#anywho I hope what I put down makes sense XD;
atomi-cat · 2 years
I know you’ve given tips on drawing Jack Skellington’s head before, but would you be willing to give a few tips on Jack’s body? His skinniness, lankiness, and his striped attire make him kinda a challenge to pose and draw, at least for me. I also want to tell you how much I really love the way you draw him.
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
6,7,20,31,41. I'm interested. I'm not going to bother with anon. It's the one you reblogged recently, I hope it's okay for me to ask!
Omg ofc it’s okay!!!!!!! Thank you so so much!!!! :D
6. What are three positive traits about yourself?
Oh no- I-I have to think positivily of myself????? KSNDND I joooooke. Uhmm oki gotta thiiiink. (This took me way to long to think of XD) 1. Uhmmm I’m stubborn but like… in a good way XD it kinda helps with getting things done. 2. Sometimes I manage to make ppl laugh which is fun ehe 3. Uhm uhm uhmmmm I don’t think I’m too intimidating- I wanna think I’m nice- I hope KSNDNDN
7: List 3 negative traits you have
1. I’m very… I come across veryyyy energetic and hyper ehe. And sometimes I scare off pp with that, hence why I have the warning in my bio XD 2. I’m veryyy sensitive and look into things too much so I have to ask my friends if I annoy them like once a week XD 3. ✨trauma✨hehehe I joke I joke. Kinda not really- ANYWHO UHMMM I’m a very very sarcastic person. So uhhh if someone doesn’t know I’m being sarcastic, it doesn’t go too well KDJDN
Oki I’m putting the next ones under this so I don’t take up ppls feeds XD
20: Have you ever had a dream that made you wonder if it was actually a memory?
YES OMGGGGG. I was so so young so I was more stoopid but I abc had no clue. But basically I had a dream that I was stuck in a car as it was rolling down a hill AND IDK Y BUT I COULDNT TELL IF IT WAS A DREAM OR NOT XD and there was another one that I still don’t know if it happened or not but it would explain a lot XD but it was basically where I just tumbled down the stairs and whacked my head alot…. That would make…. Alooooot of sense……
31: What does ‘self care’ look like for you?
Oh sheesh-
I think it’s different for everyone. So self care for meeeeeee would be just being patient with myself and being less hard on myself. And also just unclenching my jaw and relaxing my shoulders (which btw if anyone is reading this you better do that too 💕👀) :)
41: How do you show you care?
If It’s online, it’d be like, texting a good bit, asking how the other person is, telling the other person small things that happened randomly and hoping the other person would too. Also I always try to be there for the other person and I let them know.
If it would be irl, I am a huggy person.. so like.. a lot of hugs if that person likes hugs, but really the same stuff as online too!!! ^^^^^
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gilmesc1 · 4 years
Hiii. If it’s not too much to ask could we get a follow up post about kleptomania? I adored your system mates writing style, they seem so cute, and it was a good post. I guess for a question I’d ask what it feels like in the moment.
Omggggggg anon you’re too nice, I’m blushing, stahp it...but hey if you wanna send more praise I won’t stop you XD 
And no! You’re adorable, not me! Sorry I haven’t been out much XD 
Okie dokie, follow up post, yeah I can do that. So by in the moment, do you mean like in the moment of having a compulsive urge? Not like you can answer me so I’m just gonna go with that. Alright, fasten your seatbelts, keep your hands and feet and arms and generally attached things inside the ride, here we goooo
So I thiiiiink I mentioned how I like to avoid shopping because like there’s too much temptation. Cuz I mean, I love acting like a prick, generally dislikeable, liar, ect ect, buuuut I actually do feel bad after I take stuff, even if it is junk. Emotions be weird.
Anyways, as much as I try to keep myself out of those situations, it’s not like I can avoid a couple of everyday objects forever right XD
So! I don’t think I’ve ever actively set out to steal something, like I walked into a store planning to steal, like obvi I plan to steal eventually, but it’s not like I’m a master criminal. I genuinely have not really intended to steal something without compulsion, like ever. Ok wait that was a lie, there were these AMAZING chocolate covered pretzels I snuck down and ate in the dead of night, that was all pleasure and gain. Totally pre planned XD
Anyways, whatevs, getting off topic. So let’s just skip the rambling and skip to the part where I start to lose it! Kay so, for me, I have to see it to want to steal it. I mean, I don’t have a sense where I’m like, hmmm yes, there are paperclips in that drawer, I can feel them, like I gotta make contact with the object with the seeing balls in my face.  
And honestly the first emotion I feel is “oh shit” (I think that’s an emotion XD) cuz now that I saw it, I can’t ignore it. Literally my mind is going penpenpenpenpen or whatevs, depends on what I’m looking at. (Ok should probably mention that I have specific item triggers, like I don’t go outside and go, omg grass, must steal, it’s specific stuff.) 
Anyways, usually I try to ignore it, even though that hasn’t worked ever. Because I know it’s there, and after I’m like uh oh, I start feeling like, this is gonna sound weird but, this sense of longing. Like I wanna get closer, touch it, put it in my pocket, because it’s gonna feel soooo good if I can get the pen away from the schmuck without him noticing. At the same time this is going on though, I’m also saying, don’t do it, don’t do it, in my head except it’s not as loud as the penpenpenpen, because honesty time guys: I’m actually really ashamed of this stuff. If I’m questioned on it I’ll brag about stealing, cuz I don’t wanna be the wuss who can’t help taking stuff/lying.
(Oh yes, kleptomania AND compulsive lying, but don’t worry, I’m being totally honest now. Would I lie to you internet people :D) Anyways, I’ll sit there and sneak glances at the item, and if the pen is in a pocket or in the line of sight of something like that (there was a chick with a pen in her breast pocket. I get how that didn’t look good, but how am I gonna say, hey, chill, it’s all good, I was looking at the pen near your boobs, not your boobs!)
And honestly the more I fight it, the more twitchy I get. Like ho-lee fuck guys. I look like a chihuahua. Because I reeeeally wanna but also not but I gotta do it because if I don’t I’m a failure but also if I do it, and then there’s the rush, and it’s just a mess. And then I’m like, fuck it, and I go for it. What sucks is that after the years of practice, I’m pretty good at taking stuff. Like I tried not to wear pockets, gave up because pockets, but even without pockets I can get a lot of stuff hidden. So point is I usually succeed. Once I get the item, I’m on some kinda stealing high, where I’m waving it around, probably laughing like an idiot because it feels so GOOD.
It lasts about half an hour to an hour, and thennnn I come down. And then there I am with this random pen, and I’m like why tf did I do this. I’m shit, useless, I’m never gonna beat this, look how weak I am, ect ect. And then usually I hide it. I stash stuff eeeeeverywhere. Like if I was a squirrel I would have planted like an entire fucking forest. Honestly the only time I get caught is when people find my stashes. Because, like, having four staplers in my closet is just a liiiitle suspish.
Anywho, I heard that some kleptos keep trophies to look at and stuff, relive it and whatevs. No judging them, but I hide em to get rid of them. Like I get embarrassed and mad at myself. Like if I had a wormhole to dump it in, I’d be so happy. I used to hide stuff under my mattress or under my bed, but then i couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about it. If someone finds my stash I’ll laugh it off, but I really wanna yank on my hair or bite my hand, no idea where I picked that up but it exists now.
On rare occasions I’ll try to return stuff, especially if I knew the person I stole from, because then the guilt is worse. So that’s how it goes. This is a complete fucking mess but I hope you liked it? XD
I mean, thanks for giving me something to do today. I’ll cya guys arounnnd!-Ko
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Ninety-One: The Patent Office ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
A few days after arriving back in his hometown, Sasuke decides to finally ask Hinata if she’s ready for him to come work.
After bumping into her completely by accident, and then arranging some volunteer help with her new flower shop business, Sasuke’s finally ready to speak to her again. He’d been so taken aback by just so happening to run into her, he’s admittedly put it off for a bit. After all...it’s not every day you come face to face with your high school crush.
A crush he...really isn’t over, apparently. Seems his time traveling the world and learning photography didn’t fully bury the feelings. Because they popped back up like spring daisies the moment they locked eyes again.
He still feels a little bad...he sort of dropped all forms of communication with his old classmates post high school. True, he hadn’t had many true friends...and he and Hinata weren’t exactly best buddies. And it’s not like she’s the only one he hasn’t spoken to in ages. But the general feeling of being a distant jerk remains. After so long with such poor luck with “dating” (he never did have a girlfriend in high school...she was the only one he ever had a crush on, and her sights were always elsewhere), he thought traveling might help him forget, or at least find something new.
But instead he developed a new passion, and it let him shift his focus for a while. A silly high school crush, after all, isn’t anything to cry over once you graduate. Especially since he hadn’t even worked up the guts to admit anything…
And even now, he’s not sure what to do about it. They haven’t spoken in years, and even in school that was rare. The stupid love square they were in meant everyone was preoccupid by the wrong person. Didn’t help her own object of affection got married almost immediately after high school. Sasuke had gotten roped into being the best man, but she hadn’t been there.
...not that he blamed her.
So now, here they are: two practically strangers thrown together after so long. With Sasuke partnering with his brother for several projects, he’s back in town for about a month. And he, running his big mouth, offered to help her with her newest pride and joy: a little flower shop just a few blocks from his brother’s place.
Funny how that worked out…
Breaking from his thoughts, Sasuke takes out his mobile and sends her a short text.
Need any help today? I’m free.
Before he can slip it back into his pocket, he can’t help a small jolt as it jumps in his hand. Huh...someone’s a quick replier.
Sure! Head down any time u want!
Huh...that was easy. Moving downstairs, he gives his brother a small wave. “Heading out for a bit.”
Itachi blinks. “...will you be back for dinner?”
“Probably - why?”
“I thought you might like to go out to eat, since we’ve not had a chance to do so yet.”
“Oh, uh...sure. Just text me when you wanna go, I’m not going far.”
“Got a little part time gig down the street.”
That seems to get his brother to brighten. “...I’m glad! I’ll let you know when I’m ready, then.”
“Cool.” Giving a mock solute, Sasuke heads out and takes a quick pace down the sidewalk.
It’s funny, he grew up on the other side of town, so despite being home, not much here is familiar. Itachi insisted on remaining due to the town’s artful focus. As a musician, it’s suited him well. Hence Sasuke being ‘hired’ by the orchestra he plays with to take promotional pictures at their shows this season to sell as prints and use for posters. It’s actually a pretty sweet gig, especially since it almost means one long visit with his brother...and no rent for a month.
Hence why he can afford to volunteer a few hours at Hinata’s. Poor thing’s been running her new little business all by her lonesome. While he can appreciate the drive, he’s worried she’s working too hard. Maybe by the time he leaves, his help will convince her to hire on someone else to help reduce her workload.
At the corner before the store, he perks up. Several people linger outside, admiring the displays and heading inside to see more. She was right: she is getting good business. Makes sense: it’s that plant growing time of year.
Heading in, he finds her behind the counter, helping a small line of customers as others take to perusing her goods. While she’s bright-eyed and clearly enthused, he can see a small lag to her frame that betrays some exhaustion. Hinata doesn’t notice him at first, too involved with her clientele, so he hangs back for a bit until they find a lull.
“Oh! Hey!” She gives a crooked smile. “Things are hopping!”
“I can see that. What do you need me to do?”
“Well, um…” Teeth nibble her lip in thought. “...I guess for now, you can help with inventory…? I think we’re doing okay, but if anything looks low, there should be more in the back you can grab. I’d have you help juggle customers, but…” A sheepish glance. “You...probably don’t know about the flowers, or...anything, r-right?”
“Not really, no.”
“Okay...that’s fine! Just having another pair of hands will be a b-big help!”
He starts by familiarizing himself with some of the basics, noting what looks to be running low. Thankfully he’s got a good visual memory, and it doesn’t take much to head to the back, find what looks right, and bring up more to fill the emptying shelves. Larger items like heavy pots and cement edgers for flower gardens he helps pack around. Her shop isn’t that big, and there’s a noticeable lack of carts or trolleys for carrying large or heavy loads. He might have to suggest that.
Overall, Sasuke has to admit...he doesn’t feel like he’s all that much help. Hinata, being the only expert, still has to handle all the questions, the till and the prices, and taking custom orders for bouquets to make later. But they get through the day well enough, Hinata turning off the ‘open’ sign with a weary sigh.
“Is it like that every day?”
“Nearly,” she admits, a hand at her neck. “If the w-weather is bad, it keeps people away. But nice days like this get pretty busy.”
“Sorry I couldn’t do more…”
“Oh, no no! You were a great help! I’ll admit, some of that heavier stuff is rough…”
“Any way you can get, like...carts to carry things?”
“I should, yeah…” Another sheepish glance. “I have a very long list of “‘should dos’, to be honest.”
“Like hiring some permanent help?”
Before they leave, however, Hinata drags out a pot from behind the counter, carefully tending to the plant inside it.
“...what’s that?”
“This,” Hinata explains slowly, concentration mostly on her task, “is a new breed of flower I’m trying to germinate.”
“...wait, like...a whole new species?”
“Mhm. I’d...well, I’d explain it, but…” She gives a soft giggle. “I’m...guessing you might not find it very interesting.”
“Interesting, yes. Something I can comprehend...probably not,” he easily admits. “Not really a plant person. You’d have better luck with my mother, honestly. But it...looks pretty.” A hand gestures, earning a small snort from his companion.
“Thanks...it’s supposed to be a tribute to my mother. She inspired my love of flowers, so...it’s meant to be a thank-you for that. Something that...reminds me of her. I’m hoping I can get them stable and maybe sell some. Sort of help...spread her love, and mine.”
Sasuke softens at that. “...I take it she’s...gone?”
A somber nod. “She died when I was five, a w-while after my sister was born. She had medical complications, and...only lived a few weeks after that. But before she died, she taught me about plants, and how much she loved them. She always had a big garden that would be so full of flowers, the backyard was like a rainbow...and it always smelled so sweet…”
“...well, you’ve accomplished that,” Sasuke murmurs. “I stopped when I got here because everything smelled so good. And the plants you had outside were beautiful.”
“So if you do make a new...specie, can you patent it? Or somehow mark it as your own creation?”
“Maybe! I’m not too concerned about that, though. Mostly it’s a personal project. I’m not looking to make it into something big, or worth a lot of money.”
He gives a nod.
The pair lapse into silence for a time. “So...did you want to try to sell some of your pictures here?”
“The ones you took of the flowers! I thought maybe people might buy them here!”
“Well...I could try. Maybe make a few prints and have them on the counter. I think most people are here for the real thing, though.”
“Well, not everyone has a green thumb,” Hinata laughs. “And that way, they’d have the pretty blooms all year! I bet they would sell!”
“...I’ll have to give it a try.” Smiling, Sasuke then jumps as his phone buzzes. Seems Itachi’s ready to go have that dinner. “Well...I better run. Meeting my brother.”
“Okay! Next time you’re free, let me know! Maybe during a day off, I could...show you more about the products? So you’re more familiar.”
“Sounds good.” Maybe he’d be a better help that way…
Leaving her to lock up, Sasuke exits the shop only to pause as Itachi pulls up to the curb in his car. A window rolls down to show a knowing smile.
“I had a feeling this was the place,” Itachi muses.
Pouting just a hair, Sasuke hops in. “...it’s something to do.”
The elder brother doesn’t reply, still smiling as he drives them off toward dinner.
     OKAY, all caught back up as I should be xD      Ngl this prompt was kinda like...what? But I managed to...kinda tie it in to this piece, lol - I dunno how patenting really works, but apparently you CAN do so with new plant species, according to google! Don't worry Sasuke, I wouldn't understand it either xD (Also, this is a sequel to day 135, if you're interested!)      Anywho, it's way past bedtime for this nerd - thanks for reading!
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sketzocase · 5 years
Okay so I’m about to post a link  to my newest fic but I wanted to give some explanation  to try and explain just what the fuck I just wrote.
I have been struggling to put together this fic for four to five months.
If you follow me on Ao3 you’ve probably noticed that lately I’ve had a habit of publishing fics and then yanking them down with no explanation. While part of that was due to my not getting enough reaction it was actually mainly due to frustration. As all of those fics where containing little pieces of the bigger story (this fic) that Iwas trying to tell but couldn’t. I tried to approach it from several different levels but could not make it fucking work. It was maddening. I felt crazed and blocked up creatively. I had gone through all my marvel inspiration. Movies, shows, comics, fanfics, old stories of mine- literally countless things. I could not make it fucking work.
I was going to drop the matter entirely UNTIL last week. I spent the week at my sisters and she was watching criminal minds on netflix. It was fun to do with her because (and I’m dating myself here) when the show first aired, we watched it together every week. (i’m a big Reed and Morgan fan- like Reed was the entire reason I watched. Rewatching reminded me that I’m a fan of Garcia too. She’s my geeky wife, Reed is my Geeky husband, Morgan is our buff boyfriend. We all live together solving murders and that is my happy little life). Anyway, the thing that got me was that this was really the first time while batting this idea around that I had watched something non-marvel. The reaction was intense. I figured it out. I had, and have, hacked every marvel story line and canon to pieces and stitched it back together for this story- this character is here and this time and this age and that one is not because they are here even though this story comes from the movies and this from the comic- If I could describe it in my own words, I ran through canon with a fucking machete and then started shoving random bits I hacked off together. The outside influence did basically a system reboot. I started thinking outside the box. Fun. I started adding onto this. What brought it together actually was my watching ‘Silent Hill’. Which, sadly, is my favorite horror movie. (I know- it’s awful. But I was born in WV, I like ghost stories, and I have affinity for monsters with pyramids on their heads. Sue me)  And then- boom. It clicked. Everything I was trying to say/do with all the starts and restarts to this story finally made sense. It is heavily horror related. And follows little to no canon as I have mashed ALL the canon together. It has some kid characters who were adults in canon but now are not because in Sketz universe reality is what I say it is. So actually Daken, Laura, And Kurt are small children- like under 7- and Bobby, Kitty, and Jubilee range from 18 to 14. So yea- there’s that. Also a bunch of lore I pulled out my butt.
I said in the opening note for the fic but wanna repeat here kinda that I will not be giving trigger warnings before the chapters. I gave one long list at the start and that is actually the last contact I will have with the readers until the last chapter. (besides comments and tumblr, of course. XD)
Anywho- this finally all came together and Idk if it was the shows i watched or the fact that my mind finally plowed through the block to shimmy all the pieces together- but I hope y’all will give it a look. I’m heavily playing on the horror aspect and well… y’all will see. I’m gonna post the link next. First chapter is of course, one of the tamer ones as it starts laying everything out. And then, we’ll jump in with both feet!
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X07 - Dark Hollow
After the BEST WEEKEND EVER, I’m back! Just giving you a heads up -- to say on the timeline, I’m gonna pump these guys out a bit faster than usual, so my reviews may end up a lot shorter.
Anyway, I hope your week wasn’t too...HOLLOW in my absence!
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The puns return!!!
Anywho, smart stuff under the cut!
Press Release
Mr. Gold and Regina send Ariel back to Storybrooke with an item that will allow Belle to locate a hidden artifact that could help take down Pan. But unbeknownst to them, two men have broken into the town with the intent to stop them - at all costs. Meanwhile, Emma, Neal and Hook attempt to find Dark Hollow, where Peter Pan’s shadow dwells, in order to capture it, and Mary Margaret is upset with David for keeping his poisoning a secret from her.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Conflicts where Belle gets to be in the role of hero always have the potential to be great, and while some *cough “The Outsider”* fail, this one does a fair amount better! Belle’s last conversation with Rumple and the little help she can provides makes her moping understandable (Albeit a little annoying) and Ariel’s encouragement and need for this to be successful acts as a great contrast.
I do wish that more went into Belle’s story here. As is, it’s Belle mopes, she hears a keyword or sees something, and she just solves the problem. There’s no either moment of realization on Belle’s part or a conversation that is communicated to Belle that states that she’s already a hero. Well, sort of scratch that because of her conversation with Archie at Granny’s, but it’s never reinforced by anyone. Because of that, while not badly put together, the problem that Belle had at the start of the episode isn’t really solved. It’s just dismissed. For an example of this done right, look at “Bear and the Bow.” There, Merida doesn’t believe that she can save her family on her own, needs to be pushed into solving the problem on her own, and when she does, there’s that moment of realization that she had that potential. This is a flabbier version of that story.
“The fact that they both have feelings for you is dangerous, too.” Oh, the love triangle episode. Look, I’ll level with you. The best part of this segment is the end where Emma nips this in the bud and tells them both to fuck off until the mission is done.
And I get that the framing is supposed to be like that. Killian and Neal are so invested in their romances with Emma that they endanger everything, but it’s in no way anything less than an utter pain in the ass to watch. And it leaves such a bad mark on both men, having them prioritize a romance over Henry -- Neal’s son and the motivation of Killian’s redemption! What I would’ve done is stated that Dark Hollow would enhance feelings of bitterness towards one’s companions, making the pettiness here work better. That way, the almost cartoon-y and sabotage-y lengths that the guys went to would’ve been much better. As it stands, it’s annoying to watch and because the segment is from Emma’s POV, it doesn’t even serve to deliver a theme like some other stories of its ilk do for other characters.
Part of me feels like this episode was supposed to be a callout to shippers to tell them to focus on the main story over the ships, but for that to be truly effective and not make Neal and Killian come off so badly, there’d need to be either a lot more self awareness from the two guys (Which would end the story prematurely) or some agent that would artificially push those issues to a place of greater importance than Henry’s safety.
On the flip side, I love Pan’s gambit. It’s amazing seeing Pan and Felix plant the seeds of Pan’s next scheme in a way that makes it look like Henry’s solving the mystery. It’s such a treat seeing this and actually having the knowledge of knowing precisely what Pan is doing beforehand. We see how sharp Pan is as he checks the boxes of exploiting Henry’s goodwill (Wanting to be a hero, the connection between Henry and his father, the love of fairytales) and all the while making him feel clever. It’s not frustrating, but because of the POV, it makes an aspect of this kind of story that’s been so ingrained into our skulls at this point feel fresh! His use of Wendy to paint himself as a hero is fantastic, doing a great job to tilt Henry’s thought process.
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”They saved us.” I really love how much everyone cheers over the heroes saving them. Look, the heroes have their faults, but there’s a reason why the town at large stays loyal to them.
-I also ADORE scenes of Storybrooke at large working together. All of the major players are so great!
-I love the overall BIGNESS of the cloaking spell. It something that follows our characters throughout the rest of the series and it’s appropriately epic and not just in the sense that its an obstacle for our “villains.”
-I can’t look at that “Leaving Storybrooke” sign. I just can’t. It makes me so sad!
-”She’ll know exactly what to do.” Rum Rum, just because you can perceive vague shit doesn’t mean everyone else can!
-”Guess you’ll just have to trust me.” Reggie, you are lucky that Ariel is a trusting person because this is shady af!
-”Someone is leaving Neverland.” This line is utterly fantastic, especially with how subtly it’s said. You get a real sense of how embedded Pan truly is with Neverland as a whole.
-*Seethes in anger as fucking C*leman shows up* Fuck you, C*leman.
-”No giant stepping on my Miata!” If Anton were here, he’d take offense to that. ...Also, where IS he? Does he not show up for the rest of the series? If so, I honestly regret not honoring him in my last overview.
-I love how Archie was just anticipating slipping into therapist mode, hungry for that session like I am for that cheeseburger!
-”Now you’ve got a dress code? I seem to recall some Ruby outfits that are seared into my brain.” Grumpy! Bad!
-What is it with red-haired characters in this series ROCKING the color green? Ariel and Zelena just make it look so good!
-”He’s really into being cryptic, isn’t he?” Honey, you have NO idea!
-”It’s good to see you inherited his tunnel vision.” Snowy, you have NO idea.
-”I’m not holding your family prisoner.” I love that subtle bit of gaslighting. No, he’s not holding Henry’s family prisoner, but he is holding HENRY prisoner.
-”It’s a corkscrew, but it’s not what Rumple needs.” I don’t know about that, Belle. He could stab a Lost Boy or two. *shrugs*
-Wow! Some subtle acting from Emiliee! Look at her hands as she holds Pandora’s Box! The subtle shaking is amazing, saying so much about how powerful the box truly is!
-Pan is such a sneaky little bitch. I love how as soon as one plan is discovered, it only takes him another moment to create another plan that accounts for the failings of the last one.
-*Emma almost decapitates Killian with her sword* I’m pretty sure Colin said that that was a blooper that actually made it onto the show! XD
-Hey pre-Underworld Underworld filter! Good to see you!
-I can also understand why David wouldn’t want to tell Snow: For Emma’s sake. She just gets her parents back and then she’d have to lose at least one of them. David was trying to spare her from losing both of them too.
-”You want to tell me how that coconut works?” You should probably tell Jen too because WOW, she hated that prop!
-I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that 99% of Emma’s relief in that scene was Jen’s relief in finally closing that fucking coconut!
-”Providing motivation.” “For what?” “For doing what needs to be done.” Wow. Looks like Rumple’s cryptic-ness is rather genetic.
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Mission to Find Henry - We now have a way back AND a way to defeat Pan! Things feel like they’re chugging along again, and it works pretty naturally with how the last two episodes went.
Killian’s Redemption - “Why would I have done that [Not tell the group about Neal]?” I like how even as he’s in this love triangle with Neal, Killian doesn’t regret saving him for even a second. That really speaks to Killian’s growth!
Regina’s Redemption - Regina keeping her part of their bargain is a BIG deal in terms of her redemption!
Rumple’s Redemption - Rumple actually says that he will do his best to honor Belle and Ariel’s request to help Wendy and that also is a BIG step! Also, Rumple pointing out that Regina’s jealous of having someone shows a fair amount of self-awareness!
Favorite Dynamic
Henry and Pan. I’ve gone on about them above, but Pan’s understanding of Henry’s personality and subsequent manipulation of that for his own gain is fascinating to watch! Despite only knowing Henry for less than a week, Pan’s got him pegged! He knows the qualities that Henry wants to see in someone he’ll trust and his own aspirations for himself. And though manipulated, Henry is so careful about Pan, showing a lot of intelligence. His “weakness” here is hs kind heart and it’s the perfect aspect on Henry to exploit once it’s clear that method of lying won’t work.
Kalinda Vazquez and Andrew Chambliss are up again, and I found their storytelling here to be a bit lackluster. The Storybrooke segment was enjoyable, but flabby in terms of delivery and the exact opposite could be said for the Neverland main story. It’s not terrible, but just a little half baked.
7/10. I wish things had been a bit tighter here. As it stands, this wasn’t OUAT’s best. BUT that’s not to say that there weren’t things I liked. Everything with Pan, Henry, and the Darling siblings was magnificent and Ariel (As usual) is simply a delight)! Also, Emma’s speech at the end where she put the issue of shipping to rest to focus on the mission was just fantastic and an utterly badass moment! I just wished they played more of (Or in the case of Emma’s speech, a better) a role in the main stories.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Grumpy Beauty - Once again, we get to see bits of these two working together early on and it’s just the best!
Captain Swan - Okay, I love how Emma’s big point in Killian’s favor was how he told her about Neal. That’s such an earnest, sweet, and Emma-like thing to adore. Also, “so when I win your heart, Emma -- and I will win it -- it won’t be because of any trickery. It will be because you want me.” I love that resolve of Killian’s to not only be with Emma, but to be with her honestly. It speaks to sentiments she values and shows his commitment to his own redemption. ALSO, “I’ve yet to see you fail.” Killian honestly does believe in her!
Swan Fire - I really enjoyed Neal’s apology at the end of the episode and I love how you can see how his returned resolve to focus on Henry had its effect on Emma and was so sincere! <3
Rumbelle - Just look at the way Belle basically blubbers as she first sees Rumple’s face through the sand dollar. It’s so beautiful. Honestly, this whole episode is a love letter to Rumbelle and just how much they mean to each other and trust in each other. “Tell Belle I love her. And that she’s right. I WILL see her again.”
Snowing - I love Snow and David’s argument. It’s so raw and it so clearly comes from this place of love.
Swan Queen - There’s really something to be said for Emma succeeding thanks to her understanding of Regina whereas both Neal and Killian sort of failed her! <3
Again, thank you for your patience with these more rushed out reviews. I really want to stay on schedule and thankfully, there wasn’t a hello of a lot to say here.
Also, thank you to @watchingfairytales! It was lovely meeting half of you guys at the con!
Season 3 Total (66/220) Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (19/60) Kalinda Vazquez (17/40) Andrew Chambliss (17/50) Jane Espenson (10/30) David Goodman (10/40) Robert Hull (10/40) Christine Boylan (10/20) Daniel Thomsen (10/30)
Operation Rewatch Archives
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embracesadness · 7 years
Bluepulse Week - Day 3: Halloween
(Day 3! I really loved this one cause I got to write a comedy and I love writing comedies. Anywho, enjoy! I wrote this instead of doing my Financial Literacy homework, but these two are my life anyways! XD)
Admittedly, Bart didn’t exactly think this one out.
Then again, he reminded himself, when had he ever thought anything out in his life? He was pretty sure that from the moment he’d been born he’d been an impulse, out of control personality. How was he supposed to control his life when he’d never has a regular sense of “normalness”, anyways?
That’s right. It wasn’t his fault.
He told himself this as he rushed into the nearest Target to buy last minute Halloween candy. And when he said last minute, he meant last minute. Like, it was actually four in the afternoon on October thirty-first.
Bart looked through the aisles and huffed in annoyance when he saw there were no more bags left. How annoying. Jay and Joan were not going to be pleased. He sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes at an awkward angle so that people would notice him. He did it to be annoying in class, but the habit had managed to stick.
Double oops, he supposed.
Out of the corner of his eye, something seemed to flash. Bart whipped around and his jaw hit the floor. There, in the masses of crazed Halloween obsessed maniacs looking for last minute costumes or decorations for a party, was the final bag of the “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
What a moment to be alive.
Bart began to walk towards the bag calmly. However, he noticed another guy (probably around his age) walking in the same, general direction from across the aisle on the opposite end. They both narrowed their eyes at the same time. The dude walked a little faster. Bart began to speed hop towards this “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
They eventually both took off in a full-out run, Bart letting a vicious battle cry rip and Dude grunting in an effort to get to the bag before Bart. They both reached the bag at the same time, grabbing it harshly.
For a fleeting second, Bart could feel Dude’s hand touch his and it actually felt sort of…nice. It was all warm and tingly. He felt as though he were floating.
He fell back to harsh reality pretty quickly though, as he and Dude crashed into one another at an alarming rate. Bart let out an “oomph” as he felt the Dude’s knee crash into his esophagus.
‘Hello acid reflux, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.’
He had the weirdest thoughts when he was in pain, Bart was thinking to himself, but quickly turned his  attention back to Dude who was still holding on to his “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
Stupid dude.
He hadn’t realized he had accidently voiced this particular thought until Dude glared at him angrily and muttered something in...was that Spanish? He was pretty sure that was Spanish.
Bart mustered a glare back, but failed pretty horribly. His friends told him he was too cute to pull of a glare.
“That’s my bag of chocolates.” he spoke matter-of-factly.
Dude huffed. “Doesn’t have your name on it.”
Bart gritted his teeth together. “Well, I could pull a pen out of my ass-”
“I don’t think you can store pens up there.”
“Just let go of my Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack, man!” Bart cried out, tugging at the bag and then wincing because of the pressure it put on his chest. Dude just held on even tighter. They began to play tug-a-war with this bag of freaking chocolates as the dialogue continued.
“If I don’t get this home to my parents,” Dude was saying, “They will kill me!”
“Big whoop!” Bart retorted, “My cousin Wally will force me to babysit for his girlfriend’s niece again! She literally pulled a fucking Houdini on me last time I was tasked with “watching” her. More like she was watching me...from the windowsill.”
“I have a little sister who might as well have ADHD.” Dude continued on, “She is a fate worse than death. Literally. Just her alone.”
“At least she doesn’t just “poof, and she’s gone!” away from you in the middle of a Star Trek marathon!”
“Yeah, no, you’re right. She disappeared that one time it in the middle of Star Wars IV: A New Hope, didn’t she?”
Dude let out a cry of defeat before shoving the bag towards Bart. They’d been full on yelling, so they had the attention of the entire store. Dude kicked at the floor.
“Fine! Whatever! I’ll just go to another store!”
“Good luck with that…” Bart mumbled under his breath, but because he’d won this particular battle he didn’t say anything else other than that. Dude stormed out of the store pretty quickly after that. Bart looked at his watch. It was seventeen after four. He still had about a half hour to get home.
He was kicked out of the store after that for not showing the proper “etiquette in a public facility.”
“I’ll show you proper etiquette...” Bart grumbled the entire way home, snacking on some of the chocolates in the bag.
At least forty kids had come and gone from his house, taking most of his candy with them as they went, before he received the fated knock on his door. Bart swallowed the remaining Snickers in his mouth, adjusted his “I AM MYSELF FOR HALLOWEEN TO SHOW THE MONSTER INSIDE ME” sweatshirt and opened the door.
It was one kid this time around. A younger girl who could be maybe seven dressed to the literal brim in the pinkest princess dress he’d ever seen before in his life. She grinned a gap-toothed grin. “Trick or Treat!” she cried out with a slight accent. Bart grinned ferociously. Just how precious could one be?
“Well aren’t you the cutest little thing I’ve ever-”
He stopped himself dead in the middle of his sentence. Because there, standing right in front of him, God forbid, was fucking Dude. From the Target store. He was literally standing right there. And he seemed to be sizing Bart up too.
Oh God. He was going to get his ass kicked, wasn’t he?
It didn’t take Bart long to put two and two together. As he looked to the little girl, then back at Dude. Then back to the little girl and back to Dude. Finally, he turned to look at the half eaten chocolates on the front bench.
Bart wiped the chocolate stains from his mouth onto his sleeve and turned in almost a horror-movie fashion back towards Dude. He put on his best innocent grin and made finger guns towards him, laughing nervously.
“I don’t like being called cute.”  Dudette called out solemnly, “I once killed my goldfish by flushing him down the toilet with the dirty water when I was trying to clean his tank. That’s not cute. That’s just torture.”
“Hi.” Dude said awkwardly.
“Hey.” Bart returned in an equally as awkward manner.
The three of them just stood there like that for what felt like it could’ve been hours but probably wasn’t. Dude fiddled with his fingers awkwardly. Bart shivered in the cold, October night.
Dudette finally rolled her eyes. “Are you going to give me my candy or not?” she sighed in a bored manner.
Bart’s jaw dropped for the second time that day. He began to stutter. Dude snickered.
“Nice one, hermana.” he chortled.
“Y-you’re just as bad as your brother!” Bart exclaimed. This time, it was Dude’s turn to be taken aback. He jumped to his own defence pretty quickly.
“Qué? I let you have the fuc-freaking candy and that’s how you’re going to play this?” he gasped in horror, letting the Halloween spirit take control of his soul for a moment.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my Esophagus rupturing.”
“Okay, you know what-”
“Candy?” Dudette whined.
Bart stormed over to the bag, grabbed a handful of Reese’s Pieces and chucked them over towards her. He stormed back over to Dude and poked him hard in the center of his chest.
“You are the reason that I’m an antisocial Cheeto Puff who stays in his room and plays video games all day!” he exclaimed.
“What does that even have to do with me?” Dude cried out in frustration.
“You make me afraid to go outside because the threat of the contents of my stomach bubbling back up into the tube in my chest is always lurking.”
“Dude, I didn’t even hit you that hard!” he exclaimed.
“Hey!” Bart huffed, “You can’t call me dude. You’re Dude.”
Dude rolled his eyes.
There was an ear piercing scream. Both boys yelped suddenly as their hands jumped up to their ears. This noise had to be the worst noise in the world. It sounded like somebody was dying when, in fact, it was just Dudette who had decided to throw the Biggest Temper Tantrum Ever™ at Bart’s doorstep for not having received her candy.
“Jesus! Jesus! Just take the bag, alright?” Bart cried over her screaming, throwing the entire bag of chocolates at her feet. Four dollars and ninety-nine cents down the drain. She stopped crying as soon as she saw the bag. She instead let out the biggest grin and leaned down to open an unopened package of Snickers, Bart’s favourite.
Dude smiled in that annoying, satisfied way that makes you want to punch somebody. Dudette munched happily on her chocolate.
“Well then,” Bart muttered, “It’s a happy ending for everyone.”
“Except you.” Dude teased, sticking out his tongue.
Bart rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand instead. “Let’s call a truce.” he announced. Dude raised an eyebrow, but reached out and shook his hand anyways. For a second, Bart felt like he was floating again. The feeling lasted a bit longer this time around.
“I guess I ended up getting the candy anyways.” he observed, an annoying hint of a smile still present on his face.
“Guess you did, Dude.” Bart admitted begrudgingly.
Dude rolled his eyes. “My name’s not Dude.”
“Sure it is.” Bart responded.
“It’s Jaime.”
“Jaime. The ‘J’ is pronounced as-You know what? Close enough.” Dude (the self-proclaimed “Jaime”) sighed in defeat. Bart nodded his head.
“Right. And what’s the little demon’s name?”
“I don’t know your name.” Jaime grinned.
“Hardy-har.” Bart stuck out his tongue. “It’s Bart.’
“Her name is Milagro.” Jaime said, motioning over to where Milagro was now happily consuming all of the remainder of Bart’s candy. Bart mumbled something about how demon children were a plague to the entirety of the Universe and it would be better to be rid of them before shaking his head and sighing.
“Not cute.” he agreed with her previous comment, “Not cute at all.”
“And you don’t even have to live with her.” Jaime and Bart shuddered in unison at that particular comment made by the former.
“My condolences.” Bart extended his sympathies towards the young man. Jaime grinned.
“You know who is pretty cute, though?” he asked.
“Zac Efron?”
“You.” Jaime answered his own question, shutting down Bart’s theory that Zac Efron was truly a God and wait did he just get called cute?
Bart bristled. “Say what?”
Jaime grinned. “Well, since we’ve officially run you out of your candy supply and you’re not doing anything else tonight since you’re an antisocial Cheeto Puff who stays in his room and plays video games all day-”
“Jesus.” Bart groaned in mortification.
“-why don’t you come out Trick or Treating with us? We can show you how to interact with human beings since you are clearly lacking in that area. That and maybe I can convince you to stick around for a second date.”
Bart paused and thought the offer over. It did seem like a cool idea. And he didn't have anything else planned for the evening other than curling up into a ball and crying over this terrible loss after such a great victory at the nearby Target.
He thought about all of these things, but what he said was;
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll let you have some of your chocolates.”
“Lemme’ grab my coat.” Bart rushed off to the nearest coat hanger. Jaime laughed, leaning against the door frame. Bart grabbed the house keys and called out to Jay and Joan that he was going out before remembering that Jay and Joan were also out at a Halloween party and that was the whole entire reason he had grabbed his keys in the first place-
“You coming?” Jaime, bless him, interrupted his train of thought. Bart grinned.
“For you? Always.” he responded. Jaime rolled his eyes, snickering all the while.
Bart smiled softly, cheeks flushing because, hey, the guy was not too shabby himself, before shutting the door and locking it into place. Milagro insisted this stranger hold her hand and as she began to drag Bart along, he reached back and intertwined Jaime’s fingers within his own. They locked eyes and smiled softly as both their cheeks turned red.
It was probably because of the cold.
Their conversation could still be heard as they walked away from Bart’s front porch and towards the next house.
“I didn’t think you’d actually bring your demon sister to my house.”
“Told you she was a force to be trifled with.”
“You weren’t lying.”
“Did your cousin’s girlfriend’s niece really disappear on you?”
“I swear to God she’ll be receiving a letter of recruitment from the Magician’s Council in the next few weeks and she’s only four months old…
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into--the--abyss · 7 years
waahh I'm super late to replying but i finally got around to it ^^"... I haven't actually read Hush yet which I SHOULD lol (though I have a pretty good grasp on what happened in the comic) so what if the twin showing up is like the Jason Todd situation (you know with Clayface) and is all a ploy to target Ciel's weaknesses idk? but omg imagine if this arc was like Hush and we get to see all of Ciel's "Rogue's Gallery" come back and systematically try to take him down OvO
(2/2) So this is what I'm thinking so Undertaker (or whoever's behind all of this) manages to collect the twin's cinematic records put it into a different body made to look like Ciel via facial surgery and poof perfect bizarre doll... is it farfetched? you bet... do I care? nope lol
No worries!  I’m just so happy to hear from you.  :)
If you get a chance to read Hush, go for it!  The art is pretty good.  I need to see the movie, though--I’m really behind with my DC animated movies.  (But The Long Halloween still remains my favorite Batman arc, so if you haven’t read that and are in a Batman mood, I’d pick that over Hush.)
Anywho, yes, I LOVE the idea of Ciel’s weaknesses being exploited, because I think all the best parts of this manga are when someone is attacking his weakness.  (Like Kelvin, who for me is still the Prime Epitome of what it means to be a Kuro villain--because he exploited one of Ciel’s greatest fears.)
The icing on the cake is, of course, that Ciel is the type of character who never shows any weakness, so striking a nerve with him results in such juicy reactions from him.
Bringing back Ciel’s Rogue’s Gallery would make him confront his past “sins,” and this is something that I think is sorely lacking ever since the Green Witch arc: the story seems to have pulled back from its comments on morality, in regards to both Ciel and Sebastian.  And now we have a situation that doesn’t involve any agency on the part of Sebastian at all, so he’s just a side character at this point but I guess that’s a topic for another day...
Ever since the existence of the Four Lords was known, I was hoping beyond hope that at least one of them would be someone from Ciel’s past.  Doll.  Baron Kelvin.  Madame Red.  Peter and Wendy.  I’ll take anyone, but just someone who can look Ciel face-to-face and make him question what he’s done and why he did it.  I think it’s time he reaffirmed his “revenge” again, like he did in GW, and maybe somehow the 2CT thing will shed light on what (our)Ciel REALLY wants out of life.  Because it does not seem that finding his parents’ killers is a priority anymore--that may have never been his priority to begin with.
So, yes, let’s bring all the ideas to the table.  If realCiel turns out to be an elaborate meat puppet made by UT for whatever reason, I’ll take it.  He wants to get back at the Queen and make a better Watchdog?  Sure, why not.  He wants to make a Ciel that doesn’t have a pesky demon protecting him?  He’s a lover of tropes and he wants to see a classic “No I’m Ciel!”  “No...I’M Ciel” type scene, straight out of a 90′s kids cartoon?  Sure, seems legit.
I don’t even care if anything makes sense at this point, let’s just throw it all at the fan until this manga becomes some sort of avant garde performance art piece.  XD
Nice to hear from you, as always.  
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layminary · 7 years
As per usual … im up at 2am :-))) well for one, i woke up after sleeping around 9pm so i could do the dishes and now im awake trying to get stuff straight in my head tbh!!!!! First… TODAY… TODAY IS THE DAY I GET TO MEET BTS YET AGAIN. Like i feel calm and collected rn, but as time moves on… I think its necessary to just splurge on my feelings rn… BTS aka Bangtan Sonyeondan… BANGTAN BOYS… BULLETPROOF BOYS.. the love of my life …these 7 men has literally turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I have come across sooo many other bands but yet theyre the only who has really affected me this way. Everything about them, even their flaws, is what makes me love them so much. I promised from the get go, no matter what happens… no matter how many ppl chose to jump on the bandwagon of hate for BTS… i will not stray away. I will love them unconditionally and educate ppl (and them) when appropriate. I really wish i get the chance to shout “jhopeeee!!!!” And get my bb’s attention xD
Second, ohmydays guys. I dont think i can do it??? I dont think, as of rn, i dont really think i can get rid of these feelings for KIS?? Like damn dude!!!! I mean of course I still wanna be his friend and all but aldnansksjj THESE FEELINGS DANGIT! Ugh!!!!! Tumblr, im so happy youre open 24/7… ugh!!! These feelings!!!! Like bro. Okay so first things first… it like shot me straight in the heart when this happened… im that one idiot who would wear occasionally scarves wherever she goes, like today. Even tho it was quite hot, i still figured to wear one inside he cafe… idk fashion sense?? Well to start off, i tried to test him??? But i got fooled in the end??? XD i noticed that he was heading towards my table to do his usual “check up” of the place… so when he walking near me, i decided to go up and try to order. There was three baristas overall, and i knew one stepped outside but one was just in theback… so when i stepped up to the cash register, i hoped it was the girl… but nope :-))))))))) he was there already washing his hands ready to work :-))) and i was like , werent u just doing ur daily rounds?? Lol did u happen to not walk all the way and turn back seeing i was gonna order?? Pfft yeah well maybe thats too far-fetched to say ahahahhaa but i cant lie and say it didnt go thru my head xD im really proud of myself to always try and make small talks with him ><; or else ill never get to say anything… so today, it was just a simple small talk.. “hows ur day so far? •^^•” . I honestly feared inside that it was gonna be short and istg it felt like it was gonna be short as soon as he replied ?? But it changed?????? Wowza. Way to play with my heart TT so i asked that question and he replies with an easy “im doing good, how about you? And boi!!! To me that kills it real quick xD TO ME ALL I CAN SAY IS "im doing good, thanks!” Wow. BUUT :-)))))) he continued by bringing up another topic even in the small time we had to talk to each other (because lets be honest.. at this time, my card has been approved and im basically set to go away); he then asked me “is it hot in here?” Hahahaha tbh i love that he often always asks me for my opinion 😂 theyre just so random, so i cant help but smile. ANYWAYS, that threw me off tbh but i kept calm “oh, not really :o its okay in here. But outside… outside is so hot TT” like legit, it was. Then he said a reply then i replied with “ah, but look at me being a dummy wearing a scarf in this weather” (or somewhere along these lines being sarcastic to myself LOL) and then tell me why!!!! His reply whas!!! “Oh, you always wear a scarf, huh?” And im like dumbfounded and im like, “LOL I DO, dont i?????” XD alfkadhajshs and im like wow :ooooo what a bold statement to make!!!! Im crying xD but its even more hilarious when i tld this to my friend…she was like, “wait but u dont even wear scarves all that often in the cafe” and im like “ur right?????? The only time i really wear em is during school?” But then again maybe he just put together all the times i DID wear scarves or he was just kidding idk xD but what a bold statement to say pfftttt. Im cryin because honestly i saw him do his “check up” soooo many times today that i couldnt help but notice and just smile at him everytime he would pass by me alcnajsksh like boi!!! Its so hard not to! My heart hurts xD BUT ANYWHO! Okay but tbh, i didnt even think too much about this part …but when i told this to my friend xD BOI IT GOT CRAZY ALFNAKXBAIHS HAHAHA!!! OKAY SO LIKE MY FRIEND GOT TO ORDER THE NEW CREPE THAT THEY HAVE AKCJSHS AND IVE BEEN WANTING TO BUY IT FOR SOOO LONG!!! But the ppl ive seen order it… never finished it TT so ive been bummed out as to why and whether it was worth to order it… but then the fact my friend got to buy it, i got to taste it as well xD my other friend was being a butt and putting me on blast because i wasnt being straight up on wanting to taste it alfkajsh ANYWAYS SO !!! I was like, “yeah ima go get another fork… cause i aint gonna use the one u licked alfnajsh” so i was walking to the station where they give the finished order and utensils and stuff. Before i even arrived, hes already there because he just finished making a drink and calling out for the owner…. we make eye contact and we smile at each other :-)))))))) but thats not the twist….. TELL ME WHY ALFJSJSJB THIS BOI. Istg haahhahahaha im still crying thinking about it … THIS BOI … when I finally arrived at the station and trying to quickly eye for the fork… HE LOOKED AT ME AND ASKED ME… “is this your order?” …..
Boiiiiiiiiiiiii. HAHAHAH I DIED N SO DID MY FRIEND OUT OF LAUGHTER WHEN I TOLD HER XD !! Okay okay, it might seem @first like , so what??? BUT AS I THOUGHT ABOUT IT FURTHER… WHY WOULD HE EVEN ASK ME THAT??????????? XD forst!! I DID NOT WALK INFRONT OF HIM SEEMING TO WANT TO PICK UP THE DRINK akdjajsha like i literally walked away from him because the utensils were on his left… SECOND… AND PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT PART.. he.. YOU ARE A CASHIER IN THIS CAFE. You darn know that i did NOT order anything HAHAHA SO HOW ? How????? How could it be my order xD im dying . My friend was like, “ LOLOL WAS HE JUST ANGSTY ABOUT U BEING THERE AND WANTING TO SAY SOMETHING?? So he just blurted out whatever???” And im like HAHA COULD THAT BE POSSIBLE??? 😂😂😂😂 im crying. This is literally xD i cant . This is too funny and im literally cryin inside xD hes too funny and i may just be overthinking things :-)) but tbh, at this point, it aint that bad :-)))))) idk LOLOL ah these feelings … i srsly cant deal with em ahahahah what is life.
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