#apparently I had wips in a bunch of different places oops
anthotneystark · 8 months
WIP word search!
rules: go through your wips and look for the words given to you and post a snippet with that word.
I was tagged by @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe whomst I adore!
my words were: Ignore, Second, Road, Soil, Term, Circumstance
Ignore (A baby fic I'm working on fleshing out still)
That’s the night he hears that his dad was sleeping with a paralegal during his birth. He doesn’t know what a paralegal is, his first thought is that maybe it’s a weird kind of teddy bear, like the one he had until his dad decided he was too old for baby toys. But his mother is angry when she says it, so it must be something he’s not supposed to be sleeping with. He doesn’t move from his spot as she stalks up the stairs. She ignores him, which is both what he wanted and something he hates. Tommy H’s mom always asks him a bunch of questions and actually listens to his answers, and sometimes he wishes his mom would be more like her. But then he feels bad, because he still loves his mom.
Second (A tattoo fic based on one of my own tattoos)
The second tattoo is for himself. Eddie does it again, constantly checking to make sure that he’s totally sure about it, but it’s the most sure he’s ever been about anything. He gets this one directly over his heart, where he’ll see it every time he looks in the mirror, where it’ll serve as a reminder of who he is now, how far he’s come. There, in stark black ink, sits a cluster of daffodils. Renewal. Rebirth. This life he built for himself in the shadows of fear and loss, it’s all because of that moment where he decided he wanted to be better, wanted to be different from how he’d spent so much of his life. He’d remade himself, worked to be who he wanted to be, someone he could be proud of.
Road (Stick Season songfic idea that I'm thinking I'm going to make a full fic out of that @sharpbutsoft inspired)
It's his dream, not hers, and he can recognize that, but he’s not ready to let it go yet. He sees her mom in the grocery store and sees the faint recognition in her eyes before he turns away. He knows she has to drive past his road to get to the Byers’ house but he knows without having to ask that she’s not thinking about him as she does it. The pain never leaves, but he holds onto it even as he wishes it was gone. He holds onto it every time he sees her. It’s a cycle in his head. Aching longing, love, anger, pain, over and over and over again. He feels stuck, forever, like there’s no escape from it and time isn’t helping.
Soil (a possession fix-it AU)
He makes sure everyone is alright though and doesn’t spare a moment for himself until he’s finally alone, until he can finally take his first hot shower in days. He can finally get all the blood and soil and gunk and gravel off of him. He has to sit down in the shower to pick it out of his feet, out of his back wherever he can reach. It hurts, but he can handle it. Pain is easy for him now. Robin will call when she remembers, probably give him another lecture about rabies, but that’s fine. You always worry her too much. He’s exhausted, so he washes quickly, cleans then disinfects the gaping wounds on his sides and tries not to think about the mess on his back that he can’t reach. He’ll worry about it later, once he’s slept.
Term - I didn't have anything with this in it and couldn't think of how I'd use it at the moment in any of my stuff :(
Circumstance (The Sun Rose - A beauty and the beast story)
It was no use though, and as the growls inched closer, he didn’t try to go for his van, just bolted into the woods in what was likely the worse decision of his life. “Stay out of the woods to the north, Eddie. I mean it.” Wayne’s voice echoed in his head as he ran, stumbling and shaking and desperate to stay upright as those gnashing teeth chased him. Under normal circumstances, he’d have taken heed and followed that rule. But he was already in over his head, was already here and so was Chrissy, he couldn’t leave her behind now. He tripped on a root, crashing into the ground hard, and had only a moment to wonder who would break the news to Wayne of his demise. Rancid, hot breath hit his skin, his heart pounded in his throat, and he waited for the feeling of teeth stabbing into his neck.
Tagging @thefreakandthehair, @sharpbutsoft, @starrystevie and anyone else who wants to join in!
your words are: silk, effort, determine, thumb, direct, grave
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wardenred · 1 year
Flash Fic Masterpost
All the original flash fic and snippets ever posted on this blog,to be updated sporadically.
Post-Final Girls 'Verse
In a dystopian world of cyberpunk and superpowers, three women keep coming together and apart. Snippets in chronological order:
Back in High School (Flo and Mel snip at each other about Jules)
Back in High School-2 (Flo and Jules talk about robots and kindness)
As an Experiment (Jules gets Flo to try living together)
Like Gravity (a typical instance of Flo and Mel running into each other)
Kitchen Talk (Jules & Flo, ethical disagreements in some unidentified probably peaceful time)
Pillow Talk (another moral conundrum convo)
"But what does it do?" (Flo gets a regular piercing that isn't a cyberpunk device; Jules is suspicious)
Anniversary (Flo takes Jules out on anniversary date and possibly does some crime on the side)
To Make Amends (an AU version of Flo and Mel being led to reconnect and start working together, based on an early iteration of the outline)
Language of the Revolution (based on an actual scene from the draft)
"I thought you were dead" (an AU where Mel gets captured by the Big Damn Villain; in the actual draft, it's Flo who draws this short stick)
The Morning After (the immediate aftermath of book one)
A Hologram (Jules & Flo beyond the city limits)
Plastic and Chrome (Mel: meanwhile in X-City...)
Hypervigilance (Flo tries to be introspective about her feelings for Mel; takes part after Flo and Jules leave the city, technically, but is really an extended flashback)
Neon and Moonlight (Flo, Jules, a brief trip back to the civilization)
Letters (Jules starts writing to Mel)
Numbers and Pixels, Smoke and Mirrors (on the verge of a reunion in VR)
Extra: a trilogy of whumptember snippets set in the same universe, probably in a different city, with charaters I know little about other than that they want me to know more and write a book about them:
[1], [2], [3] (captivity, brainwashing)
Tales from the Witch House 'Verse
In a kitchen sink urban fantasy world, a bunch of young supernaturals are squatting in a derelict house under the protection of a mysterious witch who claims to have their best interests at heart.
Tim and Leo Angst
Tim and Leo Fluff
"I hate this song" (takes place soon after the one linked above)
Xan and Gella Fluff
Flame & Moth 'Verse
Based on a RP my friend and I have had going on for year. A potentially evil superhero agency, an amnesiac pyrokinetic searching for the truth of his past, a villain who keeps showing up to save him and make his life harder. You know, the fun stuff. Snippets in roughly chronological order:
Out of the Rubble (one of the many instances of the villain coming to the rescue; written for whumptember)
"Is that blood?" (sometimes, Flame can rescue himself! with a little help from his Agency partner Batshit)
Searching for memories in a house on fire (Flame, mortal peril, Moth shows up right on time; written for whumptember)
"There's nothing I can do" (Flame looses a trainee)
Oops, the Agency isn't happy (look, Flame's suffering again; written for whumptember)
Flame is getting rescued from the above predicament (or is he?)
"You said I'd be safe here" (right, apparently he did get rescued)
You Can Doom Everyone (maybe it's a nightmare sequence, maybe it's not)
Bonus: same universe, different hero and villain Bonus-2: not sure this takes place in the same universe... but hero and villain, too
More Than We'll Never Know 'Verse
Snippets related to an ongoing WIP set in a D&D-esque world of adventurers, living legends, and evil capitalism. Mostly focused on a single messy adventuring found family of six.
A version of Vezee and Dagatha's first meeting
A random corn maze adventure
Bariq Being Bariq
Ice by the Fire (Sufjen and Vel getting to know each other)
Trinket (Sufjen and Vel late-book fluff)
Tired of Fighting (Bariq being a shitty friend to Vel)
"Your Magic Is Awesome" (Rinouk being a good friend to Vel)
The perils of getting too close to the villain, might be where the plot is headed, might be an AU/theoretical snippet
Not Mad, Just Disappointed (Dagatha reconnects with her mentor, sort of)
"It's a trial, not a party" (fluffy Dagatha/Vezee sequel to the above)
Vezee and Dagatha's Happy Ending (possible version)
Unwanted Rescue (it is possible Bariq will continue being himself even after the end of the story... or maybe I'll figure out how to give him a better arc after all)
And maybe sometime after the ending Vel and Sufjen will adopt a baby dragon: [1] [2]
Champagne Problems 'Verse
Snippets related to an ongoing WIP set in a city full of corrupt nobles, eldritch cults, angsty magic Academy students, portals that might connect all that to our world, and lying liars who lie.
Secret Meeting (prior to the book's events Elair meets with his evil employer)
Not At All Serious (pre-book Elair, the perils of falling in love under a fake identity)
Rainy Day (pre-book Elair and Miq fluff)
Sweet Tooth (more pre-book Elair and Miq fluff)
Outdoor Event (even more pre-book Elair and Miq fluff)
Practice at the City Hall (pre-book Elair and Miq again, poor Miq is clearly planning the proposal at the end there...)
"I've Got You" (Elair and Miq fluff, just might be a rough draft for late in the book)
Cults and Blood Sacrifices (absolutely unrelated to the book's events, I don't know these characters; absolutely takes place in Mramorsten, though; written for whumptember)
Kingdom in Peril Plot Bunny Exploration
Just a bunch of characters and a slowly forming setting existing rent-free in my mind. No idea where I'm going with all of this, but the journey will involve court intrigue, royals behaving badly, randomly appearing gothic vibes, mysterious dark threats, and possibly soulmates.
Surprise Visitor on a Rainy Evening
No One's Happy about Going to the Royal Court
Oh, Look, the King Has a Brother (He's My Favorite)
Royal Siblings Flashback
Alita Alone in the Garden
Royal Chessboard
Random Randomness
Consider this a catch-all category that I may eventually reorganize by genre.
Dead Gurdian's Dolmen (fantasy, worldbuilding-focused)
The Frozen Giant (sci-fantasy, worldbuilding-focused)
Dragons are fairly splenetic creatures (cozy fantasy, predictably turned into a trilogy of novels with one drafted already :D)
Bucolic Living (cozy lovecraftian post-apocalypse)
Sapphic September: Portal Fantasy (YA, parallel worlds)
"Our job isn't to too god, it is to make right" (fantasy, gods and heroes that fight them, evil mentor, written for whumptember)
An unplanned sequel to the above (in which things get darker)
"Let me do this for you" (fantasy, some kind of secret agents, self-sacrifice, written for whumptember)
Sapphic September: 3 AM (some kind of post-break-up drama?)
"Don't come home" (dark fairytale with a soul-eating dragon)
Around the Oak (a weird sapphic time warp flash fic)
"This was always going to happen" (fantasy, character death, guard captain x spy)
"If that's what it takes" (fantasy, an adventurer attempts to rescue her brother from an evil wizard; written for whumptember)
Mother's Matchmaking (space opera/melodrama of manners, enemies-to-lovers, will be a book someday)
The summer weeks by the sea are long (a sapphic vacation with revelations)
Life on Mars (sometimes, people just keep coming back and you can never let them go)
Dystopia Tropes (random modern-day slice-of-life romance)
Waiting for a Call (angsty sapphic magical girls)
Always Sunny (a monster hunter comes back to her hometown to reconnect with her ex-girlfriend, definitely will be a book someday)
Home (mad science and eldritch tentacles, written for whumptember)
Gears (a steampunk tinkerer and a rogue, for Sapphic September)
The Better Bad Idea (something something sapphic Regency-inspired fantasy, for Sapphic September)
"There are no aliens on the abandoned atomic station" (something something scientist and journalist, for Sapphic September)
Fool's Gold (a dark fantasy snippet, friends to enemies)
When you're escaping confinement, why not take your captor with you, right (written for whumptember, hero and villain)
Dreamscape Navigation (pretty much a novelization of a stray magic system... or a flashficization, rather)
On the Porch (a half-baked tropey idea about sisters reconnecting because of a condition in their grandmother's will)
What You Swore to Destroy (angsty YA horror with a touch of eldritch past lives)
Lessons in Failure (not all heroes get good mentors)
Picking Cherries (something very random; kids and cherries sometimes make things better)
A Maybe, a What If, an Almost (stream of consciousness friends-to-enemies flash fic)
Won't Forget (tiny 100-words drabble about memory spells)
Also, a whumptember two-parter with potential for more parts about a sassy imprisoned prince:
[1] [2] (warnings: imprisonment, sensory deprivation, torture)
And another whumptember two-parter: in part one, someone just tries to survive in a city his twin has ruined; in part two, the twin is in an even worse pickle.
#iHunt Rpg Fanfic (based loosely on a campaign I was in, you don't need to know anything about the game, it's just a small wrong number flash fic)
My tag for all the flash fiction and snippets: #warden's random scribbles.
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azucanela · 4 years
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SUMMARY: Tsukishima Kei would never admit that he happens to like receiving affection quite a bit, only from Y/N L/N of course, and only if no one ever finds out about it. 
WARNINGS: honestly i think this is cute, but theres some angst oops, pining, unedited, kissing, kinda sad if you can read between the lines, season three spoilers
A/N: tsukki lovers come get your juice. also if you can’t tell im in the mood for haikyuu!! and tsukki so... rip the wips and requests i said i’d get done but it’ll happen eventually 
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“Can I hug you?”
How did he end up here? A fantastic question that he cannot find the answer for as he looks down at Y/N, who’d insisted he walk her to the girl’s dorm. He probably should’ve predicted that she’d ask about his sudden change of pace, but Tsukishima doubted he ever would’ve predicted she’d ask to hug him. Especially since he definitely hadn’t been the nicest to her.
“This didn’t happen.” 
That’s all Tsukishima says as he awkwardly winds his arms arounds Y/N’s form. She hums in response, and Y/N has a feeling if he could see the grin on her face he’d pull away almost immediately. Which is why she’d buried her face in his chest, arms around his body as they stand just outside dorms they’ve been residing in during their stay at the training camp alongside the other teams. 
Tsukishima doesn’t know why he agreed to this. He’s not sure he wants to as he feels Y/N’s breath against his chest, causing his cheeks to warm. During the walk she’d confronted him and he’d— for some reason — told her that he didn’t intend to get left behind Hinata and Kageyama; who’d improved quite a bit it appeared. Even if Volleyball meant absolutely nothing to him.
And then she asked to hug him. Y/N just had a feeling he could use one, though, if she was honest, Y/N had expected a hard no. She’d expected him to criticize her for asking such a childish question, she’d expected teasing and cruel remarks about how ridiculous the idea was. Tsukishima had never been affectionate, or at least openly affectionate. He was never involved in team hugs, hugs in general, not even a simple fist bump from Tanaka. 
And yet here he was, agreeing to a hug from Y/N L/N, one of the new managers of the Karasuno Volleyball Club. 
“This didn’t happen.” Came her response, her words of agreement were muffled against Tsukishima’s chest, but he’d heard her. They had an understanding. 
And he’d never admit it, but it was nice. Hugging someone. Holding someone in his arms. Tsukishima hadn’t actually accepted affection in a while, maybe it was because one of the only people he’d been close with in his life— the one person he looked up to — ended up being a liar. Maybe its because a small part of him wanted to maintain his reputation as a coldhearted jerk, or maybe its because he just hadn’t found someone’s affection he enjoyed.
Until now, of course. There was something different about having Y/N in his arms, something comforting about her presence that made him feel compelled to answer the questions she asked as she pried about his sudden change in attitude. It’s not like they were close, though he tolerated her when she’d simply started coming to club meeting; apparently she’d known Tanaka from middle school, and decided to visit him at the club, until one day it became a daily thing. They ended up giving her the title of manager after she to work alongside Kiyoko. Y/N had even helped tutor those idiots, Kageyama and Hinata, something Tsukishima somehow got roped into. After that, he had a newfound respect for the girl.
It wasn’t that he liked her. He would never like Y/N. She just helped manage the club, and Volleyball was just a sport. Besides, they’d never be that close again, never hug again, never exchange any affection at all, ever again.
He broke that promise fairly quickly. 
Yamaguchi had insisted that he and Tsukishima start joining the rest of the team on their walk home, mentioning how they could stop by Ukai’s convenience store and pick up some food if they so pleased. And maybe that was what convinced him— though Yamaguchi had a feeling the mention of Y/N’s name had a little bit of influence on the decision as well — maybe not. 
It didn’t take long for Tsukishima to realize that as everyone slowly branched off into their respective neighborhoods, Y/N had yet to do the same. Apparently she lived the farthest from Karasuno of the bunch, which is why Tanaka had tried to offer to walk her home. 
She’d rejected the idea entirely, seeing as he’d have to walk back home in the dark by the time she’d gotten to her home. The idea didn’t sit right with Y/N, so Tanaka had left Yamaguchi, Tsukishima and Y/N on their own. 
Y/N didn’t miss the look Yamaguchi gave Tsukishima as he remained by her side, tilting her head in confusion and the blonde waved his friend off and continued walking alongside Y/N. She decided it was best not to question it, they were already a questionable pair of friends and Y/N wouldn’t be shocked if they had some sort of secret code they communicated through.
When she suggested this of course, Tsukishima called her an idiot.
“That’s not very nice, Tsukki.”
If Tsukishima was honest he should’ve kept walking alongside Yamaguchi a while ago, and yet here he was, alongside Y/N. He was pretty grateful she had yet to mention it, especially since he didn’t really favor lying, and he didn’t really have an explanation as to why he decided to walk her home.
It just felt right. 
“Well it’s a stupid idea.” Came his response, nose scrunching up at the nickname. Only Yamaguchi called him that, not that he had a problem with Y/N using the nickname as well. 
Y/N raised a brow, “I don’t think so, you’re smart enough to make a secret code or something.” A smile found its way onto her face as she looked over to him, playfully bumping into his side as she continued, “you probably use it to write about conspiracy theories or something.” 
“I’m not a conspiracy theorist, Y/N.” He side eyes the girl, scoffing at her words as he pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose in an attempt to distract from the warmth that flooded his chest. 
Y/N hummed in reply, looking to him as she asked, “so you don’t believe that lizard people run society?” 
Tsukishima’s brows furrowed as he looked to her incredulously, “absolutely not.” 
“Sounds like something a lizard person would say.” Came her reply, a grin on her face as she came to a stop, likely in front of her home. 
“Did you just suggest that I’m a lizard person?”
There was no way he liked Y/N L/N. In that moment, he made another promise to himself, Tsukishima Kei swore he would never like Y/N L/N, someone who was apparently a lizard person fanatic and insisted that he was a conspiracy theorist. 
A silence encompasses the two as Y/N looks up at him curiously, eyes falling over his face as a small hum leaves her lips. Tsukishima doesn’t know why exactly he lets it happen, why he lets her gently grab his chin, bringing him close to press a kiss to his cheek, “thanks for walking me home, Tsukki.” When she releases his face, she turns on her heel, heading toward her door, but not before saying, “try not to get home too late, and text Yamaguchi— he’s probably worried about you.” 
Okay, so maybe he would break this promise faster than last time. 
“This didn’t happen.” He manages to call out to her, watching as she makes her way down the cobblestone path to her front door. 
Y/N looks over her shoulder, a smirk on her face as she offers him a wave, “this didn’t happen!” She called back in agreement, stepping inside her home and shutting the door behind him. 
A lot faster than last time. 
He has no idea why he didn’t stop her the first time, when she asked. And he doesn’t know why he didn’t stop her now, or the next time, or the time after that. Tsukishima probably should’ve known better, he should’ve stopped indulging himself with her presence.
And yet sitting on his bed, lying on his side watching her, he knows there was no stopping this. Y/N is smirking, clearly noticing his gaze on her as she continues to silently read from her textbook, writing things down into her notebook on occasion. He almost gets frustrated at the sight, brows furrowing before he returns his eyes to his own textbook
Tsukishima probably would’ve finished a while ago had it not been for her, it’s not that Y/N had done anything, but her presence only served as a distraction at this point, leaving Tsukishima wondering just why he invited her. He can’t remember the reasoning behind his actions, but he has a feeling it wasn’t worth the lack of productivity that came with her visit. 
“Have you done anything?” 
As much as Tsukishima admired how observant Y/N was, he currently despised this trait of hers as he slammed the textbook shut, “yes.” It was a lie, Tsukishima had never been so unproductive in his life, and he hated it. He hated everything about this stupid project, especially the fact that she was his partner. 
A laugh escaped her, earning a glare from Tsukishima, “you’re so scary.” She says, though its clear she’s teasing him as she comes to pat his cheek condescendingly, accompanied by a mocking tone and an annoying smirk.
“Whatever.” He grumbles, tossing the textbook off the bed before falling back against his bed. 
Y/N hums, eyes falling over his figure as she nods to herself. “I see.”
Tsukishima scoffs at her words, lifting his head up to meet her gaze with a glare, “see what?”
Her grin only widens at his words as she shuts her own textbook, placing it on the nightstand beside her alongside her notebook before allowing herself to collapse into Tsukishima’s pillows. “You’re grumpy—” She turns to her side, lifting her arm up, “because you want a hug.”
Tsukishima looks at her incredulously, rolling his eyes as he brings his hands to his face, causing Y/N to lower her arm as she pouts. “You’re stupid.” He mumbles, watching her push up onto her elbows.
“And you’re a touch-starved grump.” Comes her reply, prying his hands form his forehead to gently remove his glasses, reaching over him to place it on the other nightstand before returning to her side of the bed. She lifts her arm once more, looking to Tsukishima expectantly. 
He inhales deeply, looking away in an attempt to maintain some of his pride when he feels his cheeks redden. “We have work to do.”
“The project isn’t due for another two weeks, Kei.” 
Tsukishima finds himself trying to glare at her, though it fails when he realizes she’s said his first name and he can’t bring himself to be upset anymore, simply saying, “this didn’t happen.” Before his arms come around her waist, Y/N’s arm that was once hovering above her now wrapped around his neck as she pulled him closer. Her other hand coming to tangle her fingers in his hair.
“This didn’t happen.” She repeated.
That day, he promises that the next time they meet, they’re actually going to get work done. He breaks this promise too, quickly realizing that this is a theme whenever the promises are related to Y/N.
Tsukishima doesn’t really realize that he’s in too deep until the day his lips crash against hers and he finds himself whispering those damned words once more, “this didn’t happen.” His hands running down her sides as he tries to pull her closer because whenever he’s around her that cold that plagues him day and night seems to fade, replaced the warmth she seems radiate as though she’s the sun.
He hates that he compares her to the sun, he hates that she’s become something he needs, a presence he craves, because Y/N L/N was meant to be nobody and now she seems to be one of the most important people in his life. He hates that she understands him, that she can read his every move better than he can, that she knows what he needs before he even says it. 
He doesn’t realize he’s in too deep until he’s promising himself not to fall in love.
Because for the first time in a while, Tsukishima Kei wants nothing more than to touch, he wants to feel, even though he’s filled with fear of the unknown, fear of the feelings he so desperately wanted to avoid. For once in his life, he wants to let go, because he finally feels comfortable enough to do so. 
This time all she says is, “I know.” 
Because Y/N knows that falling for Tsukishima was a mistake, a big one. She’s well aware of the fact that the boy is emotionally unavailable and renowned for his rude attitude and crude remarks. She knows that even if they have these silent moments together, even if she’s held him in her arms at night, even if they’ve been closer than she’s even been with anyone else, this basically means nothing. Because its not like either of them would ever do anything about the fact that the few words they did share in moments like these, weren’t ones of denial that the moments didn’t happen, but something else entirely at this point. 
Confessions in their own right. 
But she knows that all she’ll ever be, is something that didn’t happen. Not a story of his first love, not the girl he talks about with his friends, not the one he thinks about, the one he saw in everyday life. She was nobody, because she didn’t happen.
She doesn’t know that she’s wrong. Very wrong. That Tsukishima spoke fondly of her— honestly, Yamaguchi loves Y/N, he really does, but he’d getting a bit tired of hearing about how the mundane things she does that Tsukishima happens to notice. That he thought of her frequently, that the smell of coffee reminded him of her now, that the sight of the sunset she fawned over every time they walked home together only served as a reminder of her.
It’s not until he’s crying out in victory because they beat Shiratorizawa, Karasuno won, he won. It’s not until he’s so overwhelmed with emotion that he finds his legs moving on their own, towards Y/N; who stands beside Ukai and Takeda, the pair had taken to screaming at each other in the midst of their excitement. It’s not until his hands are on her face, bringing her into a kiss, much to her surprise, that he realizes what exactly the warmth was.
“This didn’t happen?” She asks, trying her hardest to ignore the stares of the team—though many of them are still caught up in their own celebration— as she looks to him. 
Tsukishima simply grins, “I didn’t say that.” 
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A/N: kei is my favorite person to write for and i cannot explain why and this has not been edited so oops
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tags: @beifongsss @shawkneecaps @iwaizoom @therainroguefanfiction​
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i-love-my-exhoes · 7 years
Camera binds are colour blind
FBI agent watching me!au
Sehun x reader
1.7K words
part one (this is going to have two parts)
“I can’t believe she’s on that dumb site again!” Sehun’s voice echoed through the room, his eyes wide in disbelief and his voice raised in exhasperation. “come on sehunnie~ it can’t be that bad” his coworker, Chanyeol, said as he gazed down at his computer seeing the dumb shit his assignment was pulling “at least you didn’t get assigned to some YouTuber wannabe. All Baekhyun does is search things like how to get fans, or how to seduce girls, and then correct himself into non-binairy terms. Besides, she’s your first assignement, there’s no way they gave you someone bad”.
It’s true that your Sehun’s first assignment. The boy fresh from fed school got appointed to you after you searched “how to make something da bomb”. Any idiot could see that you didn’t mean an actual bomb but of course the FBI couldn’t just let you off the hook. So now Sehun was forced to watch you scroll through tumblr like your life depended on it.
“S-she just opened tumblr, on her phone... but it’s still open on her computer? and she’s still in front of it?” He stuttered out when you pulled out your phone, bored by Tumblr, only to open the same dumb app on your phone. 
Chanyeol rolled his chair up behind Sehun’s computer, his eyes widening when he saw Sehun’s words were true “wow, that’s some dedication she got there. What is she even doing on tumblr? she one of those aesthetic, hipster, schoolshit blogs?”.
“Worse...she runs a meme blog”
Silence reigned in the room apart from the frantic typing of one of their colleages, Sehun heard from Jongin that Jongdae had been chatting with his assignment so he wasn’t very surprised at the other man’s agressive typing. another heartbeat of silence passed between the two men before the taller fell to his knees before Sehun. “YOU HAVE TO SWITCH WITH ME!!!” Chanyeol shouted, disturbing everyone in the room, Minseok even threw an ice-cube to shut him up but he missed.
After the commotion had died down, Sehun scoffed at the tall man that was still kneeled before him. “Wy would I even trade with you? You’ve been complaining about Baekhyun for days, why would I take him?” he asked,one eyebrow raised in skepticism. Chanyeol gave Sehun puppy dog eyes and begged once again. “you don’t understand Sehun, SHE’S MY SOULMATE!” this time, minseok’s ice-cube did hit it’s target.
“I can’t believe you’re on that dumb site again!” your roommate, Jongin, shouted at you. “you were supposed to do the dishes today (y/n)! I swear to god Tumblr is ruining your life” He said taking a quick look at you, scrolling mindlessly through the site, before continuing with a grumble “or well whatever ‘life’ you had in the first place”. You laughed at that “You can’t ruin what you don’t have my man”. He just rolled his eyes, turning on the faucet and putting the dishes in the sink. “by the way, don’t you have class in like five minutes?”
Your head shot up at that, looking towards the clock eyes wide in panic. You hadn’t been late for class in years, being punctual was important in your eyes so being late wasn’t a daily occasion for you. You relaxed when you saw the time, taking a pillow off the couch and chucking it against your roomie’s head. “you dick, you know that class doesn’t start till five”. He turned around and grinned at you. “maybe if you do our dishes next time I won’t bother you like this“.
“sometimes I wonder why I ever thought it was a good idea to move in with you” your grumble reached Jongin, who in turn splashed you with some dirty dish-water. “because you love me... and because you think I have a nice ass” he replied, throwing you a wink. That boy got way too flirtatious sometimes, even though he got shy fairly quickly too. Almost as if he had two different personalities.
Sehun’s mouth was pulled into a straight line. He always complained about you but was never really annoyed by your antics, that was until he saw you being with Jongin. His mood confused him more than anything, he didn’t see a reason for him to be grumpy but he knew he was. And so did everyone in the building. Chanyeol was quivering in the dark aura that surrounded Sehun’s computer and Minseok kept glancing back and forth nervously, also effected by Sehun’s gloomy mood. Jongdae was the only one that seemed completely unfazed, striding right up to his younger colleague.
“ what’s with the long face buddy?” he spoke, ignoring the glare Sehun sent him and the warning glances he got from the others. “I was born with this face Jongdae, do you have a problem with it?” Dae just remained unshaken, laughing off Sehun’s reply. “does it by any chance have anything to do with your assignment?”. Silence spread throughout their department (apart from Chanyeol’s shocked gasp). Everyone knew that no one was supposed to feel anything towards their assignments, no admiration, no pity, and most of all no interest.
Sehun’s eyes were fierce as he sent Jongdae a murderous glare. “I do not know what you are implying Jongdae, but what you just said reminds me of something. Who have you been chatting with so much recently? You always seem to be busy with them” He knew he shouldn’t have said that but Jongdae had crossed the line, he deserved it. The tension between the two was palpable. Jongdae’s kitten smile had finally dropped of his face, replaced by a frown.
He was about to reply when Minseok cleared his throat. Neither of the two had noticed their senior walking up to them, too busy with each other, but now that he was there they could feel his menacing aura. “let’s not go around baselessly accusing each other of things now, okay?” the smile on his face was so fake that it scared even Sehun. “y-yeah, you’re right. Haha, oops how silly of me. I’ll just go eat my lunch now” Jongdae stuttered, trying to walk away but Minseok cleared his throat once again. “I believe your break ended five minutes ago, just get back to work.” The boy let out a bunch of whines but to everyone’s, but mostly Sehun’s, relief he did get back to work.
You were hurrying to your class, not even close to being late but stressed anyway, checking your phone once again just to make sure you actually did have class. You had stood in front of an empty lecture hall one too many times too not have developed the habit to check twice. You noticed that an app had been opened, something you don’t necessarily remember doing, but brushed it off since it wouldn’t be the first time you had absent-minded opened an app.
Once you got to class, sitting way at the back because only a few others had arrived yet, you opened you laptop. noticing that the app you had been using for your projects had been opened. This was weird because you thought that the last project you had to hand in this year had already been finished, but looking at the app now you noticed that you had apparently changed it in the past hour. You would have considered this, had your laptop battery not been dead since last night. You had only just started charging it so how could you have worked on your project? Unless someone had hacked you, but why would they change your project?
Deciding to check the project to make sure whoever hacked you didn’t mess it up you opened the file. Only to be met with your own work. “nothing’s different about this” you mumbled to yourself as you scrolled.
“NOTHING DIFFERENT? I have not worked on this for an hour, risking my exposure, just for her to think she did all of this herself!” Sehun looked at you through the webcam disapprovingly, barely dodging the ice-cube Minseok had scooped up from his empty soda cup.
You hummed, looking over the last two pages again. “well I sure as hell didn’t write that” you concluded as you looked over the pretentious usage of words. Somewhere in the two pages that hadn’t been added by you stood a picture of a model, one of the colours used was described as ‘blood orange’ even though it was obviously just red. You rolled your eyes, the content that the hacker had added was good but why would you call red ‘blood orange’ if you’re not just being pretentious?
“oh she did not just roll her eyes at me, I’m the one that rolls their eyes in this relationship” Sehun murmured to himself, wary of Minseok’s ice cold punishment for being too loud. “why would she eve-” he didn’t get to finish his sentence before you had started altering the piece of text he had written for you. “Why on earth would she call that red? is she colour blind, oh I am not having this”
He started furiously typing.
Your eyes widened as the word ‘red’ spontaneously changed back into ‘blood orange’. Was whoever was hacking you really bold enough to just hack your project back into what they made of it while you were fixing it? You stretched your hands in front of you, preparing, before starting to change it back, but before you had even typed the word your hacker had started typing again as well. This went on for a while, the both of you aggressively slamming your fingers on the keyboard trying to get the words to go your way, Before al of a sudden the both of you were typing on a new page and the words written weren’t just ‘red’ and ‘blood orange’ anymore. Instead the page just read.
“I’m with the FBI, stop changing it into ‘red’ it’s obviously blood orange”
Alrighty I’m ending this here so I can actually post something for once in my life. I have like 6 WIPs right now, which is a lot for me, and I’m very busy with school so I feel like if I don't post this part now it might take me a very long time before I can post this. I’m sorry for anyone who read that and expected it to be good.
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gold-from-straw · 6 years
Writing Process tag game
Tagged by @gothyringwald! Thank you ^_^
1. What are your favourite genres and/or styles to write in?
I recently discovered I actually LOVE magical realism. I really like world building like that. But most of all I like writing about people and relationships, so within that, anything really
2. What was the last writing project you finished and felt successful with?
I get a total buzz from finishing anything, often because I’m super excited about starting on the next thing! I think Wicked Boys, though - it’s just the first draft that’s finished, but I’m really pleased with how it turned out. The Forest Hotel, as well, I finished that quite a while ago but I still feel really positive about it, which is unheard of for me lol! My friend has finished the front cover art, so hopefully I’ll be able to publish it soon! But the most surprising success was Nature of Trust, because it’s STILL gathering hits and kudos like crazy, it didn’t slow down after I finished uploading, and I can’t even quite figure out why?! I feel like I hit on some magic formula there and I’m fascinated lol!
3. If you have a WiP how do you feel it’s going? What stage are you in?
Oh dear, hold on people. So I’ve got 2 original novels that are about 1/3 the way through. One of them I recently got enthusiastic about again, but I nearly cried when I re-read the first few chapters. They were shit. I’ve convinced myself to move past that - that’s a problem for second draft Lyndsay - and just write the damn thing. 
I’ve got a couple of first drafts that need transcribing so I can upload them - Wicked Boys, which is my current baby, Golden Prince, and Living the Dream (shit, I need to be writing that like now, so I can upload tomorrow...)
I’ve got a Drarry novel which might ACTUALLY turn into an epic re-write of the entire HP series, oops. I’m only on book 1 as well, so... it’s getting there?
There’s a short story I promised my daughter, too, I should really prioritise that...
Oh, yeah, I forgot about Zero Degrees! I have a few extra chapters to add, and a bunch of edits, but I’m hoping to publish that next year
I have too many WIPs!
4. What are your favourite places to write?
I write my first drafts in notebooks (literally because I like buying pretty notebooks...) so I actually end up writing in some lovely places, like a hill where I walk my dog! My dedicated writing place is in a golf club cafe I go to after my karate lesson (random, know), they make the best BLT baguettes, and the old dudes there tease me and ask me when I’m going to write a book about them
5. Do you prefer to write with long hand or type? Or some other method?
If it’s something long I usually write in a notebook, because I kinda like having physical evidence of the VOLUME of shit I write! Also I really like pretty notebooks. Also also, it forces me to finish a first draft - I can’t edit as easily as I can on a laptop. And then when I type it up it forces me to second draft it, I spot things that don’t flow better than if I was just reading through
6. Do you remember your first character? If so can we meet them?
Yes! I used to write stories and pass them around my school, and the first one I wrote was about a girl who lived as a stowaway in a container ship like some pre-teen phantom of the opera on the fucking ocean! I actually don’t know if I ever finished the story, but she was trippy. First story I know for sure that I finished was about a bus crash where one girl nearly dies and her body is taken over by an angel so she can heal. It’s mostly from the POV of the boy who had a crush on her and who goes slightly crazy noticing the similarities and differences between this girl’s character before and after. I mean that was trippy AF too, I’m not even sure what was going on there... I was clearly a little edgelord already...
7. Where do you get your inspiration?
I really don’t know, half the time. Daydreaming. Something will set me off and I’ll take tangent after tangent until BAM, I’m re-writing the story of how my great-grandfather walked half way across Kenya with a donkey and a wooden leg, only now he’s gay and he and his Masai friend rescue a kid from an abusive household.
8. Do you outline a story before writing it, or does it all live in your head until the first draft gets put down?
So much outline. The reason being, I have so many random ideas that if I started all of them I’d go crazy. So instead I have a book full of tangled mind-maps (my header photo is an example), and once they’re outlined there, they can hibernate for years before I get started, but they don’t go away. If I just let them live in my head I’d lose them! I also have a book dedicated to doing character notes, like backstories and random bits of info that will probably never make it into the story but which give me a good idea of who the person is before I try to write them - otherwise they tend to be a bit two dimensional. @salamanderink gave me that idea by asking me loads of questions about some of my Zero Degrees characters!
9. Where do you go/ What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
I just leave it alone, write something else or absolutely nothing. I don’t try to push it any more. I think I used to, because I was scared of losing momentum, but now I’ve got this backlog of ideas, I know that if I ever run out of inspiration at least I’ve got starting points for loads of new ones! I don’t know if that’ll change in the future, but it seems to be OK for right now. I sometimes change and do a bit of drawing for a while instead, that usually loosens me up
10. What got you started writing/doing Art? (Because I always love origin stories)
I’ve kept a diary since I was 6 or so, on and off, but consistently since I was 11. That just sort of turned into me writing stories, somehow. I remember writing in my diary ‘nothing interesting ever happens so I’m going to write down my daydreams until I get a boyfriend or something’. Then IDK, some of the kids a couple of years below me in high school found some of my stories, and asked if they could share them around, and I started sewing them up to hand out - I’ve still got all of them! Some of them were fucking dark... 
We had a talk by an author one day, and he asked if anyone wanted to be a professional writer. I put my hand up (and got teased by the assholes in my class afterwards, because apparently the boys in my class were actual baby boomers and didn’t think writing was a real job - like mate, you’re 15, what do you care?!) but this dude looked at me with a super intense expression and said ‘never stop writing’. So I didn’t. And I self-pub my original stuff, and get my regular dose of validation on AO3, and writing is my most effective coping mechanism. Tadaa!
Tagging @slytherinvalues, @turned-her-brain, @salamanderink, @elizabethhollowswriting and @soz or whoever else wants to do this and needs to procrastinate as much as I do ;)
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