#anyway it was worth the binge and go watch it you don't have to know anything about to all the boys to do so
heoneyology · 1 year
I really love how ridiculous and cute and funny and so very teen-coded xo kitty was. it was so nice to watch something where the teenagers acted like actual teenagers—hormonal and messy and having fun and just figuring themselves out and having crushes on way too many people all at once—and not have them be weirdly oversexualized in any way during any point. yeah there were a lot of moments where they were making out but it wasn’t weird to watch? I also love how it felt so realistic in the fact that these kids all sucked at communicating with each other during different points and were often mad at each other for being hypocritical or other things but it just felt real because they’re 16, they don’t always know how to communicate things the best. hell adults suck at communicating too sometimes but some of the misunderstandings, as frustrating as they were, seemed realistic.
and I also love how the characters were all so loveable and likable with their charms and development, and the depth each of them had. like these are my children I built connections with them I adore them!!! despite there being quite a lot of characters, their backstories were all touched on giving them relatable qualities. even if this show hadn’t turned into some love square, these characters make a great group of friends.
my only complaint is juliana and even though she wasn’t around to see all the things yuri was going through and doing to try and reunite them, she just gave me weird “I’m hiding something” vibes from the start?? and then to see her get so quickly jealous of kitty aklsdjfk both in the phone call during the trip and at the end in the airport, I know I just said it felt very teen-like and realistic but it still sucks because surely she could see how fake yuri’s “friends” were?? and to see yuri build a real relationship with both dae and kitty as friends was heartwarming like be happy my girl has some real friends for once who aren’t just around for her money and chaebol status.
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jangofettjamz · 9 months
Unlovable Child
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: Child abuse
2nd Person POV
"I'm going out of town for a week to see my parents" you tell Jenna. The two of you were snuggled up together on the couch, binge watching The Mandalorian on Disney+.
"Oh, do you want some company?" Jenna offered to which you shook your head no. Your parents wasn't exactly the gold standard when it comes to parenting, in fact they'd probably win an award as being one of the worst.
You've never discussed your parents with Jenna because of this, not wanting her to be involved with them due to their toxic nature. You feared that exposing them to her would only cause more trouble than its worth.
"You sure you don't want me to come with? I can--"
"No no you really don't have to" you said, cutting her off a little too quickly to go unnoticed. She gave you a look of suspicion, knowing there was likely some underlying tension between your parents and you.
You tried to put her at ease "I-I mean... they haven't seen me for a while... I wouldn't want to overwhelm them by introducing you to them... y'know given your fame and all. No offence"
Your stuttering and lack of a believable reason wasn't enough to ease Jenna's growing concern for you, but she smiled anyway, which in turn made you smile. You knew she wasn't convinced.
She pulled you in closer, making sure you were nestled into her chest. She had a feeling deep down that you were keeping something from; something terrible. Anxiousness flooded her nervous system, making her rethink about letting you go.
Her heartbeat quickened because of this, something you caught by having your head on her chest. "Jenna? Are you okay?" You asked.
She looked at you and smiled to put you at ease "Everything's fine, sweet boy. Everything's okay." She reassured, kissing your forehead to ease your worries.
But it wasn't her you were worried about, it was meeting your parents for the first time in years. The last time you spoke to your parents was 2 years prior, just before you moved out for your new job, just before you met Jenna for the first time. It didn't exactly end on the greatest of terms.
You parents were vile; abelists who took pleasure in calling you the most horrid of insults for their own sick pleasure. It made them feel better about themselves, like they were superior. They were never proud of you, even though your academics should make them so. They could never be proud of someone like you, someone who was autistic.
Of course, with many dysfunctional households come with their fair share of physical abuse, which in your case was fairly common place. The slightest of mistakes ended in severe punishment, that being knocking a drink over, talking to loudly .etc.
You were deemed a failure in the eyes of your parents despite everything you've accomplished in school, your well paying job; it meant nothing. You were never good enough for them. You were simply too much of a "spaz" to love. You were nothing to them, only when money was an issue were you of any use.
You held Jenna a little tighter just think about this. Painful memories from your past flashed through your mind, reminding you of the awful people they were.
But you maybe they had changed, maybe they realised the error of their ways, you naively thought to yourself, only setting yourself up for a meeting that would inevitably send you crashing down.
But you had to believe. "They have changed. Of course they changed, they only said and did all that stuff to make me into the man I am today. They love me. Don't they?"
- 1 day later
Jenna was on the phone with her director discussing filming dates. She was currently working multiple films at once and needed to negotiate dates so that it wouldn't impede on her schedule.
You always admired how she could do so many films at once, though, you wished she would take a break sometimes as it can tire her out.
Jenna's phone call was immediately interrupted by the sound of the door opening revealing your figure. "Mark I'm gonna have to call you back" she hangs up the phone, confused as to why you were back 6 days earlier than anticipated.
You were wearing sunglasses, unusual considering the weather outside was quite gloomy. Perhaps you just felt like wearing them, she thought to herself.
"Hi, baby boy." She kisses your cheek, but noticed that it looked awfully red and... swollen? "You're back early. Did everything go okay down there?" Jenna asked to which you nodded with a smile, albeit a dishonest smile.
"Yeah everything went great, just gad to cut the trip short because they were busy and stuff. My parents are busy people after all" you say in a somewhat cheery tone. The swollen part of your face was pulsing, as though the nerve endings in your face had been set alight.
Jenna continued to examine your face, still finding it strange that you haven't taken off your shades yet. "Wait, he wasn't even wearing shades when he left. Why was he wearing them now?" She thought, trying to ascertain the situation.
She noticed your hands were shaking; odd considering you were always calm around her most of the time and it wasn't cold indoors because of the heating. One of your arms was holding your stomach too.
All this information, combined with the fact that your back 6 days ahead of schedule is enough to tell Jenna that something was very very wrong.
"Hey babe can you take off those glasses for me? I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours." She asked sweetly, forceful was not the right approach. You looked at her, trying to strum up a lame excuse not to oblige.
"No!" He exclaims, catching Jenna off guard. You quickly try to come up with a better excuse. "I mean i-it's really bright in here Jenna, my eyes are kinda tired from driving, y'know" you play off terribly, adding a smile to try and convince otherwise.
Jenna isn't buying it, you know this. She's too smart. "Y/N your face is bright red, and swollen" His smile quickly drops. "Your hands are shaking too, and I can see a cut behind your hair. You and I both know it isn't cold in here and that cut is recent too." She exhales sadly, turning her attention too your stomach "You're holding you're stomach babe, like you're in pain. What happened over there?"
You panic, you knew she wasn't an idiot but you can't bare to let her find out about your parents, about your past. It was too embarrassing, she'd surely leave you for not being man enough to fight back. That what your father had conditioned you to believe, that you weren't a real man because of your condition, that you were sub-human.
"I-I d-dont--" "let me see your eyes, my love" bowing your head in defeat, you allowed Jenna to remove your shades, the sight horrified her, sending shivers down to the deepest depths of her soul. She gasped, her hands covering her mouth as you she saw the damage.
A massive purple bruise covered your right eye, the eye itself was completely red. The area around the eye was completely swollen too. The left eye was also bruised, not as bad but still bruised nonetheless.
Anger bubbled within Jenna, the prospect of someone hurting her baby was sickening to her, she knoew this had to be your parent's doing. "They did this to you, didn't they"
"W-what no! They would never do this to me. My family love me, Jenna. They do" you tried convince her, you tried to convince yourself mostly. Tears pricked at your eyes, stinging even more due to the beating you took.
"Honey... why would they do this to you? What happened?" She asked gently with a tinge of sadness in her tone. You couldn't keep up with the lie any longer.
You took a deep breath. You wanted to tell her what happened, tell her about the desperation you felt when your father's belt connected with your back. How your mother held you down as he did it, beating and beating and beating you for being the spaz who disappointed his parents just by looking at him. She held your hands "It's okay. It's just me. Just Jenna"
A single tear fell down your cheek causing Jenna to wipe it away. "They wanted money..." you started, taking a deep breath before continuing "They wanted money that were apparently "owed" for not getting rid of me. I said no, and I'm sure you can imagine how they reacted to that. They beat me, Jenna. They both did. I couldn't stop them, I tried as hard as I could but they kept..." you sniffled, holding back what would have been a giant sob.
"They kept pummelling me with the belt, punching me in the stomach. Mom held me down and I couldn't anything. They said I was unlovable... I'm unlovable, Jenna!" He broke down completely, falling onto his knees. Your emotions that you'd been holding since you left your parents had escaped, the dull pain now fresh again.
Jenna lifted the back of your shirt to find the purple lashes that layed there, where your father had taken out his anger with the belt. She immediately held you, her own eyes tearing up at your broken state. You clung to her like a lifeline.
"Shhhh, its okay baby. You're safe now. You're safe with me again." He whales in anguish and pain, his sobs became louder as each one left his mouth.
"Jen it hurts" you said like a scared child, exactly what you were at your parent's house.
Upon hearing this Jenna decided it was best for you to lay down on your side to avoid laying on your lashed back. "Come on, honey let's lay you on the couch. Lay on your side for me, my sweet." You did as instructed.
She lifted up your top to see the bruises on your stomach, purple and still fresh. She was going to annihilate your parents, but that comes later. "I'm gonna go get an ice pack, then we're taking you to the hospital"
"No! No! Please no doctors!" You pleaded
She knelt down and stroked your hair to out you at ease as best she could "Shh shh shh, don't think about that now okay. Let me go get an ice pack for your stomach. I'll be right back." She left quickly for the ice, returning as quickly as she left.
She lifted up your shirt and let you get ready for the ice. "On three. One. Two. Three." She presses the ice to your abdomen, the cooling sensation soothed the pain little by little bringing you great relief. "Good boy baby, you being so brave for me" she cooed, kissing the top of his head.
She held the ice pack as you writhed in pain on the couch. Her free hand alternates between rubbing your arm and combing through your hair. She placed little kisses on your swollen cheek, not hurting at all when she did.
The recollection of events that played in your mind caused you to cry again. Jenna brought your head into her neck as she held you close, her skin absorbing most of the tears. "Oh baby, please don't cry. You're not unlovable. You're my very beautiful boy who I love so very very much. They don't deserve you."
You held onto her tight, thinking how lucky you were to have such a wonderful woman in your life. Your parents would've definitely said you didn't deserve her, and maybe you didn't. But that didn't detract from how much you loved her, and appreciated her.
"I love you, Y/N. I love you with every fibre of my being" hearing this made you smile out of pure gratitude and love.
"I love you too, Jenna" you say, voice still wobbly from crying. You pulled your head from the crook of her neck and the two of you just smile at each other, you took in the beauty of her face while Jenna gazed upon your battered one. She pulls you in for a gentle kiss, a long kiss that you desperately needed.
"Bubs we do need to get your tummy looked at. We'll call my mom to have a look at you, but we may need to go to the hospital if it's bad. We can do all that tomorrow though, just rest in my arms for now. Can you do that for me?" You nodded your head "I won't let them get away with this Y/N. Mark my words they're finished."
You'd never seen Jenna this angry, but it brought a strange sense of reassurance, like everything was going to be okay. "Can we watch a movie? I wanna take my mind off of this"
"Of course we can, bubs. What do you wanna watch? Empire strikes back?" She asked, knowing how much you loved that movie. You nodded making her smile and kiss you again.
She layed down next to you, inviting you to curl up next to her and lay your head on her chest. "You're not unlovable, flower. You're a very loveable and amazing person." You smile at her words, Jenna loved you very much and today was evidence of that.
She cradles your body in her arms, still feeling you tremble from everything that has happened. It would be a long road to you heal from this but she'd be with you the whole way there.
She gently rocks you while you watch the film, the sight of Darth Vader igniting your child-like love that Jenna adored.
"Hey bubs, promise you'll never think yourself as unlovable. Promise me that my love."
"I promise." You say, even though you still didn't fully believe it. Your parents words still hurt.
"Good boy. My special beautiful boy"
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therealestgalthereis · 11 months
Can you do any x reader headcanons for the neighbors or Bing and Larry? (You don’t have to do both ofc! ^^) Hope you have a good day!
OMSDGUYGS YES HOLY SHIT I LOVE THE SILLIES!!! ⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻ Eduardo You thought highschool was bad enough? Now long out of it you have to deal with this guy - basically a sterotypical highschool bully, as an adult. Despite his rude attituide, he really does love you Loves making fun of Edd with you, or ranting about a good insult he had thrown at him. If you didn't know how to cook (like as in you would die without takeout kind of don't know how to cook) he would teach you how to make simple dishes Protective as HELL. Like, if he sees someone bothering you he's glaring at them, and if they don't get the hint he's yelling at them to leave you alone Would get jealous pretty easily Oddly loving at some times — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ — Mark Like Eduardo can be compared to a Disney bully, but it more laid back than Eduardo LOVES cooking for you When he gets jealous it's pretty hard to tell, but he will try and one-up whoever he's jealous about. "You're.. talking to them? Why look at them? There is no way they're worth your time. I mean, like - what is that outfit anyways..? I swear they got it from the Dollar General." "Mark wtf" Would brush your hair for you, stuff like that Movie nights<3 — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ — Jon Defiently the sweetest out of the neighbours, but I wouldn't say he's exactly the nicest guy out there (Is super kind/nice to you obvi tho<3) I'd see him like buying you stuff, giving little gifts Would ADORE making fun of people behind their backs with you, pointing and jeering at them quietly, mostly in hopes of making you laugh "Do you still love me?" questions 10x a week fr Loves doing house chores with you Love language would totally be quality time (canon I'm the rocket that killed him) — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ — Bing Runs up to you happily and shows you his latest invention Loves creating evil schemes with you<3 Devious asf If you don't like a certain weather bro will 100% make an invention to fucking change it "Awh, it's [weather].." "Give me two seconds." Would love going on walks with you Forces you to watch him make things (unless you really hate it then he'll leave you alone) — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ — Larry Most senseable out of.. EVERYONE. Takes care of you when you're sick, feeling upset Almost fatherly sometimes Romantic dinners>>>>>>>>>>> He looks like he'd write poetry. Done with everyone's shit Like Jon would totally make fun of people behind their backs with you COOKS FOR YOU FR
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lillybearrie · 5 months
Guys- guys! I need to talk about this because omfg arararara
Ok so I was watching sherb's most recent hardcore stream, or more accurately got not even a minute in and ran to Tumblr because I have thoughts, and maybe it's because I just binged Icarus's pov post-centross death but the first like 30 seconds or so of the hardcore stream made me realize the difference between someone like hardcore!Sherbert and Icarus.
Icarus is in a deep state of self loathing and needing to grief so so many things so many people they need to process so so much but their own father has convinced them that it's pointless that it's not worth it that they should just focus on other things like helping him in his endeavors and so they don't and instead they bear the weight of this feeling of guilt and dread that they carry it around all day every day and they use it like armor because they don't have much else anymore. They pour all of the doubt they used to have into blind faith in fable's cause because they will not process and they will not grief over the fact that in only the past 4 months they have either indirectly or directly been at fault for 2 of their friends deaths and that their very existence prompted the destruction of so many peoples lives fable caused the resets for them to save their life fable destroyed reality over and over and over until the universe was delt what is likely irreparable damage all for them and honesty we really don't talk enough about the guilt they must carry for that. Icarus wakes up and even if it's been a few weeks is immediately so so tired the weight of everything going on in their life waking up with them waking up with the voices that constantly tell them what they already know the voices the yell and scream that their wrong that their hurting people again that their acting corrupted The voices that never shut up day in and day out. And they stretch because sometimes keeping a routine in times like this is key to keeping sane and yk stretching is just generally a good habit. Their alone except for the emotionally distant basterd of a previously immortal man that dares call himself a father ( we're not gonna talk about how the stuff he instilled in ick when they were little influenced a large part of how the corruption presented itself in them during season 1 because this is not that post but if it was I would have so many words you don't even know) life right now is one big distraction and when it's not they either have a break down or they're chasing the next distraction and you can see that when they wake up because you get 2 kinds of Icarus in the morning angry Icarus who will take it out on quixis or us because they need that emotional release and we're easy targets or planning Icarus who is only thinking about what they need to do today they do mindless chores or talk with co-workers or are figuring out how to complete task fable asks of them.
Hardcore!Sherbert on the other hand is for better or worse alone completely and utterly aside from the things their's not a single actual person in their life. they farm they build they vibe and weird shit happens around them sometimes and they hear voices, they wake up and look forward to the next day even when they've been asleep for months they look in the bright side "not a bad thing tho it's important to get your sleep" they are so... free in comparison with Icarus and you can hear it in the way they talk its lighter you can see it in they way they move it made me realize how little Icarus actually truly smiles nowadays hardcore!sherbert has their fair share of struggles don't get me wrong but at they end of the day they're happy they enjoy life for the most part.
And Sherb does such a good Job acting out this fundamental difference between these two variations of the same guy. I go ababababa it think it's neattt anyway go appreciate Sherbertquake56's phenomenal acting after this long ass post psychoanalizing they way their minecraft characters wake up which is a total sane and normal thing to make a Tumblr post about at 4 am mhm
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kidovna · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, I love your art and I would love it no matter what, but I am so glad that you have IMPECCABLE taste in movies, tv shows and books because you have honestly put me on some GOOD SHIT. I don't even look up things before I watch/read them, if you've made art of it, I know it's gonna be fire. I recently just binged both seasons of Good Omens in the span of two days because of your art and it's only reinforced this belief (literally one of the best shows I've ever watched) and i dont think i can even count the amount of (incredibly good) media I've consumed because of you. I also feel so proud of you whenever you give us little updates of your life. Like, you talked about moving to london and i felt like a proud mom watching her kid go off to college even though i dont think i even know what you sound like lol
Anyway, love love love love your art keep having good taste and keep being great 🫰🫰
omg this was such a sweet ask to read, thank you 😭🩷 I’m glad you think my recommendations always hit right! good omens is SO GOOD. i’ve made people around me watch it as well and everyone agrees that it’s fantastic 🫶🏽
i hope you have the loveliest day ever!
p.s. i’m currently watching doctor who and i’m absolutely LOVING it (90% of the time) so i’ll be back to report if that’s worth the watch as well 🫡
p.p.s. i sound just like my sister, but that doesn’t clear much LOL
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rinamars · 1 year
after i shared my erwin fic recs, someone said that they were interested in some levi fic recs as well, sooo here i am! again, i should mention that most of these include explicit content, so read with caution! let us begin
these are titles i've already mentioned in my erwin post, but i OBVIOUSLY have to talk about them again: for the eruri x reader enjoyers, the entire fictional universe created by shinzouing is something that can't be missed (this is a story of the sea, certain obscure things, beyond the sea). peak writing. 10000/10.
again, for the eruri x reader enjoyers, something else i've already mentioned: two lovers by feelingthorny. the pining, silent affection, and body worship her writing contains are simply unmatched!!
(whenever feelingthorny and shinzouing include a "my love(s)" in their writing, especially if spoken by erwin, an angel is born)
how can i write a fic recs post without mentioning something by @riewritten?? i can't!! her delicious fic heap of solace was my introduction to her incredible writing, and oh man, what a wonderful journey it has been
now, i don't do much reading here on tumblr (which is why this post is 99% focused on ao3 fics) but i do know that there are so many gems to be found on here! i'm sure you all know them already, but i'm just going to mention them anyway: @levmada, @anlian-aishang, @jayteacups and @happybird16 are incredible authors, and they'll definitely fill the levi-shaped hole in your heart
back to ao3, feelingthorny has also written another incredible fic, expiring soon. this modern au is over 200k words but it's sooo worth it, it's not slow burn at all but the pining, oh man, the pining! i cried when she released the last chapter, it was a wonderful read
this one is probably the levi fic i'm the most attached to. lessons in patience by almondblossoms1000 was the very first university au i read, and i wasn't expecting to love it so much! i loved it so much, in fact, that it ended up inspiring me to write my own fic (even though it's not a levi fic). it's your tipical slow burn, fake relationship, frenemies (?) to lovers type of thing, and it's sooo enjoyable
another excellent university au is the feeling's mutual by wellitcouldbeworse3! i understand that these au's aren't everyone's cup of tea, but MAN i love them. this one is a proper enemies/academic rivals to lovers slow burn, and yeah, it might be an overdone trope, but do i look like i care? i LOVED it and YOU might, too ;)
third and last university au i'm going to recommend is percolate by heichoe. this one is restricted to ao3 users only, but MAN. personally, requesting an ao3 account just for this one fic would be worth the wait. it's another scrumptious enemies to lovers slow burn with a side of coffee shop au... can't you tell i find these tropes absolutely endearing? READ IT
i remember binging on this one last september in one afternoon, as a treat to myself after passing a scary exam, and i simply couldn't put the phone down: something about us by katonyx is a mix of royal au (reader is a princess, levi is her bodyguard), slow burn (duh) and murder mystery with a well deserved happy ending
high strung by HopelessCaseOfDaydreaming was hot. that's all i'm going to say. h o t
for the category "insanely good fics that made me cry for some reason even though i really really enjoyed them": orange zest and homemade vanilla extract by nylondreams!! it's a modern au, and i feel like this is a pretty accurate depiction of levi's relationship with physical intimacy
i read this ONCE all the way back in september but i still remember this one made me feel so many things. [watch me fall apart, watch me fall apart] by djmarinizela is a slow burn college au. it involves a relationship between a student and her professor, but the rating is green. uh, i think i cried after finishing it (it's a one-shot)
thank you for your attention, and happy reading ;)
(now the last thing missing to complete the trio is an eruri fic recs post, let me know if you want it ok 🤲🏻)
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silent-raven13 · 10 months
Rewatching One Piece
With Egghead Arc coming out, Miles and Ganke decided to rewatch One Piece. They had made a serious commitment to binge watch on Friday. This means these two cute nerds had to make sure their own busy schedule is at hand.
Miles had told his friends and boyfriend during their lunch time, "Wait, so you're going to be with Ganke most of the time over this anime?" Gwen asked.
Hobie didn't like this one bit, he couldn't help but be jealous. His sweet Sunflower cuddling with his best friend under a blanket while watching a long ass anime. Nope, he can't handle it still. It's hard to not let his jealousy get the best of him, but seeing Ganke, a success Computer Nerd with so much worth... his insecurities is getting the best of him.
"Not just any anime. It's ONE PIECE!" Pavtri said happily, "Me and Gaytari started watching it when we saw our Live Action one!"
"Yeah, me and Ganke binge watch that one! Caught up with the manga, too! So, we decided to rewatch it all for fun and refresh our One Piece knowledge. Egghead Arc is coming up." Miles happily said unaware of his boyfriend's facial expression.
"How many episodes are there?" Gwen asked being so out of touch with anime. It was never her thing.
"Over a thousand!"
"Holy shit, dude. How- That means you and Ganke are gonna spend a lot of more time, huh?" The blond Spider-woman glances at Hobie tensed up having to awkwardly sit up on his seat.
"Yeah, but it's not that bad." The twenty three year old grins widely, "Anyway, I can't wait for me and Ganke to spend some time. Been a minute since we actually got to hang out." Even though, they're roommates in an apartment, they hardly see each other. When they do it's mostly Spider-man stuff.
"Awe, that's so cute. You and your bestie!" Pavtri giggles, "So ya'll gonna make out."
Hobie awkwardly sat up again giving a grunt. Miles snorted as he slurp his soda through a straw, "Nah, we don't do that no more!" He chuckles.
"Hahaha, that's crazy when you and Ganke would always pretend to be boyfriends back in the day! Ya'll just kiss whenever you saw each other. Like 'Hey, bae' MWAH!" Gwen laughs out loud at the memory.
When Miles and Ganke went to parties during their teenage years, they always pretended to be a couple. Or they try to kiss in front of weird creeps so they get the idea to leave them alone.
Of course, Ganke and Miles kissed in front of the Spider Band at a party and it was so casual. Hobie was so jealous that day, he crushed his beer bottle being so annoyed.
Till today Hobie hated that memory. Miles wraps his arms his boyfriend, "Hahaha, nah. Ganke got a girlfriend and I got my boyfriend, right Hobie!"
"Yeah..." Hobie leans over to lift his boyfriend's chin and kiss him, "I am." Miles melted by his boyfriend's hand around his jaw.
"Ohh!" Pav and Gwen watched with a red tint across their cheeks. That's such a confident move! Should they be watching this?
Lyla appeared between Miles and Hobie, "NAH-AH! Miguel say keep yo hands to yourselves!"
Miles blushes by Hobie's hungry kisses, OMG, they were full out making out with tongue, again. Hobie grunts at Lyla, "It was nuthin' but a measly little kiss."
"OHHH!" Pav's and Gwen's eyes widen. Measly kiss? Then what do they do behind close doors?
Lyla's avatar fumes, "No! It's clearly a full blown make out!"
After lunch, Miles and Hobie were at Hobie's houseboat just for some fun. The punker left some soft jazz playing while he smoke his joint. Nothing like good sex and getting high. "Mmm, Karl did a mighty ace job on this one," He coughs a bit knowing the weed is top A-Grade!
Miles lay his head on his boyfriend's bare chest, "Mmm, really?"
"Yeah, luv. Try it." Hobie handed it to his Sunflower.
Miles dabble on weed here and there, so he took it to inhale it. "Mmm-" He starts coughs, "Fuck, that shit is good, bae."
Hobie laughs seeing his boyfriend coughs, "That good, huh?"
"Mmhhmm," His Sunflower inhale again this time with caution, and hold the smoke in. Then turns to Hobie with his hand waving him to come close to his lips.
The punker grins widely as he leans over, knowing Miles want to share his smoke. The young man got close to Hobie's mouth then gently blew in the smoke in his mouth.
Hobie happily inhale Miles' second hand smoke, then inhale it and hold it. Miles let out a boyish giggle, then his boyfriend lift his head up to release the smoke with an O shape. "Mm, bloody fantastic, luv." His voice low.
"Mmm, is it." His Sunflower snuggles while nuzzling his head on his partner's chest, "Mmm, that feels so good. I think...."
"You think?" Hobie purrs lowly knowing his Sunflower is horny.
"Mmm," MIles' hand slid down under the sheets being daring, "I wanna go another round."
"I know, you do, darling." Hobie's voice low with a little growl, his hand grabs Miles' neck to pull him into an intense kiss.
Miles ain't complaining, he loves it. Letting out a submissive mewl, "Mmm," He softly chuckles, "Give me another, mi amor."
"Like this." This time his punker boyfriend added tongue.
"Mmm..." Miles happily melts, again. When they pull away, Miles' phone rang. "Oh fuck, I think Ganke is calling."
"Ugh, luv, you don't have to pick it up!"
"I need to. We're planning on cooking on Friday to binge watch the anime!" Miles picks up the phone, "Hey man, what's up."
Hobie rolled his eyes. Now, he's not in the mood anymore just high. He got up to get a beer from the fridge, while his boyfriend noticed. "Um, yeah... get some bacon, gummy bears is fine, oh- buy those juice boxes. Yeah, Billy loves those. Thanks man..."
It wasn't a long talk, Miles hung up after a simple goodbye then saw his boyfriend leaning by the doorway drinking his beer. "So? How's your sweetheart?"
Sweetheart? Oh God, not this again!
"Bae," Miles groans, "don't tell me, you're jealous!"
"Okay, I'm not." Hobie casually went back to his bed with his beer bottle set on his nightstand. Miles gave him a look being very unimpressed. He sighs, "Luv, you told me and our mates that we won't be seeing you for a while, because your going to spend most your time with yer friend!"
"And your upset over Ganke?"
"Mmm, yea and no... I don't like being without you."
"But it's only on Fridays and Saturdays and it won't be long, baby." Miles got on top of his boyfriend, then his hands caress his punker's face, "You know, we're just hanging out." Miles leans over to kiss Hobie, "I love you, baby."
"Mmm, really?" Hobie being like a happy puppy.
Miles kisses him again, "Yeah, you're mine, baby."
"I like that very much. Another kiss." Hobie purrs.
*Kiss* *Kiss-Kiss*
-After two weeks-
Hobie didn't like this, he felt so lonely without Miles. There was no lie to this, he's started to tweak out without his man. It's like he was on crack. He loves spending time with his Miles anytime he wanted.
So the next thing he did was to visit his Miles' place. It's not like he wasn't allowed too. When he got to Miles' apartment, he saw the lights on.
"Yay! One Piece!" Sweet five year old Billie happily bounced on the couch to watch some episodes with her brother and brother, Ganke. She holds her sippy cup, "Mimi! Mimi, hurry up!"
"I'm coming!" Miles brought a bowl of popcorn while Ganke had hot dogs wrapped in bacon with the works! Her big brother came by to place the large bowl of popcorn on the table, "Boo-boo, you forgot your straw hat!"
"Oh no!" Billie touches her head being in shock! She had her Luffy costume on being one of her favorite outfits to wear ever since her brother made it for her for Halloween.
Miles went over to the arm couch to get the lonely straw hat then placed it on his little sister's head. "Hehehe. Gracias, hermano!" She happily grab her strawhat to pull it down some more to fit right in place. Good thing she didn't have her Afro-puffs, but cute long braids with butterfly clips and large hair balls.
Ganke set a tray of hots dogs on the coffee table, "There. Just need the drinks." He saw the coffee table with spread of snacks.
Miles grins at him, "Nice. You're gonna make a wonderful hubby with Danika." He playfully nudge his friend.
"Popcorn!" Billed chimed out loud with her arms reaching for it, she didn't want to move from her spot on the couch.
"Oh hahahaha," Ganke blushes, "Ya think?" He watches Miles handing the bowl of popcorn to his sister.
"Yeah, man. Always." Miles chuckles, "If not I'll marry ya."
"Sheesh! I'm hubby material for Spider-man?" The two laughs out loud.
Hobie hears this from the slight open window. Billie hears this quickly turning her head, she gasps, "HOBIE!" She uses her web-shooter at him. The Punker grab the little plastic dart with half his body in the apartment.
Miles quickly turns his head having his Spidey Sense coming late, because he's use to Hobie coming whenever he wants so many times. It wasn't view as a threat. Ganke blink in shock, "Looks like I won the bet."
"Bae! What are you doing here?" Miles went over to help open the window to let his partner easily get into his apartment. "You could've called me."
"Hello, luv. Where's the fun in that?" He asked having to stand once he slide his way into the window.
Miles dust off the dirt from the bottom of window, "Still..." He kisses his boyfriend.
"I miss ya, luv."
"Oh yeah?" Miles didn't seem to believe that. Hobie is always clingy, which is surprising when they started dating. Miles always thought he was the clingy type, but nope!
When Hobie spends months with his band in his own world or some serious Spider-man stuff, Miles never seems to be bothered by it. Or did he would visit the way his partner does. It's pretty funny.
"Yes, luv. I miss you!" He hugs him.
"Hehehe, okay, bae. Well we were watching some episode but took a break for snacks." He show him the way.
Billie chews on her popcorn, "You like One Piece, Obie?"
"Not really, lil bloo." Hobie commented.
"Well, we're at Arabasta arc right now." Ganke said.
"OH yeah, the good part is coming." Miles grins widely. "Sit with me, bae." Ganke sat on the left side of the couch. Then it's Billie in the middles, next Miles and lastly, Hobie.
Hobie saw them playing the episode looking confused, he remembers his partner watching One Piece. He never understood it. Billie happily got off the couch being hyper when Luffy came on. "LUFFY!" She jumps.
Miles said to Ganke, "Some fans believe Oda will end One Piece on Skypia."
"Oh no way! That'll be a great throw back."
"For real, I was like make sense. Skypia wasn't shown as much as the other islands, so it got me wondering what plans they had with that place."
"I wonder if it's something big!" Ganke said. "I bet you Noah's Arc was the boat for Joyboy to use when the World Government drowned the world."
"Whoa, sick ass theory man!" Miles took a bit of popcorn to eat.
Hobie slouches on his boyfriend, "Luv, what's dis biblical talk about Noah's Arc? And why you bringing up Joyboy?"
"You know Joyboy?" Ganke asked.
"Joyboy is a popular Caribbean folklore... my mom drunkly mutters about it." Hobie said then stares in more confusion, "Luv, I'm lost about this carto-" he felt a dart hit his cheek, dark eyes glanced over with an upset Billie. "SHHH, NO TALKING! LUFFY IS FIGHTING CROCODILE!" She jumps happily.
Hobie sighs being lost. "You know, this is why I didn't invite you to this. You seem to hate it." Miles sighs at his boyfriend.
Ganke said, "I'm surprised he does. This is totally his stuff. There's mentions of genocide, fascism, racism, politics, slavery... Do I need to keep going?" He uses his fingers to count how many things are involved in One Piece.
"And you think I like that?" Hobie asked almost being offended.
"No, bae. He meant Luffy and his crew fights off those stuff. They kick ass. Like- Okay, you are totally watching this anime, because it's annoying how much you don't know." Miles began.
"And most of the characters are diverse. Luffy is Brazilian, Name Finnish, Zoro Japanese, Sanji French, Robin Russian, Usopp African, Chopper Canadian, Franky American, Jinbe Indian... I see him more of a Samoan in my opinion." Ganke added.
"Brazilian? You mean to tell me that lad is Brazilian?" Hobie's eyes went on the television to see Luffy's face.
"Yup." Miles chuckles, "Come on, bae. Pay attention to the show and don't focus on your jealousy. I know you came here thinking me and Ganke are doing something, huh?"
"Pfft, he's still on that." Ganke laughs.
Hobie looks embarrassed, "Love! Don't be cruel." He snuggles against his boyfriend.
"No, this time your gonna watch One Piece and your gonna like it!" Miles said in a serious tone. "Or else I'm giving you the silent treatment." He crosses his arms with a huff.
"Shheeeshhh!" Ganke chuckles.
Hobie whines, "No! Anything but that, darling!"
Billie came to jump on Hobie, "Shhh! I'm watching!" She playfully fights him.
--after twenty episodes-
Hobie watched with his eyes glued intensely at the episodes. "Well?" Miles handed him a beer bottle. The young man sat back down, he saw Billy and Ganke knocked out.
"Luv, this is freakin' fantastic!" Hobie sat up after watch Luffy kick the shit out of Crocodile, and had free the island of Arabasta. "And he does this?"
"Yup. He wants to be the Pirate King, because being the Pirate King is being free. Warrior of Libration, bae." Miles happily said.
"Warrior of Libration, huh!" Hobie finally understands. "You say he went against the Government?"
"The World Government, baby. I think you're gonna be a big fan of this anime." Miles went to pick up Billie so she can sleep comfortably in his room. "Still wanna watch?"
"Yes! Darling, you can't show me gold then deny me! I need to watch this." His punker said!
Miles giggles, "Okay, bae. I'll put Billy on my bed. She's is knock out."
"And yer mate?" Hobie looks at Ganke sleeping.
"Can you put him on his bed? He's worn out." Miles asked.
"Sure thing, luv." Hobie had no problem lifting Ganke and carrying him to his room. The young man sleep soundly on his bed. When the punker came, Miles was on the couch ready for him.
"Your gonna love the Skypia Arc, bae." His boyfriend said.
"Oh yeah?" Hobie asked as he sat down cuddling next to his boyfriend. Miles wrapped a large blanket around them. They snuggle and cuddle together while eating snacks.
"Mmhhmm," Miles kisses Hobie's cheek, "love you, baby."
"I love you, too, Sunflower." Hobie kisses him back. "Now, shh! Luffy is something." Miles only rolled his eyes at how his punker became a fan of One Piece.
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starlightshore · 1 year
explain Danny phantom to someone who’s never seen it before?
uhhhhh so i can only talk about it as the most insane kinda fandom person because
i was obsessed with this show when it first aired when I was 8 years old. it was my first fandom. i read fanfic for it before i even knew what fanfic was. its HEAVILY tied to my nostalgia and I've been engaging with the fandom on/off for literally 19 years. at this point DP is in my DNA.
while it's not my main hyperfixation (thats undertale) its the one tag i visit regularly and the one fandom I'll jump to every few months and binge fics for. i don't even read UT fics anymore but the DP fandom is always doing something. its very active!
under the cut I talk about my thoughts on the show, the fandom and explain the premise. It's a wild ride.
TLDR; i have a lot of THOUGHTS on this show and i do not actually recommend it. MAYBE if you're curious explore the fandom and some fics but be careful about it, it's a bit gratuitous with its angst.
If you want a basic premise: local 14 year old accidentally lets loose hell but also has become part ghost. This kid can fit SO much trauma in him.
first off: I fucking love Danny Phantom.
And I'm going to spend the next two segments complaining about it. Feel free to skip if you're already aware of this /or don't wanna linger on it.
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Second off: This show fucking sucks*
* Ok fine yes sometimes it can be good, but it will always have an asterisk next to it.
it has NOT aged well. it was created by an asshole who's got a long shitlist of things he's done and still does that's all terrible. i am not one to hate someone publicly unless its for something like this. Feel free to google what Bitch Fartman has done if you're curious but I'll warn you: he is a horrible person and he disgusts me. I only acknowlege him when its to mention how awful he is and how I do not want to support him.
This is not like with FNAF where supporting that franchise supports Scott. Danny Phantom first aired 19 years ago. The show was written, directed, and sure as hell animated by a team of professionals. It is not his sole creation. Studio Animation is not the sole work of an individual. I respect (most) animators and the hard work they've done and do. IIRC Shitfartman doesn't even have the rights to the IP anymore. I assume he gets residuals though. That said the only canonical piece of media we've gotten is a graphic novel that was released last month. Up until then, supporting DP was just not literally a thing you could do!
Its not just the creator who sucks. There's a lot of BS in the show too.
the show is very early 2000s (and even then thats no excuse) and it has a bingo card worth of shit in it. racism, bigotry, ableism! you name it. I do not condone and i do NOT recommend this show because of this! its horrible with what they did with this show and its shocking it was acceptable enough to put on TV. you literally can't do shit like that anymore.
I'm not going to go list every detail of every horrible, fucked up thing the show has done. The list is too long and I haven't watched the actual show in a few years now. by god, I know there is a list out there though.
Anyway outside of my obligatory "fuck this show actually" rant aside
i do love this show because it DOES have a lot of good and cool stuff outside that. but also. its so much wasted potential.
the core premise is:
Hey what if a pair of paranormal obsessed mad scientist parents punched a hole into the after life hell dimension- and what if their son was basically spiderman-ed about it?
And here's the core part of the premise: Danny only keeps his identity a secret to the humans. Ghosts learn like, pretty much straight away that he's a Halfa (half human, half ghost). He's if spiderman's worst fear wasn't the villains but if like. Aunt May was going to rip him apart.
Oh yeah that's. a thing. Danny's parents literally want to rip his ghost identity apart from, and I quote, "molecule to molecule."
For a an comedy-action show its WEIRDLY morbid and dark at times but then has the tonal whiplash to make you question what the fuck did they just do. How'd they do that and then not care they just wrote that in. Seriously. It'll just lore drop or hint to dark things and then brush it aside because it's main focus is comedy.
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Anyway back to explaing what the show even is about. the show likes to say Danny got his DNA merged with ectoplasm but that's stupid af i'd rather say he died but only stayed half dead. He can transform between the two states: living and dead. But he's not just two halves that make a whole -the two sides blend together. He can use his ghost powers as a human -and early on he couldn't control them so he'd just. go intangible or invisible at the worst moments.
The show just. jumps right in. You don't get to see the accident outside the intro (at least until season 2 when they retcon some stuff) you just have it thrown into your lap. He has powers now. He sucks at it. Deal with it.
I think it's important to acknowledge that this show was written before Netflix did streaming. Before Plot heavy cartoons were a thing. (Not to say they didn't have reoccuring plot, it justw asn't the same thing as it is now.) You had to write the show with the limits of:
Comedy being a major focus
You have to write it with the expectation that anyone could jump in and (reasonably) understand most things going on. While there's some continuity and plot progression, the status quo is god.
because streaming wasn't a thing yet, you could only watch the show by jumping into whatever the fuck episode was playing. I doubt it played in order all the time. You just couldn't make a cartoon that had weeks upon weeks of plot developments and expect people to keep up.
The show is, in fact, meant for kids. While it does dive into some darker stuff (being ya know, a ghost show) its still going to be overly silly.
So while YEAH i'll complain about the very very shitty things the show did but I can't soley blame Fuckhateshitman for all of it. It's the restrictions it was made under + likely a lot more circumstances I don't understand. I am a hobbiest animator. I have no real world experience in the animation industry. I can critique the final product but I can never understand what shaped the cartoon. If shitheadmcgee wasn't involved and the studio gave the show more room + had you know, more POC and women on team + animation (even for kids) was respected more then who KNOWS what the show could of been! But like. its a 2000s show. It is what it is. I think the show has its good and bad and i'll harp a lot on the bad rn because I think its important to acknowledge especially to new people, but I do want to frame it by saying it really is the product of its time.
I want it to be better and I hope if it gets rebooted its better. We expect a lot more from cartoons now then we did then. (I know this was a long tangent + kinda over simplifying things but whatever, moving on.)
The (Ph)Fandom
19 years later and here we are. Enter the Phandom (called that before that phill and whoever used the term, idc i'm still going to use the term.) We, the fandom, almost completely just retconned the show's finale. (obviously SOME people still like it but its like. an incredibly small percentage) Like. we straight up pretend it didn't happen. i don't even want to get into it rn. It was SO BAD that the graphic novel that just released literally (spoilers) retconned everything about it aside from a ship pairing.
Anyway the Phandom- personally I think it goes a little TOO harsh in its angst. LIke, maybe a bit too much. But it DOES add nuance and explores the themes and lore that the show just flat out refused to engage with at all. It really digs into the premise of "hey wtf this 14 year is half dead. hello? hello??? thats fucked up.... lets explore that." and i'm here for it.
As long as its not like, masochistic and gratuitous for no real reason. 😬That is my biggest complaint with the fandom is that sometimes it goes over board.
But yeah outside of that, it can also be VERY silly so expect tonal whiplash here too! We got memes. We got fandom holidays and events. Whacky stuff.
OH AND OCs. We have fandom OCs like Wes. The best nonexistant character ever. Love that lil weirdo <3. His whole schtick was "What if Danny had another human villain? What if this random background classmate knew his secret and was trying to expose it?" and its spiraled from there. No one ever believes Wes and he's tortured by it. Some make him out to be a conspiracy nut while others make him more of a threat. (or a joke, as I do) Considering this show has a ghost-version of the Men in Black (Guys in White) conspiracy actually lines up accurately for what Wes does. And, you know. The Fenton's have a portal to the afterlife in their basement. Honestly pretty reasonable.
so like the fandom just kinda... picks and chooses the canon. It does have an edge of "we can do better" but in fairness, as I just discussed, there's an awareness that the version we make is not restricted by the environment the show was made under. I would hope most of the fandom understands this and doesn't say it in the sense of like "oh yeah I know better than professional writers and artists fuck the show 1000%" instead of acknowledging Yes He Fucking Sucks but its also more complicated. I don't want to foster an environment of superiority and disrespect to any media/creators (with exceptions ofc) cause. Jesus christ we live on the internet in 2023 you have to know why I feel this way by now.
Anyway with that in mind, I do think it's a positive thing! I mean, fuck, the show had no new content for almost 20 years I think its obvious by now we'd just make our own doll house out of it by now.
So yeah the Phandom is like this:
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We're oddly consistent with the phandom lore we've built around from the canon's lore. We expand it, we make it more queer, we do our own thing. And I really enjoy it! I partake in it! It's pretty cool.
So while there's some merit to the OG show I would not recommend it on account of the amount of BS I mentioned at the start of the post. But I would recommend the fandom! As long as you got a strong black list with trigger warnings in place. Again, I think the fandom is a lil too gratuitous. But oh my god I love so much of what the fandom does. There's so many fics that just stick with me and (ha) haunt me. There's a reason I still come back after all these years. there are SO many good fics.
also the fandom got adopted by the DC fandom a year or two ago. personally i have to have like 80 tags blocked so i can even navigate the tag. Its not my thing but i'm happy people are having fun!!
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hrhoffman · 9 months
So I finished binging The Magnus Archives
and I genuinely have so many thoughts that I can't even put into words
Spoilers for TMA as a whole, I guess
I'll start with Sasha because I want to do every point that hit heavy for me and if I don't do it in order I'll forget something
The idea of being replaced and forgotten, just, my God. And really, how little of the real Sasha we even got from the whole podcast is tragic. We got so little of her, liked her when we first heard her encounter with Michael, and then, boom, she's gone. Replaced. And as listeners, we Know Something will happen, but you just get that building dread every episode, what will Not!Sasha do? Is there a chance real Sasha could come back?
And by the end, we forget about Sasha because of everything else happening.
Tim was worse for me because as soon as his new arc was building up, I knew immediately there was ever going to be one ending for him. His building anger, his loss of his previous self, the information on his past and how it related to the next big fight they were going to. It was obvious he was going to get blown up as soon as the explosives were introduced.
And we don't get much mourning for Tim, because Jon is in a coma, Daisy is trapped, and Martin is losing himself.
I could go on a whole side tangent about the Lonely, make a list of all those hard hitting lines Martin said.
I'm not enough on my own. Can't get it out of my head.
The finale hurts. I can't stop myself from crying. I keep going back and forth about Jon's character
We watch him make questionable decisions for the entire podcast. His whole conspiracy fueled paranoia and just driving everyone away as if it's going to keep them safe. His final choice to take over instead of Elias
It's selfish, because ok, fuck lemme try to get this in words
Jon and Martin are opposites the whole time, I think
Martin's big speech to Peter and Elias where he says, "I'm not a chosen one" always stood out to me. Because there's times where Jon seems to believe HE needs to fix everything, that HE needs to keep his friends safe, that HE needs to save the world because he is SO SO guilty.
And Martin thinks so little of himself, but he puts so much love in others. It's so sad to see his change in S4 with the Lonely, because it's so distinctly not Martin.
He never stops hating himself, never stops loving Jon. Everything he does is for Jon. He had nothing to live for when Jon was gone.
They are each other's reasons. But Martin could be anywhere with Jon and be happy.
Jon needs to fix his wrongs to make them both happy. Whether that is true or not doesn't matter, because it is wholeheartedly what Jon believes.
And so he believes sacrificing himself to try to fix things will be better for Martin, but he never asked Martin what would actually make him happy.
Martin just wants to be by Jon's side.
And back to the selfish thing, I don't mean it in a negative way. I mean that Jon felt he literally needed to give himself up to atone. Like he had lost all self worth. Like he didn't care about himself.
He puts Martin in the worst possible position.
And I cried so hard at the ending, because I knew that they weren't Somewhere Else. They were dead. It mirrored Gertrude and her assistants, the foreshadowing of their deaths as Sasha and Tim dropped one by one.
There was no happy ending for us. There was no fixed world after what traumatic experience had been unleashed. Jon had to pay for his mistakes, but love caused Martin to go with him. (I think about those last few moments of Martin. Alive. Looking down at Jon's bleeding corpse. The panopticon crumbling around him. Martin knows he will die, but he's just had to kill his only Reason to live anyways)
I can't even say they're happy together in the fucking afterlife because the End or whatever exists and claims everyone. I always interpreted that as Hell existing for everyone after death.
And don't even get me started on the themes of finding happiness and love in the middle of the apocalypse
They just wanted to fix things man. It wasn't even Jon's fucking fault, AND OKAY THIS IS ANOTHER THING
I SWEAR Elias has to be Web aligned I fucking swear the strings he pulled throughout the whole fucking series dude. I think the Eye and Web are pretty close anyways but that Manipulating Bastard FUCK HIM
Jon believes he's done everything wrong, because he refuses to blame Dickhead McGee. Doesn't help that everyone is on his ass the whole podcast, and like, yeah, Jon does some stupid shit but come the fuck on why did the foreshadowing of his slowly worse decisions have to end like this man I can't stop thinking about it
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sanvirtheobserver · 4 days
Taking Flight, Chapter 43: Westward
Given all the cowboy hijinks, mercenary madness, and godless abominations from the depths of the earth, it was easy to lose track of what's been going on at home. It's Cascade Season, and a Cat 5 Portal Storm did just recently pass over the Mushroom Kingdom. Thankfully, Kermit is back with the latest MKBC broadcast over the radio.
Kermit: Good morning, Mushroom Kingdom. Kermit D. Frog here. Today's forecast will be sunny with scattered rainshowers later this afternoon.
Bob can be seen exiting that Duviri Mob Farm Steve had built a few days ago, with the portal inside still active. He and Pomni were just headed to the bazaar to restock their stands.
Bob: Now where was I?
Pomni: Something to do with test tubes, I think.
Bob: Oh yeah! That's where we found Damien. You probably saw him check in at the Guest House last night. I also found this.
He pulls out a small blue glass bottle with a gold trim and places it on his stand. A face can be seen within the shimmering glass.
Glassmaker: Please get me away from this buffoon!
Bob: It makes a good paperweight.
Pomni: ......... Right. Um, you said that Damien was found in a test tube, right? What exactly were they "testing" about him?
Bob: Hell if I know. I'm not really the sciency type. That's more of an SMG thing. Anyways, what have you guys been doing?
Pomni: Not much. We just took a little "urban exploration" trip to this old abandoned house a few miles out. Caine thought it would be worth a look.
Bob: That........ doesn't really help narrow it down.
Pomni: It was the big mansion to the north of the woods. Lot's of bitey crows swooping around. Most of the doors are crossed out with big yellow X's.
Bob: Hm.......... big manor........ huge murder of crows........... yellow X's.
Uzi: I think she's talking about the old Elliott Manor.
The two swiftly turned to Uzi, completely unaware that she was listening to their conversation.
Uzi: I've heard of that place.
Pomni: Um....... how long have you been standing there?
Back in the Guest House, Damien is silently laying in his room. He hasn't left since he arrived last night, and he's gotten little sleep in the meantime. He's just been laying there staring at the ceiling. His mind going back to the moment they first arrived at that cave. The Heavy was excited to test out his new Brass Beast, the Pyro was showing off this new spinning fire trick, and the Demoman had just woken up from a record breaking binge. The Spy was somewhat bemused as he took a puff from his cigarette while the Engineer fiddled with his PDA. Marston makes the call and directs everybody inside.
B. Spy: These buffoons will be the end of me, one day.
B. Engineer: Doh, cheer up, Frenchie. What's the harm in getting in a little fun before we get to work? It helps build a little confidence.
B. Spy: Best watch your words, amigo. Too much of a good thing is the biggest difference between being a hero and being a memory.
Those words have a much sharper sting, now. They were all so confident that this would be just another job. A knock on the door snaps him back to reality. He cracks the door open and sees a small pallid face staring out of a red hood.
Gangle: Mr. Winters, is it?
Damien: Yeah?
Gangle: We were just wondering if you'd like to join us for breakfast.
Downstairs, the other carnies wait in the lounge as Jax works his magic in the kitchen. Zooble is the first to notice Gangle coming down the stairs with Damien in tow.
Zooble: Hey there, sunshine.
Jax: Alright. I got flapjacks, french toast, and waffles hot and ready on the countertop.
Zooble: Hallelujah. I'm starving.
Kinger: Oh, if you don't mind-
Jax: Let me guess. Scrambled?
Kinger: How do you always know that?
TLDR, He always asks for that. Damien takes a paper plate with a single pair of waffles. No syrup, no butter, nothing. He then takes a seat at the far corner of the lounge away from everybody else. Ragatha is the only one to really attempt to start a conversation.
Ragatha: So......... you enjoying your stay?
Damien: Oh. Um, yeah. Sorry. I just had a hard time waking up. Yesterday was um........ quite the doozy, I tell ya.
That's certainly one way to put it. He puts on a forced smile, doing his best to look at least SOMEWHAT alive and well. That's when Saturday comes in.
Jax: Why hello, your Sweetness. Would you care for some crumpets with a spot of tea?
Saturday doesn't even bother gracing him with a response. She turns to Ragatha and nods to get a move on.
Ragatha: Well, if you need anything just give us a holler.
The two take their leave, making sure to close the door behind them before speaking.
Saturday: I just got a call from Shiro. He spotted some activity a few miles west of here.
Ragatha: Hm. You think another Abstraction breached the perimeter.
Saturday: Unknown, but not improbable. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Ragatha: Alright. I'll notify Aybel and we'll get a move on.
Inside the Castle, Tari sits atop a floating barrier in the middle of the main hall. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, clears her mind of all distractions, and when she opens her eyes...... she is elsewhere. It's nigh pitch black, and dead silent apart from the creaking of old wood. Clench, once again appearing as a ball of light beside her, is the only source of light in this cold dark place. She makes her way forward, passing by the various shelves and cabinets linings the walls. Some hold rows of books. Others contained jars filled with God knows what.
Tari: Quite the collection they have here.
Clench: A lot of books, too. I wonder if they have The Hunger Games. OH, maybe they have Saphique! I've been meaning to -HEUGH GOD.
The stench of rot stops them in their tracks. A single capsule lies before them. Seeping from between the lines of the hatch was a thick oily purulence. The smell of death was unmistakable. A pit grew within her stomach as she inched closer to the capsule. That's when she heard it. A heartbeat. Not of her own, but of whatever is inside that capsule, getting faster and harder as she inched closer and closer until she's close enough to peer through the glass and into the black purulence within. At first, she saw nothing. Then a faint yellow glow began to shine through........ before something erupts from the glass and reaches for her face. She let's out a blood curdling shriek and falls back, finding herself lying on the floor of the Castle. Her heart is racing as she takes deep breaths, clasping at her chest. Saiko comes rushing in from the Gaming Room and straight to her side.
Saiko: Tari! Are you okay!?
Tari takes a moment to catch her breath and get her bearings.
Tari: Yeah........ I'm okay......
Saiko: What happened? You look like you saw a ghost.
Tari: I...... I was meditating. I tried going to my happy place but ended up...... somewhere else..........
She gets back up to her feet and heads out the front door. Saiko rushes out to see her facing west.
Saiko: Tari........ what's going on with you?
Tari scans the skyline, zeroing in on a flock of birds circling a spot in the woods.
Tari: That's what I'm trying to figure out.
Her wings unfold and she flies off west, with Saiko frantically giving chase.
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convenientalias · 9 months
2023 Dramas I Watched in 2023
A League of Nobleman--Slashy historical mystery drama. I loved all the slashiness and all the intrigue and then in the last few episodes I fell even more in love with the villain. Worth a watch but not my favorite slashy historical mystery of the year.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook--My favorite slashy historical mystery drama of the year! Tho more wuxia than historical I suppose. Bromance and archnemeses and identity porn abound. The identity porn in particular was a special treat for me; a character wandering around all these ppl who care deeply about him or idolize him but all think he's dead is my catnip. (I technically have a few episodes left to go on this one but I'm still counting it bc I am very close.)
Parallel World--YE LIUXI. I did a review of this one here! The short version: urban fantasy and parallel worlds in a desert setting, with a badass amnesiac female protagonist.
The Lady and the Lies--Miniseries, one of those short-episode things that China's doing a lot of now. Involved a cheating husband and a wife out to get revenge. I'm sorry but I shipped the wife with almost every person doing her wrong. She should destroy their lives and also dom them. They're all kind of obsessed with her anyway, in their own way.
Under the Microscope--You ever sit down and say, "Okay, but what I REALLY want from all these historical dramas is to just dig into the tax fraud going on in the background"? Me too, my friend. This show and Long River, which I also watched this year, are all about logistics, bureaucracy, and corruption, and the small man's struggle against ppl in power. That makes them both kind of difficult watches in a way, but also fascinating. I have yet to finish Long River, but this one is an easy 14 episodes and not as emotionally draining, so it was much easier for me to binge through.
Ye Cheng--I must admit I watched this for the pretty people. It's set in a matriarchal fantasy wuxia setting, but the gender role reversal feels a little shallow when the strongest good guy and the strongest bad guy are both men, even tho in theory women are supposed to be the warriors in this setting. However, the role reversal can be quite interesting in some ways--watching the male MC run a brothel as the city's top entertainer, try to use his ~masculine wiles~ to charm the FMC in a way that would be more typically feminine, and deal with the power dynamics of joining the FMC's household. Also, the two leads are just a lot of fun and have a lot of chemistry. The plot is sometimes stupid, but it's still a lot of fun to watch. Also, this was one of just two dramas I managed to finish this year that were mostly romance focused. When you reach the "dropped" section you will see that this is an impressive feat.
Bloodhounds--I love Woo Do-hwan and I love Park Sung-woong but you know I was here for the ACTION SCENES. PEOPLE PUNCHING EACH OTHER AND SLICING EACH OTHER WITH KNIVES. THATS WHAT ITS ABOUT. I've also written a lot of fanfic about the protagonist and villain at this point but honestly they should have interacted more, we were robbed.
Queen of Masks--The only rich woman thriller kdrama I completed this year. But honestly, when it comes to rich woman thriller kdramas, I've seen better and femslashier. Mine did a better job with the whole "your husband told you the mother of his child was dead, but guess what it's actually me and I'm still alive and here to cause problems" plotline, tho I still enjoyed it here. And the sexual assault aspect... eh. I don't love seeing that kind of plotline in a revenge story; it's such a serious issue (and so much more realistic than, say, "this businessman murdered my whole family to acquire our company" a la Eve) that it kind of makes it hard for me to enjoy the fun of the mystery. But I suppose the way they handled it at least had gravity. My favorite plotline was Hae-mi and her husband and the drama they got into, which is serious in its own way (addiction and lies) but extremely well acted and with so much romantic chemistry.
Revenant--Spooky spooky ghosts and Kim Tae-ri, what's not to like? The possession aspects were creepy without being gory or too terrifying for a wimp like me to handle. The acting was great. And I actually shipped the sort-of-romantic subplot, though apparently a lot of ppl shipped the two MCs instead, which is understandable.
Song of the Bandits--A whole ton of gunfighting and other action scenes. One very badass assassin woman, a dude who is equally capable of taking out a whole squad of soldiers or bandits on his own, a villain with a complicated relationship with the dude above, and a woman spying on the Japanese government who's in a sort of spy love triangle with the MC and the villain. the plot was okay but again I was mostly here for the action!!
Thai dramas:
My Dear Gangster Oppa--This year I tried to watch a bunch of different BL dramas bc I was in that kind of mood but the truth is, it's not the het that gets me in m/f romcoms, it's unfortunately the romcom. Despite that! I persisted and did manage to finish this one. The lead couple was cute, and there was gangster intrigue and action etc to keep the fluff and comedy from driving me insane. still mostly a romance.
To Sir With Love--Also has a BL romance in it but not really a romance drama but a Family Drama with lots of familial plotting, the classic first wife vs. second wife scheming-for-their-children plotline along with what could have been a love triangle between brothers... except Tian is gay, which means the love triangle is null (except he's still engaged to his brother's love interest. which is awkward for all involved.). Also Tian being gay is a Deep Dark Secret. There's a lot of homophobia which might turn some viewers off but I loved seeing Tian's struggle between wanting to come out and having been forced to stay in the closet for so long that he freezes even at the thought of telling people he trusts. Also his mother commits a bunch of murders with terrible poison mushrooms so if THAT'S what you want out of a Thai drama, there is also that. Also he and his brother are. so sweet. and I love them. but also the central m/m romance is very good and involves assassination attempts and identity porn and pining and everything good. Also also this is actually a 2022 drama BUT IM STILL COUNTING IT bc it came out in October 2022 and am I really supposed to get around to watching dramas that fast??
Started and dropped:
Kiseki: Dear to Me--Even gangsters and intrigue could not save me from dropping this romcom.
Our Blooming Youth--This is also a romcom. You may see a pattern here. But to give it credit it is quite a plotty historical drama too. I just didn't really care about the two leads and dropped it halfway through.
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise--A thriller that was going places a bit too wild and frustrating for me.
Killing Vote--Can you believe I dropped this with only four episodes to go? I'm sorry Park Sung-woong, I love you but the plot is just so boring. And it plays at moral complexity while being just. not very complex. Like I swear the morality in this thing is "catching bad guys and punishing them is good, not catching them and not punishing them is bad." We could be talking about police corruption, our MC's terrible ethics, innocence until proven guilty, and so on and so forth, but we were just not going there. Also the twists were doing very little for me and the cops are just not very interesting characters. Again, Park Sung-woong, I'm sorry, you were a decent character but you could not save this show. Let's be real I needed either more Devil Judge here or more Death Note.
Legend of Anle--The romcom element was not helping this show's case but I still tried for 1) wuxia with identity porn and 2) Dilraba Dilmurat costarring with Gong Jun. Unfortunately those two had no chemistry and the plot was just very unsatisfying for me in the political intrigue area. One example: Gong Jun can't find the supplies needed to pacify a near-rioting mob. But that's okay bc Anle's subordinates found it. How did they find the super secret hidden storehouse?? we don't know and will never find out bc it was offscreen and never explained. They just did. this would be fine if it weren't, like, the climax of the episode and presented as a victory of the two MC's brilliance. I can't deal with this.
Naughty Babe--It's. A romcom. I'm so sorry I probably should just stop trying.
Other romcoms I quit too fast to give a fair opinion: You Are Mine, Extremely Perilous Love, My Lethal Man, Taikan Yoho.
Well, there you have it, 2023 dramas I watched in 2023.
Fun as it was, I think in 2024 I'm going to try to catch up more with older dramas lols.
Did y'all watch any of these dramas this year?
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi! Sorry in advance for how long this post is going to be. I have so many things to ask.
I'm mostly obsessed with Thai BLs at the moment, but I do want to diversify, so what are the top recommendations for Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese? I don't like too much angst or conflict. As in, I could barely get through series like Theory of Love and Never Let Me Go.
Your BL linguistics and honourifics posts helped me a lot when I was but a newbie in this world. Ah, good times. Anyways. What I wanted to ask is, taking inspiration from, and with (credited) reference to your posts, can i make a post of my own? It will only be on Thai. I just want to compile all the things I've learnt so far.
I was sniffing around MyDramaList (for reasons) and found Water Boyy. Is it worth watching? Also, Boys over Flowers (F4 version). I really don't want to watch het romance unless it's really, really good.
You don't have to answer this, it's just for my own curiosity. I'm thinking of making a EarthMix TharnType AU with role reversal. So far I have Mix as Tharn, Earth as Type (yes, i got the idea from Love by Chance), Tay or New as Thorn (Tong is so much better as Tankhun. Also, in this, Thorn is also ver gay, hence TayNew), Love or Film as Thanya, and of course, the crowning gem, Neo Trai as Techno. Question is, who should I cast as Lhong (better if its GMMTV since i know them best, but other agencies are also good.)
Last but definitely not least, I respect you a lot. And i love your blog. Irrelevant, but I wanted to ask, how was today's Boss and Babe (ep. 4)?
Moving on from Thai BL
1a. I'm mostly obsessed with Thai BLs at the moment, but I do want to diversify, so what are the top recommendations for Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese?
Sure thing. Read the descriptions of my top 10, they will let you know how soft the different dramas are. (I like soft and sweet a lot myself, so there are always many in there).
This one needs to be updated, I added quite a few more to my 9/10 list for Korea since then. But with Our Dating Sim and The New Employee this year is going to require it to be updated AGAIN. (Both highly recommended for your needs)
This one is mostly up to date.
This one is totally up to date.
Low Angst, Low Conflict, Soft BL
1b. I don't like too much angst or conflict. As in, I could barely get through series like Theory of Love and Never Let Me Go.
Here are some lists for ya:
Don't watch Waterboyy.
3a. I was sniffing around MyDramaList (for reasons) and found Water Boyy. Is it worth watching?
NO. Avoid all versions. It's terrible. I mean, if you are completest you have to but otherwise... NO.
Boys over Flowers is gross
3b. watch F4?
I am sorry to all the stans out there, but I LOATHE this franchise. I've watch a number of them, always hoping a new remake will make it palatable. NO. I hate all of them. All the worst tropes of a reverse harem. I am intersted (like Twilight) in understanding WHY it's so popular but personally, it gives me the disgust willies. Yech.
This is why I want it gay. Would that make it palatable?
I suppose the one form Laos is the only one I even kinda enjoyed and it is by far the worst production values. I gave it up 1/2 way through. I think I watched 3 eps of F4. No thank you.
Honestly if you want this kind of het toxicity, I think Heirs is a better version of these tropes. Also it's legacy Kdrama so will tell you a lot abouy that industry and what toxic tropes they love (and still employ) even in their BL.
4. who should I cast as Lhong?
Khaotung? First? 5. Last but definitely not least, I respect you a lot. And i love your blog. Irrelevant, but I wanted to ask, how was today's Boss and Babe (ep. 4)?
Aw, thank you so much!
I haven't watched it yet. Tonight!
Lunch, regression analysis all afternoon, dinner with one of my adorable exes, then Jack o'Frost, B&B, and Boys' Planet... in that order.
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buckevantommy · 1 year
totally completely fine
ok. i'm not a fan of australian tv or movies bc they're always overdramatised or too darkly themed or comedic in a way i don't gel with bc i'd rather watch american comedies (not sitcoms, they need to die a firey death). plus i've never really liked the aussie accent, i've found it weirdly unsettling hearing characters speak with aussie voices and maybe that's bc being an aussie myself and wanting to use tv and movies as an escape so having that stark reminder of my own reality means it's harder to suspend and enjoy a different one for a spell. or maybe it's the fact that i, like a great deal of non-americans, have grown up watching american tv so now any non-american accent just sits weird in my brain. 
but that's why i need to express my love for this show. 
everything from the casting (diverse faces and bodies) and the actors chemistry to the setting and set design, cinematography and soundtrack, and of course the plot and characters themselves. It's so well done. It's a heartfelt dramedy that makes you care keeps you interested in wanting to know how things progress and ultimately turn out. the various relationship dynamics are full of ups and downs and it feels real in that messy way life is. 
the premise: vivian is a young mess of an adult who lost her parents in a car crash that she was also in when she was a kid. she's the youngest of 3 siblings who were raised by their grandfather who dies and leaves viv his cliffside beach house. the twist: the house backs onto a picturesque ocean cliff where people go to commit suicide. the grandfather used to try and stop them, and now it's up to viv to try and do the same. 
intense stuff so far. but this show is hopeful, it's not super dark even though it does deal with strained relationships and mental health and suicide attempts/ideation. the characters are distinct and the way their lives entwine don't distract from their individual journeys; viv is the main character but enough screentime is given to every supporting character that they all feel like main characters in their own right which is how it should be because that's how life is. 
more good news is it's short: only 6 episodes at just under an hour each (it doesn't mince screentime) so i binged it all yesterday when i wasn't feeling great and just. wow. i haven't found anything mentioning a second season but if they did more i'd watch it - but the thing is it ends with both closure and the potential for more exploration of the characters, so it feels like a realistic open ending and works as a single season story. 
i don't know if it's available overseas because it was created by and aired here by Stan (which is like our homemade Netflix) but i hope if you guys are interested you'll find a way to watch. 
bonus thing for me: seeing this story play out in my home (settings and details) was actually grounding in a way i didn't expect. like i mentioned above, most of us grow up on american tv and maybe some uk stuff and while that's good for an escape it can actually be jarring to get back into our real world. but (with good quality programming like this show) i realise aussie productions can make it a lot easier to connect with the physical world around me (not the digital world), to not feel so alone, and to know that it's worth finding productions from your homeland and they don't hinder the escape of fiction in fact they can aid in grounding it in a believable way. 
anyway. just one aussie who doesn't really like aussie-made stuff telling folks to give this show a go because i was pleasantly surprised. 
(note: if anyone has any questions or concerns about triggering content please message me or reply to this post and i'll fill you in on stuff it does or doesn't feature)
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narastories · 11 months
I guess this is your courtesy warning that I'm having a Hellraiser moment lol And I'm prob going to spam reblog a bunch of stuff I liked from the tag yesterday... I'm not even going to apologize bc it's bringing me so much joy and it is seasonally appropriate (not that you need any excuse to watch horror).
It's just funny bc I obviously watched the new one last year when it came out and then I rewatched some parts of that when I did my Nicodemus edit (which btw got so many notes for my standards, I'm impressed). But then a few days ago I randomly went "what if I binged the originals?" You know, I barely remember, and sure I have hard drive space for 10 movies. (I'm pretty sure I've never actually seen all 10 anyway although I do have the memory of a goldfish. I wonder if some of these are going to be really bad, like I'm way too young to know the complete lore and the general public opinions at the time lmao)
And don't get me wrong, the new one is totally worth a watch for the cast and the production quality. It's so pretty and everyone is so pretty and Jamie Clayton is Pinhead and I loved her in Sense8. And then I bet they realized with that casting they lost the quintessential daddy issues so then they quickly got Goran Višnjić on board and told him to be handsome and unsettling and then everything was right in the world again. At least that's what I like to imagine.
But there is just something so charming about the originals. The caked-on makeup with the blue-grey panda eyes, the old special effects... like sure it's gruesome at points but sometimes the blood looks like ketchup. And there are actually so many fun scenes... I would feel strange that I'm so comforted, charmed, and entertained by all this, but I know for a fact that many-many people feel the same way. so.
Anyway, that was my way too long-winded rambling to say I'm going to reblog some fanarts and memes so block the tag if you want?
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petrichoraline · 1 year
hiiii <3 what are your all time favorite bls and why? i need to fill up my to-watch list asap
oh, this ask made me ecstatic to the point i considered one of my moots sent it cause they know giving recs makes me happy 😄
what I'd constitute as faves isn't necessarily what i would usually recommend, to moots i mostly suggest shows and movies that i find unique in some way and that have left a good impression on me like i will knock you, kimi no koto dake mite itai, word of honor, fukou kun, the untamed, docchi mo docchi, seven days, itsay, msp, vice versa etcetcetc. it's not necessarily about perfect writing or acting even, it's about the piece of media provoking either lots of thoughts, emotions or both, having at least one unique trait i associate with it and just being enjoyable despite (or because of) its flaws! so that's the type of media i usually enjoy sharing with others.
now, it's infinitely easier for me to give recs based on any other criteria but "my personal faves" is such a subjective category (that im not even sure exists) that i had to cheat a bit - i went off of what couples make me go feral, what emotions the show title evokes and if i've revisited certain scenes. i don't do full rewatches for the most part but i sometimes go back to watch the main couples (the exception being waantul in between us, i know their scenes a hundred times better than winteam's lol) and most of the shows listed here have been revisited at least once 😗
Love Is Science? - NOT a bl, the pair in question are the second couple; i personally went through every episode looking for their scenes and then went through the cut on yt (and rightfully so, quite a few scenes were missing in that); i'm recommending you smth this inconvenient because i love Mark and Ou Wen so much. their personalities (they have personality for daysss), the chemistry (the hanger scene), their love and support for each other make me giddy. they carry their part so well you don't need much else, just watching them interact is enough. going through gifs now i got reminded of just how amazing the development of their relationship is to me. they're a delight and a half, enjoy them flustering each other 💖
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To My Star Season 2: Our Untold Stories - now, i'm aware you have to see s1 first but when it comes to who makes me go feral, it's definitely Seojoon and Jiwoo and this happened mostly because of season 2, i didn't care for them much originally. this season explored an aspect of relationships i don't think i've seen explored anywhere else in a way that makes me still get in my feels whenever anything bout the show comes across my dash. it's angsty but so worth it. my boys have intense personal issues and even more intense love for each other, their personalities, way of thinking and chemistry are fascinating to me. the cuteness mixed with the heavier plot, the pacing, the smart writing, it's so nice. side note, binging both seasons at once wouldn't be that big of a challenge timewise in case you don't want a breather in between 😊 (gif from s1 because you can't watch them separately anyways)
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Kieta Hatsukoi - a sweet light romcom for the most part, very entertaining, all of the characters are soo loveable, one of my all time fave girls in bl is here and she's everything <3 in regards to manga accuracy, the main events are all there but the order is all switched around yet the story still makes perfect sense! it's funny, it's sweet, Aoki and Ida are such an interesting pair and it's lovely seeing them figure out how to navigate this unexpected relationship
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We Best Love: No. 1 For You - it's such a must watch! the passion these two have for each other and the chemistryyy will make you overlook the sheer absurdity of some of the plot; i also loved the 2 season format where the second season feels well planned, it's almost like one whole season cut in half. the emotional journey that Shu Yi and Shi De go on is so (melo)dramatic but also very touching because Sam and Yu act those emotions OUT, it's a pleasure just watching them interact (also Shu Yi is one of the few brats i adore dearly and i think it's not only because of the writing but Yu's incredible portrayal of the character)
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Bad Buddy - i wasn't able to appreciate it for its wit because it was basically my first thai bl, i had no idea what expectations it was defying. nevertheless, i fell in love with it because it stands so well on its own! it's very funny, heartbreaking at times (reading analyses and meta on here made me realise how heavy the premise actually is) and insanely romantic (it caters to my idea of romance so well, the pining and protectiveness and flirting and devotion and-); also Pat and Pran have some amazing communication and mutual understanding, their bond is truly endearing and makes my heart ache if i think about it a bit too long
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KinnPorsche - when it comes down to it, i am a very basic person. this show is just a ride, you gotta watch it for the pure entertanment value. there's always smth happening, that's for sure 😄of course chemistry, ofc handsome men all over the place yadayada but it'd be just that if not for the insane plotlines and humour, if you just accept that anything goes, you can have a blast with this show (but also hurt beautiful men finding comfort and love in a world of pain and betrayal>>)
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Where Your Eyes Linger - though I can't make myself rewatch the heavier scenes, i love this one, the premise, the execution, it's all to my taste, the longing between these two is palpable (side note: i was getting emotional while searching for a gif but a bunch of the results were porn gifs so i was taken out of my feels multiple times lmao)
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Utsukushii Kare - I'm way more normal about them now than before but this show truly makes you feel so many things, it's so smart and fantastic. Hira and Kiyoi's journey is beautiful and it embodies what i love seeing from japan's productions. they're just two lovely guys who are perfect for each other and shouldn't be let anywhere near the dating pool ❤️
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Semantic Error - man, i love me some enemies to lovers, especially when both leads are Fools™️ for each other. the humour and pacing, the colourful side characters, Jaeyoung's charisma, his determination contrasting Sangwoo's inner battle..and, I know I'm becoming repetitive, the chemistry! there's a reason my guys won awards js
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The End of the World with You - this show drove me insane, it's more of a one-time watch imo but i'm saying this because I was very focused on the main couple and they were what kept me watching (plus the suspense of course); it's a heavy heavy premise with the most controversial couple on this list but somehow it felt very light and exciting for the most part. I think their unconventional surroundings account for it, you don't get the typical chaos an apocalyptic show would display, it kind of feels calm even and it allows you to focus on the interpersonal relationships between the characters rather than on the expected terrors. the show fascinated me with the amazing acting and the dynamic between Ritsu and Masumi, I have a special spot for them <33 (no photo cause the limit was reached lol)
because deciding on faves is hard i'll leave this list at 10 shows, consider these just 10 of the many shows that are important to me in some way 💓
hopefully i suggested mostly things you haven't seen yet (though I went quite basic) <3 i need to know what you think of the shows, okay? and in case they don't do it for you (or, even better, they do and you come to trust me lol) feel perfectly welcome to send me some info about what you (don't) enjoy in terms of genre, tropes, episode length, actors etc.etc. and i'll dive into my lists hahah, it's super fun for me 💗
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pokimoko · 1 year
@pizzee Thank you for the tagging me to join in on the TV show tag game! I have the exact opposite problem to you in that I watch way too many shows. There's so many I've watched in the last few months alone that I've absolutely loved (Andor, Severance, Poker Face, The Sandman, The Last of Us, Vox Machina, etc etc) but for this I think I'll stick with the ones that I've connected to and cherished the most of the years. It wasn't required or even asked for but all of you are getting Backstory™ for these whether you like it or not. Anyway, in no particular order, here they are:
Moon Knight: Wow, I like the show that is now my defining personality trait? Shocker. But, no, seriously, I don't think I've latched onto a show or group of characters so quickly in my life, or so intensely before. This show has (as of posting this) made me write almost 200k worth of fic about it. I got bloody Discord because of this show because the brainrot was so intense. I am part of a fandom community for really the first time in my life because of this show. It's no exaggeration to say that this show has had a huge impact on me; the dinosaurs got off easy in comparison.
Lucifer: I started watching this show when Season 2 premiered way back in 2016 and I was there watching it up until the end. It was silly and emotional and heartwarming and campy, and the characters were amazing (do I own shirts that Ella Lopez wore in the show? Yes, yes I do.) and the music was excellent. This show loved the heck out of metaphors, and I am not immune to that. Or Tom Ellis.
The Owl House: I used to be obsessed with owls when I was younger (the 'Owls of Ga'Hoole' movie was my jam, and—I'm sorry Zack Snyder directed that??? What the f—ahem, sorry, as I was saying:), and while that particular interest faded over the years, I do remember I was drawn to this show because of the name, and then the premise, and then the characters (Hunter gets a gold star for making me go "argh this guy is annoying" to "I would die for him" within a span of two appearances), and then so, so many things. I've loved a lot of cartoons, many of which deserve a spot on this list, but this one just hits so many of the right notes for me. I will die mad that Disney robbed us of a full season 3, but I will always cherish what we got.
Adventure Time: The first show I ever binged in full, and essentially what kickstarted my career as a Tumblrite (my logo was Marceline for many a year—if you find my *gag* Wattpad account it'll still be there). I still have doodles for this show from when I was 14 (many of which were Bubbline, which was also my first ship). I am the silly little Tumblr fool I am today because of this show.
Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes: I used to watch this show on TV as a kid, random episodes here and there, never enough to truly understand what was going on but enough to know the characters. It was how I first came to know Marvel, long before I even liked superheroes, and it was the reason I watched 'The Avengers', which in turn was the reason I went and saw 'Age of Ultron' (the first MCU movie I ever saw at the cinema) and then, well, the rest is history. But it all started here, with this show. (Also, let's be real, the theme song slaps.)
Doctor Who: specifically the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor's seasons, though I love Ten's as well (even if 'Midnight' and the following Library episodes—episodes I now adore—scared me off from the show for almost 7 years). I might have also been a little in love with Clara. This show has made me sob with true and utter grief (musical motifs that will make you cry without warning and other secrets your Doctor won't tell you!) and also made me feel like I'm taking acid. It's got the range darling.
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I've watched this whole thing three times. It's just…It's good. It's really good. The world, the characters, the animation/visuals, the god damn narrative. I'm still in awe of how masterful this anime was. I aspire to this level of multilayered, intelligent storytelling… and also the level of comedy. It too has the range. And god I love when shows can do that well.
Bee and Puppycat: I used to watch the YouTube series for this (along with 'Bravest Warriors' and a bunch of other Cartoon Hangover shorts) as a tween and it's just a very fond, cosy memory for me. And now there's the Netflix version and it's been wonderful to not only get more of what was already there, but more to the story in general. My childhood self is being tucked into bed and wrapped in a blanket, content in the knowledge that things left unfinished are not always over.
That really is the tip of the iceberg of all the shows I've loved over the years but we'd be here for a month of Sundays if I went on about all them, so I'll take my leave now and pass on the baton. I'm going to tag @yellowocaballero, @mockspector, @theophagism and @aster-o1d. Have fun! :3
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