#anyway my life is busy but ill be around asap to get things rolling again
elataanarchive · 4 years
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My birthday was on the 18th and my girlfriend wins an award for best present. It even plays music via bluetooth. 🌌🎶🎵
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katefiction · 4 years
Cora, Chapter 5: Revelations
by katefiction (Maria) / 2013
Westminster Hall, London
The coffin lies still, elevated on a platform in the middle of the hall. Surrounded by six long candles, it is draped in the royal standard, the crown glistening on top. The stone walls and ornate wooden beamed roof make the vast space more chilling than it already is and I shiver slightly on the balcony where I’m standing.
Granddad has been lying in state for two days at Westminster Hall, but soon, like monarchs before him, he will be taken to Windsor Castle for the funeral ceremony and to be buried. Three hundred thousand people have passed through these doors to pay their respects to the King that was undeniably the loved by the country, but now, as the guards prepare to take his coffin to the gun carriage, it is time for the capital to say goodbye.
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Behind the balcony, out of the view of prying eyes, I take Dad’s cold hand and squeeze it tightly. He keeps his eyes forward stoically, but I feel him squeeze back briefly.  When I had got back to London, Dad had been in a state of shock. As well as grieving for his beloved father, he had decisions to make – when to release the information, what to write in the statement- and I could see him flinch every time someone called him ‘your majesty’.
As the coffin is prepared to be taken down, we are ushered away to join the procession.
I have never seen London so quiet. The roads are closed and along them stand thousands of people, their heads bowed as the gun carriage drives past. You can almost hear the flutter of the occasional flag in the bitter February wind. But other than that, it is silence, and sorrow.
I sit behind the gun carriage in a carriage holding my grandmother and other ladies of the family. I bow my head, trying to ignore the masses of people and cameras that surround my family. Behind us, Dad stands tall, processing on foot, showing no sign of breaking down.
I resent the fact that this moment has to be shared with the world. When I want to curl into a ball and cry, I know that I will have to be talking to dignitaries from around the world. And when I want to hug Dad tightly, I know the camera flashes will put a stop to it.
The eighty one bell tolls from Big Ben become more distant as we approach Marble Arch and I struggle to keep it together, glad of the black veil covering my face. I know that the next time we have a procession, my face covered in a veil; it will likely be for my wedding. A wedding that Granddad won’t be there for.
St. George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle
Staring into space, I pretend to listen to one of Granddad’s old university friends tell me old stories about him.
‘And then James filled the shower head with tea bags so she was drenched in tea!…’, he laughs.
I laugh along politely, wondering when I’ll be allowed to be alone for a while.
The funeral service had been filled with sadness and plenty of tears. From the massive show that was the procession through the streets of London, the funeral was in stark contrast, an intimate family event. But as soon as we’d thrown the dirt into his grave, it was back to duties, with the family playing host to the Granddad’s closest friends and many a dignitary at the wake.
I feel a buzzing in my bag as the friend continues his story.
‘Please excuse me’, I interrupt, ‘I must go speak to my father briefly’
‘Yes yes’, he waves me away and continues speaking to someone else.
I scuttle away into a neighbouring room and pull my phone out of my bag.
‘How are you doing?’, the text says.
I tap my reply in quickly, ‘Ok, I wish you were here though’
He replies almost immediately, ‘So do I, but I’ll see you in a couple of days’
‘I miss you’
I had only seen Ben once since Granddad had died. He had texted and called me constantly, acting as a pillar of support. I wish I could’ve seen him more often, but the attention our family was getting meant that I wanted to protect our relationship more than ever.
‘Well who wouldn’t?’, he replies.
I giggle out loud, grateful for the distraction.
‘Something funny?’, a voice from behind me makes me jump.
I turn around to find a tall, handsome figure, hid hair flicked perfectly to one side.
‘Nicholas…’, I kiss him on each cheek. ‘I didn’t know you were going to be here’
Our grandfathers were close friends. Of course he was going to be here.
‘Would you rather I wasn’t?’, he says seriously.
I laugh awkwardly, ‘of course not, it’s been too long’
I hadn’t seen Nicholas since the Highland Fling. Call me a coward, but I was too chicken to face up to him after ending things with him that night.
He nods in agreement. ‘I’m so sorry for your loss, Cora’
‘Thank you, it was a big shock’, I cast my eyes downwards. I never know how to respond to sympathy.
‘It must be a big change for you, becoming Princess of Wales’, he leans against the mantelpiece.
‘Oh no, that’s not happening yet!’, I protest.
‘So you’ll still be working up in Scotland for a while?’
‘For as long as I can’
‘I guess all the focus needs to be on your dad right now anyway?’, he says kindly.
‘Exactly, the less I stay out of the papers, the better’
We make small talk for the next ten minutes, until, inevitably, the conversation dries up and we’re left standing awkwardly in silence.
‘Look Cora, can we just forget about what happened between us last summer and be friends’
Thank God.
I breathe a sigh of relief, ‘I would love that, I really would’
‘I’m having a dinner in a couple of days, would you like to come?’, he asks hopefully.
‘Oh Nick, I’d love to, but I’m busy’, I don’t quite meet his eye.
Because I’ll be with Ben.
He shrugs it off. ‘Another time then’
‘Definitely’. And I mean it.
* * *
Curled up on the couch a couple of days later, Ben hands me a cup of peppermint tea. I’d suddenly developed a cold the day after the funeral.
He pushes the hair back from my face, ‘your face is pretty hot’, he says, resting the back of his hand on my cheek.
‘Why thank you’, I snigger.
He rolls his eyes, ‘that was a crap joke’
‘No better than yours’.
I had been in his London flat since the afternoon. Now that that the funeral was over, all the attention was tuned onto Dad. Despite asking him if he needed me to stick around, he insisted that I get back to life as normal.
‘Normal’ now included spending lazy afternoons with my boyfriend.
Ben props my legs up onto his lap and begins massaging my feet. I notice him smile at the sight of my birthday socks.
‘I’m not surprised you’re ill with the week you’ve had. All that adrenalin keeping you going and then your body just crashes’, he mimics a plane crashing with his hand.
I blow my nose into a bedraggled tissue, ‘urgh I feel like hell’
‘You need a break’. He looks at me conspiratorially, ‘I’ve been thinking…’
‘Maybe this summer, I could take you on holiday, give you a proper birthday present’
‘You gave me a proper birthday present’, I wriggle my toes in his hands.
‘I mean it’
‘I would love that, you know I would, it’s just how would we do it without people finding out?’, I nibble at my bottom lip.
‘We could just tell people’. He looks me dead in the eye, forcing me to face the conversation. ‘By the summer, we’ll have been together a year, don’t you think it’s time?’
I shuffle closer to him, leaning my chin on his shoulder, ‘I just want our relationship to be ours and when we tell people, it won’t be anymore’
I think back to my discovery a couple of years back. The lengths William and Catherine went to, to keep their relationship to themselves.
His jaw tenses and his voice deepens, ‘the world will find out eventually, I’m sick of sneaking around’
I pull back, sensing his tension, ‘so am I’, I say quietly.
Just when I think he’s going to start an argument, his dark eyes soften, ‘I know’, he sighs. ‘It’s frustrating, that’s all’
I test the waters and lean towards him again. He plants a quick kiss on my lips.
‘You’ll catch a cold’, I grin.
‘I’ll risk it’, he says, pulling me into the warmth of his body.
The next morning, I’m woken by my phone going off non-stop. After ignoring Dad’s call on the day Granddad died, I now always pick up my phone first time.
I reach over to it, my eyes half open. To my surprise, Ben is doing the same, his phone going off at the same rate as mine.
‘Hello’, I say croakily.
‘Good morning Your Royal Highness’, Maggie’s voice says; her voice much too bright for 6am.
6am. Something’s wrong.
I bolt upright, ‘what is it? Is it Dad? Or Grandma, or Mum?’, I say, panicked.
Next to me, Ben in growling into his phone; all the while looking at me.
‘Everyone is fine, Ma’am. But it seems the press have caught wind of your relationship’
I feel bile rise to my throat.
Maggie continues when I don’t respond, ‘I’ve sent you a link of the article, you’ll have to decide if you want to make a statement, please get back to me ASAP’
Maggie has a way of making the biggest problems seem manageable, but even as I put the phone down, I feel my face paling.
‘Shit’, I say.
‘Let’s just see what it says’. Ben is already finding the article on his phone. That was presumably his agent calling to tell him.
I sit staring at the wall as he reads the story aloud.
‘Exclusive: Princess Cora dating tennis ace.
Princess Cora is in a secret relationship with Britain’s number one tennis player Ben Evans, the Mail on Sunday can exclusively reveal.
Sources reveal to us that the pair began dating last year after Cora began working with Evans’ charitable trust, the Marion and James Evans Tennis Trust.
The couple are said to be ‘serious’, with friends stating a royal wedding could come as early as next year.’
At that point, Ben throws the phone onto the bed, ‘what a load of bollocks’
‘Only a few people know, who’s leaked this?’, I jump out of bed and begin pulling on my clothes.
‘God knows’, Ben runs his hands through his hair and rubs his head. ‘Where are you going?’
‘Where do you think, I need to get out of here before the paparazzi turn up’, I say, struggling to button up my jeans.
Ben comes over to me, stroking my arms, ‘everyone knows now, what’s the point of running away?’
Why isn’t he more upset about this?
My phone rings again as I’m about to retort. I grab it. Dad.
‘Don’t say it Daddy’, I say before he has a chance to speak.
‘Were you planning to tell me Cora?’, he says it like he’s speaking to a small child.
‘Of course’, I button up my jeans with my free hand.
‘How long has it been going on, or shall I wait for tomorrow’s story to find that out?’
I’m embarrassed to tell him how long it’s been now that I have to say it out loud. ‘Since last July’
I hear him breathe in sharply, ‘we’ll talk about this when you get home, you’re with him, I assume?’
God this is horrible.
‘I’ll see you later then’. He hangs up before I can try to back out. I don’t have a choice but to go and face him.
‘I need to send for a car’, I say, more to myself than Ben as I text Maggie quickly.
Ben sits at the end of the bed in just his boxers, watching me rush around the room. ‘Can we talk about this?’
‘About what?’ I say distractedly.
‘You can’t just run off, anyone would think you’re ashamed’
I stop in my tracks, ‘don’t be stupid’
He grabs my waist and pulls me on to his lap, ‘we can go places together now; go on that holiday without having to worry’
I clench my teeth at the thought of a hundred photographers following us around some sunny island as we attempt to have a romantic holiday.
‘It’s not the right time’, I say pushing off his lap.
‘Then when will be?’, his voice begins to rise in annoyance.
Why does he have to be so stubborn?  Why can’t he just accept that I know what I’m talking about?
‘Granddad has just died’, I snap. ‘My dad needs my support, not for me to be on the cover of the fucking Mail on Sunday!’
‘Calm down’, he says slowly.
‘I sorry, but it’s like Nicholas said, the focus needs to be on Dad’
‘When did you see Nicholas?’, I can tell he’s trying to sound casual.
‘At the wake’, I don’t have time for this. ‘He was being a friend’
‘I bet he was’, he sneers.
A text from Maggie comes through; telling me a car should be outside. I pull on my coat and grab my bag. I can’t stay here and argue with him.
‘I’ll call you’, I say, as he follows me down the hall.
I turn around and attempt to peck him on the mouth as a small peace offering. He turns his head a fraction so I catch his bristly cheek.
‘Right, see you then’
‘See you’, he says. 
I open the door and jump into my waiting car just as two photographers pull into Ben’s road. My car speeds away, the feel of Ben’s missing kiss hollow on my lips. 
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alchemt · 5 years
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repost ,     don’t reblog ,     please    ! 
full name.   varian of old corona   ! nickname.   v ,   goggles ,   hairstripe ,   vari  . gender.   cis male   (  he  /  his  ) height.   5′0″ age.   17 in canon verse ,   varies within others   !   zodiac.   aries sun ,    libra moon ,    pisces rising  . spoken languages.   drums my hands on the table ,   you got a dead language and something translatable and this kid learns it within a few weeks ,    easy ,    so we’re sorting demantius’ dialect in here ,   but i’d say both the dialects of the inner  +  outer parts of the kingdom  !    (    i’ll talk a lil more specifically ab this in accent  !    )    maybe a smattering of words n phrases of languages found in the other kingdoms ,   due to his work that has all kinds of people coming to him for alchemic assistance ,  as well as being an outskirt village  !
hair color.   black w/ brown highlights and a teal stripe  !   eye color.   blue   ! skin tone.   very light and very very fair ,    burns within a few hours of being outside in the summer sun ,    but before that ,    freckles  ! ! ! accent.   the tts  -  english version of what was most likely a version of an early nineteenth century germanic dialect by the coast   !     i would also reach to say that it’s probably audibly different from what is usually spoken within corona’s main city   /   citadel ,    due to the distance between main and old corona ,    there’s probably a different dialect for those living on the far reaches of the kingdom outskirts  !    voice.   usually very pronounced ,   very loud ,   and very fast ,   depending on whether he’s talking ab his work or not .    either way ,    it’s prone to cracking .   his brain tends to work faster than his mouth ,   so there’s a lot of repetition and backtracking as well  !   dominant hand.   ambidextrous  !    he’s confident enough w/ pouring chemicals with both hands ,   and his staff switches between right and left constantly .   it doesn’t look like he prioritizes towards one over another ,   usually using the one that feels right in the moment .   posture.    absolutely  horrendous  !    literally you will always find him slouching over notes and various versions of work ,    falling asleep in bad positions over his workstations ,    and w/ working his way around machinery   ––   hanging over and around gently dangerous and in - progress kinds of equipment and chemical machinery does  not  always equal the best of results for one’s muscles and posture    ––    but   !     ruddiger  is actually a really wonderful addition to the family here w/ this ,    a welcome weight on his shoulders ,   which also serves to remind him to straighten up   (   in more ways than one  🥺   )   ! scars.   lots of chemical burn scarring   !     alchemy is an incredibly dangerous practice ,    and vari is  not  one to stick to a safety protocol on his own volition ,     like  a  whole  entire  fool  ,   so there’s lots of burnt clothes and burn scars    ––   the gloves were most likely a  gift  from his father ,    as soon as there had been a few accidents leading to some permanent markings on his hands ,    the same w/ the apron .    i do like to think he makes his own goggles ,   though ,    i.e.  why he has  so  many  of them to go around   !   tattoos.   n/a in most verses ,    but i love the idea of him getting one to tie back to all the work he’s done w/ the demanitus legend   /   language when he’s older   !  birthmarks.   hmmm .    i may come back to this at a later point ,    but for now let’s say if there are some ,   they’ve been marked over by other scars .  most noticeable feature(s).   teal hair stripe ,    gigantic goggles ,   some article of clothing is always slightly singed   (   or still on fire ,   please let him know asap   !    )  .  
place of birth.   old corona  ! birth weight.   most likely underweight . birth height.   small ,   tiny ,   it sticks w/ him ,   the poor kid  !   first words.   blue  !     siblings.   none   !    can’t vouch for canon here ,   but i’m going to go with historical accuracy here and say his mother died due to sickness when vari was still a baby . parents.   quirin  ( father ) ,   a woman who wasn’t given a name bc tts is Like That™  ( mother ) parental involvement.   being son to the leader of the village isn’t always .   super  great   !   there’s a lot of interactions between them that lean into the thinking that there’s a .   stilted kind of relationship between them ?    (    think .    that is enough ,     varian     /     yes ,   sir .       think .     not again  ,    varian  .     think .    you are not ready .    )    running a village is a busy enough position to be in ,    let alone one in the middle of a crisis  ,     and it doesn’t feel like there’s much time left ,   or  prioritized ,   in either of those times  ,    to develop a relationship w/ vari  ?     i can’t imagine that the loss of his mother really .    helps  ?    there’s so much  hurt  there ,    you can see it when quirin looks at the portrait in qfad ,    and so they’re very distanced due to just .    not knowing how to reach one another  ?    there’s always something ,   too big to cross ,    too far to reach .    so much of varian’s story is trying to get his father to  see  him ,   to be proud of him ,   and it reflects so much onto .   quirin’s absence  ?    in vari’s work ,    in his interests ,   in  him   ?    and in wanting that ,   needing that emotional relationship more than anything else  ?    feels like enough to drive him to uh     .  .  .     doing A Lot™ to get it .   
occupation.   " wizard “  of old corona   →    alchemist   →    co-lady-in-waiting   (  The Best Day ,    you will never be able to pry this title away from him   )    →    the gentle villain stint    →    redeemed alchemist     →    most trusted royal engineer of corona   !   current residence.   old corona   !    depending on verse he also travels ,   and lives within the citadel to be close to the official castle lab  !   close friends.   ruddiger ,   rapunz.el ,   cassandra ,   eugene ,   lance  . financial status.   as son as the leader of a village ,   i’d say middle class ,   esp. since they’re living in an outskirt town ,   it isn’t much ?    a lot of varian’s experiments come from deconstructing old ones to reuse and rebuild from scraps .   he def sews their clothes back into working order as well   !    driver’s license.   not exactly modern ,    but he  can  fly a hot air balloon  !    that’s pretty vehicular   !    no license tho bc he’s .   gotta rebel in the ways that he still can  !   criminal record.   pulls out a scroll that rolls down the whole expanse of the throne room    :     “  attacking  “   princess rapunz.el on the night of the snowstorm ,   drugging an entire castle staff w/ laced cookies ,   assisting   +   instigating in the theft of herz der sonne's journal ,   assisting   +   instigating the plan to break into the castle vaults ,   stealing the sundrop flower   (    +   later destroying it    ) ,    endangering the crown princess on multiple accounts ,    multiple accounts of assault   +   endangerment to the people of both main and outer corona    (   birthday automaton ,   enhanced ruddiger ,   army of automatons .    ) ,     kidnapping the queen ,     attempted regicide ,    breaking out of jail ,     aligning himself with the saporians ,    wiping the memories of the king   +   queen ,    allegedly planning on continuing the memory wipe to the whole of kingdom corona ,    endangering the whole of main corona with his chemicals yet  again  . vices.   arrogance ,    doubt ,    recklessness .    love language.    primarily  actions  ! !     you need something done ?   you need someone to do something for you  ?    he’s your boy  !    he also gives gifts ,   as well ,   mostly  practical  ones ,   usually lil machines or things he’ll think that could be of use or necessity  !   
character’s theme song.    oh   i  will  make  you  proud   is too much of a  bop  to be anything but his theme  !   we also see it played throughout the seasons in instrumental swells within gentle or Big Plot™ moments ,   even all the way back in  what  the  hair  !   so much of his character  +  narrative arcs lean on being seen and known and validated  ?   it’s important to him ,    but especially for it to come from his dad ,    or even from those he admires n looks up to  ?     The whole entire Dream  ! hobbies to pass time.    experiments ,    building w/ spare machinery parts ,   playing around w/ ruddiger ,    cooking  ,    gardening  ,    sewing ,    reading ,    etc .     ! mental illnesses.   anxiety ,   depression ,    ptsd . physical illnesses.    he gets sick a lot .   exposure to dangerous chemicals can lead to a weakened immune system ,   so it ends up showing in lots of semi - sick days after all - nighters that he works through until he eventually collapses or gets worse .   it does mean that he eventually develops a good repertoire of being able to recognize various symptoms of sicknesses ,    and with a bit of studying ,    experience on how to treat people within his village   +   even beyond   ! fears.   losing his father ,    being lied to   /   kept in the dark ,   not being enough despite his best efforts  ,    never being fully trusted in the same way again ,   that he won’t be who he could’ve been ,    once ,    bright in the light ,   unhurt and unhistoried ,    and that the darkness is still in him ,   waiting for the day that he snaps again .    self-confidence level.    can i get a big  oof  in the chat bc it’s not .    really exactly super - great  ?    or even super - sturdy ,   for that matter  ?   ambition is one thing ,    but failed experiment and failed invention over and over again can be .   extremely disheartening ,   especially when it comes w/ a verbal disappointment speech ,   as well as side - eyes and general wariness   +   distrust from everyone in his village .   he’s incredibly confident in his knowledge   +   ability ,    and can don the   “  wizard of old corona  “   facade ,    but he’s .    he wants to do something right ,    so  so  badly ,   to prove himself ,    to prove that he can ,    even if he’s not exactly the right person to do it ,   he’s going to try anyways  ,    even if it’s just in case ,    even if it’s the only recourse left   ?    and that can be .    dangerous ,    to say the least ,    as we’ve seen .     but  but  but    !    with the help of raps and cass and eugene and lance ,   and being given the chance(s) to be included in their lil found family ,    in being able to prove himself among them    (    with some bumps along the way ,    a sad kid with no family left can go a lil feral w/ fury and grief as a treat ,    as you do ,    you know how it be sometimes    ) ,    and come into his own  ?    has been .      the  absolute  best   !     everything he’s done for the name of good ,    for the betterment of the lives of others  !    all of the light that it brings into his life ,    into his work  !      love that for him   !  !  !    vulnerabilities.   overactive ,   maybe leaning a lil too close to what’s really an obsessive need for answers ,    how that there are not many lines he’s not willing to cross to do something he deems Right™ or for those that he loves ,    how he’s easily provoked to accept challenges   +   problems to solve .
TAGGED BY.   @irnmaidn​ ! 💕 TAGGING.    so  i  did .   gently  cut  a  lot  out  of  this , so  if  you  are  interested  in  filling  this  out ,   let  me  know  and  i will  happily direct  u  back  to  the  whole  of  it   !
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redfoxwritesstuff · 6 years
Landing (Loki x OFC)
Requested by Anon on 11/15 to Loki-the-fox: Oh my god!! You’re asexual and you write ace ships! There aren’t words for how happy I am! Could you please do one of Ana with Loki? The setting is that Infinity War didn’t happen, and the Asgardians make it to Norway, where Ana is in hiding. She was Loki’s best friend on Asgard, and she tired to help him when everyone ignored him, but he snubbed her over his obsession with gaining Odin’s approval. They’re meeting again, and he’s realized he loves her and tries to win her back. Thanks so much!
Oh dear. I’m not ace and I’m not Loki-the-fox but I hope I can write something good enough for you, dear Nonny. Here goes nothing.
Want my Masterlist? Seach “Kit’s Masterlist”
Loki x ofc, Rated PG, no warnings. 
Summary: Ana and Loki had been childhood friends. Ana had always saw the best in Loki. They told each other everything until they grew apart. When years passed and she was all but forgotten in Loki’s eyes she left to settle somewhere far away. When she’s placed in charge of helping the Asgardian people settle on Earth she’s forced to come face to face with the life she left behind. For Loki, thinking that he had come so close to losing her forever caused a shocking revelation. 
“Are you searching for something, Brother?” Thor called out as Loki entered the cockpit of the ship.
“Ana.” Loki reluctantly admitted. “I’ve not seen her on the ship at all… Many were left behind.”
“Ana wouldn’t be on the ship. Were you not aware she left Asgard centuries ago?” Surprise colored Thor’s voice.
Loki and Ana had been close for as long as he could remember. They were an odd pair in truth but she was always willing to see the best in his brother when everyone had given up reaching out to him. She saw the best in Loki when even Thor wasn’t able to.
“No, I suppose not.” The chair puffed a little glitter when Loki sat down heavily in it. What the bloody hell did the Grandmaster do to have glitter in a transport ship’s cockpit? Actually, it was better to not think about that.
“She came to Father to request dismissal and permission to settle elsewhere. I had assumed she’d told you.”
Ana had shared everything with loki as far as Thor was aware. His brother was even open with her. The idea that she’d leave and not speak a word to him was strange.
“To where did she go?” Loki leaned forward, clasping his hands together. At least she was alive. He’d made so many mistakes, so very many of them. Casting her aside was just one thing toward the top of a very long list. At least he still had a chance to fix things.
“Of that I do not know.” Thor watched Loki as he sank deep into thought.
“Come on, let me take you out- Dinner, a show maybe some drinks after?” Mark was annoying as ever. Nearly every week like clockwork he would be at Ana’s desk and asking her out on a Friday afternoon. Every single week she’d turn him down.
“Come on, Annabella?” He whinned and god did she hate that name. No matter how often she was called it, ‘Annabella’ never sounded right. It made for a great cover name for a made up identity.
“It’s just Anna.” She reminded him. “And no, I’ve got dinner with my sister tonight. Sorry?”
It killed her to put up with this sniveling baby of a man. But that was the way of women on Earth. That’s how they were expected to behave. Additionally, she made good money working for the government and if she made waves and talked to HR, handling things the human way she’d likely be out of a job. Sexist pigs.
“Annabella?” Again with the name, this time from Mr. Hage, her direct supervisor.
She sighs and turns to face her supervisor, “Just Anna is fine, really.”
“Walk with me.” The man didn’t stop, rather he kept walking passed her and expected her to keep up. “This is your chance to prove your with. Your resume mentioned extensive knowledge of Norse culture.” Okay it wasn’t concerning at all to have your resume reviewed after being in a position for years. Not at all. Especially when most of it is fake.
“Yes Sir.” Why did she bother answering? He just kept on talking over her.
“This is a whole new world we are living in. Can you believe it? We are welcoming aliens to set up a city on earth. What the hell could go wrong?”
“A lot, sir.”
“Exactly! From what I understand from information provided by the goddamn Avengers- The Avengers! We have superheros now. The world is going to shit. They said these aliens’ culture is similar to Norse and Vikings and all that shit. You’re going to go over and be our feet on the ground as they settle in the chuck of land Norway decided to give them. Let’s just let them make a whole new country- why the hell not? Anyway- Be our eyes and ears. I don’t trust them, the UN doesn’t trust them and dammit if they are going to invade and infiltrate the world’s governments I want to know asap so I can tell those fucks ‘I told you so’.”
Ana nodded dumbly as she tried to follow the conversation. Norway, where the Asgardians would be. Where her people would be. And this idiot was worried about aliens taking over the world.
She couldn’t help but wonder what he would think if he found out that she was Asgardian since she already held a government job. She’d lived in the human world for a few centuries now, moving around and changing identities as needed. The human world was something she knew well now and let’s face it- it’s not all that great.
“You leave tonight.” He said as he opened his office door. “In your inbox you’ll find the details.”
“I’m leaving when?!” The door closed in Ana’s face as she gaped at it. “Guess I’ll see him again after all.”
As much as she didn’t want to seek him out, Ana couldn’t help but look for him as Thor stepped off the first ship. A stream of people followed him but she didn’t see Loki by his bother’s side. He should have been there. He was too arrogant to not be by his brother’s side and in the spotlight as much as Ana wanted to tell herself otherwise.
And where was Odin? He should have been the first off the ship, not a prince. How the hell had Asgard been destroyed anyway? Intergalactic news was hard to get living on Earth and while she normally didn’t care for it, right now she had so many questions. Maybe Thor could answer some for her- she’d have to meet with him anyway.
The doors of the second and third ship open and ramps roll down. A stream of people flow out and she knows it’s not nearly the whole population of Asagrd. Either more ships were coming or this was everyone that managed to make it to safety. Many were likely lost. It would explain why a small portion of Norway was big enough to become home to all their people.
Finally, she spots him. Loki was the last one off the first ship and her breath catches in her lungs when she catches sight of him. She didn’t expect to be so damn worried about him but it took a weight off her to see him alive and well.
Somehow he looked taller but surely that was a trick of the clinging leather. His hair had gotten long and it oddly suited him. Some of the curls were as wild as he was, though most seemed tamed. Just like him.
Finding her feet she pushed forward through the crowd of reporters and officials to welcome them. She had a job to do. She was appointed by the goddamn UN. Hopefully no one would recognize her.
“Get the food out and prepared. These people need food and water- they’ve had a long trip without proper supplies. Children, elderly and ill get priority.”
Loki knew that voice anywhere. Looking out over the sea of people, human and Asgardian both beginning to mingle, and looked for her. There were large white tents set up with tables and chairs. Platters full of food but none of that caught his attention for more than a passing moment. She was here somewhere.
“Thor?” There was that voice again. “My name is Annabella- You can just call me Anna. I am your liaison to coordinate with the UN the settling of the Asgardian people-”
“King Thor, it is as you said. You’ve delivered us to safety!” A woman shouted over the crowd to him as she guided her small children toward the food.
‘King Thor’? Ana wondered when that happened. It did explain however why Odin was absent. It also settled who she would be working with to settle the people.
Thor laughed and clapped a man on the back as he offered praise to the King before turning back to her. Please don’t recognize me. Please don’t recognize me.
“Ana?” Loki’s voice cut through her like a blade. Fuck. Fuckity fuck.
“I knew you looked familiar!” Thor bellowed, wrapping her up in his arms. “It’s been far too long! So this is where you settled? Have the humans embraced you well? One Asgardian here already gives us hope to find our place!” Ana’s feet dangled off the ground.
“Brother, put her down before you break her.”
“Loki was just asking after you not even a few day’s time ago!” That was interesting, Ana thought as her feet settled on the ground. She’d not expected her old friend to even spare her a thought.
“Ah- yes well.” Clearing her throat she put business first again. “They believe me as human as they.”
“Why?” Loki scoffed.
“The people here where not ready for such knowledge when I settled. It doesn’t matter anyway. Not everyone is pleased that you’ve come to settle but it’s my job to make it as seamless as possible for everyone. You’re people will have food and water for the first month or so without question but we must settle a plan for them to become self sufficient.” Ana tried not to give Loki too much of her attention.
“Ana?” Loki called out when she turned away. She didn’t even look back as she walked away.
“Did you and her have a falling out?” Thor questioned as Loki dumbly watched her walk away.
“None that I’m aware of.” Loki couldn’t think of why she left, why she was being so cold now. It wasn’t like her. She always gave him the benefit of doubt. It was her that always saw the best in him no matter how low he had fallen.
“Annabella, I’m calling it a night if that’s okay?” Sarah called into the tent that Ana had claimed her home for the time being.
“Sounds good.” Anna glanced but the tent flap was already closing behind Sarah as she retreated to her on tent. “And it’s just Anna!”
She wasn’t aware of Loki lounging against the file cabinet behind her. He took in her appearance. She’d changed some over the many years. Yet her long brown hair was just as smooth as he remembered, holding just the slightest wave that would remind him of the sea. She had such piercing green eyes that always commanded the full attention of whoever she turned them on. In short- she was just as beautiful as he had remembered and it caused Loki’s heart to clench in his chest. When he feared she’d been left behind, that she was one of the dead he had realized something he hadn’t gave thought to before.
At some point he’d grown to love the woman who had been his oldest friend. Yet he hadn’t even noticed when she left him. He was too caught up in his own ambitions. It took thinking she’d been left for dead, that she’d been lost for him to realize. Now he had to get her back, win her heart. He could manage that much, couldn’t he?
“I’m rather fond of Annabella myself.” Loki’s voice came from behind her and she hated how she jumped.
“Just Anna is fine.” It was a goddamn automatic response at this point and Loki laughed before sobering as she turned to him. “Why did you leave? Why did you not tell me?”
“Why do you care?” She shot back.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Just leave me alone Loki, that’s what you do.”
Loki was befuddled. “Is that what you think? You’re the one that left.”
“When did you notice?” That shut him right up. “Well?”
“No. We used to be close. You used to tell me everything and I used to tell you everything. Then you came less and less. Then you only came when you needed me. Then you stopped coming at all. Why?”
“Ana, let me-” She was on a roll now. Centuries of hurt that had been bottled up came rushing forward and she hated the sting of tears in her eyes.
“All because you wanted to be good enough to someone who never gave a damn about you. Yeah, you were his son. Yeah, you are a prince. But to me you were a friend and I loved you.” Her breath caught as he looked down in shame.
“Loved?” How soft his voice was.
“Go away Loki.”
“Perhaps you can love me again?” Ana was lost for words as he gave her one last glance before leaving her be.
The next morning when she awoke there was a package on her table. Looking around she couldn’t spot anyone in her tent or a sign of who may have left it. Simple brown paper wrapped the item and a simple black cord held the paper closed.
Unwrapping it slowly she found a book. It wasn’t any book. She’d not seen it since they were young. It was a dumb book she made when they were children. In it she had recorded their adventures- or what she called their adventures when she was young.
Where she had left it so very many years ago she couldn’t say. Discarded somewhere when she gave up hope on Loki. When they drifted away she stopped recording events in it, there was nothing new to record. But still, a smile spread across her face as she flipped through the pages filled with stories written by hand and a few keepsakes.
As she looked, an envelope fell out. Picking it up she could see the familiar sweeping letters that were so unique to Loki. “read me” he simply wrote, answering the question of where the book came from.
“I found this left on a bench forever ago. It was my intention to return it to you but- as you said, I left you alone. For that I’m terribly sorry. Might you consider allowing me to make it up to you?”
“Fine.” Ana sighed as the sound of Loki’s chuckle filled the tent. Of course he was hiding there. He never was one for personal boundaries. “But don’t blow my cover at least. My boss isn’t too fond of this whole set up.”
“As you wish.”
That day, Loki began attempting to court the Lady Ana, whom he would sometimes call Annabella just to see what she would throw at him in the moment. He’d give gifts and they’d spend hours talking just as they had as children.
It took months before one night as they sat looking at the stars, Ana rested her head on Loki’s shoulder. Looking down at her, he smiled. While he never expected it, he knew that she was the one that was always there for him. She was always for him. Yet he doubted if she thought the same.
“What?” She didn’t even look up at him.
“Ana?” That drew her eyes to him. “I have something to confess. It doesn’t change anything but I must speak it.”
“I love you. I’ve probably always loved you. You needed to know. I needed you to know.” He was babbling almost, regretting saying anything because they were friends. She’d never shown any interest in him as a lover or mate.
“I love you too.” Well that was unexpected.
“You do? Ana, I mean I love you as a more then a friend. Nothing has to change...”
“I know.” Looking down at her hands, she continued. “I do love you. I know I’ve never felt this way.”
“We’ll find our way.” Loki’s arm draped around her shoulder and he pulled her close, allowing her to better rest against him. “I’ll never leave you again.”
Tag List: @winterisakiller, @bambamwolf87, @dangertoozmanykids101, @alexakeyloveloki, @0-0-0-0-0-0-0-7, @missaphrodite23, @theoneanna, @j-u-s-t-4
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btextswriting · 7 years
BED TO LIE IN {part 2 of LIES}
Laying in bed and letting your mind wander, it was the best medicine. Life had been insane since you started working at BigHit and you never took vacations, so it was actually nice to have a few days to yourself. You had turned off your phone enraged by Namjoon’s comments and closed your laptop once you had gotten home, but now it had been a few days and you were relishing in the feeling of having nothing to do.
You looked at your phone, sitting on top of your laptop, black with lack of power, and you reached for it. Turning it on for the first time in a few days, it began buzzing and ringing to life, you watched with wide eyes as the messages and emails kept coming in.
Alright so in 3 days I’ve gotten 78 text messages, 17 voicemails, and 102 emails. You tsked and looked through. Well without spam, that’s 56 emails. You continued to go down the line of emails, answering questions from various coworkers, informing managers of upcoming events, and releasing information to the PR department. Alright. Voicemails. You said to yourself and took a breath. Listening, you began laughing.
Tell her we miss her, pabo. Jin could be heard in the background as Namjoon sighed.
Y/N, I’m sorry that you took my comments the wrong way. He started but an audible smack could be heard.
YOUR COMMENTS WERE WRONG, SHE DID NOTHING WRONG! Jimin yelled at Namjoon as he sighed.
I’m sorry I made those comments. Namjoon said reluctantly and you laughed as you continued to listen.
Some of the messages were from your coworkers who thought you had died or gotten terminally ill. You sighed and shook your head at their ability to jump to conclusions. Then you heard a familiar voice.
Hey, Y/N. Hobi said, but he wasn’t as cheery. Just wanted to say that I’m sorry about what Yoongi hyung said. I know that it’s not my fault, but I hate to think you’re upset over something stupid like that. Yoongi hyung doesn’t always see what is happening around him, he gets super defensive even if he doesn’t have any leg to stand on. So please, don’t take what he said to heart. Hobi stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before continuing. If it’s worth anything, I think you’re amazing. You bring so much light and happiness, and organization, to the group. We used to seem aimless before you, and now I don’t think any of the guys know what to do without you, especially me. He added and then hesitated again. Well, I should go, but I HOPE to hear from you soon. See what I did there? Bye, Y/N.
You chuckled at his little joke and looked at your phone. Going to his number on your contacts, you hit call. A few rings later and you were sent to voicemail.
This is Hobi, if you are calling for business reasons, please direct that to Bang PD or our assistant Y/N. You looked at the phone. You had no idea that he had put your name in his voicemail messages. Any other messages can be left after the beep and I will definitely try to call back ASAP. You heard his cheery voice say and you giggled again. *beep*
Oh, hey, Hobi. I just thought I would call and say thank you. I turned off my phone for the past few days to just sort of recoup, but I just listened to your message and it really made me smile. You always know what to say to make me feel better. Anyway, I HOPE you’re having a good day. See what I did there? Ha-ha. Well anywhooo, have a great day and talk to you later. Bye, Hobi! You ended the call and smacked the phone to your head.
‘I HOPE you’re having a good day?’ Who the hell are you? You asked yourself and groaned. I guess I should tackle texts. You began to skim the messages. Most were from the group message you had with BTS, they were all asking where you were, how you were, and what you were doing. You had to smile at their persistence. As you continued to scroll, you saw a number that never usually texted you, pop up.  
Since you’re gone, does this mean I take over? – MS
You rolled your eyes. Mi Sun was technically the highest ranked coordinator and whenever you were gone, she had the ability to take control. You were about to respond when a text suddenly came in.
Hobi said you called. Can you call me immediately? – MY
You looked at the text and sighed. You didn’t want to talk to Yoongi, your heart was still reeling from his confession about Mi Sun, but there was a side of you that wanted to hear his voice. Pressing the call button, it only took a ring for him to answer.
Y/N, hey. He whispered which made you confused.
Hey, what’s up? You asked, and after a long pause Yoongi responded.
You need to come back … now. He muttered and you squinted your eyes in confusion.
Yoongi, are you being held hostage or something? You’re whispering and that’s not like you. What the hell is going on over there? You asked and he was quiet yet again.
You were right about Mi Sun, just come back. You shook your head at his reply.
This is kind of what you wanted, Yoongi. You responded and Yoongi huffed.
I just admitted I was wrong! He exclaimed.
Yoongi oppa, are you on the phone? You heard Mi Sun ask in the background and Yoongi sigh.
I have business that I’m working on, go bug someone else. He replied in a cold tone and there was a pause.
Yooooongi oppppaaaaaa. You heard Mi Sun whine and you tried not to gag. Don’t be so mean to meeeee. She continued to whine and you rolled your eyes.
Yoongi, I have to go, have fun. I will make sure she is supervised by the managers and if she gets out of hand, I will come back, but right now, this is your problem. Like I said, don’t come crying to me when this backfires. You hung up the phone and high fived yourself.
AND THAT’S HOW WE FUCKING DO THIS! You exclaimed as you sat back down. Grabbing yourself a celebratory bowl of ice cream, you sat down on the couch and enjoyed not having to deal with the petty problems that BTS brought into your life.
On the other side of town, Yoongi was thoroughly regretting everything he had ever thought about Mi Sun. Since you had left, Mi Sun had taken over and was the most obnoxious, self-centered, and unreliable assistant the group had ever seen. She had already forgotten to make sure that wardrobe was prepared for a show and didn’t have a car to shuttle them to an interview, and it had only been 3 days. Mi Sun spent a majority of the time complaining about her problems, that weren’t so much problems as they were simple every day issues that people ran into. And to top it all off, the guys all blamed Yoongi for Mi Sun’s horrible work ethic.
Yoongi sighed and looked at the black screen of his phone. Hobi walked up to him with hope written on his features.
Is she coming back? He asked and Yoongi simply shook his head.
To paraphrase, I made the bed, now I have to lie in it. Yoongi replied and Hobi’s shoulders fell.
I was really hoping you would be able to talk her into it. Hobi said before turning and giving a thumbs down to the rest of the group, who grumbled in annoyance.
As they all dispersed to finish up on their own things, Hobi clicked on the voicemail once more. He smiled at your voice as it rang through his headset and chuckled at your joke. His finger hovered over the call back button, when Jimin and Jungkook clapped him on the back and asked him for help with their routine. He put his phone in his pocket with a self promise to call you back once he was done.
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0n3-h4lv3 · 6 years
10:17pm 9/7/18
FUCK yall. Heres some things that *i* have 2 say. @ morgan : i love u so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U literally deserve every good thing in this entire world. You are so loving and bubbly and positive that it is Infuriating to me that you have to face any hardship whatsoever. You dont deserve that, but you are strong enough to push through it and to make the most of any bad situation, and im SO excited for your future and the amazing things you will accomolish. Youve been my best bud for like ??????? 12 years almost ??????? How badass is that !!!!!!! U are the one bitch on this planet that i truly can tell everything. Nothing on this blog would suprise ir shock u, like a bitch knows whats up bc. God i rlly truly can 100 percent relax in ur company. SOMETIMES i still worry abt dumb shit but then i tell u anyway and it works out ok. Im mad greatful for that. Even with my other besties, i think id go mad without u and our friendship. I dont always send u the most responsive texts, but i DO think abt u every day and i LOVE u 2 bits and bits and bits. I wanna have sleepovers again. And tell bad stories abt marvel and folklore characters in the dark until we pass out laughing at eachother. I miss being kids. I dont think there was a point in my life so far where i have Truly been blissful or care free, i wasnt built that way, but memmories of u and me playing and creating and laughing together are truly the happiest i have. If not for you I would have killed myself three years ago in my bedroom after school, that day that i couldnt stop crying ? I went home and i tore at my shirt and i screamed and sobbed and slammed my head into the floor, lamenting how unlovable i was, but i really did have something that kept me from giving up, and it was you! I know thats heavy, which is why im putting it here and not actually telling you, but even though liv was my big fp at the time, you were rlly my reason to live. I just pray that i can do something meaningful for you, to repay you for being there for me before i die.
Finny! : BUD!!!! Ur actually. An angel but irl. Like sometimes i see you and stop breathing for a second. And im not even talking abt that ur like hot or whatever, its like. Gosh, finn you just have this presence ? And you are simultaniously so forgiving and understanding while taking Absolutely no shit and i respect that hard. Its like rlly hard to be uncomfortable in your presence. I still manage to sometimes, because god made me and was like "yeah this bitch will never see rest of any form", but like compared to the discomfort i feel around Most people, the discomfort i sometimes feel around you is WAY less and very warm asfjgja. I wish i got more hugs from you, i know thats like Mad stupid, but theyre. Validating and wonderful and they mean a lot and feel rlly good so more of those would be cool. I miss laying w u on the couch and watchin horror movies !! I know that was just like a month ago and its not like we cant do it again, but with how busy we are and how busy Everything is im very scared that we actually wont get to, or that u dont want to. Anyway im rambling, but u DO mean the world to me, and im so so sorry if im too much or overbearing. I dont know if you know how much you mean to me ? If youre on this blog you have an idea but i dont think these posts actually paint it accurately. For the past 10 or so years ive had a pattern of latching on to people, one at a time, and putting "all my eggs in one basket" so to say. It can be a best friend, or romantic interest, or both. But regardless ! This person directly and immediately impacts my emotional state. And rn its you !!! Which sucks a LOT. Bc even outside of my shitty "favorite person" thing, you are very important to me, and your friendship is so important to me. But i havent figured out how to negate or counter the whole fp experience, and so whenever u do anything... that i could interpret as disinterest or disgust or like anything negative, it has a 50/50 chance if sending me into a panic, sometimes a full fledged anxiety attack ! And whenever you show interest or affection or anything positive, it beyond makes my day. And thats. Like weird ? And it sucks even more for you, because if you realized how strongly just the tiniest thing can fuck me up, you wouldnt even want to talk 2 me. You would distance yourself to save urself from the stress and me from the whatever this is. But i know that my brain would just pick someone else as soon as you abandon me, so i have to just keep in my head and to myself until the fp thing moves on, or u abandon me anyway, or whatever. Bc i dont want to lose our friendship. And its ok !! But it makes our friendship more complicated on my end. I unintentionally put so much stock into how u percieve me, and so you not wanting to date me for suoer valid reasons still tears at my heart a lot. Like somethings wrong with me or you dont rlly love me or whatever even tho thats not necissarily the case. Anyway. Ill be ok. I rlly will, this is something i just need to man up about and push through ! Thank u for being such a cool friend :).
MADI !!!: UGH bitch. I do love u. Im sorry im late every time u pick me up in the morning and that i complain so goddamn much. I know its unbecoming but in my defense im feeling pretty rock bottom these days and u r like a cute little ray of sunshine that drinjs too much coffee. You are so. Beautiful okay ? That sounds like bullshit cuz im ur best friend and all. But this is honesty hour. See what i wrote to finn and mj ?? Im not fucking around. Im laying it all bare. This is the post yall will find AFTER i kill myself, so im not gonna LIE to u in it. Could u imagine ??? Anyway point is: you are so beautiful, and you are complex and interesting and Capable okay ? Like ur not a background character or basic or none of that. U feel like u are, and u say ur not pretty or whatever, and its like. The dumbest shit bc if u could only see what Every One Else was getting to look at ? U wouldnt recognize urself. Also. U have an INSANELY kind heart. I cant believe u were ok with me fucking your boyfriend. I cant believe you put up with my drama. You buy me coffee ? You go out 2 lunch with me ?? You seem to take genuine interest in me, and like my company !! Its bananas girl. I dont know how i can be so vile and low and selfish and you still stay by me. I dont believe i deserve it, but ur kinda adimant abt remaining my best friend, so hopefully ill have time to become a better person for you, and 2 return the favor. I love u mads. Like, big time. Ur a rock and roll girl and id do anythin 4 ya <3
Myla !! : buddy. Oh my god. A lot of people r likr "ohh im chaotic good" or "wow shes got such chaotic energy" and its MAD bullshit. But real talk ??? U like... do have such powerful chaotic good energy. Ilysm. Ur smile is Contagious. Actually just seeing u at school makes me smile. Ur company and friendship is such a blessing. ALSO lmao ur so ??? Like coy ?? And cheeky ???? Its mad fun, ur just like a very silly very lovely bud. I know you are Also very depressed and hurting. And i hate that so much. You dont deserve it. Nothing about you has earned it, but like depression doesnt care who earns what ya know ? Anyway ur strong. Likr 4 real, and i want u to know that you can SO overcome it, and u have such a bright future okay ?? I love you ! I KNOW finny loves you! I dont know ur parents that well but they'd be BATSHIT to not totally love you. Having you in my life is like a blessing, and i rlly rlly rlly hope i can repay the good energy some day okay ? I know u dont like talking abt how ur feeling, but if u ever want to, or u think of ANYTHING i can do to help, tell me asap okay ? Bc i will not hesitate to be there 4 u, no matter how big or small.
OKAY @ all of you !!! :
I LOVE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY !!! IM *SO* GREATFUL YOU ARE ALL IN MY LIFE !!! Literally i cant. Express how important you all are. Im crying and i would Literally die for any one of you. That sounds like a silly thing but it would be. An honor to actually lay down my life for the sake of any of u guys, tho im not sure how the situation would arise lol. I feel like i owe y'all so much. I also know that if i am going to get better, i cant do it alone, and i might end up asking more from u guys :(. I hate that, but im hoping you can understand and allow me to return the favor somehow someday.
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