#aoyagi harumichi
raaaaat · 7 days
I'm kinda tweaking cuz like 💥 okay so lil confession I FW HARUMICHI AOYAGI HEAVY like ik he's not the best father but something about that 53 year old man makes me 🤤
I cannot lie bro when I say that the pjsk fathers are fine asf I'm probably crazy doe anyways fem Touya fn Leelah Shizu and delusional milf dilf ship art 😭 I hope y'all don't mind me being a lil delusional n autistic 🎉 guys a lil question how do I start to learn how to draw 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 art cuz like I'm a lil scared to ask but I wanna learn how to
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would-you-punt-them · 4 months
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Aoyagi Harumichi (Project SEKAI)
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pjsk-story-summaries · 7 months
Vivid BAD SQUAD Main Story Summary
TL;DR: Two years ago, RAD WEEKEND ignited the fire of Vivid Street, especially two young singers, Shiraishi An and Shinonome Akito. They both vowed to one day surpass that legendary night, no matter how impossible others told them it was.
An struggled to find a worthy singing partner for a long time. One day, an anxious girl named Azusawa Kohane stumbled into Weekend Garage after getting lost. An sparked a passion inside of Kohane, and after realizing how exiting it was to sing with her, took the inexperienced girl as her partner. Akito, however, questioned the decision and challenged the pair to perform at an upcoming event.
Despite the pair's hard work, a jealous musician's interference with the sound system caused them to fail. Akito took the fall and lashed out at the duo, challenging their resolve. Through Miku, Len, and MEIKO's reassurance, Kohane discovered her true feelings and vowed to stay by An's side, chasing the same legendary night together.
However, Toya realized his resolve was the weakest out of all of them, since he was only pursuing street music to run away from classical music and his father. Akito punches him, and the two part ways. Worried about the sudden change, Kohane and An try their best to help Toya. Meanwhile, MEIKO helps Akito realize Toya's departure may mean more than meets the eye. Akito interrupts Toya's final goodbye to Weekend Garage and helps him realize it doesn't matter why he stands on stage, only that he wants to and is serious about it. The two make up, and Untitled takes the form of a song. Vivids and BAD DOGS decide to team up to chase RAD WEEKEND together, under the name Vivid BAD SQUAD.
Official English Youtube upload / Song (Ready Steady) / Animation
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Chapter 0: An briefly narrates a flashback of her experience at RAD WEEKEND. In the present day, she chats with a customer of Weekend Garage about how she has yet to find the right partner, since none of the other musicians have the drive to surpass that legendary night. After, she goes to battle around Scramble Crossing, to which Kohane catches a glimpse of. Suddenly, An's phone lights up as she is transported to the SEKAI, a bewildered Kohane in tow. Miku, Len, and MEIKO introduce themselves and the SEKAI. An declares her dream to surpass RAD WEEKEND, but Kohane isn't sure if she has one. The two are then forced out of SEKAI with a vague feeling of determination.
Chapter 1: At school, Kohane admires her classmate Minori's drive to become an idol. She wonders if she'll be able to find a similar dream one day. Kohane goes to look for an album for her mom, but the only place that has it in-stock is in a back alley. She gets lost trying to walk back home and stumbles upon Vivid Street and Weekend Garage. She walks in to ask for directions, only to find An singing on the stage. She's super impressed by her, but runs away when An approaches.
Chapter 2: Once home, Kohane tries searching for the song An was singing, only for Miku to pop out of her phone and ask her to come to SEKAI again. Kohane doesn't, however. The next week, Minori comments on how Kohane has been humming that song ever since. She tells her about Weekend Garage, and the two bond over the power of live music. Kohane ends up going back to Weekend Garage that afternoon.
Chapter 3: Ken goes to buy coffee beans, leaving just An and Kohane in the cafe. The two formally introduce themselves to each other, and An explains the event culture of Vivid Street. Kohane asks if An could sing that song again, though after hearing Kohane praise her, An returns the request. Impressed, An asks if she would become her singing partner.
Chapter 4: Akito and Toya debrief after an event. Kotaro (simply called Musician at this time) praises them, even if he doubts their ability to surpass RAD WEEKEND. He asks if they've ever considered teaming up with An. Akito would consider it. Back at Weekend Garage, Kohane hesitates to accept An's offer. An thinks Kohane is great despite her lack of confidence, however: she'll always have her back, because that's what her dad and his partner did. Kohane decides to give singing a chance.
Then, Akito and Toya walk in and introduce themselves to Kohane. An explains how they're currently working towards the same dreams as the partnership BAD DOGS. She then introduces Kohane as her new singing partner. Upon learning of her lack of experience, Akito invites the two of them to perform at an upcoming event.
Chapter 5: An and Kohane accept the offer. After they leave, Toya questions why Akito did that. Learning that An had accepted a newbie like Kohane as her partner had made him question if she truly was serious about surpassing RAD WEEKEND, and that crushing them will prove this dream isn't for the half-hearted. Meanwhile, An and Kohane begin practicing for the event. When building their set list, they come across an Untitled song and are transported to a mysterious street.
Chapter 6: Miku brings An and Kohane to crase cafe with MEIKO to discuss the feelings behind SEKAI. Kohane questions if her feelings really could contribute to such a place. Suddenly, Len barges in after a fight with Rin, only to realize Kohane and An finally arrived. He questions where the other two are, to the girl's confusion. An realizes they need to go back to Weekend Garage and leaves. Len decides to go say hi to the others in the real world.
Chapter 7: The next day, An brings Kohane to practice on Vivid Street, much to the latter's horror. Despite her fear, the two end up doing alright. They also decide to name themselves Vivids, after the street they both love. Toya passes by, sparking nostalgia for his own early days. However, he's still thinking about Akito's comment on half-heartedness from before.
Chapter 8: BAD DOGS lights up another venue, leaving Kotaro bitterly jealous of them and An. Akito explains his drive to crush them and their "jokes" of surpassing RAD WEEKEND, but tells Kotaro to stay out of it. Len pops out of Akito's phone, but realizes now isn't the time to talk.
Later, Kohane and Toya run into each other on Vivid Street. Toya asks if Kohane is truly serious about surpassing RAD WEEKEND. She explains how she wasn't quite sure before, but because she loves standing next to An, she'll do whatever it takes. She also thanks him for the invitation to the event.
Chapter 9: The day of the event, Toya pulls Akito aside and explains how he thinks Kohane and An truly are serious about their dreams. Akito decides to give them a chance. The Vivid's show starts off strong, but partway through, Kotaro pulls the sound plug. An tries to recover, but Kohane freezes with anxiety. She apologizes after the event, but end up overhearing Akito yelling at Kotaro for his interference.
Chapter 10: Kotaro runs away upon An's confrontation. Akito decides to take the fall. He questions An and Kohane's resolve to do what it takes. Kohane ends up going to SEKAI afterwards to talk about what happened.
Chapter 11: Kohane doubts if she really is serious enough to chase An's dream. Len points out how much Kohane has changed in just a month, while Miku and MEIKO encourage her to keep trying to find her true feelings. What others say don't change who she is. Kohane resolves to tell An she wants to stay by her side, discovering her true feelings along the way. Meanwhile, An doubts her ability as a partner.
Chapter 12: Kohane enters Weekend Garage with rekindled determination and freshly-cut hair. An is overjoyed by Kohane's return, and the two decide to practice even harder than before to one day surpass RAD WEEKEND. BAD DOGS enter the cafe soon after. Kohane declares her determination to Akito and refuses to run away. Toya invites them to their next event that upcoming weekend. After the boys leave, Ken compliments Kohane and implies to an Akito's motivations are deeper than they seem.
Chapter 13: Toya arrives home late at night. His father comes into his room to berates him, telling Toya that he's wasting his time and that Akito is a bad influence. Toya knows that he's only performing street music to run away from classical, and that he's really the one with the weakest resolve. The day of the second event comes. Akito finally admits that the Vivids are truly serious about surpassing RAD WEEKEND. Suddenly, Toya tells Akito he's leaving BAD DOGS.
Chapter 14: Confused by the sudden change, Akito lashes out and punches Toya, and the two part ways for good. Meanwhile, Kohane and An visit SEKAI to tell the Virtual Singers the good news. Len reveals that the other two who formed the SEKAI are Akito and Toya, much to An's shock.
Akito bittersweetly remembers the first time he had met Toya, singing all alone on a street corner. He walks into Weekend Garage alone, worrying An and Kohane.
Chapter 15: The Vivids encounter a depressed Akito performing alone at an event, furthering their concern. The next day, Kohane runs into Toya at the CD shop, but doesn't get any solid answers over what happened. Suddenly, Kotaro pulls the Vivids aside and formally apologizes for messing up their first event, clearing Akito's name. The next day, An brings Toya to Kamiyama's courtyard to talk to Kohane.
Chapter 16: Kohane questions why Toya left street music, since he always looked like he was having so much fun singing. Toya never noticed that fact before. Kohane explains her own feelings of doubt, but knowing her true feelings are to stand next to An. Toya walks off.
Akito is still bothered by Toya's departure, no matter how hard he tries to focus on RAD WEEKEND instead. While trying to create a new set list, he accidentally stumbles upon Untitled. Len greets him and brings him to crase cafe. He talks to MEIKO and the others about his disagreement with Toya. Meanwhile, Toya enters Weekend Garage to say one final goodbye to Ken.
Chapter 17: MEIKO hands Akito a glass of oolong tea disguised as whiskey, explaining how things aren't always as they appear. She thinks there's something deeper to Toya's actions. Suddenly, Akito's phone rings with a call from Ken. Meanwhile, Toya begins to tell Ken, An, and Kohane the true reason he decide to leave BAD DOGS.
Chapter 18: The chapter begins with a flashback of Toya's father's harsh piano practices. Toya explains that these memories began to make him hate music, and that he only started street music to defy his father. Still, he's grateful to Akito for sharing his dream with him. He doesn't want to hold back his friend with his false resolve. Akito bursts through the doors of the cafe, having run all the way there from SEKAI.
Chapter 19: Akito tells Toya that he doesn't care why he ended up on the stage. He knows how serious about music Toya is, and that he's the only person Akito wants as his partner. Toya finally realizes that he's allowed to just do what he wants, regardless of the past. BAD DOGS officially re-forms. Now that all four of them have found their true feelings, Miku sends them into SEKAI.
Chapter 20: Miku asks if both Vivids and BAD DOGS will sing the song that took form together with her: Ready Steady. After realizing how well they sound working together, and how much farther they'll go united, An suggests teaming up for good. They combined their former unit names, along with a word of unity, to officially form Vivid BAD SQUAD.
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Virtual Singer Chapter 1 (Pre-Chapter 0): Len and Miku order coffee from MEIKO. MEIKO laughs at the kid's banter and offers them both a coffee jelly. Miku leaves to prepare for Kohane and An's arrival. Len is bummed he can't join Miku, but is still excited to help out MEIKO.
Virtual Singer Chapter 2 (After Chapter 6): Len talks about his excitement towards meeting An and Kohane, as well as his hope to meet Akito and Toya soon. Len orders a black coffee, no sugar or cream. He wants to act adult-like like that, though he denies the fact. He's doesn't like the coffee. Miku talks about how she switches up her coffee based on the day ahead, and that he doesn't have to force himself to do or like anything.
Virtual Singer Chapter 3 (non-specific timing): MEIKO runs into Rin while opening up shop and listens to her side of the argument with Len. She wants to apologize, but doesn't know how. MEIKO reassures her that Len wants to make up, too, and that she should just be honest. Rin runs off to find him.
Virtual Singer Chapter 4 (After Chapter 20): Vivid BAD SQUAD ask to use crase cafe's stage to practice since their usual spots are full. After reaching a split decision on a part, the four ask for Miku and MEIKO's advice. Suddenly, Rin and Len walk in and ask to join their practice, interrupting the argument.
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geee-three · 13 days
listen im not making harumichi redeemable but i am making him bisexual
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lumilumimi · 1 month
man the Problematic ParentsTM from pjsk are incredibly realistic in that two things are true about their depiction.
1. they have their own trauma, pain, and suffering, that influences the way they raise their children.
2. this does not detract from the suffering they then imposed on their children. it is not an excuse, and the MCs are not necessarily required by the narrative to forgive them (though they do seem to, which is understandable since they’re all high schoolers who care deeply about what their parents think of them).
like I think this extends to pretty much all the parents of pjsk. mafumom is probably the example most people automatically think of- she likely has some kind of (potentially very bad) generational trauma. this provides a basis for why she treats mafuyu the way she does. but it isn’t seen (so far) as an excuse- mafuyu running away is depicted as a necessary action in order to preserve herself.
ena’s dad went through incredible struggles as a starving artist. he likely felt extreme shame and anguish as he failed to provide for himself and his wife. but the way he handled this with ena is not necessarily depicted as a good or okay thing- just a thing that has an explanation.
toya’s dad- we don’t know a super lot about him afaik but it’s safe to assume he is a person who is very hard on himself. he strives for perfection in his music and tries to emulate exactly what he thought the composer intended. this behavior likely doesn’t come from nowhere, and has likely been harmful to him. but the way he treated and trained toya is still depicted as toxic and unnecessary.
and this even applies to less ProblematicTM parents like emu’s dad or an’s dad too! when it was revealed that ken had been hiding the truth about nagi from an, an literally was like “I don’t forgive you” and that’s SO POWERFUL! someone can have good intentions and still hurt you, and they still need to be held accountable for that! (and ken did accept responsibility for that- part of what makes him one of the best parents in the game!)
ugh. just… I’m in my twenties and still very much dealing with the repercussions and ripple effects of the way my parents Parented when I was a kid, and seeing the parents depicted very realistically in pjsk is so amazing. like yeah, they’re not cartoon villains being Evil Just Because, but do you have to do what they say? do you have to believe they know what’s best? hell, do you even have to forgive them? no. because regardless of their intentions, or their trauma, they still hurt you. and if they won’t take accountability and try to fix it, they aren’t magically exempt from the consequences of their own actions just by virtue of being a parent.
thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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correctproseka · 4 months
This came to me by "Toya would be a good vampire and Akito is a ginger"
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"but dad I love this random human guy who raps"
"blah blah blah classical music rap humans killed your mom"
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kotaromita · 8 months
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PRSK NPCs as textposts and other miscellaneous memes episode THIRTEEN of many!
Nightcord at 25:00 part 1 featuring my mega rarepairs.
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kerizaret · 13 days
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Hc that because of the families being close, the Aoyagis are Tsukasa's (& Saki's) emergency contacts in case something happened and the Tenma parents weren't for some reason able to come for them
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dailyaoyagi · 2 months
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Shout out to this comment on PON
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danchkkk · 22 days
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Old man
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In Toya's Unexpected Talent? 2* card story, he talks about how his parents were very strict about what recreational activities he could do as a child. He was never allowed to participate in school events, since his father believed that they got in the way of practice. He also had to spend his weekends practicing instead of doing anything recreational, because if he missed a day of practice then his skills would be set back.
His mother was also very paranoid about what activities he did, so she banned him from playing ball sports, and going on outings, school trips and camping, lest he get injured and be unable to become a pianist.
In KAMIKOU FESTIVAL! (the event this card is from), he was finally allowed to attend a school festival, and he was finally allowed to go camping in Same Dreams, Same Colors (although it took a two-hour presentation for his parents to give him permission to go).
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yumizurueleonora · 1 month
idk if you still want to take requests for the angsty sentence starter thing, but maybe 1 for akitoya, and then 13 and 17 for toya and harumichi? you can pick one or all of them haha
1: “I’m just so afraid.”
Fuck. Fuck.
Akito can’t breathe.
He has to practice. He has to keep going.
The night stretches out, and that’s just another reminder of how Akito can’t stop.
Chasing that moon. That… gorgeous, delicate moon.
There’s so much fear in his chest. It’s suffocating.
That gentle voice is ringing in his head, saying words that make Akito’s heart shatter. Cutting him every time he tries to pick up the pieces.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you grew up and stopped chasing some tiny event that no-one’s even heard of outside of this town?”
It was a long time ago. Akito knows that. But…
But it’s still ringing in his head. He can’t stop it.
And that face is in his vision. Bruised and cold.
So cold.
He’s a terrible partner.
That voice keeps ringing in his head no matter how hard he sings.
And it’s only getting louder. Louder and louder.
It’s almost like… he’s here…
His eyes flutter shut, and there are suddenly arms around him.
He doesn’t even need to see them. He knows those manicured fingers and long arms.
“…How’d you know?” Akito asks, and Toya chuckles softly.
“Partner sense.” He responds, but then his tone changes. “What are you doing, Akito?”
“Practicing.” Akito sighs.
“That wasn’t practice. That was… dangerous. Violent. Your voice was a honed blade.”
“Oh, come on. You’re exaggerating.”
“Am I?”
Akito stays silent, and Toya sighs.
“I’m afraid, Akito. I’m just so afraid for you.”
There’s another pang in Akito’s chest, and…
And Akito doesn’t know what to do.
So he just stays silent. In Toya’s arms. Feeling the pain that’s shared between them.
“Come home with me. My parents are out, we can play Pokémon or something.”
And Akito wants to tell him that he needs to keep practicing. That he’s also afraid. That he’s scared that Toya will leave him again, for good this time.
But he knows his partner. He won’t let that go.
So instead he just laughs softly and opens his eyes.
And again, the pain continues. But that’s alright.
It’s alright for now.
13. “You never listen to me.”/17. “I have to leave.”
It’s always so… messy whenever Harumichi and Toya get into a fight.
Toya’s pacing the floor back and forth, an intense expression on his face.
It’s like looking in a mirror.
“You never listen to me!” Toya starts, his eyes flashing with a cold fire. “Why?! Why can’t you understand, Father?!”
“You’ll understand when you’re older.” Harumichi simply says, keeping his own temper under control.
It should come like second nature, but there’s a strange bubbling in his chest.
He’s a child. There’s no reason to yell.
But Toya keeps going, and he can’t keep repeating the same thing over and over again.
“Insolent child! You’re so stubborn!”
“Pot, meet kettle!” Toya snaps back. “Yes, I’m so stubborn! It’ll lead me to ruin! Then to my ruin I shall go! Why do you insist on dictating my life?!”
“Because for us, there is no other path for happiness than classical music!”
“No other path?! If someone told you that your only path to happiness was to be a doctor, when you can barely stand going to the hospital to see Saki, would your heart not strain to be free?!”
That sentence… breaks something in Harumichi.
And there’s an echo in his head.
That grating voice.
“Worthless, worthless, worthless! God, why did I have to be cursed with a child like you?!”
“That’s different.” Harumichi says, almost robotically, and Toya’s entire body tenses up.
“You don’t even care, do you? All you want is for me to be made in your image! I need to leave, I’ll be at the Tenmas’!”
Toya walks out the door and slams it behind him, and Harumichi collapses onto the couch.
He’ll never understand, will he?
That this is the only path for their family. It’s what they’re meant to do, and people will try to pull them away from it all their lives.
And they’ll go, for only a pinch of that sweet thing called love.
Fate has decided it long ago.
And all Harumichi can do is try to drag Toya back from that pain, that torture before it’s too late.
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pjsk-story-summaries · 6 months
the first concerto Event Story Summary
TL;DR: Toya's task from Ken to surpass RAD WEEKEND is to write the songs for the event, the feelings of his team embodied within the lyrics and sound. Toya studies some of his father's books on composition to help, but despite all his attempts, he cant get a sound with the same sort of heat as RAD WEEKEND. In a desperate attempt, Toya asks his father for advice. Harumichi feels as if there is no pride within Toya's works.
Toya continues to write for months, but fails every time to create the right sound. He cuts back on sleep to spend more time composing. Toya ends up nearly collapsing in SEKAI from dizziness because of it. While taking care of him, MEIKO realizes Toya has analyzed everyone's feelings except his own. She encourages him to take a look into his own past, despite the pain.
Whenever Toya tries to recall his past, all he can think about is the guilt he feels over running away. He believes someone like him, who ran away before, doesn't have the resolve to carry the dreams of those aiming to surpass RAD WEEKEND. Toya screams in frustration, leading his father to enter his room.
Harumichi questions why Toya chooses to only look at the pain from his days of classical music. Though he did run away in the end, Toya had always faced music head-on. That dedication puts him leagues above anyone he'll ever face on the streets, so he should look upon his past with pride. Toya realizes the truth to his father's words, and having finally truly embraced his past, writes a song with the heat to surpass RAD WEEKEND.
After showing it to his team, Toya brings the song to Souma. Toya invites him to come watch the next event.
Fan translation (lozy bug) / Song (blender) 2DMV / 3DMV
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Chapter 1: Toya's task from Ken was to make the songs that will surpass those at RAD WEEKEND. The songs he'd written with Taiga and Nagi had all of their passion within them; to match, Toya will have to write with the feelings of all of his group. Ken wants Toya specifically to write them for his ability to put feelings into sounds and lyrics from a history of classical music. Though it's an insurmountable task, Toya accepts.
Chapter 2: To better understand the feelings of his team, Toya interviews them all in SEKAI and writes their thoughts in a journal. KAITO stops by to see what's up, impressed by the level of depth Toya's gone in his notes. Toya wants to be as detailed as possible so he can truly understand the feelings of others. KAITO offers his support.
Later that night, Toya begins thinking about the first song. He wants to include all of the exhilaration, doubt, and courage his team feels regarding the event. To learn more about composing, Toya decides to borrow some of his father's reference books.
Chapter 3: Toya completes a demo for the first song. Though it's not bad, it lacks the heat he's searching for. He decides to scrap the song and start over.
A week passes, but he's still unable to compose a satisfactory sound. Though he begins to doubt his ability, Toya knows the others are relying on him and carries on. After hearing his father arrive home, Toya hesitantly decides to ask him for advice out of desperation.
Toya asks for Harumichi to listen to the song, but he refuses. Still, Toya insists and explains the importance of surpassingRAD WEEKEND. Harumichi reveals he's already heard Toya playing his songs on his speaker, and that there is no pride to be heard within them. Toya decides to start over again.
Chapter 4: Toya discusses his struggles with the rest of his team. Though they agree his songs are good, they're still not to the level of RAD WEEKEND. They all try suggesting ways to make them better, but they still end up feeling lacking. On a walk home, Akito encourages him to keep moving forward.
Though Toya's studied all sorts of music and received all sorts of input, he still cannot find that heat. He feels lost, fearing he'll let his team down. Toya briefly remembers the words he'd spoken when he ran away from classical music. He resolves to never run away again. A
A month later, Toya's mother tells Harumichi of her concern about Toya's health. He's begun cutting back on sleep and eating to focus on writing songs.
Chapter 5: Toya has a nightmare about playing piano as a child. He doesn't want to let everyone down, but wonders how long he'll have to keep playing before he'll meet their expectations. He wakes up with a jolt and suppresses those feelings. He has to finish at least one song. Toya's mother knocks on his door and asks if he's alright. She suggests taking a break, so Toya goes on a walk.
However, the moment he leaves the house, he goes to SEKAI to work instead. Toya suddenly gets extremely dizzy. MEIKO finds him crouched down in a corner. Though he tries to resist, she forces him to accept her help.
Once Toya starts feeling a bit better, MEIKO asks him to go back and get some proper rest. Toya tells her more about his struggles to incorporate everyone's feelings into a song. She asks to see Toya's notebook and realizes he's never written down his own feelings. MEIKO suggests trying to explore his personal journey with music, too. Toya doesn't want to think back on his feelings from before, but MEIKO urges him to since she believes that's the source of his struggles.
Chapter 6: Later, Toya begins his self reflection. He remembers the first day he'd ever played piano; his sound was flat, but his father's so beautiful. That disparity intrigued him and sparked his love of music. However, it also began his father's strict practice regimen. Even being near a piano made him feel tense.
After a performance in middle school, his father had approached him. He said that though Toya's performance wasn't bad, he still had a long way to go before he truly understood music, but he might get there someday. Toya was incredibly proud of himself; it was the first time he'd ever received praise from his dad.
The pressure only grew from there. It reached a point where he broke and decided to give up. He'd doubted he'd ever reach the place his father wanted him to, lashed out, and ran away. Toya refused to be tied down by classical music anymore.
Though Toya knows he shouldn't feel that self-doubt anymore, the pain of his past still haunts him. Toya realizes his guilt over betraying his family's expectations are the source of his fears of letting down the others with his new songs. He can't write a song with pride because he doesn't feel proud of the him that ran away. Toya screams in frustration.
Chapter 7: Harumichi enters Toya's room after he shouted. Toya's confused as to why, since this hasn't happened since he quit. Toya decides to ask his father to listen to his songs one more time. He knows why he's struggling, and that's exactly why he needs his father's help. Toya denies that he's abandoning himself. He feels so guilty about before that he can't carry his teammates feelings now, but refuses to run away. He tells Harumichi about Nagi and RADder and begs one more time for his father's opinion.
His father suggests that perception is the root of Toya's problem. Toya ran away. He cannot change that. Yet, Harumichi belives Toya will be able to defeat RAD WEEKEND. Even though he ran away in the end, Toya still embraced classical music, day and night, for twelve years. He's never lacked dedication.
Toya remembers a scene from his childhood, one he's recalled before. His father forced him to keep rehearsing until he got it right, even though Toya's fingers ached. He tried again, and again, and finally reached the end. His father said he could be done for the day, but Toya wasn't satisfied with himself. He asked if he could play one more time.
Harumichi asks why Toya will only focus on the fact he ran away, why the only things he chooses to remember are the guilt and betrayal. He believes Toya should be proud of his days as a classical musician. No matter who Toya goes up against, he will always have more determination in the face of music.
Chapter 8: Vivid Street has begun buzzing after Akito's performance in Burn My Soul. Meanwhile, Toya shows the others his finished song. The others are incredibly impressed: it carries the heat of RAD WEEKEND and beyond. Toya tells them about how the him from the past, the one who faced classical music with his all, was the one who kept him from running away again. Toya's incredibly happy to have made his teammates proud.
Later, Toya goes to visit Souma. Arata still hasn't spoken to him since the events of Light Up the Fire. Toya tells Souma that their next event will be the one to surpass RAD WEEKEND and asks if he'd listen to his song. It brought Souma to tears. Toya invites him to their event.
After, the rest of the team asks how the meeting went. Toya's confident their feelings got through to him.
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proseka-headcanons · 5 months
Some npc headcanons
Kotaro and Iori actually are friends! They met at a VBS event and hit it off, Iori is actually really helpful for Kotaro when LUTF happens. They also ship the main characters relentlessly
Shinei Shinonome despises Mafuyu's mother and Toya's father. He may not always be great with communicating to his children, but he sure as hell will support them and their friends, and that manifests in their poor parental figures being shinei's enemies
Mizusis (yuuki) and Emusis (Hinata) are dating! It's long distance, but are constantly on the phone with one another, Mizuki and Emu both know and find it adorable (mizuki will tease her sister)
Seiryuin and Saku both will talk to each other about how proud they are of L/N and WXS, but will never admit it to another person.
Futaba is friends with Airi and Honami through Ena, and often helps Hona with art
And finally: Standout, Anemone, Shindou, RadDer, Kotaro, Souma and arata, Seiryuin, Rakunosuke, Asahi and Kanade's father all have sekais. The state of them range from pristine (Anenome, Asahi, Standout) to slightly falling apart (Arata) to almost completely destroyed/abandoned (RadDer, Rakunosuke, Shindou and Kanade's father to a lesser extent)
these are all so interesting man the ideas are nonstop with y’all /lh /pos
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vbskisser · 7 months
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Cyber au akitoya again who cheered!!!!!!!!! i made quite a few more doodles
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ichianon · 25 days
stop making harumichi like mafuyu's mom did any of you read the story he's trying to improve
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