#anywayyy have a good day y'all
sassy-ahsoka-tano · 1 year
A Little Extra Sugar
austin butler x reader | 🍋 - lemonade
tw: none, this is Soft! || word count: 1.5k || rating: Pg
A/N: 2023 mila = making austin a himbo apparently LMAO. anywayyy, this turned out a lot cuter than i was expecting so i hope y'all enjoy it! 💕
When your little cousin blasted through the front doors yesterday afternoon with the ambitious idea of starting a lemonade stand, you couldn’t be happier to help her. But you didn’t realize that you were also agreeing to help her work the lemonade stand. All day long. In the California summer heat.
Nevertheless, there you are standing beside her squeezing lemons and stirring sugar. You can hardly believe that you’re spending your Saturday selling $2 lemonades. But seeing how happy your cousin is, you’re glad to help. The sour aroma of freshly squeezed lemons fills the humid summer air as you turn a lemon on top of the juicer. As you turn to toss the empty lemon into the trashcan, a familiar voice captures your attention.
“Well, what have we here?”
Your head snaps up to see your neighbor, Austin, approaching the stand. Your heart jumps into your throat with anticipation. You’ve had a crush on Austin for a long time now but you aren’t sure how to tell him. When he flashes his handsome smile, you avert your gaze to hide your smile.
“Hi Austin!” your cousin shouts excitedly. “We’re selling lemonade. It’s two dollars for a cup. Do you want some?”
Your heart warms as Austin crouches down to get on eye level with your cousin. The corners of his mouth crease as he grins sweetly.
“I’d love a cup. Can you put in some extra sugar?”
“Of course! But it’ll cost you,” your cousin replies matter-of-factly.
Austin’s deep, full laugh is contagious and you smile. Your cheeks ache with admiration for him.
“Well, okay then,” Austin nods.
Your cousin claps happily, spooning some extra sugar into the cup. When Austin’s bright, sparkling blue eyes center on yours, you can practically feel your heart beating into your throat. Your cheeks feel hot so you clear your throat to dispel some of the tension.
“Hey, Y/N,” he says in his usual husky tone. “How're you doing?”
“Good,” you reply nervously. “Happy you made it over when you did. We’re selling out pretty fast.”
“Really? How much have you made so far?”
“One hundred dollars!” your cousin answers as she pushes Austin’s glass across the table.
Austin’s eyes widen and he looks to you for confirmation. With a shrug, you nod. Your cousin was correct. Per her suggestion, you had chosen a very busy street. But the number of customers had surpassed your expectations by far.
“Shrewd businesswoman right here,” you say, tossing your head toward your cousin.
“Yeah…no kidding,” he muses with a chuckle.
“Four dollars please, Mr. Butler,” your cousin interrupts.
“Four? I thought you said it was two?” Austin sputters.
“It is but you wanted extra sugar. I told you it would cost you. It’s an upcharge,” your cousin replies with a nonchalant shrug.
Austin glances at you again, mouthing the word “upcharge” incredulously. You stifle a giggle and shake your head.
“Four dollars…okay…”
Austin fumbles around in his wallet, coming out with two dollars and a few odd cents. His eyebrows furrowed, he peers up at your cousin.
“I…don’t think I have cash for that. I don’t really carry it anymore. You don’t happen to take card…do you?”
You bite your lip but are unable to stop the laugh that escapes your throat. Austin chuckles nervously, his cheeks growing redder by the second.
“Right, of course not. I guess, uh…”
Austin reaches up to scratch the back of his neck. You admire the way he tilts his head ever so slightly, the way the veins in his neck pulse when he does so. You clear your throat and then turn toward your cousin.
“Well, there might be another way you could pay for your lemonade,” you suggest with a quirked eyebrow.
The corner of Austin’s mouth twitches up into a small smirk.
“Yeah, what’s that?”
“You could help us behind the counter,” you respond. “We’ve been a little slow on making new batches of lemonade because it takes us so long to squeeze the lemons. We could use a big strong man to do it for us.”
A full grin breaks across Austin’s face and he nods. Although you wonder why he’s wearing a sweatshirt in 90 degree heat, you admire the way Austin’s forearms and fingers flex as he rolls up the sleeves of the sweatshirt.
“I’d be honored to lend my services,” he says. “Make some room and let’s get down to business.”
Over the next couple of hours, customer after customer approaches your tiny stand. You would never take all of the credit, but you have to hand it to yourself. Your marketing skills are clearly superior thanks to the beautiful sign you’d made to clip on top of the stand which advertised cool and refreshing $2 lemonades.
With Austin efficiently squeezing lemons on the table behind you, the stand always had a fresh brew of lemonade ready for the next customers. Your cousin mixes in the sugar and does the haggling while you fill the cups and take payment from the customers. It’s surprising how many customers have offered to pay a little extra. Your cousin’s tough bartering skills and sweet face are obviously a good selling point.
Each time Austin hands you a fresh pitcher of lemonade, your heart pounds, especially when your fingers gently brush against his. With your backs to each other, you didn’t have much of an opportunity to make small talk, but just his presence alone was enough to make your palms sweaty.
During a particularly busy rush, you run into a slight problem. Busy hurriedly filling cups, you barely hear Austin’s stressed call for help from behind you.
“Uh…we’re out of lemons!” he shouts.
“No, we shouldn’t be,” you reply, glancing at him over your shoulder.
“Well, this box is definitely empty.”
He picks up the box of lemons and tips it upside down. Nothing falls out, proving that it is, in fact, empty.
“Oh, well we have others down there,” you gesture, admittedly vaguely, to a place underneath the tablecloth.
“Where?” Austin asks confusedly.
“Down there. Under the tablecloth.”
 You gesture again, but with one hand still busy filling cups for the customers, you can’t do much better. You return to filling the cups, passing them to your cousin as quickly as possible. You can hear Austin rummaging around behind you but it doesn’t sound like he’s doing very well.
“Where? I can’t find them,” he says.
You sigh frustratedly. How can he not see them?
“Hold on. I’ll find the-”
You’re in the middle of mumbling your reply when you turn around to help him find the lemons. Unfortunately, Austin had decided to turn around at the exact same moment with a similar idea. You crash into his chest. Your feet stumble and falter. You can feel your body tipping forward, but there’s nothing you can do to stop yourself as you teeters over on top of Austin. You squeeze your eyes shut, bracing for the impact. You can hear the groan escape Austin’s lips as his back smashes onto the grass below him. You mutter an “ow”.
When you open your eyes, your body goes rigid. You’re laying on top of Austin, your hands on his heaving chest, your faces aligned, your lips hovering just inches apart. You know you should move and get off of him, but you can’t bring yourself to. You like the feeling of laying on his chest, of being this close to one another. You gulp as Austin’s eyes search your face and finally land on your lips. Suddenly, his head bobs upward and he presses his lips to yours. Your eyes widen in surprise, your body too stunned to return the kiss. As he lays his head back down, a small smile begins to spread across your face. As your body defrosts from its shocked numbness, you lower your head and give him a sweet peck on the lips. His hand snakes up into your hair, keeping your mouth firmly attached to his.
You pull apart to the sounds of wolf whistles and cheering. Feeling the heat flood into your cheeks, you bury your head in Austin’s shoulder. His finger hooks underneath your chin, lifting your gaze to his. A sweet smile plays at his lips. He winks and you giggle. Your eyes flick down to his lips again and you move to kiss him one more time.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” your cousin’s shrill voice put a stop to your actions. You both glance up to see her with her hands on her hips, a scolding expression on her face. “I can’t run this stand all by myself! I’m not paying you to kiss. Ew!”
You chuckle and nod.
“Oops, sorry bud. We’ll get back to work ASAP,” you reply as seriously as you can.
She nods resolutely, huffs, and then goes back to haggling with an elderly woman. You look back to Austin to find him staring at you with a goofy smile plastered on his face.
"Thanks for today, Austin,” you say. “You made it so much fun."
“Anytime,” he replies. “Hey, we should probably get those lemons. I don’t want to owe your cousin a debt. She seems like the loanshark type.”
You laugh and nod, pressing a sweet kiss to his nose.
🦋 mila
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gaiussaidno · 2 years
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another year checked off, feelin' some typ'a wayyyy. maybe i'll draw some comfort characters tomorrow/today
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redafterglow · 4 years
Ok but Still Sane by Lorde is fucking incredible.
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parkjiminer · 6 years
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
hi i had another idea for jim lol so thought i might share! anyway this man absolutely loves when you play with his hair! he didn’t think he was that kind of guy?? like if you had asked him he wouldn’t have said it was something he particularly enjoyed but one time you’re sitting on the couch, he’s being his cute little tired self and you’re probably just reading or watching a movie anywayyy he’s resting his head on your shoulder and at some point you happen to touch his hair, you do it pretty absentmindedly because you’re focused on whatever you’re doing but for him it’s like a revelation!! so jim is like okay i really like this, this is really nice, very new but nice and at some point you stop (idk you want to grab popcorn or whatever) and he just stares at you like…you can’t give me the nice stuff and then take it away?? so you think it’s adorable because oh he’s so cute with his little confused, almost hurt expression so you ask him if he liked it when you played with his hair and he blushes (he’s a blushy mess when it comes to you but I’ll come back to that another time)
you just chuckle at his overall cuteness and take his hand to let him rest against your shoulder again, threading your fingers through his hair softly and man it was such a pleasant and soothing feeling that he was snoring within 5min, of course you kept your hand where it was, you brought the plaid that was on the couch over his shoulders and let him nap (always while playing with his hair, very important!!) because poor baby is exhausted but very much in love with you 🤧🤧
Hi hi!
God, I love this so frickin' much. He definitely seems like he'd be into that, like, he's just so soft and shy, he'd never ask, but you just know, cause you know your man so well. Obvs.
Excuse me while I add a couple things real quick 😅
1) Sometimes, maybe while watching TV before/after dinner and you're all cozy on the sofa, and when he's had a particularity tiring day, he rests his head into your lap and so both your eyes are just trained on the television while your fingers thread through his hair.
2) Maybe y'all face each other when falling asleep, your face buried in his neck (cause he smells so damn good, my soul says he does lol) and you just kind of reach up, your forearm relaxed on his bicep, so your fingers can gently comb through his hair. And gosh, he can feel your breath on his neck and he occasionally kisses the top of your head until you both fall asleep like that. I am the most unromantic person where did that come from?
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daydreamrry · 2 years
hiiii!!! i'm back. how are you guys?? i have my final exams in a few days please send good vibes and energy my way haha<3
anywayyy do y'all wanna hear the couple harry related dreams i had??
hellooooo 💛💛💛 good luck on your exams!!! and feel free to share, love!!!!
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toukatan · 3 years
my children, my gals, my mans, lemme tell you something: beni is in fucking town. she back, she better and she going to steal your wife.
we've been clowning around together for so long my sweetie, my honey, my sis, i already feel like we truly sis omg please adopt me wth.
you're the most amazing person out here on tumblr and whoever says the opposite, y'all accepting the terms and conditions for me to beat your ass in a fucking ring. you're the most precious bean here and, just so you know, i'm the current leader of the beni protection squad.
but now getting serious; never forget that you're so loved, honey. you built all this by yourself and you should be proud of all the amazing people who surround you in this blog and irl bc i'm pretty sure they're amazing people too (if not, you go and beat their ass, be right over to help you out). you should also be proud of who you have become through all these years.
as someone who knows your blog since it was aot only (saying this i feel old af (no longer follows you from that ear bc of fucking tumblr)) i can tell you that your blog is the most wholesome side of the every fandom ever. this is were all the cinnamon rolls join to fangirl about new shows around the cinnamon roll supreme. you gave me so much serototin you should be going to jail for drug trafficking.
talking about legal shit, you cannot legally have bad taste like wth. every single show/manga/song you recommend is a fucking banger like mams what—
i have many other things that i could be writing rn but i don't wanna take your whole day with this sappy bullshit. anywayyy~
love you lots, bitch. you amazing, you hella nice and if anyone here doesn't like you send me your location i just wanna talk.
ps: for the tr anonie: i'll make sure she watches the whole show and reads the manga. as a big ass tokyo revengers fan, i won't let this opportunity pass. beni beware ✨
i back and i ready and i be watching the olympics and cheering like i am literally right there so i cannot steal your wife. i ain’t got time keep ya wife. she’s not hime. BWJDHJWBSJS
we’ve been clowning around for a whole ass year now and we’re still doing it like there is no h8 in this household just love and good vibes and roasting each other’s taste like we really do be like this.
and i really didn’t know what i did to deserve you and every other person on here and i can’t be more thankful for such a loving supportive environment. my safety net. my safe space. that’s all of y’all. right here.
and i know im always saying this but you and every person on here have been one of my biggest supports out there especially with the past month being the most difficult thing i’ve ever endured. you reminded me that it was okay to take time for myself, it’s okay to not be okay and it’s okay to just take it one step at a time. to not rush into things and just take it easy. i really needed that. i can’t thank you enough for simply being there. that alone was more than enough.
thank you for always checking up on me, you started worrying the moment i disappeared off discord for a bit just to find out i was with my fambam and watching the olympics— like sis you’re literally the sweetest bean ever and i don’t know what i did to deserve you. instead of thanking me, thank you for being you. never change bestie. you’re amazing just as you are. you are a blessing. that’s it. you are and you better know it.
anyone with mía in their life rn irl or online are the luckiest beings because she brings nothing but warmth and love with so much support and she will spam you with 273848 sports animes and you’ll love it no matter what because she attack but most importantly she protecc and treasure and love her dorky bois
love you lots we are not in h8 we are doing gr8 and if you want me to watch tokyo revengers you have to watch every olympics event i’ve seen in the past 3 days— that is the only way we are gonna do this whifbajfhs
mía most precious being ever i said what i said you cannot fight me on that i will throw hands if you said no u
me at you right now because you had the audacity.
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wickedhawtwexler · 3 years
lmao it's the holiday season which means it's bitching under read mores season
lmao SOOO i told my grandmother, idk, a week or two ago that i was tentatively planning to come home on the monday or tuesday before thanksgiving. i.e. today or tomorrow. but when we talked saturday i told her i was planning tuesday, because i had work i needed to get done for grad school before i came home.
so she called me like five minutes after i woke up this morning and was like "hey what time are you leaving? i want pizza!" because that's a thing, she just like refuses to order takeout when i'm not there, despite the fact she very much knows how to do it, and then constantly holds that over me like "i can't wait for you to come home so i can eat out again" like *I* am the one holding her back from that.
ANYWAYYY i was like "no, remember i'm coming back tomorrow" and she got all huffy like "i just thought you would change your mind" and acted like a bratty teenager for the rest of the phone call and abruptly hung up on me
so thanksgiving is going to be fun this year 🤪
idk back when we had that fight in... june or july? my therapist said it sounds a lot like my grandmother might have borderline personality disorder, and i read into it and it does make sense, so i am trying to be more patient, because i really do love my grandmother, she has done sooo much for me and i don't want to completely not speak to her, especially if she's doing a lot of this because of a mental illness that isn't her fault.
but it's just like. she keeps pushing away her other kids (i am essentially her kid too since she raised me more than my mother did lmao, pretty much the entire extended family has decided this). some for valid reasons (my mother is the devil, my one uncle has a wife who is arguably even worse than my mother and he enables her) but some for absolute bullshit reasons (she barely speaks to my one aunt because she dared to suggest my grandmother see a therapist lmao), so she just puts more and more of her need to be needed onto me and like. it's just really hard bc a lot of the time i can't tell what she's doing out of genuine concern and care vs. what she's doing just because she doesn't want to be alone. and it just really sucks because my mother also has an agenda literally every time she speaks to me (which is almost never) and like. could one parental figure maybe just be nice to me because they care and no other reason lmao. doesn't feel good y'all.
anyway i'm semi-seriously considering entering the dating scene solely for the reason of having an excuse to not go home for the holidays lmao. or just making up a fake significant other. or maybe i'll find other people avoiding their families on thanksgiving and plan a trip, like to new york to see the macy's thanksgiving day parade or something.
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emersonfreepress · 4 years
heyyy loved ur demo it was intense as hell. loved when campbell said how mc was a matyr for their parents, which i wanted to ask how'd the ros react if mc subconsciously acted like that towards them? and if it isnt too much how would the ros react to mc's relationship w/ their parents and going along w their demands? yknow sometimes its hard to say no to family especially with how mcs mom acted in the intro. sorry if this is too much lmao i just finished the demo and my adrenaline is pumping. anywayyy stay safe and have a good day ❤❤❤❤
thanks so much for reading! i am glad it was intense since that's v much what I was going for ^ ^
jamal is a monster that i'm very fond of 😅 he does tend to give half-right advice every once in a while! and not letting ppl use you, even family, is a good one. sometimes saying no to family can be nauseatingly difficult, no matter how reasonable a 'no' might be for a situation. ugh and the turmoil of being almost an adult and 'no' basically being disallowed and classed as disobedience or disrespect 😒 both of the parents have a bit of my own mom to them, I'm basing much of their dependent behavior on her (may she never read this story lol). #youthrights y'all
i will refrain from the second question since the cast does react to your parents in-game! so to answer the first:
Gabe would let this go on, but once you're actually friends he'd just get fed up with it one day. While you're making some subtle self-sacrifice, he'd interrupt you and stop everything to talk to you about it (or at you, depending on how you take it lol). "Stop that. Just—stop."
Kile would be super annoyed. Not annoyed at the MC but annoyed by the self-sacrificing tendency itself. Martyrdom is some shit (they claim) they cannot comprehend.
Jack, Jessie, and Vi (in some ways) are the same so they get it. Jack understands how self-sacrifice can be detrimental but can't really help himself so he wouldn't really know what to say to you. Jessie can't stop and doesn't even realize she could do well with some moderation. Vi would be actively biting their tongue not to push back against such behavior since they have little room to talk.
Rain's got a pretty local mentality, so they're cynical and disapproving of such an attitude. They'd be subtly pushing you to indulge in more selfish impulses and prioritize finding out what you want in a certain situations.
R would admire this about you but start laying down little rules for you to get you to stop sacrificing your own happiness, if nothing else. Similar to Rain in a way, but they're far more blatant about it. They might launch into a rant or two about selfish parents and anarchy 😂😂
Heidi is morally opposed to martyrdom, despite the cross around her neck 😅 She wouldn't be able to take a self-sacrificing MC seriously in almost any way outside of academic achievements. (She'd still date one tho.) trust, it'll eventually be v clear how she feels about this personality type when you see her interact with Jessie 😅
Curt would find a martyr personality novel and curious. Most convos, he'd be subtly picking your brain to see what makes you tick. Why you're willing to sacrifice yourself for others. He gets that some ppl are like that, but doesn't understand the motivations for it and sees it as an impractical, tedious way to live.
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dong-hyucks · 7 years
aye jade i saw someone else do this so now you must also suffer :) ship your mutuals with an idol and ship them ;) - jhoe anon
i love this ask so much tysm jhoe anon ily alkhwlahf this is so cute?? still don’t talk to many people so i’ll just stick with the same people from last time lol (with one added because i just had to)
this got really long lol (probably because i wasn’t rushed this time)
firstly i’d ship bà nội – @hellohaechan – with ten from NCT U! alright so they’d be so cute together i can’t even properly express that in words afhlakf they’d have the best friend kind of relationship because the both of them have these personalities that just go so well together like it’d be the typical falling in love with your best friend sorta thing. the type of couple that turns heads!! they’d have either ‘outgoing’ dates or lazy dates honestly there’s no in between. (i,e amusement park dates or netflix (IN AN INNOCENT WAY YA NASTIES)) + very photogenic couple selfies [like all of ten’s predebut ones and the ones you’ve sent me lol]
thennn i’d ship @ugyeoms with yugyeom from got7 (ofc lol) hm i wonder why lol anywayyy– i don’t even know what you look like but you and gyeom would be straight up couple goals!! like you’re so nice??? and soft??? n yugyeom is also v nice and soft (at times lmao) bUT you both can also get v. extra and it’s cute!! i feel like pda wouldn’t be much of thing bc he’d get shy (dunno about you lol maybe you’re outgoing like that) but cUDDLES the two of you would have scheduled hours/days for cuddling times fite me on this k. misc dates!! he’d take you out for ice cream and be all cute n stuff with you akfwakhf i’m weak
okay!! @trashforyugyeom my child (even tho you’re older than me iDC) YOU AND DOYOUNG (NCT U/127) OKAY, MY LIL BUNNY CHILDREN i feel like doyoung would be the type of bf to tease you a lot but you’d be over here throwing them comebacks right back at him afhkwa the savage™ couple okok alrighty so you two would be so soft??? no one expects it but under the teasing you guys gEt So FluStErEd around each other like you’ll jokingly wink at the other n then they’d think about it forever! dates with kdy would be really simple normally, but on days like anniversaries expect dobunny over here to be really extra with dates,,, like he’d be the type to get a freaking limo for your 5th ann. tbh
i’m smiling a lot this is cute :)) next up @chenlays with mark… … jkjk obviously she’d be with chenle (nct dream) it’s confirmed!! they’d be such an adorable couple like imagine two floofs in a relationship that’d be them, that’s a fact okay. cutest couple ever (i’m definitely going to say that a lot here lol) like they’d be so many cliches at once but they’d still keep it all real (does that even make sense kafhka) dates would be all over the place!! they’re both young so they’d be experimenting to see what they liked [amusement parks, walks, lazy days, coffee dates, etc.] the type of couple that happily single people (and people in relationships lol) would be jealous of
next!! @101mess would be with woojin (wanna one)!! honestly you’re both adorable like?? wow my heart is just– anywho, you’d be like the couple, y’know. everyone ships you [i’d imagine the rest of the wanna dorks making a group chat to gossip abt you two lol] you’re also that really extra couple,, like showing your love for each other in very extra ways (woojin lowkey making a new little dance with you like the pink sausage duo one) dates!! with!! woojin!! i feel like he’d like to teach you how to dance to wanna one’s songs and other ones and then you’d go out to some little coffee shop after afkwahkfha if not you’d take a lot of slow walks together :)
my heart is actually just– @wannabl!! forgive me for not choosing your bias buT I’D SHIP YOU WITH GUANLIN (wanna one) okay okay hear me out tho– guanlin is v extra, seemingly effortlessly. you are also v extra. the official extra couple. probably sending each other memes at 4am tbh (cOnSIDERING YOU’RE NOT SLEEPING SAKFHKJ go to beD) he’d like to challenge you to the occasional bball game, and if you’re not good he may or may not miss on purpose and then hype you tf up when you get a basket. your dates wouldn’t be too much, like they’d be the simple dates that you go on at the beginning of a relationship, but he’s really, really, really sweet to you!!
i don’t think you guys realize how cute writing this is wowow
next in line; @pinksausageduo with woojin (wanna one) i know!! i’ve done woojin already but iDc oops– dancing couple!! both of you can dance really well (btw tell me when you post the freestyle for 777 i’m hyped) so you’d dance to a lot of couple duets in your spare time. woojin can get a bit shy but around you?? confident af because you make him like that!! you’d have a generally v sweet relationship but at the same time there’d be these playful teasing jokes that make other people think ‘wtf’ alRIGHT your dates with woojin would be so fluffy oml as an idol he probably gets really busy n tired so half of your dates would be cuddle dates!! the other half are late night walks and coffee shop visits at midnight :)
alrightyyy i was originally going to ship @little-sundays with jonghyun (nu’est, stan em’) but then i saw your moodboard with jae again!! honestly your caption for the moodboard was so cute >
@binggeulbinggeul-round!! she’s so sweet omg stan her guys– anyway i’d ship you with johnny (NCT 127)!! i feel like you’d just compliment each other! you’re both very, very nice people but you’re also both kind of just chill (in a good way ofc) so you’d be a more laid-back kind of couple! your dates would probably be tumblr post worthy because johnny would love to be romantic with you when he could! you’d go on a plethora of dates– stargazing, midnight coffee runs, cuddle dates in your pyjamas, etc. i feel like he’d lowkey bring food into every date, but would you be complaining lol. i also feel like he’d be the type to buy you these small gifts every now n then but then tell you it’s not necessary to buy him gifts (johhny’s a sweetheart who deserves to be ‘spoiled’ sometimes)
@officialbabyanon,,, i couldn’t forget my own little snake could i :) i’d ship you with a snake. because you are one. jkjk you’ve mentioned being a soft sanha (astro) stan before and ilysm for it like you’re so cute when you aren’t exposing me to the world anYwho y'all can be savage af when you want to be which is kind of the reason why i chose this tol bb but you’d be so cute together!! giggly af couple, the boys would always hear your laughter whenever you come to the dorms PLUS you’re!! always!! exposing!! them!! together!! dates with sanha would either be lowkey or extra honestly like he love love loves staying in with you and just being chill but he also loves going out to places like karaoke rooms and jumping around while screaming at the top of your lungs
and finally
i wasn’t going to do this originally (i thought about it for a while tho honestly) but then we started talking and i sW e AR you are so soft??? and cute??? omg
okay so i’d definitely ship @pcypaige with donghyuck because duh– the softest couple don’t fight me on this bc it’s true!! donghyuck’s a jokester, we all know that, and that would change with you but his teasing would be a lot more affectionate somehow?? like imagine how he is with mark and multiply that by about twenty mkay you two would hype the heck out of each other afalkf like if either one of you felt even the slightest bit down the other would go out of their way to make you feel better!! also each other’s #1 hype(wo)men! just a generally very positive, soft, n cute relationship that includes the softest dates!! imagine building a fort at two in the morning with him in nct’s living room oml
p.s baby anon, redirect your attention to @pcypaige she is so soft for donghyuck it’s adorable!!
if you can’t tell i am v enthuastic about my mutuals
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