#anyway y'all do your own time conversions i need to honk shoo
jash-updates · 4 months
Wahoo :}
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bewildered-ghost · 4 years
Chapter 2
-Stas P.O.V
We arrived to the Chinese Buffet about ten minutes later since Keith had to stop at the gas station to get some gas. Getting out of the car, and walking inside they found everybody sitting at the table waiting.
"What took yall so long? Yall was fucking?" Elijah asked.
"Nigga, no. Never that." I sat down in my seat, and Keith sat next to me. "Somebody had to stop to get gas." She turned her head to Keith.
"His tank never full, but anyways we got yall drinks, now we finna go get our food." Woody got up quickly, with everyone else following behind, after getting their food everyone settled down and started eating. I was in my own conversation with Khairi and Lena, while Keith was talking to Algee and Woody.
"Yo, bruh this food bangin' on some real shit." Elijah was smacking and licking his fingers.
"Boy, stop smackin' that shit irritating." Kandace flicked him from back of his head.
"Yo, you gone stop hitting my precious head." Elijah grabbed her hand.
"Mhm, yea aight." Kandace rolled her eyes, and I laughed a little. "Whatcha laughin' for? Don't make me get Keith or Jacob on yo ass." Elijah crossed his arms.
"Boy please, Keith can't do shit." I sucked my teeth.
"He did some something in that bedroom that had you screaming." Luke backed Elijah up.
"Fuck yall." I flipped them off. "That's why we got Kandace and Jada for." Luke said, draping his arm around his girl.
"Whas the move after dis?" Woody asked.
"Shit, I don't even know. We can chill at my crib, momma out for the whole week, got the whole crib to myself." Algee sat back, rubbing his stomach.
"Word? Yea, we at yo house everyday, and we throwin' a party Friday night." Elijah clapped his hands together.
"I'm down." Lena looked at her girls. "We down." Kandace, Jada, Khairi, and Breana chimed in. Everyone eyes were now on Keith and I, who were eating and scrolling through their phones.
It was quiet, and the two looked up. "What?" they both said.
"Y'all coming to Algee's after this?" Breana asked.
"Y-" I started, and Keith finished. "Nah, remember we got that project."
"Nigga, boom." I shooed him like a fly, " I'm coming, and smart ass if you would listen and not stare at me, you would know the packet is due next week." I rolled my eyes.
"And y'all deal with her?" Keith raised an eyebrow. "Nigga you the one who wants her, and shit." Breana said. "Aye Brea, you getting reckless now, I like that shit." Yazz smirked.
"I know you do baby." She pecked his lips.
"Whatever, Whatever. We done? Cause' I'm ready to bounce."
Everyone nodded, and they paid for their food.
Getting outside, they went their seperate ways. I climbed into Keith's car and buckled up.
"Its 5:36 lets just head to my house, get this packet started and head to G's house. Aight?" He started up the car and drove off.
"Whateva." I had my eyes on my phone, Jacob was texting me non-stop, before I could reply my phone was snatched out of my hands.
"Bitch what the fuck? the hell is wrong with you nigga?!" I reached to grab my phone, and Keith was a lot stronger than I was, but I wasn't going to stop until I got my phone.
"You don't deserve the fucking phone, you treating me like shit." Keith kept his eyes on the road as he drove.
"Do you hear yourself? Nigga, you played me. You and that fucker Daniel." I sat back, and looked out the window.
"And I apologized a million times, you fucking forgave Daniel quicker than your weave getting snatched." Keith stopped at a red light.
"I didn't tell Daniel my whole entire life! I didn't tell him the problems I had! I fucking told you! I told you everything, and I really wish I hadn't!" I screamed. I wanted to break into tears, but I didn't need him trying to apologize over and over, and what not.
Keith looked at her, frowning and a horn was honked and he looked to see the light was green. During the ride to his house, it was quiet, he glanced over to see that I was asleep. Slowly pulling up into his driveway, He got out, and went over to the passenger side, carefully opening up the door, and picking her up. Getting up to the front door, he unlocked it and walked inside putting her down onto the couch.
-Keith's P.O.V
I didn't want to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, and cute, so carrying her into the house was a good idea. After settling her onto the couch, I go to grab our things, and put them nearby the couch.
Five minutes had went by, so I decided to awake her. "Stas." I shook her, no answer, I shook her again, and her eyes fluttered opened. "Hm?" She said.
"C'mon get up, lets start this project and head over to Algee's." I leaned back up, letting her get her space to stretch and so on.
"Who are we going to do our project on?" Stas rubbed her eyes, and then looked at me.
"Abraham Lincoln." I said.
"Okay, so I'll get the poster board, papers and so on, and you do the research paper?" Stas said.
"I'll get the poster board, the papers and do the research paper. All you have to do is print out photos, quotes, and interesting things about him." I flopped next to her.
"That won't be fair tho-" I cut her off, "Girl, let me do this cause I know in the future we gone get partnered up a lot and you gone wanna do all the work."
"Whateva, and don't cut me off nigga." Stas hit his shoulder.
"Yea, yea." I shrugged my shoulders, and turned on the tv. "Yo! Turn to Martin!" Stas crossed her legs.
"I was going to." I turned to Martin, and sat the remote down. We both sat back and watched the episodes play.
While Stas was so into the show, she didn't know I was staring at her. She was so beautiful, and she took my breath away, I wish I never did that bet, and she'd still be mine. Throwing her ass back, giving me kisses, waking up next to me every morning, taking naps with her, and putting up with her attitude, and listening to her talk as if I'm one of the girls.
I sighed, and she turned her head. "What? Whassup?"
"Nothing, Nothing." I shake my head, and stood up. "Where you finna go?" She rasied an eyebrow. "Upstairs for a minute." I jogged up the stairs.
-Stas P.O.V
It's been ten minutes since Keith went upstairs, I was kind of getting worried. Getting up from the couch, I head upstairs.
No answer.
"Keith Tyree."
No answer.
I pushed opened his door, and what he was doing was something I wasn't expecting to see.
"yo, get out!" He threw a pillow at her.
Turning around, "Nigga my bad. I was calling yo' name and you ain't answer, and don't throw shit at me either."
Keith pulled up his pants and went to his bathroom to wash his hands. He dried them, and looked over to the door to see that I was still turned around.
"I'm done. You can turn around now." Keith sat on his bed.
"You so nasty."
"I mean if you was riding my di-" I stopped him, "Don't say nothing. Let's get up outta here and go to Al-" Now Keith was cutting me off, "Don't interrupt me when I'm speaking to you."
I let out a laugh, "Nigga you funny. What the hell were you gone do?"
With that Keith pushed her up again the wall, and looked down at her.
"Get off of me." I looked up at him, right about now I was getting turned on and I know Keith Jr was too.
"Nah, I enjoy having you pressed up against this wall." Keith leaned down, and pecked at her neck, then down to her chest.
"K-keith.." I tried to push him away.
"Do you want me to stop?" He said between the pecks.
I couldn't answer, I was lowkey enjoying it.
"That's what I thought." He kissed down her chest, her stomach and stopped at the hem of her jeans. He began to unbutton them.
"No, Keith, Stop, this ain't right." I pushed him a little.
"But it is, baby..It is." He slid the zipper down and began taking off her pants.
After getting my pants off, he had picked me up and laid me on his bed, opening my legs, he got onto his knees, and moved my panties to the side. Keith blew on my heat, and then started to lick his tongue up and down.
"K-" I let out a moan.
Keith smirked, and added a finger.
He started fingering me, and I couldn't help but keep moaning.
"You like when daddy finger you huh?"
I didn't answer him, he stopped and I looked at him.
"Why the fuck did you stop?"
"You aint answer me." He slowly moved his finger.
"Keith, quit playing." I whined.
He eventually gave in, ate her out and then started taking off his pants.
"You got a condom?" I asked.
"You know it." He pulled one out of his dresser that was next to his bed. He slid the condom onto his member, and lined himself up to my heat.
He slowly entered, and I adjusted to his size a few moments after. He was fully in, and he began to thrust.
"Oh fuck." I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"I missed this pussy." he had his hands on the side of my waist. Keith started thrusting faster, with the room filled with our moans, the bed moving, squeaking and beating up the wall. I moved my hands up and down Keith's chest.
He buried his face into the crook of my neck, and I felt his breath. He let out a grunt, and mumbled.
"I'm finna cum."
"me too."
He had released into the condom, and I release as well. He flopped next to me, and I looked at him. "I honestly wasn't expecting to do that, and we are not going to tell anybody about this."
"My lips are sealed, as long as we can do this when we are alone." he played with the ends of my hair. "I'll think about it, now get dressed so we can g-" Keith's phone started to go off.
He looked at his phone, and it was Woody calling. He answered;
"Nigga where you and Stas at?"
"We on our way. Packet had us all caught up."
"Yea, aight. Y'all motherfuckas better be here in ten minutes. you heard me? Ten mothafucking minutes."
"Alright, damn we comin' Stas gathering her shit up."
"Aight, bet. Khairi needa talk to you, she want you to swing by the store."
While Keith was on the phone, I was getting dressed, I bent over and picked up my pants. I felt a sting on my ass, and I quickly looked at Keith, and hit him.
"Ow." He rubbed his chest.
"That's what you get." I slipped on my pants.
"Kiss it better."
"No." I walked out of his room, making sure I allowed my booty to jiggle. I knew Keith was watching cause he hung up on Khairi, and was hot on my heels, and he was trying to get dressed as well.
Keith grabbed me from behind, and kissed my neck. "Don't ever do that again."
"I do what I want, whenever I want. Now lets go, before they think we up to something." I picked up my bag.
Another chapter! Hooraayyyy! Keith x Stas? Hmmm okayyyy we see yall nasties.
[These are all being transferred from Wattpad! I know my writing was horrible!]
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