#anyway im emotional my heart is SOARing if you will
likedrotten · 2 years
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a long awaited reunion, something to keep looking forward to, over and over again
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cnnmairoll · 1 year
Hiii i think requests are open but my apologies if they're not !
May i please request Jing Yuan and Blade with a lover who's love language is biting? like nothing sexual just soft bites on the cheek, nose, arms, shoulder etc etc
if this is a weird request ummmm..im sorry aha-
my love language is biting, yesss..
anyways! thank youuuuu🐈‍⬛💜
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Love Bites
Character(s) : Blade, Jing Yuan Genre : A little bit (just a sprinkle) of angst in blade's part, Fluff a/n : Certainly! I had help on writing blade because I'm not used to writing him yet (´∀`;) So hope you like this ! IM SO SORRY IF THIS IS CORNY
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It was a simple act that sparked the change - a soft, gentle bite on his cheek, an instinctive display of affection that held no malice. Blade tensed, his gaze shifting as memories of pain resurfaced. The haunting echoes of tortures he had endured clawed at his mind, making him retreat into his shell.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, realizing that your actions had inadvertently triggered his trauma. "I didn't know…"
He met your gaze, his eyes a storm of emotions. "It's not your fault. I… I'm just not used to this."
You took a step closer, your heart guiding you. "Blade, I promise there's no harm meant. Biting is how I express my feelings. It's a way of showing love, trust me."
He studied you, his gaze searching for any hint of deceit. But all he found was sincerity, a genuine desire to reach out and heal his wounds.
Days turned into weeks, and with each passing moment, you showed him your love through gentle bites - on his nose, his arm, his shoulder. His discomfort slowly ebbed away, replaced by a growing acceptance of your gestures. He began to understand that your intentions were pure, your bites a symbol of the affection you held for him.
One evening, as you both sat in the quiet of his chamber, Blade spoke in a voice that trembled with vulnerability. "I never thought I could feel like this again."
You turned to him, your heart aching at the rawness in his words. "Feel what, Blade?"
"Safe. Loved."
You reached out, your fingers brushing against his cheek. He leaned into your touch, his defenses crumbling as he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of your affection.
"I love you, Blade. And I'll keep showing you, in whatever way you're comfortable with."
He held your gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and longing. And then, for the first time, he initiated a soft bite on your arm, a silent promise that he was willing to let love back into his life.
As time went on, the two of you forged a bond that was unbreakable. Blade's stoicism began to melt away, replaced by moments of softness that he only reserved for you. Your love language had become a bridge between his past and his future, a way for him to let go of his pain and embrace the beauty of your love.
One lazy afternoon, you found yourselves in a sunlit meadow, the scent of wildflowers hanging in the air. Blade sat beneath a tree, his focus lost in the rustling leaves above. With a playful glint in your eyes, you decided to seize the opportunity to share your affection once more.
Approaching him with a soft smile, you leaned down and pressed a tender bite to his cheek, your gesture imbued with love and warmth. Blade's initial reaction was a subtle tensing of his jaw, a reflexive response he was learning to control. But then, as he met your eyes and saw the genuine affection shining within them, his lips curved into a faint smile.
"You're becoming quite the biter," he teased, his voice laced with gentle amusement.
You chuckled, settling down beside him. "It's the most effective way to communicate with you, remember?"
Blade's hand found yours, his fingers intertwining with yours effortlessly. "I suppose I can't argue with that. And truth be told, I've grown to appreciate it."
Your heart soared at his admission. The progress he had made was a testament to his strength and the depth of your connection. As you gazed at each other, a comfortable silence settled between you, punctuated only by the soft rustling of leaves.
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One sunny afternoon, as you sat beside him on a stone bench, your fingers idly tracing patterns on the hem of your robe, you couldn't resist the urge any longer. Without thinking, you leaned in and placed a soft, playful bite on his forearm.
Jing Yuan, who had been engrossed in a scroll detailing troop movements, looked at you with surprise. His golden eyes met yours, and you were momentarily captivated by the depth of his gaze. Then, to your delight, he gave you a small, barely noticeable smile and leaned in closer.
With gentle precision, he returned the affection, planting a tender bite on your shoulder. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.
"General," you said, your voice teasing, "I didn't know you had a taste for this kind of intimacy."
He chuckled, a low, melodic sound that made your heart skip a beat. "I have many hidden talents, it seems."
From that moment on, a new layer was added to your relationship. As days turned into weeks, your playful biting became a cherished ritual, an unspoken language that only the two of you shared.
In the midst of a busy day, Jing Yuan would steal a moment to bite your earlobe, his lips curving into a secret smile as he did so. You, in turn, would find his forearm when he was engrossed in his strategic planning, a silent reminder that you were by his side.
There were also moments when the two of you ventured outside the palace walls. On a visit to a bustling market, you couldn't resist the urge to bite his hand when he reached out to inspect some exotic spices. His laughter filled the air, drawing curious looks from the vendors and shoppers around you.
"Ah, my love," he chuckled, "you are as unpredictable as the wind."
You squeezed his hand, your eyes locked with his. "And you, General, are my steady anchor in this unpredictable world."
During a serene boat ride along a tranquil river, with willow trees casting their graceful shadows upon the water's surface, you found a moment of tranquility. As you sat together, basking in the beauty of the scenery, you leaned over and pressed a gentle bite to his shoulder.
Jing Yuan's gaze softened as he placed a reassuring hand on yours. "You know," he began, his voice a soothing murmur, "your bites have become a source of comfort for me. They remind me that love can be found in the smallest of gestures."
You rested your head on his shoulder, feeling the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat beneath your ear. "And in the quiet moments we share."
As the seasons changed and the world continued to turn, your love story with the Dozing General deepened. With each playful bite and affectionate gesture, you found yourselves drawn closer together, your hearts entwined in a love that defied expectations and blossomed like the cherry trees in the palace gardens.
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silvermarig0lds · 1 year
LEVIHAN NATION it’s been a long time coming but I have something for yall… (no new art sorry) this is a headcanon that has made itself comfortable in my mind for quite some time now. WARNING VERY CHEESY AND MUSHY
Imagine, post-rumbling, Hange survives and fulfills her cottagecore dreams with Levi, but she frequently gets called to go on business trips to Marley and Azumabito and even other parts of the world to facilitate peace talks. Despite Hange’s incessant requests and their mutual separation anxiety, which developed as a consequence of what happened the last time they stayed apart from each other for a prolonged period of time (cough zeke cough wine cough forest), Levi chooses to remain at home instead of tagging along due to his mobility issues.
Nonetheless, Levi secretly wishes that he can see the world with Hange, and in spite of his attempt to keep up a facade of nonchalance Hange sees RIGHT THROUGH IT. As such, Hange always makes sure to collect souvenirs, snacks, interesting gadgets, tea packets with flavors that Levi has never seen before. and many different kinds of memorabilia for Levi on her trips, in an effort to let him glimpse into what she has been seeing.
On one particular night after an exhausting trip, Hange surprises Levi with a promise ring. She doesn’t know if Levi ever wants to get married, and she doesn’t wish to pressure him, she says. But this is her way of telling him that she is here to stay. Forever.
Levi tears up, and Hange notices that his hands are shaking. She tenses up, unsure if Levi likes the gift or not. But her worry swiftly vanishes when Levi kisses her, all the while smiling against her lips. Her heart soars in delight as she kisses back.
“You idiot,” Levi mumbles lovingly when they break apart.
“I love you.” She giggles as she replies.
“If you wanted to ask if we can get married, you could have just asked.” Levi teases her, to which she replies in surprise. “You want to…?”
“If it’s with you, yes.” He says, in a matter-of-fact tone. The answer is so simple, and yet. “Because I’m in love with you, Four-Eyes.”
OKAY THIS IS VERY CHEESY IM SORRY ANYWAYS I WOULD KILL FOR A FIC LIKE THIS…I JUST LOVE the idea of Levi getting choked up with emotion as Hange presents him with a ring
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im-a-chunky-potato · 9 months
Im in a writing mood, so have a little thing I wrote for Fyolai! It's...certainly not happy though.
(Tw for suicide)
Dear Fedya,
Ah, it's been a while since we've talked now hasn't it? 2 weeks in fact, since I held your hand to my heart and said a sorrowful goodbye.
I know you'll never read this, but I just need to say some things before I go. I can't let everything I've done go to waste, but let me explain first.
I thought when you died, I'd finally be gifted my true freedom. With nobody to tie me down, perhaps then my heart could rest easy.
But I should've known you wouldn't make it that easy. How long had we been working together? And look at all we accomplished... how close we got to accomplishing your goals...and more importantly how close we we began to understand each other.
...though perhaps the last part is one sided. I never could understand you, but you could see me to my very core. It was terrifying certainly, and yet that was the first time.
The first time I fell in love with you.
Its all so clear now that you're gone. All the emotions that I believed were chaining me up, was simply my love for you. And now that you're gone, my heart aches even more.
These emotions, I can't escape them. The loneliness of this all, the need for someone to understand me as much as you did. Which is why, tonight I shall finally be free.
As I write this note, I stand atop the same place you died. Ironic is it not? There's still the blood stain from your hand, the scent of iron in the air. Seems no one could be bothered to clean it for you.
Of course, I will do that for you. You never were one for messes anyways...I even brought a few flowers. You would find it sappy, but I find it brings a sense of finality. The sense that there's nothing I can do, you really won't be back for me.
Oh dear, teardrops are getting on the paper...I'm sorry, I'm terribly sorry. I'm sorry for it all in fact. Perhaps there was something I could've done, something I should've said to change this outcome.
But alas, you don't need to worry for me. Tonight, I plan to join the birds in the sky, if not only for a second. My sinful heart is too heavy to allow for flight, so I shall plummet to the ground and crash.
You'll probably see this as weak, but what else can I do? I'm completely lost without you, a lamb without a shepard, as you would say.
...As I glance up at the stars, I can't help but wonder if you're still out there somewhere, laughing at me right now.
But, I'm rambling far too much, Fedya. This is out goodbye, the final act of our story together. What a shame we're finishing our story off as a tragedy...
Goodbye, Fedya. I loved you, so, so, much. Take my body as my final offering to you, the only thing I have left to give. And as I soar into the sky, know you'll be the only thing I think about, my final thought before I perform my finally trick.
Your best friend,
Nikolai Gogol.
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saltyr3mix · 1 year
Rust Rook Revere
Chains, keys, and iron
I’m attracted to them,
Like a bird to a cadge.
A supposed safe place, that can be comfortable. But is never truly.
That is what I am, a caged bird.
And that is what you were too,
You were quiet in your iron prison
It’s bard showing the bird within.
Others watched your little bird sing, but never helping it escape.
Watching it dace, flapping its wings, and ultimately return to its perch.
They couldn’t see their keys int their beaks, keeping themselves shut.
But I saw you.
I saw someone who needed a hand, who wanted to be free from their chains.
And who better to free a caged bird than a phoenix?
I explained to you what it would be like outside, the winds, the harsh winters, and worse friends.
You accepted it all, and more than that you accepted me.
A Phoenix in a cage.
And when it came time, you set yourself free, fleeing the mask that had been you.
You flew, and grew, sang and danced,
It was the most beautiful show.
And I wasn’t the only one to enjoy it.
Others, outside watched you soar, and joined in your joyous symphony.
And every time you flew by you ask me to join you.
And ever time just like the last, I refused.
It’s almost funny, a Phoenix afraid to fly.
A bird that could so easily escape its own cage, refusing to exist.
Yet here I sit, in this withered cage. Bars sweaty, and perch scorched. I sit like a well trained dog.
And every time you fly by the song I sing grows.
With meaning and words, with verses and rules I pour my emotion into it. So that even if I cannot touch you, you can still be warmed by my words.
And every time you pass me by the dread within me builds.
You are so beautiful, so radiant, why would someone like you care for me?
I am a Phoenix in a cage.
It would take nothing to escape, besides the stroke of my wings.
Yet here I sit.
I could soar with you in the sky, singing all day long.
Yet here I sit.
I could fill my nest with twigs and scraps from other birds on my journey.
Yet here I sit.
I sit in my cage flame so low, so that the bars do not melt.
I peek out behind them and duck back away, because I want to hide myself.
I know I can escape,
I know it would be easy,
And I know I would have others waiting for me.
Yet somehow I stay.
It’s almost funny how beautiful a Phoenix can be.
How majestic and free.
How they battle though all hardships, wearing their scars like scarfs.
Their fears like jewels,
And pain like years.
It’s funny isn’t it?
That when I no longer have to fight,
That is when I lose my spark.
My flame becomes dull, my feather ashen, and my heart returns to tired.
Isn’t it funny that when the battles over,
And when the war has been won, that the fearsome general is no longer one?
I am a rook in ash and rust.
My feathers stained red because of what I’ve done.
And I stay frozen.
you are an incredibly talented poet. You nearly made me cry how dare you/j
Anyway if you ever need my help with anything let me know. i know you know this but im just going to say it agian.
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neodrabbles · 5 years
Your creations are literally gold.
omg anon you’re making me tear up
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pochipop · 3 years
oh my god i just read your “what am i to you” genshin hc and I literally fell in love with your writing, if you’re not busy i was wondering if you can do a pt.2 where the genshin men finally came into terms with their feelings?? (Feel free to ignore this if you have too muck work to do!!) you’re an amazing writer and im looking forward to more of your works <33
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#. synopsis! — they think it over and finally give you an answer .
#. characters! —kaeya, diluc, childe .
#. warnings! — mild angst .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam) .
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. part I! — you can find the first post of the inciting prompt of 'asking "what am i to you?"' : here .
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𖦹. ━ KAEYA !!
A couple weeks trickle by, and you've mostly come to terms with an inevitable outcome of emotional limbo. You love Kaeya, and he doesn't know what he wants in this life, —maybe he doesn't really know what it feels like to be loved like this, or to love someone else in turn. Life returns to semi-normalcy, where you don't ask and he doesn't tell. It weighs heavy on your heart sometimes, but a part of you knows you'd rather have him here filling in the gaps than never see him again and have him leave you lonely. This is a battle you're willing to lose if it means he'll still look towards you fondly.
He's a good friend, —always has been. Reliable, charming, fairly easy to please, all of that and more wrapped up in a neatly groomed package. He's not perfect by any means, but nobody is, and Kaeya does his best to adapt to any situation he finds himself in. This one might be a little lost on him, though, not that you can really blame him. In all fairness you dropped a bomb on him from out of nowhere expecting some sort of happy ending from the courage alone, and when that didn't pan out. . . Well, maybe that outcome was simply more likely from the beginning anyhow. You blame yourself for getting your hopes up so high.
Slowly but surely, your heart settles. Many say that time heals wounds, and you begin to think that there's some truth to that in the weeks that come, —each day soothing you little by little. Kaeya is still somewhat distant, but that comes as no surprise to you. It's only natural that some things have changed now that he knows how you really feel, and you know. . . Very little about his feelings in return. His heart has always been hidden behind strong, soaring walls, after all. You knew that much from the very beginning.
"Sara!" You call out to her with a smile, "I managed to get all the ingredients you asked for, —even freshly gathered fowl for smoking!"
"Really?" Her scarlet eyes light up a bit, "That's lovely. I wasn't expecting everything all in one go, but I guess I shouldn't have expected anything less from you."
Her smile is warm and comforting. It fills you with a sense of pride when she examines your ingredients and comments on the sublime quality.
"I can't believe you carried all of this here by yourself and didn't crack a single egg!" She gushes, "—thank you for the help, I really appreciate it! I don't know what I would have done without you!"
"Don't mention it!" You smile. "It was no trouble at all! I'm trying to keep busy these days anyway."
Being productive leaves little room for self-pity, which is the last thing you need. You know well enough how to care for yourself in this state of mind, and being sedentary wouldn't benefit you in the slightest.
"Oh!" Sara says suddenly, as if a lightbulb had gone off over her head. "You saying that reminds me! Captain Kaeya stopped by just a little while ago and left this for you."
She rummages around under the counter for a moment before pulling an envelope out from under. Your heart lurches.
"He mentioned that you've been busy lately and that it was hard to track you down. I hope that isn't on my account, —rest is important!" Sara notes as she hands the envelope over to you.
You assure her that it's nothing of the sort, escaping the situation as soon as possible in order to tear into the letter that you know is hiding inside. Giving her another smile and a quick wave goodbye, you turn the corner and break into a desperate sprint, moving quickly until you cross the Mondstadt bridge completely and find yourself a secluded spot to sit beneath a tree. Your heart hammers in anticipation.
I haven't seen you much these days, Kaeya writes. I hope you've been well. I'm ashamed for not having asked in person. I'm also ashamed that I haven't had the courage to approach you properly after what happened between us. I've been telling myself for days now that I'm going to move forward and make a serious move to bare my truths for you, but something inside has been holding me back, so I'm writing this now to avoid the calamity. If you will, please meet me by Starfell Lake at dusk. If you choose not to come, I understand. But I'd really like to see you there.
— Kaeya.
The bottom of the letter is folded, and you pull it down to reveal a pressed sweet flower. The yellow of its petals is so vibrant. . . You let out a shaky breath as you weigh your options
In the end, you go to him. If nothing else you're in need of a proper rejection to truly begin the final stages of the healing process, and at least to some degree, you've made peace with every possible scenario you could think up. At the very least, this meeting with Kaeya will give you closure.
He looks like some kind of prince from a distance, waiting under a drunken moon for you. The crystalline waters of Starfell Lake glimmer like the surface is jewel encrusted. This feels too good to be true, —like a mirage that you're waiting to see ripped apart before your eyes, or a dream you're just waiting to wake up from.
"Hi, Kaeya," you approach him cautiously, hoping to avoid startling him.
"Y/n," he gives you a lopsided smile, "—you came."
"It was only fair. You listened to me when I had something important to say, and now it's my turn. So, whatever you need to get off your chest, I'm here to listen," you reply.
He takes a breath before he says anything further.
"I. . .” He pauses, wracking his mind for the right words, “I wish I knew how to say this in a way that would make it everything you’re hoping for it to be. And I’m sorry that I don’t. I brought you here thinking the atmosphere might help make up for that, but now I. . . I don’t know. Maybe there’s nothing to fill that.”
You swallow nervously, listening closely. He’s being painfully vague, but this is as close to vulnerable as you’ve ever really seen him. You fear that anything you say might destroy the balance here that’s already threatening to implode in a second.
“It’s just that I’ve been thinking a lot, and no matter what I do, my thoughts always draw back to you. It’s been like that for a long time, actually. . . I just didn’t know what to make of it. Or maybe I did know, and I was just scared of what those feelings represented. So I pushed them away, I pushed you away, and I also tried to keep you close. Arms length sometimes, and then closer, then farther away. And none of that was fair to you,” he acknowledges.
Maybe you’re just too soft-hearted, but you can’t manage to be angry with him. Not when he’s so far outside his comfort zone, using every ounce of his courage to be honest, even when the truth isn’t as pretty as he’d like it to be.
“Even now, I feel like I’m just talking to fill the silence so you don’t get too close,” Kaeya admits, but in direct contrast, he chooses to step toward you.
“A part of me wants to keep pushing you away so I don’t have to acknowledge anything. But I know I can’t hide from this forever, and even more, that I’ll regret it if I do.”
As you listen carefully, he reaches out; warm hand grasping hold of yours. Despite his cryo vision, he’s always so warm. His touch is calming, —reassuring in the way that his thumb draws along the ridges of your knuckles. You’re not sure it’ll do much good, but you squeeze his hand softly.
“Anything you say, I’ll respect it,” you whisper.
Tears well in his visible eye. The moonlight hits him just right, glistening off the wetness. He sniffles softly, as if nobody else in the world has ever told him that no matter what he chooses, they won’t hate him. Maybe nobody ever has, and the thought of it guts you.
As he opens his mouth, you see his bottom lip quiver. Before you can think twice, you’ve raised your hand to match the sharp curve of his jaw and the plush of his cheek. He meets your gaze in a way he’s never really done so before, and you get a glimpse at all the broken pieces inside him. You don’t know what caused them, or even if you can meld them back together, but all you want is for Kaeya to know that he doesn’t have to do so alone. Friend, lover, or anything in between, you want to be there for him to help him see this through.
“I can’t make you any grand promises,” he musters up a sad smile, “but I love you, and I want to be with you. . . And I hope that’s enough.”
It is.
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𖦹. ━ DILUC !!
When Diluc has someone fetch you, summoning you to the tavern, you feel your heart sink low into the pit of your stomach. It’s only been a few days since the instigating conversation, and through it all, you hadn’t even managed to catch a glimpse of him in passing. That in itself wasn’t the most unusual thing, since Diluc largely prefers to work alone and seemingly has no vested interests in socializing like most people. Still, it makes you uneasy, and as you make your way to the tavern, you feel anxiety swim through your veins freely like fish to the open seas.
Chilly winds nip at your skin as you approach the wooden door, —and you knock lightly on the splintering boards, uncertain as to whether it was open. It seems much less lively this evening. It’s usually packed on nights when Diluc tends the bar since everyone has much praise for his skills in the position. They all say he makes the best drinks. You’ve only had a few drinks made by Diluc, but you’re inclined to agree.
“Come in,” you hear his unmistakable voice call out to you, and you do, albeit nervously.
Frankly, this just isn’t how you thought things would play out. Out of all the places you thought this conversation would happen, the tavern never really crossed your mind. . . But, you can’t say it shocks you. Diluc is pragmatic, and he did say that he wouldn’t make you wait any longer than what was necessary for him to work through his feelings. Maybe the suddenness of it all is just a reflection of his promise, much as the unconventional location.
As you step inside, you quickly realize that you’re the only person there, —aside from Diluc himself, of course. All of the seats are barren, and the bar doesn’t seem as if it’s been used.
“Good evening,” he says, —a greeting he would likely give to any other patron of the tavern.
“Good evening,” you parrot, questions playing on the tip of your tongue.
You can’t find the courage to ask them now. Everything feels oddly peaceful, despite your personal, internal qualms, and for one odd reason or another, you’d like to keep it that way. The atmosphere is bittersweet, much like Diluc himself. As you think that, you bite back a giggle.
“Take a seat,” he requests, gesturing to one of the stools in front of him. “I’ll mix you a drink. On the house, of course.”
“Alright,” you nod, doing as he says.
All of this feels strange, but you don’t see why obliging him would do any harm. It doesn’t hurt you to be this close to him, a countertop away from his arms. It’s always been like this. . . Maybe you’re much more used to it than you ever realized, and that revelation comes as an almost comforting sadness.
You watch passively as Diluc makes a drink for you. It doesn’t seem to be anything complicated, but you catch a sweet scent from the ingredients. He moves like this is something he’s been doing for the entirety of his life, never missing a beat. . . Like a machine. It dawns on you that Diluc has always been a little robotic, even from the very first time you crossed paths. In the beginning, his bluntness wasn’t always welcome, but as you grew to know him, it became consolatory. If nothing else, you knew that Diluc would never be the one to comfort you with lies.
In the midst of your reminiscing, he slides a cup across the counter to you. The liquid inside is a bright, cheerful color; a yellowy-orange that kisses the rim gently. Your gaze flickers from the drink to Diluc.
“What is this?” You ask, bringing it to your lips for a sip.
“A Gray Valley Sunset,” he answers, “—simple fruit punch.”
It hits your tongue with a sweet, tangy flavor. There’s no layers to the taste, and you have to admit that it’s painfully fitting for someone like him. What you see is what you get.
“I like it,” you smile softly.
“I’m glad,” he replies, making his way from around the bar to where you sit, taking a seat right beside you.
“When I was young, my father had me mix a drink for him,” Diluc begins, and you resign yourself to listening, taking small sips of the drink he prepared for you as you do so.
“No details, no instructions. . . He just laid ingredients out and told me to make something. Looking back, I think he just wanted to test my creativity, —see what I could come up with. In the end, I made a glass of fruit punch not much unlike that,” he gestures to the cup in your hand.
The fact that he made this drink for you now warms your heart. Even if he’s served thousands of them ordered from the tavern menu by now, you feel like this glass is special.
“Back then, I was young. Innocent. And though I thought I’d grown up long ago, your words the other night threw me so off balance that I felt I’d regressed to that little child again for the very first time.”
A chord of guilt strikes at your heartstrings.
“For the first time in a long while, I didn’t know how to fix something. I didn’t know how to make this better. I’ve thought about it ever since that night, and I’d love to say that I have all the answers now, but the truth is that I. . . Feel lost when it comes to this. Like the ending point is always moving, and I don’t know how to reach it in time,” Diluc goes on.
You want to say something, but you don’t know what. You also don’t want to interrupt this moment, where Diluc is showing you both strength and bravery in the form of unadulterated vulnerability.
“So, to compensate, I brought you here,” he offers up a barely-there smile that’s laced with sadness, but all the emotions reach his eyes for what feels like the very first time.
“Making drinks is like second nature to me by now. I know I can manage that. I wanted to take small steps this time, —thinking maybe slower strides would win the race for me. I made you a drink, and then I took a leap, and I told you a little story about me and my past that you’ve never heard before. Bridging the gap, I guess,” he lets himself laugh, though it sounds a bit bitter to you.
“I really appreciate that,” you finally speak up, “—truly.”
His gaze locks on yours, unblinking. This is an expression you never thought you’d get to see on Diluc’s face. . . Almost childlike, but endearingly so.
“I appreciate you listening,” he reaches out, placing a large hand on your knee.
“And if I may, I’d like to tell you something else before you go home.”
“Of course,” you nod, “I’m all ears.”
All ears, and all heart; throbbing in your chest like it’s thirty seconds from bursting.
“I don’t know what way is right or wrong with these kinds of things,” he elaborates, “but for you, I’ll do it all. Whatever you need. I’m poor with words, but I hope my actions can speak for me going forward. . . If you’ll have me, I want to love you.”
You cover the hand resting on your knee with your own, giving him a sheepish smile as you fight tears. If you speak, your voice is sure to crack, so you settle for a nod.
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𖦹. ━ CHILDE !!
Childe has been gone for quite some time now. Where he went, you haven’t the faintest clue. . . You rarely do. It’s just how he is, —swift as the winds of Mondstadt. He lives and breathes by his own rules, plays by unconventional means, and you love him not in spite of it all, but because of it. Maybe there’s something to be said about the unhearable, something to be felt in the untouchable, that Childe embodies all too well. He’s the wild that exists within us all, emerging from the darkness and living in the light with reckless abandon.
He’s enchanting, for better or worse.
There’s a certain enticement that comes from the chase. But Childe is likely chasing fairytales, and you’re chasing him, which might as well be the same thing, you suppose. Even now, as you sit below a starry sky alone, you know it’s almost foolish. He never promised you anything, and yet here you are, waiting for him like a worm on a hook, wriggling around below the water in hopes a fish might be intrigued enough to take a bite.
A sigh escapes your lips as you watch the sky, clouds drifting slowly along the inky expanse above. It’s the third night in a row. He could be a thousand miles away for all you know, but this spot makes you feel close to him, —makes you wonder if he’s out there right now, looking up at the same sky, thinking about you too.
You think about the way he looks at you, curious and calm, like you’re interesting and he wants to know all of what goes on inside your mind. But he never asks.
“Y/n?” His voice rings out from behind you, sending a shockwave through your body.
As you turn around, you half-expect for no one to be there. It wouldn’t have been the first time you heard his voice echo through your mind in a way that felt just a smidge too real. This time is different, though. There he stands with a surprised expression, a few small cuts littering the skin of his face.
“C-Childe,” you breathe, an equally shocked look painting your own face in turn, “what are you doing here? And where have you been?”
It’s the first time you’ve asked. Before, all you needed to know was that he was away, and that he was back now. For how long, who knows, but he was there in the moment, and that’s what counted. Now, however, everything feels like it’s changed, and you’d do anything to know all the details of his expeditions, —you’d give the world to see the world through his eyes.
“I could ask you the same,” he replies, slipping that mask back on.
Not literally, of course, but figuratively. That mask he wears, charming and slick, suave enough to win your heart, but not enough to keep it. No, the mask doesn’t set you aflame. He does. The real face of Childe that he covers as to not let those he encounters know that he too has feelings, and dreams of unattainable things.
“It’s late,” he adds, “shouldn’t you be home?”
You shrug.
“I couldn’t sleep,” you answer plainly, but your heart is racing in the cavern of your chest, and all you want to do is hold him close and let his warmth sink into you. “And I like it here. It’s calming.”
It feels empty when I’m alone, though, you think; but don’t dare to say it.
Even if you don’t, Childe looks at you like he knows what’s written on the tip of your tongue, —like he can taste it without ever having kissed you. He does that often, and now, you just wish he’d do it if for nothing more than confirmation.
“Well, I’m not complaining,” he notes, taking his place beside you on the grass.
Now that he’s closer, you can see his wounds better. By no means are they serious, but dried blood litters their outlines, and you can’t stop yourself from reaching out to touch his face gently. He doesn’t complain or look at you with confusion in his eyes. His face remains lax as you examine him, —not just the wounds, but him. He’s incredibly beautiful, with eyes that sparkle like noctilius jade.
“You could have cleaned them at the very least,” you mumble, hand parting from his cheek.
Before it falls to your side, he’s grasping at your wrist; motions defying his relaxed body language. He holds your wrist with the same intensity that he wields swords of water and aims to shoot his bow, but softer, —much softer, and a million times more affectionate.
“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting,” he whispers. “I was getting used to the idea of someone caring enough to do it in the first place.”
Your lips part as your eyes widen slightly, but you say nothing.
“I don’t want to mislead you. I’m not some prince, or a knight in shining armor. . . I get high off risks and sometimes, I might not be here when you need me. I won’t always be around to help you pick up the pieces after a hard day,” Childe says.
“I can’t promise you the universe, and I can’t bring you the stars in a bottle. I can’t give you everything you’ve ever wished for, and I won’t give you hope by making false claims to you that I know I can’t uphold. In truth, I don’t really know what it is that I can offer. . . All I really know is that I’ll love you, and I’ll do it like the world is ending if you give me the chance.”
You hadn’t been expecting that, but you can’t say it’s surprising. When it comes to him, you’ve never really known what to expect at all, not ever. It’s not stability that’s drawn you to Childe all this time. Security isn’t what you seek, —at least not right now. At this point in your life, you’re not looking for someone to give you empty promises and vow to give you the galaxy in the palm of your hand. You just want to know he’d seek you if reality was collapsing.
No need for goodbyes, just a million hellos.
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
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📣: husband!Jihoon // pregnant!yn // angst???? not really lol // fluff // comfort?? i guess // 900 words
A/N: ok its nearly 2 in the morning and i made this in like,,, an hour bc i felt bad for not updating 2 days in a row lol (bc that wonu update got too long and now im in too deep, i cant finish it quickly jhdsjfhbdhjfb) so obviously this isnt proofread and stuffs so pls bear with me hehehh also, im still emotional after that mmtg concert and my 2nd gen heart is soaring so i might or might not be in my best condition to write buttttt i do like how this turns out haha anyway! thank you for the req anon, i changed some stuffs bc i cant see jihoon lashing out tbh lol hope thats okay. enjoy!! happy weekend guys!!!!!!!!!!
find the rest of requested drabble here
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You stare at Jihoon as he busily types on his laptop at the dining table, wondering if it’s okay to ask him to go out and get pistachio ice cream. You don’t even like pistachio ice cream, but the baby inside you craves for it and it’s not like you have to say no, either.
But Jihoon has been busy the whole day, barely leaving his laptop alone. The only reason he’s in the dining room and not his office is because the AC has broken down a few days ago and is yet to be fixed. If not, you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t see Jihoon all day unless you come by to his office room.
He’s been a little tense these days, too, something about new project going on and his team being less than ideal for him. Jihoon has always been the type to quietly hold things in and then burst at once, which is your constant worry because it’s not exactly good for him.
He’s much better in talking about it now, at least to you, but he still does that sometimes without he even realizes and you think this might be one of those times; which is precisely why you’re hesitating on asking him to go out with you.
“Hoon?” you call him softly, trying to see his mood.
Jihoon grunts in acknowledgement, not even turning to you as his eyes focused on his screen.
“Would it be okay if I want to go out for a while?” you ask.
Jihoon turns at this, sighing at his work. “I’d love to, baby, but I still need to get this done first.”
You bite down your lip, picking your words carefully. “Can I go out with Soonyoung, then?” you ask, mentioning your brother even though you’re not sure if he’s free.
“What do you want to do, anyway?” he leans back on his seat, looking at you with something that is close to annoyance.
“I, uh,” you hesitate, suddenly feeling stupid for bringing it up. What on earth is your hormone doing? “I’m craving for ice cream,” you continue, your voice getting gradually getting smaller.
“I can’t hear you, you know?” he asks patiently, though his tone is on edge as he glance at his screen once again before turning his gaze back to you.
You repeat your words once again, voice even smaller than before. Jihoon takes a deep breath, willing himself not to get mad at you because he knows he’ll regret it immediately. But the miscommunication that has been happening within his team that he’s yet to fix all is getting even more annoying and it’s getting into him more than he’d like to admit.
“Can you repeat that once again?” he tries again.
You’re pretty sure it’s just your hormone acting up, but his annoyed tone and tired sigh stings something within you and you suddenly feel like crying. So, you decide to shake your head and hope your baby would forgive you for not eating that ice cream as you make your way back to your bedroom.
Sitting down on the furthest part of the bed from the door, you try to hold back your tears, try to tell yourself that Jihoon’s just tired and he’s tried his best not to lash at you, that there’s no reason to cry over him sounding annoyed when it’s probably his coworkers he’s annoyed at, not you.
Still, it’s hard to believe it when you’ve heard his sigh and exhausted tone when talking to you.
When the first tear falls, you quickly wipe it with your hand only to have Jihoon kneels down in front of you and take your face in his hands.
He frowns at the tears, his thumbs catching them as you try to calm yourself down. He doesn’t say anything and neither do you, but eventually he moves to sit beside you and engulf you in his embrace, which only makes you cry harder for no reason at all.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers against your head. “I made you question yourself, didn’t I?”
You wrap your arms around him, shaking your head. You’re pretty sure it’s just your messed up hormones making you extra sensitive, but Jihoon has always been perceptive even if he’s a little late at times.
“I’m sorry I made you cry, hm?” he leans back a little, just enough to see your face.
“No,” you hoarsely say after your tears die down. “I’m—I’m just a little sensitive, it’s not your fault.”
“Still, I should’ve tried to listen to you.” He gives you a small smile, sweeping your hair back to see you properly. “Mind telling me what you were going to say earlier?”
“I was craving for pistachio ice cream,” you say once again, looking down at your belly.
Jihoon follows your gaze and lets out a chuckle.
“Didn’t you just eat like, half an hour ago?” he asks, amused. “Our baby has quite the appetite, huh?”
“Wonder where he gets that from,” you smile at last, making him smile also.
Leaning forward to drop a kiss on your forehead, Jihoon stands up and pulls you with him right after. “Let’s go get that ice cream then. My work can wait, it’s not my fault they’re dumb.”
You seem uncertain for a moment, but Jihoon quickly sends you that look and you know not to question him. So, you take the jacket he’s handing you and take his hand in yours before following his step. There’s no better mood for ice cream than this.
©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
447 notes · View notes
Javi asking you to move in??? Maybe you practically already live there anyway but he’s so nervous to make it “official” because he hasn’t felt this way in SO LONG
These soft Javi headcanons are going to kill me. I’m so soft. 🥺🥺🥺
You knock on the door and shift one foot to the other waiting for him to come unlock the door. When you hear the telltale click of the lock you smile and push it open. Javi’s on you in seconds pushing you back into the door as it clicks shut behind you.
His lips are warm and smooth as he sighs against you. His body relaxing under you touch as you run your fingers through his hair. “I missed you,” he whispers against your lips and you laugh. “Javier I’ve been gone for thirty minutes to get some fresh clothes from my place. How could you miss me already?” He pulls back to give you a look before giving you another quick kiss and bending down to collect your bag.
“Im gonna go put your stuff away in our room, okay? I tried not to burn the dinner, stirring occasionally that’s what you said right?” You nod and he turns off to go to the bedroom and you make your way back to the kitchen. You check on the food and are happy to report he didn’t burn it.
That’s when it hits you. He said OUR room? Holy shit. Your brain goes into overtime and when Javier re-emerges he sees the panic on your face quickly coming to your side. “What is it mi amor are you hurt?”
Your gaping like a fish “you said,” you swallow hard, “you said our room...” His face goes pale and he tries to look everywhere than at you. Suddenly he walks away and you turn back to the meal ashamed. Javier wasn’t one to freely offer up his emotions and you worry bringing up his slip of tongue might set your relationship back.
Although he wasn’t wrong, you did basically live here now. Ever since the sicarios shot up your work and killed your boss for owing Escobar money. Javier had shot his way in to get to you pinning you against his jeep with unrestrained passion before he brought you to his place and made love to you. You’d just never left and that had been three months ago.
You hear him behind you and turn the silence ackward between you. “I’m sorry.” “I want you to move in.” You both speak at the same time but you’d clearly heard him. “What?” Your words tremble and he holds out his hand reaching for yours.
In your palm he places a key with a spider man keychain on it. “I want you to move in with me. I hate when you leave. I love waking up with you and falling asleep with you in my arms. I love you and I’m terrified I’m going to destroy this like everything else good in my life but I can’t sleep without you and I’m man enough to admit that. I need you Cariño.”
You tremble and look down a the key and back at him, “why the Spider-Man?” Your voice comes out small and he takes a step closer. “Because your like that Spider-Man guy you have Javi senses remember?” You let out a watery chuckle and his laugh makes your heart soar.
“Do you really want me to move in with you?” He nods and you smile. “Okay then. My lease is up next month I won’t renew it. I love you Javier so much.”
“I love you too Cariño, welcome home.”
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hongism · 2 years
Omgomgomgomgomg okay oKAY I just finished the most recent chapter of moc and BESTIE. I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY OMGGGG aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA
First of all fuck hyunwoo. I knew that mf was too good to be true. 😐🖕🏻Maybe it’s a gut feeling but considering that moc is anything but sunshine and rainbows, I had a feeling it wouldn’t turn out well. Or maybe it was the way hyunwoo was going like “we don’t have to bring back the bad memories, we can just bring back the good memories” that sent off the red flags for me. The fact that he was still insistent on bringing back the memories when Y/n bluntly admitted that she doesn’t want them back just didn’t sit right for me. Also when he pretty much called y/n a monster brought me flashbacks at when Yunho made that harsh dig at y/n so that also brought the emotional turmoil to another degree.
BUT SPEAKING OF SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, SANNNNNN 😭🥺💖💕💖💕 just him being the pure fluff in between all the messy shit that y/n is going through is so well needed. he’s so thoughtful, caring and so full of love for his crew and ESPECIALLY Y/N. AND HIS NICKNAMES FOR Y/N GOT MY HEART SOARING THROUGH THE FUCKING SKYYYY. I especially love the communication he’s immediately putting into their open (possibly poly 👁👁) relationship. It’s so clear on how much he loves y/n and how much he wants it to work with no boundaries or miscommunication between them and it’s so endearing to read about. I love that he’s just letting y/n take things at their own pace is just so sweet and PLZ CALY WE NEED MORE FLUFFY MOMENTS LIKE THIS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Also YEOSANG AND WOOYOUNG....can’t say I saw y/n and yep having sex is what I expected at all but it’s certainly not an unwelcome one. I just finished watching bridgerton s2 so maybe I’m more into this unexpected ship bc of that. Everyone loves a good enemies to lovers plotline after all...👁👁 and Wooyoung...he’s so happy to be back with his childhood bestie and I love seeing this two bond even more. Looking back on when y/n meets woo for the first time in chapter 2 makes me CRYYYYY. I hope these three idiots can somehow reconcile but sometimes tells me it won’t be that easy. Wonder why, really. 😒
Also POOR Y/N. She’s been through too much emotional turnmoil and it breaks my heart to see how much her life has been taken away from her and the people who she one called family are telling nothing but lies and half truths. It’s heartbreaking. It makes me happy that she senses that comfort in the horizon but I hope the boys can feel that way abut her too 😞
ANYWAYS that’s all I can think to type rn but just know I’ll always be ✨lurking✨ for updates and new project. Love you and stay healthy mwah 😘💖💕💖💕💖💕
BESTIEEEE im so sorry this is coming so incredibly late 😩
First of all fuck hyunwoo. I knew that mf was too good to be true. 😐🖕🏻Maybe it’s a gut feeling but considering that moc is anything but sunshine and rainbows, I had a feeling it wouldn’t turn out well. Or maybe it was the way hyunwoo was going like “we don’t have to bring back the bad memories, we can just bring back the good memories” that sent off the red flags for me. The fact that he was still insistent on bringing back the memories when Y/n bluntly admitted that she doesn’t want them back just didn’t sit right for me. Also when he pretty much called y/n a monster brought me flashbacks at when Yunho made that harsh dig at y/n so that also brought the emotional turmoil to another degree.
i think you speak for everyone in saying that, one of these days i'll not pull a fast one on you guys but this time it just had to happen 😤 im glad u got the signs tho hehe ur too smart for me!!! and you got the connection back to yunho too bestie beloved you're gonna have to come in and take my job from me at this rate!!!!
BUT SPEAKING OF SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS, THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, SANNNNNN 😭🥺💖💕💖💕 just him being the pure fluff in between all the messy shit that y/n is going through is so well needed. he’s so thoughtful, caring and so full of love for his crew and ESPECIALLY Y/N. AND HIS NICKNAMES FOR Y/N GOT MY HEART SOARING THROUGH THE FUCKING SKYYYY. I especially love the communication he’s immediately putting into their open (possibly poly 👁👁) relationship. It’s so clear on how much he loves y/n and how much he wants it to work with no boundaries or miscommunication between them and it’s so endearing to read about. I love that he’s just letting y/n take things at their own pace is just so sweet and PLZ CALY WE NEED MORE FLUFFY MOMENTS LIKE THIS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
SEEEEEE I DID GIVE YOU SOME SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS I GAVE GOOD SAN CONTENT!!!! san is so precious and important beyond belief yesyes my heart melts thru the floor every time i write scenes with him ughhhh <333 adoration beyond BELIEF!!! san best boy honestly king of communication!!! it's so new to me to write such a healthy relationship!??!?! who have i BECOME! i have so many plans tho ahhh i promise more cute moments for them soon too!!!
Also YEOSANG AND WOOYOUNG....can’t say I saw y/n and yep having sex is what I expected at all but it’s certainly not an unwelcome one. I just finished watching bridgerton s2 so maybe I’m more into this unexpected ship bc of that. Everyone loves a good enemies to lovers plotline after all...👁👁 and Wooyoung...he’s so happy to be back with his childhood bestie and I love seeing this two bond even more. Looking back on when y/n meets woo for the first time in chapter 2 makes me CRYYYYY. I hope these three idiots can somehow reconcile but sometimes tells me it won’t be that easy. Wonder why, really. 😒
YEOSANG AND WOOYOUNG JUST... they can and WILL figure it out as they NEED TO!! i know the big surprise was massively unexpected but you know me i live for the drama!!!! enemies to lovers just hits that good.... 👁️👁️ wooyo getting his moment with his past bestie too was so lovely and fun to write 😭😭😭 these three definitely have a lot to work out between them and a lot to deal with but that's why i promised drama in act six isn't it 😎
Also POOR Y/N. She’s been through too much emotional turnmoil and it breaks my heart to see how much her life has been taken away from her and the people who she one called family are telling nothing but lies and half truths. It’s heartbreaking. It makes me happy that she senses that comfort in the horizon but I hope the boys can feel that way abut her too 😞
GAGDFLKJGLKEA y/n really been through it... but you know we have to break people sometimes for them to be built back up and that's a huge HUGE moment for her too 😤
ANYWAYS that’s all I can think to type rn but just know I’ll always be ✨lurking✨ for updates and new project. Love you and stay healthy mwah 😘💖💕💖💕💖💕
im glad you enjoyed hehe i hope you stay healthy too mwahmwah I LOVE YOU!!!! 💗💞💗💞💝💘💕💓💞
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rekrappeter · 4 years
illicit affairs [7]
pairing: jj maybank x fem!reader || topper thornton x fem!reader
warnings: emotional abuse, mention of cheating, cursing, violence, physical fight, mention of blood, kissing 
summary: the last thing you expected entering an anonymous chat room was to be connected with a man from the same island. nevermind, building a proper bond with them through late-night messages, not knowing who or what they were. you told them everything, you leaned on them in times of need. it was a secret you held tightly, even from your boyfriend, Topper. But what happens when you find out the stranger you’ve fallen in love with is the man that despises you for being a kook, the one and only JJ Maybank?
notes: thank you all for the lovely comments on previous parts. I hope you like this one just as much, let me what you think! if you want to be tagged, please send me an ask as I might lose it if it’s a comment. Thank you :) y’all can thank @rafecameron​ for me taking it easy on topper !! yes im using a kissing booth gif, apologies 
this is also dedicated to my love @diverdcwn​
part six || series masterlist || part eight
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It became routine after that night. JJ would knock on your window at eleven p.m, bringing different types of snacks and drinks. He’d stumble over your furniture, you’d stiffen the laughs that wanted to escape and he’d get comfortable on your bed, snuggling into you. You were sure to keep quiet but he never failed making you shush him in fear that your mother would hear his loud obnoxious laugh. Your bedroom was your safe haven, it was the space you shared solemnly with JJ. You avoided him in public, and he would ignore you, pretending that he didn’t just leave your embrace hours beforehand. It was better this way, for the time being. 
On Wednesday night, he came right on time, carrying goldfish and caramel chocolate bars in his backpack. You got to pick the movie for the night, knowing that neither one of you would be paying attention to it instead updating each other on your antics of the day. You opted for Clueless, a movie that could play in the background but what you didn’t expect was for JJ to become totally engrossed to it.
‘Have you never seen this?’ you chuckled, popping a goldfish into your mouth. 
JJ shook his head, ‘I-I just, aren’t they step siblings? They can hardly date each other..’ his face turned to a grimace and you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. He turned to look at you, smiling softly and rolling his eyes. ‘Stop that.’
‘Stop what?’ you asked, twisting your body to look at him. 
‘Stop giggling, it’s cute,’ he replied, a blush sketching across his cheeks. 
‘Stop making me giggle then,’ you retorted. 
JJ bit his bottom lip, moving the packet of crisps that separated your body and moved in closer to you. His hand trailed along your hip, your crop top riding up slightly. Your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation of his fingers brushing your bare skin, and your stomach felt like it was twisting in on itself. ‘Have you spoke to Topper yet?’ JJ’s voice was small and soft, almost as if he was afraid to ask the question.
‘No, not yet, but I’m meeting him Friday night,’ you said, opening your eyes to look at him. His face was closer, you could feel his breath fawning over your lips and you wanted nothing more than to close the gap between you but you refrain yourself from doing so. That’s the thing about this; you and JJ were friends, slowly turning to becoming each other’s best friend. The last week has been nothing short of amazing, creating that connection that you once established online. There was no doubt you were in love with him. 
‘Are you meeting him at the boneyard?’ he asked, circling his arms around your waist and pulling you closer. You rested your head on his chest, letting him cuddle into you. 
‘Yeah, is that okay? I know you’ll be there.’
‘It’s fine, don’t let me stop you from meeting your boyfriend,’ JJ chuckled, you knew he was trying to play it off as if it didn’t matter and deep down, it did to him. He wanted to be the one showing you off, bringing you to parties. He wanted to be the one kissing you goodnight and goodmorning, he was the one that was always there anyway. 
You pushed away from him, hovering over him. ‘You know it’s not like, Jay.’
He forced a smile, brushing some of your hair behind your ear. ‘I’m teasing, I know what I signed up for. Now c’mere.’ He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, something that you would never had associated with JJ before; being gentle, being sweet. The man that lay beside you each night was a person that you thought you knew for a long time, but you had yet to figure him out until the last couple of weeks. 
‘You know, he’s not my boyfriend, right?’ you muttered, laying on your back, your arm brushing against his. He raised his right hand in the air, yours following his movements and tangled your fingers in his. 
‘But you still care about him, you won’t let me kiss you.’ 
‘Friends don’t kiss, JJ,’ you hummed, brushing his fingers. ‘We’re just friends.’
JJ chuckled softly, glancing at you for a split second with a smirk on his face, ‘Yeah, okay.’ You laughed along with him, shaking your head. 
‘What’s that suppose to me?’ you muttered when you laughs died down. JJ clasped his larger fingers over yours, bringing your hand to his lips and peppered kisses on your skin. 
‘I love my friends, but I don’t love them like I do you,’ JJ whispered, his heart hammering against his chest as the confession left his tongue. He was nervous, opening up to you about you. He was so used to pushing his other baggage on you; his family history, his friend problems, his worry about the future. But he wanted to talk about the thing that was bothering him the most, that thing being you and his feelings towards you. 
You were at lost for words, never thinking you’d hear JJ admit that he was in love with you. It’s so easy to fall in love online, you create this picture perfect persona for the person you’re talking to and when you meet them in real life, you always expected that picture to burn away, being replaced with reality. But the time you’ve spent with JJ has been special, you looked forward to seeing him and you giggled and blushed a lot. You felt like a teenage girl again, sneaking around and this time you weren’t going to beat around the bush.
‘You love me?’ you whispered, turning your body to face him.
JJ licked his lips, swallowing back any hesitation before nodding, ‘I do, I do love you.’ 
A smile tugged on your lips, ‘I’m in love with you.’ 
Having you say those words to him, JJ felt like he was on top of the world. His heart was soaring high, his stomach flipping and his palms sweating. He ran his hand up your body to cup your face, feeling you sucking in a deep breath, he brought you closer, resting his forehead on yours. You breathed in each other’s scent, eyes closed and this was the most intimate it was going to get because he knew you didn’t want your first kiss to be riddled with guilt and shame. He knew he’d have to wait. 
You had a skip in your step the whole next day, a wide smile plastered on your face as you interacted with other people despite the blue eyed boy being on your mind twenty four seven. It wasn’t until you crossed paths with your mother minutes before you were about to walk out your front door and make your way to the boneyard. The moment she spotted your smile, her eyes gazed down at your outfit and it was like a mask covered her face in a split second. 
‘Where do you think you’re going dressed like that?’ she asked. You suppressed the urge to roll your eyes at her words, pulling at the thread of your jean shorts; your outfit was nothing short of what every other person would wear on the island. 
‘I’m meeting Topper at the beach,’ you simply replied.
‘So he forgave you?’ your mother chuckled drily, taking a sip of the wine glass, ‘I hope you realise how lucky you are.’ 
Shuffling on the pristine carpet, you looked between her and the mirror in front of you in the hallway, noting the little similarities that you shared with her. You heaved out a sigh, running your hand over your face. ‘I’m not asking him to forgive me tonight, I’m ending it completely.’ 
The heavy silence settled. You watched as she ran her tongue along her pearl white teeth, her lips smacking together. Her lips looked like they wanted to twitch into a smile, but it was a smile of disappointment and disbelief. ‘I-I don’t know what to do with you anymore.’ 
‘You don’t have to do anything with me, I’m twenty years old now.’
‘Oh, because you’re twenty, you don’t need me anymore,’ she nodded her head slowly, as if she was coming to terms with something life changing. She walked towards you, her pink fluffy slippers dragging along the carpet. 
‘I-i don’t think I ever really needed you,’ your voice was miles apart from your brain. You stumbled back as she walked towards you, closing the gap. Her eyes were full of amusement, but fiery lightning behind them at your words. You could see her knuckles getting paler as she grasped the wine glass. ‘You never did anything good for me.’ 
‘Good for you? Look around, look at where you’re living! I did all this, for you. For you to live a good life.’
‘No, mother! You did all this for you! You never cared about me!’ you shouted at her, watching her take a step back at your raised voice. ‘You put me down everyday! You belittle me! You make me feel like everything I do is wrong!’
‘Because it is!’ She screamed, suddenly raising her arm and throwing the glass in your direction. You jumped out of the way, letting the glass break into a million pieces against the wall, the red wine painting the cream wallpaper. Your heart hammered against your chest, staring wide eyed at your mother. ‘You have never done anything right!’ The tears were streaming down her face, the anger simmering over.
‘You never gave me a chance, you watched me like a hawk. Every mistake I made, you judged. You never let me be a kid, or a teenager, I was under lock and key ever since father-’ your voice broke, your eyes watering over. 
‘You say I kept you under lock and key but look at you, y/n. If I had any control over you, you would be in college, aiming for a good life but you’re throwing it away. You’re nothing but a disgrace to this family, to me, to your father.’ She turned on her heels, her voice echoing in your ears as you sobbed uncontrollably. Your cries were whimpers, barely a sound passing your lips. The house was closing in, suffocating you to the point that you stumbled out of it, making sure to slam the door as loud as you could.
Climbing into your jeep, you made a beeline towards the boneyard. You only wanted one person. You longed to be wrapped in his arms, to have his warmth and scent comforting you. You swerved on the road multiple times, slamming on your breaks when you pulled into the parking lot half a mile from where people were gathering. You didn’t want to cause a scene, you just wanted JJ to wrap his arms around you and tell you everything was going to be okay. 
As you walked down the walkway, the fresh air from the sea washed over you. Your numbing mind waking up, making you aware of what was going on. You were unconsciously walking towards the group of pogues that were gathered around the keg. You halted in your step, feeling the breath being knocked out of you when JJ noticed your figure there. He stood up straighter, seeing the tears streaming down your cheeks. The sky was still bright, welcoming the summer evening, he could see your figure from miles away. JJ stepped around the pogues, making his way over to you in a rush but he paused. 
‘Hey, y/n, you made it,’ the voice sent shivers down your spine, turning to face Topper. JJ watched you intently, your eyes still on him, it was like he was waiting. Waiting for you to make a decision. Topper’s arm gripped your forearm, pulling you to the side. You lost sight of JJ when your body spun around, thanks to Topper. ‘What’s wrong? Why are you crying?’ 
‘It’s nothing, Topper,’ you mumbled, wiping away the tears with the white sweater you threw on. 
Topper’s stare switched to the pogue watching the couple, his eyes narrowing slightly. ‘Is this something to do with him?’ he snarled, you turned your head to see JJ, watching him swallow and twist on his heels, walking back to the keg.
‘N-no, Topper, it was my-’ But Topper pushed past you, not letting you explain. You watched him rush towards JJ, knocking him in the back and pushing him to the sand. Topper hovered over him, throwing punches while grabbing his shirt, pulling him from the sand. ‘Topper!’ you screamed, running to the men that were gathering a crowd, chanting. 
You tried to jump on Topper, but when he pulled his arm back to punch JJ, his elbow connected to your jaw making you fall back onto your ass. ‘Topper!’ you screamed again, tears free falling from your eyes. ‘Pope, do something!’ you screamed at the only familiar face you could make out from the crowd. You scrambled from the sand, going in for a second attempt of pulling Topper off JJ. 
You and Pope both grabbed an arm each, reaving him off the body. Pope held him down, but the blonde underneath him scrambled away on his ass, watching you. Topper watched you glance at him for a split second before your attention was solemnly on JJ, who sat up, spitting blood from his mouth. 
‘Hey, hey, are you okay?’ you asked frantically, cupping his face to see how bad the damage was. His eyes were disorientated and fatigued, barely opening but he managed to nod before collapsing to the sand again, trying to catch his breath. 
���I take it you told him,’ JJ mumbled, but from the cringe in your face, he knew he said the wrong thing.
‘Tell me what?’ Topper snapped from behind you, standing now. You swallowed back the lump in your throat, cursing JJ under your breath. You stood up slowly, turning to look at the man you once loved. His face was a mix of emotions, eyes flicking between you and JJ. You reached to grab his hand but he stumbled backwards away from you, ‘What’s going on?’ 
‘Can we go somewhere private?’ you muttered, glaring at the crowd still around you. Some people looked away and turned their back, but others’ ears perked up and were waiting for you to continue. ‘Don’t make me do it here.’
You followed Topper away from the gathering, down towards the shore. JJ stood from the sand, watching your retreating figure and he wanted nothing more than to be there with you, but he knew you needed to do this yourself. Topper turned to look at you, waiting for you to start your explanation, to give him a bit of insight into what the hell was going on. 
‘Topper, just know I didn’t mean for this to happen,’ his eyes screwed close at your words, sucking in a deep breath, ‘and I never did anything. It just happened, we created this connection and-’
‘And you cheated on me?’ he asked, looking at you intently with his eyes glossing. 
‘No,’ you urged, ‘N-not physically anyways, I never kissed him.’ 
‘But you wanted to?’ 
You nodded slowly, hearing Topper curse and run his hand over his face, as if he was trying to contain some of the hurt he was feeling. ‘Why does this always happen to me? L-like what am I doing wrong?’ Any anger or fear that you were feeling completely disappeared, replaced with guilt and sadness. You didn’t mean to make Topper feel like this, you didn’t know he felt like this at all or that there was a possibility of it. 
‘Topper, you are such a great guy..’
‘But I don’t know.. you’re a little intense,’ you mumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip.
‘You cheated on me because I was intense? Because I loved you too much?’ He asked in disbelief, his eyes wide. He paced on the sand, kicking the grains with his sandals. 
‘You don’t love me, Topper, you-’
‘Don’t pull that shit, Sarah did the same thing. It became a phenomenon,’ Topper snapped, his fingers gliding through his hair. ‘What’s going on with you and JJ now?’ 
You looked up at the beach, seeing JJ standing to the side, watching you. You tried to suppress the smile, but you couldn’t. Topper seemed oddly at ease, something you weren’t expecting; maybe it was the break you were on that eased the blow of it. He must have suspected something. ‘We’ve just been hanging out as friends.’
‘A pogue,’ Topper rolled his eyes, and you were about to retaliate until you spotted the smirk resting on his lips. You pushed his arm, and he used this as an opportunity to pull you into a hug, his face nesting into your neck. He tightened his arms around you, squeezing you.
‘I’m sorry, Top,’ you muttered into his ear, wrapping your arms around him. 
‘I’m sorry too,’ he replied, pulling back slightly, ‘Maybe you could help me, be my wingwoman sometime.’ 
You threw your head back laughing but nodded, smiling up at him. ‘Deal.’ 
You made your way back up the beach, ignoring prying eyes before you went your separate ways, bidding each other goodbye with small smiles. You walked towards JJ who was waiting patiently, two drinks in his hands. He reached one out to you, which you gladly accepted and you sighed, downing it. 
‘That seemed to have gone reasonably well,’ JJ mumbled, looking at you over the rim of his own cup. 
‘Better than expected,’ you smiled, ‘I’ll be his new wingwoman, find him a good aul pogue.’
‘I have a few friends,’ JJ offered, and you chuckled, ‘you kooks do seem to have a thing for pogues. First Sarah Cameron, now y/n y/l/n.’
‘Who says I have a thing for a pogue?’
JJ threw his cup to the sand, taking yours and tossing it to the ground. He grabbed your hands, pulling you in closer. You giggled at the impact of his chest against yours, tilting your head to look up at him. ‘You still love me?’ he asked, his blue eyes staring into yours.
You pretended to think about the answer, making him tickle your side. ‘Aye, stop. Of course I do,’ his heart hammered against his chest again, he won’t ever get used to hearing that you love him. A sly smile landed on his face, and you ran your fingers up his arms, letting him hold you close to him. 
‘Where does this leave us then?’ JJ asked softly, fluttering his eyelashes at you. He felt vulnerable in this moment, giving you his heart. 
Your fingers brushed his jaw, running them through his hair before they rested at the back of his head. His eyes shut at the sensation, taking a deep breath in. You took this as your opportunity to lean towards him, slowly pressing your lips to his. He was shocked at first, but followed your lead and applied more pressure. Moving your lips against his, he pulled you in closer by the hips and you gripped his hair gently, deepening the kiss. 
@diverdcwn​ @yuxsh06​ @starlightstarkey​ @hmspoguee​ @ryley1020​  @thefangirlofthecentury​ @lahey-paradise​ @bailspogue​ @fangirlfree​ @thisishowifeelrn​ @deviouscharitos​  @pink-meringues​ @teamnick​ @jjmaybankwildtimes​ @x-lulu​ @danicarosaline​ @canibeoneofthepogues​ @http-cherries​ @sinkbeneathwaves​ @ilymarkchan​ @afterglows7b-tch13​ @rudyypankow​ @kahnacademyforfun​ @ifilwtmfc​ @asaks6082 @casper17​ @coloradogirl07​ @basically--meghan​ @alternativehp​ @outrbanks​ @deathcompass​ @prejudic3​ @jewel25​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @why-is-gamora-786​ @jasminesuperstar123456789​ @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @outerbongs​ @kennedywxlsh​  @bxmaaa​ @httpstarkey​ @velyssaraptor​​ @duskangxl​​ @sweetlysilent​​ @haharudy​​ @urlocalbrochure​​ @diverrdown​​ @obx-direction-sos​​ @poguestyleskye​​ @stfukie​​ @butgilinsky​​ @outerbnx-stiles​​ @maysbanks​​  @ultranikilove​​​ @arianawills​​​ @newsies-yeet​​​ @vindictive-hearts​​​ @queenieloveswriting​​​ @rudths​​​ @heyitsmeimdead​​  @solllaris​​ @cremextart​​ @olsenholic​​ @arianabrashierstuff​​ @apoguecalledjj​​ @renatafairchild​​ @obx-snippets​​ @jaxandcomet​​ @lunaticlua​​ @bolditalicwriter​ @summerkaulitz​ @maybankiara​ @strivingforelegance @anonymous0writer​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @nicolefarley603
crossed out means i couldnt tag you for some reason :)
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bittersweet netflix shadow and bone finale (s1 e8) rewatch; accoutrement: white wine with ice cubes in it (no YOU'RE a mom drink shh)
my wine's like fruity I love her
light and darkness title card we love to see it
Inej looking at Alina before she goes below deck to hide <3
okay that 'what can you really do on your own' was like not fun that shit hurted
okay but Jesper's 'not enough'? <3
oh no my baby Zoya's first inkling that Darkles does not really care
omg Helnik just appeared and I remembered how much heartbreak I have to face in this episode
gods I love Danielle as Nina so so much
'this can't be it' said she with her pleading smile with downturned eyebrows MA'AM I-
don't break my dumb little heart
I might hate Calahan's little accent but they're making me tear up
oh gods I literally cannot keep a hold on myself when Dani's accent bleeds through with full force, it's like she comes more alive or smth
'I will keep you warm' SIR WHAT-
I am surprised they showed a leaning in for a kiss so soon but I'm not mad about it
her little eyebrow twitch at 'what are waffles'
when that rando said 'i hunt slavers now' a dread settled into me because I knew what was about to go down
Matthias looking somberly at the stuffed wolf's head </3
I am so incredibly entranced by this exchange between Fedyor and Nina and what it represents, it's very interesting that they pushed up their storyline to match with the timeline
damn it's kind of jarring to be back in the Fold
'REMEMBER WHO'S DRIVING'??!!!! *you better stop* meme, *i am, disgusted* meme, *oh wow, oh wow* meme
Mal you fucking idiot you could never take the crows by surprise
the music rising as Kaz starts explaining his thought process, fucking perfection
haha Mal bitchass Inej caught you
'Because if he isn't with Kirigan's crew, he's with ours' WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
'And why would we destroy the Fold? It's the greatest weapon we've got' valid point at the moment but you know I don't necessarily agree with your methods
the use of the light tunnel in the show instead of Alina just being a super flashlight in the books is quite an interesting addition as well
is this an inappropriate time to point out how pretty Ben Barnes is
okay I kind of love the depiction of the shadow powers okay sue me
'they are traitors who tried to kill you' why are you suddenly making valid points despite having kind of committed low scale genocide
Kaz's face going from 'can you believe this idiot' at Mal to 'fuck me I'm gonna do the same thing aren't I' at Inej
'For who would oppose us now?' *himbo romantic rival appears out of nowhere and shoots at him* god I love this show
him standing calmly in his ridiculous all black attire after nodding at his soldier to stop the himbo in his tracks, i fucking can't
could she summon light without the Darkling making her after he put the collar on her until the uhm moment in the books? idts but in the show she can hmm
'only because I'm not in the game' you tell him Jesper
not me snickering at 'you'll be seen not as a saviour, but as a heretic' LMFAO
'Shame. I'll have to give that speech again now.' THIS SHOW IS A FUCKING COMEDY AND YOU CAN'T PROVE ME WRONG
Darkles casually whipping the Cut out like a shuriken or a throwing knife at Jesper because he shot at him lmao I can't
that moment where you actually think that affected him despite having read the books and watched the show
and then he has to go and fucking say 'it will take more than this' and I can't be help but be a little bit impressed at this old fool's resilience
throwback to when he said 'the king is a child' sir you make some valid points sometimes and it does make it difficult to hate you
I would just like to inform everyone that it is currently 6:09 am IST and I am sipping my second mug of wine while watching netflix sab for the second time instead of doing my three papers that are due tomorrow
I'm sorry but Inej jumping to check on Zoya after she gets knocked over by the volcra? first class display of solidarity and sisterhood as well as Inej's inherent kindness
Kaz jumping in front of a FUCKING VOLCRA AND STABBING IT WITH HIS CANE to save Inej, you best believe love is true, kids
god the volcra are so ugly and gross, they did such a good job with them
they kind of remind me of these creatures (I think they might have been called Hollows or smth) from the Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie
despite my dislike for the callous nature with which the stag plotline was handled, I kind of dig the stag vision scene
'It's just me and you now, Alina. And we're all we need, anyway.' I actually feel bad for this old fool simping for this wonderful gorgeous powerful woman despite lying to her and manipulating her and exploiting her power
okay 'I never needed you' *stabs the bone fragment out of his hand* beautiful power move I fucking love you so so much
alright ben looking like ✨ that✨ not only in physical pain but also emotional pain at what the Darkling clearly considers another betrayal from this girl he wants to give the world and maybe? loves? maybe? or at least has feelings for makes my fucking heart hurt while simultaneously soar at Alina taking back control and reclaiming her power as her own and stepping into her own
'how do you claim such power' okay could have had better dialogue there writers
the fucking score lifting as she says 'you cannot claim what was not given to you' good people my heart is full
one day I'll talk about my defense of the chosen one trope because god damn I kind of love it
hmm I wonder was that brief hesitation that we saw on Alina's face due to her thinking about the 'you chose to betray our people' comment or the 'i was trying to save us' comment because that will define some of her actions in the later seasons (hopefully god if we get some, I honestly don't know what with this stupid brownface debacle)
I'm not saying talking about brownface and pointing out that it is wrong (for further context, I am actually brown) and harmful is stupid btw I'm talking about the incidents involving brownface in question
I don't wanna talk about this anymore but I might feel like I need to and end up posting about it idk
goodness Ivan actually believing in this cause makes me so sad because he too has been victimized by the system that ostracizes Grisha and he has every right to feel the way that he does
Ben actually fighting in that ridiculously heavy cloak and kefta when he's about to turn 40 this year makes me super impressed because I as a 19 year old sometimes wake up with muscle pulls after weeks of inactivity it's weird idk
also I understand that this Mal Darkling fight is completely fanservice and serves nearly no purpose to the plot in general but like I? love it?
'I don't have to kill you Darkling. Your past will do it for me' YES HIMBO GO OFF YOU TELL THAT OLD MAN GODS THAT WAS SEXY AS FUCK
maybe it's because I know Darkles will survive and will come out of it more powerful but I can't get myself to feel bad for him at the moment
Inej and Mal tearing up at Alina's condition made me almost feel something despite it being super obvious she was gonna be fine and save their asses at the last moment
a solitary Kaz in spotted on the western side of the newly expanded fold in his signature all black emo boy look
okay but the crows with zoya and malina is such an adorable team? I literally love them so much?
okay I know they had one interaction but Mal and Jesper would be besties in another universe
Kaz glaring at Jesper when he answers ''course not' to Alina's 'will you still be trying to kidnap me?' tell me one fucking adaptation that got the dynamics between characters this perfectly
okay why do I love that Alina kept the jewellery as maybe a small nod to she has the wits to, um, you know, I don't wanna say steal, but, um, yeah, steal it because she knew she would need money to survive on the run
oh Jessie I love you so much I wish you hadn't said those things on you ig story about the brownface
it's like every single celeb I grow attached to god's like nope that one is going to do or say something problematic (hey btw im not reassigning blame to god for stuff people have done out of their own free will, 'twas a joke)
AAAAAAAH them saying 'the deal is the deal' in the show even though they didn't have to but like they did and I love them for it
Inej literally not being able to not stare at Kaz's face and smile after this <3
'I didn't expect it to burn at all. But it can be destroyed in the end. Just like him' babe you're not wrong but like um just you wait
god Mal being on supportive boyfie mode is well, absolutely adorable, obviously, but I wish we got to see more of him as a person outside of his attachment to Alina
kaz my little demjin I wish you hadn't have had to suffer so much to meet the crows and find your calling
fastforwarding Zoya's arc is also an interesting choice to me
I wish the hug hadn't been done though, it didn't feel earned
maybe Alina awkwardly and half-heartedly (remember, at this point the alliance is fresh and they still don't entirely trust each other) reached for a hug and Zoya avoided her? and then the rest of Zoya's lines followed? that would have made more sense to me at least
I love Sujaya as well, she brought life into Zoya with whatever little screentime and scraps of writing she got
inej asking kaz 'what's your angle?' beep bop bleep morp I sense another incoming embarrassing love confession
'but we do need you' *stares at her face intensely* 'I need you' ah look at the clock, look's like it's time to screech and flap your arms like you're a volcra because you're incapable of containing your emotions
helnik my loves you don't deserve this I'm so sorry for both of you
Matthias fucking smiling ruefully while he says 'this was... just a cruel joke all along' THIS IS NOT FUCKING OKAY
omg hellgate
Nina genuinely being curious as to the status of the sun saint because she obviously still cares
Also, 'But she is a Saint' okay Kaz trying to earn brownie points you have succeeded
gods I know I'll probably see them again but my heart is full of sorrow as my eyes drink in the sight of my crows for the last time for a while
I know people were annoyed at the meadow flashbacks but guess what? as a darklina, I loved them
'now that the Darkling is dead' could have phrased that a little differently my dudes that line needed to hold more weight
am I glad that they showed Darkles in this state with his nichevo'ya as a tasty little cliffhanger despite not being entirely true to the source material? maybe but only because Ben Barnes saying 'follow' and the nichevo'ya doing exactly so sent a chill down my spine
well, that's it for now, I'll have to move on I guess, get back to my real life which I'm obviously not ready to do
thank you to whoever actually read these things
I probably should have just made reactions or commentary videos instead but I'm lazy
my tumblr will probably go into inactivity once more as I emerge from my stint in the grishaverse
it was quite short (less than 2 months), considering the length of my other obsessions but it was definitely more intense than the other ones
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violetnotez · 4 years
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request:  It’s the the first time I send a request so I hope I’m doing it right 🥺 can I request a kirishima x reader one-shot with the reader being the traitor and during a fight with the LOV she betrays her classmates and her boyfriend and they found everything out. Possibly angst ofc and you can choose if end it with angst or not, as you prefer. Please I love your blog 🥰
hi anon! So I really loved this idea, and I kinda took it in a different direction, hope thats alright! <3
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Kirishima x reader
Genre: Angst, PG
Word Count: 2.6k 
Warnings: none!
Prompt:  #3, “you cant tell me you dont feel the same way” from @bnhabookclub​ Provisional Licensing Exam event
Summary: You have been recruited by Shigaraki to spy on UA as a student. You mistakenly fall in love with Eijirou Kirishima during your time there, dating him for almost 6 months. But now Shigaraki needs you back, and in order to keep Kirishima safe, you have to break his heart
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You let out a deep sigh, your chest feeling heavy and full of despair.
You didn't want to do this- you didn't want to hurt him, or let him go.
But to keep him safe- you had to do it.
Shigaraki had revealed the night before that his new plan was complete, and that your spying operation at UA was no longer needed. You had been recruited by Shigaraki at a young age to pose as a student attending UA High, your powerful quirk allowing you to get into the famous Class 1-A. For the last few months you had been pretending to be a hero-in-training, befriending every member in the class in order to win their trust. It was tiring work, trying to study on your own as well as memorize each student's strengths and weaknesses for Shigaraki to use. But by being so friendly with them, you began to realize you actually liked some of the students, making it difficult to hate them as much as you used to. They were so carefree and hopeful about the future, not realizing how cold the real world was like you did. You surprised yourself by loving every moment you were with 1-A, especially with your boyfriend, Eijirou Kirishima. It was hard to stay away from him- he was so bright and charismatic, his smile able to be seen from a mile away. His warmth was so intoxicating, lighting up your life in love and affection. He was the sweetest boy you had ever met, and quite handsome as well, sealing the deal for the massive crush you had grown to have on him. You felt guilty for dating him, knowing that a large portion of your life was hidden from him. It was a frigid lie that had once tried to hold you back from crushing on Kirishima, yet his brilliant warmth melted it away. He unknowingly helped you feel safe, to momentarily believe the world wasn't so bad after all.
Even though you had grown to love the redhead and his bright personality as you spied on Class 1-A, you knew the consequences that one day you would have to leave, yet you followed your heart anyway.
But now the dreaded day had come- Shigaraki needed you to disappear from this new life you had learned to love. He had received all the information he needed from your snooping around, and it was time for you to leave.
Guilt flooded your body, drowning your lungs and heart in regret and misery by the news: you should never have dated poor Kirishima in the first place. You knew it would break his heart once he knew your time together would end, but it had to be done: if Shigaraki ever knew a student from 1-A was romantically in love with you, he wouldn't hesitate to use Kirishima against you as bait to keep you wrapped around his clammy finger. You wouldn't allow Kirishima to get hurt over you, not on your watch.
The only way to ensure you could slip away without worrying about Kirishima was to make him forget about you. That was a close to impossible task, so that idea you scratched out from your mind. You only had two options left: tell him the truth or break his heart.
If you told him the truth, you would have to admit that you were a villain, and most likely would break his heart from the pain away. It would mean revealing your whole life and reason to be a "hero" was a complete and utter lie, most likely destroying the boy in the process. But you already knew Kirishima like the back your hand, and could guess his actions in an instant. He would most likely try to help you, attempt to fix your ways and tell you could leave: but you knew better. You were too involved with the LOV to ever leave and live an everyday life. They would hunt you down if you so much as even admitted to wanting to leave.
You decided the best course of action was to tell Kirishima you were over and down with your relationship- it killed you to even think of speaking such lies, but you didn't want to see him getting hurt. The boy would be heartbroken, yes, but after a while, he'd get over it. His friends were so supportive, so he was sure to have many people consoling him out of his blues. He would forget about you one day and find someone else, someone who wouldn't lie and hurt him. It hurt you to admit it, but this was the best plan you could think of to keep him completely safe.
You were going to miss Kiri and his strong embraces, though, as they were only things that made you feel safe and protected. He was so bright, cheerful, and kind, and it was hard not to resist those warm emotions when your world felt so cold and menacing. But the only way to keep the light inside Kirishima bright was to cut ties with him permanently- you had to break his heart.
Kirishima bounded into the common room cheerfully from his normal workout routine, a warm towel wrapped around his shoulders as he greeted some of his friends. His eyes fell on you, and his heart soared- you looked so pretty sitting there, the setting sun making strands of your hair sparkle like spun gold. His smile grew wider, his perfect teeth sparkling- how was he so lucky to land such an amazing girl like you? His strong arms wrapped around your body from behind the couch, his skin radiating heat as he rubbed his cheek against your hair. "Hey princess, how are you?" he mumbled your pet name into your ear, making your heart churn painfully- this would be the last time he'd hold you like this, the last time he'd speak so softly and sweetly to you. You sighed sadly, meekly wrapping a hand around his skin. 'Hey Kiri," you replied numbly, your voice depressed. You rose from the couch, your legs feeling heavy like lead as you wrapped your arms around your body- why did it feel so cold? Kirishima's smile faded slightly- you didn't sound at all happy. You usually greeted him so adorably, always giving him a big hug or a peck on his cheek. Now you seemed defeated, your hands wrapped around your body as if to protect yourself from something. "Hey, whats going on? You alright- is something bothering you?" he asked sweetly, clueless to why you were feeling this way as he closed the gap between you. He placed his calloused palm on the small of your back, reassuringly, his thumb rubbing against the fabric of your shirt. You swallowed hesitantly, your eyes unable to look into his- it felt too painful to look at him, his innocence to the whole situation making you feel so conflicted and guilty. "We need to talk," you forced yourself to say, his face instantly masked in worry. "Uh-uh sure!" he replied quickly, his speech a little flustered as he tried to seem unbothered, "do you want to talk in my room or yours?" "Let's go in mine," You quickly began walking to your room, Kirishima's footsteps following close behind. He was perplexed and worried- you seemed like something was really bothering you, your voice free of any brightness and joy like it usually was.
You felt like each step to your room made your heart fall heavier and heavier, opening up your room door slowly and letting him enter your room. He flipped on the lights, illuminating the space as you closed the door- even though you'd be long gone by the morning, you felt you at least owed Kirishima some privacy by having the door closed. It made the room feel so much smaller now that Kirishima's aura took over the room. Guilt and shame were eating up at you as you remembered all the hangout sessions and study dates you had in this room, hating how worried and compassionate he looked towards you. "What did you want to talk about? Is it something I did or do? I'm really sorry if I hurt you some way," he was already thinking it was his fault, making you cringe in internal pain- god why was he so sweet? It was you, it was your own personal issues, not him.   "No Kiri, no!" you frantically reassured him, your hands going out in front of you in protest. "Its not you, its- its just," "You can tell me anything, you know that right?" he affirmed sweetly, his eyes soft with concern. You nodded your head numbly, your mouth feeling dry like sandpaper. Kirishima walked close to your body, placing his palms around  your elbows, your arms full of tension as he tried to melt it away with his touch. He was looking down at you with so much worry, so much adoration and love, it made your stomach turn painfully. Why did this have to be so hard-it was so agonizing, like pulling off a bandage slowly and painfully. You just needed to get it done, to rip off the metaphorical bandage as quickly as possible- the longer you wait, the longer the stinging and the pain will be for the both of you. "Then tell me whats wrong," he instructed softly, still utterly oblivious to the whole situation. You swallowed thickly, your voice and throat feeling hoarse and tight. It was now or never. "Kiri, I- we need to break up."
Kirishima froze, his heart stopping in his chest. He didn't hear you correctly, right? Maybe he heard you wrong? There was no way you wanted to break up with him, no way at all- "I-Im sorry, I just-I just don't love you," You hated how these words were coming out of your mouth, these lies that were obviously ripping you and Kirishima apart from the inside. You watched his expression turn from worry to agony, his eyes wide with shock. It hurt too much to see him look so frozen, as if your words had caused him to shut down. His hands were still on your body, the air changing so suddenly- it was stuffy, stale, and uncomfortable. And it was your fault. You shimmied out of his embrace, turning around so you wouldn't be forced to face him. The guilt was eating at you- you couldn't bear to look at him look so defeated when you knew you had caused it. Your abrupt movement seemed to wake him up out of his heartbroken daze, his hands instantly grasping for you, spinning you around quickly. You breathed hitched painfully in your throat- you had never seen him look so defeated, so desperate. His palms were wrapped around your shoulders tightly, almost painfully, making it practically impossible to escape his hold on you. "y/n, please, please just tell me what's wrong," his voice was wavering, his eyes already gleaming with tears, "I-I know this isn't you, if I did something, y/n, I'll fix it, I promise! I can't lose you, please, please dont do this-" he was practically begging "Kiri, I-I, I cant," your voice was becoming weaker from the stress of trying to hold back a sob, "I-I never loved you." "Y/n, no, I cant accept that," tears were gliding against his cheeks, his voice full of passion, "you cant tell me you dont feel the same way." "I-I love you so, so much, you have no idea," he looked down at you with his wide, puppy-like eyes, begging you to change your mind with his words. "Your all I think about- when I wake up, when I fall asleep, everything I see reminds me of you. You make me so happy, the way you smile, your laugh, your hugs- I-I cant live without those things y/n. I cant live without you. When I asked you out that day, I was so nervous- I had been planning for weeks before, and when you agreed to go out, you made me the happiest man alive." Tears were falling down your cheeks now, your heart screaming in agony. You wanted to tell him that's how you felt as well- Kirishima was your whole entire life, enveloping your every waking moment in his wonderfully bright aura. He was your light, your sun, your anchor in the crazy mess of the galaxy of your life. There was no love and no warmth until Kirishima came around. But now you needed to keep him safe- you had to sacrifice your happiness with each other in order to keep him out of harm's way. "Kiri, I only dated you because I felt pity," you lied straight through your teeth, wishing you could melt into the wall seeing Kirishima's face break. "I was too afraid to say no," His heart couldn't take anymore clearly, his face conflicted with so many emotions you couldn't differentiate between any of them. You felt like this was the most ultimate betrayal to the boy, making him think his love he had with you was all a lie. It wasn't, and you wished you could just tell him the truth, but you knew that would be worse. He'd never allow you to leave- you had to, to protect yourself and him. You put yourself in a crappy situation- you wouldn't drag him along with you. "So-it-it was all fake?" He asked, his voice quiet and terrified. He didn't want to hear the answer he knew would spill out of your mouth. "Yes," The room was deadly quiet, Kirishima completely dumb founded-all the times you hugged him, made him feel accepted in your life, laughed at his jokes, kissed him, made him smile, made him happy-was all a lie? A cruel joke in order to spare his feelings? He felt like such an idiot-he should have known this was too good to be true. He felt deep down he wasn't good enough for you, strong enough, smart enough, manly enough. This was just confirming that fear by 10 fold. You were sniffling, watching the love you had for the boy only grow out of misery, while his love for you was diminishing. "Y-n, I-"he was so confused, his hands running through his hair in anguish. "Why?!? Why did you-you were my first everything! You are everything to me! I can't believe you, there's gotta be another reason-I love you, you love me!" You were so quiet, your shoulders shaking in misery and guilt as tear after salty tear fell against your cheek. Your silence was painful, confirming what he feared with each passing second, your averted eyes hiding the actual truth "You love me, right?" You were too afraid to speak, knowing what you had to say to break him from you-but you couldn't. The lie of saying you didn't love him was eating up your insides, clogging your lungs and your throat to the point you felt you couldn't speak. You couldn't tell him you didn't love him-it was too painful. You already lied to him enough. "I'm sorry," you whispered, looking at him with reddened eyes. What he thought you were sorry for was your lack of care for him, the lies you had told him for the past 6 months, and it burnt his insides in a gut wrenching flame, the fire licking and eating his insides in agony.  He had to leave-he couldn't take this anymore, his body walking right past you and opening the door quickly to get fresh air. You were now sobbing, broken gasps crying out his name as he shut the door behind you, closing his heart off from ever accepting you again. You were sorry that you were in love with him, and by being in love with him, you had broken him.
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 (if you would like to be added, message me via my inbox- if you would to specify a certain character youd like to be added for, that is fine as well!)
@weebartistinc​ @yuueimagines​ @orokayagi​ @leeeah-loooser​
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
not going anywhere--ashton irwin oneshot
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
a/n: hey ya’ll, still taking a break but wrote this little fluff piece. mind you it is very self-indulgent. third person but female reader
donate to my ko-fi here :)
• • • •
Ashton could see the storm in her eyes immediately when she came on their video call. Her eyes were tired and clouded with an emotion he couldn’t quite place but she hasn’t been sleeping all that well. That worries him. He hasn’t been sleeping well either, being away from her and all, but her sleep is more  important than his. When together, they both sleep the best, the feeling of her arm over his waist with her nose buried in his back always soothed him.
“Hi angel,” he tries to make his voice uplifting and she returns with a half-smile.
“Hi,” she responds softly and tuckers her chin on her knees. He notices she’s in one of his long sleeves.
“What’s goin’ on?” his brows come together in concern, his face inching closer to the screen. If he were actually with her he would duck his face to her neck, stamping soft kisses to her skin while he held her in his arms.
“It’s nothing,” she shakes her head. “How’s the trip?”
“Y/N, it’s not nothing,” he frowns.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay?” her voice cracked at the end and her lip trembled.
“Why not? Maybe I can help.”
“You can’t help because you aren’t physically here and I don’t really feel like crying on FaceTime right now, okay?” her voice shook as her emotions betrayed her and slipped out, giving away her hurt.
Ashton sighs and he ruffles his hair with his fingers, a sign of distress and aggravation that he can’t be there to help her with whatever’s happening.
“Okay, okay,” he huffs, “I hate being away from you.”
“I do too,” she sighs. “How is the trip, anyway?”
They transition to normal conversation relating to his current trip across the country with the band to do some interviews and late revelations about their fourth album. It’s strenuous and he didn’t realize how hard it would be getting back into the swing of things. Seven months off—seven glorious months of being alone with her—went by too fast and filled him with a new routine.
He’s missing making dinner with her while Friends plays in the background. He misses helping her with the yoga poses he teaches her and the way she grunts when her breathing gets off from his. Yoga isn’t her favorite thing but it’s something he enjoys and she’s told him she likes doing it with him. That bit of information made his heart soar.
He misses having morning coffee with her, in bed, on the patio, in the kitchen. He misses showering late at night only to have her join him moments later, her fingers running down his back, over his shoulders, then into his hair as she shampoos it for him. He misses laying in bed taking funny photos from filters and giggling into kisses that lead to his fingers lifting up her shirt.
He misses their nightly rituals, their skincare routine combined together made a powerful new one and searching up new music artists on his phone that they inevitably end up loving. He misses the featherlight touch of her fingertips tracing over the grooves of his palm, up his arm and over the red and black ink of his moons.
“Trip’s fine,” he shrugs, “it’s hard getting back into it after having all this time off of rest. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby,” she smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “When will you be home?”
“Two nights’ time, around eight o’clock I think.”
“I’ll be waiting,” she grins.
Ashton’s heart flips at the sentiment. For so long, he’s left an empty house and came back to it even emptier. Now, knowing she’ll be there is making him feel homesick, something he hasn’t felt for a long time. She’s made his house into a home just by filling it with her presence.
“I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
The next forty-eight hours went by gruelingly slow. At the end of it all, Ashton is left exhausted and all he wants is to go home to her, back in his secular bubble of comfort. His muscles are tensed and his mind is on hyperdrive from the overstimulation of the other part of his life returning full throttle.
When the familiar lights at the end of his driveway come in his vision he’s itching in anticipation of being in her presence again. He gathers his bags quickly, the straps dig into his arms but he doesn’t want to make another trip to retrieve them. If he left something he’d get it in the morning.
He lets his things collapse to the floor in a giant heap and he’s half-expecting to see her on the couch waiting for him but she’s not there. Faintly, he hears noises traveling downstairs and he takes them two at a time until he sees her in bed. She’s sprawled across it on her stomach, her face buried into her arms as her body shakes with sobs.
Panicking, he rushes to her side, touching the back of her head carefully so as not to scare her, but she jumps anyway. She’s gasping for air, eyes clamped shut as tears flood down her cheeks. Ashton shifts her into his lap, he holds her close and hears how long she holds her breath as she sobs.
“Hey, hey, hey, breathe, baby… breathe,” he hushes rubbing large circles on her back.
She tries to exhale and ends up coughing, the lack of air and sudden rush of it caught her lungs off guard. Her cries still fall as she tries to find her breath and Ashton rocks her from side to side, his lips pressing to her temple.
“I’m right here…you’re all right, I’ve got you…” he hums repeatedly in her ear until her sobs start to subside.
After a few more moments, she lifts her head from his chest—leaving a dark spot of her tears on his shirt—and she gazes up at him with puffy eyes and a splotchy face. Ashton rubs away the excess tears from her cheeks.  
“What’s happened?”
“Why doesn’t he love me?” her voice is a whispered crack.
Ashton’s confused, he does love her how could she…? Then realization hits, the ‘he’ in question is her father.
“He loves you, angel,” he tries to soothe by caressing her cheek. She shakes her head adamantly and pushes herself in a sitting position.
“No, he doesn’t. I was never first…he was never around because he was always with friends. Drinking and having a fun time with them. They need help and he goes running, but when I need help it’s the biggest inconvenience for him,” she sniffs. She uses the back of her hand to swipe away at fresh tears. “What did I do, Ashton? Why can’t I…how do I change?”
“No, no,” Ashton shakes his head then scoots closer so she’s trapped between his legs. He holds her cheeks in his hands, making her look at him. “You did nothing. You don’t have to change one bit of you.”
“I don’t know what else to do. I’m tired of vying for his love when it was never there in the first place but I can’t stop…I want to but it’s hard when I want….”
“I know baby, I know,” he kisses her forehead. “You have done nothing wrong, it’s not your fault he doesn’t know how to love you the way that he should.”
“My heart hurts.”
“I know,” he nods slowly then cocks his head until she’s staring into his eyes, “But I’m here and I’m not going anywhere because I love you so damn much. You’ll always be my number one and if there was a number before that, you’d be that as well.”
She sniffs the same time she blinks, and two tears fall freely into her lap then she bites her lip. Ashton smooths his thumb over her lip, pulling it free from her teeth. She lifts her chin a fraction so she’s looking into his eyes.
“You don’t need to change, for anyone. Especially not for someone who can’t see how pretty damn perfect you already are,” he smiles impishly, and it makes her giggle gently. “Okay?”
“Okay,” she nods then holds her hand over his that’s resting on her cheek. “Thank you…for listening and helping.”
He leans forward to give her a soft kiss, once, twice, then before the third he says, “Like I said I’m not going anywhere, angel. I love you.”
She laces her fingers with his on the third kiss, it’s sealed with a promise and filled with love.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @cassie-sos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​
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lake-arrius-caverns · 4 years
Nerevarine Rising
Chapter 7: Awakening
oops im seeing about changing my upload day to friday but yesterday i totally forgot abt it so lmao
summary After a successful assignment, Fahjoth is glad to be given a few days off and learns a little about his duties from Caius. The twins plan a trip to Vivec City for some exploration.
content warnings none
tag list @boulderfall-cave , @padomaicocean (lmk if you’d like to be added!)
read under the cut or on AO3, cheers 👍
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Flouncing through the front door of Cosades’ tiny house, Fahjoth couldn’t wipe the grin off his face as he brandished the scrolls of parchment with glee. 
“I got them!” he cried, ecstatic. “The notes from Sharn gra-Muzgob! I got them!”
Cosades looked up from his supper with one brow raised, but by no means did he look on with disapproval. “And not a scratch on you,” he remarked, holding out a hand to receive the scrolls as Fahjoth passed them over. “I knew it wouldn’t be long before you found your feet. Well done, Novice.” 
“Well, I had help—” Fahjoth started, unwilling to take all the credit for his achievement, but Cosades didn’t seem to be listening anyway. He unfurled the scrolls and silence fell as he pored over them, a thoughtful look on his face as he examined the scrawling, loopy handwriting. Fahjoth took a seat at the table and waited, wondering what his next assignment was to be. At least Ribyna was on standby back at the South Wall Cornerclub, and for that, Fahjoth was grateful. 
“Well, Fahjoth,” Cosades started, rolling up the parchments once again and turning to face Fahjoth with the beginnings of a smile, “I’m promoting you to Blades Apprentice. You deserve it after the hard work you’ve put into all your duties.” 
Fahjoth’s heart began to soar with excitement. “Apprentice?” he repeated, awestruck. “Thank you, sir! So, uhh... what will I be expected to do now?” 
“Nothing too different, I assure you. It’s mostly a recognition thing, to be perfectly honest,” Cosades answered. He got to his feet, beginning to pace around the room in deep thought and occasionally stopping to check a book or scrap of paper, cross referencing several stacks of notes. Fahjoth wondered how he was able to keep track of it all. “Now, I'd like some time to think how this all fits in with the Emperor's plans for you. So if you'd like to get in a little freelance adventuring, go ahead. But whenever you're ready, I'll have new orders for you."
“Oh... alright.” The news came as a welcome surprise for sure. Fahjoth had to admit, he was glad to have a few days of downtime at last. It would be a good opportunity for him and Ribyna to do some exploring; she had mentioned wanting to visit Vivec City at some point, perhaps now they could finally go. 
But there was one thing that he had been growing more and more curious about; the subject of all his errands, the very reason he had been putting his life on the line in exchange for whatever information Cosades wanted. He knew nothing about any of it, and the burning desire to ask, to learn exactly why it was so important, could not be quashed. Maybe now was the time. 
“Sir?” he questioned, biting his lip with uncertainty. Cosades stared fixedly at Fahjoth, indicating that he was listening, and so Fahjoth continued — albeit with some hesitation. “Could you explain the... things that I’ve been getting information about? The, uh, the Sixth House and the Nev... Nevera... Neraver—“
“The Nerevarine,” Cosades finished for him, and Fahjoth nodded. “Of course. I forget that you can’t read well. We’ll start with the Sixth House.” 
Fahjoth shuffled in his seat, getting himself comfortable and listening with rapt attention as Cosades began to speak. “There isn’t much to say about the Sixth House cult just yet. A trusted informant of mine says they're a secret cult associated with some strange events recently. More importantly, my informant thinks these recent disturbances are related in some way to the Nerevarine Prophecies."
“And what are the—?”
“I’m getting to that part, Apprentice. One thing at a time. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but there’s been some attacks recently attributed to sleeper agents of this cult. Have you heard anything about them?”
Fahjoth shook his head. “No sir.” 
“There've been several attacks recently, and these Sleepers all say the same thing. ‘Serve your Lord, Dagoth Ur. The Sixth House is risen, and Dagoth is its glory.’”
A shiver suddenly tore through Fahjoth’s ribs, catching him by surprise. Why did that name sound so familiar? There was no distinct emotional response attached to hearing it, but the hairs on Fahjoth’s arms continued to stand on end, giving him prominent goosebumps. 
“Keep an eye out, and if you see anything suspicious, let me know.” 
“Yes sir.” 
“Alright, now for the Nerevarine.” Cosades rejoined Fahjoth at the table and took a swig of something from an open bottle before continuing. “The Ashlanders—“ 
“The what?”
“The Ashlanders— by the divines, Vetharys...”
Fahjoth grimaced, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. “Sorry...”
“No, it’s alright,” Cosades sighed. “I just thought you would’ve heard about them by now. I don't know much about them. Most people say they‘re murderous savages. But most people are idiots. I know they hate the settled Dunmer almost as much as they hate Westerners. I don't think their tribes tend to be particularly welcoming to outlanders, so watch yourself if you’re ever wandering in the Ashlands.” 
Fahjoth nodded, remaining quiet to let Cosades go on. 
“The Ashlanders pass down their customs and history in the form of poetic verses. Among the things they preserve in verse are the dreams and prophetic visions of their wise women, in particular the verses that foretell the coming of the Nerevarine. And before you ask,” Cosades added, seeing that Fahjoth was about to speak again, “some Dunmer believe that an orphan and outcast, a youth born on a certain day to uncertain parents, will one day unite all the tribes of the Dunmer, drive out the invaders of Morrowind, and reestablish the ancient laws and customs of the Dark Elven nations. They call this orphan and outcast the ‘Nerevarine’, and say they will be a reincarnation of the long-dead Dunmer General and First Councilor, Lord Indoril Nerevar. But... I don't know much else about it. That's why I'm sending you to find out.” 
Fahjoth nodded, fascinated by the sudden bombardment of information he was receiving. “And... it’s relevant to stuff that’s happening now? These cult attacks and whatnot? That’s why we’re investigating it?”
There was a split second where Fahjoth thought that Cosades may have paused, his stern grey eyes locked on Fahjoth’s own, but then came a perfectly normal response, leaving him wondering if he’d simply imagined it. 
Armed with this knowledge, Fahjoth suddenly felt inspired. So this was what all his top-secret missions had really been about. He still had no idea why he’d been pulled out of prison to join this endeavour specifically, but he no longer felt as much of a need to question it. This was his chance to make a difference, to do some real good in the world; it strengthened his resolve and he silently vowed to give it his all, regardless of how many errands he would end up having to run. 
“Alright. Thanks, sir.” Fahjoth rose to his feet, figuring he should go and find Ribyna and tell her the news, but Cosades leaned back in his chair and stared at him with such a dour look in his eyes that Fahjoth faltered.
“Don’t forget, Vetharys — always pay attention to what’s going on around you. You’re an agent of the Blades; information is our specialty,” he advised. “And never let your guard down. I don’t ever want to find you being sent back to me in a box.” 
Fahjoth cringed, feeling distinctly like he was being told off for the sheer amount of ignorance he had so openly displayed. Well, he had to learn somehow, didn't he? “Yes, sir… thank you, sir.” 
And with that he bade farewell to Cosades for now, scurrying out of the house before he could be admonished further, and made a beeline straight for the South Wall Cornerclub. Just as he rounded the corner and descended the short flight of stone steps between buildings, he found himself face-to-face with a familiar dark-haired figure, and coincidentally just the person he was looking for. 
“Ribyna!” he called, grinning as he got his sibling’s attention seconds before she stepped into the cornerclub. “Thought I’d find you here.”
“‘Sup, Fahji?” Ribyna turned away from the doorway and gave Fahjoth the usual hug of greeting. “You look happy. Has something happened?”
“I got a promotion!” he exclaimed without hesitation, eager to share the news. “And I got a few days off, too. I was thinking maybe we could do something.”
“Ah, well done, bro!” Ribyna congratulated him with a grin. “Yeah, I’m good for a few days. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, I thought maybe we could go to Vivec City? If you still wanted to go there, that is.”
For the second time that night, Fahjoth thought he detected a fleeting look of hesitation on the face of someone he was speaking to. This time it was Ribyna, who appeared almost apprehensive as soon as Fahjoth had mentioned going to Vivec City; but then her response was as casual as ever, leaving Fahjoth even more befuddled and debating with himself over whether he was just seeing things.
Maybe I’m just tired, he mused to himself. 
“Yeah, sounds good. D’you wanna leave now or tomorrow?” Ribyna asked. “If you like, I can go see how much the silt strider bloke charges.”
“Well, it’s getting on a bit, but…” Fahjoth paused, looking upwards and searching for the position of the sun, which was already past its highest point in the sky. He estimated that they had a few hours of daylight left, so ignoring the little voice of caution in his head, he made his decision. 
“Yeah, why not? Let’s go tonight. Could be fun to stay overnight in the big city!” Fahjoth enthused, and Ribyna nodded. 
“Alright! I’ll go find out how much a one way trip costs,” Ribyna said. “Start heading over towards the silt strider and I’ll meet you there!” And with that she tore off, racing over the bridge in the middle of town and zipping up the stairs to speak with the caravaner. 
With a quiet chuckle, Fahjoth shook his head and began to meander at a far more relaxed pace after his twin, passing by one of the townsfolk as he stepped off the bridge. He dipped his head and smiled in casual greeting, but the Dunmer gripped his wrist with such force that Fahjoth gasped in shock. 
He leaned in, his face mere inches from Fahjoth’s own, and Fahjoth could see only too clearly his strangely blank, vacant expression. His eyes, though unfocused, were glaring at Fahjoth with such a scorching intensity that he almost broke out into a sweat, his heart hammering rhythmically in his chest like a trapped sparrow, fast and fearful. 
And then he spoke, his voice gravelly and harsh, the sound of crumbling charcoal over burning ashes. 
“Beneath Red Mountain, Lord Dagoth sleeps. But when he wakes, we all shall rise, and the dust will blow away. Serve your Lord, Dagoth Ur. The Sixth House is risen, and Dagoth is its glory.”
Momentarily frozen, Fahjoth’s senses eventually returned to him and his first instinct was to yank his wrist free of the Dunmer’s grip, panting as if he had just run a marathon. The Dunmer jerked as Fahjoth tore free, and then within seconds, the blank look on his face melted away and he cleared his throat, glancing around as if confused. He then regarded Fahjoth with a perfectly normal, albeit rather sleepy stare. 
“What do you think of our city, outlander?” he asked mildly, but before Fahjoth could even think of a response, a voice calling his name caught his attention. 
“Fahji! C’mon, hurry up!”
His mouth dry, Fahjoth wheeled around and dashed after Ribyna, not stopping until he had caught up with his twin. Ribyna looked irate as she immediately began a short rant. 
“I’m not paying for that bloody silt strider. It’s a ripoff! And if we’re gonna stay in Vivec overnight, gods know how much the rooms are gonna set us back, too. Come on, we’ll walk instead—” She paused and frowned as she finally took in Fahjoth’s appearance, while he tried to calm himself down in the meantime. 
“What the fuck’s the matter with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” With a shake of her head, Ribyna corrected herself, “Actually, you weren’t even this pale when we did see a ghost. Did something happen?”
“A— a Dunmer,” Fahjoth began, his gaze rapidly flicking from left to right, half-expecting an attack to come out of nowhere. “A Dunmer stopped me and... and said a thing...” 
However, as he took in Ribyna’s attentive expression, he realised with a heart-wrenching disappointment that there was no way he would be able to explain any of it to her. Not without going into detail about the missions that Cosades had given him, which he had been strictly forbidden to do. He could lie, omit some elements of the truth, but then what would be the point in that? His voice trailed off into silence, leaving him awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. After a few seconds, Ribyna spoke up again. 
“Did he threaten you?” she asked, very seriously. “D’you want me to find this bastard and have a word?”
“No!” Fahjoth replied hastily. With reluctance, he took a deep breath and tried to swallow his anxieties, his gaze wandering down to his wrist as he rubbed it. There was no visible blemish, but somehow, he felt his wrist burning fiercely where the Dunmer had grabbed him. “It’s fine. It was probably nothing. Let’s just go to Vivec,” he added, “I could do with the walk, I think.”
It was clear from her expression that Ribyna didn’t believe him, but his tone of voice made it very clear that to question him further would only exacerbate the issue, and Ribyna relented. “Alright,” she said eventually. “But if you’ve got a problem, you can talk to me, okay?” 
“Yeah... I know. Thanks, Beebs.” Though he wanted nothing more than to confide in his twin, Fahjoth regretfully held back. He was alive, and that was the main thing; telling Cosades could wait until he got back. In his shaken state, he found it far too overwhelming to think about right now anyway, and so the two departed from Balmora and embarked on the considerable journey southwards to Vivec City.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH23
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 330
- Author Note: So im late, i will do double update! so please check on next chapter too~ :) thank u for whoever that read my cliche story HAHAHA i have no words to describe how im embarassed i am AHAHHAA anyways ~ 
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Chapter 23
Promotional month embarked the start of everything.  Hectic schedule, unreasonable amount of sleep time in a day, the most would be 2 hours and not to mention the studios and practice rooms would be their second home for the time being. The boys had been practicing non-stop these past few days until their official comeback early in February. This time their popularity soared higher than their previous comeback. It felt like a dream, but the boys did it. Their album sales make it digital or physical had risen drastically in comparison to previous sales.
The impact of Bangtan Sonyeondan to the industry was no joke. More people showed their support and their fanbase grew two times bigger than before in the blink of an eyes. Phenomenal indeed. Overwhelmed by the support, the boys promised to work harder this year to repay Armys’ love. Entering the last week of their You Never Walk Alone promotion, the boys were ready to start their Wings Tour around the globe. Unlike before they went to few continents depending on the demand of the respected country however this time their schedule was utilized for the first half of 2017.
Seul massaged her aching muscle and sunk on the couch with sulky face. The dorm was quiet and cold since none of the boys were home at this time.  They would only be home around dawn to get short nap before heading to their next schedule early in the morning. Following the change of their schedule, Seul would take an evening shift and went to their place right after her shift. So, she could prepare advanced breakfast for them. It became her routine to come around 2 in the morning and stayed for two hours or more, making sure the boys got a proper breakfast despite their busy schedule.
Mrs Hwang on the other hand was well informed pertaining to Seul’s unusual activity and she would make Hoon, more like force his son to pick her sister up every day from work. World is a scary place, she did not want to risk Seul’s life though that girl was the one who insisted to change her caretaking schedule out of sudden.
Glancing on her phone screen, she decided to call it a day since it was already 3 A.M and surprisingly she managed to pull her work within an hour. Seul had informed Hoon in advance so the younger guy would not pick her up considering he had exam the next day. She did not want to be blame for his bad performance later on.
“Should I watch Tae’s drama to kill time?” grinning to herself, Seul made up her mind to catch the latest episode. As she expected, the boys had recorded every episode up till the latest one.
What a supportive boyfriend!
It took Seul a moment to remember the last episode she watched, then it came to her realization she was following the drama diligently every week. Seul never missed any episode since she watched this with her mother. Of course, her mother would watch it, we were talking about her so-called adoptive son on screen.
Satisfied with her choice, Seul sat with her leg cross on the couch gleefully. She was excited to see different side of Taehyung on screen. A side which could only be seen on screen. Indeed, BTS V nailed it so perfectly. There were times Taehyung would give her a call as soon as his drama aired that particular day just to hear her opinion. She couldn’t understand why her opinion matter in this anyways.
 “Seul-seul! Did you watch?” Taehyung’s voice croaked in happiness. Apart from his members comment, Taehyung anticipated Seul’s point of view every week caused him to automatically give the girl a call after a new episode aired.
Seul laughed softly at Taehyung’s weird antic “I watched it Tae” he hummed. “So how was it this week?” he chewed his lower lips knowing how bluntly honest she could be. Taehyung valued her honesty even though sometimes Seul would never leave her sassiness behind, he didn’t care. He basically grew up with Min Suga’s sarcasm so to hear something similar from Seul, he was already immune to it.
“Hurm.. do you want to hear the good one or the bad one first?” she poked fun making Taehyung pouted in his seat.
“I want to hear good one first” Seul could imagine Taehyung’s pouty lips as a protest whenever he was forced to make a complicated choice.
Pressing her lips together to suppress her laughter, Seul regained her composure to have a decent conversation with him “You are certainly better if we were to compare with the episode which you first appeared. You look natural and comfortable with your character now. As I mentioned before, I like how you portray your emotions through your deep eyes. It is not a joke. How did you do that?” she professed earnestly.
Her compliments flustered him “Urm…Thank you..You are flattering me”
“I am not..You really did well Tae. Don’t tell me you are blushing” she teased.
“YAH I AM NOT! Alright, I am ready to hear the bad one” Taehyung murmured under his breath with hope it was not as nasty as her first comment back then. “Listen carefully Kim Taehyung, I am about to say something that might hurt your heart” the tone of her voice was stern and cold.
“Ji Seul you are scaring me! Stop sounding so serious”
“I am trying to, okay give me a moment” he heard her heavy breathing at the end of the line as if she was in the middle of night work out. What was on her mind?
“Tae-ah..I think you are too adorable for me to handle. Shouldn’t Hansung be manlier?”
Taehyung gasped “Is that an insult?” her small giggle tickled his heart. “Or is it your way complimenting me?” he pressed. There were times he craved for this kind of attention from Seul, made him feel normal guy around his age. To have a simple conversation with a friend gave him tranquillity.
“Will you take that as an insult since you really hated cutesy stuff nowadays?”
“Armys think I am cute. I will live with that if it comes from Armys and you. Yah, I am serious. Tell me right now what is my flaw?” he insisted.
Seul shook her head “Couldn’t find it. You are a rookie, but you are doing great. My mom thinks your acting is real and she really into it. Don’t ask me who is her favourite character, because she is choosing you over Minho. Aren’t that too much that she’s giving extra attention on you?” Taehyung beamed.
“Why? Are you jealous that Ahjumma favours me more than you?”
“I am used to it, Bangtan boys this, Bangtan boys that. You can take my mom’s love, I have Eodeng and Eomuk to love me” he cringed at the response. “Ew, that simply means you have Jin hyung’s love. Those two brats are the mini Kim Seokjin” she rolled her eyes in process.
She retorted sarcastically “Who are you calling brat? You are the brat!”
 She found herself smiling at the memories, being with Taehyung made her comfortable. Something that she could feel whenever she’s with Jin and Hoseok. Returning her attention back to the screen, Seul watched the drama and clasped her hand excitedly.  A silly smile would appear on her face every time Taehyung appeared on screen along with small awe in between.
Few months ago, she ridiculed the power of Bangtan Sonyeondan on her now as time passed it slowly turned her into a fan. Guess, she was being supportive of her friends.
Yes, supportive sounds fitting.
“Sejin hyung quick quick my bladder is about to explode” Jimin whiney voice filled the emptiness of the hallway. Other members stood sleepily behind him. Meanwhile, Jimin was getting impatient to finish his business inside. “Gosh, why are you so whiney” he pressed the button hurriedly, entering the password.
As soon as Jimin heard the beep, he squished his small body between the door and Sejin and ran inside ignoring the older guy that were already pressed against the wall.“That kid!” Sejin hissed while shaking his head. He gave a soft pat on Jungkook back, making the maknae moved inside with a big yawn “Get some sleep everyone, you need to be ready in 4 hours” he ordered.
Jungkook screeched softly feeling his muscle stiffened at the sight before him “Seul?” he stared in disbelief. Sleeping peacefully on the couch was Seul with Hwarang still running in the background. A soft smile spread across his face since the last time he saw her was two weeks ago. He almost lost his balance when he felt someone crashed against his body from back, Kim Taehyung groaned in frustration.
“Yah, Gukkie why are you blocking the way” his bangs were poking his eyes making it hard for him to see the obstacle in front of him. Furthermore, in this sleepy state everything appeared irrelevant to him except for his comfortable bed. Confused, Taehyung’s eyes followed Jungkook and upon it landed on Seul’s figure, his eyes widened in sheer surprise.
“Seul? Seul is here?” he spoke lowly fully aware that their manager was still there.
“What should we do? Sejin hyung is here!” Jungkook started to panic. The hyungs made their entrance with questionable look but soon they gawked at the scene in front of them. It would be a huge trouble if their manager found out about Seul. The chances of her being fired was high.
It is 5 A.M why is she not home? Yoongi cursed, taking a glance at Sejin whom thankfully still at the doorstep gathering bags in process. Everyone was trying to come up with ways to hide Seul or to face Sejin’s wrath in a minute. Without wasting any time, Taehyung marched forward taking Seul in his arm casually surprising everybody in the room.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi inquired with concern look.
“We need to hide her”
“Yes, but where?”
“Lets just bring her to my room” Taehyung suggested earning a low protest from Yoongi and Jin. Nonetheless, they followed him afterwards.
Seul stirred in her sleep a little and snuggled her face at the crook of his neck, liking the familiar smell and warmth. Even in her sleep, she knew how to play with his heart. Taehyung tried to control himself from smiling foolishly as his main concern right now was to hide Seul from Sejin.
“I will distract Sejin hyung” Jungkook blurted out and quickly dashed to the main door followed by Hoseok behind. Namjoon and Jin assisted Taehyung to his room, opening the door for him so he could move Seul to safer place.
 “Hyung I forgot my headphones!” “Me too I forgot my-my game console!” Hoseok and Jungkook hollered in unison causing the older guy to eye them suspiciously.
He wiggled his finger to his headphone which hang loosely around his neck “That is your headphone Hobi and as for you Jungkook, I didn’t see you play any games today let alone having your game console with you” closing the door behind him, he placed the bags on the floor.
Hoseok gulped nervously exchanging nervous look with Jungkook “Urm…Sorry I seem to forget, but really I forgot something in the van!” he tried his luck one more time to convince Sejin. They knew it was not easy to lie on his face since he could read them so easily. Their manager knew when the boys were hiding something, like right now.
“I smell fear and lies. What are you hiding from me?” he quirked his brows prying answers out from the two boys before him.  
“Nothing, nothing” Jungkook palmed his hand against the wall awkwardly with a sheepish smile. He heard the commotion behind him meaning the hyungs were doing something about Seul, though he had no idea how much time they needed for him to stall their manager.
“If it is nothing, why are you blocking my way? Is there something that I shouldn’t see?”
Hoseok held both his palm out while cracking a nervous chuckle in between “Jimin.. I mean Jimin peed in his pant and it is disgusting. We have to clean the floor first. It is dirty, you can’t walk” Hoseok facepalmed at his idiotic ideas. It sounded ridiculous.
“YAH WHO PEED IN PANTS?” clueless Jimin exited the bathroom as his eyes threw daggers at Hoseok way. Hoseok grinded his teeth together chasing Jimin away from the scene but of course he would not budge even an inch. Park Jimin was persistent to begin with. He never let anyone taint his name.
Jungkook rubbed the back of his head in frustration ‘Jimin-ssi, can you be a little cooperative. Why out of all time’ the manager did not buy the boys lies so he forced himself inside. Being tall giving him advantage to dominate the boys. His eyes scanned the empty living room with suspicion whilst Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok were having their secret banter behind.
“The caretaker came to clean the place?” he noticed the cleanliness of the place as he made his way to the kitchen. “I guess…” Hoseok murmured silently.
“Jimin-ssi, Seul is here we are trying to stall him! You are ruining the plan” Jungkook whispered under his breath making the shorter guy gasped realizing his own mistake. When he dashed inside, he didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone in the dorm. If and only he realized it sooner this thing could be prevented. The three musketeers kept their eyes on the manager hyung whom busy inspecting every corner of their place.
Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi exited Taehyung’s room as their eyes spotted the three boys stood in line with their hands neatly together, they shot them a bewildered look “Yah are you crazy! Don’t act suspicious, hyung might find out!” Namjoon scowled lowly afraid that the older guy overheard him.
“Get into your room now and act naturally” Jin mouthed them. The three musketeers scurried off almost bumping into each other before each of them got into their room without trouble. The sound of heavy footstep alarmed the remaining members, and they decided to avoid their manager at all cost.
 On the other hand, Taehyung had already changed into his pyjamas in order to appear more convincing in case their manager decided to appear magically in his room. From time to time he threw a nervous glance at the door feared to witness an unwelcoming sight. Judging from the message in their group chat, Sejin was inspecting every nook and cranny of the dorm started from Jungkook. Taehyung’s room is a room away from him that scared the shit out of him.
He stared at Seul while trying to find perfect way to hide her from their manager. “Screw this” caressing his fluffy hair out of frustration, he turned off the main light and slipped under the cover beside Seul. Taehyung bit his lower lips, apologizing non-stop since he was about to initiate something inappropriate. The girl was unconscious, and he was literally touching her without her consent.
She will understand, she will. Taehyung prayed in his head that Seul would not wake up until this nerve wrecking scene ended.
“Fuck” his eyes rounded upon seeing the shadow behind the creak of his door. Using his long hand to reach the lamp on his night stand, he switched off swiftly. Taehyung pulled the cover under his chin, wrapping one of his arm securely around Seul’s waist. His heart pounded due to the proximity and it doubled when he heard Sejin’s footstep approaching his room.
His body froze when he felt Seul making a slight move in his embrace. On the bright side, she’s not awake however her face was buried deeply in his chest. The heavy lump on his throat caused his breath to hitch.
Ji Seul, what are you.
“Taehyung-ah, are you asleep” Taehyung snapped out his thought, and brought Seul’s body closer to him. He shut his eyes tight pretended to sleep with hope they wouldn’t get caught by their manager today. Not today, they couldn’t risk losing Seul.
Sejin twisted the door knob, poking his head inside. He squeezed his eyes to adjust to the darkness “Guess, he is asleep. That was fast” he mumbled. Taehyung’s mind overloaded with negative thoughts and his heart thumped crazily that he swore the eerie silence in his room adding the tension. The sound of the footsteps sounded so close yet unclear. He was sure it was just few steps closer from his bed. Like a reflex, Taehyung tightened his arm around Seul’s keeping her close.
Exasperating a soft sigh, he was relieved when the sound of the footsteps faded away. The soft slam came from the door convinced Taehyung that his manager had left the room, yet he did not want risk getting caught, so he stayed like a statue for few minutes. Taehyung grinned upon hearing Sejin’s faint voice behind the door “Park Jimin, I told you to sleep. Why are you still standing there?” Sejin frowned.
Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly “Is..Tae asleep?”
“Yes, his room is dark, and I bet he is asleep”
“D-d-dark what?” Jimin continued to curse something vulgar in his head. After finding out Seul was in Taehyung’s room he couldn’t help but to worry. It triggered his protective instinct and jealousy. He couldn’t let his guard down just because Taehyung is his best friend even though Tae was never vocal about his feelings for Seul, his man’s instinct could not be wrong. Something bloomed whenever they were together.
The older guy snapped him out from his deep thought “What is wrong with you? Go sleep and stop worrying about Tae. Clock is ticking Jiminie, you don’t want to miss even an hour worth of sleep” he exclaimed.
“Fine, I am sleeping” his lower lips puckered out of habit.
“I will be here around 10, make sure everyone is ready by then” Jimin nodded obediently and threw a final glance at Taehyung’s door. Everything will be fine, Jimin convinced his racing heart.  
Groggily, Seul forced her heavy lids to open and that when she realized the unusual warmth behind her. Seul squinted her eyes one last time in order for her foggy brain to function properly. A small light from the curtain illuminated the dark room but was not enough for Seul to get a clear view of it. On top of all, she was beyond relief that her outfits were still intact, remain untouchable. Meaning no funny business happened. At least, she was not kidnapped by some sasaeng fans, she hoped.
‘I swear I was in the living room watching Hwarang’ she grew frustrated of her failure in retrieving her memory. Seul couldn’t recall whether the boys were back home or not. Shrugging her unimportant thought away, Seul fisted the sheets under her gathering her courage to face the individual behind her.
Seul, move slowly don’t wake up the tiger.
Shifting under the sheet, she changed her position slightly to face Taehyung. In 3,2,1 she was ready to see whoever beside her but to her surprise, someone was cradling her head halting her earlier intention to catch the culprit.
“Seul, you awake?” his voice trailed off. She recognized that voice.
Seul touched his hand “Jungkook?” she whispered in daze.
His low yet squeaky chuckle made her smile “Yes, it is me. Come on let’s get up quietly. We don’t want to wake Tae hyung” Jungkook stroked his hand down to her waist, slowly sweeping her off from the bed.
Setting Seul down on the ground, she inquired “Tae? I am in his room. How?” Jungkook let out another adorable giggle, embracing her tight. “You fell asleep while watching hyung’s drama. Let’s talk outside” while keeping Seul in his embrace, they exited Taehyung’s room at ease.
She pulled away making an abrupt stop facing the giggly maknae, why was he in good mood today. “Tell me why I am in Tae’s room? I thought I was kidnapped!” she pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Sejin hyung was here, so we had no choice but to hide you”
“Hiding me in Taehyung’s room? How clever” she wheezed.
“Then you wish to be in my room instead?” Jungkook look amused as playful smirk spread on his handsome face.
She squirmed under his intense gaze “I didn’t mean it that way, you could wake me up. I can hide in the closet and leave afterwards” he sent a disapproval glare at her way.
“No way we are making you walk alone at that time, now stop complaining” he took few steps forward, pulling the sulky girl into another tight hug. Jungkook nuzzled the top of her head, exhaling a low sigh “I miss you” he murmured.
Her heart did the weird dance again, “You woke up early today, I thought you were not an early riser” she wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug with equal passion. “You think I can sleep knowing you’re sleeping on the same bed as Tae hyung?” he said sulkily.
Seul giggled “Are you jealous? Then, I blame it on you for letting Tae got into the way” her tease making the visible frown on his forehead two times thicker. She looked up “Aigoo, you may develop wrinkles at this age” her hand smoothed his eyebrows, giving it a soft caress along the shape.
Closing his eyes with a soft hum, Jungkook let himself drown under Seul’s magic touch “You are losing your baby fat again. I don’t like that” she gave his cheek a soft stroke with a slight frown.
“Don’t worry I will earn that back after our promotion ended. Besides, I had a good breakfast every day thanks to you. Did you come late at night for your work just to prepare those meal for us?” he pecked her fingers, interlacing it with his.
“You guys are barely home so I thought it is wise to change my caretaking schedule a little. On the bright side, I can prepare breakfast for you guys. I bet Jin had no time to prepare proper food for all of you, I don’t want to wear him out” her eyes glimmered in concern. The mere thought of filling seven empty stomach washed away the worries in her.
Jungkook protested “But that’s mean you will be walking home alone, and it is not safe”
“About that, my mom made Hoon picked me up from work every day. Don’t worry, I will be fine. Worry about yourself, you need to eat healthily. Stop skipping meals” she cringed. “I saw your Vlive, all of you look dead tired. And, I am sorry I couldn’t make it to your Wings tour last week. I had to fill in for Sera” she sighed.
His hand skimmed, featherlight, over her shoulders “It is okay, it is just the opening tour this year, I will make sure you attend the next one. Hobi hyung and Jin hyung were not happy that you couldn’t make it to our concert. However since you bribed them with food the day after, they lowkey claimed that it was okay for you not to attend as long as you prepared yummy food to make it up to them” she chuckled at their silliness.
“As expected, how easy it was to persuade those two. Don’t remind me the long ass text that they sent to me showing off their protest and resentment” Seul’s face scrunched a little at the vivid memories. Jungkook laughed along and the couple continued their conversation in the kitchen. Seul reheat the food for the boys to savour when they woke up with Jungkook’s help.
“I think I need to go before your manager come. Oh, say hi to everyone” she hung her apron carefully and gathered her belongings. Meanwhile, Jungkook continued to sulk behind, “Can’t you stay for breakfast? It is still early, hyung will be here around 10” his voice was a little more than a whisper but in cutesy way.
She flashed him a soft smile “I can’t Jungkook maybe next time. I have an errand to run” he watched her back as she made her way to the entrance. “I want to meet you again before we fly off to America next month” Jungkook leaned against the wall with one hand inside his pocket.
She saw the disappointment in his eyes, so she walked up to him. Dazed Jungkook set his eyes on Seul as the girl tiptoed a little giving a soft peck on his lips “There. I will see you around, don’t miss me too much” a sweet rush of embarrassment coursed through Jungkook.
“O..kay..” his eyes sparkled causing Seul to chuckle. Jungkook might be a little blunt in showing his affection towards her, but whenever she initiated the skinship first, the guy would turn into a total baby.
Seul was about to push the door getting ready to leave but only to be greeted by Sejin’s confused face. She felt an extreme fear in her system, was she caught for real now? Fuck, she muttered.
“Who are you?” he pushed the door wider to see Jungkook stood frozen behind Seul with an extremely disturbed face.
“Hyung…You are urm.. early?” his voice broke into a small shriek.
Quirking his eyebrows, the older guy stepped inside closing the door behind him carefully “You have a long explanation to do Jeon Jungkook. To the lounge now. I want everyone in the room. 5 minutes” his voice was rough and Seul felt like pissing in her jeans.
Seul swallowed a heavy lump on her throat “When I said everyone, that includes you Miss” he pushed the glass back on the bridge of his nose, leaving astounded Jungkook and Seul behind. Jungkook made eye contact with Seul and they exchanged looks of panic and questions.
   This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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