#anyway stan gwyneth berdara
orphicauroras · 5 months
Yk I do have a question about the lightsinger theory. If she was subconsciously luring Azriel, wouldn't she have the same effect on Cassian Or Rhysand Or any other male she comes across? I mean the whole point of subconsciously using powers is not having a good aim.
But alas only Azriel seems to have been affected
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thedickgraysons · 5 months
“guilty as sin is elucien’s theme” “guilty as sin is elriel’s theme” WRONG im gatekeeping guilty as sin. now its the theme for the 400k word eris/azriel/gwyn poly fic that features mutual growth and bi-panicking azriel of my daydreams. maybe you guys can have it back when you learn how to fucking BEHAVE
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gwyns · 8 months
Elain : canon that she doesn’t like violence
E/riel’s : aesthetic, fanart and headcanons of her dressed in Illyrian leathers, or wielding a sword, or covered in blood, or is secretly a spy for the Night Court.
I saw someone say that Elain would clean the blood off of Azriel after he comes home from a mission. Or that they want a scene in the next ACOTAR book of Azriel beating someone up, covered in blood, and Elain bites her lip and is like “that’s hot” ?? It’s canon that she doesn’t like violence. Didn’t she vomit after the battle in ACOWAR? And her being a spy doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t fit her character in canon. Wouldn’t we have got something of that in Az’s bonus chapter if she was training to be a spy or if she had spy like qualities?
If SJM holds a live stream interview where questions are allowed, I lowkey want someone to ask her if she’s ever thought about making Elain a spy or how she feels about blood and violence. Idk if SJM would say anything but *shrugs shoulders*
E/riel’s complain that Gwynriel’s put down Elain for being feminine, for her love of baking and gardening, but I’ve seen countless fanart of Elain as a warrior/spy and headcanons of Elain liking violence/blood. Not to say there aren’t some Gwynriel’s who’ve said that (I personally haven’t seen any) but it seems like E/riel’s are the ones reaching. Making their view of Elain different from canon.
why do they think elain would be ok around blood like that? even feyre, someone who has seen proper battle and killed people, doesn't like it. feyre doesn't like being around torture either but somehow elain would?? hey e/riels... BE REAL, please, for one second
and like??? elain would never, ever, in a million, BILLION years find az beating someone up "hot". not when she practically begged her sisters to leave graysen alone. hell, sjm has never really done that in general, clearly she doesn't like it either lmfao
oh god please i would love for sjm to shut down their little spy theories. anyone remember a couple of years ago how they were so confident that e/riel would be a sleeping beauty retelling but then in an interview sjm said she doesn't like that movie or even let her son watch it and suddenly they pivoted to something else?? i have never laughed so hard
ok let's look at this way: if elain has to change so much, literally a complete overhaul of her canon character, to fit with az... why wouldn't sjm just write a new, more well suited character? that'd be less of a headache... oh but wait! she did!! miss gwyneth berdara would like a word. for a fandom that claims to love and respect elain when others don't, they sure do try to turn her into someone else and then project that onto gwyn stans, claiming we're self inserting and wanting her to be elain when i have never, not once, seen a gwyn stan want gwyn to be any different
i have unfortunately seen some weird and toxic gwynriels but weird and toxic e/riels far out number them. oh and for the record, i've never seen or heard of gwynriels stealing art, doxing people, harassing sjm's irl friends and publisher, faking cancer, or telling sjm they'd harm her child if they didn't get their way so... really it's like comparing apples to oranges
anyway (most) e/riels suck and gwynriels, alongside eluciens, are literally the glue that holds this fandom together. i love you all even if this fandom is a cesspit most of the time, thank you for making this a fun space <3
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You don't have to like Gwynriel as a ship to not be trash about Gwyn's character. I'm not certain some of y'all know that.
Everytime you feel compelled to call Gwyn a liar, check out page 273 of ACOSF.
"Why did you sign up for this, then?" Nesta drank the glass Gwyn extended. "If you already have mind-calming exercises you're accustomed to?"
"Because I don't ever want to feel powerless again," Gwyn said softly, and all those easy smiles and bright laughs were gone. Only stark, pained honesty shone in her remarkable eyes.
Nesta swallowed, and though instinct told her to pull away, she said quietly, "Me too."
Y'all be out here using the text to make up convoluted theories but have you ever thought of using it to read with comprehension? Just because you only think about Azriel's dick doesn't mean Gwyn does. She didn't give a single shit about Az when she showed up. She wanted to feel safe in her own skin again and when you call her a liar because she knew about the Dread Trove (from research because unlike y'all, she's smart and knows how to read) and Azriel likes her, you just embarrass yourself.
Some of you really do hate to see women win. If you can't connect it to a man it's worthless to you. No one said you have to like her but calling her a liar with your crack theories because you learned to read in Clown College says way more about you than it does about the character you're so pressed about.
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