#anyway this is too much info I'm tired and ranting and i don't want to have the conversation with them so I've been procrastinating it all
sygneth · 4 months
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
yall wish me luck in convincing my parents to assist me in getting a different car bc im going to need it. very bad.
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glitterhoof · 11 months
I saw your hateful comments. I have actual trauma from that event, so don't be surprised I'm mad about it
“ hateful comments ”
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i hope you’re a troll but honestly i DONT really Care LAWL
this rant is long and won’t be under a readmore because a bitch is tired of seeing my friends harassed by anons who are too much of a fucking pussy to reveal themselves
the post pearlie in particular was mad about was the post where someone was talking about how adults view children as “freeloaders” and undeserving of their own privacy.
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you tried to derail pearlies point about how adults hating minors is fucking stupid. unfortunately pearlie removed this original post so I cannot screenshot it and have it here, but it was along the lines of expressing annoyance and anger towards adults who hate kids and view them as objects or just annoying ( when in fact surprise THEY WERE ALSO KIDS. LOL. )
EDIT : found it
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and YOU tried turning it into a “ well can i hate minors if a minor did something bad to me? ”
here’s what you said in case anyone needs to piece the info together
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the fact you’re fixating on their age makes it even weirder. if that group chat genuinely hurt you fine, but that’s not a reason to go ahead and just go “ errmmm akshually i can hate minors because ermmm [ insert event not relevant to their age whatsoever ] ” tell me anon what does them being a minor have to do with the fact an entire group chat kicked you out. it seems like there were more reasons than just “ they were minor :(( ” and those reasons are hurtful YES. they kicked you out for being too openly queer is shitty. but had nothing to do with
pearlies point about adults objectifying and letting their anger out on kids
the fact the person who got you kicked out in particular was a minor
seems to me the entire group didnt like you if all it took was one person to complain, so again i must ask you WHY is the fact their a minor relevant? or did you just need something to project your anger onto to try and “ GOTCHA! ” pearlie?
if you wanted comfort about this “traumatic event,” why did you go straight to the person you knew wouldn’t sympathize with you? honestly your whole story sounds false OR you’re purposely not including important information. stay mad anyways anybody in this thread smoke weed
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meili-sheep · 2 years
There is a possibility that Kaeya was injured/fell ill last minute at the time of Varka leaving, because honestly it's the only way the entire thing makes any semblence of sense (leaving him behind is still dumb)
And from the descriptions it just seems like Varka is just a decent guy at the wrong position, possibly a result of an on-field promotion. From my knowledge every voice line about him mentions that he's crazy strong, and barely anything else. So my guess is that he was promoted during a conflict of some kind, and is just incompetent behind a desk and nobody ever corrected him
Im not saying he's a good leader, at least two of his known actions were dumb as hell, but we have very limited info about him and what we have fits the decent-but-carefree military veteran turned leader trope, and Diluc joining the knights at a young age can be explained by them being a Knight order, which historically accepted aprenices at a really young age so that they had more time to learn basic combat/weapon maintenance/safety precautions before being allowed to actually fight. So I'm guessing 12/13 is the normal age at which they accept trainees, since Mondstadt is based on medieval Germany
(I've read all of the lines about him to check if I made any mistakes, and only somewhat negative ones are Rosaria saying his rants are boring and Diluc saying he doesn't understand Varkas actions, probably in the context of the expedition, and all of the other ones describe him as "strong and caring")
(Please don't interpret this as an attack, I just got a little tired of the general negativity that I couldn't find too much backing on)
So I've read what you're talking about. And well, assuming Kaeya was sick or ill is quite a bit of a leap, in my opinion. There seems to be barely a year gap between the webtoon and the game. And to pack up an expedition, it would take a lot of time to prepare. But it's not out of the realm of possibility. And Genshin's time frame, in general, is really funky. So I'll agree there.
But I'm going to be a little more prickly since you pulled that "general negativity that I couldn't find too much backing on" I was entirely on board with you until you pulled that line. Because I read the same things you did. It so happens I interrupted it differently.
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And if you want to have a conversation, you may try phrasing it like one. Instead of "Oh, this isn't an attack, but you are wrong,"
This is also discounting that no one is forcing you to read my stuff if you don't like it.
And my personal interpretation of it all is that while Varka is not purposely an asshole. He's ultimately careless. He just acts without much thought. And to me, that's a more significant issue.
There is a saying
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
That, to me, is Varka. Yes, nearly everyone says he is a good man. But we have his actions.
For example, forcing all his work on Jean. (Character story 3) And seemingly hardly supports her. Yes, in her Character line, she praises him and devoutly follows his teachings. But I don't see how he doesn't look like an asshole, pushing off his duties onto the younger adult.
Also, if we take Diluc joining the knights at 12/13, it still only took him a year to become captain? That's still ridiculous, putting a barely pubescent boy in such a position of power.
And if you want to pull the history card. In medieval times the path to knighthood started as early as 7 but was often about 10. And here is my question to you on that. Does it make it right? Simply because it happened in history, does it make that the right thing to do?
There is a secondary point I want to make. A character should be allowed to be an asshole. They should be allowed to make mistakes and be bad people without totally being villains. I personally don't really see Varka as any kind of villain; his archetype is just the kind that pisses me off. And characters around him can still like him, but as a reader I'm allowed to interrupt his actions as abusive.
Because characters liking him doesn't make him a good person.
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chloe-spade · 5 years
iZombie Au: Sander Sides
You think your life would harder when you become an adult or get a job you hated the most?
The day my life went...south..for me and for everyone around me.
The day of a The Lake Washington Massacre...
I was a very known surgeon, doctor and nurse. I was very known for it.
Oh my name? My name is Virgil Dusk, a former loved doctor and a loving boyfriend to fiance to....
A brain-eating zombie....
Virgil looked up at the saleswomen.
"Oh...sorry."Virgil muttered taking the purple die from the women's hand and quickly zoomed away, eyes avoiding every person who walked past him.
Virgil Dusk
28 years old
Has been a Zombie for 4 years straight
He still remembered that day like it was yesterday.
*4 years ago*
"Seeya Virge!"Some co-workers shouted as they aproched their cars.
"Hello, my dear chemically imbalance romance~!"A voice came in front of Virgil.
His fiance, Roman Delightful, his high school sweetheart to the end.
Virgil jumped and laughs."Roman!"
Roman held Virgil in his arms and gave him a tender kiss.
Virgil giggles and pushes him away."Ok,Ok! Are you ready for our date night."
"You bet."
"Hey, Virge! Wanna go to this sweet boat party?" Said Harold Johnson, Virge's co-worker, and a total party animal.
"Seriously? Uh...I'm not much of a party person let alone be being a extrovert in general..that's Roman."
"I think it's a great idea to celebrate your promotion of this amazing job."
Virgil sigh in defeat and kisses Roman's cheek."Wait for me when I get back?"
"Of course."
Virgil Smiles and follows Harold to the car and went off to the boat party.
But it wasn't what Virgil expected.
Virgil stared down at his cup of tea as he look at guys chugging on a weird drink and their eyes turns a deep red and growls left their mouths.
Virgil gasp and trembled as he saw the horrifying imagery as people's skulls opens ans brains were eaten.
Virgil ran off the boat ignoring his badly scratched arm and jumped into the ocean like it was no tomorrow for him.
As Virgil's eyes open, he could only see yellow and he burst his open his bag he was surprisingly in and coughs up the water he gulped.
He looked around and see a scared ambulance men running as fast as he could.
Once I woke up...I suddenly felt the urge to eat... brains....
It was an unexpected urge...but I felt like I needed it...more then anything..
Virgil gets up from his bed and groans as the his night was another sleepless one.
He gets up to change to a nice black buttoned shirt and his normal black and purple knitted jacket, grabbing his headphones and phone and trotted to the kitchen, greetings by an unexpected hug.
"Oh, Virgil, why you look...oddly cute as ever." Mrs. Dusk cooed."And I like the purple aesthetic you did with your hair. It's worked."
Virgil cracked info a small smile.
"Hey, kiddo!" greeted his roommate and bestie since high school, Patton.
31 years old
Virgil's bestest friend/roommate
"Hey, Pat."He said with a smile.
Patton is unaware of Virgil's newly zombie habits, and Virgil prefers to keep it that way cause how fragile Patton is.
"Oh, got to get to work. Also, make sure to pick up my costume for fhd Halloween expo tonight, I'd hate to be there without a costume.
"I'm just happy that you're participating."Thomas, Virgil's younger brother, said with his usual goofy smiles that Virge loved.
"I'm glad to be with the-!?"
"There for the family?"
Virgil Blushes and looks up to see Roman."Come on, it'll at least help us to get what we lost?"
Virgil chuckles."Sure thing."
Roman Delightful
30 years old
Virgil's ex-fiance to current boyfriend.
It's weird to reunite a spark with Roman after I broke things off our of fear but he was to determined to get me back so I let him have a second chance so he won't stop nagging me..
"But seriously, I need to get to work.", Virgil said, leaving the house and walks to the Police Department at the 6th floor at the city's morgue.
"You're lucky to be on time, Virgil."Said a harsh gone, placing the body on the table.
"Nice to see you too, Logan."
Logan Smith
Age 37
Virgil's boss and an extremely smart man
Virgil chuckles and puts in his labcoat and walks down.
"I am sorry for that tone but I am going to be a little more softer."
Virgil worked in Medical PhD for the last 2 years so he can the brains to eat.
"Hey, we just got a body!"Said the cops.
"Duty calls." Virgil shrugs and walks, along with Logan to the park where a women was taken to the hospital.
"Ohh...my god, she's smells..." Virgil gagged and looks away.
"Melissa Margolis, age 55, married with two kids, one's moved away to Canada for college and one is a high school student, known for her smart personality. She's a so called soccer mom.."
"According to her completion, she has been dead for at least 10 hours before someone discovering her inside that Roseburg bush."
"It's a rare bush."
"She loves roses and planted this specific one here."Said Mr. Margolis."This women found her."
Virgil and Logan starred at the women and gasp.
"Juliet Farin...no thank you."
"We have a no-such-luck relationship.."
Virgil scoffed."The thing is that she tried to ruin me and my boyfriend's relationship..when we got back together, and she went crazy on me."
Urusla sighs."Hope your physic powers help you."
*back in the morgue*
"I'm not staying she had the right idea...she just showed a bit craziness."
"Why is she specifically after you?"Urusla asked
29 years old
Homicide officer for 5 years.
When I broke things off with Roman, she hooked up with him and used him for money basically. The reason she broke things off with him was because the stuff Roman bought were my standard of favorite things. She didn't like it. And broke up with him and now he's back with me and she hates it.
"Cheers for a trying soccer mom..and may the odds of losing my voice in my favor.." Virgil prayed and took a bit of his brain egg omulet.
"Didn't think you pray of being a mom.."
"That's Patton's job."
As soon as I gulped it down i felt an urge to run to Roman and give him a big hug and kiss for missing him to much. She's a perfect wife too.
*Next day*
"So, where were you around 2:30 to 3:00."Urusla asked Keith Margolis, hef husband who was sitting next to the table in front of them.
"At work, I usually work at 6am to 7:45pm."
"Poor thing...you must be very exhausted."Virgil whines, his hands trembling.
She has major anxiety... I can go with this
"That's what Melissa would say, always feel bad for me at every turn. Her anxiety was pretty bad, it wasn't like a disorder or anything it just...it can lead to a certain paranoia phase she would have..it would annoy a few, like Hailey, our daughter before she left fof college, but soon we got used to it cause we love her."
Urusla groans."So she was very heighted?"
"Yes, very so."
The conversation was interuppted by a huge bang by a accidental coffee spillage to the wall.
That's when Virgil's first vision in this brain started.
*The Vision*
Keith angry banged the table pointing his finger at Melissa.
"If this doesn't end, I can and I will go back to my mistress to get away from you!!"
*vision ends*
Virgil gasp as he looks around.
"You had a mistress?"
Kieth stopped his talking immediately.
"Did you or did you not?" Virgil ordered angrily.
"Yes! I did have a mistress, it was because I got so tired of her worry I left the house. And met Isabel."
"Can we call her in?"Urusla asked, her arms folding."You got your alibi."
A few minutes, Isabel walked in to the room, and sat down, glaring at Virgil."I heard about you, boyfriend kisser."
"You accidentally kiss a guy in school and you're new name is "Boyfriend Kisser"..."Virgil sighed.
"Where were you at the time at the murder."
"Talking to Hailey, she was visiting my place since we had a... special bond...Hailey never got along with Melissa, she would tell me, Melissa was a very strict mom, and never did things that she didn't approve of Hailey of doing. That was unfair cause when Jennifer was born, she let her do anything she wanted. Because Jennifer was a sporty type like her, adventurous, snarky too. So Hailey was glad to get out of state to college."
"So you and Hailey both can prove it."
Virgil looked to see Logan mentioning him to leave the room.
Virgil got up and went to Logan.
"I found something... Intriguing in her jacket. Divorce papers, 2 weeks delivered before the murder."
"So Keith was planning to divorce her anyway."
"Yes, and I also found out that they got married in October 29, somewhere in the 1998s, And look is born after."
"Hailey Margolis, born November 5th, 1998."
"In your terms, you might say, she 'baby-trapped' him."
"And probably did it again when it came to Jennifer. She was processive of him.."
"He had motive." Urusla said behind them."If she did those things, that means..."
"There's more."Logan added."Melissa was granted 1,500,000 grand from him. Keith is wealthy, from a wealthy background so it's no surprise that..."
"A gold-digger?"Patton interuppted."You forgot your lunch, Logan."
"I told you, you don't have to, Pat."
"Well I wanted to."
*In a vision*
Hailey looked up from her book in an angry matter."What if you wanted to!? You realized you out dad in a lot of misery! He had to drop everything cause of us!"
*Vision ends*
"She wanted to do that. She wanted to baby trap Keith...and that causes him to go angry and find a witness."
"Isabel mentioned that her and Keith met on January, little more than 5 month ago. And according to her apparence, she's pregnancy. Turns out he was planning to raise the baby with her and leave the family."
"So she sent the divorce papers but got him back."
*Hailey's interrogation*
"Isabel said you were with her for the last few hours of your mother's murder."
"I was. I was overly excited to be her new daughter since Dad found the divorce papers. That's when we got a call from Jennifer saying that we both rot in hell."
"So Jennifer hated Isabel."
"Dearly with all her heart. She always says that Isabel ruined the family, but in reality, it was mom. She baby trapped him with me and his life was screwed."
"And when was this phone call?"
"Around 2:54 to 3:00, she kept ranting."
"The murder weapon wasn't present. She was poisoned." Logan said, from behind Virgil.
"We couldn't identity it. But we knew it was dangerous and the name is so Russian I can't even say it. But it was used for tea and other liquids."
"Isabel did used to work at a factory, for poisoning goods. She stopped once she became Pregnant..."
"It was a gift. So I accepted it and then one day I found it missing. Both Jennifer and Hailey were with me but Keith payed a visit and ..."
"Hs stole it and he used it on her coffee...she drinks it around 3:00, her coffee break.."
*The final interrogation*
"So, it wasn't easy to crack."
"It's was so."Virgil said, standing up."You stole Isabel's poison from her place and used it on her coffee, and then you gave it to her and took her to the park and saw her faint down as she drink her whole coffee, organs and brain stopped working and she was dead. This was so you didn't have to pay her for child support and the funds you owe her after the divorce."
"Exactly. She baby trapped me twice and you think I was gonna let that slide?! She ruined my life and my family's reputation as a whole cause she wanted me all to herself."
"Keith Margolis, you have the right to remain silent, anything you or say will be against you in court."
Something sparked inside me when I was said those words. It reminded me of me...when I was with Roman. I did kiss him accidentally but it wasn't a regret, like how Melissa fooled her husband. It was a need, but needs can be poisoning and some lead to unsatisfactory in a person. But there's was one thing I didn't regret? Going to that boat party. If I haven't gone, I would never learn anything about myself with the help of the brains I have eaten, I would never face myself to tell Logan about me being a zombie. And now I'm back to be with Roman again....so... somethings you may regret could be things you'd never regret cause who knows what impact it has on your life. Good or bad....
Virgil came home to find Roman.
"Welcome back."Roman greeted.
"Hey, can we talk...I've been thinking about...us, we've drifted since that boat party and now we're back together...so I don't regret being with you again cause it opens my eyes for the past year of us being together...it made me miss out on the things we...loved .. about each other and..."Virgil's voice started to break and Roman pulled him into a tight hug.
"I know you do...but since we dated... And now we're back to were we are..and now I've decided...to.."Roman picked out Virgil's old wedding ring out of his pocket."Thank we try again...for marriage?"
Virgil's tears couldn't stop rolling down and nods."Of course...I'd regret it if I did say no,.... I love you so much."
Roman pulls Virgil into a warm embrace and kisses his forehead and said,"No matter who you are, Zombie or human..I will love you no matter what..."
This took 5 hours....but I'm glad I did it!...but ouch..
But enjoy this little segment to my favorite show ever.
(if you wanna watch it, it's on Netflix)
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
bella darling you absolutely do not have to post this or reply I just need to vent. I live about 20 minutes away from Minneapolis and I'm already feeling drained even though I haven't done much more than share social media posts. I want to go to a sit in that's being organized tomorrow but I live with my parents who would not let me go to a protest and otherwise don't have a ride. I'm worried about mass gatherings with covid still raging. I feel betrayed by my city. (1/2)
I want to do more and I should do more but I don't know how and I'm already feeling burnt out from seeing coverage of the protests and press conferences interrupting programs every time I turn on the tv. we can't go back to how it was and I don't want the movement to lose steam without real change happening but I don't know how long these kinds of protests and passion from outside the black community will last. feeling tired despite not even doing anything but spread info anyway love u -m&m 2/2
look, the first thing i’ll say is that i completely understand. i’ve been there, i was there, i sort of still am there - i keep it at bay because i keep posting about it and i’m making the effort to spread information and share resources but it’s exhausting and i know it is and i know. i’m with you. i understand.
secondly: if you’re burnt out, take a break. like, i’m begging you. you might already know this, but just in case you don’t, i’m telling you, it’s not only okay but encouraged to take a break. it sounds selfish to say, but your mental health really is the priority. the ABSOLUTE priority. if you’re not okay, you’re no use to anyone until you are. so take however much time you need to breathe, take a break, take a bath, read some fanfiction, do whatever you need to do. i know that sounds like i’m just chatting shit but i mean it. you are not a bad person for taking care of yourself. you’re not.
third: sharing social media posts is better than doing nothing!!! i got caught in this loop too, when all of this madness started, that was like “am i doing enough? am i even doing anything?” but sharing posts and links and information is better than nothing. like, WAY better. that’s the only way the information gets out. signal boosting is hugely helpful, and it’s a thousand times more productive than the people who are saying black lives matter but aren’t doing anything. actions speak louder than words, you know? signal boosting gets the word out, and someone who might need it or use it will be grateful that you did.
 fourth: very sorry that you can’t (couldn’t?) attend the sit-in. try not to beat yourself up about it. the intention was there and the fact that you can’t go doesn’t mean you’re in any way less of an activist. it’s clear that you care. caring doesn’t do anything in and of itself, but it’s a helluva lot better than not caring, and it gets you to a place where you can actually contribute, instead of just being apathetic. so good for you! good for you.
and lastly: there are so many ways to help that are easy, take like ten seconds, and will ease your conscience. “it doesn’t matter how your conscience feels” yes it does, because your mental health is directly affected. “you should feel uncomfortable” yeah, you should, but not perpetually. the discomfort is alleviated by doing something to help, and there are like, SO many ways to do that - one of which is signal boosting, which you’ve already said you were doing. you can also give money directly to bail funds (here’s a post with a gazillion links). or if you were looking for books to buy anyway you can help support black-owned bookstores. or you can sign petitions, here’s a bunch of links in one place. or you can text JUSTICE to 668366, or text FLOYD to 55156. and i don’t even know what to call this doc except for basically a masterlist of every resource you could possibly need under the sun.
point being, you’re helping, and you mean well, and you should take a break if you need a break, and once you’re reinvigorated (or maybe just a little less tired), add your voice to the chorus. like, that’s all it is. 
thanks for coming to me, sorry for the crazy long rant, it’s just i’ve been battling with this myself for a couple days, so i get it. 
ETA: for the record, you’re under no obligation to contribute in every way. if you don’t have the money, for fuck’s sake, don’t donate. there are people with a LOT of money who can take care of that, and they know it. just help where you personally can. anxious on phone calls? that’s okay! write emails! use the templates provided! like i don’t know how well you fare in various areas of life but i just want to say nobody expects you to do everything. that’s why division of labor is so crucial. the people who send the emails might not be all the same people who attend the protests, but both things are important.
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