#anyway. um. prepare the spoiler tags lol
n7punk · 1 year
for the last week. i have averaged 5384 words a day
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cerealmonster15 · 3 years
I still see so many headcanons people have of like, barbatos literally always knowing when things are gonna happen, and like it doesn’t matter bc it’s just people havin fun headcanons, HOW EV ER I just
Listen,,,, he has said a few separate times (at least as far as I’ve gotten, I’m not caught up yet LOL)
[lesson 15-17 + 34-B]
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A. Diavolo does not let him use his future sight unless under certain circumstances
B. Barbatos personally thinks it would be very boring to use future sight to always know what’s going on 👀 the man likes to keep things unpredictable in life!!
Idk if it applies to seeing in the past too but I assume so lol
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tvfanatic97-2 · 4 years
rose recommends 5/?
Hi glad you’re enjoying the spideychelle/petermj fics I’ve been rec’ing so far, which you can find below:
part 1: slowburn fics
part 2: fake dating fics
part 3: and they were roommates (aka roommate aus)
part 4: soulmate aus
All fic rec lists in this series are tagged #rose recs and #roserecs so you can easily browse them and find fics.
Also not including my own fics in this series but feel free to check out my ao3, y’know, if you want to.
A disclaimer before I list fic recs: “badass” can mean a lot of things and not just the traditional hollywood version of “badass”, and I personally believe MJ is a badass as she is in how she’s clearly v socially conscious and stands up for herself and others (see her defending Peter against Flash then against Brad in FFH) but for the sake of narrowing this down I’ve gone for fics that fit that more hollywood definition of “badass” otherwise I’d just be listing every peter/mj fic in existence.
Part 5- Badass MJ
1. Five Times MJ Doesn’t Need Rescuing by nire- MJ is no damsel in distress, no sir!!
2. Rage Rising by @machiavelien- um ig this is a spoiler for the first part of this series but this series involves MJ and a symbiote...I’ve already said enough so I’ll leave it there.
3. eye of the hurricane (and i feel fine) by @applejuiz- MJ being the ultra-prepared level-headed badass we know she is.
4. Mr. and Ms. Jones by @machiavelien- another series by machiavelien...this time mj is a badass s.h.i.e.l.d. agent/assassin
5. Fallout by @fargone5- post-apocalyptic au where mj has learnt to fend for herself to survive!!
6. survival is insufficient by lowqualtom- another superb post-apocalyptic au!!
7. and her name was freedom by @spideyxchelle- wild west au where mj is a mysterious gun-slinger type
8. Under the Black flag by @aquietconstellation- MJ as a badass pirate captain, I don’t need to say anything else
9. survival is an infinite capacity for suspicion by @spideyxchelle- s.h.i.e.l.d. agent mj!! 
10. Extracurricular Activities by EmptyHead- a series in which Dr Strange takes MJ under his wing and trains her in the mystic arts...what more do you need??
11. Quantum Entanglement by WanderingWordsmith- s.h.i.e.l.d. agent mj
12. Just A Memory by @justmattycakes- pacific rim au which for anyone who hasn’t seen it (and you should watch the first one) is bascially mj as a “jaegar” pilot i.e. she pilots giant robots to fight aliens! fun!!
13. they think loving is money in the hand by abusedtrademarkemoji- another wild west au where this time mj is an outlaw!!
14. the one about pirates by @spideyxchelle- another pirate au (we need more pirate aus!!)
15. luminous beings by @spideyxchelle- a star wars au rec from someone who hasn’t seen star wars, lol
16. And I Think It's Going to Be a Very Pretty Day by  nik_knows_nothing- Speed (1994) au!!! that sounds unusual but just trust me, it works
17. along came a spider by @seek-rest- black cat mj au!!!
18. There’s magic in this misery by @mjonesing- sort of like a black cat mj au but also something wholly original, reads like a crime thriller film
19. Cat and Spider by @awakening5- there’s no such thing as too many black cat mj aus...this one blends elements of canon beautifully
20. sunrise of your sins by @bipetermj- keep the black cat!mj aus coming!!!
21. Catch a Tiger by the Tail by @groo-ock - spider-man noir au in which MJ is spider-man..really great murder mystery and noir story all-round (w lots of the hallmarks of the genre except they’re flipped on their heads like a homme fatale instead of a femma fatale)
22. slow dancing in the spider’s web by quiet_lights- a dark, dystopian post-Blip au in which MJ is a detective investigating crime in New York...only one chap and has not updated in a long time but if you like mysteries and dystopian-set stories then I highly recommend it regardless
Okayyyy I’ve probably missed some but I’m only one person pls. Anyway, hope you enjoy all the above fics and be sure to leave kudos and a comment even if it’s just a quick “<3″ to let the author know you enjoyed their work and encourage them to write more.
bye x
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purfectmlpblog · 5 years
...alright fuq it lemme explain my thoughts about the finale spoilers lol
Don’t worry, I WILL be posting this under a read-more so PLEASE turn away and ignore this now (especially with some “spoiler” tags on if you use ‘em) if you don’t want to be spoiled for the finale until it officially airs. I just can’t contain my thoughts no more after ponderin’ them and who knows when it’ll officially air in English (’cause slow schedules can be a pain to deal with lol) sooooo... yeah you’ve been warned xp 
...Ooooh boi, well admittedly I kinda skimmed through what the whole plot was about behind the last three episodes (I was moreso focused on all the stuff happening for “The Last Problem” so lol), but I’ll try to keep it brief for the most part:
-So... that whole thing about Grogar being the last “big bad” was just a total lie... since apparently it was just Discord masking himself as the guy just to give Twilight one last battle to face? ...Ehhh, I get that he apparently had “good intentions” but this just seems to be pushing it too far even for Discord’s standards tbh... like these are his friends now (including Fluttershy, his best friend) so why would he allow this much risk to be thrown at them for the sake of just teaching them a valuable lesson about overcoming obstacles? ._. Then again, this IS Discord we’re talking about so him pulling some shady stuff like this is to be expected, I guess? Idk...
-As another twist to the trio of bad guys... NONE of them get redeemed at the end (not even Cozy Glow... who again, is nothing more than a whiny child compared to Chrysalis and Tirek :P), as they all pretty much get blasted with the same stone spell that Discord was under for what I can presume to be forever. I mean... had Sombra been placed in Cozy Glow’s position then I guess I’d be a bit more satisfied with this kind of ending for them instead of feeling questionable about it (’cause again, Cozy’s young age ^^;)... but at the same time, for what it is it’s at least a refreshing change of pace from just having them all instantly forgiven and befriended by all the main heroes. Now that would’ve been cringey... >_<
-We got a reaaally big group of cameos from many past ponies/other creatures from the show to aid in the final battle, including Sunset and a few of the MLP movie characters like Tempest, Capper and Skystar! o.o A shame that Captain Celaeno couldn’t have been added along with them but still, pretty cool to see that particular trio regardless along with my girl Sunset ❤️ about time the main show acknowledged her importance to Twilight -.-
-Moving onto the big finale itself, “The Last Problem”, we cut ahead to I presume to be a couple decades or so since the last episode... where Twilight and her friends are all grown up and leading their own lives as Twilight’s pupil (Luster Dawn, was it?) comes to prepare herself for her own first friendship lesson. Surprisingly, unlike past finales it’s not so much a really heavy or action-packed episode but more of a “relaxing breather” kinda filler... yet still pushes the feels the more we get to see the aged-up cast and realize how this truly is the end for our heroes :(
-We’re also given a nice flashback to Twilight’s coronation as Equestria’s new leader, though it didn’t go according to plan it still provided some heartwarming feels to teach that friendships will always remain solid even if some end up moving far away. Awww ;w;.
-As for the “Grown up” designs themselves... I’m kinda torn, tbh lol
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On one hand, I do like Rainbow’s, Fluttershy’s, and AJ’s older looks just fine. AJ’s especially gives me the feels looking at it ‘cause of the shawl... really hits in that poor Granny Smith is no longer around by this time :( at least she’ll always keep her memory strong in her heart ❤️
As for Twilight, Rarity, Spike and Pinkie... ehhhh ^^;. Rarity’s sparkly shawl is rather pretty though that big grey steak in her hair kinda clashes too much with the regular purple imo, Pinkie’s beehive look could’ve been fine if they just took out all that random junk in her hair, and while part of me kinda likes the “ethereal princess-y” vibes of Twilight (despite the rather dark implications that she’s gonna outlive her friends now ;-;)... the fact that she still sounds like her old dorky self when speaking kinda kills the effect for me... plus idk if only a couple decades in the future would be enough to make her this tall as an alicorn, I mean even Luna (who’s older than her) is alot shorter so it’s just a little off-putting to me to see her so “Celestia”-sized ^^;. And as for Spike... yeah, I don’t even know what’s going on there, so... let’s just move on, please lol.
So then we get to look over how everyone else in Ponyville’s doing, with so many new species living there now, some old kiddos grew up like the CMC and the Cake twins, Starlight and her friends (plus the Student 6) continuing to run the friendship school together, and apparently some canon couples started to thrive during this time too including Lyra and Bon Bon, Big Mac and Sugar Belle, and... Pinkie and Cheese? o.o 
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...Um, wow lol Wasn’t really expecting that considering that most of Cheese and Pinkie’s previous screentime together (which was only in like, two episodes?) wasn’t really that romantic from what I can recall, but guess the writers decided to just throw it in anyway ‘cause it’s a popular ship? lol I mean, not like it’s a bad one or anything but it still feels a bit randomly-placed in a narrative sense imo ^^;
Speaking of their daughter (Lil Cheese, I think?), while I do think she’s cute, part of me is kinda disappointed that they didn’t really get more creative with her design like they’ve done for Flurry Heart and the Cake twins :c. Color-wise she looks okay but... why just make her a recolor of her mom’s filly design? .-. Even putting her hair in some pigtails or something would’ve worked better imo.
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-Some more design nitpicks I had were certain weirdly placed hairstyles like Pumpkin Cake’s and Diamond Tiara’s, as well as why Gummy the alligator just looks like he resized into a giant than legitimately grew into an adult lol. Also this might also be nitpicky but why exactly is everyone (minus Twilight) so old-looking with grayed hair and/or eye bags (ex. Rarity and Sugar Belle), when a couple of them have school-aged children at this point? .-. Hell, even most of the Mane 6′s parents didn’t look this old (including Twilight’s, and they’ve got a granddaughter lol), so I’m kinda confused by this type of design choice tbh.
-I don’t really remember if they explicitly stated what happened to the old princesses during this time since they didn’t show up again, nor what the final fates of Shining Armor and Cadence were (save for a brief shot of Flurry Heart having her own stain-glass window in the throne room). Idk, just would’ve been nice to have gotten more explicit about that ‘cause I don’t wanna think of these poor royals being gone now with just Twilight being the leader now ;-; 
-I guess there was also a couple “implied” ships thrown in too like Fluttershy and Discord (though that one might be more “loose” to interpret, depending on how much you like the ship) and apparently AJ and Rainbow Dash seem to be having something “deeper” going on considering they specifically walked in together when all the other Mane 6 walked in individually into the throne room. Hmmm...?
-And lastly after a bit more filler and than a montage song of the Mane 6 harmonizing together one last time, we get to close off the entire episode, season, and series with one final shot of the heroes standing on a sunset-y hillside together, saying goodbye to Twilight’s student who goes off on her own friendship adventures... and then the screen fades to a book closing as a call back to the very first episode of the series over 9 years ago... where the exact same book opened up to start off our beloved show to begin with T-T
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....aaaand yeah my feels exploded over again, sorry T-T. Despite the lil nitpicks I had here and there (and how I wish certain plot holes could’ve been handled better in hindsight), this was still a really sweet and thoughtful way to end MLP: FiM with one last batch of fluff like this... the end of a good 9-year run of the show which’ll surely leave a special place in every fan’s hearts, including mine ❤️
Though again, like I mentioned before I still won’t be considering any of this actually “canon” in the main universe I’m setting up, which is all basically an AU at this point since I haven’t really been keeping up with the show as frequently to care much for sticking with the main canon :p. For my fellow content creators, please don’t be afraid to keep working on your own next gens and such btw, even if some of it might be contradicted in this particular finale I’d say anyone is free to make their own interpretations however they want, canon or no canon~ ;p
  Hope y’all understand that well and I hope you guys have a great rest of your day! 😃 
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canonicallyanxious · 8 years
2016 fanfic year in review thing???
I was tagged by @accioinvisibilitycloak. Thank you very much! I can never say no to the opportunity to egotistically brag about my own writing lol. I tag any fic writer who follows me and feels like doing this shiz. Especially @rumpelsnorcack and @boxesfullofthoughts. But everyone else too!
Total Number of Stories Completed: According to AO3, 13
Total Word Count: AO3 says 325,198 [AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH MY GOD]. Again, slightly skewed because 1. The longest fic i wrote on my own, is it the right word?, was mostly written in 2015 and 2. Anywhere between 80-100k [idk though???] was actually written by Lyds as part of our collabs, most notably one lifetime with you [again, a good chunk of which was written in 2015] and everybody begs to be redeemed [but also including our amazing hersula fic all but the brightest stars which is still lowkey one of my fave things we’ve written together]. Still, taking all of that into account this puts me, like, solidly in the 100-200k range which. Like. holy shit. What even am i doing with my life
Fandoms Written In: nmtd/lll, Voltron, the get down, check please!
What’s Your Own Favorite Story of the Year? This is!! Very difficult!!! I wrote many things that I am proud of!!! Obviously anything i write with Lyds [olwy, ebtbr] is going to top the list because i just feel like writing with them really brings out the best in me [cue the cheese]. Iitrw I’m proud of because it is, in my estimation, the best novel-length thing I’ve produced in my life. And I’m super proud of i will implode with you (‘cause everything will be all right) because, like, i love holsom with all of my soul and being and i think that fic has some of my best characterization
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? Uhhh i think i spent the whole year like pushing myself in terms of trying out different voices, different tones, different atmospheres… So on that front I’m pretty happy with the risks i took because like i tried my hand at a lot of different kinds of fic and i think it really helped me feel more confident in my versatility as a writer but also in my ability to sound like -myself- across different styles. Also I definitely took some risks in terms of the really out-there tropes/au ideas, writing things that I was interested in rather than what the fandom at large might be into. Some of which were more successful [ebtbr, all of olwyverse; do you see a trend here in terms of what I’m most proud of lol] than others [iitrw], but I’m proud of myself for taking that jump anyway.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? Ideally I would like to step away a little from fic this year but realistically, considering I’ve told myself for like over a year I’ll step away from fic, who knows if that will actually happen lol. Regardless i am probably going to continue writing fic but i would like to see if i can keep my projects on the shorter end [by which i mean, like, fewer than 50k words. I have high expectations for myself] so i can focus more on school, the future, etc. [aha oh boy……..]
As for profic, i do actually have some concrete goals for this year! I have an original story I’ve affectionately dubbed “delinquent lesbians” [though it’s a bit of a misnomer considering neither character involved is really a delinquent, and at least one of them is not a lesbian; i will not talk about it here but like if anyone is curious i will not object to rambling about them you just have to be Prepared for how much i can talk about them lol] that’s been tossing and turning in my head for the better part of a year i would really love to bring to life at some point. Also! I will not say too much on this topic yet because we don’t know if it will pan out, but Lydia and I are cooking up some of our own original collabs!! I am really excited, guys!!!
Best Story Of The Year? Isn’t this the same as favorite story of the year lol. I guess it’ll have to go to olwy because, like, how can it not go to my and lydia’s 130k word epic monster of a child
Most Popular Story Of The Year? the advantage of withholding your honesty zimbits soulmate au by a long shot
Story of Mine Most Under-Appreciated by The Universe, IMO: iitrw mostly just because i put over a year of work into that bad boy and happened to post it when the fandom shriveled up and died, every femslash thing I’ve ever written in my life
Most Fun Story to Write: olwy!!!! Most of my other projects were absolute hell to get through at one point or another tbqh
Story with The Single Sexiest Moment: Errr i don’t really write “sexy moments”. I guess like the closest I’ve come to is the make out scene i wrote in the fourth part of i will implode with you?? It’s, like, a paragraph lol
Most Sweet Story: I um don’t usually associate myself with “sweet” stories [see: the 130k words of magical angst in olwy, the 78k words of clone angst in iitrw, the 40k words of pacific rim angst in ebtbr; not only am i apparently incapable of writing anything other than heart wrenching tragedy, i write a whole fucking lot of it] but i guess this one would have to go to sing me, baby, home which is probably the fluffiest thing I’ve ever managed to write in my life [i still can’t believe i did something like that lol]
“Holy Crap, That’s Wrong, Even For You!” Story: No spoilers but this would probably have to go to what lydia and i did to Holster at the end of ebtbr [TO BE FAIR IT WAS THEIR IDEA but i wrote it so… yeah…]
And uh also iitrw is based on a pretty fucked up book so like. It’s a pretty fucked up fic just by nature of the beast
Story That Shifted My Own Perceptions Of The Characters: Hm. Well I’d say pretty much every fic i write changes the way i see the characters, especially if it’s the first time I’m writing them. If only because inevitably i will find a way that i can write the POV character as anxious in some capacity lol
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Okay this is kind of not specific to 2016 but honestly the fact that there are a handful of tropes i keep on beating the hell out of [STARGAZING; long distance relationship; summer romance] probably says a lot about me as a person [that i like soft night time content?? That i like things with twinges of melancholy and sadness and wistfulness?? That i grossly overuse night time/day time/star/sun imagery??? All of the above?????]. Also… i put a lot of myself and my anxiety into olwy!balth so… it might not seem like it but he’s probably the [version of the] character I’ve allowed myself to write the most like myself because i have serious problems with projecting on my faves lol. I was going to answer “the fact that i lowkey hate soulmate au’s even though i actually wrote one” but, like, that was 100% intentional and I kind of want everyone to know that
Hardest Story To Write: this is actually a hard question to answer because i struggled with, like, every single one of my major projects last year. I think in general i struggled the most with omgcp fic for some reason because like the characters’ voices are so incredibly distinct it’s hard to really capture them imo?? There was a point i almost gave up writing the soulmate au’s because they were so hard to do lol
Biggest Disappointment: That lyds and i will never be able to finish our plans for olwy verse. That we probably won’t be able to get to the sequel to ebtbr we were planning either. That I don’t have the time to turn my zimbits pride and prejudice AU into the Austen novel-length clusterfuck it was always meant to be [i hope i can expand on it at least a little more in the future though!]. That i will never write the 10 things i hate about you rosa/jaquie epic the lll fandom deserves. That i didn’t write, like, any original fic??? Seriously dude what are you doing =[
Biggest Surprise: Mostly that i was physically capable of putting out this much writing like completely for free lol. If only i could be this productive in my own real life endeavors
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jikook-love · 8 years
end of the year 2016
end of the year fic 2016 
Everything is linked so you can check it out ^^
Total word count written: AO3 - 43 769, and maybe around 20 000 more for my other tumblr stuff ish? So maybe 80 000 counting unwritten
Total word count published: 60 000-ish
Fandoms written: BTS, Yuri On Ice (lowkey), Psycho Pass & AOT
1. Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or what you predicted?
Um. Yes. I wasn’t even planning to write anything. 
2. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
...well. *looks around* *hides*
3. What’s your own favourite story of the year?
AT MY PLACE. It’s probably my fave because it’s highly a songfic and I could just picture everything so vividly. I actually have a parallel to it, but I haven’t finished it yet. Maybe one day I’ll get around to posting it. Everything just flowed really nicely while I was writing it. And I feel like I also really like Heartwrecker because it’s like...my baby LOL. 
4. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I feel like my starting to write itself was taking a risk ._. LOL. Anyways, I always write crack, that’s just natural, but the risk was taking up another long fic. Definitely learned that things don’t always go as planned and be prepared to write ahead so you can edit later XD
5. Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?
FINISH EVERYTHING O M G. I have like 4 things I have to work on atm, all simultaneously. Unfortunately I am not a CPU with multiple processors so I cannot work in parallel T.T
From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
At My Place. In the depressing midst of studying for a summer test, this precious gem of mind came into mind and distracted me. Although it’s not the most popular nor a fan favourite or anything, it just turned out like everything I wanted to be and that was a nice feeling. 
My most popular story of this year:
Heartwrecker. Probably, right? It’s my ongoing fic and it’s been receiving a lot of nice comments recently, and I really appreciate that :3 I wanted to write an intricate plot that ran kind of like a drama with vivid imagery and complex(ish) characters...and fortunately, you guys are telling that’s exactly what I did ^^
But honestly, it’s no lie where the amount of popularity in my fic does sometime correlates to the amount of effort I put into each. At My Place is my most popular oneshot, and Golden Eyes had a boom later on: both of which I enjoyed writing and really put a lot of editing effort into. 
Most fun story to write:
Busan Baby. Idk what that was but it’s probably one of the crackiest things I’ve ever written probably and who doesn’t want to imagine countryside fathers Jikook with a baby. XD
Living Up to His Name. Was also fun to write (model!Seokjin x photographer!Hoseok) Maybe because I had a soft spot somewhere for 2seok that i didn’t know about lol 
Story with the single sexiest moment:
At My Place. No, I didn’t forget Permission to Love but honestly, I didn’t find that as “sexy” as the scene in At My Place because it was mostly just PWP I wrote at 4 am while listening to House of Cards because I couldn’t sleep. At My Place, I think, was a better build-up of plot and tension and left just enough to the imagination so that was satisfying without being overwhelming. 
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
Everything on this blog. tbh.
It’s Harder than It Looks was my first fic on here, and surprise! it’s a Namjin LOL. That was so crack and it was pretty weird :/
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
Falling for Madness. (yoongi x taehyung) It’s funny because I’d intended for Taehyung to be an innocent, slightly crazed childhood lover and just have a reunion or whatever but then [SPOILERS] I turned him into a serial killer. Go figure. It’s one of my personal favourites though even if it’s not the most popular, because it really got me writing in a different style. 
Biggest surprise:
Tie Me Down? (ceo!jungkook x jimin) Not sure if it actually was because I sort of built up to it but I like the tense atmosphere if that one and it’s definitely one of my favourites. :)
You Be My Fan and I’ll Be Your Man (fanboy!jungkook x idol!jimin) was supposed to be surprising but I don’t think I built it up well enough, even though Jungkook’s character change was quite 180 at a certain point, as well as his little history with Jimin ^^
And of course, by default, Heartwrecker :D
Most unintentionally telling story:
Most of my fics have some sort of underlying moral? But if unintentional it’s probably Golden Eyes. It was just supposed to be this fantasy fic but the ending was a bit more bittersweet and meaningful than I ever intended to (mostly because of a song I was listening to at the time).
shatterproof was also telling (i.e. sometimes love is flawed and does not enunciate the best decisions..etc.), but it was intentional for the most part. 
Favourite opening lines:
Falling For Madness:
Everyone craves attention and desires love, but how far does one have to go in order to be truly considered obsessive?
Extreme compulsion is defined as destructively repetitive behaviour, yet humans value and even become dependent on daily routines, without ever really understanding why they do the things they do.
These thoughts ran though Min Yoongi’s mind as he sipped on his black coffee, seated at the same café he did every morning while he jotted down notes on paper.
You’re such a genius, Yoongi. How do you keep thinking of these words, Yoongi?
They’d mindlessly croon like this every day, labeling his difference as a gift. Never a hindrance, never a disability. It was because he poured his thoughts out on paper and electronic documents, but never applied them to reality. How would they truly know what he was inspired by, every time he moved his pen, every time he hit a key on his computer, every time he typed into his phone?
The frigid air bit away at Jeon Jungkook’s bare lips and fingers, though he had lost perception a while ago.
It was already 2 am, the wallowing darkness doing nothing to ease his loneliness and heartache. The pure white flakes of snow were falling so gently, calmly, but the sight of them only seemed to bring back bittersweet memories that were long gone by now.
Merry Christmas indeed… Jungkook sighed, his breath materializing in the cold. He thread his bare fingers through the snow, unwary of the tingling on his fingertips as he leaned his back against the lamppost he had been sitting by. It was not a good night to be outside: the breeze was gentle yet frigid and chilled to the bone. He gazed up to the somber sky, his long, dark bangs matted against his forehead, shielding his eyes. It was pathetic, in reality, to be abandoned and homeless on a holiday meant for warmth and happiness.
Though in his way, perhaps he deserved it.
It was his punishment.
(the dark ones. ha.)
Favourite closing lines: 
Golden Eyes:
And that night, for the first time in awhile, Jungkook slept peacefully, without any nightmares whatsoever. How could he not? He laid there, wrapped comfortably in Jimin’s warm embrace, falling asleep in the middle of their cuddling, before he even noticed.
Tomorrow would be another long, grievous day, as they set out on their journey again, hoping to find the refuge and vengeance they were seeking for. It would be a journey full of surprises, some of them unwanted. They would have to live every minute of every hour like it would be their last together, not knowing when they would run out of time. There was no promise of a happy ending, or whether they would even be together at the very end.
But tonight, for the very least, they were together within in each others presence, wrapped up in each other’s arms at long last.
And in that moment, it was all that mattered.
Favourite lines from anywhere:
Jungkook scanned the scenery, searching for what he expected to be a short, insecure-looking boy, possibly with a bad haircut and no air of confidence whatsoever.
“I don’t see anyone,” Jungkook said, still straining his neck.
Taehyung snapped his tongue, reproaching Jungkook’s impatience. “He’s covered by that building right now,” Taehyung said. “Wait for it…look! There he is!”
Jungkook was still craning. “I still don’t see anyone that looks like him,” he groaned. “All I see is that incredibly hot guy with the black hair and the cute ass.”
Jungkook blushed at Taehyung’s stone-cold expression. “What? I have a type too, you know. You’re not the only one who’s allowed to check guys out.”
“That’s him.”
Scenes from anywhere you would have choose to have illustrated:
At My Place - Jimin and Jungkook running through the vivid night market together would be (highkey i actually wanted to ask someone to draw this for me ;;
Heartwrecker - ...tba tbh ;P
shatterproof - jungkook sitting exhausted and cold and there’s snow everywhere and he’s just shocked because jimin has just appeared in front of him ;;
New year’s resolutions:
Finish writing: math!AU (an ongoing project since the last semester ;P) & more Heartwrecker :)
Word Count Totals
Total finished, posted fic: idk some number
Longest posted fic: Heartwrecker
Longest wip: Heartwrecker <333
Total number of words written: some larger number
Tagging: every writer who finishes reading this till the end because I know you all wanna do it ;P
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