#anyways the doctor and rose are my ultimate otp
the thing I love about rose and the doctor is how easily they fell into each other like do you get what I mean ?? they just easily gravitated towards one other and got so close so fast.
like they were holding hands almost immediately after they met like all the time and the way they talk to each other and just AHHHH DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN DO YOU UNDERSTAND
IN s2 idk what ep. maybe the 3rd or 4th ?? the school episode. sarah jane smith shows up. from what I know she's an old companion and was obviously important to the doctor and you could tell they were probably super close. but. in the ep we learn he left her behind after the time war, most likely couldnt get himself to go back. the time war affected him in a lot of ways. but rose showed up one day on one of his little adventures and he decides to ask her to come along not ONCE but TWICE. in the ep rose is upset about the doctor leaving sarah jane behind because then the doctor might do it to her but the doctor tells her "No. Not to you." like rose is sooo soo important to the doctor and I am in pain
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earlgreytea68 · 5 years
Happy Endings
A few people recently, in talking about RPF, have espoused the opinion that nothing breaks your heart like RPF, that, inevitably, the band breaks up, the athletes get traded, the actors move on to the next project. And I was like, "Well, yeah, but all OTPs break your heart in canon." And it struck me that...maybe I'm weird hahaha. Maybe other people have had more satisfying fictional OTP experiences than I have. I am not saying that no fictional OTPs have satisfying HEAs, but I am saying that I have never been fannish about a fictional OTP that had a satisfying HEA:
Josh/Donna from "The West Wing": Okay, yes, they end up together and that's great but it was hardly satisfying, given how it happened, suddenly and abruptly, as the series was winding up, after years of contrivances to keep them apart for no good reason other than that steadfast belief that you can't let a couple get together before the show is ending.
Dan/Casey from "Sports Night": That show ends with a last-minute save of the show but the entire finale is all about them separating from each other (and that shift in focus to Rebecca that nobody really cares about lololol).
Doctor/Rose from "Doctor Who": I think they thought they were giving me a satisfying HEA by flinging a clone onto the planet with Rose but "Journey's End" has always enraged me, like, it always feels like RTD was like, "Hey, people want to see David Tennant and Billie Piper make out" instead of "People want to see the Doctor and Rose Tyler make out," which is...not what I got to see because instead I got to see her make out with some weird character who looked like the Doctor who'd unexpectedly shown up (contriiiiiivance! can be shouted like "tooooooe piiiiiiiick!" with most of my shows). I remember a friend of mine, after JE, saying, "I've just got to let the fic writers convince me that the clone Doctor really was the Doctor, and then I'll feel better," and well, like, no, that means the fic writers have to fix the unsatisfying ending the actual canon creator gave you.
John/Sherlock from "Sherlock": Like. Do I need to talk about this. Lol.
Then I moved on to Inception in an effort to have zero canon at all, like, I DECIDED I'D HAD ENOUGH OF CANON CREATORS. Which is fine, that worked out well for me, but in no universe do Arthur and Eames have a satisfying canon HEA because they barely even exist in canon.
Anyway, the truth is, I do not trust canon creators at all. In my experiences charted above, they have never once proven them capable of landing a satisfying happy ending, and often, even worse, they have proven themselves actively working against it, manipulating the facts of their fictional world to thwart happiness. They get to control every aspect of the world, and they use that control to make their characters unhappy. It's possibly no surprise this is my jaded view of fictional OTPs. My first OTP was Jo/Laurie from Little Women, maybe the ultimate example of a fictional OTP ripped apart by an unkind creator.
I know all of this is just my view. People are allowed to disagree. Some people found Journey's End very satisfying. Some people think Jo/Laurie would have been a disaster (they're probably right, but I wish I'd been more convinced of that in canon). But anyway, it's not true that I think RPF breaks your heart more than any other kind of shipping. I think all kinds of shipping ultimately break your heart. You've put yourself in the hands of people with their own storytelling goals and desires that don't necessarily align with yours. This is why it was so glorious to show up in Inception-land and feel fairly confident that Christopher Nolan wasn't going to want to show up and do something awful to these characters. They were safe.
I would feel totally differently if I were living through the hiatus but so far, I kind of trust Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump not to get stranded in separate dimensions, or have one of their wives try to shoot the other one and then Idk somehow make it all that person's fault, or whatever the hell happened there. I don't think that stuff will happen, because they're real people who want to be happy, not fictional creators with the opposite goal for their characters. So, in that respect, maybe you can trust some kinds of RPF even more.
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inherbookishhead · 5 years
Through the Veil of Time.
For the last three days, I couldn't get rid of the scene in my head, where the Doctor is in a deathly situation but his raggedy girl comes to rescue. I find the concept of "unlikely companionship" between the War Doctor and the Bad Wolf entity really intriguing (their dynamic was the highlight of the DOTD for me even though it was very different from that of Rose and any other Doctor (who are my ultimate OTP)). I would really love to see and explore some of the moments where these two weird immortals interact, so, basically, I tried to write one of such encounters (and hooray, my first ever piece of fan fiction).
Where am I going with this? Yeah, I guess I’d love to have a War Doctor/Bad Wolf girl audio drama spinoff.
Also available on ao3
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Rose Tyler, Bad Wolf/The Moment (Doctor Who), Bad Wolf/The War Doctor (Doctor Who), The War Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: The War Doctor (Doctor Who), Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf, Bad Wolf (Doctor Who), The Moment (Doctor Who) Summary:
The rare moments in time and space when the paths of the War Doctor and the Bad Wolf cross.
It's almost dawn and, alas, he finds himself surrounded by yet another group of alien enemies. This time, however, they managed to have him completely cornered in the ruins of some who knows when abandoned building. He doesn't know who they are, but he certainly knows what they want to do. Well, at least to him. The Doctor sighs. He feels old, immensely tired of all the fighting he had to endure recently, and so completely done with yet another unnecessary distraction. 
The leader of the gang takes his time to mock the Doctor, clearly enjoying the process and still riding the euphoria of how the tables have turned. In all honesty, however, all affected seem to lose their minds these days. The war, which Time Lords have started, doesn’t show mercy to anyone. 
The alien points a gun at the Doctor and orders him to kneel while his gang is coming closer to enjoy the execution. These creatures, as the Doctor notices, are of humanoid form, tall and strong with their glistening blue skin and a single crooked horn peeking from behind their heads. He wonders for a fracture of a second what purpose that horn serves in the course of their evolution. The aliens, on the other hand, look quite desperate even now, and the Doctor knows that the main reason for their debauch is an enemy, whose name consists of only two words: Time Lords. And the Doctor just happens to be one of them. He obeys the order with a resigned expression, then looks at the angry lot and gives their lead one final warning to stop and go away while they still can. 
The gang leader, blinded as he is by pure hatred, doesn’t listen, of course. No wonder, they rarely do. He makes a pompous speech about finding his purpose in liberating as many worlds as he can. After all, the whole universe is in chaos and about to perish anyway, so his kind can finally become the force the universe needs to set the things in the right way, which naturally means, in their own twisted way, and not without sacrifices. He briefly mentions the other nine galaxies that had to be wiped clean, and the Doctor slowly starts to lose his patience. In the end, the young man wonders how such a feeble old misunderstanding of a being can be a Time Lord, and asks, eventually, if the dusty old grandpa has some last words to say before he dies in this forgotten ugly place, all alone and without a single soul to mourn him. The grandpa in question perks up at that.
“Me?” the Doctor gives a chuckle and shakes his head in what looks like an amused disappointment. “Oh, dear boy," he rasps, "what in the whole universe made you think I’m alone?” 
The boy is surely a man, and certainly not dear. He knows it, and that is why he switches off the safety on his weapon. His sneer fades as he pulls the trigger and fires a bullet aiming right into the Doctor’s head. 
His eyes, however, grow even wider as said bullet turns out to be stuck in a time loop right in front of the Doctor’s forehead. After a moment of complete silence, the gang leader hears screams of his fellow mates and his eyes catch a moving silhouette a few feet behind the Doctor. Soon he can outline its details: the creature appears to be a rather short female, whose old saggy clothes are so torn they barely stick to her body. Her expression, though, tells a different story. It is tense and utterly angry, her wild eyes are ready to kill with their golden gleam. 
The Doctor looks for a while at the blinking motion of a bullet that makes its rounds in desperate attempts to reach his head but gets immediately thrown back again, and then turns his attention back to the leader.
“Have you met my friend here?” the Doctor says in the most unperturbed voice imaginable. 
The alien points the gun on his new target, but the raggedy creature splashes a wave of golden light that knocks down his whole gang at once. One by one they start dissipating into the piles of dust until the remnants of the last blue-skinned creature are floating down in the dimming light.
The Doctor gets up from his knees without turning to look at the woman.
“Thought you might show up,” he says casually then goes to the pile of dust that used to be a hostile living being just some moments ago, crouches over it, and scoops some grains with his fingers.
“You know, one of those days you might be the one to finally bite it,” the woman remarks, pointedly looking at the dust on the Doctor's fingers as she approaches him. She offhandedly gestures towards the bullet to release it from its little temporal trap, and it crashes into the nearest wall with a final bright sparkle. 
The Doctor considers her words for a while, then looks at her and smiles, “Nah, young lady, I had it all perfectly under control.” He stands up and dusts his hands off.
"Oh, did you now?" she muses. The girl still looks quite menacing with her glowing eyes and messy hair, but the corners of her mouth turn slightly up. 
"Oh, come off it, Bad Wolf girl," he pretends to chastise. "What would you do for the fun of it, if you didn't have to save this old man every once in a while?" 
A part of him still feels like a prey she keeps playing with and expects her to make that deathly leap at any moment. The other part of him just loves her company. 
"You are turning it into a full time job, Doctor", she counters back, smiling.
"Don't call me that," he pleads quietly, his expression earnest, "You know my name." He averts his gaze and starts looking at the morning sun peeking above the horizon.
"I've got to go," she says with a hint of sadness, "Next time, be a darling and try to stay out of trouble. It will be over soon, I promise." That's the only reassurance she can give, whatever "it" or "soon" really means.
The meditative silence that settles is a comforting moment to kick off the day.
"Suppose I am a darling," the Doctor continues after a while, holding his hands behind his back, and squinting his eyes, still stubbornly examining the sun, "would you visit me sometime when I am not at the brink of death?"
She ponders.
"Maybe, one day," she surprises him with her answer, "if you behave, that is."
Now he is ninety-seven percent certain she is mocking him. He shakes his head. After all, he concludes, someone finally finds him amusing for a change.
"I always wanted to go to Barcelona, you know. An interesting planet, they say," he still faces the sun. She nods, then abruptly stops, puzzled, then nods again. 
"Dogs with no noses?" her question sounds more like a statement.
"Dogs with no noses," he genuinely laughs. 
The Bad Wolf girl takes one of his hands and turns her gaze to the sun the Doctor is so preoccupied with. They stay like that for a while. Then, the cold wind blows and wakes the Doctor out of his reverie. He looks at his now empty hand and returns it to the other behind his back. The Time Lord takes a deep breath, throws one last glance at the rising sun, and turns around, ready to meet the day.
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kingloptr · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @seidrade !! \o/ Thank u ohmg this was so fun ~
1. Ultimate OTP — Yeah it’s gotta be thorki. I haven’t ever stuck around and continuously produced content, meta, textposts and fic for any other ship for this long or this much before. Sure there are things I’ve shipped for literally like a decade longer, but thorki is just so versatile and i still feel like there’s no getting truly tired of it ~
2. A ship you’ll always love — Sora/Riku from Kingdom Hearts :3
3. Your current obsession — im not rlly obsessing over anything atm! wellllll not visibly....but for the past couple years ive not been talking about it AT ALL to anyone but i’ve put a lot of brain energy and hardcore self-projecting/venting into a private kinda neverending fic ive been writing about Izaya and Masaomi from Durarara. it’s rlly fucked up and problematic lol holy shit. but that fic has become like a brain garbage diary and i reread parts of it constantly, still adding to it when i need it, and I’ve thought about it at least once a day for like 3 or 4 years now. anyways i’m 99.5% sure it’s never seeing the light of day so dont ask haha. If another shipper wanted to talk to me about their dynamic and stuff tho i wouldnt mind that! As long as you’re not an anti who’s gonna yell at me for how fucked up this ship can be. i’ve never been active in the DRRR fandom, just a lurker and Izaya fiend/stalker >_<
4. A ship you never thought you’d like — i hardly have this issue. i just know myself rlly well and am very predictable to myself so this doesn’t exactly happen to me >_>. I might at first not be paying attention to the ship and then in hits me very suddenly, but i basically never look at a ship and say ‘i won’t like that’ then later end up changing my mind ~ I mean well...maybe IronStrange counts for this. I didn’t start off even thinking about it and I thought I didn’t get their chemistry in that way, but seeing other ppl ship it continues to make me like hmmmm i’m kinda feelin it
5. A ship you liked but don’t anymore — johnlock. kinda dont think i need to say more lol
6. A ship you think should be canon — Stucky. I mean. Seriously?
7. A canon ship you hate — Ten/rose from Doctor Who. sorry i know this is like a crime in some circles lmao but. i just. even though the doctor is still legit one of my fav characters from anything, i just do not like rose
8. A ship you’ve shipped for years — Allen/Kanda from D Grayman :)
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about — ? idk? sometimes stony is cute and ill like a post here and there but i don’t think i even comprehend how big that ship is ~ im just extra extra neutral on it tho. like yeah dads of the avengers etc but i don’t.....s HI P....? like. there’s so many more interesting or dynamic things they could be doing with characters other than each other lol
10. Favorite rare-pair — ????? hhhhhh uhhhhh ThunderShield is all I can think of rn! ThunderIron too. And I think most people are either thorki or theyre frostiron no inbetween, but I ot3 thunderfrostiron still lol and there’s barely any content or posts on it that i don’t make myself D:
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chiaroscuroverse · 7 years
The Nine/Rose/Jack hunger is real
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Oooh, thank you for this ask (in response to my tags on this polyamory moodboard post) Let me tell you about how much I have thought about this!! More under the cut, because my thoughts are all over the place and want to turn angsty…..
Ok, there are a lot of beautiful fics written set right in the sweet spot of this era, particularly WMR on Teaspoon has quite a lot of good ones. I have two other favorite ones to rec: 
Chilly by Darcie - this has so many things I love and is probably exactly in my headcanon wheelhouse! “Canadian Shack” trope, hypothermia, hurt/comfort, Nine and Rose in an established relationship inviting Jack to join them. The one fic I’ve started writing has a similar backbone, so that probably means I imprinted on this one, haha. 
Of Broken Strings and Dolls  by @youlighttheskyfanfiction - I cannot EVEN stress how much I love this AU! The three of them are toys in a dump and it’s the Doctor being healed and the most delightful, totally sfw thing. FANTASTIC! 
So….I love the three of them as a team, regardless. Their Team Tardis era is magical and totally my #let me live here. :D I love the fanon of Jack as shipper and instigator who enjoys/is frustrated by their sexual tension.  
To me this OT3 is a slight “what if” canon divergence from the OTP of Nine & Rose. There is definitely enough canonical support for a certain vibe between all of them. I don’t think it was “really” happening (but then I’m on record that I don’t think Nine and Rose consummated anything until That Kiss - fic is for what-ifs!) 
The trouble is, as much as I might want to, I can’t quite get to balanced-poly-triad headcanons for them. This is where the angst alert comes in… (and I completely support other headcanons - anyone feel free to comment with your ideas. I’m just rambling about where my mind goes…)  I feel like Rose and Jack would both be more *in love* with the Doctor than with each other, although they love each other and have a deep friendship. And the Doctor…well, he’s ultimately all about Rose and wanting to make Rose happy. I think he obviously grows to care for Jack, canonically flirts with him, and would enjoy intimacy *if Rose wanted it.* 
If I look at it as primary couple who opens up to a secondary partner who is cool with that, then all is well for a moment in time. Part of this is probably that although I multiship Jack, my endgame OTP for him is Ianto. So there could be a verse where he is with the Doctor and Rose for a time, then meets Ianto somehow. My head always goes to angsty places with this, imagining the changing point of the relationship, Rose tearful and the Doctor stoic as they work through the adjustment. And that’s aside from the angst of Jack having a Martha-type realization that he needs to get out to be #1 to someone (gaaah!) 
Those are all the canon-verse thoughts! In an AU polyamory scenario…who knows!! 
One thing I have not seen yet is a long verse with them working through a lot of emotional changes - if anyone knows of one, please let me know! (ala, The Loved Verse for Ten/Rose/Tentoo.)  My headcanons lead in to that kind of fic, but I have no plot for my unformed ideas, so I don’t know if I would ever do it! Anyway, I very, very much love poly m/f/m dynamics, sexually and emotionally– when the mood strikes it is juuuuust molto bene! :P 
But what do you think??
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i was tagged by @imkait​ to do this SUPER LONG questionnaire. Also I totally stole some of your answers :P 
ALSO shoutout to my best friend @somebooksmakeusfree for talking me through the mild panic attack i had when i had to think of something i was talented at and could not for the life of me find an answer. 
anyways i tag @anthropologicalhands​, @risssaar​, @millennialfangirl​
last text sent: to my best friend. we’ve been geeking out over Riverdale and Cole Sprouse for the last two weeks.  list three favourite colours: blue, black, and red what time did you wake up today?: 6 what were you doing last night at midnight?: writing questions for an interview with someone from the fundraising department of NMNH, half asleep.  name something you can’t wait for: Riverdale next week.  when was the last time you saw your mother: this past Tuesday! She came out to see me on my Spring Break which was really nice.  one thing you wish you could change about your life: more money, more sleep, less depression, less anxiety, no migraines what’s getting on your nerves right now?: I’m so stressed about school, and getting enough hours in my internship,and my writing requirement, and graduating, and finding a job, and LIFE. favorite tv shows: veronica mars, riverdale, arrow, when calls the heart, criminal minds, miraculous ladybug, cutthroat kitchen, etc. etc. etc. I mean I can keep listing shows... first best friend: A girl named Bee who moved away in the 6th grade. We’re still facebook friends but we’re not really in touch.  listening to right now: LITTLE MIX. I BLAME YOU KAIT.  3 fears: I HAVE HERPETOPHOBIA. PHOBIA OF LIZARDS. DO NOT LIKE. IMMEDIATE TEARS. Other than that I fear failure and the future 4 turn ons: dry sense of humor/wit, nice smile, deep voice, kindness 4 turn offs: people who don’t read, bigotry, lack of empathy, just meanies in general >:( sexual orientation: heterosexual (probably? mostly? I’ve never been in a position to really test that out and I’ve always stood by the point that gender wouldn’t matter if I loved a person) senior quote in your yearbook: Dude I don’t even know. I feel like I blocked out a lot of high school memories.  first thing you notice in a new person: height I guess? whether or not they’re smiling? shoe size: 6.5-7.5 depending on the shoe.  eye color: brown hair color: dark brown  favorite item of clothing: A black leather and lace jacket I got from LA for like $25 or my brown and black brocade corset.  what color underwear you’re wearing rn: dark gray with light pink polka dots ultimate bias: ? what does this mean ultimate bias group: ? what does this meaaaaaan favourite season: fall how much time did you spend designing your blog: not long? It’s one of the free themes. I should change it up I think.  the reason you joined tumblr: my best friend convinced me to join do you ever get ‘good morning’ or ‘good night’ texts?: not really no?  when did you last hold hands: I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. I link arms a lot but the last time i think i held someone’s hand may be high school? Maybe it happened once or twice in undergrad?  how long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: eh. anywhere from 10 min to 1 hour. depends on how much effort i actually put into it.  have you shaved your legs in the past three days?: no i wax where are you right now?: on my bed trying to convince myself to go and make dinner do you like music loud or at a reasonable level?: I usually listen on headphones but if not I feel like I listen at a reasonable level? I’m always paranoid about how much my neighbor can hear me. (Although honestly i don’t give a shit anymore with how loud she is). 3 things you love: lipstick, books, french fries how you feel right now: i have a bit of a migraine. Not eating is probably not helping.  something you really really want: to have a jooooob, where i get paid with moooooney, someone hire me pleaseeeeee.  3 things that upset you: what doesn’t upset me, honestly what do you find attractive in other people?: didn’t i already answer this? 3 habits you have: biting my nails (which is why i wear nail polish), making a high pitched sound when startled, and flailing a lot with my hands, especially when excited.  something you fantasize about: being gainfully employed something you’re talented at: ... um... i don’t know? My best friend said “Cooking and writing and logistics”  the last person that reblogged something from you: @maggisesk do you smoke/drink: no your favorite food: french fries. and burgers. i really want some right now.  your favorite dessert: lemon meringue pie what you did yesterday: I worked at my internship from 8-5, cataloguing items from a 5,000 item loan. Guess what I did today? Guess what I’m gonna do tomorrow?  number of kids you want: none. absolutely none. nope. nada. no kids. DO NOT WANT.  number of siblings you have: zilch something that’s constantly on your mind: I can guarantee you it’s an OTP. Which specific otp it is depends on the week. these past two weeks, it’s been Bughead. and also Jack and Elizabeth from When Calls the Heart. The week before that was the Doctor and Rose. IT’S ALWAYS AN OTP.  last person you messaged on tumblr: alissa @somebooksmakeusfree  can you drive?: yes, technically. honestly the past two years I’ve only driven while I have my car in CA and that was just at the christmas breaks. and only in my tiny hometown.  what state or part of the world do you live in?: washington, DC are you in school?: yes but the end is so close i can almost taste it do you get grossed out easily?: depends, a bit yes  somewhere you would like to visit for a week: ALISSA. LET’S RUN AWAY TO SCOTLAND TOGETHER I’ll love you if …: you talk to me about my OTP’s  last show you binge-watched?: Riverdale. also When Calls The Heart on Netflix. GO WATCH BOTH.  what words upset you the most: i don’t know if it’s words so much as tone. like, say something to me in a mild tone i can misconstrue as criticism and i’m a mess what words make you feel the best about yourself: compliments? a wish that you’ve wished for repeatedly on 11:11: love, a job, money who would you switch lives with for a day?: I... honestly don’t know. I’d say someone rich and famous but then I’d probably have all their responsibilities. Like performing for them or something and thats too much for me.  your favorite ice cream: strawberry or vanilla caramel allergies: cats. honestly it’s the saddest thing because they’re so cute and fluffy.  sexiest person to come your mind immediately: chris evans. i mean hot damn.  your childhood career choice: actress one of your insecurities: my tummy. it pooches.  how many blogs are you following?: 116 how many tabs/windows do you have open right now?: only 10. i’m honestly surprised coke or pepsi: coke  tea or coffee: tea movie or book: book a sense you would be willing to lose: hmmm maybe smell?  quote you live by: stay gold type of accessory you wear most: i love earrings, i have a huge assortment but I am almost ALWAYS wearing my gold Buddha necklace.  last awkward situation you found yourself in: i’m consistently awkward every day of my life, so who knows honestly what time is it right now?: 10:27 pm a song that’s made you cry: recently? what song hasn’t? I’ve been an anxious, depressive mess, crying at everything.  first song you ever sang at karaoke: probably some thai karaoke at a party when i was 3 i bet you. 
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bellamysgriffin · 8 years
rory williams, micky smith, danny pink, captain jack for the character thing
so i am rly bitter i just lost all my answers for these bc my computer froze but anyway i love you and i will do it again
Why I like them: he’s so loving to his wife and considerate and brave but he doesn’t need everyone to know that he’s content how he is
Why I don’t: his whole “i love you more than you love me” thing um every time moffat does smthg like that to rory i lose a year of my life
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the girl who waited i think
Favorite season/movie: 5!!
Favorite line: i’d forgotten that not all victories are about saving the universe:
Favorite outfit: centurion outfit duh
OTP: amy/rory
Brotp: rory/doctor
Head Canon: he and captain jack (and other friends of the doctor) became friends during the time he spent waiting for amy
Unpopular opinion: him coming back to life all the time isn’t actually that funny (it was okay) it was just bad writing
A wish: that maybe i see him again before we finish s10??
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: pls don’t let moffat ruin his characterization if he ever does come back
5 words to best describe them: the love of my life
My nickname for them: roranicus
mickey smith: (i’m bitter this deleted bc i had the BEST RESPONSE)
Why I like them: he ultimately gave up the girl he loved and left home to stay in a parallel world bc he finally found his true purpose in life and even though he wasn’t always the best boyfriend to rose he did his best to do right by her and he deserves the world
Why I don’t: this is so hard?? i guess how he treated the shop girl he dated when rose left
Favorite episode (scene if movie): hm i quite like boom town but i’d have to say rise of the cybermen/age of steel
Favorite season/movie: s1
Favorite line:You left me! We were nice, we were happy. And then what? You give me a kiss and you run off with him, and you make me feel like nothing, Rose. I was nothing. I can’t even go out with a stupid girl from a shop because you pick up the phone and I comes running. I mean, is that what I am, Rose, standby? Am I just supposed to sit here for the rest of my life, waiting for you? Because I will. (DISCLAIMER: not his best moment, but one of his most compelling and interesting ones)
Favorite outfit: hm. his UNIT one?? i liked that one 
OTP: mickey/martha to the death
Brotp: him/doctor, him/jack, him/rose, although i think nine/mickey and also mickey/jackie are my faves
Head Canon: him and jackie became rly close while rose was gone and he became something like a son to her and cared for her all the time even though she thought he murdered rose once
Unpopular opinion: i think he is one of the best characters ever to come out of doctor who. i also think he was good since the very first episode, he didn’t even grow into it. his arc is absolutely amazing and his sense of self worth makes me want to cry. he treated rose well even when he was hurting, and though he could have done better, he didn’t purposefully guilt her into anything. he’s such a compelling, relatable character
A wish: that ppl would appreciate him more. also that he and rose still found some way to keep in touch when they were in different universes (I KNOW BUT LET A GIRL DREAM)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t forget him?? he’s so important. 
5 words to best describe them: underrated, underrated, underrated, underrated, underrated
My nickname for them: rickey or tin dog (ik i suck)
danny pink:
Why I like them: he was a caring guy who was great with the kiddies. 
Why I don’t: he didn’t get enough screen time and he gave clara a lot of ultimatums (they should have been better to each other)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): dark water i guesS?
Favorite season/movie: hahahaha 9 (jkjk)
Favorite line: “one person is more amazing than universes”
Favorite outfit: in the forest of the night
otp: oswink i s’pose
brotp: him/doctor ig…. honestly the relationship was shafted bc of the dumb “i hate soldiers” arc
Head Canon: his soul lived on post death in heaven and that he managed to find peace within himself
Unpopular opinion: he had potential but he was too rory-like and underdeveloped and steven moffat did his character dirty when he had a lot to offer
A wish: that he could have been what was promised
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t bring him back moffat he’s the only character you left dead
5 words to best describe them: caring, intelligent, affectionate, loving, brave
My nickname for them: dan the soldier man
captain jack: 
Why I like them: what’s not to like honestly?? he’s brave, he’s redeemable, he’s strong, he’s caring, he’s pan (omnisexual technically)
Why I don’t: idk i p much always liked him haha
Favorite episode (scene if movie): boom town yo
Favorite season/movie: s1
Favorite line: Being here, I’ve seen things I never dreamt I’d see. Loved people I never would have known if I just stayed where I was. And I wouldn’t change that for the world.
Favorite outfit: his outfit in boom town i think??
OTP: i hear jack/ianto is great, but i’ve always been fond of rose/doctor
Brotp: him/doctor, him/rose, him/mickey, him/martha, 
Head Canon: he and martha stayed in touch :’) also that even though he was devastated abt getting left behind, he still helped ppl bury the dead and console the living
Unpopular opinion: he’s not that hot??? also john barrowman isn’t great lol (i do love his line on dw confidential when he teared up abt the show tho)
A wish: he and jenny met up (whispers meekly: go read jenny returns on ff.net my user is danahscott and i think you might like it??)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: don’t get decapitated (too LATE)
5 words to best describe them: cheeky, funny, cocky, slytherin, smart
My nickname for them: captain cheesecake
send me a character!!
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ohmypreciousgirl · 8 years
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Doctor/Rose, actually. I used to follow back in LJ times DW fans, but all of them were anti-Rose and pro-Ten/Martha (IKR?!) and I kept pushing to watch the show (yes I went from 2007 till 2010 not watching DW because of them) cause I knew D/R was the main ship and I trusted those girls opinion(lol why the fuck I trusted them???). Anyway, fast forward to 2010 and Rose became my fave character of all time and D/R the ultimate OTP.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
Joan/Sherlock, Philip/Lukas, Ginny/Mike, Chirrut/Baze, Logan/Rory, Seth/Kate.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
Impossible to say??? Cause like I’ve been on fandom for 12 years, I’ve read so many amazing things!!! I can like make a top 10???
Lessons in Love - Draco/Harry
A Thousand Languages - Doctor/Rose
So Wise We Grow - Spock/Kirk
According to Plan/Meanwhile (Damon/Elena)
Disturbia - Sam/Dean
Coming of Age - Arthur/Merlin
Slow Work - Steve/Bucky
A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing - Draco/Harry
One of the Great Love Stories - Harry/Hermione
make one dream come true (you only live twice) - Steve/Bucky
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