#apha luffy x omega reader
omegaworld · 2 years
Pirate Queen [Alpha Luffy x omega reader] - part 2 - final
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2 - Final, Part 3 - Extra
Word count: 1286
(This starts when the fake straw hats are in Sabaody and just before the real ones show up)
Garp got the information that the straw hats were in Sabaody before everyone else, he doubted even Akainu knew already, it was a hard decision for him but he knew that if he didn't help her she would flee on her own.  
Y/n had anxiously arrived at the archipelago ignoring Garp's plan and beginning to search for Luffy. The bracelet signifying that she belonged to the navy caused many to turn away from the omega, those who didn't certainly regretted having judged her helpless.  
When she finally found "the straw hats" she couldn't help but growl, false. That was not her Luffy. The funny guy posing as her alpha still tried to approach her, it was sad how many alphas didn't even seem to look for their mate anymore. He was furious when she refused him, but he didn't have much time to barf before she hurled him towards the sea.  
These straw hats might not be the real thing, but they would certainly turn up, Y/n then decided to follow Garp's plan. When she finally found their ship it was protected by a gigantic man who spoke robotically. Surprisingly after looking at her for a moment he stepped aside and allowed her to enter the ship.  
Happy that everything worked out, she searches the ship for an empty barrel, puts the letter Garp had given her on the lid and then slips inside. Now all that was left was for them to arrive, something told her it wouldn't take long.  
Y/n wakes up as the barrel lands hard on the ground, among the smells one in particular tells him that Luffy is outside and his tail starts wagging involuntarily.  
'What is this Franky? It smells really good I bet it's meat!' Luffy asks starting to sniff the barrel with water in his mouth 'I don't know, but here. There's a letter for you and it says it's from your grandfather' Franky says handing him the letter that was on the lid of the barrel.  
'If anyone asks you kidnapped her you hear me? Don't bring me any more trouble you stink and do yourself a favor and enjoy what your dear grandpa gives you' short and simple.  
'Her?' Robin asks and Nami looks at her with the same question 'Her the meat' Luffy replies, everyone looks at him skeptically and before he can open the barrel Nami yells at him to stop. Everyone falls silent and a rhythmic noise can be heard inside the barrel 'S-is it a bomb?' Nami questions and both she and Chopper and Ussop walk away 'My grandfather wouldn't send me a bomb' Says Luffy still eager to open the barrel.  
Luffy turns back to the barrel, before he can do anything it is opened and from inside jumps a person. Y/n jumps out of the barrel and leaps at Luffy hugging him. Luffy is knocked to the ground wrapping his arms around Y/n's waist on instinct.  
As the whole crew looks shocked Y/n smiles with her tail wagging uncontrollably fast 'Hey' says Luffy as he looks at her 'You're not meat, but you smell a lot better than that' he laughs burying his nose in her neck to better smell her. She laughs back as the rubbing of his hair on her neck makes her itch. After a moment Luffy pulls away from her neck to look at her and adds 'And prettier' Y/n blushes terribly and with a silly smile hides in Luffy's chest as he laughs and sniffs her neck again, right where her scent gland is.  
Both were very oblivious to the stares of the crew who were beginning to realize what was going on. Only when Sanji shouts 'HOW CRUEL THE WORLD CAN BE! NOT ONLY DOES HE END UP ON WOMEN'S ISLAND, BUT HE ALSO FINDS HIS MATE'. Luffy looks confused at the crew and back to Y/n 'Mate?' Y/n smiles and waves to Luffy.  
After that scene the crew explains to Luffy that she was his predestined mate and that was why he liked how she smelled so much. They also explained about how Luffy could get stronger by having her by clarifying to him the dynamic of mates being each other's strength.  
Lastly they made it clear that Luffy should bite her to claim her as his and no other alpha should try to steal her. To which Luffy responded with a growl hugging tighter the omega he still hadn't let go of since leaving the barrel 'It's mine'.  
'We know Luffy but you have to mark it so everyone knows about it' Luffy thinks for a moment before turning to Y/n 'Then you also have to mark me shishishi so no one can try to steal from me'  
The idea of omegas marking alphas was relatively new and given how little information Luffy had on the subject the crew could guess that he genuinely thought of it as logical.  
The entire crew was amazed at how easily Y/n and Luffy fit together they always went together and even training Zoro could firm that they were a frighteningly powerful duo. Such power could be seen clearly in the battle of fish man island where Luffy and Y/n's huge black wolf caused terror.  
Luffy was still childish as always but there was a serious and caring side that was exclusively directed at Y/n. Chopper wanted to examine him the first time he wanted to share his food with her, but it quickly became a habit.  
Luffy rarely wanted to share the omega with anyone claiming it was 'his' and to tell you the truth the crew thought the scene was quite cute. Most of the time Luffy sat on Sunny's head with his chin resting on Y/n's head which rested against his chest. He loved the smell of her.  
Overall Luffy was a surprisingly good alpha, did she want fluffy things for the nest? A huge pile of blankets pillows and stuffed animals were in their room the next time she walked in. Did she want cuddles? Luffy was always there glued to her, from simply hugging her to tickling her or covering her from head to toe with his scent. Was she uncomfortable with any other alpha? Actually, it never came to that because even if he seemed distracted he made sure to send his gaze to any alpha who dared to look at his omega for more than he should.  
The funniest part was when her poster came up and the whole team found that just like in Luffy's the picture was not in the least bit scary. In fact, it was a picture of her laughing after Luffy had put his hat on her head something he quite liked to do as according to him it was easier to protect a treasure if it was all together. Sanji and Zoro were defeated that she had a 250million reward thus being larger than both of them.  
The most unexpected twist comes when one day Y/n gets very sick and the next day they could clearly hear her screaming Luffy's name. That day Franky and Sanji got in a huge jam with everyone because they were the ones who decided to explain to Luffy how to help her omega if she was in heat. It was a very awkward week and Franky promised to make the room soundproof for the captain. Now how to explain to Chopper that everything was fine with Luffy and his mate?  
Luffy was happy to have Y/n by his side even though he had told Hancock he would not marry if it was Y/n he would be sure to make her his pirate queen.
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omegaworld · 2 years
Pirate Queen [Alpha Luffy x omega reader] - part 1
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Important to understand the context
Part 1, Part 2 - Final, Part 3 - Extra
Word count: 1785
Spoilers for those who are still in the Thriller Bark arc and/or have not yet reached the Return to Sabaody arc  
Trigger warning: rape and self-mutilation - nothing really happens but I thought it was good to mention
(shortly after the time skip begins)
'Garp-san please calm down!' Koby asks. 'Calm down?!?!? That Sengoku has got to be making fun of my face!' Koby cringes as Garp angrily paces all over his office continuing his monologue 'An omega? They really want to give me an omega? I'm almost 80 years old! Who expects me to get an omega now?'
'Garp, the government has decided to give you an omega' Garp bursts out laughing, but stops at Sengoku's serious look 'That's not serious, is it?' Sengoku sighs 'The government wants to do something about your family history' Garp raises an eyebrow 'What about my family history?' 'Is that serious Garp? Your son is Dragon the revolutionary and your grandson is Luffy in the straw hat. The government wants their top brass to have a family to show for it, but regarding yours they have always tried to hide such relationships. With what happened in the war they can no longer try to hide it, their solution is to give you an omega and show that you are starting over. Akainu asked me to talk to you and we both know that is not a choice Garp. They will send you the omega soon'
Garp sighs in exasperation, he already had an omega, he didn't need or want another one. 'Maybe they'll get along' Koby argues in an attempt to calm him down. Garp sighs again. 'Why didn't they decide to give the poor boy an omega instead?
Y/n tries to hold back her tears and calm her breathing, in her current situation she didn't know whether or not to be thankful. On the one hand she had gotten out of that disgusting omegas storage, on the other she was in heat, handcuffed and helpless in a room in which at any moment the alpha she was assigned to would enter, force her to mate with her and brand her. Okay, her current situation was definitely worse.
But if this idiot alpha thought she was going to give herself to him just because she was in heat he was very wrong. Y/n spent years in government omegas storage, but unlike most omegas there she never gave up. Not even now, she wouldn't let some idiot alpha claim her as his own, she belonged to her mate and him alone.  
Taking a deep breath she tries to form a plan. The alpha would probably be very full of himself like everyone else, he would remove his handcuffs finding it ridiculous an omega in handcuffs as if he was dangerous, that would be when she would get her chance. She was surprisingly much stronger than what you would expect from an omega, even a beast and she could tell that strength was only growing stronger and stronger. Using the handcuffs she could handcuff him and escape. Was it a plan with a lot of "what ifs"? It was. But she wasn't going to give up without a fight. In fact, as a final plan she was going to throw herself against the mirror and use her shards to cut herself so that it was no longer possible to leave a binding mark on her. To her that was preferable to being marked by another.
Surprisingly it took a year to arrive, he even thought they might have changed their minds, but no. Garp grits his teeth as he reads the letter that was left on his desk, apparently his new omega was waiting for him in his room and he was given a week off, he knew his methods well, she was definitely in heat. He sighs as he enters the room with a box which he soon sets down near the bedside table. He quietly watches the omega on his bed growl at him. Again, was this for real? A beast? He had already found his mate so what was the point of giving him a beast? Even more one that had obviously just reached maturity? She was what? Eighteen years old? She could be his granddaughter! Did the government really think it was good for his image to have such a young partner? But having an idea of his reserves she was probably one of the oldest.
Garp starts pulling towels and pills out of the box and can see the confused look on the omega's face. He leaves and returns with one of the towels already damp, pulling a chair close to the bed he sits down and offers the omega a glass of water and some pills. It was surprisingly easy to resist his scent in heat, if he was being honest even if it aroused a certain protective instinct he didn't feel the slightest urge to jump on the omega.
Y/n watches as the alpha sighs in exasperation at her refusal to take the pills. He was strange, very old, and very indifferent to her vulnerable state, if only because she didn't feel her heat affected by his scent either. 'Right. I guess I can let you go first.' Her ears perk up at those words and she prepares to run away. As soon as the alpha lets her go she runs towards the door, but a moment before she opens it she is being pulled by the alpha. 'YOU IDIOT PIVET I'M NOT MAKING YOU EVIL!!!' He shouts sticking a punch and leaving a high on the omega's head (imagine how he does to Luffy).
Bringing her hands up she screams angrily 'I'VE DONE IT YOUR OLD IDIOT!!!' 'IS WHAT?!?!' Y/n turns his back on the alpha and can hear him sighing and repeating swear words to try and calm himself down 'Before we talk please take these' he again offers the pills to the omega who looks at him suspiciously 'They are suppressants to relieve the rut. I don't want to have some stinker jumping on me while I'm talking' snatching the pills and water out of his hands she takes them quickly before speaking 'As if I'm going to throw myself at an old man like you!'
For an omega that wasn't even marked she sure had plenty of strength to challenge an alpha as she did. Garp explained to her why she had been given to him and put her to rest by saying he had no intentions of touching her much less mating with her. He told her he intended to keep her for appearances and keep her from going back to where she had come from, the conversation was going well and she agreed with everything until Garp mentioned that he should mark her as part of the facade.
'No' 'How could you not?' 'No. I already have an alpha and he will be the one to mark me' 'You already have an alpha?' Garp asks confused 'Yes' Y/n maintains an offended posture at his proposal 'And who is this alpha?' 'I don't know' 'HOW DON'T YOU KNOW?' 'Because I don't know him yet!!! But my mate is definitely out there and I will find him. So yes, I have an alpha, but I don't know who'  
Again, for an omega, let alone one in heat, she would not even flinch at an alpha. Could it be that her conviction was so great that she already had an alpha?
'We can wear makeup then' 'Makeup?' 'Yes’.
For the rest of her rut Y/n let Garp take care of her, bringing her food and pills, controlling her fever and preparing baths for her.
After that she and Garp eventually developed a good friendship and were able to enjoy each other's company. For some reason that they were both thankful they felt no attraction to each other, this made everything much easier. Their relationship became very strong and Garp was a sort of father figure to Y/n. They told Koby the truth and he was the one who ended up doing the makeup to fake the union mark on Y/n. Garp was glad that Y/n got along with Koby and Helmeppo, the three of them eventually forming the trio even training together.
One day during a break from one of her training sessions she told them both where she was before she came to belong to Garp, and as an alpha Koby promised that she would train hard to be worthy of an omega and be able to take one from there and further on who knows even have enough influence to abolish such a system. That little promise from the younger alpha made Y/n's heart warm at the thought of it.
'Luffy?' Y/n asks curiously 'Yes, he is my grandson and a big part of the reason you are here' 'Then I must remember to thank him when I see him' Y/n laughs ' Luffy...' She whispers thoughtfully and Garp looks at her with a questioning look 'It's a nice name' Garp snorts 'It would be nice if it wasn't on a wanted poster' 'I suppose' She laughs.
Now after a year Y/n was able to defeat both Helmeppo and Koby, that fact worried Garp putting him wondering who the omega's mate was, knowing full well it wasn't either of the admirals. Koby was not weak, on the contrary he had recently been promoted to captain which made Garp very proud.  
During that year Y/n heard a lot from Koby about Garp's rowdy alpha grandson, he seemed very amusing, but at the same time he was serious and very convinced of his ideals. She smiles at the thought that in a way they were alike.
Now she was sitting in Garp's office reading a book while the alpha puffed and huffed at whatever was in his hands. When she finally diverts her eyes from the book and asks 'What's going on?' He tosses the sheet and mumbles even more annoyed as Y/n puts the book aside and stands up to pick up the paper from the floor 'That Luffy stinker as if it wasn't enough to disappear for two years now he shows up in Sabaody and starts causing a ruckus right away' Garp waits for an answer but it doesn't come. Faced with silence he turns to look at the omega. She is standing there with wide, glowing eyes as she looks at Luffy's wanted poster in her hands.  
Garp's eyes widen 'shit' he whispers. A moment later and he can see a wide smile stamped on her face as she walks over to him slapping her hands and the poster on the table 'Vovo' 'Oh no...' One word, one look, the look of conviction he had seen so often in Luffy and Garp was already desperate
'I'm going to be queen of the pirates'
Author’s note: I really loved writing this
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