#anyway i love naruto
tobimru · 2 years
Ok so I thought we were all in agreement that the third was the worst Hokage??
Like he literally left baby Naruto to live on his own and went on to forbid ever telling him about the nine-tails incident, so he didn't even know why people hated him. Also, I'm not even sure all of them (the civilians mostly) knew what really happened that night since they all called him "the demon fox" and whatnot, but Hiruzen did nothing about that even when Minato wanted Naruto to be recognised as a hero. (Although Hiruzen doesn't take all the blame, Kakashi & Jiraiya didn't do shit either)
Also, he basically let Danzo do all the things he did without consequences? For instance: the uchiha clan massacre. No matter what some of yall say, it could have been avoided.
How so? Well, first, they started to feel more rejected by/suspicious of the village because they were pushed out in one corner of the village after the kyuubi's attack and were being watched by Anbus 24/7. That was after they were given the orders not to engage in the fight against the kyuubi.(which made them look suspicious in the eyes of the village cuz they didn't do asscrack). Who proposed that? Danzo and the council. And who let it happen? You guessed it, sarutobi. Yeah, sure, he was against it, but he is the Hokage. He is the one making the big decision in the end. (Tsunade literally showed that when she was the hokage)
Even after, it could still have been avoided if they talked to the Uchiha or Fugaku (the clan head) about everything and came to an agreement. Asking for their terms would show his willingness to right the wrongs against them and they surely would've been able to negotiate. Like, I know the uchihas were mad, but they're not stupid, and none of them wanted a full-blown war. They were just pushed into it because they didn't see any other option. If the talking didn't do anything, there was still Shisui. His plan would've worked, maybe not permanently, but it still would've bought them some time to think about a long-term solution. But Danzo killed him, so yeah.
All to say that he was a bad Hokage because he repeatedly made the worst decisions, and I'm just saying that if any other hokage was in his position, they would've done better.
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jvnart · 7 months
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I read a fic (this one!!) with post retirement kks & gai. There is a scene where they visit hokage naruto, and sauske is there, and it's ✨️uncomfortable✨️
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naturecalls111 · 8 days
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heleizition · 5 months
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this is my naruto oc age 12 and age like 15 lmao she goes through it
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keepyourpantsongohan · 10 months
Meaningful Highlights from Kakashi Retsuden:
Minato catching Kakashi before he falls, the same way Kakashi always does for his students. And Kakashi, even at eight or nine years old, straight out of his father's funeral and before being his student, immediately relaxing when he runs into Minato: His feet tangled beneath him and he pitched forward. Into someone’s back. “You were really strong back there,” a voice told him, and he suddenly saw bright golden hair. He felt his breathing become a little easier. The Yellow Flash of Konoha. Namikaze Minato.
Kakashi describing his current feelings about his father: Now he felt proud from the bottom of his heart to have been born the child of the White Fang of Konoha.
Kakashi wanting to help the people of Redaku in a way that they can sustain themselves, even as he actually is providing a great deal of support through the process: The people of this country had to learn how to stand up and walk under their own strength. Give a starving person bread or teach them how to grow wheat. As Hokage, Kakashi had always chosen the latter.
Kakashi reflecting on his time as Sixth Hokage he eschewed tradition to build something that developed beyond shinobi: A never-ending peace. That was what Kakashi had sought as the Sixth Hokage. An orderly society that would go on and on even when he was not the Hokage, even when the day came when the role of Hokage disappeared. To create a framework so that they would never again fall into the quagmire of war.
The way Kakashi shows that he still views all of the former students taught by him and his friends in a parental and protective way: They had long since reached adulthood, and some were now parents while others were active on the front lines as shinobi. Even so, no matter how many years passed, to Kakashi, they were his precious students and the next generation who needed to be protected. Seeing them having so much fun was enough to ease his heart.
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tanjir0se · 8 days
Every time I think Sasuke’s clear and obvious homosexual obsession with Naruto might be maybe a little one sided, Naruto will do something absolutely insane like walk into his childhood room after two years, grab his dusty picture of Sasuke, gently brush it off, fingers lingering for a moment over Sasuke’s face, and lovingly whisper “Sasuke…I’m home…”
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lostinthesasuke · 1 year
all in a system, down
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theamazincactus · 8 months
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ladsofsorrow24 · 7 months
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yuri sasunaru... based of this very nice fic by @greatloverslieinhell
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cloudabserk · 1 month
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i love when people contribute to my posts. please tell me more about how itachi did all that for sasuke’s own good and sasuke is a heterosexual family man
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evilkitten3 · 9 months
genuinely my belief that ino was never really interested in sasuke and actually liked sakura the whole time is so deeply embedded in me that every time i read a fic where ino is just as sasuke-crazy as sakura, i have to remind myself that. technically that is the case
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jvnart · 1 year
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best friends ;)
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zevrra · 17 days
hii!! i hope your doing well, im not sure if your requests are open rn
but if they are open, can you please write for Gaara (naruto) x fem reader who’s love language is physical touch? (hand holding, hugs, etc)
🫶 thank you!!
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A Shared Touch—
tags: anon request, 18+ characters, gaara x fem!reader, pure fluff, gaara’s love language is 100% physical touch, this is so sappy and lovey dovey jshshs
creator notes: thanks for requesting! hope this is what you had in mind (bc i had no idea what to do im so sorry i wrote this at 2 am kshssjh)!! but i also hope you are doing well and that you enjoy this! thanks again!! ❤️
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Sunlight warms your face as you sit at a wooden table. You sit in silence with yourself. Accompanied only by the sound of a soft breeze and a few chirping birds. A range of flowers sits before you, ranging anything from chrysanthemum to peons. Besides the flowers sits a pair of scissors. Using them to cut stems off of a few flowers here and there as you put together a small bouquet.
“What are you doing?” A soft voice asks from inside the doorway to the greenhouse you sit inside of.
Turning to look at the source of the voice and you find your loving boyfriend. A smile as warm as the sun shines on his face and you can’t help but mimic it. “I couldn’t sleep. Came here to do some arranging.” You respond. Watching fondly as he makes his way to your side.
He still wears the clothes he had slept in. He must have just woken up and upon finding your side of the bed came straight out to look for you. The sleepy was still in his eyes even as they look upon you with love.
A chilly hand touches your shoulder, moving to soothe across your neck. His teal eyes glance at your project before looking back at you. “They look as beautiful as you do.” Gaara compliments you.
For the years you had been together it took him quite a while to willingly touch you. Skin on skin contact had been one of his biggest fears. For so long, anytime your hand would reach for his; you were met with a wall of sand. Any brush of skin would have him standing frozen in place. He had never done any of it on purpose though and you knew that. It was pure reflex for the deeply traumatized man. Now it almost felt like he never wanted to stop touching you. To never let you go so he would never have to fear being truly alone again.
You wave his compliment off with a smile. It was too early to be so sappy. You set down your scissors to fully turn and face Gaara. “What about you?” You ask curiously as you grab hold of his hand gently. “Off to some important kage meeting I assume?”
Gaara shakes his head, lifting your hand to his lips and placing a small kiss against your skin. “No, not yet anyway. Just missed you.” He admits with a shy look. Glancing from your pretty face to the flowers you had gotten up that morning to work on.
It was truly a miracle how far the two of you had come. Once, so long ago, he would never have reached for you first. Would have distanced himself as far as he could. But now he sought you out first. Missed you simply because you were not by his side the moment you both woke up. It made you feel wanted and loved. You could only hope he felt the same.
You stand with the help of your boyfriend. Leaning in to kiss him and he meets you halfway more than eagerly. After you two part, he guides you towards the door he had entered from as you two plan to return to your shared home.
“Let’s go make some breakfast.” You offer. Your fingers intertwine with his, giving his hand a tight squeeze. A reassuring gesture that you would never let him go either.
You’d have to return to your flowers later.
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beatriceportinari · 8 months
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Another year, another outfit to die in! Happy birthday again Izuna!!!!!!
Like last year, I played with someone else's lines for these charming patterns, thank you so much Lena @elhnrt ! I had a ton of fun :D
Check the readmore for pattern references and explanations, there are some easter eggs in there :)
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My goal for this piece, in addition to playing with patterns and textures and adding some Naruto references, was to add as many death flags as possible.
The idea of having Izuna in a fireman's coat is obviously not from me. I've always like the idea of Uchihas in fire resistant clothes, and the opportunity for a thick texture alongside a reversible double pattern is very appealing. I used the image of the second reference as a base, with skulls on one side and stylized lightning patterns on the other (visible inside the sleeves and collar). Both were common immagery of firemen coats.
The actual skull pattern is taken from the third reference. I'd seen this one before and before even learning anything abt it it was too beautiful to pass up. Those white and navy gradients are absolutely delightful and I enjoyed using my gel pens for them very much.... This particular type of imagery with skulls and bones in a field is called Nozarashi, inspired by Buddhist representation of death and transience.
The lightning pattern itself is a reference to water and lightning dragons :) Like Tobirama's iconic jutsu, it's one of the hints of what's abt to happen to our little guy. The scabbard is also decorated with dragon motifs for the same reason.
The background pattern is taken from the first reference, another fireman's coat with an illustration of Raijin, the thunder god. He is often representated with drums decorated with tomoes. It works nicely as a standard looking sharingan illustration, with a reference to Tobirama's hiraishingiris with the thunder imagery, like the thunder patterns inside the coat.
If you're interested in this I recommend the book linked in the second reference! It is entirely about skeleton motifs in japanese clothing of the early 20th century.
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cynicallyneutral · 1 year
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demon children
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pommegrantaire · 4 months
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but we’re different from the others
‘cause we share the same pain
NaruGaa 4 lyfe 🧡❤️
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