#ameris ships people
m4xxxines · 18 days
watching heartbreak high rn and malakai and amerie need to be endgame like for my soul. they’ve made it onto my list of straight people that i ship and like. and thats a small list
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mimigoey · 1 year
Appreciation and theory for Dosa 💗
If you are looking at my blog, I don't want to make you disappointed if you hate Dosa, because I like her. Listen up, she's Baby girl. It's not her fault that her character got exaggerated in the anime.
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First of all, she's beautiful. Compared to her friends who are humanoid, she looks different but she's definitely attractive the same way we think alien characters or animal characters are good looking. I think that Dosa is just as beautiful as the other girls. I love her eyelash and lips.
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2. Dosa comments on everything romantically and I think that's funny and fitting for her character. She's in love but has no idea who to choose lmao. That gave me an idea, she looks like a key hole.
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All key holes look alike but keys look different. It's confusing when we try to unlock a door for the first time using different keys for the first time. Likewise we don't know who holds the key to Dosa's heart. It also makes me think that Nishi could actually make her a door to something in another level.
3. I let you know that Dosa is important to me because she is one of Goemon's and Picero's friends. Something or someone precious to Goemon is precious to me too.
4. I tried to know why people dislike and even hate her and my findings are:
She's annoying, irritating, show off, over dramatic etc. Like, they even say that she was totally unnecessary and useless.
I believe that Nishi created her for a purpose. She is a comedy character. Sometimes Dosa does stuff that's not in the manga but didn't you laugh when you saw her first encounter with Azz?
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She was going in for a kiss but Azz put her down like the gentleman he is. That scene was so funny 😂
Again this at Iruma's and Ameri's date.
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Dosa is dating a hot guy who looks like a werewolf. he rejected all other pretty humanoid girls for dosa?! Don't go that far. Sometimes there's no need to take everything seriously. This is just intended for laughter. And good for dosa. She managed to sac a hairy hot guy.
She is hated for her encounters with Azz. In the third season too, she is seen to be kissing and sucking Azz's coat. It's not in the manga, the animators did it. My sister and I laughed when we saw that. Come on guys, that scene was just funny and not intended for taking seriously.
5. She represents the AgaGaap or GoeCero fandom. Be thankful.
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Dosa said that and it's not in the manga. Everyone ships Agares and Gaap and the Japanese fandom is the most active. The animators gave fan service by doing this. When someone who ships them say they hate Dosa I think "what personal problem do you have with her? Do you personally know her to say you hate her?". Hate is a strong word. Using it against something you barely know about is illogical to me.
6. A pretty clown
I love the rainbow lipstick 🌈 when someone asks me what my favourite colour is I say rainbow because I see it as one. If I got the lipstick I'd try it too.
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You can't deny that Dosa makes you laugh. I believe that mairuma is made for all ages and someone under the age of 10 watching this would definitely laugh and enjoy it.
Please give her a chance
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raspberryjars · 1 month
word count: 707
ship: spencer ‘spider’ white x anthony ‘ant’ vaughn
summary: ant rambles about spider changing lol
He wasn’t sure what had changed. Or when it had. Something had though, changed that is. Maybe it was Spider’s new propaganda, Cumlords, which if he was being completely honest, was a load of fucking bull. He knew that, Dusty would maybe have agreed, maybe, and deep down, Spider probably knew that too, probably. Or probably not, Mr Voss was getting like weirdly into it too, which he thought was pretty fucking creepy.
But yeah. Something had changed and he wasn’t completely sure what, when, how, all that. He didn’t even know it was possible for things to change because, well, they’d been the same for years. Since the summer after year 7. So how could it all change now, like aeons later? It didn’t make sense.
It was probably something to do with Dusty leaving. The like, chemical makeup of their group changing or some shit that would make him sound smart.
Or it could’ve been his meltdown. Maybe after he threatened to chop his dick off and then flashed half the school, Spider had decided that he was too weird to fuck around with. Maybe it was the sight of him all pathetic and crumpled in the nurse's office after.
But it was pissing him the fuck off. For years, and by years, he meant fucking years, years of friendship. They’d been inseparable, SpiderandAnt, AntandSpider. He was the only one who could put up with all Spider’s talk, and Spider was the only one who could put up with all his stupidity. And, even though this wasn’t something they ever, ever, ever spoke of, he was the only one who got to see who Spider actually was.
But something had changed. Spider was changing. Or maybe he was? It was all fucked. He just wanted to go back to hiding under his Star Wars bed sheets in year eight, or even last term.
Last term everything was fucking amazing. It was obviously different, Spider had been a bit weird, for like a week when the map was new but still, but after he’d calmed down things were better than they had been, ever. Like after Amerie’s party.
So he couldn’t think what had changed. Because Spider was changing and not in a good way. He was darker. Meaner. Crueller. More serious?
Like, before everything Spider said was a joke. A shit joke, but still a joke. A joke that he maintained constantly apart from when he was just with Ant and he would either kiss him until it felt better, or he’d maybe even cry about it if they were completely, one million percent alone.
Not anymore. Now, even when they were alone, Spider spewed his stupid bullshit about Cumlords, and sure it wasn’t as against women, and more about protecting Ant and himself from the world, but it was fucking boring.
They didn’t even kiss anymore, or anything else whatsoever. And sure, Spider had always been weird about going further. He could count on one hand the amount of times he’d touched Spider, or Spider had touched himself in front of him. But it still happened. And now it was like, never. Ever.
And obviously, Spider was his best friend, only friend, and if he didn’t want to do all that stuff anymore, that was fine, and they didn’t really need to talk about it ending because they never even talked about it starting it just like, happened sometimes. But he was allowed to wonder why, after the whole of last term, and their years of normalcy.
He was allowed, right?
Because it wasn’t even like anything else with them had changed. They were still attached at the hip. They still got too close at school, as a joke obviously, to the point people screamed at them to stop being gross.
But it was weird. Ever since that balding, overweight, legging-wearing creep had come back. Spider was different. It was like he wasn’t his anymore.
It was fucking stupid and pathetic and childish. Spider didn’t belong to him. If anything he belonged to Spider, Spider was pulling the strings, or, pun intended, spinning the web of their friendship.
But fuck, he just wanted to know what had changed.
He was allowed to, right?
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taki118 · 10 months
IruClarAzz Master Post Part 9
Just collecting all of the cuteness of the Love Trio and adding my commentary. Spoilers ahead very current with the manga but with ch 308 I just HAD to post. (Also warning I may make jabs at the IruAmeri ship here and there just small comparisons showing why I don’t like it as much, no hate but if you don’t like your ship being talked about even slightly negatively probably look away.)
If you didn’t see it Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 here Part 4 here  Part 5 here Part 6 here Part 7 here Part 8 here Bonus here
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So Iruma wants to go to super important demon ball but Opera says no after heartbreaker incident so he asked for outside help in persuading them and his choice says a lot
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SO he asks Azz, but the thing is Iruma’s mind when he hits this Opera sized wall and thinks about who can rely on. Thing is you gotta wonder why it wasn’t his super capable upperclassman who invited him in the first place, Ameri? put a pin in that
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Opera acknowledges Azz abilities and his short comings
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Which is why his mom is also watching over them. Now to the question I asked earlier you could say this is the reason however Ameri’s dad is also one of the 13 crowns and if you think from a purely practical standpoint you’d consider the guy who’s basically in charge of the police first wouldn’t you? 
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But Iruma asks Azz for help because time and time again Azz has been a consistent place of knowledge and support when he’s in need of help this is where he looks to. You could say “well Ameri’s dad hates Iruma of course he wouldn’t seek him for help” however Iruma never considered Amu that was Azz’s thought he swallowed his pride and asked him mom to help them out. (and if that ain’t love I don’t know what is) So again I ask why Azz? Why did Iruma’s mind immediately go to Azz when it could have just as easily been Ameri? and this is more so if Ameri is the intended love interest wouldn’t you want more reason for the two to interact? Just some food for thought.
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Why does this look like boyfriend telling girlfriend he can’t make date night? cause it does
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Clara asks to go with them but they know she can’t (side bar I am actually sad we didn’t get a training montage of Clara maybe another time)
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Iruma describes the difficulty he had to go through and I just adore how Clara offers comfort
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Iruma says that even though its tough he doesnt regret his choice and wants to see things through and aww look at Clara I love how they just let her do this and move to support her.
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I hate that we don’t get love trio but of my god the softness of this yeah its totally drawn like a platonic scene yup what are you talking about there’s no romantic implication here.
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But they both say how they have been thinking of Clara all this time making her captain of the magitools club for the work of the festival since they can’t be there.
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Iruma compliments Clara on how easily she’s able to connect with others, and our girl sure haas come far like cause her development isn’t as flashy people tend to ignore it.
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Azz even agrees that she really is the most suitable for this even though he teases her. 
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Once more the trio are front and center
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Side thing Iruma has a dream of those close to him becoming like kalego but whats interesting is that an Ameri fluff isnt here
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Hes actually a little disappointed
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So at the ball while Iruma does escort Ameri in the two only dance briefly before being pulled apart by the other grandsons in fact Iruma spends more time dancing with him than her. I think he’s also implying here that Iruma goes both ways which facts dude
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Making small talk Iruma is asked about demons he’s close with and he once more first goes to Azz and Clara their descriptions top tier.
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It almost looks like Azz is holding his hand
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Shit goes down and these two just insync working together
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I just find this spreads placement interesting 
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And again gotta question why just Iruma and Azz like Iruma I get but once more I need to question if Ameri is usppose to be the love interest why is she not here?
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So Kirrio shows up separates Azz from Iruma and as he’s taunting Iruma with the knowledge he has Azz looses it enough to break through the barrier just saying very much a romantic lead move
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And thats a hell of a statement (not sure Ameri could handle that if she were to date Iruma just sayin)
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Azz asks a very.....normal question again I wonder why it wasn’t Clara along with Azz, also I don’t tend to sniff my friends and notice how they smell.
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Kirrio threatens to reveal Iruma’s humanity to Azz and he’s so desperate to keep his secret and tell him and clara (Specifically he wants to tell them) on his terms he’s ready to kill Kirrio
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And oh my god you don’t know how happy this made me cause I knew I just knew
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It was Clara, and oh I was missing her, to me at least there was Clara sized hole that couldnt be filled when Iruma is just with Azz. But also I’ve noticed this trend of Clara seems to pop up just when she’s needed.
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She fills Iruma in on whats happening with the club cause she thought the ball was over and her small words set Iruma back to normal.
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She brought him back to normal so much that Kirrio is now disappointed. 
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I like the thought that she tells her siblings stories about Iruma and Azz Coughfuturebrotherscough
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So after returning and recovering We get our trio back together and oh my god this chapter healed my heart
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I like that Clara went to get Azz first before Iruma you can either see this as A: Azzs house is on the way to Irumas from hers, B: she talked to iruma already and wanted to see Azz or C: she wants to keep things even so she got Azz first. No matter what its cute
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So this is something I’ve noticed for a while, I’ve seen people question what CLara brings to the trio and this is it. 
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Clara out of all of them has the best empathy she sees Iruma and instantly knows something is wrong and so she figures out a way to help him deal with it and Opera understands that
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This is what Clara brings to the trio Azz and Iruma are not good at expressing themselves but Clara is 
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She turns them into kids and puts them in a place all alone so they can say the things that are bothering them and not feel bad about it. Like both Azz and Ameri either can’t read people the way Clara does or can’t push like she does and Iruma (and Azz) need that. 
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Like had she been at the ball the other crown wouldn’t have needed to step up and while she did help its obvious Clara wouldve helped better
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Not only does Iruma let it all out Azz does too. 
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And Clara gets angry for them and its all so sweet
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Iruma confesses that he has a secret he wants to tell them but isn’t ready
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Not only do they tell him its ok they both confess they have something their keeping too. (my guesses Azz its his bloodline magic and Claras is something with her wings)
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Awwww they proceed to play to their hearts content 
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Opera does as asked and sees the bond the three share, and again yeah this is a totally platonic scene. yup just friends snuggling each other and hold hands in a not at all intimate way yup. Anyway I’m dead I needed to do this as soon as I saw it but once more we gotta wait.
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jazminrhode1 · 21 days
Chapter 1: The Inc*st Map
Word count: 629 words Trigger warning/s: suicidal ideation, drugs, sex, bullying, swearing.
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I walked into Hartley High School on the first day of term with Ant’s arm around my shoulders. Without him, I don’t think I would have the nerve. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me like I was Jesus Christ risen from the dead. In a lot of ways, I was - Miss V told me that.
“Ignore them,” Ant whispered in my ear. Easy for him to say. They weren’t fucking staring at him, were they?
From the table that we had claimed on the first day of Year 7, Spider and Dusty hollered over. Ant squeezed my shoulder three times before he ran over to the boys.
I wondered what the first day would be like if I didn’t come back this year. Would they have had a vigil for me in the quad? Would anyone have actually cared that I was dead? How fucking depressing.
Dustin came walking over to me with a smile on his face and pulled me into his chest. The hug lasted a little longer than usual but, I wasn’t complaining. If there was one thing about this school it’s that us kids were not good at talking about our feelings. Maybe that’s why there were so many fights or why half the kids in this shit hole were so depressed.
“Vassaaaaa,” Spider said as he grabbed Dusty by the collar and shoved him toward where Ant sat at the table.
A moment of silence and a quick aversion of eye contact before he said, “I’m glad you’re not…”
I could have been sick. I hated that people felt sorry for me. It made it all worse. I didn’t do it for pity, it wasn’t an attention grab. At the end of the day, I didn’t want to die. I wanted the pain to stop.
“Me too...” I replied.
With an awkward laugh, Spider threw his arm around my shoulders and we walked over to the table. “Gummy?” Ant offered.
I ignored him and took a seat. Nothing here had changed. The nerds were nerd-ing, the lesbians were making out, the boys were trying their hardest not to get a hard-on.
“Oi! There’s a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell,” some chick called from the other side of the quad.
“A sex map?” Ant asked.
“Don’t need one of those,” Spider joked.
“I’d beg to differ,” I scoffed. Thanks to him, I’d perfected faking an orgasm by the ripe old age of 15 but, I wasn’t about to tell him that. 
We were all on it. Spider, Dusty, Ant, Me, Darren, Cash even Amerie. We were all interconnected in some disgusting incestuous web of wristy’s, scissoring and penetration. 
“You got a wristy from Darren?” Spider asked. I’m pretty sure he’s just jealous but, he’d never admit to that. Ant looked like he wanted the floor to swallow him up. He buried his head in my shoulder and shook it in disbelief.
I was focused on all the lines drawn out from my name. One to Spider, one to Dusty, three to Ant, one to Cash and a few to the boys in Year 12. I even gave Darren a wristy in 8th grade behind the bike shed. 
It’s like the walls in this fucking school had ears and betrayed our secrets to some lonely loser who was stupid enough to draw this map and think they wouldn't get caught. It was like Gossip Girl but way more lame.
If there was one good thing to come out of this, I think my little trip to the hospital was old news.
As we filed into the gym, I saw Mum standing by the podium. At that moment, I actually wanted to dive into a swap of starving alligators. My MOTHER had seen the map. She’d seen all the stuff that I did and to whom. Luckily it didn’t all make it on there. 
I could be kidding myself but, I’m pretty sure that up until this moment, she was convinced that I was still a virgin. I’m pretty sure that that ship has sailed with my last shred of self-respect. Fuck.
I slumped on the nearest chair and wrapped my arms around myself. I could feel her stare burning through me and I needed this to end. Pronto.
“Oh shit, your mum saw,” Spider said.
“I’m well fucking away you dumb cunt,” I snapped. I knew it wasn’t his fault but, it kinda was. I wouldn’t have been on that wall if he didn’t tell the basketball team 5 seconds after the first time he had his dick inside of me.
Mum started her grand speech with, “I am a woke woman.” Nice to see she's been on Urban Dictionary again.
To make things worse, she continued for 20 minutes about how much she loved sex, how she thought high school house parties were satan’s cesspool for STIs and how we’re all dogshit at making good choices. That last one might have some merit.
I could not have run out of that gym any fucking faster if I tried. My mother giving the whole school and fucking sex talk was not on my bingo card for today and whoever drew that map was gonna cop it.
Where the fuck was Ant and those goddamn gummies now?
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fadedstarpng · 1 month
cant believe when s1 came out i was still in school wtf
with rowan as a name i thought he was gonna be epic and nonbinary like darren but ig only one epic and nonbinary cunt can be in this show 🙄!!
so like are chook and cash cousins or brothers I might be stupid ig it doesn't like matter but I wanna know
this show is not real cash is literally stuck on a boat with his criminal family member and they are just playing ice spice 😭
when ur circle is all bi and a little crazy >_<
rowan kinda looking like harper is evil to the few people who ship amerie and harper aka me there's no fucking way amerie isnt bi or pan
she is just not bothered to look inside herself bc she's distracted by the other shit in her life also bc she literally has a entirely queer friend group too like there's no way
yes im aware platonic relationships can be whatever but I think they are so yuriful
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kittnpaws · 1 month
I’m alarmed by the lack of people shipping Amerie and Harper, girl help
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conanssummerchild · 14 days
people shipping amerie and spider might actually kill me like what do you MEAN he was pining over her in s1. that thought literally never even crossed my mind once im crying that is my girl, dont do her like that
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fics-n-stuff · 2 years
I'm gonna say something controversial and brave real quick... I want Spider to have a redemption arc.
I don't want it because I ship him with Amerie (I don't) or because I think he's hot (honestly not my type) but because I think this show has done really well portraying nuanced stories and I think it could do a really good job showing someone who's beliefs change when they are prompted to reflect on themself.
Spider is a sexist dickhead, and I honestly really didn't like him, but I see potential for him to change. Just because people have these horrible views doesn't mean that they're permanently irredeemable, Spider can still grow and change. And I think that being in SLTs, both the actual class and the group of people that make up the class, put him in the perfect environment for this change to start happening.
I know we've seen him be resistant to the class and what it teaches and hold fast to his misogynistic views (seriously, what a twat), but for most people who hold these kinds of views (and any kind of strong opinion really) that is the default initial reaction. Spider gets defensive because he can't admit that he's wrong, but I don't think he's so married to his opinions that he won't be able to question them at all.
Spider has fucked up multiple times and, in my opinion, he knows that he fucked up but he won't let himself admit it. But I think if he keeps on fucking up, and people keeping holding him accountable for his shit, he will eventually look inwards to himself to figure out why he keeps doing these shitty things, and in the end he can change himself for the better.
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lansangprincess · 25 days
As someone who's Asian and also told you to watch Heartbreak High, I just wanted to vent about the racism in this fandom. It angers me how white characters like Spider and Harper are held to less high standard than characters like Sasha who's East Asian and Dusty who's half South Asian even from season 1. While I don't like those characters and didn't defend them in season 1 the way the racist fandom is reacting now makes me defend them from being held to a higher standard. People use "As a woman Harper doesn't feel she has more to offer than her body" and her past as a reason to justify her actions towards Malakai. The woman card and whatever her past is no excuse and she's as guilty as Dusty. Also Dusty only touched Malakai's shoulder and looked to Harper for what she had in mind, so I don't get how the fandom is saying he initated it to justify them liking Harper. Harper initiated the threesome by kissing Malakai first, not that it matters who initated. People don't use the race card for Dusty and whatever his past may be in regards to that. They loved Spider and campaigned for him getting development and showing his past in season 2 which he got out of popularity even though he too was a complete asshole in season 1. Spider sexually harassed Quinni by spreading rumors about her vagina even though he never slept with her and they shipped him with Amerie even though he was a bully who had a creepy obsession with her sex life. Spider blamed Malakai for the police case and it seems he may have a fetish for WOC. Spider didn't treat Amerie any better than Dusty did, so if it were a MOC in his place they wouldn't ship him with Amerie. Harper did regret the threesome but it wasn't for Malakai's sake but her own and she never apologized to Malakai. She regretted it because of how it affected her friendships, because she didn't like Dusty anymore and found the experience not enjoyable enough. People criticize Dusty for saying she took pleasure in the threesome and while he should be criticized for the part where he showed how insecure he was over Malakai he shouldn't be criticized for holding her accountable for the fact that she did take some pleasure in the threesome like he did. Also Harper was no more high than he was. I don't think she was criticized for the threesome in season 2 since she became friends with Amerie and Malakai after she called it slut shaming in season 1 when Missy criticized her while Dusty was rightfully criticized by Cash in season 2. It bothers me how she became friends with Amerie again after how badly she bullied her which was unjustifiable. If Amerie was in her place fans would hate her. They already criticize her. Devi from NHIE was hated on for less and it upsets me as a brown woman that they had her end up with Ben who never apologized to her for bullying and being racist to her, but the fandom loves him. He got mad at her over Aneesa because she didn't accept her apology for being cringe but never apologized to her for treating her like shit and didn't get mad at his white ex who actually started the rumor. She had trauma from him and cried over experiencing mean treatment in school. Made racist comments masculinizing her appearance and when he asked her to be his girlfriend talked about how big his ex's tits were. Tried to kiss her multiple times at his party but didn't help her out of his pool. I don't ship Daxton but Paxton had better arc than him but isn't liked as much as he isn't fully white. When Fabiola tried to hold Ben accountable for bullying he was like yeah but she broke my heart. I don't judge people for shipping them but I do judge them when they have the audacity to judge my morals as a brown woman over which fictional ships/characters I like.
Hi babe!
First of all, I saw this was a two-parter so I wanna let you know that I don't know when I'll be able to get back to you on the second part since it's also pretty long. Thanks so much for putting me onto HBH!! I've lowkey midkey started to love it a lot more than TSITP, which by the way, sorry if you have messages in my inbox about TSITP that I haven't responded to—the shipwars was hella draining and it took away the fun of being a fangirl for me.
Anyways, I'm still trying to digest all the points you've made and I'm just going to go with an assumption that you want to vent more than anything so I don't think I'm going to react on every point. Glad you feel safe to share in my inbox! (Even for tsitp).
I'm Asian also but regardless, I definitely agree that the support people gave Spider (esp in S1) to have redemption was disproportionate and weird >< Like, just because there was a plot twist that the reason for his behavior was he had a crush on Amerie—that didn't justify his behavior at all in my eyes ?? He was hella bigoted throughout the entire season and being rejected by the person you liked is not a reasonable excuse for that. Sasha was completely in the wrong for how she treated Quinni and she does require a redemption from that imo but her personality majority of the time is just being annoying and performative which doesn't beget hatred comparable to Spider's. Though for me, Season 2 Sasha didn't do anything bad, she was just entertainingly insufferable lol. Spider's redemption was well-written, I'm onboard for it but he still has a lot of work to do (and tbh I could've lived with Spider just continuing being a villain but that's not what we got and I'm just going with the flow of what our beautiful writers have given us). Sasha doesn't need a redemption for me bc she didn't do anything in S2. My forgiveness of her is dependent on Quinni's forgiveness of her and Quinni seems to have been able to move on, we'll see more of it when they work together in S3.
Though I also want to mention that I disagree with what you said about Harper… From what I've seen, a lot of people hate her. A lot of people don't forgive her for the threesome which I can understand but from my perception all of her decision-making was completely impaired and misguided because of her trauma, and I think that should be taken into consideration—she had no one to help her in the aftermath of what she went through and so had no idea how to handle it. What she went with for her own experience was to just kind of, pretend it never happened and go back to "being normal". If you watch the threesome scene back, Dusty took Harper's hand and placed it on Malakai's shoulder. He 100% had intentions of making things more intimate with the three of them. I can't really say the same for Harper. I can imagine that in the moment when Dusty put her hand on Malakai she genuinely thought she was helping Malakai cope.
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I’m falling down a Amerie/Spider rabbit hole and of course I keep running into comments calling us crazy for shipping them, but then they love him with Missy. What’s the difference???💀 Bc all I see is how awful Spider is (which he was still that way most of S2) or how Amerie doesn’t like him/didn’t even want people to know they almost slept together…yet we also see Missy saying she doesn’t want people to know about her and Spider bc of how awful he is💀 there’s chemistry with both so ship who you want but we can’t ignore the similarities
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starrywangxian · 1 year
people ship spider with amerie?? that's funny bc i think spider is gay lmao
(explains why he couldn't get it up, he doesn't like amerie he's just using her as a beard/experiment to see if he really is gay/doesn't like girls, i have other reasons but those are the main ones) i'm also just convinced that no one is het in this show /hj
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awellboiledicicle · 10 months
I like to hc that the Love Trio end up together largely bc i enjoy poly ships, but also because imagining Alice trying to plan a wedding delights me.
Specifically because the issue wouldn't be anyone's approval or what have you, it'd be "how do i keep mother from actually planning everything for me" and "How do we keep Clara's mom from doing the same thing" followed immediately by "Sullivan has very strong opinions on how many hours we're going to pose for pictures after said wedding, Opera talked him down to two but that's still a lot".
And it would be him planning it, because he knows the Fancy People customs Good Enough For Iruma and Clara. Even If Clara Just Wants A Simple Silly Wedding. AKA he insisted because he wanted to make sure it was Special and socially shown that they were soulmates. Because most demons don't know what that means.
Clara still ends up lobbying for a cake that's like 15 different flavors. They nearly run the caterers to exhaustion for the reception because Iruma cannot be contained. Alice was just happy that his 568th check of the flowers before the wedding had been fine.
Ameri is Iruma's gf through all of this and helped plan the wedding. Mostly so when/if Iruma asks her to join the marriage--with a purposefully over the top romantic proposal and usual engagement period--she'll have Notes on exactly how to make it different than the trio's wedding so it'll be special.
Through polyamory and no social taboos against people just being people, all things are possible and this pleases me.
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edwinas · 1 year
Malakai’s first and only choice was Amerie, he goes out of his way to befriend her even though it’s social suicide, he helps her, they have fun/soft/funny moments (basketball, that sex scene, swimming, arcade date etc), both apologise and strive to be better, Amerie is there for Malakai despite having her heart broken, those dino keychains, the yearning and heart eyes. 
Heartbreak high gave us a canon interracial relationship between two Brown kids built on respect, love, affection. Even after breaking up, they only had eyes for each other. But fandom acts like they’re strangers and ship them with white people who have knowingly and/or intentionally hurt them. Fandom racism never rests.
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maroonangels · 14 days
i want to ask you all of them but for the sake of ur time and other people to ask: 20, 19, and 18
did not see this til now whoops
ask game list
cut off cause this got long
18: What do you want to know more about [a character of your choice]?
- I really wanna know more about sasha & her home life, I don’t think she’s an only child but I do see her as an independent one so I think she’d be the youngest (probably has an older brother or two) but like her parents?? tf are they doing?? where are they?? and also I just really wanna see what her bedroom looks like
19: any hcs about the characters, relationships, etc - god I could make a ten page list of hc’s but I’ll give you some of my mains—
missy was/is obsessed with any adaptation of hades/persephone
harper & cash start buying each other stuffed animals after one too many shitty childhood memories are shared between them (roommate bonding yall)
harper & spider used to be friends as kids and got a tad close again when she dated dusty in s1
malakai & missy have self care nights together where they do face masks and eat takeout and vent
dusty & ant were friends before spider was in their group and at one point it was dusty & ant & darren instead of spider
there’s been weirdly civil moments between malakai & spider that nobody sees but they know about, it makes their dynamic a bit more complicated if either of them think about them for too long
spider grew up doing dance (all of it too, hip hop, ballet, jazz, contemporary etc) and was great but quit out of spite of his mom only ever liking him when he was dancing — yes missy makes him dance for her when she finds out
spider used to crash on dusty’s couch when he couldn’t take his mom anymore but now he has to sneak into dusty’s dorm or just settle on the backseat of his car
ant takes harper to his favorite restaurants over the course of a week of eating out every single night — they are both soooo smitten by the end of the week
malakai still calls quinni when he’s having communication problems even if they aren’t as close as they were in s1 (she’s always v helpful)
missy, spider & malakai all had emo phases to different degrees at different times but they bond over it — spider had it the “worst” & longest and would still be in the trenches if not for dusty, malakai is the one to start playing the music at hangouts and starts the convo about it, missy has the most amount of merch including records & cds that she starts playing more often
20: favorite fic + a fic you'd like to read - I don’t have any fics I want to read so I’m just giving yall recs
- daisy’s drop (do you think you feel the same?) - by @faebriel - cash/darren, a super nice look into cash’s character and feels extremely in-character to me (I don’t wanna spoil much cause it’s mostly just fluff & talk but it’s sooo good yall should go read)
- sorry if I say some things I mean - amerie/malakai - one of the first fics I read for this fandom and still one of my favorites, it’s soo sweet and cutesy oml
- love and learning - missy/spider, ongoing, it’s heavy at points but I’m an angst lover so. It’s honestly such a nicely written fic and makes me love the spider/missy ship even more
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wicked-asmodeus · 2 years
So I've been seeing leaks about the new chapter on Twitter and - I'm a IruAzz shipper first, even if I ship them with other people too- but I can't say I don't enjoy Iruma and Ameri together. It's been a long minute since the two had a chance to be alone together
I also mainly wanted to say... maybe it's just me but uh- Iruma? His outfit? His suit??? Hello sir you are so cute but also my mind goes to the Mafia Au were he has a very similar look 👀 Hm... anyway- in conclusion.. Nishi please continue to put Iruma in suits lol
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