#anyways yea!! there's a lot of stuff packed into this that i!! will not elaborate on atm!!! maybe later lol
mossyflowers · 1 year
This is!! A lil promo thing that I doodled a bit ago in case I ever made Ace's stuff a comic so :]
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platinumrosetail · 2 years
Yandere shadowpeach dbk freenoodles sliktea and greenflame ( red son x Mei)
X king little sister reader
Like in this the reader is Kings little sister by couple of years like Eda found them in a different Temple and brought her there with King and they both bonded right away but during a fight with bellows a portal opened and the reader fall in it and she lands in the fight scard and crying usein her powers
And of course as being cutie patooties gets adopted by our lovely cast
King is so adorable! And on a unrelated i actually had a idea with king mom!reader but didn’t know who the love interest could be but anyway back to the request!
Warning: noob author, dark theme, yandere platonic characters, female child reader, and others.
Characters: shadowpeach, Dbk family, freenoodles, waterspider/silktea, greenflame (Redson x mei)
You had fallen into the shrine that was in the waterfall when you and the two met; you were scared of them and would the power of ‘wee!’ On sun before macaque was able to calm you down without getting hit by your powers like his mate; sun was.
They saw howyou’re a different kind of demon that claims yourself as a demon princess from another world and that your older broither was the king of demons.
They were unsure to either believe you or not but decided on just going along with it so you don’t stress over going through a fit about it. Macaque ands sun know not to say anything about it as it could lead to possible disaster plus with the fact your power packs a mean punch.
You get along with mk and bai he and would let them join yours and your brother kingdom under your rule, but you don’t like mk’s boyfriend though as he Calle d you peasant when the two of you first met.
(Mk and Redson will be spouses in this while in greenflame they won’t, just a heads up)
They would comfort you when you feel homesick and when you would miss your friends and brother, and would try to at least tryout ideas to bring your brother here with you because why not and it makes them sad that you’re sad and would like to make you happy like parents should do.
They adore your squealing and how out sounds like a tea kettle. Mk and bai he would draw with you and would do all the things siblings would do but you still would miss your brother and wished he was here with you and get to experience this with you.
Sun and macaque decided to surprise you with something: that something being your broithyer who was brought here by them; apparently a lot has happened while you were gone, king sacrificed himself so luz and the others could go to the human world in y’all’s dimension but the both of you were glad that each other was safe and away from this ‘collected” p[erson.
Dbk family:
You met them when a bull clone had brought you to them and showed them how they had found you hiding somewhere.
They were all confused on what your species of demon was called but then you mentioned how you seem to be in a dim ensign entirely different than ours almost so they all asked you to elaborate on that.
You explain how your world has two worlds; the human realm and the demon realm each refl;eating difference and on how your realm; the demon realm, seeps into the human realm and that’s how they get their myths and stuff, and of course how your realm had banished the giraffes for being creepy.
Redson figured out your little ‘wee!’ Power after he had asked if you had any powers and if you could demonstrate it as well, yea safe to say that he needs to make sure to specify where to use it as he got knocked into a wall because he didn’t specify clear enough.
You and pic would have girls day almost every day and would make sure the both of you would get treated like royalty after she and her husband had adopted you.
You still miss your brother have wished on every night that he would somehow appear like you did in this world before you went to bed.
Dbk likes how your his taste tester and would try to cook a substitute of the food from your world as well as things from this world.
You had crashed on their bed passed out while they were asleep and woke them up when you met the couple. They had made a comfortable place for you to use until morning to let you rest and so they can go to bed without worrying that much about it.
When it was morning and you had finally woke up to the smell off pigsy cooking is when you get to tell them all that had happened to you, your brother, and your friends that you had in you world.
You had explained how you’re from another world that had two different realms connected by a thing called titans blood, and that you and your brother were also children of the titan that your home resides on. Which interested everyone who decided to stay to listen to you explain yourself.
You also explain how you and your brother and friends was going to battle a mean human named bells but you somehow got teleported to this world in the process.
Mk and bai he would draw with you, sandy would bring you over to play with the cats, drink tea and talk about the theories of possibly either bringing your brother here and stuff; pigsy and tang would educate you on this world as you don’t know anything about this or your human world sept for what eda had told you, which they were curios about this eda along with the human luz.
You enjoyed this food called noodles made by pigsy and would also share recipes you knew back from your world and see if there could be something similar to it here.
King had somehow got here the same way you had gotten here, which made you both worry on what had happened back there and super happy that you at least have saomeone from your world with you in this new world that you got transported into.
Mo had found you passed out on the deck of the boat and brought the attention of both sandy and hun\tsman to see if you’re going to be alright.
The cats would crowd around you when sandy wasn’t checking on your and would groom your fur that you had. They ende up waking you up by licking you with their sandpaper-like tongue that they would use to groom themselves and others.
Huntsman was the first to noticed you had woken up by the cats, quickly gettying sandy so they can make sure you’re alright and if you possibly needed anything and if you could tell them of how you had gotten on the deck of sandy’s boat.
You had explained to the two couple and mo that you’re from another world that has two realms connecting each other. You explained that the two worlds was the human realm while the second was the demon realm and that you had been from the Denton realm before coming here suddenly.
You enjoy cuddling with the cats and mo as it would sometimes remind you of your brother when y’all used to cuddle each other in y’all’s sleep.
Huntsman and sandy would try to get you to feel better with your homesickness but it not always work.
You brother somehow ended in the world you’re in after sometime of you yourself getting used to it, you’re so happy to have your brother back but apparently something bad had happened cause he cried while hugging you tightly; the two couple decided to let you have your moment alone before even deciding to intervene plus the two of you fell masterpiece soon after anyway when they had went to check up on the two of you.
Greenflame (Redson x mei):
Mei had found you on the path she takes when she goes to the gravity arcade to hang out with hear best friend: mk, and decided to let mk know that this time will be a rain check since she wants to take care of you and make sure you’re ok all.
Redson was weirded out when he saw his girlfriend holding you while you sleep in one of those heating blanket that she has for when it get’s cold and her boyfriend isn’t able to come and keep her company.
Mei would cuddle you every chance she got and unlike king who wants to act strong and stuff you welcomed the attention full heartedly. Redson don’t do affection like his girlfriend but do give praise when you did a good thing in his eyes.
Since mei and Redson have high status in both status you end up eating a lot of good food wether out be made by a chef in their home or going out to eat and stuff.
You wished your could share this experience with king and that he was here at the moment with you but sadly you don’t think that would happen until later in the future whenever that is.
Redson and mei both noticed how you’re getting homesick and missing the family and friends you had back in your dimension so they both decided to see if they could do anything that would cure that.
Whatever they did worked cause you got to see your brother again but he seem to have been through a lot and needs comfort so you two cuddle while Redson and mei talk about this new addition to the little family as mei like too call it, plus it makes Redson flustered so that’s a added bonus.
(A/n: oh look at that i was able to make two posts in one day, that’s great progress! And it also mean i can take my break soon as i have 4 more request to do now 😁 anyway hope y’all like it and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
For @hnnwnchstr​. Better times are ahead.
And of course there’s smoots for her :)
Here is the link to AO3
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@dangerouspompadour​ @lemonlushff​ @willowandfog​ @cstormsinukagblog​ @littlestuffstohide​ @clearwillow​ @ruddcatha​ @hnnwnchstr​ @smmahamazing​ @wolverine1092​ @inuyashaloverforever​ @xfangheartx​ @umacaking​ @bluejay785​  @murdergiraffe​ @superpixie42​ @shnuggletea​ @sistasecbhere​ @nopenname22​ @mcornilliac​ @sapphirestarxx​ @fawn-eyed-girl​ @liz8080​ @shinidamachu​ @keichanz​ @neutronstarchild​ @arcprz​ @eternalnight8806-3​ @kaze-ranna​ 
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Sometimes life got him down… But he’d had hundreds of years to cope with that. His human companions, however, always seemed to take their failure harder. Even when the blame should always fall on him.
He was the strongest and oldest in the pack. It made him the alpha. Their setbacks were his own.
Yea, don’t get him wrong. He took defeat and loss hard. But there’d always be a new day. Unless you were dead. And if you lived to tell the tale, then fuck, why stay depressed about it?
What killed him more than anything though was seeing a young woman that had stolen his heart upset about anything. She blamed herself for shattering the jewel, causing all the death, destruction…
But it wasn’t her fault. Not really. Sure he blamed her, called her names, made her feel guilty about the whole mess; but in reality, it was his fault. If he hadn’t had been such a jackass to her, calling her names, making her feel ugly, being an immature asshole--she wouldn’t have run away. She wouldn’t have been caught, and the crow demon wouldn’t have gotten a hold of the jewel. Even then, if he had been more encouraging, patient, maybe they would have been able to recover the jewel together before she shot it out of the sky.
But no. He was a fucking jerk. He should have seen from the moment she crashed down in front of him when she was being chased by the nasty ass centipede that she wasn’t Kikyo. She was nothing like her in terms of spirit, spunk, demeanor, and even as time went on--she looked less and less like her. Her beauty was far more natural; just like she was. She wasn’t overbearingly poised, stiff, cold. Kagome overflowed radiance and kindness. Kikyo had been a beautiful, untouchable woman… But Kagome was gorgeous. Kind. Warm. Everything Kikyo had not been, Kagome was. 
He thought he had loved Kikyo; but he was a fool. He had no idea what love really was after traveling with Kagome. Having her care for him. Talk to him. Touch him as if he wasn’t tainted. No one had ever tried to rub his ears, hold his clawed hands, hold him when he was ready to cave in on himself… that was until Kagome came along. She made it bearable to be a half-demon in this fucked up world. She made it alright to be himself. 
Seeing her hang her head down from another destroyed village they hadn’t made it in time to save, her likely hearing Sango’s quiet comments about how she was glad she never saw her village in such disarray, Miroku’s musings about how anyone would do anything to get the jewel shards…
He wanted to fucking strangle them, but no--she wouldn’t let him. Originally he growled at them, but she soothed him and plastered her fake caring smile on her face. Then proceeded to ask him to help them lay the villagers to rest. He was hopeless to tell her no--well, after a few mutters of annoyance. He had an image to maintain, after all.
It wasn’t until into the night when the fire burned low, the stars shined brightly, and the full moon illuminated the land from high in the sky that he heard her sleeping bag ruffle. He looked down to see his delicate pale beauty look around the campsite. What was she looking for?
He caught her shift her gaze up to him. Since he was a coward, he pretended to be asleep. Some more shuffling sounds followed by footsteps had him open his eyes. Seriously, what the fuck was she doing??
Jumping from tree to tree as quietly as possible, he saw her walk out into an open field and sit. She was just gazing up at the stars…
He remembered one of the first times they did that together. The idea of staring at them was stupid--why bother? They didn’t move. They held no real purpose.
But Kagome said they learned a lot about them in her time; how they change from season to season, how they can be used for directions when they knew what season it was. Some had special names, different stories. Legends. Myths. She said after learning demons were real, who knows if those stories were actually as fictional as they had originally been meant to be?
The fascination was still slightly lost on him until she mentioned with the pollution of her time that it made them harder to see unless you were out in more ‘rural’ areas. Places without villages. Like here. She said she loved to look at them--with people who were special to her.
The speech wasn’t lost on him, even though he acted like it was. He knew he was important to her. How could he not be? She didn’t go to school as much, spent most of her time here even though she had a life on the other side of the well…
Even though she said it was to fix her mistakes, he knew that wasn’t the only reason. Or at least he had hoped it wasn’t until he heard her cry out for him when Hakudoshi held her heart.
Confirming, definitely a good piece of it belonged to him. But… he still had no idea what he could offer her? His harsh words and attitude? The fire-rat robe off his back? His father’s sword that held in his demonic blood?
She deserved to have a choice. If she did so happen to choose to stay with him once the jewel was once again complete, without knowledge of his feelings, he’d tell her. He’d build her a hut--if the village accepted them. Fuck, even if they had to live in a cave, he’d still consider himself the luckiest man in all the lands.
He’d do anything for her; and that was why he had to remain silent until there was no jewel driving her mission.
Looking at the back of her didn’t help him figure out what was wrong with her, though. The wind shifted and stirred those wavy ebony locks. Along with the scent that was so Kagome, he smelled a twinge of salt…
She was crying.
Of course she snuck away, so she didn’t wake up her friends… or him.
He jumped down from his tree and walked over to her. She didn’t flinch or move her position from staring up at the sky. Obviously she had been aware of his presence. Her power has certainly grown since she first arrived now. She could clearly pick out different reiki, youki, jyaki, and the jewel shards. 
What couldn’t his girl do? Of course he referred to her as his girl; who else would be his? Even if she happened to choose to leave, he doubted he would ever find another as giving, kind, caring, loving, and beautiful as Kagome. Maybe in a couple centuries; but even then he’d likely try and find his way back to her when she was born. See when she grew up if she’d want to try again… But he would also just be happy to be her friend. Why would he get in the way of her happiness? Of her life? He may have been a selfish bastard for now, keeping her from her friends and family, but they had a mission. He had the right to be an ass… Demand the time from her until it was over. Because God forbid she did choose to leave, he’d die from not having spent more time with her.
“Hi,” she said softly.
“Hey… what’s uh--what’s going on?”
“Just thinking,” she sighed, closing her eyes. Fuck. Why was she so goddamn pretty? Even sitting there, tears trickling down her flushed cheeks, hair blowing with the breeze, and he couldn’t stop looking at her. She was mesmerizing.
“Yea? Care to elaborate? Or ya just gonna keep cryin’ over nothing?” He asked as he plopped down next to her. Jerkface on. Ready to push her to fight with him so that the tears would stop. Maybe even let his face eat the dirt. After a good sit she was usually somehow in a better mood from releasing her anger.
“Sigh…” She opened her eyes and looked at the stars again before she finally shifted her eyes back to him. “I just… I’m stupid. That’s all.”
“Why you say that? You’re the one with all the book learning and crap. You’re probably one of the smarter ones out of our group,” he pointed out. Then he realized he said something nice. Fuck. He was deviating from his plan… But she just looked so broken. Damn. Shit. He had to comfort her; at least that’s what the demon demanded. The human in him was screaming to run and hide and protect her from himself.
Nice. Two very opposing sides fighting in his mind. No wonder being a confusing asshole came so naturally.
“It’s just… You all have lost so much. Some because of me, some not. But still, I feel like I let this get to me… More than it should. I’m able to go home and see my family. Separate myself from all of this and you guys--can’t. 
“I’m just pathetic for letting this get to me. I’m just so useless and.. Weak. You were right.”
Before he could think the better of it, he stretched his arm out and hugged her shoulders tightly. “No. I was wrong. So far from wrong. You’re probably the strongest out of all of us, Kagome.”
“Don’t what?? Just say shit? I’m not for once. Yea, I know I don’t always think. Especially back then when we first met, first starting traveling together… I know, Kagome. I know I was an asshat. The biggest bastard of them all. I just…”
“Inuyasha, I understand,” she soothed, turning to face him. Her calves were pressed to his thigh now. Without thinking, he pulled her up into his lap. 
“I’m sorry.”
“Your insecurities--your fears… They’re my fault. I’m to blame.”
“No--stop. Inuyasha I understand why you said those things… It wasn’t because you meant them--not exactly, anyway. You said them out of malice. You were hurt. You were scared to be hurt again by someone who looked exactly like the woman who had literally ripped your heart in two. I get it. I learned you didn’t mean half of what you said. You just said that stuff to protect yourself…”
“Kagome…” How was it possible this woman knew him better than anyone? Was that even fair? Did he know her just as well?
“I know you had a rough life. I’ve seen it. You’ve only warned me time and time again when we’ve gone into villages, stayed out in the woods at night, hunted the jewel shards, even asked our friends to join us. I get it. In the sense that you are the way you are because of it. But I also see through to the real you. I see you for who you really are Inuyasha.”
“You don’t gotta tell me. I know you do…” His claws brushed through her hair and she started to relax further into his hold.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t know… Am I not doing something right?”
Her giggle emerged and he felt the tension in his own body leave. Clearly he was doing okay making her feel better, “I think you’re doing just fine--you just have never… I mean you don’t usually--”
“Everyone needs a different form of comfort, Kagome. Sango usually just needs a pep talk or she needs to just not be groped by that fucking pervert. Miroku has to be joked with or threatened. Shippo… well there ain’t much that gets him down that your fuckin’ pokey won’t fix. Kirara is never sad unless she doesn’t get fish.”
“What about you? How can I--” she turned to face him and her lip snuck its way in between her teeth. “How can I comfort you?”
“By being you. You’ve stayed by my side when you shouldn’t have. You’ve held me even after I slaughtered humans without a second thought. It’s second nature to you, Kagome… You--You don’t know how grateful I am to have you here… even though I don’t show it like I should,” he mumbled the last words hoping she wouldn’t hear the mushy words exit his mouth.
“And you… comfort me how…?” Her eyes with glistening and twinkling like the damn stars. Fuck. Did he mention how beautiful she was? And how unfair her proximity fucked with his head? Was she… what was she asking for? He heard her heart beating erratically. Her face was blushing--but not from crying now. Her scent told a different story. It was one of desire. Want. Need. Fuck.
He wasn’t thinking as he leaned in and closed the distance between their mouths. His lips brushed hers lightly at first, testing to see if she would ultimately reject him like everyone else. But fuck--no, she pressed back harder. Damn; she was ruining his plans.
He pulled back slightly before the kiss got more heated and looked deeply into her lust covered eyes. Damnit. He felt a particular body part rising with her scent and the nonverbal cues she was sending out.
“Please--just for tonight--I don’t want to be second. Tomorrow we can just move on but tonight can it just be us?”
“What?” And his dick was under control again. Her words triggered something in his brain to settle the fuck down. “What do you mean ‘second’?”
“I know--I know you don’t care about me like that. And that’s okay. You don’t have to. I know you’re in love with Kikyo. I know you want the jewel. I know you want to avenge Kikyo’s death and the betrayal Naraku caused between the two of you. I get it. I understand. I just-- for tonight can it just be us? No Kikyo? No Naraku? No jewel?”
“Kagome that’s not--”
“Inuyasha--” She leaned in and tried to kiss him again but he pulled back. Here he said she was smart and she actually was the dumbest of them all…
What kind of horse shit was she spewing?
“No--what the fuck, Kagome?! You think you’re fucking second to all those things?!?!”
“Inuyasha shush! We’re not that far from--”
“Shut up! Answer me! You honestly think I put those other things first before you?!”
“Well obviously!! The minute there’s a soul collector you’re out of here! The moment you catch Naraku’s scent, you’re gone! And don’t forget why I’m even here to begin with!! I shattered the jewel! The jewel you want!!”
“Don’t give me that crap Kagome; you and I both know while yea, we kinda need help being able to see and sense the jewel shards I need you. I. Need. You. You. Not Kikyo, not Miroku, not Sango… YOU. Do you have any idea what kind of person I would be--fuck--what kind of person I was before you came along?! I only have friends because of you. I only have been trusted by villages because of you. Kagome… God you’re everything for me. You’ve given me so much without even fucking trying.
“I get I am a bastard. I know I’m an asshole through and though but come on--you have to know by now, after everything we’ve fucking been through that I want you by my side. That when you aren’t here--it’s just empty. Don’t even act like you don’t know what I do when you’re gone. I’ve heard the slayer and monk tell you. Even fucking Shippo rats me out for the right price. Kagome--how can you be so fuckin’ blind??”
“I’m not done talking, wench; so shut the fuck up and listen. Kikyo--Kikyo is dead. I know that. I know there honestly isn’t a way to save her. The feelings I have for her--they revolve around guilt and remorse. But even looking back at what could have been--it never would have worked Kagome. We didn’t trust each other. We were two of loneliest people in the world and drew on each other for comfort. 
“What you and I have… Fuck Kagome. Even just as friends, we have such a--shit. Kagome, I’ve never had friends. Even my only family hates my guts. You were my first friend. The first person to trust me with your life. Do you even know what that means to me??”
“Inuyasha…” Luckily she was drawn out of her little spiraling depressive shell she had put around herself. Maybe they should have had this talk years ago…
“Kagome--with Naraku--fuck. He wants to hurt me. He wants me to die mentally; physically he probably couldn’t give a shit. But he wants me to suffer for whatever reason. Do you know how he would succeed in that?”
“By taking you away from me. Kagome--don’t you get it?”
“Inuyasha--just--just say it. Please,” she whispered.
“I love you, dumbass,” he finally said. Breathlessly. Because the air from his lungs had whooshed out of his body. Because every fucking promise he made to her, made himself just went out the window. Typical. His mouth always did end up running away from him. But he couldn’t believe she had thought she was so low on the totem pole… how could she honestly believe that he didn’t care about her? That he’d fucking use her body like that?
Mating was a serious thing in inuyoukai culture. Fuck--even in this era women didn’t typically go opening their legs to just anyone. Yea, things were different in her time but goddamn--he was not going to allow her to do that to him. To her even. If she wanted to be with him, it would be a lifetime commitment. Once he had her, he was too selfish to ever let her go.
“I’m not gonna just rut you and leave you. That’s not how this would go, Kagome. That’s not who I am. Don’t you think I have a little more honor than that? Don’t you think even as a friend I care about you more than that??”
“I’m sorry…” she said, her voice disheartened.
“Damn right you should be sorry! If we do this--this is a lifetime commitment. Not your lifetime; mine.”
“What??” She said looking up at him in shock. 
“Inuyoukai mate for life--”
“But your dad--”
“My old man rutted Sesshomaru’s mom for a powerful heir. I’m not lookin’ for someone to take over my land. Fuck--I have a fucking forest the villagers named after me in fear that I would one day wake.”
“Yea, he mated with my mom and he died. Shit happens. But she had me to love and protect and raise. The mate bond only affects the demon in the relationship as far as if you got hurt and died, then I would. Not the inverse. What would happen for you is that it would wear off and you’d begin to age like normal.”
“Are you… Are you asking me to be your mate?”
“God, you’re slow,” he smirked lightheartedly.
She glared at him, “Inuyasha… This isn’t a joke.”
“I’m aware of that; it also isn’t a tryst.”
“Touche… So… Uhm--where--where would we live? When this was all over?”
“Whatever village would take us. Or a cave. Wilderness. Seems like the more likely option.”
“What about my era?” He gave her a look of ‘Yea--with my ears?’ “Oh, you’re-you’re right. It wouldn’t work…”
“Look, I wasn’t--I wasn’t trying to make you choose. You can take all the time you need. I wasn’t gonna say anything until the jewel was whole and we figured out what to do with it. We can just go slow--I can court you and--”
“Inuyasha; I love you too. I don’t want to ever be without you. If I didn’t want to be here, yes it would eat me up inside because I was the one who broke the jewel but I want to be with you; by your side. Kikyo could have taken my spot… If--If we had to live in a cave, forest, wherever I’d be alright. I’d still be with you.”
“Are you sure about this Kagome? There aren't any take backs on this kind of thing…”
“Now who is doubting whom?” She tilted her head frowning slightly.
“Whatever, wench,” he replied with no bite. “Forever is just a long time to not think about this. I swore I’d protect you; that includes myself. You might not realize what being mated to half-breed means.”
“I don’t understand what you mean; is there… other stuff we’d have to do or--”
“You’ll be called the demon’s bitch. The half-demon’s slut. Anything you’ve ever heard thrown at me, they’ll be hurled at you.”
“I don’t care about what people think about me. I care about what you think… Will you think those things of me?”
“Kagome!! What the fuck--?!”
“See? Of course you won’t. Neither will our friends…” She trailed off and looked slightly uncomfortable and her scent shifted.
“What are you worried about?”
“You--You may not love Kikyo like you used to… but--”
“Sigh… it’s been a long time coming for that conversation. She does know how I feel about you. That’s another reason she doesn’t press to travel with us. The last time we met, she had asked if I had told you yet, that was awkward,” he said blushing, letting his ears fall flat on his head. The embarrassment was worth it when he heard laugh lightly and felt her cold hand on his ear. Fuck. He secretly loved it when she would just brush his ears in passing. But it seemed the secret was out… Because an unbridled rumble erupted from his chest. Damnit.
“Are you purring?” She asked, smiling mischievously.
“Sure--sure,” she agreed with undeniable amusement laced in her voice as she continued to rub his ears. Feeling the other effects it was having on him, he reached up and paused her ministrations.
“You’re--You’re gonna have to stop.”
“Why?” Oh, poor sweet innocent Kagome… He conveyed a face that hopefully told her what he honestly didn’t want to confess out loud. Unfortunately, he was pretty sure the piece of anatomy that was now poking into her side. It had the inverse effect though; her scent spiked again.
Fuck she was like a drug. He already knew he had no hope in separating from her; but she obviously held no reservations. She wanted what he did. Even more so maybe. She had been willing to just have him for a night. Claiming she was being the selfish one. Bullshit. If anyone was selfish, it was him.
He slowly leaned in again but paused just a breath away to wait for her to close the distance. While he was selfish, he wanted this to ultimately be her choice. He had already made his. It was her. Always her.
Luckily, or thankfully, whichever it was, she closed the gap between them and kissed him. Fuck he was a goner. He loved her. Everything about her. From her eyes, to her voice, to her sweet honey flavored tongue shoved into his mouth brushing against his fangs, her breasts he was squeezing through her sleep shirt, her kind personality, her overflowing love-- he could go on and on. 
When she pulled back he was taken by surprise, which wasn’t an easy feat. Especially when her legs were straddling his hips. He opened his eyes which he hadn’t even realized had closed and saw her shred her pink tank top that had already barely contained her large round mounds.
From the time she had first come to his era to now Kagome had grown from a girl to a woman. She was now eighteen and her figure was more apparent, more enticing and womanly. While she was still a head shorter than he was, her bust had grown, her hips had expanded in preparation for bearing children, muscles were developed from years of running, walking, fighting, and fuck best of all, her gorgeous blue eyes just seemed to have gotten darker to match the ocean she loved to visit. That was one of her favorite places to go when they had a moment and while he bitched, he secretly loved taking her there to explore.
Without thinking, because when did he ever, he swallowed her nipple whole and swirled his tongue around it until he felt it point from excitement. Once he thoroughly ravished one side, he moved to the other. He felt her nimble fingers untying the strings to his haori and aided her in her efforts to remove it. Once she started to shove it down his arms, he pulled away and laid down his kosode and robe of the fire rat. He turned back to her and twisted to lay her down upon the makeshift bed he had made.
After she was fully on her back, he started kissing her again, his hands restless as they studied every curve she possessed more thoroughly than he had with his eyes. Even though their mouths were battling for dominance, his ears caught every sigh, moan, and gasp her voice made. 
Once his hands hit the waistline of her pants, she stilled him. Shifting beneath him, she encouraged him to remove her pants. Who was he to refuse what she desired?
Once her pants and underwear were pulled down, he acted without thinking and moved his mouth down her body. Without his mouth swallowing her moans he soon realized how loud she was. He smirked at the idea of seeing how far he could push her--to see what would come out of that smart mouth of hers.
He reached her raven curls and nudged her legs apart. She hesitated slightly and he looked up to see nervousness in her eyes. Swiftly he moved back to look directly into her eyes and grasped her face in his hands as he straddled her.
“You’re beautiful, Kagome. You’re mine. We don’t have to continue though--we can stop and go slowly.”
“N-No. Sorry--I just-- I was kind of nervous about how I smell. It’s been a little bit since we’ve hit a hot spring or river to bathe off in,” she said bashfully.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at her reasonings, “Oh Kagome. Trust me; you smell like a fucking buffet. I can’t wait to taste you.” He licked his lips teasingly as he watched her flush and swallow. He kissed her again hard to try and coax out the woman who originally pleaded to take her for one night. That confidence was what she needed. 
Once she was fervent in her kisses again, he dove back down to what his instincts were calling for; a taste of her nether regions. That time when he reached it she didn’t fight him when he spread her legs and laid between them. He initially shoved his nose between her folds. He was slightly tickled by the black hairs that hid her sex from him but fuck, if it was pleasureable with the scent that was so Kagome surrounding every inch of him. He dipped his tongue into her lips and goddamn--he almost lost consciousness. It was better than he had ever fucking dreamed of. 
He may have gone a little mad with arousal when he dove in and began eating her out. Control was something he obviously lacked as he lapped up her juices and explored every inch of her sex with his mouth. Not that she seemed like she was complaining at all. No, if anything the cry of his name, the writhing of her body from the sensations he was giving her, and her grabbing his head (thankfully not his ears) pulling him closer only made him want to dive in more. 
She had a nub that seemed to really make her wail out louder when he played with that. He decided to focus on that area, thinking he teased her enough, especially from her begging him brokenly for--well he assumed completion. But she didn’t direct him to verbally do anything, only push his head to the nub. Again, who was he to tell her no?
He carefully took two fingers and placed them slightly at her opening, still not confident enough to insert them without some practice, and teased her. She seemed like she was losing her mind in the throes of passion. To be fair, so was he. He was grinding himself on the fucking grass to eleviate some of the pain of his hardened cock.
He realized she was coming when she yelled out his name and her body released more liquid onto his fingers, which he happily licked up. Once she had stilled from her convulsions, he slunk his way back up her body and laughed deeply at her blissed out expression.
“Inuyasha that was--”
“I got just as much out of it as you did--if not more,” he smirked and leaned down to kiss her. She hungirly accepted and reached for his hakama ties. He didn’t stop her and felt her foot come up and hook around it to help ease it down. Without removing his mouth from hers, he kicked off his pants and then hovered over her briefly to just take in the moment. Her flushed cheeks, the glistening sweat on her forehead, the glazed-over look of lust in her dark blue eyes…
“I love you, Inuyasha,” she told him as he sank himself down over her body and lined himself up to enter her.
He kissed her soundly as he dipped his tip to her entrance and his hair fell around them to envelope them in a silver curtain of privacy. As she wrapped her arms around him and spread her legs wider to open herself more to him, he whimpered. The tight heat that consumed his throbbing hardened cock was literally something he never thought he would feel; even in his dream he had never felt so much desperation. But he refused to move in fear of hurting her further.
"Inuyashaaa,” she moaned once he was fully seated inside of her.
“Are you alright?” He asked through gritted teeth. Fuck, he wasn’t a teenager anymore but at this rate he was gonna--
“Yes; stretched but-- it’s like we belong together. You fit perfectly,” she sighed as she brushed her fingers through his hair out of his face to look into his eyes.
She was right though. They did belong together. Then. There. Forever.
He was tentative when he first started pumping inside her but her cries and panting encouraged him. While she said she loved him for who he was, he was still scared he may hurt her. But her mews, pleas for more, and movements from her hips to return his thrusts, fuck, his bitch was amazing.
“Inu-Ya--” she said brokenly as those beautiful sapphire orbs closed and she whimpered.
He ground his hips in circles and brushed his pelvis against her sensitive clit, earning a high pitched cry, “What do you want Kagome? Do you want to be fucked by a demon?”
“Y-yes,” she pleaded using her hands to pull him by his hips closer if that was even possible. He pulled away and she whined, trying to pull him back, but once she figured out what he was doing she moaned his name in impatience.
He threw her legs upon his shoulders and reentered her hard. His cock was in deeper now, his hand was free from holding her leg close to his waist. He reached around and started pinching her very stimulated nub. She began mewling uncontrolablly and it was fucking glorious. To hear such pleasures he was bringing her only made his cock harder if that was even possible.
“Is that what you want Kagome?? To be with a demon?”
“Ahhhh,” she cried as he felt her walls tighten around him. God. Damn. “Yashhhhh,” she ground out flailing her head back and forth. Her breasts were bouncing with every hard and quick pound he gave her. His dick was just at the tip of her womb and he silently thanked Kami she wasn’t in fucking heat otherwise this night would have ended very differently.
He dipped his head to her ear and exhaled making her writhe further under him, “Are you gonna cum for me, Ka-Go-Me?”
“Gods--” he heard her swear before she wailed out her release into the night. Riding out her orgasm it took everything not to explode right then. He slowly eased himself back between her spread legs and sat her up. She was fucking gorgeous; her face was still glistening in sweat, her breathing was starting to calm from her orgasm but still audible to his demonic hearing--scratch that, even a mortal would be able to her her subtle groan and sigh, and her hair was wilder than normal. 
He cradled the back of her head to bring her into a kiss as he pumped into her before he couldn’t stave off his own release any longer. He broke the kiss when he felt his youki rising, his fangs growing--
Her hands brushing his cheeks and her accepting eyes calmed his initial panic. She pulled his face to be at her shoulder; she was silently asking him to mark her. He didn’t even mention that to her; he needed to make a note to thank Sango for likely educating her about mating behind his back.
His fangs bit down into her shoulder and she winced at the initial pain but relaxed into it as he spilled his seed inside her. Once he was completely drained, he unclamped his jaw and laved the spot on her neck he had marked then gave it a kiss. She was his. Forever.
“Are you okay?”
“I’ve never been better,” she said, taking his face into her hands again as she leaned in to kiss him.
“I meant--about you coming out here--”
“Oh… Yes and no. I think there’ll always be rougher days; but I have you to lean on. We’ll make it through together.”
He smiled and nuzzled her cheek as he wrapped her up in his haori. He threw his hakama back on along with his kosode and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Keeping her close, he just allowed her to snuggle into his chest for comfort over the long and tiring day. Her breathing evened out but he didn’t dare move. He wanted this moment to last forever.
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fandomthesickness · 6 years
Ouran high school host club Plance one-shot
Hello! I did a poll on my amino (fandomthesickness) and most people said they wanted me to write this Ouran plance one-shot! I had so much fun writing it and please let me know if you like it and want me to continue it!
In case you all get confused about who’s who here is a little key. (I tried my best to match the characters of similarity)
Haruhi- Pidge
Tamaki- Lance
Kyoya- Keith
Hikaru- Lotor
Kaoru- Rolo
Honey- Hunk
Takashi- Shiro
(I made Haruhi’s dead mother into Pidge’s dead brother Matt, sorry for the tears I thought it would be best for the story)
I had a lot of fun writing this so if you wan’t me to continue the story (if I do i’ll make it a little different from the story line to put in more plance and stuff) so tell me in the comments if you all want me to do so!
“I’m still in shock I got into this crazy ass school.” said Katie Holt, formerly known as Pidge Holt, to herself as she was passing through the halls of Ouran Academy. It was her first year as a freshman and she still didn’t own a uniform as sadly, she barely could afford one. A crewneck sweater, some slacks, and her dead brother’s glasses were what she usually wore to match her short hair. It used to be long but an unfortunate incident with gum occurred in prior years resulting in Pidge’s transition to short hair. So basically, she looked like a boy and didn’t resemble a girl in the slightest of ways mainly because of her clothing and her lack of feminine physique. But did Pidge care? Nope. Not at all.
“How are you doing up in heaven Matt? You have been there for 5 years am I correct? Wish you were here so you could tell me how everyone in this school is a frickin clod.” She said aloud to herself in the empty hallway. It was after school hours and she felt like finishing her unearthly amount of homework in the extraneous libraries of the school. However, this plan was foiled as they were all packed, and people weren’t really Pidge’s forte. She walked all around the school only to find an empty music room that seemed to suit Pidge’s needs when she was outside it. Little did she know, what was inside it was the exact opposite of what she needed. She turned the doorknob and a flash of light and rose petals flew at her.
“What the He-” She stammered. As the light faded away to a normal setting she feasted her big, brown eyes at a group of boys who were all standing up except for one boy seated in a throne in the empty music room which was weirdly turned into an elaborate dining room.
“Welcome!” They all said confidently.
“Wa…I-uh…” Pidge stammered. She said paralyzed with her body slammed against the door.
“Holy quiznack its a boy.” The twins on the left of the boy in the throne said. They had silky silver hair and looked almost identical.
“Lotor, Rolo, I believe this young man is in the same class as you isn’t he?” The boy with glasses replied. He was placed on the other side of the throne. He had a black-haired mullet, and magenta eyes which were hard to see under his glasses.
“Yea, but he’s shy. He doesn’t act very sociably so we don’t know much about him, Keith.” Lotor and Rolo replied.
Keith’s face lit up for a brief moment like he realized the meaning of life. “Oh, that wasn’t very polite. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club, Mr. Honor Student.” Keith said smoothly.
The boy on the throne rose to his feet. “What?! YOU MUST BE PIDGE HOLT. You’re the exceptional honor student we’ve heard about!” the boy exclaimed. This guy had tan skin, ocean blue eyes, and brown hair.
Pidge slammed herself against the door hoping it would budge out so she could escape the limelight of these random boys.
“This is... A host club? I-uh better.. Wait how did you know my name?” She asked. In her head she was so lost at the fact they called her “Mr. Honor Student” but she didn’t question it.
“Why Pidge, you are the star of Ouran. It’s not normal for a commoner like yourself to get into our prestigious establishment. You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student Mr. Holt.” Keith said shoving his glasses upward.
Pidge was so lost.
“Thanks?” she questioned.
“Your welcome.” the throne boy said as he walked toward her. “You are a hero to other poor people, Holt. You have shown that even a poor person can do amazingly at a private academy. I’m so sorry that you are constantly looked down upon by others.” He said obnoxiously.
Pidge wanted to punch this guy in the face. “Uh.. you’re taking the poor thing a bit too far don’t ya think?” She asked gritting her teeth. She caught on to the fact that these guys thought she was a guy too. She was too done with them to correct them and just decided to let them think what they want. Besides, after she was done with this conversation, she thought she would never see them again.
“Well.. we welcome you poor man to our world of beauty!” The throne boy said while slinging his arm over her shoulders.
‘Get me the hell out of here Matt.’ Pidge thought.
“But to be honest Holt, I never suspected someone like you to come into the host club. Who knew that a brilliant minded person like you would be so openly gay..” The throne boy pondered.
“OPENLY what???????” Pidge burst.
The throne boy didn’t catch her reply and continued on. “So Pidge, what type of guys are you into? The strong and silent type Shiro?”
he asked pointing to a boy who was muscular, tall, black with a white floof at the front hairstyle. “The boy lolita Hunk?”
He pointed to a tiny yet semi-large stomach boy.
“Or the Mischievous type, Lotor, and Rolo?”
He pointed to the twins.
“OOh! Or the cool type, Keith?”
He finally said pointing to the boy with glasses.
Pidge was so uncomfortable she wanted to melt. “I- umm.. It’s not like that.”
“Or…” The throne boy said while leaning toward her, cornering her. “Maybe you’re into a guy like me? Lance is the name by the way. What do you say?” He said leaning his face close to hers.
Pidge’s face started turning red, she started to panic, and turned the other way from the door and backed away from Lance. She backed away slowly until she felt her back pushing something off of a pedestal. From looking at the room earlier, she assumed it was the beautiful glass vase carved with plant designs. She turned around and for that moment, Time seemed to stop.
She leaned over the pedestal in attempts to catch it before it hit the ground. For that split second it seemed like her pinkie was about to catch it, but as the vase kept falling, her pinkie couldn’t catch it in time. The vase fell to the ground and shattered into millions of pieces.
‘Ohhhhhhh… crap.’ She thought in her mind which was currently in overdrive.  
“Oh man! Now you have done it, commoner! That vase was going to go on auction for 72 thousand dollars!” Lotor and Rolo hissed.
Pidge slowly leaned up from the pedestal in shame. “I….. I'm gonna have to pay you back.” She stammered in shame.
“With what money? You can’t even own a school uniform! What's with that stupid, crappy outfit anyway?” Lotor exclaimed. The entire host club looked at Pidge baffled. With the lack of money and the broken vase, Pidge was more than screwed.
Pidge started stuttering as she didn’t have any answers. She had no clue how to earn back the money for the vase and wanted to shrink to the size of an atom.
“Well Lance, what shall we do?” Keith asked with his arms crossed. Lance, the King as he was called, rose up from his “throne” and placed his hands on his hips.
“There is a famous saying you may have heard, Holt. When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do.” He went on.
‘What the..’ Pidge thought but Lance wasn’t done yet.
“Since you have no money, you can pay with your body!” Lance exclaimed.
“WHAT THE?!” Pidge questioned.
“That means….. Starting today, you’re the host club’s pet!” Lance said.
‘What the hell? This kid was sitting all poised and quiet and now he’s commanding me. He must be in debate club for crying out loud. Matt.. please, you can see this from heaven, right? These boys have captured me and they call themselves a frickin Host Club?’ Pidge thought. She was shaking internally and was ready to pop. For the first time in 5 years, she wished was with Matt.
Hope you all liked it!
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luwucas04 · 3 years
About 4000 (I am so sorry) Words Concerning Films that Helped Define My Existence
Ah, movies. So much in one package. Story, music, visuals, what’s not to love? Today I shall be elaborating on the most noteworthy films in the thrilling ever-changing saga that continues to be my life. Screenplay alongside a screenplay, if you will (please take this statement as modestly as you can).
The first ever thing in my entire life that I remember being an avid and enthusiastic fan about was the original Star Wars saga, written and directed by George Lucas, spanning May 1977 (A New Hope) – May 2005 (Revenge of the Sith).
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As mentioned in the podcast and as you may be able to tell from said podcast, I can’t really pinpoint an exact point in my life where I was introduced to it as it was kinda integrated into my upbringing from the get-go—and due to this it’s a very near and dear franchise to me. And oh boy fun fact my first ever childhood crush was Luke Skywalker (I vividly recall my uncle asking why I had his page bookmarked haha). I remember it was something that I would always watch with my dad and or grandpa, and then when I couldn’t find the VCR set that we had for it, I officially commenced my illicit streaming career (not really though, I didn’t get very far. Only crappy 20-minute clips on YouTube). Star Wars for me was the first thing that I actively sought out stuff for or showed genuine interest in pursuing if that makes sense. Like, you’d watch whatever movies or shows were thrown at you and you never thought much of them. Ohoho not Star Wars, though, that one lasted years. My cousin and I would always bring our little action figures to play with whenever we visited—or we’d find long-ish sticks in the backyard and have lightsaber fights, I got the video games, posters, Lego sets of ships (X-wing and Y-wing to be exact), an entire encyclopedia that I still own to this day (I just checked and there’s a date written inside, April 9th 2010 (which is my 7th birthday)), and of course inspiration for my own art and such. I remember I made this magazine that was essentially just me redrawing pages from the guidebook I had. I still have it, too! Sitting at the bottom of a drawer right now. Also, later on for some reason I absolutely loved drawing Ashoka Tano. Over and over again man. I drew her taking up my cousin’s entire driveway in chalk once.
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Not only are the Star Wars films a nostalgic and comforting series, but it held onto its marvel throughout the. Wow well over 10 whole years, I’m getting old. Additionally, because at the time we didn’t have as much access to the things we can achieve with modern technology, I was basically all on my own with it. I fueled my own fascination. And shockingly, not a lot of people in my elementary school (up until maybe grade 6-7) showed much interest in it either. So it was pretty much just me myself and I, and occasionally my cousin whenever he visited, and I think that made it all the more special to me. Also, at the time I think it was geared way more toward kids. There weren’t series like The Mandalorian or active internet communities that were obsessed with the series as far as I was aware, so there wasn’t the same quantity of content nor overall enthusiasm around it. Nonetheless, it was and still is a very personal series due to how engrained it is into basically every aspect of my childhood. I’ll try not to be too repetitive with what I said in the podcast, but ultimately the clear nature of the franchise (attractive character designs, colours, setting in general (it’s an action-packed space adventure what’s not to love)) is what really made me latch onto it, and it kickstarted my interest in the very essence of media and understanding the film medium and what it has to offer. I remember asking how they got Jar Jar to exist on screen and he told me they made him out of CGI, and I interpreted that as they somehow made a real-life computer model out of him and that they were actually interacting with like a physical, solid hologram. Anyway, revisiting the franchise and diving into more of its intricacies now (like the production diaries) is like an absolute goldmine. There are so many aspects of it that 100% contributed to and nurtured my goals, passions, and ultimately who I am as a person. Here is some of my very recent art for good measure:
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Up next up we got Lord of the Rings (dir. Peter Jackson, December 2001 – December 2003) or I guess a better way to put it would be those plus The Hobbit (December 2012 – December 2014) trilogy. I think it was earlier than the Marvel phase (which follows this section) because like Star Wars I can’t really remember my first viewing of it, but I definitely watched it all. It might’ve been around grade 3 so 2011-ish? Quick anecdote, one time I had a sleepover I was really excited for, and as we all know when you’re excited for something as a kid and it’s later on in the day, time doesn’t actually pass at all, and so my genius ass decided to flip on The Fellowship of the Ring and boom it was 5 pm and time to leave. Also my grandparents from my mom’s side of the family (they’re German so we call them oma and opa) were visiting once and my opa (grandpa equivalent) wanted to watch something so I was like “omg Lord of the Rings is perfect there are so many characters he can feel empowered by (Gandalf and Saruman because they’re old)”. Phenomenal logic—now thinking back it was probably much too violent for his tastes but yknow.
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I love Lord of the Rings so much because it’s the true embodiment of an ideal fantasy story; there’s such pure character dynamics and personalities and Tolkien created such an incredibly solid world in which these stories take place. Man knew his stuff, and in turn provided a charming and utterly wonderful scape for young minds to roam free within. I was going to talk about this if I did my other culminating idea regarding masculinity within the media, but I have the perfect opportunity to do so here: something so great about said world is how sincere and genuine a lot of the male characters are (yknow minus people like Denethor and Alfred). Namely the fellowship, they all openly care for and are affectionate towards one another, something we rarely see between men both in modern media and in real life. Aragorn is a perfect example of someone owning and being comfortable in his masculinity. He is kind to and uplifts others, and communicates openly with them. He isn’t afraid of being intimate and vulnerable towards them, either. We see this in Boromir’s death scene. Aragorn doesn’t patronize him for trying to take the Ring, he consoles Boromir in his last moments and they treat each other with the utmost tenderness and respect—not callously or stiffly. Right after decapitating an orc, Aragorn is still able to run to his side, hold him, and kiss him on the forehead following his passing. Aragorn also isn’t afraid to share fame or glory, in fact he never seeks it out in the first place despite his lineage. It was at the battle of Helm’s Deep that he embraced that destine to be king, not out of lust for power, but because these people needed guidance and leadership and he could provide it for them. He elevates others in an incredibly positive and empowering way, especially Frodo and Éowyn, and is content with the fact that the story is not about him. Even at his own coronation, he directs every single person’s attention to the literal earth-saving feat that the hobbits have achieved in light of his own massive accomplishment. He is such a great role model to have been able to look up and aspire to be like, and I wish there were more characters and people like him.
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I was a fan of those original films at an earlier point in my life, but the thing that brought that interest back a little stronger was undoubtedly the release of the Hobbit prequels. Like the Star Wars prequels, everyone can say what they want but they are very gorgeous to me. I skipped out on seeing Frozen with my class to go see The Desolation of Smaug with my dad and that was SUCH a good decision. Although, I’m rewatching them all now and Battle of the Five Armies kinda sucks at the beginning. They kill Smaug in like the first five minutes and like it wasn’t bad but it was very anticlimactic. I also don’t like how they shoved Legolas in there, his personality is really jaded and he’s kind of a big prick in those films. But it’s fine I love Martin Freeman and Richard Armitage and the rest of the dwarves the most. They were obviously the most significant and I like them a lot, and there are three movies as opposed to the one book so there’s even more content!
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WHEW sorry about that anyway The Hobbit really was the revival/rekindling of that past love for Tolkien’s world. I also had a good close friend who was also along for the ride as well—being able to be into these things alongside someone is always fun and I’m grateful she was there and shared my same energy. She had the Lego game for that one, very similar free-roam concept as my Marvel one (coming up next), so we had lots of fun with that too. To reiterate, I am rewatching these movies again now as an older person with like an actual conscience, and my takeaway from them is vastly different on more of like… a philosophical level, I suppose. I appreciate the process of things more and the backstory behind Tolkien’s lore and the timeless characters and deeper meanings that he’s conceived. But that wouldn’t be very chronological of me to go into it here so moving on.
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Proceeding next, around grade four at the most (so just after it came out), I watched The Avengers (dir. Joss Whedon, 2012). Not only did this single-handedly make my art convictions explode (in a good way), it also instigated my love for soundtracks (and also the entire Marvel universe but we’ll obviously be covering that very soon).
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The Avengers was like an epiphany for me. Literally ground-breaking and earth-shattering. Changed my entire 10-year-old life. It was all that I ever wanted and more, and since it was around 2012-13 that I became aware of its existence, the internet community was blossoming with possibilities and content. That same friend liked it as well! My Avengers/Marvel phase definitely rivals my Star Wars phase; I think I watched The Avengers first, and then my dad was like “yeah ok you need to watch everything else now” and so henceforth Captain America and Iron Man and Thor. Those were very good times, and I actually remember experiencing all of them for the first time ever. The Christmas of 2013 was absolutely wild. I only got Marvel related gifts which was incredible at the time. My first ever ‘art of’ book was for the Avengers film, too! I also got an arc reactor shirt that actually lit up and I thought that was the absolute coolest thing ever, and then I remember I cut my tongue on this candy I was eating and my mouth bled profusely for a while. However the most iconic gift of all was my copy of Lego Marvel Superheroes for the PS3. I finished it in about 2 days, and it’s the only Lego game that I’ve gotten 100% completed progress on. I love that game dearly and still play it sometimes. The thing that I love specifically about it was the ability to free-roam the entirety of New York City as any character you wanted, me and that friend would do that exclusively for hours on end and make up our own stories with all the characters. Here is Galactus perusing the streets
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Speaking of characters, this was the first thing that really got me making up and drawing a shit ton (apologies for lack of a better phrase) of original characters. I’d make superhero characters for me and my friend (ok I guess I should give her a name huh), Mackenzie, and even for random people in my class cause we needed to fill in some blanks in the stories we’d make. I’d create comics, write little stories, make variation after variation of these people we came up with, and of course like normal children me and Mackenzie would go to the park near my old house and pretend we were said characters. Man it was so fun. Then we’d do all those personality quizzes to find out which member you were most like. Mackenzie and I would do these quizzes on none other than our state-of-the-art BlackBerry playbooks. For me it was usually either Iron Man or Thor, and Mackenzie had this weird curse where she’d only ever get Loki as a result for anything at all which was very hilarious to me. Circling back to soundtracks, The Avengers OST was one of my first full album purchases. The main theme was my favourite track out of all of them for obvious reasons, but I still paid respects to all of them and listened to it often. Since I bought it with my dad’s Apple ID, it’d show up on the communal iPad that we used for music in the kitchen and I have full recollection of my grandpa playing it on blast in the morning to wake us up one time. I was aggravated at first but then when I realized what it was I was like ah yes of course. After the Avengers soundtrack, I got the Wolverine (2013) OST and that was fun but I didn’t like all the tracks in the same way, but THEN I got the Days of Future Past soundtrack. THAT is a good soundtrack AND a phenomenal film.
Anyway, after that I was a Marvel connoisseur for a little while. Like Star Wars I got an entire character encyclopedia, a bunch of comics, posters, you name it. My parents and sister also enjoyed dabbling in stuff too; we’d watch the animated series together on Netflix and eventually ended up seeing all the new movies together when they came out in theatres (except not my mom though cause she gets motion sickness from action films). Marvel was a staple in the adolescence stage of my life before I was introduced to anime (then it was all downhill from there (I am kidding anime was a part of my life that I look back at with great fondness)). It was reason for so much of what I explored with my art and my own imagination, and was one of my first experiences in what it was like to be a part of a fandom-esque community. There were also memes ripe for the picking when it came to Marvel; as one can assume I had no access to memes in kindergarten to grade 1 in the late 2000s. It was such a lovely and warm point in my life, something that established what kind of passion I really poured into something when I really liked it. And akin to Star Wars, there’s just so much to like about it. There’s so much to offer, an array of colourful characters and storylines—and of course, creative liberty when it came to superpowers and that whole narrative. The sky was literally the limit. Here is some of my ancient 2014 portraiture that I dug up for the sake of this assignment
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Ok heads up we are now veering AWAY from childhood content and touching on a film that played a more personal part, namely during a very pivotal point, in my life. I picked up The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky, 1999) at a bookstore and read it at the speed of light; I was crying in my room on my bed by the time I finished it. I love how we see Charlie’s character change over the course of the novel, not only through what he describes or how he perceives things but his style of writing in general. Anyway, I wanted to read the novel first before I watched the movie (dir. Stephen Chbosky 2012), and I was pleasantly surprised by how accurate the movie is to the book (well duh the author directed it). I read/watched this right before I started high school, so I was kind of (but not really considering the built-up childhood trauma he has yikes) in the same position as the protagonist, Charlie, as he was starting out (minus a lot of the major aspects of his character and what he went/goes through (like drugs)). A lot of the things that he learns were really important takeaways for me before heading into that new chapter of life like he did.
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Contrary to the title of the (I know it started out as a novel but I’m just gonna say film) film, you need to put yourself out there and advocate for yourself in life. It’s great to be a trustworthy individual whom everyone is vaguely aware of and likes, but you need to approach things with reason and make yourself known somehow. At the time, both before and during grade 9, and even still sometimes in the present (though I do it more deliberately now), I found myself just standing on the sidelines as life happened before me and I let it sweep me away without having any feet planted on the ground. It was like I wasn’t in control of it, and in turn I might’ve struggled in some areas more than I should have. I didn’t own anything, like I wasn’t totally present. Similar to Charlie, I was a person who’d always be there for others, someone people could talk to and confide in, and ultimately someone people truly enjoyed having around—which is pretty great. But I didn’t fully know my position or what I ultimately wanted in any of those situations. Don’t get me wrong, I am incredibly grateful for my entire freshman experience and I absolutely wouldn’t have wanted it any other way considering all personal circumstances, but with that foreknowledge of the importance of making a name for yourself, especially in high school, I think I was able to branch out with ease a bit more than I would have without it. I at least was aware of what was going on in that sense. That movie is really special to me because it ended up being a pseudo-mirror of my own experiences. Charlie’s English teacher, Bill, embraced his writing abilities and urged him to participate more, share his own thoughts, and express more of his personality by giving him books for extra reading. My first ever semester of Laurier did the exact same for me as Bill did for Charlie. It fostered my interests and intellectual abilities, and you guys constantly urged me and everyone else to go above and beyond what we were used to because you knew we could do it (even though I feel like I could’ve done a lot better on some things as my marks in grade 9 are a bit lower than I’d like them to be, but hey it was a time of adjustment and I did my best and that’s what matters). As a direct result of Laurier, I’m really lucky to have been surrounded by an amazing group of passionate students, a handful of which became my closest friends throughout high school, and that my very first teachers of the day were people who uplifted me and genuinely cared not only about furthering my academic work, but about my growth as a person.
Whew let’s wade out of the sap and get into some more energetic stuff!!! To tie off this recollection of my life through film the most recent and notable movie that impacted my life was, the one and only, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (dir. Peter Ramsey, Bob Persichetti, Rodney Rothman, 2018). Similar to The Desolation of Smaug and Frozen, I went with my dad to the cinema but parted ways with him to watch this movie by my lonesome (he went to the Aquaman theatre instead smh). Again, phenomenal choice. I talked about this in my grade 11 blog, but Spider-Verse is an absolute masterpiece in every way shape and form.
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At the point I watched it, I knew what I wanted to generally do with my life (be part of the art industry) and the visuals of this movie alone were enough to make me want to elope with it and never see or talk to anyone ever again. It is such a gorgeous film. The way they strayed from the yucky 3D conventions norm—and there is literally no way they could’ve done the majority of what they did in that movie effectively if they did it live action. Or, they could definitely try and make an attempt, but it’d look like garbage. For example, a lot of the action scenes in general and also when they become abstracted like with the particle collider. 40-60 fps would not do that sense of movement justice at all. Too smooth. Not enough grit and personality.
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Anyway, they also pioneered new animation techniques in mixing 2D and 3D, and explored a newer superhero trope where the main character’s own mundane life struggles are equally as important as him trying to sort things out with these new powers. It’s more of a battle between what Miles wants with his own personal life—new school, the friends he won’t be able to see because of said new school, owning his own abilities and adjusting to change. Then on top of that he’s met with all these alternate-dimension people that he has to work and be on par with. Aside from the art, I thought the overall message was every special: Miles learns through trial and tribulations, unsureness—and most importantly, failure. Confidence and optimism, in regard to what he thinks he can and can’t do, is vital. Amidst everything he is faced with, he starts out as just another kid who wants to be just another kid. But we all have something special inside us that we must choose to embrace if we want to truly flourish. We see him come to terms with the fact that he really is capable of greatness if he sets his mind to it—and that’s the main message: anyone can wear the mask. And can we talk about that soundtrack??? Not only the instrumentals, but the actual songs were great too! “Sunflower” and “What’s Up Danger”? Lovely and fitting. And back to the OST, the Prowler’s theme??? Shivers.
There is such a unique and beautiful vibe to this movie, and it’s inspired me in more ways than one. Aside from that nice motivational stuff, it also has recently played a tremendous part in developing my own art. All of the artists who worked on the film are people I immediately tried to find on social media so I could see more of their work. I purchased the art book, and even bought a 2D sequence illustration course provided by one of the art directors, Patrick O’Keefe. That course also came with the (digital) brushes he uses, and I’ve used them in pretty much every single one of my pieces since downloading them. This movie really showed me the possibilities of what could be achieved in the art industry, and it made me want to be a part of it so much more than I was before. I want to be involved in revolutionary visual achievements, and I want to develop characters and stories and worlds that are as interesting and loveable as the ones in Spider-Verse. (my stuff featured below)
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So there you have it folks, 5 (five) of the most significant movies in my life relayed in a whopping just over 4000 words. I hope this has been enlightening for all you readers out there, perhaps you now have a better understanding of how I came to be personality/interest-wise, and I hope you can catch a glimpse of that same importance these pieces of media have in regard to me and my values.
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sanm · 7 years
Four’s a Party - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
You pulled out of the cuddle pile and stumbled towards the kitchen, feeling much like one of those zombies from the movie as you ran into furniture and walls. After a very unamusing game of where’s the light switch, fluorescent light flooded the kitchen allowing you to find a water bottle. You quickly unscrewed the cap and guzzled down a few swigs.
In the midst of drinking, you heard someone stumble in behind you. Arms wrapped around your middle and you could feel the pout before the plea even began. “Share?”
You sighed, passing the bottle over your shoulder. He unwound his arms, taking a sip from the bottle. You reopened the fridge, taking inventory of snackage options. Your eyes finally landed on Taehyung’s cookie dough tucked away in the corner of the freezer. Score.
Grabbing the tub and a spoon, you hopped onto the opposite counter from Jimin, digging into the sugary goodness. He eyed your find, a small smile growing on his face. “So I assume now is as good as time as any to talk about stuff?“
You rolled your eyes. “Did you purposefully plan to talk to me while I’m stuffing my face?”
“Well yea. Cookie dough is emotionally stabilizing for everybody.”
“Ha. Okay well shoot I guess.”
“I was actually thinking you could start? Since you’d probably have more questions or things you wanted to talk about? I also didn’t want to give too much information…but I guess a good place to start is how you’re feeling?”
“Feelings? This really is a cookie dough conversation.” You took a bite.
It was his turn to roll his eyes.
“Fine, fine. I’m better than I was? I mean I don’t want you to think I was angry, cause I wasn’t. I’m totally fine if you’re all boyfriends, I was just shocked? I just didn’t expect it…especially the picture.” You paused, frozen by the recollection of just what the image was. “But,” you finally continued, “if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly is whatever you all have?”
“Well I’ve known Kookie for as long as I can remember. We grew up on the same street in Busan. He has a hyung who’s the same age as me and Tae. I mainly played with his brother when we were younger, but as the years progressed, I ended up spending more time with Jungkook.”
“So you were together in high school?”
“Nope. Although looking back, that probably would’ve been fun.” He grinned. “It was just never like that? Anyways, I moved up here first to start school and that’s where I met Tae our freshman year. That’s when it all started. We actually met at a party pretty similar to the first one we took you to and hit it off.”
“He asked you out?”
“Um not quite.”
At your questioning look, he elaborated, “We fucked.”
“Ahhhhhh,” you took another big bite of cookie dough.
“Yea well after that (and a few other times) we finally went out on an official date and moved in together our second year. So then when Kookie came up, I talked Tae into letting him move in with us since he didn’t know anyone here, and the rest is history.
He trailed off, giving you time to think. “Do I need to leave?” you inquired softly.
“What?!?! Why would you leave? Unless you don’t feel comfortable?”
“No! Well I mean I guess at first it was a little weird, but I think that was more to do with seeing parts of you that I wasn’t really prepared for…um yea anyways.
But then I started thinking more. Am I intruding? I don’t want to ruin what you all have here.”
“You’re not ruining anything! Seriously! I promise! We all love having you here.”
“You’re sure?”
He smiled. “Positive.”
You smiled back. “Kay! Well I’ve got class hella early so I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Most definitely.”
You both left the kitchen, Jimin veering back to the human pile on the couch and you back to your room.
“Alright guys. Let’s call it a day. You all look like shit.” You looked around at your study group, their eyes matching your exhaustion level.
As you started packing your belongings together, one of your classmates, Aaron, grabbed your arm, motioning for you to wait a minute.
You settled back into the library chair, watching the others file out and waving goodbye to your friends. As the last person passed through the door, you turned back to him. “What’s up?”
“I was wondering if you would maybe want to get dinner? If you were hungry?”
“Like a date?”
“Yea. If you want?”
You studied your classmate. It wasn’t like he was unattractive. He was another exchange student with a California surfer look, blonde hair, blue eyes, the whole shebang. And you were feeling a little lonely lately. Not that the guys were treating you any differently technically. They were just a lot more open now about their relationship and it made you realize just how single you really were.
You nodded yes. “Sure! Where are you thinking?”
“There’s this super good soup place a block away! It’s open 24 hours.”
“That sounds perfect!”
He carried your bag as you walked the way to the restaurant. He cracked jokes along the way and you found yourself laughing more than you had in a few weeks. Halfway through dinner, you felt the uncanny feeling of someone’s eyes on you. You glanced around the restaurant, meeting Yoongi’s eyes at the takeout counter. You waved to him, watching his eyes narrow as he waved back and you went back to flirting with Aaron.
When you arrived back home, you strangely found the common area devoid of all roommates, which proved a sign to come for the rest of the week. You barely saw any of them, just catching glimpses coming and going, with tight, tense smiles shot your way.
Finally the weekend approached. Saturday had unofficially became roommies’ cuddle day, full of movies and junk food, ignoring adult responsibilities (and the occasional nursing of hangovers). But when you crawled out of your cave come midmorning, with a fuzzy blanket in tow for superb snuggling capabilities, there were still no roommates. No food, no TV, no anything.
Instead you heard the low tone of male voices through the bottom crack of Jungkook’s door. You decided to make yourself comfy on the sofa just in case they were moving slow that morning. But as 5 minutes turned into 10 which turned into 30, those low tones turned into low moans. You sat stunned for another minute before shaking it off and heading to take a shower as you texted Aaron.
You quickly got ready, throwing on the one cute outfit you had left that was still clean and put more makeup on then you had even glanced at for probably a solid month because you were not about to let those guys have more fun than you. What you didn’t expect though was to be met with Taehyung sitting on top of your blanket, stretched out on the couch with only sweat pants on.
Trying not to make a deal out of your roommates’ blatant sexcapades, you decided to just grab your shoes and purse and leave. Unfortunately, someone had other ideas.
“Where are you going?”
You turned to see Taehyung not even looking at you, instead watching TV with a blank face.
“Out.” You turned back to resume collecting all your items.
“With who?”
You sighed this time before turning around. “Does it matter?”
This time, he was studying you, eyes roaming from your head to your toes. “Glad to see we warrant so much of your time.”
“Whatever,” you muttered under your breath.
“Hm?” Taehyung sat up.
“Nothing, Taehyung. I’ll see you later. Maybe.”
“Well if you stayed home, maybe you could see me now.”
“If I stayed home? Where have you been? Where have any of you been? For this whole week?”
“Maybe you’d know if you weren’t out with your boyfriend.”
You really weren’t getting out anytime soon at this rate. You dropped your stuff with a clatter. “Okay how the fuck do you even - no you know what, that’s not even important. Are you seriously getting on to me for seeing someone??? YOU DATE TWO GUYS.”
“All of whom are friends with you. Or at least used to be until you blew us off for the first decent looking dick that passed you by.” As he spoke, he slid off the couch, moving closer.
“I have needs okay. I can’t just stay single for the rest of my life because I’m apparently roommates with three possessive af guys.”
“Why don’t you just come to us?” Taehyung asked quietly with a smirk as he herded you towards the door.
He paused, head tilted and leaned closer, your body pressed flush against the front door. “Is that what you thought, princess?”
Chapter 5
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