#anyways headcanon tiem
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peevishpants · 1 year
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🍵🍃Hyrulian Beverage Recommendations from various locals and travellers🍵🍃
Some headcanons and notes...
Zelda and Impa go to cafes together and have a great tiem. They are both clean drinkers and rarely ever spill anything.
Groose and Pipit go to cafes together and invariably, Groose somehow gets a milk mustache and spills his drink on his homework every time.
Meiren is a real kind of oolong where bugs are part of the leaf processing method!
Mipha is a sipper, Biggoron is a chugger
Everyone after Link in this list is stretching the boundaries of What Is Officially A Beverage but. When in Hyrule, do as the hyrulians do?
This joke doesn't work in tumblr format as well, but on twitter, I put Tingle on tweet 6 out of 9 because haha nice. ALSO KOMBUCHA LIPS ON MY DICCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK ... GOTTEM
Tag urselves I'm beedle bc i also think, if you put [any edible liquid food] in a mug, you can call it a beverage.
Fi is a mighty machine and the realest of them all
Anyway it was fun thinking of which drinks the characters would like and recommend. Been a while since I thought about Zelda stuff but every time I do, it's always a good time. Thanks again for inviting me to the zine @ homemadehyrule on twt/ig!
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chessalein · 1 year
Dirty A-Z Headcanon List
~ Rules: Pick a few or all letters from this list and fill it for your favourite OTP/blorbos and tag your chooms!
I was tagged by @theviridianbunny and will out this thing for Nori and Jackie (I guess for him as well as he is her main intimate person. Can you say it like that?) I feel a little bad for outing her like that, but when you read the story you would know anyway. So.. here it is!
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A - Alone time
So before getting together with Jackie, but living in the Welles castle, she didn't touch herself, because she just feels that its unappropriate for a lady to do so. Even thaugh no one told her that. She had to act like a lady, and in her head ladies don't do that. But she often thinks back to the intimate moment Jackie and her shared in the pool at the Crystal palace.
E - Extra
A praise kink? Like... she loves when Jackie praises her when they are intimate. For example: When she just relaxes and tries to enjoy what they do right now, and he tells her that she is doing good.
G - Group sex
Mostly she does and wants to do it with Jackie, but she loves Valerie in a specific way, even she can't really say how it is (and its the other way around as well. Val just wants to eat her up in every way). Nori normaly doesen't have an interest in woman in that way, but she doesen't mind when Val aproaches her. Jackie has to be there as well, because she feels like she would betray him if he wouldn't be. Maybe she needs him there as kind of emotional support, so she feels its okay to do what she does. Val knows that and would only make advances when he is with them in the room. But they don't do it that often. So, when its a threesome, then its with Val. Otherwise just normal, private tieme for two. (Valerie also asked Viktor if its okay for him, if she could have a free pass if it comes to Nori. Which she never thought that it would happen. He is cool with that.)
K - Kissing
She loves kisses from him. She loves every way he kisses her, it all fires her up: Lips, Neck, forehead, everything. She gets especially weak if he kisses her on her inner wrist while looking her into the eyes, like he tells her what he wants to do with her. And she loves to kiss Jackie. Especially on his jawline, his cheeks that are framed by cyberware, his neck and collar bones. And she kisses him on every kind of part if there is the chance. Be it on the bare shoulder she just leaned on, his hand if she holds it. Casual, loving kisses.
L - Lighting
Generally it doesen't matter how the light is, but she likes it very much when its cozy and dimmed. Like in his mancave with the candles.
M - Masochism
I would say she likes soft masochism? Jackie sometimes teases her. Like when they just started, maybe only kissed and she is already ... you know... very ready down there. Its a bit embaressing for her, because she is just learning that she is a lustful person and that its totaly okay, but she has to admit that she likes it when he teases her.
O - Outdoor sex
She first is against it and thinks that sex is something that should be done in private. But when the relationship with Jackie started, she learned really fast that in the heat of the moment, the outdoors are fine as well. Now she often sees places and thinks "It could be nice to have sex here." Mostly when its cozy ones, tucked away from the people. But she doesen't tell Jackie, she is way too afraid to be seen as pervert or something like this. To her luck, Jackie often thinks the same and learned what places Nori could say yes to, and yea.. you know.
Q - Quiet please
It depends. When she knows people could hear, she tries her best to be quiet, even though she knows, that Jackie gets a kick out of it if she moans like she pleases. If she knows no one can hear, she just lets it out. For herself and for Jackie. She loves when Jackie groans and moans when they do it. It shows her that he loves how she feels and what they are doing, what is kind of a praise for her and that brings us back to the "Extra" part. In addition: She is sensitive when it comes to smell or voices. Nori loves Jackies raspy voice, and if he maskes pleased sounds and tells her every single detail that feels good and such, she really gets fired up.
S - Sleepy sex
They often have lazy morning sex and when Nori is in the mood, she would wake him with oral. Same goes for him, even though she isn't always feeling it when he wakes her with oral. If it doesen't work, they would cuddle for a while and he would make another attempt, which mostly works then. Her body needs a bit longer to boot up after sleeping.
T - Top or bottom (Is this correct here?)
Its more like... get guided? She is unexperienced and just learns what she likes, so she leaves Jackie the lead most of the time. But sometimes she is brave enough to start it and wants him to just enjoy himself, while she kind of tries out stuff to learn what he likes. She likes to learn new things, and that includes Jackies weak spots and likings.
U - Underwear
Nori has only fancy, laced underwear. Corsettes, stockings, garterbelt. The whole program. And all in level fancy and expensive. Lots of frills, lace and bows.
W - Water
She doesen't know why, but water does it for her. She noticed when Jackie and her had the moment at the pool in the Crystal palace. Maybe its how weightless you feel, or how the water tickles sometimes when there are small waves. She loves to swim, and she loves to be close to him in the water. It would go even that far, that she wouldn't care if there were people. But Jackie knows that she would die of embaressment if she would think about it later, so when people are there, he uses the secret fun as foreplay and keeps her at bay, or just enjoys the moment and goes with the flow when they are alone. But its not like this when taking a shower. Only big waters.
Y - Yes, Master
Jackie always calls her "mi amor", "my love" or even "Nori" while doing it. Her real name might not sound so erotic, but he only calls her Nori when he wants to bring something important across. If its a "lets be real" moment and if he tells her "Damn, Nori, you feel so good." it means that he really means it. Even if he doesen't notice himself that he does that. For her it brings the praise king effect x 5. A praise and the "lets be real" nickname. She is always looking for a nickname for him, but just can't find one that feels right. So during sex, she doesen't really have a petname for him. In the day-to-day life she often says "my love" or "my heart" to him.
Damn that got really long. I hope for everyone who likes to know that stuff its interersting. For people who don't wanna know: I'm sorry.
I would love to talk more about Nori but I'm always afraid to annoy people with it.
Nominated is everyone who would like to do this ♥
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key-lime-soda · 2 years
RE: resippy tiem :)
Okay, so what I said earlier in that one response to that one ask: It was like... almost sorta an overstatement when I said that I had multiple recipes prepared, as 1) I have many more for Maiko (which I will elaborate on tomorrow or something, it's getting kinda late) 2) I don't have like... exact recipes? More like, general ingredients and ideas that'd fit together for Jackson, which I normally forget but I very likely will look through the Jackson Trace Time Tab (doesn't exist, i'll just look back at like. what i've seen of him) and I can gather more ideas coherently then and 3) It often isn't like! A full recipe! Sometimes I just look at some of Jackson's dialogue and go "Hm. Yeah. That's a grilled answer if I've ever seen one." and then go on with my day.
Anyways! Going back to Maiko's Recipes, (not sure if I even brought that up) you once said that she enjoyed making french toast of sorts: I think that she'd like to ham that stuff up with decorations, just because like! I think she's somewhat of an overachiever in an early stage, and also she cares about the appearance of something quite a lot-- that's what being too invested in cooking competitions can do to someone, man. Citing this ask, Maiko enjoys rice pudding and french toast, implying she enjoys sweet foods with a strong savory undertone, and ones that start out simple but can be modified to the chef and eater's likes and dislikes- which I think shows the level of care between father and daughter here, even in a miniscule way.
Before this, from this ask, the wording of how Maiko wants to join a cooking competition somewhat implies that she favors cooking over baking (or at least that's how I interpreted it) which may be in part due to nurture, Jackson favoring savory, more 'fast-acting' foods over sweeter pastries, with some exceptions, the exceptions being that he seems like the type to go to a local bakery for a croissant when he was busy with work. This might also be a hint into Jackson's personal preferences in food- like I might have mentioned offhandedly before, he seems like the dude to like warmer foods, and also more spicy foods. And like. Based in grains and stuff? He also isn't like, super-heavily carnivorous, not eating meat more than??? Once a day?? But that's just straight up headcanon territory. Also-- So many sauces are just... so fitting for Jackson. I had an actual recipe earlier, but I doubt I could find it in my mindscape now.
One of the recipes I had laid out for him was almost a sort of birria taco? But weird, with more vegetables, a greater citrus-y (specifically lime) presence and a thicker broth. Like. A rich, multi-leveled flavor with a solid base sorta dish. I think the meat inside the weird taco (like i MIGHT have said, i can never describe these recipes thinking back on them) was chicken, which doesn't say much other than I like chicken tacos.
ANYWAYS this was a long and rambly ask, really sorry about how incomprehensible this is, i'll probably swoop back in with more recipe stuff tomorrow-ish? Because i am Tired and Not Thinking As Precisely As I Should Be- Goodnight!
(also sorry if I mischaracterized either of the guys mentioned in this-- i tend to get lost in my own headcanons with characters, very sorry if this did happen)
wow ok that's a lot to unpack (I'm smiling like an idiot btw)
your way of interpreting characters is so interesting??? like u think of food components when you hear certain things. I'm gonna study u so much cuz that's really cool. I think I kinda do the same but with colors? I hear noises and think of colors if that makes sense.
also I love ur headcanons. plz never apologize for making them, it makes me so happy. I'd say half of them are right tbh so congrats!!
few response notes! :3
Maiko would definitely go all out and make the fanciest French Toast ever. She wants to make her dad proud, y'know? And as much as he appreciates it, he still inhales the whole thing in like 3 minutes because this man is always late for work.
Rice pudding is like a comfort food for her. Reminds her of Jackson cuz he's the one who always makes it for her. She likes to make French Toast because it's Jackson's favorite breakfast. He probably doesn't like it too sweet though.
She does favor cooking over baking because she hates using an oven. It's so hot inside and has a risk of burning yourself and that scares her. If your properly trained, you can easily avoid burning yourself with a stove (as long as you avoid hot oil too, which isn't her forte either)
Her love of cooking came from watching cooking shows all day when she was really little. Cartoons only play in the mornings back then so she'd watch a Food Network kind of channel in the afternoons. Maiko is autistic, and cooking is her special interest.
Jackson actually does really like meat. Beef is probably his favorite. He doesn't eat it that often because he's not that wealthy and can't afford it (remember: he's a private detective who gets paid the bare minimum, and lives with a college student. they're both broke losers)
He definitely eats a lot of rice. Inherited from his dad, who grew up on a rice farm.
that taco goes hard /pos
this was fun, I'd love to do this again <333
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jjeplush · 4 days
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i’ve had this in the drafts for god knows how long i think it’s tiem to talk abt my kite hcs :] i care hjm
this is a very low effort post, but most of my posts are anyways.
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kite’s regression is caused due to trauma + autism
he isn’t cg dependent but he feels most comfy with ging :]
kite has situational mutism especially when regressed. he’ll use aac or pointing at stuff fo communicate
kite loves being outdoors hanging out with the buggies :3 his favorites are moths, beetles and mantises
he’ll excitedly go up to ging and show him the bug he caught before quickly releasing kt
ging: “what’d ya find there kid?”
kite: “…mantis”
he also brings flowers to ging sometimes, and ging thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world. matter of fact, he has a lil jar with the flowers gifted to him by kite. even if they’re shriveled up, he still thinks they’re sweet
ging and kite regress together from time to time (refer to this post) and just like kite, ging likes being outside. they’ll play silly games like ‘who can collect the most rocks’ and both get so competitive T_T
kite doesn’t use a paci often, he much prefers chewing on his sleeve.
he’s a little artist !!!!!!!! i hc kite to be an artist in general (a very good one at that). he loves to draw bugs and plants and ging of course <3
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houdinicorbini · 2 years
Birthday headcanons for Aesop!
Tiem to do some birthday headcanons for one of my mains!
Tw: none ✧ I don't really think Aesop would be one to celebrate his birthday, may get something sweet but that's if he wants to do anything.
✧ But you on the other hand, you want to do something for him that he remembers. Not a full-on surprise party because you'll give the poor man a heart attack, or he may bitch slap the person closest to him out of fear.
✧ So, you'll do something sweet and simple that won't bring him out of his comfort zone. But you'd tell him beforehand, so he has time to mentally prepare.
✧ You'll start off the day by making him a nice breakfast with some of his favorite tea, you let him get out of bed the time he wants, which is pretty early anyways.
✧ Even though Aesop doesn't care for most living people, you're the only exception and he'll like to spend the day having calm conversations while reading a book with you.
✧ He'll still work on his birthday, but he'd love to talk to you about his job. He takes it with absolute pride so you just listening is a birthday present all on its own.
✧ When it gets time to give him his actual presents, he'll see that you have gotten him more make up to work with and make up brushes. You knew Aesop would rather have something beneficial and helpful.
✧ But if he'll see that you also handmade him a mask since Aesop is always wearing one. It wasn't extravagant, but there were yellow roses stitched into a regular white mask.
✧ He'll do his best to thank you, though he might be a bit awkward at it, but you get the idea!
✧ Overall you both treat his birthday like an ordinary day but make it a little bit more about him.
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cafecourage · 3 years
Do you have Tiem headcanons?
Isekai reader?
Legacy Time?
How do see him in these roles?
To many.... way to many.... I didn’t include everything.
Isekai Reader:
- So in the fanfic, OoT was readers siblings first and favorite Zelda game. Meaning while he might not have heard them, Time knows about their sibling. (From Reader talking to them while playing.)
- Time was mad at Reader for leaving him after his adventures. But I feel like he would out to and to together, and realize that you had no choice but to leave him.
- To him the roles have switch. Now he is looking out for you. He doesn’t mind, honestly he is happy to help you after everything.
- Would be the first person to bring up you taking up proper fighting techniques, he trusts that you in fact know what your doing. But you did say it was for the stage and not for actual combat.
-  I have two songs that make me think of Time’s relationship with Reader. One is “You Can Be King Again” by Lauren Aquilina and “Everything Stays” from Adventure Time.
- There is a scene I really want to write when Reader and Time finally get to sit down and talk after him explaining everything that is happening. Reader just taking Time’s face in their hands saying “Oh Link honey what happened to you?” which is echoing the words they said in the beginning of Majora’s Mask.
- Reader baby Time. It doesn’t matter if he is a grown man! He is getting spoiled like a little kid! Everyone else knows better to question this. If they do then it will turn on them.
-   Honestly Reader is one of few people that know about what Time has been through. So he confides in them a lot, its nice to finally talk about it and not sound crazy you know? 
- You and Malon are basically best friends at this point. Its a blessing and a curse. You know to much embarrassing things about Time and so does Malon, so he finds you two swapping stories sometimes.
Legacy Time:
- He is the closes to Legacy when he was a child because as a spirit Time could physically turn into his child self.
- Their first meeting when legacy was a kid was rough and scared the new hero a bit. Being dragging into the Lost woods meeting the Deku Tree without being able to hear half of the conversation is a lot.
- Legacy and Time have almost a sibling relationship? Legacy is a professor and how the academy does the classes, Legacy basically takes a parental role to his students. Following his homeroom class until graduation. That's how his brain deals with this situation.
- A running joke in my head is just Legacy looking at Time and going "Seriously sprout? Again?" They meet like 5-6 times so it’s a normal reaction.
- Time got his eye scar from fighting Goht. Legacy had to patch him up it was a bonding moment but I haven’t wrote it yet.
- Time in the canon story is the only one that has a confirmed descendant's in Legacy’s Era.
- Tomal is basically Legacy’s older brother. He has two kids and lives on Lon Lon Ranch near Mabe Village. (It’s the same locations in BOTW)
- The family basically adopts legacy for a bit as his mother dealt with the backlash of his father’s death.
- Legacy Link calls Time “Sprout” and Zelda call him “baby/time”. Time only knows Link and just calls him professor.
- One of the reasons Warriors was able to full trust Legacy quickly was because of Time and Wind. I mean it would of been built up anyway but it helped having those too.
- In general Time is cryptic. He just… knows. He is a smart kid and even smarter adult. He knows how to adapt quickly and survive. Him, Sky, and this version of Legend are the only ones that figure out that Legacy time travels.
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
You know that headcanon about Crispin getting into fights by accident? And his worst one being with Vern at a wedding? Could you maybe please write a fic about that? And maybe throw some Crispin x Odie in there if possible? Thank you!
Oh lord, here we go-
Genre: Fluff/ Angst/ Comedy/ Romance Words: 2283 TL;DR: Crispin really, REALLY should start talking when people want to fight him. TW: Fighting, swearing, drunkeness
Crispin bit his lip, sitting silently during the wedding reception. He didn't like weddings. He actually didn't like big events at all. Too many people. It made him anxious. But... this was Vern's sister and Mary Jo's brother's wedding. Not that he was friends of either of those people (he didn't even know their names, and that should say a lot considering the size of the town they were in). But he was Ellis' cousin and Vern was his friend, so he had to be there. Plus Odie loved weddings, and he would walk to the ends of the earth for that man. so... here he was. At a wedding reception. The last place in the world he'd want to be on a Wednesday evening. Vern had even done him a 'favour'. He'd made a little 'boys' table with all the people he knew Crispin considered to be friends. It was him, Vern, Ellis, Donny, Odie, Desmond, Aubrey and Sybilus. Apparently Ellis had insisted Vern talk to his sister about it because he 'didn't want his little cousin getting lonely'. Little did Ellis know that Crispin would really rather be alone right now.
It was a good party. And the food was good- especially since he didn't have to pay for it. Vern had made sure they had the best cuts of meat for the dinner, and god was it delicious. Like, the beef option was this melt-in-your-mouth prime rib and it was perfectly cooked. It was almost enough to make Crispin not regret that he'd come to the wedding. But on the downside... everything was so, so loud. Everyone was talking, which meant that naturally everyone was talking over each other. And everything just got louder and louder. It gave Crispin a headache. There was a reason Crispin didn't speak, and it was because he liked the quiet. He liked to be able to hear the voices in his head and think clearly. And words... they complicated things. Especially love. Crispin had seen love go wrong so many times because of words that hadn't been thought out properly. At least with signing you really had to think out what you were going to say. Odie and Crispin did just fine without verbal communication, thank you very much. He wished the rest of the world give it a try.
Crispin had sort of zoned out of the conversation. After all, with so many voices coming at him from every direction... it was hard to follow one set. He just looked around the room, taking everything in. he had to admit, the little tent they'd set up for the reception was lovely. It was pristine white. And inside, Ellis and Mary Jo had decorated it with some gorgeous flower arrangements. Nothing too overwhelming in scent though. And the music... their DJ was good. The whole ambience of the wedding was lovely, save for the voices. Now, if you could just funnel all that noise out and get Crispin a book... things would be great. Yeah. He could go for a book. And another one of those prime ribs. That was good. He hoped the cake was that good. So many wedding cakes just tasted like soap. He was abruptly snapped out of his thoughts by a rather sharp nudge from someone. Crispin blinked, snapping his head to see who it was. It was Odie.
"What're you giving me that look for?" Vern glared at Crispin. Crispin blinked in shock again. Was his face doing that thing again?
"I'm sure he didn't mean to give you any look, Vern... Right, Crispin?" Odie prompted. Crispin nodded, genuinely confused and a little scared. What had he missed?
"No, he did this sassy little eye-roll thing!" Vern insisted. Oh shit, had he? He knew he did that when he was thinking sometimes. "You didn't think my little sister looked good, did you?"
"N-n-n-now Vern... let's not be r-rash..." Sybilus tried to soothe him.
"What was wrong with how my sister looked on her wedding day, Crispin?" Vern asked. He took a look at Vern's place. Ah. He'd gotten some beer. How much had Vern had to drink already? Because depending on how drunnk he was... this could be very bad for Crispin. He frantically signed at Odie, Donny and Ellis.
'I wasn't even listening! I zoned out thinking about how nice this place would be to read in!' Crispin signed.
"You should really stop doing that." Odie advised him. "It never ends well."
'I know...' Crispin signed. 'Just... the whole ambience is great in here except for the voices. I can't help it that I just want to curl up with a book.'
"Well thank god." Ellis sighed in relief, relishing in the drama of it all. "Vern, he-"
"No. No, I want to hear him fucking say it." Vern almost growled. Crispin went pale. No, he didn't want to speak.
"Language!" Desmond chided.
"Vern, you know he doesn't do that!" Donny rolled his eyes.
"I want to fucking hear it from him!" Vern demanded, standing up. He grabbed Crispin by the collar of his shirt. Crispin gulped nervously. God, Vern was so much bigger than him. "What the fuck was wrong with my sister, you little shit?"
"Vern... I think it would be best if you set him down..." Aubrey attempted to soothe. Crispin gave a pleading look to Ellis, knowing that as a relative of the groom maybe he'd be able to talk Vern down.
"Vern, Crispin doesn't speak. And I know he didn't mean to insult your little sister." Ellis stated. "He was lost in his thoughts."
"Fucking creep... were you thinking about the bride on her fucking wedding day?" Vern spat, his words just a little slurred. Shit. Oh, he was drunk. Crispin was fucked.
"Vern... Vern, what's going on?" The bride asked, scared.
"This little shit wants to get in your pants!" Vern glared at Crispin.
"No... no, Vern, he wasn't thinking of her!" Ellis cut in. He liked drama, but he wasn't going to ruin any marriages. "He was thinking about how nice it would be to read in here."
"You fucking expect me to believe that?" Vern rolled his eyes.
"Vern, it's true." Odie insisted.
"Maybe it's what he's saying to you, but that doesn't make it the truth!" Vern growled. No, no one was going to talk Vern down at this poin.
"Vern, think about who we're talking about for a minute. This is Crispin. He doesn't have it in him to insult anyone." Odie pointed out.
"Well..." Donny countered. Odie mouthed a 'not helping' to him.
"Not to their face." Vern grumbled, eyes trained on Crispin. Crispin hated this. But... he couldn't find his voice. At this point, if he could he would.
"Listen, Vern, there's like... literally nothing to insult." Donny shrugged. "I mean, sure, the whole look was a little... old."
"Is that what you called my little sister with your fancy little hand dancing? Did you call her old?" Vern glared at Crispin. Crispin shook his head.
"Old can be beautiful." Aubrey tried. "That's why we study history. There's a lot of beauty in the past."
"Vernie, I was going for a historic wedding." The bride told him. "That was a compliment!"
"Stop trying to fucking vouch for him!" Vern snapped at everyone.
"Vern, enough!" Desmond demanded. "Put Crispin down!"
"No!" Vern shook his head. He focused on Crispin again. "You little shit... no one gets to insult my little sister."
And with that, Vern threw the first punch. It his square in the jaw. Crispin yelped, and everyone gasped. Ellis looked absolutely scandalized- which was a fact Crispin wasn't entirely sure why he'd noticed but he was a bit out of it. His brain was focusing on a lot of weird things. Like how weird Dr. Edwards' laugh was. He was snapped back again when Vern threw another punch. Crispin tried to block it... to no avail. He dodged a third punch. Then Crispin was slammed onto the table... and that was all that Crispin could really remember clearly. He remembered he'd started fighting back in self defense. he hated to, and it hadn't done much good, but... he had to do something. He remembered everyone- including the bride- begging Vern to stop. But... Vern was pissed. Like, drunk and very angry. He was an angry drunk to begin with. It was just Crispin who had gotten his anger that night. He should've known better than to drink at his sister's wedding.
Anyways, they fought until he literally knocked Crispin out. Crispin remembered waking up very briefly in Dr. Edwards' office, but it was late and he was tired so he just went back to sleep. The next day when he woke (still in Dr. Edwards' office) Odie was sitting on the bed beside him and dabbing at something on his face. Or maybe he was cleaning it. God, his face was so tender. Were those stitches? Shit, how bad had things gotten? Crispin groaned quietly. He didn't like this. He had a massive headache- and he hadn't even had a drop of alcohol. It seemed Vern had had enough for the both of them. He'd kind of hoped that the night before had been a nightmare. But here he was. His jaw was killing him... which meant Dr. Edwards probably hadn't given him any pain meds. Odie smiled softly, being a bit gentler.
"Hey, Cris." Odie sighed. "Sorry about last night... we tried. But... I guess the groom got Vern's favourite beer in for the wedding. We didn't really think anything of it until... well, you know what happened."
'Did I win?' Crispin tried to sign. But his right arm was really sore.
"No... no you did not." Odie chuckled softly. "Hey, don't sign if you don't need to. You bent your wrist back trying to punch Vern last night."
'O-H G-O-D (Oh God)' Crispin fingerspelled, before starting to laugh. 'I A-M S-U-C-H A W-I-M-P (I am such a wimp)'
"No, Crispy... you're just a bit smaller than Vern." Odie chuckled along with him. He cupped Crispin's face gently, dabbing a few final tiems above Crispin's eyebrow. "You just lay back and relax. I'm going to take care of you."
"Is he in here?" A voice called in. Crispin tried to sit up and found that he was very sore. That made sense. Vern had kicked the shit out of him. He laid back down. Now he understood what Odie had meant when he said he should lay back and relax. Odie turned his head, sighing before letting go of Crispin and standing up.
"Yeah, he's here." Odie sighed. "Cris, it's Vern."
"Hey..." Vern bit his lip. he came and sat on the bed. Crispin immediately tensed, still a bit scared. "Hey... I am so sorry for this."
'It's okay.' Crispin tried to sign.
"He says it's okay." Odie translated.
"I took it way too far... man, I was so drunk... and my hangover is terrible." Vern sighed. "But like... I'm guessing it's nothing compared to what you're going through. God, I am so sorry..."
"It's fine." Crispin sighed. "Really."
"Hey, you don't have to do that." Vern told him. "I was so out of line, asking you to talk... and assuming that you thought my sister was ugly... man, I was a total idiot."
"Well, that's what too much alcohol will do." Odie chided.
"Yeah..." Vern agreed. "Listen, I just wanted to be sure you're okay... I know I can get really intense when I'm fighting."
"It'll take him time to recover, but... he'll be fine." Dr. Edwards slurred from where he was slumped over in the corner.
"Good." Vern sighed in relief, looking over Crispin again. "When you're feeling better, you come by the butcher shop. I'll give you anything you want."
'You don't need to.' Crispin signed.
"He says you don't need to." Odie translated.
"Yeah I do." Vern chuckled. "Just take it, okay bud?"
'Fine.' Crispin signed.
"He gave in." Odie told Vern.
"Hey, I've been meaning to ask... last night got me thinking... would one of you mind teaching me how to talk with the hand thing?" Vern asked.
"I can show you how to sign." Odie nodded. "Ellis, Donny, Rita and Sybilus also sign if you ever need help."
‘S-Y-B-I-L-U-S signs?’ Crispin blinked. 
“Yeah! He went nonverbal for a while when he was younger, remember?” Odie smirked. He looked back at Vern. “Anyways... any of us would be happy to teach you. Just ask, any time.”
"Thanks." Vern smiled softly. He got up, heading for the door. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. Feel better soon, Crispin. I am so sorry."
'It's okay.' Crispin chuckled.
"He says it's okay." Odie smiled.
"Okay, bud, you're coming with me." Vern sighed, scooping up a somehow already drunk Dr. Edwards.
"But I'm gonna miss the good part!" Dr. Edwards whined. "Wanna stay until they kiss!"
"Not happening." Vern rolled his eyes, smirking. he called back to Odie and Crispin as he left. "Bye guys!"
Crispin waved.
"Well that was nice of him." Odie smirked. climbing to lay next to . "I like Vern."
'M-E T-O-O W-H-E-N H-E-S S-O-B-E-R (Me too when he's sober).' Crispin teased, fingerspelling so he could rest his arm.
"Which is most of the time." Odie chided teasingly.
'Y-E-A-H. (Yeah)' Crispin chuckled. He sighed. "Thanks for doing this."
"Well... you're a lot of trouble, but you're cute... which kind of makes up for it." Odie teased. "So I guess I don't mind so much."
'Y-O-U K-N-O-W Y-O-U L-O-V-E M-E (You know you love me)' Crispin rolled his eyes, grinning like an idiot.
"Yeah. I do." Odie shrugged, equally as teasing. He leaned in and gently kissed Crispin, who blushed. "Maybe it's a good thing that we're teaching him how to sign so that this doesn't happen again."
Crispin couldn't have said it better himself.
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crazydoodlez · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Guys I realized something
So I'm listening to the Deltarune Chapt 2 Soundtrack right
I'm listening to Spamton's music right
And the voice that says "Now it's your chance to be a big shot"
Kinda sounds like Jevil's voice (They probs have the same voice actor, Idk if that's toby himself or someone else)
And then I made a connection
So as we know, Spamton is a secret boss, just like Jevil was. And they're both dealing with freedom from something. And they both had run-ins with someone that changed everything. And since we now know that Kris is the knight, I think we can safely say that this is Gaster, and Gaster is not the knight. Anyhow they both also have spoken lines for this. Jevils "Chaos Chaos!" and the like, and then the spoken lines in "NOW iT'S TIME TO BE A" and "BIG SHOT" (though the ones in Big shot are harder to hear) NOT TO FREAKING MENTION THE WORLD REVOLVING MOTIF IN BIG SHOT! (And also the Dummy Motif. There are probs more I'm missing.)
Anyhow So my prediction is we'll get a secret boss each chapter that tries to get free of the dark world. That tries to see the truth. But perishes when they do.
Also love the dark turns this is taking, too, almost straight out of a creepy pasta. Going back to Spamton's shop after the battle? Tell me that's not creepy pasta material. Or him just--falling flat and the dead silence after defeating him peacefully and the whole thing about friendship.
Oh, and Jevil's speil about "Hell's Roar" and the "Queen" returning? Yeah we know what that is now. I forget what he said for the other route.
Also, I think Ralsei is a lightner. I just have this feeling.
--Oh shit you can hear the "Now's your chance to be a big shot" more clearly in "Spamton" and you can hear how much it sounds like Jevil. Def the same voice actors.
Right, that's my ramble about this. AWAY!
29 notes • Posted 2021-09-19 17:04:46 GMT
Sonic.exe calls himself "God", yes? "I am GOD."
And Majin Sonic was once beleived to be the devil, yes? His name was mistranslated for the Devil. "The fun is infinite with Sega enterprises--The Devil"
lmk what y'all think
*Trips and leaves*
32 notes • Posted 2021-09-06 06:07:22 GMT
Me feel evil all of da sudden,,,me no knows why,,,but me evil,,,,
Man, glad I'm not the only one that will get that surge of "BE THE VILLAIN"
Evil is fun tho
34 notes • Posted 2021-08-24 00:27:11 GMT
This is such a goddamned vibe
nice vibes.
39 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 06:21:47 GMT
SO! In this dream, Spamton somehow got into his Neo form. And when this happened, the player gained control of Spamton. Then he kills Kris (Who was really Frisk in this dream but we'll ignore that fact it only added onto the dream plot) And then he went into other games to kill more ppl (notatbly Team Rocket but, again, we don't count that cause dream plot that doesn't make sense in this context)
What if, during the Salt Route, Spamton forms Neo, and then he decides "I can be even stronger if I have Kris' soul!" and goes to forceably take it from them (BC now Spamton's violent). Cue cutscene of Spamton holding Kris up, pointing his blaster in Kris' face, and then *SOUL NOISE*, the soul appears and moves slowly towards Spamton. Fade to white.
Cut back to Spamton, still in his Neo form, but still. Kris is in their down sprite and shaking on the ground. Suddenly Spamton starts to swing and stuff in his Neo way (Y'know, his arms and stuff). He has dialouge, and then maybe you have a few choices, and Spamton's like "WHAT? NO! THAT'S NOT WHAT I WANTED!" But it's too late and now you control Spamton to go murder more ppl.
Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions?
66 notes • Posted 2021-10-12 13:35:44 GMT
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nofive · 4 years
ooc: okay im going to bed now, and i’ve mentioned this in a headcanon, but i may do a meta on the scene where diego comes in after patch dies. two things to note one luther protecting five (which this is only the first time we see him do this, he does it again later, and i bet this is not the first tiem it happens not with how automatic that response is).
SECOND, is fives response to diego first he flinches back on the bed away from diego (this is what i have talked about in one of my headcanons somewhere), and the second thing is he sits their and despite luther jumping in front of him five waits for that attack to come. now i’m not saying that diego hit him when they were kids, though they probably did fight HOWEVER, this is a figure of authority an adult coming at five, and we know five is not as far removed from his abuse of reginald as we all like to think he is. needless to say this is expected of five to sit and take it be it from a sibling or reginald himself (cause i bet both happened the sibling one was likely both fighting and maybe reginald telling them to do it we saw what he told allison to do), and sometimes luther isn’t always there to stop it.
anyways yeah i wanted to say this i’ll likely expand on it later
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knightofameris · 4 years
hello i was wondering if i could get a haikyuu match up i’m around 5’6 i’m kinda plus sized i have long brown hair and green eyes, i’m an INTP so, I’m pretty shy but I like to think i’m creative i like to write, i’m a big music nerd my fav genres are r&b indie and rock. I also love skincare and makeup so any guy that’d let us do facemasks or do his makeup- I’d fall in love right then and there. Idk to say, i’m bad at these, so here’s a few “bad” traits of mine i’m SUPER stubborn and insecure-🐝
match ups are closed! check match up statuses on my pinned post because they’ll change! (in the mean time, my 500 event is open for self ships in Haikyuu!)
sorry it’s so late! i hope u like it ahhhh
Omg okay so I was really struggling between two characters at first but I’d have to say Semi Eita? He was definitely my first thought despite the fact that I don’t really have much of an attachment to Shiratorizawa lol.
There are slight manga spoilers if you’d like me to redo it without spoilers do let me know. It’s under the cut so you won’t be able to see it unless you want to.
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Why I think you two would work well!
So for one thing, do you see how pretty this guy is? He’s SO PRETTY I feel like he wouldn’t mind you doing makeup on him but he definitely takes care of his skin asdkfjsadfj. Also I feel like you guys would just look good together? I think the two of you guys would be able to relate to feelings onf insecurity. Considering the fact that Semi is a third year where his position was setter but that was taken by Shirabu. I feel like you’d be able to be there for him (plus you’d definitely like, be stubborn in making sure he knows his worth). And I also feel like he’d do the same for you. If you were insecure about your writing or anything else, he’d be there to pick you right up. 
I think with your INTP, you and semi are suited for each other. I think the aspect to get to the relationship might be a slow burn but Semi would pursue you if you caught his interest :3c 
How you guys get together!
Ahh so let’s just throw in something where like, you have some friends who are part of the Music Club at Shiratorizawa 
so sometimes you spend your time there to hang out with your friends
(I have a headcanon tho that Semi plays piano and that was influenced by this one fic called “Fly High, Baby!” by beartea on ao3 so that’s a plug because i love the fic) 
so on any days Semi isn’t practicing or has free time, sometime he also stops by the music room
the club members definitely know him
i mean they do have an extremely successful volleyball club and it’s kinda hard not to know about them (okay that’s how it worked at my school when it came to my band askldjfljfg)
the music kids don’t mind him coming in to play for one thing, he’s pretty, he’s part of the volleyball club, and he’s good 
they definitely enjoy hearing him play (he stops by to play other instruments too but he mostly been playing piano most of the time)
that’s how he met you! 
I think the two of you sort of had that knowledge that both of you don’t necessarily belong there
and yet you are there
but he see’s you writing from tiem to time, studying, either listening to the music being playd or even your own music
anyway semi has talked to everyone in the music club except u, even though you’re not in it
you just hang out enough there that he might as well
and from how you guys don’t necessarily belong there you guys get that automatic bond
it’s just the strangers to friends to lovers sorta thing
it’s just so CUTE 
because from what i can tlel from your INTP type, you’re not one to initiate romantic relationships? 
so that definitely leaves semi to be the one to pursue something
and if you have feelings for him you’ll leave him something to pursue (even if you don’t think so)
eventually i like ot think that you start going to some of his games
supporting him and etc. 
and he’ll support you in your endeavors! 
idk i think you guys are cute lol
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