#obviously danzo is the worst
tobimru · 2 years
Ok so I thought we were all in agreement that the third was the worst Hokage??
Like he literally left baby Naruto to live on his own and went on to forbid ever telling him about the nine-tails incident, so he didn't even know why people hated him. Also, I'm not even sure all of them (the civilians mostly) knew what really happened that night since they all called him "the demon fox" and whatnot, but Hiruzen did nothing about that even when Minato wanted Naruto to be recognised as a hero. (Although Hiruzen doesn't take all the blame, Kakashi & Jiraiya didn't do shit either)
Also, he basically let Danzo do all the things he did without consequences? For instance: the uchiha clan massacre. No matter what some of yall say, it could have been avoided.
How so? Well, first, they started to feel more rejected by/suspicious of the village because they were pushed out in one corner of the village after the kyuubi's attack and were being watched by Anbus 24/7. That was after they were given the orders not to engage in the fight against the kyuubi.(which made them look suspicious in the eyes of the village cuz they didn't do asscrack). Who proposed that? Danzo and the council. And who let it happen? You guessed it, sarutobi. Yeah, sure, he was against it, but he is the Hokage. He is the one making the big decision in the end. (Tsunade literally showed that when she was the hokage)
Even after, it could still have been avoided if they talked to the Uchiha or Fugaku (the clan head) about everything and came to an agreement. Asking for their terms would show his willingness to right the wrongs against them and they surely would've been able to negotiate. Like, I know the uchihas were mad, but they're not stupid, and none of them wanted a full-blown war. They were just pushed into it because they didn't see any other option. If the talking didn't do anything, there was still Shisui. His plan would've worked, maybe not permanently, but it still would've bought them some time to think about a long-term solution. But Danzo killed him, so yeah.
All to say that he was a bad Hokage because he repeatedly made the worst decisions, and I'm just saying that if any other hokage was in his position, they would've done better.
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nonbinary-itachi · 4 months
Unity Clause
Fugaku is taking a long lunch from the Police Force when he feels Shisui's chakra flare off in the distance.
When he arrives at the scene, it's just in time to witness Danzo rip out Shisui's eye and Itachi swoops in to rescue him.
He follows Itachi's shushin (it leaves a thin chakra trail that Itachi's not as experienced at hiding) and comes across Shisui about to step over the ledge while Itachi seems frozen in place in terror/horror.
He quickly shushins over and grabs Shisui before he can do anything drastic then grabs Itachi and uses Hirashin (Minato taught it to him shortly after Itachi was born) to get back to the house quickly.
Mikoto drops a plate and slips into a fighting stance when the sudden chakra appears in her house before she realizes who it is.
She's horrified by the sight before her and quickly snaps to attention, directing Itachi to sneakily get Asami. Quickly!
Fugaku carries Shisui into his room (Shisui has had a room at the man houses since Fugaku and Mikoto realized his parents were... debatable at best) and lays him on the bed.
Fugaku isn't a medic nin, but he does know a bit about medical ninjutsu and tries to gauge the severity of the wounds. Obviously the missing eyes are worst, but he knows that os beyond his limited skills and focuses on the lesser injuries.
Itachi, meanwhile, dodges all the cameras in the compound to arrive at Asami's, who is, thankfully, alone. When he explains what happened, she's out of her chair and grabbing the storage scroll that holds all her medical equipment.
Back at the main house, she quickly assesses the scene and starts barking orders at the clan heads, who hurry to obey recognizing her seniority in this situation.
Everyone seems to forget Itachi, standing mutely in a corner still silently crying and highly traumatized by what happened.
At least until Asami orders someone to retrieve the Aburame clan head because she recognizes the poison in Shisui's system and only they have the antidote.
Itachi is once more ordered to leave and find someone.
Shibi is more shocked to have Fugaku's heir on his doorstep than the news that Danzo poisoned someone with his clan's specialty jutsu.
To avoid suspicion, Shibi henges into a bug and rides back to the Uchiha Compound on Itachi's shoulders.
He administers the antidote while Asami works on Shisui's eyes (Itachi having given back the other one somewhere in the chaos) and Fugaku heals the lesser injuries.
Given the situation, Asami decides to induce a coma for a few days to let his body recover and adjust to having his eye back/get the poison fully removed.
Shibi insists on knowing what happened, which now that he mentions it, no one is really sure what happened. All eyes suddenly fall on the visibly shaken Itachi.
For once, Fugaku takes pity on his eldest and uses the Sharingan to retrieve the memory of events.
Itachi falls to his knees in tears as he recount his newest nightmare for his father then has to listen to Fugaku recount the incident to Shibi, Mikoto, and Asami.
(Someone give this poor 11 year old a hug. Please.)
Shock and horror abounds. "What do you mean Danzo stole a kekki genkai?" The Uchihas are less shocked (there's been rumors about Danzo and Kagami for years), but no less horrified.
"Actually, this... this might actually work to our advantage," Fugaku says after the explanations are finished. He explains the Unity Clause (essentially a law written in by Hashirama and Madara that if 3 clan heads (or two if they happened to be the Uchiha and Senju) were ever in agreement that the hokage wasn't doing a good job, they could force a new election).
"If you'll agree that this is a horrifying oversight on Hiruzen's part, we just need to find one more clan head."
I have gotten very attached to the hc of Inoichi being Shisui's genin sensei. Someone points this out and recommends Inoichi for the third.
Fugaku is inclined to agree and sends word via his summons this time (he's finally realized Itachi probably should be resting and not running around the village while in shock).
Inoichi arrives, gets filled in, and immediately agrees to helps. He may have only started training Shisui as a favor to Fugaku, but he's grown to care about the boy. Plus, Inoichi has his own reasons for hating Danzo/disapproving of Hiruzen
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Was Your Friend About to Quietly Go Rogue?
Word count: 820 “You’re going with Naruto?” you asked, searching Kakashi’s one visible eye for how much trouble this would cause. He nodded. “Yamato is coming as well. If anyone asks about us, can you help cover for our absence?” “Sure, although I’m far from a brilliant liar.” "I know." Kakashi almost chuckled as he stood casually in front of the card table you were using to chop vegetables. Hands shoved into his pockets, partially silhouetted in the opening of the sturdy military tent, he may as well have been talking about visiting your family for a game night, instead of a personal mission which sounded dangerously like insubordination. Even with his headband covering his left eye, and his cloth mask covering the lower half of his face, it was easy enough to read his smile. Perhaps he was about to do something uncharacteristically stupid, but he looked the same as always, wearing a green flak vest and holster pouch. With the village destroyed and construction constantly ongoing, you had been assigned to peel and chop a sizable pile of potatoes, each of which you dropped into provided buckets of water once it was in quarters for easy boiling later. “Why all the secrecy?” He shrugged. “I doubt Danzo would approve of our journey.” “The new Hokage?” Usually Kakashi was more aware of the political ramifications of people’s actions than you were, but this seemed unwise. Although, you obviously didn’t know all the facts about the situation. Civilians rarely did. “The temporary, unconfirmed Hokage, yes.” 
While you knew almost nothing of the man, it was clear Kakashi didn’t approve of this arrangement, so it seemed likely you would not care for the new Leaf Village leader either. Resuming peeling a potato, you wondered how serious this self-appointed mission of Kakashi’s was? The problem was, even if he was setting out on a suicide operation, he would likely be talking to you with his hands in his pockets and ever-calm demeanor, just like he was now. You knew that from personal experience. Sighing, your shoulders slumped as you planted your hands on the tabletop and leaned forward. “If you’re doing something the new Hokage doesn’t like, how many rules are you breaking?” “I’m not sure of the exact number. Maybe I’m technically not breaking any.” You stared at the tip of your knife, which rested on the cutting board. “Worst case scenario?” “You used to be an optimist.”  “I’m a realist who hopes Providence has my back. Answer the question.” After a long, slow exhale, Kakashi rocked back on his heels. “Danzo gets back from his trip, discovers Yamato and I left the village with Naruto, and decides to make an example of me. So I might be facing a demotion. Maybe a short prison sentence, if he’s feeling particularly harsh.” Your stomach twisted at his words, but your face didn't flinch as you continued staring down the tabletop. “Very well.” Leaning forward into your line of sight, Kakashi gave you a thumbs up, his right eye squinting almost closed as he smiled at you. “I hope you’ll visit me in prison if it comes to that, right?” He teased. Still clutching your vegetable peeler, you raised your fist and brought it down on top of his head playfully, squashing his spiky silver hair. “Idiot.” Pulling your hand away, you grinned back. “You’re my friend. Of course I’d visit.” Better than him not coming back at all, which was how you assumed your friendship would end one day. Of course, he had died right here in the village not long ago, so there really wasn’t anywhere safe, for either of you. “Don’t worry.” Your friend’s voice was quiet but reassuring.  “Kakashi?” Captain Yamato stuck his head into the tent. “I’ll be seeing you.” Your friend raised a hand in a wave, and then he was gone. Picking up another potato, you muttered. “I hope so. I really hope so.” Ever since Kakashi had rescued you nineteen years ago, back when both of you were still children, you’d always known his ninja world was dangerous. Heck, your younger brother had commented that he didn’t know how you had the courage to befriend ninjas when you knew how likely they were to one day shatter the friendship by dying. You thought you had grown accustomed to the knowledge, accepted the future pain in exchange for a handful of interesting friends who could manage feats a civilian like you could only dream of. But this felt different. Political problems at home couldn’t be solved with force. If Kakashi got himself in trouble with the Hokage, there would be little to do but watch it unfold. You snorted as you quickly quartered a potato with two violent strikes of your knife. Honestly, why worry about this? Nothing you could do to change events, only try to alleviate the pain of bad outcomes if they came to pass…
Author's note: This is my first attempt at writing anything for a Naruto character. So if you've got feedback, then I'm interested to hear it. (But you don't have to say anything.)
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It's beautiful that everyone who came to know Itachi's heart, ended up developing a sense of respect and admiration for him. Itachi never allowed anyone to see his soul and heart, always guarding it with the strongest, tallest of the walls towering everyone who dared to come close to him. He always dodged the questions aimed at him, protecting his secrets, pretending to be bad guy he was not.
His classmates at the Academy, those who saw him as a rival, began to admire him, the moment he stepped up and helped them from a bully. Tenma could be in the same lines, but he's a bit complex and Itachi never hated him. Shisui loved Itachi. He trusted Itachi more than anyone and everyone. He was one of the very few people Itachi ever opened up to. He saw the beautiful, untainted soul that Itachi was. Danzo, as much as I dislike him, respected Itachi (although I wouldn't see that a compliment, but never mind).
He never showed his soul and heart to Kakashi and Yamato. They were strictly professionals. Itachi was a comrade anyone could rely on.
Naruto and Itachi's interactions hadn't been too generous. Naruto hated Itachi, just as everyone else did. But he not only respected the Edo Itachi after finding out his truth, getting to know his heart, Edo Itachi also became one of the very few undefeated by Naruto's Talk No Jutsu. :P
How can I forget Killer Bee? Killer Bee had met Itachi for the first time, not really aware of the stigma attached to his name, but his words, his wisdom, his kindness still impressed Killer Bee.
No one can convince me that Tobi didn't respect Itachi for what he did, for all the sacrifices he made. Him telling Sasuke the truth also came from the fact that he didn't want Itachi's truth to die like that. All the words he spoke to describe Itachi, his sufferings, and pain. No, there was respect for Itachi Obito had for him. And if it wasn't for Obito, we'd never have found out Itachi's truth at all.
Kisame. Their bonding is one of the best in the series, and the best in the Akatsuki. They understood each other, and even if there was always a thick layer of mystery and unsaid truths between them, Kisame was one of the very few people Itachi genuinely respected and that was reciprocated as well. So much so, that when Kisame died, his last thought was about Itachi and his words. I have no doubt that Kisame also understood Itachi loved Sasuke. But since he didn't deem it his business to interfere in his life, Kisame never brought it up. Plus, when they go to capture the four tails, Kisame offers to do the main job - fighting and capturing the man. Most definitely because he knew Itachi was physically weak at this point and his body (and his eyes if he used his MS) couldn't handle it because of his illness.
Then comes Sasuke. The one and only person who had seen itachi as the best and the worst person. The one person who wasn't supposed to forgive Itachi. The one person who loved and hated him the most. The one person who knew Itachi the best, whose love survived the most treacherous of the hatred. Sasuke knew Itachi inside out. His feelings, his grief, his guilt, his sufferings. Their relationship is the most intimate one, obviously. And it's mutual love. But no one has seen Itachi's love, his soul, all the pain in his heart in its rawest form as Sasuke did. It's no wonder Sasuke loves Itachi the way he does.
Itachi deserves every bit of love, even if it's from a handful of people. On that note, I wish him and Madara interacted too.
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breithenua · 11 months
I'd love to see a fanfic of Naruto in which Fugaku was made Hokage, but not the 4th instead of Minato like I see examples of on YT. Instead I want to see one where he becomes the 5th Hokage after Minato's death, because Fugaku disobeys the orders from the top to patrol the borders during the Nine Tails attack, and actually goes and helps subdue the Nine Tails himself.
How I personally could see it happening, though obviously someone writing said fanfic would make their own version of events: Technically this *should* result in him being disciplined for disobeying orders, but the majority of the village is way too grateful to him and the other Uchiha for the top brass to dare trying to discipline him, especially with the entire Uchiha clan being behind him. Maybe Hiruzen himself looks at the situation after the fact as a whole and decides he was wrong to go along with Danzo's idea to keep the Uchiha away from the Nine Tails during the attack.
Why does Minato still die in this scenario? Someone still has to seal the Nine Tails again, and we know he's already low enough on chakra at this point from having to have fought Obito/"Madara" by himself that he can't seal the entirety of Kurama inside Naruto, only half, and has to use the Reaper Death Seal to seal the other half.
Difference is since Fugaku and other Uchiha helped subdue Kurama faster, Minato and Kushina don't have to be turned into a shishkabob defending Naruto from Kurama's toenail, and the damage from Kurama himself is minimized a lot more. Minato still dies, and ultimately Kushina's gonna die too since Kurama was extracted from her, but she at the very least lives long enough to tell Hiruzen and the other elders what happened. Best case scenario, she lives for maybe 5-10 years afterward (remember, Mito, Hashirama's wife lived for 10 years after Kurama was extracted from her, and she was already elderly at that point). This means Naruto has at least one parent for at least part of his early childhood. Someone to stick up for Naruto and not tolerate the terrible job Hiruzen did of keeping his promise to Minato to look out for Naruto.
Since Kushina would live longer in this scenario and be able to tell the others what would happen, it would mean the top brass could make the same deduction that Minato made, that it was "Uchiha Madara". This means they can't as easily try to blame the Uchiha that are still living in the village, especially when they helped subdue Kurama (though Danzo would fucking try. God he's the worst). The "realization"/assumption that it was Madara and he's not only still alive but still strong enough at his age to fight the 4th AND control Kurama, and seeming to not have aged at all, would motivate Konoha to REALLY start taking military precautions to get stronger and concentrate on finding ways to fight him off the next time he shows up. This includes looking at living Uchiha members as possible counters to Madara himself, namely *Fugaku*. The man that did the most in this scenario to stop Kurama's rampage. They'd be very motivated in this case to name him as Minato's successor in this case. Protecting Naruto and training him becomes an even higher priority, not knowing when "Madara" would come back to try again (not knowing Minato was able to permanently sever his connection to Kurama with that sealing jutsu, Minato maybe didn't have time to relay that information). Either way, they know that the jinchuuriki of Kurama is a target by outside forces. This also puts more pressure on the top brass to make sure an Uchiha member is near Naruto all the time to make sure he doesn't lose control of Kurama, as he's trained to control Kurama.
Fugaku being Minato's successor would also put pressure on Fugaku to fulfill Minato's dying wishes to protect and take care of Naruto. Maybe once Kushina ultimately does die from having Kurama extracted from her, he and Mikoto personally adopt him and raise him, with a significant amount of pressure on Fugaku from Mikoto herself (as we know she was friends with Kushina). I think Fugaku would be a bit of a less strict father in this scenario as he's not under pressure from the rest of the clan to *literally overthrow the Leaf Village's government*. Itachi and Sasuke essentially have a 3rd sibling now to grow up with that depends on them to keep him in check, but also keeps him from being lonely. He also grows up knowing who his parents are, has talented adopted brothers to train with (though he'll still be a late bloomer to an extent, I don't think he'll be the literal laughingstock of the Academy considering he'll have actual support, self-confidence and validation from his adopted family). Though maybe Naruto's identity as a jinchuuriki and the 4th's son is still kept secret from the village as a whole. Or maybe just the fact that he's a jinchuuriki, but people still know he's the 4th's son. Up to the writer, honestly. It makes sense why Hiruzen wanted his identity kept secret to protect Naruto in the original canon, afterall. But either way, Naruto would actually know the truth.
In this case, perhaps Hiruzen *actually* acts as sort of a grandfather-like figure to Naruto as well instead of just being an old man that pays for his groceries or talks to him every once in a while. Maybe he does a little training of Naruto (and by extension Sasuke and maybe even Itachi himself, seeing as he's not preoccupied with being Hokage again).
Maybe Hiruzen actually makes time to guilt Jiraiya to come and meet his god-son once in a while. This results in Naruto going to Mount Myoboku sooner in the timeline (seeing as his father presumably went as well, having Toad sage mode and frog summons himself, it'd make sense to establish that tie with Naruto too), though I don't think his training there would happen that much faster. At most he gets Sage mode a year sooner. If you really stretch it then maybe a year and a half to 2 years sooner. Afterall, this is still Naruto, and he's still a gigantic ball of ADHD energy. You'd still have to send someone with a sharingan with him just to be cautious of course. This could be how Naruto meets Kakashi. Afterall, he has a Sharingan, was anbu for much of his teen/early adult years, was Minato's student, and by extension knew Jiraiya as well. I think Fugaku as Hokage (and adopted father to Naruto) would find that fitting when authorizing such a trip.
Speaking of Fugaku as Hokage, there would be some changes of course. Starting with there being more Uchiha in Anbu ranks, maybe with allowing non-Uchiha into the ranks of the Konoha Military Police force as a balance to pacify the elders that would be against this (and because I think Fugaku would realize that letting the Uchiha and non-Uchiha mingle more would be better for the village in the long run), and the Anbu and Military police would work together more harmoniously.
Danzo would probably still try to assassinate the Hokage, it'd just be Fugaku instead, snd for a different reason: Danzo's hate and jealousy of the Uchiha. He'd be even angrier thanks to the exact opposite of what he wanted to do happening after the Nine Tails attack, too. And unlike Hiruzen, Fugaku probably wouldn't be nearly as lenient. He's a ninja cop afterall. Danzo would at the very least be imprisoned for life, and made to divulge everything he knows (as well as losing that fucking Hashirama cell arm and however many stolen Sharingan he had at that point). As much as I'd personally like for Danzo to be summarily executed, that's probably not what would happen. But lifetime imprisonment is a good alternative. The Root would definitely be disbanded as a result as well. And as a result of Danzo and the Root's secrets being divulged sooner, a little more would be known about Hashirama cells a la Danzo's weird-ass arm. Maybe said research could be used to stave off the blindness that comes later on with the Mangekyo Sharingan, and/or Kakashi's stamina issues with his own Sharingan could be somewhat alleviated with said research. Not a lot since Tsunade isn't there, but a little bit.
Speaking of Tsunade, you can bet your ass when Itachi gets his chakra illness that Fugaku would send people to find Tsunade to have her treat him. Afterall, Itachi couldn't exactly find the best medical care in the canon timeline because of his status as a missing-nin/notorious criminal and mass-murderer of his own clan. In this scenario Itachi would have had no reason to carry out the Uchiha clan downfall, so he'd have access to legitimate medical care. Would Tsunade be able to save his life? I don't know. She'd almost certainly be able to prolong it or make him more comfortable without reducing his combat capabilities nearly as much, though.
Maybe through dealing with Tsunade and her fear of blood, some investigation into the Sharingan's uses for hypnosis/psychotherapy would be suggested. Seriously it's amazing how well the Sharingan could have been used for dealing with people's mental health issues, with it's uses of genjutsu, hypnosis, etc. It's too bad we never got to see those sorts of applications in the main timeline.
I might add more to this later today, but I'm tired and need a slight bit more sleep before my class today so for now this is where I leave it.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
Sorry for bothering, but I have to ask: why is Kabuto hated so much in the fandom? I haven't watched all of Shipudden so maybe I missed the worst but even before that, I thought people tended to hate it more than Orochimaru and I don't get it 😅 Not blaming you for making him a villain in Narufox!! I just wish to understand since I never found him worst than other villains in the series, especially Oro or Danzo, or have forgotten.
Well obviously I can't speak for everyone, but I personally dislike him because he never does anything! D:
He was one of the very first bad guys to appear and goes all the way to the very end of the series and it always feels like his motivations are someone else's, he never actually does anything for the plot on his own (follows Orochimaru, seems to hate Sasuke but never touches him, "absorbs" Orochimaru motivated by Sasuke, the closest he does "on his own" is join a war that had nothing to do with him as support, and in the end even he realizes that's all he does - ALSO thanks to someone else).
So yes Danzo is much worse for the story, but that is exactly because he does terrible things in the story (he kills people, manipulates, steals eyes and jobs) and has his own (twisted) motivations. And Orochimaru is just a funny little guy, by half of the series I actually liked him. Kabuto was... so pathetic it just made me annoyed and almost sorry for him. But mostly annoyed. :(
And actually the worst part was not him not doing anything it was that everytime he appeared there was some sort of hype like "This is THE moment Kabuto will surprise all of us!" And it never was... I made Kabuto the villain in the AU so that he could actually do something for himself.
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lexpressobean · 2 years
Shino was a good student and is also considered a good Shinobi in general, but it's because he was essentially Brainwashed to a greater extent than the rest of the Konoha 13, second only to Sai. And that's probably super obvious but Imma talk about it anyway, take a peak if you'd like lol
It's the same reason why Choji was originally one of the worst students and as he got older and more experienced, still wasn't up to speed like some of the others in general, allegedly. Shino and Choji both come from Noble Clans, and by the time they're both 17, have a great amount of skill in their own way. And sure, Asuma as a Sensei was noted to complain a lot about Choji, but I think its at least partly because Choji was not brainwashed by the school to a great enough extent. And his obviously loving parents and fellow Akimichi Clan Members certainly did not try to remedy that either. It doesn't show in his character like it does for Shino and the Aburame. Neji is considered a great Shinobi, even better than Shino by Rank. And he was RIGHTFULLY angry, but dude had such a warped sense of his own worth and existence due to his Dad being put to death because of the Situation, being a literal slave, and then finding out his Dad willingly chose to die instead of fighting for his life??? Neji was considered a Noble but he was treated cruelly and spiritually beaten down by his own family to become the Shinobi he was. School probably just gave him some desperately needed structure.
Like, Shino comes from an obviously powerful clan, yet even so, Shibi as the Head of that clan was powerless to keep Torune from being taken by Danzo. And Shino might have witnessed all of that as a young child, but he likely understood most of what happened very well. So how were Shibi and the rest of the Aburame Clan going to justify such a thing? The only way to explain it to Shino and keep him from looking for Torune and causing trouble along the way would be to make Shino think of Torune's selection and following abduction as a Good Thing. It was an Honor for Danzo to come to the Aburame, and Torune acted like a True Shinobi, a prime example of what it means to be Loyal to and Love the Village. And the fact that Shino was originally the one chosen to go doesn't mean Shino wasn't good enough in the end. This all just has to be kept as secret as possible, and Shino is already a student at the Academy. This is so that Enemy Ninja don't find out so easily. But they all know, and will always know. So Shino should not cry or fret. Shino is just as much Devoted to the Village as Torune, right? Torune wanted to do this, so Shono should not disparage his choices with tears and sadness...
... Framing it as an especially good thing would have to have been the only way to pacify an otherwise complely terrified and hugely upset Shino. And the only way to cope with what happened would be to believe it was a good thing, to believe all that bullshit everyone else told him. And Shino really would. It would always feel bad, and the trauma would still affect him in a variety of ways. The survivor's guilt. The feelings of inadequacy caused by Danzo's choice to reconsider Torune instead, which spared Shino instead of Torune. The new knowledge that some people in the village are so strong that just their words could make Shibi visibly panic. Knowing Danzo could always come back if he wanted to. But still, it's all worth it, because it was a Good Thing. Shino tries to, and really just has to actively deal with all that... at least until he gets older. And starts to use his developed critical thinking skills to question Konoha's inner workings and politics, especially after Naruto's supposed influence. He'd soon realize how fucked up it all really was with a clearer and more human and personal view on things. He might try talking to Shibi about it, but Shibi wouldn't give him the chance. Shibi doesn't want to even think about it. But at that point, Shino could easily piece together what a dilemma it really was for his father. There was no solution, only two bad options his father would have had to live with...
Torune wasn't loyal to the Village. He didn't love the Village. Torune was loyal to Shibi for treating him like a son, and he loved Shino like a little brother. That's why he did what he did...
Like... how is this shit still not properly explored in canon? Why set up such a situation, at the very end, only to ignore it completely anyway!? Why did we get these tidbits so late in the game when Shino was set up to just be a snooty and sometimes quite an unlikable guy in the series?
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aprito · 2 years
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@marcelottie Absolutely no offense taken I love discourse <3
I mean, I get it. Like I said, I don't think Orochimaru is redeemable given the LOOOONG list of shit he had done both in the village's name and for personal gain. However, I also often see his stans excuse that by stating that he lost his parents at a young age and was molded to become the perfect soldier by his village, also ending up killing the guy who made him that way (Hiruzen). Worse, you will find that his past behavior is excused by pretending he himself is now a parent and therefore aware of his misdeeds. If that sounds familiar to you, it's because this is the excuse Kishimoto has for a lot of his villains. You could also say what Sasori did was wanting power for power's sake and just using his art as an avenue to achieve it, but you could also say Orochimaru was afraid of death and tried to recreate his own personal Sanctuary. Therefore, I don't find the motivations to be that much different tbh. Sasori is just easer to project on because we spend much less time with him and, really, the only person who feels bad for him is Chiyo. I guess I just don't find redemption necessary for him and think the way his relatively short lived appearance was resolved in a way that made sense to me (and I would feel hypocritical for holding different standard to him). Obviously, I do like the idea of a different Sasori (tm), I just apply the changes necessary much earlier in his life.
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@enchantingllamathing thank you for the love <3
The thing I feel is a big issue in Naruto is how Kishi applies his logic on what is justifiable murder and what isn't. I mean, take the Akatsuki, who are universally beloved among fans and often get the found family treatment in fiction. Most of us used to believe they were victims and fought for a just cause as they had all left their villages. That is, until Konan revealed the members Obito specifically told her and Nagato to hire didn't deserve the robes they were wearing and had pretty much nothing to do with the original anti imperialist and pacifist legacy of the group. The majority of members were guns for hire and not actually devoted to Nagato's cause, at best devoted to Obito/Madara and at worst looking for reasons to murder indiscriminately. They're not victims in the eyes of Konan, and it wouldn't make sense for her to view them that way.
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Then again, you had Naruto calling Obito the coolest guy ever. Kishi himself has obviously a piss poor idea of what redemption is supposed to look like, and that is why you see a lot of people on here pick and choose who they think is ontologically evil (Danzo, Hiruzen, Orochimaru, Rasa) and who they think is just misunderstood (Itachi, Sasori, Tobirama, Obito).
to conclude
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justice4sasuke · 2 years
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Character Roundups Round 13: The Konoha Council
AKA the last one! (I think) AKA The People Who Did A Genocide.
Man, Kishimoto really is the master of adding in plot points that make previously "good" characters look REAL bad (probably without realizing it). Personally considering his importance to the main character I think he fucked up with Jiraiya most but Hiruzen is a close second. How are you going to go from the kind, fatherly leader of the village to a guy who doesn't have enough backbone/care enough to not let an entire clan in his village get murdered?
As for those other three I think it's funny how they are all set up as "not great". I mean Tsunade is completely sick of all of them. We are supposed to be mad at the two non-character elders for not letting Naruto do whatever. Danzo literally prevented Naruto from getting back to the village during the Pain fight sooner (not that I care but the narrative does), he's acting shady the entire time he is interim hokage, he's an asshole. BUT THEN when it comes to the Uchiha massacre suddenly we couldn't possibly make them look evil for that. Perish the thought! Kakashi is looking those two elders right in the face after he has been told the story by Obito (which he might not believe, but at least was like need to confirm) and the narrative does nothing with it. I think you can barely see them. And this wasn't in the original manga, but someone at some point was like "yeah, they are still around doing the same job" post-Naruto because they're there. No consequences or nothing. And Danzo, well, when Sasuke kills Danzo which was fully within Sasuke's right to do if he wanted, Danzo gets a sad flashback about how we wanted to protect the Leaf and was jealous of Hiruzen.
Here's the thing, I have no problem with giving some background to a villain obviously, but the way it's done here really makes me think it's not trying to expand on Danzo's character but make him sympathetic at the last second. If that wasn't supposed to be the case it would have been more effective to one, have someone mention that Danzo wanting the whole Uchiha clan dead was pretty fucked up and two, put Danzo's flashback somewhere else.
Finally, what do all these people have in common...the highest echelon of Konoha...oh yeah, they're all Tobirama's students. Because I probably need to say it again, I don't think this was Tobrirama's plan because if it was he would have had to be playing 5 dimensional chess to get things to happen how they did. It probably more so happened because Tobirama didn't trust the Uchiha clan, put them in a precarious position with the police force, and Kishimoto probably didn't think of it but if he was any good at writing it would be obvious Tobirama instilled the same idea into his students to an extent. And that's perfectly reasonable character/story-wise! These people could have just done something really horrible, by the time anyone who wasn't directly involved found out Hiruzen was dead, Danzo is literally the second worst (he threatened to murder a 7 year old to his 13 year old brother) so it should be at least a NEUTRAL thing that Sasuke killed him, and then those two other fuckers don't do anything anyway so I say jail. But rather than saying these four people fucked up, Kishimoto rather make Sasuke look evil because he can't make the institution of Konoha look bad and we need to set up some kind of Sasuke/Naruto parallel.
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
Shisui Uchiha for the "send me a character" thingy please 😊 (and Itachi too, if you like 👉👈)
Thank you sm for the ask ♥ (Sorry it did get longer than expected and it also features Itachi)
Uchiha Shisui
First impression:
I was met with Shisui as I discovered malignedaffairs artworks and I didn't know anything about him apart from the fact that he looks gorgeous and that Itachi and him look breathtaking together.
Impression now
Ahhh Shisui. I think Shisui is REALLY really interesting as a character, despite the fact that we have so little information on him. But based on the info that we have about him I'm interested.
I watch a naruto youtuber and he has talked about the info we have on Shisui - apparently from the light novels.
Shisui did kill his best friend - or was in some way feeling responsible for killing his best friend - out of jealousy. The best friend he had before Itachi. Malignedaffairs made a comic about it as well and in there Shisui let go of his best friends hand and the fall ended up killing them. Now in canon we don't know HOW it happened but it is canon that Shisui let his best friend die (or killed them) out of jealousy for their strength and acquired the mangekyo that way.
Also, I think this bit of information is from the light novels? I don't remember, I watched it in the youtube video and can look for the source but yk, just for this ask I'll just talk about it like that. Anyway, Shisui had parents. I don't really remember what it was about his mother, but his father was bedridden and Shisui had to take care of the family, shoulder all of those expectations and make money etc. However, his father wasn't only bedridden but with the increase of his sicknesses, he ended up forgetting who Shisui was. He forgot that he had a son. And as heartwrenching and terrible this is - it was Shisui who basically ... didn't give a flying.
It was also Shisui who lied to Danzo to get Itachi into the root. Because in Itachis root trial, Shisui basically did the job and said Itachi was it - which brought Itachi into the root on Shisuis side.
I DONT KNOW. Shisui is already so complicated and complex from these bits and pieces of info. I love hot malignedaffairs painted the picture of Shisui being afraid of himself occasionally, worrying he'd end up hurting Itachi as well as he did for his former best friend.
Also Shisui having so little emotions left for his family and basically recruiting Itachi into the worst part of Konoha. The only person Shisui has ever really cared about was Itachi, from what we can guess and see and I think it's just interesting.
Shisui turned out to be something that I never expected from seeing those great artworks, there is so much behind a character we've literally seen ... 2 minutes.
Sorry for the ramble, this is totally unfiltered and chaotic but I have a lot of thoughts on Shisui that I wont be getting into too deeply now.
I'll leave it at that.
Favorite moment
We have ... so little on him :(
But probably that Shisui instead of just giving his eye to Itachi normally to use against Fugaku or to ... go there and use his remaining eye on FUGAKU, the way they had planned - just rips it out and puts it in a crow to follow Itachi around.
I won't get too much into the whole Shisui taking his life part but I thought it's hilarious how his decision-making goes.
Idea for a story
I'd love to explore how things would have turned out if he didn't die - obviously. And how the relationship/friendship between Itachi and him would have continued.
And if they would have managed to stop the Uchihan revolution.
Also, tbh, bc I'm a huge fan of ShiIta, I'd love to just take closer looks on their relationship itself and how they are stuck to one another.
I should read more on them - but currently I'm so stuck in reading everything elated to HashiMada that gets into my hands haha
Unpopular opinion
Not sure if these are unpopular, because I haven't seen many people talk about him :(
Shisui isn't really kind or empathic - he masks a lot and has troubles connecting to the emotions of others and himself. The only person he cares about, in the most possible way for him, is Itachi. In extension of Itachi he also cares for Sasuke - but only as far as it affects Itachi, not for Sasuke on his own.
He's good at hiding these things but to other people he's often coming off as ... a little off. Like that there's something not quite right to him. Except for Itachi - Itachi loves him and thinks he's great the way he is tbh.
Favorite relationship
Itachi and him !!♥
You can do so much with them and considering that we have barely nothing to none information about Shisui, everyone can freely put anything on him and we get such a variety of ways of them!
Favorite headcanon
Shisui barely let's anything through and things rarely shake him to his core. As I said, he's not really in touch with himself but I love the idea of malignedaffaris on how he's struggling with the death of his former best friend and in times where Shisui DOES get a hold on himself and can reflect on his actions and this ounce of empathic inside of his body grabs his ankles - he's terrefied of the things he can do and holds onto Itachi. He doesn't express these things often but when he does, it all just comes spilling out of him like a waterfall and Itachi does nothing but hold him and listen and reassure him that he's not worried or afraid of him.
Uchiha Itachi
First impression
I watched Naruto as I was a kid for the first time. I was like 13 and everyone thought Itachi was the coolest and for that simple reason I loathed him. Haha.
I thought he was way too overrated and everyone was obsessed with him for his strength and his cool color combination and his aloof personality and I hated that.
I rewatched Naruto at the beginning of this year and I didn't LOATHE him anymore, but I generally disliked Itachi. Mostly for the things he put Sasuke through and because I wasn't really ready to dip deeper into the reasons for the way he acts.
Impression now
Yeah okay, don't touch me or my bby. I love him now. BUT not for the reasons the people I knew loved him. Bc I, don't think that Itachi is cool at all. Or aloof. Yes he's got a pretty neat color combination going for himself - black and red does work with any Uchiha. But I don't see him as super distant and badass and unbelievably strong.
I like Itachi for his weakness. And all those coolness-reasons are actually quite sad at the end, because Itachi also puts up a lot of acts that he seems so untouchable to stay safe while at the same time he's shattered into so many pieces on the inside.
Also, I think that Itachi isn't a genius at all.
I think Itachi is actually absolutely stupid - because the decisions he has done and the roads taken have always been the worst possible option.
Give Itachi two options to choose from:
A: the good path
B: the bad path
and Itachi finds a way to choose
C: the absolute worst route you can go
I made a WHOLE powerpoint about the decisions Itachi has made and why they are as stupid as they are. I do cut him the slack of making those decisions mostly when he was 13yrs old - but even as an adult he keeps doing things that don't make sense AT ALL.
(id put down the efford and show this pp someday, but its in german and so long it’s just too much haha)
To me personally it's hilarious when people say he'd be a good Hokage because he'd ruin Konoha in a day and a half.
I love him, with all my heart, but god he's an idiot.
Favorite moment
I have many favourite moments of Itachi, but nothing beats Itachi catching a chicken.
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Idea for a story
Ahh, I don't know tbh. I love to put Itachi in the AU's my fiance and I have.
In our next gen Au, Itachi kind of returns as an upgraded Edo-Tensei but only for the reason to finally reconnect with Sasuke and live a quiet happy life without the need for violence. He deserves some peace. He also goes and travels with Kisame lol.
In the omegaverse Au that is mostly centered around the founders (which is why I talk about it as the omegaverse founders au) he is also there. Actually, because it's an au, everyone is there. And Itachi's basically left to raise Sasuke and Shisui is on his side.
I'd also like to see stories where Itachi was saved instead of killed by Sasuke or where he would have made different (BETTER) decisions.
Unpopular opinion
I think Itachi is an absolute idiot. (affectionate)
Favorite relationship
Romantic? It's Shisui and Kisame!♥
Platonical I can never get enough of Itachi and Sasuke bonding as siblings. Uchiha siblings having me in a chokehold all the time.
Favorite headcanon
oh this is hard. I like to think that Itachi likes things like tarot reading - esoteric things. He doesn't do that himself - like he's not the one reading cards but he likes to get them read once in a while.
Thank you so much for your ask again! - Sorry this got LONG
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thatsneakymedic · 1 year
(I was thinking either the night Kabuto leaves to join Root for the first time, or the day he goes searching for more power after Orochimaru is put down by Sasuke. Your call!)
[ INTERVENE ]:     sender surprises the departing receiver by intervening before they leave, in the hopes of changing their mind. (not accepting as it's old. ) @super-kame-love
"Aina..." The child gasped as she decides to get in the group's path towards Konoha. Danzo's weary eyes now stare at the emotional woman before them, was this one of the Orphanage's caretakers? She doesn't seem to be dressed for the job as a nun and she's obviously far too old to be living amongst the children as an orphan. Orochimaru recognized Aina
"Do you have any business with us, young lady? If not, then step aside and leave us alone." Danzo said in a serious tone, akin to an stern elder telling a child to behave.
"Umm... Da- I mean, Lord Danzo. Let me talk to her, she's a friend of mine." Kabuto managed to say quietly, though he still feels like the other would be mad at him speaking out without permission.
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He decided to step forward towards Aina as he tries to keep a fake calm composure on his face, he knew that he had to do something quick. If Aina decides to keep resisting and try to stop them from leaving, the other two shinobi behind Danzo might end up either beating her up to the point where she will be unable to get up, or worst. Kill her because she had seen too much on Danzo's secret meeting with the Konoha Orphanage and with someone as dangerous as Danzo. He could easily cover up her death, and Kabuto could already sense it from the men behind him what they are planning to do.
"Aina, please. Let us though. I really do want to be a shinobi, and this is my only chance to get to be one. They'll take good care of me and they'll teach and train me to be strong. Strong enough that I will be able to protect you and everyone else in the village."
He swallows his spit with a bit of hesitation on his part, since it's hard for him to openly lie to her since she was a good friend to him and someone that he never wanted to hurt with his lies as well. "I'm not being forced to do this. This is what I want to do and Mother accepted it. I'm not going to be a child forever and we both know it. It's okay, I promise that everything is going to be okay. So please Aina... just let me go."
I don't want to see you get hurt...
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Hello!! I just finished reading from chapter 200 of the Naruto manga to the very end in about 4? 5? Days? And now I’m interested in watching the anime! I already plan on watching some of the War Arc fights (mostly bc I had no idea what was happening while reading💀) but I was wondering if you had any recommendations for anime/ movie only content that you personally enjoy, or ones that really add to the story? Due to a mixture of me reading very quickly, and knowing that there’s a TON of filler, I feel like I’m almost missing parts of the story by not watching the show. I’m pretty much open to everything, besides the eps that were added to reinforce Sasuke/Sakura and Naruto/Hinata (I think these exist?? People say it’s a thing but I’m not sure 😭I’ve heard the anime does a slightly better job at actually making the relationships slightly more convincing by adding filler episodes but I could be totally wrong!) I just don’t really care about either pairing, and I have limited free time so I’d never have the time to watch all 700 episodes lmao
Anyway, you seem to be a Naruto expert, which is why I come to you! Thanks in advance!
Oh my gosh alas I am very much NOT a Naruto expert - I too blazed through the majority of the anime, but I also have a terrible goldfish memory, which means I remember absolute JACKSHIT, and have even less of a memory of what's filler and what isn't!
With that being said - FOUR/FIVE DAYS??? You are so very powerful! I salute you!
Obviously I have to recc the ANBU backstory arc - I think that's technically filler? Eps 349-361. Kakashi is placed in the ANBU at like, 13/14 directly after Rin's death while suffering from major PTSD. It goes as well as you'd expect. Also, baby Yamato! Sadness and emotions ensue.
The Worst Three Legged Race (ep 194) - Naruto and Sasuke get glued together, hilarity ensues.
Revenge of the Shadow Cones (ep 230) - Naruto's shadow clones are tired of being cannon fodder so THEY UNIONISE, more hilarity ensues.
And I genuinely quite liked the Sora arc (eps 54-71)! It introduces a new filler character, but he's not badly written, and I think the build-up to the Danzo reveal actually made this filler worth it.
Also, OF COURSE, you have to watch Gotta see! Gotta know! Kakashi sensei's true face! (ep 101) and the SEQUEL (ep 469). Peak Team Seven family comedy, with the perfect pay-off in both cases!
If anyone else has any faves, please drop 'em below!
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avversiera-writes · 3 years
touch your heart [senju tobirama/you] - prologue + chapter 1
Summary: Hashirama might go down as the worst matchmaker in history, but he thinks he might be on to something. Tobirama sees through his brother's schemes and is determined not to fall for it. Or fall for you.
Word Count: 5k-ish
A/N: Yoooo sorry for taking this long to post it LMAOOO anyways, this work is available on AO3 with 12 chapters in, so if you want to read away! 
also dedicating this post to @senju-sekhmet you’re the best, and happy belated XD 
Thank you. 
Those two words are what Tobirama’s mother seemed to tell his father all the time. She looked grateful saying it too. Too grateful to the point that she is cooped up in the Senju compound all the time, with nowhere to go. Tobirama was a smart kid–too smart for his own good–and he saw that the last place she wants to be was here, with family and raising children in this godforsaken war zone. 
 His mother said that was how she met his father, and how she fell in love with him, by the words of gratefulness, but Tobirama is a smart kid. He knew nothing of love, but he could tell that his mother did not love his father. She mistook feelings of gratitude as feelings of love.  
His mother has a cold face, but she was gentle and fierce and was a great story-teller. She told stories of the great mountains and rivers that she has seen before everything fell into disarray. His mother loved art, books, and knowledge. She always encouraged Tobirama and his brothers to pursue their own curiosities beyond war.  
Tobirama always took that to heart. Sure, his body and his mind are well-suited for battle but his interests lie elsewhere. He loves to explore, to discover, to observe and to experiment to prove something foreign to him. He loves to break down something to its smallest detail and build it back up to make something new. He wants to create. 
Thank you. 
Those were two words that were too much for his mother to bear all her life. It weighed on her. It chained her down. 
Thank you. 
Those were her last words to Tobirama. 
Thank you, for being my son, for letting me be your mother. 
Those were two words that stuck to him like a curse. They were binding, until the bitter end. 
The first time Tobirama sees you, he immediately forms the opinion that you are too loud. Loud, in a sense that everything that passes by you, has to pay attention to you. Loud, in a sense that, when you speak, everyone has to hang by your every word. You are too loud, and he immediately concludes that you will not last long in a battle because you seem like an easy target. It is not like him to make fast conclusions without further observation, but you are just so loud that he wants to immediately shut down his senses.
So loud in fact, that even among the crowd, Tobirama cannot help but look your way and be wary of your presence. 
Contrary to what he thinks, you are not that much of a blabbermouth nor a person who speaks aimlessly, but he does not know you yet. He has not even had a chance to look you straight in the face. 
Today, he finds you standing by an umbrella stand, where a dozen colorful and detailed parasols are opened as a display to passerbys. You are in your casual kimono, and because it is spring, there are lovely pink cherry blossoms etched on your left sleeve, spreading towards your chest. Your obi cinches your waist and holds your sword by your side, so that it is easy to rest your hand on top of the hilt. Your hair is held back from your face with a simple hairpiece, and a festival fox mask hangs on the side of your head.
Tobirama stares, not having anything else to look at. 
Hashirama and Madara are also walking around, greeting the citizens of Konoha, and holding children up in the air. Hashirama’s young sons follow closely behind, playfully roughhousing each other and anyone who happens to get in their way. 
Hashirama notices his brother, glaring at a distant point and decides to step in lest Tobirama accidentally offends someone. He knows that his brother does not mean to glower at times. It’s just his eyes are a bit sensitive to the sun. 
At least, that is the reason, most of the time.
Tobirama immediately looks away from you, but Hashirama already saw who he was looking at. He gives Tobirama a curious smile. 
“What?” Tobirama deadpans. 
“You should go talk to her,” Hashirama suggests. “You seem interested.”
Tobirama folds his arms. “No.” 
Hashirama opens his mouth to add another thing, but Tobirama beats him to it. 
“Brother, I said no,” Tobirama affirms, and that was that. 
 Hashirama sighs, and pouts a little. “She’s nice!” 
Tobirama fakes a cough, making sure to spit out the words idiot clearly, and he crosses his arms. “You think everyone is nice.”
“Well, innocent until proven guilty, as they say!” 
Tobirama glances back at you, and finds that he can easily track you. 
 “With all due respect, elder brother, that is a very naive statement coming from you.” 
Tobirama has heard of you and he stops himself from telling Hashirama that, and instead lets him point out that you were one of the newly ranked jounins and that you specialize in kenjutsu. You also have been spending your free time teaching some of the older genins the basics of close range fighting and defense. 
 As the Hokage, Hashirama is more than happy to get to know those who are rising to the ranks and especially those who are gifted. It means that their Academy is working, even though it hasn’t been very long since it was established. You were one of those people from a clan who are already shinobi, but had to be evaluated in order to determine your rank and the Shodaime Hokage saw how skillful you are, despite not being the most powerful user of ninjutsu. He wants Konoha to have dependable teachers who will pass on useful skills and knowledge to whoever wants to learn. 
You start to walk away from the umbrella stand, when suddenly a bunch of kids and teenagers rush towards you. Tobirama sees some young students in the group that he had picked himself. Hiruzen stands out among the rest, loud and rambunctious, while Danzo follows closely behind like a shadow, but as obtrusive.
“Sensei! You should join the sparring competition later! They have bokkens, you’re good with bokkens!” 
You laugh, and try to back out before the others start to make your decision. “I think I will pass!” 
“Aww, no!” 
Tobirama watches the commotion, and then you look towards him. He freezes, as you smile at him and continue to wave him forward. Tobirama glares, because you are still waving at him but he does not know you so obviously he is not going to wave back, but suddenly Madara passes by him and Tobirama almost feels embarrassed. 
  Almost. He checks himself.
The wave was not meant for him.  
He glimpses Madara give a small wave, and this makes him pause.
 Madara waves? Tobirama almost scoffs at this, but he must keep his public appearance. 
You smile warmly, and introduce Madara to the younger children who were starting to cower a little because of his serious and glum expression. Tobirama watches as you slip your arm through Madara’s arm like you have done it many times. Tobirama’s students look at each other, but they do not harbor any bad sentiments toward the Uchiha clan leader. Some of them even crack a smile at the younger children’s reactions. Madara can be a little intimidating at first, if you do not know him.
 Then, you say something to the kids, earning a laugh from them and a small, tight-lipped smile from Madara.
Tobirama notices that the edges of Madara’s eyes have softened, something he only does around Hashirama.
“Are you sure you don’t want to get introduced to her? She is a very warm person,” Hashirama asks. “She’s also very smart and I think you’d benefit from her insights.” 
Tobirama watches her say her goodbyes and pat a few children’s heads, and walk away. “I’m fine.”
 Hashirama looks at Tobirama, doubt painted across his face, but he lets it go. 
 For now. 
You stand in front of the Hokage, waiting for him to speak. You have been called early in the morning to meet with him, and you have been there for a few minutes, standing awkwardly. You are not sure whether to start some small talk since the Shodaime is busy peering over a few scrolls. Usually, whenever you see him, the Hokage is pretty chatty and offers a lot of kind words. He also seems to talk a lot about his younger brother to you, bragging about him and his accomplishments, and underwhelmingly explaining his personality, which you find strange. 
It makes you think that there’s something off about Tobirama. 
The door behind you opens and you step to the side to make a wide berth for the incoming person, even though there is enough room for at least a few more people to stand there. Tobirama walks in, his face sporting deep eyebags, but his eyes are hard and alert. You look him over, and your eyes go to his rough hands, where there are dried ink stains on his pale skin. His veins protrude out, blue and green rivers criss-crossing over his hands and up his arms. You see hints of faded scars on his skin, but in this light, his pale skin makes up for the blemishes.
“Brother,” Tobirama greets, although it sounds more like he is about to scold his elder brother. 
 Hashirama smiles and he motions for you to step closer. 
You do, and you feel Tobirama’s eyes track you. You immediately look up and you catch his gaze, which makes him look away. 
“I have a task for the two of you,” Hashirama casually brings up. He looks strangely cheerful. Like he has a step by step plan that went exactly as he wanted. 
You look at the Hokage, all ears. And curious as to why he is acting this way. 
“It has come to my attention that while we are training the next generation to be good shinobis, I do not think that we have a proper and standard curriculum,” Hashirama begins. 
Tobirama’s head snaps upright at this. “Brother, what do you mean?” 
He sounds almost angry, and well, if you were the creator of the education system in the village you built and someone had found flaws in it, you would be too. 
“I think that there should be specific learning materials for each year before graduating to a genin, and so on,” Hashirama elaborates some more. “The two of you are to come up with these materials, and I want you to include other aspects that are not just related to being a shinobi. I want the next generation to not only be bred for war, but to have dispositions in other areas.” 
Hashirama stands up and he places his palms on his desk. “Tobirama, you know this. You want to expand our village, I think this is a good step to make that happen.”
 Tobirama looks at his brother with narrowed, suspicious eyes. He is not an idiot. He knows this is some set up, otherwise, why would his brother call you earlier than him? Why would his brother need you for this? These are the types of things he can accomplish on his own, so why are you here?
 “I understand. Then, I think it is time for that to happen. We are at peace, after all.” 
You slowly raise your hand. You notice that Tobirama does not even glance at you, and you want to laugh. You have heard a few things about Senju Tobirama from his own brother, and while it does not surprise you that he has a prickly attitude, it is another thing to see it upfront. It does not intimidate you, rather, it makes you want to see more of his reactions. He reminds you of the shy children that you have met in the Academy. 
You just need to push the right buttons.
“If I may, Lord Hokage,” you start. 
 Hashirama nods for you to continue. 
“With all due respect, what qualifications did I have to help Lord Tobirama with this new project?” 
You swear you saw Tobirama’s eye twitch from the way you said his title. You hide your smirk by biting the side of your cheek.
Hashirama lets out a small chuckle, in which he earns a glare from his younger brother. 
“I have heard about your dedication in teaching the children when you have the time, and since you insisted that you do not want to be a jounin sensei yet, like my brother is, I think it is a good idea for you to keep your head busy. Besides, I have heard you are quite the quick learner. You will find that my brother here is a very good teacher and can offer guidance well, if you can look past his mean demeanor.” 
Tobirama opens his mouth to snap at his brother, but instead, takes a breath and holds his tongue.
Hashirama gathers up some documents from the corner of his desk. “You two can start tomorrow. I would love to have this done by the end of summer, just as the new school year is upon us.” 
 “Brother, stop being ridiculous. That is in three months,” Tobirama interjects. “I think I’m going to need time to plan.” 
 Hashirama glances at his brother. “Well, luckily for you, someone is here to help you. I have faith in you.” 
“Too much, perhaps,” Tobirama dryly says, not even bothering to hide that he does not like this.  
“And you, as well,” Hashirama says to you with a cheerful smile.
 “Lord Hokage, with all due respect, am I going to get paid enough for this? I am practically jobless, I have a living to make,” you inquire with a smile. “Besides, you may also have to compensate for putting me up with your dear brother.”
In the corner of your eye, Tobirama crosses his arms. 
 Hashirama laughs heartily, and he gives Tobirama a grin. “I like her!” He nods. “You will surely be thanked for your services.” 
He extends the pile of documents towards you and you step forward to accept them. You thank the Hokage with doubt, half-serious about the salary, but you decide to not push it today and you give him a smile. Then, you also smile at Tobirama.
 “I will see you tomorrow then,” you tell him. 
Tobirama carefully gazes at you, and then he nods. He turns to his brother with a determined look on his face. Or an angry look. You are honestly not sure. 
“The Hokage mansion’s library,” Tobirama grounds out curtly. “9 am. Sharp.”
You look at him, wondering what type of bad day he is having to be this abrupt, or if this is how he really is. You understand that he and his brother have been at war for all of their life, so maybe this is how he has turned out.
“I will see you.” You bow quickly and walk out of there, ready to dive into the materials the Hokage gave you. 
Madara aims a punch towards your way, but you quickly dodge it and block it with the palm of your hand, and you follow through by sending his movement forward by using his momentum and landing a charged punch to his lower ribs, just where his liver will be. 
Madara chuckles and he flips himself away from you. 
“Brutal,” Madara comments breezily. “That can actually kill someone, but fortunately I’m not just anyone.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah well, give me an A for effort.”
Madara falters and his eyes narrow at you. He knows as well as you do that you are slacking and there is a lot on your mind. “Is this about what Hashirama told you earlier?”
You meet his eyes and let out a sigh. “Wow, word travels fast.”
Madara starts to walk towards you and he gathers his hair to one side. “That was not fair of him. If you want, I can talk to him about that.” 
You watch Madara’s face, and a cloud passes overhead. You are almost tempted to say yes and cling to the wings that Madara has put you under to shelter you, but you are not that woman anymore. You are not a quitter. Besides, you need to have a purpose to pour your efforts in. If not, then what else could be in store for you? 
“It’s not like the Hokage asked me to cut off my hand, I will be fine, Madara,” you finally answer. “Really.”
Madara folds his arms and he presses his lips together. “If you ever need me to go beat him up then say the word.”
You cannot help the chuckle that escapes your mouth. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. There will be no need of beating.” You pause and a smirk forms on your face as an idea takes form in your mind. “However, you can help me get to know Tobirama.”
Madara scowls, knowing that you are pushing his buttons. “No, you are on your own,” he grits out. 
The air around your friend changes, and suddenly all the silliness in your demeanor fades away. Your eyes narrow warily, as his face darkens at you with disapproval. You know that he still holds a grudge on Tobirama, and it really is quite low of you to mention him so casually. 
 Madara narrows his eyes at you and shakes his head. "You have some guts." 
You point your chin towards him naughtily. "Everyone's fair game." You break out into a smile, even if Madara can decide right then and there to end your life. "You just can't take it."
Madara used to always intimidate you, and he furthered that feeling at times by showing you his sharingan, because you know, you know , what he is capable of doing with those eyes, but he never really did anything to you. It was more of the idea of what he can do to you, at any given time. 
 Madara stays silent for a few more moments. Then, he attempts to soften his voice. “What do you want to know?” 
You raise an eyebrow at this. “Uchiha Madara is finally giving in?” 
 Madara rolls his eyes and he lets out a small, tight-lipped smile. "Just this once, but you are paying for lunch.” 
 You gasp, taking offense at this. “You do know I am broke, right?” 
“Who’s fault was it for not taking my offer to live in the Uchiha compound?” Madara matches his footsteps with yours as the two of you head towards the village. 
“First of all, I am not an Uchiha, your people will oust me the moment I step foot, and second, I want to make a living for myself.” 
Madara rolls his eyes. “Yeah, but you’re all alone.”
 “Aren’t you?” You retort without thought.
 Madara falls into silence. “You know someday, you will get in trouble with that mouth of yours.” 
“You just can’t handle me.” 
 “The offer still stands,” Madara mutters, and he glances at you. “And it’s safe there. I will make sure no one even says a bad word about you. If you are with me, they won’t even look at you.” 
“That sounds like a lonely life, and you know that I have been mostly caged in my childhood.” You sigh and you bump your shoulder against his arm. “I appreciate everything you have done for me, but I have nothing, Madara. It’s time I do something for myself and invest in something bigger than me. I need that.” 
The Hokage mansion is huge inside, and since you do not visit this place often, you are not sure where the said library is. It could just be any room in here. Or, there is no such thing as the library in the Hokage mansion and Tobirama just said that because he wants to avoid you and send you on a goosechase away from him. You know that he is not thrilled to be put up on this project with you, based on his expressions yesterday, but you are kind of determined to change his mind now. 
 Besides, you are fun and cool, something he can take notes on as he seems prudish. 
  You sigh as you decide to just wait for Tobirama outside, instead of wandering inside the mansion. There are still some parts being built, and you do not want to cause any trouble to the workers there. 
You are quite early, hoping to beat Tobirama to the punch to solidify yourself in his good graces and show him that you are serious about this. However, due to your punctuality, the waiting time is becoming ridiculously long. Sometimes you are not big on the whole waiting patiently thing.
You sigh, and aimlessly walk around the whole building. 
  You hear people starting to mile about to start their day, and you hear children laughing and talking loudly among themselves, which brings a smile to your lips. You decide to stay near the entrance of the mansion so Tobirama will not have any trouble looking for you. 
Lost in your thoughts, you brandish your blade from its scabbard and you start to draw stick figures on the soil, and you add little details such as trees, kunais and shurikens. 
You are not sure how much Tobirama knows about you, but you have heard many things about him, mostly from his brother, both good and bad. You know that he is a great warrior and one of the most brilliant minds that his generation has seen. He is responsible for the complex system of the very village you reside in, and the Hokage’s trusted advisor, even more than Uchiha Madara, who you know is very close to Hashirama. You also know that he is a great sensei, according to his students, which you have no doubt about since he is very intelligent. 
Personality wise, he remains a mystery to you. Mostly because Hashirama glosses over that when talking about him. All you know is that Tobirama can be difficult at times, but you figure that it is how one should act when you are at the forefront of leading this village.
However, you are not in the least intimidated, even if he is a little older and has experienced more in life. Now that you are going to be working with him more, you are curious as to what the famed Senju Tobirama is really all about. 
“I hope I did not keep you waiting,” Tobirama’s rough voice interrupts the quiet that you have immersed yourself in. 
  You perk up, and put your sword back with a loud click. He glances down at the ground, where you have made silly stick figures of shinobis fighting. You attempt to erase them with your foot. 
“Not at all!” You lie, but Tobirama sees through that and he narrows his eyes suspiciously. 
His serious face does not change, and instead you think he grew even more serious. He nods and gestures towards the mansion. He clutches the books and the scrolls he has close to his body.
 “Shall we?” 
You follow Tobirama towards the entrance, trying to keep up with his long strides, though he seems to be speeding up on purpose. Finally, he unlocks the library doors and opens them wide. The two of you step in, and you cannot help but feel underwhelmed at the great reveal of the Hokage mansion’s library. 
It is bare, with a lone wooden table and three chairs situated next to the windows. 
 To the side are empty bookshelves, with the exception of one shelf, which is almost halfway filled. 
“This is a sorry library,” you comment under your breath. 
 Tobirama walks up to the table and puts down the materials he has been carrying. 
  “We are going to fill it, starting today,” Tobirama says. “And for the rest of the year.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “How? Write and publish our own books?” 
  Tobirama glances up at you, without irony. “Yes.”  
You feign a smile.  “Oh,” you deadpan. He does seem like the type of person to do that.
“We are also going to visit every clan in the village and ask if we could transcribe some of their writings,” Tobirama continues. “We can make our references through that, integrate their history and make a comprehensive one for Konoha. We also need to learn some of their jutsus and study them, among other things.” 
  You nod, understanding what he means. “Alright, where do we start? And how do we rewrite the Academy curriculum part?” 
“Well first, I will have to set a few rules,” Tobirama drones on, looking at you pointedly.  
You walk towards him so that you are standing on the other side of the table. “Alright, shoot,” you say. 
“I have written the deadlines of the parts that you will do. You must give them to me, on time ,” Tobirama sternly says, slipping one of the scrolls forward. “I have a vague plan of what the curriculum can look like, but you will also have the chance to express your ideas.” 
  You take the scroll and open it gingerly, and you look at the back to back due dates. 
“You must not talk to me aimlessly, unless it is about this project or if you need any clarification on the tasks you have to do,” Tobirama continues. “When we are working, I expect you to only work.”
You nod, thinking that these are easy, reasonable rules. 
  “You must be punctual.” 
  You are way too punctual, so you know that you are going to follow this rule perfectly. 
“Do not eat near me.” 
  At this, you almost roll your eyes, but you hold yourself back. 
  “Do not touch my things, unless I give them to you. I hope that you can call my title with respect,” Tobirama drones on and on, mostly about the little things he is apparently very particular about. “You will also be training with me and my students, and I expect you to always be on top of your game.” 
“Yes, of course.” You blink at all his so-called rules, and fight the urge to roll your eyes. It’s like he already has the impression that you won’t be as dedicated to your job as he is. 
  But you are dedicated. 
However, you cannot help but talk back. He probably made a rule for that, but it goes unheard by you. 
Tobirama nods. “Very well.” 
  “Did you stay up all night making this up?” You ask, unable to help yourself garner some reaction from him. 
Tobirama’s stare is stormy, and his eyes narrow strictly. “It is common sense that you abide by such unsaid rules.”
  “But you just, well forgive me, enumerated them. If they are common sense, then you would not have to re-tell it.” 
Tobirama lets out a stream of breath from his nose that sounds a tad bit impatient, and he rolls his eyes. 
  You smile, feeling a little triumphant at getting a reaction from him. He catches your expression and he schools his face to become serious once more.
The two of you sit in silence for a moment, and you wait for Tobirama to speak. 
  “I heard you teach at the Academy at times,” Tobirama suddenly brings up. “When did you start?” 
  Your eyes narrow slightly at this. Tobirama built the Academy, so he must be aware of the things happening there. “Almost a year ago.” 
  Tobirama taps a finger on the books that he set down. “And you teach when?” 
“Wednesdays and Fridays,” you reply. 
Tobirama nods. “I will be coming with you.” 
You pause at this. “Wait, why?” 
Tobirama looks at you as if it’s obvious. “To size up what the kids need to learn, observe which materials are appropriate for age groups until they graduate as genin, and so forth.”  
Of course, that makes sense. 
Tobirama pulls out the chair and he slides into it. “Then, let us begin. We have many things to research and read up on.” 
You look at him as he opens the books, and distributes some of them to you. 
  “Will you get around to telling me what your plan is, or are you just going to let me guess?” You ask as you flip to the first page of one of the books that he handed to you.
You slide on the chair across from him, taking care to move to the side so that you are giving him his space. 
“Silence, when I am working,” Tobirama states without looking up from what he is reading. “Do not talk to me aimlessly. You will get a chance to ask me questions later, I suggest you start listing them down.”
  “Alright, alright,” you mumble. 
You read the first paragraph of the book, already taking note of the main idea. After a few pages, however, you glance up at your book and to Tobirama, who has not moved an inch except to turn a page. You observe his pristine expression, your eyes going down the slope of his strong nose, his high cheekbones, and his lips that form into a pout, and then to the markings on his face and chin.
  He’s handsome, you’ll give him that. 
His eyes never waver, unlike you, and from this, you can tell that he always pours all his focus and efforts when he does something. 
“Work,” Tobirama reminds you. “And look at the due dates so you can think about how you can strategize your time.” 
You snap up and pretend to go back to your reading, but you glance at him one last time. Something about him piques your curiosity, and it makes you want to push his buttons just to see what the famed Senju Tobirama is all about. 
 You cannot help but let out a tiny smile and you raise the book to hide your face. 
Well, if he already has some sort of prejudice towards you, you might as well play that to your advantage. 
You smirk to yourself, finally looking forward to the time the two of you will spend together. 
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chojuuro · 3 years
do you like or hate kabuto?
short answer: yes
long answer: also yes.
i have what may seem like conflicting feelings toward him, but understand that a) my venus placement is in aquarius and b) he deserves a little throttling as a treat
let me explain (under a cut because i got Started)
kabuto is someone who is SO interesting and weirdly personal to me. a kid who grew up with no identity of his own, who's trying to find his place in this world the way he knows best. which, i mean, he's been kinda fucked since day one and it DESTROYS MY ASS and not in a fun way
he was, i think, 7 when danzo picked him up, after 3 years in an orphanage where they just. gave him a name. because he had amnesia and DIDN'T. KNOW. HIS BABYHOOD. boy didn't know his NAME or his parents or anything
and THEN danzo got his grubby hands on him when he was SEVEN. worst part is he went willingly because he wanted to help the orphanage with the funding that danzo cut.
and THEN THE OROCHIMARU SHIT ASLKFJ and then when kabuto killed nonou unknowingly and then had his entire identity crisis, probably his first real one. hm. HM.
at which point orochimaru showed up, ensnared the poor boy with promises of identity, of finding out exactly who he was, of making a name for himself.
kabuto has been a spy his entire life. dozens of different hats, of different identities, of different masks to hide the kid who never really got to explore or figure out who he is. orochimaru died, and kabuto spiraled.
orochimaru was his only constant. the only thing he could come back to, that he knew, vaguely, would always be there. that he knew he always had a solid place with.
after the amnesia, after the orphanage, after ROOT, the spy work, the death of his mother, orochimaru's slimy grip, after trying to deal with the aftermath of everything? dude is a fuckin shell of the man he never got to be. and it KILLS ME.
don't get me started on how he's a fucking nun now. i do not perceive nunbuto. but i can't help but feel like maybe he wound up running the orphanage because he literally had no idea where else he could go. ROOT doesn't exist anymore, also FUCK that place. orochimaru is doing whatever That era of orochimaru is doing and i imagine part of kabuto wants to distance himself from them, at least for a while. no way the hospital would trust him enough to work there, even though his medical ninjutsu is SO strong and he could be licherally one of the best medics in konoha. he probably IS. but will konoha give him the chance to prove himself for it? not in a thousand years.
and maybe im biased bc little 11 year old me simped for him really hard. maybe im biased bc i can totally get the loss of sense of identity, the identity crises, the wanting to be better. the internal struggle of not knowing who you are, of having other people tell you who you are for you.
he's done a lot of really fucked up shit, obviously. he's literally a criminal. brought souls back from the dead just to fuck around and find out during the war. shows up uninvited at ALL TIMES. he's pretentious and he's smarmy and he's an asshole who worked under orochimaru for a huge chunk of his life, so you KNOW that he's been On Some Shit and honestly? to little fault of his own. he's a victim of circumstance, of grooming on multiple accounts, of his own mental health and the lack of care that konoha takes in anybody's psyche. good thing i have an oc to fix that for me aha
let me be clear that this does not excuse any of his actions. but it does explain them.
anyway *climbs off my soapbox* i love He but i kinda wanna beat him up sometimes
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questionnete · 3 years
Pls don't read this because this is my rant post. I don't know what I'm saying here so ye
Loving these obviously side characters is difficult. Why would you choose these ones who you barely knew about cause the author doesn't give too much care about them? Oh yeah you have that Side Character syndrome.
URGGGHHHH being a Tobirama fan sucks. They only give you small scraps of content in canon and making him look like a weak character even though he was really on par with the other two. The 'Haha Uchihas are dead lololol' memes about him isn't funny anymore and many people are really taking it seriously. Listen he ISN'T racist, He doubts and distrusts them (more specifically Madara who he knows he messed up big time) but isn't it the same for other clans who are also at war during that time (if not, then you're really a bad shinobi that could lead your clan into a massacre), they had been in a war with each other for kami how long by that black 'oh I'm the one who planned these wars and conflicts all along' turd. Izuna didn't die on the battlefield, he has a major injury and it could possibly be healed by the Senjus. So did he accept peace between them? No, it was his choice and it was understandable that his distrust with the Senju is strong that he'd rather die, so what do you call that, racism? No, it's just the distrust between two enemies who had been fighting who knows how long that they don't even know the reason why. Izuna and Tobirama didn't talk and became friends like Madara and Hashirama did, so how would they understand each other? The moving of the Uchiha compound was Danzo's doing (I'm not reading that Itachi's POV novel) and I know there are more conflicts between him and the Uchiha clan people keep talking but personallt the two things he did wrong is that 1. He died too early. Sacrificing himrself is a stupid move that could lead the downfall of the village , and 2. Picking one of his YOUNG (probably) politically naive students as Hokage where you only know he'd sacrifice himself for the village rather than having someone who is very capable at handling the village, not everyone can be as good as you Tobirama I still love you doe and you should have a rest day or a vacation once in a while (well I blame it to the writers/Kishimoto with these kinds of unexpected events that the characters could easily solve) and the Edo tensei thing he did? He's not even half complete at finishing it wtf, at least he stopped when Hashirama told him not to continue. And people talking about his questionable morals... is he really the worst one? It's more like new generations are being direspectful and manipulating what Tobi's abandoned inventions/jutsu. He's basically a inventor or scientist, they experiment on new stuff that they don't know if it would be harmful or not and my boy is scarily dedicated and curious plus I like morally grey characters better most of the time.
Being a Vergil fan is...sad and fun. There's the thing where you have fanarts with his nice outfit and the legs and a good dad Vergil who takes care of Nero with Uncle Dante. Looking at his past in canon works, we don't fully know what happened to him when he lived on his own after the incident, when he was Nelo Angelo for like 10 years and after Dante defeated Mundus. We see tadbits from VoV but there's still a mystery
Being a Tenten fan sucks because people look at her as a joke. Saying that she's useless and weak even though she is a fuinjutsu master and a weapon master who has perfect aim (but why in the future episodes she only uses long-range weapon not close-range weapons), these people probably just watched the anime that censored the scenes so the young audience could watch it. She had a dream of being like the legendary kunoichi Tsunade when she was younger unlike some of the girls who's main or only goal is to be with a boy! When she realized that she isn't qualified enough and saw a talent at fuinjutsu she enhanced it and went to a new path to be a great kunoichi. She's so versatile (with what she can put and obtain in the scroll may it be a jutsu or a bbq stand), her personality is great, and the chemistry of Team 11 is just- really the best team imo. People say she's useless, well its probably because Naruto is technically wizards that are ninjas, they have jutsus and chackras, what's the use of weapons when the main characters here are basically dragonballZ and the power limit is ??? If her skills at weapons are useless in Naruto she might as well fit in DMC where she can fight demon ass and new weapons she could use. (Am I the only one who thought that if Neji was still alive and ended up with Tenten, would Himawari still exist or they made her because there's no new gen characters who has the Byakugan. Maybe I'm wrong that there are young Hyugas cause I'm not watching boruto any time soon.)
Being a Green Arrow fan sucks. Oliver gets little screen time (I know there's a show but I like animated movies better) and some characters are babying him because he's just a man with a bow and arrow. My boy here is funny and capable thank you very much. (And I love the comic Injustice- not the Injustice animated movie- where he met with AU Dinah and other characters there)
Being a Tenzo/Yamato fan is sad. I'm really am desperate for more Tezo content. I know he was only created as a plot device and becoming a babysitter afterwards. He doesn't even have a manga backstory (well he explained it to sakura) and it's just a filler episode (that I am still thankful cause I reaaally want more Tenzo content). He doesn't have someone he can call family maybe except Kakashi, but seriously, this guy is as dedicated as Tobirama if you ask me. I still can't believe that after his usefulness is done, he was thrown to a job to watch the captor who experimented on you since he was a child for what? 12-15 years? This guy needs a vacation
*sighs* being...a...Dr. Fate fan... is sad. Knowing that the reason no one made a movie about him is because it'll be BORING. Excuse me sir, this is Wendy's that's what a lazy ass director/script writters right there. My dude is interesting af, if it's too difficult for your supposed creative brains then fine, let him be the npc. I still wait for the day for him to have his own movie or story, Constantine has many movies but Fate? *Cries at the corner*
I know there are wrong grammars but I should sleep rn
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tora-the-cat · 3 years
No but Shin lived a life controlled by danzo, everything he did was controlled, even his love for Sai was manufactured and curated by Danzo, the few modt basic things that weren't directly controlled by Danzo like his breathing and his strength were FURTHER stolen by his illness, he chose NOTHING in his life!!! But that same sickness was what facilitated the only scrap of freedom he ever got.
The freedom to die for his brother. The freedom to disobey Danzo- because Shin was obviously supposed to live. Shin was stronger Shin knew more Shin was given more freedom- maybe even missions, when he was said to go "into town".
Shin was supposed to live. And he chose not to, because cultivated or not he LOVED his brother. Enough that his one act of free will, against the wishes of both Danzo AND Sai. Because he and he alone thought he should die, so he did.
being brought back to life, completely understand control of another, free to think and feel but not to act not even to move his eyre or twitch his fingers? free from illness and Danzo but under something much worse, much more complete? and then forced to fight Sai all over again, a decade older, a lifetime wearier, and yet somehow still surrounded by people that use his name instead of stuck under danzo's thumb? Where Sai, the only person that matters, has EVERYTHING to loose beyond just his life, and Shin can't even do the honor of letting him this time?
It is literally the worst torture imaginable for him specifically. He didn't deserve that.
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