Exploring FireChild: Tournament of the Ancients
Kiiro is back at it again, they’ve managed to get a camera into the online multiplayer’s map and take a look around. It’s a very nostalgic and high-quality look at the map!
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lethargicaxiom · 5 months
yjr qasmry'd vapdr yp saohmzzzrmy. dpppm.
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heartz4shauna · 3 months
msj vix jpe str upi hpmms jsmh eoyj upit pyjrt gtormfd smf mpy zr??? oyd saesud ejrm o sdl ypp aolr ejsy fp upi esmy gtpz zr??? SVYISAAU GIVL PGG
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just-luxx · 4 months
Anyone wanna decipher this
O aolr divlomh yprd
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hummingbird-hunter · 1 year
jraap jimyrt, jpe fp upi aolr oy
Sorry brain not braining rn
Is this connected to the weird alphabet from before and is a substitution or was that another anon. Anyways brain not braining rn to actually do it
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mandy-malady · 18 days
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I remember when they started to roll out different skins, and how the interface would look different depending on your restrictions. When my mom finally let up a little and moved me to a teen account, I got AOLRed
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Look at all that chrome.
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queer-anarchist-rat · 5 months
apbr qitqpdrgiaau ytohhrtomh zudrag ejrm trsfomg gsmgovyom
trsd pmr yjsy esd sny ds smf mpe grra aolr loaaomh zudrag
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lycanstonebutch · 2 years
O vsm pmau jpqr upi esmy zr aolr o esmy upi
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Tweeg hello! How you is?
I never know the answer to that question anymore lkdfjklsdf 🙃🙃🙃
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😳 Woah I actually have a couple followers now. Hello fellow lost media enthusiasts
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daughterofsarenrae · 3 years
Pj yjsml hpf yjr djoq od sazpdy imdyivl, yjrm rbrtupmr eoaa dypq zslomh yjr rcsvy dszr kplr pbrt smf pbrt amf pbrt shsom
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twinvictim · 6 years
That doctor Beth stuffed animal hospital blog both makes me so happy and makes me wonder if one day I could write her about my Monkey
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falst · 2 years
Eju fof upi aolr zu vpfrf stvjor qpdy dvst?
You good???
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thatqueerchoirkid · 4 years
jraap epiaf upi aolr yp jrst zu dyptu -CA
w h a t
and who/what the heck is CA
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singingvio · 5 years
Trickster/Grimdark AU: Shadow and Vio because I can and they’re my OTP
Shadow trying to have a conversation with his Grimdark boyfriend as much as he can, since he’s Grimdark. Well, he says Vio’s his boyfriend, but no one knows for sure, since most of what Tricksters say is what they wish were true and not what’s actually true, and Vio can’t talk normally to confirm this fact.
Uses actual Grimdark speech, but there’s an English version of what Vio’s saying at the end. There’s also a link to the translator if you want to use it!
“Vio~! How’re ya doin’ on this fine mornin’?” Shadow flew up to the Grimdark and slung an arm around his shoulder. Vio sighed.
“O'z gomr, djsfpe, mpe qarsdr hobr zr dpzr qrtdpmsa dqsvr.“ (1)
Shadow frowned a bit, then it changed back into his usual, insane Trickster grin. “Ya know that no one but Bluey can understand ya, ya know hon?” he asked. Vio nodded.
“Urd, o lmpe yjsy. o'z mpy dyiqof aolr upi ytovldyrtd.” (2)
“Can you an’ Blue actually speak? Or no, is blabberin’ in that weird language all ya can do?” the Trickster asked.
“Mp, pt o epiaf svyisaau nr dqrslomh yp upi.” (3) Vio snarled at the stupid question. Of course he couldn’t talk right!
Shadow backed up a bit, floating in the air. “All right! Don’t need ta’ get all upset ‘bout an honest question, sweetie!”
“Qarsdr dypq yjsy, djsfpe, gpt saa o lmpe er strm'y fsyomh.” (4)
“Still can’t understand ya, Vi.” Shadow got over his temporary fear of being decapitated by the Grimdark and sat down next to him, instead of floating in the air. “Ya know, you’ve never actually tried ta kill me yet,” he muttered. “Why not?”
“O fpm’y trsaau esmy yp. Sd smmpuomh sd upi str, upi’tr gim yp jsbr stpimf, smf o fp vstr snpiy upi yp dpzr rcyrmy.” (5)
“Dunno what you’re sayin’, but you’re as happy as a Grimdark can seem I guess, so I’m gonna say that you were sayin’ something’ sweet ‘bout me.”
“Upi lmpe mpyjomh.” (6)
“Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. Can’t understand ya. What you’re saying means nothin’ to me a lot of the time. Wish I had a translator thing so I can know what you’re sayin’ and actually have conversations with ya.” Shadow leaned against Vio’s side and closed his eyes. Sure, Vio was Grimdark, but he wasn’t heartless enough to push the (so far) harmless Trickster away. Also, Shadow was warm.
A minute later, Vio had an arm around a sleeping Shadow, smiling a bit. Maybe what Shadow said a lot, about him being Vio’s boyfriend, could be true to Vio as well. It wouldn’t be bad.
“Upi zohjy mpy imfrtdysmf yjod, niy ejsy upi’tr dsuomh saa yjr yozr trsaau fprd zrsm yjr eptaf yp zr, djsfpe.” (7) He muttered, and soon the two were cuddled up fast asleep in front of the fireplace.
Vio translations:
(1) I’m fine, Shadow, now please give me some personal space.
(2) Yes, I know that. I’m not stupid like you Tricksters.
(3) No, or I would be actually speaking to you.
(4) Please stop that, Shadow, for all I know we aren’t dating.
(5) I don’t really want to. As annoying as you are, you’re fun to have around, and I do care about you to some extent.
(6) You know nothing.
(7) You might not understand this, but what you’re saying all the time really does mean the world to me, Shadow.
Grimdark Translator: https://lingojam.com/Homestuck-Grimdark
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