#anyway i think splitting it up into separate posts would be nicest!
here have it pt. 3
before i do anything else i am posting the last part of the charlie weasley insert see parts 1 and 2 here:  https://nolongerironicteenwrites.tumblr.com/post/176132677959/charlie-weasley-pt-2 
reader insert: “the weasley wedding” 
Molly mentioned in passing, almost joke like, that you should spend the night at The Burrow. You weren't expecting anyone to jump on the option so fast, get excited and ask you if you would. 
 “I- uh- I don't have anything..” you tried to protest.  “You drove here, didn't you? Go home and get your things, oh Charlie do go with her make sure you two match and that she makes it home safe.” 
And that was how you ended up in a cuddle pile on the floor of The Burrow, squished between Ginny and Bill, watching a show that Arthur suggested. Everyone was making jokes about the movie, not that Arthur minded that was kind of the idea really, having all his kids together with their friends and partners just hanging out. 
  “Well goodnight all, try not to stay up too late here.” Arthur smiled. Slowly, everyone began going their separate ways leaving you, Oliver, Bill, and Ginny.  “So, you’re the (y/n) I have heard so much about when I called home? Mainly mom, but Percy has even seemed to taken a fancy to you. I applaud you.” he smiled.  “Really?” you asked.   “(y/n) you have no idea. Sometimes it’s ‘ard to see who had the bigger crush on you Charlie or Gin.” Oliver laughed.    “Hard to believe.” you snorted.   “You would think, but (y/n), you are lovely and we’re lucky to know you, now come on let’s get to bed yeah?” asked Ginny pulling you up leaving Bill and Oliver behind.   “I sense another Weasley yeah?” Bill smiled stretching out over the couch.   “Oh totally.” Oliver replied to the other one.
The next morning Molly woke the whole house up at eight o’clock sharp. Arthur and Oliver’s mother were working on breakfast. Coffee was warming in the pot and Bill was helping washing dishes as he went. 
  “Good morning family!” Arthur chimed offering plates to those who pass. 
Most greeted him with a smile but you. You were squinting very unaware of anything going on around you and Arthur was way too cheery for you. A pair of hands found your shoulders and guided you to an armchair. 
  “Here you go, Let me go and get you a cup of coffee? Gotta take care of you.” Charlie smiled.  “Bless you but please, you are like the sun, please stop smiling.” you whispered closing your eyes. 
Charlie laughed and rolled his eyes. He walked up to Bill and grabbed two mugs, Bill had a knowing look in his eye, Charlie rolled his own. 
  “What a beauty you got there.” Bill laughed.   “She’s a force in herself.” he replied.
After breakfast, everyone split up. The boys minus Percy stayed upstairs in the actual home, and Percy and the girls went down into the cafe. You began working on everyone. Percy and Oliver’s wedding colors were grey, navy and yellow. All the girls were in the different shade of yellow while Percy and his mother were in navy. Oliver’s mother was in grey so you presumed the latter was as well.
 “And what are you going to be wearing?” asked Hermione looking at you.  “I have a navy dress.” you replied, “Charlie is in the navy so I figured it was the safe bet… ya know?” you finished Ginny. After her, all you had left was yourself until someone coughed. 
 “Hey uh (y/n) could you maybe- you know?” Percy asked. 
You smiled and offered your chair. You weren’t going to go crazy, so you simply concealed the dark circles under his eyes, clear gelled his brows, and went over his lips with a tinted lip balm. Bill came downstairs smiling, he was dressed in grey slacks, a yellow shirt, and a navy vest.
  “Oliver is ready Perce are you?” he asked.  “Yeah. Ready, as I’ll ever be, whoa, I’m sweating, is it?”  “Hey, hey Perce, no one panics in my chair. I’m going to need you to calm down,” you smiled, “You love Oliver right? And you have for nearly ten years now, you can do it. Now go getcha man.” you smiled kissing both his cheeks. 
Percy and Oliver were doing first looks and a letter exchange alone before the actual ceremony this afternoon so you had time to get yourself ready. Bill took Percy out the back to where Oliver was waiting. After the ceremony, there was going to be time for wedding party photos and family pictures, but for now, it is just them. Everyone else just meandered around in the cafe waiting for the time everyone agreed on the meet before the ceremony started. You did you own makeup while you waited while Harry and Ron sat by. 
 “Hey (y/n)?” Harry started.  “Yes?” you asked.  “What is it that you do for a living? And how did you managed to wrangle Charlie?” he asked.   “Uh, I’m a vet tech and a licensed cosmetologist. And as far as wrangling Charlie, I’m not sure if I have him tamed?” you replied.   “You do trust me. Try it.” Ron replied, “He hasn’t shut up about you.”  “Fine if this is to prove you wrong, Hey Charlie?”  “Yeah?” he asked perking up like a dog.
You were slightly shocked. Ron and Harry snickered. Surely it was just him being nice, nothing more. Charlie has come over and knelt by you. 
 “You need something (y/n)?” he asked.  “Uh yeah, I need the palette over there.” you pointed out. 
He nodded and walked away. Molly sat back with Bill and the others and watched everything unfold from Charlie going get your palette to Ron flicking little pieces of paper at Hermione who sat in front of Molly. 
  “I never thought I would live to see this day.” Molly sniffed.   “Come on mum, don’t be like this.” she giggled. “Charlie works at his own pace.”  “She is nearly perfect for him, she’s a vet tech, that’s right up Charlie’s ally.” George added in a hushed tone leaning in, “And that’s needed in this family.”   “Are you of all people referring to your own siblings as animals and implying that (y/n) is to tame them?” asked Hermione   “I am the best- pft okay never mind,” George giggled, “But really, look.” 
Charlie was watching (y/n) intently as she worked. He looked totally mesmerized. No one could believe what they were seeing. Charlie Weasley was so infatuated with you and it was truly a wondrous sight. 
An hour or so later, you were sitting by Hermione watching the two boys you have grown to love to hold back tears and the declare their love for one another. The love can be felt around everyone. It made you smile and tear up as well. 
  “Oliver, ha, my Oliver the guy who nearly choked me out when I was studying for the bar exam because I was neglecting myself and during law school. My man, love, and heart. I never knew I could love someone more than I love my siblings and we all know how close the Weasley clan is - I mean Ginny almost got- erm anyway- uh? Oh, Oliver I never knew I could,” Percy stopped to sniffle “Could love someone like I love you, and to think it all happened because of a chance encounter at a rugby game, thanks Charlie for dragging me along.” Charlie adjusted his vest with a smug smile and Percy scoffed.   “I’m not sure if I should ramble anymore.” Percy admitted.  “No go on,” Oliver smiled, “Put my vows to shame, Maybe you can mention my impeccable body or ruggish good-”  “Okay!” Percy interjected, “Oliver Wood, to sum up, would you do me the honor of legally become a Weasley and my adventure partner?”   “Of course Percy.” he smiled.  “So by the power vested in me by the grace of everyone here today I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Oliver and Percy Wood-Weasley. You may kiss your husband.” 
Everyone began clapping as Oliver took Percy by the face and pressed a kiss to his lips. You were giggling. You were so happy for the two of them. You looked at the two of them, you had never seen Percy look so happy in the time you’ve known him. As the happy couple made their way up the aisle everyone filed out to where the reception was going to be. Charlie caught you by the wrist as you went to leave too. 
 “Come on. We’re taking pictures.”  “I’m not a Weasley.” you protested.  “Doesn’t matter. Come on!” he pulled you into the group of people. 
You watched them all take family photos. Everyone looked so happy. You felt so warm, family, a real true family. Not like your family wasn’t a family, but this was very different. Like no matter the walk of life this was a group of people who loved everyone and that made your heart happy. 
  “(y/n) get over here. You are a Weasley even if it’s only for tonight.” Molly insisted with a smile. 
You walked and stood by Hermione but Charlie pulled you to him because and you quote “were his date.” He rested his hands on your waist as the photographer snapped photos before he was content. He then moved to the reception to begin snapping pictures. 
   “Wasn’t it lovely?” asked Bill once you both were at the reception.    “Very. I adore weddings.” you smiled. 
Bill winked at you before sweeping away to find his wife Fleur. Why did he wink at you? That wasn’t necessary at all. You crossed your arms and watched as Percy and Oliver took the floor to share in their first dance. The song was recognizable from the TV show Game of Thrones. You easily found yourself lost in thought and the song.
    “It’s Percy and Oliver’s favorite show.”     “Sh- Charlie you scared me.” you gasped.    “My dear and sincere apologies.” he replied with a bow.   “Dear and sincere who are you?” you asked, laughing.   “Okay even I can’t do that, and I’m the nice one.” he replied. 
You smiled and knocked his shoulder with yours. Charlie caught you by the waist and lead you to sit down with him. 
    “Everyone has been asking me about you.”     “Oh really? What have you been telling them?” you asked.    “I have responded in a variety of way: a.) I don’t know her, she’s been following me around, help. Mum actually didn’t like that one, then there was b.) I paid her to come with me to get my mum off my back. Dad didn’t like that one. Then I spoke the truth, she’s a really great friend I made.” Charlie admitted. 
You smiled back at him. He really was the nicest Weasley.
  “You really are the sweetest Weasley.”   “I try,” he smiled, “Hey wanna dance.”   “I’m not much of a-”   “Me either Come on.” he smiled pulling you.   “Again with the pulling.” you groaned, but there was no annoyance behind your voice, you were smiling though. 
Charlie spun you around and began swaying with you. You began to giggle. Charlie looked down on you. You looked up at him and time seemed to stop. The two of you were just swaying in one another’s arms. He twirled you and you two goofy danced with one another. You even tried twirling him but sadly you weren’t nearly tall enough, causing him to laugh even more. 
  “Okay goofball come here.” he smiled, pulling you to his to properly dance. Oliver sent a wink to you guys that Charlie caught. Charlie shook his head. He knew what Oliver was implying and Charlie didn’t want to assume much.    “Oi Charles! Speech time.” shouted Fred from where he was swaying with Hermione.
Charlie reluctantly pulled away from you but kept his arm around your waist as he made his way to the mic stand. He left you with Ron and Harry. 
 “Well Perce, I have this honor, like many other honors of your life, like being the first to find out you passed the bar and became a lawyer and who you trusted the most to originally. You weren't the easiest to live and share a space with growing up, there were plenty of rough patches but we figured it all out and now you're leaving me, I'll miss sharing the room with you the most but all good things must come to an end yeah? I adore you both beyond belief and I'm glad it's kind of my fault you guys met and have never been more happy for one of my siblings, sorry Bill and Fleur. Just know I'm here for you always and what happens on the landing stays on the landing,” Charlie raised his glass, “The the Wood-Weasley’s.” 
Everyone clapped as Charlie jumped off the stage and found you. You smiled and threw your arms around him. He dipped you and kissed you.  You weren't shocked and slotted your lips against his while a chorus of cheers surrounded you both.
tag list: @deadmanwalked and @dyslexiccherry
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Slow boat, waterfalls, and bowling. (February 1st-3rd)
Since I have another chance to write while waiting for a train from Ninh Binh to Dong Hoi, I’ll start back up where I left off. The day after I went zip-lining, I got picked up in a minivan outside the hostel. They opened the door to the minivan and there looked to be no seats left. The driver insisted on me getting in, so I squeezed onto a seat in between everybody’s bags piled up and an Iranian man who originally thought he had more room than he actually did. I sat in between him and the bags with absolutely no wiggle room for about 5 hours, until 2 girls got off and there was an empty seat in the front of a bus. The guy sitting next to me moved to the front, and I had enough room to move again. On the bus ride between Chiang Mai and Chiang Kong, we stopped at a White Temple. The temple is completely white on the outside, with little increments of glass and silver bits reflecting in the sun making it look like it was sparkling. When we got to Chiang Kong, in the lobby of the hotel I thought we were staying at, I met Kathi, a girl from Germany, who's such a genuinely nice person, and we hopped on another bus on the way to the hotel we were actually staying at. Once we got settled in, Kathi, Amanda (a girl we met from the States), and I went to meet up with Kathi’s friends who were staying at a hostel a 10 minute walk away. Their hostel was looking over the river which separated Thailand and Laos. Then I met Geordie, from Australia, and Alex from Wales. Geordie is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met, and currently, over a month after meeting him for the first time, he's sitting right next to me as I write this. Alex is also very hilarious, and one of the reasons I had such a good time in Laos. The 3 of them ended up getting separated from their friends, Luke and Brad (from New Zealand), and weren’t sure if they were going to meet up with them again or not. In the morning, we got across the Laos border after about an hour of bussing and waiting in lines, and Alex and Geordie were there, along with Luke and Brad. After meeting them, I ended up staying with Luke and Brad for almost a third of my trip as well, I said bye to Brad yesterday, but hopefully Luke will end up catching up to me when we’re more South in Vietnam. Here's a huge ego boost for them, but those two are some of the absolute coolest people I’ve ever met, and if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t be where I am right now, and I wouldn’t have had some of the best weeks of my life, but that will be in another post. Fortunately, they all ended up being on the same slow boat as us as well even though we all booked it through separate companies. Almost instantly I was getting along with all of them. The first day of the two-day slow boat, we all sat on the ground of the back of the boat and played cards. We attempted to play music, but because the motor was also in the back of the boat, and we all had to yell at each other to speak, only the people sitting with the speaker directly beside them were able to hear it. My back hurt, I couldn’t hear, and this boat ride was about 6 hours long. This would have sucked for most people, but we had so much fun that day that none of that even mattered. I ended up pre-booking a hotel room in the small town we stayed in over night to split up the boat ride. Don’t do that. I paid almost double what the Laos people were offering at the dock, and what everyone else ended up paying. One thing I’ve learned in Southeast Asia is to never plan ahead, because plans will change, and you’ll most likely lose money. But, I did have my own hotel room with my own shower, and it was a queen size bed with a comfortable duvet, so I can’t complain too much. The rest of the people from the boat stayed at a hostel not on the main road of the town. I say main road, but it was pretty much the only road. The whole town was just full of restaurants, hotels/hostels, and convenience stores full of snacks and Laos whiskey. A complete tourist trap. I met back up with everyone a little bit down the street, and they had been picked up by a Lao man who called himself “Little”. Little was the resident weed and opium dealer. When he asked them if they wanted weed and they said no, he then offered them opium. When they said no to the opium, he then just gave them a free bottle of whiskey and led them to his mother’s restaurant. At first, the bottle of whiskey seemed like a generous offer, but after about an hour in this town, we realized a bottle of whiskey is less expensive than a bottle of Sprite. Kathi had also somehow learned enough Lao in one day to have conversations with the local people, and she taught us basic phrases. Because she had a German accent, I believe we were all speaking Lao with a German accent as well. In the morning, the boat was scheduled to leave at 9:30 AM, but we planned to meet at the pier at 8:00 so we could grab some good seats which weren’t directly beside the motor or just sitting the ground. After about 10 minutes of looking around for everyone, I saw Luke come up from up from one of the boats. I went down to the boat and Alex and Brad were saving 2 benches at the front of the boat which faced each other. Geordie, Kathi and Amanda weren’t anywhere to be found, and the boat was quickly filling up. We were worried we wouldn’t be all on the same boat together, so we let the captain know that we were waiting on our friends to join us. At about 8:30, they got down to the boat, but dropped their bags off and ran back to the town to pick up sandwiches they had previously ordered. We ended up leaving at around 9:00. I don't think the captain liked us too much. The second day of the boat ride was just as fun as the first, and because I wasn’t sitting on the floor this time I could enjoy the scenery more. We played more cards, played music we could actually hear, and I caught up on some reading. Our bags were stashed in the bottom of the boat, and they had to take the paneling out to grab our bags when we docked. People were getting off the boat, avoiding the holes, but this poor man, probably around 60 years old, didn’t realize that the floor was open. He fell right in the floor up to his chest, and without missing a beat, Alex says “Watch out, there’s a hole in the floor,” in one of the driest sarcastic voices I have ever heard. Brad, Kathi and I tried so hard to not laugh, but as soon as we made eye contact we burst. I felt absolutely horrible for the guy, don’t get me wrong, but the timing and situation was so comedic it was impossible to keep a straight face. (The guy was ok). For the rest of the time in Luang Prebang when anything obvious would happen, we’d say “Watch out, there’s a hole in the floor.” Once again, in Luang Prebang, I planned ahead too much and ended up staying in a hostel that was full so the rest of the group couldn’t stay there. Amanda ended up booking another hostel and when we tried to meet up with her again,it didn’t work out, so I didn’t see her again until I was in Vang Vieng and Brad ended up seeing her in Hanoi also. That night, the 6 of us, Alex, Geordie, Brad, Luke, Kathi and I, head to the market for dinner. Within two minutes I embraced my lack of self-control and had bought a bracelet and dress. The next day we went to the famous waterfalls, which like any other waterfall, they were absolutely amazing. The walk up to the waterfall included a walk through a bear sanctuary, where they had rescued black bears from bile-extracting farms. The enclosures are quite small, but they’re working on making them larger, and they don’t feel comfortable releasing them into the wild because they would not be able to survive. Right after the sanctuary was the first pool we saw, and once again the water was a beautiful turquoise colour created from the limestone. The main waterfall was the largest waterfall I’ve seen. I have pictures of it and when I show people the pictures I know it doesn’t do them justice, because I always have to point out the people in the picture just to prove to them how big it actually is. We hiked to the top of the waterfall, and I was wearing my hot pink “birkencrocs” (the foam Birkenstocks), so I didn’t have the best grip. At some points on the trail there were some points where I had to hold onto vines to pull myself up and I was holding my 1.5 L water bottle so I couldn’t fully grasp them all. On the way down from the top, I decided it would be a good idea for me to try and crabwalk down the slippery part. That only ended in me slipping more and scratching up my butt. When we got back to the hostel everyone else was staying at, we went to the rooftop and played drinking games from 8:00 until 11:00. In Luang Prebang everything closes at 11:00, hostels, bars, restaurants, etc. Everything except the bowling alley. We were sitting outside the hostel almost ready to go when the guys ran into someone they had met earlier in their trip, because we were standing outside for too long and not being very quiet, the owner of the hostel started to get mad that we weren’t leaving. Alex, who honestly is one of the nicest people I’ve met (just not when he’s had a couple drinks), turns to him and bluntly says “We’re leaving. Khob chai”. (Khob chai means thank you in Lao). Once again, we burst out laughing, but then we left and tried to find the bowling alley. We used our phones to look up where the bowling alley was, and it said it was only 400 meters away, so we decided to walk. When we got to the location the maps took us to, we found out that that bowling alley doesn’t actually exist. The next bowling alley showing up on maps was over a kilometer walk away, but we started to walk in that direction anyways. After about 15 minutes of walking, we decided that we’d take a tuk tuk. We told him “bowling”, and he nodded, so we got in the tuk tuk. There were 6 of us in the tuk tuk, and then Luke stepped on the back. The entire front wheel of the bike in the front lifted off the ground. Once we got our weight evenly distributed, the tuk tuk got going, but because of the weight of all of us it was driving at the speed that we could lightly jog. In fact, Alex got out of it and jogged behind for a bit and jumped back on. Eventually, we got dropped off in front of a large white building with colourful lights flashing on the walls, and we paid the tuk tuk driver and went inside. It was a hotel. I asked the front desk where the bowling was and they all started to laugh at me, as if they drive people here thining its bowling all the time. We tried to find our original driver and get him to drive us to the actual bowling alley, but all of a sudden he couldn’t understand what we were talking about. So, we ended up getting another tuk tuk to agree on a 14,000 kip ride to bowling. Once we were finally at the bowling alley, he charged us 40,000 kip. He insisted that this was the price we actually agreed upon, and since we had finally made it, we just settled and paid him. On the outside of the bowling alley it looked pretty sketchy, but on the inside it was a fully-lit, 20 lane, 10-pin bowling alley packed with almost every traveler I’d seen in Luang Prabang so far. I went up to the bar to see what they had to drink, but once I was up there I saw that they had instant noodles, so that’s what I got. We eventually got a lane for the 6 of us, Luke had left and we had picked up a guy from Ireland on the rooftop. I’ve been bowling many times before, but this was another level of fun. Everyone was either getting gutter balls or strikes. Every time Geordie would mess up, he’d throw his head and arms down and yell “fak” in some sort of screaming noise, and eventually all of us would do it whenever we bowled something we didn’t want to, which was almost every time. Gareth, the Irish guy, ended up kicking all of our asses and said “You know what, I’m pretty f**king pissed right now, but I think that’s the best game of bowling I’ve ever f**king played”. Kathi, Brad and I basically spent the whole night laughing at everyone else, while not bowling very well ourselves. Alex’s bowling skills were something else. He’d basically just throw the ball as high as he could and see what happened. Surprisingly, it somehow worked out for him. On one of his turns he got it in the gutter... in the lane beside us. Because that shot didn’t count on our screen, he still had 2 shots left. He got a gutter ball again. On his 3rd shot, he got all 10 pins down, resulting in a spare. On another one of his shots, he managed to bounce the ball from the right gutter into the left gutter. The whole night was full of us laughing so hard we’d fall to the ground. We left the bowling alley around 2 am, and it was one of the most fun nights I’ve had traveling, still to this day. Once again, this post is super long, and I’m sorry. Currently I am in Ninh Binh, Vietnam waiting for a sleeper train. I’ve almost caught up to where I am in my journal, but not quite. The past month has been one of the best of my life, and I can’t wait to write about it.
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