#apl aroace
saffigon · 2 years
Liking someone based on physical (sexual, aesthetic, sensual) attraction and not emotional (romantic, queerplatonic, alterous, platonic) attraction does not make you inherently worse.
Liking someone based on emotional attraction and not physical attraction does not make you inherently better.
Attractions are neutral.
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alien-ally · 2 years
So I'd changed schools this year (junior in highschool), and just a few days ago i overheard a couple of my classmates talking about the lbtqia+ community and asked them if they knew what the 'a' in the acronym stood for, the first answer was asexual, to which i proceeded to tell em it stood for aromantic, agender and some other a-specs, from how they were so eager to learn i went 'wanna know a fun fact?' and came out to them as aroace (later greyapl as well). They told me that now that they know, it kind of made sense lolol. And today in the break while i was reading my book they came up to me asked how their favorite aroace was doing :/ and what my fav flag was
Today again, in the bus i asked another one of my classmates if she knew what the 'a' in the acronym stood for, first answer was agender, i was totally blown away, went woahhhh and proceeded to say what else it stood for. Then. . . she said at one point she thought she was aro. At that point i was enchanted, I Am Aromantic! i told her. we talked about it for a bit, when i discovered and identified with the terms etc. until my stop came. I told her how important that conversation was for me cause I'd never spoken about it to people irl, much less even meet people who knew the terms. She said she was touched. I said, no I am touched.
If those two interactions dint light up my entire car ride (yeah someone has to pick me from the bus stop, school bus sucks ); back home, rest of the day, coming weekend, next week and possibly this entire month. One of them is bi and another bi questioning (the one who questioned being aro). For once, perhaps the first time, to be myself, even if i wasn't trying to be anything else, to have people know, perceive me for what i am, i dint know what sort of weight it had on my shoulders until it was lifted away. Awesome people exist, just met some the past couple weeks and now will always remember these encounters as my first major coming out (i had already to my friends but this one felt different). I was overcome with so much elation, relief, happiness, joy, satisfaction, bliss, peace i wanted to scream it out. So here it is, it's not that hopeless after all
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arospec-daybook · 3 years
No but allos who think we're weird for describing our experiences with different terms and labels are actually the weird ones. Romance is also a term that exists for people to talk about their shared set of experiences. Crushes, dates, romantic relationships, all of these have a name because people feel the need to describe how they feel and what they want. But when we create our own terms, they think they're stupid, unnecessary and wrong. Well, for me personally, the terms romance, crushes, dates and romantic relationships are not very useful and they make me confused too. But I won't tell you that, because I know your feelings and needs are real and I'd fully respect you for using any of those terms. My point is, terms and labels that other people use don't need to make sense to you in order to be respected. They exist for the same reason the terms that you use exist, to help us understand ourselves and talk about those experiences with others.
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positivelgbtqvibes · 2 years
Hello Everyone! Today is the first establishment for Aplatonic Day Of Visibility! On this day we support those who identify on the Aplatonic Spectrum by giving them support and recognition!
If you are Aplatonic, feel free to reblog this post with yourself or something you enjoy with your Aplspec Pride Flag!! Alternatively you can also use the hashtag, #AplatonicDayOfVisiblity!
I also ecourage all Alloplatonics to reblog anything related to this amazing day!
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dopaminerjic · 2 years
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first batch of relationship anarchy cupid hearts!! because i’ve latched onto the RA theme and wont let go, i suppose
↳ check the notes for the redbubble link
↳ feel free to request any other flags you’d like!
flags used, from left to right: 
aro / arospec / alloaro 
ace / acespec / alloace 
aroace / aplatonic / polyamorous
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aplatonic-alpaca · 2 years
I'm curious, how do you apls experience loneliness?
Because from what I've seen of most people who are neurotypical, alloplatonic, alloromantic, and/or allosexual... their loneliness seems to often take the form of directly wanting a tight and committed relationship - a successful romantic relationship or to build a deep friendship.
And I know that a lot of aros desire queerplatonic relationships.
But for me personally... when I get lonely, I think my loneliness more-so takes the form of wanting attention than necesarily companionship.
To talk to people and be respected by them and to enjoy that interaction, but more in-the-moment than to build a deeply connectionate relationship. I do want to build up friendships, but to me that's more out of a logical and compassionate choice than it is an emotional choice or desire of mine. But even then, I don't like or want my friendships to be physical or joined-at-the-hip, but I would like to have people who will make an effort to reach out when they are open and available. I'm okay with (and maybe even prefer?) "surface level" friendship, as long as I don't lose it by slowly growing apart (especially unknowingly). To have more of a support system than a found family, I guess?
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shiutsu · 2 years
,,aplatonics are just losers without any friends!"
No,we are not. You're an attraction obsessed loser who thinks that relationships are everything...
I mean, being apl has nothing to do w not having friends. You don't need to feel the platonicy to people to..you know..have some connections. You still can have them, you just fucking don't feel anything towards them..like you don't miss them, you don't need to worry about them when they're suspiciously ignoring you.. (Unintentionally or intentionally) and also you're not feeling guilty if one of them leaves you or some shit.
Or you know what..? We are losers then! And what are you gonna do about it? Merciously bang your head against the wall? Complain to your mom?
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apl-culture-is · 2 years
aroace agender aplatonic culture is taking a look at the world and being like "nah"
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soong-type-notinuse · 3 years
apoattractional, apoemotional & apophysical
apoattractional describes a person who does not relate to the concept of attraction and/or feels like it does not apply to them. this could either be because they are anattractional and/or they don't consider "attraction" to be an accurate descriptor of their feelings towards other people. it can also be an umbrella term for the following:
apoemotional: feeling disconnected from the concept of "attraction" for emotional feelings towards other people specifically.
apophysical: feeling disconnected from the concept of attraction for physical feelings towards other people specifically.
apo- can also be used as an orientation prefix, for example someone would be aposensual if they feel disconnected from sensual attraction as a concept. thus, apo- is similar to quoi-.
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aroace culture is having an existencial crisis 'cause you might not be alloplatonic as you though, just to find out about the label Demiqueerplatonic and feeling that everything in your life has sense again
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saffigon · 2 years
Happy Pan Day of Visibility to any Aspec Pan folks!
Aromantic Pans Asexual Pans AlloAro Pans AlloAce Pans AroAce Pans Aplatonic Pans Analterous Pans Aqueerplatonic Pans Asensual Pans Nonaesthetic Pans Afamilial Pans
You're all valued members of both the pan and aspec communities and deserve both parts of your identity to be cherished
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make-space-for-as · 2 years
This one's for anyone mourning their aspec orientation today.
I'm not talking about shame. I'm not talking about internalized aphobia. I hate when any of the aspec community deals with either of those things, but what I'm talking about is the mourning that comes from realizing your future might not look the way you hoped it would. The challenges you'll face. The unfulfilled longings.
I've struggled with this before (and still do on occasion) with being aromantic asexual, and it's hard. But for me, there is so much positive about being aroace that the good far outweighs the bad. (And it doesn't hurt that I'm mostly repulsed/apothiaroace, so I have the OPPOSITE of interest in romantic/sexual relationships.)
But lately, I've realized I might be on the aplatonic spectrum, and I'm honestly devastated.
Friendship has been this beautiful, wonderful, unattainable goal in my life since I was little. All I wanted was a best friend. I can count on one hand the amount of true friends - friends I genuinely loved with friendship love and connected with - I've had, and it scares me. It scares me because I'm pretty sure I'm a demiplatonic person who has a very hard time forming the emotional bond necessary for me to have friendship.
I long for friendship. I ship BrOTPs right and left. Friendship is one of my favorite forms of relationships and something I want for myself SO BAD. This is a hard place to be for an aplspec person.
So I'm mourning. And I want anyone out there who mourns their orientation to know they are not alone. You are not hating yourself. You are actually taking a big step towards acceptance.
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arospec-daybook · 3 years
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We sure live in a heartless world, seeing how my small act of kindness was misconstrued as interest. - Hong Dusik (Hometown Cha Cha Cha)
I've recently watched this k-drama and even though the genre is romance and it was just for a brief moment, I appreciated hearing the character say these words. It's really stuck with me because it's true; in our world, almost every positive feeling or gesture is immediately seen as romantic. If you are kind to someone, you're flirting. If you think about someone often, you have a crush on that person. If you cuddle with someone, you want a romantic relationship with them. If you're smiling at someone's messages, people ask you if that's your boyfriend/girlfriend.
You can't escape. It's hardly possible to interact with people at all without others or even those people themselves assuming these things. And the saddest thing about it is not even that many don't understand that not everything is intended to be romantic. It's the fact that according to that logic, kindness and happiness in this world would seem almost unattainable, not only if there was no romance in it, but love in general. Love is not the only real reason to be genuinely kind and considerate of someone.
This is why they might find it wrong or unusual when some people want to have sex but don't want to commit romantically, when some people don't have feelings for someone but want to be in a romantic relationship with them or when people make friends even though they don't love them. According to them, you are selfish, shallow, inconsiderate, heartless and only taking advantage of these people because you don't love them romantically or platonically. It doesn't even cross their minds that you can still be kind and treat people with care and respect without any romantic/platonic feelings that would need to be returned. Kindness doesn't exist only for people who love to earn love back. Not loving does not automatically make someone a bad person and I don't understand how people even manage to come to that conclusion.
Being kind to someone is something that shouldn't even be constantly questioned, it's entirely possible to be kind to someone just because you want to be kind or simply because you care for someone's well-being. It shouldn't become something reserved only for showing love and interest.
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aro-thoughts · 2 years
Love being lovepunk every now and then. Love is everywhere and it's not sexual, romantic, nor even platonic, it's just existing tbh. I love my friends the way I love a good book, and I love my family the way I love my cat, and I love my crushes the way I love a fictional character.
I love you like I love a block of cheese
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javi4l3 · 3 years
Aplatonic apple and Grayaroace rose edit c:
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And some wallpapers
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Forgot these 🤦🏻‍♀️
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aroacefollower · 2 years
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This is the most recent thing I've made! I don't really like the bottom bit (that mountain looking thing) but I can't really think of anything to do with yet so for now it's staying.
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