what website has the most cheap insurance? if anybody has any idears for any other cars like these please help also is auto trader any good? thanks any Question plz ask
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Why is the Affordable Health Care Act called that?
When it does nothing to lower the cost of health care or health insurance? Does anyone know?
Cheapest car to insure?
I'm not asking for lectures of any kind, I simply want to know what the cheapest cars are to insure. The Ford Ka is a cheap one. I don't want to be told there are no cheap car insurance, just the cheapest of them all. I'm a 17 year old male in Nov. Live with parents in a good area with no crime.""
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
Piaggio ape 50cc Insurace Please HELP?
Okay I'm 17 and looking at getting a Piaggio ape 50cc to drive around i live in a town in the uk, I have looked for a number plate to get a example of cost on insurance as if its loads I wont be able to get it! I'm pretty sure I don't need full licence to drive just CBT as I don't have full licence!""
""I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car?""
I just passed my driving test and got a license, do I need to pay for insurance if I'm driving my mom's car? She has allstate insurance. I won't be driving often. in California btw""
Car hit by uninsured driver - how to recover the costs?
My stationary car was hit by an uninsured driver in March 09. The insurance company made me pay 500 excess and said that this will be fully recoverable as the other driver was at fault. The car was then written off and I was paid the value of the car. In December the other driver was found guilty of driving without insurance, fined and given penalty points. Even though my policy gives me legal cover, it has now been 11 months since the incident and they do not seem to be very active. Also, my policy expires next month and as the claim is still open, the insurers assume that I lost my no claim bonus and quoted me twice as much for the renewal. I'm confused now, is there anything I can do to get my 500 back? I hope you can give me any ideas on what to do. Thanks""
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Buying a new auto insurance policy on a used car?
So im buying my first auto insurance policy (my parents dont want to add me to theirs) for my car. Will i have to pay the premium up front, or will i have to pay in 6 month installments?""
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
How can i compare all life insurance products of all companies?
Car insurance question....?
Is it possible to see how much the isurance will be before I get the insurance??? I am 18, had my license since december 07 and never had a ticket or accidents... How much average is a teen insurance from a coupe to a minivan... I know its not in the high $800, but maybe $120+. I might get a mustang or something... plus is there an insurance gap between forigen and domestic cars???""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
Insurance Rate comparison Between G37S Coupe 2009 and a 370z 2009 Both black for a 17 year old?
don't give me the He shouldn't have a car like that at such a young age. We have our reasons, just got back Iraq. But anyways, would the insurance be basically the same for both cars since they're both fast, expensive, and two doors?""
Airplane Insurance Cost?
How much will airplane insurance cost a student pilot? Do I need insurance to rent a plane? What if I buy my own cessna skyhawk while I am a student?
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
How long do you have to have SR22 insurance? It's really expensive and my case was settled over 2 yrs ago.
What's a good looking affordable car for a teen?
My budget is going to be about 15-25k and I like muscle cars like camaros and dodge challengers! Any other good lookin cars?
Insurance and mental health treatment?
I work for the state of Texas and sign up for health select insurance will it cover MHMR treatment for depression?
Where can i find cheap car insurance on a honda civic type r?
im 23 and these will be my first car im driving...i will put my dad name as the main driver his 53..jus need 2find really cheap car insurance
Insurance for a mobility scooter?
Would anyone be able to recommend a UK company who can provide insurance for a mobility scooter, preferably payable monthly via direct debit? All I can find is companies that want immediate full payment, which is not an option for my 70 year old mum.""
Insurance policy?...?
My mum n dad are insured on a car and are going away next week for 2 weeks and said I can get insured on their car. But their insurance will not insure anyone under 25. I don't think you can have 2 insurance policies on one vehicle but not sure, so can you? How can I get round this? If I got a temp insurance the police would only give me a warning, yeah? Personal Information: 19 year old male with a 2 year driving license and 1 year NCB Pass Plus obtained""
Pregnancy insurance. I might not be eligible for medicaid.?
does anyone knows about any low cost pregnancy insurance?
Getting homeowners insurance in florida?
I'm considering a move to Florida sooner or later, but I wanted to ask a quick question about insurance. I'm in Mobile, Al., and it seems the region has had some skyrocketing insurance costs, both premiums and deductables. A major factor in this is the hurricanes we've had in the past six years, give or take (Yes, i know there are more factors involving costs, the overall economy being no small part). In fact, many areas can't even get insurance in the first place, because no company will write a new policy. Does Florida have the same problem? In the past decade, the state has seen much more of its share of natural disasters than my home (my city hasn't had a direct hit from any of the major storms)""
Car insurance ? Can my girlfriend be a policy holder on one car and named driver on another?
Can my girlfriend be a policy holder and main driver on her car and a named driver on mine? Will this affect her insurance in anyway?
Want to get a life insurance policy on my sister.?
Hello everyone I know that there are policies for yourself or spouse, but am trying to get a policy on my sister. Are there policies out there for siblings and if you have any additional info it would help. Thanks
How can I lower my auto insurance?
I am 20 years old. I live in Florida which is by far the WORST states to have auto insurance. I've only been in 2 accidents, both not my fault. One was a small fender bender (which my friend decided to get a PIP claim even though he didnt get hurt so he could snag some money from the government). The other i totaled my car, but that was over 2 YEARS AGO. This is a no fault state which sucks because both of them werent my fault!!!!! Currently my auto insurance is 253 dollars! I'm a college student and i CANNOT afford that, but thats the cheapest one I found. Geico and all the popular ones wont even look at me. And it also adds on the my mom was in an accident (also not at fault) she got hit from behind at a red light and of course they penalized her for that too. Florida is a fraud state, they penalize you for everything when its no fault. Does anyone know how i can lower my auto insurance? It's been 2 years since I totaled my car and almost 2 and a half 3 years from the small fender bender. I also got a small speeding ticket from maybe september or december of last year, but thats it. no other tickets. thanks!""
""What is a good Car Insurance Company. Im in my early 20s, not the greatest driving record.?""
I have had a few speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, ect. 1 accident 6 years ago. I just need good, cheap, liability insurance for my fiance and I""
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
What would be a good insurance for a 19 year old new driver?
Ok so heres the deal, Im 19 and looking to get a car for school. I go to school in upstate ny and wanna move off campus so i need one for transportation. What would be a good insurance company to go to for cheap insurance for student drivers? Im going to buy a used car off of craigslist, my mom doesnt drive and theres no option for going on a family members insurance. Im doing this all on my own, getting a car, paying insurance and all. Im looking on getting a 2001-04 mitsubishi eclipse or lancer just for an idea. But i dont wanna be stuck paying like 400 bucks insurance at geico or like statefarm, student driver discount my ***. Suggestions would be helpful, not a rant about how i have to think about insurance and gas and maintenence im well aware of all that, i wouldnt be getting a car if that. Thanks.""
Home and car insurance question?
I live in Michigan. Do we have to buy our car and home insurance locally, within this county? Or can we get it from any agent in the state?""
What car would cost more to insure?
A used 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 or a New Mitsubishi Lancer? im a teen and yes i kno insurance is expensive and so thats why im asking b4 i get a car.""
Would you buy rapture insurance?
If you believe in the rapture, would you purchase insurance to be paid out to your family members you have 'left behind'. I mean if you're the bread winner, and just 'vanish'. Who is going to pay the rent, who is going to buy the food. People carry life insurance, and have social security to help families, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't cover 'rapture'... --not superstitious""
Sites of the insurance quotes reliable?
How much I motorcycle insurance in mass?
I was wonder in how much it would be to insure a motorcycle in mass? I know there's a lot of factors to what the price will be. I just want a rough estimate. Thank you
Cheapest car insurance uk?
I know it also depends on what car you have but just a rough guess how much will it cost for me I'm 21 Iv also heard that the older you are the cheaper the insurance
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
What is the average Car insurance cost a year in Canada?
NEED cheap car insurance for 18 year old east london!?
Please please do not say your going to have to pay 4k+ or something stupid, All my mates found car insurances for under 3k!""
""2007 Mercedes S-class fuel consumption, reliability, maintenance?""
If you're 60 years old in Canada, with a great driving record, how much should insurance cost per year more or less? Also, if you drive 20,000km annually, how much should fuel cost? And is this car reliable? How much would you expect to spend on maintenance costs over the next 5 years? It has 70,000km and costs $36,000 also, is this a good price? Lots of questions I know, but thanks so much""
How much money would insurance cost for a 16 year old boy with a 1982 dodge ramcharger?
i have allstate and i was just wondering if anyone new. and a ramcharger is a big truck/suv
Driving without car insurance?
So, Im broke and I know its a really awful idea to drive without car insurance, but Im a little unclear about what the rules actually are. I know it is illegal to drive without car insurance b/c I got a ticket for it once when I just didnt have my proof of insurance with me, but it was a pretty small fine, is that the only legal consequence of it? I'm a pretty good driver, no accidents so far (knock on wood), and if I were to get into an accident it would probably not be my fault. Is it true if you get in a car accident without car insurance and its not your fault then you are still financially responsible for the damages to your car? ...Like because you dont have insurance the other drivers insurance doesnt acknowledge the accident or something? Anyway, as of 10 min from now my insurance policy will expire and im tempted to not get new insurance for a month or so until im more financially stable. What are the consequences im missing? Anyone know of really cheap insurance? other thoughts? BTW im still paying down the last couple thousand dollars on my car so I think i may be required to have full coverage insurance or I default on my loan, but im not sure. My loan is through a credit union, what may be the consequences if they find out?""
Speeding ticket and car insurance?
I was wondering if you get a speeding ticket you get points on your license which means your insurance goes up. What if you don't have insurance. For example if its under your parents name but you get the ticket would their insurance go up even if its you don't have car insurance
0 notes
I need help health insurance help???
"I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
17 year old getting insurance in NY?
I am planning to buy a car in a couple of months. Probably a Honda Civic/Accord from 1994 and up. I dont have more than 3500. How much will insurance cost to pay by myself? Added on my parents?They currently pay 130 a month. I have 90 average in school and a 10% discount fot compleating a drivers ed program.
Best car insurance for young drivers?
My daughter learning to drive which is the best way to insure her as its very exspensive
Which auto insurance company offers the cheapest price??
were from CA & my sister is a first time driver & she needs a new insurance for her 05 toyota camry. her old car insurance is too expensive. what will u recommend personally? thanks
How can u break a medical insurance policy to get your own insurance?
my girlfriends mom wont give her the copy of medical card and wants to get her own policy
Car insurance on eclipse?
i recently had suv and a pickup truck. ar insurance is about $500 a year through farm family were on the farm policy so its a lot cheaper. I recently sold my truck (diesel) got tires of the awful gas milage (ford f-250). with the cost of diesel going way up again it was costing on empty-full $150 thats total b.s. anyway i been looking to get something with good gas milage that does not cost a lot to fill up. i have been looking into cars and taken carefully into consideration they get better milage but i have seen cars even is 20 mph accidents totaled. my next question is how much would car insurance be on a eclipse. if i did get a car i don't want a pice of junk looking old lady car i would want something that looks very nice. i was looking into the mit. eclipse/spider. was curious how much car insurance was if i stayed with farm family. i was going to call and ask them but i don't have the physical car yet and they would need to know exactly what kind of car year etc it is to give me the exact amount. I'm 22 years old with 5 years driving experience. only 1 accident. (old person was in hurry to airport for vacation told me and cop he did not think it it was needed to stop so he ran stop sign and hit me. i have owned 2 pick ups, 1 trail blazer. pickups, ad suv's fall under farm category cars don't so i am sure it would be more then what i pay now. i don't want to switch insurance either i hear horror stores with others. farm family paid me every time that week for accident repair i hear others you won't hear from them or they don't pay you or hospital bills if its needed farm family does. my spelling is not the greatest at it i got a little lazy.""
Which auto insurance company will NOT check my credit?
I saw an advertisement for one, but forget which one it is. I have pretty good credit, but I do not believe in their correlation between credit & driving skills. I also do not believe that they should penalize people with bad credit under the assumption that these people will file a false claim. These insurance companies have all the incentive to damage people's credit files so they charge more for their products. I also pay in full, so they will not be extending credit to me. Even if the policy costs more, I do not wish to reward bad behavior by doing business with the big insurance companies.""
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
If I own a business will I be forced to pay health insurance on my employees?
Low cost health care for an adult in California?
Could you tell me what kind of resources are available for a single male who makes $1,800 a month and needs affordable low cost health care coverage in California? What does the state offer if anything?""
Insurance on Giving Birth?
Me and my husband don't have any insurance and we want to have a baby, what is the average monthly payment for insurance that will cover everything from the ultra violet sound to the monthly check-ups to the auctual giving birth in the hospital.""
Does car insurance cost more for old people?
I'm doing a topic in my GCSE's and i have to gather information on weather old people should be allowed to drive... so i would apreciate it if you would comment on that as well. But what i wanted to know was weather car insurance costs more for people over 65 (because thats the age you can retire and get a pension) or for people under 65.
How much should we ask the insurance company for when settling a car accident claim?
My boyfriend was recently in an accident. His chiropractor told him that when settling his claim, he should ask for three times the amount of all his total expenses. My aunt was also told the same thing by her doctor. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a law or something?""
Can my husband remove me from our car insurance policy?
Hello, My husband left 2 months ago. We have a car insurance policy together with all 3 vechiles on it. He called me yesterday to inform me that he is removing me from our policy. Can he take me off the car insurance policy as we are still married and the policy is in both our names? I am calling the insurance company Monday morning but I would just like to know for sure as everyone that I have spoken with said he can not do this. Thanks!""
I rear ended a car on the freeway and damage was minor. How much will it cost me through insurance?
So I rear ended a car on the freeway and we pulled on to the side and got each others info. Damage to both cars are both big and small scratches. I was wondering how much it might cost when I file it through my insurance company. I have liability coverage.
How many people lack health insurance?
If you lack health insurance, why? If you cannot afford it, what could people around you do to help you out?""
Can i insure my UK car with ROI insurance?
Hi, I am looking to insure my UK registered car with ROI insurance. I travel to and from Ireland but spend the majority of my time in Ireland. I would like to know which ROI insurance companies will insure my UK registered car and if the insurance would be valid for driving in the UK, if so, for how long ?""
Car insurance ireland?
hi there does any 1 know of any insurance companys in southern ireland who specalise in people who have been banned for drink driving
Auto Insurance broker failed to add driver and now claim has been denied Help pleassssse?
So I called the owner of the broker company who told me that he would gladly backdate the policy upon the notion that AIG would accept it and they said that they would. Then the owner called me back stating that his broker that issued the policy already gave a recorded statement to the insurance company stating that he did not remember us requesting the added driver to the policy so he cant help us or he would lose his license as a broker by recanting on a recorded statement so he then told me to make the adjuster take the recorded statement off the record and they will do it but it is illegal to even ask them to do that. Our Policy has canceled several other times due to this broker not turning in the proper paper work to AIG. I need help I have went through all the chain of comands and the california insurance board what is left??
Crazy car insurance!!!??? advice please?
how on earth do young drivers these days manage to afford car insurance! my son is 19 and has his provisional licence. we were hoping to buy a car for him and the lowest quote we have for insurance is for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth do young people manage! does anyone know of a way round this??? we just want him to be safe and legal! advice please? all answers greatly appreciated.""
Has anyone thought with the price of gas and insurance and maintenance and payments that it might?
be better to just sell your car and take transit. I take the bus to work and it is one bus and it is great I don't stress about driving and a bus pass is so much cheaper than maintaining a car. I know the bus is less convenient but I am an able bodied person and thinking more and more about how I feel like I am working to support my car and maybe it is time to simplify Thoughts and experiences with this lifestyle???
A few questions about insurance and motorcycles in general.?
-A friend has an old 600cc Harley in his garage from 1980's I believe. He says that it could be repaired with a little TLC. How much would it cost to insure it for an 18 year old with a clean driving record and a fresh motorcycle liscense? -How much
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
Why bother with insurance?
it seems like a big waste to me. The whole point of it is to save money. But it does the exact opposite. the insurance people always screw you over and find some way to get out of paying for whatever it is!
Which credit reporting agency is best for the credit report?
I know that i can get my free credit report once a year, but there are like 3 reporting agencies to chose from. Which of those agencies is most accurate, and gives out the most info? I want one, to show all the negatives thing i might have in order for me to fix them, if there are any.""
What is the $$$ insurance for a yamaha bike?
a car being too expensive i wanted to buy a 5-6 grand yamaha sports bike but dont know how much insurance will be? does any one know how much it is for say 16 year old-25 years? thats the years in which ur considered a teen right and i would be classified as in there.
Insurance companies.?
My mom doesn't have a car but needs to have insurance on her lisence because she needs SR 22 bond so her lisence is not suspended, who offers insurance without having a car?""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Does request of Auto insurance quote have any negative effect ?
My current auto insurance is All State. I am looking for a new insurance of similar policy with lower cost. want to shop online and see if there is better deal. Does request auto insurance quote have any negative effect in my credit ( they need to pull my credit scores, i have a very good one), or any other negative effects. thanks very much!""
Does the number of doors on a car affect an insurance rate?
For example would a 2 door car be more expensive to insure than a 4 door?
Are there low-cost health insurance options for non-legal adults in California?
My neighbors are immigrants who have lived in California for over 22 years. They have worked and paid taxes since then. Unfortunately, they are still waiting to become legal residents. They have two children who are both U.S. citizens and whose health insurance is already cared for. They themselves pay for private health insurance that is nearly $1000/month. My neighbor recently lost his job and is no longer bringing in any income. Are there any low-cost health insurance options for them?""
Does insurance cost more on a dodge truck with a hemi?
Versus the base 4.7L. The truck is a 2006 if that makes a difference.
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
Child support and health insurance???
If someone is going to provide health insurance (and dental,vision) for a child does that lower child support even a little??""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Insurance if your already pregnant?
I found out a week ago that I am pregnant. The trouble is I don't have any insurance. I want to make sure I am in good care and don't really want to go some place that will treat me wrong. Anyone know of any insurance companies willing to pick up a already pregnant person? Please help! any answers would do me good! Elaine
Insurance for provisional drivers?
Hi all I am looking for a cheap insurance deal for one month (not a year).I hold a provisional driving license and want to practice using my husband's car. Do you know of any Insurance Companies that do this kind of service? Thanks
How much would my insurance on average be for a 2007 V6 mustang with allstate?
Im calling tomorrow to get a quote but, i was wondering if anybody had an idea. Its a V6 so that makes a huge difference since its not a V8 GT. Im just unsure how much allstate wants for a V6 mustang. if anybody has a price range they could give me it would be greatly appreciated. thank you!!""
Cheapest women car insurance on a provisional?
im 23. got my own car, white, k reg, clio, automatic (1993) im only on a provisional license an ive found so far that my quotes r not very good. my highest as been 2027.57 an my lowest is 678.98 will i get anything lower. i know its cos of my age an cos im the main driver but if any women or men know any insurance companys that ave good lower prices then help me out thanks u never know wot ur get in return lol""
Looking for affordable health care plans meeting obamacare?
I've been looking for a couple of days now, and the prices I've found are so much more expensive than before, even Blue Cross Blue Shield.""
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?
If I get a 2012 car would my insurance be high 18 years old?
I plan on getting a car. I found this 2012 Toyota Yaris for 14 grand. I plan on asking for 13 grand. My dad will split the monthly payments and my mom pays the insurance. I think we have Statefarm.. Its a used car still but I like it a lot..
How much is it likely to cost as a first time driver on familys car insurance?
Im nearly ready to take my driving test in a couple of month or so. Im 25 and hoping to pass first time in sept/oct 2012. My sister and also my brother in law are due to re-insure there cars in the next few months and are thinking about putting me on there insurance on either car fiat 500 or nisan micra. I will be not driving either car full time, just as and when. How much is it likelyto cost on top there normal insurance. Both have been driving for years with no claims as far as i know. Bit just an average amount will bw great""
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Is there a way to get cheap car insurance at 16?
So I'm 16 and Ive had my restricted for over a year now but me nor my parents can afford a car or insurance right now. So i was thinking if i drove my moms car is there a way to get insurance cheap. Can i stay under my moms insurance? Is there a way to lie to the insurance company so that i can get it at an adult cost or at a cheaper cost? Anything? Thank you.
Health insruance for the umemployed?
I'm actually employed but theres no insurance....Are there any insurance companies that I could get with, keeping in mind that I already have health problems......You know most insurance companies wont even write because you have problems already, are there any that will???""
Will a guys health insurance cover his girlfriends pregnancy?
not married, she dosen't have insurance. Will his insurance cover it since its his baby?""
Proof of insurance California?
I recently had my car fixed and for some stupid reason I pulled all my documentation out of the car. Well, I got pulled over one day and was cited for not having my proof of insurance. (Stupid, I know.) The cop was really nice and said I just needed to go down to the court and show them that I was covered during the period I was pulled over. He said the fine would be at most 10 bucks. Today I get my notice of bail and it says that if I show proof of insurance, I can get the bail reduced to 756 dollars! Am I reading this right? Thanks""
When will I be fined if I don't get health insurance (Obamacare)?
Hello, Not that I'm planning on not getting health insurance but I was just wondering--- Enrollment begins Tuesday (at least here in California). I know that there is a fine for not signing up ($95 or 1% of income, whichever is higher from what I have read) However..I cannot find one answer on WHEN you will be fined if you don't sign up. Will it be during this upcoming tax season? Or next year for 2014 taxes? I'm just wondering because I start full time school and will be cutting to about 20 hours a week at my job (as opposed to full-time status that I work now) I do not currently have insurance because my job does not offer it and I do not qualify for Medicaid (because somehow I make too much money even though I can barely afford to pay my bills...) So I plan on signing up for Blue Shield or something of that nature once I cut my hours because it will be much cheaper than if I sign up now. Thanks! Any feedback regarding this would be great but my main concern is being fined. Please let me know when that fine will come into play.""
(uk only) who is the cheapest for car insurance?
im male, nearly thirty and full no claims bonus i live in manchester""
What medical insurance is cheap in California? ?
Is there medicaid n Cali ? Or just Oklahoma
What do you put on a car insurance quote when your penalty has expired?
i had a penalty for 3 years that ran out in 2008 but when i look for insurance they ask for any penalty for the past 5 years. Do i say yes even though it expired in 2008?
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Most reliable auto insurance company?
How much would my monthly premium be for auto insurance? I'm male and 18, no accidents and responsible. I drive an old sedan, silver. I drive to work, to college, to the market and back home. No joy rides, no trips or visits. What auto insurance company is the best?""
Will a B average my freshman year apply to an auto insurance discount?
I had a 3.2 last year (my freshman) year, and as of now I have about a 2.5. I'll be getting my car soon, so if I can't bring it up by then, will they accept last year's GPA so I can get a 10% discount?""
Which health insurance is better?
I'm 18 and my current health insurance (it's called Neighborhood in NYC) has currently expired. I can either re-certify this or be added to my dad's GHI health insurance, which is provided by the city. His insurance includes copays and such that I've never done before. Which insurance makes more sense?""
What is the most ideal auto insurance ratio for a person on a budget?
I am switching insurance now and I know their are some ratio's like 50/100/50 and such. My wife and I are on a real budget. She does not drive now, so would not be part of the quote at this time, but we don't want to get the lowest just to have a horrible accident and pay so much. What is a good ratio or something to find. I am in my upper 20's if that helps.""
The best insurance coverage and prices.?
my daughter is starting to drive in a couple months when she turns 16. i want to know how much is the average price for our insurance. which insurance company covers the best and has the lowest price. i heard some friends say that there son only pays about $75 a month but i really dont know if thats possible. any suggestions? thanks!!!
""Best insurance company? People with actual experience, having made a claim please.?""
Hi, I am wondering what you consider to be the best insurance company -- mainly for auto, but also maybe for combination auto and home. Please, I need people who have had more experience with the company than just buying their insurance there. I need people who have actually had to make a claim and to tell me how good the company was about it and if they were quick to respond and take care of the situation. Also, did your rates go up as a result? Also, good prices are very important to me. Where did you get reasonable rates with great service? These could be traditional or online insurance providers. I am looking into all options, so I appreciate any input, although like I said before, I need to know from people who have made a claim -- or done more than just pay for insurance. Thank you for all your help.""
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Is -3 driving record bad or good for insurance?
I just got promoted at work and now I have to be issued a company truck and i am wondering if my employees insurance would cover -3 driving points.
Question about insurance liabilty when driving a drunk friend home in his car?
My friend asked me to drive his car for him to pick him up because he was drinking. I picked him up and on the way home got into a fender bender at my fault. His insurance paid for the damages done to the other vehicle, but he does not have complete coverage for his car and wants me to cover 800 dollars in damages done to his vehicle. I do not feel responsible for this. I have minimum coverage. Will he be able to take me to claims court? Am I liable for his damages?""
What does an insurance carrier mean?
Is it the person who makes the monthly payments on your behalf if you can't do it? What does it mean?
Which car is the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified 17 year old driver ?
My daughter wants her own car but insurance costs seem very high - can anyone sugest a suitable car for a new driver that won't cost her a small fortune to run or maintain ?
""How much is PPD rating schedule for %13 lumbar spine discs and knees, If my insurance company was putting me?
on Permanent Disability and my company Laid me out because of my limitation of to work? How much the insurance company has to pay me for my injury and disability?
Insurance on salvages autos? hw much?
i was just wondering if its possible to get insurance if i buy a salvage car from private seller? how much would the rates be? anybody has any idea? is it possible to get comprehensive insurance for a salvage car? well you cant get insured then how can you drive the car around ! doesnt make anysense right!?
Cheap car insurance for young male drivers?
where is the best place to get cheap car insurance for a young male driver??
Your opinion of my car insurance?
I pay $58 a month for liability on a 93 Explorer. I live in the middle of nowhere and don't drive exceedingly. Just wondering if you think this is an acceptable rate or not. I don't think it's too bad but a friend of mine insists I'm getting ripped off.
How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?
I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?""
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
Can I purchase life insurance on my husband without his signature?
My husband is 41 years old and in perfect health but he won't get life insurance because he thinks nothing is going to happen to him. Is it legal for me as his spouse to purchase a reasonable policy of $50,000 without his signature from a company that doesn't require medical questions?""
Health insurance just for the baby?
What health insurance is out there that i can just get for the baby? My current job offers family coverage to what i have now but it will be $83 EXTRA per WEEK for family...thats over $300 per month! i was wondering if there was a health insurance program that would do just the baby. THOUGHTS ANYONE?
How soon do I need auto insurance after getting my Driver's License?
I'm going to be getting my Drivers License for the first time in a week (I am 16), and I was wondering how soon after I get my license do I need to have auto insurance to drive legally? I'd like to be able to drive the day I get my license, but my parents don't want to add me to their insurance plan beforehand with the possibility of me failing the exam. Is their any kind of grace period that allows me to drive the day I get my license so I can wait until after I complete the test to purchase insurance?""
Why is michigan car insurance so high?
I am a 21 year old female with no little credit but I have no bad credit. I rent an apartment and pay all my bills on time. I have a 2004 monte carlo ss that I paid 3500 for. This is ...show more
How long before insurance goes down?
I know teenage insurance is really high so when does it finally go down? After an accident ur insurance goes up, how long will it take for it to go back down?""
No car insurance automatically suspends CA driver's license?
So apparently in CA, if you stop paying your car insurance (I had to), your vehicle registration is revoked and your license is suspended automatically, and you get a notice in the ...show more""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
Where do I find Cheap Car Insurance When I have Epilepsy?
I'm 19, and I haven't had a fit since I was 16 (I believe I've done the teenage growing out of it ), The DVLA are fine and are issuing me a provisional, but finding insurance is a pain in the ***. Is there anywhere that does cheap insurance that doesn't care if I have Epilepsy? OR just does it cheap anyway?""
Just got in a car accident...I'm 16 we have USAA. How much will my insurance go up?
I was being stupid and driving too fast on a wet day. I spun out and hit a wall (thank god I'm okay) and damaged the back right on my car pretty bad. I know our deductible is either $500 or $1000 but my question is about my much will my insurance go up? I know its not going to be pretty since I've only had my lisense for 10 months...
How much will motorcycle insurance cost for me?
I'm 18, i live in austin, texas, and i plan on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 for my first bike""
Looking for a insurance rider policy?
I am looking for some info on insurance rider policy, also want to get a good one.""
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
Who has cheapest car insurance in florida?
How can I get health insurance?
I live in Chicago, IL. I don't have health health insurance because my mom can't afford it. Im 19 years old and I need health insurance.What does everyone else do who's under 21? Do any of you under 21 have any health insurance? If so, what company? I don't have a job, (been trying to find a job for three years). I need to see a dermatologist really bad, and I have no idea what to do.""
Business Insurance - Car?
Basically, I have an internet business, and Im wondering if there is a way that I can have business car insurance? I would like to know the as much as I can. I am looking at a rather fast, expensive car, that will partly be used for Business. So Im wondering if I can get a business insurance policy, and cover it on that? Anyone in the know - please help, and offer advice. Thanks.""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I have full coverage insurance on my 2005 Honda civic and I am paying a little over $850 every six months. Every quote I get isn't much better. Why is it so expensive? My insurance lady says that it's because I am a young driver with a newer car. But my YOUNGER sister has a car 2 years newer than mine and she pays about $350 less every six months. I have no tickets on my record. I did have my license suspended about 5 years ago. Why is it so expensive and how can I get it down? I can't afford this sh* t. Thank you!
Do you have to buy insurance for your car?
Im planning to buy a 1968 Chrystler Newport. This will be my first car. I live in BC. What should I expect to have to pay monthly for insurance? or do I need to buy insurance at all for my car?
Does anyone have car insurance through Wawanesa Insurance?
http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a quote that is very, very good!! Looking for any feedback, good or bad. Thanks Note: Currently it is only available in California and Oregon (And Canada)""
Do I have to insure my son when he turns 16?
My auto insurance company called me yesterday asking for the names and birthdays of my children. I refused to tell them anything. My oldest son will turn 16 in November, and I was not planning on adding him as a driver, because we have full coverage insurance and I thought that would cover anyone.""
""Have a question for all those knowledgeable about cars, insurance, etc.? Is this true?""
Is it true that two door vehicles are more costly, insurance wise, than four door vehicles? I ask because I am considering purchasing a certain vehicle; however, i'd rather have the coupe than the sedan. Someone told me that any vehicle with two doors is considered a sports car, and therefore, more costly to insure, than a sedan would be. Is this true? Or does it just depend on the car?""
How much does a Triple AAA insurance agent make on average?
How does Triple AAA pay their agents? Their agents don't sell Life Insurance right? What all do they sell? How does this job compare to...say a State Farm agent?
Do any one know where to get a business vehicle insurance?
hey anyone i am try and look for a business vehicle insurance for me to have 4 car's and vans on the same insurance so all i do call up and add my staff to the insurance there than can Driver any vehicle on this one insurance. ? please help me out
I got a quote on a Citron c2 it's. A 1.1lt and. The quote I got was 3rd party under my dad insurance my best quote was 6000 and that was direct to Adrian flux so I need advise ...show more
Can someone help me find car insurance for my dad?
my dad is looking for a car insurance company that insures anyone who drives his car, ie. his children. is this possible? what insurance companies offer this type of insurance?""
What are full time jobs that have full health coverage?
I am looking for jobs that have full health coverage, being I have MS and need my medicine and could not afford it on a normal insurance, what are some jobs that have medical coverage?""
Difference On Insurance Between A Vectra Turbo Petrol & Leon FR Diesel?
Recently decided I'd like to change my car from a 2006 Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 Turbo Petrol to a 2006 Leon 2.0 TDi FR Diesel.. But it all depends on Insurance.. They both fall into group 12 and the vectra has 175BHP where as the Leon has 170 BHP will the insurance be cheaper or more?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health?
Where to get online insurance quotes for health? I should compare plans from major insurance company.
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
What car insurance company has the policy that you insure on person but anyone can drive it and be insured?
How much will I pay for car insurance? Estimate.?
I am looking to buy a car this Spring (new, from a dealership). When I do, I will be 24, female, and have had my license for just under a year. Since I passed my road test, I have not been driving or on any insurance at all. I will be the main driver on this vehicle, though there might be a secondary driver. I will probably by a small car, like a Yaris, or a Hyundai Elentra. Something cheap, good on gas, safe, and not fast or sporty. It will be automatic. I am a university graduate (not sure if that matters but I heard it does). I will live in a town with about 100,000 people. About how much am I looking at car insurance/month? I have tried the online sites but find them confusing. Some people tell me $100, but the online estimates can be $300-400.""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
Can I drive my friends car without insurance?
I don't own a car. I don't have auto insurance. If I borrow a friends car, am I covered under his insurance? is there a special type of insurance for people like me?""
How much will having a body kit on a car raise your car insurance for a 17year old?
automotive, insurance""
Do I need insurance for my license?
I live in North Carolina, and I just got my license a few months ago. I don't have a car yet, but I was told that I needed insurance in order to have a license. So, I'm paying $80 a month for insurance, just for holding a license. My car savings aren't looking too good at this rate, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheaper insurance companies I could go with?""
I need help health insurance help???
ok so i went to the doctor and found out i was pregnant. i live in california and have no health insurance. they gave me temperary medi cal for 30 days and i have to go apply at the cal works office. well i went and they told me i couldnt apply on my own im 19 that since i live with my mom she has to go in. she works alot though and its kinda harg for her to go. so is there any other way i can do it like online and mail in an application?? or do u guys know of any insurance i can get on my own??? please help??
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