#anyway it's worth a watch id say these girls are class acts all of them
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*borat voice* my wife
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours-6
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Word Count: 3,105
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: Cas runs across a case so you and Dean go to check it out
Warnings: usual fighting and cursing. Mention of suicide
Kevin finally emerged from his room to say he’d had some big breakthrough with the angel tablet so you, Dean and Sam followed him into the library and watched as he unloaded his arm load of notes onto the tables. You stepped forward and picked up one of the sheets then glanced at Sam and held it out as Dean picked up a few sheets and looked them over as well “Kev, sweetie your big news is that you translated the tablet into doodles?”
“It’s cuneiform” he corrected and when neither of you seemed to understand what he meant he further explained “I hit a wall translating the tablet into english but I found an ancient codex linking the angel script to proto-elamite cuneiform and I was able to translate the tablet and the footnotes into elamite which is..” “Doodles?” Dean guessed and Kevin sighed “It’s extinct”
“Well can you read it?” Sam asked and you tried not to let the disappointment show on your face when Kevin’s answer was “No one can. Scholars have tried for centuries” “So it’s a dead end” you pushed as Dean sat down in the chair you’d been leaning on the back of but Kevin shook his head “Not quite. Now most proto-elamite is abstract but I was able to decipher one phrase from Metatron’s footnotes..falling angels” Dean looked over his shoulder at you then at Sam who said “Ok, so the footnotes refer to Metatron’s spell?” “Maybe?” Kevin shrugged and you let out a breath. Maybe didn’t get you any closer to a solution for Cas or anyone else for that matter. 
Sam nodded then walked over to a shelf of books “Well maybe if we can decipher the footnotes then we can reverse the spell..” “and punt those winged dicks back to heaven” Dean finished and you shook your head at his choice of words but they were dicks for trying to hurt Cas for something he hadn’t really known would happen. “Well, where do we start?” you asked and Sam started handing out from the stack of books he’d plucked off the shelf “Research” 
You took the book he offered you and pulled the chair out next to Dean “So we comb through the library, see if we can find anything else on elamite?” Sam nodded then sat down next to Kevin with two books. Dean cut his eyes at you then read the title of the book Sam had passed him “Zimmerman’s encyclopedia of extinct languages: volume one. Adai to atakapa.. How many volumes are there?” “Twenty four” Kevin replied and you tried to hide your laugh with a cough when Dean groaned at his answer.
You were flipping through volume three when Dean’s phone rang. You glanced up when he stood up and walked away from the table but when Sam looked your way you quickly turned your attention back to the book in your hands. 
A few minutes passed before Dean walked back over and tapped his phone on the table to get all of your attention “Cas has a case in Rexford. Four missing, presumed dead. Strange substance at the scene. Sounds worth checking out” “Ok? So what flavor of weird is he thinking?” you asked but Dean shrugged “He didn’t say” “Who’s going because Kev needs help with the research” you spoke not glancing up until he said “Why don’t you? We worked pretty well in the hospital together against the angels and Sam's better at the research side anyways” you looked at him then at Sam for help but Sam bless his pretty little head simply shrugged.
You sat in the passenger side of the impala trying your best to act as if you weren’t alone with Dean. “Why can’t we see Cas?” you finally asked and he shook his head “He’s catnip for angels” “Yeah and we left Zeke at the bunker inside Sammy in case you forgot.. Hell we’re catnip for angels from what went down at the hospital and in Detroit. I want to at least check on him. Please?” You weren’t above begging and knew you struck a cord with Dean when you said please. He sighed “Fine. If we can find him, we’ll check on him. Ok?” “Thank you” you replied and reached over to turn up the radio.
Dean stopped a little way out of Rexford for you both to change into your fed suits. The most recent crime scene was a cabin so that’s where you headed first. 
When you rolled on scene the entire place was still taped off and crawling with cops. You grabbed your ID then followed Dean since he was the one to call ahead and talk to the sheriff.
He met the two of you at the tape and waved a deputy off “This is Agent Ermey and Agent Speight” you and Dean both nodded to the deputy then followed the sheriff. “So four missing?” you asked but the sheriff clarified “Four dead. Just got confirmation” You looked towards Dean who asked “Any common threads you can think of?” “Well Joe in there had the suicide hotline on speed dial. The gal before him was a shut in, had enough antidepressants in her medicine cabinet to stock a pharmacy. The first victims were a married couple out of Sugar City, pretty much a walking billboard for no-fault divorce” “Were they all basket cases?” Dean asked with that bluntness of his you’d come to look for over the time you’d known him.
The sheriff glanced away “If you asked me to make a list of this county’s saddest sacks, these four would’ve been right on top”  you nodded then spoke “All right so four unhappy people, one of them definitely suicidal, but you’ve ruled out suicide?” The sheriff looked from you to Dean then got some booties to cover your shoes and some gloves from one of the deputies “You’re going to want to out these on” You raised your eyebrows but leaned over to pull the booties on over the flats you wore with your fed suit then pulled the gloves onto your hands. Once you and Dean looked ready for surgery the sheriff lead the two of you inside.
The inside of the cabin absolutely reeked and it took you a moment to register just what exactly was covering every surface. “This look like suicide to you agents?” The sheriff asked and you swallowed hard as you looked at Dean. Just what in the hell had caused this? 
You motioned to the substance that was everywhere “Correct me if I’m wrong sheriff but is this excuse the way I’m about to put this but is this everything? Like blood, meat, organs and skin?” The sheriff nodded “If the tests come back same as the others. Yes ma’am. Like these poor souls got  run through the world’s finest wood chipper” “What about witnesses?” Dean questioned as you let your eyes skim across the walls and the remains of “Joe”
“Same as the rest. Neighbors reported some kind of pink flash, by the time we got here all that was left was this” the sheriff answered looking around. Dean thanked the sheriff and handed him a card before leading you back outside. You stripped the booties and gloves then tossed them into the bag the deputy at the door held. 
When you finally made it back to baby you looked at Dean as he slid behind the wheel “What the hell did that?” He shrugged but was already dialing his phone “I’m going to call Sam and Kevin, see if they can find anything to point us in the right direction. Meantime you geared up good enough?” you nodded “Silver bullets with devils’ traps, holy water and an angel blade” he smirked “That’s my girl” then pulled the phone up to his ear as he backed out from Joe’s yard and pulled onto the road leading into town.
After finding out Sam and Kevin hadn’t gotten anywhere, Dean suggested they try getting Crowley to assist on the translation then you and him stopped to change back into civilian clothes,grabbed coffee and headed into the center of the town. So far you’d tried emf, looked for hex bags and sulfur to not avail. You had no clue what had happened to those four people.
You glanced out your window then hit Dean’s arm “STOP” “OW. What for?” you pointed to the Gas N Sip “CAS!”
You waited out at baby while Dean headed in to talk to Cas. He made him leave so he had to face him alone. 
You were going through what lore you’d downloaded onto your laptop while Dean was in the store. You texted Sam to see how his luck had been with Crowley and weren’t too surprised when he sent back “What do you think?”
The driver’s door opening made you look up from where you’d been sitting with your legs stretched across the backseat and grinned when you saw Cas was with Dean “There’s my favorite set of blue eyes” Cas smiled softly at you “Hello Y/N” and climbed into the passenger seat. Dean updated you on the fact that there had been another killing at the local high school and that apparently Cas had a date later that night “Ooh the blonde? She’s hot” both of them looked back at you so you shrugged “What? I got to pick one type that I like?” Dean shook his head with a laugh and pulled out onto the road.
You flashed your badge at the deputy and nodded in Cas’ direction “He’s with us” the school ground was crawling with deputies and it made your stomach turn to know whatever was doing the killing had taken out someone this young.
Dean headed to talk to the deputy who had a witness but you noticed Cas stop to look at the bus that was covered in the same substance that Joe’s cabin had been covered in. “Cas, do you know what this is?” he nodded slowly “As a matter of fact, I do”
He looked back towards baby so you offered “Let’s walk away from it” he told you where he’d seen the substance before and the knot in your stomach grew with the information. You spotted Dean when he headed your way “You two ok?” you looked at Cas “He’s seen this before” “What, where?” Dean asked so Cas replied “In heaven” 
“So an angel did this?” Dean questioned and you nodded even before Cas explained “It’s not ordinary angel. This is bad, this is very bad” just seeing Cas that worried scared the hell out of you.
The Rit Zien was a special class of angel. Rit Zien was enochian for “Hands of mercy” They functioned like medics tending to the wounded, healing those that could be healed and putting down those who were past saving.
Cas explained to you and Dean that the Rit Zien honed in on pain like a beacon. So when this particular one fell to earth he heard the victims’ cries, their anguish same as he heard the angels in heaven. He was continuing his heavenly work down on earth. 
Cas turned down going along to hunt down the angel and it was a shock to realize Cas was scared. “We got this” You assured him patting his shoulder so Dean added “Go on that date. Have a little bit of a normal life” 
“I need a ride” Cas said and you smiled at him “Well you’re sitting in the sexiest ride this town currently has in it”
You were laid across the backseat of the impala using your jacket as a pillow when Dean pulled to a stop in front of Nora’s house so you sat up. “Nice place” 
Cas started to get out with his work vest still on so Dean stopped him. “You can’t wear that” “This is all I have” you leaned up and took a good look at him “Take the vest off” he did as you asked and Dean nodded approvingly “Unbutton a few buttons” Cas did that also so you threw in “And untuck your shirt!” he did that then threw his hands up at you both “Good enough?” you shamelessly checked him out and saw a hint of a smile “She won’t know what hit her”
“Always open the door for her, ask a lot of questions they like that” you knew Dean was offering Cas help but you popped him lightly behind the head at that “They” comment. He cut his eyes at you in the mirror and added “If she says she’s happy to go dutch, she’s lying” and patted Cas on the chest “Go get em tiger” you leaned up and kissed Cas on the cheek “Be yourself. That’s enough” then he climbed out of the car. 
You and Dean hadn’t got all the way across town when his phone rang from the sheriff. The analysis from the first crime scene came back. Only the wife’s dna was present. Meaning the husband was still out there making him the most likely to be the vessel.
The two of you headed straight for the sheriff’s office and there your thoughts were confirmed. The husband had found religion then gotten obsessed with Buddy Boyle’s podcast.You and Dean were going over the files the sheriff had on the couple when he stopped on one photo and showed you the truck “Is that the one that blocked us in?” he nodded “Excuse us sheriff, we got to go”
The moment you made it into the door the angel sent you and Dean flying into a crumpled heap.You could hear the baby crying but considering you’d smacked your head going down and Dean’s weight was on your legs you couldn’t get up.
Dean slid his angel blade to Cas at the last moment and Cas buried it home. You pulled your legs out from under Dean and headed for the baby while Dean helped Cas to his feet.
You scooped her up and turned to look at the two of them “Everybody good?” they nodded and you let out a breath “Good”
You and Dean ended up staying with Cas until Nora got back from her date and between the three of you the baby finally calmed and went back to sleep. When Nora got there you and Dean headed outside to call Sam while Cas spoke to Nora.
The news from Sam was about the worst you could get. The spell Metatron did was irreversible. The angels couldn’t get back into heaven.
It hurt having to leave Cas yet again but he was safe from the angels and adapting. You knew it was for the best even if you wished more than anything he could come home to the bunker.
You were silent for the first couple hours of the ride back to Lebanon until Dean bumped your knee with his hand. “Want to stop and grab a bite to eat?” you rolled your head to look over at him “Sure, might as well”
When the two of you headed into the diner he slung his arm around your shoulders “Go to admit Y/N, you’re a natural with kids sweetheart” you rolled your eyes and said “You weren’t so bad yourself Dean” with a laugh.The older waitress that was at the counter smiled at the two of you when you walked in and headed for a corner booth.
When she came to take your order she looked between the two of you “Can I just say how cute it is to see a couple get along so well?” your mouth fell open in shock and you expected Dean to correct her but he just winked at her and motioned to you “Look at her. How could I not get along with her?” you shot him a look then when the waitress left to place your orders you looked back at him “What the hell was that?” and he shrugged “Sweetheart I’ve been accused of a lot worse than managing to get you as mine” you felt your cheeks warm but ducked your head to hide it and said “You’re a natural flirt Dean, you know that?” and when you glanced back up he smiled “Tell me to stop and I will never flirt with you again” you took a sip of the water in front of you and shrugged “I’ve still not seen any flirting worth being impressed over” his eyes widened at that “So is that the issue? I’m not convincing enough?” 
A part of you still wondered if Charlie told him how you felt so you quickly threw back “I just know you don’t mean it” this time he looked a bit thrown but you could see the wheels turning in his head even when the waitress brought your food back over to the table.
Dean was quiet throughout the two of you eating and even when you got back out to the impala. It wasn't until you were miles down the road that he finally spoke "Look Y/N, I know I'm a flirt. I like sex there's no shame in that but if I was to be with someone I'd be loyal to that person and I wouldn't say I wanted someone as a joke or a way to appease hurt feelings hell I'm too much of a jackass for that" you turned sideways in the seat and studied his profile for a moment considering he'd just poured his heart out without taking his eyes from the road. 
"Are you trying to say something Dean?" You asked feeling your heart jump into your throat with the hope that maybe just maybe he was. That hope was squashed when he shook his head "Not really. I just don't want you thinking I'm one of those types of guys is all" "Oh, well don't worry about that Dean. We're good" you replied with a smile then straightened up in the seat pulling your jacket up on you as a blanket "Wake me when we get home or if you want me to drive some" 
He cut his eyes at you with a smirk "Home it is"
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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My very first fluff
Bokuto x reader (college au)
Warnings: fluff. Just something I dreamt of.
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Why was it so hard to keep his eyes off you? It frustrated him so much to watch you. Looking at you dance, laugh and have fun with friends. Why did he even care about you anyways? Bokuto sipped the liquor from his cup and looked away. He could hear your distinct laughter over the music and large chattering crowd. He shouldn’t even be looking at other girls. But you, boy oh boy, you were... ugh! Bokuto hated that he even liked you. Hated when he’d stutter, blush or even laugh at random times if you even said a word to him. He hated that he even compared you to his girlfriend. The girl he thought he’d spend the rest of his life with. Someone he didn’t have to worry about while in separate school. But now he questioned if he loved her or thought it was easier to date someone just to fill in the romance in his life. He wasn’t looking for someone then but when she had asked him he said yes. See he didn’t get the same butterflies he did with you. He didn’t even blush when she flirted. It honestly felt like a forced relationship that was tearing down. He loved his girlfriend. He did! He prioritized her just like she wanted, did anything for her, treated her like a Queen. She was his queen, but why did his heart throb when he smelt your perfume? Why did he break out in sweat any time you approached? It was weird. So weird. Wasn’t that supposed to happen with his girlfriend? No, no maybe he just wasn’t seeing her the way he should. Maybe it’s the long distance. The time apart, the arguing, the ghosting. Yeah that could be it. Bokuto chugged the rest of his drink and disappeared into the party.
Your pov
I was having a blast. College parties were fun but it did feel a bit uncomfortable. I felt like someone was watching me. My friends hand me a small shot glass and I raised my brow at the small solo cup. “It’s plastic.” I said. “Girl whatever just take the shot and then find some blue bin to put it in.” My roommate rolled her eyes. I swallowed the shot and shivered as the hard liquor rolled down my throat. It stung and tasted horrible. I hated flavored liquor and I’m sure she gave me just that. I handed her the cup and she put another in my hand. “Again?” I complained but still took it. “Yeah we all have two!” She said taking hers. I tossed the drink back and scrunched my face. “Yuck!” I said aloud, smacking my lips. “Now let’s go!” My roommate put the cups on some random table and dragged the whole group deeper into the party.
I stumbled around the frat trying to find an exit. It was late, I was tired, hungry and drunk. I don’t even know how I’m going to make it to my dorm. I tripped over someone’s foot and hit someone with my head. “I’m sorry!” I said rubbing my head. When the person turned around I could barely make out their face. The light, intoxication and music distorted everything. “Y-YN?” The voice was very familiar. “Yeah. Who’reyou?” I asked trying to stand still but I could feel my body moving around as if my feet weren’t flat on the ground. “Are you okay?” They ignored my question. But I did too. “I think I had too much to drink.” I admitted. “Trying to get to my bed so I could sleep. It’s like 2 am.” I looked at my imaginary watch and then back to the person. I squinted my eyes hoping my vision would clear up. I vaguely made out the yellow eyes, spiked hair, and bleached tips. They were tall. My mind tried to remember who was built like them. “Bokuto! That’s your name right?” I said aloud. “Yeah, I sit behind you in Psychology.” I nodded finally remembering everything I knew about him. Which wasn’t much since we barely spoke to one another. “Well I guess I’ll see you in class Tuesday.” I tried walking pass him but he stopped me. Using his arm to block my path. “I-I’ll walk you back.” He offered. Well more like he stated. I looked up at him and nodded. I grabbed his hand, “okay walking buddy, lead the way.” I said. His fingers squeezed my hand and tried to let go. Not happening. If I let go and blink he’ll be gone. Bokuto stayed still and I groaned. I pulled him to the exit and weaved pass bodies. Holding his hand tightly so he wouldn’t get separated.
I swung our arms back and forth as I damn near skipped beside him. “Did you have fun?” I asked him. “Uh, y-yeah I guess.” He said. Avoiding any eye contact with me. “Oh really. I know you was hugging that wall. You didn’t even look comfortable. I guess that why you want to walk back to the dorms. Well lucky for you, I’m here to take you back safely.” I cheered. “Actually I’m walking you back. And I guess I’m just out of it tonight.” He confessed. “Oh boohoo. You’re in college, your fun is finally here. I’ve seen how you act around your friends all loud and energetic. You were supposed to be the main one swinging from that ugly ass chandelier.” I said to him. I heard him chuckle and smiled at him. “But seriously you shouldn’t drown your feelings with alcohol. Let’s talk about it. We got a bit of a walk.” I moved closer to him and hugged his arm. Bokuto stayed silent though until he sighed. “I, I have, I haven’t been doing too well in class.” He dropped his head. “Oh come on! That can’t be it. Everyone in there is probably failing a class. I’m failing math but that shit is super hard and I didn’t buy textbook. I think I know what it is.” I poked his arm and pressed my body against him more. Bokuto blushed and tried to hold up my weight and walk at the same time. “Do you have a girlfriend?” I asked. I pulled away from him and waited on his answer. He nodded his head. “Is she here?” I continued to ask simple questions leading into more detailed questions.
“Do you talk everyday?”
“She’s not talking to me right now.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t know.
“Do you still love her?”
“Yes... maybe. Idk it’s like the feels are going away.” There it was. He began to rant. “When we both started college everything was great. We’d talk everyday, shared our schedules, even had online dates. But now she barely replies back, says she’s in class even after school hours. Last month she ghosted me for a week and said that her phone got hacked and she lost my number. How could you lose my number when you made me remember yours. Ugh! She drives me crazy. I want to love her but I’m stuck. It’s like there’s nothing to love. She slipped from my hands and I have no clue where she’s going.” He concluded. Wow. That’s tough. I rubbed his back and tried to encourage him. “Oh don’t worry. Give her time if you think she’s worth the wait. Every woman has her own struggle.” I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I don’t think that she is. And I don’t want to think I used her. I thought she was perfect for me. Then someone else came along and she started to drift, I don’t know.” Wait, someone else? “As in some guy came into her life?” I asked but he shook his head. “Oooooh you like someone. Juicy. Would you like to hear my advice?” I asked. I made us stop so he could listen. “I think, this could be the liquor talking but I think you should break up. If you still feel a connection then wait for the right time to fix that relationship. But if your heart says something else then you should listen to yourself. No knows you better than you, and your body wouldn’t put itself in harms way.” I rubbed his arms and looked into his eyes. He didn’t look drunk. But how could I tell, I’m so close to just dropping to the ground. “I’ve never been in a relationship though and I don’t know your situation all that well but I know when my heart tells me something I don’t always have to listen. But sometimes the heart wants what it wants. Plus most relationships don’t last when people enter college anyway. Just a fact.” I told him. I wish I had my glasses, I could see better with them on.
At the dorm I literally remembered that I didn’t bring my key or ID. “Sooo, I actually can’t get to my room...” I said, partially embarrassed. “You can stay in my dorm. I have a single room.” He offered. My eyes lit up and my smile spread across my face. I just wanted to lay down. He led me to another dorm building and let me in. His room was on the 4th floor all the way at the end. Inside was neat. Although his volleyball obsession was very clear from the posters all over his wall. When my eyes landed on his bed I immediately jumped on it. The bed was high, he must’ve done that because he was tall. Bokuto sat on the other side and kicks his shoes off. Mine fell off my feet when I jumped. “I’m going to shower.” He said. My body shot up. I wanted to shower too. Ugh I wish I was in my room! Bokuto looked at me surprised that I got up so quickly. “Do you want to take a shower after me? I can give you clean clothes.” He got off the bed and looked through his Chester to find something for me. “You’re so nice!” I said rolling around his large bed.
Bokuto pov
What was I doing?! GFN would kill me if she knew I had a girl in my room. I can’t tell her. No one knows. I’m sure YN would even forget being in here. I pulled out a sweatshirt and shorts I practice in. When I turned back YN was standing at my mirror, making faces. How could she be so cute? “Did you dance with anyone?” She asked me. “No. Here wear this. You can shower before or after. I have extra towels.” She ignored what I said and shook her ass in the mirror. My eyes glued to her butt. Watching her dress rise up showing the colorful panty she wore. Fuck! It was hard to look away. It was hard to stop getting hard. You stood up and came over to me. I held the clothes out to you and you took it but put it down. You entangled your hand in mine and spun yourself into my chest. Moving you hips against my crotch. “Dance with me.” You said twirling around like a drunk. You were drunk. “I have a girlfriend.” I said without thinking. You frowned but then smiled. “See that. Loyalty. You should try calling her. Probably before your shower.” You dropped my hand and walked to the bed. You looked sad and disappointed.
Your pov
Who was I kidding? He has a girlfriend which you told him to break up with. Fucking Dumbass.
It was quiet and awkward after we both showered. No one spoke. We laid far away from each other. Practically falling off the bed as we both slept at the edge. I kept the blanket on my legs since I wore a sweater. Bokuto wore a white shirt with shorts. He was probably asleep too. I moved around in the bed, vey uncomfortable and hot. The sweater smelled just like him, so did the bed and the whole room. I sat up and looked at Bokuto’s back. Don’t turn around. I quickly took the sweater off and fell back into the bed. I quickly got under the blanket before he turned over. “Are you okay?” He asked. I held the blanket under my neck leaving no room for him to see what I did. I nodded my head and turned around. What time is it? I swear I always tired earlier. Why am I not asleep now? Bokuto put his hand on the back of my neck and I shivered. “You’re cold.” He stated. His hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to him. I squeaked and blushed. He was most definitely warm and I most definitely didn’t have a top on. His body cuddled mine. Pressing against me and squeezing me. God, why did you let my life play out like this. “Can I tell you something?” He asked me. “Yeah. I’m listening.” I said still with my back to him. “I spoke to GFN. She explained why she wasn’t replying back.” His arm pulled me closer and I could literally hear the pain in his voice. Did she cheat? Are they over with? Why am so excited about this? “What did she say?” I wanted to hug him but I just rubbed the arm that wrapped around me. “She said she wanted to break up.” He paused. “Then she told me why. She’s pregnant. She’s been going to the hospital and that’s why she’s been avoiding me.” What a turn of events. I really wasn’t expecting that. I slowly turned around making sure I still covered my chest. I hugged him softly and he hugged back. “She doesn’t deserve you.” I said. “Maybe this the sign you need to listen to your heart. I’m sure the next person will treasure you.” I felt his hands on my back. They were so big, his fingers spread out but then they ball into a fist against by my skin. Bokuto quickly and smoothly puts me on my back and kisses me. I gasped and he put his tongue in my mouth. “Mmph!” His body was way too heavy for me to push off. His tongue tried to get mine to move but when I didn’t he pulled away. “I-I I’m sorry!” I was shocked. Too shocked to kiss back. “You’ve been so nice and understanding I just-“ I cut him off. “Sex with a stranger won’t lead to closure.” I told him. “To me you’re not a stranger. I like you. A lot. The moment I saw you in class my heart just wanted to be next to you. I didn’t feel the same way about my girlfriend. I thought about you more than her. You are so fun and goofy. I thought that it was your body and the separation but the more I gave it thought the more I realized I’m in love with you.” He confessed. What? Huh?
My blush wasn’t as visible as his but I was still flustered. This has to be one of the most awkward confessions I’ve ever got. But I just so happen to like him too. He’s handsome, funny, tall, Athletic, I mean come on. He has such an extraordinary quality about him that just makes people around him look up to him and admire him. He’s smart, social, caring, just an all around amazing person. His eyes trailed lower and his face turned red. Eyes wide and alert as he gazed at my chest. I quickly folded my arms and he looked back up. As if his brain rebooted he sat up and moved. “I’m sorry.” He apologized again. He got up and headed for his door. “W-where are you going?!” I said aloud. “To let you sleep.” He opened his door and nearly closed it before I could even finish my sentence. “I don’t want to sleep alone!” I yelled. The door cracked open and the light from the hallway peered in. “I like you too but-“ he opened the door wider and was crying. He ran and tackled me on his bed. Crushing my body under his.
Narrative pov
Bokuto didn’t care if he didn’t have anyone. He truly wanted someone to relate to, to laugh at his corny jokes, give him the time of day. He didn’t want to be an accessory or molded into the perfect boyfriend. You were right for him. He knew it, he felt it. You tapped his arm to let him know that you wanted him up. “Can I finish?” You asked covering your chest with the blanket. Bokuto nodded, he’d listen to anything you say like it was his favorite radio station. “I do like you too. Love is a strong word and I’ve told you I’ve never been in a relationship so as much as my heart flutters with joy and aches with excitement to hear you like me too, I have to at least have some time. Time to see how we’d work together, time to prepare myself, time to dedicate myself to you. You play volleyball, that may be in the way of having a relationship. So we can have a trial of one month and if things go smoothly then I would love to be your girlfriend. That is if you want to start dating. If you just want sex then Imma leave because I don’t tolerate drunk sex.” “YN if it takes a year for you to feel ready then I’ll be waiting the whole year.” He kissed the back of my hand and leaned in for a hug. “Can I get your number?” Bokuto asked you. He went to get his phone so you can put them digits in.
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stones-x-bones · 3 years
Place Your Bets (Pt. 1) || Mina and Bex
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @drowningisinevitable​ and @inbextween​ SUMMARY: Mina and Bex go to the Stacked Deck for a little fun away from all the stress. CONTENT: Underage drinking
It wasn’t that Mina didn’t normally take a lot of care into her appearance. Except for the few occasions when she had to wear sweats to class because she slept on campus, she was usually always dressed nice and relatively put together. She didn’t go overboard, but she always made sure to look presentable, especially when she went to play cards. But she never labored over the decision of what to wear like she was. She attributed it to the fact that she rarely had company and wanted to look impressive. She still felt a bit silly as she revolved between sitting on the bed in her room at Morgan and Deirdre’s staring at her clothes and pacing while she stared at her clothes. This was silly. She shouldn’t be nervous. But she was also always nervous, so it made sense. Nice, long-sleeved blouse, skirt, and tights. There. She decided. She fixed herself up, did it again, checked in the mirror. Smoothed down the nonexistent wrinkles in her skirt. 
Finally, Mina was bordering on being late to get Bex, which was ridiculous because they were in the same bloody house. Grabbing her keys and checking in the mirror once more to make sure her sleeves were buttoned, she walked to Bex's room. She… hesitated before knocking but eventually figured out how to do that properly. Why was she behaving like this? She’d been hanging out with Bex for days. She’d been keeping her company through everything. Why was she like this? When the door opened, she said, “Hey! Hi. Ah, hi.” She gave Bex a smile. “Are you… ready?”
When Mina had first asked Bex if she wanted to learn how to card count with her, she hadn’t thought about the fact that most gambling was done at a casino. And Bex, well...Bex wasn’t twenty-one yet. And that really should’ve been the end of the conversation, but it wasn’t. And in the end, that wasn’t even what Bex was nervous about. She’d been to casinos before, as young as being 8 years old. Sitting on the floor next to her mom, who was glued to a slot machine. One more pull, darling, one more. So it wasn’t the place that made her nervous, and it wasn’t the person, because, well, she liked Mina. And she liked spending time with Mina. And she liked being around Mina and she thought about Mina like all the time. Kyle had been gracious enough to point that out to her. So it wasn’t that. But something was making her nervous, because she’d changed no less than five times and had asked Morgan no less than three which shoes went better with which dress and which jacket looked nicest, which one covered up her scabs the most. Finally, she’d settled-- and just in time. The knock at the door came as she was just finishing putting up her hair, sliding the last pin in. She’d even spent extra time on her makeup.
Her face lit up at the sight of Mina behind her door. “Hey!” she said excitedly, biting her lip gently as she nodded. “Ready!” She sidled out and shut her door, taking Mina’s hand when she turned back around. “You look really nice,” she noted, leaning over to press a kiss to her cheek again. “Shall we?”
Mina thought that Bex looked really pretty. Of course she thought Bex looked really pretty. Bex always looked really pretty. That wasn’t even a question. “You look really nice, too,” she said, her cheeks heating a bit from both the compliment and the kiss. “Absolutely!” It wasn’t even a lie, despite the nerves. She held out her arm for Bex and began walking them to her car. “Are you sure you want to do this, by the way? We can do something else. I think our luck with movies has improved, or we just get something to eat somewhere.” Something laid back and easy. She backtracked quickly. “If you want to go to The Stacked Deck, though, that’s also fine! I just don’t want you to get bored.” There was also the fact that one of the card sharks was a couple of leprechauns that acted as if they were one person, and a few of them didn’t like her after an incident with a leprechaun colony last year. The one on top tended to give her the occasional look, and she couldn’t understand how any of the humans in the establishment didn’t realize that it was a stack of leprechauns in a trenchcoat, for crying out loud. “I’m really up for anything.”
“No, no! I’m sure!” Bex said, squeezing Mina’s hand. Couldn’t help but wonder if maybe the suggestion was because of what had happened to her. She wasn’t going to let that get to her though. “I wanna go. I wanna see how you do it.” She gave a toothy smile, hoping to encourage Mina-- she’d noticed over their time spent together how tentative the older girl was when it came to talking about things she liked and enjoyed (not to mention the hours they’d spent online teasing about it), but the way her eyes lit up when she’d talked about theorems and card counting made Bex want to do nothing more than make her smile like that again. She deserved to smile like that again. “I want you to teach me. You said you would. I know it’s not a p-word, but you’re not gonna go back on it now, are you?” She gave a false pout, sticking out her bottom lip as they headed to the car. She slid into the passenger’s seat and folded her hands into her lap, the way she always sat in the car, taking up as little space as possible. “So? To the Stacked Deck?” She wondered when would be the best time to let Mina know she couldn’t technically get into a bar, let alone a casino bar combination. Maybe when they got there? Maybe after she flashed her ID and the bouncer read the name. That was the one good thing about her parents being filthy rich and powerful. She reached across and took Mina’s hand again, her heart pounding in her chest-- which hurt less today, so that was nice. What a ridiculous notion, to be so nervous.
“Okay, then,” Mina said, taking a deep breath and giving Bex a small smile. “That I can do.” And, if she showed out just enough to possibly impress Bex a little, then it would probably be worth it. “Of course I will! I try to keep my word, when I can.” She rolled her eyes a bit. “‘P-word.’ You can say it, you know. That won’t do anything. I just ask that you don’t go around making any, especially not with me. Though I’d never make you keep one.” Even when it would serve her better to make sure Bex kept a promise to her. I’ll tell you before I do something, I promise. Mina couldn’t make Bex do that. She wasn’t planning on holding anyone to any sort of dangerous promise or bargain ever again. It had happened to her; she didn’t want to do that to anyone else. “To the Stacked Deck.” She gave Bex’s hand a squeeze before she started driving. The drive felt both too long and too short, but they made it. Mina grabbed her clutch and walked over to Bex and held out her arm, smiling and happy and nervous, the feelings fluttering in her stomach an awful lot for her to be doing something that she did relatively often. “Ready?”
“Well, no one told me that,” Bex argued weakly, frowning. But she wasn’t actually upset, and she couldn’t hold the frown long enough to even pretend she was, a smile bursting its way through. “But what about the really important ones? Morgan said those were okay, as long as you trusted the other person.” Though maybe now wasn’t the time to get into all that. Her heart hammered in her chest the entire way to the bar, and she slid out, taking Mina’s arm and wrapping both her arms around it. This was her second time outside of the house since the incident with Kyle, but those nerves were wrapped up in different  ones, so, really, the scariest part hadn’t even happened yet. “Ready! Well--” she started, then paused, pulling Mina off to the side when they got a bit closer, but hopefully not close enough for the man waiting outside to hear, “actually, I should probably let you know, uh, I can’t actually get technically get into the bar without a little, um…” she didn’t wanna say bribery, even if that’s what it would be at its base, “finagling?” She shrugged, giving a nervous smile. “I’m sorry, I should’ve told you before, but I really wanted to come with you and hang out with you. Forgive me?”
“Well, you didn’t ask,” Mina said laughing. Not that she thought that was a common thing to really ask and talk about. It wasn’t normal. Promises shouldn’t be things that carried so much weight. Still, it would be so much easier if Bex would just ask things, sometimes. “If it’s life and death, don’t make a promise. Honestly, I would say that the important ones shouldn’t be promises. Not unless you’re okay with consequences.” She allowed Bex to pull her aside, her smile turning into a worried frown. “Wait, finagling? Why…” Usually, the main problem with getting into bars had to do with being carded for-- Mina’s eyes widened. What was the age to get into bars in America again? She knew this, of course she knew this. “Bex, how old are you?” Oh, this could be bad, right? “I forgive you,” she said immediately, without really thinking about it. Not that there was anything that should be forgiven. “Okay, alright, ah, okay. How much-- I mean, how much trouble would we get in if you went in there?”
“I’m twenty!” Bex said hurriedly when she watched Mina’s eyes go wide. She waved her hands in front of her a little, trying to diffuse any worry that might have popped up. “It’s only a year off, I’m not that young!” Though she wasn’t sure why the thought bothered her, of her being whatever too young to hang out with Mina was. She didn’t even know how old Mina was, anyway. How had they gone this long without disclosing that? It always seemed like there was so much other stuff to talk about, didn’t it? Holidays and whose rambling was more fun to listen to and how nice Mina looked working out. Did it really matter? “Besides, I’ve been to casinos and bars before. It helps having rich parents and an old name.” She looked from Mina to the bouncer, then back to Mina. “Um, depends? If we don’t get caught, none!” she said, brimming with a smile that came with experience. Being locked into a room had never stopped Bex from wanting to get out and explore, though she mostly did it at school where she knew the punishment would be far less. “It should be fine, anyway. Most people in White Crest know who I am, or at least, who my parents are.” She reached out for Mina’s hand again, and found herself a little less sure of an answer she should have been one-hundred percent about. “Do you trust me?”
The relief Mina felt was legitimate. “Oh, good. Okay, that’s good.” She hadn’t thought Bex was young-young, but the whole not being able to get into a club thing had thrown her, if only momentarily. “I… can’t really say anything. I’ve definitely been to bars and casinos before turning the proper age.” Her and her dad had actually lived above a bar for a time in Germany, and she’d only been about fifteen at the time. No one had really cared, then. Of course, things were always quite lax with hunters. “If we don’t get caught, right,” Just what did Bex intend to do to get in? Mina could always force the bouncer into a promise, but she wasn’t as well-versed in wordplay as most of the others in her species. And she doesn’t want to do that. She doesn’t. There wasn’t much she could do. She looked at her and Bex’s hands. “I do trust you. Of course I trust you.” That wasn’t even a question. She squeezed Bex’s hand and gave her a smile. “Alright. Alright, let’s do this, then.”
“How old did you think I was?” Bex asked, raising a brow. “How old are you, anyway? I...don’t think you ever told me.” Not that it mattered, really. Her father had been ready to ship Bex off to someone when she was 18, but her mother had insisted she finish school first. “We won’t get caught. I might not look like it, but I’m really good at not getting caught. People never suspect the well-behaved ones.” She squeezed Mina’s hand. She trusted her. This was the most excited Bex had been in ages-- months, maybe even years-- and she wasn’t about to let a small thing like age ruin it. “Great! Follow my lead!” She tugged Mina’s hand and led them back over to the front doors, forgetting herself and perhaps moving a tad faster than her body was capable of at the moment. At the door there the big, burly man in sunglasses put a hand. “IDs?” Clearing her throat, Bex drew herself up and put on the face she’d been taught to in public-- soft and sweet and charming. “Actually, I’m supposed to be meeting my father here. Is he in?” It was perhaps a dangerous game, considering she hadn’t talked to her father in over a month, but the bouncer didn’t know that. She leaned around as if to glance inside, then looked back at the bouncer. The man didn’t look convinced quite yet.  “It’s Ochsenstein. Rupert Ochsenstein,” Bex went on. “You know, the one that one of the VIP rooms is named after?” 
Sputtering, the bouncer nodded. “Right, right! Of course! Miss Ochsenstein. I don’t believe he’s here yet, I can show you in, though, if you--” Bex tugged on Mina again and started moving past him. “Oh, no, that’s okay! My guide here is going to show me there. She’s a hired hand. Do you need her ID, too?” she asked, batting her eyelashes. The man looked between the two of them, then shook his head. “All good. I’ll let your father know when he gets--” But the door was already closing as Bex dragged Mina inside. She turned to look back over at her. “Guess they’re good for one thing, huh?” 
“Twenties?” Mina said, though she was unsure. “I mean, I knew you were an undergrad…” She hadn’t really thought about it much beyond that. Bex just seemed her age. “Ah, twenty-four, as of September.” She flinched, a bit. She would have cancelled her last birthday if she could. “Okay, alright, this will be fine.” And, really, she believed that enough that it didn’t make her feel all that sick. She allowed Bex to take the lead and was honestly more than a little impressed. The younger girl was terribly believable. For her part, Mina managed to give the man a shaky smile as he looked at her. She couldn’t really say anything without risking getting sick, and it wasn’t like Bex needed help with this. She gave the bouncer a smile as Bex dragged her into the building. She was more worried about whether or not Bex should be dragging her about, but she decided not to comment on it. “That was impressive,” she said, giving Bex a grin. “Much better than I could have done. Do you do stuff like this a lot?”
“I was on my own a lot as a kid,” Bex explained, sticking close to Mina now that they were finally inside. She’d forgotten how overwhelming public bars could be, and knowing the White Crest community, there was bound to be someone here she knew. But...she didn’t need to worry about that right now, did she? She wasn’t even talking to her parents. She was safe with Mina. “I had to learn how to navigate things without help, so, um, yeah? I guess.” She shrugged, stepping closer to Mina as someone sidled by them. “Okay, you’re turn to take the lead,” she nodded, sweeping her gaze around the bar before looking to Mina expectantly, eyes still alight despite the nerves building inside of her. She didn’t want to worry about all the things she normally did, she wanted to enjoy every moment of this night because it’d been so long since she’d just done something for fun. Just done something because she wanted to. And after the week she’d had previously, she just wanted to forget all the bad for a night. “Where to first?”
“Well, it was very impressive,” Mina said. “I could never do anything like that.” Despite their similarities, there were a lot of differences between Mina and Bex that became more and more obvious the longer they got to know each other. Not bad differences; at least, she didn’t think so. But she was beginning to realize that Bex’s parents and Mina’s dad were on two very different levels of strict when it came to parenting styles. Maybe not as different as Mina would like, sometimes, but still different. “Right, I can do that.” She looked around. The leprechaun card shark was at one of the blackjack tables, but there was another blackjack table open where she could avoid them. The woman dealing was also on friendly terms with Mina, which was nice. “You count cards with blackjack, so we can start there,” she said quietly, making sure that no one around them could hear. A few people waved at Mina as they walked by, and Mina returned the gesture with a smile. It had been a few months, but she used to frequent the Stacked Deck relatively often. She was familiar with several of the people there. “I’m admittedly much better at blackjack than poker. But that table’s not too crowded, and I like the dealer, and she likes me. Plus, there’s a card shark at the other table that most definitely doesn’t like me. Does that sound good?”
Bex just grinned, trying to hide her blush. She didn’t hear too many people call her impressive, considering she didn’t have many impressive qualities, she didn’t think. “Blackjack,” she repeated, “got it.” She had only ever played cards casually with other people, like other students. The closest she’d come to gambling was a game of strip poker she’d joined when she first got to University, but had chickened out halfway through when she’d lost another hand and had to ante up either her pants or her bra. “I’m really bad at cards, so I’ll just watch. Is that okay?” she asked as they headed over. She noticed people waving to Mina, greeting her, and it was apparent, then, that whoever was here wasn’t going to notice Bex. A bit of relief flooded through her, but she kept close. Being close to Mina always made her feel better. “What’s a card shark? That sounds like something not good, actually.” 
“Yep! It actually uses quite a bit of math, so it works well for me,” Mina told the younger girl, squeezing Bex’s hand in a familiar gesture. The Stacked Deck tended to use about six decks of cards; not the maximum number, but not the lowest by any means. She didn’t usually have a problem with keeping up with the decks, though, not at this point. She could do an entire paper on statistical analyses of cards at this point, but it would just be too short. “That’s fine, though I can’t promise it’ll be super interesting. I’m a pretty tame gambler.” Unless there was an opportunity that she couldn’t pass up on. She smiled. “Well, I mean, technically I’m a card shark, though I’m not exactly cheating. They’re manipulating the game like I am. But I’m better.” She was, too. It wasn’t necessarily bragging, but she was a bit pleased by the fact that she could beat a few leprechauns at the game. Really, they should stick to poker. They’d do far better against her in poker. 
“Well, you are the math expert,” Bex said, sliding into the spot next to her, “so I’ll just leave it to you.” There were only a few other people at the table, and a stack of chips was placed in front of them, and Bex looked to Mina. She was excited to see Mina in action, and by the way Mina was talking about everything, she knew the other girl was excited, too. And it always felt better to share that excitement with someone else, didn’t it? Bex could understand that feeling. She’d grown up such a lonely child, even just the idea of sharing something someone else enjoyed made her heart stammer. Or maybe it was just because she was with Mina. She recalled their visit to the falls, and how every moment had made her heart flutter. Even when Mina had seen her bite, eyes staring wide. Bex had never wanted that night to end. She looked down at their hands intertwined, then around to the table, noticing everyone else had both hands preoccupied with holding their cards and placing their bets. She let go of Mina’s and slid her hands into her own lap, leaning into her. She didn't want to assume anything, she didn't know if Mina might feel the same. Or if what she was feeling was really-- “So what first?” she asked, cutting her own thoughts off, wide eyed with wonder.
“I think ‘expert’ is pushing it a bit. I”m hardly an expert,” Mina said as she ducked her head. She got comfortable in her seat, though, and placed her bet as her cards were put in front of her. Two eights. What a bad move to start out on, but it was something she could work with. She frowned at the cards. “So, the goal is to get as close to twenty-one as you can without going over. The number cards are counted at face value, kings, queens, and jacks are all tens, and an ace is a one or an eleven, depending on what works in your favor. My value right now is a sixteen, which isn’t the greatest number to have because if I ask for another card, it could easily go over twenty-one, but if I keep the sixteen, the dealer’s cards could easily be over that.” She motioned with her fingers to split the pair of eights and laid down another chip. “Pairs can be split, though, so I can make this work.” She paid attention to the other players as well as the dealer and the deck, doing the calculations in her head as the dealer laid a queen and a six down on Mina’s split eights. She let the eighteen stand. From the rest of the table, the next card should be low enough. “So, I’m going to hit,” she motioned with her hand, and the dealer rolled her eyes through Mina’s explanations. Another six was laid down, and Mina grinned. “And now I’m going to let both hands stand, so I’m not going to do anything with them, and I’m going to see if this paid off.” She knew it would. 
As Mina explained everything, Bex did her best to pay attention. And it really wasn’t that she wasn’t interested in what Mina was saying, it was just that there were other things she wanted to pay attention to more. Like the gleam in Mina’s eyes as she explained what she was doing and how to do it, and that sly hint of confidence that even Bex caught when she declared she was letting her cards stand. Bex had never seen Mina so relaxed, so in her element-- she wanted nothing more than to make sure this lasted as long as possible. She took a moment to glance around at everyone else’s hands and wondered what information Mina was taking in from them, and how it was that she knew her hand was going to pay off. And when the cards flipped and Mina’s hand won, Bex felt a smile grow on her face. “You did it!” she exclaimed happily, before noting all the grumpy looks from everyone else around the table and sank back into herself. “You’re amazing. How’d you know how to do that?”
It was impossible for Mina to not feel happy, just like at the falls. Between the fact that her hand won and between the fact that Bex seemed so happy for her, and she didn’t seem bored, which was what she’d mostly been afraid of, everything was going better than she hoped. She couldn’t imagine that watching a card game was particularly interesting for someone who didn’t enjoy playing cards, but Bex didn’t seem to mind; she actually seemed to enjoy it. “I’m not! I was just--” She went ahead and laid down another chip, less concerned about this bet than the last one. She figured the numbers were going to run on the higher end, anyway. She looked down. Seven and a jack. She let it stand. “I was just playing the game.” She didn’t want to win too many hands in a row, especially with the way the table was. If she won too many, especially since she just got there, it would draw far too much attention in her direction. Card counting wasn’t illegal, but it was frowned upon, and it could get you kicked out pretty quickly. She looked at Bex, smiling, and asked, innocently, “Luck?” She raised an eyebrow a bit. “I usually don’t do so well on the first round, you know.” Because she didn’t try to; she just wanted to be impressive this time around.
“You are,” Bex insisted, lifting a hand to rest on Mina’s arm. “Trust me, I know.” She scooted her chair a little bit closer, finding that she didn’t even care about all the stares around her. Most of the people were more concentrated on the game, anyway, and on Mina, who had come in with a hot hand, it seemed. “Luck is only half of it,” she mumbled so hopefully only Mina could hear, “you should give yourself more credit.” She turned to watch her other hand lay down and saw that she didn’t ask to hit on a seventeen, scrunching her brow. “Is that too high to hit on, then?” Someone made a disgruntled noise and Bex shrunk a little more again, leaning into Mina as if trying to disappear into the other girl. It felt almost like a reflex, as if any strange noise, now, meant something bad. She was her only anchor, her only solid rock keeping her grounded and safe. It didn’t matter what else happened, she was safe here, and she was happy, and so was Mina, and that was what counted. They're was nothing here that would hurt her, and she knew if anything tried, Mina would stop them. She tried to take comfort in that fact, turning away from the disgruntled man. “Sorry, I’m just trying to learn,” she mumbled, casting a grumpy glare over at the man who had rolled his eyes. “Everyone has to start somewhere, right?” 
Blushing, Mina cleared her throat a bit and said, quietly and just for Bex, “Yes, well, it is a bit more than luck. Though, I usually don’t play this good alone.” Not at first, certainly. She watched as a person further down the table won the hand. “Seventeen is risky because if you get any number higher than a four, you automatically lose. If you don’t know what number is coming up, it’s best to just let it stand and not risk it.” Which, she knew the probability of a number greater than four was pretty high, so she hadn’t even bothered. She cut her eyes to the man grumbling down the table, a face that she recognized but not a name to go with it, before she looked back at Bex and reassured her, “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize. It can be difficult to get in the beginning.” When the man gave a loud, obnoxious snort, Mina realized, quite abruptly, that she was going to be taking all of his money. She didn’t even need to, but she was certainly going to. She might even want to do worse, but this way wasn’t violent, and this way only had the slightest chance of her getting them thrown out. She matched his bet and looked at Bex, smiling, “Ask anything that you want to. It’s quite alright.”
“Really?” Bex asked, unsure what she meant in the moment before she realized. “Oh.” Her cheeks flushed a little and she smiled to herself. As much as she’d enjoyed going to the movies or the falls with Mina, she had to admit she liked this much better. Not only could they talk, but Mina seemed to be thriving, and there was nothing more Bex wanted than to see her smile like she had when Bex had first asked her about all this. She owed her, anyways-- not only had she sat through two Jurassic Park movies with her (and that was pretty impressive, considering Bex could not, for the life of her, get herself to shut up during them), she’d literally saved her life. Even if Mina never admitted it or agreed to it, Bex owed her. She watched all the cards flip and Mina’s hand won again. For a brief moment, Bex’s eyes met with the grumpy man’s as he threw his chip into the pile disgruntledly. And in that moment, a sentence popped into her head, one that she hadn’t thought herself. A moment of fear came over her, but the thought came and went. Blinking, she turned to look back at Mina. “What’s an ace up the sleeve?” she asked under her breath.
“Absolutely!” Mina said as she took the chips. She felt more than a little smug, though, by beating the one man she was beating the rest of the table, and she had no intention of letting up on it until he left. She couldn’t beat an out of control werewolf like she desperately wanted to, but she could at least do this. She felt just a bit guilty, but not enough to really stop. She hadn’t been lying, before; she could be of a card shark, too. She was usually just a little kinder about it since, more often than not, it led to her being kicked out of places. She not only matched the man’s bet but doubled it, smiling sweetly at him as she did. She wanted him to know she was playing him. He didn’t seem particularly happy about that fact, though there was a glint in his eye that she didn’t like. At Bex’s question, she looked back and frowned. “An ace up the sleeve is like a secret weapon,” she said. She watched the man closely, looking at his hands. “Or,” she said, her voice a bit louder, “it’s an actual ace up the sleeve, and that’s actually considered cheating, holding onto cards to use for another round.”
Bex usually considered herself a relatively observant person, especially because her well-being often depended on it. But she hadn’t noticed much about the man until Mina spoke up and pointed out that the man had a literal card up his sleeve. She hadn’t even noticed, and neither had anyone else. Maybe her magic had finally done something good, if still unintentional Maybe she was getting better at controlling it. Maybe she could use it again, but-- she didn’t want to ruin any part of this. She just wanted something nice with Mina. So, Instead she just glanced from Mina, to the man, to the dealer, who was now glaring down the rude man. “Um, I heard him say it,” she piped up, unable to help a tiny smug grin from smearing onto her lips, “he mumbled it under his breath while he was insulting my intelligence.” People often assumed Bex would just bend to their will or not have any sort of backbone, because she was a relatively unassuming looking person-- but when there were no vigilant eyes on her, and she could be herself, she had decided to never bend to anyone. She’d had to fight enough of her own battles growing up, chasing people away from her who thought she was an object, and standing her ground in restrooms when angry moms with ugly purses decided she didn’t belong. And with Mina beside her, he didn’t seem so intimidating at all. 
The dealer waved over some security guards and they frisked the man, finding not one, but two cards up his sleeves-- an ace and a jack. He was then forcefully removed from the table and Bex turned away and hid her face against Mina for a moment, until they walked away. “Just in case,” she said quietly, their faces very close together. She swallowed, lingering for a moment before her cheeks burned too much and she leaned back. “Can we still play?” 
Maybe Mina just hadn’t been paying attention while the man was talking because she hadn’t heard anything or maybe it was just a Bex thing, but she was glad that Bex had picked up on it. She may count cards, a generally frowned upon practice, but she couldn’t stand people that cheated at anything. “That was brilliant,” she told Bex, smiling from ear to ear. She watched as the man was thrown out, and she couldn’t help but feeling more than a little pleased. It was almost better than playing him for his money. As it was, she doubted he’d be allowed back in the Stacked Deck anytime soon. She did her best to hide Bex from the guards in case they decided to look too closely, to see that Miss Ochsenstein (her dad had a room named after her, here and in a lot of other places and, wow, that was strange to think about) wasn’t where she was supposed to be. It took her a moment to realize just how close the two of them were. She blinked, a tightness in her chest that felt like it had been present since the falls. She looked away, glancing at the cards that came out of the man’s sleeves. “That’s, ah, that’s a blackjack. His cards. If he’d laid them down, he would have definitely won.” She looked over at the dealer, who was already getting back to business as usual. People got thrown out of the Stacked Deck on a pretty regular basis. “Yes, of course, we can still play.” She still wanted to see if she could get a few more wins before someone caught on. Mina didn’t make big gambles, usually. She was playing a dangerous game.
The word brilliant made Bex’s face flush even more and she glanced away, as if trying to hide it. “Oh, no, I just-- you know, happened to hear him. In, uh--,” she glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to them, and tapped the side of her head, “in my head.” Gave a crooked smile before focusing back on what Mina was saying, trying to concentrate on looking at the cards and not the smile plastered on Mina’s face. It made her chest tighten and flutter at the same time. Just like at the falls. They were feelings she both wanted to ignore and embrace, because they made her feel good and she wanted to lean in and-- “Blackjack,” she repeated, snapping herself out of her thoughts, “right. Is it-- is it only blackjack with those two? Or can you get it anytime you hit twenty-one?” She turned her gaze up to watch the dealer again, then over as someone else-- another relatively grumpy looking man-- sat down at the table and slid in his tokens. Bex watched him for a moment as he turned up his cards, set them down, took a drink, and tapped the table. An impatient man, she could tell. She looked back at Mina’s bet and saw that he had matched hers. “You know,” she mused quietly, “I think you’re the brilliant one.” She’d watched her mother gamble quite a bit, and she’d never been any good at it, and she’d always lost at cards. But Mina was so confident, she knew exactly what she was doing. Bex wanted her to win so bad-- she wanted to watch the smug grin on everyone else’s faces get wiped away.
“Well, that was far better than anyone else did. If it wasn’t for you, he’d have gotten away with duping the house.” Not that Mina was doing much better. She wondered if the dealer knew she was playing the system. It wouldn’t be long if she didn’t know already. She couldn’t exactly play the wide-eyed innocent routine that she usually played when she first walked into a new place, always fueled by nerves and excitement. No one ever thought to ask her if she’d played before, so she’d never really had to lie. Mina didn’t look like a gambler, and she wasn’t! She was just a mathematician that occasionally enjoyed having a bit of fun. She smiled at Bex, at her abilities, at her magic and humanity and brilliance. Mina could understand every theorem in every maths textbook on the planet, and she’d still be unable to comprehend just how amazing she thought Bex was. “So, blackjack is when you have an ace and any card with ten as its value: tens, jacks, kings, queens. As long as it adds up to twenty-one with only the two cards. Any other time you hit twenty-one is great but it’s not blackjack. She didn’t really look down at her cards before she hit, figuring she had a decent idea of what card would be laid down. Really, the dealer should shuffle her deck. She was making this easier than it needed to be for Mina. The man down the table groaned in frustration. He should have picked the table with the leprechauns. At least it was possible to tell that they were ruthless. Mina’s dad used to tell her that her best feature was the fact that no one could tell she was dangerous until it was too late.
As the chips were slid in Mina’s direction, she looked at Bex, feeling terribly, overwhelmingly warm. “Hardly,” she said, laughing breathlessly, trying to not look at Bex’s lips. “I mean, anyone can play cards! It’s really just about taking the time to learn how the game is play, and figuring out which strategies work, and--” The man cut her off, asking if she was going to lay down her bet any day now, girlie, causing Mina to throw a few chips in. “Really, I mean, really it’s not that big of a deal,” she lowered her voice just for Bex, “especially if he can do it.”
Bex just smiled, unable to hold it back anymore. If she wasn’t careful, she’d forget herself and be unable to hold back other things. She kept her eyes on the table, instead, and pretended like her face wasn’t beat red and on fire. She hoped Mina didn’t notice, but she was pretty sure Mina wasn’t even paying attention to the table anymore. Instead, Bex focused on her explanation again, finding it so, so easy to let herself drown out everything else and only listen to Mina’s voice. “Okay, so, only if you get a ten value and ace. But twenty-one still wins? What if someone gets Blackjack but someone else has a twenty-one that’s not Blackjack? Who would win?” She looked up at Mina then, her gaze catching the man in the corner who was rolling his eyes and glaring at both of them the way Bex’s father often glared at his newspaper before complaining about how tainted the town has become. The chips made a clicking noise as they were all pushed towards Mina and Bex reached out to start stacking them back up in neat little piles while giving the man a cheeky grin. She glanced to Mina out of the corner of her eye.
“You should give yourself more credit,” Bex said, making sure to loudly click the chips as she stacked them, as if to show them off, “any old person might be able to play the game, but it takes a real genius to win.” She wasn’t usually this confrontational, but Mina made her feel good enough to give the man a pointed look as she dropped the last chip on and scooted them to Mina. She watched his jaw clench and almost immediately regretted it, sinking back into Mina-- fear very often won out inside of her head, and even if he didn’t have the eyes of a wolf, she couldn’t be sure. “Either way,” she said a little quieter, “I think you’re brilliant.” The cards were flipped again and Mina’s hand won...again. “Case in point.”
“The blackjack wins because it’s only two cards. It doesn’t need to be hit again,” Mina said, trying to stay focused. “It’s the highest value you can get with two cards, and the less cards you have, the better. More cards means there’s a chance you could overshoot the value and have a bad hand.” She almost couldn’t care less about the game, though she did a preliminary scan around the rest of the table. She locked eyes with one of the men as he glared before she looked away quickly. She could have easily stared him down or smiled or even asked him if he needed some help, but she had never worn that kind of cruelty well. Instead, she simply looked at the chips from the previous round. Then she looked at Bex, who seemed happy, and that was nice, wasn’t it? Knowing that she made someone genuinely happy, even if there was still a bit of underlying stress? She could be okay with that. She wouldn’t, but she could, and that was dangerous. She put down her chips again and resigned herself for a less involved round. She wasn’t going to win, but neither was the newest man at the table. He doubled down even though it was a stupid idea, causing Mina to mutter, “I wonder if he can even play at all,” as the dealer gave him a card that sent his number over twenty-one. She might have played it safe and not one the round, but at least she wasn’t playing it foolishly. “I’m not,” she insisted. “I just know numbers.”
“Oh, yeah,” Bex said, nodding, “that makes sense, actually. Sorry, stupid question.” She watched Mina examine the table and noted that she wasn’t trying as hard this round. Were they getting suspicious? She hoped not, she was having so much fun and it seemed like Mina was, too. And that’s what really mattered, right? All Bex wanted was to make people happy-- her mom, her dad, her friends. But it really only seemed like Mina was the only person she could make happy. Sometimes it even seemed like she could barely make Morgan or Nell happy. She didn’t know how to be what they wanted her to be, but Mina didn’t expect Bex to be anyone but herself. Still, she wasn’t sure she could be even that, even for Mina. And, maybe, she wanted to be something else for Mina, with Mina. She didn’t win the round, but she didn’t lose, either. No, the man who kept glaring at them did. One bigot replaces another. She tugged on Mina’s hand. “Can we go get a drink after this?” she asked quietly, not wanting to be under the scrutiny of this man anymore, despite enjoying watching Mina wipe the table with him. “Once you’re done taking all his money?” she felt a little smile pulling onto her lips, couldn’t help it. “Oh, but isn’t that brilliant?” she asked, blinking. “Knowing numbers? Do you know how many people struggle with numbers? I think it’s amazing,” she said, squeezing her hand, the words slipping so easily from her lips, “and so are you.” 
“It’s not a stupid question. You really can’t ask me any sort of stupid question,” Mina said, and she meant it; she didn’t think it was possible. She’d answer any question that Bex asked, even if it was one that she never wanted to. The man snorted, and Mina turned to glare at him. “Yes, can I help you? Would you like me to show you how to play the game? Because I think you could use a bit of instruction in basic arithmetic.” Really, if he was just in a sour mood because she was beating him, he could at least be more subtle about it. At least this one didn’t seem liable to start cheating. He was just rude and testing her patience. She felt Bex tug on her hand and immediately looked over at her. “Oh, absolutely. We can do that now, if you’d like?” It was… probably best if they left, she thought, watching as one of the pit bosses started circling towards their table. She recognized him. He’d gotten close to throwing her out before. Or was he the same one that had been there with her and Luce? She wasn’t sure. “Knowing numbers isn’t brilliance, I assure you. It’s just something that I do for fun. It’s not useful for survival or anything.” But she frowned as she said it. That wasn’t true in the same way it had been a year ago. Mina… didn’t know how to feel about that. She shook it off. “I think knowing about the Neolithic era is far more brilliant, you know.”
Bex felt rather childish in the moment, but she wanted nothing more than to stick her tongue out at the man who kept snorting at them. She wasn’t about to let him ruin their night, though, so she kept it to herself and couldn’t help the laugh that came out of her when Mina spoke up. She bit her lip and nodded, sliding from her spot as she collected all the chips Mina had won from the few rounds they’d played, pointedly sliding the large stacks together. “Wow, you did so well,” she said a little loudly, perhaps rather high on the feelings between them, her feelings for Mina. “Drinks are on you, then?” Once they’d gathered up all the chips into a bag, she took Mina’s hand again and pulled her towards the bar, away from the prying eyes and the unwanted commentary. For some reason, she wanted Mina all to herself right now. “You know,” she said, her voice a little more even now that it was just them again, “something doesn’t have to be useful to be brilliant. Knowing about a bygone era nowadays is no more useful than knowing the quadratic formula. And besides,” she stopped turning to look at Mina, “you get this funny look on your face when you talk about math or theories and that, alone, is worth it.” 
“Well, obviously I wouldn’t make you pay,” Mina said, though she leaned in closer. Teasingly, and so that no one else could overhear them, she added, “Though, don’t think I haven’t forgotten why you technically can’t get in here, you know. It might be drink, as in singular.” She was mostly joking. Though Mina rarely drank, she’d started partaking in alcohol when she was younger than twenty-one. Of course, things were different for her, and she’d spent most of her life in places where the drinking age was lower. Plus, she metabolized things differently than most humans, whether that was due to not being human on near constant hunter training for most of her life. So, she was only mostly joking. Still, the thought of potentially getting caught doing something illegal, even with the multitude of illegal things she’d done… chaffed. She didn’t like it. There was also the fact that Bex was still recovering from her injuries. Mina had heard that alcohol and painkillers didn’t mix. As they walked over to the bar, she said, “Okay, but yours is far more interesting, and you explain things well, and it’s nice. I like it. And useful things are-- In the grand scheme of things, it’s--” Mina didn’t really know what she was trying to say. Instead, she scrunched up her nose a bit, fighting off a smile. “A funny look? That’s-- Hey, no. What kind of funny look?”
“Oh, well,” Bex started, batting her eyelashes, “I would never ask you to do anything illegal. I’m the child of two lawyers, after all. That would be blasphemy.” But she had smiled through the entire thing, because who cared? She didn’t need a drink, it wasn’t even that she really wanted one-- anything would do. It was just about the natural ease in which she seemed to fall in to sync with Mina, like always. Or how fast her heart was beating in her chest, or how warm her cheeks felt, or how her face was probably going to hurt from all this smiling by the end of the night. But after everything that had happened-- the movie, Frank, being asleep for weeks, her parents, the falls, Kyle-- Bex felt as if she deserved at least one night where she could just be happy. And that, alone, was such a rare thought. “I think that’s actually a matter of opinion,” she pointed out once her thoughts finally circled back around to the conversation, “I’m more than sure there’s people here who would rather hear about algorithms over cavemen. Though, did you know, the earliest form of card game entertainment dates all the way back to the ninth century? In the Chinese Tang Dynasty. They wrote on leaves and called it the ‘leaf game’.” Bex gave a cheeky grin, shrugging, as she headed towards the bar again. “I dunno. It’s so hard to describe. It’s cute, though. Maybe if you made it again I could take a picture and show you. Add it to our album from the Falls.” 
There was that feeling of being too warm again, right in Mina’s chest where she didn’t think it belonged. She was growing to believe that she didn’t mind it, though, and she couldn’t decide if that was worse or not. It was worse, though, that she knew Bex probably wouldn’t have to ask Mina to do something illegal. She might just do it. “You know, I almost believe you. Almost.” But she’s unfathomably happy, despite being too warm. Impossibly happy, really, she absolutely shouldn’t be this happy. “I’m sure there are people who prefer to hear about algorithms over cavemen; in fact, I think my program has most of them, and we’re a very small program. I just think I might be included in the number that would rather here about cavemen.” Not for any particular reason that she cared to linger on. Mina already knew algorithms. She didn’t know anything about cavemen. “What kind of symbols were on these leaf playing cards? Did they use kings and queens and jacks, or did that come about later?” She made another face, though this one was genuinely displeased. “Oh, no, no more pictures. I can’t stand having my picture taken.” If she thought about it, there was probably about three legitimately taken photos of her on the entire planet, and one of them was of her and her dad as her phone lockscreen. Another one was her student ID. The last one was the one from the falls that made her smile. Wilhelmina Fitzroy did a really good job trying not to exist. “What do you want to drink?” she asked as they got to the bar.
Bex grinned, wide and toothy. “I’m just an innocent girl,” she teased, “how could you not believe me?” As they made it up to the bar, she turned her back and leaned against the bar to face Mina, contemplating an answer. “Alright, alright, you got me there. My point is that I’d rather hear about algorithms from you then any of the other math nerds. And, well,” she shrugged again, watching her face closely, “I don’t think I’d mind telling you about cavemen.” The bartender was still busy, so it seemed they had a bit more time until they got service. Her father usually never had to wait, at least not in places like this where they knew his face. “They used numbers, actually. But even as far back as then, they were still assigned suits. Four them! Um-- lemme try and remember, it was…” she trailed off a moment, trying to pull her memory up. “Coins, strings or sticks,” she put up two finger as she counted off, “myriads and ten-myriads I think? Don’t quote me on that, though.” Bex furrowed her brow, frowning teasingly. “Okay, no pictures. For now.” Bex could understand that, though her discomfort with photography had long since been burned out of her. The amount of photos she’d had taken was far too many. “I’ll just have to do my best to describe it, then. And, um-- something fruity?” 
“I don’t know, actually, now that you ask,” Mina said, feeling dazed. She leaned forward against the bar, turning to face Bex properly. Bex’s eyes were so pretty. Mina blinked momentarily, catching herself. Then she put a hand to her chest, feigning offense. “Other math nerds? Are you calling me a nerd?” She tried to sound indignant, but she was laughing, just a bit. “Math nerd, funny looks. You know, it could be considered very rude to tease the person who’s buying you drinks, you know that?” Not that Mina found it rude at all, actually. “Did it go up to ten? The numbers? How many cards were in a suit? Also, what, exactly, is used to represent a myriad? Because I only know the word as meaning a, ah, large number.” It was silly, the way her brain immediately associated that word with a musical. “Oh, I’m absolutely quoting you on that, for sure, if I ever write a paper on the history of the leaf game of the Chinese Tang Dynasty. You’ll be the first person I cite. What’s the typical citations for American historical papers? Do I put your last name first or your first name?” The bartender was slowly but surely making his way toward them. Mina found that she didn’t particularly mind the wait. “I take terrible pictures. You know this. The best one that I think that’s out there is from when I was about six, and I was missing a tooth. Absolutely dreadful. Ah, okay, fruity.” When was the last time Mina had a fruity drink? When was the last time she had a drink? “Have you had a cosmopolitan before?”
Bex couldn’t help but laugh. “Cute math nerd, I feel like I need to add that addendum. But yes, nerd. I mean, though, if you’re a nerd, I am, too.” Another laugh escaped her lips as she watched Mina, enjoying the smile that was on her face probably more so than her own. It was the kind of smile that reached her eyes, and Bex wanted nothing more than to make sure it stayed that way. “You’re right, it could be. But I somehow don’t think you mind,” she teased back, giving a wink. She leaned an elbow on the bartop and put her hand in her chin as she looked over at Mina. If she was lucky, this night would never end. “Yes! The numbers were two through nine, and then the myriad was all tens and the ten-myriad was kind of like what we think of now as face cards. I believe they were symbols that look like a bunch of circles stacked on top of each other.” At that, she almost snorted, giving a feigned indignant huff and playfully pushing against Mina’s shoulder. “Don’t you dare. But if you do, it would be the Chicago Manual.” Gave half a smirk, reaching over to brush a piece of hair from Mina’s face. “I think you take great pictures,” she mumbled, “even with a funny look on your face.” And somehow, she got lost for a moment, just standing there, looking at Mina-- the color of her eyes, the shape of her cheek bones, the curve of her lips. Her hand was still hovering near Mina’s face, fingers brushing against her cheek. She could have stayed like that, too, if the bartender hadn’t chosen now of all times to come over, making a loud noise as he set a bottle down. “What can I get you ladies?” he asked, and Bex pulled away quickly, clearing her throat. “Oh, um-- cosmopolitan. That sounds-- fine. Yeah. If that’s what you’re having,” she deferred to Mina, tucking her chin to her shoulder as she tried to calm herself down for a moment. Her heart was beating way too fast
“Oh, well, I mean, that’s-- That’s a welcomed addendum, certainly, but the nerd is still there.” Please, Mina begged herself, don’t do anything embarrassing like blush or get scaly. Please. I’m begging. “You seem incredibly sure of that statement.” Which, in Bex’s defense, she should be. Mina absolutely didn’t mind. She didn’t mind much of anything, at the moment. She couldn’t bring to mind much more than: don’t get weird and try to pay attention. So she focused on Bex’s words about numbers and circles and ten-myriads. “Okay, yes, this does sound familiar. That’s incredible, actually, the way things have managed to somewhat stay the same, even over centuries.” Her heart was beating a bit faster than normal, and the push caused her hand to twitch, reflex trying to take over before she smiled it off, laughing. “Okay, Chicago Manual. An entire citation format, named after a city of all things. And not even a particularly good one, either. Which, Chicago is okay, but--” She went impossibly still as Bex’s fingers brushed a piece of hair away and just… stayed there. Fight or flight, they said. They often forgot to mention that freeze was a well-used third option, though not the most self-preserving. “I-- Well-- I don’t--” She was saved from her stumbling by the bartender. “Ah, right, yes. Two. Of those. Cosmopolitans.” She handed the bartender more money than was necessary to ensure that he didn’t attempt to ask for any sort of IDs as she attempted to lower her heart rate. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 4
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look at him laugh🥺 anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter as things begin to ramp up ;) (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
You never thought you’d find yourself getting on a plane from NYC to Boston.
After one last long week at The New York Times, countless rambling and squealing from Claire, two days worth of packing and mentally preparing yourself, you sighed heavily as you sat in your squeaky leather seat. You’d chosen to do an evening flight so you’d had the whole day to pack and prepare,
Ransom had offered to send out his family’s private jet but you politely declined, you weren’t quite ready to face him yet.
You grabbed your phone to text your best friend. She’d made you promise over and over again that you would keep her updated and maybe send some pics.
Hey girl, I’m on the plane. I’ll text you when I’m off!❤️
You pressed send and set your phone on airplane mode. You reached into the pocket of your cozy sweatshirt and grabbed your earbuds, untangling them. You sighed and turned on some soft beats, leaning your head back into the squeaky seat.
You remembered your younger life with Ransom. You remembered how close you were and yet how distant you later became. Your heart stopped and your hands tingled; what if this was just one of his sick games? What if he was using you just to get together with someone over the holiday?
There was no turning back now, so all you could do was relax yourself and try to think about when times were easier.
But all you thought about was when your friendship started to break.
“Say it again, Ransom.” You dared in a fiery tone. Ransom and you were standing inches from each other, fire blazing in both your eyes.
“(Y/N) you’re a goddamn know-it-all and I’m tired of being around you!” Ransom repeated as he threw his hands in the air. Your jaw dropped as he stared at you with wide eyes and a face that read “that’s right, I said it.”
“Oh yeah?” You yelled.
“Yes! You walk around with me all the time, go into class with me, make me feel stupid in front of the other people in class and in front of my friends!” He dished as he shook his hands furiously. You furrowed your brow and slammed your hands on your nightstand.
“Those assholes are not your friends, Ransom! They’re immature and irresponsible and are turning you into someone you’re not,” you reexplained for the millionth time.
“Ho-ly SHIT! You’re so controlling! You think you know everything about everyone, oh my god you’re insane.” Ransom ran a hand through his hair and pulled down his lower eyelids, revealing more white of his eyes.
“Ransom I’m literally trying to look out for you and be in your best interest!” You cried. Your blood boiled and your stomach was turning from the stress. Ransom rolled his eyes and paced, muttering an “oh my god.”
“I’ve been there for you since we started this freak show! I know you better than anyone else! Who helped you when your dad was being a bitch? Who was there for you when other kids wouldn’t talk to you? I WAS!” Hot tears began to stream down your face as you yelled. Ransom stayed quiet and waited for you to finish. “You and I have made it through it all and now you want to ditch me for some fake-ass gold-digging white boys on drugs? These boys are using you Ransom!”
You saw Ransom’s blue eyes become slightly misty as you wiped your own eyes and calmed down a little. “Ransom, you know I love you and would do so much for you, but this isn’t it. You told me you weren’t going to become your dad,” you said earnestly. You had taken it too far though, for Ransom’s eyes narrowed and he came closer to you and grabbed your arms.
“Never, EVER, compare me to my father ever again you bitch,” Ransom said through gritted teeth before throwing your arms back and storming out, leaving you to fall to the floor and sob.
You blinked a few times to find yourself again. You wondered how many of those habits he had kept. You wondered what events awaited you in Boston. Do you think he was married? No no, he wouldn’t have invited you to stay at his home so quickly if he was married... Oh shit, was this an affair arrangement?
God, chill out, you thought. Readjusting yourself in the seat, you slowly closed your eyes as the plane made its way into the night air.
Ransom began his wait for you as he tried to time your arrival.
He was way calmer about the whole situation than you were. Hey, maybe he’d get something out of this to his pleasure. He smiled to himself and shook his head, laying on his couch and watching TV.
Oh wait that’s right, you wouldn’t want to do anything with him considering how “disgusting” he was. It was too bad the two of you got into an argument, he thought. He thought you were pretty cute but when you made a reference to Richard the affection turned to hatred.
All Ransom wanted to do was enjoy boarding school the way he wanted to. And that’s when his new friends came into the picture. The girls were all over him by that point, so what did you matter to him?
Damn, he wondered what you would be like when you arrived. Still hot? He looked out the window to the Boston day becoming darker, the moon and stars shining. His blue eyes slowly began to close, as he let out a sigh.
Ransom was woken up 45 minutes later to an alarm warning him you’d be at the airport soon. He groaned and ran a hand through his brown locks, forcing himself to sit up. The moon was bright and full and the trees outside shook in the breeze.
Ransom stood up and stretched, walking slowly towards the door to put on shoes and grab his keys.
He was met with frigid air when he stepped outside, seeing his breath as he huffed. He hopped into his BMW, revving up the engine and making his way towards the airport.
You were hit with butterflies as the plane landed. You looked around at all the plane and landing lights, seeming festive all by themselves.
You stood up to grab your things from above you and followed the crowd out the door and into the airport. You shivered from both nerves and the chill of Boston. You had done your best to look cute yet casual before you left, wearing a cute sweatshirt meant to be styled like a cable knit sweater, black leggings, and some cozy Uggs. Was it basic? Yes. Did you care? Not up until now.
Hoping your hair looked okay and that you’d put on enough makeup to suffice, you slowly walked into the airport and glanced around looking for that certain familiar face.
“(Y/N)!” A voice called out. You looked towards the direction of the sound and your stomach knotted.
There stood Ransom Drysdale in front of you with all his glory. He wore a maroon sweater with jeans and a pair of black leather shoes. His brown hair was combed back and his blue eyes shined from the lights of the airport. Did he get hotter? Wait why are you asking yourself that?
Shit shit shit shit shit...
“R-Ransom! Oh my god!” you exclaimed. He smiled at you which made your knees go weak. You forced an uncomfortable smile back at him as he hugged you for a moment.
“It’s been a while, how are you?” He asked. You could see through him easily. No matter how smitten you were, you could tell he was just trying to act normal and make normal human talk before unleashing his master plan.
“I’ve never been better,” you laughed as he pulled away and looked at you. His blue eyes quickly raked you up and down as he sighed.
“You haven’t changed a bit since we graduated,” he remarked with a fake twinkle in his eye. You blushed against your will and smiled.
“Oh god Ransom, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” You remarked. Ransom laughed.
“Come on, I’ll help you get out to my car,” he said before grabbing one of your suit cases.
“Oh! You don’t have to do that!”
“No really, that’s what best friends do.” He winked. Goddammit, how does this man manage to be both charming and fake at the same time?
Ransom sighed to himself. And so it began. He assumed you would warm up to him at some point and stop being your obnoxious polite self. He quickly glanced at you as you looked around the airport with bright eyes. He could tell you were intimidated.
You followed him out the door and shivered as a huge gust of wind overcame you as you walked out into the Boston night air. You picked up your pace slightly and held your coat closer.
“Yep, this is Boston,” Ransom replied to your actions. You gave him a nervous smile as the two of you continued walking.
The ride back to Ransom’s home was rather quiet. The two of you made polite conversation about the basics such as work, life, etc., but after all was said and done you rode for a good ten minutes in silence. Your body language was tense; you held your hands together and continued to glance out the window or stare at the road. Ransom seemed not to be bothered at all. Almost as if the two of you were still as close as you used to be.
Your phone buzzed and you looked down. Claire’s name was plastered as the caller ID.
“Shit,” you mumbled. You’d forgotten to text her admist all your nerves. “Sorry Ransom, this is my best friend,” you gestured to the phone.
“Not to worry.” He reassured. You answered and held the phone to your ear.
“Took you long enough!” Claire snapped. You exhaled and looked up.
“Sorry sorry, I just lost track of what I had planned,” you explained apologetically. Ransom chuckled to himself and shook his head. So, you had a best friend? He was sure he wasn’t going to hear the end of her during this holiday.
“It’s cool, I get it. So, where are you at now?”
You hesitated and cleared your throat uncomfortably.
“Oh we’re heading back to his place.”
“AH!” Claire squealed. You clenched your eyes shut and scrunched your nose. You knew Ransom could hear when he chuckled quietly.
“Ugh, this is so exciting girl! Okay okay okay, I won’t keep you any longer. Text me tonight okay?” She said eagerly, her voice dripping with the excitement she meant to hold back.
“Yep mhm,” you dismissed. Claire giggled one last time before hanging up the phone.
“She’s an excited one,” Ransom noted. You laughed and shook your head.
“Haha, yeah... She’s a bit of a fire cracker.” You replied. “Sh-she’s actually doing an article on your mom, which is how this whole thing kinda started,” you confessed. Ransom blinked as his eyes widened.
“Wow, huh.” He was taken aback. So you didn’t really mean to do that? Did that change the situation? Maybe a little, but he wasn’t going to let that stop him. “Well I mean that’s exactly what my mom needs is to have her ego be fed,” he retorted. You laughed nervously.
Ransom pulled into the driveway of his house and your jaw dropped.
“My god,” you breathed. His house was gorgeous. A balcony, large windows, beautiful trees landscaping around it...
“Y-Your house is gorgeous!” You complimented. Ransom smiled.
“Well, this week, what’s mine is yours,” he replied before getting out of the BMW. You slowly climbed out too, walking around to grab your bags from the back without taking your eyes off the house.
“Excited?” Ransom questioned. A twinge of nervousness struck your stomach as he asked that.
“Yeah, definitely,” You forced a grin. He led you to the door where he began to unlock it.
Your insides twisted and turned and your mind raced. This was the start of what you assumed was going to be a long week.
hehehe, hope you enjoyed! stay tuned for chapter 5!❤️
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falling-pages · 4 years
😈 Takashi for "was he/she worth it?"
Romeo & Juliet: Mori x reader (part 1/3)
FYI, this is an AU where Mori is not rich or related to Honey. He’s just a normal guy, rather poor, who falls in love with a celebrity’s daughter.Also, I don’t think this first part is very good because it is setting up for parts 2 and 3, which will be good, I promise!
Romeo and Juliet wasn’t just a warning about hasty love or a satiric play about class divisions. It was a story of love conquering all, creating a bond that severs societal expectations and lasts past death. Though often reviled by actors and mocked by shallow-minded literature snobs, you knew it to be a tale of love and sacrifice for the greater good. 
The young lovers were never meant to be happy. They were only pawns that had the unfortunate desire to act out.
You would know, because you’re living it right now. 
When you first laid eyes on Takashi Morinozuka, you knew you were bound to love him. Before you even knew his name, you were drawn to the regal way in which he carried himself, convinced he was of noble birth. But when you looked closer and saw the callouses on his skin and plain clothing, you could tell he wasn’t.
You felt your heart shatter over a future that could never be before it had even begun. 
And yet, you couldn’t help yourself.
It is fitting that you met in a pet shelter. It was the only place you could be yourself, because animals don’t ask for selfies or autographs, and it was the only place that Takashi wasn’t met with fear. Dogs can see everything humans can’t. When others saw a tall, brutish-looking teenage boy with a face of stone and hair of tar, the dogs saw a smiling, humble companion. And you–well, you saw the love of your life.
Takashi didn’t see you at first. He was too busy putting a dog back in its kennel after a walk when suddenly you were half-way to him, drawn in by that brooding air. The dog barked and like a trumpet from Heaven, the boy looked at you.
The look he gave you sent chills down your spine. His gray eyes widened, and he made a choking sound, so distracted that he forgot to latch the cage. Out scuttled the pooch, a wiry gray dog, who immediately pounced on you and tackled you to the floor in a giant licking fit.
You gasped at the boy’s deep voice, and then again as the dog, this harbringer, stepped on your windpipe in obedience. Benaya pranced back to his handler, a smile on that bearded face, as the boy ran to you in horror.
“Miss, are you alright?”
You fluttered you eyes open to see him crouched beside you, hand resting by your head. Close-up, you could see the worry etched in every gentle line of his face.
“Oh, I’m fine,” you whisper, rubbing the side of your head. You accept his outstretched hand, and when he pulls you to your feet, you see just how big he really is. You were tall for a girl anyways, but you felt so small, so feminine with him. It was a nice feeling to have his hand completely cover yours. And as you met eyes, you felt yourself fall.
Later, Takashi told you he never believed in fate until that moment.
“Is this your dog?” you asked, letting go of his hand and pointing.
The little rascal was sitting on his bed, paws crossed, with a satisfied glint in his eyes. Self-satisfaction reeked from him.
“No,” the boy whispered. “Not yet. I just volunteer here.” Your eyes wandered to his ID card in a lanyard around his neck. “But once I save up the adoption fee, they said I could have him. They gave me some other supplies for him.”
His voice filled with emotion, a spark you hadn’t yet heard in his deadpan tone. As if he understood, Benaya wagged his tail, giving a little “yip” of approval. It was obvious how much they both loved each other.
As you were about to ask him more, you spotted your sister, Etsuko, searching for you. You groaned at your babysitter.
“I have to leave,” you say, grabbing the boy’s attention.
“Will I see you again?” he blurts out.
You smile at the butterflies lining your stomach. Crazy fans always asked that, and you would be alarmed at such sudden desperation, but something was different with him. “Of course. I’ll be back next Saturday.” The back of your neck burns, as if Etsuko is lasering her disapproval into your skin. “Goodbye…?”
“Call me Takashi.” It suited him, long and strong.
“(Y/N) (L/N).”
He blinked, lightly wetting his lips. “Goodbye, Miss (Y/N).”
On the drive home, the situation rolled over in your mind. He was the first person in a while to not gawk or stammer when they realized who you were. It was refreshing to be treated like a normal person for once.
- - - - - - - - - – - - - - - – - - - - - - - - - - - - – - -
Weekly shelter visits progressed into biweekly walks in the park that turned into tiny daily after-school adventures with the boy with the hard face. As you spent more time with him, usually petting your favorite teacup chihuahua while watching him wrestle with Benaya in the park, you felt yourself drawn into his mysterious aura. 
He was different than all the boys who had tried to court you before. He was rough and often came back from walks dirty with a smile on his face. He rarely spoke, which was nice. It was a break from all the flattery you endured from hopeless rejects trying to get on your parents’ good sides. And though he did admit he was a fan of your parents’ music–they had redefined the category of modern Japanese classicalism, after all–he never spouted about them. He liked you, he enjoyed your company. He wasn’t using you to get ahead. That was a feeling you rarely got from anyone. 
Takashi lacked the charisma and social standing of any boys in your circle, but he possessed a kind heart and a certain innocence that poor people have, free from any ulterior motives. You had never seen such genuine loyalty before. 
The more time you spent with him, the stronger you felt that connection grow. You felt safest around him. His towering build scared off potential attackers, sure, and you felt comforted when his shadow covered you from nosy paparazzi. But feeling safe and protected wasn’t just about warding off potential thieves. It was about placing your heart in his hands and knowing he wouldn’t crush it. After years of being on your guard against people using you for your fame, you could finally show Takashi this hidden room inside your soul, unlocking your emotions just for him. 
He would always respond the same way: listening to you, drinking in your grievances and excitement. Occasionally he would mutter a “ya” to remind you he’s there, but most often he would pull you onto his lap or against his chest so you could feel him shielding you from the outside. 
He was never greedy with your emotions, always waiting until you were ready to discuss them. Your two worlds were so different, but through hard work on both sides, you two met in the middle and created a little world, a perfect Eden, of your own.
Your dates were low-key. You didn’t even know if they were actual dates or not. All you knew is that you wanted to be with him. Every time you were, you felt something in your heart grab onto him.
Your best day together wasn’t a spontaneous date. You suspected he had been planning something for the past couple of weeks, and when you met together at the secret rendezvous spot,  he held a picnic basket and a bright smile.
Gosh, that smile–you could look at it all day, and often, he’d let you. Most of the time you would just sit together in silence, or you’d meet at a cafe and just stare at him over tea as you read together.
But something was different today. Emotion cracked that strict facade on Takashi’s face as soon as you rounded the corner. He smiled, really smiled, and the light reached into his eyes. Since they were gray as steel, most people thought they were unfeeling, cold, and hard as he was. Moments like these, though, when your presence let the light in, when his pupils would expand, the steel would melt into just a slick, ashy pool, warmed into liquid by your presence.
You knew he would never say it. He never could. He barely spoke about anything, much less about love. But you saw it. You felt it in the strength of his fingers when he took your hand. 
These little touches made all the difference. You two had never done much of anything physical together, besides some hugs when you were upset. Just a few hand brushes here, fixing hair there. Like he knew he was big and wanted to protect you from himself.
That changed, however, when he led you uptown to a little clearing in a park you had never seen before. In the middle of it lay a scattering of dark blue roses with a checkered blanket. An angel fountain piped water into the air, casting a rainbow mirage over the scene. On the outskirts of town, barely any pedestrians, with bright grass and a vibrant sun overhead, he had surprised you with the most romantic moment of your life. 
“Takashi,” you whispered, “did you do this for me?”
Without warning you jumped into his arms and hugged him. He didn’t even flinch or drop the basket, just held you close with one arm. With your cheek against his neck, you felt his skin heating with a blush. His cologne swept into your nose, odd because he usually never wore cologne, as his natural manly scent was enough to draw you in. But maybe he wanted to make a good impression today. 
“It’s beautiful,” you said, pulling away from him.
“Not as beautiful as you.”
Takashi set you on the ground before taking your hand, pulling you into your own personal garden. You don’t know how this he got this space reserved or privatized. He was intimidating enough, but then he left to come get you. 
You both sat down on the blanket, careful not to crush the scattered roses. As Takashi unpacked the picnic, you dug your fingernail into the threads of the blanket. It was exceptionally well-made, soft as a cloud but thick enough to be a cushion from the grass.
He pulled out two crabs, a pot of mashed potatoes, and a container of garden salad. Your mouth watered as the smell hit your nose, but he looked at you sheepishly.
“I could only get two crabs,” he admitted as he passed you the bigger one. “I’m sorry, I know this probably isn’t what you’re used to.”
You broke one of the legs and immediately dove into the fleshy tissue. “All I need is you here with me,” you reassure him.
The corner of his mouth tips upwards, and you both eat in silence. 
The crab is succulent, the butter coating the back of your teeth as you swallow. This, the blue roses, possibly a reservation fee for the spot…how much money did he spend on you? You knew he did not have that much to begin with, and that he was saving up for Benaya. How did he afford all of this?
You can’t help but look at him. Towering over everyone, his back in perfect, kendo-inspired posture, muscles rippling and peeking out of his button-up shirt. He had the disposition of a king with the humble swagger and good looks of a god.
And his skin–it was darker than everyone else’s. Odd for a Japanese man, and you wondered if it were his genes or just the amount of time he spent outdoors under the sun. But it looked nice. It suited his dark hair and kept him from looking sickly.
Unabashed, you kept staring at him. Shy as he was, only stealing glances at you every so often, you weren’t afraid of being caught. You had been shut in so much growing up, taught to be a silent figurehead for your parents. You needed to be noticed by him.
After the meal, Takashi packed everything up while you fell on your back, content to take a nap. Your eyes searched the clouds lazily; you checked out mentally, grateful for a full stomach and the sun on your face.
There’s some rustling, and you feel your upper half slightly lifted. Opening your eyes fully, you see Takashi lie down beside you, stiffly stretching his arm under your head. He never looked at you, only kept his gaze glued to the sky.
If your ambitious parents taught you anything, it was to go after what you want.
You shifted your body closer to his, curling up to put your head on his shoulder. Immediately you felt him gasp. Were you too direct? It’s only been two months since you’ve met, after all, though it felt like you’ve known each other forever. Were you misreading him?
But then the arm under you slides over to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, and he smiles again. You’ve never seen him smile so much in one day.
Snuggled up together, watching the sky in peaceful silence, you didn’t think this day could get much better. But then Takashi grew restless. 
He sat up half-way, still cradling you under his arm, and gave you your first kiss in a bed of blue roses. 
You sighed against his mouth, pulling his body into yours. You couldn’t even feel the sun or the grass anymore. All you could feel were Takashi’s fingers lightly graze your wrist, and then his full, warm lips pressed so firmly into yours. He arched over you, but you felt safe.
It was the best day of your life.
You had no idea that it would turn into a nightmare when you returned home.
That concludes part 1! Parts 2 and 3 will be posted in the reblogs very soon! Enjoy the fluff because the next parts are just full of pain and angst
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dawnwave16 · 4 years
Marinette aka Irakusa-chan
So I might or might not continue this, I’ll see what everyone thinks first...
Marinette had always loved video games. Her father had gotten her hooked on UMS when she had been very young and she had followed her passion from there. She also loved fashion design and knew that if her designing took off, she would need to be able to speak at least one language other then French. She chose Japanese and when the VRMMORPG SAO came out she had paid the extra fee to get both the nerve gear and game shipped to Paris so that she could play it. She had woken up extra early to make sure she could play it when it launched, logged in under the game ID of Irakusa (Nettle) and had loved every second of it until she had found that she couldn’t log out.
Instead of panicking like many of the others did when the announcement came that they were now in what was essentially a death game, she had followed two boys into the alley and asked if she could join the younger of the two when he headed out. Kirito, for that, was his name, had been reluctant at first but her reasoning of being safer with someone watching his back had agreed and their partnership grew from there. She had let him claim the name Beater after they beat the first-floor boss but had refused to leave his side.
Together they had worked their way through the floors, watching each other’s backs and keeping each other alive. Somewhere along the line, they had fallen in love with each other too and when they had retrieved the revival item they had agreed to get married so the if one of them died the other could revive them. They occasionally worked with Asuna too and while it was clear to anyone that had eyes that Asuna liked Kirito, Kirito only had eyes for Marinette. In the end, Asuna had settled for being good friends to both of them and had let herself fall for Klein instead. They made an odd couple but it worked and everyone was happy.
When Kirito and Irakusa had found Yui, Klien and Asuna had been contacted and they had worked together to try and find out her origins. All four of them had been devastated when she had finally remembered everything after touching the admin console, and both Asuna and Irakusa had celebrated when Kirito had managed to save her as an in-game item. When Kirito had found his Duel Weilding unique skill they had been startled. They had been even more startled when she found a unique skill of her own in her menu, Shurikenjutsu. It had taken some experimentation but they had discovered that this let her conceal her weapons, something she enjoyed doing anyway as she generally made all of their casual clothes with the sowing skill.
When they had reached the 75th floor and defeated the Skull Reaper, Irakusa had been relieved. They only had 25 floors left was all that had run through her mind. Then Kirito had thrown the curveball at everyone by revealing that Heathcliff was Kayaba and had challenged him to the winner takes all duel. She had watched with her heart in her throat as they had fought and Marinette as Irakusa had broken through the paralysis to save Kirito’s life at the cost of her own at the end without a second thought. Finding themselves on a ledge watching as Aincrad had deleted itself had been a blessing as they had been able to reveal their IRL identities to each other as well as her being able to finally tell him she was in France and that she would find her way to him as soon as she could.
That had turned out to be harder than expected as her parents had wanted to smother her with love almost as soon as she’d woken up. She had managed to get hold of Kirito a week later though and despite the distance, they had sworn to keep dating. She had even managed to convince her parents to let her get an Amusphere and to let her play ALO once she had completed enough physiotherapy to regain some of the muscle mass she had lost during her time in SAO. Whenever she wasn’t chatting to Kirito and doing her physio she was working her way through the school work that she had missed. Thankfully she had been a year ahead so she only needed to catch up a single year's worth of work instead of two, however, she was determined to catch up as much as she could and hopefully stay that year ahead.
This turned out to be easy for her as, despite being in-game, there had been enough people of school-going age that the players that had been school teachers IRL had banded together to create a school of sorts so that they didn’t have too much to catch up. It also turned out that by following the Japanese curriculum as she had been, she had pushed ahead in certain subjects and hadn’t needed to catch up with them at all!
She had gone into ALO when she had received the news about Asuna and the three hundred and made her way to meet up with the assault team at the base of the world tree. Leafa had been stunned when Kirito had kissed her as had many of the ALO players but they didn’t pay them much attention as they worked together to free everyone.
It wasn’t too long after all of that that she had received the Ladybug Miraculous. She had had a long talk with Tikki about what would work and what wouldn’t with regards to her weapon skills from SAO vs her ladybug skills but in the end, they had agreed that if she used too many of those skills she would probable reveal identity by accident so she kept most of her skills hidden. Marinette had soon discovered that being Ladybug had helped her recover much more then the physio did which she absolutely loved. When she had told Kirito about it he had been slightly jealous but he had also been relieved because he knew that her plan was push through school as fast as she could so that she could move to Japan.
Two years after SAO and 6 months after becoming Ladybug a new girl joined her class. Marinette hadn’t paid much attention to her, preferring to concentrate on keeping her momentum in class going. She felt she lost enough learning time due to being Ladybug and wanted nothing more than to ignore all the drama that seemed to erupt around Lila. She had even said as much quite absently one day when one of the people in her class had tried to make her join everyone during lunch. It seemed that Lila had taken this as a challenge and tried everything she could think of to try and make everyone hate Marinette. While it worked on some of the class there were those it hadn’t worked on completely so even though Marinette found herself as an outsider yet again, Lila wasn’t satisfied.
It was completely by accident that Marinette toppled all of Lila’s lies in the end. Unknown to Marinette, Lila had organised for the whole class to be able to log in to ALO on a Saturday afternoon. She had promised to show them all the best areas to level up and had even promised to introduce the class to Kirito, Klein, Asuna and Irakusa. Max had been over the moon at the thought of meeting such high profile players and Lila had figured out how to lie when they didn’t get to meet them. Unfortunately, the area that Lila had led the class into was a high-level area that none of them should have ventured anywhere near. Lila had screamed and tried to run away as soon as a mob had appeared, however, Adrien had reacted just as quickly and had stopped her. The class had tried working together to beat it but even combined, they just couldn’t beat the mob as their attacks didn’t do enough damage.
Just as they were about to accept defeat the mob shattered, leaving them all stunned. The figure stood up slowly then turned around revealing Marinette’s features.
“What are you doing here?” Lila growled at her, “I didn’t invite you nor did I organise an AmuShere for you!” The class blinked in surprise at that thoughtless admission. Lila had told them that Marinette had declined the opportunity to join them.
“I was in the area,” Marinette said calmly. “There is meant to be a mock raid in about an hour and we, that is my party and myself, wanted to grind a little. It probably won’t add much to our levels but it’s still fun.”
“Who the hell would party with a loser like you?” Lila was growing angrier by the minute. First Marinette had shown up with no warning and beat something none of them could beat, now she was acting innocent about it.
“That would be us,” a male voice sounded from behind the class and they turned to look at the newcomer. Their first thought was that he was wearing too much black, much like Marinette was wearing too much blue. They then looked behind him and saw several more players standing calmly and chatting among themselves. They seemed to be a completely mixed group though. They could see almost every race that you could play as represented within the group.
Max was the next one to speak, “Seriously though, how did you take that mob out? We couldn’t even damage it. Lila said this was a good area for noob grinding.” As he said that the group that Marinette was with started laughing quite hard. This, in turn, made the class glared at them. Marinette almost regretted all the time she had spent teaching her group French when that happened.
“Noob area? This isn’t a noob area!” Asuna said between breaths. “This is for the higher level players as more often than not only high-level mobs spawn here.”
The class looked troubled until Adrien looked at Marinette.
“How high level are we talking here?” He asked while looking at the class in concern.
“Not as high as say the mobs in the Labyrinth, but still high enough to give someone who has done some serious grinding at least some XP per kill,” Marinette explained almost pensively, while the rest of her group nodded. It was then that the class realised that none of the people with Marinette had introduced themselves.
“By the way, who are you, people?” Nino asked.
“Oh!” Marinette said looking startled. “Well you already know who I am IRL but as it’s rude to use real names in-game, I’m called Irakusa.”
“And I’m Yui!” A navigation pixie said bursting out of Kirito’s pocket.
Even though they were in-game, Lila looked like she was about to faint. Max looked like he wanted to start asking all sorts of questions and Chloe just looked like she would rather be elsewhere.
“I’d forgotten you played these and that you were the only person in France that was trapped in SAO,” she stated, her boredom evident in her tone. The class whipped round to stare at both girls as Marinette laughed.
“Well, your dad did stop the press from printing my name as far as I know.” Marinette chirped with a smile. She then walked over to Kirito and let her head rest on his shoulder.
Max looked at her in awe, “Are you really Irakusa?”
“Yup,” she replied happily then checked the notification that popped up. “Hey, guys they calling for everyone who wants to join the boss room raid to head there now. Do you want to stay around here or join in the raid?”
“Let’s join the raid for old times sake.” Asuna said and the rest of the group nodded. The group’s wings came out quickly and to the class’ disbelief, they flew off without any of them using the weird hand control remote that they all had to use.
Before they could say anything however all of them found themselves back in the real world, their session having timed out. They handed back all the hired gear without protest then turned to Lila. They wanted answers and they knew just where to get them from!
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sangria-sheeran · 5 years
The Calm—Chapter 3
Hi remember me? I used to write this story but then school got super crazy and I didn’t have time, but I really love it and want to keep writing. Here’s the next chapter! I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
“How do you always manage to get yourself into these crazy situations, Cass,” my best friend Lexi rolls her eyes.
We’re sitting in the back of an Uber weaving through traffic. I told her about what happened with Ed, and she agreed to come with me. It’s a little past eight. My mom wasn’t even home from work yet so she has no idea I’m gone—but it’s not like she’ll care anyway.
“What do you mean?” I question her. “This kind of shit never happens to me.”
I’m looking out the window. Traffic is relatively heavy compared to most nights. Is it because of the show? Is this guy a big deal? When I got up to my room above the bar that night I googled him, and I’ve heard a few of his songs—and liked them—but I didn’t know how famous he was.
“Oh yeah right,” she responds. “It’s usually not this extravagant but still.”
I shake my head. I’ve known Lexi for the last few years. She’s a year older than me, graduated from high school last year and is enrolled in a local community college, but understands me more than anymore else. We’ve done some stupid stuff together—that both her and I insinuated—so there is no one else I’d want to go to this show with me. Both of us are dressed casually. I have on black jeans and a band t-shirt and she’s wearing a skirt and sweater. My long brunette hair is in its natural waves. The car gets off the freeway, meaning that we’re getting close. My heartbeat picks up and I don’t know why.
“I don’t know how close I’m going to get you,” our Uber driver says from the front seat.
“Okay,” I turn to face her. “If you tell me you’re uncomfortable, we leave, no questions asked. But that also goes for if I tell you it’s weird, okay?”
“Of course,” she assures me. “Just tell me the word and we’ll run out of there.”
I smile.
A few minutes later the car halts.
“I’m sorry, it’s all backed up so this is as close as I can get,” the driver announces.
“This is perfect,” I tell him. “Thank you so much.”
We both slide out of the Honda out my side and make our way down the pavement. It’s freezing! February in Michigan is the worst, in the thick of winter, and there is snow and ice everywhere.
“I think it’s up there,” Lexi points a few blocks ahead of us at a large crowd all making their way through a few sets of doors.
I gulp. Shit, there are a lot of people here. We slowly make our way up the street through throngs of excited teenage girls and I stop in line in front of the box office. There’s a couple in front of us, with the girl bouncing on her heels and guy looking like he needs a drink or two to get through the next few hours. I bounce on my heels nervously as time keeps going by. What are his intentions? I tried to make it clear to him last night that I wanted this to be a strictly professional relationship that may grow into a friendship, but that’s it. Right now I want to focus on music—on doing as well as I can on my own to be able to be completely independent. He seems like a nice guy, I’m sure he’ll get it.
“Next in line,” the woman in the ticket office announces, looking like this job has drained the life out of her.
“Hi, umm, I was told to come here to pick up tickets,” I stutter, looking down at my hands.
She huffs. “Name and ID please,” she retorts.
I hand over my ID and feel my toes wiggling in my shoes. I don’t know why I’m nervous.
The woman reaches behind her and grabs two passes from a box behind her without even taking her eyes off the computer in front of her.
“These are for you, it says that you have all-access,” she slides two laminated passes through the small opening at the bottom of the window. “My colleague over here can take you backstage.” She motions to a man standing by the side of the box office with an earpiece in.
My eyes widen briefly. He arranged to have us brought backstage? I thought we were just going to be in the back and then maybe meet up later. I mean he did make me promise to let him buy me a drink; maybe he’s just making sure I keep up my end.
I gulp and thank her, taking the passes and handing one to Lexi.
“No shit!” She exclaims when she sees the pass. “Is this real?”
“Come on, let’s see what they’re up to,” I motion toward the security guard and show him my pass. He nods and then leads us through a side door into the venue.
There are people everywhere—and not just teenage girls like I expected—there are couples, old people, kids, parents with children, everyone. People from every walk of life have all gathered here, and that’s beautiful. The guard finally stops when we make it to a door with the word restricted on it.
“Have a good night,” he bids us farewell and turns back toward the crowd, quickly disappearing in all the hustle and bustle.
Lexi beams at me. “This is crazy! Come on!” Then she tugs the door open.
We’re met by the sound of music blaring from a speaker at the end of the hallway. I know this song, but I don’t know the name of it, and for some reason, it takes me back to childhood. As we make our way down the hall, a wave of recognition comes over me; it’s “Without Me” by Eminem.
I don’t know how I excepted to find Ed that night, but then this definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. Usually when you hear about musicians, they have girls and drinks and drugs everywhere, but no, when I walked into the room that was the source of the music, I saw Ed and another guy with dark hair rapping the lyrics at each other at the top of their lungs doing elaborate hand motions that I’m sure made them think they look cool. I look over at Lexi and she’s smirking, looking extremely amused.
The dark-haired guy notices us and pats Ed on the shoulder. “You got guests?” He says and reaches over to pause the music.
Ed whips around and a smile comes on his face when he sees me.
“You made it! I didn’t know if you’d actually come!” He smiles and pulls me into a quick hug. “This is my cousin, Murray, he films stuff for me. Not like that, like tour diaries and shit. Murray, this is Cassidy, the girl I told you about.”
“I like that,” Ed glances between both of us, a grin on his face.
“Way to go, mate, making me sound like a dodgy porn producer,” Murray holds out a hand for me to shake and I laugh. I already like this guy.
“This is my friend Lexi,” I gesture to Lexi and she waves.
“Ah so you’re the one that’s here to make sure I don’t pull any stupid shit,” Ed smirks. “You also have to make sure your friend holds up her end of the promise.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve put her in her place before,” Lexi responds.
The moment is interrupted by a tall man tapping on the open door to my right.
“We’ll talk after the show, alright,” Ed nods at me and walks toward the guy who’s holding a guitar.
I smile, and then he’s off down the hallway.
I sink back into the leather couch and let out a sigh of relief. Finally I’m sitting. Lexi and I watched Ed’s set from the side of the stage with Murray and all three of us danced our asses off. I don’t know if I was supposed to act cool or like I didn’t care about being here, but it was an insane experience and I wasn’t going to waste it by being self-conscious. Every once in awhile Ed would glance over at us and giggle, probably laughing at how uncoordinated we all were; I’m sure the crew probably thought we were drunk. But now I’m sat in one of the rooms backstage with about twenty other people all talking. Ed said he had to shower real quick after coming off stage, but told me to wait for him here with everyone else. Music was playing from the speaker they were using earlier (Eminem still), and there is a buzz in the air from all the talking. Lexi was having a great time, chatting with one of his opening acts about some obscure show they both watched and I was just content to be on my own for a second. I didn’t realize how zoned out I was until Ed interrupted my thoughts.
“You alright? You look a bit out of it?” He asked, handing an opened beer to me and then raising the one in his other hand to his lips.
“Yeah, sorry,” I blush.
He sits down next to me and faces me.
“‘right, tell me about you,” he says.
I take a swig of my beer. God! Why do people drink this? It tastes like carbonated pee. I cough slightly.
“This is a two-wave street; the only thing I know about you is that you’re on tour and you have a terrible taste in alcohol,” I retort.
“Hey!” He laughs. “I think this is a local beer.”
“Doesn’t make it suck any less.”
He grabs my drink from my hand and walks over to the corner of the room, returning a few minutes later with a red solo cup. I take a sip and smile: vodka tonic.
“Alright, well,” he tucks his leg under him. “My name is Ed, I’m twenty-one, and I don’t know whether or not to be happy or offended that you didn’t google me before coming here.”
I shrug.
“Your turn then,” he takes a sip of his beer.
“My name is Cassidy, I’m eighteen, and I write songs and absolutely hate singing them in front of people.”
“Wait really? Then why were you performing at a pub?”
“Because right now no one will sing my songs except me.”
“Fair enough. Have you always wanted to go into music?”
I pause. I honestly don’t know the answer to that. I’ve always liked music, but I was never told I could make a career out of it.
“I think so,” I gulp. I don’t know to get into this with him. “What about you?”
“Yeah, I was quite shit at school so I always knew that I had to do something in the arts, then I started playing guitar and it all kind of clicked. I really liked those songs you played last night.”
“Thanks! I literally wrote ‘Latch’ in math class the day before,” I pause, smiling to myself, “I guess there’s a reason why I failed my test today.”
“I personally think it’s worth it.”
I shift in my seat and the song changes and another Eminem song comes on.
“Jesus, I get it that you’re in Detroit but this is so much Eminem,” I laugh and take a big sip, feeling the faint burn of the liquor.
“I’ll have you know that Eminem was an integral part of my childhood,” he smirks.
I laugh.
“No seriously, my dad bought me The Marshall Mathers LP when I was eleven because my uncle is a legend and said that Eminem was the next Bob Dylan because he heard ‘Stan’ on the radio. It massively helped my street-cred: I was walking around with these huge glasses, ginger hair, and mumbling bitch I’mma kill you.”
I throw my head back and laugh, just picturing the ridiculousness of all of that.
“Aww, I would have been your friend,” I pout.
“You say that now.”
“Nah, we would have been a great team. When I was 11, FutureSex/LoveSounds by Justin Timberlake came out and I listened to that religiously...” I trail off. Should I be telling him this? Fuck it. “Basically, one day I was listening to “SexyBack” with my mom and I asked her why Justin wanted to be whipped because that seemed really painful.”
He choks on this drink and looks at me with wide eyes, emitting the same laugh I did a few minutes ago.
“What did she say?” He finally asks.
“She took my CD away. So yeah, we were both really weird kids. I also played piano and wrote poetry, so I was very popular on the playground.”
He grins. “We would have been a good team.”
I throw back the rest of my drink.
“Want another?” He asks and I nod, taking my cup and going over to the same corner where I’m assuming all the liquor is.
Lexi catches my eye and raises her eyebrows. I give her a small nod; this has been fun so far. Ed comes back a few moments later with my drink and a solo cup of his own.
“So I do actually have a serious question for you,” he sits back down.
I nod and take a sip.
“Basically, one of my support acts has a family emergency and has to fly back to Ireland at the end of the week. My team and I have been stressing about not having two support acts because that’s what we advertised when the tickets went up, but when I saw you play last night it kind of clicked. Now I know you said you don’t have performing, but this is a way to get your songs out there and lead to other things, but I completely understand if you don’t want to do it.”
“When would you need me to start? And where would I have to go? And for how long?”
“If you could on Monday in St. Paul. We’re going on this leg until the 17th of February but then we’re going to Australia after that but you don’t have to commit to that if you don’t want to.”
I look down at my hands. This is an amazing opportunity, and I have been wanting to leave the house for a while. But then again, I’ve never properly been on my own. I don’t have any money, any contacts. Sure my parents weren’t around much when I was younger so I’m not worried about taking care of myself, but they would always leave me money for food and other expenses. This truly is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
“Fuck it I’m in,” I respond.
“Wait are you serious?” He smiles, looking genuinely surprised.
“Yeah, why not? I hate what I’m doing right now and that seems really cool, I’m in.”
“I honestly didn’t expect you to decide so quickly considering the vetting you gave me last night.”
“You said you’re a fellow weird kid; weird kids look out for each other.”
He raises his cup toward me.
“Well cheers to that, and welcome aboard.”
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Side Character In My Own Life
People always say that we think of ourselves as the main character of our lives' story. But I don't want to be the main character. All I want to do is be the side character in the back round that occasionally helps or gets a bit of screen time then I go back into the back round. For as long as I can remember I never really had dreams or ambitions. All I wanted was to work a normal decent paying job and get what normal people have with a wife and a family. If you want to call that a dream then go for it but to me it is the bare minimum. I know a lot of people don't have and maybe will never have that. However, I figured I would eventually find that “happiness” I know it isn't normal to feel and think how I do. I absolutely love being alone and spending time by myself if it is watching videos or playing video games I know I’m depressed and oh boy it's not fun. But when I go out with people, I’m always trying to be the “class clown” funny guy. I guess the thing people say about the most depressed people try to make others happy because they know what is like to truly be sad and depressed. I’m selfish, though, because I do some what enjoy the attention. Though when people then try to give it to me, I don't know, it just makes me feel wrong and I dislike it. Then I’ll go and distance myself, because I have abandonment issues, but we will get there. Many people have tried to be my friend and get me to go out with them, but I just refuse. when I was younger i just made excuses but now that I’m older i just tell them the truth, that I don’t want to go out, because I found that totally honesty is the best thing, at least to me. I know I take it to far though and just end up being an asshole. I don’t pretend to try and care about stuff and people when i really don’t, I just tell them that i don’t care and that I’m sorry but they should really talk to someone else. But when I see someone who is truly sad and struggling I cant help myself but try and cheer them up and help them. Usually, I end up pissing them off or scarring them with my brutal honesty and my solutions to their problems, mostly because they don’t like them. Anyways that’s just a little about my character. My actual story is kinda sad, but I don’t see it that way. My family always says I handle things well and make them laugh. I think that’s because all I know to do is joke around and try to make people smile. I have always had a pretty small tight circle. When I was little, I didn’t have a lot of friends but enough to be considered alright. I basically played any sport I was allowed to. So that made things easier to make friends. You know. Similar things to bond over and what not. But I lost many friends throughout life just like most people. Even some of my closest friends. Either from moving away or me messing things up. This is just one part of why I don’t get close, though. Another is because of my father. He passed away when I was eight on thanksgiving morning. I was staying at one of my friends houses that I would eventually loose. Due to me loosing a parent while i was at a friends house for almost a year i refused to spend the night not at home because i was scarred id loose my mother as well. I’m not gonna pretend to remember everything about that day because I don’t. But from what i do remember without peoples help hurt for awhile, hell maybe it still does but I’m just so numb i cant tell. Anyways, after loosing more friends and becoming more and more colder. Plus getting bullied, nothing to serious just normal kids stuff, added to that. Eventually, I made “the friend group” the one that you start spending everyday together along with causing trouble and of coarse getting into it. We were honestly so much alike it was basically like we were the same people. The 3 of us were together for a couple of years, and it was a swell time. I knew that some stuff we got into was just not right and we shouldn’t be doing it. I won't get to into it but fighting, drugs, and crime. I don’t know what else you expect from a teenager raised in the south suburbs of Chicago. But I expected better of myself. Even so, with being burned so many times it felt nice to have a new family that was consistent. Eventually, it expanded as most families do. As boys will, we had some fall outs over girls but in the end we got back together and fixed our issues. The core remained the same for quite awhile. But good things must come to an end. One of the main 3 of us started to break off and we just kind of let it happen. Not long after that I found a girlfriend who was my dream girl. Smart, funny, irresistibly adorable. She had dreams and ambitions. Everything I never had. Much to the dismay of my friends she started setting me straight. No more fighting was rule number one. To be honest I didn’t have that many issues with it because I never really liked it that much anyway. Plus I’m rather short so now that we have grown I know I wouldn’t be as good as I was when I was younger and more or less the same size. Next was crime, I stopped stealing and vandalizing stuff. Also didn’t have a problem with that because again I knew it was wrong but just kind of went along with it. Finally was drugs. I have basically tried everything from cigarettes to cocaine and heroin by the time I was 15. Which was when I met her. Usually, I just stayed to the calmer stuff, though, so I figured it wasn’t that big of deal but to her it was. So for the special someone I thought id never find I figure it was worth a shot to stop everything. To rewind a little bit, before her time, I started to connect really well with my grandpa on my dads side. When my dad was around, we were really close. A distanced between us grew a little after he passed. But because he and my grandmother were getting older and couldn’t do what they use to I was there to help and be there for them. We began to get really close. He had an accident one day and broke his hip, because my grandma was bed ridden and all other immediate family had moved away my mother the saint she is stepped up and offer to help them for awhile. During this time my sister and I which didn’t get along at all lived by ourselves for like 7 months. To her if I was alive and she had an idea of where I was things were ok so I basically lived in the “trap house” of my friend group. After I got my new girlfriend though I didn’t feel right being over there. Most because of the drugs and a girl that was there who was a real problem but that’s a story for another day. Now going back to the present. My girl and I were happy. I had gotten my act cleaned up, and she was the ray of hope and sunshine. After 6 months of being together, we were on the way to visit my grandparent with my mom. My girl had basically already become part of my family. I never have brought a girl around them till now and they all loved her. So we got there to visit and as I usually did I went running ahead to wake my grandpa up and make sure he was decent. When I got upstairs to his room, I found him laying on his bed dead and my grandma barely clinging to life. A week later my grandma passed away when we decided to take her off life support. In the coming weeks she was there for me the entire time even though her mother who absolutely hated me for my past refused to let her see me at times. I was a complete mess and didn’t want to step foot in my grandparents house again. So cleaning it out to be sold was real interesting. As time passed I just distanced myself from basically everyone except my girl. I don’t know, the fact that she was there when I found them and the fact that she could leave whenever she wanted but chose not to was something that stuck with me. For the first time when stuff got real hard and uncomfortable, she stayed so I formed a special bond to her. I started working a couple of months later and making decent money for a kid as a server. Saving for the future and everything. Cause to me I wasn’t just saving for me anymore I was saving for our future. Although I was still a kid and would spend a little to much once in awhile nothing to ridiculous just a big gift or dinner. I just wanted to make her happy, so she wouldn’t leave too. But because of everything that has happened in my life, including some stuff I left out of this, I become such a numb person that I never talked about my feelings or stuff that truly mattered to me, and she hated it. Its not like I was an open book before but I at least told her some stuff. Now I didn’t tell her anything. I tried to do everything normal couples would do of talking bout our days and so on but I never talked about me on the inside. The only time we would ever fight, and I mean ever, was when she would beg and plead with me to open up to her after all we had been together for 2 years. But I wouldn’t. I would give her the smallest thing just to get her off my back. I graduated and knew I had to find a job for the long term that paid really well, so I could work towards our future. Then I did, a great warehouse job moving heavy boxes all night long. I loved it, doing hard manually labor and not really having to deal with people and those I did deal with were quite pleasant. I found it, the job I wanted, being the background character and just working hard. I always knew I didn’t want to go to college. Id just find a good job and be fine for life. But for her that wasn’t good enough her dream of being a vet and going to college was what she wanted to do since she was little so of coarse I encouraged her to go somewhere nice and get a good education. Not because of me but with my support she went and got accepted to a nice vetting school. Of coarse I was proud of her but I couldn’t help but be worried about the future so I began to distance myself knowing thing may not work out and to avoid the heart ache of someone leaving again I wasn’t being the best I could be. While at work one night a very heavy box fell off the top of a semi and landed on my head. Now I played a lot of sports, including football like I said so I thought nothing of it and just went back to work even though others were completely terrified for me I thought I was fine and didn’t want to ruin our safety streak. A week later I started suffering from really bad headaches and began throwing up uncontrollably. Thinking about it I just figured I had the flu, but it wasn’t. After not being able to work without throwing up and wanting to die from my headaches we started going to doctor after doctor and getting a procedure or two done we still had no clue what was wrong with me. During this time I became the most I depressed I had ever been in life. I was bed ridden and could hardly if ever go outside without the fear of puking in public. So I isolated myself in my room. Because my mom the saint is a hoarder I never brought anyone to my house and I mean absolutely never, but being the kind girl she is my girlfriend began coming over and for the first time since before my dad died my family regularly had a guest. Of coarse it was kinda gross to her but she didn’t care she got to look after me and make me feel better. But then the time came for her to leave for college and for the first time since my grandpa passed I shed a couple tears. The things were doing alright for awhile but after finding out a couple of things about what was wrong with me things took a turn for the worse. I found out that I’m allergic to 29 out of 31 main environmentals not deathly allergic but bad enough to cause some of my problems. Which means going outside is actually bad for my health. So I stopped going outside almost all together. This took an even greater toll on my relationship even though she was 5 hours away. I became even more depressed because I could no longer go out and play basketball with an old friend of mine which was one of the things I got to do because I worked so much and could only see my girl on the weekends. I was completely alone the only person who my family accepted into our house had left and I couldn’t really go outside without becoming more sick so I was stuck in my room alone. So I spent my days playing Xbox with close friends I made thought the years. This was the only thing to make me happy and bring me up out of my down mood. Well, my girl didn’t like that I spent all my time out of bed playing video games cause she figured if I could do that then I should be able to do something more productive which she wasn’t entirely wrong but because I don’t open up I never really told her how bad my health actually was. When she was over, I always tried my best to keep in good spirits but I couldn’t hide everything. She caught me throwing up a lot it didn’t seem to bother her. So I can only assume she didn’t know how bad things really were. I was always tired and sad and throwing up. And we didn’t have all the answers yet. so as you probably guessed we ended up breaking up which destroyed me but we did have a couple talks in the psst about how i need to get my shit together but she had had enough and was ready to move on. I cant blame her it must have been really tough being with me. Hell I know it was. Her entire family hated me an wanted nothing to do with me no matter what I did. They were always on her back about me, and I don’t blame them either. I didn’t eat anything for 4 days, and I didn’t talk to anyone except the friend I played basketball with because he was the last true friend I had after cutting basically everyone out. Fast forwarding from that super depressing stuff. A coupe months later we found out what was actually wrong with me. On top of having real bad allergies, which I started getting treated for I also had brain damage from the box that fell on my head. The damage was on the frontal lobe where all of our emotions and responses are held. So they chalked how I was acting up to that. I also suffer from post concussive syndrome. Which I’m sure it didn’t help but it only made how I was already worse. Due to doctors recommendation I saw a therapist for a bit, but I know what is wrong with me and I’m extremely logical so she couldn’t help to much but she did help me get a little better physically. I know that may sound strange but she did. Because of her I moved out of my moms house even though I’m scarred that my sis and mom wouldn’t be able to take care of some stuff the mold and dust which I’m allergic to wasn’t good for my health. Thinking my ex might want to hear all the good news I decided to tell her but she couldn’t care less. The warm caring person who was there for me for so long was officially gone and never coming back. So using the inheritance, I got from my grandpa I’ve been living on my own for a year. Sometimes I still struggle with the fact that I’m entirely alone with having no one to talk to, but I still have my Xbox friends and I try going out once in awhile. Not trying to make new friends or anything but just getting out for my mental health. Now that my basketball friend has gone off to the military, I’m truly alone with no one to talk to. I know I could talk to my mother and family but like I said my sis earlier and i never got along, and for my mom. She may be a saint but this isn’t something for her to deal with. She has her own medical problems going on and for the past couple years I’ve been the rock of the family. The truthful one who would help if you asked but would hide his true thoughts about things. I don’t know why I decided to put my life story on here but if feels good to open up and let everything come pouring out. Hell I don’t know if anyone will even read this or how this site entirely works but it give me a place to put everything, and I kind of like it. Opening up and talking about myself. I don’t think I want to be the background character in my life anymore. Living for other people and not wanting to do anything with myself. I don’t know what I will do with my life or myself for that matter. I’m only 20 so I do have a ton of time ahead of me to decide. Thanks to my grandpa I learned what it was like to be a man and I also learned a lot about myself. If it wasn’t for him, I never would be able to move out and live on my own and start working on myself. I learn so much from the people in my life and tried to imitate them to be normal and live a decent life. But it if time for me to be myself, not forgetting the things I learned or picked up on from other people but building on them and adding my own on top of that. Cause no matter how hard I try I do not believe I could ever forget the people who made me who I am. All of the side character in my life helped shape me the main character.
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bittywitches · 5 years
My Darling Ladybug - Part 1
“How about we find a seat?” Marinette asks as she walks towards an empty table. I suddenly realize the fortitude of the situation. I’m inside a coffee shop, about to take a seat with Marinette Dupain Cheng alone. Nobody else. Just the two of us. Oh god.
AHHhh I’m so glad you guys want to see what I’ve got so far for this fic. I don’t really know what to call it yet since I barely even know where the story is going. But if you guys have an idea for it, lmk! 
Basic Idea: Sort of reverse crush au where Adrien still kind of has a crush on ladybug but has mostly gotten over it and is now basically head over heels for Marinette. Beware, there is a lot of fluff. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t found yourself a girl yet.” It’s a chilly winter afternoon in Paris, France. The sidewalks and roads are covered in snow, readily waiting for it to be trampled by winter boots. A few snowflakes flow gently through the air as students make their way out of the school for the evening. Sounds of chatter from busy students fill the air as the last bell rings and everyone begins to head home with bags of homework. Footprints dirty the snow as friends and classmates make their way out. Some stick around, many partaking in some final festive activities before the end of the season. A group of girls builds snowmen right outside the principal's window as he smiles and waves at them. Another group has already begun a snowball fight. In a matter of time, the custodian will be showing up to put an end to it. Along with all the joyous snow fun, Paris has begun to experience the end of the transformation it always goes through this time of year. Street poles and traffic lights have strings of lights and ornaments of bright red and green colours throughout the city. Stores with cozy warm outfits in their windows. Chocolate shops with little Santas on their doors, and little elves scurrying around, despite it being a few weeks until the Christmas Holidays. I walk out of the school alongside my best friend, Nino, and he asks a question that I definitely was not expecting. “So? Who’s the lucky lady who’s caught your attention?” My friend gives me a mocking smile as he asks me. I pause for a moment, not knowing how to respond. “I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not.” He smirks. “Right, sorry. Just wanted to check if you had given up on your girlfriend yet.” My face flushes. “She’s not my girlfriend, Nino!” My friend laughs. He knows I get embarrassed easily. “At Least not yet...” I mutter. Nino’s eyes grow wide. “What is this? Are you telling me that you’re planning on asking her to be your girlfriend? I’m proud of you, bro!” He punches my shoulder. “When are you thinking of? Where is it going to be? How are you going to ask?” He attacks me with questions. My face grows hot. “That’s not what I meant! Marinette doesn’t even know that I have feelings for her. I can’t just go up and ask her to be my girlfriend out of nowhere! I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any feelings for me...” Nino chuckles. “To be honest, I’m pretty sure all the girls in our class would die to be your girlfriend. You are a piece of Eye candy, my friend.” My face goes even redder. “Nino, you’re the only one who even knows I have feelings for Marinette, so pipe down, will you?” I glance around, hoping nobody has heard. “Besides, I don’t want Marinette to like me in that way... I want her to like me for me.” Nino sighs. “I’m At Least glad you’ve grown out of your obsessive crush on Ladybug. This time you actually have a chance with the girl you like!” I sigh. “How can you be so sure? Marinette is one of the best friends I have. What if I try to do something and then ruin our friendship? How am I supposed to-“ “Hi boys!” We turn around to see two girls walking towards us. Alya and Marinette wave as they get closer. “Hey, Babe!” Nino gives Alya a huge bear hug while she kisses him on the cheek. It makes me smile knowing that two of my closest friends are so happy together. I can always see Nino's face glow whenever he sees Alya, and see the adoration in Alya’s eyes. They always look a bit brighter when she sees him. Eyes. Bright Eyes. Marinette has bright blue eyes. Bright, beautiful eyes like the ocean. An ocean id love to dip in, sink into, feel the warmth of the water on my skin... “Um... Adrien?” I blink. I’m staring. Oh no, I’m staring. What’s she going to think now? “Oh um, sorry Marinette. I just got a little distracted..” I laugh and rub the back of my neck. I see a small blush growing on her cheeks. God, I wish I could make her do that more often. She looks adorable when she does. Her rosy cheeks, just like the colours of the red noses of all the Rudolph decorations all over the city- 
“Hello? Adrien! Over here!” Alya punches me in the shoulder and I stumble. “Ouch,” I wince as I rub my shoulder. I look back to Marinette and see that she’s looking at me with an intense curiosity. I feel my face heating up again. “Sorry. I’m really out of it today. Tired” I give her a cheesy grin and she giggles. God. She’s so cute. “Looks like Mr. Agreste is taking a good look, hm?” Alya teases as she smirks at me. Marinette's face instantly turns red, as I fumble for an explanation. “No, I just, I was just, well, um..” Yup. An explanation. Alya snickers. “Well, um, uh,” she mocks me. “how about we all go out for some hot chocolate? We can just chill for a bit. What do you say?” Nino grabs Alya’s hand. “I’m down.” He kisses her cheek. “You guys coming?” I look to Marinette. she smiles and says “of course!” I know I’m staring, but I can’t help it. She’s gorgeous when she smiles, I don’t want to take my eyes off of her. Her perfectly full lips, a rosy shade of pink. God, I really want to kiss her.
“You’re coming too, right Adrien?” Marinette looks up at me. Is it just me, or are her eyes shining? I find myself looking into them again, getting lost... “If you’re going, I will.” I say as I smile at her. She blushes furiously, and I immediately wonder if I shouldn’t have said that. “Aww, how cute.” The remark is made with Sickening sarcasm. I look behind me to see a brown-haired fox glaring at me with a coy smile. “I’m not sure who invited you, Lila.” Alya steps in front of the vixen. “What do you want?” She crosses her arms. Lila cackles. “Oh Alya, you’re hilarious as always.” She shoves her aside and strides up towards me. She’s so close I can smell the hair spray she used that morning. “Hey, darling.” She steps even closer to me. “What’re you doing with these guys? I was so sure you’d rather spend time with me. You know, someone who’s actually worth your time?” She makes a pouty face. I scoff and take a step back towards Marinette. Lila leans over me and sees her. “Really? I was so sure you preferred me over that pesky little brat.” She steps toward Marinette and flicks her hat. “Or are we just giving the little one a pity party?” She smirks. I growl and shove her away. “Lay off, Lila.” She wipes away a pretend tear. “I’m hurt, Adrikins. I thought we were closer than that.” She steps towards me again and grabs my collar, pulling my ear to her mouth. “Or were you just tailing me on like poor little Marinette?” I swat her hand away from me and sneer at her. “I’m not like that, Lila. I’m not like you.” I knew instantly I shouldn’t have said it, but I said what I felt. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I begin to grow uncomfortable. I grab Marinette's hand. “Cmon, Mari. Let’s get out of here.” I drag her out of the crowd and off the school grounds towards the nearest coffee shop. I don’t realize I’m still holding her hand until I feel a small tug. “A-Adrien..?” I look towards her to see her eyes wide, as if in shock. No, there’s something else there too... Fear? I immediately let go of her hand. “Oh my god, Marinette, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make such a scene back there or force you to come with me, we can head back to the school if you’d like...” I ramble. Marinette tilts her head to the side. “No.. it’s alright. I’m not a big fan of Lila’s anyway. Thanks for standing up to her for me.” She smiles at me sweetly. I blush. “N-no need to thank me, I just did what I thought was right.” I look towards the door of the coffee shop. “How about we head inside?” I open the door for her. “It is getting rather chilly,” she says as she enters the shop. A bell chimes as we step through the door, I am instantly hit with the sweet aroma of fresh coffee grounds and melted chocolate. The shop is small but warm and cozy. It has an overall rustic feel to it. The floor is a dark oak wood while the tables and chairs are acacia. There aren’t many people, but there are a few happy customers that sit around tables and chat away. There’s a fireplace at a corner, surrounded by comfortable looking chairs. “How about we find a seat?” Marinette asks as she walks towards an empty table. I suddenly realize the fortitude of the situation. I’m inside a coffee shop, about to take a seat with Marinette Dupain Cheng alone. Nobody else. Just the two of us. Oh god.
I watch as Marinette sits down, and then look up at me expectantly. I know I should sit down as well, but my legs don’t move. All I can think about is how horrible this situation can go. What if I scare her off? What if I say something I shouldn’t? What if I do something weird? What if- “Adrien? Are you alright?” I come back to my senses as I realize Marinette is looking at me with a worried look. “Are you not feeling well? You don’t have to be here with me if you don’t want to! I completely understand.” “No! Of course not! I-“ “Do you need to go home? You have been acting weirdly. Is it the cold?” The worry in her eyes makes my heart ache. “Oh, it’s nothing like that at all. Like I said before, I’m just tired.” I rub my eyes to justify my point. “How about I go order? What would you like?” Marinette begins to stand up. “Oh don’t worry, I’m perfectly fine paying for it myse-“ “Nonsense!” I cut her off, and immediately redden. “-I mean, I’m the one who brought you here without even asking. Let me apologize for that. So, what are you craving?” She pauses for a few seconds, seeming to think about the situation, then finally sighs and sits down. “Maybe something sweet. A hot chocolate?” I smile. “Sounds good. Whipped cream?” “Definitely.” “You’re my kind of girl.” I wish I could catch the words before they leave my mouth. Marinette’s face turns a very strong shade of pink as I realize what I’ve just said. ”Oh! Not like? I didn’t mean-“ I stop, not knowing what to say. Oh, you’ve embarrassed yourself big time now, I think. “Um... I’ll be right back.”
That’s all I got for now! Hopefully you guys like it so far ;-)
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I Got the Boy (part 1)
A/N: so this fic is loosely based off the Jana Kramer song. I emphasize the loosely part, but yeah. The bold is song lyrics, and the Italics are flashbacks. Hold on tight. It's gonna be a bumpy ride 😂
Another huge thanks @embracehappy for reading through this mess!
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I saw your picture in a paper, Honeymoon in Jamaica, she’s a lucky girl
You look so grown up in your black tux, from a ball cap in a pickup, seems like another world
You and me and our big dreams, falling in love
We were two kids in the backseat, all fearless and young
“Heads up everyone,” comes the booming voice of Dylan Lovelace as he made his way up the steps into the large conference room at the office where you work.
You glance up from your file that you were working and Olivia quickly ends her call, stuffs her phone away on her desk and turns to face Dylan. “We have a VIP coming into today to tour the facility and record a quick demo. We will stay professional and make Shadow Recording proud, yes?” he started, and you roll your eyes, turning back to the chart in front of you. You were not interested in working with an VIPs, much preferring to help small indie artists. Anyone with a good head on their shoulders. You tuned out Dylan’s voice, focusing on your work. Soon, Dylan left the room, but returned soon thereafter.
“Everyone, Shawn Mendes will be joining us today and the next few weeks. Make sure to make him feel welcome.”
As soon as the name leaves his mouth, your heart stops. Your head jerks up so fast that you’re sure you suffer whiplash. You see the one person you had been running from for 3 years standing in your office. He claps Dylan on the shoulder, thanking him before glancing around the room, offering a warm smile.
You and Olivia exchange glances, her eyes wide, before Shawn catches your eye. He holds your eye for a minute and offer a small nod and slight smile, completely melting you into a puddle of goo, before he turns back to Dylan. Feeling a burning in your cheeks, you quickly look back down to the file in front of you, pretending to read it as Dylan continues on. You only rejoin the discussion happening around you when you hear your name. “I’m sorry, what?” you ask, glancing up at Dylan.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “I said, will you please show Mr. Mendes to the studio and help him with anything he needs. I want you to do this. You are the best we have in indie mixing. Give him anything he needs.”
“But… what about Sanjay? He’s the pop guy. Shawn’s style isn’t exactly indie…”
“Shawn is trying something new. That’s why he’s here. Is there a problem, Y/N?” You shake your head and glance over at the pop star, who is watching you closely. You could very easily have gotten out of this project. You were technically Dylan’s boss’ boss. But that would mean everyone would find out.
“Not at all...” You decide 3 weeks is worth being able to continue doing what you loved.
“Good.” He throws his glance between Shawn and you before turning to walk into his office. “Back to work, everyone.”
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
She’s got the future, I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy, she got the man
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Geoff shouts, as he makes his way across the parking lot of the bar, toward the car of the woman he was going home with. He was smashed, no simple feat for a man of that stature, but he had single handedly downed almost an entire bottle of Jack Daniels.
You chuckle as you watch him try to fit into the car. “Don’t worry Geoff, I won’t!” He finally gets into the car, seat belts in and shut the door. He waves to us, and both you and Shawn wave back as they drive off.
Shawn chuckles and turns to you. “How much did he drink exactly?” he asks, as he opens the door of the Jeep for you to climb in.
“Oh I’d say he drank at least three fourths of the bottle.” You giggle and he shakes his head, laughing. He shuts the door and runs around the Jeep before climbing in the driver’s side and starting it.
“Let me guess, you finished it off for him?” he asks, glancing over at you, eyebrows arched.
You turned to him and raised an eyebrow. This causes him to chuckle, and you give in, laughing along with him. “Well of course. He was drunk, and acting like an idiot. I couldn’t let him be a drunk idiot by himself, could I?”
He pulls the Jeep out of the parking lot and starts down the highway, still laughing. “Oh the trouble you two get into.”
You roll your eyes playfully and glance out the window as the night zips past. “Oh please Shawn, you’re the worst of us all.”
“No arguments there.” He chuckles, and grabs your hand. You glance at him to find him looking at you. He shoots you a wink before intertwining your fingers. You feel your cheeks turn red and glance back out the window, a giant smile on your face.
You drive in comfortable silence for a good 10 minutes before coming to a stop. You were at the Toronto Music Gardens. You and Shawn had been here many times before, loving the concept and the beautiful scenery, but it looks very different at night.
Without saying a word, Shawn put the car in park, reaches in the backseat to grab a blanket and then jumps out. He jogs around the Jeep, opens the door for you and you jump out, stumbling slightly into his chest. He just chuckles, steadying you. You walk hand in hand across the park until you find the perfect patch of grass on a slight hill. You spread out the blanket, and lay down gently. He follows your lead and now you both are laying down on your backs, staring up at the stars. You spend the next few hours talking, and enjoying the peacefulness of the evening.
“Y/N/N?” he mumbles, and you stir lightly, having been just about asleep in his arms.
“Yeah Shawn?”
“I have something for you.” he whispers, and you finally open your eyes. You glance down to his right hand and watch as he pulls his ring off his finger. “Now, I know this will be too big for you, but I want you to have it anyways.” He starts, as you stare down at the ring in his hand. Your heart is beating a million miles a minute.
“Y/N, I love you more than anyone or anything on this planet. I know, my life is just starting to get absolutely crazy, and I don’t want anything out of this except for you to know exactly how much I love you. Would I mind still being with you in 30 years? Hell no. Nothing would make me happier.. but I also know I live a life that makes this extremely hard. We both have so much more to do in our lives, and I want us to do them together. But I do want to marry you one day Y/N Y/L/N. So, as a promise to you that one day I will do just that, will you keep this safe for me?”
With tears in your eyes, you turn around in his grip and take his face in your hands. “Shawn Mendes, you are such a piece of work, but you are my piece of work. I love you so much, and I would love nothing more than to keep this safe for you,” you say, taking the ring from his hand and holding it tightly in yours. You glance down at it, a permanent smile on your face, before glancing up at him. He was watching you, a content smile on his face. You take one more glance at the ring before leaning in and crashing your lips onto his.
Yeah there’s an old you that I knew,
Fake IDs to get into those spring break bars
Back woods on a four wheel, hanging on tight, I can still feel my racing heart
And now you’re cleaned up with a haircut, nice tie and shoes
If things were different and I had a choice, which would I choose?
“We don’t have to do this, if you don’t want to.” You were looking up at Shawn, eyes wide. He glanced over at you, then back at the ATV’s parked in front of him. Your dad and brothers were hurrying about, picking up this or that, or tightening this piece or that piece, stalling.
“I want to. I just… I’ve never done anything like this.” Shawn glanced over at you, a nervous smile on his face. You were sure that the only reason he agreed to come today was to impress your dad and brothers.
“Here. Hold this,” you say, handing him your helmet. “I have an idea.” You take off running toward your mom and dad. After explaining the situation, you convince them to let you and Shawn ride the RAZR. You jog back over to Shawn.
“We’re going to ride in the RAZR. It’s a little easier to ride than the wheelers, and you can even drive if you’d like.” Shawn’s face lit up. “Plus, there's more room for those giant legs of yours.”  He laughed out loud at that comment, and finally loosened up, ready to enjoy the new experience.
Later that night, after all the riding and commotion of the day, everyone sat around a campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling jokes and stories. Shawn strummed softly on his guitar, humming melodies to himself. You glance over at him, a smile on his face, even through his singing. You softly started singing along with him. He looked up at you, a huge smile on his face. He stops singing and lets you finish the song. You laugh at him, but kept singing until the song ended.
“That’s my girl,” he grins and wrapped you tightly in a hug. That was the first of many stolen moments between you and Shawn, even though you should have never let yourself believe in a happily ever after.
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
She’s got the future and I got the past
I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band
I got the boy and she got the man.
The room erupted in hollars and cheers, clapping and smiles filling everyone’s faces. You smiled at Shawn through the window. Teddy was sitting next to you and hugged you quickly before hopping up and joining the festivities. That was it. You were done recording Shawn’s first album. It had been a whirlwind production. But when Teddy Gieger approached you to help produce some of the tracks, you just couldn’t say no. You and Shawn had been friends for a couple years at this point, and you were sure he had something to do with it, but honestly, you just couldn’t be happier for the opportunity.
“Y/N,” you heard behind you. You smiled, turning to look at the giant in front of you. He was the literal embodiment of happiness, and you couldn’t help but wrap him in a big hug. He rested his head on the top of yours and sighed contentedly.
When you pulled away, you were about to say something, but Shawn cut you off by pulling you back in and placing a soft kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened, surprised, but eventually melted into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut.
I got the first kiss and she’ll get the last
We each got something, the other will never have
I got the long hair, hot head
She got the cool and steady hand
I got the boy and she got the man
I got the boy and she got the man
“Y/N,” Geoff shouted for the millionth time, as he continued to pound on the locked door. “Y/N, we’re worried about you! Please open the door. Are you okay? Are you alive in there?”
It had been such a long time since the urge to hurt yourself was this strong, and you finally let it consume you. Now, you were filled with disgust and guilt, blood dripping down your arm. You wrapped your arm tightly in a bandage, and sat on your bed, head feeling woozy.  
After Geoff yelled through the door again, you reluctantly pushed yourself off the bed and walked over to the mirror in the bathroom. You quickly redid your messy bun, wincing with pain as you raised your arm. You splashed a bit of water on your face. Once you looked like you hadn’t been crying for hours, you turned and made your way to the door.
Geoff grabbed you as soon as you opened the door and you gasp in pain. He looked at you worried. You pushed up your sleeve to reveal the blood soaked bandage on your arm. Geoff gasped a bit, “Oh, Y/N, why? Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” He gave you an extremely worried look and then directed you to the living room.
“Where’s Shawn?” you asked quietly.
“He just went to grab some food…” You could tell he was lying to you.
“He’s with her, huh? That girl from the bar we were at?” Geoff just looked at you, a sad look in his eyes.
A few well placed butterfly closures and a large bandage later, you had convinced Geoff that you were fine and didn’t need to go to the hospital.  You laid back on your bed, eyes swimming with tears. It was then, glancing at your mauled arm, drunk on pain and heartache and whiskey, that you knew you needed out.
That night, after Geoff was asleep, you grabbed your duffel bag, hopped in your beat up car and left.
That was the last you saw of Toronto. You still don’t know exactly why you had left, or why you hadn’t called. You thought about it a hundred times. But eventually, you stopped thinking about him, thinking about calling him. You were heartbroken, but you knew it was for the best. You were never going to have your happily ever after with Shawn anyways. After you left, he really blew up. He released a few more albums that all hit #1, and you had to force yourself not to listen to his music.  
But, music is what you know best, so you applied at a few colleges in the US and got accepted. You decided on NYU and you were off to New York City. It took you a little while to get into the hang of the city, but you ended up loving it. You made sure to stay as far in the background as you could. The last thing you needed was someone picking up on the fact that you had co-produced Shawn Mendes’ first album. You graduated at the top of your class and approached the owners of Shadow Recording. They were happy to add another partner on, and you made it very clear that you wanted to be a silent partner. They thought this was strange at first, but you love producing. You aren’t a business person. You have a say in who you take on as clients, but, for the most part, you try not to get too involved. Which is why you had no idea that Shawn is the newest client.  
With a heavy sigh, you push your chair away from your desk and show the superstar quietly to the biggest recording booth. You ask if he needs any coffee and walk over to the coffee machine for a much needed caffeine jolt. You close your eyes and sigh internally when you hear footsteps approaching you. You don’t even have to turn around to know it’s Shawn. He had been eying you ever since he walked in this morning.
“Hey,” he says softly as you turn around to face him.
“Hey,” you reply, raising an eyebrow at him.
“How have you been?” he asks, reaching for an empty coffee mug and filling it to the brim.
You shake your head, stopping him right away. “No Shawn, we aren’t doing this.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you hold your hand up, telling him to stop once more. “No Shawn, okay? We can’t do this. I am helping you with this recording and nothing else. Everything we had in the past?” you ask him, reaching up and slipping off the necklace you had worn underneath your clothes for the last 3 years, handing it to him. “It’s gone. It’s history. I am your producer, nothing more.”
With that, you turn and walk back to the seat in front of the mixing board, leaving him standing alone. You set your coffee down and begin flipping on a few switches. The room in front of you springs into view, various switches turning on various cords and instruments in the room. You glance to the other side of the room to find him still staring down at the ring in this hand, before he glances over his shoulder at you. You quickly avert your gaze across the room and catch Olivia’s eye as she sticks her head into the room. The confused look on her face is actually quite comical.
You settle back into the seat, knowing you were making the right decision. Shawn Mendes was not the boy that you had fallen in love with a little over 5 years ago. That boy is gone, and he is now a man. A man you no longer know. Hailee, she gets the man, but you got the boy.
Forever Tag List: @embracehappy @atlas-of-a-human-soul
46 notes · View notes
thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 3]
I have to warn you all that this chapter has a rape scene in it. It’s completely ridiculous, and I really don’t know if that makes it better or worse. Proceed with caution.
Recap: Edward gave into tempation and tried putting the moves on Tiaa. She went along with it at first, but then pushed him away because they were in public and Edward already has a girlfriend. Edward seems to think Tiaa is a vampire, even though she doesn’t appear to be and his thinking she is doesn’t really make sense. 
Chapter 1 Previous chapter
AN - hi guys hope u like this one im quite proud of it! 
That’s a bit worrying.
thanx for the suport from my frends love u girls!glad u like it! oh an VINCENT ur so dumb of course tiaa didnt go to math in only her bra shes not a total ditz! 
Hey, you never said she put her shirt back on! Actually, you also described Edward ripping it off her, and we know it’s made out of fishnet, so… I kinda doubt she still has a shirt left to put back on.
one more time...DONT READ IF U DNT LIKE IT!
I can’t imagine not liking this story. I’m being serious. It’s a masterwork. It’s right up there with “My Immortal” in my eyes.
NO frickin flames what is the POINT of flamin ppl there is NO POINT so f off!
I think the point is to annoy the author. Which appears to be working.
Capter 3 – uncle larry
Wow! Really looking forward to the capter!
I sa t alone watching tv at dave and maries house. I couldnt stop thinking about my encounter with Ewdard Cullen earlier that day. He was so beuatifull and sexoy with such amazing hair and eyes I could hardly believe he had notice someone like me! 
Just me or is she a tad fixated on his hair?
Also… Tiaa isn’t the sort of girl who blends in, and she knows it. She’s aware that she’s pretty and she’s used to getting attention — both positive and negative — because of her looks. She’s also loud (she yelled at Edward when he bumped into her), and she dresses in a manner that… well, let’s just say most small-town high school students don’t dress like Tiaa. This girl isn’t ordinary and she’s well aware of it. Why the false modesty?
But I was angry at how he had made me feel, how I'd burnt like crimson hot flame wean he touched me and how he'd not listened to me when id' told him to fring off, and how he dared to touch me at all when he had a GF anyways, even if she was a mean girl with an ugly heart and not that hawt. 
Not only has she not met Bella yet, she hasn’t heard anyone talk about Bella either, so I don’t know how she came to the “she’s a mean girl with an ugly heart” conclusion.
But nomatter how much I try to hate him, I simply couldn't. Suddenly the phone range
"hello "
"hey, is that altantiana?"
"yah who is this?" I aksed.
"its Mike nooton from your class! 
She hasn’t met Mike yet either, unless that happened in the deleted scenes or something. I guess, if he called her house phone, that he could have got Dave and Marie’s number out of the school directory… but this seems a little weird if they’ve literally never met.
I was wondering if your wanted to go to La Plush with me too morrow night maybe? 
To clarify, he is talking about a beach. He means La Push. Stuffed animals are probably not involved.
Theres a party on the beech with whole crowd of us going and I thought you seemed relay nice so I thought maybe youd want to me my date please? -
I can maybe buy that a high school boy is desperate enough to ask a random pretty girl to a party with him in the hopes that maybe it’ll kindle some sort of romance, but this is a really bad way to go about it. Asking out a girl you’ve never met is… not the best plan. Why not just frame it as inviting her along because she’s a new student and it would be a good opportunity for her to hang out and make friends? You don’t have to be explicit about your crush before you’ve even had a conversation with her.
Also I think Mike is already dating Bella’s friend Jessica, but fuck her, I guess.
"arent you the guy who hangs out with all the pathetic chearleaders and stuff?" I asked
"you mean bella and jessica's gang? 
I’m gonna wait a bit to talk about how weird it is that Bella is hanging with a “gang” of cheerleaders, but like… why does Tiaa know Mike hangs out with them? Again, this is their first conversation, and (as far as we know) the first time she’s even heard of him.
Sometimes I guess but theyr'e way shallow and not as hot as you. 
He’s maybe undermining his own point there.
And they can be mean sometimes.-"
So… like anyone, then?
"then why do hang out white them then you shallow CREEP!and why are you askin me out when you harely no me mike! Cos u think im' hot? Why cant you see your just as shallow if you want to date someone just cost of what they look like - I'm not THAT pretty anyways! 
Oh, Tiaa, you and I were on the same page until you pulled the fake modesty card. Besides, isn’t this a bit of an overreaction? He asked you to hang out with him at the beach, it’s not like he’s proposing marriage or anything.
And even if i was, I'm SO screwed up in the bran you cant even imagine! u would no want to date me if you new how screwed up I was!"
What exactly does she mean by “screwed up in the brain bran”? Like, are we talking legitimate mental illness, or is this just teenage angsting? And, in either case, what exactly is her problem that makes her undateable? This is about the vaguest possible rejection, and I don’t know if she’s implying something is actually wrong with her or that she’s just Not Like Other Girls.
"I would, tia, beleive me I would! Your so beautiful you cant even imagine. Your so pretty people lose there minds when your around and forget there names and forget to brethe! 
That’s your only reason? She’s pretty? Weren’t you saying something about cheerleaders being shallow a minute or two ago?
How can't you have noticed that? 
Decent point, actually. If your character is dropping jaws and turning heads with her beauty, either she’s aware she’s beautiful or there’s a reason she doesn’t realize. Like… maybe Tiaa thinks the people staring at her are doing so because of how she dresses, not because they think she’s pretty. Tiaa has actually seemed pretty aware of her effect on others throughout, though, so unless she’s just playing modest around Mike for some reason this scene doesn’t make any sense.
And I don't CARE how screwed up you are! It only maked you more interesting! 
He’s not even gonna ask for clarification on that?
Your cool and different and you are honest about stuff! you are right to be angry with me. I'm sorry for benign shallow and dumb just give me a chance to show you how much I care, please? "
The argument he’s making would probably be way more convincing if this wasn’t, you know, their first conversation ever.
"well...ok maybe ill go along if I dont have anything else to do" i said, not believing a word he said about how pretty i was.
Oh, come on.
"thank you altantiana thank you so much!" he sounded so happy I couldnt help but smile as I put the phone down but my smile faded as I return to my thoughts. Mike Nooton was kinda cute and seemed like an ok guy but he was nothing next to Ewdard Cullen. 
Yeah, I guess when compared to the weird dude who tried to fuck you in a locker room and threw a shirt at your head Mike really isn’t worth a second thought.
Even though I was anger with edward than I have ever been with anyone in my life and part of me wanted to chop his head off with a sore, a part of my soul would all ways remain in that coridoor where we had kissed so hard and passionably. 
My mistake, they were in a hallway, not a locker room. Not sure if that’s better or worse, but, depending on how busy that hallway normally is, it’s probably worse.
I creamed myself. 
Didn’t need to know that.
My heart had soared that day like never before, and i new that no one else would ever make me feel like that again, then I thought how he was a cheater and a bastard and my face burnt with shame. I couldn't beleive I had behaved like such a hore. 
I mean… she didn’t, really. She went along with his advances up to a point, and it doesn’t really show good judgement on her part, but he was the one acting like a “hore” in this situation. Putting the moves on a random girl in a public space when you’ve already got a girlfriend? Keep it classy, dude.
I was scared of the affect he had on me.
Effect. “Affect” is a verb. Nice sentence otherwise.
(Okay, if you’re a grammar pedant, “affect” isn’t always a verb… it can also be a noun, when we’re talking in a psychology context, which Tiaa isn’t.)
"bye tiaa! We'll be back on Thursday ok?" mari put her head rind the door suddenly
"Ok then, have fun" I wispered clammily..dave and marie where visiting relatives for a few day.
Convenient. Two less characters for the author to have to deal with.
Wait, no, oh my god, I just remembered what happens in this chapter.
"you look so pretty" she says, smiling -your the prettiest gril i've ever seen!”
I… okay, that’s some natural dialogue.
"omg whatever" I reply. I hated it wen people say that. 
Come on, girl, it’s just a compliment! Not like she’s hitting on you! At least I hope not.
I pulled my blond hair over my face. I was wearin a short hot pink dress cut low with black lace frills at the bottom and black lace stocking.
I kind of like that Tiaa is a goth girl who likes bright pink. There are plenty of real-life goth girls like that, but you pretty much never see them in fanfiction.
"daves brother larry will be looking after you wile where gone you'll be ok when where gone wont you tiaa? I hate to leaven you alone like this!"
You know “leaven” is what you do to bread to make it rise, right?
"i don't need a freakin babysiter u no!" i was so embarasing, I could look after myself!
Freudian slip? I mean, she is pretty embarrassing.
Marie smiles and leaves the house.
Marie doesn’t give a fuck, it seems.
"greeting a;latnaniana my names uncle larry" said uncle larry, he came in threw the door he was fat and bald with tiny black eyes and a red face
You know he’s a bad guy because he’s ugly. That’s how it works!
"Hey - i said
"your the orphan arent you" he says "is it true you kiled your mother when she gave birth to you?”
Nice to meet you too, Uncle Larry.
"Wat!" I cry, my eyes filling with tears
"your an evil bich arent u? Go outsite and wash my car" he shouts angerly
I’ve just thought of a fun game. There are five more chapters left. Let’s all place bets on which chapter Uncle Larry will get horribly murdered in.
I stood up and left to wash his car. I got soap and a bucket, afraid of what he would do if I refuzed. I went outside and started to wash hush car it was a red porche. He came outside and wached me and I new he was waching me! 
I know the implication is he’s watching her in a pervy way, but if I was making someone wash my car and I didn’t particularly like them I’d keep an eye on them too.
After a minite he came over and hit me hard across the face
"wft!" i shouted
What Fuck The?
He poored the bucket of water all over me and hit me again,. I was wet and crying and he started to rip my dress and bra of me and rip my clothes. He touched my naked breats and I try to push him off me I screamed at him to stop but he did'nt. He bent me over the bonet of his car and spanked me on the ass for half an hour then he pulled my panties down and started to rape me!
I really don’t want to be laughing at a rape scene, because rape is one of those things that’s just inherently unfunny, but… this is testing me. I mean, an entire half hour of spanking? The dramatic announcement that he began raping her after he forcibly stripped her naked and spanked her for thirty minutes, as if this is a surprise? The fact that all of this is happening in plain view of any neighbors Dave and Marie might have? Good lord. I truly do not know how to react.
I also have to wonder why Tiaa makes little attempt to fight back here. It’s pretty reasonable to freeze up when you’re violently attacked, but Tiaa has proven that she’s both capable and willing to fight off anyone she perceives as a threat (kung fu babie!) previously in the story. Is Uncle Larry too physically powerful for her to win against? We don’t really know how big he is compared to her, and Tiaa has been described as strong and fast previously. Both of them are unarmed, and, if there are neighbors, the noise should alert someone to what’s going on (Tiaa has been shouting/screaming throughout). Why is he getting away with all this? Oh, right, plot reasons.
"stop raping me!" I cry but he didnt stop! 
The pain was terrible even tough his manhood was small. 
Didn’t need to know about his dick, thanks!
I cryed and cryed but he didnt stop for hours and when he finally stopped he left me on the floor and spat in my face and left me there. 
Wait… hours? This guy has impressive stamina.
I pulled on my clothes and cryed madly and ran off into the seething darkness of the midnight street. I ran and ran un till I came to some woods and then I fell down in the woods and cryed.
“Seething darkness of the midnight street” is a pretty good phrase, actually. I mean, super cheesy and doesn’t really mean anything, but if this was lyrics some alt-rock band wrote I’d accept it.
Suddenly a blast of white light exploded in head and my mark on my hand burned like a flame. I closed my eyes and saw the face of a tall white man looking over me with no expression, his eyes were burning red and his face glimmered cold and bright as the moon,. 
I fell back from the brightness of his body, his hair was dark as night,.
"atlantiana?" he whisperd in a voice softer than clouds -my daughter?-
Well, we all saw that one coming a mile off.
"omg" I whisperd as my mind went blank and the world went dark.
I hope she whispered the acronym instead of saying “oh my god.” Her dad will be totally confused! Old people don’t know how acronyms work!
Next chapter
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torentialtribute · 5 years
I never had any doubt this would be England’s triumph at the World Cup
At no time during this World Cup did I doubt that England would hand over the prize to the gentleman on Sunday.
I have always been a logical thinker and everything points to them. I could have been accused of prejudice as an English fan and current English player, but I have seen that everything fell into place for this side. They are the best team, the home team, play in familiar conditions, the recent pattern is of home teams winning World Cups, they have six boys with over 100 caps, great experience and the real power in the depth. It is an absolute no-brainer
England are huge favorites to beat New Zealand . There are a number of reasons for this. They have rediscovered form after the rioting against Sri Lanka and Australia. They've lost three games at this World Cup, and their results over the past four years say that that's a pretty big percentage … and they don't have to lose again.
<img id = "i-b2bc0f0eabed13e8" src = "https://ift.tt/2laJwt4 image-a-34_1563030808657.jpg "height =" 420 "width =" 634 "alt =" England are big favorites to beat New Zealand in the final of the Cricket World Cup on Sunday beat New Zealand in the final of the Cricket World Cup on Sunday
England are big favorites to beat New Zealand in the final of the Cricket World Cup on Sunday
Key batsmen Jason Roy and Jonny Bairstow are in excellent and represent an opening partnership that is honestly the best in the world – ever. On average, 70 for the first wicket is breathtaking, so & # 39; n start ensures that the opponent gets the bowling attack and lets the players who enter the exhibition halls later, play with more fluency and expression.
It also gives me confidence that Jos B uttler hasn't really fired in the tournament so far – because he's the kind of man who doesn't last long without taking a game at the neck. Jofra Archer and Chris Woakes probably played the best 10 overs of their World Cups against Australia this week, just like Adil Rashid.
We witnessed the gap in power between England and New Zealand in Chester-le-Street. Can the Kiwi & # 39; s disrupt the odds and win the World Cup? Absolutely. It is a one-time game of cricket. Chris Woakes is congratulated by his teammates during the Australian semi-final
Chris Woakes is congratulated by his teammates during the Australian semi-final victory "<img id =" i-fac34bd5dc9a519c "src = "https://ift.tt/2NUULE1" height = "398" width = "634" alt = "<img id = "i-fac34bd5dc9a519c" src = "https://ift.tt/2NUULE1" height = "398" width = "634" alt = "<img id =" i-fac34bd5dc9a519c "src =" https://ift.tt/32sHaak .jpg "height =" 398 "width =" 634 "alt =" Chris Woakes is congratulated by his teammates during the semi-final win over Australia semi-final win over Australia
But for me their only route to be the victory to win the pitch on a cloudy morning, for Trent Boult to shoot his skin, keeping England to a total low enough for Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor to bring them home
Despite the fact that I have such a dangerous batsman in Martin Guptill, I don't feel that New Zealand has the firepower to chase something between 300 and 320 in the final cup. .
When I played ODI cricket, Lord was one of the places that you really looked like a bowler because it always seemed like something was on the field or the overhead conditions were there to help you. And this bowling attack can exploit all the help that is offered.
<img id = "i-c3e610fdebed1530" src = "https://ift.tt/2lbgmKn image-a-38_1563031029357.jpg "height =" 479 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-c3e610fdebed1530" src = "https://ift.tt/305gPND /13/16/16003610-7244061-image-a-38_1563031029357.jpg "height =" 479 "width =" 634 "alt =" Jason Roy and Jonny Bairstow are in good shape and the best opening partner in the world Bairstow is in good shape form and is the best opening partnership in the world "
With the emphatic way they secured Sunday's last place, there is a marker laid down for the rest of the summer.
Australia will not have lost many ODIs more convincingly than that, it was an absolute hammer, the competition ended when Australia turned 14 for 3. You don't win from there Mitchell Starc, the best bowler i In the tournament, 10 years passed for his first five.
Do I think they will wear that in the Ashes? Probably not because they first have some warming up games to throw their heads around the red ball and they actually had a good tournament, a much better tournament than you had expected a year ago.
What we saw at Edgbaston was proof that Jofra Archer is not just a huge talent for the future. He is a huge talent right now. To get your first ball on the money as he did, Aaron Finch was absolutely breathtaking. Every bowler in the world would talk about it early to discuss Finch's plan, but execute it exactly the way – Wow!
their emphatic victory against Australia "
Thinking that he has played under 20 ODI & # 39; s and is England's leading wicket taker at the World Cup is special. He was thrown wildly fast and with great control.
Does he automatically make a choice for the first axis test? That is difficult, because it is a different size and I don't know what I mean when I last cast more than 10 surpluses a day.
He is also slightly hurt during this World Cup, so he will have to be managed.
I will play a major role in the Ashes, I'm 100 percent clear about that, but
Do you also want to perform such a & # 39; n talent so & # 39; n workload, even if he was fit enough?
Nowadays so much attention is paid to this area. Phil Scott, the ECB's strength and conditioning coach, records how many overs to bowler bowls and can almost predict the most likely time to get injured. It is called a red dot. If Jofra only threw 10 surpluses every day in the past year, an increase to 25 could turn the body into a dangerous zone. Anyway, winning the Ashes may be worth that risk.
Jofra Archer will play a major role in the Ashes after appearing in the shorter format for England "
Jofra Archer will play a major role in the Ashes play after shining in the shorter
Jofra Archer will play a big role in the Ashes after appearing in a shorter time format for England
From my perspective I have , besides trying to help the Nottinghamshire points this season, worked on certain things that I think will help me in the short term to act my best against the Australians.
I look at their batting line-up and they are top heavy with left-handed people – depending on how Unman Khawaja and Shaun Marsh recover from injuries.I am an average of 14.6, with a success rate of 45, against left-handed people this summer and I like that pretty much.
I also wept Rays at different angles in an effort to reduce the percentage of deliveries, batsmen leave me behind. That was quite high at the beginning of the year and I have brought it down considerably.
I cannot determine whether I will be picked or not, but my goal is to be fit and available for those six test competitions. That is the dedication that I have made myself. Touch wood, I can do it. I want to be that reliable person who is there or about it.
Australia gets the best out of me as a cricket player. My report against them in English is pretty good. It will be a great series, it looks like we came to the World Cup without too many injury problems, which is huge, and we could be in a great place against Australia if we win on Sunday.
<img id = "i-eda7595c439d7906" src = "https://ift.tt/2O9zZkn image-a-46_1563032349519.jpg "height =" 476 "width =" 634 "alt =" Australia gets the best from me and my record against it in England is pretty good "from me and my record against them in England is pretty good"
Australia gets the best out of me and my record against them in England is pretty good
Victory could also have a great knock-on effect for the ashes, and if England could win the World Cup, it could be interested in other forms of the game.
When people see an English champion team , it can poke their curiosity about what Test competitions are like. This is an opportunity to have an impact on the whole new generation.
for our sport. Sky will earn a lot of praise if we can lure them to cricket – it's great to have that deal with Channel 4, because even if it only wants to play 100 more girls and boys, it spreads the game.
It's great that the entire nation – except county cricketers, who are the most fanatic viewers on the part of England in the world – will see the match live.
I would really like to watch it and campaigned for the ECB to give everyone a day off like they used to in the midst of test competitions. It did not help.
<img id = "i-8ac49125f398d954" src = "https://ift.tt/32pz8yW image-a-43_1563031825379.jpg "height =" 416 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-8ac49125f398d954" src = "https://ift.tt/305gPND /13/16/16004014-7244061-image-a-43_1563031825379.jpg "height =" 416 "width =" 634 "alt =" If England can win the World Cup, it may become interested in other game forms win the World Cup, it may develop interest in other forms of the game "
If England can win the World Cup, it may become interested in other forms of the game
The biggest nail in my coffin , was in fact delivered on Friday via email when an invitation from Colin Graves and Tom Harrison, in which the pleasure of the Stuart Broad MBE company in the president's suite to Lord & # 39; s put in my inbox. I responded to remind them that I played county cricket. I am tempted to go to the field on Sunday with my phone in my pocket and log out of Sky Go.
It will be a great spectacle and the only shame for me is that it is not on a Saturday because we would not compete against Wimbledon and the British Grand Prix. That was bad planning in my book.
Of course I was a member of the team that may even be the winners of the world's only world cup trophy with a white ball
It was a very special feeling and in the coming years, because of the way the game goes, being a world champion in Twenty20 will be much greater than 50 – more than one when it comes to performance.
<img id = "i-14b1ee31dfa9690f" src = "https://ift.tt/2lc8QPn image-a-45_1563032135560.jpg "height =" 402 "width =" 634 "alt =" It was a very special feeling to win the ICC World Cup T20 with England in 2010 special feeling with winning the ICC World Cup T20 with England in 2010 "
It was a very special feeling to win the ICC T20 World Cup with England in 2010
We are not quite there yet, but the one-day game seems still have the historic grip and Sunday promises to be an experience that players will never forget.
Nerves are natural because careers can be defined by days like these. If you drop a catch or miss a run in a triangular series, nobody cares.
It's the big competitions like this that matter and how you perform under pressure. This team from England finds its way to do this.
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