#he doesn’t just say diavolo doesn’t let him
koolades-world · 1 year
Demons and Humans not understanding each other
Inspired by several other posts I read about this same thing <3 honestly even if the brothers insisted it was safe, I would consult Satan, Lucifer or Barbatos
this is mostly mammon freaking out
Humans think the deadliest things are like, adorable, like Cerberus. Mammon especially does not understand why Mc wants to run towards the very dangerous, very mad three headed dog. A few times he has had to throw Mc over his shoulder to keep them from staying behind
“But he’s so cute! He just needs a snuggle buddy”
Humans can also be very stubborn if they’re too hot or cold but refuse to admit it. It’s fine with Lucifer does it because he’s one of the most powerful and therefore resilient demons in Hell, but not so much when Mc does it. Beel and Mammon love playing in the Devildom snow, but given that it’s the Devildom, it’s definitely a lot colder than it is in the human realm. Even after ten layers, Mc is still freezing but refuses to admit it.
“Mc, are ya shivering? I thought ya would be too warm under all that”
“I’m sweating with this one jacket”
“I’ll live! Let’s go back to the snowman”
“no I don’t think you will”
On the same note, sometimes demons forget humans can’t withstand crazy temperatures. Asmo will invite Mc to a popular bathhouse, sauna or hot springs, forgetting that the temperature would literally boil Mc alive
“Hey Asmo this is the place you wanted to go, right?”
“Yes! Isn’t is cute?”
“Everything except the part where I boil alive”
Some foods can kill humans just by being near them so imagine how the brother would feel when they learned this, it’s giving that lunatic pudding incident with Diavolo from that one card
“Mc! You’ll love this. Open wide!”
“Asmo I feel funny”
In retrospect, humans probably sleep a lot compared to demons. Some demons probably don’t sleep at all, except Sloth demons. Setting aside about eight to nine hours of the day just to sit idly might not make sense to them until they learn they will shut down without it
“How are you feeling about the exam we just took? Exam week is finally over.”
“Mc? Mc, Satan is talking to you. Why are you on the floor”
“No, I think they’re just asleep idiot”
“oh. wait, THEYRE ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALL lucifer is gonna kill me”
I’d say both demons and humans are social creatures, but humans will go insane without social interaction. Yeah a demon would probably be upset if they didn’t talk to someone for thousands of years but I don’t think a human could last more than ten without losing grip on reality. Humans tend to copy each other, which is probably bizarre to demons. Humans don’t even understand yawning so demons definitely won’t
Going back to the food thing, demons can probably go ages without eating, besides Gluttony demons. Humans need to eat so frequently compared to them
“So you’re tellin’ me that if Mc doesn’t eat for a whole week, their insides start to eat themselves?!”
“Yes. But, Mc ate a few hours ago.”
(Mammon was already gone when Satan turned back around)
Demons probably also play game that would definitely kill humans. My brother and I used to play crazy games when we were little (our favorite game didn’t have a name but we would put Barbies in the toy train tracks and see what would happen when different Thomas and friends character would hit her. The train tracks would glow in the dark! I did not let him put my favorite doll in the train track and he had to listen since I was the older one, she was not a barbie and had bendy feet? that’s not for now) but we never seriously got at each other throats. I cannot imagine what games demons and demon children must play. Satan was born fully grown but imagine if he was born little and the brothers had to play his favorite games with him. I feel like they would find the Barbie game I played a little weird too. Like, they would probably tell me that I should’ve done it in real life since that would be better experience or something batshit like that
“Aww, Satan, do you remember all the times we played “Five minute eye stab” with Lucifer? You were so cute. Sometimes I think Luci let you win.”
“Do not talk to me Asmodeus.”
“I’m sorry, you played what?”
“One time we gave him an actual knife by accident and since he was good, he ended up stabbing Lucifer’s eye.”
“You’ll be next if you don’t shut up and let me read”
“Oh he’s fine now, clearly. Only took him a few hundred years to regain normal eye functions”
“Can we not talk about this anymore?”
Babe it is a miracle Mc is still alive
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fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Overprotective and Ready to Fight - The Dateables
Requested By: @number-1-obey-me-brother-simp
Read the Prologue on the Brothers' version!
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Diavolo had been a bit far from the scene when he first heard about a fight breaking out at RAD. Demons weren’t always the most level-headed so when he heard the gossip, he didn’t think much about it.
Then he heard one of the demons say your name and his heart skipped a beat. He was now racing towards the fight, hoping that he wasn’t too late and that you were okay.
When Diavolo finally reached you, he was surprised to see that you were the one winning the fight. Nonetheless, it had to be stopped so he moved to pull you off the student.
He was surprised at how much effort he had to put into getting you off them. Whatever that demon said - it made you seriously angry.
You stopped fighting immediately when you saw Diavolo and he had concern in his eyes as he was quickly looking over your body for any injuries.
“We don’t have to tell Lucifer about this, right?” you asked him. He wanted to laugh slightly at the question, but you both knew it was unavoidable.
For now, though, he wouldn’t involve the brothers until he made sure you were okay. He walked you to the infirmary and sat with you as the doctor looked over your injuries.
Diavolo was in shock when the doctor told him you only had a few scratches and bruises. The only part of you that looked injured were your knuckles which gave quite a beating to the other demon.
Diavolo stifled a laugh. How would it look if the Demon King laughed at a fight breaking out in school?
But you could see the joy in his eyes. He found it so amusing that you - a human - pummeled the other demon to the point where they were having trouble walking and yet you were fine.
“Well, that’s great news,” Diavolo told the doctor, giving you a small smile. “While I don’t condone fights breaking out in the middle of school, I have to ask - what made you so angry?” Diavolo questioned, the question burning in his mind.
He was dying to know what had turned his precious human exchange student from the normally calm and collected self you were into the raging creature who was able to win a fight against a demon using only your fists.
You let out a small sigh before telling him, “I was just trying to teach them a lesson…for talking bad about you.” 
Diavolo’s eyes widened slightly before his joyous laughter filled the room. He wasn’t holding a single laugh back this time.
“You fought the demon for me?” Diavolo asked, clarifying that he had heard you right. A small blush coated your cheeks as you nodded your head in response.
“Sorry if I embarrassed you. I know I’m supposed to be on my best behavior as one of the human exchange students,” you added, avoiding his gaze.
Diavolo’s expression turned from one of amusement to one of love as he looked over your gentle features. He could see the pure intentions you held in your heart.
Diavolo gently grabbed one of your hands and placed a kiss on the top of it, making sure to be careful so that he didn't hurt your knuckles any further.
“I would never be embarrassed by you. Thank you for fighting for me. Please, allow me to take you to dinner to show my gratitude,” he told you.
You smiled at him as you agreed and Diavolo left the room shortly after so that the doctor could finish tending to you.
When he reached the hallway, he was met with the demon brothers who were all worried in their own right and had questions to ask.
Diavolo made sure to do his best to explain what had happened without exposing your reasons why. That was a private matter between the two of you.
He will make sure that Lucifer doesn’t give you any sort of punishment, though. After all, you were only fighting the demon for him. He wouldn’t dream of punishing you for that.
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Barbatos had been doing his normal daily tasks when he sensed that something was amiss. He immediately moved to find Lord Diavolo to ensure everything was fine.
He found him walking down the hall, a slightly worried expression on his face. Barbatos went to ask Diavolo what was wrong when he overheard what the demons were saying. 
You had gotten in a fight? Barbatos was immediately concerned. Ultimately you were only a human and a demon’s strength overpowered yours.
He walked with Diavolo to the scene and hesitated for a brief moment when he saw the two of you on the ground. “Barbatos, please grab the other demon,” Diavolo asked him, moving to grab you.
Barbatos was slightly disappointed that he was the one who was asked to stop the attacking demon; but, he would never disobey an order from Diavolo.
So, he moved to grab the other demon, easily overpowering them. But, his eyes were on you, trying to scan your body for injuries from across the room. He felt a pressure lifting from his chest when he saw that you were mostly okay, despite your knuckles.
“Let’s go,” Barbatos told the other demon, leading them to an infirmary room. Barbatos had nothing but disdain for the demon next to him. The audacity of them to start a fight with you.
He had tortured others before and he had to admit he was tempted to inflict his own pain on the demon for any pain they caused you. But, looking at all the damage you did on your own, he believed it would be in bad taste to deliver any additional attacks.
Once the demon was in the infirmary, Barbatos immediately left. He found Lord Diavolo in the hall along with the demon brothers and he quietly stood next to Diavolo, doing his best to see inside the infirmary room that you were in.
Diavolo knew that this was going to be a long discussion so he asked Barbatos to stay with you until they were done to make sure you were okay.
Barbatos simply nodded his head in response, remaining expressionless. But, he was very thankful for the opportunity. He didn’t get many chances to be alone with you, and the opportunities he did get, he always appreciated. 
You were unlike any other human Barbatos had met and his curiosity about you grew more and more each occasion he had to talk to you.
He entered the room and saw that you were in relatively good spirits. He quietly approached the bed, doing his own reconnaissance of your injuries. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the doctor - he just wanted to be sure you were alright himself.
“It seems you can be quite the troublemaker,” Barbatos said, finally grabbing your attention. He wore a straight face but his eyes revealed the fact that he was only teasing you.
Barbatos sat down next to you and gave you an expecting look, letting you know that he was waiting for an explanation.
“I’ve just been studying really hard lately for the exams and that demon decided to say something incredibly rude,” you stated. “About you?” Barbatos questioned. You let out a small sigh, knowing you were about to put yourself on the line. “About you,” you replied.
To say Barbatos was shocked was an understatement. He hadn’t had nearly the same amount of time with you as the others had. And yet, you still jumped to defend him. He began to understand why everyone around him had started to fall for you.
Barbatos smiled at you, it was a small smile, but it was enough that you could see his genuine emotions. He was touched by your actions, and proud that you had done such a good job at it. The other demon looked like they had been used as a chew toy for Cerberus.
The conversation was cut short when the demon brothers entered the infirmary, but your words stuck in Barbato’s mind. 
From then on, he would catch himself watching you more often, sometimes smiling when he sees you laughing or having a good time. 
Needless to say, that fight changed his perspective of you and motivated him to further his connection with you.
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Solomon was an incredibly popular guy, and as such, he was one of the first people to find out about the fight. The only problem was that he was in the middle of cooking something in the lab and if he left too early it could cause severe consequences.
So, he quickly finished what he was doing, packing up the substance he created, before rushing towards the scene.
When he got there though, the crowd was dispersing and you were nowhere in sight. Solomon let out a small sigh of disappointment before carefully pushing past the crowd to reach the infirmary.
He got to the hallway and saw everyone standing around, talking about the fight. But no one seemed to come up with an answer as to what caused it.
Solomon didn’t stop to talk to anyone. You were at the forefront of his mind as he quickly entered the room they were all standing in front of.
A few of them noticed Solomon rushing past them, but no one said anything to stop him. Not that he would have listened to them anyway.
Solomon let out a deep breath of relief when he saw you. You were getting your hands wrapped by the doctor, and he noticed how dark-colored they were even after the doctor cleaned off the blood.
You must have used them quite a bit to incur bruises like that. Other than your hands though, Solomon could hardly see any other cuts or bruises.
You saw Solomon standing there with something in his hands moments later and you gave him a small smile.
“Hey,” you told him. Solomon couldn’t help but smirk when you looked at him so happily. You looked the opposite of someone who had just been in a fight.
“If you want to test your strength, there are easier ways than picking a fight with a demon,” Solomon said, walking closer.
“I wasn’t trying to test my strength. They decided to say some terrible things about you, and I was just defending you. Us humans got to stick together and all that,” you replied, a bit embarrassed after admitting your reason out loud.
Solomon was immediately taken aback. All of this - for him? Solomon’s smile grew as he held back whatever teasing remarks came to his mind.
You really were adorable. He was proud that you felt strongly enough about him to go to such lengths, but at the same time, he wanted to thank you for the gesture.
“In that case, I have a delicious meal I made that will make you all better. Let me serve you some,” Solomon replied, a boasting smile on his face.
Oh please no.
“Oh, thank you, that’s very kind of you. But, I’m not too hungry right now. Maybe later?” you responded, hoping to be polite while desperately trying to avoid whatever concoction was in his hands.
Solomon seemed unaffected by your words as he replied, “I’ll go pack up half of it for you right now so that you can have it later.”
Solomon left the room before you could protest and on his way back to the lab, he passed by the room where the other demon was. 
His eyes widened when he saw how terrible they looked compared to you. He made a mental note to never cross you. You were a lot more powerful than you looked.
The demon brothers made sure to either throw away the food or feed it to Beel before Solomon noticed that you didn’t eat it.
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Simeon typically avoided fights in the Devildom. After all, he and Luke were sent down to represent the Celestial Realm in the exchange program. Even if a demon was being particularly insufferable, starting a fight wouldn’t only reflect negatively on Simeon but on the rest of the Celestial Realm as well. So, he normally stayed calm and collected, giving a warm smile to every passerby.
But, when he found out that you had been in a fight, he lost any care he had to represent the Celestial Realm correctly, immediately rushing to the scene. Anger replaced the kindness in his features as he prayed that you were okay.
He would viciously fight any being if you were in harm without a second thought. And he felt sorry for the demon who decided to start a fight with you. He would make sure that the demon received proper justice for the transgression.
Simeon reached the infirmary shortly after the brothers arrived. “Is she in there?” Simeon asked Lord Diavolo, without waiting for him to explain what happened.
Diavolo nodded his head and Simeon entered the room, holding his breath as he prepared for the worst-case scenario. Images of you looking bloody and beaten flashed through his mind.
Simeon was frozen in place as he saw you, looking almost completely unscathed. Everyone made the fight out to be some big spectacle. As if it was a fight to the death. And yet you look as though you had merely taken a fall. 
His eyes trailed down to your hands and he saw the blood and bruises that coated them. It was clear they inflicted quite a bit of damage and Simeon couldn’t help but wonder what the other demon looked like.
After processing the initial shock, Simeon quickly approached the bed, worry in his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw him. His presence illuminated any room he was in.
“Are you okay?” Simeon asked, taking another glance at your hands now that he was closer. You nodded your head before replying, “Just a few cuts and bruises.” Simeon relaxed slightly but his eyebrows were still knitted together.
“Your strength is incredible; but, fighting demons is dangerous,” Simeon told you. “I know, I just couldn’t stand the way they were talking about you,” you replied.
Simeon opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out when he heard your confession. “The way they were talking about me?” Simeon questioned, unable to trust what he had heard.
“You’re an angel, and you’re way better than that demon could ever hope to be,” you added and Simeon smiled as he looked at you with love, every inch of his body melting at your words.
He was ready to fight for you no matter the consequences only to come and find out that was exactly what you had done for him. Did that mean you shared the same feelings that he had?
Simeon stayed with you the rest of the night to ensure you were okay and so that he could express his gratitude over and over again. No matter what you wanted, he would get it for you. And if all you wanted was a hug or something along those lines, he was more than happy to oblige.
Fighting a demon for Simeon strengthened your relationship, and he was now even more willing to leave the image of a proper angel behind and do what he wanted when it came to you.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
a helping human hand
SUMMARY: Lucifer eavesdrops on you and figures out why his brothers have been easier on him lately.
COMMENTS: my acts of service love language just wants to help him out in subtle ways.
Lucifer is on cooking duty. This means he has to leave his brothers in the dining room to cause chaos as they trickle in for the morning. He keeps an ear out for them as he prepares omelets with various vegetables and meats (for nutrition, since quite a few of his brothers never seem to eat properly when they’re left to their own devices.)
“And Belphie, you have a test in your first period today...”
He perks up at the sound of your voice, a smile spreading across his lips before he can stamp it out. There isn’t anyone in the kitchen, he thinks, so maybe he doesn’t have to pretend like your presence doesn’t make him absolutely delighted.
“Levi, make sure you eat lunch while we aren’t here. And Beel, I’ve packed an extra breakfast for you. Mammon, good morning. Do you have your stuff put together?”
He feels his brow furrow as he listens to you, the careful consideration you give to his brothers making his heart feel warm. He takes pride in his work, handling off the household burdens and making sure his brothers get through school just fine, all while acting as Lord Diavolo’s right hand man. He noticed the slight changes in his brother's schedules and wondered what had made them remember things they usually forgot, only to find out now that it had been you.
“Mammon, watch your food!”
He steps out of the kitchen with the omelets he made only to see you, rubbing insistently at Mammon’s face with a napkin as he whines and tries to get away. He sees the pancakes he prepared earlier on his brother’s plate, and figures Mammon almost spilled syrup on himself. That would have been a pain to wash out of his clothes.
“Hello, Lucifer.” you smile, oblivious to his eavesdropping, “Do you need any help in the kitchen?”
“I can handle it.” he says, setting the omelets down in front of his brothers, “You just eat. I’ll be ready in time.”
“You always are.” you hum, that smile still on your face as you turn away from him.
He appreciates the way you don’t pry, letting him do most of his work that he takes so much pride in. Despite the fact that he feels the same about taking care of his brothers, he supposes he doesn’t mind if you help out a bit.
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peonysgreenhouse · 5 months
-`♡´- return.
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summary: the obey me datables & luke react to mc coming back to life!
tags: obey me datables (simeon, solomon, diavolo, barbatos) x gn!reader, luke & gn!reader, hurt/comfort, implied character death, mentions of violence in solomon's parts, solomon goes a little crazy teehee
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i. simeon
he sees you there, in the celestial realm. he had known your soul was pure from the very beginning, but seeing you among the angels was like a knife to his gut, a reminder of his failures to protect you. 
you weren’t supposed to be here, not now, at least. it was far too early for you to die. simeon can’t help but feel bitterness well up within him as you turn from michael to look for someone in the crowd (he knew it was him. he hoped it was him).
your features light up – simeon feels his heart skip a beat. even now you were just as he last remembered you, he had always taken the time to visit you in the devildom, even after his internship was over. you more beautiful than any angel he had ever seen. 
you embrace him tight, and the tighter you squeeze the more he feels like he can’t breathe, the combating feelings waging a war in his mind. he should’ve been watching over you; what kind of guardian angel was he to let his human die like this?
“i’m sorry,” he doesn’t know why his voice cracks when he says it. simeon? losing his composure? he had garnered many millennia of years of experience working to keep it up. “i’m sorry i didn’t protect you.”
“it’s okay simeon,” he feels your hands squeeze the back of his cloak. a wicked thought crosses his mind; maybe if you dug your nails in harder he would have some penance for his failures. if you cut through the bone and marrow and reached his heart then maybe his father would forgive him – maybe you would forgive him for his short-comings. “i’m here now.”
“right,” he breathes you in as if to convince himself. simeon feels the strength of his bond with you overwhelm him, he can feel how much you care for him and he feels his chest fill with warmth, chasing away his guilt, if for the moment. “you’re here forever. with me. nothing can hurt you here, i promise.”
ii. luke
luke had always told you to be mindful of demons, that they were evil creatures who would take any opportunity to kill you. it had seemed that his warning had proved true in the worst way. if only he hadn’t been a cherub; if uriel had promoted him to be your guardian angel like he had asked, maybe this could’ve been avoided.
but he was overwhelmed with how happy he was at the fact that you would be spending time with him forever in the celestial realm. he had wanted nothing more ever since you had become friends in the devildom. you were the one light for him in the exchange program.
“you’re here!” luke chirps, sprinting down the golden bricks of the road to the archangels’ house. “you’re really–!” you’re suddenly enveloped in a hug as luke wraps himself around your waist. 
“hello luke!” you smile from ear to ear, ruffling up his neat hair. usually, he’d make a comment about you not treating him like a child, but for now it seems he’s too busy nuzzling into you. “it’s good to see you again.”
“yes! i’m happy to see you,” he pulls away, cheeks visibly flushed. “i’m sorry that i wasn’t there to protect you from those mean old demons but… everything will be fine now that you’re here!”
“would you like to give them a tour of the celestial realm?” michael chimes in with a smile, the younger angel’s eyes lighting up like a christmas tree.
luke nods excitedly, taking your hand in his, already tugging you out of the estate: “we have so much to do! we can’t waste any time!”
iii. solomon
solomon spirals hard.
there was a reason solomon pushed everyone away, why most people in his life were kept an arms length apart. he got too attached to things; to power, to magic, to anything that gave him that needed adrenaline rush… why would you be any different? you, the only person he has ever loved had been snatched out of his hands.
and worst of all, he had been powerless to save you. 
all the magic and demon pacts and connections in the world couldn’t stop you from bleeding out in his arms. humans like you were much too fragile for his liking; he had worked tirelessly his whole life to be anything but.
if he couldn’t get what he wanted from the damned, he would have to turn his eyes to the celestial realm. if he had to tear down the heavens and bring you crashing back down to earth, he’s sure he would. 
making bonds with angels was much more difficult than that of demons, but he found after nights of endless research that plucking a few of their feathers would get them to sing. 
he’s covered in golden ichor when he manages to bring you back – a life for a life. he finally was able to do it, not only to bring a human back to life, but to bring you back. solomon rises, shakily, as you feel your body materialize out of the magic sigil etched into the floor. he smiles gently, looking at you as if you were the only thing that mattered.
so why do you look back at him with such horror?
iv. diavolo
he had bargained with the archangels before, but never for a life.
in all accounts, a human choosing to leave the celestial realm and go to the devildom was unheard of. being cast out of heaven was notoriously the worst punishment anyone could receive.
but you do, you would always choose him over all the luxuries and beauty of the heavens every single time. it was true that love made people do stupid things.
michael sends you back to the devildom months after diavolo’s terms were set, a gift with the price of owing the ruler of the celestial realm a favor. michael was known for his kindness, but diavolo knew that there was more to him than that. he was smart enough to know that michael would never jeopardize the devildom, but angels never forgot debts owed. it was a risk, but one diavolo had no choice but to take. 
above all the benevolence and good-will he draped himself in, at his core, he was a selfish demon; perhaps moreso than anyone else in the devildom. 
he holds you against his chest the whole night. in the morning, he’d have duties and meetings to go to. but for now, you were his. 
“little one,” he mumbles into your hair, hands tight around your waist, “make a pact with me. that you may be at my side forevermore.”
v. barbatos
in so many other timelines he sees you, shining, alive. he starts to resent the other versions of himself for being happy with you (or even worse, happy with any of the others). barbatos could pull you out as easily as he could breathe; he had a mastery over his powers that other lower demons could only imagine. 
but it wouldn’t be the same, he reminds himself, it wouldn’t be his version of you. 
he knew the way to get you back, it’d be to break his own rule: do not interact with the past. diavolo had given him permission to bring you back, it would be a stain on the exchange student program if one of the humans came back dead after the second semester. but he wasn’t so sure, what if the you he brought back wasn’t the you he remembered? 
barbatos does it anyways, knowing he can’t refuse an order from his lord. the you in the celestial realm will be erased from existence replaced with the you of the past, the one who doesn’t know what it’s like to die. the two can only hope it doesn’t cause drama in the celestial realm.
“barbatos?” you question as you walk in the gardens with him, completely oblivious to it all. if he hadn’t been so happy that you had returned, he would feel guilty for not telling you of your death. sometimes, ignorance was bliss. “are you okay? you seem more quiet than usual.”
“do i?” he muses, forcing a soft smile for you. “i’m afraid i’m simply just a bit tired. sleep evaded me last night.” the last part wasn’t a lie.
“sorry to hear that,” you pout, “if you want to go nap, you should!
“do you not wish to spend time with me?”
“it’s not that…” you kick at the ground, arms crossed behind your back. “it’s just we have all the time in the world though, right? i want you to be rested when we’re together.”
he feels as if you’ve struck him with an arrow to his chest. barbatos sees your lifeless body in his mind, did you know and were trying to taunt him? or were you simply just this sweet?
“i suppose you’re right.” he nods his head, “but you’re coming with me.”
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devildomwriter · 5 months
I want to ask... pleasee... when do you think obm charas fell for mc? And how they realize about that kind of feeling. And i actually curious about seraph other than michael and raphael (relationship with lucy) thankyouuuuuu ✌(‘ω’)✌
When Did They Fall in Love?
Mammon fell almost right away. He already was leaving a toothbrush in MC’s room by chapter 4 so I’d say a little before then probably in chapter 3
Leviathan was very flustered around MC after agreeing to a pact and becoming closer friends. I believe this is around the time he started really falling for MC and seeing them as more than a friend. This is in chapter 4
I believe Beelzebub fell for MC after they saved his life. They were already becoming friends but after that Beel was pretty devoted to MC. This happens in chapter 6
Asmodeus became enamored with MC after experiencing their power. This is when he started looking at MC as more than just a human and housemate. The more he learned about MC the more devoted he became. This starts in chapter 8
I believe Satan fell for MC around the time they formed a pact. He had great respect for them and was a bit flustered about the situation. This happens in chapter 12
I believe Lucifer’s interest begins in chapter 12 but dissolves upon MC’s betrayal. However when the dust settles his feelings have returned by chapter 17
Belphegor immediately took an interest in MC in chapter 16 upon learning their heritage. However I believed he felt romantic interest in chapter 17 onwards when MC helped him repair his bond with his brothers and he saw how kind they were.
Solomon is hard to say. He doesn’t get a lot of time in season one and in season two he is mostly trying to figure them out. However in season two he is willing to kill Lucifer and destabilize the Devildom over letting MC die. To I’d say within season 2
Simeon also became more attached to MC in season 2 and was confessing and blushing by season 3. But I predict it was towards the end of season 2
Diavolo fell for MC probably towards the end of season 1. But during the chaos of season 2 and not knowing if MC would live or die he held his tongue. He tried confessing later in season 2 but was interrupted.
Barbatos was pretty confused about everyone’s attachment to MC. In season 3 MC kisses him and he is surprised to feel a warmth from it. But he officially falls for MC at the end of season 4. Barbatos takes a while because he’s been all throughout time and is very strict in his duties, so love didn’t cross his mind until he felt it for MC.
Thirteen is pretty attached to MC in Nightbringer almost immediately. But she begins calling herself an MC Stan before the end of NB season 1 and ropes Mephistopheles into it.
Mephistopheles hasn’t shown much romantic interest in MC in Nightbringer yet but as teased by Thirteen he believes MC looks good but just never says what he means. I believe he develops interest in season 2 but I don’t believe he’s fallen just yet.
Raphael has almost no time in Nightbringer and hasn’t had a chance to bond with MC. In the OG game he did get pretty close to MC as they helped him accept the reality Lucifer and his brothers wouldn’t return to the Celestial Realm. He’s also the first of the new three to get closer to them in OG. But I don’t believe he’s fallen for them yet, though interest is there.
Michael hasn’t fallen for MC but we know he cares about them and has been protecting them though he claims it’s for the brothers’ sake. He feels MC is trustworthy enough to rant to about his issues so he must care at least a little.
Other Seraphs and Lucifer
I believe it was in a daily chat, but Simeon has texted Lucifer that the other angels have been asking about him, especially Uriel. So we know that some of them still care about him or are at the very least curious—Not just the seraphim but all of the angels.
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ci3n · 1 year
can i request sort of airhead mc with mammon and luci !! tysm love uuu :))
lucifer + mammon with an oblivious mc
➺ i haven’t written in so long i hope this is okay and i did like an oblivious mc cause i think that’s what u meant idk 😭 hope this is what u wanted :)) (also not proofread btw)
obey me masterlist !
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you’re taking years off this demon’s immortal life
you seriously can’t tell he’s in love with you like he has made it so obvious.
he could just straight up tell you, but his pride won’t let him, of course, so he sticks with romantic gestures.
takes you out on fancy dinners, showers you with expensive gifts, compliments you all the time, gives you his coats to wear, let’s you in his room/office and touch his stuff, makes an effort to spend time with you, remembers every tiny little detail about you, doesn’t hang you upside down when you get in trouble
and you think he’s just being nice to you for diavolo and the exchange program
old man is so tired pls notice him
his brothers feel so bad for him, like it’s so painfully obvious to everyone but you (satan and belphie do get a kick out of it, but at some point they also feel kinda bad)
tries dropping subtle hints, asks you questions like, “have you thought of whom you want to spend the rest of your days with?”
“uhm, i’m obviously gonna spend it with you guys; i mean it’s not like i know anybody else here, lucifer.”
“no, i didn’t mean the rest of the program i- nevermind mc”
solomon watched the entire thing happen and was losing his shit at the back until lucifer yelled at him
probably gets angry one day and just ends up telling you
“listen, mc, i’m in love with you. i have feelings for you. romantic feelings, so please get that through your thick skull”
“okay, i love you too, but you don’t have to be so mean about it”
just like his brother, he also won’t tell you because this man’s ego is bigger than the sky
he tries his best to do cute things for you, but he’s so bad at it
he got you flowers one time, but they were some sort of wild devildom flowers and you almost died when you sniffed them, tried to get close to you while watching a movie by trying to put his arm around you but hit you in the face really hard and almost broke your nose.
by now, you probably think he’s trying to kill you
asmo tries to help his brother by telling you for him much to his dismay “mc, you know mammon really likes you.”
“thank you, mammon; i appreciate it.”
what do you have against him pls
after a lot of convincing from his brothers, he finally decides to put the ego aside and come clean about his feelings, and this sweet idiot is so very happy when you say you feel the same, like you have no idea how relieved this demon is.
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littlecharmingenvy · 1 year
Diavolo Headcannons
Dia brainrot go brrrrrr (pls I love this man)
warnings: NSFW (MDNI), couple of kinks mentioned, Diavolo having a sub-par father, author not knowing how to take things seriously (aka, use of the phrase "dicked down crazy style"), uhhh I feel like I'm missing something but I can't think of it so if I am pls lmk
<3- He’s always been intrigued by humans; how such fragile creatures could have so much courage would never fail to amaze him. So when MC comes along, this sweet little thing who didn’t even know demons actually existed until a few weeks ago, he can’t help but be impressed on how little fear they show
<3- Immediately finds himself attracted to MC, but, of course, being the crowned Prince of the Devildom, he tries to keep things diplomatic. He didn’t want to risk a scandal, especially not now, since everything was finally working out to his liking
<3- MC recognizes Dia as the Prince, but because they didn’t grow up in the Devildom, they aren’t sure what that title exactly entails, so they stick to treating Dia like they would any other person, much to Lucifer’s chagrin and Diavolo’s delight
<3- With how casual MC is to Diavolo, he quickly finds himself falling for them, despite his best efforts not to. How could he be expected to not fall head over heels for them? Especially with their laugh when they’re caught off guard, or the side eye they give that seems especially reserved for Diavolo, when one of the brothers does something laughable. He feels special, as if their little silent conversations exist in a place no one can taint; its something just for them, and that’s something Diavolo has always yearned for
<3- As soon as he realized his feelings were something he couldn’t just brush over, he told MC. He’s a patient man, but he sees no point in hiding it from you, not when you two were already as close as you were. He swears his soul ascends to the Celestial Realm when you reveal that you feel the same
<3- Showers you in the finest jewels and gold (or silver if it matches your complexion better, cool toned shawtys gotta stick together FR). His father growing up only showed affection by gift giving, leaving Dia to lack any emotional warmth outside of material objects. While he tries to be better than his father, and is always praising you and showing love in any way he can, he especially loves giving you gifts, as that’s how he learned to show love
<3- He doesn’t mind receiving gifts from you, anything you give him he’ll cherish for the rest of his life, but he gets especially soft when you make him something. Little paper flowers? They’re the prettiest he’s ever seen. You bake him cookies? They’re the best he’s had in years (don’t worry, Barbs gets it). Give him origami you made in class when bored? He’s proposing then and there /j (/hj?). Just the idea that you thought about him and cared enough to make someone by hand makes him all soft and fuzzy inside. 
<3- Aside from handmade things, Diavolo adores quality time. Just having you sit near him while he’s doing paperwork or enjoying his tea send him over the moon
<3- Very protective. While he’s sweet with you, and would never let you see any other side, he is still a demon, and he would (and has) threatened or killed a few who wished harm on you, and he’d do it again without a second thought
<3- Loves loves loves pet names. Lover, My dear, Angel (ironic), Beloved, he hardly ever calls you by your name anymore
<3- Overall, very soft with his lover. He just wants them to know how much he loves and adores them
<3- I know this is widely agreed upon fandom-wise, but I’ll say it again for good measure. Size. Kink. Seeing how small you are compared to him makes him want to rail you into next week. When you look up at him with those doe eyes of yours, having to crane your neck up to make eye contact? Done. He’s dead. He died. It’s over for him
<3- You know monster fuckers? That’s how he feels about humans. Human fucker? Idk, but his enamoration with humans doesn’t stop in the bedroom
<3- Tries to be soft with you, really, he does. But at some point he just breaks, and he needs to dick you down crazy style then and there
<3- Praise kink, going both ways. He’ll tell you how pretty you are and how good you’re being for him, and will nearly cum when you tell him how good he’s making you feel
<3- He’s open to a lot of kinks, but isn’t likely to bring them up. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love experimenting though. Actually, it’s you who makes him realize he’s into a lot more than he thought he was
<3- Loves giving head. Really, good luck getting him off of you once he starts. He’ll be down there as long as you’ll let him, accidentally overstimulating you pretty much every time. But when he paws at your clothes and looks at you pleadingly, you can’t help but give him what he wants
<3- Generally, Dia’s just a big boy who wants to make his little human feel good. Boy’s absolutely whipped for you, and isn’t afraid to show it. Anyone who has a problem with it will be taken care of
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
i just read someone’s idea of reader drinking some lactating potion on accident and was wondering how the brothers would help the reader 😭 THOUGHTS? 🎤
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LEVIATHAN, ASMODEUS, BEELZEBUB & BELPHEGOR 2.4k words | NSFW | gn!Reader Content warnings: due to magical mishaps, Reader has larger, lactating breasts that are vaguely described; lactation kink, breast/nipple play, breast massaging/fondling, titty fucking, fingering, oral sex. More in the Lactation Kink series: Mammon | Solomon | Lucifer, Satan, Diavolo & Barbatos, Simeon, Karasu
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Levi invites you to his room as a way to distract you. He tries not to stare at the noticeable swell of your chest as you walk, larger and bouncier than usual.
By the time you both walk to his room, your eyes are welling up and you cross your arms try to hide the fresh wet spots staining your shirt. He rummages through his closet and hands you a black sweater—it’ll hide new stains easier, and it’s loose enough that you don’t feel too exposed.
He suggests playing one of your favorite games, but after a couple rounds he can tell it’s not helping like he hoped it would. You make small noises of discomfort on the sofa beside him, and when the round is over, you pull the damp fabric away from your sticky skin with a frustrated curse under your breath.
The hem of his sweater rides up your belly when you stretch your arms above your head to try and relieve some of the tension in your shoulders; Levi swallows around the lump in his throat when the innocent gesture sends his mind reeling.
It’s hard not to stare at the thin stream of milky fluid running down your chest before it drips onto your thighs or soaks into the waistband of your pants. It’s hard not to think about his collection of porn and hentai that this reminds him of, and how his cock twitches in his pants when he licks his lips without even realizing it. It’s hard not to imagine what your chest would feel like in his hands, or what the fluid clinging to your nipples would taste like if he sucked one into his mouth.
You reach for his hand and pull him off the couch when you head towards his tub to rest. He turns around to give you a bit of privacy while you change into a clean shirt to sleep in. The discarded sweater you give back to him is warm and a little damp and sticky in his hands, but it still smells like you. It’s nearly impossible to resist the urge to bury his nose in it and inhale a whiff of your scent into his lungs. He sets it in his laundry hamper instead—on top, so it's easy for him to find later when you leave—and gently settles into his tub behind you.
You’re already snoring lightly, and he shoves a body pillow behind you so his persistent erection won’t rub against your back and wake you. He risks putting an arm around you, and his stomach flips when you relax under his touch.
You woke up this morning with heavy, leaking breasts after eating whatever it was that Solomon snuck onto your dinner plate last night. None of them knew what to say when you stumbled into the dining room, the buttons of your shirt strained by your larger chest and wet spots blooming around your nipples. Satan suggested finding ways to relieve the swelling—massages might help, he added with a blush.
Levi thinks he might mention it to you again when you wake up, if you’re still swollen and uncomfortable. Maybe if he’s lucky, you’ll let him help.
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Asmo’s invitation to spend the day with him begins in his large soaker tub. The rivulets of sudsy bathwater that run over your skin mask the milky stream leaking from your nipples; they mix together and leave a soapy, creamy film on the water’s surface.
He stands behinds you and hums while he washes you gently with a loofah. He’s gotten little peeks of your naked chest already, but he doesn’t stare no matter how much he wants to; he wants you to relax. His priority right now is simply to pamper you, to try and wash away the unfamiliar lactonic smell that clings to your skin. He slowly replaces it with a blend of subtle rose and herbs—something a bit stronger, something that will hopefully remind you of him later on.
He helps you out of the tub after and begins patting your skin with a fluffy towel to dry you off. He can’t help the way his heart sings that you trust him enough to let him do this for you. He’s so careful when he brushes the towel against your chest, and he doesn’t draw attention to your nipples that leak more pearly liquid no matter how gentle he is when he brushes over them. Your breasts are noticeably heavier and he can tell by your hunched shoulders that their unusual weight is uncomfortable for you.
Asmo leads you to his bed and lays you back gently against the plush blankets. There’s a loose robe tied around his waist. He doesn’t bother offering you one; you won’t need it for very long even if he did. He straddles your hips and lowers his weight gently on your lower belly; his hands hover over your breasts as he explains what he wants to do next to help you.
“Won’t it make a mess? Your nice sheets…”
But he clicks his tongue and grins at you and your sweet but very misplaced concern. “They can be washed. Let me take care of you, hmm?”
He starts massaging lightly with the pad of his fingertips, moving his hands in slow circles around your breasts first. He watches your expression carefully and when you settle deeper into the mattress, he starts adding a tiny bit more pressure, creeping a touch closer to your nipples. You wince and turn your head with a whimper as the massage coaxes a steady stream of fluid to leak out and trail over the sides of your chest and onto the bedding underneath you. You knew this would happen, but your face still flares as embarrassment ripples through you.
He hushes you softly, eyes glancing back and forth between your face and your leaking breasts. “It’s going to help with the swelling. You’re doing so well. Does it feel better?”
You jerk your head with a nod against his pillow and exhale a shaky breath. “It feels—it feels okay. You can keep going.”
He wanted to relieve the pressure building in your chest, but his mind wanders to other things he’d like to do instead. He tweaks one of your nipples lightly, rolling it gently between his thumb and forefinger, and the gasp that escapes your lips sounds surprised, almost pleased. He brings his hand to his mouth, and you turn your head and watch his tongue lap up the dribble of fluid running down his finger. Your hips squirm underneath him but it only teases him more; his cock grows heavy and it’s leaking slightly where it bobs against your belly with each shaky breath you take.
He shuffles forward on his knees, squeezing your breasts lightly as he rests his cock in the valley between them. “Can I?”
You nod and stare as he presses your breasts together, creating a soft, pillowy vice around his cock. He tips his head as his eyes flutter closed, lips falling open as soft sighs escape him. His hands and cock smear through the sticky mixture of his own glistening precum and the little pools of milky discharge flowing from your nipples. The wet, slick sounds of his cock sliding across your skin punctuate his quiet moans and makes your own arousal flare deep in your belly and between your legs.
It doesn’t take long for him to finish—he groans your name and catches most of his release with his fingers, and he stares at the remnants he didn’t catch that splatter the tops of your breasts up to the delicate column of your throat. He wishes he could keep you like this forever, stained with his release like some sort of brand that claims you as his. 
He grabs your hands instead and holds them against your chest; the cum on his fingers rubs onto yours. He’s making an utter mess of you—he’ll wash you again soon, but not yet.
“Keep rubbing them, darling,” he murmurs softly, guiding your movements with his hands, “just like that.” He watches you massage yourself as he loosens the belt around his waist and shrugs the robe off his shoulders. It falls in a heap on the floor and you bite back a moan as he slides down your body. His eyes twinkle with mischievous delight when he spreads your legs apart and kneels between your thighs. You gasp when he starts stroking you, his fingers matching your own slow, lazy rhythm.
“You won’t feel uncomfortable for long, darling,” he promises thickly, licking his lips and glancing at your heaving chest with half-lidded eyes before he lowers his head between your legs. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”
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The twins lead you up the attic stairs and guide you towards the bed. You’re not sure what they have in mind—it’s unusual for Beel to join you for midday naps—but their motives become clearer when they take off their shirts and then reach for the hem of yours.
Belphie doesn’t even try to hide the way his eyes roam over your swollen chest and leaky nipples, but Beel’s hand is gentle when he nudges you onto the mattress. “You’ll be more comfortable if you lay down,” he suggests, and you can practically hear the drool thickening his words. 
They don’t give you much time to feel self-conscious or insecure about your body’s strange developments. Beel settles on one side of your body while Belphie curls up against your other side, effectively sandwiching you between them in a little warm cocoon of molten heat and soft affection. Each of them cups one of your breasts and they both sigh dreamily at the warm, slick sensation from the milky discharge.
Belphie props himself up so he can lean over you. He nuzzles your cheek and kisses you, softly at first before he groans deep in his chest and his lips move against yours with more urgency.
Beel stretches out along the other side of your body and runs his thumb over your nipple, and his eyes watch your face carefully for any signs of discomfort. When he sees none, he covers your nipple with his mouth and hums at the slightly sweet taste. The heat of his mouth and the sensation of his tongue flicking against the sensitive nub surprises you; you arch your back slightly, and he makes a questioning noise in the back of his throat as he pulls away. You card your hands through his damp, fiery hair to let him know you’re alright. Once he’s sure that you’re not hurt, he lowers his head and starts to suck your nipple with more vigor than before.
Belphie finally breaks away from the kiss when Beel’s hungry groans become too distracting to ignore. You barely have time to wonder what the sly smile on his face means before he latches onto your other nipple; you’re not sure whether the quiet moan that tumbles from your lips is from pleasure or pain. He’s not as gentle as Beel—he sucks just as greedily but with a hint of teeth. He’s noisy, too—his lips slurp and smack against your swollen breast but it’s not enough to hide his muffled groans.
The quiet tranquility of the attic fills with the lewd sounds of Belphie’s whiny, desperate noises and Beel’s low satisfied growls. The unusual pleasure of their lips sucking greedily at your chest slowly morphs to discomfort, and you squirm uncomfortably beneath their combined weight against your sides.
Beel lifts his head first, and even though his eyes are dark with hunger, he still glances at you with concern. Belphie is slower to respond—he pulls your nipple between his lips and releases it with a little pop, and he smacks his lips noisily.
They’re both messy from their ministrations. The bottom half of Beel’s face is slick and there’s a trickle of milky fluid dripping down his chin. Belphie’s lips are shiny too, and he licks his lips slowly to collect the creamy white discharge on the tip of his tongue; he stares at you with unabashed heat in his eyes when he swallows it down  with a satisfied hum.
“What’s the matter?” Belphie asks with a pout when you shudder beneath him, even though he knows you’re not fooled by his fake innocence. “Satan said draining the excess fluid would help you feel better.”
You had no idea that the twins feeding from your chest like greedy piglets would be their way of helping you, and you hate it even more that part of you liked it. “You’re right, and it helps that they’re less…well, full,” you admit, ignoring the wolfish grin spreading across Belphie’s face, “but…be gentle, okay? They’re still sore.”
Belphie glances over at Beel and you know that they’re doing that silent twin brain thing they do—it’s amazing how they can read each other’s minds so quickly. You’re not sure what to expect, but it’s not for Beel to slide down the bed. He tugs at the waistband of your pants until you lift your hips so he can pull them off and toss them away.
“We’ll give you a little break and try again later,” Belphie murmurs as he rubs the tip of his nose against yours. “You taste so good, though—you can’t blame us for getting a little carried away.”
Beel’s hands spread your legs apart so he can settle comfortably between them near the foot of the bed, and you shudder when he lowers his head and breathes against the hot, sensitive skin between your thighs. 
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself because this is a little embarrassing,” you mumble under your breath, but your voice trails off into a groan when Beel’s lips tease at your arousal.
Belphie chuckles, glancing from your half-lidded eyes to your chest—your breasts jiggle slightly from the tremors of Beel’s tongue exploring between your legs. “Don’t be like that,” he scolds you, squeezing at your chest gently; he traces shapes onto your skin with the pearly fluid seeping from your nipple. “You know we’ll always love you, right?” he asks quietly.
You’re surprised by how vulnerable he sounds, and he grunts quietly when you curl your hand against the back of his nape and pull him down for another kiss. His mouth curls into a smirk against yours, but he finally kisses you properly when you whimper his name pathetically in a quiet plea for more.
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inactiveobeymeblog · 8 months
The Brothers Cock Warming M!MC
Probably has been before but oh well. I wanted to add my own little pizazz to it. Also not a lot of male mc.
Tags: the brothers are on the receiving end, cock warming, praise kink, degradation kink, office sex, male mc/AMAB reader, teasing, and edging. Read at your own risk!!
This man is so hard to get away from his work
He’s practically married to it (and maybe Diavolo)
The moment you walk into his study he immediately tried to dismiss you, thinking you are one of his brothers
Boy was he ever so wrong
“Luci.” You would call out
His head immediately shoots up and he drops his pen
He would be so happy to see you he wouldn’t be able to help the corners of his lips curving upwards
You’d walk over to him and waste no time in kissing him
He’d kiss back and your plan is set in motion
Time skip to when you’re shedding his clothes off of him
If you really want him to cockwarm you, you have to get him in the mood
It’s pretty easy to do, too
Start by slowly undoing his tie and slowly unbuttoning his vest while softly kissing his nape
He’ll get impatient but he’ll also be curious
“You know, I haven’t seen you all day. I’ve missed you.”
Find any excuse to praise him
Whether if it be complimenting his looks or complimenting his behavior; it gets him riled up and ready
But what he doesn’t expect is when you both are only sitting there, cock fully sheathed inside him
He gets confused but catches on pretty quickly
He picks up his pen gets back to work
But let’s be real here
He’s not getting anything done
Not when you have the chance to screw with him in the best way possible
You’d start by wandering your hands all over his body while nipping at any reachable exposed skin
Then you’d move on to shifting slightly on purpose so you’d move inside him
You’d continue this until he gets fed up
“You’re being very annoying today.” He’d say a few minutes before he rides you completely
He’d get so lost in the feeling of you filling him up he forgets about his work for the rest of the day
He’s not going to stop riding you until you beg for mercy
Prepare to have a sore dick the next day
Finding Mammon is easy
But if you can’t find him, just text him a “I need you. Come here now.” And it doesn’t matter where he is, he’ll be there in 2 minutes flat.
You get straight to the point
You tell him to undress while you sit in his bed, watching him obey your command
You find it endearing
So you reward him by stuffing him full with your cock
“Look at you taking me so beautifully. So perfectly. Almost as if you were meant for this.”
Praise him but lightly degrade him if you want to reward him
But if you want to punish him? Don’t say anything and watch him squirm on your unmoving length
But it’s only a matter of time before you snap and can’t handle how hard he’s clenching you
Before you knew it, Mammon was on all fours getting pounded into his own mattress
You love the noises that come from his mouth so much you have to praise him for it
“Such a good boy. Taking me with such little effort. Such a good boy for me.”
Praise him and he’s spilling on the sheets while screaming your name
It’s long last an hour before you finish inside him
You love him so much you found it in you to clean up everything (and find a healing spell of some sort bc let’s be honest here. He’s ruined.)
When you’re done with aftercare, you pull the second eldest close to your chest and fall asleep until you wake up a few hours later to do it all over again
Mammon loves it when you do that
Levi lost a bet against you while playing a video game
He lost and now he has to face the consequences
Sitting on your cock while he plays a game with a few online friends
Oh, and open mic, too
“I might not be at my best this time, guys.” He’d say as the round starts bc he knows you aren’t letting him off easy
He lost, remember?
For the first game you’re completely content, but the second game you get a little more teasing
You start lightly rocking your hips upward and running your hand gently up and down his waist, sometimes squeezing
Each time you do, Levi tries to compose himself by sharply inhaling and keeping his voice down
The next couple games you’re now thrusting a couple inches inside him, enjoying the way he struggles to focus and keep quiet
The next few games you’re now kissing up and down his exposed back while still pumping the same two inches inside him at the slowest pace you could manage
It was starting to make him squirm under you and letting out small breaths and quiet whimpers
You both stay like this until his friends go offline and Levi crumbles as he switches to his demon form
He’d somehow turn around with you still inside him and start bouncing away
His tail comfortably wraps itself around your leg and his hands are on your chest
Each time Levi lowers himself, you raise your hips to meet him halfway
You hit his sweet spot every time
It’s only a small amount of time before he’s gone and spills over both of your chests
You flip him around and start pounding into him
A few thrusts later and you’re stroking yourself, shooting onto his balls
You both quickly recover and clean up before you play another game with him
Levi would be distracted the entire time as he replays what happened mere moments ago in his mind
He looses again
This nerd immediately knew what you were trying to do
So he wasted no time in tying you to his bed and siting comfortably down onto your length with a book in hand
You’re still inside him when he lays back against your chest while reading the rest of his book
He could spend hours just sitting on your dick and you’d be helpless just laying there, hard, inside him for hours on end
Eventually though, he’d get bored and turn his body around to face you, book placed down beside you
“I’m going to make you feel so good you will never want to leave.”
He’d say something so hot you twitch so violently inside him he squeaks quietly
You find it cute
But your little smirk turns into an open ‘O’ when Satan brutally starts bouncing
He’s slamming himself down so hard you’re moaning with him
He wouldn’t stop there either
He’d play with your nipples, pinching and licking them whenever he wants
It’s not a shocker when you’re the one unloading inside him first
Your mind gets so clouded with lust you start to raise your hips in time with Satan’s bounces but the demon wouldn’t allow it
He’d force your hips down and get even more rough, his ass jiggling from how much force he’s using
You cum a second time before Satan cums once
Taking advantage of Satan’s brief break, you take the moment to look down at yourself
Your chest is cover with bite marks and hickeys
The same goes for your stomach, except it’s now coated with Satan’s cum
You’re hard again inside him and Satan smirks
“I’m not stopping tonight. I’m going to put you in a wheelchair by morning.”
He wasn’t wrong
You could barely feel your legs and it felt like yo were missing your pelvis completely not to mention how sore your dick was
You’d wait awhile before attempting something like that again
Satan comes up with an idea to wear cat-themed lingerie next time
He’s sure you’d get a kick out if it
He’d have a blast showing it off to you before brutally riding you all night again
He’d accidentally rip the fabric of the lingerie and get sad
He was really happy with the look of it too
Oh well
He’ll buy another piece
If you thought you’d be in control, you’re sorely mistaken
Similar to Satan, he’s tying you up to his bed
But he’s not just going to cockwarm you
He’s going to edge you beyond humanly possible
He’d start by rolling his hips in a circle before rolling them up and down
Then he’d wiggle his ass a little and delightfully watch you squirm under him
He repeats this more than enough times to start getting you to beg
He hears you but ignores you
He’s too busy with rolling his hips and sucking your nipples and cupping your balls
He’d pleasure you until you feel that knot in your stomach tighten
Then he’d lift himself off your dick and sit on it until you start pouting
Then he starts the process all over again
This time he starts touching himself
He strokes himself in time with his rolling and your moans and desperate cries for more
But he ignores you and says not until he’s climaxing on your chest
And so that’s exactly what happened
He moans your name and spills on your stomach, some shooting onto your face and chest
He licks his mess up before lifting himself off your cock and crawling backwards while still making eye contact with you
Before you know it, your cock is in his mouth as you’re face fucking him stupid
Your length reaches the back of his throat and he happily accepts it
Asmo’s throat game is god-tier
He knows when to swallow around you and when to use his tongue
It’s not long before you’re spilling everything you’ve built up down Asmo’s throat
Asmo smiles and licks his lips before undoing your bindings
“Let’s do that again sometime. I enjoyed it.”
If Beel is going to cockwarm you, it’s with his mouth
You’ll most likely find him in his shared bedroom (alone most of the time considering Belphie doesn’t sleep in one spot too often)
You find him there and you lean against the door, watching him finish the last of his midnight snack
You smirk to yourself and muster up the most not-sexual tone you could manage
“Still hungry? I have a snack just for you if you are.”
You’d walk over to him and sit down on the bed and he’d look at you with a confused look
He looks adorable when he does that
You lean back with one arm supporting you and use your other to lift your shirt up and all Beel could do to respond was nod with a smile
And getting on his knees in between your legs
You both have done this a handful of times before, he knows you like it and he’s happy doing it for you (he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel aroused himself)
So Beel got to work immediately
Undoing your belt (if you have one on) and unzipping your pants to pull your hardening length out through the hole
Beel grabs the base of your shaft before licking your tip
It takes all your strength not to fuck his face
Then he engulfs your entire length in one go, down his throat
Your hand immediately finds is way to his hair and your hips start to grind against his throat
You can’t help but groan when he swallows around you
The warm wetness of his mouth combined with how skilled his tongue swirls around you send heatwaves throughout your loins
You get to full mast after a couple minutes of throbbing in Beel’s throat
By now you’re panting lightly and running your hand through his orange locks
“You’re so good at this, Beel. Oh Shit. Can I?” You’d ask him and he’d hum around you, giving permission
Then, next thing you know you’re holding his head with both hands as you fuck his throat
Surprisingly, no matter how hard you go, he never chokes or coughs
He just swallows all of you
And the thought of that is what sends you over the edge and you’re unloading down his throat
You collapse on the bed behind you
Beel will patiently wait for you to recover before you sit back up again and kiss him
You cup both of his cheeks with your hands and kiss him with such fever it almost felt like a desire. A desperate need
You pull away and grin
“My turn, babe.”
Belphie loves to cockwarm you
It doesn’t take up too much energy and he doesn’t have to do much
You two are normally cuddling when this happens
You spoon him as you two nap on his bed, still inside him
Usually, quite surprisingly, Belphie is the one to wake up first
And being the little shit he is, he loves to mess with you
So he’ll start slowly rocking his hips back against you to wake you up
Once you are awake, you hold him closer to you
“You’re being naughty today, Belphie.”
So you start rocking your own hips against him as you reach around and cup his balls with your hand
Belphie makes little, quiet sounds as you tease him
“So full, love. We’re you having a nice dream?”
You start to whisper dirty things in his ear and he starts to moan more freely, albeit quiet
You still love to here his voice
While still cupping his balls with your hand, you use your other one to stroke him
You stroke at a painfully slow pace, making Belphie thrust himself lightly into your hand and back against your cock
You start leaving kisses on his neck and shoulder, sometimes biting
Over time, you slowly start to increase your stroking pace and thrust speed
The combined pleasure from your cock and you stroking him soon sends him into his climax, spilling onto your hand and the sheets below him
You soon quickly finish off as you pick up your pace thrusting inside him
When you pull out of him, you turn him to face you and you kiss him
“You did wonderful, love. Like always.”
You smile and kiss him again
“So did you.”
Belphie’s words made you feel butterflies in your stomach
He was so cute
It almost makes you want to smother him with kisses
Oh wait
You can
And you do
You kiss him until both of your lips are numb
“I love you, Belphie.”
“I love you, too.”
A/N: Sorry if there’s any typo’s! This took me several days to make considering I didn’t have any motivation to continue working on it until now (and I don’t have the energy to revise and edit any of this). But it’s here and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if y’all want more or not. I’m always open for requests! I tried to keep everyone canon-accurate so I hope it is. Thanks for reading :)
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Dateables as Single Fathers
Characters: Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon, gn!kid, Luke and gn!MC
Part 1
Main Masterlist
CW: nothing, I think? Correct me if you feel something should be warned, but I think we're good to go. Just like in the other one, these HCs explain the characters' relationships with their kids and a romantic interest in MC at the end.
This one has to be the most difficult situation out of all, considering his political position.
He either had a child outside of marriage, who I think would’ve been considered a bastard, or he had the next heir with his wife, who would’ve eventually become the queen of the Devildom beside him.
No matter the option, each one would have had significant consequences.
Fortunately for his country, he’s too respectful and responsible to fool around and risk the chance of leaving his offspring behind, so political marriage it is.
I already used the ‘mother died in childbirth’ reason for Lucifer’s HCs, but I can’t see any other explanation for Diavolo being a single father. Both of them would be loyal and committed to their partners and Diavolo has the additional duty of keeping a kingdom going.
Now, we could do some AUs that could explain the future queen’s absence, but that isn’t what this post is about, so let’s leave it at that.
In the end, Diavolo is left with a child that is deeply loved and well taken care of.
I think Beautiful Boy by John Lennon would describe their relationship perfectly.
Loving his kid is not his only priority; raising him is also as important. He’s a caring parent, very attentive, protective and stern when necessary.
Diavolo is too aware of their duties as royals and future monarchs but tries not to act on them. Since he is already preparing himself to become king, there’s no need for his kid to lose their freedom and their childhood.
However, as occupied as he is, he tries to put his work on hold each time the child calls for his attention. They drew themselves with him and Barbatos? Okay, let him set these documents aside so he can admire the drawing properly. They saw a cool bug outside? Say no more, he needs a break anyway. They had a nightmare? Maybe they should have a sleepover!
The kid just needs to be careful not to do many of those things in front of Barbatos. Otherwise, the butler would chastise both.
He’s highly proud of them when they dive into a friendship with you; seeing their eagerness and comfortability around your presence as a sign for keeping the student exchange program going.
Still, he finds the need to have a somewhat serious conversation with them about you, your purpose in the Devildom and your status as a human; the imbalance in power and biology that makes you both so different.
As time passes and his own friendship with you deepens, so do his feelings. He isn’t obvious about it, or at least he tries, but his kid inherited his observation skills and soon innocent suggestive comments are trailing behind him everywhere he goes.
The situation amuses him and makes his heart flutter with enthusiasm.
With encouragement like this, how could he not try to pursue you?
I like to think there’s some kind of errand boy roaming around the castle. Not necessarily a boy, but still a child doing a little bit of everything and helping whoever gives an order. They’re quick and cheeky, making the staff cheerier and less stressed about their chores, and Barbatos finds them surprisingly charming.
He doesn’t mind them running between his legs as long as they know when to stop and don’t hinder his work and, unlike the little Ds, that turns out to be what happens.
Barbatos tries not to get attached at first and a long time passes until he can’t deny the affection he feels for the little devil.
When I say long, I mean long.
Decades, even a couple of centuries, unable to ignore the lack of parental presence in the child’s life. They’re always in the castle, going from one point to another, talking to everyone and sticking to no one. The few moments they have to rest are spent with the prince’s butler, talking about their day with breathless excitement.
It’s a nice dynamic that Barbatos enjoys more and more with each passing day, but it isn’t until the rest of the staff informs him of every little thing the kid does that he finally realizes how deep he has fallen into the rabbit hole.
He is a father figure.
He isn’t complaining, not at all, but it still surprises him.
More time passes until he gathers the courage to ask Lord Diavolo for a room inside the castle for the child to sleep in. His cheeks are warm when he specifies he’d prefer if the room were close to his and the embarrassment only grows when the prince laughs out loud with excitement.
By the time you are introduced as the second human exchange student, everyone treats the kid as Barbatos’s and they even call him ‘father’ when they’re alone. Neither are ashamed of their mutual affection, but they’d rather keep it private.
The child likes to tease you harmlessly, joking around, asking pertinent questions under the disguise of childish innocence and appearing out of nowhere when you least expect it.
They won’t mind if you lightly reprimand them for their constant playful behaviour, that’s what their father does after all, but they’ll quickly love you if you joke back.
Either way, he likes to follow you around and Barbatos instantly notices. It piques his curiosity and warms his heart, but with how highly the child talks about you and how much you captivate him on your own, he starts to wonder if he should’ve pulled the kid away from you since the beginning.
His strong feelings for you are foreign, but not unwelcomed. He’s just too vigilant of all the possible outcomes.
Fortunately for you, for every doubt Barbatos has about these feelings, the child has a dozen reasons to make them stronger.
How many wives did King Solomon have again? How many concubines? How many children out of all of those partners?
I’m not saying that any of those children succeeded in achieving immortality like him, I doubt that could’ve happened so early in his life, but outliving human partners doesn’t mean that Solomon chose to refuse to have any more partners at all.
I can see him entering a relationship with someone who has a longer lifespan and, regardless of that arrangement being casual or committed, having a child with them.
Maybe the other parent passed away, maybe they didn’t want to be in a relationship, maybe they tried and failed to stay together… who knows, you can choose your favourite. The conclusion here is that Solomon kept the child and raised them alone.
Feral child vibes, I fear.
As devious as their father and completely oblivious to it, they are too curious for their own good. Exploration and experimentation through trial and error are fairly common practices in the family and the only reason Solomon isn’t worried is because he’s sure nothing wrong will happen as long as he is there.
The kid may appear at the front door of their house with an eldritch horror-looking creature and Solomon would be like: ‘You’re doing amazing, sweetie’.
He knows introducing his child to a human infant is not the best of ideas. They would have to move places constantly due to their slow ageing to not raise suspicion and that would be completely unfair to the kid. They’re allowed to have permanent friends their age, after all, not a playmate turned into a babysitter or faceless companions that would disappear in their memories over time.
So they mostly engage with other immortal beings, like witches, demons and fellow sorcerers.
That saddens Solomon in a way; the human part he passed to his child is slowly dying due to lack of interaction.
This is why the human exchange program Diavolo proposes is so interesting to him.
Not only is he going to meet one of his kind in a world he easily moves around, but his child is also going to get the opportunity to be with another human in an environment they feel comfortable in.
It goes as well as you could expect.
Both of them are curious and eager to meet you, but at the beginning of your friendship it feels more like academic research. You stick to the brothers and their antics and they stick to the angels and their kindness.
If Luke is a Chihuahua, then Solomon’s kid is a thirteen-year-old delirious Yorkie.
As time passes and your friendship develops into something more genuine, Solomon can’t help but feel like he’s finally breathing fresh air after being locked in a cave for years.
His child still explores their surroundings, but there’s a new hope in their actions that he knows doesn’t come from him. It’s true childlike wonder and care towards their subject of study. An appreciation of life only a mortal would express.
You don’t understand how much you changed his child’s life.
And you don’t understand how much he loves you for it.
I mean.
He already is a single father in canon.
I don’t know how angels are born in the game, but they do grow up. Maybe Luke just spawned and was put under Simeon’s direct care, but there isn’t any mention of other parental figures in Luke’s life back in the Celestial Realm (although that may be due to the game being lazy with lore).
We know Michael is Luke’s hero, but not a father figure, so Simeon as a single father makes total sense.
A single mom who works two jobs and loves her kids and never stops.
Jk, jk…
But for real, though.
Simeon is thoughtful, affectionate, careful with Luke’s emotions and conscious about his need to mature and grow up. He treats him like a child, because that’s what he is, but tries not to infantilize him to not hurt his dignity.
While proud of Luke’s morals and golden heart, Simeon wants to make him see not everything is black and white and he’s allowed to have opinions that can differ from what they’ve been taught.
Some demons are good, some humans are consciously devious and some angels need to reevaluate their priorities.
It is a difficult task since Luke is certainly stubborn, but spending time in the Devildom is the perfect opportunity to prove that point.
Thankfully, your presence only helps Simeon change Luke’s judgemental thoughts. You are patient, easy-going and lighthearted and don’t get too stressed when the young angel refuses to reject his views on demons.
They both enjoy spending time with you because your soul is still kind and free of punishment, but for Simeon is much more than that.
He enjoys being with you because it feels natural and because knowing you feels like the greatest gift he has received in a very long time.
Believe him, Luke’s praises about you have nothing to do with the love he has for you. Those are just an additional bonus.
Taglist: @ilovecandys2010  @ollieoven @kingofspadesdelusion @whimsybloom
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thedemonsnightmare · 1 month
They see you get pushed around/bullied by some lower demon
Lucifer (plus a bit of Diavolo and Barbatos)-
Before the demon can even react Lucifer stands next to you while Diavolo and Barbatos, who he had been with, await the spectacle just as pissed as Lucifer. How dare this demon push you around? The Demon tries to run as soon as Lucifer stands before him but runs into Diavolo who looks down at him with an raised eyebrow, the anger in his eyes evident. Barbatos chuckles as he watches already wanting to see this demon suffer. Lucifer grabs him by his collar. “How dare you little insect hurt one of the exchange students?! You realize that’s treason right?” The demon trembles in fear as he knows exactly what follows especially after hurting you, you aren’t just a normal exchange student after all, you are THAT exchange student that everyone knows they shouldn’t hurt. If someone hurts you and gets caught they would definitely regret and this demon got caught by GODDAMN FRICKING LUCIFER! And even worse Diavolo and Barbatos are there too! They knows eventhough Lucifer has called you ‘exchange student’ like any other exchange student you are NOT like any other exchange student. They are so dead. The demon already imagined their gravestone ‘killed for Treason, pushed around MC’. They don’t even notice how they get yelled at. It was that day that the demon was never seen again and the only once knowing what happened were the three demons and the one human that were there. After that no one ever pushed you around or bullied you (because eventhough the demons didn’t know what happen they could imagine what it was) and you got a beautiful day together with Lucifer, Diavolo and Barbatos who from now on kept an eye on you even more than before. You can believe me if I tell you that you are save in all Devildom now because rumors spread. Don’t ever worry walking around anymore neither because of bullies nor because of demons that want to devour you because they won’t not if they care for their lives and you two had a lovely day
Mammon was there by coincidence as he was too late to school as literally always. The demon that bullied had held you back until no one was there but they didn’t expect that Mammon would turn up and destroy his plans. As they saw Mammon they got scared like shit. He had definitely seen them hit you but before they can even react Mammon has hit them hard. „YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!“, he makes sure to beat the demon up while screaming at him, insulting him. He would not let them get away with it. Soon Lucifer appeared, he had been called because of the situation stopping Mammon immediately. It took a while but after Lucifer found out what happened he got angry too telling Mammon to beat this guy up without yelling too much and he would turn a blind eye on it. Mammon was about to keep yelling as he kept beating the Demon but as Lucifer threatened to hang him up with a cable he kept beating up the demon with no sound until the demon was begging for mercy. When the demon was brought away he was never seen again while Mammon looks at MC. „Are you alright human?“, Mammon asked but when you started teasing him about liking you he immediately protests saying he doesn’t. After that he brought you to class, protected you from the teacher who started to yell at you for being late maybe even threatening him which later the other brothers joined after finding out how the teacher treated you and after school you two went into Mammon‘s room having fun together but never make him admit that he liked it because he won’t and even after protecting you from bullies he won’t admit that he likes you.
(Everyone is a Normie now because players are forced to be Normies in this game)
Leviathan is around by coincidence and only sees you get bullied, pushed around and hurt by some demons and he can’t believe it. How dare this Normies hurt HIS favorite Normie?! He immediately comes towards you helping you up before glaring at the demons deadly. “How dare you, Normies hurt them… how dare you hurt MC?”, he says his voice dangerously low and loaded with hate and anger. Those guys would regret what they did, he hates Normies as he calls them especially Normies like those bullies that picked on others (Otakus and his favorite Normie). He grabbed one of the bullies by their shoulder pushing them against a wall before kicking into their guts making them fall onto their knees in pain. The next one gets Leviathan’s elbow into their face holding it in pain. The demons around that were not part of the bullies started to take pictures and shoot video’s. A kick into the stomach here an uppercut there. Leviathan was in full power mode beating up the bullies as you stood behind him. Protecting you like a real hero which later should make him extremely excited about it but now everything that was on his mind was protecting you. One bully after the other got beaten up until it was only him standing protective infront of you. The other demons all decided to not mess with you but they never intended to anyways because they knew how that would end. They all started cheering as no one could stand those bullies anyways as they just bullied everyone weaker than them which were surprisingly many demons the demon brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, the angle exchange students and Solomo excluded. The video of Leviathan got viral and after he explained what happened to his brothers (Lucifer was about to punish him) they all started to tell him how well he did and how proud they were even Lucifer did (which shocked everyone). You and Leviathan had a gaming night and super much fun and if you wonder where Leviathan learned fighting, Anime and Games. Not surprising wonder, is it?
Satan immediately is in full wrath mode, standing infront of you protective. The demon looks at you two in shock stumbling back immediately knowing they fucked up. Making Satan angry is easy if you push the right buttons, he is the Avatar of wrath after all but making him angry is also a bad idea if you are on the receiving end and the demon knows they have a real big problem because this is not only a furious Satan but also a protective Satan, they had hurt the most favorite human of Satan (and all the other demon brothers plus Diavolo and Barbatos) and running away is no option as it would tick off Satan even more and maybe even end in having a whole bunch powerful and furious demons at their throat instead of one powerful and definitely extremely furious demon. Satan looked at you and even though the wrath is still evident his look is gentle. “I will make sure they will never hurt you again.”, he says his voice so gentle a contrast to the fury that still lingers in his face. When Satan says that he doesn’t mean that THEY in particular won’t hurt you anymore but that no one will hurt you ever again. The demon will regret and everyone will know not to mess with you. Satan walks closer to the demon and they don’t move too scared and definitely not suicidal enough. Satan grabs them by their collar lifting them up. Not even a second later they fly through the whole building crashing against a wall leaving all the students that have either seen the whole act or nearly been hit by a flying bully that flew past them startled and shocked. They all look into the direction the whole drama happens and as they see Satan in his demon form and a murderous aura around him while standing infront of you they immediately understand what happened and everyone makes a mental note to never piss you of and never hurt you especially after seeing what Satan does to the demon afterwards and believe me they never bully anyone ever again.
Asmodeus had heard demons gossip and make fun of you saying that you are so weak that you can’t protect yourself from your bullies because let’s be honest Asmodeus LOVES gossip but that gossip fucked him off so he immediately searched for you to ask if it was true only to see your bullies push you around and make fun of you while the other demons enjoyed the sight making Asmodeus angry he stormed over in his demon form helping you. After the bullies had been taken down Asmodeus turned to the demons that were watching yelling at them for not helping you and threatening them making himself ready to attack. In fear of being attacked they all ran of. Instead of chasing them he turned towards you smiling at you softly walking over and hugging you. „Why didn’t you tell me you were bullied, hon?“, he kissed your cheek. „I would have helped you sooner…“, he said gently. When you explained why you haven’t told him he started to kiss you all over the face, holding you tighter. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. He took away from school making sure to so a shopping trip buying you everything you want before bringing you home. At home you two do whatever you want and have fun together. He makes sure that you are happy and from then on he stays around you like a bodyguard whenever you leave the house or are around anyone who was not an exchange student, Diavolo, Barbatos or his one of his brothers protecting you from everyone he didn’t trust to not hurt you. You may have fallen harder but Asmodeus fell for you hard, too.
He has seen you being pushed around when he left a restaurant. When he saw it he got angry immediately coming over protecting you. Due to all his training Beelzebub had no problems stopping those guys especially as he is also quite powerful as one of the demon brothers though he is one of the ‚youngest‘ brothers meaning one of the weakest. He beat them up until none of them would keep moving turning towards you holding his food towards you. „Want some? It’s my favorite!“, he said making you eat it. He wanted you to know how important you were to him, giving you his food seemed like a great option especially if it was his favorite food. As weeks passed he kept protecting you whenever he catchend you being bullying you and soon everyone in school knew that Beelzebub was protecting you with all his might. After every bully attack going out with you and having fun with you. The demons started to stop bullying you slowly until soon only one or two demons were bullying you and when they didn’t stop Beelzebub started to threaten them to go to Diavolo and tell him and then it stopped. No one ever bullied you again too scared of the consequences but if they would Beelzebub was ready to hurt them with all his power and tell Lucifer bout it who IMMEDIATELY would tell Diavolo but no one bullied you again and so type two just had lots of fun time together.
Belgephor was walking to class as he saw you getting bullied. He got angry immediately. The bully had made sure to go somewhere no one would see and so they was even more shocked to see one of the demon brothers. In panic they ran away. Belgephor couldn’t let them get away with it and so he ran after them even though he was the Avatar of Sloth and super lazy himself. He ran as fast as he could but was not able to catch up at because he was not the most athletic person. Soon teacher came running. Diavolo, Lucifer and the rest appeared too watching Belphie case after someone in awe. „What happened to make Belphie run like that?“, Beelzebub asked and everyone waited for your response and so you answered. Soon all of the demon brothers were chasing after the bully leaving the teachers confused. As Belphie finally reached the bully (he had proudly been the first one) he pushed them to the floor and slit open their neck. As the bully was a demon they survived but they screamed in pain as Belgephor kept attacking and hurting him. „I‘LL MAKE YOU REGRET FOR HURTING MC!“, he yelled. No one mentioned how Beplhie once had tried to kill you though it would have been ironically fitting. Making it short no one ever hurt you, the demon was punished for treason by Diavolo and you and Belphie had fun together with Beelzebub who later left so that you two had some fun alone.
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koolades-world · 16 days
Hi! I just thought it would be funny to request all the characters with an MC who drives like a maniac. The no-speed limit sign is their bestie at this point!
hi! sure thing! in honor of me earning my drivers license, I figured this would be fitting. not sure how long this will take to be posted, but i'm writing this on august 23th, the day i actually got my license lol
enjoy <3
Maniac Driver Mc
oh you're going to be the death of him
this old man will have a heart attack and it may or may not be because of you
but! he still loves you lol. just, maybe at least try to go a little slower when he's in the car haha
he's probably so excited
another fellow speed demon! (haha get it? lol)
can and will invite you to do illegal street racing that you probably will get caught by lucifer doing
please, for his sake, be careful when he is in the car
being outside is hard enough for him bestie
unless you want him to turn into either jelly or a puree, try to tone it down, just a little haha
i cannot decide if he'd be judging you or encouraging you
either way, it's subtle
seems like the type to hand you notes that you didn't know he was taking about the ride and what you could improve
he seems like he would enjoy it
plus, he can get tons of cute passenger princess photos!
as long as you take him to the stores you promised, he doesn't care how you get there
he would not care
if you like to go fast, you like to go fast
although do be mindful, he will be eating in the car and if you stop abruptly, the snacks will go flying everywhere. choose your battles lol
let's be so real
he is asleep. car rides are ideal for napping
just don't take sharp turns or do anything to wake him up, and he will not care
he loves new experiences!
anything that might kill lucifer is something he's dying to try
and what better person to try it with then with someone lucifer can't say no to?
he might not look it
but he also tends to speed lol
since he's barb, he always knows exactly when to slow down and be careful and always lets you know when to do so as well
he's very chill about it actually
he can usually be found in the back seat reading a book
if he's the one behind the wheel, he's a very safe driver and is the one people call a slow poke (see thirteen)
he's always asking you not to do it because he's afraid for your wellbeing
he gifts you a keychain for your car keys that he personally blessed
at the very least, you never speed when he's in the car because it's luke
i'm very torn between him not knowing how to drive at all and also being a chaotic driver
if he can't drive he insist you teach him
if he's also an agent of chaos on the road, he's for sure timing you and enabling you lol
his dramatic ass is for sure the one gripping the handles overhead and gripping his chest like a mom teaching her kid to drive
to be fair he probably doesn’t have a license because he has a chauffeur
just tell him what you’re doing is totally legal and that you know better haha
she's excited for the ride
she is one-hundred percent the one encouraging your behavior
will also make fun of all of the people you pass on the road by calling them slow pokes lol
he just does not get it
why do you ignore the set rules for the road?
honestly, he accepts this fact pretty easily and while he could get you to stop, he's kind of interested in seeing where this might go
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fandoms-x-reader · 1 month
Goth! MC
Requested By: @fernstarsblog
Summary: How the OM! characters would react to an MC who is goth/drawn to the supernatural. The Sevon Demon Brothers & Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon and Solomon Word Count: 2,504
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Lucifer remains as expressionless as ever when he first sees you.
After all, you’re a new human exchange student. That’s what everyone should be focusing on, not the way you did your makeup or the way you were dressed.
At the end of the day, you were a target to lower-level demons no matter how you looked.
But, take away those formalities, and Lucifer is completely attracted to your look.
You had an ethereal beauty to you - something he had yet to see in any other human and it drew him in like a moth to a flame.
He’ll notice everything about you - your outlook on life, your interest in the dark and mysterious, etc. 
And he’ll find the opportune moments to have conversations with you about these topics. Lucifer is as much a well of information as Satan, he just doesn’t typically flaunt it the way his younger brother does.
Lucifer is particularly interested in the Gothic culture when it comes to buildings and decoration. Would you say the House of Lamentation fit the bill?
Lucifer only agreed to allow you to put eyeliner on him after a whole lot of Demonus was in his system.
And he wore it with absolute pride. 
Until he realized you took a picture of him with the makeup on and sent it to his brothers.
It’s funny that you’re attracted to the supernatural because he’s about to turn you into a ghost.
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Mammon came into the assembly hall with so much confidence, ready to tell you off in front of everyone and make sure you knew that he was the one in charge.
But, when he actually saw you, he stuttered.
He still managed to get his words out in the end, but why were you dressed like that?
Mammon thinks you look great, but you weren’t what he was expecting and you definitely didn’t look like a pushover like he was hoping.
Mammon will boast about your look to others, and he’ll dare someone to comment on it in any way that he didn’t deem acceptable.
But if you’re interested in the supernatural, that’s where Mammon draws the line.
Let’s not forget he’s a scaredy cat when it comes to things like horror movies and ghost stories and whatnot.
He’ll act all brave in front of you, pretending as though he’s interested in the same stuff just for a chance to spend time with you.
But if you go somewhere scary he’ll be holding your hand and if you watch a movie that frightens him, he’ll sit closely to you and offer to turn the light on - all for your sake, of course. He can’t have his human having a heart attack!
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That being said, you did notice that Mammon’s latest photoshoot was all goth-themed and he even did the makeup to perfection.
Levi knows all about goth culture.
There are so many iconic characters in his manga and anime who are goth and he can’t help but admire the way they look and act.
There’s something just so intriguing and mysterious about them!
Not to mention the fact that a ton of his video games have designs modeled after gothic looks for their playable characters, NPCs, and the overall setting of the game.
Levi has even considered trying out the gothic look himself when he wanted to cosplay as one of those characters.
But, he’s never been able to bring himself to do it, afraid he won’t be able to get the look right.
But now that he has you, he’s ready to try it!
Please show him all your tricks on properly doing the makeup. He wants to look like this character in this anime!
You’re a bit surprised at how well Levi pulls off the goth look. The eyeliner really brings out his features.
He freaked out when you told him that, but he’ll keep it in mind.
He can’t wait to play all of his favorite games with someone who can truly appreciate the gothic nature of them!
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Satan was one to notice your appearance straight away.
There was something different about you than the typical happy-go-lucky and naive humans he had seen pictures of in his books.
Your appearance was something that enticed him.
There was something beautiful and mysterious about the makeup and clothes you wore.
His initial thought was that you looked like you walked right off the pages of one of Edgar Allan Poe’s books.
He even went so far as mentioning that to you and if you tell him that you knew who he was talking about, Satan would be ecstatic.
He believed that Poe was an excellent author in his own right, but he was also from the Devildom so he couldn’t be sure that humans would hold the same affection.
He’ll offer to read some of his stories with you excited to use the similarity to try and get to know you. 
And if you have any other books or authors that were similar he would be more than happy to read those as well!
If you’re drawn to what humans would consider “supernatural” Satan is the best person to turn to.
His knowledge is extensive and he will happily tell you about any creature that you’re curious about.
If you want simple information, he’ll just tell you if it exists or not.
But if you want to know more than that, he’ll excitedly tell you all of the facts he knows.
If you mention a creature he doesn’t know about, he’ll take you to the library and the two of you will do research together until you find what you’re looking for.
All in all - he likes that you’re goth.
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Asmo is a bit taken aback by your appearance at first. 
He isn’t used to seeing others wear heavy make-up or such interesting clothes. 
He kept up with all of the latest fashion trends, so of course he knew about the “goth” look.
He just doesn’t typically do it on himself.
But, he loved the way you looked. So much so that he considers you his inspiration for his new look!
Asmo will be attached to your hip, asking you which makeup products you prefer and which colors you tend to use.
He liked making his own clothes and he will make up some outfits that have a gothic look to them with a touch more of Asmo.
He’ll set up a whole photoshoot to show off his clothes and he’ll ask you for help with his makeup.
He wants to make sure he does the look right!
He’ll ask you to do the photoshoot with him, wanting the world to see the two of you together.
But, if you decline, he’ll just take double the amount of photos to make up for it. 
After that photo shoot, you do notice that others in RAD have started dressing the same way.
You and Asmo have started a new trend.
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Beel doesn’t focus too much on appearances. It’s all about what’s on the inside for him.
He likes your overall aesthetic, but at the end of the day, he isn’t completely wrapped up in the details of your appearance like some of the others would be.
Did you call yourself “goth”? You’ll have to explain to him exactly what that means.
He’ll ask you if goths eat the same food as other humans in a completely innocent and curious way.
Bad time for a vampire joke.
Beel thought that you were serious about drinking blood and was a bit wary of you. 
Beel can bond with almost anyone about almost anything so he’ll find a way to connect with you.
He enjoys learning more about your culture and he even lets you put makeup on him to see what he would look like.
He 100% pulls off the goth look. 
He also likes listening to you go on and on about your knowledge of the supernatural.
He’ll happily munch on food while he listens to you talk, smiling at the way your eyes lit up as you talked about something that was so closely related to his world.
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Belphie is one to make witty comments about your appearance.
He’ll joke about keeping you away from garlic or keeping you inside during a full moon.
He’ll tease you about wearing too dark make-up and will ask you if you have more than one color in your wardrobe.
Basically, anything he can to hide the fact that he finds your look insanely hot.
He’s a total sucker for the goth look but you would never get him to admit it.
He finds your conversations so much more interesting than any other humans because where they shy away from dark topics, you embrace them.
He’ll feel naturally drawn to you and one day you caught him looking up how to do goth makeup on his D.D.D.
He immediately denied it but from that point on you made it a point to try and convince him to let you do his makeup.
He declined every single time and you eventually had to wrestle him and pin him down so that you could apply eyeliner to him.
It was obvious that he wanted to see what he looked like with it because he could have easily pushed you off if he really wanted to.
Belphie pulls off the look effortlessly. He fit right in with the goth culture.
And the next time you were in his bedroom, you noticed eyeliner sitting on his dresser.
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Diavolo found your appearance strikingly beautiful.
As the future King of the Devildom, he was drawn to all things dark and mysterious and you fit both of those categories to a T. 
How could he not be attracted to you when you already looked like you belonged?
Diavolo is a very busy man though and didn’t have much time to get to know you at first.
Instead, he had to admire you from afar.
He noticed the way that you wouldn’t be afraid of things in the Devildom. Most humans would have already run for the hills by now.
But you welcomed those things and even looked excited while experiencing them.
When Diavolo finally had a chance to speak with you privately, he wanted to know everything about you.
He was curious to know how you perceived the supernatural and what stories the human world offered about them versus how they actually were in real life.
He wears his classic boyish grin as the two of you talk about it. It’s the first conversation in a long time that he’s been so invested in.
After the two of you grow closer, you manage to convince him to try the makeup.
But, he’ll only do it in your presence. He doesn’t want others to see him with goth makeup in case he can’t pull it off.
But, goth makeup on Diavolo is a 10/10 - especially if he’s in his demon form.
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Barbatos won’t mention anything right away, but he does find your goth appearance intriguing. 
Were humans starting to become more in tune with the dark secrets the world had to offer or was it just you?
He had been alive for far too long to be able to keep up with every fashion trend that came out. They all blurred together for him.
But this one stood out. It was alluring in the best way.
It was a look that demanded one’s attention and then refused to let it go. 
And whenever you were in the same room as him, his attention was all on you. 
He would do his best to perform his tasks like normal but his eyes would find their way to you no matter how many times he tried to look away.
He can’t deny the excitement he has when you talk to him about the Devildom.
You have such a natural curiosity for dark things and Barbatos has such an affinity for talking about them.
And your perspective on things in life is refreshing. 
He’s had so many mundane conversations in his life but you find a way to always grab his attention.
The two of you would get along very well.
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Simeon is a bit taken aback by your appearance at first.
He came from the Celestial Realm where everything was bright and bubbly. 
So, he didn’t know what to think when he saw you decked out in such attention-grabbing makeup and clothes.
There was no doubt about it, you looked great.
But what was it about your look that was so appealing? He couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
Simeon does some research on the side to understand goth culture.
He finds it much easier to bond with you after knowing why you wear the makeup that you do and the customs surrounding it.
As an angel, he should have been put off by the fact that you were drawn to darker-themed ideas.
But, Simeon secretly had an inner desire to try some darker things himself.
He’s lived his whole life as an angel - don’t judge him.
This inner desire is what drove him to ask you to do his makeup. He just wanted to see what he looked like with it on. For research purposes.
Luke ended up catching the two of you and nearly had a meltdown. So, Simeon didn’t dare try it again.
But you did inspire his main character for his new book.
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Being a fellow human, Solomon knows all about the goth trend.
So, there’s no need to have to sit him down and explain it to him.
That being said, you are the first person he had seen execute the look so perfectly and he can’t help but admire you.
How do you manage to get your makeup to look so perfectly? And do you make your own clothes or do you buy them online? Surely you can’t find some of the items you wear at the regular outlet store.
Oh, you want him to try the look out? He couldn’t possibly do that…he says as he’s handing you the eyeliner.
Solomon pulls off the look very well and you have him questioning himself. Why hadn’t he ever thought to try this out?
Solomon will use his new look to prank the brothers with you - especially Mammon.
They don’t quite understand the goth culture so he’ll make it a point to go out of his way to make them think it’s so much more sinister than it is.
“Mammon, let us drink your blood, won’t you?” The white-hair demon ran faster than when he was running from Lucifer.
“Satan, I think I’m having an allergic reaction to the garlic you put in this meal.” The fourth-born laughs it off until you both start hyperventilating.
Then he’s freaking out and looking for a cure until you and Solomon burst out laughing. Not funny.
Solomon would 100% be your partner in crime.
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black00olive · 2 months
Diavolo, Come Back To Sleep
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A/N: How I feel after referencing Hamilton in the title: 🤓 Anyway, I've been cranking out fics like no tomorrow recently what's up with me o.o
Pairing: Diavolo x reader, a sprinkle of everyone else x reader too but it could be read as onesided or just platonic
Wordcount: ~1,200
Summary: Diavolo wakes up early, it’s required of him as future king, but it’s hard to do so when you’re here with him.
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Sometimes— no, that’s not right, he shouldn’t try to lie to himself— Often Diavolo finds himself regretting his decision to have you live under the same roof as the brothers. He’s never enjoyed having these thoughts, seeing as his decision is what has led to so much progress towards his goal of bringing harmony between the three realms. The situation he currently finds himself in would never have been possible if it weren’t for you living in the House of Lamentation and subsequently having pacts with the brothers. Yet, despite these facts Diavolo finds himself grown used to the jealousy that had bloomed in his heart long ago.
The brothers probably see this sight very often, he’s heard from Lucifer how often his brothers tend to find their way to your room in the middle of the night (Lucifer is careful about how he phrases it, as if Diavolo’s internal lie detector would go off is he actually claimed he wasn’t like his brothers). How lucky, Diavolo thinks, bitter jealousy coursing his veins as he brushes away a stray strand of hair from your face. The light touch makes your nose scrunch up and your eyebrows furrow as you slowly shake your head as if to try and shake off whatever it was that touched you. His chest rumbles as he lets out a quiet, groggy chuckle and he feels his jealousy wash away as if it had been nothing but a bad dream. Even when not awake your antics seem to always calm him. The brothers might have had you like this before, but this morning you’re his and his alone.
As he stares at your peaceful, sleeping face he finds himself wondering what you're dreaming about— if you’re dreaming about anything at all. In any case, Diavolo can’t help himself from speculating on what it could even be that you would dream about. Maybe you’re dreaming about going on some great adventure in the jungle or desert or sea. Perhaps you’re dreaming of something more fantastical like being a superhero and saving the world— Ah, however, you did once say that your likes tended to lean more towards the villains most of the time, so perhaps you’re dreaming of something more sinister— more demon-like? Diavolo finds himself smiling at the thought, wouldn’t that be something? Either way, he thinks as he feels the slow, steady rise and fall of your chest against his body and your breath fanning ever so gently on his shoulder, whatever it is your dreaming of he wishes to make it come true. There is very little he wouldn’t do to see your beautiful and bright smile grace your face. When he had first realised that he had been a little terrified over the sheer power you held over him, but now he can’t help but feel some pride over it. Of course you— and only you— are the one that holds such power, it makes sense. In his hearts, it seems right.
Barbatos quietly enters his chambers and it forces Diavolo out of his thoughts. How unfortunate, he thinks as Barbatos pulls open the blinds in his room (though it doesn’t have much impact considering the perpetual night the Devildom is stuck in) and reminds him that it is time he starts to prepare himself for the day. He lets out a half-hearted protest but he knows that he truly doesn’t have much of a choice in the matter. This is just one part of his never-ending responsibilities as crown prince and future king. Barbatos gives him a sympathetic smile as his eyes quickly flick to your sleeping form, understanding evident in his eyes. It’s a curse that you are so charming that you have even his butler wrapped around your finger.
Closing the door as he leaves Barbatos is showing that he trusts Diavolo to be able to get up himself even with you in his arms. Usually, if he refused to get up when Barbatos told him to, Barbatos would simply force him up. However, in this case that would rouse you and right now you look so sound, neither of them have the hearts to do that.
Diavolo sighs as he gently lets his hold of you go. He stops all movements when your face scrunches up and you start to mumble something incoherent. Once you stop, Diavolo continues to slowly get out of bed; he really needs to get up now and he really wants you to continue sleeping, and it’s proving quite difficult to achieve both things simultaneously. Eventually Diavolo finally manages to get out of bed (though it had taken about 10 minutes longer than average) and he starts to get ready. He grabs the shirt Barbatos had laid out for him and starts to get dressed. It’s moments like these seeds of resentment start to bury themselves in his heart, right now he’d like nothing more than to lie back down with you until you decide it’s time to get up. However, duty calls and his duties are the most important of all.
“Dia?” You mumble as you rub your eyes and Diavolo instantly turns to you. He feels his hearts melt at the sight that greets him, you clearly still halfway asleep and slowly blinking at him with bleary eyes. “It’s so early, why are you getting up?”
Chuckling he walks back over to the bed and sits on the edge of his bed. “I have to get ready for the day,” he presses a chaste kiss on your forehead, “you should sleep some more.” He had only managed to get halfway dressed before you had woken up, so he stands up and goes to finish getting dressed. Feeling a small tug on the back of his shirt he stops and turns back to you, a mistake he quickly realises as he stares at you. A small frown, bordering on a pout, finds itself on your face and Diavolo doubts if you’re fully conscious currently.
“C’mon, you can stay with me a little longer can’t you?” You ask and Diavolo finds it getting increasingly difficult to deny you. He shakes his head and gently removes your hand from his undershirt before he walks over to where Barbatos had left his clothes. Quiet rustling of duvets and comforters and light steps over his floor is all he hears before you wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head against his back. “Diavolo, come back to sleep,” you start and he wonders if you purposefully know what you’re doing, “c'mon,” you plead and he lets go of the clothes he’s holding in his hands. You’re too powerful for your own good, Diavolo thinks as he turns to face you. He sighs before giving you a small smile. “Alright,” he whispers as if Barbatos will hear him if he says it too loudly. He’ll deal with Barbatos’ lectures later.
Right now, he just needs to sleep with you a little longer.
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hyperfixat · 11 months
day 14 of ai less whumptober: No Anesthesia
supporting these posts helps encourage my writing and creating, thanks!
The sound of one of your joints popping and the breaking of a bone are terribly similar.  Too similar, in fact.  The brothers have broken many bones in their infinite time. 
The first snap, crackle, pop of your joints had made everyone in the room freeze.  Leviathan, in the middle of talking about some new limited Ruri-chan figure, stopped.  All seven pairs of eyes stare at you in horror.
 Did the human die?  Are they broken?  Fragile thing, what would Lord Diavolo say?  
You freeze as well, hands intertwined and held above your head.
Lucifer seems to have gotten even paler than his usual pale-ness.  Mammon’s gaze catches yours and is filled with absolute horror, and Asmo.  Asmodeus looks on the verge of illness, eyes wide and face sickly gray.
“Ohmygod,” Levi breathes out in absolute shock.
“What’s wrong?” You’re a little nervous at their odd behavior, and as to what happened to make their moods flip so suddenly.
“Are you okay?”  Satan is on his feet, walking over to you, attempting to inspect you for any injuries.  Mammon flies to his feet as well.
“Hey, hey hands to yourself!  The Great Mammon can do that.”  He pushes Satan aside without any real force.  Together their hands and eyes cover you, like a TSA pat down.
“Does anything hurt?”  Lucifer asks while you’re nearly being groped.
“No?”  Confusion fills your voice.
A worried whimper comes out of Beel and he turns to Belphie, “so bad it’s numb.”  You think you hear him say.
“Nothing seems broken,” Satan says, he’s squatting down to check your legs and feet.  He lifts himself to standing.  His eyes are somber as he gently takes hold of your shoulders.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Mammon shifts on his feet behind you, hand brushing over your shoulder blades, where you popped.
“Yeah?  I was just stretching…”
Asmo inches over to you, crawling on the floor slowly like you’re a landmine that could detonate at any second.
“You cracked.”  It’s an accusation.  Lucifer near glowers at you.
“It happens.”  You shrug.
“No it doesn’t,” Lucifer glares this time.
“Maybe not to you, but it’s normal,” you side eye him.  
A hand on the hem of your pants.  Asmo looks up at you, horror still plastered on his face.
You pat his head and some color returns to his face.
“What happened then?”  Belphegor challenges you.
“I cracked my back.”
“How?”  Mammon’s jaw drops.  “That’s horrible.”
“It feels good.”  You defend.  “You guys can’t crack things?”
“No!”  Asmo cries out.  “That sounded horrendous.”
It’s confusing, demons and angels don’t make sounds like that.  No one hasn’t let themself grow used to the noise, they’ll never let themselves.  Because the haunting what if? will never leave.
Eyes always fly to you the second one of your bones shift; it’s sweet they care, but they’re worried over nothing!  You’ve never broken a bone, ever.
You jinxed yourself.
Today you broke a bone.  Well, you’re pretty sure you’ve at least done something you shouldn’t have to your bone.  The splintered edge of the bone sticks out gruesomely from your forearm.  Yeah, that’s not normal.
Blood drips onto the bathroom floor and you don’t know why you aren’t crying right now.  The demon had handled you too roughly.  Shoved you out of the way too hard and you hit the air dryer bolted into the wall then this happened.
They had looked at you with a mixture of shock and fear as the sickening crunch of your arm registered, and the coppery scent of blood began filling the air.  Panic took over the stranger and they ran out of the bathroom, leaving you to sit on the floor and stare in shock at your horrible looking arm.
Your stomach churns and you look towards the ceiling and blink to try and clear your mind.
The demon fled the second his actions dawned upon them, fleeing the scene of the crime.  Smart fella.
The scent of blood permeates the air and you know you won’t be alone for long.  A hungry demon is bound to find you the way you are just bleeding.
And just as the thought hits you, the bathroom door flies open and Asmo is rushing towards you.  Concern and panic lace his features as he places a gentle hand on your injured arm.  You wince.
“Sorry, dear, but I need to get this tied off.”  His voice is sweet and your head rolls to the side as you relax, because your Asmo is here.  Things’ll be alright now.  Mammon stands anxiously behind him, avoiding looking at your wound.  
The bathroom door has swung closed again and you relish in the privacy of having you Asmo and Mammon take care of you.
“Oh, who did this, MC?” Asmo keeps the lilt in his voice, although it is strained.  “Hmm?  Who would hurt you?”  Golden eyes attempting to meet yours.
You crane your head further back to avoid the lure of Asmodeus’ eyes, “it was an accident.” 
There’s a tug at the junction of your elbow. 
He makes a displeased hum, “Mammon, fetch Satan for me, he’ll know how to fix this better than me.  Oh, Barbatos too if you happen across him.”
Mammon gives your uninjured arm a pat and follows orders.
“Alright sweetheart,” Asmo kisses your cheek, “this might hurt a bit.  I’m gonna have a little bit of help to fix your arm up.  You’re in good hands, doll.”
You hear ripping fabric then have to hold back a scream as Asmo begins to wrap the exposed gore.
“I know,” he sighs sympathetically.  “I know.”  He keeps it tight on your arm and you take some deep breaths.
The door swings back open and Satan and Mammon come in, Barbatos in tow.  Satan’s face twists into a grimace as the scent registers.  The two that Mammon fetched kneel at your sides adjacent to Asmo, Barbatos tears his white gloves off and takes hold of your upper arm, applying firm pressure.
“Fuck,” Satan hisses out, fidiling with his pockets.  He pulls out something silver and metallic and you wince and turn away.  
When you do so you bump your face into Mammon’s chest, where he’d taken to holding you steady.
You do your best to keep quiet when you feel them begin to work on your arm, but you can’t help a pained, breathless moan.
“Sorry, your pain cannot be helped,” Barbatos puts his bare hand on your knee and attempts to give it a comforting squeeze.  It doesn’t do much, but you're grateful.
You feel sharpness cutting away at flesh and muscle.  Your eyes bulge and you grip Mammon’s forearm with all the strength you can muster.
Fuck, it hurts so bad, it’s all you can do not to scream or passout.
“Shh,” Asmo soothes, you peek an eye open and glare at him.
“I can’t,” you stutter out.
“Yes you can, I’m almost done.” Satan says, voice plain.
You feel Barbatos stand and walk to the dryer you were shoved into.  Peeking out the corner of your eye you see him crouch and investigate.  His bloodied white glove runs through the half dried viscera painting the floor.  You’re torn away from watching him when a new pain rocks through your nerves. 
A sharp crunch resonates through your body as Asmodeus and Satan shove your bone back into place.  You let out a hoarse squeal and there’s a fresh round of hushing from Asmo and Mammon.  Your breaths come in wheezing bursts and Barbatos comes to kneel a bit in front of you.
“I trust these  three with fixing you up for now.  I must report this to the Young Master.”  Barbatos gives a sympathetic smile and stands to leave.  “I will tend to you at a later point, MC.”
A sharp, pointed pain in, and a sharp pain out.  Steeling your nerves you peek at your newly shoved back inside arm to see Asmo sewing your flesh shut as Satan holds it closed.
It takes an excruciatingly long three minutes for them to finish and tie off the stitches.
“Now, darling,” Asmo’s stained hand reaches to cup your jaw, “when we get home, we’ll talk about finding whoever did this to you.”
“Don’t be too harsh now, Asmodeus.”  Satan chides, holding your injured arm soothingly.  “They’re sure to be in a lot of pain right now.  Save that conversation for when they’re feeling better, okay?”  When he finishes the sentence, he nuzzles into the side of your head affectionately.  
“Let’s get you home now,” Asmo says, blatantly ignoring his older brother.
As Mammon helps you to your feet he speaks, “we should probably stop by the student council office and let Lucifer know that they’ll be missing from classes.  And,” Mammon turns his attention to you.  “Don’t you worry, the Great Mammon will be with you the whole time you’re healin’ up!”
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budbuddnbuddy · 7 months
Little obey me headcanons (pt 5)
A/n: God it’s been a while since I put out one of these things. Apologies yall, finals are terrifying but thankfully I passed all my classes, so yay! Anyways same thing as usual, though this one is mostly world building, so enjoy!
MC has an entire kitchen in their room. Bit weird to think of yes, but I just saw the dinning table in their room and the stuff behind it and it was the first thing that came to mind, the whole room is basically like an apartment but it’s no where near as big as the other brothers rooms. Also did you know that they had an entire kettle in their room???
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Okay maybes it’s not a kettle more like a tea pot but you get the point, MC kitchen in room canon./hj
Mammon is infact not above stealing your stuff, has he sold any of it? No. Will you ever be getting it back? Also no. It’s been 4 years Mammon, MC wants their hoodie back.
RAD is basically the Harvard of the Devildom, of course there are other Ivy League schools throughout the realm, all ranked high in various categories and filled with various species, but if you really want to be a high ranking deadly demon then going to RAD is practically an requirement.
If you ever watched Steven Universe, you’d know that Garnet can give kisses that let you see into the future for a brief period of time. Barbatos can basically do the same thing, and can choose the amount of time that it lasts for, ranging from 3 hours to 4 days.
However it’s been MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of years since he’s done this and he’s never told anyone about it besides Diavolo, well until you of course. Just keep it a secret between the 3 of you all, will you?
Demon possession is in fact real, it’s sort of like a fucked up version of fusion, all the abilities and talents that you have can be accessed by your possessor, the strength that the two of you have is combined since like 93% of humans have no magic and it’s deadly wether you’re a human or a demon them punches are going to hit hard. Sloth demons are mainly the ones who have this ability.
If you ever get so lucky to the point where you get to me any of the Royals you MUST kiss their hand, it’s considered extremely rude and informal not to do so, doesn’t matter if it’s a woman, man, or a being with no hands at all and just a bunch of tentacles. You better find a way to kiss that damn hand. MC finds out about this by pure accident.
“Ah- Lord Diavolo, I’m sorry I didn’t even realize you were there.”
“Haha, no worries! It’s not common for most to not recognize me when I’m in the room!”
“Here, allow me to make it up to you…” *Smooch*
Typically Diavolo is very neutral when it comes to formal greetings since he technically gets them like every week but there was something about it being you giving him kisses on his hand that make him feel “butterflies in his stomach” as humans say.
Ever since then he’s demanded that you give him hand kisses every time you swag by the the Demon King’s castle, with a blush on his face of course.
There’s a three headed version of almost everything in the Devildom, it’s not just Cerberus, there’s three headed butterflies, cats, raccoons, rats (much to Barbatos dismay), and of course demons. No one knows exactly why, but most speculate it probably has something to do with the air.
No one is letting you die, there’s too many things that they want from you, too many things they want to give you, yet so little time to do so. You can scream at them, hate them forever, never talk to them again, but please for the love of god. Just don’t die.
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