#anyway this is about neo from 3 will be free lol
johnsspacesuittight · 2 years
the crop tops make the man
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damnation-if · 1 year
I just want to say, as a certified monster fucker, I'm already in love with your story hahaaa <3 I'm glad we're getting more adult stories and the themes in this one are so intriguing, can't wait for the rest ! Alsooo, I really liked the way you describe things? I do not know how to explain it haha but I could easily visualize what was happening and the general atmosphere you're going for and I thought that was neat :^)
thank you so much for your kind words!! i truly appreciate them and i'm so glad the descriptions were to your liking! i have at least some level of aphantasia, so i'm always worried that i'm not describing things enough haha... glad that doesn't seem to be the case!
i was actually talking to my friends just yesterday about how there's relatively few Creacher-y ROs around... so for whatever reason, i guess because it's on my mind, i thought i'd take a bit of time/space here to mention all of the Monsterfucker Approved (TM) ROs that i could come up with, in case anyone else might be interested. this list isn't meant to be exhaustive (in case i miss anyone) as sadly i am yet to become all-seeing and all-knowing 😔
Creacher (Alien)
Rhaxa and Imxa from Project Hadea by my beloved @nyehilismwriting. spikey, scaley, bitey, etc. 👌i also love and appreciate the attention to detail put into worldbuilding for the different ways their species communicates and thinks and so on, showing the culture gaps between them and humans. quality buggies!
Creacher (Eldritch)
Roach from The Passenger... the mc is also an eldritch creacher in this one, which may add or subtract to the enjoyment for various different people lol
Sysba from Attollo; i also think this game in general is pretty monster friendly, with a bunch of monstrous side characters and so forth. the cool kind of neo-gothic vibes give it a feeling a bit akin to a cyberpunk Penny Dreadful... it's about as Monsterfucker as cyberpunk gets i think!
Beacon from Stygian: The Abyssal Lighthouse by my good friend @salty-stories. this one is probably the most Lovecraftian of the eldritch creachers i think, heavy Call of Cthulhu vibes. it's still in progress but i'm personally willing to wait haha
Creacher (Parahuman)
Lorelei and The Other from The Golden Harp; pirates and sirens and mermaids, oh my!
Danny and Isla from When It Hungers by the wonderful @roast-ifs ... the game is still on hiatus but it still lives rent-free in my head always... the monster mcs are So *chef's kiss*
Oisein from The Nameless; due to the sheevra mc there's a Lot of really cool exploration of the boundaries of humanity and stuff like that... we love a "nonhumans shouldn't be able to feel/do this" story... we love it a Normal amount for sure.
Creacher (Indefinable)
Trace from Greenwarden by @fiddles-ifs; an iconique creacher... the game itself also has excellent kind of Appalachian gothic/supernatural vibes and a dark undercurrent of Lurking Monster Foreboding.
Games with Applicably Creacher-esque Vibes
Virtue's End by my beloved friend dani... the ROs might be human, but the mc most certainly is not<3 dark fantasy and sumptuous Monster vibes, what more can you ask?
anything by the extremely talented @thirtybythirty (links to their games in their pinned post). everything they write has a compelling undercurrent of... eldritch existentialism. perhaps the creacher is in fact the Narrative... or maybe the humans were the creachers all along...
the fabulous OFNA: Birds of a Feather - it has the perfect combination of things Not Quite Human and Not Quite Right to create a rich and ominous atmosphere, well-worth playing even though everyone is Technically human lmfao
anyway sorry for rambling on and i'm sure there's a bunch i have missed but. i do feel like it's worth giving praise where it's due for games and writers that we appreciate! thank you again for your kind message (and for giving me a chance to talk about this a bit lol)
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the-puppet-bracket · 7 months
Spamton propaganda:
"You know someone had to do it.
This guy's whole thing is not wanting to be a puppet anymore, but uh-oh-spaghetti-o! Dude now has physical puppet strings!"
"Making a [SPECIL] deal by placing his [#1 SALE SYSTEM] into a [CLASSIC!] body, Spamton believed he could be more than [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. But the strings told him otherwise. He lunged at Kris in [LIMITED TIME OFFER], trying with all his [50% OFF!] to be more than a puppet."
"Spam email bot who was exposed to something that drove him mad and he spent the whole rest of his existence trying to cut his strings, only to die (maybe?) when he finally manages it."
"He is the most tortured dumpster man alive. Also, not literally a puppet, but metaphorically!!! There's some mysterious outside force controlling him and limiting what he can say and god, he desperately wants to break free, trying to kill the protagonist (his only friend in years) for the chance of ""being let loose from his strings"". In his secret boss battle, he thinks he'll be free after getting a new body but he isn't, as his new powerful body has literal strings attached. You fight him, because he thinks your soul (long story) will gain him access to freedom. During the pacifist route of the battle, you cut his strings until there's one more left, he's ecstatic, being able to break free from the narrative of the confines of the game. He decides to break his own last string, and he falls to the ground into pieces. It turns out he relied on the strings after so long, and couldn't recover without them. Afterwards, he's deshevaled, hung up by vines in the dark basement that resemble his old strings and he says ""It seems after all I couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet."" This ties back to how Kris, the protagonist of the game is feeling the effects of being controlled by the player and really shows the core focus of the game and it's characters. And that's why I entered him into this poll!
Also he is genuinely so fucking hilarious bro just play Deltarune already what the fuck are you doing the chapters that are out rn are free dawg (play Undertale first though, it's like ten bucks or something you'll be fine)"
"Spamton best blorbo. Very good blorbo. Exquisite blorbo even. He's sad and adhd and insane and weird and I love him and you should too. Pipis"
"he spamt"
"he's living in a goddamn garbage can. let the big shot win. it'll be funny. does he deserve it? that is up to viewer discretion. but he is our beloved tumblr sillyman and as such we need to pay him respect in some manner. <3
(iirc spamton is a puppet? probably. oh well if he doesn't count ignore this i'm not read up on
my deltarune)"
"frankly i'd be surprised if he's not one of the most submitted. anyway his whole Deal is about being a puppet and having other things control him and so he seeks to regain that control through either manipulating the player into murdering half the city or to take the red soul and use it to become a god. yet in his super powerful NEO form he still has strings attached to him (that he won't even notice if he succeeded in the player manipulation thing) and in either case he ultimately becomes an item you use just for stats. guy really isn't a fan of puppetteers"
"you propably knew this was coming lol
Tumblr's favorite awful little puppet desperately fighting to get rid of his strings
the pinocchio references are strong in this one
OR... so... I... thought.
"Tries to become a real boy, ends up as another puppet look guy. He's shady, he's a scammer, he's got cringefail swag and I love him"
"He's just a little fucked-up little guy"
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prism-stone-planet · 10 months
So a long time ago I made a list of all the Pripara arcade songs (excluding gold versions) and I decided to post it here along with updating it to add new Idol Land songs and indicating if it’s on the Switch and Idol Land.
I’m not the best at maths lol but from what I’ve counted, the OG arcade game had 102 songs. With the All Idol arcade update release, it had 121 songs.
The Switch Game had 30/102 songs (all idol came after Switch release) which is about 30% of the songs on the arcade game. (Thank You, Sorry, See You Tomorrow is not included in this count because it is not accessible through normal means) Currently, as of May 2 2024, Idol Land has 20/121 songs featured on the arcade which is about 16%.
Anyway, here is the list:
Single Player
Season 1 songs:
Pretty Prism Paradise (Switch, Idol Land)
Marble Make Up ahaha
Gogo! Pripara Life (Switch, Idol Land)
Make it! (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Toy Toy Tail (Switch, Idol Land)
Gyabupuripuri (Switch, Idol Land)
Cool Star (Sophie Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Solar Flare Sherbet
No D&D Code
KiraKira Runway
Miracle Paradise
After School Heartful Dash (Switch, Idol Land Pripara)
Gamusharanhoi (Switch, Idol Land PriPara)
Change My World (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Happy Pa Lucky
Your 100% Life
I just wanna be with you
Love Friend Style
0 Week Old (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Season 2 Songs:
Purely Smiley
Idol Strength Lesson GO
Reversible Ring
Everybodyvil Everydayvil (Switch, Idol Land)
Heart Clenching Love Song
Solar Flare Sherbet (Sakura Version)
Come sing this song Hee Ho
Song that makes the world fall in love (Switch, Idol Land)
Panic Labyrinth
Bright Fantasy
Papipope Police
Pure Amore Ai (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Fun Fun Winter
Virtual Idol
0 Week Old (Garuru Version)
Yes Love Valentine
Season 3:
Triangle Star
Steps (Junon Version) (Switch, Idol Land)
Ready Smile (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Steps (Pinon Version)
Steps (Kanon Version)
Charismart Girl Yeah
Absolute Life of a final show girl
Run for Jumping
Plan to enjoy summer vacation (Switch)
Brand New Dreamer
0 Week Old (Falulu and Hibiki ver)
Amazing Castle (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Sugarless x Friend (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Girls Fantasy (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Shining Star
Idol Time:
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Otome Puzzle (Coin Shopping)
Just be yourself
Summer Night Evolution (Coin Shopping) (Switch)
Shuttlewise Game
Ghost Coaster
Starlight Heartbeat (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Miss Prillionaire
Step Step Step (Coin Shopping)
Sunshine Bell
Believe My Dream (Switch, Idol Land) (Paid)
Shooting Star (Coin Shopping) (Switch, Idol Land)
Dear my Future
Starlight Carnival
Wakuwaku O’clock (Switch) (Paid)
Free Dreamin (Coin Shopping)
Tokimeki Days (Coin Shopping)
Gira Galactic Tightrope
All idol:
Get Over Dress Code
Tick Tock Magical Idol Time (WiTH ver)
Spicy Hot Cake
Gira Galactic Tightrope (My Dream ver)
Charismart Girl Yeah (Non Sugar)
Make it (Solami Dressing and Falulu ver)
Perfect with a Pri
Star a la carte
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Red Flash Revolution
Pure Heart Calendar
Trial Heart
Dream Theater:
Dream Parade (Switch)
Lucky Surprise Birthday
Bold Summer Adventure (Switch)
Gogo! Pripara (Dream Mix)
OmuOmu Omrice
Rainbow Melody
Hello Hello Friends (Switch)
What a WonderPri World
Around the Pripara Land
Dream Parade Medley
Chou Chou
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 2
Everyone’s Pripara Medley Ver 3
Gogo Pripara Life (Nonsugar Ver)
Pripara Dancing
Mon Chouchou (Switch)
Yeah! Yeah! Idol Party (Switch)
Pripara RaRan
(All Idol):
Neo Dimension Go
GoGo! Pripara Life Idol Time ver
Secret Ratatouille
All Idol Song Precious
Zuttomo (2 Person Live):
Forever Friends (Switch)
Brand New Happiness (Switch)
Twin Mirror Compact
Marble Make Up ahaha
Come Sing This Song La-Hee (Fuwari and Hibiki ver)
Reversible Ring
SuSuSu Smile (Switch)
Clean Mind Clean Hit Clang BUDDY
Girls Fantasy (Jewlie and Janice ver)
Thanks, Sorry, See You Tomorrow
Yes Love Valentine
Ring Ring GaraFaLand
(All Idol):
Marble Make up ahaha (Non and Lala)
Go Go Gorgeous
Idol Land:
Single Player (3 Person Live):
Chaotic Hurricane
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ask-callie-marie · 2 months
It's me Callie! And Marie~ You know the one and only Squid Sisters!
We have some free time- and wish to answer all your burning questions!
And we'll even answer questions for those of you in the know about our secret identities~ Not really secret anymore are they? Oh- Guess not- Well then! We're willing to answer any questions regarding our time as Agents One and Two!
Until next time
Stay Fresh~
//Heyy this is a side ask blog of @ask-squidbeaks-agents I always wanted to add Callie and Marie into it but it felt a bit too crowded lol- Anyway this blog will be entirely text based unlike the main cause- I barely have the energy to draw for one ask blog never mind two- Also my Agents can and maybe will pop up from time to time so everyone's text colours will be follows: Callie Marie Captain Agent 4 / Four Agent 8 / Eight Agent 3 / Neo
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rei-does-stuff · 3 months
As a 90s anime lover (nostalgia + the only one I've seen lol), here's a free coupon to rant about what about it you don't like. For funsies
Ikuhara rlly said “how about I change everything about these characters and make them completely opposites of how they’re supposed to be from the manga and make them all terrible”
I could literally complain for HOURS about how Ikuhara completely ruined Mamoru’s and Rei’s personalities esp
Like Mamoru in the manga is so nice and sweet and genuinely cares about Usagi meanwhile he’s a complete dick in the anime PLUS they made him way older than usagi which made their relationship way more creepy??
fucking Rei and Mamoru don’t even interact much in the manga so I??? Don’t understand why they did that???
It’s the only adaptation to make him like that afaik hes manga accurate even in the MUSICALS SO LIKE???
This image rlly shows the difference between both Mamorus
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And Ohohoho Rei Hino. Tell me how they made the characters who says she hates men in almost every scene boy crazy and desperate for a boyfriend (which is Mina’s character trait but whatever) and they also made her a dick too??? Like I don’t understand why they made so many characters be a dick to usagi when they weren’t supposed to be
Also for Rei specifically its so funny bc she has SO many lesbian moments with Mina in the manga, like the iconic “we don’t need men in our lives anymore” scene like???? You’re gonna make THAT Rei obsessed with men….Okay…..
And then there’s seiya,,
And like, whilst it is cool that the 90s anime made her genderfluid in a way (her being a man in her civilian form and changing into a woman for her sailor form) it was ONLY done so that her and Usagi could have more romantic tension (which you still could’ve done if she was a butch/gender ambiguous woman like in the manga? Naoko famously didn’t rlly like and was disappointed by the change which honestly fair bc they changed so much of her story I’d be mad too—)
And also the pairing is just annoying bc in the manga she KNOWS her feelings are unrequited because Usagi is already with someone, she isn’t pushy and respects Usagi a lot, (like yeah she does kiss her but honestly who HASNT kissed usagi like it’s everyone she has those kissable vibes) but in the 90s anime they forced this rlly weird rivalry between her and Mamoru and it’s like???? Stop??? And she’s way a bit more pushy “aren’t I good enough?” it’s just bleh, and what sucks is that in the 90s anime shes a lot nicer than mamoru (HER CANONICAL SOULMATE) so like yeah she would be the better choice for usagi in the 90s anime which just shows the fucking biggest problem of it!! It doesn’t understand the characters!!!
The anime had a weird obsession with making a lot of relationships way creepier
Like Helios and Chibiusa they made Helios rlly creepy and it didn’t help he was voiced by a grown ass man when he’s supposed to be like 12 like???
There’s also smaller stuff like Demande which isn’t small actually and here’s why
Now I don’t remember much of the black moon arc in the 90s anime but from what ik they tried to make him more sympathetic which like??? No???
He forcefully kissed Usagi and had this weird obsession with her (because he thought she was neo queen serenity) and didn’t actually see her past his delusion HE IS BAD
In the 90s anime they removed the forced kiss and tried to say he loved Usagi as a person which like?? Goes against his entire character?? No??? Stop???
The ONLY THING character wise the 90s gets right is Haruka and Michiru, but they fucked up everything else!!!!!!!!!
Watch crystal and read the manga PLEASE its so much better and you can read the manga for free on Miss dream (no ads dw <3)
Anyways them!!!!
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rant-delulu-blog · 7 months
GMMTV Part 2: A Detrululu post - WinnySatang Edition
(Feel free to call me a clown if I'm wrong)
Part 1: Why I think main show will happen
a) What about ‘We Are’?
Okay so, first of all, I'm not going to lie,... as much as I love the idea now, when they announced the show, I was quite disappointed. Yes, I love the cast so much, but also I was expecting a main show, not ensemble. Anyway, my feelings changed a lot over the following weeks and now I'm so excited about it.
b) We Are: Why the rush?
One of the things that really surprised me about 'We Are' is how fast everything is. How fast workshop went, and how fast they started shooting. I know P'New shows usually air during the first months of the year, but it's still weird to me.
As far as I know, the only one from the cast who has another show is Phuwin (Summer Night) but I have yet to read any rumors about it or any kind of promotion or anything.
Also it’s not about Pond going back to school either since he already started.
2. Logo, Mascot and Merch
I think one of the main things that leads me to believe WinnySatang will have a non-ensemble show next year is the fact that they have a logo and merchandise. Releasing merch with a logo and a mascot before a show is announced is definitely weird, and so far there's not a ship that has acted JUST in an ensemble show that has that.
In addition, in this case, I don't see why MarcPawin and AouBoom wouldn't have those too...
So far since Book Fair last month, they have released (apart from the logo):
Card Sets (this doesn't mean much on its own as Neo, Mark, Dew and Nani also got a set each (which makes DewNani the only ship that hasn't been part of a BL show... which is sus to me but that's material for another post maybe))
Washi tape: an important thing to point out here is that one of them shows clearly a plushie design.
Photo strip
Pocket mirror: this not only has a logo but also a mascot, make of that what you will.
I'm going to ignore standees here since they're related to My School President, and those were the only standees released (edit: and a Neo standee)
a. There aren't any 2024 calendars though, are there?
Nope, you got me there. I have no clue either.
b. What about MilkLove, though?
Yeah, it's true. They don't have any merch or logo either, and you could say the same about Sizzy (as opposed to LYKN -a newer band-)... so, you see the pattern here. Good old GMMTV.
b. If you mean Neomark and Flukethor, they aren't CPs...
True, Flukethor was part of The Warp Effect and Neomark of Only Friends, both ensemble shows by P'Jojo but one immensely more successful than the other (an understatement). We don't know yet what's going to happen with Neomark, as they keep having events together and are even part of School Rangers 2024 lineup, but so far, all their merch has been related to Only Friends.
3. LOL 2024
Okay, so this is also very weird to me. Why wouldn't you include AouBoom and MarcPawin here. It makes no sense whatsoever to me.
I'm going to ignore School Rangers since it's clearly not CP related
4. a. Wouldn't Satang have spoiled something if they had another show?
Satang... well, it's true that he keeps spoiling stuff. Also it's true that he spoiled the fact they had a logo and GMMTV Part 1 date. That last one even meant his manager had to ask the media to delete part of the interview (one of them forgot about it though and they took down the video a couple of hours later). Personally, I think he can't talk much right now.
Also, Satang's second to last sentence during his speech on Book Expo caught my attention.
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'There will be for sure'? Make of that what you will.
b. What about Winny?
Winny has 300 tweets on his account and we barely know if he's alive or not between events so... (he's out there touching grass, good for him or watching anime).
5. Winny's, Satang's and Phuwin's Comments
Another thing that caught my attention now that I think about it are these comments:
a. Winny's comment on Satang's post days before GMMTV Part 1
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What about that bat? That's not QToey ('We Are') for sure.
b. Winny's caption on his own post days before GMMTV Part 1
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Okay, so, Winny and Satang posting nonsense comments or inner jokes isn't anything new. That's their whole thing.
But 'dark romance'? That's also definitely not 'We Are.'
I'd usually say it's just nonsense but there's also Phuwin's comment on an unrelated post from days before
c. Phuwin's comment
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What is it about bats? Seriously? Is it an inner joke or something?
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squid-ink-symphony · 5 months
hey i saw a post where you were talking about ships.. Uh.
callie x agent 3.
we need all the exposure we can get there are 5 of us.
we are very lonely.
i didnt wanna mention idol x agent ships in my post cuz sometimes ppl get all defensive about it like "erm well actually the agent is canonically a child and-" shut up. shut. up. they are whatever age you want them to be. they are literally a self insert for the player. plenty of ppl have agent ocs who are adults. it just varies from person to person and their headcanons.
but then i got an ask (that i already deleted) accusing me of being a proshipper bcuz apparently 3 x neo 3 is problematic bcuz its "power imbalance?" and like.. ig yeah that could be an issue irl w ur boss taking advantage of u. but like..... thats.... clearly not what im talking about???
so may as well discuss idol x agent ships as well lol
3 x callie is like. top tier. its so good. like you just know 3 and callie would goof around together. especially the splat 1 version of 3??? like their dynamic would be top tier. and i just know 3 would whisper stuff to callie and they would giggle about it and refuse to tell anyone else what they are laughing about. and i am always a rarepair enjoyer. like. its so good. (i ship callie x marina x pearl so you know im masochistic when it comes to my ships)
AND 4 X MARIE??? i know this one is a bit more well known but i love it. i dont know if i would ship my main agent 4 with my main interpretation of marie, but like another version of them? yes. it works so well. marie is literally in love w 4.
BUT OK ANOTHER RAREPAIR: 4 x callie. i know everyone loves 3 x 8 cuz blah blah 8 beat up mind controlled 3. but ??? 4 beat up mind controlled callie and we got NOTHING from the fandom. im mostly a 4 x 8 shipper at heart but this is another one i rlly like. i just know 4 would try to show off by picking smth heavy up or doing some cool trick only to fail miserably. and callie would be able to do it first try.
and i have even more opinions on different idol ships and combos but uhh thats for another day when someone wants to listen to my ramblings lol
anyway in conclusion i love rarepairs and pretty much every splat ship so yeah feel free to talk to me about them any time. i love figuring out character dynamics and all that. also everyone has such good designs everyone looks good together. also just like. non romantic pairs as well. like ppl who have sibling dynamics. ppl who are clearly in a qpr. ppl who are besties. apprentice and mentor dynamics. i just think every splat character is so interesting on their own that pretty much every combination is top tier. and like. things dont have to mutually exclusive when it comes to relationships. im a multipshipper.
and i think the same goes for other dynamics. like in my mind one version of neo 3 and 3, 3 sees neo like a younger sibling and spoils them and doent want what happened to 3 to happen to neo. in another version 3 sees neo like a younger version of them and tries to toughen them up and neo sees it as unfair and there is angst while 3 has to confront everything they went thru and if it was even fair for them to have gone thru it. cuz in their mind ofc its ok to do this to neo, its what 3 did to become the way they are. in another version they are just besties. in another version they are dating. in another version they have a competitive love/hate relationship and argue a lot about whos better.
LIKE THINGS DONT HAVE TO JUST BE ONE WAY!! i like exploring different stuff and seeing everyones takes on them!!!!!
so yeah come talk to me about splat characters im very normal i swear :)))
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moondragon618 · 19 days
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~ About Me ~
You can call me Moondra or Moon, Lunar/Luna, Cynder, Dream, or Reverie :) My pronouns are they/them, it/its, she/her, and multiple neos which I'll list here:
Feel free to use any of these or you can ask for my preference, but I'm not picky lol :)
I'm a bi + grey aroace genderfluid enby, I'm fine with all gender neutral terms, and gendered terms (excluding woman/man & female/male) are fine too especially if it's funny :) I'm also (self-diagnosed) ADHD + Autistic and have social anxiety- be warned I'm often very slow to respond to asks/reblogs/DMs/etc and that's probably why lmao. I'm also fictionkin with my kins being c!Dream/Divine c!Dream, Protegeinnit/Divine c!Tommy, and Cynder from the Legend of Spyro trilogy :)
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~ Interests ~
I'm currently a dsmp/c!primeboys enjoyer as you've probably noticed lmao, and I'm a fanfic writer and occasional sort-of artist :)
Some of my other interests include Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Undertale/Deltarune, the MCU (specifically Irondad lol), Markiplier/Unus Annus, and the Legend of Spyro trilogy (my first fandom <3)
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~ Some tags I use ~
c!prime thoughts for all of my c!Prime analysis posts :)
my writing which has all my fics + me talking about my writing lol
Immortal c!Prime- Immortal c!Prime AU (also includes Divine c!Prime where c!Dream becomes a god and makes c!Tommy into an angel)
Shapeshifter c!Dream AU (exactly what it sounds like lol)
Hybrid c!Prime AU (in which c!Dream in an ender dragon hybrid and c!Tommy is a cardinal avian)
ad infinitum :) - My c!Dream kin tag, also includes Immortal/Divine c!Prime :)
everlasting daydream ❤️- My Protegeinnit kin tag, technically also my Protege AU and c!Dream butterfly chat AU tag lol (though for the sake of organization I may make a separate tag for that later)
rp c!Prime :) - posts reblogged from my c!Prime RP blogs :)
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~ Before You Follow ~
First and foremost: I absolutely Do Not support cc!dream in any way. I enjoy c!Dream strictly as a fictional character. I completely understand if others personally find c!Dream posting uncomfortable and if that's you, then you might want to block me. If you harass me over this, or for not supporting cc!dream, or any other reason lol, enjoy getting blocked on sight <3
As for a DNI, I don't really care as long as you're not on some terf shit, generally just hateful and/or bigoted, super NSFW, or shipping incest or adult/minor ships (p*ppytwit/blr this means you too stay tf away from me istg). cc!dteam and cc!wilbur stans will also be blocked on sight, and same goes for c!Dream apologists I Do Not fucking trust you lmaooo
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~ Links ~
My Ao3
My Writing Masterlist (I desperately need to update this lmao)
My RP blogs:
c!Prime- @haver-of-wives & @your-eternal-nightmare
Divine c!Prime- @your-divine-nightmare & @/angel-of-reverie (this one's having some technical difficulties rn, tumblr stop immediately flagging it as explicit the second I try to remake it challenge (impossible difficulty))
Please check out Stemms, my beloved QPP <3333
Please check out Midnight, my wonderful friend <3
Anyway that is all enjoy my deranged fandom blog lmao :)
(Post dividers by @cafekitsune)
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myersesque · 2 years
hello PLEASE gimme ur Addams thoughts… I too am insane
YES HELLO I WILL GLADLY RAMBLE ABOUT THEM FOREVER. here's a random selection of headcanons for u <3 feel free to ask for specific opinions or whatever if u want
gonna apologise in advance for the lack of pugsley :( i know the least about him as a character
this isn't actually a headcanon i just need to share that one of my boyfriend's coworkers looks EXACTLY like lurch and therefore it is his nickname. it makes me giggle every time he tells me work stories because i literally just imagine lurch addamsfamily fixing cars n shit
anyway! all of them are autistic. all of them. yes, including lurch, and fester, and thing. they all have a sorta shared spin for horror/macabre shit, but also their own individual ones - gomez likes fencing (and lowkey trains #autism), morticia likes plants, wednesday likes historical torture devices, etc etc
gomez and morticia are t4t and bi4bi, and also polyam (i don't think either of them have met anybody they want to include yet, but they're certainly both open to the idea, as long as it brings them joy! you can be a very dedicated lover AND polyam)
wednesday is nonbinary ("if you ever use the words little or girl to describe me again..." 🤨🏳️‍⚧️), aroace-spec, and defo likes girls in some way lol. she uses all pronouns bc she doesn't care, but leans towards she/it/they & spooky neos
i am admittedly fond of the "gomez is allergic to roses and that's why morticia cuts their heads off" theory ngl
also like - whether or not gomez is human seems to be debatable at best? since a lot of the other addamses are undead i sorta just assumed he was too ngl (this isn't a strict headcanon i have, just a musing)
i like to think that the reason thing manages to be sentient and functional despite literally just being a hand is because he's a dead addams who was dismembered, and, when he was brought back for a family gathering or smthn, he accidentally possessed the wrong bit and got stuck. and that was ages and ages ago, so nobody really remembers who he used to be.
lurch is also genderspicy, as a treat (he/it zombzgender lurch ftw, i am cringe and i am free)
all of the addamses know sign language - both the single and double handed signs, because sometimes thing prefers to communicate that way. they learnt partially because their family is so diverse that there's bound to be SOMEONE who's deaf/hoh or mute, and partially just because they're very social people (contrary to what people expect) and would never pass down an opportunity to talk to new people
gomez has really good instincts and can tell when ppl r sneaking up on him etc etc bc of the amount of times he got his ass absolutely handed to him in fester's surprise fights when they were kids. he can also pick out fester's footsteps from a crowd because he's so used to honing in on them to prepare for battle TM
i'm gonna stop there bc it's 2am and i have to go eat food but like -- pls pls pls ask me questions n shit about them i am Going Insane and need to yell <3
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eirian · 2 years
gonna ramble abt gender <3
so lately ive been feelin some type of way. ive identified as trans since about 2013 so nearly 10 years (im 25). i want to preface this by saying i dont think im NOT trans, but i dont think im trans in the way i used to think i was!
if youve been following me for a long time you may remember that i first id'd as a binary trans man. then i went to demiboy, then just generally nonbinary, and then demiboy again, and now im at agender. i think i'll stick with agender for now because i just dont want to deal with gender in general and being no gender feels freeing like i dont need to fit into any boxes (i know i dont have to with other labels either necessarily, especially presentation-wise, but its more of the boxes people put me into and less ones i put myself into if that makes sense). im just me. im just here.
ive adopted many pronouns (they, he, she, it, even neos that nobody uses lol) and labels (the ones i mentioned before as well as some xenos) and at this point im like. eh. fuck it all im just a guy. but also, i do still feel very comfortable in the trans label; im not sure im a cis girl, even a gnc one. i like to be called a guy, i like masculine identifiers (i know girls can use these too but still), i like masculine clothing, etc. i just feel masc most of the time. HOWEVER after a while of trying to accept my femininity and being more comfortable in both my body and preferences, ive gotten closer to the "girl" label over time. i dont feel comfortable identifying as cis anymore because my gender feels far more complicated than "girl" (or even "guy" but hey), but i do like identifying with womanhood more than i used to! i think a lot of what drove me from it was societal standards and pressure to be a certain way. like yknow how ppl get driven away from liking pink? thats how i feel with "girl" as a gender identifier
i like dresses. i like pink. i like cute stuff. i like soft things. i also like dark things, and suits, and ties, and short hairstyles, and lots of things boys stereotypically like. i know gender is more than stereotypes and i know things are super complicated and not black and white which makes me lean even more towards agender as my gender spot
my identity as nonhuman also plays into my gender too tho. like, it pushes me towards the agender bit as well, so theres that (thats partially why i adopted it/its pronouns)
not exactly sure where im going with this, my thought process initially was like "im going to give some background info and lead into how i feel more like a girl nowadays but not a cis girl" lol. i just some days find myself being like "i wish i was a girl" which is funny bc im afab? like. its so weird. its a weird feeling. its like i know im not a girl but i wish i was, which is silly bc i can literally just be a girl again. but i also feel like a guy a lot too so im like fuck i guess. and im tired of going back and forth so im just like whatever im neither but i will still use the guy and girl labels when i feel like it
anyway thanks
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nathank77 · 2 months
4:51 a.m
I am utterly disgusted with myself. I have spent over 193$ on high tops as of tonight and between my prior purchase with Kohls.
I mean but making sure those Forums were authentic was very important to me and it was the only reason I didn't buy them sooner. Third party sellers on Amazon are not trustworthy.
I bought the Neo cause my eyes did this 😍😍 I've been looking for them for like well almost 10 years maybe 7. I wore mine everyday for like 3 years and I mean they are beaten to all shit.
The, "new" to me Neo's are pre-owned but I mean- they have free returns and they look like they are in great condition. I'll return them if they aren't. That's the problem with high tops, they come out and they sell out fast and then they are GONE. I bought my old ones at Jcpennies I think, I remember the day coming out of the store I was so fucking happy cause my heart skipped a beat when I saw them. It was at West Farms.
I can afford the forums bc Afterpay makes me pay over 6 weeks it lines up with June which makes it more compatible with affording almost 120$ high tops.
I mean but look at these Neos, I hope to God they are in good condition I will wear them so rarely I'll make it to 60 with them cause I should have babied my old ones. One day I'll find those vans but as for now Nathan Blanchette is cut the fuck off from spending money other than on CBD. I won't even look at one online store lol
The CBD is going to cost me 82$ more to get to June like 6th or something but I think it'll be worth I've been researching on Google scholar all night.
I just can't do anything about glasses until June but tbh I could be entitled to anywhere between 400$-5000$ of back pay so I mean one more month. Glasses were stressful and putting them off makes them a turn on again- worse case I'll just need a higher script and I mean yea my dick got hard writing that. Let's keep glasses fun 😁 I can see well enough for now, 300$ for glasses is disgusting lol
Despite the fact that I've spent over 550$ on boxers, socks and High Tops.... but it's spread out between credit and I can afford it. I just got to sort out the CBD.
Anyways I hope they look this good in person:
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bl33ditout · 1 year
i got tagged by @musicobsessedrandomperson, tysm friend <3
☣︎ Your star sign?
sagittarius ♐
☣︎ Last thing you listened to?
crushcrushcrush // paramore
☣︎ What are you wearing?
my pajamas, which consists of an old re shirt and tokyo ghoul pajama bottoms (very comfy)
☣︎ How tall are you?
5'6 or 5'7, never been sure which one lol
☣︎ Piercings?
two in each earlobe, that's it for now
☣︎ Tattoos?
not yet, but someday yes for sure
☣︎ Glasses?
☣︎ Last drink?
just plain, good ol' water
☣︎ Last thing you ate?
sweet and sour chicken with broccoli and rice, not too bad considering i took it home from work for free lol
☣︎ Pets?
two chihuahuas, Waddles and Chico :D they're brothers
☣︎ Do you have a crush on anyone?
well i sorta like this one guy irl, but unfortunately idk much about him yet. as for celebrities? well of course Chester Bennington is my top crush, but uhh also Chino Moreno a little bit ehehe. that's all who comes to mind
☣︎ Fave fictional characters?
ooh there's a lot for sure. but main ones would be Leon Kennedy, Jill Valentine, Usagi Tsukino and all the other Sailor Guardians, Sakura Kinomoto, Keneki Ken, John Wick, Neo (yes two different Keanu Reeves characters lol), Gale Weathers, Sidney Prescott, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth, Alice Abernathy, Link, and a million others
☣︎ A movie you think everyone should watch?
honestly Napoleon Dynamite, because it's so fucking funny and a generally wholesome and feel-good 2000s movie. always makes me laugh
☣︎ A book you think everyone should read?
i think i'd say just any of the classic novels out there, there's a reason why they're still around today, most of em anyway. it's way better to read those outside of school assignments and just for recreational purposes yk, takes the pressure off... except for the Scarlet Letter. never read that one lol
it's late and i don't really feel like tagging anyone for this, but please feel free to do it if you want! everybody is invited to do it lol. this was a lot of fun to do for sure, so thank you again for the tag :D
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akisata-moved · 2 years
Help i need help whats the intended reading/watching order for the devilman franchise i need to start watching and reading the spinoffs and sequels but there are so many where do i START
hi!! welcome to the wonderful world of devilman... my name is louie akisata ill be your guide BUCKLE UP because its a WILD RIDE. im not sure if this is necessarily the intended order, but its the order that... makes sense to me, so!
1. the original manga (obviously) start Here (:
a. you can also watch devilman (1972 anime) any time you want, because it's its own separate thing from the manga canon. i heart the 72 series
2. with your knowledge of the original manga, you can knock out devilman: the birth and devilman: the demon bird (ovas). pretty sure cyborg 009 vs devilman (ova series/crossover) is also good here.
a. optionally, you can continue on to amon: the apocalypse of devilman (ova), cb chara go nagai world (ova), and, if you want, but i dont suggest it if you havent already seen it, devilman crybaby (anime). (technically the events of the amon ova are covered in the manga, and cb chara go nagai world is a sort of. just parody ova, but if you want more context for these, skip them until later)
3. continue to the first "sequel", shin devilman (manga/sequel? it takes place during the manga, technically).
4. once you're done with that, move on to devilman lady (manga/official sequel). heavy content warnings for lady-- i don't know where to begin here. be careful with this one if youre sensitive to sexual violence.
a. optional-- from my knowledge, there is a devilman lady series, devil lady (anime), but it's more of its own thing and not really related to being a sequel. i havent watched this-- but from what ive heard, big warnings for rape here as well.
5. optional-- after lady, you could read violence jack (manga/sequel). it started as the original sequel to devilman, but then it eventually branched out to its own thing. it is no longer canon "to anything except itself", but it does have some interesting characterization of ryo.
a. if you skipped cb chara, feel free to watch it now. the violence jack parts are... minimal, but, you know, theyre there. while youre at it, download a SNES emulator and play cb chara wars (fucking video game). and then cry about it, because that game is a bitch.
b. there are also violence jack ovas (harem bomber, evil town, and hells wind) that are out there. extremely violent and sexual from what ive heard. i havent watched these
6. at this point, i believe you'll have enough context to fully tackle neo devilman (manga/anthology), but considering it's all one-shots, if you want to read this before lady, feel free. there is a story that takes place during the devilman lady time period in here though.
7. also, feel free to read amon: the dark side of devilman (and its side story, devilman: strange days) (manga/spinoff) any time after completing the original manga. its a spinoff that talks about the demons, mostly sirene and amon. i havent read this yet, because god its so long and reading stuff is soooo hard....
a. if you skipped amon: apocalypse, you can come back to it after this. it's very loosely based off of this manga.
8. and now its time for devilman saga (manga/sequeell...? i think?) which is. from what im AWARE, a "sequel" of devilman (and possibly third part of a trilogy), but it's very different from the original, doesnt feature the same characters (not really, anyways) and so far... isn't that connected to devilman. i say so far because. um. as of january 12, 2022, it's still not fully translated.
9. from there you have all the knowledge you really need to do whatever, and so order doesnt really matter anymore. find all those tiny one shots that go nagai did and read all of them!!
i think that's all the main things... lmk if i missed anything or if you have any questions on anything? its like 2 am so hopefully this is accurate LOL
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gunsatthaphan · 3 years
what are your top 5 (or more i guess haha) hugs from bl dramas you've watched? 🤔
i'm really curious because i actually prefer hugs over kisses most times
hi anon!
oh that’s an interesting ask but also a very difficult one because I definitely can’t remember every hug on every show I’ve seen jhfssd 🙈 
But I also love hugs 🥺and I also sometimes prefer them over kisses. So I will make a top 10 out of the ones I do remember and that stuck out to me:
~ warning this will be long lol sorry ~ 
1) Tod & Meng in Club Friday 8 ep4
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It took me so long to find a no.1 lol but I had to go with this one just bc it’s like. the deepest hug I’ve ever seen? After having had this show on my watchlist for ages I finally got around to watch it recently and omg. It’s so good? the plot is painful and heartbreaking but the chemistry between them is so insane omg. Definitely a very criminally underrated bl if u ask me.
2) Sai & Zon in Why R U ep8
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Of course I had to include this one 😩It’s one of my favorite saizon scenes and I loved the emotional connection they had in that moment. A+ 
3) Ton & Chon in THCT ep10
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I’ve stopped ranting about this show bc of all the hate lmao rip. But how could I not include this moment omg. One of my favorite scenes ever. Just 🥺🥺
4) Shide & Shuyi in We Best Love ep6
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AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. No further comment. Their hugs are just the absolute softest and I love them so much 😭😭
5) Jiwoo & Seojoon in To My Star ep7
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ugh. I love this moment so much. seojoon reassuring jiwoo it’s okay to let his guard down and jiwoo giving in to the hug... the cause of my death for sure. rip. 😭 
6) Xigu &  Haoting in History MODC ep8
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me: *still processing this show*, also me: *rewatches it 423 times* lmao rip. anyway this moment is so sweet and I will never be over xigu melting into haoting like that 🥺end me. 
7) Khai & Third in Theory of Love ep11
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had to include this one just because even though I lowkey hated third for giving in to khai’s clownery once again lol, this was such a good & important scene and I love the setting!! 
8) Adachi & Kurosawa in Cherry Magic ep7
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My bbs 🥺 no comment just tears 😭😭
9) Tharn & Type in Tharntype2 ep3
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Obviously the plot went missing somewhere down the line with this one lmao but this was one of my favorite moments from the first half of the season which was way better than the second one lol. <3 
10) Kim & Way in The Shipper ep12
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this show was so chaotic fml but the story between kimway was really nice and heartbreaking. And I loved this moment from the finale 😢
+bonus: Miw, Shin and Neo in 3 Will be Free ep7
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I had to include this one as well lol just bc it’s one of my favorite moments and I miss them so much :((((( <3 
so yeah sorry this got so long (& took so long) but I got really into it while making it dkjhfds
thanks for the ask anon!! Also reply/reblog with your favorite hugs if you want! :) 
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I wouldn't mind that post on VNs!
So I was gonna write three different lists, but then after writing the first part I realized this is very long and takes a while to write and nobody cares anyway so I’ll just post my recommended list only. Well, I mean, you asked, but I doubt you wanted all this lol. Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this stuff, though. Hope you enjoy my ramblings!
An explanation for what this list is: Sometimes I know a game isn't perfect in many aspects but I still had a genuinely good time playing it, hence why I'm recommending it. Also I should mention that I could talk for hours about some of these games so if anyone’s curious about more of my thoughts, let me know.
Alright, now that that's out of the way ...
How to Take Off Your Mask / How to Fool a Liar King / How to Sing to Open Your Heart (f/m): This is a trilogy of smaller, single-RO games where you can take one of two routes depending on how you act, and they’re all interconnected where you get to meet and interact with the previous games’ characters in the sequel games. I went into this expecting very little but what I got blew me away with how funny, charming and cute the games were. They don’t take themselves too seriously, at one point an angsty male character monologues deeply about some shit, and another one just slides into frame and starts mocking him. It was so fucking funny, holy shit. Also, a central theme is literally racism against catgirls? Which is monumentally stupid, and probably the games’ main flaw, especially in the final game where it pairs up a catgirl with a catgirl racist, but that one still ends with a literal bisexual queen literally making a man her malewife because she fell in love with his cooking, so like ... It speaks for itself. My favorite game of the three is the second one, where you get to play a punchy fake catgirl and romance a pink-haired prince. And honestly, all the female protags in these games are lovely and a breath of fresh air, and the male characters are fun and not abusive assholes either. There’s full Japanese voice acting, and two out of three female protags are literal catgirls who pepper in “nya” and “mya” into their dialogue, and it’s just treated as a quirk of their catgirl race. I AM NOT KIDDING. Yet somehow it never comes off as cringe, because it doesn’t take it self too seriously. These games are just cozy. That’s the only way I can describe them. Cozy and hilarious. Play them yesterday. Dream Daddy (m/m): Man tumblr did this game dirty. This is just a cute, wholesome daddy dating simulator with gorgeous art. Coming out on Top (m/m): So you know Dream Daddy? What if it was EXTREMELY, MAJORLY NSFW? Though I realize how bad the comparison really is, the only thing these games have in common is that they’re gay dating sims and don’t have an anime art style and oh, yeah, they’re both really well-written. Or at least, extremely funny. COOT (heh) is DDADDS’ horny older cousin, and I first encountered the game on a lesbian letsplayer’s YouTube channel. Yes I watched a lesbian play a gay porn game and it was GOOD. I was there for the cringe and fun and got surprised by how genuinely funny and sometimes actually touching the game was. I can’t give it my universal endorsement because it’s not a game for everyone, as I said, it’s extremely NSFW and the menu theme literally includes the singers screaming “SEX SEX” at the top of their lungs. There’s more to this game than the porn, but there’s just so much porn. It can be censored in the settings but it’s unavoidable. However, I still think it’s worth a look just because of how funny it is and how charming the characters are. If you don’t want to play it yourself, at least watch Anima’s playthrough of it. It hasn’t aged super well in some spots but I still go back to it every now and then. Akash: Path of the Five (f/m): This game markets itself as a more “professionally produced” western dating sim, and that’s accurate in some superficial aspects. The game is pretty poorly written, but it’s absolutely gorgeous and has really good English voice acting by actual professional voice actors. The premise is quite self-indulgent, but I genuinely respect that about it. You play as the only female elemental in a village with only men, and all five of your classmates want a piece of you. It’s clear the writers have put some thought into the lore and worldbuilding of this world, but barely any of it comes through in the actual writing and plot, which is basically just a vehicle for you to get together with your boy of choice. The ROs aren’t very well-developed either, and the plot is the same in every route with only minor variations depending on which guy you pick, up to the point where the protag has the same voice lines in some parts regardless of which guy she’s talking about. It also has one extra half-route that’s so bad and pointless I genuinely wonder why they wasted resources on making it instead of spending a bit more on the writing/adding some variations to the main plot. So why am I recommending this game? Well, it’s pretty, and it sounds nice. This game is a himbo, gorgeous but dumb as rocks. Enjoy it for what it is. I know I did. Get it when it’s on sale, I think if I hadn’t gotten it at half-price I would’ve felt a bit more cranky about it. Also Rocco is bae. Mystic Destinies: Serendipity of Aeons (f/m): Yes that’s the full title, no I don’t know what it means either. You may have noticed how most of the games so far I’ve enjoyed because they don’t take themselves too seriously? Well, this one does. It takes itself SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY. Like, way too seriously. It’s a little embarrassing at points because baby, you’re an urban fantasy dating sim. Calm down. But the game has gorgeous art and 3 out of 5 routes are very good. The last route, the one with your teacher, is both the most problematic yet somehow the one that breaks down the very concept of a dating sim within its own narrative (yes, this shit gets fucking META) and it got so wild at the end that 1) I still listen to the soundtrack for that route and 2) I still remember it to this day despite finishing it ages ago. My favorite route is Shou, he’s a sweetheart, but the mindfuck route is so buckwild that I think the game is worth playing just for that. There’s also a route that’s like a neo-noir mystery? I Do Not Know. This game is many, many things and it does them so sincerely and tries so hard, you can’t help but respect it. It doesn’t always stick the landing but man, just let this thing take your hand and wax poetic at you for a bit. Also get this one at a sale because it’s very expensive to get the full version. I got it for 9 bucks on itch.io and I felt that was a fair enough price, I’d say I wouldn’t have minded paying more for it because there’s a lot of content to enjoy and/or be baffled by. Arcade Spirits: This one’s a bit more weird from what I recall, and I honestly couldn’t tell you much about it, but I remember having a very good time with it and recommending it to a friend when she was going through some tough times and she said it made her feel better. I remember it making me feel better, as well. This is a VN about an arcade and the ROs are wonderfully diverse, with very real human conflicts that get explored in each of their routes. It can get quite existential and heavy at times, but in the end it’s a kindhearted game that I think everyone can enjoy. The main character was also, how you say, mood. It’s a game about getting possessed by a video game and then learning self-love. Ebon Light (f/m): This one’s free/name your own price on itch.io so go play it. It’s a weird plot where you play as a girl who ate an elven relic? And then the elves kidnap you because you’re the relic now. All the ROs are extremely pasty (like, literally white, as in literally the color white) dark-haired elves, except for one, who’s an extremely pasty blond elf, so ... diversity? I honestly don’t know what this game is aside from unique. I used to be a bit put off by the art style but now I think it contributes to the general atmosphere. It’s a weird game that technically doesn’t do anything groundbreaking but still left an impression of “huh. weird” in my mind and I think more people should play it. The ROs are all pretty generic dating sim archetypes but done well, with bonus points to Duliae who’s just a massive creep and I love him, and also Vadeyn who’s the only bitch in this house I respect. The worldbuilding is honestly a bit buckwild and I can’t give enough credit for how unique the elves’ culture is in this game. Definitely give it a go. Hakuoki: Kyoto Winds / Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms (f/m): These two are newer releases of an older Japanese visual novel. I wouldn’t call it a dating sim, it’s ... it’s more of a super depressing historical fantasy epic with some minor romance aspects awkwardly wedged in. It’s seriously some of the heaviest and most grimdark shit I’ve ever played in a VN/otome. I don’t understand why it’s a dating sim, it doesn’t read like one, it’s just historical fantasy based on real world events with characters based on real people, and they kill and they die and they grieve and they suffer. The games are literally about the downfall of the Shinsengumi, there’s no way of avoiding everything going to shit and you get to watch and be in the middle of it all as they struggle to stay alive and relevant in a world that doesn’t need them anymore. And there’s the protag in the middle of it all, being useless and submissive and bland just the way the usual otome protag is. I don’t think these games are necessarily fun, and the romance is certainly a lot more downplayed and deeply problematic just based on the age differences alone with some of the men, but the sheer amount of horror and sadness in these games make them stand out above its peers. It’s like watching a war movie. Since most of the characters are based on real people, they feel like real people instead of the usual otome archetypes, and they are so, SO flawed, it’s interesting to just watch them deal with the shit the world throws at them. It’s an Experience, and if you’re up for it, I think it’s worth the time. Cinderella Phenomenon (f/m): This game is free on Steam so go get it. You play as a really, genuinely shitty princess who gets cursed to be poor and forgotten and she has to help one of the ROs break his fairy tale curse so that she can learn about being a good person herself and return to her normal life. This game doesn’t look like much, but it has a genuinely well-written main character who’s actually at the center of each of the stories and in the overarching plot instead of just being around to make eyes at the real protagonists, aka the love interests. Aside from the main character, my favorite part of this game’s writing is how each route slowly but very smoothly expands upon the overarching intrigue. If you play them in a certain order, you get more and more info revealed to you that you didn’t see in other routes, gaps are filled in as you find out more about what actually happened and why, but every route also stands on its own as a full experience and none is more canon than the rest. There’s also some really heavy emotional parental abuse explored, which I found quite potent at times. The romances themselves were alright, I think Karma and Waltz were my faves.
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