crashing-blue-b · 7 years
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Bluepulse Week 2017 Day Two: Pride
Look at these pretty boys :3
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lhsketches · 7 years
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Inktober Day 6/Bluepulse Week Day 6: “Rumors”
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missgreenkitty · 7 years
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Bluepulse Week 2017 Day 3: Halloween
The Kids are going as the Dads.  Khaji just wants an absurd amount of Candy Corn and he WILL fight you over it
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timothvy · 7 years
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im working on catching up w my favs!
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embracesadness · 7 years
Bluepulse Week 2017 - Day 5: Rumours
(Late post for rumours! Have half of today’s written up and I’ll try to post it for today! Okay, enjoy!)
Bart Allen. Vital signs show that your heart rate has increased tenfold since arriving within the Velocity's vicinity. Suggested course of action: Eliminate him.
"Khaji, for the millionth time, we aren't eliminating anybody. Honestly. You suggested vaporising grandma Iris today just because she didn't fry the pancakes to look like little seals!"
The Iris shows no concern or regard for the Bart Allen's need for seal shaped, battered nutritional contents.
"No comment." Bart sighed, walking up to Jaime's front door and ringing the bell. There was a beat of silence from the alien-thank God-and also within Bart's mind. He had to admit, he was nervous coming here. He was always nervous coming here, though.
Mostly because Jaime was here.
Not that he had a...crush on Jaime or anything. That would be stupid. And dumb. And it wasn't like the older boy could ever like him back.
This scarab's highest functioning and priority depends on reasoning and logical problem solving skills. The Bart Allen's insistence on completing this task is inane.
"Are you upset that I'm doing your job for you in doubting every single one of my decisions made in life?" Bart snickered to himself, then looked around to see if anybody had bore witness to his absolute insanity.
Kill the Jaime Reyes.
Bart sighed in defeat. Then again, he should have expected this from the alien on his back. He was pretty much used to the weird looks and raised eyebrows his ramblings received. And having Khaji Da as a partner-for-life was just normal to him now, even if it was a constant reminder of what Bart had gone through in his life up until that point.
It was sort of funny the way things worked out sometimes. Bart remembered how much he despised the Blue Beetle and his cold, harsh demeanor. How much he hated being a slave to a regime that treated humans like corpses or-even worse-sacks of meat.
And he remembered vowing to kill the monster that had taken so much away from him and his people.
Then the day he arrived in the past to finally find and kill the Blue Beetle he became what he had sworn to destroy.
There was an explosion by a building where the Scarab was located according to the directions he had been following on his tracking device. One minute he was walking towards the building, the next there was a huge explosion, heat and this awful burning pain in his back.
Then everything went dark.
Bart woke up back at his grandfather's and grandmother's, tucked into bed with a bowl of soup laying next to him. Nothing seemed to make much sense at first. Then he realized what was on his back and slowly put everything together.
Honestly, Bart had no idea who the Blue Beetle of the future was. He didn't know if the REACH eventually killed him off and replaced the source material with another or if he truly had despised himself all of those years.
He tried not to think about it.
Still, living with Khaji Da seemed impossible at times. Especially when the damn thing tried taking over constantly at first. However, after a while, the two had both simmered down and seemed to have set some simple ground rules. It was easier to deal with it that way. For the both of them.
The door finally opened and Bart grinned as soon as Jaime came into view.
"What's up, her-ma-no?" he laughed, winking over at the latino boy and then realizing what a stupid thing that was to do, why had he done that?
"Your pronunciation is truly something to be marvelled at, esé." Jaime chuckled, a small smile plastered onto his face. Bart smiled even wider if that was even possible and Jaime tilted his head to the side, motioning for Bart to come in.
"You entering or no?"
Do not trust the Jaime Reyes. He plots to terminate you. Eliminate him at once.
"No!" Bart hissed at the scarab. Jaime's eyes twinkled with confusion. Bart shook his head almost immediately, blushing.
"No! Not yet." he covered, "I have to take my shoes off first."
Jaime looked down and nodded. "Yeah, good call. Mi mama would freak if I got dirt all over the house."
"Aren't you running in here at lightning speeds all the time, though?" Bart questioned, kicking off his shoes and entering the house. Jaime bristled and motioned to Bart to keep it down.
"Dude!" he exclaimed, "What if mi familia was home? They would've heard you!" He looked around and sighed. "Besides," he continued, "I run to your grandfather's house if I need...anything."
"Geez." Bart laughed, "No need to be so secretive!"
The Jaime Reyes' heartbeat is irregular. Possible reasoning for this anomaly is that he is plotting to kill you. Suggested tactic: Destroy him before he can.
"On second thought." Bart spoke aloud, "Maybe some things are best kept secret in your head."
Jaime scoffed. "Duh." He wolfed down about four packages of Chicken Whizees at an incredibly fast pace right before Bart's eyes. The boy smiled.
Jaime had been normal before Bart had come back and all of this stuff had gone down. Sadly, after arriving on earth, the REACH began taking in human prisoners and experimenting on them like there was no tomorrow. They took runaways; people that nobody would end up looking for in the end. Somebody who could just...disappear.
People like Jaime's best friend, Tye, who just so happened to disappear whilst all of this was happening. Jaime, catching wind of what was going down, decided to go on a wild manhunt to find what had happened to his friend. He stuck his nose too deep into somebody else's business and ended up getting himself captured in the end as well.
They awakened his metagene, thus gifting him the power of superspeed. Jaime was one of their majorly successful guinea pigs. Tye not so much.
But Jaime was one out of two of the most important experiments they had going there.
Bart was the other.
He'd stupidly gotten himself captured after trying to track down the stolen kids himself as well. They quickly noticed who he was and just what was on his back and suddenly they were trying to reboot the scarab in order to get it back on mode.
Bart had never been more terrified in his life.
He and Jaime were stuck in a room together for the majority of their time there. Chained to one another, facing a barren wall. They were even put in pods close together as to not get them mixed up with all of the other "failed" experiments out there.
During this time, Bart and Jaime grew closer than ever. They learnt pretty much everything about each other. Jaime told Bart all about Tye and his family. About how he was terrified of these new powers invested within him. Bart told him about the bleak future ahead of them and having to come to terms with becoming everything you'd ever hated.
They were each other's rock. And Bart could even admit on having a crush on the older boy. Not a big one, though. Just a small one...
Okay, maybe a big one.
Eventually they were rescued by a group of younger heroes known as the "young" justice league. Actually, they didn't really have a name. They were just them. Not like the Justice League, anyways.
A bunch of kid heroes running around saving a bunch of kid screw-ups.
Jaime and Bart were two of the last out since they were kept under maximum security. They'd grown so used to holding each other when things got rough that when these strangers came and tried to separate them they screamed and cried and begged to not be taken away from one another.
They didn't let go of each other. Not even when most of the other runaway kids dispersed. Not even when Jaime went home for the first time after everything had gone down. A member of the Team had had to explain what had happened to his parents. They were very understanding but it was still very difficult to fathom that their son was now so...different.
And then there was also the fact that Bart went with him everywhere. They physically could not be apart.
Therapy eventually undid all the damage inflicted upon them and they could finally go without being with one another constantly, but it was still difficult for both of them to function without seeing the other at least once a week.
Joining the team made it simpler to see one another. Jaime began receiving lessons from Bart's grandfather, Barry, who became his mentor. Just another reason to see the boy. Bart would fly to Jaime's occasionally and Jaime would run to Bart's.
Back and forth across the continent. Just like that.
Bart never would've dreamed that his life would end up as it had. That a person could have that much of an effect on him. But they did. And it was just so incredible.
"Earth to Bart. Heellloooooo? Isanybodyhome?" Jaime was speeding around him, flailing his arms about. Bart blinked back into the world of living.
"Hello! Yes! I am here! And alive."
Only until the Jaime Reyes deems it acceptable to initiate your destruction.
Bart resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Stupid scarab. Jaime giggled, grabbing a Chicken Whizee and popping it into Bart's mouth.
"You're so cute when you do that." he admitted to Bart, chewing on his own delicious snack. Bart cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh, am I?"
"I don't understand speed talk."
Their faces were getting closer and closer to each other.
"No?" Jaime questioned, "Doesn't your grandfather teach you anything?"
And closer.
"Not much." Bart admitted cheekily, "He spends all his time with you after all, the golden child of-"
The space between their lips suddenly disappeared and all Bart was aware of was just how soft and beautiful Jaime really was. He felt the spanish boy vibrating under the pressure of the kiss and Bart smiled into it.
Warning: Danger detected within the immediate vicinity. The Jaime Reyes is attempting to suffocate this organism.
Bart giggled at that. The two finally separated for air. Bart reached up and wiped the little bit of spittle off from his lips. Jaime blinked, staring at him with these wide eyes.
"I don't know why I did that." he admitted softly, still staring at the younger boy in front of him, "I just felt like doing it, I guess."
Bart grinned seductively. "Then feel like doing it again."
Jaime's eyes widened even more. Bart's eyelids shut softly as he approached the speedster and wrapped his hands around his midsection. Jaime laughed and leaned in closer.
"My pleasure."
For some reason, ignoring Khaji Da became a more simpler task than it had ever been.
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bluepulse-week · 7 years
Bluepulse Week 2017 Themes
Hello ! One week from now (Oct. 1st) Bluepulse Week ‘17 will officially start ! I am releasing the themes now so you all have time to prepare your works ! (Fanarts, Fanfics, Headcanons, whatever!)
Day One - Star Gazing
Day Two - Pride
Day Three - Halloween
Day Four - Loss
Day Five - Power Switch AU
Day Six - Rumors
Day Seven - Friends 
Please tag them as #bluepulseweek17 so I can find your works ! If I miss your works during the week, please feel free to send me a message ! 
Remember, these characters are MINORS and I WILL NOT be reblogging NSFW/inappropriate works even if you ‘age-up’ the characters. 
Please have fun with this ! If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask ! You can reach me on this blog and @jaime-baeyes
- Admin Manda
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fire-fira · 7 years
Costume Plans (or when Bart just needs to stop talking)
Okay! I’m finally posting this because my Day 2 fic is taking me WAY longer than I had planned (it’s currently at 3,856 words and counting), so in the interests of trying to get it all done within time constraints I’m just going to post everything else and then post my Day 2 fic last (because the way it’s going better that it’s done right and posted way late than posting it now and letting it be a train wreck).
So without further ado, I give you my fic for Day 3 of BluepulseWeek17.
[Costume Plans (Ao3 version)]
Day 3. Halloween
“Soooo… Vampire?”
“Oh! Oh! What about a mummy? Or would that take too much time?”
Jaime shook his head. “Bart, I don’t think either of us would have the patience for that.”
“No, hear me out! It could be a couple—I mean triad, sorry Khaji Da— thing! You two could go to the party as some kind of Ancient Egyptian Bug-god-thing or whatever, and I could go as a mummy, and it’d be easy!”
“I’m not using the armor as a costume mi corazon.”
“…It would be more efficient.”
Jaime facepalmed and was silent a moment or two before glancing back over his shoulder. “Don’t encourage him. This is weird enough as is.”
“Oh! Or we could go as the Flash and the last Blue Beetle! Maybe I should go as Booster Gold… That’d be harder to get a costume for though.”
“…You are not seriously suggesting that we dress up as other heroes for this party.”
“But it’d be so crash! OH! Or Batman? You would make an awesome Batman. Really hot.”
“Please stop saying words.”
“Nightwing and Zatanna,” Bart said as if he’d had a sudden stroke of genius.
Jaime and Khaji Da both were silent for a few long moments before Khaji Da quietly said, “I am willing to bribe you to never suggest that costume idea again.”
“Or we could dress as each other. Lightning Bug and… I dunno what else.”
“At this rate I’m just going to go as one of the living dead, because that’s how I feel inside,” Jaime teased.
“Zombie? Or are you thinking vampire? ’Cause if you go vampire I can also go vampire. You can be my necks victim.”
Jaime let Khaji Da slide into control and the scarab fixed Bart with a baleful stare for a moment before he said, “You have officially used up the entire year’s quota for puns with that comment.”
“Awwww… That’s just mean.”
Jaime sighed. “Let’s just… pick some costumes already and go the party.”
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He Heard, She Heard
I think it’s a good idea to stay open minded to Traci 13 being in Young Justice S3. As much as I enjoy Bluepulse, she and Jaime were in fact a thing in one of the comic runs. However if they go that route it would be the first time they stuck with a comic canon relationship...but I digress. I’m fully aware this fic will probably be written over when the season comes out, as will all my fics undoubtedly, but here’s an interaction between Traci and Bart that I think is cute.
Day 6: Rumors
Crunch, crunch, crunch...
The sound of Chicken Whizzies being thoroughly enjoyed by one Bart Allen could be heard over the drizzling of rain as it bounced and dripped from the gazebo over their heads. They sat at one of the many picnic tables beneath the covered area of the park, the only ones around for miles due to the weather. It was a warm kind of rain, the kind that only required light jackets with hoods to keep cozy.
Bart was wearing Jaime's red hoodie. Old as it was, it was still in decent shape and only now fit Bart just right. It used to be bigger on him. It was still the one that was his favorite, and he always borrowed this one when Jaime offered them up.
Apparently his company noticed his outfit because she asked, “Do you know where Jaime got that hoodie from?”
Bart paused mid-bite of his meal of Chicken Whizzies, a burger, fries, a salad, a milkshake...and a chocolate bar that Jaime had given him. It wasn't that he was surprised, but he certainly hadn't been expecting that. “How did you know it was Jaime's?”
Traci Thirteen gave a casual shrug. “I would know, since I gave it to him and all.”
“Oh.” He wasn't sure what to say. He actually hadn't known that. The two sat quietly for a few moments too many.
“It looks good on you, though.” she finally said before returning her attention to her own food.
Honestly Bart hadn't expected her to get a meal as hefty as his own. Movies and television seemed to imply that girls only liked to eat salad and drink water, especially when they were as pretty as Traci. Yet another thing modern media needs to work on.
Bart did his best not to glance at the meal Jaime had set aside to his left as he stepped away to take a phone call, and instead pay attention to Traci, who was sitting across the table.
“Gosh, I think we were...twelve or thirteen when I got that for him.” she continued. “It was so random, too. I saw it in the store and just got it for him, for no particular reason. It was huge on him back then.”
Bart chuckled a little. “It's not now.”
She smiled at that. “I thought it wouldn't be.”
Now the quiet that settled between them was more friendly in nature. Traci was really nice. Yeah, a bit abrasive on the outside, but seeing her chill like this was starting to help Bart feel comfortable around her.
Maybe too comfortable.
“You and Jaime used to date.” He blurted out. That was sudden. Much more personal than she might be comfortable with, too. It wasn't even phrased as a question. Good job, Kid Mouth...
Traci quirked her head and mouth to the side as she realized he said that impulsively.
Bart fought back the blush that must have begun to show. “I mean...I've heard that. About you. And him. So...” C'mon Bart, words. You have them, you know them. Using them would be nice.
At least she didn't seem bothered by his...attempt at speaking. “Look, Bart, my dad and I, we move around a lot. When I was starting to get my powers it was safer to keep on the move so no one would link things back to me. We lived in El Paso for a while and that's how Jaime and I met. But the thing was, we were twelve. You know how that is, right?”
“Well...not exactly?” Yes Bart had been twelve before, but not in this time or anything like this time.
“Oh right, sorry. Jaime did mention something about the time traveling.” Traci shifted a bit on the bench. “The thing about dating when you're twelve is that you're not really dating.”
Bart raised an eyebrow.
“I swear! Look, Jaime and I became pretty close really fast. At that age kids tease you for everything. As far as they were concerned a boy and a girl can't be “just friends”, they have to be girlfriend/boyfriend or they're failures as people. So...we did. We held hands and I kissed him on the cheek once after our one and only date. Which, by the way, his mom chaperoned. It just...never turned serious at all, for either of us. And aside from those things we still acted like we were just friends.
“So to fill in the blank for you, yes; Jaime and I used to date. But when it came time for me to move away again, Jaime told me how sad he was to see one of his best friends leave. I was sad to leave him behind. We both knew how we really felt, and I'm glad that's how it still is between us. It's nice to have a friend like him back after all this time.”
Bart, for what it was worth, was silent. He had munched away, spellbound, as she had told her story, and was now sitting with empty wrappers and a full head.
After a minute he replied, “I'm glad Jaime has a friend like you. You're pretty crash, you know.”
“Good. And I'm glad he has a boyfriend like you.”
Uh-oh, now he was turning red again. “How did y--?”
“I've heard things about you, too.” She winked. “Besides, Jaime's never looked at me the way he looks at you.”
Before the speedster could respond, Jaime had come back and had taken his seat beside him.
“Sorry about that, you guys. My tio really needed help with his computer. Thankfully Khaji can hack through landlines otherwise I would've been gone for another five minutes. Did I miss anything?”
“Uh, not really.” Bart responded, sharing a glance with Traci.
“Bart and I were just talking about rumors.”
“Yeah! Like that one about Batman and Superman being--”
“Ay, Bart! Por favor, I'm trying to eat here!”
Bart and Traci shared a huge laugh at his expense. “Glad to see you haven't changed, Jaime.”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Young Justice - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen/Khaji Da/Jaime Reyes, Khaji Da/Jaime Reyes, Bart Allen/Khaji Da Characters: Bart Allen, Khaji Da, Jaime Reyes, Milagro Reyes Additional Tags: Outer Space, Alien Planet, Stargazing, Stars, OT3, Fluff Series: Part 2 of Inheritance-verse Summary:
Jaime and Bart are stranded on a remote planet in a foreign galaxy
For Bluepulse Week 2017, Day One: Stargazing
“Did you check the communications channel?”
“Then check it again.”
[I have been running checks every two minutes since we lost contact with the Green Lanterns.]
“Agghh-“ Jaime dragged his hands down his face in exasperation.
“Hey, don’t worry too much babe-” Bart said, wrapping an arm around Jaime’s shoulders. “So what if our ship malfunctioned and crash-landed on this alien planet. So what if we’re stuck here until the Green Lanterns come pick us up?”
“They don’t even know where we are,” Jaime replied.
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cakewitch43 · 7 years
Day 1 of Bluepulse Week, Stargazing 🌟
What are those?” “What are what, hermano?” “Those lights in the sky,” They were in the desert, messing around in civilian clothes; like normal teens.  <Jaime Reyes, I believe that Bart Allen is referring to the stars>“No duh,” “What?” “Oh no, miel, I was talking to Khaji Da,” Bart visibly relaxed.  “So, uh, what are they?” Jaime couldn’t believe he was answering this question.  “They're stars, hermano,” “Woah, I thought those were just a myth,” That sat there for a while, watching. “Do you wanna learn some constellations?” ____ They were cuddled together, gazing into the heavens.  “That’s the North star, those stars with it are the big and little dippers, they look kinda like cups, or soup ladles,”  Jaime already knew he was way past curfew without even checking his watch, but he didn’t care. “over there is Leo the Lion,” “It doesn’t look ‘ike a lion,” “Nah, but people were pretty imaginative when they thought these up” “That's Pisces,” Jaime continued, “it's supposed to look like a fish, but I’ve never been able to see it; and that one's Canis Minor, I remember my teacher saying it was named after some famous Greek dog” <Yes, Jaime Reyes, its name was Laelaps, the common theme is that he was so fast he was elevated to the skies by Zeus. Laelaps is also considered to be one of Orion’s hunting dogs, trailing behind him in the night sky in pursuit of Taurus the bull.> “Khaji Da says the dog’s name was Laelaps, and that he was a super fast hunting dog,” “Kinda like me,”  Jaime chuckled at Bart’s response.  “Yeah, like you,” “That one’s called the Northern Cross, but to me it looks like someone shrugging their shoulders, see it?”  Bart nodded, transfixed. “Thank you,”  Bart stated into Jaime’s eyes, sincere. “Your welcome, carino,”
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disregardcanon · 7 years
okay so i’m not getting anything done for day 3: halloween either but for my contribution please, imagine bluepulse dressed as klance thank you for your time 
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crashing-blue-b · 7 years
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Bluepulse Week Day Six: Rumors Honestly I didn't have nothing prepared for this day, that's why I did it in pencil and not to digital, I got the inspiration in the early-morning XP But I'm happy with the result 💙❤️ Cassie is not at all discreet XP
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ao3feed-bluepulse · 6 years
He Heard, She Heard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LvfJU0
by cruisinforarubberman
*possibly takes place during season 3?
Bart should've figured that Jaime had dated before. It's Jaime, for heck's sake, he's amazing. But it just wasn't something he had thought about.
And she's...pretty. And really cool. And okay yeah, Bart can see why Jaime dated her he guessed. He just doesn't know if he should feel more defensive or jealous or something about it.
But he's almost definitely sure having lunch with his boyfriend and his boyfriend's ex is a faux pas of some kind. Maybe. Modern media has misled him before. He'll just have to see how it goes.
Written for BluepulseWeek17 over on tumblr, posted to my account of the same name. This fic is for Day 6: Rumors
Words: 1010, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Bluepulse Week 17
Fandoms: Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, Traci Thirteen, Traci 13, Khaji Da (mentioned)
Relationships: Bart Allen/Jaime Reyes
Additional Tags: Cute, Meeting the ex, Friendship, no jealousy, reasonable female in a male/male fic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2LvfJU0
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missgreenkitty · 7 years
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Bluepulse Week 2017 Day 2: Pride
I wasn’t lying when I said I was fitting Boostle into every prompt.
Jaime and Bart ft Jaime’s Dads Taking The Kids To Pride
experimenting with colours
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embracesadness · 7 years
Bluepulse Week - Day 3: Halloween
(Day 3! I really loved this one cause I got to write a comedy and I love writing comedies. Anywho, enjoy! I wrote this instead of doing my Financial Literacy homework, but these two are my life anyways! XD)
Admittedly, Bart didn’t exactly think this one out.
Then again, he reminded himself, when had he ever thought anything out in his life? He was pretty sure that from the moment he’d been born he’d been an impulse, out of control personality. How was he supposed to control his life when he’d never has a regular sense of “normalness”, anyways?
That’s right. It wasn’t his fault.
He told himself this as he rushed into the nearest Target to buy last minute Halloween candy. And when he said last minute, he meant last minute. Like, it was actually four in the afternoon on October thirty-first.
Bart looked through the aisles and huffed in annoyance when he saw there were no more bags left. How annoying. Jay and Joan were not going to be pleased. He sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes at an awkward angle so that people would notice him. He did it to be annoying in class, but the habit had managed to stick.
Double oops, he supposed.
Out of the corner of his eye, something seemed to flash. Bart whipped around and his jaw hit the floor. There, in the masses of crazed Halloween obsessed maniacs looking for last minute costumes or decorations for a party, was the final bag of the “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
What a moment to be alive.
Bart began to walk towards the bag calmly. However, he noticed another guy (probably around his age) walking in the same, general direction from across the aisle on the opposite end. They both narrowed their eyes at the same time. The dude walked a little faster. Bart began to speed hop towards this “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
They eventually both took off in a full-out run, Bart letting a vicious battle cry rip and Dude grunting in an effort to get to the bag before Bart. They both reached the bag at the same time, grabbing it harshly.
For a fleeting second, Bart could feel Dude’s hand touch his and it actually felt sort of…nice. It was all warm and tingly. He felt as though he were floating.
He fell back to harsh reality pretty quickly though, as he and Dude crashed into one another at an alarming rate. Bart let out an “oomph” as he felt the Dude’s knee crash into his esophagus.
‘Hello acid reflux, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.’
He had the weirdest thoughts when he was in pain, Bart was thinking to himself, but quickly turned his  attention back to Dude who was still holding on to his “Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack.”
Stupid dude.
He hadn’t realized he had accidently voiced this particular thought until Dude glared at him angrily and muttered something in...was that Spanish? He was pretty sure that was Spanish.
Bart mustered a glare back, but failed pretty horribly. His friends told him he was too cute to pull of a glare.
“That’s my bag of chocolates.” he spoke matter-of-factly.
Dude huffed. “Doesn’t have your name on it.”
Bart gritted his teeth together. “Well, I could pull a pen out of my ass-”
“I don’t think you can store pens up there.”
“Just let go of my Ultra Jumbo Halloween Variety Chocolate Pack, man!” Bart cried out, tugging at the bag and then wincing because of the pressure it put on his chest. Dude just held on even tighter. They began to play tug-a-war with this bag of freaking chocolates as the dialogue continued.
“If I don’t get this home to my parents,” Dude was saying, “They will kill me!”
“Big whoop!” Bart retorted, “My cousin Wally will force me to babysit for his girlfriend’s niece again! She literally pulled a fucking Houdini on me last time I was tasked with “watching” her. More like she was watching me...from the windowsill.”
“I have a little sister who might as well have ADHD.” Dude continued on, “She is a fate worse than death. Literally. Just her alone.”
“At least she doesn’t just “poof, and she’s gone!” away from you in the middle of a Star Trek marathon!”
“Yeah, no, you’re right. She disappeared that one time it in the middle of Star Wars IV: A New Hope, didn’t she?”
Dude let out a cry of defeat before shoving the bag towards Bart. They’d been full on yelling, so they had the attention of the entire store. Dude kicked at the floor.
“Fine! Whatever! I’ll just go to another store!”
“Good luck with that…” Bart mumbled under his breath, but because he’d won this particular battle he didn’t say anything else other than that. Dude stormed out of the store pretty quickly after that. Bart looked at his watch. It was seventeen after four. He still had about a half hour to get home.
He was kicked out of the store after that for not showing the proper “etiquette in a public facility.”
“I’ll show you proper etiquette...” Bart grumbled the entire way home, snacking on some of the chocolates in the bag.
At least forty kids had come and gone from his house, taking most of his candy with them as they went, before he received the fated knock on his door. Bart swallowed the remaining Snickers in his mouth, adjusted his “I AM MYSELF FOR HALLOWEEN TO SHOW THE MONSTER INSIDE ME” sweatshirt and opened the door.
It was one kid this time around. A younger girl who could be maybe seven dressed to the literal brim in the pinkest princess dress he’d ever seen before in his life. She grinned a gap-toothed grin. “Trick or Treat!” she cried out with a slight accent. Bart grinned ferociously. Just how precious could one be?
“Well aren’t you the cutest little thing I’ve ever-”
He stopped himself dead in the middle of his sentence. Because there, standing right in front of him, God forbid, was fucking Dude. From the Target store. He was literally standing right there. And he seemed to be sizing Bart up too.
Oh God. He was going to get his ass kicked, wasn’t he?
It didn’t take Bart long to put two and two together. As he looked to the little girl, then back at Dude. Then back to the little girl and back to Dude. Finally, he turned to look at the half eaten chocolates on the front bench.
Bart wiped the chocolate stains from his mouth onto his sleeve and turned in almost a horror-movie fashion back towards Dude. He put on his best innocent grin and made finger guns towards him, laughing nervously.
“I don’t like being called cute.”  Dudette called out solemnly, “I once killed my goldfish by flushing him down the toilet with the dirty water when I was trying to clean his tank. That’s not cute. That’s just torture.”
“Hi.” Dude said awkwardly.
“Hey.” Bart returned in an equally as awkward manner.
The three of them just stood there like that for what felt like it could’ve been hours but probably wasn’t. Dude fiddled with his fingers awkwardly. Bart shivered in the cold, October night.
Dudette finally rolled her eyes. “Are you going to give me my candy or not?” she sighed in a bored manner.
Bart’s jaw dropped for the second time that day. He began to stutter. Dude snickered.
“Nice one, hermana.” he chortled.
“Y-you’re just as bad as your brother!” Bart exclaimed. This time, it was Dude’s turn to be taken aback. He jumped to his own defence pretty quickly.
“Qué? I let you have the fuc-freaking candy and that’s how you’re going to play this?” he gasped in horror, letting the Halloween spirit take control of his soul for a moment.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my Esophagus rupturing.”
“Okay, you know what-”
“Candy?” Dudette whined.
Bart stormed over to the bag, grabbed a handful of Reese’s Pieces and chucked them over towards her. He stormed back over to Dude and poked him hard in the center of his chest.
“You are the reason that I’m an antisocial Cheeto Puff who stays in his room and plays video games all day!” he exclaimed.
“What does that even have to do with me?” Dude cried out in frustration.
“You make me afraid to go outside because the threat of the contents of my stomach bubbling back up into the tube in my chest is always lurking.”
“Dude, I didn’t even hit you that hard!” he exclaimed.
“Hey!” Bart huffed, “You can’t call me dude. You’re Dude.”
Dude rolled his eyes.
There was an ear piercing scream. Both boys yelped suddenly as their hands jumped up to their ears. This noise had to be the worst noise in the world. It sounded like somebody was dying when, in fact, it was just Dudette who had decided to throw the Biggest Temper Tantrum Ever™ at Bart’s doorstep for not having received her candy.
“Jesus! Jesus! Just take the bag, alright?” Bart cried over her screaming, throwing the entire bag of chocolates at her feet. Four dollars and ninety-nine cents down the drain. She stopped crying as soon as she saw the bag. She instead let out the biggest grin and leaned down to open an unopened package of Snickers, Bart’s favourite.
Dude smiled in that annoying, satisfied way that makes you want to punch somebody. Dudette munched happily on her chocolate.
“Well then,” Bart muttered, “It’s a happy ending for everyone.”
“Except you.” Dude teased, sticking out his tongue.
Bart rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand instead. “Let’s call a truce.” he announced. Dude raised an eyebrow, but reached out and shook his hand anyways. For a second, Bart felt like he was floating again. The feeling lasted a bit longer this time around.
“I guess I ended up getting the candy anyways.” he observed, an annoying hint of a smile still present on his face.
“Guess you did, Dude.” Bart admitted begrudgingly.
Dude rolled his eyes. “My name’s not Dude.”
“Sure it is.” Bart responded.
“It’s Jaime.”
“Jaime. The ‘J’ is pronounced as-You know what? Close enough.” Dude (the self-proclaimed “Jaime”) sighed in defeat. Bart nodded his head.
“Right. And what’s the little demon’s name?”
“I don’t know your name.” Jaime grinned.
“Hardy-har.” Bart stuck out his tongue. “It’s Bart.’
“Her name is Milagro.” Jaime said, motioning over to where Milagro was now happily consuming all of the remainder of Bart’s candy. Bart mumbled something about how demon children were a plague to the entirety of the Universe and it would be better to be rid of them before shaking his head and sighing.
“Not cute.” he agreed with her previous comment, “Not cute at all.”
“And you don’t even have to live with her.” Jaime and Bart shuddered in unison at that particular comment made by the former.
“My condolences.” Bart extended his sympathies towards the young man. Jaime grinned.
“You know who is pretty cute, though?” he asked.
“Zac Efron?”
“You.” Jaime answered his own question, shutting down Bart’s theory that Zac Efron was truly a God and wait did he just get called cute?
Bart bristled. “Say what?”
Jaime grinned. “Well, since we’ve officially run you out of your candy supply and you’re not doing anything else tonight since you’re an antisocial Cheeto Puff who stays in his room and plays video games all day-”
“Jesus.” Bart groaned in mortification.
“-why don’t you come out Trick or Treating with us? We can show you how to interact with human beings since you are clearly lacking in that area. That and maybe I can convince you to stick around for a second date.”
Bart paused and thought the offer over. It did seem like a cool idea. And he didn't have anything else planned for the evening other than curling up into a ball and crying over this terrible loss after such a great victory at the nearby Target.
He thought about all of these things, but what he said was;
“I don’t know…”
“I’ll let you have some of your chocolates.”
“Lemme’ grab my coat.” Bart rushed off to the nearest coat hanger. Jaime laughed, leaning against the door frame. Bart grabbed the house keys and called out to Jay and Joan that he was going out before remembering that Jay and Joan were also out at a Halloween party and that was the whole entire reason he had grabbed his keys in the first place-
“You coming?” Jaime, bless him, interrupted his train of thought. Bart grinned.
“For you? Always.” he responded. Jaime rolled his eyes, snickering all the while.
Bart smiled softly, cheeks flushing because, hey, the guy was not too shabby himself, before shutting the door and locking it into place. Milagro insisted this stranger hold her hand and as she began to drag Bart along, he reached back and intertwined Jaime’s fingers within his own. They locked eyes and smiled softly as both their cheeks turned red.
It was probably because of the cold.
Their conversation could still be heard as they walked away from Bart’s front porch and towards the next house.
“I didn’t think you’d actually bring your demon sister to my house.”
“Told you she was a force to be trifled with.”
“You weren’t lying.”
“Did your cousin’s girlfriend’s niece really disappear on you?”
“I swear to God she’ll be receiving a letter of recruitment from the Magician’s Council in the next few weeks and she’s only four months old…
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bluepulse-week · 7 years
It's Bluepulse week !!
Yay it's finally here !! I'll get to sharing your creations soon !!
- Admin Manda
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