#anyways as an instruments enjoyer if you want to draw an instrument accurately
salted15 · 2 years
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day 27 - music
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nooneaskedme-but · 7 years
Album Review - California (Deluxe) by blink-182
Alright guys, here’s the deal. I’ll to be skipping the whole pre-review rambling because there’s a lot to cover here. Just know that yes, I am reviewing California for a second time; there’s less hype and a lot less bias this time around, so I feel it’ll be a much more accurate review.
Anyway, let’s get to it! Track by track review of blink-182’s California! (Again!)
1. Cynical - Still to this day, this is easily one of my favorite tracks on California. I think what won me over the most was the aggression in this song. They really shake their ‘just another pop punk band’ image here with the fast paced drumming and the straight to the punch guitars combined with Matt’s shouting in the chorus. It’s a perfect way to start off such a different album and I love every bit of this song from start to finish. - 10/10
2. Bored to Death - Okay, I don’t care what anybody says. Putting aside how absolutely iconic this song is, Bored to Death is definitely one of the better put together tracks on California, and I’m counting both the standard and deluxe tracks. I mean yeah, the lyrics still don’t make a lot sense to me, but compared to the cheap and useless filler I’ve heard on the rest of the album these are relatively harmless. At least these can be open to some sort of interpretation. I really appreciate the darker feel here, and the bridge is easily my favorite of any blink song post-DeLonge. I just wish they would’ve stuck to this caliber with the rest of the album, and I really they would’ve left Matt alone in the chorus, especially live. That being said, this still remains a favorite and probably will even alongside future releases. - 8/10
3. She’s Out of Her Mind - Right off the bat, this was one of my favorites off the album. It still is, but now I think of this song more as a novelty. It’s simple, it’s catchy, but that’s really about it. The lyrics are juvenile and rather cliche, but I’d be lying if I said this song didn’t still excite me whenever I hear it. - 7/10
4. Los Angeles - Initially, I equated this song to garbage, a mainstream pop atrocity that not even Dark Lord Skiba himself could save. But, after a few thorough listens and seeing it live twice, I’m going a bit easier on this track. I mean, it’s still a pretty big thumbs down for me but it has its merits. For starters I can dig the fact that they experimented and deviated from the ‘old blink’ style they tried so hard for. Moreover, something about Mark Hoppus and the bridge of this song gets me every time. - 5/10
5. Sober - I honestly don’t understand why this track gets so much flack (heh, I’m a poet and I didn’t even know it). In my opinion it trumps a good portion of the rest of California by a long shot. It’s rather mellow and laid back, and again not nearly as try-hardy as some of its counterparts on the album. In fact, to me it does a good job of illustrating both the playful, happy-go-lucky and the frustrating, trying times of adolescence. Not to mention, this song got bonus points from me knowing the first verse was basically Matt’s autobiography. - 7/10
6. Built This Pool - I’m just going to say, I find this song way more amusing than I should. - 9/10
7. No Future - This is another track I enjoyed pretty thoroughly and still do despite countless plays. I adore everything about this song, in particular the way Matt makes his place in the chorus with the jolting “NO FUTURE!” and the intense buildup into Matt’s verse (which is to die for, says I) along with the novelty pop punk style it was crafted in (stop-and-go guitars, simple yet fulfilling drum fills, etc.). Speaking of drums, the way Travis closes this song out combined with the matching structure of the ‘na-na’s is nothing short of godlike. No Future will forever be a favorite of mine. - 10/10
8. Home Is Such a Lonely Place - You know, I despised this song when I first heard it; it was way too mopey and pseudo-deep for me to possibly get behind. And, to be honest, not a lot has changed in the way of that opinion. It’s so…mundane. I just, it drags the album down than anything else and it really doesn’t belong. - 4/10 
9. Kings of the Weekend - I can sum this song up in one word and one word only: excitement. Actually, this song is more like excitement with a side of FUCK YEAH!!. Aside from the opening track ‘Cynical’, this track hands down has the best instrumental on the album. The chorus errs more on the side of modern punk rock and it it sounds really well-done. Simple, but very well-done. Also, the opening drum line has to be some of the funkiest shit Travis has done in a blink-182 song. - 10/10
10. Teenage Satellites - *groan*…Ugh, this song nearly makes me sick at this point. It’s so adolescent it hurts. I can appreciate simple songs. I can appreciate youthful reminiscing (to an extent). But this song, this fucking song, this is where I draw the line. It’s a saccharine, adolescent mess of teenage cliches centered around an octave riff Mark strummed off the top of his head one day. I used to think this song was relatively decent but now I can’t help but cringe now whenever I listen to it. - 4/10
11. Left Alone - If I could put aside the cheap lyrics and the fact that this song is basically an Angels and Airwaves rip off, I feel like I’d enjoy it a lot more. I’ll admit, though, I am a sucker for the guitar lined throughout in the verses, and Matt’s vocals are pretty fierce when the chorus hits. - 6/10
12. Rabbit Hole -  Okay, hear me out here. This song gets criticized left and right for its overall simplicity and basic nature. While both of those claims are completely valid, I happen to think that’s what makes this song so endearing. A song like this is meant to be fun, something that’s easy to listen to while you’re fucking around with your friends or whoever else. Not every song has to be so complex or even a lyrical masterpiece. Sometimes, it’s enough for a song to just simply sound pleasant, and that’s definitely accomplished here. It’s energetic, it’s pop punk as fuck, it’s blink-182. - 8/10
13. San Diego - Out of all the songs on the standard release, I feel that this one has the most, for lack of a better word, substance. Never mind the fact that it’s one of the few that doesn’t sound like a poorly made b-side of Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, you can just feel the emotion oozing out of this song and it’s fucking great. In such a flawless and iconic chorus, Matt Skiba takes the lead and really proves what he can do for the band. Hats off to Skiba and another hats off to this amazing song. - 10/10
14. The Only Thing That Matters - I think this song has a cute nature about it, and I think it’s a very accurate clash of both older generation blink-182 and Alkaline Trio (you know, the band Matt Skiba fronted happily before Mark kidnapped him and held him hostage). However, the chorus is way too lacking for me. Like, I can get behind the lovey dovey message but it’s so basic in its presentation that I just can’t get past it. - 6/10
15. California - Give it another year, just one more year, and I guarantee you’ll see this song used in some sort of Disney promo if it hasn’t been already. As a song it isn’t terrible, just rather flat and a little lackluster. I can’t say I hate it, though, even if I do find spending all your time inside while the weather’s perfect a little bit strange (and possibly a little bit manic). Also, the ending’s pretty cool, so there’s that. - 7/10
16. Brohemian Rhapsody - Yeah, I’m still fucking miffed that this song is literally only 15 seconds long. Everything about it’s perfect: the buildup, format, the staggering hammer-ons that Matt somehow flawlessly pulls off despite that being the furthest thing from his style! It’s all there! But no, they wasted a perfectly good instrumental on a tired fucking one-liner that was barely even amusing. Oh well, it still sounded badass and was definitely a fun way to bring the album to an end. -10/10
1. Parking Lot - Holy shit. This song, holy shit. Now this, this is how you make an entrance to an album. Originally I made mention of Mark’s verse throwing the song off, but after coming back to this song many times I can see that’s what makes this song work. As much as I appreciate the fact Matt upped the punk factor times ten (and that’s a fuck of a lot), I’m glad there’s some variation, that it’s not like that the entire way through. All around, this song is fucking wicked and easily one of the top three of the deluxe tracks. - 9/10
2. Misery - Things slow down quite a bit with this track, but it packs a punch nonetheless. I haven’t found myself coming back to this one as much but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s a really solid, really powerful song. I still swear that the way Matt shouts “I don’t need anyone!” in the chorus is what dreams are made out of. It also sounds like “I don’t eat anyone!”, but that’s besides the point. - 7/10
3. Good Old Days This is one song I find especially charming, due mainly to the early 2000s-esque dance chorus and the very eloquent use of synth throughout the entire song. However, the whole ‘I don’t wanna grow up!’ schtick is getting really fucking old. Now, I can understand wanting to feel young and to feel alive, but literally putting “and we’re not growing up” in a song is a tad bit sad to be honest. I fucking adore Mark Hoppus, but when he writes like that I just can’t take him seriously, and it lessens the quality of the song. Other than that, this track is pretty enjoyable and one I see myself coming back to in the future. - 7/10
4. Don’t Mean Anything - Ugh. U g h. Even tying this disaster of a song to blink-182 sullies their name. It’s just so bland and cookie-cutter and lacking any sort of effort or originality that it hurts. The only, and I mean the only points this song gets from me is Matt’s verse because he sings it really fucking well. Outside of that, this song needs to go back to the 2004 pop rock station they clearly ripped it from. - 4/10
5. Hey, I’m Sorry So, some time after the official release of California, this track was released as a Japanese bonus track. It took a few listens to really strike a chord with me, but now I can’t get enough of it. Also, I didn’t think I’d say this for a long time but I love Mark’s lyrical work here; it’s fucking stellar, as a matter of fact. This is another one of those experimental songs, but this one was definitely a success. I really dig the direction they went in with this one. - 9/10
6. Last Train Home - I was really glad to see they continued along that same vein of experimentation as heard in the previous track ‘Hey, I’m Sorry’. Initially, I cast this song off, thinking it wouldn’t pick up. But, it does. The song progresses slowly, and in a way that’s incredibly subtle. It’s very worth it if you can listen all the way through to the end. - 10/10
7. Wildfire - While I’m not exactly sure about Mark’s singing abilities here (in the chorus particularly), that doesn’t really concern me in this song, at least not as much as the fucking Xanax reference. Personally, I think this song is way too much fun to hate, and I know I am very much in the minority with that opinion. I mean, the classic blink-style riffs are all there alongside some gnarly Alkaline Trio influence, and it just has a very youthful aesthetic overall which I adore. I also admire how the song matures and progresses, starting off with Mark’s usual adolescent view of things and venturing into darker, more mature themes as Matt takes over. It gives the song another dimension, which I feel the rest of the album severely lacks. - 8/10
8. 6/8 - I’d argue that this is the absolute heaviest song blink-182′s released in the history of their career. Sure, the Self Titled album had a lot of experimentation and some heavier tracks, but there was nothing quite like this. This song’s a bit dreary, and it’s fucking rad. I won’t attack the fact that they named the it after the time signature for the drums, because honestly that’s just nitpicking (and I am not about that life…). But, I will claim that this would’ve been astronomically better had it been fronted by Matt. He has just the voice and singing capabilities to make this song as riveting and intense as it needs to be. Nonetheless, it’s still a badass track and a definite thumbs up from me. - 8/10
9. Long Lost Feeling - I feel like this song is more buildup than anything. It’s soothing, but it takes way too long to get to anything worth while. Mark also manages to make the first half as boring as he possibly can, so there’s that. If you can stay awake until you get to the second half of the song, it’s actually really pretty sounding and quite pleasant. You just have to get there. - 6/10
10.  Bottom of the Ocean - No. Nope. N o p e. Fuck this song. At this point there’s not a hint of soul to be found, not a fucking ounce of integrity. Usually I say every song has its merits, but nope. I hate to be that ‘that guy’, but they sold out with this song, point blank. I am so glad this abomination never touched the original release. As stated above, fuck this song. - 1/10
11. Can’t Get You More Pregnant - I’ve already discussed this song far too much for a joke track, so I’m just going to laugh at the fact that a scientist actually proved this idea wrong, stating you actually can get a girl ‘more’ pregnant. Ha ha ha. - 8/10
12. Bored to Death (Acoustic) - Originally, I was under the impression that this would be a brand new studio recording. But, instead, it’s audio ripped from a live recording and mastered in the studio. Was a I bit let down by that in the beginning? Maybe a tad. But, with the audience so haughtily cheering in the background and Matt’s lyric change to “Mark’s head”, I actually prefer this to a brand new stand alone recording. In doing it this way, they laid a lot heart on it and made it a perfect closer to the album. Not to mention, Mark and Matt sound fucking top notch on this track. Simply put, this was a beautiful addition and I loved it much more than I thought I would going in. - 10/10
All-in-all, I was a bit let down by the rest of the deluxe tracks. To be fair, that’s probably mainly due to the fact that the one’s released hyped me up so much and shot my hopes sky high. Actually, no. They just sucked. But, that’s okay. There are a number of solid songs on the deluxe release, and I’ve gained a much stronger appreciation for the original release of California after being introduced to these songs. So, there is a silver lining here.
Overall Rating - 6/10
Stay Tuned for More!
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bestofthenets · 5 years
Everything About Ninja Fortnite Stats, Control, Settings, Skin, Net Worth!
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Who is Ninja?
Everything About Ninja Fortnite Stats, Control, Settings, Skin, Net Worth!
Tyler Blevins , or "Ninja ", as everyone knows, is at the top of Fortnite: Battle Royale , which has become the more popular game in recent years. Ninja came to this site shortly after playing video games, although there is everyone knows the Fortnite thanks to the legend began much more quickly than this detail. For those people who have puzzled, we wanted to take the Ninja's past, growth, item of countries of origin and profit. Esports career Tyler Blevins, who was born June 5, 1991, knows almost everyone as a Twitch publisher, but in fact he is a professional espor musician. In 2009, Ninja began to play Halo professionally, and over the years he has been on the casting of units such as Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, Renegades, Team Liquid and Warriors. In 2011, he decided to draw two seconds path and should begin to broadcast live on Justin.tv and made his first steps towards fame. As a publisher, he first caught esteem with H1Z1, and last year he made his action to PUBG, the last sport of the Twitch before Fortnite. In 2017, he met the H1Z1 in Luminosity Gaming, where he was a member of the Halo player, and continued during PUBG and won the claim as a squad in the TPP( third-person view) category of the PUBG tournament in Gamescom. Ninja's Fortnite fortitude Let's come to the ninja's modern state, the fame that he had with Fortnite. Ninja, which started Fortnite: Battle Royale programmes as of September 2017, has been around 500 thousand followers, and today it has reached 8.5 million embankment. Of course, the rise of Ninja's incredible gaming rendition was as effective as Fortnite's own. It came to a notes that included Canadian musician Drake, American rapper Travis Scott and American football player Juju Smith-Schuster. When they were broadcasting, beings said that Drake followed me on Twitter, and he started following Fortnite.' Should I text him ?' but I didn't, and then he texted me to play together two days later.
https :// youtu.be/ tktEAa7 9lwg
Ninja& Drake , one of the most important instants in Twitch history, needs to open up a little more. The process" When broadcasting, parties told me that Drake followed me on Twitter, and then he started following Fortnite. My wife,' Should I text him ?' I expected, but I didn't, and after 2 day she texted me to play together, um Ninja says.
How much does Ninja give?
One of the most puzzled subjects about Ninja is its coin determine. The number of customers on the screen clearly shows the number of customers, as of today, Ninja has 160 thousand readers, which is$ 3.50 per used from Twitch, exclusively 560.000 dollars per month when the subscriber income is over $. Furthermore, considering that the E3 game fair cannot program for 2 day, Ninja has lost 40,000 customers in these two days.
The Ninja Fortnite net worth is turning the appetite of countless parties and parties are discontinuing their current employment and questioning the opening up of broadcasting. Ninja'nin comment on this issue is very clear and reasonable:" Some people leave academy or institution joke about being a full-time publisher, and I'm certainly saying' no '. When you start publishing, you don't have a minimum wage, you don't earn money. this is necessary people to subscribe and give to you." Not simply does she spend so much better for herself, Ninja is acknowledged for her assist broadcasts and subscriptions on occasion. Ninja, who gifted$ 110,000 to the American Suicide Prevention Foundation in February 2018, who fixed $ 50,000 in the Fortnite Battle Royale Espor affair in April 2018 and$ 2,500 to the Alzheimer's Association, together with other publishers St. It was instrumental in the collection of$ 340,000 for Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Ninja Fortnite Settings
One of the given name that come to thoughts when it comes to ornite successful performance, as well as the superior serve skills of the Ninja, the equipment and activity regulates presented to his followers. The most popular battle royale activity of the last age is now recognized and compared to PUBG, Fortnite has become an organization that has opened the doors of prestige for many Twitch publishers. In the recent period of the name of the game with the publication of the names of the Ninja comes definitely. Ninja, who increased his popularity day by day with his successful Fortnite acting and amusing present, shared video games places which is one of the segments behind his success recently with his partisans. Now are the Ninja's game settleds equipment systems :P 
Not Representing with Maximum Screen Settings
Although it is extremely enjoyable to play a game at the highest level, it can sometimes compel damages in carry-on. The screen settles of Ninja , which is aware of such a situation, are as follows :P TAGEND
Off Shadows Anti-aliasing Off Retouches Off
Ninja Fortnite Setup
Ninja's Monitor
The Ninja has a gaming monitor called Alienware 25 which has a refresh frequency of up to 240 Hz . With a$ 480 price tag , the design offers a smooth gaming know by belittling chassis loss thanks to refresh charge. Mention: Regardless of your monitor pose, it will be a plus for you to play games with the maximum resolution it supports.
Ninja's Mouse
He is consuming Logitech 502 Proteus Spectrum , Ninja represents with a mouse whose average premium is $51. Ninja's Custom Mouse defines are as follows :P TAGEND
Mouse Sensitivity X( Horizontal ): 0.09 Mouse Sensitivity Y( Vertical ): 0.06 ADS: 0.60 Scope Sensitivity: 0.40
Ninja's Keyboard
Using the Logitech G610 at$ 85, the Ninja has an surprising key specifying. Use the "Z" key to select the weapon, the" X insa key for the 5th artillery, the" 5" key to adopt the capture, the" Q" key to construct the wall.
Ninja Fortnite Skin
If you've always wanted to know how gaming presents itself in 2018 and what's important to many, then you are able to watch the fight between streamer "Ninja" and Epic Games. Because Ninja is grumbling loudly about the facts of the case that he does not get his own skin. It is not( only) about ego, but about money. Tyler " Ninja " Blevins is angry, fucking crazy. For the currently largest live plays streamer in the gaming world-wide grumbled in a recent video that he does not get his own surface in Fortnite. Ninja believes that he has his own in-game "disguise" because he has been instrumental in fixing Fortnite popular. That's certainly genuine, as the 27 -year-old is the tremor streamer with the most followers, he too contains the record for most sees at the same time, more than 650,000 parties watching him play games rapper Drake.
Whether it was actually" about one billion" people, as he claims in the video( via comic book ), is certainly a bit overdone. In all such cases, Ninja is angry that he is not reputation with a skin, he would be the first streamer or" content builder" to receive this honor.
Blevins says he can understand that, but then he can not, because after all, he's not anyone. He accepted," that other streamer might require the same, but still ". So you are able to summarize his argument anyway.
Fortnite started free of charge on the Nintendo Switch
"Poor" ninja? Ninja is probably not only about honoring him, but likewise or primarily about the money. Because with barks Epic Games deserves a lot of money, Fortnite is known to be mostly a free accessible tournament. Skins payment extra, for specially rare are up to 20 EUR due.
If Ninja got a skin, then Epic Games would certainly have to had participated in it. The question: Ninja is not financially far worse. Because Blevins gives according to current( but considered quite accurate) estimates more than$ 420,000, per month imagination you and merely for the Twitch dues- sponsorship contracts and the like is not included. Squirm/ Tyler Blevins
Ninja Fortnite Stats:
0 notes
no1geekfun · 5 years
Everything About Ninja Fortnite Settings, Skin, Setup, Controls, Stats, Net Worth!
Who is Ninja?
Tyler Blevins, or “Ninja“, as everyone knows, is at the top of Fortnite: Battle Royale, which has become the most popular game in recent years. Ninja came to this point shortly after playing the game, even though everyone knows the Fortnite thanks to the story began much earlier than this fact. For those who are curious, we wanted to take the Ninja’s past, development, point of origin and profit. Esports career Tyler Blevins, who was born June 5, 1991, knows almost everyone as a Twitch publisher, but in fact he is a professional espor player. In 2009, Ninja began to play Halo professionally, and over the years he has been on the cast of teams such as Cloud9, Evil Geniuses, Renegades, Team Liquid and Warriors. In 2011, he decided to draw a second path and started to broadcast live on Justin.tv and took his first steps towards fame. As a publisher, he first caught popularity with H1Z1, and last year he made his way to PUBG, the last game of the Twitch before Fortnite. In 2017, he joined the H1Z1 in Luminosity Gaming, where he was a member of the Halo player, and continued with PUBG and won the title as a team in the TPP (third-person perspective) category of the PUBG tournament in Gamescom. Ninja’s Fortnite strength Let’s come to the ninja’s modern state, the fame that he had with Fortnite. Ninja, which started Fortnite: Battle Royale broadcasts as of September 2017, has been around 500 thousand followers, and today it has reached 8.5 million dam. Of course, the rise of Ninja’s tremendous gaming performance was as effective as Fortnite’s own. It came to a point that included Canadian musician Drake, American rapper Travis Scott and American football player Juju Smith-Schuster. When they were broadcasting, people said that Drake followed me on Twitter, and he started following Fortnite. ‘Should I text him?’ but I didn’t, and then he texted me to play together two days later.
Ninja & Drake, one of the most important moments in Twitch history, needs to open up a little more. The process “When broadcasting, people told me that Drake followed me on Twitter, and then he started following Fortnite. My wife, ‘Should I text him?’ I asked, but I didn’t, and after two days she texted me to play together, um Ninja says.
How much does a Ninja earn?
One of the most curious subjects about Ninja is its money making. The number of subscribers on the screen clearly shows the number of subscribers, as of today, Ninja has 160 thousand subscribers, which is $ 3.50 per user from Twitch, only 560.000 dollars per month when the subscriber income is over $. Moreover, considering that the E3 game fair cannot broadcast for two days, Ninja has lost 40,000 subscribers in these two days.
The Ninja Fortnite net worth is turning the appetite of many people and people are quitting their current jobs and questioning the beginning of broadcasting. Ninja’nın comment on this issue is very clear and realistic: “Some people leave school or school joke about being a full-time publisher, and I’m definitely saying ‘no’. When you start publishing, you don’t have a minimum wage, you don’t earn money. you need people to subscribe and donate to you. ” Not only does she spend so much for herself, Ninja is appreciated for her aid broadcasts and donations from time to time. Ninja, who donated $ 110,000 to the American Suicide Prevention Foundation in February 2018, who made $ 50,000 in the Fortnite Battle Royale Espor event in April 2018 and $ 2,500 to the Alzheimer’s Association, together with other publishers St. It was instrumental in the collection of $ 340,000 for Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Ninja Fortnite Settings
One of the first names that come to mind when it comes to ornite successful presentation, as well as the superior acting skills of the Ninja, the equipment and game settings presented to his followers. The most popular battle royale game of the last period is now accepted and compared to PUBG, Fortnite has become an organization that has opened the doors of fame for many Twitch publishers. In the recent period of the name of the game with the publication of the name of the Ninja comes undoubtedly. Ninja, who increased his popularity day by day with his successful Fortnite acting and fun presentation, shared the game settings which is one of the pieces behind his success recently with his followers. Here are the Ninja’s game settings and equipment:
Not Playing with Maximum Screen Settings
Although it is extremely enjoyable to play a game at the highest level, it can sometimes cause losses in performance. The screen settings of Ninja, which is aware of this situation, are as follows:
Off Shadows Anti-aliasing Off Retouches Off
Ninja Fortnite Setup
Ninja’s Monitor
The Ninja has a gaming monitor called Alienware 25 which has a refresh rate of up to 240Hz. With a $ 480 price tag, the device offers a smooth gaming experience by minimizing frame losses thanks to refresh rate. Note: Regardless of your monitor model, it will be a plus for you to play games with the maximum resolution it supports.
Ninja’s Mouse
He is using Logitech 502 Proteus Spectrum, Ninja plays with a mouse whose average price is $51. Ninja’s Custom Mouse settings are as follows:
Mouse Sensitivity X (Horizontal): 0.09 Mouse Sensitivity Y (Vertical): 0.06 ADS: 0.60 Scope Sensitivity: 0.40
Ninja’s Keyboard
Using the Logitech G610 at $ 85, the Ninja has an unusual key setting. Use the ”Z“ key to select the weapon, the “X inşa key for the 5th weapon, the” 5 “key to select the trap, the” Q “key to build the wall.
Ninja Fortnite Skin
If you’ve always wanted to know how gaming presents itself in 2018 and what’s important to many, then you should watch the fight between streamer “Ninja” and Epic Games. Because Ninja is complaining loudly about the fact that he does not get his own skin. It is not (only) about vanity, but about money. Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is angry, so mad. For the currently largest live games streamer in the gaming world complained in a recent video that he does not get his own skin in Fortnite. Ninja believes that he has his own in-game “disguise” because he has been instrumental in making Fortnite popular. That’s certainly true, as the 27-year-old is the twitch streamer with the most followers, he also holds the record for most viewers at the same time, more than 650,000 people watching him play with rapper Drake.
Whether it was actually “about one billion” people, as he claims in the video (via comic book), is certainly a bit exaggerated. In any case, Ninja is angry that he is not honored with a skin, he would be the first streamer or “content creator” to receive this honor.
Blevins says he can understand that, but then he can not, because after all, he’s not anyone. He acknowledged, “that other streamer might demand the same, but still”. So you can summarize his argument anyway.
Fortnite started for free on the Nintendo Switch
“Poor” ninja? Ninja is probably not only about honoring him, but also or primarily about the money. Because with skins Epic Games earns a lot of money, Fortnite is known to be basically a free accessible game. Skins cost extra, for particularly rare are up to 20 € due.
If Ninja got a skin, then Epic Games would surely have to take part in it. The problem: Ninja is not financially so bad. Because Blevins earns according to current (but considered quite accurate) estimates more than $ 420,000, per month mind you and only for the Twitch subscriptions – sponsorship contracts and the like is not included. Twitch / Tyler Blevins
Ninja Fortnite Stats:
  The post Everything About Ninja Fortnite Settings, Skin, Setup, Controls, Stats, Net Worth! appeared first on No.1 Geek Fun.
Everything About Ninja Fortnite Settings, Skin, Setup, Controls, Stats, Net Worth!
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