saintvainglorious · 6 months
Fics I Enjoyed November-December
7 fics total. Includes fics from the following fandoms: Attack on Titan
A Tack of Titans by ofcorsetstrash/@ofcorsetstrash Attack on Titan | Gen | 64k | Mature | Part 1 of A Tack of Titans
"Your cadet corps is insane! What is wrong with them!?" Shadis sighed. "Was it the argument about fighting a thousand duck-sized titans or one titan-sized duck?" "What? No…" "Was it the fact that half of them are convinced that the other half are werewolves?" "…No, I-" "Was it Eren and Krista doing their creepy mind-meld thing?" The Sergeant sighed in defeat. "No." "Oh… was it-" "They were talking about how attractive they find the Armored Titan." Shadis let out a single dry bark of laughter. "Yeah. I ignore those discussions on purpose."
A Broken Heart's Resolve by TheSeasonOfWinter Attack on Titan | Gen | 43k | Not Rated | Part 1 of "Kill What You Can't Save" Verse
The power of the Attack Titan is not something any Eren, past or present, had ever really understood. Which was why Eren Jaeger, age nineteen, found himself thrown back into 850 with the old Levi Squad about to set off on their last expedition. That's also why Eren Jaeger, age fifteen, found himself on an airship beyond the walls in the middle of a war he helped start after he only just beat Annie in a titan fight and got news that there was a breach in Wall Rose.
Don't Speak Against the Sun by appleapple/@appleapplepeach Attack on Titan | Levi Ackerman/Eren Jaeger | 19k | Mature
Erwin thinks Levi and Eren are spending too much time together.
Grounded by appleapple/@appleapplepeach Attack on Titan | Levi Ackerman/Eren Jaeger | 22k | Mature
The one where Eren goes on a drunken Titan rampage and gets grounded for a year.
Unexpected by appleapple/@appleapplepeach Attack on Titan | Levi Ackerman/Eren Jaeger | 9k | Explicit
The one where Eren turns into a girl.
Holiday by appleapple/@appleapplepeach Attack on Titan | Levi Ackerman/Eren Jaeger | 5k | Mature
prunus persica
These Weren't Memories by mongoose_bite/@mongoose-bite Attack on Titan | Levi Ackerman/Eren Jaeger | 24k | Explicit
Eren Jaeger had spent the last two weeks tending and nursing a huge fucking crush, and Levi had been the one stupid enough to plant the seed in whatever hormonal abscess passed for a teenaged heart.
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thisgirlsays22 · 6 years
Happy love your content creators day <3 God there are so many of you out there that I have an entire post that is just an @ list of about 60 people which I’m not sure will see the light of day. 
But one person I wanted to specially shout out to is @appleapplepeach. Apple, your writing is why I’m still in the fandom today. I imprinted on your fic like a baby duckling. You’re never afraid to do these wild and cool ideas, and it made me less afraid to try out weird and different things in my own fics. I love everything you’ve written so much that when I even try to think of a rec to start with, I just argue with myself internally. 
So here’s a link to Apple’s Ao3 and a link to the first fic I ever read in the fandom that made me go from, “Hey, maybe I could like Ereri” to “Here I am almost a year later loving this ship to death.” 
Don’t Speak Against the Sun: Erwin thinks Levi and Eren are spending too much time together.
God this fic...I’ve re-read it so many times. Every time the same lines take my breath away. The narrative style is wonderful, the dynamics between Eren and Levi are wonderful. Go read every. single. thing. Leave her love because her life is W I L D but if we leave her more comments and love, it fuels her into giving us more of the good stuff. 
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sugarplum-senpai · 6 years
appleapplepeach replied to your post “Tag Game!! Thanks so much to @heichoubaechou and @sirelo for tagging...”
Bridge of Birds is amazing and there are two sequels, which isn't enough
How good to know there are sequels ;) 
I’m not far in yet but it already feels vast and beautiful. And though it seems to be one of those books that take a bit to pull me in to the full, I already adore its voice. It’s wonderfully descriptive. 
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chubsthehamster · 3 years
another wonderful oneshot!! this is on elba by @appleapplepeach. I have quite a few of their fics I want to bind but this month has been so hectic and I couldn't wait any longer to get the photos up >.<.
this fic is so human, about healing and forgiveness and love. direly needed after whatever the heck happened in canon. also kind of a quarantine fic hehe. one of my all-time favorites! many thanks to appleapple for letting me bind their work, I hope to do more once irl lets up! 💜
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scrangie · 4 years
Tag Game
I was tagged by @soapy0-0 and @lavenderhedgie
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Top 3 Ships:
1. Levi and Eren (Shingeki no Kyojin)
And... that’s it. Or at least all I’m interested in reading/writing for. Seriously. I’m boring.
Last Movie You Watched:
Alien (1979)- I had it on for background noise
Just finished So You Want To Talk About Race? by Ijeoma Oluo 
Next on my reading list:
Fiction (since I won’t count fanfic): Thornewood: Veronica by Karen Harris (yo, my friend wrote this! It’s her first published work, I’m so proud of her!)
Non-fiction: The History and Science of the Manhattan Project (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics) by Bruce Cameron Reed (ok I’ve been partway into this for months but I keep getting distracted by fic lol)
What Food are you Craving right now?
So many things, this stay at home thing is making me both hungry and not feel like cooking. I want a big-ass steak and a baked potato, some sushi, anything fried tbh, it’s been ages and I never thought I’d miss it :o
Thanks for tagging me, buds! I see just about everyone I thought about tagging has already done this, so maybe I’ll be brave and tag some other people I admire. (AHHH)
No obligation to reply, though!
@sugarplum-senpai, @pearesque, @ittybittyteapot, @appleapplepeach, @fluffyboots, @thenudescientist @lonelyph, @arekupacific, @fluffymusketeer
If anyone else is interested, feel free to complete. You can even say I tagged you. I’d love to learn more about you!
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heichoubaechou-blog · 6 years
tag game 2!!
Tag Game
thank you to @the-silver-field and @attackontitae for tagging me! 
What is/are your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
Anything that is by Halsey; whatever is stuck in my head. :P
What is/are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)?
Black roses, white aspen, Venus fly trap
Favourite colour(s)?
Cerulean blue, charcoal gray, lavender purple
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Eyes/faces (Typical wannabe artist thing, ikik)
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your favourite warm drink?
Coffee—with a lot of sugar and milk. Tea—steeped as recommended and usually no additions, maybe honey if my throat is acting up
Favourite candle scent?
So many are good?? Um, maybe vanilla sugar cookies?
Sunrise or sunset?
What perfume do you wear if any?
Frangrance mist Sweet Pea by bath and body works (?)
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
Pretending I can do sexy things with my hips lol
Favourite quote?
You," he said, "are a terribly real thing in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain.” ― Emilie Autumn, The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
Taking bubble baths, eating sweets, reading fics, taking naps
Fuzzy socks or house slippers?
Both at the same time
What colour are your eyes?
Green with a gray ring around the edge
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
Really pale blue
Favourite season? Why?
Winter; the atmosphere and fashion, it holds Christmas and my birthday, and snow and hot chocolate and peppermint milkshakes
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
Nose kisses
What does your happy place look like?
My bed; warm, heavy covers, low lighting, soft music, and books and electronics nearby
Favourite breed of dog?
Shih tzu if I had to choose
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
yes I do! And light blue with dark gray
Silk or lace:
Uh, both (again) ‘:)
Favourite weather:
Either 60ish degrees and sunny or snowing
  I tag @sugarplum-senpai, @appleapplepeach, @omglevixeren, @agustdz, @ereriandriren-is-life, @rolling-wavves, @damnation-game, @incubus-levi, @casually-not-fitting-in, @erenlevijeager @captain-redchar @erenyagers, @perksofbeingawaifu, @dinklebert @ittybittyteapot and anyone else who wants to do it!!
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mongoose-bite · 7 years
HI! So I haven't really been reading snk fics for the past year or so but I'm getting interested again; do you have recs for newer ereri fics I've missed? Please and thank you
Mm lemmie see. From the last year eh? I’m not great at reading fics as they come out; I don’t usually read WIPs and fics can sit in my to-read list for an embarrassingly long time >.> But I shall do my best!
Et in Arcadia Ego - @appleapplepeach Canonverse one-shot. Their fic The Gate of the North is on my to-read list so I haven’t got to it yet but given their other works I expect it will be excellent too.
Insecure - @ittybittyteapot I love awkward top Levi.
The Man in the Attic - @perksofbeingawaifu a spooky AU? Not sure how to describe. Shulkie also finished Halocline while you were gone, so you should check that one out if you haven’t.
I’m just gonna link @sugarplum-senpai‘s Ao3 in its entirety because she is very prolific and it’s much simpler than listing them all. Go there for canonverse fluff.
Before the Storm - fluffymusketeer (I don’t know if they have a tumblr or not) Canonverse, feelsy.
That should keep you going for a while :) Welcome back, anon!
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Don't Speak Against the Sun by appleapple
tumblr: @appleapplepeach
Summary:  Erwin thinks Levi and Eren are spending too much time together.
Rating: Mature
Word count: 18k
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kakooshi · 7 years
Tag, you’re it! (A.K.A 11 Questions)
Tagged by: @margri3t and @yanderr02 (It’s been a long while since I’ve done this *gulps* I have to answer 22 questions omg) 
1. Always post the rules
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
3. Write 11 questions of your own
4. Tag 11 people
1. Do you have any pets? (If so what kind of pet and what’s their name)
I do. I own four dogs: Panini (Golden Retriever), Yuki (Japanese Spitz), Shay (Pug), and Lassie (Mixed Breed)
2. What’s your favorite pastime?
Reading and browsing the Internet.
3. What kind of kid were (or are) you in high school?
In my early high school days, I was the quiet (but sometimes hyper) introvert who couldn’t get along with any people unless they approached me. I suspected that I was a target of envy and that I secretly terrified people because of how intimidating I looked without even trying. As a student, I’m slightly perfectionist, and I have proficient grades and awards under my belt even though I procrastinate and get mood swings a lot lol. I’m more of a fake extrovert now, and I hope to get more serious with my studies instead of just winging them.
4. Favorite song?
Mistakes Like This by Prelow 
5. Who’s your favourite artist? (can be fan artist or just artist)
@dinklebert :D 
6. Who’s your favorite writer? (fan or not)
@appleapplepeach (Their snk canonverse fics are brilliant)
7. Favorite movie?
Treasure Planet
8. What was the last food you ate?
Fish (I don’t know the name of the dish lmao)
9. What was the last video you watched?
Justin Timberlake - Mirrors - Madilyn Bailey Acoustic Cover
10. Do you play any instruments? (If so which one)
I play guitar. I used to play the keyboard but our Yamaha broke so it’s been a long time since then. My fam and I may be planning on getting the grand piano in our old house in the capital though. Maybe I can practice again soon. 
11. If you’ve spoken to me, what was your opinion of me when we first did so?
My first impression was that you gave off a chill vibe huehuehue.
12. Have you experienced sleep paralysis? If so, how did you manage to handle it?
I haven’t (sounds scary tho omg).
13. What is your ideal date place?
An amusement park.
14. Do you prefer living with your parents or living alone?
I prefer living with them now because I still haven’t grown the fuck up :’’’)
15. Do you have any mental illness? Have you been to a therapist?
I thought I did but my parents don’t think so. I’ve never been to a therapist.
16. What do you do when you’re stressed out?
I panic and then cry for a few, good minutes, then I cool down by talking to someone, watching videos, or eating comfort food.
17. What are your comfort foods?
Peanut butter sandwiches and milk
18. What is your favorite place to go when you want to be alone?
My room, of course. In school, I go to the library.
19. How do you confess to someone you’ve known for a very long time?
It’s easier said than done, but just gather the courage, talk to someone for advice, then simply go up to the person you want to confess to and tell them how you honestly feel. 
20. What is your ideal job? 
Anything that has to do with humanities really. Like a lawyer or diplomat. (I’m still unsure about my career choice tbh)
21. What do you do on your free time?
Reading, watching anime, playing computer games, Tumblr, and chatting on Discord. Just chillin’. 
22. If you have a chance to own a exotic pet, what would it be? 
I’d rather let the exotic animal roam free in their natural habitat, but if I had to, then a rabbit, I guess.
MY QUESTIONS (These are going to be so generic lol)
1. Any pet peeves?
2. What is your least favorite color? 
3. Canonverse or au?
4. If you were in a band, what would you name it?
5. What is your favorite trope in a fic?
6. Favorite subject in school?
7. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
8. Which fictional character do you relate to the most?
9. Think of 5 things that are most important to you. However, you must discard at least 4 and let 1 remain. What is it?
10. Would you prefer if you met your online friends in person or continue interacting with them from behind the screen?
11. If you were given the power to shapeshift, what would be the first thing you’d turn into?
Tagging: @oekakiuma @oh-eren-my-eren @omglevixeren @ackermanly @sluttttysurveycorps @oekakiuma @ererifanatic @kaneackerman @tvvy @shingekino-neon and @chibinico!
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
1,2,3,6,20/21,30,39/40 (you can pick and choose if that's too many :p)
Thank you so much for your questions! Of course, I’ll answer them all.
1: What book did you last finish? When was that?
“Tooth and Claw” by Jo Walton. Um…1-2 months ago, I think? I loved it! 
2: What are you currently reading?
“On Stranger Tides” by Tim Powers. :) 
3: What book are you planning to read next?
There’s the second part of Skargat by Daniel Illger (a German author) on my nightstand. It has been there for over a year now, and I don’t know. I loved the first book like crazy, but reading German is (sadly) hard for me lately. So it keeps getting put on hold. 
6: Which book was the last one you really, really loved?
Rose Daughter by Robin McKinley. I’m still swooning over that one!
20: Best summer read?
I love to read the “Kate Daniels” books by Ilona Andrews in summer. A good pinch of humour, a bad-arse heroine, magic, adventure, danger…what’d not to love?!
21: Best winter read?
Fanfic. :P Snuggling up on the cosy couch, tea, and reading “All Life is Yours to Miss” by Saras_Girl for the umpteenth time for extra cosiness and fuzzy feelings. 
Books? Hm…grand romantic stories, I guess. You know, the Jane Austen, Georgette Heyer, and fairytale kind of novels that coddle you up and make you happy from the inside out. 
30: Who’s your favorite author?
I don’t really have one at the moment, not only due to the fact that narrowing favourites down always has been hard for me. It’s also because it depends on my mood and what I’m currently “looking for” in a book. Plus fanfic truly does make it hard! There are amazing authors out there. ;) To narrow it down to books though:
It’s been Tad Williams for a long while, due to his humour and characterisation, plus of his way of writing action scenes (battles) that even I enjoy(ed) and didn’t have to skim read. Patrick Rothfuss stands right next to him and still does, for the same reasons, but he’s also got some symbolism in his books that I adore. 
Murakami has a wonderful, powerful writing, though I must admit I haven’t read too much by him yet to declare him as favourite. Neil Gaiman as well for the same reasons. 
39: Name one of your favorite childhood books
“Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht” by Reinhard Michl. (The English translation is called “Who’s That Knocking at My Door?”)
40: Name one of your favorite books from your teenage years
“Son of the Shadows” by Juliet Marillier, though it constantly battled with its predecessor “Daughter of the Forest”. 
Oh, yes. And Harry Potter, of course. Books 4-6 were my favourites.
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perksofbeingawaifu · 7 years
Do you know any fic rec blogs? I'm unfamiliar with the tumblr fandom and you're the only blog I know that writes fanfic lol
i don’t know any fic rec blogs. but i’ll tell you some authors i really love or who i’ve been told are great by people whose judgement i trust.
@monsoondownpour @mongoose-bite @jedierenjaeger @raindrop-rouge @sugarplum-senpai @erenbaegerr @bfketh @gray-x-natsus-matching-hip-scars @glassesgirl0401 @inkshaming  @missmichellebelle @zhedang all write really great ereris (i didn’t know if you wanted only ereri or any other ships bc i have a few more blogs if that is the case). i haven’t read anything by @appleapplepeach but i’ve heard only good things. there’s probably a few more people i’ve forgotten so feel free to add!!!
also i have a poorly maintained fic rec tag where you can find some gems. 
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limonium-anemos · 7 years
Wait, What!?
Spread the love! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Made an Ereri / Riren fic rec list instead because I can’t make it for valentine doodles since I’m swamped with uni stuff. (^u^”)/  Sorry for the long post! (In alphabetical order.)
The Void by A26 | @agent-2-6​
Flesh like Iron
In an abandoned city lies an impregnable underground fortress. When ordinary troops cannot make progress, will a fifteen year old clairvoyant and a biological monster prove to be more effective?
Scrier’s Gaze
Years on from the escape of a worldwide oppression of witches, although still stigmatized, their lives have been repurposed. A malevolent brotherhood have formed, hoping to split tears between alternate realities and wreak havoc onto the world under misled beliefs that whatever lies on the other side will save them all. Levi's squad of elite witches is the investigatory team dispatched to one such location where the cult's activities have been reported.
This is the story of what they uncover.
Seeing is not believing by Ann_O_Neem (WIP)
Whenever you meet someone new, there's always this kind of little thought nagging you in the back of your head. Something like this boy's going to be a real nerd later or this girl will be a famous ballet dancer. Tiny and unimportant thoughts that everyone forgot when the person talks for the first time.
Eren Jaeger was different.
Mostly because those thoughts were plaguing him, whenever he went, they always hovered in his mind, nagging him with countless whispers of this boy will win the Nobel prize of chemistry or even this girl will develop a new kind of vaccine. They aren't really hurtful, always telling him good things about the person's future.
But they sometimes came with a condition. And those were the worst.
Especially when one tells him that he has to marry a midget unless he wants the world to end.
The Gate of the North by appleapple | @appleapplepeach​
Everyone knows the Survey Corp is the laughingstock of the military, a place for crackpots and weirdos. It doesn't have the prestige of the MP or the security of the Garrison. The only people who join are people who can't fit into modern society.
It's been Eren's dream to join since childhood. Flunking out of school prevents him from attending military college, and he drifts along in life, ignoring his friends' encouragement to go back to school or start a career.
Levi is the gatekeeper of the Northern Gate, the most important (and most troublesome) gate that keeps the human world safe from interference and invasion. When he receives a letter from his cousin asking him to take on her friend for a summer apprenticeship he agrees against his better judgment.
Neither of them is expecting the end of the world.
Fly on the Wings of Love by Arlene0401 | @glassesgirl0401​
Eren has noticed that some things about his boss are a little... off. What he hadn't planned on was blurting it out right to his face.
Haunted by bfketh (WIP) | @bfketh​
It started out innocently enough. A dare to stay one night in the local abandoned, rumored to-be-haunted mansion. But after a freak accident that leaves Eren and Levi shaken but otherwise seemingly unharmed, Eren starts seeing Levi's face when he isn't around, or hearing his voice when there's no way Levi could be speaking. It's almost like Eren is being haunted by Levi's ghost, but how can he be when Levi is right there, alive and well?
Isn't he?
Dating the Damned by cinnamon_skull (WIP) | @cinnamonskull
Eren has been a vampire for more than 1,000 years. It isn’t easy being a monster in the modern world, but he manages, until he meets Levi Ackerman. We’ll, “meets” isn’t exactly right: when he rescues him from fellow vamp and pain in his ass Jean Kirschtein, nothing makes sense anymore.
Despite everything in his nature telling him his fascination with the grey-eyed human is dangerous, their paths cross too many times for Eren to ignore the powers of fate.
Augenfresser by cottontale | @foxicology
Monsters did not like to hide under beds, as his father had told him. No; he found the monster hiding in his closet.
Uncharted by emedealer | @emedealer
The one where Eren is thrown into a whirlwind of time travel, and doesn't realize it until a small boy who calls himself Levi finds him passed out in the underground. What follows is all led by fate, which turns out to be extraordinarily inconvenient.
If You Close One Eye by Emiza | @emiza
Eren and Levi are both born with heterochromia, both have one green eye and one grey. Whenever they close one eye, they can see what the other one sees. However, they don't figure out the connection until they're teenagers. Problem is, they don't know each other, both strangers living their own lives.
By figuring out details from the other's life, they try to get in contact in all ways they can.
To You, I Give by ferric | @erengayer
Where the following things happen and do not occur in any particular order: Levi dies five times; Eren falls asleep; Levi tries to wake Eren; they grow old together.
People die and leave their names by foreverautumn | @foreverautumnblog
"Who are you?" he whispers, not letting himself say 'what' - he won't say 'what', because there's no way that this boy in front of him is anything other than a boy.
Counting Sheep by Icandigelvis | @oppa86oppa
Getting haunted by horrifying nightmares was one thing. When the demon from them started appearing in daytime as well Eren was sure he had gone completely mad. The fangs, the white eyes and the giant, coal-black horns, that was Levi.
And Eren?
Eren was incredibly, royally, helplessly fucked.
The Fire of a Dragon’s Love by Icecat45 (WIP) | @icecat45
In the Kingdom of Sina, it is socially acceptable for members of the nobility to keep dragons as symbols of status and power. The fact that dragons are sentient only makes the practice worse, given the cruel methods used to force dragons into submission.
Fortunately, not everyone agrees with this. Levi is one such person, a member of a group who fights to end the practice permanently. And so he is tasked with finding and protecting an escaped dragon until the two of them can get to safety. Naturally, Levi expected to find a dragon.
He didn't expect to find a dragon shifter. Nor did he anticipate the events that would occur after their meeting.
The Marian Candidate by inkshaming (WIP) | @inkshaming
When tragedy struck the Sinan royal family, Levi found himself yanked off the battlefield and named heir apparent by his uncle, the king, and while he’s doing his best to adjust to prince hood, Levi often wonders what his uncle had been thinking when he named Levi as his heir to the throne. But when a mysterious chain of events decades in the making culminates in the appearance of Eren Jaeger - possible ambassador, probable spy – running for his life in a foreign city, Levi realizes that, prince or not, he makes a much better soldier.... And one hell of a spy.
A story about princes who are spies, spies who are monsters, and monsters who become heroes.
My big, big friend by Jeageractive | @yeagaswagga
Nobody loved Eren. He was too big to fit in a house, too naked to be kept out in plain sight, and had quite the row of teeth that accompanied his ear splitting roar. Only no one noticed his cute ear twitch either.
Except for Levi, that is.
Sundaze by Kim_Kardashian 
The sky was golden and it all started with tea. Levi wanted that big ball of gas, and the Universe approved.
By the wick of a candle by missmichellebelle | @missmichellebelle
The Perfect Temperature for Tea
"I'm a witch."
“Like Harry Potter?” A wry smile twists Levi’s lips as he mimes waving a wand.
“Wingardium leviosa.”
The Peculiar Procural of Blossoms
“Do you know what peach blossoms mean?”
I am free whenever you’re in front of me by molotovhappyhour (WIP) | @jedierenjaeger
It starts out like a joke. A dead body and a medical examiner end up in a morgue. Except the dead body takes a breath. And then he takes two. And then he's breathing. So, it's more like a living body and a medical examiner end up in a morgue. Except the living body isn't entirely human and the medical examiner won't remember this joke in the morning.
So maybe the joke goes more like this: how many times does Eren have to die before he enjoys the life he comes back to?
Bemused! by mongoose_bite | @mongoose-bite
When an artist struggles with his art, sometimes Fate takes pity on him, and sends him a muse.
Whether he wants one or not.
Witch’s Vein and Blood Stains by Monsoon | @monsoondownpour
The Survey Corps is in dire need of a new witch after a tragic mission gone wrong resulted in their last ones death. Eren is still young and green as far as witches go, but he has raw talent and a curious mastery over wilderness that Levi can’t help but be drawn to.
When circumstances conspire to pit the squad against the same adversary that took Ilse barely a year ago, will they be able to handle the challenge a second time round?
Blood is naught but the sap by ninanna (WIP) | @ninannarambling
Eren is in desperate need of extra cash and is looking for more work during his summer holidays to help pay the expenses. It all starts with a joke and becomes something more than a joke: Eren working as a blood donor for a vampire. Furthermore, he just never expected his client to be... so peculiarly strange. In a good way though. He hopes so at least.
Stowaway by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles (WIP) | @onewhositswiththeturtles
Levi is the Captain of The Captain's Killer, the most dreaded pirate ship in all the Caribbean, which hunts its bounty with ruthless efficiency. For years Captain Levi has dodged the Navy's most decorated Commander, Erwin, and his attempts at sinking Levi's ship and coercing him into sailing under the Navy's banner. It seems that Levi will continue sailing the seas as he pleases, answering to no one but the mood of the winds, until a stowaway with a few secrets of his own ends up on his ship and throws everything in disarray. 
10,000 Promises by Pas_dAutres | @no-other-words
Quite frankly, Eren just wanted a mind-blowing, out of this universe fairy-tale to write on for his mythology report. It was a personal mission to impress Levi with his deep analysis and diligent research.
What he got was a physical form of the fabled man, ‘Humanity’s Strongest’, emerging right out of the book and looking awfully identical to his TA.
Vampire & the Little Warlock by pocketsizedtitan (WIP) | @pocketsizedtitan
Levi has lived his life in solitude for the past 500 years, until an orphaned, little warlock — intrigued by this grumpy vampire — starts following him around.
The Boy Fell by PresquePommes | @skaletal
...and did not get up again.
He didn't know how the story ended.
He needed to write the rest.
A Warm Breath by ryuusea | @ryuusea
“You’re a human child, aren’t you. You mustn't touch me then, or I’ll disappear."
One summer when visiting his Uncle Erwin out in the countryside, Eren befriends a mysterious masked man who lives in the forest. They promise to meet every summer from then on.
In other words, a story told through summers, year by year, of Eren being a (cute) brat, Levi dealing with said brat, and all the fluff, awkwardness, and strange feelings that come with growing up, despite the limitations placed on their interactions.
Grim Designs by scarrletmoon
The first time Eren meets Levi, his home burns. The second, Eren dies. The third, Levi falls.
Demons and Darkness by sciencefictioness (WIP) | @sciencefictioness
Levi is a scout, and protects his village day and night from feral yokai, demon like creatures who feast on human flesh. When the chieftan of his village is killed by the beasts, Levi's father takes over, putting him next in line to lead his people. All Levi wants to do is watch over Mitras with his blade, fighting along side his teacher, who he has been in love with all his life. When he discovers that Erwin is getting married, he heads off into the woods alone to drink and slay demons, trying to forget. He never expects to summon from the darkness a yokai of his own.
Wings Like Cobwebs by seaofteeth
Eren is an incubus. Levi is asexual. They fall in love anyway.
Shine On In The Hearts Of Men by earlysunsetsoverwallmaria / sebasent
Eren is immortal; his friends, consequently, are not.
It's hard, sometimes.
Or: in which Eren has been alive for a very long time, Levi is just a tired college student in need of better friends, and the entire universe is secretly conspiring against them.
Welcome to the Jungle by shulkie | @perksofbeingawaifu
Eren and his crew run heists on magical dispensaries, stealing goods to perform illegal spells until one day things don't go as planned...
Giving up the Ghost by zhedang (WIP) | @zhedang
Levi's apartment is haunted, but he can't bring himself to care. A story about depression, ghosts, and letting go.
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attack-on-passion · 8 years
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“I thought you’d blame me then, too, but you didn’t. …”
I drew this pic for appleapple! Thank you so much for the wonderful FF you wrote for me, too! ♡ ♡ ♡ I’m still so in love with this dorks! Q_Q
FF:   Indiscrete         by appleapple
16 Aug 2016    Language:      English    Words:    9,460    Chapters:    1/1
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
I am just wondering if anybody is doing this, or maybe someone would (not wanting to put any more stress on you of course :P But you are fandom den mother and I think you'd be more in the know than me ;) So back in the pre-AO3 days there was this yuletide thing where you'd sign up, be assigned a match (all secret) write a story for someone and get one in return. You know I don't usually go for challenges/prompts but this would be an exception for me. Your cookie thing made me think of it :P
Cookies seem to spark all kinds of wonderful ideas as it seems. And hohoho! ;) You’d participate in a Christmas challenge? That would be amazing! And you do know, you’re putting ideas in my head here too, don’t you? 
But yes, there will be a Secret Santa thing going on this year. @ererievents​ plan to carry it out. More I do not know (yet). It would probably be best to follow their tumblr to stay informed. 
Also… “fandom den mother” I don’t even know what to say to that other than: you made me blush here, my friend. Thank you! /)///(\
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
appleapplepeach hat deinen Eintrag gerebloggt und das hinzugefügt: “appleapplepeach: @sugarplum-senpai Long overdue: Which fic has...”
> I am a classic ENFP >> Though as a classic INFP... This…explains everything ;D
It really does! <333
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sugarplum-senpai · 7 years
appleapplepeach hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet “I am just wondering if anybody is doing this, or maybe someone would...”
Hahaha you ARE, you know it's true ;P It's fun to do something 'extra' when the holidays come up (your advent calendar comes to mind :P), but you know I won't have time to do anything on my own this year.
Hahaha! Well, again: Thank you! But yeah, the thing with the time, huh? *sighs. 
I would have loved to write another Advent Calendar this year, though until now I’ve got neither an idea, nor the focus, not to mention, yeah, the amount of needed hours available. On the other hand, I’ve been writing Sparrow 1 during my busiest time last year, making the nights to days and writing myself into a frenzy, so…who knows!? :P Never say never. Maybe I’ll read a fic next month that will spark it all into life again… Once I finish my current, massive project of a revision first. Not that I’m complaining. ;) 
Anyway: Even if you don’t find the time for the Secret Santa exchange, you still could come up with something. You had a wonderful present for us last year too with that amazing Christmas chapter (which I’m still not over, now that we’re talking about it, by the way!)
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