#anyway thats my 5 am angst i had to share today
itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Baby 2.0 is in a psych ward, just so y'all know.
Ivan really fucked them up.
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dayeemah · 8 years
Dive //Stepbrother au part// 4
 Bts Kim Taehyung
A/N: I am so sorry for updating so late. I’ve been so freaking busy with test, school and personal things and now i’ve had a day off. FINALLY got a chance to finish and update !! 
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 (teaser) - Final Part
Warnings? May contain Angst, smut and other strong language.
~ Step siblings au ~ (M)
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It was hard to stay away from a boy whom you had feelings for before your parents even came together. Especially when the boy you needed to stay away from was playing mind games with you and constantly annoying you..
He pulled the covers over your naked bodies, cuddling you until you fell asleep, he sighed staring at your beautiful sleeping form. He wanted to stay in your arms forever, to kiss, hug and touch you whenever he felt like it but he couldn’t and thats what pained him the most. “I love you so much princess” he breathed against your skin. Falling asleep with you in his arms, he wished thats how he could end all his nights.
The next past days were rough on him more than it was on you. You were good at holding in your emotions and putting others before yourself. But Taehyung, he wasn’t his normal self and it hurt, it hurt because you both shared an intimate moment a few days ago and he was so cold to you afterwards.. Pretending it never happened. You knew this would happen and it wasn’t that Taehyung didn’t love or care about you because he did, it was the sacrifice he chose to make for you and your parents happiness.
“Y/n, whats wrong, you’ve been silent all day” Seokjin asked, sitting down next to you as you stared into a blank space.
Your ears felt so worn out and washed up, all day, you didn’t hear a thing your teacher said and now you were confused on how to do your homework.
“Y/n.. Hello?” Jin snapped his fingers in front of your eyes and you jumped, shaking away your blank facial expression and looking at him, confused.
“You good?” he asked, a look of concern written all over his face.
You nodded, flipping through the pages of your history book, lost and mopey as you let out a sigh. 
“Don’t do that with your face, it give you wrinkles” Jin said, closing your text book. 
He placed his hands on your shoulders, leaning in, squinting his eyes a bit trying to read you, which was quite difficult. You were always good at putting a face on when on the inside you would be hurting and hardly anyone could tell.. except Jungkook but he wasn’t here today, and he would be the only one to keep you from falling apart.
“Taehyung.” Jin mumbled.
Clicking his tongue, he stood up, putting your books back into your bag then pulling your out the library by your arm.
“Where are we going?” you sighed, not really in the mood to speak.
“Im taking you to him.. Honestly you two need to work out whatever issues you have its not healthy to sit around and frown all day” Jin said, pulling you to the the courtyard. 
Their were a few boys out playing basketball and from what you spotted, and Yoongi was one of them.
Yoongi winked at you as he quickly spotted you, then dunked on the other team. Looking around you gulped, seeing a few student huddled together on the benches, probably studying. Jin was walking straight towards a few students who were relaxing by the tree. You could hear loud laughter, a females voice and Taehyungs; of course you recognized his voice anywhere.
Jin stopped, making you stumble into him because you weren’t paying attention but to busy focused on Tae’s hand that was resting on her upper thigh. 
“Taehyung, I brought her here so you could talk” Jin said clearing his throat. 
His noticed the affection between the girl and Taehyung but he didn’t care and ignored the girl who stood next to him.
“Oh hey Y/n” Hoseok greeted, smiling widely.
“Hey” you weakly smiled, waving, trying to hide behind Jin. 
You hated that Taehyung didn’t even think to remove his hand off the girl, in fact he kept rubbing her thigh as he leaned against the tree. You bit hard on your lip then looked away from the painful sight.
 “What am I going to talk to her about? Don’t you see that i’m a bit busy?” Taehyung spoke not bothering to look at you. 
“Hey isn’t that the same girl you-.” Hoseok paused then stared at you for a good minute then started grinning…
“Shut up Hobi… Don’t you have something to do?” Taehyung spit glaring at him. 
Jin rolled his eyes, then pulled you from behind him until you were directly in front of Taehyung… 
“Anyways… Hoseok do you mind leaving us alone we need to talk?” Jin said, stuffing his hands in his pocket and tilting his head to the side with a serious tone..
Hoseok nodded, getting up immediately and walking off to the court joining Yoongi in a one on one.. 
The girl scoffed, eyeing him.. “How dare you.. Im his girlfriend, if you or her has anything to say it can be said in front of both of us” she huffed folding her arms. 
“I’m not your boyfriend.” Taehyungs face was emotionless as he eyed the girl in annoyance, “Fuck buddies don’t mean were a couple.. Now give me privacy.” Taehyung said with a stern voice.
Scoffing, the girl got up, folding her arms and grabbing her purse stomping off. 
“What do you want Hyung? I told you so many times.. Im starting to think your brain dead.” Taehyung hissed sitting up.
Jin eyed Taehyung, arching his eyebrows as he stepped closer to him.. “Don’t forget i’m your hyung. You and Y/n need to talk out your shit because its giving me a headache” Jin explained annoyed, pushing his hair out his face. 
He pushed you into Tae, making you fall on top of him then he walked away as if he had nothing to do with anything…
“Oh.. I-I’m sorry.” you attempted to get up but Tae’s grip was firm on your hips. 
“Y/n.” You paused, breathing heavily against him. 
Your heavy breathing against his neck set fire to his skin.. 
“I need you.. Please don’t go.” 
You were in shock from his sudden confession.. “Tae.. I don’t understand I-.” 
But Taehyung cut you off, “My car is over there lets talk okay.” 
You sighed, nodding.. You guys needed to talk, actually you needed more than to talk.. Taehyung was really serious about this because he was dragging you by your arm to the car. Grabbing the keys and pressing the button to open the car doors. He watched you get in and then climbed in after you. You both sat there for a few minutes before Taehyung broke the silence.
“Im sorry princess. I know this looks bad but honestly i’m so broken and fucking Brooke isn’t helping.. I can’t do this shit anymore.” Taehyung complained.  
You looked away knowing exactly what he meant..  
“Tae Its messing me up inside.. Honestly I don’t care about what they think anymore. I need you. I need you now. I miss us.. I made a mistake okay. I chose us.” you sniffled looking at him.
Taehyung was taken aback by this but he cupped your face as soon as you finished the last word. He began kissing you so gently and passionately, in this moment you felt like the only girl in the world. That it was the fourth of July and fireworks were above you as you shared such a intimate moment. 
“I love you so much baby. And I’m sorry I made you feel like shit these last few days.” He sighed intertwining your fingers.
“I love you to Taehyung, please I need you.” you looked up at him with puppy eyes biting your lip as you squeezed his hand. 
Taehyung pulled you into him, kissing you roughly as he worked on your jeans, slowly undoing them as he laid you back on the soft cushion of the seat. Sliding between your legs as he tugged off your jeans, he was kissing you with so much passion and lust that had you melting into him.
The windows were fogged up, and every breath and moan you made had Taehyung begging for more. His hips rolling into yours and his mouth sent vibrations throughout your skin as he marked up your neck.
You hated how persistent your mom was, you didn’t even have a boyfriend but you couldn’t explain the dark purple bruises that rested on your neck. So here you were in front of your mom as both of you sat on the couch waiting for Yoongi. 
“So how long have you and Min Yoongi been dating?” Your mom asked smiling.. 
You cleared your throat sitting back placing your hands in your lap before speaking. 
“We go to the same school. Hes older than me though. Me and Yoong”- You paused mid sentence upon hearing the door.
Ignoring the butterflies in your stomach you stood up, pretending to be excited as you hurried to the door opening it and hugging Yoongi as tightly as you can. 
“Yoongi- Oppa, so good to see you.” plastering a big forced smile on your face, before placing a chaste kiss to his cheek. 
Yoongi smiled, putting his arm around your waist as he greeted your mom.
“Well its good to finally meet you- the famous Min Yoongi" Your mom grinned as she stayed seated.
Everything was awkward for you after Yoongi took a seat next to you, his hand on your thigh, but not to high up. Your cheeks were a small tint of red as you avoided your moms eyes. 
"So Yoongi. Have you thought about what college your going to?" Your mom asked.
Yoongi began to speak simultaneously as the stairs began creaking and Taehyungs voice filled the room.. All three of you stopped and turned around to stare at Tae.
"Tae. I'm sure you don't have anything to do. Come join Yoongi and your sister." Your mom smiled standing up to pat the seat next to her.
Taehyung was a little confused and once his eyes found yours you quickly looked away. Ashamed and nervous.
"Y/n is my step sister... And what is he doing here?" Taehyung groaned in frustration.
"Your wonderful mom invited me over for dinner. And besides I love spending time with my beautiful girlfriend." Yoongi kissed your left cheek, rubbing his thumb across your thigh and you couldn't help but blush and bite your lip.
You couldn’t wait until this acting stuff was over..
Taehyung arched his eyebrow humming as he watched the sight before him. 
“No thanks mom, I wouldn’t want to disturb the “beautiful” couple let me help you in the kitchen.” Taehyung offered, pulling your mom to the kitchen with him. 
When you knew they were gone you stood up taking a deep breath. 
“ I can’t believe your my fake boyfriend.” you whispered your face red from embarrassment.
“Yeah I am..Now.. Why don’t you show me your bedroom so I can get more comfortable.” Yoongi smirked biting his lip. 
“N-No.” You stopped looking away as your cheeks were flushed and you had butterflies now. 
It wasn’t like you had a crush on Yoongi, or anything. It was just the fact that Yoongi was a flirt and his words made you blush.
“Sweetheart one day.. And you know what I mean.” Yoongi winked as he reached for the palm of your hand to pull you between his legs as he remained sitting in the chair.  
A small laugh left your lips and you looked away knowing Yoongi was watching you. But this was all an act, and a fake relationship just so you and Taehyung could be together. But as much as you hated to admit it in this moment you felt how wrong it was and snatched your hand out of his.
“Im sorry.” 
Im sorry was all you could say and Yoongi nodded knowing exactly why you pulled away from him and he respected that. 
“Maybe we should go into the kitchen and help serve plates” Yoongi suggested standing up. You only nodding following him into the kitchen. 
“Taehyung you know Yoongi is a really good rapper and pianist” Taehyungs dad smiled staring at Yoongi who returned his nice gesture. 
“Interesting” Taehyung hummed staring at you. 
He showed no interest in Yoongi all night, his only focus was you and you knew why. 
“Tae honey you haven’t touched your dinner, you should eat” your mom frowned, eyeing his barely touched plate. 
But Taehyung didn’t reply.
Yoongi sat next to you and caught on to the way Taehyung was staring at you and something made him decide to lean over and kiss your cheek which made you blush and Taehyung saw it.
“Dammit. Keep your fucking hands off her!” Taehyung glared at Yoongi across the table.
“Taehyung your behavior tonight is unacceptable. You are to apologize to Yoongi right now.” your mother snapped, her eyes squinting as she gave Taehyung the look. 
“I will not apologize for my behavior. This fucking guy just comes into my house touching all over my girl. He should be apologizing.” Taehyung snapped back.
“Don’t talk to your mother like that.” his dad yelled as he slammed his fist on the table.
Your eyes went wide and you jumped along with Taehyung, and your mom who was startled. 
“Oh my god!” you mumbled covering your mouth in shock. 
“I think I should go.” Yoongi mumbled clearing his throat placing a napkin over his plate. 
Tae quietly stood up throwing the napkin into his plate, he glanced over at you then your mom. 
“That women isn’t my mother and Y/n isn’t my fucking sister. I’ve been trying to do things the way she wanted them because of her sacrifice for you two to be happy but I can’t do it anymore.” Taehyung scoffed.
“Tae don’t do it.” you whispered shaking your head discreetly at him.. 
Yoongi decided he would stay for the show and begun to rile Taehyung up just to see if he would have the heart to say it..
“Taehyung, I understand if its hard for you to see me and Y/n together but you need to move on.” Yoongi said. 
Taehyung screamed in anger, as he charged for Yoongi but you quickly placed a hand on his chest stopped him from getting pass you to Yoongi. 
“Taehyung stop it. How dare you try to fight Y/n’s boyfriend.” your mom shouted getting up but Taehyungs dad reached for her wrist.
Yoongi was mumbling under his breath which made Taehyung even more annoyed and want to fight him. 
“Both of you stop it now.” Taehyungs dad yelled using a stern voice and you jumped slightly, letting go of Taehyung. 
Taehyung calmed a bit, but his fist were still balled up. 
“Taehyung i’m disappointed in your behavior, and Y/n i’m so sorry that Taehyung can’t control himself in front of your boyfriend. Yoongi I am deeply sorry that my son tried to fight you.” Taehyung’s father apologized.
“Fuck this shit” Taehyung snapped breathing heavy as he pulled you by your waist pulling you into his body. 
Taehyung placed his lips on yours, capturing your lips in a kiss. Your eyes widened from the sudden kiss, before your eyes slowly closed, and your hands gripped the shoulders of Taehyung’s shirt. Yoongi smirked, as he enjoyed the scene of his plan working out, quietly he left out the kitchen and out the front door.
Taehyung pulled away leaving you breathless before looking towards both of your shocked parents. 
“What the hell is going on.” your mother cried, taken aback by the scene that just unfolded in front of her. Taehyung hugged you tightly to him afraid he would lose you. 
“I love Y/n. She’s not my real sister, and Yoongi isn’t her boyfriend, I am.” Taehyung confessed.
Your mom was startled, holding her chest as she looked at Taehyungs dad for words but none of them spoke. 
“Mom please say something.” Your shaky voice spoke up as your eyes watered but she just shook her head no.
Your were confused and afraid of the outcome of this situation. Taehyungs dad still remained silent as if he was gathering words to say to the two of you. Your moms eyes were watering with shame of what you had displayed in front of her. She thought you two were close like siblings and knew where the line stopped. She didn’t expect for you to be seeing each other romantically.
“How long?” Taehyungs dad asked, “how long has this been going on?”
You and Taehyung continued holding each other tightly knowing what was to happen and preparing for the worst.
“Before you guys got married.. But dad we cared for each other before this whole arrangement.” Taehyung spoke confidently, “please don’t be upset. We did this for you, please understand.”
Silence rained down and no one said anything, no one even glanced at each other. 
“So you’ve been fucking your step sister for us?” Taehyungs dad spit harshly.
You bit your lip going to defend yourself but your mom put a hand on his chest to stop him from saying anything else.
“I think we should discuss this privately before we say something regretful” Your mom spoke softly, looking her husband in the eye.
You looked at Taehyung unsure of what to do, squeezing at his shirt as he held you. 
“Go to your rooms. Separately and wait until we call you downstairs” Taes dad spoke in a hushed voice but loud enough for you to hear,
“and no touching.”
You and Taehyung remained holding hands as you walked to your rooms. Tae opened the door for you, kissing your forehead softly. He watched as you went inside your room then he closed your door and begun to walk to his but something in his gut made him stop. He turned back around opening your door and locking it behind him.
“Tae.. W-what? They said.-”
Taehyung cut you off before you could finish your sentence. His lips were finding yours in a deep and passionate kiss. Your hands instantly reached for his shirt pulling his lusting body towards you for a frenzy kiss. Taehyung wanted more than your lips, he wanted to feel you. He wanted to make love to your mind and soul.
You pulled his shirt over his head letting it fall on the floor, next was your dress, Taehyung unzipped it letting the fabric pool around your feet. He then picked you up, your lips never leaving his as he laid you on the bed. He hoovered over you, sliding off his sweats and then he pulled your panties down your legs.
“Just relax princess.. Let me help you feel better.”
You nodded, the reassurance in Taehyungs voice made you relax, knowing he was indeed going to help you feel better. Closing your eyes, you held onto Taehyung, his soft lips kissing up and down your neck making your breathing hitched.
Before you could beg for him to hurry up his cock was already entering you making you gasp and squeeze his beautiful body. Moaning softly as Taehyung pinned your hands down to intertwine your fingers. Rolling his hips into you hard and slow making sure you felt every inch of him. He leaned down to pepper kiss your face and you wrapped your legs around his waist, arching your back off the bed.
In this moment you knew that this may be the last time you and Taehyung will ever get intimate again but you didn’t care because you had him right now. He was in your arms right now and so many thoughts were filling your brain and all you could think about was being with the man you loved. You didn’t love anyone like you loved Taehyung and you were prepared to be with him whatever the case may be..
A wave of pleasure washed over you and you gasped, moaning Taes name as you came. Followed behind you was Tae, finishing as sweat dripped from his hair. He held you in his strong arms, his arms wrapped around your waist and his face in the nook of your neck leaving small kisses up and down your neck.
“Don’t worry princess. Everything will be just fine. I promise.”
“Lets run away together..”
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