#aplatonic aces if you wanna announce yourself you can. i know you guys are hanging around
lovelessrage · 4 months
Why are there so many apl allosexuals? I think ive seen one apl person who was acespec.
I think it's that I just attract them, lmao. I see way more aplatonic acespecs in my own experience! It's just a case of where you are and who you're with; different people exist in different places, sometimes you see more of one than the other based on the company you keep. Historically, first instance of aplatonic was from an acespec person, and second was a non-SAM aro. We haven't been leading the pack for a good portion of the label's lifetime!
I think it might just be because aplatonic allos tend to disclose their presence outright far more, mostly because of the expectation to automatically like friends with benefits.
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