#anyway. laser beam.
toastybugguy · 8 months
No transmed could ever be as powerful as a trans man who loves his tits and a trans woman who loves her penis
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i3utterflyeffect · 4 months
What if the way Mango learns is that Dark tells him? And thinks it a normal thing to admit to? Like "oh yeah, I turned my creator into a stick figure so I could kill him, and I also stabbed the kids he adopted in front of him because I wanted to suffer as much as possible. Apparently they all ended up getting brought back though." Or something along those lines where it is clear who he's talking about.
MAN. i feel like King would just break from being told that casually.
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loathemetc · 1 year
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A series of images of @huecycles OC Halojack, set to lyrics of songs from Jim Henson’s failed pilot Inner Tube, plus one raunchy Kermit the Frog quote. It’s a mental association I’ve always made, so I figured it was high time I drew something with it, and frankly this is probably the biggest thing I’ve drawn in years to boot.
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anakinh · 1 month
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took the screenshot thinking this was what would cause me the most emotional damage but then i met the 'resident' of the next zone
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slutcore-starships · 3 months
cause hey, i love you, okay,
it’s so hard to say,
that i fucking need you too
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murducks · 1 day
there are two different guys named ryan who will not get out of my instagram dms somebody save me
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arvoze · 11 months
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having the absolute worst idea of my lifetime (thinking about spmd)
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^ guys who have problems
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
Kalindra: I'm so glad my son is okay and my husband is mostly alive :)
Tyentso: laser beam. And fuck you.
(2/2) Ok nevermind I retract my previous statement she missed on purpose
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Tyentso also fooled me--I was fully convinced that even with Kihrin's message, that didn't mean it would be enough. why should Tyentso trust them? Jarith is. SUCH an anomaly. though to be fair everyone in that series is such an anomaly. they're all so fucking weird and specific. I love them <3
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nedlittle · 2 years
idk call me a prude or whatever but the trend of media confirming that a character is queer because they're just soooo irreperessibly horny and will have sex with anyone and anything is so hollow and depressing because it's evident that any potential relationships with people of the same gender exist exclusively as hypotheticals with no regard for the possibility that people can desire romantic and/or emotional closeness and intimacy with people of the same gender. it's okay if you fuck but god forbid you make people think about queers having a future together! a tokenistic facade of sexuality without a spare thought for emotional depth but at least the twitter stans will have a new bicon™ to cheer on for a week or so
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luciferspartner · 1 year
CW covid & ableism, rant incoming
getting more frustrated by the day at the lack of any kind of covid precautions in public spaces. masks gone from buses. mask policies gone from Uber/Lyft/taxis and any other kind of transit too. masks gone from fucking healthcare. masks and social distancing gone from grocery stores and pharmacies. outdoor spaces back to being crowded and maskless. no ventilation improvements. cleaning protocols getting dropped. getting dirty looks as the one masked person in the area (meanwhile strangers think it’s ok to touch my mobility aids which means an extra round of sanitation when I get home). even in medical settings where masks are required the staff don’t offer masks to the unmasked. or if masks are “strongly recommended” the staff saying “oh you don’t need t wear that anymore!” my fucking immunologist with single layer mask that doesn’t fit and falls below the nose. being at the ER waiting area sat next to families who are saying they’re all covid positive but masks pulled below their chins. the safety risks of asking other people to wear a mask while around us and the risks of saying nothing. isolation of losing access to spaces again. even disability support groups and disability events going in person only and maskless and no testing or vaccines and overcrowded with poor ventilation in physically inaccessible places. I have been so so so lucky and privileged to be alive this far into the pandemic but how the fuck are we supposed to survive this shit without totally reconstructing what community care means in the time of covid
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thegoatsongs · 7 months
Fellas it is I think good not to promote posts that trash real people for having different headcanons about a character, especially posts that call people for having those entirely harmless headcanons "idiots" and "freaks" who should "shut the fuck up"
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earthtooz · 2 years
thinking about a reader with a solar or/and lunar quirk and the amount of jokes they could make to their significant other.
‘you’re the light of my life!!’
‘i love you like the moon loves the stars!’
‘my sun only shines because of you’
‘you make me feel all warm inside hehe’ (ew)
‘i love you to the moon and back’
(this is so cringe but so funny in my head does anyone else catch on)
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outpost-31 · 2 years
Hi dear mutuals. as a treat I'm working on a multi-chapter diamond is unbreakable horror fic with some gore and body horror + 80s slasher influence because with my interests it would be a genuine crime if I didn't. here's some early thoughts below before I get too deep into it, if youre interested, I'm currently working on the first chapter....
NO I didn't abandon streetlights I can have more than one project in the works at a time don't you worry mutuals who care about that
ignore any possible incoherence its nearly midnight
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cool. skittering away
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nazumichi · 1 year
i 🫶 immortality i 🫶 the silver wolf
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
LOL the person that trigger warned fusion blocked me and made a vague about how i should "respect triggers" because "fusion might be recovery for you but could be anti recovery for someone else" dude shut up.
people probably wouldn't like it if i trigger warned functional/healthy multiplicity would they? why is it different for fusion? your logic makes no sense. if you're triggered by a valid healing method maybe figure out some coping mechanisms because that is not a reasonable thing to have other people trigger warn.
sometimes, there are things that are unreasonable to content warn because it's incredibly limiting or offensive to do so.
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so many things I want to end up getting done today but im forced to only draw trimax characters eating food
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