#apparently it was something like a facebook post 20 years ago claimed it was a wilde quote
rqg179 · 1 year
i think the most intense "he would not fucking say that" experience i've ever had wasn't even towards a fictional character, it was the time i found out that there are A Surprising Number Of People who genuinely believe that the famous cheesy self-love quote "be yourself, everybody else is taken" was said by oscar wilde. first time i saw it i felt my brain grind to a complete still as i tried to process whether that was somehow true despite seeming so entirely out of sync with anything else attributed to oscar wilde. (it is not true! it literally just isn't! he did not fucking say that!)
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Over the weekend, a Japanese restaurant in Vancouver was bombarded with dozens of negative reviews, which included claims of racism and assault by staff.
However, the owner says many of the people who wrote in never actually visited the restaurant. According to Justin Ault, his restaurant, Hapa Izakaya, received about 40 one-star reviews about a day after he had an encounter with an angry customer. 
Ault explained to the Daily Hive that the customer joined a guest dining at the restaurant Saturday evening and later expressed that he had an issue with the 90-minute dining time limit. This policy is usually enforced during busy business hours, Ault claims.
According to the owner, the customer asked him, "Well, what if I don’t leave?" Are you going to throw me?" Ault said he responded, saying, "I’d rather not."
"Well, what if I don’t pay my bill?" The customer apparently responded, ‘I guess I’ll call the police,'" Ault said. 
The customer allegedly refused to pay his bill after not ordering much. He owed the restaurant $5 after telling the man, "It’s time to leave," and he refused. Ault said he counted to 10, but the man did not get up. 
"He just gave me this arrogant smirk, and I helped him out of the restaurant," he said, adding that another restaurant guest helped escort the man out "because the guy was taking swings at me and actually did punch me in the face or elbow me in the face."
After returning from the encounter, people in the restaurant congratulated Ault on his action to remove the man from the restaurant. He said Vancouver police officers responded to the scene, but he decided not to file charges against the customer, who did not pay his bill. 
The Daily Hive reached out to the VPD but was not able to confirm if officers responded to the incident.
While Ault thought the interaction was the end of it, negative reviews started to roll in about a day later.
First reviews claimed Hapa Izakaya had poor service, rude staff, and terrible food, but then evolved into people claiming they witnessed the encounter between Ault and the customer reviews claimed the incident was racially charged and the customer was physically assaulted. 
Ault says the claims that the encounter was racially motivated had him scratching his head: I’m like, racist to a white as far as I know, he’s Caucasian," the owner of Japanese and British descent said. 
After looking up the names of the people who posted reviews of the restaurant on Facebook, many of the people came up as people who live in Montreal, and it just became very apparent that it was a concerted effort."
Ault believes the customer from the previous night told his friends and family to write negative reviews for the restaurant. Hive reached out to several people who left reviews but did not receive a response. 
Ault admitted he has considered the possibility that his restaurant was targeted because it is an Asian restaurant.
Ault admits he appreciates him vocalizing his concerns with him the day he dined, but setting off in an attempt to ruin the restaurant’s reputation by "crossing line reviews" can be very damaging. We’ve been around for 20 years now, and I think our reputation as a business, our restaurant as a business, my staff, and myself are pretty solid. We’re not perfect. But I think that anyone who’s dined in our restaurant, at least 99.3% of them, has had a great experience."
Many of the reviews have since been deleted by Google, Ault confirmed. However, if it weren't for Google taking down the comments, he said, it could have been damaging to the restaurant.
"If I just opened up three months ago or six months ago, something like this, without that depth of positive reviews and love from the community, it could be disastrous and also impact other customers who would consider visiting the restaurant, Ault added. So if there are false negative reviews with serious allegations, he says they lose future business.
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justice4falum · 4 years
do NOT give money to tumblr user roboticwheelchair
Hi, so you’ve probably seen this post or some of its permutations on this website lately! (The old version of this post broke because I mistakenly deleted it. Let’s try this again, shall we?)
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This is a “RAFFLE” for a Nintendo Switch Lite and the poster is asking people send them $10 to earn a spot in the raffle, of which there are 52. People have already sent money in.
This post was made by user roboticwheelchair and the name which currently displays on their paypal is “Mick Garcia” - it’s very possible you’ve heard their story already from several weeks ago. User roboticwheelchair claims that they were physically assaulted for being a transgender man, and that they sustained a concussion.
The BAD news is that roboticwheelchair is a blog which has been on tumblr for a very long time, and used to belong to someone named Falum Gibson. You may have heard this name from their #justice4falum campaign ages ago. They are a notorious scammer and has been doing this since 2016. LET’S REVIEW (LONG, LONG, LONG POST AHEAD.)
Part 1: #BieberMeetFalum and Meeting Ed Sheeran
In 2016, Falum ran a Justin Bieber fan account on Twitter called @bieberfreezer (account has since been suspended). They began a campaign called #BieberMeetFalum by posting a Twitter thread about their disability, cerebral palsy, and how they had intended to meet Justin Bieber personally because his music was important to them. However, the venue he was performing at was not wheelchair accessible and Falum uses an electric wheelchair. They were trying to get the attention of him or his team in order to ensure they met. (LINK)
This was a reasonable thing to post about! Accessibility is a necessity. We know this. And they weren’t asking for money. Twitter got this the attention it needed and they were able to meet Bieber despite the trouble. (LINK)
Later on, they gunned to meet Ed Sheeran and succeeded.
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Part 2: #TaylorNoticeFalum
In 2018, Falum was on Tumblr as user taylorsgetawaycarxo. At this point they still say they have cerebral palsy, but has also said they have COPD (something they later will drop.) Claiming that they are terminally ill and has 2 years left to live, they talk about how Taylor Swift is their idol and they want to meet her before they die.
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This came right after they had done the same thing with Demi Lovato fans, claiming they idolised Demi and needed to meet her, so on and so forth. They ran a GoFundMe for this. 
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The GoFundMe is now defunct, but the URL was “falumlastwish” I believe. Here’s where the plot gets a little lost, because the sheer number of different GoFundMes, donation posts, and meet-a-celebrity campaigns that Falum was running in these couple of years is... pretty wild. There’s a post from another blog here on Tumblr about the Taylor Swift fandom’s run-in with them. (LINK) 
Here’s a GoFundMe they ran from a music fan account on Instagram, where they were asking for help escaping homelessness. They raised almost 5,000 dollars out of the 10,000 they were asking. (LINK)
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At some point they also ran a GoFundMe for a PTSD service dog. I’m not sure how much they were asking for this one, but they apparently made $880 off of it. 
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Part 3: Ellie Elizabeth
This part is a little muddled, because the tumblr blog connected to it has been deleted and it’s really difficult to find archives of the posts, but at some point in early 2019 Falum started using the blog ellie-elizabeth21 to ask for money as well. The story was that they were being sent to conversion therapy for being bisexual by their father, who had them deemed legally mentally incompetent. Further stories they posted about were potential evictions, needs for grocery money, etc.
Here’s a link to an imgur album of some of the posts this account made. Many of them achieved their goal of over $200 or more. (LINK)
“Ellie” also ran a GoFundMe to escape conversion therapy. Although the person running the campaign was listed as Ellie Elizabeth, the “beneficiary” listed on the campaign is Falum Gibson, proving that Ellie was another pseudonym - just a better hidden one. Here’s the link to that GoFundMe, where you can see it for yourself. (LINK)
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This was Ellie Elizabeth’s PayPal account at the time, I believe? And anyway, you might note that they apparently made nearly $6,500 on this account.
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Part 4: #Justice4Falum
Now in November of 2019, Falum moved away from the world of Fan Internet and decided to try out something new. They made the blog roboticwheelchair in September of 2019 and reblogged a photoset of cats to it, which for a while was the only thing on the blog besides the donation post they initially made. They’ve gone through a cycle of reblogging and deleting things there, basically clearing out the blog every couple of weeks to make a new post.
At this point they were also @falumgibson on Twitter. The account has since been locked. This is when they posted a GoFundMe describing medical abuse they were allegedly undergoing at the Ottawa Hospital. Weird side note, this GoFundMe is still running and can be donated to, though obviously I’m recommending you don’t do so. (LINK)
They made several donation posts on Tumblr about this campaign, frequently linking it or their PayPal account and asking people to donate. Sometimes it was to go directly to their legal fund for this lawsuit, other times they were asking for money for medications or other immediate costs.
Side note, they had claimed to be in the hospital since August of 2019 due to suicidal ideation and claimed they had been psych warded. From what I can tell, the Ottawa Hospital General Campus they claimed to be hospitalised at does not actually have a psychiatric ward. It has a mental health team, but they appear to do outpatient work. It’s not really clear what they were in the hospital for at this point.
#Justice4Falum was originally about fundraising for a place to live because apparently they were in danger of being forced to leave the hospital due to homelessness. Later on they turned it into a legal fund to sue the hospital for mistreatment.
Part 5: Further Fundraising, Coming Out As Trans
While Falum was in the hospital, they started identifying as nonbinary. I’m not in any position to speculate about whether or not Falum is transgender, because that’s honestly not the point. Either way, they have started using their trans identity in much the way they use their disabilities - as a way to garner sympathy and trust, and to scam people out of money.
On their Twitter at this point, they did seem to have kind of a bizarre interpretation of how transition worked and appeared to be under the impression that the first thing trans men do is get top surgery? (LINK)
Shortly after this, still during the November that #Justice4Falum ran during, they began asking for donations to a different PayPal account than their normal one, because their stepdad was dying of cancer. There was a GoFundMe for this as well, but it appeared to feature their parents and was possibly not created by Falum.
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No date on this tweet unfortunately, but right after that, they made a post about how they had been outed to their transphobic father and needed to escape living with him.
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At this point, Falum has added several diagnoses to those they claim to have. In addition to cerebral palsy, they now claim to have multiple sclerosis and several mental illnesses. No more COPD, though! I’m very impressed that they recovered from a terminal illness!
Now that they’re out of the closet, in early December they begin making donation posts on Tumblr again and have now made a Patreon. (LINK: POST) (LINK: PATREON) Soon after this, they apparently left their home and became homeless, and started posting about this on Twitter and linking their PayPal.
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In late December they posted on Twitter about having attempted suicide by taking 75 extra strength Tylenol. Warning for a photograph of their IV in this link. (LINK)
Not very long after, Falum returned to their narrative of being terminally ill by posting about how their multiple sclerosis (something they have only claimed since 2019, I believe) causes them over 20 seizures a day and will eventually kill them. (LINK)
Then they locked their Twitter account and decided to try something new.
Part 6: Connor Kay, “anontransman”
Enter Connor Kay. At this point Falum makes a new Twitter account called @ConnorIsTrans which eventually morphs into @anontransman. They initially link this account to their old main account, saying that they’ve switched in order to be openly trans on their new account because their transphobic father is stalking them. (LINK)
They continue asking for donations on Twitter, now with a Ko-Fi account called Connor Rocks.
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They also post a story about an ex-friend of theirs spitting on them for being trans, apparently, and say they’re calling the police on her, which really doesn’t seem like something that’d be safe for a disabled trans person to do but whatever. (LINK)
On their blog at roboticwheelchair, they post stories about how they are being assaulted and mocked for being transgender. I should note that on Twitter they’ve said they are not out IRL and have not taken steps to transition.
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Not only does this particular story sound kind of like the “down with cis bus” post, it’s also somewhat suspect that they allege they were called a tr*nny as an AFAB trans person, given who is generally targeted by that word. But. Moving on.
When the COVID-19 pandemic came around, Connor created a Facebook group for disability support. This was run by the Facebook account Connor Kay, which has since been deleted. It was the same account that they used to have and they’d not changed anything except for the name; prior posts showed it was Falum Gibson’s account.
It turns out they deleted this Facebook account because someone on Facebook posted about their years-long history of scamming people online. Here’s a link to an imgur album of some of the Facebook callout and the images the OP posted. (LINK)
So Falum, or Connor, decides to start anew with an all new PayPal, Ko-Fi, Patreon and Twitter account. At this point they begin to break away from linking these accounts to the name Falum Gibson and their past donation posts, although they are still using the same Tumblr blog. They change their Twitter handle to @anontransman and remove links to Falum. (TWITTER SCREENCAP) (KO-FI SCREENCAP) (PATREON SCREENCAP)
Then they tweet about how they have been diagnosed with cancer. (LINK) Then they begin asking for $100k to go to the US for treatment. (LINK)
Soon after, this Tweet has been completely deleted and they have instead started asking for money for top surgery. (LINK) I believe this is in reverse chronological order, but here are a week’s worth of tweets from them - all deleted at random times in order to make room for the others - asking for money for various reasons. Yes, this was all literally within the same week. (LINK)
Note the very last image of that album contains a reference to an “Amazon Raffle” - they were basically telling people that donations would win them a spot in a raffle for an Amazon gift card or something? It seems they moved on from the @anontransman account before the raffle could come to fruition, or possibly that they just deleted all references to it. Not sure.
In April of 2020, roboticwheelchair posted a specific donation post about being attacked for being transgender and sustaining a concussion. They said they did not see a doctor after the assault because they didn’t think it was important, so their concussion went untreated and because of it they were unable to get groceries. The donation post linked to Connor Kay’s PayPal account. It was deleted and reposted several different times, with basically the same text.
Part 7: Mick Garcia
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This is a more recent post with the exact same story, now about their multiple sclerosis medication. The only difference is now that the PayPal link sends you to the PayPal of Mick Garcia. Mick Garcia has a different PayPal username than Falum, Ellie, and Connor did.
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On April 12th, the @anontransman account deactivated after Falum, or Ellie, or Connor, or Mick decided to leave Twitter. Then yesterday on April 19th, it reactivated and they tweeted once again.
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However, around this same time, another Twitter account under the name Mick Garcia with an icon @anontransman used to use and a very similar tone/style cropped up.
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The Mick Garcia account has not tweeted yet, as it appears that they may be staying with @anontransman for their current purposes, but it appears that for some reason or another they’ve decided to start going by Mick Garcia now.
I guess it’s probably relevant to note that while I suppose there are probably some white people out there with the last name Garcia, Falum is really seriously white and it’s suspect they would pick out Garcia as a pseudonym, whether they list “white” in their Twitter bio or not.
More from the current state of the roboticwheelchair blog includes many, many posts where they’re either reposting their own petitions or basically grabbing for as many followers as possible. You can probably guess why. (LINK)
As of April 20th, 2020, there are 2 donation posts still standing on their blog. Here are both of them. (LINK)
Finally, The Switch Raffle
Literally today, April 20th, roboticwheelchair posted something that is allegedly a raffle. They claim to be giving away a Nintendo Switch Lite to a lucky winner. There are 52 slots in the raffle; they are asking that people send them $10 over PayPal in order to enter. They’re also claiming this is to further fundraise for their medication.
They are claiming their doctor has put them on an MS medication that costs $450 every two weeks. (Note that if they’re trying to make money for that right now and also going to buy a Switch for the winner, than they’d only have about half of that at the end? The Switch Lite is about $260 in Canada and their total earnings from a full raffle would be $520.)
You should not give money to them for this raffle, or for any reason. The reason I’m compiling all of this is because after months of seeing them pull this scam over and over again, they’re now promising people an actual product that given their history, I would say they are highly unlikely to deliver.
Given their past, it is most likely they will delete this raffle once they have the money they want, and refuse to allude to it ever again. Or maybe they’ll just disappear! Or hell, maybe they’ll have some kind of nebulous problem ordering the Switch when someone wins, and that’ll be that.
But it’s clear based on this history, I hope, that Falum or Ellie or Connor or Mick has a long history of taking lots and lots of money from strangers online. Like, a lot of money. My estimate is that they’ve made over $15k on this, and that’s exclusively based off of the visible numbers on their GoFundMes and Ko-Fi accounts.
Please do not give this person your money. They are not trustworthy. There are other people who need it - like you, or maybe like, someone you personally know and not some complete stranger who keeps telling people they’re terminally ill so they can meet a cool musician.
I’ve compiled all of this information to the best of my ability, but I am just one person and it took a lot of digging due to the deleted accounts involved.
Falum is actually disabled; I believe they do have cerebral palsy and may have other disabilities. I do not know if they really have MS, but it’s hard to trust them because they previously lied about having terminal COPD.
I have no idea if Falum is really transgender or not. They have apparently taken no concrete steps to transition, which I know means very little. That being said, if they are transgender, they are leveraging their identity in dangerous ways against other people for money and sympathy. Their stories about being assaulted by strangers for being transgender are highly suspect, given their lack of transition and the fact that the scenarios they describe are highly cliche.
Finally, I’m not trying to harass Falum or threaten them in any way. I don’t know them. If they’re interested in talking candidly about what they have been doing all these years and why, that’s fine. I would honestly love to understand, but at this point it seems like the only thing they can do is apologise for their dishonesty and stop doing this.
Reblog this post if you want! The point is to get the word out there, because this person has been a pervasive presence on this website for some time and has not yet been called out.
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dandymeowth · 4 years
Many of the landholders are newcomers from out of state, though some old-timers remain—families that earned their deeds generations ago, the principal paid by ancestors who shivered through pitiless winters in tar-paper shacks. Wilson has been hiking and hunting the Crazies since he was a little kid, but only in the past year or so, he says, have the private ranchers seemed more like obstacles than neighbors. “They could shut down pretty much the whole interior of the Crazy Mountains, as far as I can see,” he says.                
He trudges up a rooty slope and, after a blind bend, sees something straddling the trail that stops him cold. It’s a padlocked metal gate. He hiked this trail a couple of weeks before, and the fence wasn’t there. A sign on it reads, “Private Property: No Forest Service Access, No Trespassing.” It’s exactly the kind of sign he’d been bad-mouthing a few minutes earlier, but he wasn’t expecting to see one here. The locked gate feels like an escalation, a new weapon in an improvised war.                
A debate is taking place across the country over preserving land for recreational public use, but most of the attention is focused on vast swaths of historically or scientifically significant terrain that Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and to a lesser extent George W. Bush protected under the national monument designation—for example, Bears Ears in Utah and Katahdin Woods and Waters in Maine. These disputed trails leading into the Crazy Mountains represent another front in the escalating battle over control of federal territory, and the fighting here is just as contentious as over the monuments. Historic settlement patterns in the American West created a checkerboard pattern of landownership: Public properties are often broken-up plots, resulting in numerous access disputes. According to a 2013 study by the Center for Western Priorities, that dynamic has effectively locked the public out of about 4 million acres of land in Western states; almost half of that blocked public land, or about 2 million acres, is in Montana, according to the study. The push to end public thoroughfare is either an overdue reassertion of private property rights or an openly cynical land snatch, depending which side of the gate you’re standing on.       
In late October 2-16, in the dying days of the Obama era, a U.S. district judge issued a verdict that seemed to set a precedent for paths like this one. The Texas-based owners of a Montana property called Wonder Ranch, about 100 miles southeast of the Crazy Mountains, had sued the Forest Service after the government filed a statement of interest claiming an easement—a legal agreement to use a portion of someone’s land for a specific purpose—on a trail that ran across the ranch’s property before reaching the Lee Metcalf Wilderness. The Forest Service said the trail had been routinely used as an access route to the forest by the government and the public for decades, and therefore it should be considered public because of historical use. The owners’ suit argued that the government had no right to an easement. The Department of Justice countersued, producing evidence dating back more than a century showing that the public and the government consistently used the trail for packhorses and hike-ins. The Forest Service won the case.                       
Had the landowners been able to show that the trail had been used for at least five consecutive years only by those who’d received their permission, their claims of private control might have held. That helps explain why Alex Sienkiewicz, the forest ranger overseeing the district that includes the Crazy Mountains, every year sends an email to his staff reminding them never to ask landowners’ permission to use trails that the government already considers public. “By asking permission,” he wrote in 2016’s reminder, “one undermines the public access rights and plays into their lawyers’ trap of establishing a history of permissive access.” That didn’t mean anyone could veer off the trail and slip onto the private property—that’s trespassing, no question about it—it just meant the trail itself should be considered a public throughway.      
For a while, it seemed that attitude might be one of the rare Obama positions that President Donald Trump could live with. In a pre-election interview, Trump told the magazine Field & Stream he didn’t like the idea of transferring the land to the states, suggesting such transfers could erode public oversight of them: “I want to keep the lands great, and you don’t know what the state is going to do,” he said. “I mean, are they going to sell if they get into a little bit of trouble? And I don’t think it’s something that should be sold. We have to be great stewards of this land. This is magnificent land.”                                       
Public land advocates smelled a contradiction, since the new president was positioning himself elsewhere as a champion of private property rights. And regardless of what he said, Trump’s campaign had tapped into a very deep well of antigovernment sentiment, the sort that Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy appealed to when he occupied public territories and led armed standoffs against federal agents in 2014 and again in 2016. The co-chair of a state group called Veterans for Trump pleaded guilty to helping organize the ad hoc rebel militia, and Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser, has been one of Bundy’s most vocal supporters. Immediately after the election, whether or not the results had anything to do with their actions, the Crazy Mountains landowners launched a collective blitz to take control of the trails leading to Forest Service property.                
Gregoire decided to go for it. When the trail veered through a private plot called the Hailstone Ranch, he spotted a No Trespassing sign that read, “The Forest Service Has No Easement Here.” He ignored it, consulting his GPS to make sure he never strayed from the path onto the private ranch land. The landowner somehow detected that he was using the trail (“I think he had an alarm or something,” Gregoire later speculated) and called a sheriff’s deputy, who was waiting for Gregoire to return at the end of the day. The deputy charged him with criminal trespassing.                                       
Shortly after that, the owners of nine ranches neighboring the Hailstone went after Sienkiewicz. Back on July 20, 2017, a volunteer at Public Land/Water Access Association Inc., a Montana nonprofit that supports open public access to federal lands and waterways, had gotten hold of, then posted on its Facebook page, Sienkiewicz’s most recent annual email reminder to his staff advising them never to sign visitor logs for trail access or ask permission. The property owners apparently assumed that Sienkiewicz had posted the item himself—proof that he was behaving as a political activist, not a public servant. The ranch owners sent a letter to U.S. Senator Steve Daines, a Republican representing Montana, saying in part, “As a direct result of this inflammatory Facebook post, we have many questions about the FS position regarding access across our private property.” Several of the ranchers who signed the letter have also been listed as contributors to Daines’s political campaigns in the past five years.                                       
In May 2017, Daines echoed the landowners’ complaints—and forwarded a screen shot of the Facebook post—in a letter to Thomas Tidwell, then the chief of the Forest Service, and to Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, whose agency oversees the Forest Service. Less than two weeks later, Representative Pete Sessions (R-Texas) got involved, firing off a similar complaint to Perdue and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who has a long history in Montana. An avid hunter and fisherman, he was born in Bozeman, about 40 miles from the Crazies. He was also a Montana congressman, filling the seat Daines had occupied before he moved to the Senate. (At least one of the ranchers donated to Zinke’s campaign.)
In his letter, Sessions described the Forest Service’s approach to public access as part of “the war on private property owners conducted by the Obama administration.” The Wonder Ranch owners hadn’t been among the nine who signed the initial letter, but they were the link that got Sessions involved. One of the co-owners, a Texan named Chris Hudson, lives in Sessions’ district, and Sessions proposed that Hudson and Perdue meet. Sessions also recommended that the Forest Service issue a nationwide directive to prevent rangers or individual districts from declaring paths and roads public based on historic use.                
Defenders of Sienkiewicz and Gregoire—a group that included land access advocates, proprietors of recreation businesses, wildlife groups, and individuals—cast the developments as evidence of an under-the-table assault on public lands that the Trump administration appeared to endorse, if not initiate. In spring 2017, Trump requested that Zinke’s Department of the Interior review national monuments, designated or enlarged since 1996, and possibly downsize them, a step he said could rectify what he considered a “massive federal land grab.” Several politicians from Utah, such as Orrin Hatch, Rob Bishop, and Jason Chaffetz, had led the downsizing push, and for years they’d been advocating turning such lands over to the states—the strategy Trump had earlier declared would result in a selloff to the highest bidder. The department eventually suggested downsizing six of the 27 monuments under review, but the ultimate fate of those lands and waters remains in limbo; the matter will go to Congress, and the conservationists have said they will fight the new boundaries in court.              
Anderson has carved out a field for himself in something called free-market environmentalism. Along with his job at PERC, he’s a professor emeritus at Montana State University and a senior fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, a libertarian-leaning think tank. In op-eds published across the country, he’s an evangelist for limited government and private property rights. He views many environmentalists with undisguised contempt, and they generally return the favor.                                       
Like many nonprofits, PERC doesn’t disclose its funding sources, but Greenpeace International has posted records showing that they’ve included Exxon Mobil Corp. and the industrialists Charles and David Koch. Anderson probably wouldn’t worry too much about how that looks: He believes the private sector, in most cases, is a better steward of nature than the government.                
Quilici’s plan was seat-of-the-pants. He thought he might spend three or four days hiking to an exit point on the far side of the mountains, but he didn’t realize that the most direct trail was blocked by the gate Wilson had confronted. Other possible paths were also contested. When I told him this, he redirected his criticism away from the parking lot and toward the landowners. “I bet they have some lobbying power,” he said. “They just want to keep everything like it’s their own private reserve.”        
Herein lies the big challenge for the landowners and their defenders: Survey after survey has shown that the public hates the idea that someone can lock taxpayers out of public land, and that they’re suspicious of transferring control of such tracts to private enterprise. Nevertheless, Anderson and PERC deny that their position is out of step with public opinion, even casting it as pro-access. Their rationale is oblique: If the Forest Service insists the public has a right to use the trails, they say, private landowners will naturally rebel; numerous court battles will ensue, tying up the trails in years of litigation and costing the government millions of dollars. And as the cases proceed, the landowners will take steps to secure their property rights, blocking traffic on the trails until the mess is sorted out.                                       
“In the places where now there are signs,” Anderson predicts, “you’ll see a locked gate.” His comment is an informed one. He counts several of the landowners involved in the Crazy Mountains disputes as friends, including the owners of the Rein Anchor Outfitting and Ranch, who operate a hunting lodge and signed the letter against Sienkiewicz. PERC’s affiliation with politically connected outfitters that stand to profit if trails are closed bolsters the sense, to Wilson and others confronting locked gates, that a void in coherent policy about public land management is being filled by cronyism that rewards wealth and connections above all else. Another co-owner of the Wonder Ranch, Frank-Paul King, a friend and former student of Anderson’s, served on PERC’s board. Hudson, the man who got Representative Sessions involved, is King’s brother-in-law, and he’s also a board member and the former president of the Dallas Safari Club, a group that made national headlines in 2014 when it auctioned off a trip to Africa to hunt an endangered rhinoceros. (The winning bidder, who paid $350,000, traveled to Namibia and shot a black rhino bull, an animal the club said had threatened the rest of the herd.) The Dallas Safari Club has granted PERC funding for, among other things, a study on “private conservation in the public interest.”                                       
In 2016 the Dallas Safari Club hosted a fundraiser featuring the big-game hunting enthusiast Donald Trump Jr. that netted $60,000 in campaign donations to the Republican National Committee. “The candidate’s family connection to hunting and its legacy gives DSC a huge opportunity to have the right people in place as advocates for our mission,” the club’s newsletter stated. After Trump was elected, Hudson was listed as an organizer for a post-inaugural fundraiser called “Opening Day 45,” which featured Eric and Donald Trump Jr. as co-chairs. It was canceled after TMZ published an early draft of the invitation in December 2016, promising personal access to President Trump, along with a multiday hunting excursion with his sons, to anyone who donated more than $500,000, sparking criticism that the sons planned to peddle access to their father.                
The trail access issue was extremely sensitive inside the Forest Service, she explained, and potentially costly, too. The Trump administration was proposing a 73 percent cut in the Forest Service’s capital improvement and maintenance budget and an 84 percent reduction, from $77 million to $12 million, in its trail program budget. The Wonder Ranch case, she observed, had cost the government “in the millions of dollars,” and it wasn’t over yet—the landowners were appealing the decision, and it now sat with an appellate judge. “I’m not saying we’re never going to go to court, but the Forest Service is going to be careful about when we go to court and make sure we’re going to court on cases we can win,” she said.                
The agency in mid-October announced it was giving Sienkiewicz his job back. But Gevock’s frustrations spoke to an unresolved question underlying all of the disputes: Who, exactly, is the Forest Service supposed to serve? On the agency’s website, former Director Thomas Tidwell wrote that its guiding principles were clearly established by Gifford Pinchot, the service’s founding chief, during the Gilded Age—“a time when the nation’s resources were being exploited for the benefit of the wealthy few,” Tidwell stated. “The national forests were based on a notion that was just the opposite—that these lands belong to everyone.”                                       
The public access advocates say they’re not sure they trust the spirit of Pinchot’s original message has survived intact. The mixed signals coming from the Trump administration mean everything rests on how those sometimes conflicting messages are interpreted. Zinke has repeatedly insisted, without offering specifics, that he is pro-access, and on his first day in office he pledged to fight against the “dramatic decreases in access to public lands across the board” that he said were plaguing America. “It worries me to think about hunting and fishing becoming activities for the landowning elite,” he said.                                       
But in July 2017, while public land advocates were protesting the Interior Department’s pending move to downsize the national monuments and hikers were cursing the new No Trespassing signs in the Crazies, Zinke traveled to Denver to speak at the annual conference of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. The group, a conservative lobbying coalition that helps lawmakers draft legislative proposals, has energetically pushed for the potential transfer of federal lands to the states. Whether Zinke’s speech clarified the government’s general, overarching philosophy on public-vs.-private control of lands that are currently federal, only members of the lobbying group can say for sure. Unlike several other speeches delivered at the conference, Zinke’s wasn’t transcribed or published, and it was closed to the general public.                
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trainsinanime · 4 years
Red Web Mystery Reviews
Red Web is a podcast by Rooster Teeth featuring two guys from that whole Achievement Hunter thing that I can never tell apart (but you don’t need to know anything about this) about unsolved mysteries that often but not always have something to do with the internet. Let’s review the episodes out so far, because… well, no reason, honestly, I just wanted to.
Lake City Quiet Pills
Based on their information presented here, this whole thing and their explanation for it seem plausible enough. You have to assume that this group of apparently assassins is kind of bad at operational security, but there’s actually a lot of cases where big criminals got exposed because they used the same URL or E-mail address or similar.
Satoshi Nakamoto
I already knew about this beforehand, and I would say they did a good job explaining it. Personally, I think they should have gone into a bit more of how much a shit-show the whole Newsweek Dorian Nakamoto thing was; in short, there was no reason to believe this person had anything to do with Bitcoin, he didn’t even speak good english (which is probably what caused some of the misunderstandings), and it was both a huge embarrassment for Newsweek (at least I hope they felt embarrassed) and they needlessly hounded a completely uninvolved person for this.
But then they get into new evidence, and we see a problem that I think is a bit systematic: They don’t really go into how trustworthy the evidence is. Specifically, they say that the one person who can cast light on this might be… John McAfee. Fucking John McAfee. Seriously, that guy?
For context: John McAfee did indeed create the antivirus company that still bears his name. But he sold it in the 1990s, and thanks to money and drugs, he’s just gotten plain crazy ever since. There was the whole thing where he was implicated in a murder in Belize a couple of years ago; he kept blogging from a jail in Guatemala, later returned to the US, and keeps being part of outlandish schemes (including two presidential runs, though he failed to get the nomination for libertarian candidate both 2016 and 2020), controversies, and supposedly super-awesome tech startups that never go anywhere. It makes perfect sense that he’d claim to be involved in the creation of Bitcoin. It makes no sense whatsoever to believe him. If you’re interested and have way too much time, read what El Reg has to say about him.
Oh god. This one makes me both want to laugh and cry. Mostly laugh, to be honest, because it is such an obvious nothing burger, but also weep for the internet that was.
The story is that they found a participant in an early internet warez network who wasn’t that great at OpSec. This is only fully revealed at the end, and they don’t even seem to have noticed that this case is clearly and completely solved.
Most of the humour for me comes from the fact that they’re rediscovering the old pre-social web, and are convinced that it’s all weird and nefarious. Why would one person register websites for their interests, and then never do anything with them? Because that’s what the internet was like back then in the late 1990s and early 2000s! Hey, look, here’s my ugly special-interest website from that era that hasn’t been updated in years and isn’t going to be updated any time soon either. That’s just what was normal back then. Same with a website for every person, or trying to do your own garage sales via your website. That was the thing to do back then. And yes, obviously it sucked and didn’t work very well.
They even realise that this is what „might“ have been going on, and theorise about this hypothetical early web. „Maybe if there was some website that linked all these together and allowed you to search“ - yeah, those existed. Digg and Technorati and Del.icio.us, remember those? All bought by Yahoo and promptly forgotten. And to be fair, they never worked as well as real social networks did.
But back then we had this glorious freedom. No sudden porn bans like here on Tumblr; no need to match any predefined template for what posts are, no user tracking by Facebook, nobody telling you that you’re tagging your posts wrong…
It’s understandable why we lost that web. Linking together is much easier if all content is owned and controlled by like four companies. It also makes it much easier to set up a new account; setting up a new website is just a lot of pain and knowledge you have to have that you don’t necessarily want to have.
But now we live in our monocultures and must live with whatever content decisions our corporate overlords make and then sell us as „community standards“, and the wild and weird web that we used to have is only a memory. And sometimes not even that; sometimes these new young kids treat it as a „weird nefarious mystery“. Actually, I just looked it up, and Alfredo and Trevor are both around 30, just a few years younger than I am. They were alive for at least the tail end if this. These guys could have known this shit!
So, yeah, the story here is not the mystery; it’s a lament for the web we lost.
D.B. Cooper
Again one I already knew, and I think they gave a good overview. Personally I’m in the camp of people who assume that he failed to make a safe landing.
Happy Valley Dream Survey
This seems vaguely interesting. One thing that kind of annoys me about this podcast is that they (well mostly Alfredo) generally assume that everything strange is necessarily nefarious, without any evidence. The whole thing here leads nowhere, after all.
Lead Masks Case
Again, I’m not sure how much weight to put on the other evidence they listed, especially that whole supposed UFO sighting. Yes, that one woman may have been very respected in her community and/or had a high social status, whatever that means. But the thing is that rich people who are super-involved in their church community or whatever can still (through no fault of their own) be unreliable witnesses and invent things that weren’t there, or not the way they were described.
Cicada 3301 (parts 1 and 2)
Personally I find this one less interesting because it’s not a mystery, it’s a riddle, and that’s way less fun. Much of the circumstances are weird enough, I guess.
What confuses me the most about this is how it’s supposed to be a recruitment tool, but it doesn’t seem to be very good at that. A lot of the steps don’t really seem to be that difficult and require just some fairly standard hacker skills. This is similar to the Satashi Nakamoto case, where one hint was „knows C++ programming“. Lots of people know that, and it’s something you can totally teach yourself. And if the people who were recruited through this were really supposed to program software, well… why did no part of this test whether they could do so? That’s a whole different skill. My conclusion is that this Cicada group is either a long con or a group that is nowhere near as smart as it thinks it is.
One thing to note here: They just casually assume that the FBI and NSA and so on are monitoring the whole internet, in real time, all the time. Which is true, we know that thanks to Edward Snowden. Isn’t that much more nefarious than any of the other mysteries here put together? How did we get to a place where Americans both think „this is the country that has all the freedom“ and „if you say or search for the wrong things you’ll get put on a government watchlist that’s just normal“ at the same time? Pervasive monitoring of a population is pretty much the exact opposite of freedom, but apparently we all in the western world just take it in stride anyway. That’s nothing to do with this podcast, though.
Generally okay podcast. The hosts are good storytellers, even if the stories are sometimes a bit shaky. It is at least at no point overly gross or insultingly stupid (unlike the official Rooster Teeth Podcast, which is both). So I think I can recommend it if you need something, anything to fill the quiet, and you’re already out of episodes of Black Box Down.
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teacup-peony · 5 years
okay, update time, lets do this.
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide, abuse, trauma
TL;DR: My dad remarried an emotionally and verbally abusive woman who pushed me to a suicide attempt, I now have six-maybe-seven mental health diagnoses and I haven’t been on my meds since August, I was homeless for a few months, my dog died, I’m thirty now.
I don’t remember when I was on here last except that apparently I was on here when I was last living in my house like a year ago and I have no memory of that, so forgive me for repeats
- I moved out of my apartment and all my friendships finally crumbled, more or less. I have a couple people I still depend on but the friends I’ve had 20+ years all faded to “yeah, it’d be cool to see you when I’m in town next” so there’s that.
- I mean sometimes it’s like we’re all good friends again but they don’t reply to my messages and have all unfollowed me on Facebook, and one time I sat in the car and then in front of them crying and begging them to invite me to things again and they never invited me anywhere ever again, soooo I don’t know what to do with that
- I moved back in with my dad. It was supposed to be three months but it was hard finding a job I could do with my MULTITUDE of mental health problems (we’ll swing back around to that).
- He started dating and then married this woman named Cassandra. I have a bunch of stepsiblings technically but I don’t talk to them. Two of them are little kids who call my dad ‘dad’ and it’s fuckin’ weird, but okay. 
- Cassie full on hates me. She also brainwashed my dad a good one month into the relationship (they got married after three). My dad was learning and growing and discovering who he was and now they’re together and he has whatever opinion she wants him to have. Also he was really highly intelligent and knew how to work a situation to his favor but now he’s following her version of dealing with situations, screaming and throwing a fit until you get what you want.
- Not even kidding, this is why CPS is investigating them, because she kept screaming at people and they got worried. And all dad does is post on social media about how they’re gonna destroy CPS and making not-so-vague threats even though literally everyone is telling him to stop
- In June of last year I was in a bad place. Dad had either married or was about to marry I can’t remember which, and my dog was acting out because there were a LOT of people around who thought they knew how to handle animal-aggressive dogs and did NOT, and to make a long story short I was packing a bag in case I needed to check myself into a hospital because I didn’t feel safe. My dad (who has apologized and explained this was PTSD related) called me manipulative and selfish to Cassie, Cassie waited until I was in earshot to say I was manipulative, selfish, and narcissistic (she has never apologized for this), and then she came to scream nonsense at me (literal nonsense; she claimed her son had to squeeze my dog the same way he squeezes his service dog or his bond with his service dog would be destroyed). 
- That night I attempted suicide because I’d rather be dead than live with Cassie. I woke up over a day later, and the next day went to my psychiatrist, who sent me to a hospital. OH BOY.
- This was a behavioral hospital that was coed and mostly housed inmates with anger issues. It was terrifying. The worst part was when my psychiatrist decided to have an appointment in the hallway less than ten feet from where everyone in the ward was sitting.
- The other worst part was when they put me back on Prozac and upped my dose and immediately released me even though we’d come to the conclusion that Prozac is a big part of why I tried to kill myself in the first place.
- My dad sat in on one (1) appointment with my therapist and my psychiatrist to ask how to deal with me. My diagnoses were not discussed. This turned into an issue
- Blah blah blah, my childhood house was sold and we were moving, blah blah blah, Cassie was emotionally abusive to me in a massive scream fest for 20 minutes saying I was a liar and selfish and only cared about myself and I didn’t have any mental health problems and she knew this was true because her husband talks to her, blah blah blah, my dad told her everything in the psychiatrist appointment without actually coming to me about his concerns and confusions or asking if I was okay with it, blah blah blah, dad told me I just needed to let her scream at me and also took her side, blah blah blah, I was told I wasn’t allowed to have memory problems at her house (not THEIRS apparently, HERS) and it’s not something I can help so blah blah blah I became homeless.
- Luckily i had a friend who let me crash with her. The place was so infested with cockroaches that they swarmed on you when you slept and eating them was unavoidable, but hey, it wasn’t the street, which was where I would have gone the next day if she didn’t answer her phone.
- My dog died while I was crashing on my friends couch and it was one of the worst things ever because Penny was the only one who was there when I found my mom dead and the only other one with that memory and now she’s gone
- A friend I met on Tumblr and I were in contact and she moved into an apartment with another friend and invited me to join them so YAY I HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE it was in another state though so that was not great, but at least I’m away from the abusive stepmother and the not-so-great friends.
- I got the money from my moms lawsuit but it was basically nothing and I didn’t get my fair share and the move took a lot of it and now it’s basically gone and I still can’t work and I still have no medical coverage and I’m avoiding medical bills so that’s terrifying
- I also haven’t been medicated since August which is bad because those meds are what kept me from hurting myself after the 20 minutes of abuse instance
- My phone was “stolen” (left in a Lyft with a driver who replied to me once and then dodged all calls from both me and Lyft) back in March and Lyft keeps saying they’re getting it back and sending to me but where is it???
- My grief over my mom got real intense and then it was Mother’s Day and my PTSD just FLARED THE HELL UP so that’s fun
- Also I’m 30 now???
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spideycents · 6 years
B-Roll // Shawn Mendes - 2: quiet on set
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The first extras call for The Breakfast Club is posted almost a week after I apply to be a makeup assistant. It's the middle of the night on what is hopefully our second to last day of filming at this camp. The goal is to wrap second team shoots tomorrow night, then we'll be done, but we keep having to pause filming for stupid rain that won't seem to go away.
   During one of the rain breaks, we're at the top of the hill at the onset extras holding under a really large picnic pavilion. Everyone's on their phones or asleep or playing group games to try to stay awake. I'm spacing out and Michael's on twitter when Julie-Anne squeals loudly and shows us the casting call.
   "They're looking for high schoolers!" she says excitedly.
   "Sheet!" Michael sits up quickly and types fervidly on his phone.
   "Are you gonna apply?" Julie-Anne nods at me while she works on her own application.
   I shrug. "Later."
   "Why not now?" Michael questions me like I'm crazy for not jumping to apply instantly. "We've got plenty of time."
   I purse my lips. "I know, but my phone's in my jacket and I don't feel like getting it out right now."
   They both laugh and Julie-Anne says: "Mood!"
   They're quiet for bit while they finish their applications and find other days to apply for. The irony that we only ever get hired as teenagers when we're all in our 20s now. Extra irony that Julie-Anne is the oldest, but she looks younger than both me and Michael. I don't know why, exactly. We assume it's her round cheeks or the freckles, but we're not entirely sure. She claims she found the fountain of youth. I wouldn't be surprised since her whole family looks pretty young. Especially her mom and she's practically the spitting image of her.
"And done," Michael exclaims loudly and drops his phone into his lap. He falls back in his chair, flails his legs out, and let's his head fall back so he's staring at the ceiling, then he lets out a rather obnoxiously loud Dying Puma.
At least 20 heads turn and look in our direction. Julie-Anne and I both giggle wildly, but Michael's head is still tilted back, and his eyes are closed, so he's oblivious to the audience he's gathered.
"I have three left," Julie-Anne grumbles.
   "Bitch." Michael lifts his head and looks at her with super squinty eyes. When his face is as pinched as possible, that's peak judgement. "Gotta get that Verizon."
   She glares at him. He smirks. She sticks her tongue out him. He bends his right arm and twirls his wrist, then opens his hand and juts his chin out slightly. She flips him off. He flips her off too. She looks away. He tilts his head back again.
   It's basically the silent equivalent of an argument that goes:
   Then they both humph loudly and storm off in opposite directions.
   The most Julie-Anne and Michael ever do is stop looking at each other. It's okay anyway, their arguments never mean anything. They can't even jokingly insult each other without feeling bad about it. Michael was just joking once when she was throwing away everyone's trash for them. He told her that while she's at it, she should climb in there too. She actually tilted the trash can and lifted her leg to get in, for the meme, but Michael was already freaking out and apologizing because he felt that that was the meanest thing he's ever said to her. That happened eight months ago and he still brings it up.
   "I really hope we all get booked," Julie-Anne mumbles, but she doesn't look up from her phone. "And I hope we get to work with Shawn."
   "SAME!" Michael super exaggerates the word, turning each letter into its own syllable.
   The switch in language when talking about celebrities after you've worked with them, is so apparent to me. Other fans might say they want to see someone, we talk about working with them and mingling like we're co-workers. When, in reality, the most I've ever said to a principle actor was when I told Alexandra Shipp that I liked her shoes and she told me that costumes picked them out, then she walked away.
We wrap second team the next day and as we're pulling off the lot as the sun is rising, Michael plays One Last Time from Hamilton and as happy as I am to see the park get smaller and smaller in the rear-view, it's a little bittersweet.
   Michael leaves to go back home later that evening, after first getting a well deserved, and extended nap on my couch.
   It's a struggle, saying goodbye to him. Even if we don't know when we'll see each other next, the universe somehow finds a way to always bring us together every couple weeks. The longest we've been apart since we met was 23 days, and that was within the first few months of our friendship. Sure, we text and call and facetime and Skype and DM on basically every social media platform possible, all day, every day, but the separation anxiety is still so real. I'd say I have a panic attack about losing him and Julie-Anne every other day or so. It's exhausting.
   I still don't know how to tell them about all this shit in my head. They've given me so many opportunities, so many windows, and I keep not taking them. Being open and vulnerable with anyone is terrifying. I still have to work myself up for a few days, sometimes weeks, before I can tell my mom something and I tell her everything.
   "Sorry Dad."
   He's sitting at the breakfast table, painting with watercolors in one of his sketchbooks. He doesn't look up from his work while he speaks. "What are you sorry for, Rosie?"
   I smile slightly at my dad's nickname for me. He's been calling me Rosie or Rosebud since I was little.
   I wring my hands in my lap. It's a nervous tick I picked up from my mom.
   I shrug and drop my head so my chin is tucked into my neck and I'm staring at my hands. "Everything, I guess."
   Dad laughs lightly. "I'm going to need you to be more specific."
I'm not looking at him directly, but I can see him in my peripherals and he's watching me intently, but with kind eyes. Which is how he usually looks at me lately, unless he's mad, but that almost always fades within minutes. He started looking at me with those gentle eyes a few years ago. Whenever it happens, I feel like I'm six years old again, but not in a condescending way. I feel innocent. I feel cared for. I feel protected, safe. He looks at me like that and I feel like I'm home.
   I mean, I literally am home. I've been home for awhile, but that's beside the point.
   Today's different though. Today I don't deserve to feel warm and fuzzy. I deserve to feel small and weak right now, because that's where I am today. I'm 23 years old, I'm not in school, I'm broke, I'm unemployed, and I'm still living with my parents. I feel about as small as anyone could possibly ever feel.
   I scratch red lines into the back of my left hand. "I don't know." I shrug again. I shrug a lot. When you don't know things, shrugging's what you do, and I don't know anything.
   Dad rinses off his brush, then dries it and sets it down on a paper towel on the table beside his laptop. "Lyla," he sits up straighter and turns toward me. "Are you okay?"
   I don't look at him, but I nod. "I'm okay," I say a little louder than the whispers I've been at. "It's just a weird day."
   "Well, you know can talk to me about anything," he's quieter now too. Somehow our big kitchen now feels cramped. Like it's the middle of the night and we're talking softly so we don't disturb anyone.
   "Maybe later." I push my chair back and get up.
   "Can I give you hug?" Dad asks quietly.
I'm glad he doesn't stretch his arms out toward me cause then I feel like I have to hug him or than I look rude.
   "Not right now," I mumble and go up to my room.
   "I love you." His voice echoes up the stairs, filling the hallway. All our doors are closed so it feels like the sound just keeps bouncing back and forth. Even after silence has fallen, I can still hear his voice in my head and my ears ring with regret.
   I lock my door behind me and turn off the lights before climbing onto my bed. I pull my comforter around me and curl up into a ball in the back corner. I have a big bed so seeing all the empty space around me just makes me feel smaller.
   Nothing in particular happened to trigger this sudden onset bout of weirdness, but I guess that's how depression works. Some days are good and others are weird. I don't want to say bad, because they're not really. I just drift through them. I'm probably like this today because I've been non-stop for the past few weeks and now that Michael's gone, I've kind of hit a wall. I just need some introvert time to recharge so I can get all my energy back.
   It's funny to word it in that way.
   It's like people are batteries and we spend our energy until we're drained so then we have to find a way to get all that energy back. I get my energy back from alone time or caffeine usually, but a good song or a good movie or book also helps, but that's mainly just to make me feel better. Spending time outside or eating a good meal or getting a good night's sleep is also extremely refreshing. But, so is a nice shower or a bath. Honestly, I find energy through lots of things. Even being around my friends or family when we're happy will help. It varies for everyone though, but whatever you have to do it's basically like plugging yourself into a wall until your angry red light turns into a bright, happy green one.
   Speaking of charged.
I unplug my phone and roll over so I'm facing the wall while I unlock it and scroll through my different feeds. I like some random Instagram posts from different celebrities and some wedding photos from someone I knew in college who invited a ton of our friends to their wedding, but didn't say a word about it to me. It's annoying to hear about your friend's engagement through a Facebook post, like everyone else they don't care about.
I close Instagram and open Twitter.
My feed has been nothing, but angry political debates since 2016.
I've thrown my two cents into the void, but the only people who follow me are my friends and family and a few random One Direction fans from the good old days in 2012/ People rarely see my posts and I don't want to seek out people and start drama with them or respond to problematic tweets that I see from people I follow. A lot of people get really vicious and evil with their responses and I know I'm not the kind of person who can walk away from that kind of battle unscathed. There's definitely a war raging on the internet and I'll stick to serving as medic rather than a soldier.
I scroll a little farther down Twitter, but there's not a single happy or wholesome thing in sight.
I close Twitter and open Tumblr.
Thank God for memes.
As I'm scrolling, I catch a few South Park posts and DM them to my cousin, Esther, and I spot some Marvel things and share them with Michael, and then Shawn fucking Mendes appears on my dash.
Michael's right. I'm never going to be free of him.
It's a gifset of him lying half-naked on a couch.
It's a nice couch.
I scroll down to find another post about Shawn directly below it and reblogged by the same person too.
This is just one photo, a black and white still on him sitting on a bed. Subject matter aside, I have to admit that's a pretty good shot. The way the light's hitting him, the contrast of the shadows, the general composition...it's just really pleasing to look at.
I heart it and keep scrolling. A few memes and text posts and random quotes on nature photos later and I run into another Shawn post.
Another gifset and this work of art is a collection of moments of Shawn licking his lips.
Leave me alone, Mendes.
I close the app and lock my phone. I push it away and pull my blanket over my head. I lay there in the dark for a little, listening to my breathing and the faint murmur of my dad watching Seth Meyers downstairs.
My phone buzzes once.
An email.
It's probably spam, but I turn over and grab it.
It's from the movie.
I got the job.
I'm going to be working as a makeup assistant on The Breakfast Club remake.
I might have to put makeup on real actors.
I might have to work with Shawn Mendes.
I might have to put makeup on Shawn Mendes.
Oh my god.
It’s cringey, but now it’s public so... *shrugs* Tell me your thoughts in the tags or message me.
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thisdaynews · 3 years
FBI Releases Incriminating Chat Between Hushpuppi and Abba Kyari
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/fbi-releases-incriminating-chat-between-hushpuppi-and-abba-kyari/
FBI Releases Incriminating Chat Between Hushpuppi and Abba Kyari
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A US Court archive has nitty gritty discussions between Nigeria’s observed Deputy Commissioner of Police, Abba Kyari, and scandalous suspected fraudster, Ramon Olorunwa Abbas, assumed name Hushpuppi in regards to pay off and capture of another suspected fraudster.
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Hushpuppi, who as of late conceded in the United States, had described how he paid off Kyari.
Authorities said in court filings that Hushpuppi uncovered during cross examination that he offered incentives to Nigeria’s police boss, Kyari, to have one of his adversaries captured and imprisoned in Nigeria following a disagreement regarding a $1.1 million trick of a Qatari financial specialist.
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Abbas had requested that Kyari capture and prison an individual fraudster Kelly Chibuzor Vincent after both were secured a debate apparently over how to share the $1.1 million plunder got from the Qatari financial specialist.
Vincent consequently reached the person in question and educated them that they were being defrauded by an organization including him and Abbas.
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This inspired annoyance from Abbas (Hushpuppi), who reached Kyari to capture and prison his opponent over the debate. Abbas (Hushpuppi) said Kyari sent pictures of Vincent in prison and accordingly sent a ledger number to him (Hushpuppi) to which a wire move ought to be made having worked really hard as sent by Abbas (Hushpuppi).
9 Hours Ago
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In any case, Kyari had taken to his Facebook page to respond to the charge, guaranteeing he just helped Hushpuppi to get local garments and covers worth N300,000.
In spite of the fact that he confessed to capturing Vincent, he said it was after Hushpuppi claimed that Vincent was undermining his family here in Nigeria.
Kyari denied thinking about the connection among Hushpuppi and Vincent at the underlying stage and later found Vincent and Hushpuppi had a misconception over the said measure of cash.
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He likewise said he never requested any cash from Abbas (Hushpuppi), adding that they (Kyari and his group) were centered around saving individuals who were being compromised.
However, the court record demonstrates something else, showing plainly that Kyari’s cases were lies.
As indicated by the record, after a previous conversation with Kyari, Hushpuppi mentioned for Vincent’s (otherwise called Chibuzor) contact subtleties, which the last gave.
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Hushpuppi sent the contact subtleties to Kyari and on January 15, 2020, Hushpuppi sent a sound chronicle to Kyari through WhatsApp, expressing that he needed to remind Kyari about what they examined before.
On January 16, 2020, Hushpuppi sent the accompanying dangers to Chibuzor: “I dey consistently advise individuals to think a long time before they irritate me and make them ensure they fit stand the results when the opportunity arrives. I will not say more than that yet very soon, incredibly, soon, the fierceness of my hands will discover you and when it does, it will harm you until the end of time. Now I no get conversation with you, you have perpetrated a wrongdoing that will not be pardoned, that is culpable and you will get pass on (sic) discipline in due time. I swear with my life, you will lament playing with me, you will even wish you passed on before my hands will contact you.”
Later on, Kyari affirmed the capture and confinement of Vincent Chibuzor to Abbas (Hushpuppi), who mentioned for a record number to which he will send the pay off implied for Kyari’s colleagues.
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Hushpuppi additionally begged Kyari to advise his colleagues to manage Vincent like an outfitted looter.
The record of their discussion goes consequently:
To begin with, Kyari made an impression on Hushpuppi saying, “We would pick him today or tomorrow.”
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Abbas (Hushpuppi) stated, “I will deal with the group additionally after they get him.”
Kyari affirmed “Yes ooo.”
It likewise expressed that on January 20, 2020, Kyari sent personal, recognizing data for Chibuzor to Hushpuppi.
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Their discussion goes in this manner: Abbas (Hushpuppi) affirmed “that is him sir.”
Kyari expressed, “We have captured the person . . . He is in my cell now. This is his image after we captured him today.”
In the wake of getting the photo of Vincent/Chibuzor, Abbas (Hushpuppi) said, “I need him to carry on with genuine beating of his life.”
In light of Kyari’s inquiry regarding how Chibuzor had dealt with Abbas (Hushpuppi), Abbas sent Kyari a sound message.
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He said: “What he did is, I have one work. The work need to pay me 500, umm, 75,000 dollars [i.e., $575,000]. He went to message the work behind me since I advised him to help me make one report for me to give the work. Then, at that point he went—he has a—I gave him the subtleties.
“Then, at that point he went to message the work despite my good faith and attempt to redirect the cash and in this interaction he tell the work on account of the archives he gave me that I gave the work, he tell the work, ‘These report they shipped off you previously. These individuals are phony (sic).
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“‘This cash—is me who can assist you with getting it. Come to me le—bring this cash you need to pay these individuals to me. I’m the one in particular who can help you,’ and this load of things to redirect the work for himself.”
In the wake of paying attention to the message, Kyari essentially said he comprehended without mentioning other data or proof identifying with Chibuzor’s part in the plan, or any inquiries regarding the idea of the exchange, the record added.
Hushpuppi further said he needed to pay cash to send Chibuzor to imprison for quite a while, expressing “Please sir I need to go through cash to send this kid to prison, let him go for seemingly forever.”
Kyari reacted, “Alright brother, I comprehend I will examine with my group who captured him . . . Also, dealing with the case. We will take care of business.”
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Hushpuppi reacted, “Let me know how I can send cash to the group sir, let them manage him like furnished burglar.”
Kyari reacted, “Alright I will send their record subtleties to u.”
Hushpuppi further stated, “He deceived me and attempt (sic) to take food out my mouth, this is incredible culpable sin,” and Kyari reacted, “Better believe it brother.”
Hushpuppi said, “I need him to languish over numerous years.”
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Kyari reacted, “Hahahaha.”
The record expressed that about certain minutes after the fact, Kyari gave the record data to a financial balance at a Nigerian bank, Zenith Bank, for the sake of an individual other than Kyari himself.
Hushpuppi reacted “Alright sir, tomorrow by early afternoon.”
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This showed that Hushpuppi intended to pay the Nigeria Police Force officials who captured Chibuzor for that help.
A piece of the report expressed, “This was not by any means the only time that Abbas masterminded installments with Kyari. On May 20, 2020, Abbas sent Kyari exchange receipts for two exchanges from accounts at Nigerian banks (GTBank and Zenith Bank) of an individual Abbas knew in the U.A.E.— an individual additionally captured with Abbas in Abbas’ loft in the U.A.E. by Dubai Police on June 9, 2020—to the Nigerian ledgers of someone else in Nigeria.
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“The sums on the exchange receipts totalled 8 million Nigerian Naira, which was around $20,600 dependent on openly accessible swapping scale data.”
The following is the full proof.
Detailed discussion among Hushpuppi and DCP Abba Kyari#
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Subsequent to Consulting with JUMA, ABBAS Arranged to Have KYARI Imprison CHIBUZO in Nigeria in Retaliation for, and to Prevent Him from, Trying to Coopt the Victim
Finance manager
As examined in passage 120, JUMA and ABBAS had a spat with many chibuzo felt that he was being come up short on (or had not been
paid) for work on the phony Wells Fargo site, and afterward reached the Victim Businessperson straightforwardly. ABBAS then, at that point orchestrated to have KYARI capture and detain CHIBUZO in Nigeria for endeavoring to divert deceitful returns
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proposed for ABBAS and JUMA to himself, to hold CHIBUZO back from meddling with the plan. This segment examines those occasions and KYARI’s contribution in the trick.
On January 13, 2020, the Victim Businessperson reached JUMA about a reached the individual Victim Businessperson about the advance,
expressing “This number is calling me however I didn’t reply.” The Victim
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Money manager likewise gave JUMA a screen capture of and sent extra discussions between the Victim Businessperson and CHIBUZO, who was utilizing the U.S. telephone number 3054405586. That telephone number was a similar telephone number utilized by CHIBUZO to send ABBAS data about the phony Wells
Fargo site depicted before. In the messages, CHIBUZO sent the Victim Businessperson’s visa, and professed to be “attempting to help” the Victim Businessperson.
JUMA sent these messages from the Victim Businessperson to ABBAS, who reacted, “I will manage him.” At around a similar time,
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ABBAS asked CHIBUZO for a telephone number on which to call him. After two minutes, ABBAS sent the telephone number on which he reached CHIBUZO (which
CHIBUZO had beforehand likewise shipped off ABBAS) to KYARI without giving any 52 extra setting. Not long prior to sending the telephone number to KYARI, ABBAS
set an almost five-minute call to KYARI, utilizing the telephone number portrayed in passage 136.
A brief time frame later, ABBAS told JUMA, “setting him up as of now. He will learn.” JUMA answered, “He nearly wrecked it brother,” to which ABBAS reacted “They are chipping away at it as of now.”
Roughly an hour after the fact, CHIBUZO reacted to ABBAS’
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message mentioning his telephone number by giving another telephone number. ABBAS likewise sent this number to KYARI without giving any extra setting in the message.
On January 15, 2020, this time utilizing WhatsApp, ABBAS sent an
sound chronicle to KYARI, expressing, basically, that he needed to remind KYARI about what they examined before.
On January 16, 2020, ABBAS sent the accompanying dangers to
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*I dey consistently advise individuals to think a long time before they outrage me and make them ensure they fit stand the outcomes when the opportunity arrives. I will not say more than that yet very soon, extremely soon, the anger of my ha
0 notes
keywestlou · 4 years
There are some things that take priority over all else. Today, Lisa’s birthday. My baby is 56 years old. And still my baby.
Amazing how time flies. The little girl I knew so well gone. Today, a bright cheerful person. One who has given me 2 lovely grandchildren. Robert and Ally. Both high schoolers. How swiftly they have grown.
Happy birthday dear Lisa! May I be around many more years to say that to you.
Helen Reddy has passed on at 78. The woman who gave us I Am Woman. The song became a feminist anthem. It will be so for all time.
Now to the War on Decency and Democracy.
The Presidential Debate last night. I caught the last hour.
Trump ruined it. As he does all things. He made it a dark event. The man is a buffoon. The more I see of him, the more convinced I am he does not have it mentally.
Trump has always been unhappy that New York society and elite never welcomed him into their ranks. Who would want to be a friend to someone who acts as he does.
Some comments I came across in reading various reviews this morning. One writer described the debate as a “revulsion.” Due to Trump’s presentation. Another, “ugly.”
The New York Post reported that Trump’s “over belligerence” led him to stumble. USA Today described the event as a “horror show that had to scare America.” CNN described the debate as “total chaos.”
The moderator Chris Wallace asked Trump at one time to denounce a far right or white supremacist group. Trump appeared reluctant. Biden suggested the far out radical group known as Proud Boys.
Trump’s response shocking. He told Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by.” In other words get ready, I may need you. Proud Boys celebrated last night their recognition by Trump and his apparent need for their assistance at some point in time.
The “stand back and stand by” sounded like a call to arms.
Mike Allen in AXIOS this morning wrote the debate was similar to what is going on in the country today. Division big time. Radicalism definitely on one side. Not much on the other. A President egging on far right enthusiasts.
On Good Morning America, Bob Woodward described Trump’s performance as “attempting to assassinate the Presidency.”
Biden said something profound. Think about it for a moment: “Dirty fighters don’t win.”
Chris Wallace failed as the moderator. Perhaps anyone being moderator would have. Trump was out of control. Ranting and raving.
Wallace could not control Trump, could not make him comply with the rules for the debate set beforehand.
If I had been Wallace last night, I would first have warned Trump re his conduct, tell him if it continued he would be cut off till it was time for him to speak again. Yes, close his mike down so he would stop interring with Biden’s responses.
Let him rave all he wanted in his own silence.
Trump has received his third nomination for the Nobel Peace Award. Would you believe!
The nomination came from a group of professors in Australia who praised the “Trump Doctrine” against endless wars.
Biden provided his tax returns several months ago. Yesterday, he and his wife provided their 2019 tax return. The return set forth $944,737 in income. Their tax payment $346,204.
Trump has not provided his. The 20 years of tax returns the New York Times has appears to be from a source other than Trump himself.
With tongue in cheek, I must say I admire Trump’s transparency.
Nicholas Kristof’s Opinion piece in today’s New York Times is titled: “Watching  A Cataclysm of Hunger, Disease and Illiteracy.”
The article’s first 2 paragraph’s telling.
“We think of Covid-19 as killing primarily the elderly around the world, but in poor countries it is more cataclysmic than that.”
“It is killing children through malnutrition. It is leading more people to die from tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS. It is forcing girls out of school into child marriages. It is causing women to die in childbirth. It is setting back efforts to eradicate polio, malaria and female genital mutilation. It is leading to lapses in Vitamin A distribution that will cause more children to suffer blindness and death.”
Trump claimed last night the economy was in the best shape ever because of his efforts till coronavirus hit. He further claimed he has done such a good job with the virus that the economy is on its way back to where it had been.
If so, why are major employers advising large layoffs?
The most recent is Disney. Disney announced it was laying off 28,000 employees. The Pandemic the cause. Disney’s theme parks taking the biggest hit. Sixty seven percent of those to be laid off are part timers.
On this day in 1927, Babe Ruth hit his 60th home run of the 1927 season. The record stood for 34 years.
College students returned to school. Within days, the numbers began coming in. Within 2 weeks, the numbers were off the wall. Many universities closed down.
High school, middle and grammar school children have generally returned to school across the country. So far no word as to whether the virus is infecting them. This includes the Key West High School.
The silence gives me concern. Are the schools free of coronavirus cases? Or, there are cases and the schools are keeping them quiet?
Some things are hard to believe. There is an underground movement to hold an unstructured Fantasy Fest. Limited to certain events.
Fantasy Fest was cancelled in July. For good reason. Some people do not understand nor fear the virus. Tourists as well as Key West bar and restaurant owners.
It is claimed the underground movement began when the hotels refused to return deposits for Fantasy Fest week. A Facebook page and other social media outlets started talking about the underground.
Tampa a big one. Tampa apparently has a 1,100 member Key West Fantasy Fest Club. They do not want to stay home during the week. So they have gone to social media and advised here would be parties, etc., except under different names. Black Lingerie Matters would replace the Zombie Bike ride for example.
Irish Kevin’s is openly advertising in Tampa for those who will be attending the underground Fantasy Fest to come party with them.
The numbers will go up. Not just in Key West. Also, in Tampa and from where ever else the tourists come.
Enjoy your day!
    WAR ON DECENCY AND DEMOCRACY was originally published on Key West Lou
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gal-cir · 7 years
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If there's one thing I hate the most, it would be a liar.
Lately I've been seeing interviews of Black Diamond and/or their ringleader Tsuyoshi Asano talking about their group, or even more importantly (to me), "Black Diamond International" and/or the gaijin gyaru population in general.
BDI disbanded well over a month ago because Tsuyoshi didn't want nothing to do with us as a group. We weren’t ever a real part of BDI. No real extension to the Japanese group. Only used as a personal fanclub, centered in a private Facebook group to use our pictures to showcase on TV. Tsuyoshi barely talked to us besides one time when he asked about the BDia store, and then when he wanted us to talk to Hidemi (at 3-4am, Eastern time) so they can record us 'talking' to her.
A part of me is ready to just lay that whole thing on the table, because I really don't like Asano.
I don't appreciate the fact that he tried to make us feel that we were apart of something, when we really weren't. That he didn't see the "gyaru" in any of the experienced members. I'm not even talking about myself, I'm talking about girls like Ramona and Zuka and people, who's aura just screamed gal.
He always had this thing with "well one day you can look gal" but the reality is that gaijins try HARDER than Japanese gals would ever have to do. He puts Japanese gals on a pedestal, but honestly when you look at the Japanese BD members that get on TV and stuff, most of them don't even look good outside of purikura. If they were foreign and they posted on one of the communities, they would be outed for doing it wrong. Their makeup, if anything, is sub-par compared to a lot of the gaijin gals in general. Anything as far as style improvement was done among ourselves in the group, without Asano ever being a part. He was only there to record it for TV.
When there was internal drama that needed to be addressed, he pretty much ignored it and just left us with a 'I'm not in your country, I can't do anything about it". But he's the creator and supposedly the leader? He made excuses about 'not knowing enuf engrish' when he has a good understanding of it-- when we used multi-lingual people to communicate with him he never gave direct answers-- he claimed he was 'busy with everything' (even though that apparently didn't stop him from posting all over his facebook, but he could not answer a question or two within a 2-week period? Yeah, okay). And then when he did answer, a lot of his answers contradicted what he let go on.
I do not appreciate the fact that he felt he had some sort of 'power'. Like literally, this dude tried to snark me about his 'power' to give gaijin people Japanese media. I had gotten into an argument with him basically dumbing him down because the gaijin gals NEVER needed some old 30-40 year old man to dickride in order to get media attention. The Dutch gals like Charlotte and Rox never needed a middle man like Tsuyoshi to be on Tokyo Kawaii. Neither did Sara Mari. Neither did the Nijii and Koneko when they made it on Fuji TV and these other sites.
And I do not appreciate the fact that he lies about the numbers of the group. "50 members across 20 countries", really? Make that less than 50 within 5 countries. I do not appreciate the fact that despite me having asked him to take down my image many times off the crooz blog, my face is still up there. I don't want to be associated with that group anymore, period. A lot of the girls don't. We barely talk about it except in private amongst ourselves because we just want to forget the disappointment and the disheartenment we had to go through with his schemes. Some people don't even want to be involved in the gal community anymore, because that last shimmer of hope for them turned out to be a deception.
I can go on and on, and it's  ridiculously easy to make caps of everything he's said, all his bullshit. I'm tired of him publicizing us as if we still exist, as if we still want to be a part of that group, as if we want to be associated with them when it's been almost 1 1/2 months after everything blew up.
No one wants to be a part of Black Diamond. Especially when a good chunk of them turned out to be classless prostitutes (I'm very serious). Plus, overall, Black Diamond is hated by all the real Japanese circles for basically being a lazy attention-whoring group,  and not being hardworking and a good representation like the sa-jin we've always seen and loved.
Take our photos down. For the love of God.
The text above comes from a post Amani wrote in 2012.
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TW // ABUSE - Sarah Cowell
Yesterday while I was out of state working at a friend’s screen printing shop someone hit me up to let me know that Sarah Cowell wrote a post calling me out for emotional abusing her for years. They sent me the text version of what was posted because I have had my facebook deactivated for a while now. I am only reactivating to make this statement. I am making this post as an attempt to clarify a lot of the things she claimed I had done to her and try to understand why she wants to hurt me so much. I am going to take this piece by piece with screen shots of all of our conversations we’ve ever had online. The only problem is that I can’t go back far enough in the archives of our facebook conversations to clarify the situation where I expressed having feelings for her. 
“My first interaction with Nicole Shanholtzer was on the night of April 2, 2013. My band had self-released our first EP, and she had found it. She messaged us on Tumblr that night saying she wanted to put it out on tape and we were beyond thrilled. Broken World Media was a dream label for us. Over the next few months we met a few times, she made us tapes, and she and I talked online almost everyday.One night that summer she messaged me asking to talk. She told me that she was in love with me (at the time, she was married), and I panicked. I did not have feelings for her, and told her this - I was 20 years old at the time and didn't want to break up someone's marriage. It was awkward. She didn't talk to me for a while afterwards. I was worried she would stop being my friend, or stop working with my band. I didn't know what to do. She made it seem like I had led her on in some way, and what had happened was my fault. I felt like I was going to lose everything because I didn't reciprocate her feelings. Both our business and personal relationships were on the line.” I found Sarah’s band on tumblr and fell in love with their EP, I did reach out and we became friends. We spoke a lot online and I was very excited about getting to know her and how great I thought her band was. We did talk a lot online and I also talked about her with my ex-wife Katie often. I thought Sarah was incredibly talented and I was very very excited about our growing friendship. Katie began to playfully tease me about having a crush on Sarah and I did. Katie and I had talked a lot about being open in our relationship and also being into the idea of bringing other people into our sex. I mistook Katie teasing me as encouragement of my interest in Sarah. I told Sarah that I had feelings for her. I never said “I’m in love with you”, I never thought I was putting my marriage at risk. It was an awkward conversation I suppose but I most certainly never felt that Sarah was also into me and never did I express that I felt like she led me on or that any of it was her fault. I never pressured her to reciprocate the feelings. The very next day Katie and I had a long conversation about it, she was very upset, I apologized and didn’t realize I was overstepping boundaries in our relationship. We resolved the situation with what I said before, I mistook Katie playfully teasing me about having a crush on Sarah as encouragement. I then had a conversation with Sarah about it and told her about my conversation with Katie. I apologized for putting her in an awkward place. At absoutely no point in the conversation did I ask or like demand that she feel the same way. I never threaten her band’s future ability to work with my label, I cared a lot about their music and did everything in my power to help them.  I felt dumb and ashamed for expressing those feelings to Sarah. I also was in no way trying to give up on my marriage to try to pursue Sarah. My archives of our facebook conversations unfortunately will net let me go back far enough to show you screen shots of our conversation. I never made it seem like we couldn’t work together if she didn’t reciprocate my feelings. This was the last time we ever talked about the situation until a few years later while we were at The Fest in Florida where while she was blackout drunk kept bringing up the situation from years ago where I told her I had feelings for her. I kept telling her it was upsetting and I didn’t want to have it brought up. She kept grabbing my hands and taking me away from our group of friends so say incoherent shit and lean on me. When she was finally done talking about it she asked me to hug her, so I did. The hug went on for a minute and i tried to end it. She would not let me go even though I was clearly trying to end the hug. I spent the rest of the night with Katie crying and talking to her about how Sarah reopened a wound for something I was very ashamed of. Below is proof that facebook won’t let me go back further into our archives so I can’t revisit this years old conversation, I can just retell it as I remember it and know that within the next few days I apologized to Sarah and talked her about my conversation with Katie about how I felt I was being encouraged to be interested in her. I was wrong, and I apologized. Here is a messaged she sent me after her blackout episode at fest where she upset me a lot:
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“She didn't talk to me for a while afterwards“
I remember talking to Sarah about the conversation I had with Katie like the next day or within a few days. Before I had expressed my feelings for Sarah we had already made plans for Sarah and members of her band to travel to my house in Willimantic CT to hang out for the weekend. At first Katie did not want them to come up and hang out because she was still hurt. We talked more about it and Sarah and members of For Everest came up. We hung out in my band’s practice space and jammed some music, drank some whiskey. Later that night we were hanging out on my porch with the whiskey and I jokingly said to Nick Pitamn that he needed to take a big pull of the whiskey to “prove he wasn’t Greg”, to clarify for anyone unfamiliar I’m referring to Greg Horbal who was a member of TWIABP for a while that we liked to pick on him and refer to him as Shitty Greg for being being a little shitty. We all definitely loved and cared a lot for Greg even if we probably picked on him more than he deserved. Greg was / is / probably always will be straight edge. This was the origin of reoccurring drinking game we called “PROVE YOU ARE NOT GREG”, Sarah references this later in her post and I will get to that in a bit.
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This is a screen shot of as far back as facebook would allow me to review our conversation. It says “facebook user” because we have each other blocked. Also her grown ass father has sent me multiple harassing messages on facebook.
“A few months later, I started dating David. Bad timing, probably, all things considered, but I felt very strongly for him and we just clicked. She was not happy with this, and she would frequently treat me poorly and say mean things that I won't disclose. She is a mean person, that is her thing, but I did what I could to make her happy, to keep us on good terms. I didn't just have myself to think about, but David. I was worried what would happen to both of us if she decided to cut ties with us. She constantly makes people feel like they can't get by without her, like she is necessary, that you need her.“
What I can remember is that before Dave and Sarah ever met in person I had talked about her with Dave and pretty much said that I knew Dave would definitely be into her. I told Dave about the weird situation that happened before and said something along the lines of like I would probably feel heartbroken if you got with her. Half joking, half serious. It was still difficult thing for me to navigate. At one point the band and Sarah were hanging out a friend’s apartment in Brooklyn. I don’t remember if this was the first time they met. As the night went on Dave and Sarah spent a lot of time together and it became apparent he was into her. Dave and I talked before anything happened between them. I said that my problem is dumb and shouldn’t get in the way of them wanting to be with each other. If any of my actions after this point seemed resentful that was not my intention. I never told her i wasn’t ok with her dating Daveand I did not start to treat her poorly, If we had any sort of animosity towards each other it is probably because we are both pretty hot headed people. I don’t know what Sarah claimed I said to her but I have no recollection of saying mean shit to her about her relationship with Dave. After this point I will be posting a lot of screenshots from our conversations on facebook over the years. I would be willing to share the entire transcript if ever asked. The point of most of this is show how close our friendship was and negate some of the claims she made in her post
“One day in the summer of 2014, I confronted her and told her I wanted things to be like they were before. I wanted to fix whatever weirdness had happened between us. She apologized, and offered to bring me on tour with TWIABP as a merch person, which I did.
“On that tour, she would get upset if I gave someone else more attention than I gave her. She would get annoyed that David and I slept next to each other. She would buy me drinks and get me too fucked up at shows. This was something that occurred multiple times over the next few years. If I didn't want to drink or party or hang out, I was being a bad friend. I had to push the boundaries with her, and if I declined, she would make me feel small. She would encourage me to play a game were you would drink as much as possible to "prove" you weren't straight edge.”
The tour this in reference to was with Posture & The Grizzly. A few of us in TWIABP played as Jordan’s backing band. Jordan is one of my best friends in the world and I feel like I spent the entire tour with him just getting fucked up. I could tell that Jordan (being a young and a very sloppy annoying drunk) was irritating Dave and Sarah. At one point I felt like they were bullying Jordan for accidentally spilling a drink and I got upset, stood up for him, said something like “You don’t have to be a fucking asshole about it” to her and walked off. I don’t know why Sarah believes that I treated them like shit for dating each other. I was happy they were together. If I did anything else on that tour that was mean to her it was likely because I didn’t like the way she and Dave were treating Jordan. I am a mean person, I have anger problems, and a lot of issues with controlling my emotions, I’m going to touch on that a lot more in my next post. To me, and a lot of I know that have been friends with Sarah, she is also a mean person. She can be hotheaded, quick to anger, etc. If there was any sort of problems between us i believe is was because of our issues with being assholes all the time. Never because she started dating my friend. I also never forced / pressured her to party or drink more. We both drank a lot and sort of enabled each other. I’m sorry that she now feels this way. I drink way too much, I like to get too drunk with my friends, I have a drinking problem. I was in no way intentionally trying to get Sarah more fucked up than she was comfortable with. I tend to gravitate more to people who also drink a lot because I want relationships that help enable and perpetuate my alcoholism and substance abuse problems. As far as I could tell, we were on the same page about getting fucked up. We had a lot of conversations about our issues with substance abuse and the way we drank and how it was starting to effect our relationships. She also references the “prove your not greg” drinking game we made up that I explained in the previous paragraph. To me this was an inside joke and a form of us bonding / enabling each other to drink more. I’m confused and hurt about how she presented it in her call out post. He are some examples of many many conversations we had with each other about our drinking and drug use, some celebratory and some out of concern for ourselves.
One night, she got into a physical fight with someone and kicked me out of her house for speaking up about it (I had nowhere to go so I took a cab to a train station and stood outside all night). Afterwards, she threatened to throw away everything I had left at her house, and cancelled a run of shirts she was printing for my band, leading me to believe she was dropping us. She never apologized, and in fact asked ME to apologize to HER. After a few weeks she pretended like it never happened.“
This is a very selective retelling of the situation. It is scary that she wants me to hurt so bad that she would blatantly lie. Before the screen shots of our conversation I will explain exactly what happened on the last night of our tour with Posture & The Grizzly. It was apparent after weeks of touring with Jordan that Dave was very annoyed with his behavior. Jordan got very sloppily drunk constant and was pretty disrespectful to others on the tour when he was very drunk. Jordan was very young then and is not that kind of a drunk anymore. On the last night of tour in Boston Jordan was very very drunk and pissing everyone on the tour off. He was kicked out of the venue after his set and was blacked out for most of the night. I don’t know what exactly he did to Dave to piss him off so bad, I was wasn’t very aware because I was also stupid drunk. On the 2 hour drive home from Boston Jordan passed out in the backseat of the van with me. Sarah texted in the van and said something along the lines of “heads up, Dave is really pissed at Jordan and has been texting me about kicking his ass when we get home” and I just responded “That isn’t going to happen”, to me it didn’t seem like Sarah was discouraging Dave from hurting Jordan. I can’t say for sure. Jordan is blackout drunk and slept the entire drive home. Dave got out of the van and stood by the door. I woke up Jordan to let him know we were at my house and he needed to get out of the van. The second he stepped out of the van Dave grabbed Jordan and threw him to the ground and to me it looked like he was about to start kicking him /  attacking him. I jumped out of the van as fast as I could and punched Dave once in the face and then grabbed him by his hair on the back of his head and started yelling at him “What the fuck do you think you’re doing???” As this happens Sarah gets out of the van and starts yelling at me. My immediate reaction was that she was mad that I wasn’t letting Dave kick Jordan’s ass. I stopped what I was doing and said “Both of you need to get the fuck out of here, you are not staying at my house” Within the next few days Dave and I made up and jokingly said something like “It’s fine, we grew up in West Virginia and sometimes you punch your friends” We were on good terms then. At some point days later Sarah messaged me angry that I never apologized to her and I was confused because in my mind i believed that she was pissed I stopped Dave from hurting Jordan. She claims I never apologized to her and asked her to apologize to me. Here is the conversation we had about the situation after it happened. 
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“One night, my band played a show in Connecticut near her house. Afterwards a big group of us went to the diner down the street from her. She had been drinking that night and already gotten sick, so I was caring for her while both our partners slept at her house. She began to get visibly distressed, and asked me to hold her hand, so I did. During our meal she started crying and the two of us went outside. Once we got to the parking lot, she told me once more she was in love with me. She said she didn't know how to not be in love with me, and not being with me makes her want to kill herself. Again, I didn't know what to do. I calmed her down as best as I could and told her we would always be friends - but just friends. She told me not to tell anyone, so I didn't for a long time.She would regularly express her feelings for me when she got drunk. She would make me feel bad for not feeling the same way. She would threaten to kill or hurt herself because we weren't together. She would encourage me to get fucked up with her and get mad when I wouldn't kiss her. She would flash her breasts at me even after I asked her not to. As her mental health got worse over the years, every conversation we had would turn into manipulation and emotional abuse.“
I am not entirely when she claims this happened. I most definitely never made any physical advance on her or tried to kiss her. I never felt strongly enough about her romantically to believe for a second that I would do have done this to her. Once her and Dave were dating and I became better friends with Sarah I didn’t have those feelings for her anymore. I most certainly never threatened to kill myself if she wouldn’t love me back. Scrolling through years of our conversations on facebook there is absolutely no mention of me continuing to have feelings for her or any reference to a situation like what she described. I also don’t know of a time I flashed her my breasts or continued to do so after she asked me not to. I have no screen shots because as far as I can tell we never had a conversation like this on facebook ever. There isn’t a single instance I could find in years of our conversations where I expressed a continued romantic relationship with her. I’m not sure what show she was referring to this happening after but here is a message she sent to me after Broken World fest which happened while I was living in East Haven. I believe For Everest stayed at my house that night. Maybe that is what she is referring to.
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There have been quite a few times in our friendship where Sarah would get really drunk an touch me without my consent. There was a specific weird situation when I was living in East Haven and She was visiting with Dave at the time. We were all drinking of course. I had gotten my first dress after coming out more publicly about being trans and was wearing it. Sarah and I were talking about gender dysphoria and I talked about how I didn’t know i didn’t know how to really do my makeup that well and I wanted to figure out how to pluck and shape my eyebrows. I remember her quickly taking me away from the rest of the group and into my bedroom to pluck my eyebrows. I felt nervous that her rushing me off to my room and then shutting the door without saying a word to Dave or Katie would look really suspicious, I was really uncomfortable and she was being forceful. During her attempt at grooming my eyebrows we continued to have a conversation about gender dysphoria and i talked about issues I had with my body and not being able to pass. I talked about wishing i had breasts that weren’t just because I am overweight but I wished I had like actual “female breasts” without any warning she stopped plucking my eyebrows and cupped my breasts without consent. She then said “I think you have really good breasts” and went back to plucking my eyebrows. I didn’t really know how to react because I already felt weird about her rushing me off into a room to be alone in front of both of our partners. Even though it made me uncomfortable and nervous I never felt like it was a problem big enough to hold her accountable for or talk about it again. 
“As her mental health got worse over the years, every conversation we had would turn into manipulation and emotional abuse.“
“Towards the end of our friendship, when we were preparing to put our our LP with Broken World Media, I would ask to talk business and she would ignore me or get mad. When we would finally get around to it, she would change the subject and send me photos of her self harm. I would try to brush it off (the subject is highly triggering for me) and nothing would get done.”
Here is just about every single screen shot I can find of our conversations about my mental health getting worse and how I felt I was handling things poorly. This is how we spoke with each other the entire time we were very close friends. This addresses her claim that i sent her self photos and ignore her. There is one photo because we having a long conversation about our history and problem with self harm.
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The next set of screen shots of our conversations immediately after my wife left me and the band kicked me out. When all those folks were still friendly with me and just wanted me to get help. That I’m going to address in another post I’ve working on.
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I have years and years worth of our conversations I would be willing to share with anyone. I am horrified that these people I haven’t talked to or heard from in a year are still trying to find ways to hurt me. I don’t know what they want me to do. I’m convinced they actually just want me to commit suicide.
“Towards the end of our friendship, when we were preparing to put our our LP with Broken World Media, I would ask to talk business and she would ignore me or get mad. When we would finally get around to it, she would change the subject and send me photos of her self harm. I would try to brush it off (the subject is highly triggering for me) and nothing would get done.“
If absolutely necessary i have a countless number of screenshots where we are actively having conversations about their record, plans on releasing it, stuff we could to promote it. I worked really hard for that band. I only lost money on their projects really, they weren’t super popular but I loved their music and cared greatly for those people.
I don’t know what else to do to stop these people from actively trying to hurt me. I can’t let them continue lie about me or tell half truths to conveniently only implicate me.  I’m working on a larger post about my situation with TWIABP that I will post soon. 
Here is an unorganized dropbox folder of all the screen shots i took from our conversations, a lot of them didn’t end up in the post. If you are curious here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6dv1y0ercru67z6/AAARJxO_vqhKveKDIyMQEgkga?dl=0
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deathscytheeevee · 7 years
Last tag thing for today i promise
Tag Game
tagged by my tara-chan @totidem-verbis
1) Drink: chocolate milk
2) Phone Call: no phone service :c
3) Text Message: Messenger- talking to madely complaining about desktop styles
4) Song Listened To: I’m currently being annoyed by KH1.5 music
5) Time I Cried: I answered this already on the other one too so i just
6) Dated Somebody Twice: I have, and I’m an idiot for it. However, I married the last one I went back to so there’s that
7) Been Cheated On: Yes
8) Been Kissed By Someone And Regretted It: Yes
9) Lost Someone Special: too many times
10) Been Depressed: Still am
11) Gotten Drunk And Puked: Gotten drunk- once. Didn’t puke though
12) Emerald/Zelda-y greens
13) Black
14) Silver
15) Made New Friends: Yes
16) Fallen Out Of Love: No
17) Laughed Until You Cried: Yes
18) Found Out Someone Was Gossiping About You: Yes
19) Met Someone Who Changed Your Life: Yes
20) Found Out Who Your True Friends Are: Thought I did
21) Kissed Someone On Your Facebook List: My wife’s on my facebook so yeah
22) Facebook Friends: Have to check. 73
23) Pets: 1 therapy cat named Mugi (moogle) and I have a child does that count? 
24) Want To Change Your Name: In the process
25) Did I Get For My Birthday: I got zelda stuff for taxes so that’s my birthday present because we spent so much.. I got a copy of hyrule historia a few years ago
26) Time I Woke Up: a lot
27) Were You Doing At Midnight: Showering
28) Can’t You Wait For: sunshine and swimming weather. Also Tears for Fears/ Haul and Oats concert in Chicago on May 15, and The Who in Grand Rapids in July
29) Was The Last Time You Saw Your Mom: over a year ago thank gods
30) Was Something You Wish You Could Change About Your Life:  I wish i could fix all my regrets. I miss my addictions, and i don’t play my music anymore. Depression really fucks with your life
31) Are You Listening To Right Now: Annoying kh1.5 music that i’m not even playing
32) Gets On Your Nerves: Idiots, Whining, people thinking their opinion=fact
33) Talked To A Person Named Tom: Nope
34) Is Your Most Visited Website: facebook and/or tumblr, watchcartoononline
35) Elementary School: I went to an academy for a couple years, then jumped schools a few times.
36) High School: A school my my group of elementary schools, and the one near where i live
37) College: I tried but morning sickness+waking up early with no sleep = no
38) Hair Color: Naturally blond ish
39) Long/Short Hair: trying to grow it out, just passed shoulder length
40) Crush: Is it orange? 
41) Do You Like About Yourself: um.
42) Piercings: 5/8″plug/tunnels, second ear piercing, one helix, one nipple. Retired: other nipple, two lip piercings. Coming soon: Snake bites, nose, tongue webbing
43) Blood Type: O+ I think
44) Nickname:  Former nicknames on another post
45) Relationship Status: Married
46) Zodiac: Virgo
47) Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them
48) Favorite Show: too many again
49) Tattoos: Lots planned but no currently
50) Left/Right Handed: Right
51) Surgery: C-section
52) Piercing: My gauges are stretched from a ear piercing that has been done 3 times total, i think i was like 5 or 6 the first time? 
53) Best Friend: my sisters @totidem-verbis and @br3ak-my-fall and amanda who doesnt tumblr, as well as @ice-ice-minami
54) Sport: t-ball, soccer, marching band
55) Vacation: I can’t remember which came first but i took trips to chicago and toronto with my dad
56) Pair Of Shoes: i have no clue
57) Eating: nothing
58) Drinking: coffee
59) I Am About To: die
60) Listening To: still kh1.5 music i’ve answered this like 4 times
61) Waiting For: i dont know anymore
62) Want To See: everyone happy for once
63) Want To Get Married: I am, but sometimes it’s overrated. 
64) Career: I’m a house wife and my anxiety makes much else incredibly difficult
65) Hugs/Kisses: Hugs 
66) Lips/Eyes: Eyes 
67) Taller/Shorter:Taller is more useful, but i’m smol
68) Younger/Older: how about mature? It’s fun being nerdy and geeky but you can do that and still have shit together.
69) Romantic/Spontaneous: why not both? 
70) Nice Arms/Nice Stomach: Arms i think
71) Sensitive/Loud: Sensitive  
72) Hookup/Relationship: relationships
73) Troublemaker/Hesitant: I’m a trouble maker apparently
74) Kissed A Stranger: Yes 
75) Drank Hard Liquor: I used to drink like a fish..
76) Lost Glasses/Contact Lenses: yuup
77) Turned Someone Down: Yes
78) Canoodling On A First Date: canoodling? is that sex or petting? 
79) Broken Someone’s Heart: They claimed I did but if they abuse you did they love you? 
80) Had Your Own Heart Broken: a few times
81) Been Arrested: No
82) Cried When Someone Died: Yes
83) Fallen For A Friend: Yes
84) Yourself: barely
85) Miracles: I try to
86) Santa Claus: No
87) Kisses On A First Date: Yes
88) Angels: Not religiously but there are some angelic people
89) Love At First Sight: yes
90) Best Friend’s Name: Tara, Cori, Amanda, and Madelyn!
91) Eye Color: I have brown eyes, but i love blue eyes sooo omuch
92) Favorite Movie: Idk... Marvel and Harry Potter and so many
@totidem-verbis @ice-ice-minami @br3ak-my-fall @thequietonesarethedarkestones
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Because I'm a lazy ass and didn't want to transfer stuff in to comments .
Anon: Was DK at NR's art show opening today? --mod-- Not that I saw

I love Daryl but I was never a fan of Norman. Trust me, I've tried. I even tried watching a few of his movies including BS but I'm sorry imo they were crap movies. His only claim to semi-fame is Daryl/TWD & even then a lot of ppl I know don't watch or even recognize his name. His last barely legal gf & now DK are an example of the REAL Norman. He's not what he made himself out to be to his fans. He fooled them that he's an upstanding guy when in reality he's far from it. Don't fall for it!!!

Dk and Norman are laughing their asses off behind everyone's backs probably thinking we are all dumb and some of you seriously support this behavior and say it's okay. It's shameful disgusting & embarrassing nothing more
                                                                                        --mod-- I'm not exactly sure why everyone thinks they'd be laughing at the fans. I'm not being a dick just curious 

There's just no way she was there he was so busy and today he's busy where is she?

I'm really disturbed by the horrible messages on Norman's IG.. people are so messed up! Regardless of what the truth is these messages just make his fans look insane!

Wow, is it the same ten hateful women posting here about liar Norman and evil Diane? Because elsewhere in social media, people, mature people, are saying this is his business and if he's happy, then so are they. How refreshing. Maybe some of you should expand your horizons. --mod-- Mine are super expanded. Apparently we don't go to the same social media because there is nastiness on all of them.

Here we go Diane isn't his friend showing up to support him for his gallery opening tonight since she isn't even there. Probably waiting for him in their hotel room. I'm actually heavily disgusted with the game theyre playing.

Is that Diane at the opening on shadinyc ig story? That's exactly what the blinds said would happen.
                                                                                              --mod-- Nah that's JDM's wife


Well seems like DK isn't at Norman's gallery opening so she definitely isn't in Barcelona to support his work. Plus they wouldn't hide like this if it's only "friends" hanging out. Come on, some still don't want to see that Norman lied cold in you all's faces..                                                                                        .
--mod-- People are allowed to not believe something anon. We all have different thresholds as to what we need to make a decision.  For instance a picture taken from a distance isn't enough for me personally. But I respect the fact that it's enough for others and try and not to talk down to them 

DK doesn't seem to be at NR's art show opening today. Why do you think that is? --mod-- Maybe she's not there or maybe she wasn't invited.

I have studied those pictures a little closer and noticed something. DK is thin as a stick - her things are practically just bones with muscles and skin on top. The woman climbing on the bike is slim too, but her things seems wider. And then she's even wearing dark jeans that's supposed to make you look thinner. I might be wrong but unless DK gained a couple of pounds over less than a week I don't think that's her

Mod, if they are actually together, do you think we are going to have to see it now? Do we actually have to be forced to look at her attending his art shows and walking red carpets with him? He doesn't do that stuff! I could cry at that thought alone I'm sorry Norman but I can't do that. I didn't sign up as your fan to have to put up with her and her trolling either. Please say it's not true --mod-- If they are then I'd assume we'd maybe see more of them. But I'll make this promise I will keep her to the barest of minimums on the blog. 😉
Mod do you think it's possible that they really are only friends? I mean why would he make an official denial like he did only two weeks ago if he was with her? It seems so weird if he did that. It makes him out to look like a complete liar. Also people were saying that he was taking pics with fans while she was there? If that's true, why would he do that with her of all people if she they were more than friends?
                                                                                                                     --mod-- I think it's totally possible they are still friends. He has friends that he's been out with and have stood back while he took pictures with fans. What strikes me as weird is no one that has said she was there took one picture of her not even a creeper..

I get that people are pissed but the fact is, none of us personally know N or DK. We only see their public personas. We have no idea who they truly are and have no basis on which to judge their relationship. Even if we feel we do, it still wouldn't give us the right to interfere. It's their business and none of ours. And if N is making a "mistake" somehow, it's still his to make. Respect the boundaries between fandom and real life. And if you must leave the fandom, then just leave.                                                                                                           .
--mod-- Fair point.

Anon: To people losing their shit - ever considered that N has 'lied' not to be deceitful or because of JJ, but because he KNEW that the batshit elements of his fanbase would react exactly as they have? Maybe he's keeping it quiet purely to protect DK and himself from lunatic fans who think he owes them something.

Anon: He has left up all supportive comments but deleted others. Even respectful ones just showing disapointment. I think the blind is right he will go public with her. Way to antagonize norman. --mod-- I've actually seen lots of comments that aren't supportive. He did deleted a bunch of the really nasty ones.

Anon: Mod Norman was out last night I think, was DK with him??                                          -mod--                                                                                                                                                 Not that I've heard

Dk and Norman both silent on SM since days. You all love to call it coincidence. I hope you all also know deep down it isn't. If they were just friends they wouldn't have to be silent for days. Reminds a lot of Lapland huuh? Let's be honest here, Norman tried to safe his image by putting out a denial so he probably hoped people would stop watching their steps. Too bad it's not working. I so hope paps call them out and the next shitstorm is coming for him. He deserves nothing else if he lies.
                                                                    --mod--Can you give me a definition of silent on sm because he's little and followed people on ig and twitter

So several people said Norman was there with his girlfriend. We all know he met (secretly) up with ms. attention whore. what do people need more to see he lied big times in ya'lls faces just to make himself look better. I don't get how anyone can support his behavior. He claims to love honesty and hates cheating yet he's apparently the biggest liar. If I was a fan I would be more than disgusted and disappointed and would really think twice if I want to support such shit. Lying is a no go.                                                                                     --mod--People need different things to form an opinion and others just don't care

NR was out at some kind of bar last night, any idea if DK was with him?
--mod-- Haven't heard anything 


This is what we get for thinking a guy who had dated a 20 yr old when he was 44 had changed/matured!!! Ha, that's a fucking laugh!!! This guy NEVER had standards, morals & integrity so why'd we expect he'd suddenly posses them??? My mother always told me no matter how hard you try, you can't shine SHIT!!!! Norman will never change & he'll always go after the women who are either too young or total bitches. It's very telling just what kind of person he really is. --mod-- But some of his exs are really awesome women and super nice. Perhaps people are judging to much on his last few relationships . Also who would try and shine shit that's so gross


Funny how Norman is quiet on SM since DK arrived in Barcelona. He didn't post nor like in days.                                                                                     .
--mod-- But I think he did

Anon: I still adore Norman.But he acts blind and stupid right now.Maybe it's a midlife crisis.At this point of drama I wonder if it wouldn't have been the smarter decision to tell the truth right away.There would've been a shitstorm for a few weeks.NOW this hurting and hating goes on for nearly 2 years off and on.Unbearable. Diane?She's a insidious piece of poo.Made multiple attempts to nail Norman down and finally succeeded.I can see a wedding and a baby in the near future.It's that easy.
                                                                                        --mod-- Whys there gotta be a wedding and baby. Both of those are weird 

I don’t know what to think about Norman anymore.. I’m okay with him being in a relationship with someone and being happy but… with DK… ugh. I wonder if he even knows how she calls the paps… does he even care that she does this? Does he care that she trolls his fans? Does he not realize what type of person she is? And I’ve noticed that when things arise with her, rumors fly or they’re spotted together- he seems to post photos of him with kids, make a wish foundation children, etc around the same time… And his Facebook page did that again tonight… several pics that have already been posted… but were posted again tonight of him with kids and charities… and it turned my stomach because it comes off extremely fake to me now, like he’s trying to get his image to be shown in a better light whenever the DK stuff hits the fan. I always thought of him as a good person but… now I don’t know what to think anymore because I went from thinking he really cares about his fans that are kids(I know he does care) but to somewhat use them to get his reputation to look better at these times… Ugh. :/
Anon: Did anyone thought that the blond girl jumping on NR was Hillary Burton (JDM's wife), she was in Barcelona with them and she does own boots and bag like the ones in the picture, they're not a special edition made for DK (other people can have the same). When I see how many IG accounts are created by so called "fans" to only spread rumours and hate toward NR and DK, I believe this storm won't stop, so I hope you have lots of whiskies and nachos mod. --mod-- That was my first thought. Irish nachos and whiskey all weekend
Anon: Did DK go to Norman's exhibit opening tonight? Is that her in Shadi's video right after he pans from JDM? --mod-- Didn't see her there
Anon: One would think if DK was only a friend for Norman she'd be officially invited to his gallery opening. Apparently she isn't there. Sorry but that makes it all the more obvious they are not just friends .
Anon: Did DK go to Norman's exhibit opening tonight? Is that her in Shadi's video right after he pans from JDM? --mod-- No it's JDM's wife I believe
Anon: Funny how DK isn't at his opening show if she was only in Spain to support him. If they were only friends why isn't she just official attending his opening so they could easily prove they're friends. Her being not there makes everything even more obvious. She's hiding and waiting for him somewhere so they can keep going laughing about us and screwing around further. --mod-- Maybe p, if she was in Spain, they decided is was best she not attended because have you seen the hate. Also why would they be laughing
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atsinnermonologue · 4 years
...my ex from high school followed me on twitter,
...which, although unexpected, is not altogether odd, because from time to time I receive follows from people from my past. That said, it’s officially been ten years since I’ve thought of him in that way. Since the #MeToo movement a couple years ago, he has crossed my mind countless times, but I have chosen not to speak about it because it’s hard to define assault when both parties in question were fifteen and inexperienced at the time. It’s common knowledge, however, that the human brain is fully developed around your mid twenties--and as of 4 days ago, I have reached that point. Despite my ridiculous headcanon that this magical transformation occurs on an individual’s twenty-fifth birthday, I do think that I am old enough now to understand the nuances of consent and assault in ways that I was too naive to recognize before.
When I was fifteen, I landed my first real long-term boyfriend, and thus, my definition of personal boundaries was decided for me. 
-Our “dates” consisted of going to the movies, to his house, or some other private and/or dark place where we could safely make out for hours at a time. At first, it made me feel desired and normal--but it got to a certain point where he began to pressure me to progressively branch out and do other things, most of which made me uncomfortable--and the more he pressured me, the less attractive he became to me. I began wanting to go to the movies just to see a fucking movie, and nothing more. I feel knots of disgust in my stomach when he actually managed to convince me to wear pajamas with him to an evening show so I could easily fondle him. He told me not to wear a bra that day, and I listened to him because I (stupidly) thought he valued me as a person. I was not comfortable.
-He bought me nice gifts for my birthday and Christmas, and he was charming and fun to hang out with when we were with other friends and family. I sought out “friend dates” because I wanted to avoid doing sexual things with him, which could not be avoided when we were alone. I was not happy.
-But could I blame him fully for having expectations when I invited such attention? Sometimes he wanted to sext with me--because, of course, at age 15, everyone texted their significant other all day every day--and I would go along with it because it was easier than the emotional manipulation I would receive if I denied him. “Don’t you love me?” He would ask. If I didn’t respond to texts within 20 minutes or so, he would follow up, “Busy?”, almost as if I was not allowed the agency to live my own life (at least not without him having to constantly keep tabs on whatever I was doing). I was made to feel guilty if I did not constantly reassure him that I loved him and that he was the greatest thing to happen to me. I was not happy.
-Despite my naivety, I put my foot down when he tried to pressure me outright into having sex. At the time, his argument was that his best friend was having sex with his girlfriend, and they were the same age as us. I told him that we were not Jake and Emma, and I was not ready to do it. It certainly did not stop him from trying, however. Apparently sexting is the same thing as consent for actual sex, according to his logic (”you’re a tease,” he would say). I was not comfortable.
-In hindsight, I should have noticed the first red flags immediately when I met him. We were in marching band and played the same instrument, and since he was a grade above me, he would give me “tips” on what to do, chat me up during practice, and so forth. It was relatively normal and I actually thought he had a girlfriend at the time because he spent a lot of time with a particular senior girl named Liz. When we first began talking, I cannot recall if I asked him about it or if he told me unsolicited, but he admitted that they used to date and that he was trying to get away from her because it was a toxic relationship--supposedly, SHE couldn’t let go of him. A person like him could have told me a lie, but since it was cooked with half-truths, it was difficult to call him on it. I remember in our early days of dating, he would complain about her showing up to his house and yelling at him for seeing someone else. At one point, he showed me a faint white scar on his wrist--which, quite frankly, could have occurred from anything--and claimed that she had clawed him during a fight, but did not elaborate further. I was expected to believe, in the beginning of my first real relationship, that this behavior was normal and typical for below-average-looking 15-year-old boys dating 18-year-old women. I digress, but I was naive. I will forever regret not asking Liz for her side of the story. I have heard plenty of stories like mine that, incidentally, involve boys and their “crazy” exes. Something tells me that Liz was not the crazy one.
-The kicker is that he was the one who cheated on me, despite the fact that he was always so insecure about me potentially cheating on him. Once again, it is a story straight out of the toxic relationship textbook, but that didn’t make it hurt less. I was expected to forgive him because he never “did” anything with the other girl in question, other than seek out an emotional connection, which was the only thing I actually cared about at the time anyway. I am also not certain that it would NOT have turned physical, if a girl in my biology class who was friends with the other person did not tip me off first. (You don’t realize this, but that was an MVP move, Emily. Thank you.) This only happened a matter of months into the relationship, and I had debated breaking up with him for it--something I cursed myself for when I finally had the courage to do it a year later.
-I actually broke up with him twice. The first time, it was because I had stopped having romantic and sexual feelings for him long before, but he managed to guilt me into getting back together with him. It was the first and only time I recall crying at school. It was only a matter of days, but he had already spread negative propaganda about me to his posse of asshole tenth grade friends, and I never felt comfortable being around him at that point because I was not sure what he had told them. Evidently, it was bad enough that one girl in particular hated my guts (as far as I know, still does to this day) and he made sure I knew that, I guess as a punishment for having the gall to try and end what had become a very unstable and unhappy relationship. Funny enough, within those few days, he immediately entered a relationship with another girl just to get back at me, and somehow, I was supposed to be the bad guy. He was still “in a relationship” with her on Facebook--a big deal, back in 2010--when we got back together. In hindsight, I feel bad for the other girl in that situation, because he really did drop her like a sack of potatoes when there was a chance of us getting back together. In 2020, that experience tells me a lot about what he thinks about women and how they should be treated. Disposable. Lesser. Something he is entitled to.
-When I broke up with him the second time, I was fed up with his toxicity and guilt-tripping, added on top of the fact that I still did not really have feelings for him--admitting my own fault, I toyed with him towards the end because I was scared of the thought of being alone, in the off chance that nobody would ever desire me again (though he is an easy scapegoat to blame for that negative thought pattern, whether he instilled those thoughts intentionally, consciously or not). They say you learn a lot about a person based on how they treat you after a relationship ends; to that point, I knew I made the right decision. I will never forget my little sister--with whom I shared a combative and competitive relationship with, at the time--telling me that he was tweeting negative things about me nonstop knowing that it would alter other people’s perception of me and ruin my reputation, when I did not even have my own Twitter account to defend myself with. Unfortunately for me, he had managed to infiltrate my friend group when we were together, and as such, he felt comfortable staying friends with some of my friends, and he used those relationships as leverage to belittle me, drag my name through the mud, and generally make fun of me all in the name of “joking around.” High school is terrible precisely because this type of behavior was acceptable, but my aggravated retort, “This is why I dumped you!” was somehow crossing the line. You cannot back a wild animal into a corner and not expect it to bite you. Despite the fact that we broke up during my sophomore year, he still acted in this way until we graduated. Somehow, he felt he had the right to speak his opinion on my relationships with other guys (”they’re awkward together,” he told a mutual friend about someone I dated during my junior year, as if his input was supposed to hold any water). If he was in love with me--and I am sure he was, despite his toxic way of showing it--he never really got over it. Straight white men sometimes really do deserve their reputation for being nasty when rejected.
-I found out months after we dated that he was a habitual cigarette and weed smoker, which I was adamantly against at the time. I partake in the latter these days, but I am still morally opposed to the former, because it killed two of my grandparents and will surely contribute to future health problems with my parents, as well. I won’t get into it, but it is a big deal for me and it always has been. He was aware of this at the time and still hid it from me, rather than quitting for his own health, and it only fuels the flames of rage that burn within me when I think about how deceitful he was. I am disgusted with how easily tricked because I did not know better, and moreover, that he knew I was naive and took advantage of it.
-Everything we ever did together, sexually, was a result of his pressuring me and wearing me down to eventually accepting certain things, despite my obvious fear, hesitation, and even disgust. We were both kids at the time, but we were old enough to understand basic human emotion and he was certainly aware of how I felt about it. He did not care. He was always a selfish person who prioritized his own needs over mine (and other women’s as well, I suspect). I am thankful that I managed to stave off sex and “save” my virginity for someone who really deserved it--though to be clear, I believe virginity is an archaic and sexist concept that really holds no ground in our post-modern society, but I digress--the point is, really, that I CHOSE to have sex when I was ready to do so, and even with all of its faults, this ancient relationship cannot take that away from me. It certainly gave me an unhealthy view about my own body and consent, which contributed to problems in other relationships, but thankfully, I am now with someone who respects me and my needs, as well as his own. The bar is on the floor when it comes to relationships, unfortunately, because I notice that basic human decency and respect are not required or expected. In fact, these qualities are praised as a “bonus” rather than a given, and that truly sickens me.
-I am talking about all of this because I have a lot of pent-up feelings I need to let out. In my first-ever post on this blog, I was conscious of not blaming the other person I was talking about because I recognize the complexity of human relationships and perspective, but I don’t necessarily feel that it applies in this scenario. Truthfully, I don’t care if I am dragging this person’s name through the mud and/or blaming him for all of these issues, because now that I am older and have little to no emotional attachment to the situation, I can view it clearly, at least from my perspective, and understand that a lot of the issues that arose were a result of hypocrisy, disrespect, and gaslighting on his part. I will admit that I was not faultless, either--I took advantage of his obsession with me and dragged the relationship out for far too long because I liked the power--but for the most part, I can understand that I was a victim of emotional abuse, even if he was not completely conscious of the negative effects his behavior was having on me. Surely by the time he was a senior in high school, however, he was aware and yet still continued his toxic, shitty behavior, so I am bound to give him less leeway in terms of perspective. I cannot honestly imagine a scenario in which a 15-year-old girl deserves to be guilted and pressured into sex when she has repeatedly said she is uncomfortable with it. I cannot imagine a scenario in which it’s okay to ruin someone’s reputation and mental wellbeing because you are personally hurt by their decision to end a relationship (which, might I add, was not particularly harsh in terms of the actual breakup, if I remember correctly, which I think I do).
-About a week ago, this ex of mine followed me on Twitter after having had no account for the last few years. I followed him back because I have hardly no followers as is, and it’s a number for me--but I don’t necessarily need to justify it either because we don’t speak regularly and I had no reason to think anything would come of it. However, almost immediately after I followed back, he DMed me to ask how I was doing. I sent a generic message back the next morning, but to this day it appears he has not been on the account since the day he messaged me, because he didn’t accept any more follow requests (he’s a private account) and he did not tweet, like, or respond to anything or anyone since. It’s actually a bit cryptic because it seems like he only created the account to post a handful of strange drunken tweets and then never look back. Most of the tweets were akin to “anyone want to chill? DM me” and random strings of words that don’t make any sense. His avi is presumably a recent photo of him, considering the fact that his hairline is halfway up his scalp. I will not lie--I took pleasure in noticing that. When I noticed that he did not access the account after that first day, I checked his likes to see if he was active, and honestly, that was the thing that triggered my fight-or-flight response. He has always been an emotional person, to the point that I’ve always felt he was more “girlish” (excuse the misogynistic term) than me, so I was not surprised by the weird tweets, but I WAS surprised by the fact that the only two tweets he liked were from c*m girls posting photos of themselves in lingerie with a paragraph of SW-related hashtags. I won’t flatter myself by the coincidence that both women looked a lot like me, but I couldn’t help but notice it. Maybe he’s living rent free in my head, but I still blame him for it. Anyways, all this did was prove the inevitable, which is that boys like him become men of the same breed, only markedly worse because they do not have the excuse of youth and hormones.
-I plan to give it a few more days to see if he logs into the account (I am a fan of the “infiltration” technique when it comes to learning about people through their online presence). If there is no activity, I fully plan to block him, because I don’t see a reason why his pathetic number is worth the association with my own Twitter account. It is clear his behavior will never change--he will always feel entitled to women and their bodies--but maybe one day I will have the courage to expose him for real, to people who actually know him. Maybe one day people will understand where I’m coming from, rather than assuming I am the villainous bitch he claimed I was. Maybe I am the “Liz” to another one of his more recent exes. I wouldn’t be surprised.
All I know is that I feel validated by my teenage emotions after analyzing them as an adult, especially after seeing other women coming out about their experiences as well. It is clear that women can be equals on paper, but they witness and endure things every day that will never be understood by men. It’s as plain and simple as that. That same ideology goes for people of color in general (Black folks in particular) as well as LGBTQ+ folks and other minorities, but I won’t get on that soapbox now. Tomorrow is another day, however.
Venting is exhausting. I’m glad I didn’t handwrite all of this.
0 notes
bountyofbeads · 5 years
Ukrainian passenger jet carrying over 170 people crashes in Iran, killing all on board
By Isabelle Khurshudyan, Erin Cunningham and Sarah Dadouch | Published January 08 at 2:20 PM EST |
Washington Post | Posted Jan 09, 2020 |
MOSCOW — A Ukrainian passenger jet carrying 176 people from Tehran suddenly plummeted into a field early Wednesday without a mayday from the cockpit, killing all aboard and leaving investigators hoping that recovered flight data can offer clues on the cause.
In the aftermath of the crash — whose passengers and crew included Iranians, Canadians and Europeans — Ukraine banned all flights from Iranian airspace. A similar move was already taken by several other countries amid rising tensions between Iran and U.S. forces in the region.
Meanwhile, the probe into the crash was underway with Iran pointing to a possible aircraft malfunction and Ukraine apparently leaving open other paths of inquiry.
At least one U.S.-based aviation expert said it appeared the plane was "not intact" before it hit the ground. And a former Federal Aviation Administration accident investigation chief, Jeff Guzzetti, said the crash carried "all the earmarks of an intentional act."
"I just know airplanes don't come apart like that," Guzzetti said.
The Ukraine International Airlines flight, bound for the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, went down just before dawn after departing from Imam Khomeini International Airport, south of Tehran. The plane was approaching 8,000 feet when it abruptly lost contact with ground control, officials said.
About four hours earlier, Iranian forces launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles into Iraq, targeting an Iraqi air base with U.S. personnel in response to an American airstrike last week that killed the commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani.
American passenger airliners and others have avoided flying over Iran because of the risk that they could be mistaken for military aircraft. Iranian authorities said "technical" problems were likely behind the crash of the Ukrainian Boeing 737-800.
Ukraine's Embassy in Tehran initially concurred, issuing a statement ruling out terrorism and suggesting likely engine failure. It later took down the statement without explanation, raising questions about whether different scenarios — including an "external" cause such as a missile — were being explored as potential reasons for the crash.
But Iranian officials pushed back again that theory. Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, an Iranian armed forces spokesman, said "rumors" that a missile brought down the plane were "completely false."
He was quoted by Iran’s Fars news agency as calling the missile speculation “psychological warfare” by the government’s opponents.
The Ukrainian Embassy said a commission was investigating the crash and that "any statements about the causes of the accident before the decision of the commission are not official."
A video circulated on Twitter that purported to be of the crash and showed the plane as a bright light, possibly on fire, descending against a dark sky, followed by a burst of flames.
Guzzetti, the retired head of the FAA’s accident investigation division, said the details of the crash publicly available suggested the plane was brought down deliberately.
“To me it has all the earmarks of an intentional act. I don’t know whether it was a bomb or a missile or an incendiary device,” he said.
If the video of the flaming plane is accurate, “I can’t conceive of a failure that could cause that much of a conflagration,” he said.
An engine fire, for example, would take a substantial period “to consume the airplane,” said Guzzetti, who was an air safety investigator and engineering specialist at the National Transportation Safety Board for 18 years before joining the FAA.
The abrupt cutoff of flight-tracking data emitting from the plane also indicated that it was “a sudden catastrophic event that created a power loss throughout the whole airplane,” he said.
Todd Curtis, an aviation safety analyst for the website AirSafe.com and a former Boeing safety engineer who assisted in accident investigations, said it appeared — based only on video and photos from the crash site — that the plane was coming apart before it hit the ground.
“The wreckage pattern was very consistent with a plane that was not intact when it hit the ground,” he said. “I didn’t see a large central crater.”
This means the crash could have been caused by an in-flight break up, in-flight explosion, midair collision, structural failure, an external strike or a major system malfunction with the aircraft, Curtis said.
The head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization, Ali Abedzadeh, said that Iran would not send the recorders to the United States, and that the investigation would be led by Iran, Mehr news agency reported.
“It has not yet been decided where the [recorders] will go” for data extraction, Abedzadeh said.
He said that the pilots “did not contact the control tower” before the crash. “We were not informed of any technical problem from the flight crew.”
Ukraine International Airlines purchased the plane as new and its first commercial flight was June 2016, the carrier said. It had its last routine technical maintenance Monday.
The possibility of “a mistake made by the crew is minimal; we just don’t assume that,” Ihor Sosnovskyi, the airline’s vice president for flight operations, told a briefing, according to Interfax news agency. “Given their experience, it is very difficult to say that the crew may have done something wrong.”
Many of the passengers were Iranian. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry listed 176 victims, including 82 Iranians; 63 Canadians; 11 Ukrainians, including nine crew members; 10 Swedes; four Afghans; three Germans and three Britons. Iranian officials said more than 140 passengers were Iranians, suggesting that some may have had dual citizenship.
The Sharif University of Technology in Tehran said that 13 of its students and alumni perished in the crash, most of them mechanical engineers or science students.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on his Facebook page that he was “personally involved in supervision over all measures to be taken.” A Ukrainian team planned to head to Iran to investigate the crash and identify the bodies of Ukraines killed.
In a briefing Wednesday, Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk called for avoiding speculation about the cause of the crash and said Ukraine will insist on maximum transparency in the investigation.
He said that the government suspended all Ukrainian flights over Iranian airspace until “the reasons of the tragedy are determined.”
In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “Our government will continue to work closely with its international partners to ensure that this crash is thoroughly investigated, and that Canadians’ questions are answered.”
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo offered “all possible assistance” to Ukraine. In an apparent message to Iran, he said the United States “calls for complete cooperation with any investigation into the cause of the crash.”
Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization said that both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder were recovered, but that the latter was severely damaged.
“Although it is damaged, there is still a chance to retrieve the pilots’ conversations from it,” a spokesman for the organization, Hassan Rezaeifar, told state media.
The Boeing 737-800 is a single-aisle aircraft designed for short and medium-range flights. Airlines around the world have flown them for more than two decades, with thousands of them in service.
But the plane has been involved in accidents. In 2018, a crash in Papua New Guinea killed 47 people, a 2016 crash from Dubai killed 62, and a 2010 Ethiopian Ethiopian Airlines crash claimed 90 lives.
Regulators have more recently scrutinized possible safety risks on the 737-800. In early October, the FAA told airlines to inspect more than 1,900 Boeing jets after cracks were found in some of the aircraft’s wings. Dozens of them were later grounded after cracks were found in a part of the plane that connects the wings to the fuselage.
The newer 737 Max was grounded worldwide last year after the crash of an Ethiopian Airlines flight on March 10, the second fatal crash of a 737 Max in less than five months. In October 2018, a Lion Air flight crashed off the coast of Indonesia, killing all aboard.
The grounding resulted in a crisis for Boeing that led to its firing of CEO Dennis Muilenburg two weeks ago.
“This is a tragic event and our heartfelt thoughts are with the crew, passengers and their families,” a statement from Boeing said. “We are in contact with our airline customer and stand by them in this difficult time. We are ready to assist in any way needed.”
Major international airlines — including the flagship carriers of France, Canada, Germany and the Netherlands — also either halted flights to Iraq and Iran or restricted aircraft from flying through both countries’ airspace. Germany’s Lufthansa said it would resume Tehran flights Thursday.
Other commercial airlines also rerouted flights, including Australian carrier Qantas, Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines.
On Wednesday, Canada updated its travel advisory for Iran, warning against any nonessential travel to the country “due to the volatile security situation, the regional threat of terrorism and the risk of arbitrary detention.” Ukraine International Airlines lists its Tehran-to-Toronto service as one of its most popular routes.
Cunningham reported from Istanbul. Dadouch reported from Beirut. Paul Schemm in Dubai, Amanda Coletta in Toronto and Aaron Gregg, Michael Laris, Douglas MacMillan and Brian Murphy in Washington contributed to this report.
176 people died in the Ukrainian plane crash in Iran. Here are some of their stories.
By Jennifer Hassan, Miriam Berger and Amanda Coletta | Published January 08 at 12:43 PM EST | Washington Post | Posted January 08, 2020 |
A Ukrainian airplane carrying 176 passengers crashed minutes after taking off early Wednesday from Iran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport, killing all passengers and crew members on board. The cause of the crash is currently unknown, although Iran cited “technical problems.” As the investigation continues, Ukraine’s Embassy in Tehran issued a statement ruling out terrorism and then removed it.
The fatal crash unfolded during a particularly tense time in the region: In a growing conflict with the United States, triggered by the killing of Iranian commander Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, Iran fired more than a dozen missiles targeting Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops four hours before the Ukraine International Airlines jet went down.
The victims include 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians, 11 Ukrainians in addition to nine Ukrainian crew members, 10 Swedes, four Afghans, three Germans and three Britons, according to Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry. More than 140 passengers were Iranian nationals, according to Iranian officials, suggesting that many possessed dual citizenship.
A list of names and birth dates shared by the airline capture the human scale of the loss. Some of the victims had barely even begun their lives: Thirteen of the passengers were younger than 10. Two were born in 2014, another in 2016 and one in 2018. Many victims shared the same last name, a sign they were probably related and possibly traveling with other family members. Almost half of the passengers on aboard were born in 1990 or after, meaning their lives came to an end at age 30 or younger.
As the extent of the tragedy continued to unfold, so, too, did details about the lives of the victims. Some had been traveling; others had been living abroad and visiting loved ones. At least two couples on board were newlyweds.
Thirty-five-year-old Saeed Khademasadi Tahmasebi, an engineer and postgraduate researcher at Imperial College London, had recently married Niloofar Ebrahim, a psychology student in London: Both Tahmasebi and Ebrahim perished on the plane, his brother-in-law, Amir Vaheat, told the British newspaper The Times. The couple had married in Britain and then traveled to Iran for a wedding ceremony.
“They were a wonderful, beautiful couple and they were so happy together,” Tahmasebi’s sister, Sally, 41, told the British newspaper The Telegraph. "This is too terrible for words. We cannot believe what has happened.
Imperial College London, one of Britain’s top universities for science and engineering, paid tribute to Tahmasebi. “Saeed was a brilliant engineer with a bright future,” the university tweeted. “His contributions to systems engineering earned respect from everyone who dealt with him and will benefit society for years to come. He was a warm, humble and generous colleague and close friend to many in our community.”
BP engineer and British national Sam Zokaei was also on the plane. He was 42 and had been working for the company for over a decade.
“With the deepest regret, we can confirm that one of our colleagues at BP, Sam Zokaei, was a passenger on the Ukrainian International Airlines plane that crashed in Iran this morning, reportedly with no survivors,” the company said in a statement to The Washington Post on Wednesday. “We are shocked and deeply saddened by this tragic loss of our friend and colleague and all of our thoughts are with his family and friends.”
Another British victim was identified by British media as 40-year-old Mohammed Reza Kadkhoda-Zadeh. The divorced father of a 9-year-old girl had traveled to visit family Iran during the Christmas holiday break and was on his way back to Britain via Ukraine.
Kadkhoda-Zadeh ran a dry-cleaning business in the seaside town of Brighton and was fondly recalled by Stephen Edgington, who ran a business next door.
“It is so shocking and it is very upsetting for everyone who knew him,” Edgington told The Times. “He was a lovely man, very quiet and polite but a really nice guy — we got on very well indeed and it is a tragedy.”
Canadian officials say that there are at least 63 Canadians among the victims, according to preliminary reports, but noted that the number could change as more information becomes available. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement Wednesday expressing his shock and condolences.
“Our government will continue to work closely with its international partners to ensure that this crash is thoroughly investigated, and that Canadians’ questions are answered,” he said in the statement. “Today, I assure all Canadians that their safety and security is our top priority. We also join with the other countries who are mourning the loss of citizens.”
The Ukrainian flight was popular among Iranians traveling to Canada, as there haven’t been direct flights between the two countries since 2012, when Canada broke off diplomatic relations. Canada has a sizable Iranian diaspora community that grew after the country’s revolution in 1979. According to a 2016 census, more than 210,000 people in Canada are of Iranian descent.
The University of Alberta in Canada has confirmed that two of its professors who were married, as well as the couple’s two daughters, were on board the Ukrainian jet.
Pedram Mousavi and Mojgan Daneshmand were both professors of engineering and had been traveling with daughters Daria and Dorina, Masoud Ardakani, the associate chair of the university’s electrical and computer engineering department, told Canada’s Canadian Broadcasting Corp. broadcaster Wednesday.
Payman Parseyan, a member of the Iranian-Canadian community in nearby Edmonton, told the broadcaster that he knew many people on the plane.
“There was 27 of them total from our community,” Parseyan told Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Radio’s Edmonton AM.
Parseyan told Canada’s Global News that other victims from Edmonton’s Iranian community included a doctor, medical student and student of clinical psychology.
“They leave behind families and people they love and they come to Canada, and often they’re second-guessing, ‘should I leave my family behind to do this?’ ” Parseyan told Global News. “Then they move here and they do all this, just to board a plane and have it all washed away.”
Matthew Grant, the director of media relations at the University of Waterloo in Canada, said the university will provide support to anyone there affected by the crash.
“We are aware of reports that Marzieh (Mari) Foroutan and Mansour Esnaashary Esfahani, two University of Waterloo PhD students, were listed on the passenger manifest of flight PS752,” Grant said in a statement. “We continue to work with the relevant authorities to obtain more information.”
Foroutan, who is listed as a PhD student in geography on a University of Waterloo website, was researching how algorithms and technologies in remote sensing could be applied to study climate change. Esfahani is listed as a PhD student in civil engineering.
The Canadian victims also included Parisa Eghbalian, a dentist in Aurora, Ontario, a town outside Toronto, and her daughter Reera Esmaeilion. The pair had traveled to Iran to celebrate the engagement of Eghbalian’s sister, Manijeh Ghotbi, one of her co-workers told The Post. Eghbalian’s husband and Esmaeilion’s father is Hamed Esmaeilion, a dentist and award-winning writer in Persian.
Eghbalian, who immigrated to Canada from Iran in 2010, was “a very kind, nice and happy person,” Ghotbi said. “I will never, ever forget her laugh and smile.”
Reera, she added, had big green eyes and was “beautiful inside and out.”
Alan Shepard, the president of Western University in London, Ontario, said in a statement that four of its students — three graduate students and one incoming graduate student — are among the victims.
The University of Guelph confirmed that Milad Ghasemi Ariani, a PhD student in marketing, and Ghanimat Azhdari, a PhD student in geography, were among the victims. Azhadri’s partner, Hamed Alibeiki, also died in the crash. All three were returning from visiting Iran, said Franco Vaccarino, the university’s president.
Azhdari belonged to a group called the ICCA Consortium, which advocates for indigenous people and their lands. The group said she was a member of the Qashqai tribe and described her in a statement as a “true force of nature” and one of its “most cherished flowers.”
The Iranian Student News Agency also reported that a number of Iranian students were among the dead.
On social media, Iranians mourned the death of passengers Pouneh Gorji, born in 1994, and Arash Pourzarabi, born in 1993. The two had married six days earlier, according to local media accounts.
The couple were computer engineering students at Sharif University, an Iranian university on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf. The university listed them among at least 15 Sharif students and alumni who died in the crash.
As Iranians sought news of loved ones, one surreal tweet was making the rounds.
“I had predicted that night before my flight, the war would begin,” Mojtaba Abbas Nejhad, who was on his winter break from the University of Toronto, tweeted on Tuesday. "Guys, forgive any good and bad you experienced with me.”
Abbas Nejhad was on the Ukraine-bound plane.
Amanda Coletta reported from Toronto.
Iran crash presents embattled Boeing with new crisis
By Taylor Telford and Douglas MacMillan | Published January 08 at 11:34 AM EST | Washington Post | Posted January 08, 2020 |
As investigators scramble to determine what caused a Boeing 737-800 to crash early Wednesday, the plane’s maker is grappling with another catastrophe as it continues to reel from its 737 Max crisis.
The Ukraine-bound 737-800 crashed shortly after takeoff from Tehran’s main international airport, killing all 176 on board. Early reports from Iranian state media attributed the crash to engine failure. Ukraine’s embassy in Iran at first concurred, issuing a statement ruling out terrorism but then removed it without explanation.
A later statement from the embassy said a panel has begun an investigation and “any statements about the causes of the accident before the decision of the commission are not official.”
The disaster comes as Boeing struggles to rehabilitate its image after two fatal crashes within five months led to the global grounding of its 737 Max in 2019. That crisis has cost Boeing more than $9 billion and led to the firing of chief executive Dennis Muilenburg just weeks ago. The Chicago-based company is facing scores of lawsuits from victims’ families, shareholders and airlines such as American and Southwest. In December, Boeing announced it would indefinitely stop production on the Max in January — which it had continued to produce at the cost of $1.5 billion a month — a stoppage that could ripple throughout the economy and jeopardize tens of thousands of manufacturing jobs.
The 737-800 is one of Boeing’s most popular planes, with thousands in operation worldwide. It’s part of a class of aircraft known as “next generation,” or NG, which has been in service since the mid-1990s, and does not use the MCAS flight control system whose flaws played a role in the 737 Max crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia.
The Iran crash was the 10th fatal accident of a Boeing 737 NG plane in its commercial life, according to Todd Curtis, an aviation safety analyst for the website AirSafe.com. The plane has had about 0.06 fatal events per million flights, the lowest rate among modern aircraft that have flown for several years, Curtis said. A 737-800 was involved in a 2018 crash in Papua New Guinea that killed 47, a 2016 flight from Dubai that killed 62, and a 2010 Ethiopian Ethiopian Airlines flight that killed 90.
The plane has faced regulatory scrutiny recently. In early October, the Federal Aviation Administration told airlines to inspect more than 1,900 Boeing jets after cracks were found in some of the aircraft’s wings. Dozens of them were later grounded after cracks were found in a part of the plane that connects the wings to the fuselage.
“This is a tragic event and our heartfelt thoughts are with the crew, passengers, and their families,” Boeing said in a tweet Wednesday. “We are in contact with our airline customer and stand by them in this difficult time. We are ready to assist in any way needed.”
The Ukraine International Airlines jet that went down Wednesday was three years old and had been serviced on Monday, the Kyiv-based carrier said in a statement. After the crash, Ukraine and the flagship airlines of France, Germany and the Netherlands suspended flights in Iranian airspace.
The Iranian Students’ News Agency, a state-run media organization, shared a video that it said showed the crash. In it, a ball of flame descends in the distance before erupting, lighting up the predawn sky. Another video tweeted by Iran’s Tasnim News Agency showed parts of a plane scattered and on fire on the ground. Iranian officials and state-run media have attributed the crash to an engine fire.
“There is no similarity between the issue here and the Max,” said John Cox, an airline safety consultant and former pilot, who described the plane as a “veteran workhorse.”
The plane’s CFM56 engines are jointly produced by General Electric and Safran, a French manufacturer. The CFM56 is among the best-selling jet engines in the world, with more than 30,000 of them delivered to date, according to the company’s website. In a statement, the company said any speculation regarding the cause of the Iran crash is “premature."
Modern aircraft are designed to be able to fly safely for more than an hour in the event of engine failure with a single engine, but a significant failure could cause damage to other parts of an aircraft.
Rescue workers recovered the black box from the crash site, Iranian state media reported, but Ali Abedzadeh, head of Tehran’s Civil Aviation Organization, said Tehran will not send it to the United States — as some countries do for assistance in data collection. He said Iran would lead in the investigation of the crash, which killed 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians, according to a tweet from Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko.
“Politics have no place in an accident investigation. We fly these airplanes all around the world, all across geographic borders,” Cox said. “The investigation needs to be excluded from the tensions of any governments. I am hopeful the Iranians will follow international protocol and allow any parties that can add value to the investigation.”
He added grounding the plane would be “ill-advised” until much more information is available.
Boeing is the single biggest component of the Dow Jones industrial average. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross told CNBC in August that problems with the 737 Max had been big enough to shave 0.4 percent off the entire U.S. gross domestic product for a period this year. Ross said he expected an uptick when the problems were fixed, but it’s unclear what the effect might be, as Boeing is stopping the jet’s production. Its shares fell 1.3 percent in premarket trading.
Curtis, who previously worked as a safety engineer at Boeing, said the company typically provides information to support crash investigations outside the United States.
“Even if Boeing can’t be in the investigation in Iran, it’s likely they will be involved,” he said.
Aaron Gregg contributed to this report.
After the Boeing crash near Tehran, who will investigate?
By Rick Noack | Published January 08 at 11:51 AM EST | Washington Post | Posted January 08, 2020 |
Amid heightened tensions between the United States and Iran, one question loomed over the crash of a Boeing passenger jet in Iran on Wednesday: Who will investigate?
Everyone on board the Kyiv-bound Ukraine International Airlines flight was killed in the crash, which occurred shortly after takeoff from Tehran’s Imam Khomeini airport, including many Iranians and Canadians. Iranian officials blamed the crash on technical difficulties. The Ukrainian Embassy in Iran initially published a statement that ruled out terrorism, but it was later taken down.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the public “to refrain from speculating and making uncorroborated theories.”
Past crashes involving U.S. plane maker Boeing’s aircraft have compelled U.S. foes to set aside their resentments and allow American experts access to crash sites or to crucial evidence, because those countries lacked the capabilities or experience to conduct complex investigations alone.
But amid the spike in hostilities in the Middle East, any such understanding between Iran and the United States appeared far from evident Wednesday. Only hours before the crash, Iran had launched ballistic missiles at bases housing U.S. military personnel in Iraq, in retaliation for the U.S. killing of Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani last week.
Iran said Wednesday that it would not hand over the flight recorders, or “black boxes,” to Boeing, according to the semiofficial Mehr News Agency. The quick rejection of assistance probably also signaled unwillingness to cooperate with other U.S. authorities, such as the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).
It is also unclear whether the NTSB, other U.S. agencies or Boeing would be willing or able to take part in an Iranian investigation, even if requested by Tehran. (The United States is diplomatically represented by the Swiss Embassy in Tehran.)
In a statement, the NTSB said it was “monitoring developments” and “following its standard procedures for international aviation accident investigations, including long-standing restrictions under the country embargoes.”
“As part of its usual procedures, the NTSB is working with the State Department and other agencies to determine the best course of action,” the statement read.
The head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization, Ali Abedzadeh, said it was unclear which country would analyze the Boeing 737-800′s black boxes, according to Mehr. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said he and his Iranian counterpart have agreed “to coordinate further actions of our investigation groups closely to determine the cause of the terrible plane crash,” according to a tweet cited by Reuters.
But it’s unclear whether Ukraine possesses all the capabilities needed to aid the investigation. Germany, for instance, declined Ethiopia’s request to analyze the black boxes of a crashed Ethiopian Airlines plane last year because German authorities believed that officials in the African country lacked the necessary preparation and skills.
European lawmakers were among the first to call for an international investigation Wednesday. “This has to be examined internationally,” Omid Nouripour, a foreign affairs spokesman for Germany’s Green Party, told broadcaster NTV.
The engines of the crashed Ukraine International Airlines plane reportedly were produced by a company partially based in France.
After the Ethiopian Airlines crash, for instance, Ethiopia requested multiple European nations to analyze the plane’s black boxes. French investigators agreed to do so in the end, as they have particularly extensive experience with some of the most modern Airbus planes that are manufactured in France.
France’s analysis of the Ethiopian Airlines black boxes appeared significant at the time because the plane was a Boeing 737 Max 8, not an Airbus jet.
The French investigative authority for civil aviation safety rejected claims that it was seeking to create a competitive advantage for Boeing competitor Airbus by assigning blame to the U.S. plane manufacturer. The results of such analyses — including when U.S. authorities provide assistance to foreign states — are usually secret and can be released only by the country officially in charge of the investigation.
At times, political disputes have pushed countries where incidents occurred to hand over responsibility of investigations to third parties.
However, the norm, according to Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, is that states where an accident occurs are in charge of the investigations, even though the NTSB may “designate a U.S. Accredited Representative and appoint advisors to carry out the Obligations, receive the Entitlements, provide Consultation, and receive Safety Recommendations from the state of occurrence.” Iran ratified the convention in 1950.
Other parties to that convention have in the past opted to set aside differences with the United States and allow private or official U.S. representatives to be involved.
For example, the crash of a 39-year-old Boeing 737 after takeoff from Havana last year occurred amid deteriorating relations between the Trump administration and Cuba. Still, Cuban officials notified the NTSB, which appointed a representative.
Only one passenger survived the crash, in which 112 people died. The Cuban-led commission — supported by U.S. and Mexican officials — later contradicted prior conclusions and argued that errors by the plane’s crew “in the calculations of weight and balance” were to blame for the crash.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Can Trump Win Governor of Louisiana?
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/can-trump-win-governor-of-louisiana/
Can Trump Win Governor of Louisiana?
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Jessica Rosgaard is a journalist who lives in New Orleans. She covers politics at the local, state and federal level for WWNO, and is editor of Capitol Access, Louisiana’s statewide legislative report.
From their matching red ties to their matching rhetoric, President Trump and Eddie Rispone, the Republican challenger to Louisiana’s incumbent governor, John Bel Edwards, have tried to erase any distinction between them.
“You need to fire your far-left governor,” Trump told the crowd of nearly 14,000 on Thursday night in Bossier City.
“We have to fire our liberal, socialist-leaning governor, John Bel Edwards,” Rispone said when Trump gave him the microphone at the CenturyLink Center.
While it is Rispone’s name that appears on the ballot Saturday for governor of Louisiana, in many respects it is Trump’s reputation on the line, and that is by choice. Trump has injected himself into the governor’s race with unusual vigor, hoping for a state-flipping win that he can take credit for. Unseating Edwards would do a lot to erase the sting of the public impeachment hearings and the news that the incumbent Republican he had backed in the Kentucky governor’s race had earlier Thursday finally conceded defeat. “ I really need you … to send a message to the corrupt Democrats in Washington,” a somewhat subdued Trump urged the audience. “So you’ve gotta give me a big win, please. OK?”
But as voters head to the polls Saturday with the race in a virtual dead heat, the risks of Trump’s strategy to make the runoff election a referendum on his own popularity had already become apparent. Early voting turnout in key Democratic districts set records, suggesting that while Edwards has scrupulously avoided tangling with a president who won this conservative state by 20 points in 2016, Democratic voters seem well0-motivated to deliver a rebuke to Trump.
It’s even more challenging for Trump because of an awkward set of electoral facts, starting with the obvious one that Edwards, the so-called socialist Trump wants fired, is actually a deeply conservative Democrat. In fact, he’s a West Point graduate who earlier this year signed one of the nation’s most restrictive “fetal heartbeat” abortion bans, a move that angered progressive Democrats in the state but earned him some credit with conservative Republicans. Add in some Republican softening in the suburbs and a humming economy, which Trump himself praised, and that explains why Edwards approval rating is at 52 percent and his disapproval is in the 30s, more or less mirroring Trump’s own numbers in the state.
“By and large, I think Edwards’ record is an enormous help, and I think it’s why he’s doing as well as he is for a Democratic governor in a deep red state,” said Pearson Cross, associate professor of political science at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette. “His record with regard to getting Louisiana out of endless budget crises, his record in terms of criminal justice reform, giving teachers their first pay raise in years, increasing funding for early childhood education—he can point to these wins and say, ‘Look, I’m making life better for people on the ground here, I have a record.’”
Trump has tried to seize that record, specifically on the economy, for himself, but Edwards is not letting go that easily.
Earlier this month, the White House tweeted: “‘The Pelican State’ is booming—boasting its lowest unemployment rate since 2008, bringing back 5,000+ manufacturing jobs, and becoming one of our Nation’s leading states in natural gas exports!”
Edwards tweeted in reply, with only trace levels of sarcasm: “Thank you, I agree. It’s taken a lot of hard work, but we’re much better off than we were four years ago when I took office. And when I’m re-elected, we’ll keep moving our state in the right direction.”
In some respects, Edwards is the only figure in this race who seems determined to frame the race on statewide terms rather than national ones. On top of Trump’s visits (Vice President Pence came before the primary in October), the Republican National Committee this week pumped an extra million dollars into the race. The Louisiana Democratic Party is happy to do what Edwards won’t, running ads on Facebook warning voters: “If Rispone wins, Trump wins.”
Edwards’ strategy throughout the racehas been to rebut Trump’s acid attacks with heaping spoonfuls of Southern graciousness, at least where the president is concerned. When he was asked at a recent event what he thought of Trump’s regular forays to the state, he maintained his policy of nonaggression.
“This is the political season, and he is coming here because his party expects him to, he’s doing what’s expected of him, and its a very political trip into Louisiana,” Edwards said. “Obviously, he’s the president, he’s welcome here any time.”
And then just to remind voters how close the working relationship is with the administration, Edwards talked about the nine times he was invited to the White House to meet with Trump on issues like transportation infrastructure, the opioid epidemic and criminal justice reform.
“Edwards has been an elusive target in terms of being someone President Trump can attack,” said John Couvillon, who worked on Republican Rep. Ralph Abraham’s congressional campaigns as a pollster in 2014 and 2016. “He has totally shied away from any kind of mention about President Trump and impeachment, and he has avoided picking any overt fights with the White House.”
That goodwill is quiter a bit less evident when Edwards talks about his challenger.
On Wednesday, Edwards met with voters and artists at Studio BE, in a warehouse in New Orleans’ Bywater neighborhood. He touted his local successes: Medicaid expansion, funding for education, low unemployment. He made a point of reminding his audience about Rispone’s previous criticism of New Orleans, an anti-urban talking point that Trump has made a staple of his attacks on Democratic leaders.
“[Eddie Rispone] asked me at our one and only debate in the runoff, ‘Why do you support New Orleans which is a sanctuary city?’ And my response was, ‘that’s a stupid question,’” Edwards said. “You support New Orleans because it’s a city in Louisiana that’s incredibly important to our state.”
Orleans Parish, which went 80 percent for Clinton in 2016, is one of the four parishes where early turnout has hit record levels for a nonpresidential year. Perhaps it is a chance to exact some political retribution against Trump that has motivated those voters. Edwards, though, has stuck with a critique of Rispone that hearkens back to recent Louisiana history, not national history.
“[Eddie Rispone] is trying to nationalize this race because that’s the only shot he has,” Edwards said. “He cannot win this race based on Louisiana issues because he hasn’t demonstrated any knowledge about how state government works, he doesn’t have any vision for the state of Louisiana, and to the extent that he has spoken in any specificity about his policy proposals they sound an awful lot like warmed-over failed policies of [former Governor] Bobby Jindal that ran our state so deep into the ditch.”
That ditch included a $2 billion dollar budget deficit and cuts to higher education funding—both of which Edwards reversed in his first term. Louisiana now has a budget surplus, and education funding has been restored.
Perhaps the most significant item on Edwards’ score sheet is expanding Medicaid. After Edwards’ predecessor, Republican Governor Bobby Jindal, refused to accept the Medicaid expansion offered by the Affordable Care Act beginning in 2014, it was one of the first things Edwards did when he was sworn in to office in 2017.
“And, bang, around 480,000 people who didn’t have health insurance got it. That’s unbelievably huge, that’s over 10 percent of the state population,” said Pearson Cross. “Not to mention roughly $12 billion in federal money coming to Louisiana as a result of Medicaid expansion. It was a no-brainer. You look at, well, we had a Republican governor who didn’t do that—Bobby Jindal—you want to go back there?”
Rispone has said, if elected, he would “freeze” Medicaid enrollment—potentially affecting the coverage of seasonal or shift workers, and effectively killing the program. In Kentucky, outgoing Governor Matt Bevin also threatened to cut Medicaid expansion in the state—which would have likely cost 400,000 people access to health insurance. Democratic Governor-elect Andy Beshear has promised to protect Medicaid in Kentucky (and, like Edwards, has promised a pay raise for teachers).
The scarlet letter on Edwards’ résumé is that he’s a Democrat in the deep red South. Successful record or not, he belongs to the wrong party—something Rispone and Trump hope to capitalize on. Rispone “says he wants to do what Donald Trump has done for the nation here in Louisiana,“ Cross said, “and that’s a message that resonates.”
Rispone—like Trump—is a businessman. His engineering and construction firm has made him one of Louisiana’s wealthiest citizens. He takes every opportunity—at debates, in commercials and at campaign appearances—to remind voters that he is not a career politician.
“Rispone doesn’t have a public profile, and he’s never held public office before, so when he announced [his candidacy] and released his first set of commercials, he made it clear that he was an ardent supporter of President Trump,” said Dr. Silas Lee, professor of public policy at Xavier University of Louisiana. “And considering this is a very red state that is very conservative on many issues, that made sense.”
“To the extent that Rispone has been successful at claiming the Trump mantle,” Cross adds, “I think he will be successful with many Republican voters in Louisiana, and conservative voters and people who like Trump.”
In the end, the race will likely be decidedby supporters of Republican Rep. Ralph Abraham, the man who finished third in the October primary.
The final results of the October 12 primary had Edwards at 46.6 percent. Rispone, at 27.4 percent, edged out Abraham at 23.6 percent, to qualify for the runoff. Cross says those results indicate that Edwards is exceeding expectations for a Democrat in Louisiana.
“The baseline for Democrats in Louisiana, regardless of who’s running, is around 39 percent,” Cross said. “That was about what Barack Obama got; that was almost exactly what Hillary Clinton got; that’s typically what candidates get in statewide elections when you have one Republican and one Democrat.”
You could also look at those numbers and assume that, if the two Republican candidates hadn’t split the vote, one of them could have pulled 51 percent and won the election outright.
But Michael Henderson, director of LSU’s Public Policy Research Lab, says this election is not all about partisanship. “If it was, Edwards would have plummeted all the way down to about 40 percent of the vote, instead he’s still able to be in the upper 40s, so it’s within reach for him to get a win,” Henderson said. “So that appeal, that messaging that he’s doing, has worked to some extent so far. He can’t get that close to the 47 percent vote that he got in the primary without crossover support. The question is can he now build on that and get some of folks who might have voted for Abraham in the first round to switch their vote to him in the second round—and that’s a harder thing to do.”
Many of the people who voted for Abraham in the first round live in Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District. This rural district covers most of the northeastern and central portion of the state; it is also Abraham’s home district.
“In a rural district, people know their elected officials personally,” said John Couvillon. “In the case of Ralph Abraham, he was the vet who treated their animals and the doctor who treated their children,” before he became their elected representative.
The predominantly Republican district went for Trump by a margin of 29.4 points in 2016 (by comparison, Trump won Louisiana by 19.6 points), and provided a strong bloc of support for David Vitter over John Bel Edwards in the 2015 gubernatorial race.
With Abraham out of the race, the big question is: Where do his voters go? Do they go to Rispone, switch support to the conservative incumbent, or do they stay home?
That could depend on whether or not Rispone’s actions in the primary remain fresh in voters’ minds.
“There were some pretty bitter feelings between Rispone and Abraham. Many people thought that Rispone broke the Republican rule by directly attacking a fellow Republican in a race against a Democrat,” said Cross.
The political attack ads came in the weeks leading up to the primary, with Rispone trailing Abraham in the polls. Rispone painted Abraham as a liar, a Trump critic and a supporter of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
“If you’re attacking Ralph Abraham, the people who are his constituents are much more likely to take umbrage because they know Ralph enough to where they don’t believe for a second that he’s a Nancy Pelosi clone or he’s opposed to the president,” Couvillon said.
After the primary, Abraham quickly stepped in line and announced his support for Rispone—but he appeared with Rispone at only two campaign events: in Abraham’s hometown of Monroe with President Trump and on Thursday with most of Louisiana‘s Republican members of Congress.
“There’s the question of how much lingering resentment there is against Rispone’s attacks on Abraham,” Couvillon adds. “Rispone needs 90 percent of the Abraham vote [to beat Edwards], which is a pretty tall order.”
Meanwhile, Edwards needs only about 10-15 percent of Abraham’s voters to win reelection. Analysts don’t expect those votes to come from one specific part of the state.
“You can’t really make generalizations about which area is going to go more for Edwards,” said Cross. “I think it’s going to be an individual voter thing.”
Edwards will be looking to pick up some of those individual voters in St. Tammany Parish, a traditional Republican stronghold that sits across from New Orleans on the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain where he performed well in the primary.
“The classic Republican constituency is this one that we’re seeing nationally start to shift—suburban, college-educated, middle class voters. That’s St. Tammany Parish now,” said Michael Henderson. “They’re more for Edwards than you might have guessed.”
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