#anyway. thinking about death and rebirth and shedding the skin of your past self
nyxi-pixie · 4 months
atsushi straight up losing akus coat is very funny but also hnnbnbnghg coat theory.........
something something atsushi being responsible for aku being clothed in something that isnt the scraps dazai left him
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star-maiden · 4 years
Oracle of December Theme: What needs to be laid to rest? What are you ready to release from your life?
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Hello and Happy December! This month, I am calling in some guidance from Spirit about what you need to let go of. In the northern hemisphere we are in the middle of the coldest and darkest days of winter. For me, this always feels like a good time to withdraw, rest and recover. It is a powerful time of releasing the old in order to make way for the things that will be brought into our lives in the coming of the new year. This sense of withdrawal and rest has always felt sacred to me. I hope this reading can serve you, and assist you to let go of the things that have not been supporting you. I’d also like to mention that this month’s oracle is very much focused on spirituality. I usually try to keep my readings as general as possible, but the messages that were coming through about personal paths and magical practices were very strong. If you are a witch, a wiccan, a pagan or in any way a practitioner of alternative spirituality, then this reading is dedicated to you.  
As with all of my readings for the collective, these messages are meant for a wide range of people, life paths and situations. It is general outlook advice. As such, you may find that not everything resonates with you completely, and that is ok. Please take only what resonates and leave the rest. You will also want to check your sun, moon and rising signs for the message or messages that are meant for you. I sincerely hope that these messages will serve your highest and greatest good, and assist you in making wise, informed decisions. May you be safe and supported at all times!
♈ - Aries: The Coyote - In many myths and legends, coyotes represent deception and trickery. The coyote in this deck is no different. This card speaks of sacred deception, or the idea that what we think we want may not always be for our greatest good. This oracle is coming to you this month to encourage you to gaze deeply at your desires, goals and passions. What purposes do they serve for you? Are they nourishing, or are they more superficial? If you find that something in your life is rooted in unhealthy ambition or that you are going through the motions of something purely for the aesthetic, consider how this thing or idea is showing up in your life. Something or someone might be masquerading as spiritually profound or meaningful, but is this really true? This month, you are encouraged to look at your life through the eyes of the coyote. What parts of your life are true, and what parts are illusionary? You may find more happiness if you let go of the parts of your life that do not hold any significance for you.
♉ - Taurus:  The Jaguar - The jaguar knows how to move swiftly and silently through the jungle. She is a hunter; a walker of unseen realms. She is not afraid to tread where others fear to go because she trusts in her own ability to navigate the unknown. When the jaguar shows up in our lives, it is a sure sign that you are ready to let go of fear. If there has been something in your life that has been holding you back or keeping you trapped in cycles of fear and anxiety, then this card encourages you to release it. The jaguar calls you to explore and to step outside of your comfort zone. Trust in your natural ability to discern what feels right and true for you, and if something doesn’t feel in resonance with how you envision your life to be, then don’t be afraid to leave it behind. The jaguar also moves in the realm of the shadow, death and transformation, so learning to move beyond what holds you back may feel quite daunting at first. That’s ok. Let go anyway. Know that your own discernment is strong. Rely on this skill, and call for an end to any toxicity or negative patterns.
♊ - Gemini: The Crow - For many cultures around the world, crows are messengers. Sometimes Bringers of great insights, and other times they appear to carry omens or warnings. In this oracle, the crow symbolizes truth in all its forms. It encourages you to seek truth in your life as much as possible. How you speak, the way you act and the thoughts you hold can all be great conveyors of truth if we allow it. Our words, both in thought and when spoken out loud, have the power to make us co-creators of our world. In  many ways, how we communicate with ourselves and others has a direct impact on our own experience. This card encourages you to examine that? What un-truths have you been telling yourself? Others? Is there any resistance to a particular truth that you or others in your life have trouble seeing? This month, strive to uncover the truth. Dismantle any illusions or lies in your life, and see what you can make of it. It is only in absolute truth that we can come to know ourselves fully.
♋ - Cancer: The Beloved - This is the card of relationships and of connection. It speaks of the idea of a collective consciousness, and asks us to recognize the Divine Spirit in others, just as we recognize it in ourselves. As a tool for self-growth, this card reminds us that what we see in others might only be one perception, or one facet of a personality. To strive to create connection with others is both human and divine at the same time, but we must take care to remember that sometimes what we see and experience might be influenced by the projections and expectations that we have placed upon someone. What this means is that we can only ever know one version of a story if we remain stuck in our own negative patterns. If there have been difficulties in a relationship in your life, then this card asks you to examine why. What expectations or perceptions have you placed on the relationship? What perceptions and expectations have been placed on you? How can you uncover the truth, and have an honest conversation with this person that you care about? This month, let go of perspectives and see what truths you can find. Don’t be afraid to have difficult conversations, but also know that you can choose to cut anything away from your life if the truths you find do not feel supportive for you.
♌ - Leo: The Serpent - Snakes have a reputation for being tricky, manipulative or dangerous. In many popular media, snakes invoke fear and revulsion. This deck takes a different approach of what the snake is, and how she shows up in our lives. At the core of her essence, the snake represents the divine life force of the earth. The snake who sheds her skin to make room for new growth is reminiscent of the cycles of death and rebirth in nature. We can use the snake as a metaphor for change and transformation in our own lives. This card doesn’t carry any specific messages about what needs to be let go, but rather it is confirmation that if you have been experiencing change or transformation in your life, then it is for the better. Embrace change. Don’t be afraid to let go of your old self because some shedding of the past is needed to make room for your own personal growth and healing. Change can definitely be uncomfortable at times, especially if we are resistant to it. Consider what changes have been taking place in your life? What have you gained? What new opportunities await you? If we can learn to flow through the change with grace and ease, we will find that change is not always so disastrous.
♍ - Virgo: The Rattle - In this deck, the rattle represents spirituality and the way in which we interact with the divine. In many ways, this card is about traditions and customs in spirituality. A question to ponder this month is this: What tools do you use in your spiritual practice? In your daily life? What purpose do they serve? When we seek to experience a conscious partnership with the divine, then we are stepping into our own power as spiritual beings. One popular idea is that you may have seen floating around the internet is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. This card carries this idea, and takes it a step further. If there is something in your life that you are trying to create or force, it is likely that it is already there. Your own expectations of what you should see or experience may have clouded your perception of what is already available to you. This month, let go of practices or beliefs that limit you. Don’t try to force anything. Instead, pause. Take a breath. Notice what is already around you. Notice what you do or do not need, and don’t take things that aren’t yours simply for the sake of having them or because someone else said you need them. A spiritual path is deeply personal. It’s ok if it doesn’t reflect every single aesthetic seen on social media. Create a practice that is meaningful for you.
♎ - Libra: The Corn - On a purely physical level, corn is a source of food and a source of income for the people who cultivate it. On a symbolic level, corn symbolizes abundance and the harvest. What have you been cultivating in your life? What goals or dreams have you been working on? This may be in reference to things you have already set in motion, or these aspirations may still be something that you are thinking about. Whatever it is, it is important that you consider how you will get there. In order to attain whatever it is that you are trying to reach, be mindful of how you do it. Let go of feelings of doubt or hesitancy, but keep your awareness of how your actions influence results. Let go of unrealistic expectations. You can manifest anything your heart desires, but you have to put in the work in order to get there. In order to receive something, you have to cultivate a relationship with it. Throwing intentions into the wind and hoping a nice pile of money will drop out of the sky, and  onto your doorstep isn’t the best way to go about calling abundance into your life. This month, set your sights high, but be sure to bring in a healthy measure of practicality. What must be done to achieve your goal? What needs to fall into place?
♏ - Scorpio: The Arrow - This card reminds us to strive for alignment between what we say and do, and how we feel. At this time, you may find yourself on a path that doesn’t fit well with what you truly believe or desire. It may seem lovely to the casual observer, but is this path truly taking you where you want to go? Any time we are putting energy and effort into something, it is wise to ask ourselves why. What is the end result we are hoping for? If we have struggled along the path, is the effort worth it? Sometimes, effort and energy directed toward overcoming a hardship is time well spent. In these kinds of situations, we will know in our hearts that what we are working toward is important and meaningful. But this isn’t always the case. If you notice that something in your life has been difficult or disruptive for you, this card is asking you to evaluate it. How is your life enriched by this situation? How is it supporting you? Take some time to consider the path that you are on, and the trajectory of your arrow. Is the thing you are aiming at really what you hope to achieve?
♐ - Sagittarius: The Drum - The rhythm of the drum represents the heartbeat and the life energy of the universe. This oracle is encouraging you to find your own rhythm. Don’t be afraid to move at a different pace than those around you. It’s ok if their drum doesn’t quite match up to yours. Forge ahead. Create your own way. Let the rhythm of your life take you where you are meant to be. Now is not the time to fight against the current. If there is something that is meant for you, it will find its way to you. Trust the process. Relax into the journey and see what you can discover about yourself along the way.
♑ - Capricorn:  The Journey - This is a card about personal transformation through the act of stepping outside of what is known or comfortable. It may be a literal journey, or it may be a more metaphorical journey that is found in an experience. This card is cautioning you not to jump in too soon. The allure of wanting to explore, to dive in and to learn all there is to learn about the path you are on may be quite strong right now, but the timing might not be the best. Before we can effectively journey into the unknown, there are certain questions that must be answered. What are you hoping to find in this journey? What truths are you seeking? How will you get there? What will you do and who will you be after the journey is done, and the transformation complete? If you have recently found yourself curious about a new path or spiritual practice, then this card is asking you to do a little self-reflection before embarking. The true power of a journey is often the experience itself, but that does not mean that the destination does not matter. Make sure you have a solid plan and plenty of resources before committing to anything.
♒ - Aquarius: The Blade - This card represents the powers and energies of the mind. It speaks of discernment, and our ability to choose what we allow into our lives. This month, you are encouraged to take great care with what you hold onto and who you allow into your life. This card also speaks of action. How do your actions inform your experience? Is there something that you are doing or have done that has created difficulties for you in the past? If so, then this is good news! As the wielder of the blade, you have complete power to adjust any actions that do not bring about the desired results. If you have recently found yourself acting in anger or hurt, then this card is asking you to recognize the difference between response and reaction. When we are in a state of reaction, we are unconsciously acting against someone or something in our lives that made us uncomfortable. While this isn’t necessarily going to always be a negative thing (think of a surprise meeting with a bear in a forest and the fight or flight response), reacting may begin to create toxic patterns in our lives if we do not examine them carefully. This month, consider how you react to situations and people in your life. Are these conscious responses, or unconscious reactions? If the latter, examine why these reactions are showing up for you. You may want to do a cord cutting ritual if you find any lingering emotions that are not serving you right now.
♓ - Pisces: The Hummingbird - The hummingbird represents gentleness, both with ourselves and others. However, to be gentle does not mean that we are permissive or easily taken advantage of. In fact, hummingbirds can be fiercely territorial. This card also speaks of boundaries, and maintaining a strong sense of self. How can you be kind to yourself and others while still maintaining your boundaries? Sometimes, our perceptions of what it means to be kind and helpful can overshadow our own personal sense of safety or well being. We may find ourselves saying yes to things that are not good for us, or that take up too much of our time simply because we worry that others will think less of us if we say no. This inability to draw and maintain clear boundaries with others can lead to cycles of resentment. There is resentment on our side because we begin to feel taken advantage of. If we then choose to say “no” after cycles and cycles of the same permissive behavior, then others will come to resent us for no longer wanting to engage in something that they have become used to. This cycle can be quite vicious if we allow ourselves to remain there. If there is something in your life that you don’t like, but have a hard time saying “no” to, then this card is asking you to let go of the beliefs and worries that have been keeping you compliant. It’s ok to affirm your boundaries and inform others that you expect them to be respected. You won’t be able to escape the cycle if you don’t tell others what you need.
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