#still kinda tempted to make it a comic but
mossyflowers · 2 years
This is!! A lil promo thing that I doodled a bit ago in case I ever made Ace's stuff a comic so :]
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Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, And The Doomed Timeline
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So, I tried to comic-ify the Othar's Twitter timeline. (this is 11 comic pages, the rest are under the cut)
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sysig · 9 months
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Can do, me
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beartitled · 5 months
Can you do some more comics with Francis mosses
I can, but the problem is
That I’m pretty much out of ideas and I’m progressively getting tired of tnmn fandom
Ppl who look at my tags probably noticed that 😓
More of my thoughts under read more for curious ppl
(short answer maybe I will do more, but I desperately need a break from tnmn)
! Just a general warning: this came out kinda long + sort of venty
Originally I planned to do 1 comic drop and move on, but got stuck bc ppl liked tnmn comics and kept asking for more (and still do-)
Generally I don’t mind doing more if the ideas are there, but I want to address this: I’m tired
I know blowing up is usually a good thing and I appreciate people enjoying my stuff
But it’s exhausting to see that tnmn is the only type of content which is relevant, to the point that my own projects or stuff I enjoy are just kinda.. ignored
It’s fair – again my blog is heavily fandom based
(+Tsp were and still is kinda the focus)
But with tnmn fandom it’s a bit… different
Maybe I’m biased and it’s just my negative experience with tiktok comments
Remember this art?
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cleaning up transphobic comments was.. um tough
Again, I get that you can’t be in that neat bubble completely sheltered from negativity
Humans are just assholes by nature really/j
So I was expecting the backlash, but not that much
I think maybe tsp fandom spoiled me a bit (in a good way), bc I got a feeling that everyone in tsp was positive of any lgbt+ headcanons and just generally more supportive
(don’t get me wrong, there ARE problems in tsp community too, taking narrators design controversy into account as one of the examples)
Obviously every fandom always has it’s own issues, show me at least one fandom that didn’t have some sort of meaningless controversy or some sort of problematic people in it
It happens
But it leaves a bad taste in your mouth sometimes
And for me personally it only added to not so pleasant experience
The thing I also noticed, when I interacted with other fandoms
Ppl wrote positive stuff first and foremost, not really asking for anything
Here it’s just “hey more. I want more. Do more. Do this character. Do this. Do more.”
The only reason I kept doing more, because likes, reblogs, views – these comics get a ton of attention
there is a audience to please alright
But this thing comes with a pressure tho
and it shows
so let me illustrate
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This bookcase
Is my shame
Because I was so rushing, I just copied and colour corrected this bookcase from my diploma comic and pasted it here in hopes for the best
Usually it’s normal to take materials used in other projects
the not so normal part is
to leave it like that because your stress reducing tea doesn’t work and you don’t really have time to redraw it
my m en ta l s t a t e i s f i n e ah ah h ah ah
Ok but jokes aside: it’s really tempting, to just abandon everything and produce content like some sort of content farm
But I don’t want to, I’m forcing myself and it makes my art worse
Yes it’s subtle, new people won’t even see this
But I’m not improving
And I don’t enjoy just anxiously popping out comics because everyone keeps asking
I can give it my all to something when I’m passionate, but just “hey I’m getting attention” is not the best motivator
Attention like that does get to my head, I know that I will probably give in again and do more, bc I will compare my posts engagement
But what’s the point of recognition, when you feel.. so numb about it…
Sorry for a mountain of text and thank you for ppl who actually took their time to read it
It’s been building up for a while and I feel like people need to know the reason why I’m not so enthusiastic about making “more”
I’m not necessarily completely abandoning this fandom
I still plan to do ask/suggestions event for STP (I’m just making sure I can dedicate my time to it, that’s why it’s taking so long) and I can add tnmn to the mix
Like STP+tnmn kind of deal
But for now – I need a break
At least for a little bit
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mantis-clan · 2 months
do you have any tips for making a clangen blog? this is getting me back into clangen and i'm now tempted to make one
FOR SURE!! here’s advice that would have helped me :3 these are all coming from an organisation-obsessed guy so they’re kinda leaning towards that end of the spectrum lol.
the most important rule is discard any rule that is making it unfun for you! wanna wing the plot entirely? not bother to write down important events? go for it! having fun is the most important thing
start small! i started with the minimum number of cats i could and keeping the clan under one page long really helps increase ~drama~ and interesting stuff!
i’m big into organisation so i recommend having a format for your updates, whether it’s just the idea of what stuff you cover every moon (such as covering important relationships but ignoring small injuries) or a checklist you tick off each time you update.
this helps me, but have a way for people to keep track of your updates! whether that be a masterpost or just a cohesive tagging system.
only do what is fun for you updates-wise! only have enough energy for a small sketch every moon? just do that. don’t push yourself :)
dont feel the need to draw an entire comic for each update! work with what suits your workflow best.
keep a written record of all important events and when they happened. this doesn’t have to be super detailed, it can just be a bulletpoint list in your notesapp or making sure all important events are documented on the blog.
and most importantly
REMEMBER THIS IS ALL FOR FUN!! if at any point it starts becoming a chore? stop! take a break! your cats will still be there when you get back!
some more practical suggestions!
make your first post an introductory one covering the clan founders and maybe even write a little blurb about each of them if exploring interpersonal relationships is something that interests you. i still need to do this lol
keep a constantly updating allegiances post!
consider opening character asks to get to know your cats better!
i’ll add onto this if i can think of any more advice!
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judgeanon · 4 months
So about that DETECTIVE COMICS #1084...
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As a big Shiva fan, I really, really liked that. Maybe my favorite issue with her since Hill's Outsiders run. I made a thread in another site about it but I liked that issue so much that I'm gonna take a sec to repost it here too, so hit that jump if you wanna read an in-depth analysis of 'Tec #1084... or at least, its backup feature!
I'm kinda kidding, I actually enjoyed the main story too. I liked seeing Bruce and Talia reunited in a very touching moment of romance that gives way to grim tension as the unfortunate complications of the strange and violent world they live being to slowly rip them apart once more... and then Shiva happens. For one panel and in a flashback but it was really fun to see Talia call her a friend for a bunch of reasons.
The most serious one is that I genuinely think that, given enough room to work with, Talia and Shiva could be a very compelling pair. Shiva is known to be interested in people who are in a state of flux, who find themselves in crossroads trying to figure out where their true path really lies. And Talia, for better or worse, has been there for, like... years now. I've always thought that Talia, endlessly torn between her love for Bruce, her love for her father, and her love for the world, might even find something tempting about Shiva's absolute detachment, about her comparative freedom from all connections. Which would be fun to explore.
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The other reason comes from the issue's backup story by Alex Paknadel and Robbi Rodriguez, which I didn't expect at all but ended up being a huge treat for me, since it aligned so much with a lot of what I consider the most interesting elements and perspectives in Shiva and Cass' relationship.
Right from the start, we have Shiva being able to read Cass and figure out what's wrong with her just from a couple of fighting moves, which I absolutely adore. What looks like a fight is really just them having a conversation, at least for Shiva, who is very quickly able to get at the deeper emotions troubling Cass and holding her back.
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(Also, that one panel of Snake Style ThodThodThod's really made me smile. I love the idea of Shiva using stranger, more exotic martial arts than anyone else, especially in Gotham)
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On my first read I wasn't really onboard with Shiva's words about not killing Cass, like there was something about them that didn't quite click, but after mulling them over for a while I feel like they can be read as Shiva intentionally picking at Cass' perfectionist nature and competitive spirit. It's less "I spared you and now you owe me" and more "You trying to be Batman makes you suck, here's why, now be better." But I might be reaching a bit there.
Still, it does work, which I really enjoy. I like Shiva being able to prod Cass into reaching deep within her, figuring out what's wrong and improving herself. And we get a lot of that in the next couple of pages, where Cass grapples with the Azmer while also grappling with her own nature. Cass' training with David is an extremely defining element of her character. It's her instincts, her mother tongue, her main method of expression, but it's also something that causes her a ton of inner turmoil, due to the intentions of that training.
Cass is presented in this story as someone inwardly ashamed by her nature, worried of the assassin skills that are weaved into her very nature and what that may say about her. Of course, this is something that Cass has been through before and has developed quite a bit, maybe even outgrown but with Batman dead and gone, it probably makes sense for her to lapse a bit back into self-loathing without that symbol to guide her and with her failure at trying to emulate it. Which I think is a very human thing to happen. Your worst traits are never really gone, and tend to slip back into you when you're at a low point.
Which is why I really like the last few panels of this story.
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Although first, Shiva calling Talia an "associate" makes me giggle a bit. C'mon Shivs, don't be so tsun-tsun... anyway.
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On the most basic level, we have Shiva offering Cass some solid advice that ties the whole story in a neat bow. But it takes on an even stronger quality when you remember this is Lady Shiva talking here. Shiva, who we know wants Cass to be more than just a Bat. Shiva, who understands the strength that comes from finding your own path and following it. Shiva, who maybe more than anyone knows exactly how strong Cass can be once she embraces all aspects of her own nature and finds harmony in herself.
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From almost any other character, that last phrase would just be a nice little canned moral. From Shiva's lips, it carries the weight of decades of character work for both Cass and Shiva. It's a solid ending that's elevated by the history between its characters. It hits SO many of the notes I want to see, the things that I think make Shiva's relationship with Cass genuinely compelling. Shiva being able to "read" Cass through a fight, her wanting Cass to be herself more than anything else, and all of it unhindered by any kind of easy moral judgment from Cass or the story itself.
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Shiva is not presented as a monstrous villainess who Cass must reject, but as her own character with her own story that happpens to cross with Cass' for a moment. And from Shiva, there's no berating Cass for being a hero or choosing not to kill. There is berating, sure, but it works because it speaks to something a lot more personal for both characters than generic notions of good or evil. It speaks about Cass' need to find and be herself and stick with it no matter what.
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(Which this arc also touched upon a couple months ago in 'Tec #1082, which very elegantly made it clear that Cass had the heart of a hero before she even knew what a Batman was -- an incredibly powerful statement made in just two captions)
So this is a story that hits pretty much all the right notes for me. I wish it would hit them a bit longer, or in a few different ways that didn't involve Batman, but it's just a perfect example of most of the elements that I think make this relationship worth exploring. Even the fact that this makes it the sixth major appearance of Lady Shiva in a row that is ultimately dedicated to her relationship with Cass doesn't bother me because this is precisely how I want this relationship to be written. If they were all this good, I wouldn't even mind.
And on top of all that, this issue is also a good example of something I'm always thinking about: tempting as it is, you don't need to make every Shiva appearance be huge and bombastic and lead to some massive story arc. It can be something small but meaningful, a quick appearance with some very choice words, Shiva walking into an ongoing story to, in her own way, help others get through an inflection point.
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If I had to say something I disliked about it, I do think it's a little blunt in its themes and execution. Paknadel has Shiva quite literally spell out the problem for Cass, which I guess is fine given how short the story is, but it does lose a bit of elegance because of it. Still, it was a great little treat and while I know Ram's 'Tec run is coming to its end, I do hope he'll find a place for one last bit of Shiva in it.
And I also hope he gets to write her for more than just one wordless balloon because Ram V's Lady Shiva is a dream book in my book.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Ghost comes from a Selkie family, he helps Tommy get away from a forced marriage with his drug dealer and helps him meet Mary (I think thats her name?) anyway, au where nobody dies. Ghost is freaking out cause Tommy is thinking of giving Mary his coat and he's worried his brother is gonna get taken advantage of. Cut to Soap calming him down, and making him think through this whole thing.
(Mary married Tommy and had Joseph, but Tommy didn't give her his coat because he willingly gave his drug dealer his coat (manipulation happened). Mary knows all this and understands, but Tommy wants to still give her his coat)
dhasalksla Sorry if that's a lot, I just kinda wanted to experiment with a Selkie!Ghost au. Do whatever you wish with this mess of thoughts -X
I left this in my inbox for a while because I really liked it, but never knew exactly where to go with it. I think I've decided how though and I know its late, but hope you see this and like it! oh, his wife's name in the comics is Beth so I used Mary for the drug dealer
Ghost remembered that day viscerally. Tommy had finally admitted to him that he had a problem. He had held on to him and through sobs told him that he didn't want to be an addict anymore. Simon had been insistent on helping him.
They had both sorely misunderstood how cruel Tommy's dealer would be. Unlike Jason, who Simon knew since childhood, this woman was new. Tommy trusted her. Had given her his coat after she had given him free coke. He admitted it wasn't smart, but he trusted her. Wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.
First time Simon could remember pummeling a woman into the ground, but finding Tommy shaken and sick, forced to take things after he finally managed to stay sober a week, well. Gender doesn't matter very much then does it?
His only regret, to this day, was not killing her. But she went to jail and disappeared off the face of the earth and that was what was most important.
When Tommy asked to speak to him while he was on leave, he didn't think much of it. He assumed he was going to be begged to babysit (he'd do it willingly), pulled it some scheme for him to surprise Beth with something (he would tell her immediately and they'd pretend for Tommy's sake) or asked some other inane thing. Soap tagged along and he texted Tommy to ask if that was okay.
"Sure! He might be good actually."
Simon hummed. Something with fireworks maybe? Tommy knew Johnny was experienced with explosions.
They arrived early and still somehow arrived later than Tommy.
"Must be something big if you managed to not be late." Simon joked, sitting across from him.
Tommy smiled, though it seemed off. He really was the epitome of what people thought selkies would look like. Fair skin, blond hair, giant sad eyes. Personally, he didn't really see the 'mystically beautiful' part but maybe that was because he was his brother. According to Soap, Simon definitely looked better than any human, but he also believed that was just Soap flattering him.
"You okay?" Simon frowned.
"Yeah. Let's order first and then we'll talk." Tommy fiddled with the menu, sorta scratching at it.
Oh that didn't sound good. "Everything okay? Is Joseph alright?"
He laughed softly. "No, nothing like that Simon. Don't worry..." He tapped his fingers on the table. "I want to give Beth my coat."
The air left the room. Soap's hand was suddenly on his thighs, holding him tight as everything spiraled around them.
"Why?" Simon choked out.
"Because... I... I don't know. I still go to the sea sometimes. Seal out." Tommy grins at the stupid joke they'd been making since they were kids. "But... I want to trust her with this. For me."
"Did she ask? I swear if she pre-"
"Simon. I appreciate it. But no. Beth would... She's perfect, Simon. I've seen her touch it. I know she's felt the pull and she just... Wasn't even tempted. Just put it around me and told me she had cleaned it." Tommy looked so soft as he thought of it. "I want her to wear it. I want to share this part of myself. Its like you and Soap."
"Soap was an accident."
Johnny made an upset noise next to him.
"One I am very, very happy for, but I would've wanted some courting and I..."
Soap squeezed his hand. "I know, I know. Just teasing. But how is it any different for them?"
"What if we got it wrong? What if Beth is like... her?"
The silence stretches out. Johnny realizes he doesn't know something, eyes darting back and forth between them. Tommy decides to explain.
"Her name was Mary. Did some fucked up stuff after I gave her my coat. But Beth isn't like that."
"how do we know?"
"I guess we can't know for sure until she wears it." Johnny smiled at Tommy, clearly on his side.
Simon glared at him. The traitor.
"Exactly. I wanted to tell you before I did. Didn't want you freaking out."
"Fuck off."
"I'm serious!"
Ghost shook his head. "What if..."
"If she hurts me, I have you guys." Tommy answered softly.
Ghost looked miserable, going quiet.
Soap turned to Tommy. "He'll come around."
"No I won't."
"Simon." Soap hit his shoulder. "Anyway. If you think you want to do this, we'll support you. Just... maybe text us so we can conveniently come by and make sure everything is okay."
Tommy nodded. "Thanks Soap." He reached over and lightly hit his shoulder before getting up. "Love you, dude."
"Love you too Tommy..." Simon mumbled out.
His phone was set at top volume. When the text came a day later, he almost jumped out of his skin with desperation to go see them right now.
Soap grabbed his hand. "Love. Give them a little time, yeah?"
"But if she has it..."
"You trust Beth, don't you?"
"She gave birth to Joseph and she's been nothing but a good parent to him. A good wife to Tommy. Right?"
"Yes..." Simon groaned. He did trust her. If it was his life on the line, his body, his sanity, he'd trust her. But it wasn't his. It was Tommy's and that was a lot harder to stomach.
Soap rubbed his back. "An hour and we'll visit, okay?"
Simon nodded, bouncing his leg. Johnny kissed his cheek, his lips, along his nose. He tried to distract him, but it was no use. Simon was wound up like a top.
When the hour passed, Johnny reluctantly let them both get dressed and go. Simon was a little calmer now. He hadn't gotten a frantic scared call from Tommy or Joseph and that must be a good sing.
The door to their home being locked wasn't. Simon almost flipped out before Johnny got a bobby pin out to pick it. Totally not suspicious at all.
They got in and Simon immediately relaxed.
Joseph, the little tyke, had his white coat on. Still baby fur. He had fallen asleep on the chair.
Beth was laying on Tommy's chest, the silvery shimmering coat around her. Both fast asleep as well. Tommy looked fine. Safe. A soft smile on his face.
They were all safe.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 3 months
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(⭐fanfic writers' commentary)
@plutosoda hi
Ooh, time to reread my old writing, huh? Always a fun trip, especially given I'd totally forgotten like half of it including that repetition trick you'd mentioned…
fair warning, i only got like 3 asks for this thing so I'm gonna commentate on pretty much the entire fic here. This post never ends.
Here's an entire director's commentary on All-Nighter! Enjoy!
"The covers were warm… But at least it'd get something done before passing out again."
I'm still fond of this intro. I'm terrible with being succinct, but this is somewhere where my rambling writing style really works; this section is written from experience of many a 'stayed up too anxious now you can't sleep' nights, and someone who has read a lot of the techniques to fix that problem, then didn't (ADHD lol). That is in fact what my internal monologue tends to be like at night - a mix between recalling every single way you've ever learnt to pass out, worrying about what happens tomorrow, 'why is life like that. what did i do,' and just a pinch of 3am self loathing.
I never really thought of it until an AO3 commenter pointed it out, but it was a fairly natural way of worldbuilding/expositing/characterisation all in one go. Establish the premise of the fic, Robot only bothering to process things when it's on the brink of exhaustion, the way it's kinda obsessed with productivity and efficiency and self-improvement.
I'm proud of it!
Also I like to think Lady Luck only does the weird scheduling thing for Robot. She'd be the type of person to try and make the Dungeons a personalised hell for everybody.
“Hey, could I get a coffee, do you think? …I’ve been sleeping so badly down here.”
I'm quite happy with the intro to the next bit too. My goal going into most fanworks (still) is to emulate what drew me to the original story. In this case, that's Dicey's tone and dialogue, with a bit more direct focus on the characterisation of everyone. So this is sort of a meta plot device that signals all that to the reader. I love how efficient that is. also I just like throwbacks and references okay
"The canteen was a dense jumble of kichen counters…"
I could've been a little faster with this scene and Robot subsequently making the coffee. One of my weaknesses as a writer is that I hallucinate some of the scenes in my head, and try to write down everything in that instead of just drawing a comic (cough that one unpublished Ninjago fic). I'm a sucker for describing scenery for days on end.
That said, I'm really glad I got the vibe of 'light-blue-grey' morning over to you in your fanart. It was exactly what I was imagining as I was writing this.
"Pre-ground. …But this was just evil."
I think I'm funny. Anxiety cube can put up with a lot, but terrible coffee isn't it.
"They taste horrible compared to freshly ground beans. It’s not worth the convenience."
haha. because you see. that's its heart's desire *gets turned into a dice*
"Pouring a generous portion for its new friend, Robot masked its complaints with a long sigh." "…But thanks to the innovations of modern day life-” An overhead swig downed half the mug."
A commenter pointed out that some of my lines have really good flow in them between actions and characterisation. I didn't notice that until then, but I'm inclined to agree. Some of these drive in the point really well.
"At least its fellow patron was enjoying themselves – not even flinching at the concoction and savouring the coffee raw. It was tempted to start a commentary on how dark roasts were overrated, but soon became a little more concerned about them drinking through the 100 centigrade burns. This place had quite the collection of creatures, it seemed."
I like to think Robot's a little snobby about the things it enjoys. I like to think Lady Luck tries to throw people off as much as possible.
"So, how’s the self-improvement going?" they started. "I only want top quality minions in my dungeons."
Very fun fact is that I was worried about spoiling the twist in this fic because of this line being so blatant, but I wanted to put it in anyway because it's a good character-establishing moment, and a good… re-interpretation of the line in another context? I love recontextualising canon in a slightly different way that still works for the characters in question. it's so fun
Anyways. Turns out I didn't need to worry about that because at least one reader totally missed this too so got hit with the full twist anyways. Isn't writing great?
"So, what’s keeping you up this late?” they asked. “Nightmares? A looming sense of regret and existential dread? Unfinished essays due tomorrow morning?"
essays due tomorrow morning. haha so true. i'm glad I don't take much coursework nowadays.
"You know, as useless as it looks, sleep’s rather important for you folks. It’s how you deal with all the terrible things that happen during the day, since your brain can just wipe the slate clean and try again. But funnily enough, it’s always the first thing that’s left behind whenever someone wants to better themself." "Life’s painful enough as it is. Why not change things up if your current routines aren’t working?" "Nobody ever plays the cards they’re dealt perfectly, dear… Time always slips you by when you’re not paying attention. And nobody ever knows what’s coming next. You’ve just got to learn when to raise and fold them." "Well, part of being human is never being a hundred-and-one percent efficient. If you folks still count yourself as that. I’d apologise but I remember you were quite nonchalant about your little transformation anyways."
One of the main points of this fic was that while Lady Luck is blatantly on the offensive and absolutely insulting Robot to its core, she's not technically… wrong?
It's not bad advice. Lady Luck, in-game, seems very perceptive of the various insecurities mortals go through. And I like to think she does start this conversation just for genuine fun, to pick someone apart. See if they bounce back against it or just crumble. It's just a bonus that the recipient finds it harder to refute her offers afterwards.
"It might!" it snapped back, getting them to at least try and contain their mockery under a silent, wavering smirk. "You know what? I think it will be, I can feel it!"
Robot sort of does both. It's definitely very very anxious. But it's stubborn. I really like that about its character: how there's a contrast between its organised and disorganised sides? How robots are usually associated with hard numbers and calculations, but Robot's mechanic is blackjack. also it's SO autism/adhd coded. listen. in this
I don't know if there's a trope to call either of these, but they're my favourite things about both characters, and they're surprisingly introspective for a game so short on story. (I will write more about that in another post. lol).
It's a bit indulgent in how long it goes on in some areas, but eh. It works for the fic's pacing.
"The figure leaned forward to highlight its obvious obliviousness…" "I thought you were supposed to be the overly organisational optimist."
I love alliteration. yippee!
"A gentle chuckle filled the air, restrained from its usual projecting echo. "You wound me, Robot. Games are always more fun when your players at least get the chance to try and fight back."
I like to think Lady Luck's main motivation is entertainment. Which mostly involves watching people suffer. But I think it's in the spirit of luck to have it so that someone's downfall was their choice. Determinism versus free will and whatever.
The chance that somebody could escape makes things spicier. And makes it sting all the more for all those that didn't. Hooray!!
Also given Lady Luck's usual loud persona, I planned (plan) on giving her quite a few more subtle but equally threatening moments in this series. It's a thing that wouldn't really work well in the actual game, but it does in a slower medium like writing, and I fucking love that trope.
"Statistically unlikely, but I’ll humour it," she commented to an invisible aside."
You should picture this scene as her directly staring at you through the fourth wall. Like in a sitcom.
"But it’s not so bad, being a minion… I’ve heard that’s about as stable as a job as you can get these days." "…though surprisingly she was not the worst boss it had had to deal with."
I always thought this line, used on Thief in-game, would've been an absolute killer on Robot. The job market is pretty fucking shit these days under capitalism and you would be lying if you said there aren't at least some parts of the Dungeons that seem better work-wise. Inclusivity, stable employment, accommodation.
Yeah, you have no freedom, but that's also the goal of capitalism up here as well. At least in Dicey it's ridculous and ironic. And you'd get to use your degree in maths/statistics/acounting etc to its full extent! Can you fucking imagine the paperwork for a game-show/dungeon hybrid business.
"But then again, I think you’re plenty used to the grind."
I believe this was an unintentional-turned-intentional coffee pun. Boooooo
"Funny how they think that’ll discourage anybody. …Folks hear that the house always wins and immediately think they’ll be the exception."
She would be the one to know that. This was intended as a followup to Robot's entire argument before. I'm very happy that at least one person picked up on that :D
"So whatever you pick, it'll be a decision from Robot alone, no matter what your mind or body drags you into afterward.”
I believe this was also supposed to be a callback, but the wording got changed slightly. I think it was the "It feels like my mind and body won’t stop working against me" bit.
"Normally, Robot would’ve stayed to socialise and make new friends, and in all likelihood, skipping breakfast would leave it starving later on in the day. But right now, it needed some time to itself: to think and recover and remember where it was going with this."
This was another callback (that actually made it into the story). Robot immediately making another bad decision after the first, with the exact same words echoing it coming.
"Just another day in the dungeons. It could handle this."
I wanted the ending to be very short and open-ended, in that it was up to you to interpret whether Robot took the offer or not, and when. But regardless I wanted it to be like a regular intro to an episode, but with the hint something definitely fucking changed that the audience can only speculate on.
…oof. 80 minutes on this essay. My poor neck. I think that's it for now, though.
Overall I'm really happy with this piece - hence why it's one of the few things I actually put online. It's three years old, and I could've fixed the flow in some bits (there's one part where I think Robot answers a different question than was asked).
But I achieved pretty much everything I wanted to say in this piece of fanwork, it pushed me to think about characterisation a lot and my writing and editing techniques. There's a lot of neat little things I put into it, and it really got me to grips with what I liked about my inspiration in the first place.
I think that's an exercise worth trying for every fan-work creator. Stretches you brain. Almost lets you re-experience what you loved about a thing years later. Points you towards your possible future diagnoses. It's a fun time!
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 11 months
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(a second batman x venom crossover. i mean, they just kinda keep having similiar themes all around, an' with two my fav halloween freaks. i cannot just pass this chance, haha.
either way, jon n' jack havin' a swell time as you can see. they're at the bottom of the food chain quite literally. poor twinky ghouls are about to become a dinner in more ways, than one. how unfortunate for them! but what a feast for a nosferatu n' alien parasite. one drinks 🩸, the other love eatin' human 🧠, so it's no biggie that both jon an' jack are scrawny an' undernourished. their predators aren't after their meat or limited fat. they are after more individual body parts an' components.
so yes, this is my halloween 'special' thingy! a conjoined mash-up about big bad predator an' their twangy, evil prey. the sort of dynamic, that both pairs had going on at one point or another. less so 'canically' for scarebat, since that series of comics *where batman was a savage vampire* is technically a separate 'what if' reality. but still, jon n' jack had a very real brush with smth, that is way stronger than them. an' only one made it out alive, but oh well, this is what AUs n' other stuff is for. bc how about no, an' how about some more homoerotic take on those scenes? like, it was 'hot' to me in some ways. esp with words like 'territorial dispute' an' implication of batman givin' scarecrow good ole vampire succ, post morten or not.
i honestly always amazed, when the comics does smth very servicing for my tastes / interests, without actually ever tryin' to pander to people like me. it's prob one of the most 'erotic' things to me as to an author. it's like a possible wink wink to someone, who wants to see it. but generally, just a part of the story. not even a big one, but that's just a tasty bit anyways! i always had a weakness to predator/prey thrope, esp when it's less of fluffy, twinlight kind of romance, but instead a gore-ish sort of deal, where one party can end up actually dying even if by pure accident. it provides some pretty big stakes. not to meantion, that there is always an unspoken paralell between sex n' death in horror genre. including consuming / stabbing / sucking blood an' such. it's important for me as horror movies fan. i like there to be some 'love' in my horror, even if it's not traditional or on the nose. it gives all those exederated gore-y / deadly scenes more meaning, if one wants to impliment it there. an' it just makes for a memorable scene as well.
also while i'm not super into the heroes 'turnin' bad' stuff, in this case, there is an appeal of flash / bruce going feral. it's hard to resist the playful thought about how bruce n' flash find their foe tempting, *iresistably attractive*, but in a different manner now. jack n' jon aren't no rosy maiden, who usually gets the spot of main dish / love interest, but this what makes it even better. jon an' jack are walking ginger bread, an' that's that, really. but tbf, they're kind of weirdos, who would always partly dig it. their handsome, brooding *arch*-enemy wants to eat them an' not some random hussie. that's very scary, an' also sexy lol.
still it's one of those moments in comics, where i wish that they kept the secenes going for a bit longer. just expanded on that suggestive possibility of them taking it step futher. but i also get why they didn't drag it out, cuz it wasn't the point of issue, anyways. just some lil fun moment. tho, i do love how batman *out of his mind or not* seemed to have enough mercy on crane to kill him off relativly quickly compared to the others. the riddler, pen-pen *yeah, i call oswald this* n' ivy had to suffer through the whole overdeal with full awarness, feeling their throats being ripped out, as they were still alive. jon was spared of such fate. the bat came, lectured him, broke his hand an' beheaded him. way quicker vs when you have to feel your meat and blood dripping all over ya. an' in venom's case, i loved how jack was so oddly forgiving of flash nearly decapitating him on the spot lol. flash *at that point* had already ate a fella or two. like bruce, he clearly wasn't proud of those times or enjoyd it, but out of all people, who managed to snap him out of the murder mode, it was jack. but hey, not on my watch! no one will die, but someone will be 'consumed', alright. that's just natural order of things or whatever. an' it's so bc i do make all the rules, haha.
as for more technical side of things, i did altered a few things. mainly with flash n' jack. i made flash's berserk venom form smalles an' all black, bc of well...uh, reasons. and also jack has an actual face here lol. also while at first, i wanted to draw him with his trade-mark messed up features, but kinda end up drawing him all 'dolled up' instead lol. so i suppose, along with all other au-ish elements, his face wasn't blown off in this universe either. an' on somewhat unrelated note, i like how both jack *even some of spiderman's ones* and jonathan are usually shown to be brunette or redhead. my pref will always be with those two being redheads, but still, it's a funny thing to ponder on. another technical bit is that, i wanted both jack n' jon being unable to use their hands / arms in one of the picture, since for me it's like snaring a 'prey' and then, they are kinda useless without it too. jon can land one hell of a kick for sure, but it won't help him to push away the vampire from his neck. also no fear gas to spray from his gloves, even if it would have acomplished nothing. in jack's case, it's similiar situation. he can throw / shoot lil flames from his gloves, the only thing that all symbiotes seem to detaste, besides specific levels of noise. but if he can't do it, and it's too risky to shoot flame from his helmet, welp, he's screwed lol. an' i also wanted to use venom's tongue as bondage tool lol. it was one of those things, that i always loved about venom symbiote / carnage looks an' anatomy, is how 'bendy' their bodies are. an' how creepy they can strech their body parts as well. both, bruce n' flash possess superhuman powers in this, so nor jon nor jack is actually a match for them. but taking away even the last of their defenses is a cherry on the top. jonathan is already always spooked animal, an' with someone as dumbly tunel-visioned as jack, it take a tad more to scare him shitless. esp bc he thinks, that he's such hot shit of a mercenary, haha.
so yups, this year batman n' flash got a treat. jack and' jonathan *in comparison* got tentacles and anemia respectively. can this count as trick? i mean, i guess lol. but on bright side, jonathan is kinda bruce's bf / blood bank in this one, an' jack is....well, he's a bitch. i mean, he touched the toxin, so now flash have to 'mark' him lol.
anyway, this is as pg-15 as i can go about it on here. i have two extra adult-ish artworks for these set ups. you can call it a follow up, if you want. here's the link, if someone is curious. but pls remember adults only. while there is no nudity in this one, there is still a clearly sexual cut in it. *also, i'm working on fics related to these set-ups as well. already workshoping vamp!bruce/crane one. sadly, had no free time to finish it all on halloween as well, but hey, it's always halloween on this blog!*)
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cher-rium · 1 year
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Liquid fashioning Snake’s sneaking suit with his own flare.
I really enjoy Liquid as a character. I haven’t played all the games in the franchise quite yet but I’ve finished MGS1.
Here are some headcanons for if Liquid lived through Foxdie or wasn’t targeted by it in the first place:
-He honestly really reminds me of Dio Brando (another fictional fave of mine) so I think he’d have a similar relationship as Dio did with Jonathan. A burning hatred accompanied some level of respect. Maybe Liquid, after being defeated by Snake, would have some respect for him but still bicker and have a corny little rivalry. 
-Honestly, I think he’d share a lot of personality traits with Dio! Just very… not intimidating.
-Since we’re still on the topic of JOJO, I imagined him having hair closer to REO Speedwagon? Like in my head I was like “yeah Liquid has slightly wavy/curly hair” and then I looked up reference images for this drawing and i sharted a little. His hair is so FLAT. I think there should be an appropriate middle-ground where his hair is still straight but has waaayyy more volume similarly to his little PS1 model.
-Liquid seems like the type to hold grudges so I don’t think there’s going to be much forgiving besides tolerance.
-It’d be really comical if Liquid accompanied Snake and Otacon and they’re just dragging around this man-child who keeps complaining and bragging. 
-I intentionally avoided giving Liquid any of the gear that Snake has on his suit. I think Liquid would purposely try to out-do Snake at every turn, thus going into missions naked so he can brag when things go well. 
-However when things don’t go well, I think he’d be like the average Overwatch player and just blame his teammates or bad luck. I feel like he’s the kind of guy to make REALLY shitty decisions in fights just for the sake of looking/feeling cool and then getting his ass beat. 
-And then after a whooping he comes back down to earth and actually does something useful 💀 (or Snake saves him)
-I know the sneaking suit has the shirt for a reason but, bro had his tits out on shadow moses, he can withstand the cold.
-I gave him grey hairs and a few more wrinkles than he initially appeared with to account for his aging.
-I can kindaaaa see him applying black eyeliner to his waterline. I also added really long eyelashes since I think he’d slay mascara too !
-I don’t think he and Otacon would get along at all initially. My thought is that Otacon tries to introduce him to anime or Japanese media as a whole to try to find something they can both enjoy. Personally, I really see Otacon being into your typical high school or magical girl anime and Liquid would be super-turned off from it. So instead they’d watch like Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Berserk, Ghost in the Shell, AKIRA, etc. Stuff that might be appealing to some random guy.
-It’s kinda hard to speak on anything relating to Snake cuzzzz uhhhh y’know I haven’t actually played most of the games– I’m particularly referring to the one where Liquid is a kid! (WHICH im really tempted to play rn in the middle of MGS2 since I REALLY wanna see Lil Liquid). That would give a lot more context ‘cuz I’m currently learning about everything relating to the other games via fanart and discussion posts here on Tumblr 💀
-Idk maybe they can bond on shared trauma man i got no clue
-Raiden? Uh? Okay say he’s [Liquid] involved in MGS2 (or at least the start of it since I haven’t gotten very far in): I feel like Raiden would be really annoyed by Liquid. Just a crazy dumbass making things more stressful than they already are. 
-I didn’t really draw it here but I think Liquid would have downturned eyes while Snake would have upturned eyes. Idk like if I could show the facial structure in my head, Liquid’s sitting face would be really miserable looking. Snake’s would be resting furrowed and seem more intimidating.
-Don’t know much about Solidus and Liquid (for some reason the only interactions I see between them in fanart is either them being shipped together or Liquid about to violently assault the old fuck) but do you know that image of Spiderman getting dunked on by Venom??? Ok so I think that’s them 😭 As soon as Liquid knows there’s an even better clone out there he’d just have a fuckin’ temper tantrum like Muscle Man from Regular Show and make it his mission to dunk on that old man.
-I think Liquid would CONSTANTLY smell like fuckin’ sweat despite literally being shirtless 24/7
-If Liquid were in the modern day he’d smell like 72 gallons of axe body spray
-On nice occasions he would smell like 72 gallons of cologne 
-He’d be a gym bro for sure
-Carrying around protein shakes, talking about gains, and crying about how his stocks are plummeting 
-His hair is definitely a little greasy
-I honestly think he’d have trouble growing facial hair in comparison to the other clones
-I feel like he’s the kinda guy to sit in a corner of a dark room and stare at Otacon to scare the ever-loving shit out of him. 
-Also seems like the kind of guy to have trouble sleeping at night so he just roams like a FNAF animatronic. 
-Seems like the kind of guy to ask Otacon what he’s doing out of boredom and then immediately regret it and space out.
-Ok so I had a thought. I think instead of smoking like Snake and Big Boss do, I think Liquid would drink.
-Y’know the room you find Otacon in MGS1? Where you fight funny ninja robo man? Ok so I think Liquid specifically asked for Otacon to be put into there so that everytime he switches to the security cameras in that room he just laughs at his goofy ass.
-Seems like the type of guy to ask “can i put on your glasses?” and then proceed to act like he just got shot by a firing squad from how blind you are (he does this to Otacon for sure)
-I’d think that Liquid’s ego is so inflated that he’d lack bitchess due to the “I’m too good for them” mentality 
-Upon seeing Ocelot I’d like to think that Liquid would bitch-slap him.
-Seems like the kind of fella to enjoy a meal consisting of dinosaur chicken nuggets, crinkle-cut fries, and mac n’ cheese.
Alright that’s enough headcanons goo-bye.
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Does the x-office hate beast?
Cynically: yes.
Less cynically: it's complicated?
Like, here's the thing, right - Beast fans are . . . kinda rare. Sure, there's tons of people who saw the 90s cartoon and really liked him, there are tons of people who saw X-Men 3 and liked him there, there's a whole (almost separate) community of people who are still writing X-Men: First Class fanfic about that version of Hank.
But I'm talking about, will go out and write fanfiction about the character; will draw fanart of him; will actively go out of their way to talk about him on social media. I feel like that's been on the decline for the last . . . fuck, 30 years, probably? Ever since he went from this
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to this.
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Like, the difference is jarring and immediate, right?
And that lack of a dedicated fanbase made him an easy character to contort to fit stories that certain writers wanted to tell. The X-office doesn't have a ton of people gagging to write Beast, he doesn't headline his own series, he doesn't have a rabid Twitter populace who will fight and scream and shout like Emma Frost or Cyclops.
What do most people think when they see Beast? Like, normal people who don't read comics, who just consume maybe a Marvel movie twice a year, or saw a cartoon when they were a kid.
Beast is not a character with a strong base.
So he's just.
Who cares, throw Beast to Bendis or Ben Percy, I don't care, is what it feels like.
As for WHY he doesn't have that dedicated fanbase, well, I have theories.
A lot of Hank stories are just, sad. They're just so fucking sad and tragic and dark and about finding light where you can.
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I often find them very cathartic, like, Hank leads such a troubled and harsh life, and he savours the pleasures where he can get them, and I really love that aspect of his character, that unyielding spirit, but that does not make for a popular character.
His feline era, from 2000 to 2012, is honestly my favourite for him because he is so nuanced and his themes of learning to love your body and control yourself, and his thoughtful, measured, deeply moralistic stories resonate with me and provide me with comfort, the idea that people can be tempted to do bad in the service of good but turn away is beautiful to me.
But that's not really an easily sell? People don't usually want to be sad when they read comic books. They want to be thrilled or horrified or made to laugh. Sad is . . . harder to sell.
Honestly, I also think there's a degree of assuming that he's a snobby asshole because he talks fancy. Like, I legit think that plays into it, and you sometimes see writers fall for the same preconception, they assume that Hank is a snob, and he really isn't, he's a lower-middle class kid from Illinois who grew up on a farm and whose dad was involved in a horrific radiation accident because of poor safety conditions, this is not a person who would be snobby.
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It's so funny to me because the guy is from a fictional place in Illinois? It's never specified, which means, if anything, he probably sounds like he's from Chicago! Now, there's probably a degree to which he does speak more formally and has changed his voice, because Hank is extremely protective and conscious of the image he projects, always has been, but snobby? Pfft, nooooo. So yeah, absolutely, you see people assuming that he's a snob because he's smart. Snobby only plays well if you're Emma Frost.
I also have to say, I think there's a degree to which there's an anti-intellectual bias going on. If you look at pretty much all of the major genius characters, they are pretty much ALL unpopular because they are nerds and they are not usually portrayed as being great fighters or tacticians, which is an easy way for a character to become popular - that's why Cyclops is so popular, because he's right all the time and he's a badass, and that's an easy pop. Science solutions are inherently less visceral, harder to write and thus rarer, and do not stick in people's minds.
Moreover, what do you think of when you think of genius superhero? The reputation is of privilege and the image is of boring white guys, they assume it's just - boring. It's only interesting if it's cloaked in sarcastic wit, like House or Sherlock (during The Dark Times), or used in a martial sense, which is why Black Panther is the exception to the 'all the nerds are boring.' Bruce Banner also escapes this trap because he's had his own solo comics for 60 years and he's had a million people write absolutely amazing stories for him.
I also think that his almost complete absence from the Claremont era stories hurts his fandom reputation, because if you're an X-Men fan, you read Claremont, and Hank is not in those stories almost at all. He pops up during the Mesmero arc, during Dark Phoenix, here and there, but he spends 1974 to 1991 in the Avengers, the Defenders, X-Factor, he is so very rarely being written by who most people would consider the definitive X-Men scribe. There's also an element of the stupid X-Men vs. Avengers tribalism working against him thanks to that.
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I think Claremont writes a pretty decent Hank when he does turn up, but there's a reason he picked Jean and Scott, and it's interesting that he chose to feature Hank more often than Warren and Bobby, and even then, Warren more than Bobby. I don't know if Hank was really heavily in demand so he just couldn't get him, or if he didn't know what stories to tell with him, but I actually kinda think it was the former, just because Hank always makes an appearance in his post-'91 work, especially his alternate timelines, and he was clearly interested in writing for him in X-Treme X-Men given he set up the Betsy romantic angle early, but then Morrison snatched him up.
Hank also got pushed into the role of the naysayer during the Fraction and Bendis era, which is an instant rock around the neck for your popularity. A lot of the arguments that Hank makes about why he doesn't like what Scott does and how he runs the X-Men and Utopia are not necessarily wrong?
Like, X-Force is just plain morally bad. It is.
You can make the argument that it's necessary, but these two things can exist at the exact same time, which appears to be a concept that people do not grasp! And especially, like . . . the X-Men are not an army. They are a voluntary paramilitary group that is, ostensibly, dedicated to mutant rescue, outreach, and general superheroics.
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You are not obliged to stay.
Hank was suffering from legitimate PTSD flashbacks, he was wracked with guilt over the Skrull bioweapon (which, notably, sticks to Hank but does NOT stick to Scott), he was very obviously depressed, recovering from torture - and when he reached out to Bobby to try and explain how he was feeling, draw some comfort, Bobby basically just told him to deal with it!
But this made him SO FUCKING UNPOPULAR. You can go to comics sites that have comments under this issue, under the issue where Hank is having PTSD flashbacks, and they'll be like, THIS IS WHERE IT ALL BEGAN, and I'm like???????? The fuck are you saying to me?????? WHY ARE YOU BOOING HIM HE'S RIGHT.
There's also a degree to which I think that, whether the writers have realised it or not, they do not usually put in the work to establish that the X-Men are doing their due diligence to make sure that Hank is okay. They rely a LOT on off-screen things happening to fill in the blanks. A short list of things that we have never seen!
The reaction from the O5 when Hank first turned furry.
The reaction from the Mansion X-Men when Hank turned into a cat.
Anyone going to visit Hank in the infirmary when he was recovering from his fur and claws falling out due to torture.
Anyone expressing concern over the fact that during the whole time travel debacle, Hank was dying and did not tell anyone.
You don't see these moments, and these are fucking important! These make you sympathetic to the character! These are the moments where people look at Beast in pain, suffering because of what's happened to him, going through his emotional arcs, showing strength as he perseveres, THAT is what builds a fanbase and keeps a fanbase engaged with a character - but they just stop happening for Hank. You don't see them. He loses his characterisation moments, they just happen off-panel.
But what do you see? You see a lot of people walk into Hank's lab, they receive words of wisdom and comfort, or a scientific solution for their problems, and then they walk out.
Like, Hank from Avengers vs. X-Men onwards reads as just - psychologically unstable. He does things on impulse, he reacts without talking to people, he does not have strong relationships with anyone, he appears to have broken up with his long time girlfriend (for no specified reason, we still don't know why 9 YEARS LATER), he often appears adrift and lost and unhappy.
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And we are TOLD during his intervention that people have talked to him about what's going on, and they were ignored, but, like, I'm sorry, FUCK OFF, SHOW YOUR GODDAMN WORK.
If you want your emotional moments to have any bite, then you need to ESTABLISH things!!! When Ororo says, oh, you're just ignoring everyone, I'm like, FUCKIN' SHOW ME WHEN YOU TALKED TO HIM. Because do you know what I DID see?
I saw Hank being the most comforting and lovely and soft individual in Storm's solo series, being there for her after Logan's death, BASICALLY BECOMING HER SECRETARY BECAUSE SHE WANTS TO FUCK OFF AND BE A THIEF, and then BOOM, suddenly, she's like, you're a fucking loose cannon.
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This was, like, a few months apart. Editors? Hello? Does Ororo fucking hate Hank or not? Because Bendis seems to be of the opinion that she does, but Greg Pak does not appear to have gotten the memo! HELLO? EDITORS? There's a big fucking GAP here where a story arc is meant to go???
There's so much of Hank's 2012-onward story that we just AREN'T shown. Like, he and Scott just - patch up their differences over the revolutionary thing OFF-PANEL during Hickman's Avengers. You don't even see the conversation. He agrees to try and work on the M-Pox cure, MOVES TO ATTILAN TO HELP THEM, all because Storm (WHOM, LAST WE SAW, WAS THREATENING TO PUT HIM IN PRISON FOR CRIMES AGAINST NATURE) convinced him to . . . and WE DO NOT SEE THIS CONVERSATION.
Every time someone pulls out the 'oh, this has been an expertly played baton pass of writers depicting Hank's moral downfall,' I just want to fucking pick up shit and fling it in their face, because they could not be more wrong.
Do you know who's read more Beast comics than these fuckers?
Me. It's me.
Believe me, if there was an actual DEPICTION of ANY of these MASSIVE emotional moments in Hank's life, I would LOVE to talk about them and agree. But they do not exist. It's a character being used as a narrative prop to justify writing decisions that otherwise wouldn't make sense (Inhumans vs. X-Men, All-New X-Men), and no-one cares because he was never that popular to begin with.
And it just - frustrates me, because, like, did you know that Hank formed a political advocacy group for mutant rights?
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Did you know he was present during sessions of Congress, giving his support to pro-mutant legislation and becoming long time friends with multiple politicians?
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But because it's in New Defenders, because it's in Secret Avengers, and no-one READ those issues, they don't care! It doesn't matter to them! Hank has, by and large, within the narrative, done SO MUCH for mutant rights, he has ACTIVELY worked for them within the system SO HARD, but because it isn't done with an optic blast or a big punchy fist in an X-Men book, it doesn't count.
And like, I just . . . the last few appearances before he starts being focused on in X-Force, before the heel turn, he is NOT acting like an asshole!
Laura literally calls him the nerd she can trust and he takes pictures of her and Gabby being cute during a party!
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He's helping Banshee recover from his Apocalypse corruption and teaching at Harvard, trying to actively retire from superhero work because he's exhausted!
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He's telling Captain Marvel, hey, you're wrong about your precognition bullshit in Civil War II, and he's helping Spider-Man with science problems, and he SAVES THE INHUMAN CIVILISATION SINGLEHANDEDLY!
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So many writers are trying to steer him back onto course. Not just Avengers books, either, X-Men books! There's, like, TWO, THREE writers who want to push evil, asshole Beast, and everyone else is just like, uhhh, nooo? But because the X-office do not care, they keep getting their chance. They don't care about protecting Beast's reputation, or his stories, or his legacy. He's just a character to be thrown wherever he'll fit.
So you get the narrative that he was always evil. He was decaying all along.
No, it's bullshit. It's literally the Scarlet Witch story again, where it just HAPPENS in fits and starts to kick off events and stories, regardless of whether or not it makes sense for past characterisation or continuity.
So, yeah. It's a combination of the X-office not really caring about protecting the image of the character, and certain writers just doing shoddy, shitty jobs of writing emotional checks that their asses weren't willing to cash.
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madamsugarskull · 5 months
Can you give a tutorial/tips on how you draw facial expressions please? Everyone always looks so unhinged in your art and I love it!
Sure! I don’t mind giving a few pointers, It’s super sweet of you to ask.
Basically, my number one rule of an expression is that the eyes are the most important part of the face. I feel like if you took everything else out, the eyes could still tell you everything you need to know about how someone is feeling. Kinda like Gromit from Wallace and Gromit. And I always felt that comics are incredible in the fact you only need to draw someone’s face without any dialogue and you would still understand what’s happening.
Here’s a few examples with my girlie Min:
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Starting off, the only thing different about these faces are the eyes and the lips. Everything else is the same but comes off completely different. Min’s eyes in the first image are smaller, lidded and her lip is more of a smirk than a smile. Which makes her look more menacing and scheming. Meanwhile, the second image her eyes are bigger, her smile is softer and her eyes are wide open. This gives her an innocent and peaceful feeling. And that’s only just from drawing different eyes and lips. And shows how important these things are.
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For more exaggerated expressions, you gotta mold the face and add a bunch of lines to make the expression more intense. And again, changing the shape of the eyes also adds to it.
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I also recommend finding references you like for future use. For me, I like to take expressions from manga and comics specifically because I feel like animation sometimes doesn’t get the image right when it’s still. Unlike manga that uses lighting and detail to show off just how intense the reaction is. Which is really important when you’re drawing a comic vs doing an animation. So do what I do and look at comics, manga and even just look up on google some expressions you feel hit the sweet spot yours looking for.
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All in all, I would say practice and not being afraid to make your characters ugly is the next important thing. It sometimes becomes tempting to keep your characters pretty, and I had that issue a lot and still do. So don’t be afraid to get weird with expressions. Hell, make your hottest character hideous for comedy sake. It helps to loosen you up to better expressions later on. For me, I typically use min and miyuki for study and practice. Since I feel they are the perfect characters for that.
But anyway! Thanks for reading! I hope this helped and if you have other drawing tips you’d like to ask. Please go ahead and ask. I’m not the most talented artist. But I like to give help where I can if people really want to listen to me!
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eggonthemoon · 9 months
dear lord why did I choose the most annoying way to make a comic.
I'm tempted to start over because just drawing one panel was hard enough.
Lesson learned though, next time don't force yourself to use layers in ways that kill your motivation
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Here’s the panel I finished!
Now I kinda want to know
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I literally am obsessed with everything about them. Do not worry about getting distracted and such and ranting about these beautiful characters.
Also it would not be polyhornets because Alex is not involved, it would be Bram!
I LOVE THIS LITTLE FAMILY!! I LOVE THE ADDITION OF JESSE!!!! I LOVE THEMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are wonderful names btw!!!! I'm tempted to give you the names of what my (Previously mentioned friend now partner lmao) named the Jam twins we made cause there is a similar naming scheme there. But also, the twins are on the internet somewhere and if you found out who I am I think I would have to hide away forever.... But still... It tempts me......... Maybe one day!
Ah thank you, Bram. I'm really bad at figuring out the ship names for these guys lol. I expect them to get longer the more people are included, and then its four letters and I'm like... huh.
Anyway, I am also obsessed. I fucking love these characters so much, thinking about the kinda post MH story for them is so special to me. I'm SO glad you like the names. I love them. I think they're so cute. And now I'm really curious what names you guys game the twins, like how similar are the names, if the naming convention itself is similar?
You don't have to tell me, obviously, but I do wonder.
I remembered more about the post MH storyline that me and my boyfriend talked about AGES ago (before I'd decided that Tim and Brian would have another kid, and before that kid was named Jesse after Jessica), which was specifically about the 'canon' way that this story goes (not the 'everyone lives' AU). Because it ended up being that like, Tim did end up getting back in touch with Jessica because she and Taylor had a kid who ended up in the same school as Birdie did I think? (small fucking world huh 💀 everyone's turning up at this damn school).
Anyway Jessica was like, picking her kid up from school and she saw Tim while he was waiting in the playground, and just kinda sidled up to him to see if it actually was, and like, sure the conversation was a bit awkward, but it was still nice. (I know Jessica doesn't remember MH in the comics but she does here, just like she has a kid here, and isn't being actively fucked with by the operator and skully lol)
Anyway, then Birdie came out of class and over to Tim, and Jessica had this little moment looking at her where she was like "god this kid looks just like Jay" and she doesn't get a chance to ask Tim about it, because then her own kid is coming out of class and they have to rush off to get to his after school club or whatever, but the next day when she sees Tim again, Jessica just quietly asks if Birdie is both Tim's and Jay's, and Tim gets like, really quiet and just gives her a tight little nod and that's the end of the conversation.
But like, over the next term or two, they slowly talk more and eventually Tim admits that Jay died at the end of MH and that he lied about it to Jessica back then because he thought it was the right thing to do. They become good friends though, and they take their kids to the part together and stuff, so Birdie has a "cousin" in Jessica's kid who she becomes fast friends with, and their little family grows. Because like, yeah they have Brian's family, but they don't get to see them super often.
Side note, Brian having a very big, very lovely family is a huge HC for my boyfriend and I. We have a whole cowboy/wild west au that ended up accidentally revolving around Brian having a huge family who are just, really really accepting of queerness. Like, Jay was a trans guy, Alex was a trans girl, Tim and Brian were gay/bi etc, and the four of them were poly, and brians mum was just like, cool, can one of you PLEASE go wrangle the younger kids for dinner??? It's great. She also makes Alex her first dress, and teaches her 'how to be a woman', like, sewing, cooking, all the stuff a lady in the 1800's wild west would need to know.
I love that woman. She's the best character in that whole AU. She treated Tim like one of her own sons because he and Brian had been friends since they were kids, except Tim was CLEARLY her favourite and she was an absolute menace (affectionately) to Brian, who was the oldest or one of the oldest out of, like, 7 or 8 kids I think.
Best au ever lol.
SPEAKING OF BRIAN ACTUALLY, you wanna know one of the ideas I went through before settling on Brian showing up as a teacher at Birdies school? I'm gonna tell you anyway so please nod.
At first, I was gonna have it so that Tim and Brian only met each other again when they were both in, like, their late fifties to early sixties. Like, Birdie would be all grown up and living with her wife (oh yeah Birdie's a lesbian and ends up with a wife) and one day Tim and Brian just, run into each other, and it takes them both a moment to place where the hell they recognised each other from, but eventually they do, and just like in 'canon' S,IL they both have a big crying reunion about it. And then it was just them being old men falling in love with each other all over again, y'know?
It was SUCH a cute idea. It was so fucking cute. I still love it.
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drdtfuitgumies · 2 months
season 2 summary: june 2024
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this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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i absolutely did not expect xander and j tying for first place, both appearing five times for june 2024. i should've seen this coming since i tried to even out the character distribution whenever possible; hence second and third places also being ties. very, very large ties.
arei was in jail for most of the month, but she still manages to appear twice regardless. good for her!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) J and Nico at autism heaven (real-life Pokemon Center)
what else do you expect out of Me, who learnt literacy from replaying Pokemon Soul Silver and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky over and over? i assure, for the ten other people that read this, that i will put everyone to autism heaven eventually. (also, "autism heaven" is referencing a tiktok. it's a good phrase)
2) Charles in comical amounts of swimwear
i just think he looks very silly. it is warranted, but still very silly. i wonder if the drdt cast could get out of a beach episode without any casualties... also, when this first came in the inbox, i was so tempted to break schedule and do it immediately. there will be some more prompts that scratch the itch in my braincell
3) Ace is finally tall (with the assistance of Levi)
he's finally tall! the one time he looks actually happy...!! i also mention this one here because i'd like to acknowledge a funny little thing i've been doing; making nico's slippers emote. you'll be seeing it more often when nico themselves pop up more often!
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sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
i probably could've blended whit into strawberry milkshake and proudly shouldered the blame, but i just didn't consider the possibility then
ace was missing his front hairstrands while he was eating mint (see other ace posts to compare). i actually never realized this until i finally got around to making this post
when i started this blog, i really, reallyyyyy wanted the 39th post (featuring world-class icon Hatsune Miku) to be a vocaloid mv redraw / reference, but i realized pretty quickly i wouldn't be able to take it seriously. at least i drew miku gumy!
mai's debut was supposed to be something like... her watching despair time prologue episode 1 (possibly on monotv's screen or sitting next to monotv). haunting the narrative or something.
i didn't mention levi being relatively difficult to draw so i will for this month's summary. i keep thinking that "it's kinda like xander but also not really", which continues to become my downfall. xander is still one of the easier ones to draw too... ack
me putting arei in jail actually made me forget how to draw her for a hot second
the singular miro canvas i use for every single fuit gumy in this blog has gotten large enough that it occasionally lags when my internet isn't being stellar. i'll show it in the next summary since it'll become even larger by then!
when do you guys think arei will finish stealing at least one thing from everyone else. your answers may or may not influence me
once again, thank you so much for your support! every comment you make amuses me. :>
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diezmil10000 · 1 year
what was your dave hc for that davekat comic? just curious
okay so. two things. first of all a content warning for discussing homophobia and child abuse (i mention child sexual abuse but don’t go into detail). second of all, i read homestuck for the first time last month and i’ve never read any analysis of dave’s character, so i have no idea of what the general opinion is!
this is insanely long so it’s all under the cut, sorry if you didn’t expect this wall of text anon
i think it's pretty much explicitly canon that dave has a complicated relationship with his attraction to men, both because of internalised homophobia and because of the abuse he suffered as a child from his bro. as someone who didn’t pay much attention to dave until later pages, i want to say that his first meeting with dirk was the only moment in all homestuck that made me cry and left me with my heart stinging. i had to stop reading for a while
my comic was the result of days of thinking of how dave is a deeply repressed and traumatised boy who left earth thinking being gay is a joke, only to fall for another boy whose entire species is bisexual by default. i like to interpret dave as someone who is simultaneously uncomfortable with and yearning for intimacy – he is kinda okay with having a partner, with casually making out, but he freaks out the moment he has to talk about his feelings or take things a step further. the fact that he (as davesprite) suddenly breaks up with jade, unable to put his feelings into words for a proper explanation; the way he (pre-retcon) describes his relationship with terezi on the meteor as “a thing” and refuses to talk to karkat (or anyone) about it; the whole goddamn conversation between him and karkat and john in the final arc… this poor kid has gone through a lot
a lot of the abuse he’s suffered because of his bro is very explicit, like being denied privacy, but a lot of it is also left implied. he’s weirdly fixated on dirk being gay, not only because he wants to know how he came out, but also because learning about it made him have a realization about his bro that he refuses to even bring up in the conversation. the first though i had was that he went through some kind of sexual abuse, not necessarily involving physical touch (though it could be) but strong enough to damage his perception towards his own body. even for a headcanon in which that doesn’t happen, dave says his bro never truly loved him, and i can imagine him having never received any kind of genuine physical affection
we also have to take into account that dave’s last sight of earth was 2009’s earth. we’re in 2023 as i’m writing this and men all over the world still have a complicated relationship with affection and feelings, especially straight men towards other men. dave grew up in a time in which gay marriage wasn’t legal in the united states, in which a lot of feminist ideas were outright discarded as crazy, and he never had to question lgbt issues because all of his crushes before karkat were girls. so he left earth being not exactly homophobic but finding jokes about gay people funny, and then he was forced to live with aliens that don’t understand heteronormativity because they quite literally don’t care about gender. and on top of that, the only other human in the meteor who happens to be his sister is suddenly a lesbian, and he feels like he’s the only one who can’t come to terms with his own sexuality
as much as it’s tempting to think that dave and rose had some conversations about the topic on the meteor, to me it is much more interesting to think that they haven’t. rose is another can of worms, and i personally love that the way she sorted her feelings out is 100% up to interpretation (i have dozens of explicitly repressed lesbians to read about in other media) – however, in every possible scenario i imagine dave dying to ask her personal questions, but ultimately deciding against it because it would put him in a vulnerable position. he isn't alone, but he's been taught to believe he is
so, finally coming back to how i envisioned my davekat comic: they have made out more than once but they have never talked about how they feel about it. karkat is afraid to death of hurting dave because he apparently can’t stop hurting his loved ones! but he guesses that at this point they are both on the same page and they should take it a step further and maybe dave just needs someone else to silently take the initiative? which isn't entirely wrong (they are horny teenagers physically craving for touch), but the sudden skin-to-skin contact is too much for dave, who isn’t mentally prepared for this. and he won’t be prepared until he talks about it, but he will eventually. because he will learn that he isn't alone and he will never be
honestly, out of all things i didn’t expect when i read homestuck, the last one was a well written teenager coming to terms with the fact that he’s bisexual. i really don’t want to hear any debate about this topic, because i was genuinely touched by how human dave’s development felt and that’s the emotion i want to remember. i too have been a lgbt teenager with no words to describe my experiences, afraid of coming out to my friends, and it was very nice to read that two of the four main protagonists of homestuck are explicitly lgbt. sorry if the wording isn’t the most pleasing, i know that literally almost every homestuck character is explicitly lgbt (you could argue that all kids are), but i guess that rose and dave being *inarguably* lgbt while being so important to the story makes my heart warm. we don’t usually get stories like this that get so insanely popular. also, i hope this hasn’t come across as me reducing dave to his insecurities and sexuality, it was after all a reply to a specific question!!
thank you for the interest anon, and thank you for reading all of this to anyone who has :)
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